Mixed echogenicity of the pancreas. Increased echogenicity of the pancreas is an alarm. What does a local increase mean, and how to cope with pathology

Echogenicity - important indicator in the study internal organs human body. It can be used to estimate the density of the object under study. If the body rises or falls, there is a reason to turn to specialists. For example, increased echogenicity pancreas - what does it mean, what actions should be taken if it is detected.

gallbladder, bladder, different kind cysts, etc. are liquid structures. They are homogeneous, and therefore ultrasound waves pass freely through them, while not reflecting them. That is, such liquid structures are echo-negative, even if the ultrasound power is increased. On the contrary, dense structures (bones, calculi, etc.) are echopositive, since they do not transmit ultrasound through themselves, completely reflecting it. When conducting a study, the liver parenchyma is taken as a sample of echogenicity. It is with its indicators that the echogenicity of such organs as the kidneys is compared. Among other organs capable of reflecting signals during ultrasound, thyroid, adrenal gland, etc.

If in medical document during the study, they wrote to you "increased echogenicity of the pancreas", the doctor may suspect an inflammatory process or the appearance of edema. Among the diseases of this organ that change echogenicity, there are also increased gas formation, calcification of the gland, tumors of various origins and etiologies. A tumor of the pancreas may appear due to changes in the cells of the endocrine, exocrine divisions. 95 % malignant neoplasms falls on the last group of these cells, while from the endocrine they are much less common.

Echogenicity of the pancreas normal condition will be homogeneous. But with pancreatitis (acute, chronic), with hypertension, the portal echogenicity of the parenchyma of the gland increases. If size this body is not enlarged, and the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased, this may indicate lipomatosis, when part of its tissues is replaced by fat. Sometimes this disease occurs in elderly patients with diabetes.

With a decrease in the size of the gland, such diffuse changes may indicate fibrosis, that is, the replacement of gland tissues with fibrous (connective) tissue. Most often this happens when a person has had inflammation in the pancreas or his metabolism is disturbed.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas, coupled with other results of studies and examinations of the patient, allow the doctor to put accurate diagnosis. On the basis of only one ultrasound, which gave the diagnosis "pancreatic echogenicity increased", treatment is not prescribed, because this symptom may indicate a number of diseases of this organ.

When the pancreas is healthy, it produces more than a liter of pancreatic juice per day, which helps in the digestion of food. If increased echogenicity of the pancreas or other changes in the activity of the organ are detected, digestion is disturbed, which leads to serious health problems. After all digestive juice, produced by the pancreas, in addition to digesting fats, carbohydrates, proteins, also produces insulin, which assists tissues in the full absorption of glucose. No wonder the pancreas is also called the organ of secretion (external and internal). Therefore, it is so important to start treatment on time if the doctor told you after the examination that the echogenicity of the pancreas has increased.

Any changes in the pancreas detected by ultrasound must be confirmed by others. diagnostic examinations. Only after that, complex therapy is prescribed.

- alert

When examining internal organs, one of significant indicators is echogenicity. It makes it possible to assess the density and condition of the studied internal organs. Changes in echogenicity in the direction of decreasing or increasing indicate significant malfunctions in the functioning of the body. They also talk about the development of inflammatory processes. So, revealed at ultrasound diagnostics increased echogenicity of the pancreas is an alarm. She points out deviations in her work.

Functions of the gland

The pancreas plays an important role in the processes of metabolism and digestion. It has both endocrine and exocrine functions, i.e. carries out exocrine and intrasecretory activities. Any deformations and changes in it can provoke a number of serious violations in the body.

Causes of changes in the echogenicity of the pancreas

Pathological processes such as pancreatitis, increased gas formation, tumors, and calcification of the gland are capable of changing the properties of the gland tissue. Detection diffuse changes during preventive examinations, it is possible to identify at any stage many dangerous diseases. For example, development diabetes or pancreatitis, lipomatosis, necrotic changes in the tissues of the parenchyma, tumors.

Most common causes diffuse changes

The most common cause of diffuse changes are various stages pancreatitis. If the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased or decreased, this affects the diagnosis. So you can determine the type of disease. Increased echogenicity of the pancreas in pancreatitis is due to scarring of the tissues of this organ and the growth of fibrous (connective) tissues. The formation of pseudocysts, the echogenicity of which is increased, may be observed. With the growth of fibrous tissues, stones and calcifications are often found in them.

Data focal formations found around the ducts of the gland. This is the most common localization of calcification, combined with obstruction of the pancreatic duct. Neoplasms can be complicated by the appearance of bleeding and ruptures in nearby structures. These zones are areas of hyperechoic inclusions in the gland. An increase in echogenicity can also be observed with fibrocystic degeneration, which develops as independent disease. It can be a consequence of a long course of chronic pancreatitis. With this pathology, atrophy of the pancreas is clearly expressed.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas - the norm or alarm signal about dysfunction?

It is important to know that when detecting deviations in the functioning of the body, it is not the fact of an increase in echogenicity that is taken into account, but the level of its changes. Minor deviations can be considered as temporary phenomena. Also, increased echogenicity of the pancreas is observed in the process of aging of the body. In this case, it is considered the norm for the elderly.

Factors affecting changes in echogenicity

The echogenicity of the pancreas is a variable parameter. It can change significantly under the influence of various causative factors(depending on the type of food, season, lifestyle and other factors). Therefore, the diagnosis of "increased echogenicity of the pancreas" should not be taken as final. But it is unacceptable to ignore the identified deviations. A full examination is required. Confirmation of this conclusion by other types of diagnostics allows choosing a competent treatment algorithm.

Diagnostic algorithm of examination

When determining the level of pancreatic echogenicity, the state of other organs (gall bladder, kidneys, liver, spleen) is also taken into account. This is due to the close connection of this gland with the biliary tract. Any violations on their part provoke reactive changes(eg, pancreatitis) in the pancreas.

Treatment of gland dysfunctions

The optimal treatment option is selected by a gastroenterologist based on the identified causative factors that influenced changes in the level of echogenicity

Sometimes, during an ultrasound examination, a specialist can hear such a wording as increased echogenicity of the pancreas. People who do not have medical education they hardly know what exactly this concept means, therefore in this article we will try to explain what lies under this phrase and what are the reasons for this phenomenon.

In general, the term "echogenicity" is commonly understood as the ability of the tissues of certain organs to reflect an ultrasonic wave from itself, which is largely determined by their density. Echo density is distinguished between homogeneous and heterogeneous, and the denser the organ itself, the brighter its tone on the monitor of the ultrasound machine. In the presence of liquid formations echo negativity appears, this is due to the fact that they cannot reflect high-frequency sound, and therefore pass it through themselves. AT medical practice pathological formations in the form of cysts with fluid inside or hemorrhages are called anechoic, however, this concept is also applied to some other healthy organs and their departments, for example, to the intestines, gallbladder and bladder, brain ventricles, heart cavities and blood vessels.

As for the pancreas (PZ), it can reflect the ultrasonic beam, since its structure, like the liver, has relative density. In this regard, the pictures obtained during the ultrasound of the two organs are almost the same: they are characterized by a light gray tone, and when assessing the pancreas, the tone is slightly lighter than that of the liver. One way or another, it is by color in a comparative aspect with the liver that experts determine the state of the pancreas.

With a decrease in the volume of the glandular structures of the pancreas, which contain a large number of fluid, echogenicity increases: healthy cells are replaced by pathologically altered or cells of other tissues. This phenomenon can be both local and diffuse. Focal echogenicity indicates the presence of pathological formations in the organ: stones, cysts, tumors and metastases, calcifications, therefore, in order to find out the nature of the deviation in detail, further more accurate examination is necessary, for example, CT or MRI. Diffuse echogenicity is often a temporary phenomenon that occurs due to heat or starvation, elevated temperature body or the presence of an infection in the body.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas in a child

Sometimes this phenomenon is observed in children early age. The heterogeneity of the structure of the pancreas manifests itself as a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which most often occurs due to spasm of the pancreatic ducts and an increase in the activity of its enzymes. Their difficult outflow provokes edema of the organ in the child.

This disease can develop even in children of one year of age, and the most common reason for its development is the improper introduction of complementary foods: earlier addition of fish and meat products or too fast, not gradual accustoming the baby to adult food.

Norms of echogenicity of the pancreas on ultrasound

Altered echogenicity, diagnosed during ultrasound, is a clear evidence that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body, or rather in the pancreas.

In the normal state, the value of echogenicity should be determined by the uniformity of the structure, while the pancreatic tissues are homogeneous and fine-grained. Hyperplasia, pathological formations in the form of stones, edema, necrotic foci or areas of fibrosis - all these phenomena are absent in healthy condition organ. A high rate of echogenicity of individual localizations can also be observed with lipomatosis and malignant tumor, therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences and complications, the result of the examination, in which there is a wording about increased echogenicity, cannot be ignored.

What you need to know about increased echogenicity

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas is not always a deviation, and this fact must be taken into account when issuing an examination report on hand.

Do not panic if excessive echogenicity is diffuse: often the causes of this phenomenon lie in the influence of external circumstances, and this has absolutely nothing to do with pathology. For example, colds and viral diseases, heat, overeating or prolonged hunger can significantly affect echogenicity.

However, in the event that this indicator is determined locally, we are talking about the presence of some pathological process flowing in the gland. In acute pancreatitis, there is a heterogeneity of the structure, blurring of the boundaries, an increase in the parameters of the organ, the presence of large echogenic zones, and an increase in the width of the duct. Chronic form of the disease gives the following picture: echogenicity increases to a slight extent, there is a heterogeneous structure and the presence of fluid accumulation in the omental bag, the contour is unclear, and the size of the pancreas itself also exceeds the norm.

In the presence of stones on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, spots with an echogenic trace can be detected, while there is a significant inconsistency in the ratio of the parameters of the organ to the Wirsung duct, since it is excessively enlarged in width.

The blurring of the contour with hyperechogenicity is evidence that lipomatosis is actively developing in the pancreas, in which healthy cells are replaced with fat. But for such a pathology as fibrosis, not only an increase in the echogenic index is characteristic, but also a decrease in the pancreas. This process is accompanied by an increase connective tissue, which replaces normal cells, forming scar formations.

Often, the result of ultrasound alone is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, so you should not be limited only to this information; if hyperechogenicity is detected, further CT or MRI is recommended.

Echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma

This indicator is determined by the density of a particular organ, and if for a hollow stomach, urinary or gallbladder such a phenomenon is considered the norm, then for the parenchyma of the pancreas it is clear deviation. When the healthy cellular structure of an organ is replaced by cicatricial, fatty, or fluid-laden cells, echo density increases. Therefore, a decrease in the volume of glandular tissue and hyperechogenicity observed with this phenomenon is the first sign that something is wrong in the body. As already mentioned, not always increased value echogenicity should be assessed as an alarm signal, only localized areas should be treated with fear, alone, and with the diffuse nature of the echo signal, it is worth worrying once again and just in case undergoing an additional examination. By the way, hyperechogenicity cannot be considered a sign of disorders in the elderly; rather, this phenomenon can be associated with natural age-related changes, in which the cells of the pancreas are eventually replaced by fibrous ones. Usually, such cases do not require a special treatment course.

Causes of pathology

There are many factors that can cause increased echogenicity of the pancreas. Their list is made up of a number of reasons: from the banal colds to a malignant tumor.

These disruptions are often temporary. So, diffuse echogenicity can be triggered by the following circumstances:

  • Seasonal changes;
  • climate change;
  • Elderly age;
  • Binge eating;
  • Prolonged fasting;
  • Post-inflammatory period (after an infectious or viral disease);
  • Holding diagnostic study not on an empty stomach.

Causes high rate echogenicity are often pathological inclusions. Usually, if they are present in the conclusion of the ultrasound, it is fixed: “hyperechoic inclusions in the pancreas”. The most serious problem, which may be hidden under this formulation, ˗ malignancy. However, one should not rush to conclusions, since local increased echogenicity is also evidence of a number of other pathologies, which we will discuss later.

What does hyperechogenicity indicate?

A number of other reasons that cause an increase in the recoil of an ultrasonic wave include:

  • Edema of the pancreas, which is typical for acute pancreatitis;
  • Lipomatosis, in which healthy cells are replaced by fat;
  • Fibrosis accompanied by replacement of normal cell structure connective tissue;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pacreonecrosis - a process that occurs with cell death;
  • Pseudocysts, most often formed due to acute inflammation pancreas; these formations are cavities filled with liquid;
  • Stone formations localized in the excretory ducts;
  • Calcification, which is characterized by the appearance of areas of calcification;
  • Fibrocystic degeneration, which occurs either as an independent pathology or as a consequence of chronic pancreatitis.

Are the scores final?

A method like ultrasound procedure, gives only indirect grounds for the diagnosis. In addition, hyperechogenicity is very often the result of malnutrition, when correcting which, the values ​​of repeated ultrasound with big share probabilities will show the norm. It is not always possible to determine with high accuracy the nature of the pathology based on the results of this diagnosis, therefore, as a rule, specialists redirect the patient for further examination. CT scan or MRI ˗ these are the methods by which you can get more detailed information about the inflammatory process or foreign formation in the pancreas. Only after confirmation of the diagnosis or its detailed clarification, further treatment is prescribed. drug treatment and a strategy to eliminate the pathology is decided.

What changes occur in the pancreas

Violations in the pancreas, accompanied by hyperechogenicity, are clearly visible during ultrasound and are displayed on the monitor screen as:

  • An increase in the size of the organ (the natural parameters of the head of the pancreas vary from 18 to 28 mm in an adult, the dimensions of the body ˗ from 8 to 18 mm and the tail ˗ from 22 to 29 mm);
  • Heterogeneity of the structure (normally, it should be homogeneous, fine-grained or coarse-grained);
  • A fuzzy contour with a fuzzy limitation from the surrounding tissues;
  • Deformed vascular pattern;
  • Expanded Wirsung duct (more than 2.5 mm).

Pancreatic dysfunction, confirmed by hyperechogenicity, manifests itself in a patient with the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Tachycardia and low blood pressure;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Difficulties in emptying the bowels;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, even if it is not full;
  • Enzyme deficiency, which is expressed not only by the above clinical manifestations, but also general weakness, chronic overwork, decreased performance, pallor of the skin.

Classification of hyperechoic inclusions

The following types of hyperechoic inclusions of the pancreas are distinguished:

How is the diagnosis carried out?

There is nothing difficult in conducting an ultrasound diagnostic study, however, preliminary preparation of the patient is still necessary. First and very important condition, which must be observed before ultrasound, ˗ fasting. This suggests that the last meal should be taken 12 hours before the diagnosis, that is, the patient should come to the clinic on an empty stomach. In addition, on the eve of the diet, it is necessary to exclude products, flatulent and bloating. It is also not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol and take medicines.

Examination of the pancreas by means of ultrasound is painless procedure, which is performed using a special gel and apparatus for 5-10 minutes. To conduct this instrumental examination, a person needs to take a lying position, in the process, the specialist requires to roll over first on the left side, and then on the right. With a tendency to flatulence, it is recommended to take several sorbent tablets.

Ultrasound examination is absolutely safe, therefore, if necessary, it can be repeated several times.

How is pathological pancreatic hyperechogenicity treated?

The treatment regimen for the pathology determined by the hyperechogenicity of the ultrasonic wave depends primarily on the cause that caused this phenomenon:

  • Acute pancreatitis requires the appointment of drugs that reduce the production of of hydrochloric acid, as well as those medicines, which allow to reduce the activity of pancreatic enzymes;
  • Lipomatosis is eliminated by diet food, at which it is necessary to exclude products with high content fats;
  • If there are areas in the pancreas that have undergone fibrosis, and also if calcifications have been formed, the issue is resolved surgically;
  • Chronic pancreatitis in the acute phase is treated with infusions and intravenous injections in a hospital setting;
  • Malignant tumors require cardinal treatment: on the early stages tumor development is removed, and then courses of chemotherapeutic drugs are performed.

Not the least important is well-established nutrition: the patient in without fail avoid fatty and fried foods, smoked foods and spicy dishes. AT this list confectionery and fresh pastries, carbonated drinks, pickles and marinades are included. In addition, it is mandatory to avoid alcohol and smoking.

Regardless of how pronounced hyperechogenicity is and what are the reasons that prompted it, the patient must take this phenomenon seriously. Therefore, you should not delay with a visit to a gastroenterologist or with a further, more detailed examination: the sooner the pathology is determined, the greater the chances for the success of its treatment.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) has already become a common method for diagnosing the condition of internal organs. It is based on the property of ultrasonic waves emitted by the probe of the ultrasound machine to change their frequency when passing through or reflecting from them. The degree of change in the frequency of ultrasonic waves depends on the density of the tissues of the internal organs. This property is called echogenicity. In this article, we will look at the echogenicity of the pancreas and the possible problems with which its elevated values ​​are associated.

To better understand what pancreatic echogenicity is, consider the structure of this organ and the main functions that it performs. As you know, the human and animal body contains muscle tissues: connective, epithelial and others. Organs internal secretion which include the pancreas, as well as organs such as the liver, kidneys, gallbladder have a different structure. They are filled with tissue that performs certain functions (for the pancreas - the release of digestive enzymes, insulin). This tissue is called the parenchyma.

Each organic tissue has its own reflective properties when examined by an ultrasound machine. Liquids and hollow organs, for example, the stomach or bladder, transmit ultrasound well and are displayed on the screen of the ultrasound machine in a dark (black) color. They are also called echo negative. The denser the organic tissue, the stronger it reflects the signal and the brighter it appears on the screen. Such tissues are called echopositive. In some diseases of the internal organs, their reflectivity may increase. In such cases, they speak of increased echogenicity.

The echopositive organs, in particular, include the liver, with which this indicator is compared for other noncavitary organs.

Video “Consequences of pancreatic disease”

What is the feature of increased echogenicity

So, as we already know, the tissue that makes up the pancreas is called the parenchyma. Ultrasound compares the echogenicity of the pancreas with liver values. At healthy organ should be approximately the same picture in color saturation as that of the liver, or a little lighter.

In the event that the parenchyma has local, lighter areas or such areas occupy large volumes, we can talk about possible problems. It should be noted right away that such an entry in the doctor's report on the results of ultrasound, as increased echogenicity of the pancreas, is not a diagnosis in itself, but reflects the state of the parenchyma.

Increased echogenicity of the parenchyma diffuse nature may be due to the patient's lifestyle, type of food eaten, appetite, and season. This means that in addition to ultrasound, one should additional research and analyses. We emphasize once again that one should not calm down, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. After all, increased echogenicity of the parenchyma can be the result of such diseases:

  • pancreatic lipomatosis, in which the glandular tissue of the parenchyma is replaced by fat cells;
  • swelling of the pancreas, which is typical for acute pancreatitis. At the same time, there are sharp pains in the side, vomiting, diarrhea is possible;
  • tumor (benign or malignant). May be accompanied by weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • pancreatic necrosis, which consists in the death of organ tissues. It has such pronounced characteristics as strong pain, continuous vomiting, diarrhea, worsening of the general condition;
  • diabetes mellitus, leading to malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • fibrosis, causing education in the connective tissue parenchyma. In addition to increased echogenicity, there is a decrease in the size of the gland, its surface acquires a bumpy character.

A local increase in this indicator clearly indicates problems. They can be metastases and tumors, pancreatic stones, pseudocysts, lipomatosis and fibrosis. In this case, it is vital to continue the examination until the establishment exact reason diseases.

Treatment of diffusely increased echogenicity

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas is only a symptom. And this means that only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, after taking all necessary analyzes. After all, it is not the symptom that should be treated, but the cause.

If the reason is acute pancreatitis, then treatment may consist of taking drugs that depress enzyme activity pancreas to reduce acidity in the stomach.

With lipomatosis, you can not do without a diet with a reduced content of animal fats. For calcitis, fibrosis, or calculi in the ducts, other than following strict diet may need treatment surgical method. In any case, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.

Video “Treatment of the pancreas with folk methods”

Many people think that ethnoscience This is more of a myth than the truth. The opinion is fundamentally erroneous, because even a malignant disease, such as increased echogenicity in the gastrointestinal tract, can be cured with herbs and decoctions. How? Find out from the video.

An important indicator in the study of internal organs is grooming. This factor allows you to evaluate how high the density and what general state in the "studied" organ. In the event that a decrease or increase in this indicator in relation to the pancreas is recorded, then functional disorders should be recorded. a separate body and the entire system as a whole. In addition, the fact of a change in echogenicity indicates that an inflammatory process has begun in the body.

The figure shows the pancreas

The pancreas is responsible for many vital processes that take place in the human body. They are directly involved in the digestive and metabolic process, and also performs secretory function. Any, even the most insignificant changes in the state of the pancreas lead to disturbances in the activity of the whole organism.

Echogenicity is increased - what is it?

To determine the increase or decrease in echogenicity, an examination such as ultrasound is used.

The reasons for the increase in echogenicity are considered to be this moment:

  • Calcification;
  • Formation of tumors;
  • Increased rates of gas formation;
  • Various processes inflammatory nature that take place in the pancreas.

Detection of diffuse changes occurs on a planned basis preventive examination at the doctor's. Such surveys also reveal various pathologies regardless of the degree and level of their development. Incredibly often such changes are a consequence of pancreatitis.

Attention! Changes in the echogenicity of the gland have an impact on the final process of making a diagnosis.

Symptoms and signs of increased echogenicity

In the case of acute pancreatitis, an increase in pressure occurs in the Wirsung duct. It is dangerous if the duct itself or the outlet related to digestive enzymes, and everything will go in a direct stream to nearby tissues. As a result, tissue breakdown occurs, and as a result, intoxication of the body.

Signs indicating an increase in the echogenicity of the digestive gland are:

  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Increase in tachycardia;
  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • Intense pain will be felt under the left rib.

In case of chronic pancreatitis elevated level echogenicity of the pancreas and liver will be expressed as swelling of some organs and small hemorrhages.

In the course of the development of the disease, a decrease in the sclerotic gland will occur, i.e. it will secrete fewer digestive enzymes. Often, diseases of this type are accompanied by constipation and diarrhea. The patient feels heaviness in abdominal cavity and often complains of a complete or partial loss of appetite.

With increased echogenicity of the pancreas, swelling of some organs appears

It should be noted that a change in the gland cannot serve as a reason for making a diagnosis. It needs to be based on a number of factors. The reason is that in some people the digestive gland may not change at all.

But it should be noted that if the echogenicity of the gland is increased, then this indicates the formation and development of lipomatosis. This suggests that healthy tissues are being replaced by fat cells.

Classification of increased echogenicity

At the moment, the fact of increasing the echogenicity of the gland suggests a division into the following types:

  • echogenicity of the pancreas is moderately increased - this indicator indicates the presence of chronic disease. For example, pancreatitis;
  • pancreas medium echogenicity - tissues are partially replaced by fat;
  • significantly increased echogenicity of the pancreas - characterizes the presence of an acute form of pancreatitis in a patient;
  • pancreas structure heterogeneous echogenicity is increased - most likely fibrosis develops, metabolism is disturbed and inflammatory processes;

increased echogenicity of the liver and pancreas - indicates changes and that the patient urgently needs to undergo a series of additional surveys who can fully dates the opportunity to diagnose the type of disease.

If echogenicity is increased: treatment

It is necessary to treat increased echogenicity based on the fact of acute pancreatitis. With increased echogenicity, doctors recommend using:

  • Initially, you need to lower pain syndrome. For this, Diclofenac is prescribed.
  • If positive dynamics is not observed, morphine or promedol is prescribed.
  • In case of relaxation of muscle spasm, no-shpu or platifillin is prescribed.
  • Atropil will act as a food enzyme stabilizer.

In any case, in the treatment of any form of the disease, it is necessary to focus on the individual qualities of the patient. Many suffer from allergies and intolerances, so you should be careful when prescribing drugs of one group or another.

Diet with increased echogenicity of the pancreas

For more effective treatment must follow a strict diet

For the treatment to positive result not only medication will be required, but also a strict diet.

The menu includes at least 9 dishes, some of them are presented below:

  • Porridge on the water;
  • Fish and meat, boiled and steamed;
  • Vegetables in the form of puree.

It is necessary to refrain from:

Decreased echogenicity

With reduced echogenicity of the pancreas, hyperplasia or sharp shape pancreatitis.

The causes of a decrease in the echogenicity of the pancreas can be inflammatory processes and diseases of the intestines and stomach.

If the echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is reduced, then you should carefully consider treatment and nutrition. It is necessary to discard various fat-containing foods and milk. It is best to engage in treatment in a hospital setting.


Watch the video for an overview of pancreatic diseases:

The main thing to remember is that if the examination revealed an increase or decrease in the echogenicity of the gland of the digestive type, then you should seriously consider conducting complete examination the whole organism. Otherwise, you can face serious health problems in the very near future.

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