How to enlarge eyes without surgery. How is eye augmentation surgery performed? Draw the crease of the eyelid just above the natural line

Man never liked his natural appearance, he always tried to change it. The color of the skin of the face was corrected using special creams, the legs were visually lengthened with the help of high shoes, dark hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide. Most of the measures to change the appearance gives a temporary effect. However, plastic surgery to enlarge the eyes makes it possible, with just one manipulation, to change the image for a fairly long period.

The essence of the operation

The human eye is a very complex sensory organ. visual system. It consists of muscles, tendons, nerves, very closely connected. Increase in literally would mean a violation of the integrity and, as a result, the destruction of the organ. Therefore, this term means correction, modification, change of form.

In Japan, the operation to increase the incision of the eyes is one of the most popular. And for the first time it was proposed in 1839 by the German ophthalmologist Friedrich August von Ammon. The essence of the operation is the plasticity of the conjunctival tissue by separating it and sewing it to the corner of the skin incision.

As a result of eye plastic surgery, the outlines of the paraorbital region are smoothed out, the number of folds and grooves is reduced, skin overhangs and fatty bulges disappear. The look becomes younger and more open. However, it must be understood that plastic surgery not omnipotent. With its help, it is not possible to eliminate periodically appearing bags under the eyes and swelling, the cause of which is the presence of pathologies.

Types of eye augmentation surgery

AT modern surgery, dealing with the correction of aesthetic and functional deficiencies of various tissues and organs, there are several methods for modeling the shape of the organs of vision. All of them have their own characteristics and indications.

  • Blepharoplasty is an operation aimed at removing intraorbital fatty hernias and excess skin. If the cause of the overhanging of the upper eyelids is the omission of the tissues of the forehead, then blepharoplasty is combined with forehead plastic surgery.
  • Canthoplasty is a plastic surgery during which the angle of the palpebral fissure and the very shape of the eyes are modeled. Most often, the lateral (correction of the outer corner of the eye) method is used. The operation allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes, change the shape of the eyes, reduce the tone of the lower eyelid. Surgical manipulation can be performed not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medical reasons: trachoma, ankyloblepharon, inversion of the eyelids.
  • Canthopexy is a plastic surgery to increase the incision of the eyes, change its shape. With the help of the procedure, the lower eyelid is lifted, the cantuses (outer thin tendons) are lifted and tightened.
  • Epicanthoplasty is the Europeanization of the upper eyelids, focused on the elimination or reduction of the severity of the skin fold in the place of the inner corner of the eyelid (epicanthus). Most often, the operation is done by persons Mongoloid race who want to have a Europeanized eye shape.

In what cases is plastic surgery prescribed?

It is generally accepted that facial plastic surgery is done only by rich people who want to look stunning. In most cases, this is true. The operation to increase the size of the eyes helps to eliminate various age-related defects. After its implementation, the look is rejuvenated, the face is transformed. But in addition to cosmetic purposes, there are medical indicators for conducting surgical intervention. The main indications for surgery:

  • Congenital omission of the lateral canthus.
  • Congenital and acquired narrowing of the palpebral fissure.
  • anthroponotic infection conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Omission of the eyelids with a decrease in their vertical and horizontal dimensions (blepharophimosis).
  • Pathological fusion of the edges of the eyelids.
  • Correction of a bulging rounded shape resulting from myopia, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Stretching of the skin lower eyelids.
  • Excess skin and fat upper eyelid.
  • The presence of intraorbital fat.
  • Desire to make the eyes almond-shaped.
  • Hailstone (neoplasia) in the skin of the eyelid, which is formed due to blockage and inflammation of the meibomian gland.


Plastic surgery to increase the eyes is a fairly popular procedure. If it is carried out in cosmetic purposes, then it is considered simple. Some medical centers or patients themselves, in order to reduce the cost of the operation, do not carry out necessary research, which reveal pathologies that are contraindications to plastic surgery of the visual organ. Meanwhile, if there certain diseases surgery is very risky. Health conditions in which eye plastic surgery is not recommended:

Also, the patient may be denied surgery if he has bronchial asthma, rheumatism, acute viral and bacterial infections.

Preparatory activities

The doctor demonstrates before the eye enlargement operation a photo of the people who underwent it. The patient can express some of his wishes, which will certainly be taken into account. The doctor also warns about all possible complications and that the result does not always live up to expectations. If the patient agrees with everything and is firmly committed to eye plastic surgery, preparation for the operation begins. It includes the following activities:

If no contraindications are identified, an operation is prescribed, usually the next day or after 2-3 days. Highly qualified plastic surgeons are booked for several months in advance.

Three hours before plastic surgery, you should stop eating and limit your water intake. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe antiallergic or sedatives.

Execution technique

Eye augmentation surgery is performed under sterile conditions. The visual organs and the area around them are processed antiseptic solution. The procedure is performed under local infiltration anesthesia.

To lengthen and expand the palpebral fissure, an equilateral triangle is cut out in the outer corner of the eyelids, with a side length of 8 mm. Its base should be a continuation of the palpebral fissure. Then, the tarsoorbital fascia and the circular muscles of the outer edge of the orbit are vertically incised. Splints are placed on the resulting wound. The conjunctiva is sutured to the corner of the formed triangle. The defect is closed by suturing the connective sheath that covers the outside of the eye with the skin. The wound is treated with an antiseptic, an antibiotic is instilled into the intersutural gaps, and a sterile bandage is applied.


After eye augmentation surgery pain practically no concern. On the face there is swelling, redness of the skin, bruises, tearing. All these manifestations are considered normal and disappear on their own within 2 weeks. But unhealthy complications can also arise. These include:

  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  • Wound infection.
  • Divergence of seams.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Violation of vision.
  • Diplopia.
  • Orbital hemorrhage.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately call the doctor and describe the situation. Self-medication can be dangerous and lead to vision loss.

Effect after plastic surgery

Positive results can be observed already one month after the procedure. But the main effect will be visible only after 2-3 months.

  • After eye enlargement surgery (before and after in the photo) does not hang upper eyelid.
  • The number of wrinkles will be noticeably reduced.
  • The look will become more expressive.
  • If a slight asymmetry was observed before the operation, then it will be eliminated.
  • The "blue" around the eyes will disappear.
  • Bags will remain only in memories.

Cost of eye augmentation surgery

As you know, the most expensive medical services in Moscow. The cost of the procedure depends on many factors: the fame of the clinic, the professionalism of surgeons, the use of expensive equipment and medicines. average cost eye augmentation surgery

  • Canthopexy - 42,000 rubles.
  • Canthoplasty - 58,000 rubles.
  • Blepharoplasty - 102,000 rubles.
  • Epicanthoplasty - 45,500 rubles.

The operation will certainly change the eyes. Before you decide to take this step, you need to consider whether it is worth it. After all, the "new" dimensions may not fit into the "old" face at all. Well, if the result turned out to be amazing, you need to remember that the best is the enemy of the good and stop at one procedure.

  1. Sculpture of the upper eyelid - is performed when the iris is not fully visible with the upper eyelid open. During the operation, the muscle responsible for lifting it is tightened;
  2. Line of "glamour" - the lower eyelid is given more round shape, due to which the visible part of the protein, located closer to the outer edge of the eye, will increase. After the operation, the lower eyelid acquires an S-shaped curvature, which gives the look a certain drag and glamour;
  3. Horizontal eye enlargement - a small incision in the outer corner at the junction of the upper and lower eyelids will make the eyes larger in length. Doctors do not recommend increasing the incision by more than 5 mm, because the edges of the eyelids without eyelashes will not look very natural.

Often, surgery to change the incision of the eyes takes place under general anesthesia. AT rare cases may be treated with local anesthesia.

Operation to create an "eastern" section of the eyes

In order to create a characteristic tilt of the eyes, you need to slightly raise the outer corner. The look gets a touch of exoticism. Usually people call such a cut of the eyes "cat" or "oriental". This type of plastic is suitable for large and several bulging eyes.

Changing the incision of the eye by surgery is a complex procedure that requires a lot of experience from the doctor. Contact SOHO CLINIC and our experts will help you achieve the desired effect without harm to health. We provide individual approach to every client. Fulfill your dreams of the desired appearance, and this will not only make you more attractive, but also give you self-confidence. Sign up for an appointment today. Doors of SOHO CLINIC are open for patients 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

Postoperative period

After the procedure to change the shape of the eyes, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for several days. In the area where the intervention was made, hematomas and swelling may appear. Dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye may also be observed. But do not worry, because the discomfort usually subsides after a few days.

Postoperative scars practically invisible. Surgeons make incisions in natural skin folds, and over time, the scars lighten and disappear from the skin altogether. After the operation, it is recommended to refrain from eye strain for some time.

Contraindications to the creation of an "eastern" section of the eyes

Eye incision plasty is not carried out for patients who suffer from various eye diseases: inflammation, conjunctivitis, and also in the presence of chronic ailments. The list of contraindications includes oncological diseases, AIDS, hepatitis and poor clotting blood.

Differences from canthopexy and blepharoplasty

Unlike canthopexy, canthoplasty not only tightens and fixes the tendons and muscle fibers, but also separates from the bone. Ligaments are also partially removed. The latter is carried out not only for cosmetic reasons, but also for medical reasons.

The difference between canthoplasty and blepharoplasty is the removal of excess fat and skin. In the first variant of the operation, only excess amount skin in the area of ​​the outer corner, while blepharoplasty eliminates both fat and skin deposits in the eye area.


Canthoplasty is divided into medial (on the inner corner) and lateral (affects the outer corner).

  • Correction of the outer point of the eye is more popular. It involves changes in the cantuses (tendons that fix the corners of the lower eyelid).
  • The medial procedure is more commonly used for any medical indications or, if desired, correct the Asian cut to European.


There are many more reasons why canthoplasty is performed than with canthopexy. Indications are divided into two categories - aesthetic and medical.

Among the first are:

To medical reasons the operation includes any deformation of the eyes after a complicated course various diseases, as well as:

  • The effect of bulging eyes, resulting from myopia.
  • Eyelid fusion (partial) due to a birth defect.
  • A short palpebral fissure resulting from burns or other injuries.
  • Increased pressure on the eyes caused by various inflammatory processes.
  • Turn of the century.
  • Eversion of the lower eyelid.


Surgery has some limitations. The operation is not performed when:

It is important not to hide the existing diagnoses from the surgeon, as they can provoke serious complications after plastic surgery.


Preoperative stage begins with a consultation with a surgeon, therapist and ophthalmologist. The plastic surgeon examines the structure of the face and chooses the technology of the operation. The ophthalmologist and therapist rule out any contraindications. Specialists will send you for a standard package of tests.

After passing through the doctors, having received their approval, you should begin to prepare for surgery - stop smoking, taking medicines that affect blood thinning.


Due to the fact that the procedure is non-invasive, most often used local anesthesia. The operations of the surgeon last about an hour.

First of all, the surgeon runs a scalpel along the natural crease of the upper eyelid. The cut is 1 cm long. Then, having hooked the cantal ligament, it peels off from the periosteum. The tendon shortens somewhat and moves to a new position. The canthus is sutured with self-absorbable cosmetic threads. Upon completion, the wound is sutured and a sterile dressing is applied.


After a couple of hours, the patient is allowed to go home. As a rule, the rehabilitation process takes two to three weeks.

The first seven days there is a pronounced swelling, bruising and blueing of the tissues around the eyes. On the second day they can go down to lower part faces. Don't be afraid of it - normal reaction. To speed up the removal of edema, several times a day it is necessary to apply ice to the face.

From the side of vision, clouding of the eyeball, irritation of the mucous membrane, the effect of sand and doubling may become aggravated.

Immediately after discharge, it will be difficult to blink. The mobility of the upper eyelid will return to normal after seven days.

Recovery implies compliance with the following requirements:

  • Sleep only on the back. In this case, the head should be slightly raised.
  • Down slopes are not allowed.
  • Exit to the street is allowed only in evening time in sunglasses.
  • A ban on watching TV, working at a computer, reading books, etc.
  • Washing only with cotton buds. Touching the operating area and getting water into the eyes is excluded.
  • Compliance with sleep and wakefulness.
  • Ban on wearing contact lenses within a month.

To quickly rehabilitate, you need to provide complete rest to the eyes.

Scars after surgery

The sutures are removed on the fourth or seventh day. The doctor uses special cosmetic sutures in which they hide in natural folds. Therefore, at first they are visible only upon close examination.

In most cases, scars become invisible after 1.5-2 months. During this time, they will turn white and become thinner. This is due to the fact that the process of tissue regeneration on thin skin is faster.


After six weeks, the effect obtained is evaluated. Canthoplasty achieves following results:

  • Natural incision of the eye.
  • Elimination of ptosis of the corners.
  • Getting rid of the prolapse of the soft tissues of the lower eyelids (partially).
  • Correction of eversion of the eyelid.
  • Rejuvenating action.
  • asymmetry correction.

On average, they persist for seven to ten years.


Due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is very sensitive, there may be risks of developing side effects. For example:

  • Infection with inflammation. As a preventive measure, antibiotic therapy.
  • Asymmetry. Eliminated only surgically.
  • Scarring of the seam. Appears with deep imposition of threads.
  • Dry eye syndrome. It goes away on its own in a month and a half.


In Moscow clinics, prices for canthoplasty start from 35,000 rubles. Basically, the price includes a consultation with a doctor, local anesthesia and postoperative examination.

Standing in front of a mirror, many women at least once thought that it would not hurt to change, correct, smooth, enlarge, etc. certain facial features. This is especially true of the eyes - the most expressive part of the face. Sometimes it is very annoying to get up early in order to use decorative cosmetics to make your eyes attractive and look more confident. However, there are several ways to enlarge the eyes without makeup, and we will talk about them.

Perhaps, greatest effect in the natural increase of the eye has a rest. Regular lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, long work at the computer, drinking plenty of water before going to bed causes such phenomena as bags and dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the face, redness on eyeball. All this gives a nondescript look and reduces the eyes. To this list, you can add more smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which spoil the skin and adversely affect the color of the whites of the eyes.

Highly important point is also the rejection of decorative means. Do not immediately get scared and deny the opportunity to go out without makeup. You can get used to the natural state of the face gradually, reducing the amount and brightness of mascara, lipstick, shadows, etc. After a couple of weeks without makeup, the skin will become cleaner, the eyes will be brighter, and a slight blush will appear on the cheeks.

The area around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, therefore it requires special care. It is important to properly moisturize it with special creams, make baths and apply compresses. At the beginning of the day, it would be good to wipe the eyelids with an ice cube. You can use decoctions medicinal herbs frozen from the evening in molds or bags.

Favorable action has a massage along the contour of the eyes. To make it as useful as possible, it is better to watch the training videos.

How to make eyes bigger without makeup using special gymnastics

Be sure to include in your daily routine gymnastics for the eyes, which will not only help them relax, but also prevent the appearance of wrinkles ahead of time. Two such exercises can be cited as an example.

index fingers should be put on outer corners eyes, and place the middle ones on the bridge of the nose so that an extra wrinkle does not form on it. Holding the edges of the eyelids with your fingers, you need to squint the lower eyelid for a few seconds and relax. So repeat at least 10 times.

- Using the same initial position of the fingers, you need to close your eyes tightly for about 20 seconds, relax sharply and close your eyes again.

The main thing is to perform the exercises with high quality every day, then the eyes will open wide, and the number of wrinkles will be reduced without surgery and expensive cosmetics.

All attention to cilia and eyebrows

The next thing you need to pay attention to is eyelashes. If they are naturally light and almost invisible, then you can use a special paint, the effect of which lasts 2-3 weeks. In addition, everyday care is also important: before going to bed, it is advisable to lubricate the cilia burdock oil which strengthens them and promotes growth. Do not neglect curling eyelashes with tongs, because it instantly makes the look open.

Eyelash extensions are very popular right now. If the length and density are perfectly matched, then this method visual magnification the eye is not forbidden at all. It is important to approach this issue delicately and carry out the procedure with a certified specialist.

A beautiful brow line can also make your eyes look bigger. You can shape and color your eyebrows at home by buying all the tools (tweezers, paint, scissors, etc.). In the case of staining, it is very important to choose correct color so that the eyebrows look natural and harmoniously complement the image. It is better not to experiment and trust the eyebrow shaping masters, then an expressive look is guaranteed to you.

Surprisingly, good styling also helps to enlarge the eyes, albeit visually. Also suitable shape hairstyles will slightly distract attention from the face and will serve as a great addition to the image.

For those who constantly squint due to poor vision, it can be advised to make the eyes bigger with the help of contact lenses. The constant narrowing of the eyes not only makes the eyes look smaller, but also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

An exotic way to enlarge the eyes

There is another way to enlarge the eyes without decorative cosmetics, which can be called exotic. It was invented, first of all, for people with an Asian eye shape, with an overhanging upper eyelid. The bottom line is this.

A special glue is applied to the eyelids, which is safe for the eyes and easily removed from the skin. Then with a stick in the form of a slingshot (included), an additional fold is created, making the look wider. There are several different schemes application of glue, as a result of which it is possible to obtain different shape eye. Photos of such schemes can be found on the Internet.

Ready-made adhesive strips for the eyelids work in the same way, which are attached much faster than glue. In addition, they have a flesh color. These eye augmentation methods are an excellent alternative to surgery.

Video on the topic of the article

The technique for increasing the shape of the eyes originates in countries rising sun, whose residents dreamed of being like big-eyed cartoon anime heroines. In addition, according to psychologists, people with "open" eyes attract interlocutors, inspire confidence and interest in them.

This procedure, if performed by a professional, does not require repeated interventions. Average duration the operation is 2 hours, and often surgeons are limited to the use of local anesthetics.

How to correct Asian eye type

Since Russia is considered an international country where they live, including? and oriental women, the procedure in question is quite popular here.

Such an operation is very complex in technique, which requires appropriate qualifications from the plastic surgeon. Therefore, the choice of a specialist for such plastic surgery must be approached scrupulously.

The goal of correcting the Asian section of the eyes is creation of a crease on the upper eyelid and elimination skin fold in the corners of the eyes.

This state can be achieved in two ways:

1) Suture method

It is also referred to as the "No Cuts" method. This manipulation is suitable for patients whose skin on the eyelids is too thin, and drooping of the eyelids is not too pronounced.

The upper part of the eyelid is pierced, but not cut, and the shape of the desired fold is obtained by suturing the area between the skin and the aponeurosis.

If the patient wishes, the doctor can also eliminate fatty hernias, by excision of excess soft tissues in the area of ​​eyelash growth.

The procedure ends with the application of a bandage, which can be removed after 3-4 hours. With seams parted already on the 5th day, hematomas and swelling in the area of ​​operation will remain for about 8 days.

Repeated surgical intervention is not required - the effect is always present.

However, we should not forget about temporary changes that negatively affect the quality of the skin. In some cases, to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, additional surgical procedures to restore the aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of the suture method:

  • The duration of the procedure is limited to 20 minutes.
  • After 3 days, the patient will be able to return to her usual lifestyle and even apply makeup.
  • No seams, natural appearance.
  • If necessary, the formed line is easy to correct.

Disadvantages of the "No cuts" method:

  1. The thread that is in the tissues is quite easy to feel.
  2. Liquidate at the same time adipose tissue and excess skin is impossible.
  3. There is a risk of the opposite effect.

2) Open Method

It is sometimes referred to as the "With cuts" method.

During this manipulation, the surgeon cuts the upper eyelid, after which it eliminates certain areas of the skin, adipose tissue. The created fold of the upper eyelid is sutured to the muscle aponeurosis.

Operation time(30-120 minutes) will depend on the complexity of the work being done.

The algorithm of the considered procedure is as follows:

  1. Determination of the degree of resection of the upper eyelid by means of a simple test. The patient's eyelid is fixed with a clamp. His eyes should open and close without effort. The excised part of the skin can vary between 3-10 mm, but the patient's age and the condition of her skin are also taken into account.
  2. Marking , due to which a fold will be formed.
  3. Excision of excess skin , soft tissues, removal of periorbital fat. Depending on how deep the fold needs to be created, the specified fat may not be affected at all, or completely removed from the lateral portions.
  4. Elimination of a small segment (2-3 mm wide) muscle tissue that is close to the eye.
  5. Stitching of the operating site.
  6. Stitching the edges of the incisions and aponeurosis.
  7. Suturing to be worn for a maximum of 7 days. During the specified period, bruises and swelling will occur in the manipulation area.

At the end, the doctor imposes on the operated area antibacterial bandage for 2-3 hours.

Advantages of the considered technique:

  • There is no risk of the opposite effect.
  • The surgeon can reduce the thickness of the eyelids, eliminate their sagging.
  • Possibility of making other corrections during this operation.

The disadvantages of this technique:

  1. The operation takes a long time.
  2. The rehabilitation period lasts quite a long time.
  3. The desired effect can be seen only after at least 2 months.

Operation to create the effect of wide eyes - canthoplasty

Through this procedure, it is possible to change the angle of the palpebral fissure and the shape of the eyes.

Depending on the angle with which the plastic surgeon will work, canthoplasty is divided into two types:

1) Internal (medial)

As a separate procedure, in practice it is used very rarely: often this species canthoplasty is combined with. The purpose of the manipulation is the dissection of the so-called Mongolian fold, which hangs over inside corner eyes.

Thanks to modern technologies, to get a beautiful cut of the eyes, you do not need to make large cuts. This minimizes the risk of future scars. If the scars still remain, after a certain period of time you can get rid of them with the help of.

This manipulation lasts about 30 minutes, and before it is used local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

2) External (lateral)

This operation favors the lengthening of the incision of the eyes, increasing the angle between the adhesions of the eyes. The length of the incision is limited to 2-5 mm, which practically does not leave scars.

During the manipulation, the doctor removes part of the canthal tendon, and the tissue of the lower eyelid is attached to bone tissue eye sockets. To mask the resulting defect, the conjunctiva is used: it is stretched and moved. In the future, this affects its sensitivity, but negative effect will be present for a maximum of 14 days.

Lateral canthoplasty lasts 1-2 hours on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting.

The recovery period is 7-14 days, and is characterized by the appearance of swelling, bruising, lacrimation.

Operations to achieve the eastern incision of the eyes - canthopexy

Through this manipulation, narrow the eyes, giving them an almond-shaped ("cat") shape.

Canthopexy is relevant for those who have lower eyelid sagging problems which affects the shape of the eyes.

The technique for performing canthopexy is similar to that used for canthoplasty, but the tendon is in this case remains in its original place.

The operation is often under local anesthesia. In rare cases, due to the special characteristics of the patient, they resort to general anesthesia.

The duration of a canthopexy may vary, but on average, the procedure lasts 1-2 hours.

Patients will be able to see the results of the operation after 8-10 days. During this period, hematomas and slight swelling will be present.

The effect of canthopexy is not eternal: after 5-10 years, the procedure must be repeated if there are no contraindications for this.

Indications and contraindications for plastic surgery of the incision of the eyes - who should not have the operation?

Plastic surgery to increase the circumference of the eyes can be prescribed in such situations:

  • Under the upper and lower eyelids is a large number of adipose tissue. The elimination of fatty hernias will not only improve the appearance, but will also have a positive effect on vision.
  • The presence of "bags" in the region of the lower eyelid, which are constantly present. The area near the eyes is dotted with many wrinkles.
  • The double fold on the upper eyelid is weakly expressed / not expressed at all.
  • The upper eyelid, due to its massiveness, covers lacrimal gland hanging over the eye.
  • The patient wants to improve the shape of the eyes, make them more "open".
  • There are congenital / acquired anomalies that can be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery.
  • Re-plasty, aimed at eliminating the visible consequences of the previous procedure.

Surgery to reduce the circumference of the eyes (canthopexy) is resorted to in the following cases:

  • The tone of the lower eyelid is significantly reduced.
  • The patient wishes to change the shape of the eyes from round to almond-shaped.
  • There was an eversion of the lower eyelid, due to unsuccessful previous manipulations.

Asian eyelid surgery, as well as canthopexy, have a number of contraindications:

  1. Poor blood clotting. Such a phenomenon may lead to heavy bleeding during plastic surgery. In addition, problems may arise in the postoperative period.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Pathologies of the organs of vision, their infection (conjunctivitis).
  4. Diabetes mellitus at the time of exacerbation. Although not all specialists agree to perform the operation even with the passive course of this disease.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Pregnancy period. A woman can correct the incision of the eyes after the birth of the baby.
  7. Errors in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  8. The period of exacerbation of serious chronic pathologies.

Postoperative period and possible complications after plastic surgery of the eye incision

After plastic surgery on the eyes, patients should be prepared for the following phenomena:

  • Small bruises, hematomas, swelling around the eyelids. Depending on the complexity of the manipulation, all this will go away in 7-14 days. To quickly remove swelling immediately after plastic surgery, the patient is given special compresses.
  • Irritation of the conjunctiva, lacrimation. Lasts the first 10 days, then disappears on its own. To avoid infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial eye drops.
  • Pain, pain in the eyes, a feeling of dryness.
  • Using general anesthesia The operated patient stays in the hospital for a day. If local anesthesia was used, the patient is allowed to go home within a couple of hours after the procedure.
  • The healing of the surgical site is accompanied by the appearance of a small scar, which eventually turns pale and disappears. In some cases, the scar persists and can be seen when the patient's eyes are closed. In such cases, surgeons are advised to turn to a laser - it will help smooth out this drawback.

The maximum effect of plastic surgery on the eyes occurs 2 months later.

  1. Use when going outside Sunglasses. Ideally, walk fresh air after the Sunset.
  2. Factors to be excluded decorative cosmetics, lenses, etc.) that can irritate the conjunctiva.
  3. From reading books physical activity, reception alcoholic beverages should refrain for a certain period.
  4. Ice will help reduce swelling. And it is best to prepare a decoction of chamomile, and freeze it in special molds for ice. As you know, chamomile is a natural antiseptic.

Possible postoperative exacerbations include:

  • Wound infection.
  • The formation of a rough scar. Often a similar phenomenon occurs with plastic surgery of Asian eyelids. suture method: the incisions here are more extensive than with other types of plastic surgery.
  • Excessive lifting of the corners of the eyes, their bulge. It is a consequence of the unprofessionalism of the doctor. This defect can be eliminated only by a repeated procedure.
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