Cream with capsaicin for joints. Overview of modern ointments for joint pain: truth and fiction

Ointment with capsaicin - advanced development among the line of medicines for the musculoskeletal system. Capsaicin for joints is produced in pipes of different volumes, and therefore, you can choose the required amount of funds. A tablet form of the drug is also produced. Given the possible side effects regarding the advisability of using the ointment, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Composition and properties

Capsaicin ointment has an irritating and stimulating effect on nerve endings. She inhibits inflammatory processes, affecting all its links. The drug has a vasodilatory function. As a result of vasodilation, reddening of the skin occurs at the site of application of the ointment, blood flow and tissue trophism improve. Capsaicin - biologically active substance, an alkaloid found in red hot peppers that increases the production of prostaglandins, mediators that suppress inflammation. This substance is so powerful that even with a low (10%) content in the ointment, it has a sufficient stimulating and locally irritating effect.

Capsaicin is released in the form of crystals, soluble only in alcohol and vinegar. Due to its strong irritating effect, it is placed in protective gas cylinders. Capsaicin, which is an active ingredient in the composition of the ointment, locally raises the temperature and removes inflammatory reactions.

Indications and contraindications

Ointment can be used for myositis.
  • rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis of the ridge - dystrophic changes in the intervertebral cartilage;
  • intervertebral hernias of different localization;
  • osteoarorosis - degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine in the elderly;
  • osteoporosis - a progressive disease of the musculoskeletal system, manifested by a decrease in bone density;
  • inflammatory diseases muscles (myositis);
  • neurological disorders (neuralgia, neuritis, neuropathy);
  • rehabilitation due to fractures, dislocations and sprains, as well as their prevention.

Capsaicin cream is contraindicated for:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • children;
  • people suffering from bronchial asthma;
  • patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Application of ointment from the joints with capsaicin

Wash your hands well after using the product.

A hypersensitivity reaction after the first use of capsaicin ointment will let you know if it is possible to continue using it. If everything is in order, the agent is applied to the affected area 2 to 4 times a day. The ointment lasts 6 hours. It is not recommended to wear a bandage over the applied layer. After use, be sure to wash your hands. If a hypersensitivity reaction does occur, the drug is washed off vegetable oil, alcohol solution or vinegar. It is forbidden to apply the ointment to damaged and inflamed areas of the skin. Strict compliance rules of application will protect against negative consequences.

Harm and side effects

Capsaicin has numerous positive effects, but there are also negative properties of the main substance that are worth paying attention to. burning skin and local increase temperatures are undesirable side effects. Swelling and redness of the skin at the site of application, in combination with painful sensations, difficult to distinguish from chemical burn. Sensitive skin especially reactive to this substance. If capsaicin ointment accidentally gets into the eyes, lacrimation occurs, burning pain and redness. They must be washed immediately big amount running water to avoid corneal burns. The danger lies in the ability of the drug to cause bronchospasm, aphonia (inability to speak) and asphyxia (lack of breathing, requiring resuscitation).

Drug analogues

An analogue of the drug can be Rescuer forte.

There are drugs on the pharmaceutical market that also contain the main active ingredient capsaicin, among them.

To relieve pain of a rheumatic and neuralgic nature, as well as due to problems in the muscles, ligaments and joints, local remedies in the form of ointments and creams are often used. They are considered the best because they do not cause systemic side effects, do not damage gastrointestinal tract and provide direct therapeutic effect to the damaged area. Of all the remedies for inflammation of the joints and after closed injuries, capsaicin ointments are the most popular. This substance, obtained from hot peppers, has been used in medicine for many years. It not only relieves pain, but also has a healing effect.

What is capsaicin

This natural alkaloid is obtained from hot pepper. was isolated from this plant at the beginning of the 20th century. Capsaicin is insoluble in water, only in alcohol and some chemicals. It is the sharpest substance in the world. On contact with the skin, it causes severe burn, crystals can only be removed with vegetable oil, alcohol or vinegar.

Capsaicin has a strong effect on the respiratory organs and mucous membranes, causing a burning sensation. This property is used when adding a substance to and guns. Capsaicin is also used as an insecticide. But besides this, he was found to have many useful properties for human health. And in Lately the production of medicines based on it has been established.

The effect of drugs with capsaicin

Now in medicinal purposes various plasters and rubbing containing this substance are used. The extract obtained from hot pepper contains only 5-10% capsaicin. But still, it has a very strong effect on the body:

What is capsaicin used for?

Ointment, the price of which is about 200 rubles, is available to many. AND positive effect such funds determined their wide distribution. Preparations containing capsaicin are used for migraine, indigestion, psoriasis and skin itching. It is included in fat-burning products and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism. Capsaicin helps with neuralgia trigeminal nerve, diabetic neuropathy, pain from herpes zoster. Latest Research determined his ability to kill cancer cells and prevent their occurrence. But most often used in the treatment of capsaicin for joints, muscles and ligaments.

Such drugs have not only an analgesic effect, but relieve inflammation and improve tissue nutrition. The therapeutic effect is manifested only after 2-3 weeks of use, although capsaicin relieves pain immediately.

Side effects of drugs with capsaicin

The therapeutic effect of this substance is associated with its ability to cause local boost temperature and burning sensation. But this property of capsaicin can also negative effect. Some people experience severe burning, resembling a burn, redness and swelling of the tissues occur at the site of application of the capsaicin ointment. When the drug enters the mucous membrane, it causes severe pain and swelling, lacrimation, and mucus production. Capsaicin can cause spasm of the larynx and bronchi, loss of voice, and even respiratory arrest. Such drugs are especially dangerous for the eyes - they cause corneal burns. It is not recommended to use capsaicin ointments for young children, women during pregnancy and lactation. They are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, bronchial asthma and hypertension.

Rules for the use of such drugs

Before using capsaicin ointment, you should consult your doctor. And even if there are no contraindications to its use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and safety rules:

What drugs contain capsaicin

Now the medical industry produces several various ointments based on pepper extract. They have almost the same effect and application features.

Ointment "Nicoflex": application

This combination drug for the treatment of bruises, sprains, arthrosis, neuralgia, sciatica and for warming up muscles before sports training.

The ointment contains 7.5 mg of capsaicin and has an irritant and analgesic effect. When applied to the skin, it dilates superficial vessels, improves blood circulation and causes a feeling of warmth. "Nicoflex" not only relieves pain and reduces inflammation, but also improves joint mobility. You can apply it 1-2 times a day on clean, dry skin.

Capsaicin analogs

A large number of different and gels makes it difficult to choose a drug. But quite often, doctors prescribe drugs that contain capsaicin to patients. Their analogues are also effective, but the warming effect in them is provided with the help of other substances. Based natural ingredients you can choose from the following drugs:

There is also an ointment containing an analogue of capsaicin - vanillamide. This is "Finalgon", which is very popular, as it effectively relieves pain in the back and joints.

Pain is practically the main symptom of various lesions of the musculoskeletal system. It appears with overstrain, spastic muscle contraction, inflammatory processes.

That is why, along with the elimination of the pathogenetic causes of diseases of the cartilage and muscle tissue, the main task of doctors is to alleviate the pain syndrome.

Sometimes a variety of painkillers are prescribed for this purpose, but they are contraindicated for certain categories of patients and can cause serious complications.

Means for external use act only in the area of ​​application, do not enter the systemic circulation and have an analgesic effect 20-30 minutes after application.

Capsaicin ointment is a natural product. plant-based, which provides complex action associated with the effect on pain receptors and the tone of the vascular wall.

Capsaicin is an alkaloid that is found in high concentration in the fruits of plants of the nightshade family, the Capsiceae species, this substance owes its name to this Latin name.

The most well-known source of capsaicin is hot or cayenne pepper. It is widely used in cooking to add a spicy, spicy flavor to dishes. IN official medicine capsaicin ointment has gained wide popularity due to its pronounced analgesic and vasodilating activity.

In cosmetology, this alkaloid is used as a means to get rid of body fat in problem areas. Recently, data have appeared that capsaicin is able to inhibit the functioning of intracellular organelles of malignant tissues. Therefore, clinical studies are now underway to study the antitumor activity of this compound.

In addition to the main component, hot pepper alkaloid extract, capsaicin ointment contains other active ingredients, these are:

  • various essential oils and extracts from medicinal plants(e.g. calendula, fir, eleutherococcus, peppermint etc.), which have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating activity;
  • derivatives nicotinic acid expanding blood vessels;
  • trophic-improving vitamins cartilage tissue and muscle fibers
  • dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide), which contributes to better penetration of the active ingredients of ointments into the skin;
  • turpentine (turpentine oil), which has a warming, irritating and distracting effect;
  • camphor, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • methyl salicylate or salicylic acid, which suppresses inflammation, relieves pain.

Capsaicin ointment is available under various trade names, some preparations based on hot pepper extract can be purchased at the prescription department of pharmacies at a lower price. As a basis for production similar drugs Vaseline, paraffin, lanolin are used. They do not affect the activity of the main active substances ointments are hypoallergenic and protect the skin from the aggressive effects of pepper alkaloid.

When applied externally, capsaicin ointment has the following effects:

  • quickly relieves pain;
  • eliminates the consequences closed injury tendons or ligaments;
  • relaxes spasmodic muscles;
  • locally expands blood vessels and increases the speed of blood and lymph flow;
  • restores joint mobility;
  • stops the development of inflammation;
  • accelerates the excretion of toxic end products of metabolism from tissues.

Targeted studies of the pharmacodynamic properties of capsaicin ointment have not been conducted. However, in laboratory conditions it was determined that with continuous exposure to the extract of hot pepper on the skin (for example, when fixing pepper patch), only about 1% of capsaicin entered the systemic circulation. Accordingly, when using ointments, this figure is even lower.

Most of the active ingredient remains in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint or muscles, blocks the activity of pain receptors, dilates blood vessels and promotes blood flow to the affected area. Subject to the instructions for use of the drug, capsaicin ointment, like its analogues from the group of locally irritating external preparations, is completely safe and does not cause systemic complications.

Capsaicin cream: main indications for use, limitations and possible adverse reactions

Along with external use, the main alkaloid of hot pepper is also used internally as food additive. It has been proven that taking such medications increases the metabolic rate by a quarter, but at the same time increases appetite. Therefore, its use as a means for weight loss is highly controversial. in homeopathic and traditional medicine it is used to eliminate bacterial and congestive diseases of the urinary system, to combat chronic infections.

Topical capsaicin cream helps to cope with bronchopulmonary pathologies, saturates muscles with oxygen, vitamins and microelements before serious physical exercises.

But the main indications for the use of ointments based on hot pepper extract are the following diseases:

  • neuralgia and neuritis associated with inflammation or pinched nerve;
  • pain in the lower back, chest and cervical region spine caused by osteochondrosis and other lesions intervertebral discs;
  • sciatica;
  • inflammatory diseases of large and small joints;
  • muscle pain caused by spasm or intense physical exertion;
  • injuries caused by damage to the ligaments and tendons, dislocation of the joints.

But despite the absence of systemic effects, capsaicin cream has certain contraindications for use. First of all, the drug is not allowed to be applied to areas of the skin where there are open wounds, burns, rashes and erythema caused by dermatoses, foci purulent infection, trophic ulcers.

Also, to date, the effect of the drug on intrauterine development fetus, so capsaicin cream is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the use of the ointment is limited in patients of childhood and adolescence.

The drug is categorically contraindicated in the presence of an allergic reaction either to an extract from hot pepper or to other components of the drug (for example, aloe, camphor, turpentine, derivatives salicylic acid etc.).

Systemic adverse reactions cream with capsaicin does not cause. When applied topically, there may be a feeling of intense heat or burning in the area of ​​application, redness, tingling of the skin, or temporary loss of sensation. Sometimes there are symptoms of an allergic reaction - a rash, itching, papules filled with exudate.

Capsaicin ointment: instructions for various diseases, overdose symptoms and interactions with other drugs

The drug is intended only for local use. Some creams are equipped with a special applicator to protect the skin of the hands from the aggressive effects of capsaicin.

Need to squeeze out right amount the drug and evenly distribute it over the epidermal cover over the affected area, capturing healthy tissues as well. The approximate dosage of Capsaicin ointment instructions indicates the following: about 0.5-1 cm per area of ​​skin the size of a palm.

To enhance the effect, the area with the applied preparation can be wrapped with a warm soft cloth.

The cream can be used up to three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually. As a rule, the instruction advises to use Capsaicin ointment until the pain, swelling and other symptoms of damage to the joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles completely disappear. On average, it is 10-14 days, sometimes less.

Also, external agents with pepper extract are also used for various diseases lower divisions respiratory tract. In such cases, the ointment is applied to the skin between the shoulder blades or on chest avoiding the projection of the heart. Then you need to wrap yourself in a woolen scarf for 20-30 minutes. After such a procedure, sputum discharge is significantly improved, breathing is facilitated.

As a fat burner, the instructions for use advise using Capsaicin ointment as follows. It is impossible to apply the medicine in its pure form, since it can cause a burn on sensitive areas of the skin. Therefore, the drug is mixed with any neutral remedy (for example, a hypoallergenic baby cream) and the problem areas are lubricated several times a week.

An overdose of the drug is accompanied by all the "classic" symptoms of a burn. There is a very strong burning sensation, a papular rash, local swelling and intense redness appear on the skin. In this case, the instruction recommends removing the ointment with any fatty cream or sunflower oil, and the skin should be treated with Panthenol.

The drug does not have a systemic effect, therefore, problems with combination with other medicines for oral intake does not occur. Moreover, the instruction advises the use of Capsaicin ointment in parallel with chondroprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (in the form of capsules), since increased blood flow in the lesion accelerates the delivery of drugs.

But the cream can not be used simultaneously with other medicines for external use. Sometimes such a combination is allowed, subject to the necessary time interval. But in any case, a doctor should advise on the possibility of using capsaicin ointment and other creams.

Pepper ointment: features of use, list of drugs, prices

Not every pharmacy can find a full range of capsain ointments. However, the pharmacist will help you choose the right remedy containing hot pepper extract.

Such drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, they should be stored in a protected from sunlight place and away from children. Shelf life is 2 to 4 years.

To avoid the development of complications in the course of treatment, pepper ointment should be used with certain precautions.

First of all, the drug should not be applied categorically to the mucous membrane and skin located in the immediate vicinity of them. When applying the medicine, care must be taken not to get it into the eyes, as capsaicin can cause severe corneal burns.

Pepper ointment has several analogues.

Their list includes the following medicines:

  • Espol, Russia. In addition to capsaicin, it contains essential oils of lavender and coriander, dimethyl sulfoxide and chloroform. Unlike other drugs, it is approved for use in children older than 2 years. The cost is about 50 rubles for a 30 g tube with ointment.
  • Nicoflex, Hungary. Additionally, the composition of the product includes derivatives of salicylic and nicotinic acid. Price - 280 rubles, the package contains 50 g of cream.
  • Pepper-camphor liniment, Ukraine, Russia. Produced in glass bottles, the estimated cost is about 20 rubles.
  • Rescuer Forte, Ukraine. Melted butter acts as the basis of the drug. In addition to capsaicin, it contains a complex of extracts of calendula, rhodiola and eleutherococcus, sea buckthorn, fir, turpentine and olive oil, vitamins A and E, a derivative of nicotinic acid. After consulting a doctor, the use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed. The price is 140 rubles for a 30 g tube.
  • Efkamon, Russia. Additionally contains essential oils of mint, clove, eucalyptus, mustard, thymol, methyl salicylate. The cost is about 140 rubles.

Due to the expressed irritant on the skin, pepper ointment (with rare exceptions) is not used in early age. The question of the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation remains open. Clinical Research this topic has not been conducted, therefore, most manufacturers either do not indicate at all the features of use during the period of bearing a child and lactation, or include such conditions in the list of contraindications.

In any case, before applying the remedy, it is better to consult a doctor. Pepper ointment is a fairly effective remedy. According to doctors, the main effect of capsaicin is associated with increased blood flow and blocking pain receptors.

Therefore, when severe inflammation it is better to use other, specialized drugs, for example, drugs from NSAID groups. But pepper ointment is perfect as a first aid drug for a variety of neuralgia, sciatica and other similar lesions, accompanied by severe pain.

For pains of a rheumatic and neuralgic nature, it is necessary to use therapeutic ointments. This good opportunity quickly restore the mobility of damaged joints without a pain attack, while side effects due to systemic action such drugs are completely excluded. Ointments with capsaicin, which are sold without a prescription in a pharmacy, have proven themselves well, they are distinguished by a mild, targeted effect on the focus of pathology.

General Description of Capsaicin Preparations

Basically, capsaicin is red. hot peppers, which is used in medicine as an excitatory agent for receptors. In order not to injure the mucous membrane and not to "plant" the stomach, while achieving the desired effect in rheumatic and neuralgic pains, modern pharmacists decided to use it externally - in the form of therapeutic ointments.

Among the main advantages of this form of release, it is worth highlighting a targeted effect on the focus of pathology, a minimum of side effects, a pronounced therapeutic effect, getting rid of unbearable pain. It remains only to decide on the best medicine.

Ointment "Efkamon"

It is an effective anti-inflammatory local application, which has a warming, regenerating, analgesic, irritating effect. Such a therapeutic ointment enhances systemic blood flow, warms muscles, nourishes tissues, relieves fatigue and tension, and demonstrates a pronounced analgesic effect.

To quickly relieve pain from a bruised area, doctors strongly recommend using this remedy. prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis, sprains and sciatica, neuralgia and for warming up muscles in anticipation of strengthened physical activity. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, while increasing joint mobility.

The active ingredient is capsaicin. This synthetic substance acts directly on the affected area of ​​​​the body. Demonstrates therapeutic effect with sprains, sciatica, neuralgia, chronic neuritis, bruises, arthrosis, polyarthritis and myalgia. The drug is approved for use at any age in the absence of hypersensitivity to the components.

Nikoflex is intended for topical use, however, it must first be washed and cleaned skin. Need to apply ointment thin layer, qualitatively rub into the dermis, providing a warming effect. The duration of treatment is determined individually, on average it is 3-5 days.

Ointment "Camphocin"

In the natural formula of this medicine, pepper extract is harmoniously combined with turpentine and camphor alcohol. Such an integrated approach to the problem provides a double warming effect, accelerated process recovery of damaged ligaments or diseased joints. This healing ointment quickly relieves the symptoms of inflammation, removes pain attack.

The drug is often prescribed for rheumatism and arthritis, as the main or auxiliary treatment. Camphocin has a viscous consistency and a specific smell, and it is used only externally. It is necessary to rub the product into the dermis with a thin layer until a warming effect is felt.

Camphocin has no contraindications, with the exception of cases of increased sensitivity of the body to the active components of this ointment. In addition, it is forbidden to use such medicine at open wounds and apply to irritated areas of the skin.

Ointment "Rescuer Forte"

Such a well-known medical preparation is used after injuries to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, restore the functions of joints and muscles. It is available in every athlete's first aid kit, as it is appropriate for sprains, dislocations, bruises and injuries as a powerful warming and analgesic.

The active ingredients in the natural formula are vitamins, essential oils and, of course, pepper extract. The presence of the vitamin component nourishes the affected tissues, essential bases relax, relieve signs of inflammation. But capsaicin provides a stable and long-lasting warming effect on the affected area of ​​the dermis.

The cream is allowed to be used externally, and to do this, squeeze out a single portion, pre-rub it in your hands, and then rub it into the alleged focus of pathology with massaging movements. The therapeutic effect occurs after 5-7 minutes, lasts for several hours, gives the patient a feeling of true relaxation.

Ointment "Espol"

If the patient is concerned about muscle and joint pain, a significant relief is provided by the medical preparation Espol, which is available in the form of a therapeutic ointment, is intended only for external use. In addition to the warming, there is a stable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that lasts for several hours.

IN natural composition collected capsaicin, essential oils of coriander and lavender. Such a complex facilitates a pain attack, increases joint mobility, and prevents the spread of the focus of pathology to neighboring tissues. The drug acts quickly, is available for use by everyone. The main thing is to first make sure that there is no allergy to the active substances.

Use therapeutic ointment Espol externally. Thin layer medical composition Gently rub into the affected skin areas until completely absorbed. Then do not rinse with water, do not wrap with a bandage, do not create an additional Greenhouse effect. The procedure is carried out up to 3-4 times a day, and always before bedtime.

Ointment "Kapsicam"

With joint problems, patients have heard about it effective means, which will not be difficult to find in any pharmacy. Ointment Kapsikam demonstrates bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, warming and regenerating properties, and its active components imperceptibly adapt in any organism.

Active ingredient of Kapsikam - pepper tincture therefore, it is important to avoid getting the specified drug on the mucous membranes. If the skin is different hypersensitivity, it is better to refuse such an appointment altogether, choose for yourself a milder analogue with the same pharmacological properties.

Use the ointment externally, intensively rub into the affected areas up to 3-4 times a day. Each time, a slight tingling or intense burning is felt, but in any case, the patient will have to endure such discomfort. Duration intensive care individual.

"Cream with capsaicin"

In addition to pepper tincture, such a medical preparation contains aloe extract, which facilitates the action of the aggressive component. Such a complex not only suppresses a pain attack, but also prevents the spread of a hematoma and the occurrence of edema. Active ingredients do not irritate the skin, rarely cause side effects.

The cream is intended for external use, the patient needs to rub it into the skin with massaging movements until it dries completely. Additionally, compresses are not required, it is advisable to avoid drafts, do not rinse the treated area with water. The therapeutic effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Reviews of ointments with capsaicin

All of the above medicines are inexpensive. Prices vary between 150-200 rubles per pack. Such a medication must be in the first-aid kit of every person, since no one is safe from injuries, sprains and bruises. To decide what kind of drug this will be, it is recommended to listen to the reviews of the attending physician about this pharmacological product, carefully read the notes of patients on thematic sites on the World Wide Web.

Most people, having personally encountered the problem of rheumatic or neuralgic pains, have chosen for themselves a medical product that is considered the leader in sales in a given direction. The ointment acts gently and painlessly, while in a matter of minutes it removes unpleasant symptoms. One of the strongest arguments in favor of such an acquisition is the lack of side effects, analgesic effect after 3-5 minutes from the moment of application to the focus of pathology. The price is affordable, doctors also strongly recommend.

But it has lost its former relevance, and today it is considered rather a mediocre drug in the treatment of the consequences of injuries, bruises, sprains. Many patients in their reviews report that such treatment is considered a waste of time, since the swelling does not go down, and the pain attack does not become less intense. So it is better to choose a tool that is more effective in practice in a timely manner.

The rest of the ointments on the list have a selective effect, and their therapeutic effect depends on the sensitivity of the body, medical indications. Most of the reviews are positive, but it is better to additionally consult with your doctor.

Requires integrated approach, one measure that can help is the use of an ointment with pepper for the joints. Creams or balms, gels, and other topical products can help. The catalog of drugs that are called effective is wide, but I want to talk about the most popular and frequently used ones.

Effective treatment joint pain has limitations. All of them have a warming and irritating effect, dilate the vessels at the site of application. The periarticular region receives a local increase in temperature and increased heat transfer.

Through the dilated vessels there is an increased blood flow, there is an increased flow of oxygen and nutrients. It normalizes metabolic processes tissues, toxins are removed from the periarticular region. Pain in the legs, arms, spine, hip joint subsides - the patient becomes better.

At the heart of most good local funds:

  1. Hot pepper, its derivatives.
  2. Snake poison.
  3. Salicylic acid, its derivatives.

Important! Even the best warming gels cannot be used for children under 5 years old, with open skin wounds, dermatitis. Ointments based on salicylic acid are prohibited for people with kidney failure.

Ointments with capsaicin

is an alkaloid natural origin, a product of the processing of hot pepper. The substance is insoluble in water, only in alcohol and some chemical substances. The natural warming component is very strong, if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.

Note! Pure capsaicin is harmful to the respiratory organs, mucous membranes. IN medicinal ointments and gels gives the required warming and analgesic effect.

The effect of drugs with capsaicin

Pharmacology has used the properties of capsaicin for treatment. The concentration of the substance in the products does not exceed 10%, but this is enough to achieve therapeutic effect grease. Properties:

  1. Reducing inflammation.
  2. Vasodilation.
  3. Removal of edema.
  4. Activation of healing and tissue regeneration.
  5. Antioxidant effect.
  6. bactericidal effect.
  7. Normalization of tissue nutrition.

Fact! Ointments with this component are affordable, so many patients with joint inflammation use them, but self-medication is dangerous.

Terms of use

Capsaicin-based products are strong, so their use should be discussed with a doctor, even if there are no contraindications. Terms of use:

  1. Before first use - find out how the body reacts to the components remedy. For this a small amount of Apply the cream to the area of ​​the skin on the back of the forearm. If there is no allergic reaction, you can use it. If allergic reaction arose (itching, pain, general deterioration), the product must be washed off the skin and not used.
  2. Lubricate the affected area 2-4 times a day with a thin layer of the product.
  3. The duration of the effect of the drug is not more than 6 hours.
  4. Warming dressings with the use of these ointments are not used.
  5. After applying the cream, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Capsaicin products

  1. "Nicoflex" - has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation, dilates blood vessels, warms.
  2. "Espol" - in addition to capsicin, the composition contains essential oils of lavender and coriander. Easily relieves joint pain.
  3. "Rescuer Forte". It also contains essential oils and vitamins. Regular use accelerates the regeneration process after joint injuries.
  4. "Efkamon" - stops inflammation.
  5. "Kamphotsin" - has a quick warming effect.

Side effects of capsaicin products

A strong warming effect has side effects:

  1. Increased burning sensation, which sometimes resembles a thermal burn.
  2. Increased swelling and redness of the skin.
  3. In case of contact with mucous membranes - irritation, swelling, severe pain.
  4. If vapors are inhaled, the medicines can cause swelling of the larynx, which leads to loss of voice and may cause laryngospasm.

Cream "Healthy" for joints

The composition of the wax cream

The wax cream, as the manufacturer calls it, includes the following components:

  1. propolis extract. It is responsible for relieving pain, helping to normalize metabolic processes, regeneration of damaged tissues.
  2. Bee venom is a warming component that improves blood microcirculation.
  3. - provides restoration of joint tissues.
  4. Cedar resin - enhances blood circulation, relieves inflammation, restores and strengthens periarticular tissues.
  5. Olive oil - stimulates blood flow, helps the penetration of the cream to the painful area.
  6. Extract - relieves inflammation during exacerbations.
  7. Extracts and bee moth filmed pain syndrome and inflammatory events.

How it helps

"Healthy" has balanced composition, which has a reflex effect: the vessels dilate, the joint receives increased oxygen supply, which helps to alleviate the condition.

When using this cream, the state of the capillary network improves, the metabolism in the area of ​​the affected joint improves, the recovery processes in its structures increase.

Is it worth using

The composition, which is proposed by the manufacturer, has a positive effect on the affected joints. Its main component is bee venom, which warms and acts similarly to capsaicin. Like other local remedies, this drug helps to temporarily relieve pain and relieve the condition. Treatment with this drug alone will not give the desired effect.

Artrodox gel

"Artrodox-gel" is a local remedy that belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. The components of the drug have the following effects:

  1. Relief of inflammation.
  2. Removal of pain.
  3. Soft tissue regeneration.
  4. Restoration of mobility.
  5. Elimination of edema.

The component that provides the effect of the drug is extracted from deer antlers. The medicine contains two important elements:

  1. Chondroitin. It increases production hyaluronic acid helps joints recover. This helps to reduce pain.
  2. Glucosamine - gives the joints the necessary nutrients, which helps to strengthen and protect tissues from further deformation.

How to use "Artrodox-gel"

Treat the affected joint in the following way:

  1. Squeeze out required amount cream and apply it on the affected joint with a thin layer.
  2. Rub with massage movements until the gel is absorbed.
  3. Use morning and evening.

The duration of the course of use depends on the stage of the disease and symptoms. Before use, you need to consult a doctor.


Dolomite ointment is based on an extract from deer horns. Properties this tool similar to the previous one. According to the manufacturer, the cream is highly effective. According to statistics, pain decreases after 1.5-2 months of regular use. It is recommended to use "Dolomite" in the following cases:

  1. Chronic diseases of the joints with frequent exacerbations.
  2. Maintaining joint health in old age.
  3. The period of rehabilitation after surgery on the articular surfaces.
  4. Injury to periarticular tissues.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Long-term overload of the joints, including in athletes.

It is necessary to use the remedy three times a day.


In our review the best ointments and creams for joints are presented effective means which can not only reduce pain, but also improve functional state musculoskeletal system. When using ointments based on red hot pepper due to vasodilating effect more oxygen and nutrients get to the joints, which helps to reduce pain and temporarily alleviate the condition. However, even the systematic use of local remedies does not eliminate the cause of the disease, therefore, with recurring pain, you should consult a doctor.

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