Extract of bee moth larvae. What is it used for and how is bee moth tincture used. Preparation methods

It belongs to the family of small Lepidoptera insects. In nature, there are more than 6200 species. They differ in food habits and lifestyle. Most of all, parasites annoy gardeners and gardeners, destroying leaves on fruit trees, flowers, berries and cereals. The most famous was the bee moth due to the unique properties of its larva.

The wax moth butterfly climbs into the hive at night and, located under the main mass of bees, lays eggs. The masonry is placed on the bottom, the walls of the hive, on the surface of the combs in which pollen is stored and loosely closed cells with honey. In the morning, the moth leaves its shelter and hides in the foliage close to the growing trees in order to return at night and continue its work. The moth lays eggs for several nights.

After 5-10 days, pale gray moth larvae appear from the masonry. They have four legs and two bristles located behind. The length of the worm is approximately 1 mm. The entire cycle of moth development takes place in the middle of the hive. Young larvae feed on pollen, honey and bee bread. After a while, they include royal jelly, propolis and wax combs in their diet. Digest these products of fire, complex in their chemical composition, can be due to the presence of a special special enzyme.

Intensive nutrition contributes to the accumulation of beneficial nutrients in the body of the future insect. Having reached a length of two centimeters, and this happens after about a month, the larvae pass into the pupal stage. The length of the female moth that emerged from the pupa varies from 15 to 35 mm, and the male - 11-12 mm. Adult individuals exist due to the nutrients accumulated by the larva, since their mouth apparatus and digestive system are not developed.

A large number of larvae in the hive can completely destroy an entire bee family or force them to leave their home.

Despite the great harm that moths cause to beekeeping, they can provide invaluable benefits in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

Excursion into history

Healers and traditional healers already in the 17th century used bee moth extract as an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and the cardiovascular system. Scientific studies that confirmed the unique properties of the moth were carried out by the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov. While working in Paris at the Pasteur Institute (1889), he conducted a whole series of studies with bee moth larvae as part of the creation of anti-tuberculosis serum. The scientist found that the tissues of an immature insect contain a large amount of valuable substances. The most prominent among them was the enzyme cerase, capable of destroying wax compounds.


Using the tincture of bee moth, the scientist achieved amazing results in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis. The wax-containing capsule of the bacterium is destroyed, it becomes completely defenseless and can be easily destroyed.

In addition, Mechnikov noted that the bee product has a positive effect if it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Further research conducted by Professor S.I. Metalnikov and microbiologist I.S. Zolotarev, confirmed the beneficial properties of moth and its high resistance to a number of pathogenic microorganisms. The experience of the practical application of the extract from the larvae of the bee moth was accumulated by the cardiologist and homeopath S.A. Mukhin in the middle of the 20th century. He conducted his research for thirty years, prescribing the drug to patients during the treatment of various pulmonary and cardiac pathologies. The followers of the outstanding doctor proved that moth tincture not only can cure many ailments, but also reduces the risk of serious illnesses. Traditional medicine widely uses effective drugs prepared on the basis of wax moth larvae.

Composition and useful properties of wax moth tincture

Tincture of wax moth larvae

Tincture of bee moth is a brown-brown liquid. Its unique healing properties are due to the diet that the larva consumes in the process of its development. The composition of the finished product includes:

  • 20 of the 28 well-known amino acids (glycine, alanine, lysine, histidine, valine, serine and others);
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • nucleotides;
  • vital polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • biologically active compounds;
  • potassium, calcium, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus and other important trace elements;
  • unique antibacterial enzymes cerase and protease capable of dissolving wax;
  • aromatic compounds.

Thanks to such a rich composition, moth tincture is able to have a positive effect on the human body. Its beneficial effects are as follows:

  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • increased mental and physical activity;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the vitality of the body increases;
  • improves the activity of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • blood pressure normalizes and the risk of thrombosis decreases;
  • rapid tissue regeneration is observed, and metabolic processes are normalized;
  • the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of red blood cells is activated;
  • liver tissues are restored in various forms of hepatitis.

The benefits of bee moth are confirmed by numerous positive patient reviews. This indicates the high popularity and demand for an infusion that can help cure many serious illnesses.

My mom has high blood pressure. You constantly have to take medications that do not eliminate the cause of poor health, but only temporarily alleviate it. Once I read about the beneficial properties of moth tincture and almost forced my mother to start taking it along with medications. The effect exceeded all expectations! The pressure now worries less often, even when the weather changes, mom feels good!

Inna, Gomel

Indications for the use of bee moth tincture

You can often hear the question of what this tincture treats. The scope of the drug is quite wide. Experts argue and successfully prove in practice that it can be used in the treatment of a large number of diseases:

We drink bee moth tincture with the whole family to strengthen immunity. Over the past 2 years, they did not get sick even during epidemics!

Olga, Moscow

In addition to the above diseases, there are still a large number of other problems, for the elimination of which tincture is indicated.

In the treatment of moth, it is necessary to follow the instructions set out in the instructions for the drug and the recommendations of the doctor. In no case can you independently replace the intake of drugs prescribed by a doctor with a tincture of bee moth.

Contraindications, application features

It should be noted that moth preparations contain bee products in their composition. They are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as for those who are allergic to these components. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol tincture during exacerbation of such diseases:

  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peptic ulcer.

The composition of the moth requires caution and control of the general condition of both an adult and a child. The tincture has great energy power, so people with a sensitive vascular system may have high blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or refuse to use it. It is best to gradually accustom the body to the tincture and at the beginning of treatment to take drugs that reduce pressure. Moderate use of the drug stabilizes the condition over time.

On a note!

Before taking the tincture, you need to remember that during the period of treatment you can not take alcohol, and people with low blood pressure should simultaneously use a decoction of leuzea. The opinions of experts differ on the question of whether it is possible to drink a bee moth preparation with an antibiotic or not. Therefore, before taking the tincture, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, despite the fact that this remedy has practically no contraindications.

Making an extract at home

Many are interested in what kind of tincture it is and how to prepare it yourself. The recipe is extremely simple. It is necessary to take larvae that are well developed, but have not begun to turn into a chrysalis. 10 g of raw materials are placed in a dark glass or porcelain container and poured with 100 ml of alcohol (strength not less than 70 °). You need to insist on the contents for seven days, shaking periodically all the time. The finished medicine is filtered and stored in a cool place.

Bee moth is used to prepare an ointment that can be used for both external and internal use. To make a bee moth balm, you need 50 g of larvae, which are poured with a small amount of alcohol (to cover the raw materials). After five days, drain the tincture and add 200 grams of calendula oil and St. John's wort to it. Introduce propolis and beeswax (50 g each) into the resulting mixture. Warm the composition in a water bath for two hours until the components are completely dissolved, cool and strain.

Instructions for using the tincture

The method of using fire tincture is quite simple. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals or one hour after. It is allowed to take the drug, both in pure form and in diluted form. Before swallowing the alcohol infusion, it is recommended to hold it in your mouth for a while. Effective therapy is achieved by taking bee moth tincture under the tongue.

There are generally accepted recommendations on how to take a medicinal tincture. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a test for the absence of an allergic reaction of the body. Dilute one drop of the medicine in a teaspoon of water and apply a small amount of the solution on the inside of the lower lip. If discomfort occurs after about an hour, then you need to take a coal or antihistamine drug.

Bee moth must be taken with caution to avoid adverse reactions. In the very first days, drink tincture only in the morning. Individual dosage and regimen of the drug is developed by the doctor.

Positive reviews about bee moth confirm that the action of the tincture helps to get rid of diseases and improve the general condition after chemotherapy. The method of using the drug is very simple, the main thing is to believe in its power. In cosmetology, tincture is added to the cream for a rejuvenating effect on the face and slowing down the aging process.

The bee moth is a pest of the hive, its larvae feed on valuable bee products. Wax moth caterpillars eat honey, perga, beeswax and honeycombs directly. Thus, the larvae of this moth-shaped butterfly receive unique nutrients and acquire a number of properties beneficial to human health.

Bee moth has been used in folk medicine for a long time. The Russian scientist I. Mechnikov studied the action of a special wax moth enzyme when he was looking for remedies for tuberculosis. This enzyme, called cerase, allows moth larvae to process wax. Thanks to this compound, the bee moth extract gives good effects in the treatment of tuberculosis, heart and vascular diseases. And in combination with the rest of the components of the composition, wax moth-based preparations can treat many other diseases.

Composition of bee fire

Developing in a bee hive, bee moth larvae have a special and valuable chemical composition. It contains many amino acids, polyunsaturated lipids, enzymes, hormone-like substances, nucleotides, acids, some vitamins, and mineral elements.

Like everything that nature gives to man through bees and beehives, wax moth is good for our health. Preparations based on bee moth are used today in the treatment of many diseases. From cardiology to pediatrics and andrology, the beneficial properties of moth are being used.

Diseases treated by fireweed

Possessing a tonic, immunostimulating, antibacterial effect, bee moth is involved in the treatment of a number of diseases of varying complexity.

First of all, it is tuberculosis. Preparations based on bee moth are also used for the treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, the product is useful when the patient's body is weakened by courses of chemotherapy, at the risk of developing fungal diseases in the lungs. Moth extract helps general therapy and accelerates the recovery of the body.

The treatment of diseases of the lungs and bronchi is also improved with the use of preparations with fire. These are asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc. There is a bronchodilatory effect, foci of inflammation are eliminated.

Ognevka showed itself well in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. These are myocardial infarction, hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris. Moth tincture dissolves scars after a heart attack, normalizes blood pressure, and prevents the development of thrombophlebitis. It is also used as a means of preventing coronary disease.

Apply preparations with bee moth and for oncological diseases. Here, the possibilities of wax moth larvae to strengthen immunity, remove toxins after chemotherapy courses, and deliver a vitamin-mineral complex and bioactive components to the body are manifested.

Bee moth is a well-known remedy in the treatment of infertility, impotence, prostate adenoma in men and menopausal disorders in women.

It is also used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

In pediatrics, good results with bee moth were obtained in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. In children, immunity increased, blood composition improved. Ognevka is used in the treatment of anemia in children.

As a natural anabolic and anti-stress agent, bee moth is useful for athletes and for ordinary people. It stimulates and normalizes the work of the central nervous system, eliminates chronic fatigue and fatigue, and normalizes sleep.

Possessing a resolving effect, moth is useful for removing scars, scars on the skin. This is the action of its enzyme - serine protease.

Fireweed is non-toxic and is used for all kinds of allergies. The exception is those cases when there is intolerance to drugs with it.

Preparations with bee fire inhibit the aging of the body and are recommended in old age. They also have a nootropic effect on the central nervous system.

Bioflavonoids and lysine in the composition of moth make it effective during influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Bee fire tincture is a unique natural remedy for many diseases that helps children, adults and the elderly and has practically no contraindications. You can buy bee fire tincture and other products from the apiary in our online store.


Since ancient times, wax moth has been used to treat even the most complex diseases and also for rejuvenation. The secrets of making medicinal preparations were passed down from generation to generation by beekeepers and traditional healers. The processed products of the moth itself do not have any toxic elements and are extremely safe. In the composition of the moth, elements were found that can help in the treatment of various diseases and have a positive effect on human health, especially in such difficult environmental conditions.

Using wax moth, modern manufacturers make wax moth syrups, balms. Medicinal berries or herbs are added to the composition to enhance the healing effect. Such syrups have a multifunctional effect, strengthen the immune system, increase the overall level of health, lower blood cholesterol, cleanse the body of toxins, remove accumulated toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin, nails, hair, reduce the appearance of allergies and inflammatory processes.

Moth cream is made from moth extract. When used correctly, this extract is very effective. It contains unique elements that help improve the condition of blood vessels, rejuvenate the skin and remove wrinkles, have a positive effect on varicose diseases and diseases of the nervous system, and remove excessive sweating.

Positive feedback on the forums from the consumption of the product is most often with drowsiness, excessive fatigue, headaches, irritability and increased immunity.

You can repeatedly find them on forums where people share their experience of using moth larvae, using them even to treat serious illnesses, such as cancer.

Indications that can be found onforums:

  • with atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • low blood pressure.

Only in these diseases, the effectiveness of the use of tincture in a scientific way has been proven to date. In the composition found components that are really able to overcome the disease. Traditional healers advise drinking tincture for many other diseases. But, it should be borne in mind that when using it, one should not abandon the main drugs prescribed by doctors, especially in case of serious illnesses. The tincture does not cause allergic reactions.

Video: Wax moth or bee moth from which it helps

Contraindicationand side effects

You can find the prescription for the drug and indications for the use of balm and capsules from moth extracts on various forums where people share their personal experiences. Treatment with such a drug is especially effective in oncology (cancer).

The only side effects may be an allergic reaction to the components of the tincture. If such are found, then stop drinking the tincture immediately. To date, the drug is not fully examined, but side effects, as such, have not been identified. The main contraindications are: women who are breastfeeding, children under 14 years of age, pregnancy. Balm with moth extract is very effective in the fight against SARS and influenza.


Treatment is facilitated not by moth butterflies, but by larvae, with an average size of up to 20 mm. At this age, they eat a lot and are very effective for use in treatment. Scientists have proven that if the larvae are grown in artificial conditions, then the treatment will not be effective, especially for combating serious diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis in various forms, and diabetes mellitus at various stages.

Such a preparation is most often produced by beekeepers, you can directly buy it from them. The main components are moth larvae, it is better to take the largest of them, so the consumption will be more economical. The size does not affect the positive result, only there is one condition: you cannot use an individual that has stopped feeding, they are ineffective, and they will soon become butterflies. The larvae are poured with wax moth alcohol (you can replace it with vodka), the ratio will be different, depending on how concentrated the result you need, so for a 10% tincture, the ratio of vodka / larvae will be 1:10, and for 25%, respectively , 1:25.

You need to mix everything in a small vessel with an airtight lid, the infusion procedure takes 3-4 months. So, for example, in order to get 100 ml of tincture, we will need 10 grams of larvae for 10% tincture and 25 grams for 25%. The more concentrated the tincture, the more effective it will be in the fight against serious diseases.

The most common recipe on the forums is:

Pour 1 glass of larvae with vodka and leave for about 12 days, do not forget to stir every day, add water to the tincture and you can use it.

Take your tincture, starting with 0.5 teaspoon, gradually add the use at lunch, increase the dose, reaching the prescription you need. The duration of use is not more than 3 months.


It is recommended to use the tincture inside, and the doses depend on its concentration. If the tincture is 25%, then it is worth taking 6-8 drops in the morning, several times during the day. To make it easier to drink, you can dilute it with water. 10% tincture is used 10-15 drops in the same way. The dosage depends on the type of disease and the degree of the disease.

Purpose of admission Age Tincture Concentration/Dose
10% 25%
Prevention children

(up to 14 years old)

2 drops/1 year 1 drop/1 year
adults 4 drops/10 kg 2 drops/10kg

cardiovascular diseases


(up to 14 years old)

2 drops/1 year 1 drop/1 year
adults 6 drops/10 kg 3 drops/10kg
Tuberculosis treatment children

(up to 14 years old)

1 drop/1 year 2 drops/1 year
adults 4 drops/10kg 8 drops/10 kg
Treatment of oncological diseases (cancer) children

(up to 14 years old)

2 drops/1 year 1 drop/1 year
adults 10 drops/10 kg 5 drops/10kg

gynecological and

andrological diseases


(up to 14 years old)

- -
adults 6 drops/10 kg 3 drops/10kg
Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system children

(up to 14 years old)

2 drops/1 year 1 drop/1 year
adults 5 drops/10 kg 2.5 drops/10kg

For prevention, adults should drink tincture an hour before eating, the treatment procedure will be 3-4 weeks with a break of a month. For the prevention of diseases in children, the course of treatment will last 21 days, with the same break. Treatment will last from 1 to 3 months, depending on what your doctor has recommended.

A particularly effective drug in the treatment of tuberculosis and cancer, but do not forget to use the drugs prescribed by your doctor, you should not refuse treatment in a hospital.

An excellent extract for the manufacture of medicines is not only the larvae, but also their excrement. I.A. Kukhtikov and N.P. Maksyutina conducted a study in which they proved that the excrement of individuals is also no less important, especially in oncology (cancer). The larvae were placed in the hive, they digested their excrement several times, which were subsequently collected and filled with alcohol. The tincture from them turned out to be more concentrated with the necessary substances, which produces: anti-tuberculosis, cardioprotective, adaptogenic, immunostimulating effect. The larvae activate the useful substances of the wax, and their excrement is more valuable than the individuals themselves, and in the future they should be studied for use in medicine and in folk healing.

On various forums, you can find both recipes and the scope of the larvae in alcohol tinctures. Beekeepers share their experience and you can conduct personal experiments and experience its beneficial properties.

Science is rapidly moving along the path of development, which allows you to create more and more new drugs to combat various diseases. However, microorganisms harmful to humans quickly adapt to new drugs. Numerous laboratories around the world have to look again for ways to treat seemingly already defeated diseases.

Things are a little different in the treatment of folk remedies. Here pathogens cannot yet decide to adapt and solve the problem of their survival. Why is this happening? There is no answer yet. Perhaps the rare use of such agents does not allow pathogens to accumulate information and mutate. Perhaps nature itself foresaw everything so cleverly that, by providing natural remedies against bacteria and viruses, it blocked their ability to resist.

One of the most powerful folk remedies in the treatment of various diseases is the tincture of bee moth.

Who is a bee fire

Beekeepers have one misfortune with which they are constantly fighting. This is a wax moth. The collective name for two species of these winged pests. Includes large (lat. Galleria mellonella) and small (Achroia grisella) wax moth. Both species are from the real fire moth family (Pyralidae). Therefore, they are also called bee moths. There is also a poetic name - a golden butterfly. So it was called in ancient Greece.

It is not the butterfly itself that harms in the hive - it does not feed in this phase of development and lives off the nutrients accumulated by the larvae, but the worms that emerged from the eggs are a real misfortune. Eggs are laid in the hive at night for several days in a row, after which the adult insect dies. After 5 days, larvae begin to emerge from the eggs. They are pale gray in color and about 1 mm long. In the first days of their existence, they eat honey and perga.

Important. If the wax moth larvae are not dealt with, then the bee families weaken and die, or simply leave the hive.

As the caterpillars grow older, the food ration of the caterpillars expands - royal jelly, honeycombs and propolis are used. A few days before the transformation, moth caterpillars devour frames, insulation material, and even each other. Experiments have shown that these are the only representatives of the flora that can eat and digest polyethylene. During the experiments, after 20 minutes, holes appeared on the polyethylene film, and after 40 minutes, the film almost completely disappeared. To digest chemically complex products, like wax and polyethylene, caterpillars can use special enzymes.

Interesting. The composition of the digestive enzymes of bee moths is not fully understood. In various publications there is a reference to the enzyme cerase. However, this enzyme is not mentioned in any scientific work. There is no chemical formula for it either.

A month later, reaching 2 cm in length, the caterpillar transforms into a cocoon. It is during this period, a few days before its transformation, that light yellow, inactive and very voracious worms are collected, which are necessary for preparing ointments and tinctures at home.

Useful and medicinal properties of tinctures and ointments

Already in the 17th century, traditional healers used an extract from the larvae of the bee moth to treat consumption and heart disease. In the 80s of the 19th century, the Russian physiologist I.I. Mechnikov, in the course of numerous experiments on the study of phagocytosis (the ability of special blood cells to recognize and destroy foreign agents), found that fire tincture destroys the waxy shell of Koch's sticks, as a result of which it dies.

After that, he spent a lot of time creating a medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis based on moth larvae. In the course of research, the high efficiency of this remedy was also established in the treatment of heart disease. It turned out that the extract from the caterpillars of this butterfly contributed to the degeneration of connective tissue into muscle, capable of intense contraction.

A positive result is achieved due to a large number of valuable substances: polyunsaturated lipids, vitamins, amino acids, various enzymes, micro- and macroelements accumulated by caterpillars in the process of eating beekeeping products.

The tests carried out with Formula Ra, developed on the basis of wax moth larvae, showed that after myocardial infarction, blood flow was restored at the site of scar formation in six months.

A similar effect was observed when this tincture was used by patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Traditional healers believe that a tincture of moth larvae can treat:

  • diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs (consumption, asthma, pneumonia, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections and bronchitis);
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart diseases: cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, various defects, myocarditis, myocardial infarction;
  • male and female diseases: impotence, infertility, menopausal disorders;
  • anemia
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.

This tool is also used by cosmetologists. They add tincture to various creams to heal lesions on the face without the formation of scars and scars.

Unlike honey, there are practically no scientific works on the effectiveness of wax moth in the treatment of various diseases. There is not a single work on the study of the composition of moth tincture. The various enzymes and active biological substances cited in publications that are inherent in these larvae are not known to chemists. Therefore, in official circles, this tincture is considered a placebo. Only the ability to act on Koch's wand and regenerate muscle tissue has been proven.

History knows more than one case when classical science and folk healers disagreed in the interpretation of the same effect. Subsequently, it turned out that, oddly enough, traditional medicine was right. In our case, it is not worth making a final verdict. Only a thorough study of the chemical composition can clarify the effect of exposure to the human body.

tincture recipe

Tincture from wax moth larvae is mainly prepared right in the apiary. You can also cook it at home. It is enough just to purchase the larvae of this butterfly and ethyl alcohol.

Caterpillars must be large. Some believe that it is necessary to remove them from the hive before pupation, others - that a few days before the transformation, and still others say that the age of the larvae does not affect the medicinal properties of the tincture. Practice shows that they are all equally right - the tool works with all options for selecting caterpillars.

Alcohol must be at least 70% ABV, although many folk healers use plain Russian vodka.

The preparation is simple: moth caterpillars are placed in a glass or ceramic container and filled with alcohol, after which the container is tightly sealed. Depending on what concentration is required to obtain the final product, the ratio of the weight of the larvae to the amount of alcohol also changes. With a ratio of 1 to 10, we get a 10% solution, and 1 to 4 - a 25% solution.

The prepared mixture is placed in a dark cool place and shaken periodically. Infused from 5 days to two months. The practice of application shows that a significant difference in the preparation time is not significant in terms of acquiring useful properties of the finished tincture. Therefore, the optimal amount of time during which the extraction takes place is 7-10 days.

The finished product has a light brown color and honey aroma. Keeps in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Instructions for use

  • Divorced. A few drops of tincture are mixed in 100 ml of water or tea (the dosage will be given below);
  • Drips under the tongue and dissolves;
  • It is taken similarly to Corvalol - from a spoon. After 1-2 minutes, it is swallowed and washed down with water.

The dose depends on the age, weight and type of disease, as well as the concentration of the drug.

When taking a 10% solution for preventive purposes for children under 12 years of age, the calculation is carried out in the ratio of 1 drop for every 12 kg of weight. The first 2 days the dose is reduced by 2 times. If there are no negative reactions of the body, then go to the full volume. In adults, this is 1 drop per 10 kg of weight. It is taken 1 time per day. Drink for 3 months, after which you should definitely take a break. The same applies to taking the extract as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Important. Folk healers believe that it is forbidden to take a more concentrated solution under 14 years of age.

Diseases are recommended to be treated with a 20% composition. With tuberculosis, they drink 6-10 drops for every 10 kg of weight, cardiovascular diseases - 5-8, male (prostate adenoma) and female (gynecological problems) diseases - 4-7, with bronchitis and asthma - also 4-7 drops. Drink should be in two doses: in the morning and in the evening.

The extract of a higher concentration should be converted to a 20% composition.

The recipe for the ointment of fire

In the treatment of cuts, scars and colloidal scars, fire ointment is used. For its preparation, the following ingredients are used:

  • moth caterpillars - 25 g;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • wax - 25 g;
  • propolis - 25 g;
  • calendula oil - 100 g;
  • St. John's wort oil or Aekol preparation - 100 g.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the ointment: the caterpillars are poured with vodka and stored in a dark, cool place for 5 days, after which they are thoroughly mixed with the rest of the components. The resulting pasty mass is simmered in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool, lay out in pre-sterilized glass jars. Placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Instructions for use of the ointment

The ointment is used for resorption of scars and scars in all areas of the face and skin, restoration of the skin after peeling and other cosmetic procedures.

Apply with light finger movements to the damaged areas in the morning and evening.


There are general contraindications regarding the use of tincture of wax moth larvae. They provide a ban on their reception:

  • patients with hepatitis in the acute phase;
  • persons with intolerance to bee products;
  • persons coded from alcoholism;
  • patients with pancreatitis.

The use of the ointment is contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to wax and propolis.

Folk remedies from moth larvae are a powerful biological drug. It should be taken with caution so that the therapeutic effect does not turn into harm to health.

Beekeepers, like no one else, know what bee moth. For owners of precious hives, this is a pest, which is also known as a bee. This pest loves to settle in hives, and moth larvae are the only living organisms that can feed on wax. They eat larvae and others: honey, honeycombs. Due to the presence of a special enzyme in the larvae, they can digest all bee products.

As a result, a living organism accumulates a large amount of useful substances. Actually, thanks to this diet, the larvae are used in folk medicine for the manufacture of medicinal tinctures. Let's find out what benefits lie in and how to prepare a healing agent yourself.

Fireweed syrups in our shop Gifts of nature

On the one hand, it can harm bees. When an insect attacks a hive, bees may leave their home and stop producing honey. On the other hand, moth larvae accumulate an impressive amount of useful substances and you can even benefit from such “sabotage”. A striking example of this is fire tincture.

It is important! What is useful tincture of these larvae? Living organisms are rich in amino acids - substances that are the main building blocks of proteins. And most importantly, the tincture will be rich in essential amino acids that the body needs. The composition contains leucine - an amino acid that is responsible for supporting the immune system, and lysine - an acid that is responsible for the formation of the bone system and the absorption of calcium. Also, these acids are involved in the production of antibodies and albumins.

In addition to essential, it will contain other acids - glycine, alanine. These substances are responsible for balancing blood sugar levels and regenerating body tissues. Due to this composition, the appointment and treatment of tincture will be appropriate for a variety of diseases. What kind of problems can a fire extinguisher help with?

  • With blood diseases - anemia, clotting disorders. Shown tincture and thrombophlebitis.
  • With respiratory diseases - asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • With problems of the female and male reproductive system.
  • For the treatment of respiratory diseases and bacterial infections.
  • To strengthen the immune system.

You can buy a remedy for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system and as an alternative to sleeping pills. The drug is also used in the postoperative period, when it is necessary to strengthen the body and relieve weakness. Another useful tincture is its antimicrobial and antibacterial action. If you apply it externally, you can accelerate the healing of abrasions and scars, and internally - get rid of viral infections and chronic diseases.

The price of the drug allows it to be used as a preventive therapy for seasonal viral infections, as well as to alleviate the condition after myocardial infarction, stroke and high blood pressure.

Methods of preparation: tincture and ointment

Having become acquainted with the composition of the bee moth tincture, you can be sure that this remedy will really become an assistant in the treatment of many diseases. You can not in every pharmacy, but doing it yourself is not difficult. There are a couple of ways to prepare the tincture. It is clear that the larvae of the bee moth will become the main ingredient.

It is important! Larvae need to choose large. Organisms that were born just a few days ago will not work. At the same time, you need to have time to collect the larvae before they begin to transform into pupae. To prepare one jar, you will need from 5 to 20 grams of large larvae.

You can prepare from the larvae a tincture of alcohol or a medicinal ointment.

  1. The classic way of cooking. Take 20 g of larvae and 100 ml of alcohol (take 70%). Place the organisms in a dark glass jar and fill with alcohol. The extract should be infused for 10 days. Shake the jar every few days. Then strain the tincture and pour into a dark bowl, cover with a lid. Store the fire pit in the refrigerator.
  2. Tincture that will be used for preventive purposes. Since the purpose and treatment of the remedy can be used for various purposes, a highly concentrated tincture will be needed to fight diseases. If you need a prophylactic, the number of larvae will not be so large. You will need 5-10 grams of larvae and 50 ml of alcohol. Pour organisms and place in a dark place. The fire will infuse for 7 days. Then strain the extract. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year.
  3. . First you need to prepare a tincture - take 30-50 g of moth and pour it with alcohol so that the liquid only covers the organisms. Insist 5 days. Next, add propolis, beeswax and to the finished tincture. Each 50 grams. Heat the mixture in a water bath and bring to a thick consistency, cool. The price of such a tool certainly will not hit your wallet, since all the ingredients are available and are natural.

Knowing how to prepare an ointment and tincture, you can arm yourself with a universal tool from moth. The ointment will be used to heal wounds, with osteochondrosis, and the tincture will be used to treat viral infections and chronic diseases.

Creams and ointments with moth in our store

Rules for receiving fire

The purpose and treatment of the extract will consist of one or more courses of administration. It is important to take breaks between courses. For example, for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, a course of 90 days is required. In this case, between each 30 days of admission there will be a break of at least 10 days.

  • The dosage of the tincture will be calculated based on your weight - 3 drops per 10 kg.
  • For treatment, the extract is drunk 2 times a day. As a preventive measure - 1 time per day.
  • In the first 2-3 days, you need to take half the prescribed dosage and follow the reaction of the body. Are there any side effects? You can switch to standard reception.

It is best to drink the tincture in its pure form and hold it under the tongue each time. If the remedy is used by a child, then the dosage will change - a drop of 12 kg. For children, the extract should be diluted in a small amount of water - 3 drops per 30 ml.

It is important! There are no direct contraindications for the fire. But to refrain from taking it is for those who have an allergic reaction to honey, pollen and waste products of bees. And, of course, the drug is contraindicated for people who have alcohol dependence.

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