How to deal with diaper rash in adults, treatment and what helps. Exterminator on gas cylinders. Don't use social media for at least a week

Today, few people know what oxidative stress is. But its impact on health is extremely negative. Cause oxidative stress becomes excessive activity of free radicals. According to research, oxidative processes are the cause of the development of over 100 diseases and pathologies, including cancer, stroke, heart attack. In addition, the activity of free radicals provokes premature aging. This happens because these aggressive particles destroy the cells of the body, in particular proteins and lipids. Many factors contribute to the accumulation of free radicals: poor ecology, bad habits, poor quality food, stress and nervous breakdowns, fatigue.

The danger of free radicals

The pathological action of free radicals, nature has come up with a counteraction - antioxidants. For the body this is the only salvation against oxidative stress! It is sad when people, living in the era of the Internet and fashion for health care, are unaware of oxidative processes in the body and wonder what antioxidants are for. Whereas experts advise every resident of the metropolis to take powerful antioxidant complex.

Benefits of Antioxidants

How to understand that your body is experiencing severe oxidative stress. You get tired quickly gastrointestinal tract broken, muscles ache, various rashes appear on the skin every now and then. You want to sleep and do not leave the feeling that there is not enough strength for anything. If you recognize yourself, then you need antioxidant protection.

Antioxidants are biologically active substances(antioxidants organic compounds) that scavenge free radicals. Antioxidants are minerals, carotenoids and vitamins. A person receives natural antioxidants with food, but the body is also able to produce them itself. But this amount is not enough to neutralize the oxidation. Then drugs from the pharmacy are included in the process - balanced vitamin-mineral complexes with an antioxidant effect.

The following can help reduce the effects of oxidative stress: simple rules: eat proper, vitamin-rich food; make enough time physical activities; give up bad habits. it the best prevention oxidative stress, which will help maintain health and youth for a long time.


- What do you see as the main, most typical problem of modern church man? You can go to church for years, but that Love, the most important thing for a person, is not there. Why?

– We often start with the construction of the last floor. When I became a priest, I also preached about deification, about all sorts of lofty subjects, and then I realized that you need to start from the beginning, not from the end. First you need to teach the simplest - decency, honesty, politeness, respect. After all, in Soviet times they were lost christian foundations relationship with God, and therefore with each other. This could not but be reflected in contemporary church life. And all this needs to be patiently rebuilt from the ground floor. Love is not easy, we cannot teach this person right away. Before a person masters the complex and high, he masters the very simple.

Once I asked a priest from the Karelian hinterland: “What is the most difficult thing in your ministry?” He replied, “Rotten human material. Sponsors from Germany helped us set up a woodworking shop so that people could work and earn money, and they started breaking and stealing.” Another priest who began serving in a village in the Ivanovo region in the early 1990s said it took two years for people to learn to greet him. At first, the men, when he said "good afternoon", were silent or answered with obscenities.

In our parish in Madrid, at first, there were people who, while standing on the kliros, could push another or spit. At first, I was struck by the fact that if the phone rang in the church during the service, they didn’t turn it off, but went out, answering on the go: “Hello, Galya? I'm in needles." Many people come to us who believe that it is imperative to light a candle from a lampada, so as not to be "infected" by someone else's candle. Every time we wash away wax-covered lamps, wipe mother-of-pearl lipstick from vestments and icons, I am convinced that we need to start with the simplest things.

—What about those who have been in the Church for a long time? Those who think that everything repeats itself from year to year, the admiration of the first days is gone ...

– In patristic theology there is a concept – ascent (in Greek – epektasis). It is an ascent in which there is never a last step, no end, no last stop. Not in earthly life, not in the future. God to man is constantly new, there is always room for discovery. Macarius of Egypt writes about this, he uses the image of halls passing from one to another.

If it seems to a person that there is nothing new, there is nothing more to discover, it may turn out that churching took place simply on some external level but at a deeper level it stopped.

– On this path, should something change in the relationship with the confessor?

- I will give an example that I used very often Bishop Anthony th, when he spoke about the baptism of the Savior John the Baptist. How more people increases, the more the one who leads him forward must decrease. Father Eumenius (Piristy) wrote that the meaning parenting so that our children can do without us. This can be attributed to the ministry of the priest. When a person demands to be “spiritually led” by all means, and the priest conceitedly plays along with this, this is an alarming sign.

It is very important that the priest be a real shepherd, but not bind people to himself, but help them grow to the point where they - even if they sometimes need his prayer and advice, guidance - could do without the attention that they needed. at the beginning of the journey.

Still, a person cannot and should not say that over his years or decades of life in the Church he has become better.

– But how then can you at least somehow evaluate, understand where you are and what is happening to you?

– What can and should happen is the maturation of a person.

- And how to recognize it?

– Growing up is not determined by some mechanical factors of attending all-night vigils, reading the rule, or something else. When a person is born into the world, he does not understand that he has parents. Then he grows up, he understands that he has a father and mother. Then he gets a little older, he sees the city around him, then he discovers the country, then the world.

I think that the measure of a person's maturation in the Church lies largely in the extent to which a person, uttering the Lord's Prayer, understands the meaning of her first words - " Our Father". This is the measure to which a person is able to perceive God as his Father. And not only as his own, but also as the Father of any person - regardless of religion and nationality. How often he takes communion, how many vigils he stands or reads prayer rules - this is of secondary importance.

We have father Andrei Davydov there is a favorite collection of Hasidic sayings for quoting. There are words about what is the biggest mistake of a person - that he forgets that he is a king's son. That he doesn't understand who he is.

We constantly appeal to the unworthiness of man: remember that you are a weak, sinful, infirm being. All these endless “manuals for preparing for confession” with lists of conceivable and unthinkable sins - where did they come from? Why these mental baths in the spiritual sewers? After all, the Gospel is, first of all, a revelation about the fallen state of man, it is a revelation, first of all, about his being as an image and likeness, as a beloved child of God. This is not bad news, but good news. Self-esteem helps to fight sin much more than the certainty that you are a rag from the Kazan railway station. If you are a rag, what is the demand from you?

External factors - how much, where, when - spiritual growth cannot be measured. Let's start with the most basic: what is God's truth about man in Holy Scripture? Not only that a person is bad, and not just that he is in a fallen and bad state. The truth is that man was created in the image and likeness of God, and God loved man so much that He gave His Son for him to die on the cross.

We often use the words "fight against sin." What does it mean to help a person fight sin? Just build a system of prohibitions around it? Once I was talking to a young man of about fifteen years old, and he said: “Sometimes things happen to me that I understand that this is not me. More precisely, it's me, but not the real me. The fight against sin is not about building a fence around a person, but about helping him to open up, to become the “real me”, the way God created him. When this does not happen, but the reverse process occurs, when church life is reduced not to the disclosure of potential, but to the suppression of a person's personality, then it is time to sound the alarm.

In its simplest manifestation, this occurs when religion is offered to a person as a law, as a combination of “possible” and “impossible”, and these “impossible” are much more than “possible”.

Confession by conveyor method

- For years you come to confession with approximately the same list. Not very pleasant and not very scary - irritation / condemnation and so on. There is no major movement.

- In order for the confession not to be formal, it should not be done by the conveyor method, as it is usually done in Russia. A person should go to confession when he is ready, when he is ripe, when a sin for him is like toothache and need a doctor. The fruit of confession depends largely on how mature this confession is. A tree cannot bear fruit every week and cannot bear fruit every three days. We have no right to demand from people that confession once a week be a second baptism, some kind of radical revolution.

What about confession before communion?

I remember when I used to come to confession to unfamiliar priests, each time it was like a roulette - whether the priest would allow him to take communion or not. Despite the fact that there were no canonical reasons not to allow it, but there was always such an intrigue. It's not helpful. It can be prevented either if a person does not understand what he is doing at all, or if there are really serious reasons.

Not allowed to Communion means to recognize a person as excommunicated from the Church. So far, the direct dependence of the sacrament of confession on the sacrament of communion remains, when both confessors and the priest perform some external ritual, when each confessor is allocated 30 seconds or two or three minutes by the conveyor method. Such a confession is simply harmful for many people.

In order for confession to be truly beneficial, it must be done when both the penitent and the priest understand that this confession is really needed by the person at that moment. This is the only recipe.

The main condition for communion is to be a member of the Church. If a person, having been formally baptized, is not a member of the Church, is not a member of a community, is not a member of the Eucharistic assembly - of course, we must explain to a person that communion is a serious step that a person cannot approach automatically, and he needs confession as in reviewing a life lived. But I am deeply convinced that a spiritually mature person can determine for himself when he needs confession and when he does not need it.

- How to do it? If you think about it, you sin all the time, which means that confession seems to be needed all the time.

– A person constantly needs repentance, a review of his life. But this does not mean that he always needs sacramental reunification with the Church, which confession historically is. If the priest in the parish does not have adults who are able to determine when they need confession and when they do not need it, then the priest must ask himself why he did not bring up anyone other than infantiles who cannot make such a decision on their own.

– Doesn't it turn out that you teach people one thing, and their priests at home - a completely different thing?

It happens. That's why I'm always a little afraid of autumn. People come back from vacations and say: “But I was in such and such a monastery, and such and such a priest told me,” I just grab my head.

When we came here, we very often came across the fact that, coming to our church, people voluntarily or involuntarily compared what they saw with what was happening at home - in Western Ukraine, in Moldova, somewhere else . Very often the question was: “Why not like ours?” And even after living in Spain for a year or several years, people continued to associate themselves with the church communities of which they were members at home. And local traditions are accepted as a common mandatory standard.

Once I was asked to organize a fundraiser to dig a well near a temple in my native village. I tried to convey to them that we do not mind the money for a well, but in general our business is to dig it here, not there. Therefore, it took some time for the parishioners to have a clear sense of belonging to the community where they are now, and not to the one they came from.

Then the situation began to change - people appeared who truly consciously came to the Church already here and therefore did not compare our realities with what they saw in their homeland. On the contrary, returning to Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, they compare church life with what they are used to in Madrid.

One day our parishioners came, I think, from Ukraine, and said: “Batiushka, you know, we are shortening the Liturgy.” I was very surprised, because the Liturgy is such a divine service in which it is generally very difficult to shorten anything. Then I realized that they were so accustomed to hearing liturgical prayers that when the usual Liturgy in the form in which it is performed, and they do not hear the prayers that are said on their behalf in the altar to themselves and behind closed gates, they get the feeling that they were robbed.

We tried to give people the feeling that the Sunday liturgy as the center of life and communion as such is not just a matter of personal need or readiness, dignity or unworthiness, but what makes people a Church. And not only the church community, but also the family. We paid attention to the fact that no matter how wonderful it is that we now have 40-60 children taking communion at the Sunday Liturgy, but if their parents remain on the sidelines, this is wrong. Parents cannot push their children ahead of themselves into the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we suggested to parents that they could come to confession with their children at a time convenient for them.

– Do you have examples of such cases when people came, traumatized by the previous spiritual guidance, and somehow it was necessary to retrain them?

– There are not many such examples. More examples where people were more scared than traumatized. In general, the problem is not that a person can be injured by an incorrect, rough spiritual approach. The problem is that a rough, tough style, when love is replaced by blind obedience, servility, is actually attractive for many people. “Oh, and we have a father - well, such a strict one!” Why do they want such a hard, sometimes even cruel attitude towards themselves? This, I think, is more a conversation in the field of psychoanalysis than theology.

Another typical example. Recently spoke with an assistant in our church shop. It must be said here that the books we sell fall into two categories: what we would like people to read and what they themselves want to read. And when I asked about what they wanted to read, two main topics were named - miracles and death. But when we discussed the publishing house "Orthodoxy and Peace", I was told that it was selling very poorly. Why? If you are interested in the topic of death - take it, read it. No, because it needs to be scary. The theme of death attracts, rather, as an opportunity to tickle the nerves. Ordeal, torment. The motivation is the same as watching a horror movie. This is not when a person really wonders how you can live with the thought of the death of loved ones or your own. it special type religiosity, in which the main engine is fear. We are trying to change this attitude.

- you can bring concrete examples trauma from spiritual guidance?

– There were examples related to our parishioners, but too personal to talk about them.

I remember an interesting episode when my wife and I somehow traveled together long before the priesthood to Diveevo and stood in the church during the service. There were a lot of people, a visiting priest stood nearby and confessed. It turned out that I heard almost everything he said. Apparently, he himself did not try to speak quietly, and I stood close enough, and it was impossible to move away. In general, I understood that his main pastoral policy is the person who comes, somehow trampled into the dirt and humiliated as much as possible. “Every person is a sin and a lie, understand?”

I was in a state of deep shock, because I always considered Bishop Anthony of Surozh as an example of communication with people. It amazed me that when he addressed a person and even just looked at him, there was always a feeling that he sees deeper than a person sees himself. He spoke both in conversations and in sermons about that core, about the image and likeness that a person has, even when the person himself does not see it. And I saw my role, my task, first of all, in helping a person to open up. After all, our goal is not to remake a person. Still, many of our parishioners are much older than me, so I don’t try. I'm trying to help the person where he is now. I never try to change a person's head - put my own instead of his own. In the end, as the apostle Paul says, "accept those who are weak in faith without arguing about opinions." Therefore, in spiritual nourishment, confrontation with a person is undesirable; it should always be very delicate.

Highly important criterion is a sense of human responsibility. Does the priest suppress this feeling, or does he try to reveal it, spread it to the life and actions of a person? One of the negative "achievements" of the Soviet era is that a person has lost the concept of responsibility, and not only for the life of the country, city or region, but, in fact, for his own life. Father Alexander Borisov noted this for a long time in the book Whitened Fields.

Human European culture Suppose, coming to faith, to Christianity in his declining years, he realizes that he lived his life wrong, did not understand something, made big mistakes somewhere. And a Soviet man, a man inclined, in expression His Holiness Patriarch, to “reactive” behavior, which only reacts to some external impulses, repeats: “I was not taught, they didn’t show me, they didn’t tell me, we were brought up that way.”

The non-Orthodox sun and the bored Job

– Are there any books that you would recommend reading to those who have been going to church for a long time?

– And what happens to the reading circle of a person who comes to the Church? Is it shrinking or expanding? And if it narrows, why? Of course, it is worth putting aside second-rate literature and all sorts of obscenities. But I would suggest that such a person stop dividing reading into church and non-church reading. And music too. When a person asks if he can read “non-Orthodox” books or listen to “non-Orthodox” music, I ask him: “And the sun that shines, is it Orthodox or not Orthodox?” John of the Ladder begins his book with the words that God is the sun that shines on the whole world: on believers and unbelievers, on smart and stupid, on good and evil, on everyone. I think that a person should have such, if you like, a universal vision of the world that God himself has.

As for reading, I think that for a person who is growing up, it should not be about narrowing the circle of reading, but, on the contrary, about expanding it. I think that a person who is spiritually maturing, if he opens Eugene Onegin or any good Russian classics, will read it differently than when he read it as a high school student. I am now reading Steller's Description of the Land of Kamchatka. What kind of reading is this - Orthodox or non-Orthodox? Should I not read it?

Anthony the Great, when asked how he could live in the desert and not receive the consolation that books give to a person, replied that for him a book is the world that surrounds him. I think this is a lesson for all of us. Indeed, for a person who begins to live a church life, the circle of reading narrows in the direction of the so-called spiritual literature. But Anthony the Great says that God reveals Himself not only through the temple, not only through spiritual literature - for a smart, thinking, seeing person - God is in everything that is around.

- What do you need to focus on?

– The gospel should always be the guideline. I think that one should not allow oneself to go deaf while reading it. The Gospel itself is the transcendence of this human dimension; The Lord turns to different people– Jews, Gentiles, Samaritans, he constantly bridges this gap between right and wrong. Bridging this gap for his compatriots and interlocutors is, of course, provocative. And there is always something new in the Gospel. We recently spoke with a friend of ours, a priest who has been in the ministry for about 25 years, he said: “I am only now beginning to understand what all this is written about.” If a person understands that no gospel phrase worries him or hurts him, and does not hurt him, this, of course, is an alarming sign.

- Another question about reading, even “reading out” the rule, which is so far from a real prayer ...

– We are let down by the expression “pray for real.” If we open the Book of Psalms, we will see that the psalms express the most wide range human sensations ranging from despair, pain, screaming and hopelessness to sublime and inspired states or simple quiet thanksgiving to God. I think if we take the life of the Savior as an example, we will see that He did not always and everywhere pray to God in the same way. For example, His prayer on Calvary was one thing, but His prayer for the disciples was another, and no one knows what His prayer was when He went up the mountain to pray alone.

Prayer can take many forms. St. John of the Ladder has a wonderful expression: "Be courageous, and God himself will be your teacher in prayer." That is, in his opinion, one person cannot teach another person to pray. “God himself gives prayer to those who pray,” he writes.

When we begin to teach a person to pray, at the very beginning of his journey in the Church, we thereby commit him to God, knowing that God Himself will teach him to pray. It happens, of course, that a person has a tearful and painful prayer in extreme situations, but this does not mean that it should always be so. The spectrum of a person's prayer life is much wider.

When the apostle Paul speaks of unceasing prayer, he does not speak of constant prayer rule or about the irresistible presence on all-night vigil he is talking about something completely different. Later, the holy fathers interpreted these understandings in different ways. Historically, in a later understanding, Philokalia connects these words with the Jesus Prayer, in older interpretations, the fathers say that just good deeds that a person does, his life and standing before God, is also a prayer.

- The habit of church life, boredom and formalism ... Is it possible to somehow fight and defeat them?

– A person comes to the Church, for him everything is new, interesting, then time passes and it is not always clear what to do in five, ten, or twenty years. The same thing happens when a person creates a family. A young man meets a girl, they are 17-18 years old, they are interested, they are not bored. And at married couple decades later, this question may also arise. This is the correct analogy, because it is an analogy about the coexistence of two living beings, in this case God and man.

Parish of Madrid: the temple is not a hobby group

– You have a very large parish, many families with children. What are the typical problems in families, in the upbringing of children do you have to face?

- The main and typical problem is that there is not always a full-fledged family. It is important for a person, not least because the relationship with the father and the relationship with God are interconnected. If the relationship with the father is bad, or if there is none at all, because there is no father himself, then building a relationship with God can be much more difficult.

For a child, a church is not a building, not a place where services are held, it is not even a Sunday school. The church is your family. How much time per week does he spend in the temple and how much time in Sunday school? It is in the family that the child, in relations between parents, in the general home atmosphere, learns what Christianity is - or does not learn.

Therefore, we are faced with the fact that children, growing up, leave the Church. Parents came and said: “What should I do? What prayers to read? I can't bring him to the temple." Yes, of course, because when a child is small, you can bring him, albeit by force. But the task is not to bring him to the temple physically, grabbing his hand, but to bring him to God.

It happens that parents or grandparents bring a child to church, but they did not show him the real Christian life at home. And if he has not seen anything real, sincere, joyful and associates church life with some hours of standing, especially when this is superimposed on family difficulties and conflicts, then, of course, a child may have a protest.

– Today, the conditions of competitive life in many ways give rise to not the most worthy human behavior. On the one hand, we try to raise a child to be honest, kind, attentive, generous, and so on, and his successful placement in the world requires completely different skills.

- I do not think that if a child grows up honest, decent, not aggressive, then this dooms him to the role of a loser. What do you see as the meaning of your parenting? In order to arrange a child? Or that you can tell God the moment the baby starts adult life what did you do or tried to do the best you could?

I'll give you an example. We have a family. Mom came here with two children. Like everyone else, she worked without documents. Daughter studied in regular Spanish free school, with enough low level education. In Russia, she was involved in athletics, showed promise. And here I could not continue playing sports due to the fact that there were no documents.

One day she came and said: "I want to study biochemistry at Oxford." This, I repeat, is a girl who studied at a simple free Spanish school. I said, "Great, let's work on it." Shared experience, helped to draw up documents, wrote letter of recommendation. The girl did. True, not to Oxford, but to London, to Imperial College, but this is no worse, and maybe even better. To do this, I had to first sell an apartment in Russia. Then she was looking for money on her own.

She is currently in the north of the UK completing her doctoral dissertation in biochemistry. This is an exceptionally whole person, purposeful, but at the same time absolutely uncompromising in the moral sense, a person who never adjusted to anyone, but simply by virtue of his faith, on the one hand, and on the other hand, thanks to strong motivation, he achieved what he wanted . Her brother is now also finishing his studies in England, receiving an economic education.

In Spain, there is such a phenomenon - the “no-no generation”. These are children who, after graduating from school, do not want to continue to study or work. They just sit at home, with a computer or gadgets. So all children, in a sense, have the same starting point, but some just want it, while others don't. Therefore, it seems to me that the ability of a person to achieve professional success is not associated with meanness or double-mindedness, but quite the opposite.

In the end, I myself, after the St. Petersburg school, without having a penny in my pocket to study, managed to spend seven years at British universities. And I can’t say that for me it was connected with moral compromises, that it was necessary to betray or sell someone.

– Related to this is the issue of pastoring. This is a matter of feeding business people, businessmen, politicians and so on.

- I have already said that a person starts with some low things, and then moves on to a higher one. No need to strive for perfection right away, here and now. If we forget about what a “cut” and “rollback” are, what a “stuffing” and “carousel” are, this will already be a step forward. It seems to me that we now need to start with some very simple things, which were discussed in the article by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Living not by lies."

The fact is that a person by himself cannot destroy a system that is based on lies, on deceit. A person in the face of this system is defenseless. But he may not take specific steps that are associated with lies, with denunciation, with betrayal. And this little thing he does, in fact, turns out to be not so small. It seems to me that this text is absolutely Christian in its essence, because it expresses the principle of human responsibility. A principle that any non-Christian system tries to level. You can't always blame the system because there really is no system. The language of the system is simply invented to help a person avoid personal responsibility.

As for politics, one journalist correctly formulated that we do not need political Orthodoxy, but we need Orthodox politics. Confucius said that short person guided by profit, and high - by duty. We need people who will make decisions by faith in Christ, and debt and profit are not the same thing. Not everything that is beneficial for me, my family or my country is acceptable from the point of view of morality and ethics. Otherwise, we return to the most primitive "Hottentot ethics": if someone stole an ox from me, it's bad, but if I stole it, then it's good.

For us, issues related to business or politics are not new. For example, the Russian merchants - did these people have no ideas about ethics, about good and evil? Anything could happen, but at the same time there were moral coordinates, there was merchant ethics. If we take the political situation in Kievan, Muscovite Rus, in the Russian Empire, I think that here we can look for answers in some kind of role models.

It is very important to understand what success is. For example, Boris and Gleb - can they be considered successful politicians? Is it a coincidence that the millennium anniversary of the death of the first Russian saints passed completely unnoticed for us? Maybe the opportunity was missed - through their feat to comprehend what is happening in Ukraine? It seems to me that we need to reason not with formulas, but take living images: how the noble princes or princesses acted, being in difficult situations - a few examples of pious laymen in our holy calendar.

Or, if we take the example of the martyr Tsar Nicholas, is it possible to life path considered successful? By what criterion? From a political point of view, of course, it was a catastrophe, and a catastrophe that led to the collapse of not only the state, but also his family, led to destruction. But in the spiritual light, everything is completely different. And again - "you yourself should not distinguish defeat from victory." Therefore, it seems to me that when we talk about a person's success in business, politics or career, it is very important what is considered success. I think the most major success is simply to save yourself, because the Lord says: what's the point if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul?

– What is the difference between church life in Moscow and in Madrid?

– I think that there is a fundamental difference between the structure of church life in Russia (according to at least, in large cities) and in Western Europe. Of course, there are temples in the Russian capital where people go simply according to their place of residence, but there are also some with a more defined character. That is, people gather around the priest who agree with him in their views.

But here you can't get away: only one church, only one parish, so people with very different ideas about church life end up together. On the one hand, this is correct, because the temple does not become a circle of interests, and on the other hand, it is quite difficult. If, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg a person can move to another parish that is more in line with his views and convictions, then here it is impossible.

We also have people who are struggling with some kind of documents, cards, secretly handing out to each other some kind of agitation about the “lad Slavik”, the Penza “old man Alexy”, and other figures. The more stupid and scary, the more attractive. In Russia, these people would hardly have been within the radius of my counseling. And everyone's political views, of course, are different, including on the Ukrainian events, they diverge diametrically. And everyone needs to be held together.

Another important point- in Moscow or St. Petersburg, children can go with their parents to the theater, to a concert at the Philharmonic or the Chapel. There is a completely different attitude to what we call culture - both among the Spaniards and among many of our parishioners. In St. Petersburg - the Mariinsky, the Maly, the Philharmonic with two halls, the Capella - whatever you want. And in Madrid, before the construction of the "National Auditorium" in 1988, there was no normal hall for the performance of classical music at all! Since 1990, the conservatory has been operating in the building of a former hospital. And the chances of seeing children at classical music concerts are slim. We have to close these holes. Many of our children saw a live ballerina or heard a live harp for the first time at our parish concerts and celebrations.

I think that in Russia there are many positive examples of church life, but there are also many negative ones. As a schoolboy, I went to a church not far from my home in St. Petersburg. After the Sunday Liturgy, the clergy went to a meal, and those who wanted to communicate with the priest listened through closed doors the ringing of forks and longevity. Then the fathers, who had broken their fast and become ferocious, went out into the light of God, and it was possible to approach them in search of "spiritual guidance." In our temple, the priests do not leave the temple until someone wants to talk to them, and usually come to dinner last. And we offer dinner to everyone who wishes. It is clear that not everywhere there is such an opportunity, but can you pour a glass of tea? I know that this is how it is done in some Moscow churches. And if people come as strangers and leave as strangers, is this the Church?

Orthodox Spaniards: In order to stay in the Church, you need a very strong motivation

Tell us about the Spaniards in your parish. What brings them here, how does their spiritual life develop further?

“Indigenous peoples are very interested in us, but it has arisen quite recently. While we served in the garage, no one knew about us, no one saw and no one heard. When I was at a construction site, people came up and asked questions. When we built the temple, more people began to come.

We are trying to respond to this interest, every Saturday we conduct a tour of the temple in Spanish, we regularly receive groups from cultural centers, from schools, sometimes from nursing homes. But the interest is usually superficial. For Spaniards, as a rule, Christianity and Catholicism are very interconnected things. Most of the people who leave the Catholic Church do not seek any other confessional refuge. They can remain believers by saying, "I'm not a practicing Catholic." They profess Christianity for themselves, but they are not looking for any organized religious life. Therefore, although for recent years In the twenties, there are a few more Protestants in Spain of various denominations, but usually when a person leaves the Catholic Church, he goes nowhere.

We can say that the attitude towards us is largely determined by the attitude towards Catholicism, because after all, for us, Catholicism is the closest of Western traditions. Whoever treats the Catholics with sympathy treats us with sympathy. And vice versa. This is the first.

Second - Orthodox life in the form in which it is now in Spain came in a big wave rather suddenly, and it is difficult for me to say to what extent the Church is ready to accept the Spaniards. Still, we still almost completely celebrate the service in Slavonic. Even introducing small fragments in Spanish, we sometimes encountered resistance from people. And if we completely switch to Spanish, then the service for the majority of our parishioners will be incomprehensible, because they simply do not know Spanish well enough. The Spaniards themselves always ask the question: “In what language do you celebrate worship?” And almost always they do not see it possible for themselves to participate in worship, which they do not understand.

Besides, it seems to me Orthodox culture by itself, especially in its Russian section, the Spaniards are not easily perceived. For them, standing for two hours is incredible, and Orthodox icon, Orthodox liturgical singing seem too inexpressive, devoid of dynamics. Therefore, when people come and even say that they want to convert to Orthodoxy, we are not always in a hurry to accept them. Here the question is not just to accept a person, but to keep him in the Orthodox Church, and this requires a very strong motivation. And it cannot be negative. We will never accept a person into Orthodoxy because he does not like something in the Catholic Church. Vladyka Anthony in such cases said: “If a person has stopped loving Lena, this is not a reason to marry Katya.”

Some of the Spaniards are brought to us by brides, wives, some come by themselves. Someone comes not even from Catholicism, but in general after some Eastern practices. People do not always have the strength to stay in the Orthodox Church. There were cases when after a few months or years people left. It is especially difficult for those who do not live in Madrid, but in other cities and do not have the opportunity to regularly participate in Orthodox services.

In addition to the Spaniards, we now have two Americans in the community, one Colombian, and another Latin American on the way. I do not rule out that over time, Orthodoxy here will be successful not even for the Spaniards, but for residents of other countries.

“In the United States, African Americans are the fastest to go to church.

- They are looking people. Both Africa and Latin America are countries of much greater passionarity than Europe, as Gumilyov said. I felt it well when I was in Argentina. Europe is still a little tired of itself. She is not looking for anything, she has already seen everything. In this sense, Africans, African Americans, Latin Americans are people who seek.

- I remember one American testimony - a man came to Antioch Orthodox Church: twilight, singing and nothing is clear. He liked this incomprehensibility so much that he converted to Orthodoxy.

- Yes, we have one Spaniard who comes to us for all the all-night vigils, and we perform them only in Slavonic. She lived in another Spanish city and converted to Orthodoxy there. I asked her several times whether she was embarrassed, whether it was hard for her because she could not understand the verbal part of the service. She said no.

The question of language is a very delicate one, because, on the one hand, Orthodox liturgical texts are a rich semantic tradition, and it is very important for a person to consciously participate in it. On the other hand, in part, perhaps, it would be appropriate to compare Orthodox worship with opera. When you come to listen to La Traviata in Italian, even if you do not understand the words, you do not remain indifferent, because the action takes place on so many levels - there are sounds, there is light, there is a game, movement, plot. There is what the Spaniards call ambiente - atmosphere. And in many Protestant services, if a person does not understand the language, he actually completely drops out of what is happening.

I remember an interview with a priest who works with deaf-mute or blind children. They, coming to the temple, are not able to hear or see, but there is something that they can feel - the smell of incense, the sprinkling of holy water. I think that worship services in our country can so deeply immerse a person that in this sense, no matter how important intellectual participation in what is happening in the temple, but even if this is not the case, then not everything is lost.

However, it seems to me very important words His Holiness the Patriarch, said at the diocesan meeting in 2014 about the conscious participation of people in worship, as in a common cause. We should think - how can they be implemented in practice? Is it fair to expect people to participate in what they do not see or hear? Father Nikolai Balashov published in 2001 an important historical study: "On the Way to the Liturgical Revival".

But even so far, according to Father Alexander Schmemann, “no one has ever explained why “the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy people, people taken as inheritance in order to proclaim the perfections of Him who called you out of darkness”, cannot hear prayers, offered to God by them?” With us, all parishioners hear the words of liturgical prayers, and the priest does not address them through closed gates, and does not read the Gospel to people, turning his back on them. There is no need to hide God and people from each other.

Fact. A little rest will help to disperse drowsiness and return you to your usual active mode.

People are often afraid that if they lie down, they will sleep for several hours or will feel completely overwhelmed after waking up. In fact, taking a nap is useful, but only for a short time. Studies have shown that 10 minutes of sleep is enough to feel a surge of energy: participants in experiments conducted by North Shore Sleep Medicine showed excellent results in tests.

The time you choose to sleep also matters. If you rest too long or too late in the afternoon, your circadian rhythm is thrown off. So you can sleep during the day, but not more than 20 minutes. Then you wake up in fast phase sleep and you won't feel tired.

Myth 2. If you drink coffee during the day, it will be difficult to fall asleep in the evening.

Fact. A cup of coffee will help you survive the most difficult daytime hours. But only a cup!

There's a lot of bad talk about it, but Lisa Shives, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, always tells her patients that there's nothing wrong with coffee in moderation. Even people who get enough sleep often feel tired in the afternoon because this is a normal circadian decline.

It seems to me that after dinner someone throws a blanket over me, and coffee helps to throw it off.

Lisa Shives

Everyone reacts to caffeine differently. Perhaps after drinking half a cup of coffee after dinner, you have a hard time falling asleep in the evening. If you feel like you don't sleep well at night, simply with evening and afternoon coffee.

As in the case with daytime sleep, in the use of caffeine the main thing is a sense of proportion. If you overdo it, you will fall into a vicious circle: at night you can’t fall asleep because you drank coffee, and during the day you drink coffee because you tossed and turned in bed all night. Experts almost unanimously advise drinking coffee before 2 pm, not after.

Myth 3. A chocolate bar or a can of soda will help you cheer up.

Fact. Sugar will provide a temporary surge of strength, for which you will then have to pay with greater fatigue.

After lunch, the soda and candy bars draw people in like magnets. Tired, work-weary bodies demand more fuel from us! And researchers come to paradoxical conclusions.

If people suffering from sleep deprivation are asked to choose their own food, they will prefer to eat a disproportionate amount of sweet and fatty foods. The body asks for food with a high glycemic index because it provides a large release of energy.

The catch is that when the sugar is processed, fatigue hits with double the force. Just an hour after a glass of soda, you want to sleep even more than before.

The participants in the experiments who ate sweets made more errors on concentration tests than those in the control group, who did not have additional food.

So a light lunch of protein and vegetables will work better than a set of fatty foods and dessert.

Myth 4. Exercise will make me even more tired.

Fact. Low-intensity training is a blow to drowsiness. Exercise will help you wake up and be refreshed.

blocking negative effects from recessions of the daily rhythm! This does not mean that immediately after dinner you need to give all your best in the gym.

It is best to tone up a ten-minute walk and a simple exercise after it.

Determine what time you feel most tired. And right before the start of such a period, take a walk and warm up. It is important not to wait until fatigue covers you with your head. Force yourself to walk around the block, stretch. And do it before your eyes start to droop. Otherwise, you will not be able to get up from the chair.

Daily afternoon exercise also helps fight insomnia. If you increase the walking time to 20 minutes, and go outside 5-6 hours before you go to bed, you will fall asleep faster in the evening, and the quality of sleep will noticeably improve. You should not play sports immediately before going to bed, because it has a bad effect on night rest.

Myth 5. Drowsiness is normal. Gotta put up with it

Fact. If you constantly feel tired, this may be a signal from the body about the ongoing pathological process. Contact your doctor.

Yes, now everyone constantly wants to sleep, this is a feature of modern life. But this does not mean that you also need to give a damn about your body. If you constantly feel tired, you cannot concentrate during the day, then get tested. Drowsiness is a symptom of many rather serious diseases.

For example, hypothyroidism, also known as goiter, is a endocrine system, which doctors suspect first of all in patients with complaints of constant fatigue. Depression and many more affective disorders signal themselves by drowsiness. What else is hidden behind daytime fatigue? , obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, Ekbom's syndrome. The stronger your fatigue and the worse you sleep, the higher your risk of strokes and heart attacks, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Face to face with the facts: you need to get enough sleep

Obviously, if you constantly want to sleep, you just didn't get enough sleep. And you need to change the regime so as to eliminate the lack of sleep. The quantity and quality of sleep affects the quality of life. In addition to causing illness, drowsiness also reduces productivity and Creative skills. And it can be deadly for drivers.

It's never too late to start good habit sleep well. Try to start tonight.

Development Peak acne falls on puberty(puberty). At this time, for many teenagers, it turns into a tragedy: youthful maximalism does not allow you to look "pimply". As the period ends, for most, it passes without a trace. At mild form disease, there is no need for serious treatment. In some cases, the disease continues to develop over a long period. And then the treatment of acne should be carried out in conjunction with specialists.

Mechanisms of acne

During puberty, adolescents begin to produce male sex hormones - androgens. Natural hormonal changes occur in the body. They are the cause of the development of teenage acne.

An increase in androgen levels leads to excessive production of sebum. It accumulates in the ducts sebaceous glands and promotes an increase in the number of bacteria. Bacteria feed on sebum, multiply, resulting in an inflammatory process.

Superficial skin cells clog the secretion of the sebaceous glands and a pimple occurs.

In any case, you need to consult a doctor to find out how to deal with acne.

Basic principles of treatment

There is no universal procedure or miracle cream for the treatment of acne. The problem requires a special approach - drawing up an individual treatment program. It should take into account age, gender, duration of the disease, the severity and nature of the lesion, the form of acne, and the results of laboratory tests.

To understand how to treat acne, you need to find out the causes of its occurrence. This skin disease cannot be considered separately only as cosmetic defect skin. Its roots may lie very deep.

Medical examination of the body

Tests in the presence of acne are prescribed in the following cases:

  1. 1. Development of the disease after 20 years.
  2. 2. Clinical signs of hyperandrogenism in women.
  3. 3. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  4. 4. Overweight.
  5. 5. The presence of black acanthosis.

Any treatment for acne should be under the supervision of a dermatologist to avoid complications.

The dermatologist prescribes a general blood test and a hormone test. The following shows the culture crops to determine the presence or absence of microbes in the pores. An antibiotic susceptibility test is also carried out in order to correctly select medications.

Based on all the results obtained, general state organism. If there are bad indicators in the blood tests, the patient is sent to the therapist.

Degrees of skin diseases and methods of their treatment

The International Alliance of Dermatologists identifies 3 degrees of skin lesions and recommendations on how to cure acne with medical methods.

  1. 1. First degree. When on the face you can count up to 10 elements (acne). Treatment is prescribed only externally:
  • a drug that reduces the production of sebum;
  • medicine that fights bacteria on the face;
  • a medicine that eliminates hyperkeratosis - an excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  1. 2. Second degree. On the skin of the face, you can already count from 10 to 40 acne. In such a difficult case, there are two ways to cure acne: external and internal.

Outwardly, in the treatment of acne, all the same medicines as in the first degree help well.

For internal use, two features must be considered:

  • girls (women) should use hormonal contraceptive With official testimony for the treatment of acne of the second degree. It contains an anti-androgenic factor, reduces the level of male sex hormones and helps well in the treatment of acne;
  • antibiotics are used to treat acne in both sexes. This is doxycycline, which is used by mouth for 3 months. The skin renewal cycle lasts 28 days: it takes three skin renewals for the skin to become acne-free.
  1. 3. Third degree. It is characterized by localization on the skin of 40 or more acne; in fact, the whole face is dotted with them.

External treatment for the third degree is not provided. The only way- internal use of the drug roaccutane (isotretinoin). This medicine prevents the secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands, deprives the bacteria of food, and causes drying of the skin. It should only be prescribed by a doctor, because although it gives the most effective result but also has a serious side effect.

Skin care tips for acne patients

There are rules for dealing with acne, adhering to which you can achieve the desired results. Squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited. Indeed, with pressure on them, purulent contents move into the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, acne spreads even more.

For washing it is necessary to use products for oily and problematic skin. To avoid further spread of the infection on the skin, it is better to wipe your face only with disposable towels. After washing, apply any acne remedy to the skin.

Acne treatment also includes compliance with special diet. A competent nutritionist should choose an individual diet, in which the use of sweet, salty, fatty foods is usually prohibited. The main emphasis in food should be on plant foods.

Guarantee complete cure Acne cannot be caused by any of the currently existing methods and procedures. Only the persistent desire, expressed in complex actions and taking preventive measures will help get rid of the disease forever.

Skin lesions in the form of rashes and wounds in weeping folds are called diaper rash. Men and women are equally affected by this phenomenon. different ages. More often the problem is observed in bedridden patients, but a relatively healthy person suffering from excessive sweating can also encounter it. Treatment of diaper rash in adults is prescribed taking into account the specifics and degree of lesions.

Typical locations skin rashes- navel, perineum, axillary folds, lower abdomen, buttocks. If, with increased sweating, these areas of the skin turn red or itch, you need to urgently take action. AT advanced cases the skin peels off, pustules and weeping wounds appear on it.

The situation is exacerbated by streptococci and other bacteria, as well as yeast mushrooms. They affect the area behind the ears, the skin around the perineum and anus. First, diaper rash is accompanied by itching, then burning and pain.

It is especially difficult to cope with diaper rash under the breast (in women), in the gluteal folds and in the perineal area. This problem is often faced by diabetics, people suffering from obesity and other diseases of the endocrine sphere, which are characterized by disturbances in the work of the sweat glands.

Such patients should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the body, although this is not enough. Additionally, you need to take medications that reduce sweating.

Diaper rash on the navel is dangerous because it can be a sign of an inflammatory disease - omphalitis. causative agents of infection pathogenic microorganisms.

Omphalitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • redness of the navel;
  • sweating;
  • purulent or bloody discharge;
  • granulation.

Intertrigo combined with excessive sweating legs are called pathogenic bacteria in such situations:

  • wounds, abrasions on the skin;
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable or someone else's shoes;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules.

Diaper rash on the legs often occurs between the 3rd and 4th fingers. If a person does not take action, the skin begins to crack, itch and bleed, spurs and corns appear on the legs. All this is accompanied by erosion processes and pain. The problem is exacerbated in the summer when the feet sweat more. At any time of the year, hyperhidrosis and subsequent diaper rash can be caused by wearing rubber shoes, so it is best not to use them if possible.

Diaper rash in the gluteal folds affects people with thin skin prone to irritation.

In heat and high humidity, microorganisms multiply intensively, the skin suffers from a lack of air, and characteristic wounds soon appear on it.

The armpit zone is another area increased risk, which most often suffers from sweat and irritation. Summer sweat glands work hard, because of this, bacteria accumulate under the armpits. The skin constantly experiences friction and is in a wet state. To avoid more serious problems, you need to wash the armpits several times a day with soap and water, then wipe and apply an antiperspirant.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The appearance of diaper rash is a sign inflammatory process provoked by pathogens.

The condition is exacerbated if there are negative factors, for example:

  • friction between folds;
  • contact with tight underwear, especially synthetic;
  • insufficient air circulation;
  • clogged pores;
  • heat;
  • humidity;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

The condition worsens if the skin is in frequent or constant contact with sweat, feces or urine, so older and sick people are more prone to diaper rash than others. In the folds of wet skin, bacteria actively multiply and yeast-like fungi. It is important to try not to start the condition, because the infection can enter the bloodstream, and this is fraught with the development of sepsis and lethal outcome.

Symptoms of diaper rash

An adult can identify diaper rash by the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • peeling and peeling of the skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • rash;
  • sores, wounds (in advanced cases).

For timely detection of problems, especially in the hot season, you need to regularly inspect armpits, neck folds, perineum, thighs, behind the ears, buttocks, navel and lower part belly. The sooner diaper rash can be detected, the lower the risk of developing microbial eczema and other complications.

Features of the disease

In women and men, the development of diaper rash in the armpits against the background increased sweating occurs in the same way, but is provoked different reasons.

Here is a list of the most common factors that increase sweat and provoke diaper rash in men:

  • prolonged heat;
  • synthetic air- or waterproof clothing;
  • elderly age;
  • completeness;
  • inability or unwillingness to follow the rules of hygiene;
  • long stay in a motionless lying position.

In male patients, diaper rash against the background profuse sweating most often occurs in the groin. Typical problem areas in women - armpits, abdomen, areas of the body under the breasts. Diseases such as diabetes and obesity increase the risk of skin rashes. Also, problems appear when the rules of personal hygiene are neglected.

Elderly patients experience unpleasant symptoms even if the body is kept clean. After a certain age, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to injury. Even as a result of friction bed sheets or clothing, small wounds may appear, and the affected skin becomes resistant to infection. As a result, other things being equal, diaper rash in older people is more pronounced than in young or middle-aged people.

Diaper rash treatment

Before proceeding to therapeutic procedures, it is worth removing the factors that provoke the skin to warm up in the folds. It is necessary to change synthetic bedding and underwear to natural ones, to normalize the temperature and humidity in the room.

If diaper rash has developed in a bedridden patient, it should be thoroughly washed warm water with soap, and then apply an antiseptic solution to the affected skin.

Every day you need to wash the body with soap and water or shower gel, paying special attention to the folds. It is best to take water procedures twice a day - with diaper rash, this is a necessary measure. After showering or taking a bath, do not rub the skin, you can only blot it with a cotton towel. Further measures depend on the form of the disease.

If it is uncomplicated, you can treat sweating and diaper rash in this way:

  • Processing twice a day with tincture of calendula, boric or salicylic acid. Course duration - 7-8 days.
  • Daily rinsing of folds soapy water. This helps dry out the skin.
  • Treatment of affected areas with ointment with a regenerating effect. Dermatologists recommend using Panthenol, Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Dexpanthenol.
  • Applying baby powder, zinc ointment or Teymurov's paste to diaper rash.
  • Lotions with copper sulfate (0.1%) or zinc solution (0.4%).
  • Washing with infusions medicinal herbs. Raw materials are poured with boiling water in an arbitrary proportion or boiled for several minutes over low heat, after which they are cooled and filtered. Use only freshly prepared product. Plants with healing effect- succession, oak bark, sage, pharmacy chamomile.
  • Lubrication of diaper rash sea ​​buckthorn oil. The course of treatment is 3 days, it is enough to treat diaper rash in the morning and in the evening. At this time, it is better to wear underwear that you do not mind spoiling.
  • Taking antihistamine medications. Nice results give Tavegil, Loratadin, Suprastin, Diazolin.
  • Air baths in the morning and evening for 30-40 minutes.
  • Lamp Minin, UFO. Physiotherapy helps to heal the skin faster. Special irradiation destroys microbes and improves blood microcirculation, and the therapeutic effect is based on this.

Moist skin can be improved with compresses.

A clean cloth soaked in one of the medicines is applied to the affected areas:

  • 1% solution of "Tannin";
  • 0.1% solution of "Rivanol";
  • Burov's liquid dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per 200 ml).

When wet, complicated by erosion, daily lubrication with heliomycin ointment helps. After the skin condition returns to normal, it is necessary to treat the places of folds with talcum powder, baby powder, white clay or zinc ointment every day, not forgetting about daily hygiene.

Small diaper rash of any etiology is eliminated with walnut leaf trays, lime blossom, chamomile, oak bark, potassium permanganate. Before use, the medicinal raw material should be infused or made into a decoction, the liquid should be filtered and added to a bath or basin of water in an arbitrary amount.


To prevent the development of diaper rash, you should follow these recommendations:

  • wear comfortable shoes according to the season and size;
  • wear clothes and underwear made of breathable fabric containing natural fibers;
  • change linen regularly, wash towels as often as possible;
  • do not overheat outdoors and indoors;
  • avoid visiting steam rooms, baths, saunas;
  • take courses of preparations containing vitamins twice a year;
  • recover from diseases, a symptom of which is severe sweating;
  • for bedridden patients, choose suitable underwear and bedding (natural, without seams, coarse folds).

In any case, if diaper rash has appeared in a person who has not had to deal with sweating before, it is worth consulting with a doctor. You may need to take several tests and be examined by different specialists to determine the cause of the pathology.

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