Eufillin instructions for inhalation for children. Method of application and dose. Indications for use in bronchopulmonary pathologies

Eufillin solution is a bronchodilator drug, with the help of which it is possible to quickly relieve spasms. The main active ingredients are ethylenediamine and theophylline. The agent is used both for intravenous and intramuscular injections, and as a solution for inhalation, when there is a need for prompt relief of spasms of the respiratory system.

The drug in question is released in several pharmacological forms:

  • in powder form;
  • in tablet form;
  • suppositories for rectal use;
  • ampoules. It is worth noting that eufillin in injections is released in different concentrations. This form is used for intramuscular and intravenous administration of the drug.

The bronchodilator drug eufillin is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. The tool has proven to be very effective, with a wide range of effects.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The use of aminophylline allows you to relieve bronchospasm, increase renal blood flow and reduce pressure on the lung tissue. This effect is due to the fact that the drug, getting into the muscle organ, reduces the resistance in the blood vessels.

After taking aminophylline, the process of excretion of chlorine, sodium and electrolytes along with urine starts. In addition, this tool is considered an effective prevention of platelet aggregation. In view of this, its appointment is advisable for the following negative phenomena:

  • with bronchial asthma;
  • if hypertension has formed in the lung tissue;
  • with frequent migraines;
  • with bronchitis, obstructive nature;
  • if breathing disorders are observed;
  • failure in the blood supply to the brain.

Important: Depending on the severity of the course of a certain disease, eufillin is prescribed both intravenously and intramuscularly, and for inhalation. In severe conditions, when there is a need to quickly stop the attack, it is advisable to resort not only to inhalation, but also to intravenous administration.

Eufillin is indicated for use mainly parenterally. In view of this, the patient should understand the therapeutic manual in more detail.

What diseases can be cured

The drug eufillin has a wide range of effects. However, most often, the drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • to stop a bronchial attack;
  • with heart failure;
  • if angina pectoris has developed;
  • with swelling of the lung tissue;
  • if there are other congestion that threatens the patient's life.

To restore normal lung patency and ensure the full supply of nutrients, it is required to eliminate the formed spasm. For these purposes, eufillin is used. Since the drug helps to relax smooth muscle mass.

At the same time, the drug in question does not have a selective effect. In view of this, during use, there is a complete relaxation of all muscle groups and positive effects from the systems of the human body occur, such as:

  • there is a relaxation of the muscle mass of the bronchi, due to which the lumen increases and bronchial spasm stops;
  • when the drug enters, the work of the respiratory system is stimulated;
  • the number of apnea attacks decreases;
  • heart rate increases;
  • increased myocardial air demand;
  • spasms are relieved and the biliary tract expands;
  • blocking the risk of developing an allergic response.

Important: If a person is diagnosed with problems along the line of neuralgia or osteochondrosis is diagnosed, a course of droppers with aminofillin and dexamethasone is indicated.

The range of therapeutic effects of aminophylline is very extensive. Most often, the drug in question is used to relieve bronchospasm.

Application for inhalation procedures

Modern medicine offers many different methods of local therapy, including the use of such portable equipment as a nebulizer. Inhalation of vapors allows the sprayed aerosol to be delivered to the affected area. In addition, this method minimizes the development of complications.

Eufillin inhalations have a number of advantages:

  • there is no need to coordinate your breathing with the inhaler;
  • the medication enters directly into the zone of focal inflammation and has a therapeutic effect;
  • a positive result occurs immediately during inhalation;
  • using a portable device, it is possible to carry out therapeutic measures during an exacerbation of the pathology;
  • ease of use, regardless of the severity of the patient's condition;
  • almost complete absence of systemic side effects.

The use of the nebulizer device allows you to convert the aerosol into fine particles that directly enter the pathology dislocation zone. Moreover, such a device is suitable for use even by infants.

Solution preparation technology

To properly prepare aminophylline for inhalation, you should strictly follow the instructions. As a rule, the following proportions are observed for the procedure:

  • a cube of saline or sodium chloride is first added to the nebulizer chamber;
  • further, pour in a cube of aminophylline 2.4%.

The best option would be to dilute the drug in a ratio of 1.5: 1.5 with water. To get 3 ml of the finished solution at the exit. The resulting agent is inhaled until the apparatus converts the solution into steam.

At the same time, it should be noted that there are no instructions in the annotation for the medication regarding its use in a nebulizer. This is explained by the fact that the maximum therapeutic result is achieved after the active ingredient enters the bloodstream. Therefore, before using aminophylline in the form of steam inhalation, you should consult with your doctor.

The medication in question can be used both independently and in tandem with other dosage forms that help eliminate inflammatory and infectious pathologies.

The most effective inhalations with aminophylline for the following ailments:

  • with obstructive bronchitis;
  • with bronchial asthma, accompanied by acute attacks;
  • with strong and prolonged bouts of dry cough.

Important: An important advantage of the drug in question is that it is able to quickly expand the lumen of the bronchi and help to remove accumulated mucus from the respiratory system.

After inhalation with this drug, the patient begins to breathe better and deeply, the cough decreases and becomes more productive.

Precautionary measures

During the use of this medication, patients are required to observe the following precautions:

  • avoid drinking drinks and foods high in caffeine;
  • before using the drug, it must be warmed to room temperature;
  • elderly people are shown to reduce the dosage due to the slow removal of the drug from the body;
  • smokers are shown an increased dosage, since the drug is excreted much faster.

Important: During treatment with aminophylline, patients should refuse to drive vehicles, due to the effect of the drug on concentration.

Despite the high effectiveness of the drug in question, before use, you should consult with specialists and strictly adhere to all prescriptions.

Therapy for various diseases

As mentioned above, the indications for the use of aminophylline are quite wide. Its active substance blocks the spasm that occurs in the following systems:

  • bronchi;
  • heart muscle;
  • vascular system;
  • bladder;
  • bile ducts.

This active bronchodilator promotes the evacuation of sputum, due to which it is often used for dry cough with a large amount of viscous mucus.


With obstructive bronchitis, inhalations with aminophylline are often used. This drug, converted into an aerosol, enters the zone of dislocation of the pathology, expands the lumen of the bronchi, eliminates spasms and promotes expectoration of sputum.

At the same time, it is important to highlight that the drug has the described positive results only when it enters the systemic circulation. In view of this, inhalation procedures do not always give the most positive result.

However, as practice shows, this active bronchodilator helps in the following cases:

  • eliminate severe coughing attacks, accompanied by suffocation. Especially true for ardent smokers;
  • eliminates bronchospasm;
  • improves breathing.

Important: The drug in question has a positive effect even when bronchospasm is caused by a foreign body entering the lumen. After removing a third-party fragment, doctors recommend inhalivaronie with the use of aminophylline.

A sharp narrowing of the gaps can be triggered by various negative factors from the outside. In view of what should be prepared to provide emergency care to the patient. For these purposes, eufillin is produced in the form of an injection, as well as in tablet form.

According to the recipe, the medication can be used in patients older than 6 years. However, if obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in infants, the drug is recommended for use. In this case, the doctor will calculate the optimal dose for each specific case.


Eufillin cough is very effective. But only when this negative phenomenon is accompanied by wheezing and whistling. If there are no concomitant symptoms, there is no need to take the medication in question.

However, if there is a severe paroxysmal cough that blocks the ability to breathe air normally, eufillin is recommended for use in the form of inhalations or in the form of tablets. As for the dosage, this point is best discussed with your doctor.

Bronchial asthma

To eliminate attacks of bronchial asthma today, there are many different medicines. One of the most effective is considered to be eufillin. However, this drug is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The agent in question is indicated for the following pathologies:

  • for the treatment of bronchial asthma;
  • with cardiac asthma;
  • for the treatment of ischemic strokes;
  • with hypertension.

Important: After using the medication, some patients noted the manifestation of severe headache, palpitations, seizures and hypotension.

It should be emphasized that if an acute asthmatic attack is observed, the medication is used as an intravenous injection. With moderate and mild degrees of pathology, you can resort to inhalation or take it in the form of tablets.

Features of treatment and dosage for


The intake of the drug in question for adults is recommended according to the following scheme:

  • with a mild and moderate form of pathology, the use of tablets or inhalations 2 times a day is indicated;
  • if there is an acute course of the disease, doctors prescribe intravenous administration, by injection or droppers.

Important: Regardless of the form of use of aminophylline, it must be taken strictly after meals in order to minimize the risk of mucosal irritation.

For people of advanced age, the course of treatment begins with a minimum dosage. In this case, therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.


Eufillin for children is recommended for use from 6 years of age. However, in the presence of acute bronchospasm, the drug can be used for the prompt relief of an attack. In this case, the doctor prescribes up to 4 doses per day of medication, calculating the dosage based on the weight of the child.

Important: Euphyllin is not used for children in the form of suppositories under 12 years of age.

As for the course of treatment, it can last from a week to a month. In this case, as well as the dosage, the decision is made by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's body.


The use of aminophylline during pregnancy is not desirable. Since this can lead to the accumulation of dangerous concentrations of the active substance in the plasma of the biological fluid of the newborn.

However, if it is not possible to replace this drug with more gentle analogues, the expectant mother should be under constant medical supervision during the use of aminophylline. As for the use during lactation, the medication in question passes into the milk. As a result, the child may become irritable.

In general, aminophylline is indicated only in situations where the expected positive result is a potential danger to the baby.

Interaction with other drugs

The action of the drug in question may increase or, conversely, be neutralized when used simultaneously with the following pharmacological groups:

  • tandem with beta-blockers and dosage forms of lithium, the effect is mutually reduced;
  • the effect of the drug is also reduced in smokers;
  • the intensity of the effect of eufillin while taking antibiotics of the macrolide group increases. This also applies to the simultaneous use of oral contraceptives, hormonal origin, as well as quinolines.

In addition, the absorption of the drug is reduced when using antidiarrheal agents and sorbents.

In addition to the pharmacological groups described above, there are a number of medicines that enhance or reduce the effectiveness of the drug in question. In view of this, before starting therapy, the patient must inform the doctor which drugs he additionally uses, for their compatibility.

In general, reviews about taking this remedy are overwhelmingly positive. Patients note an improvement in the general condition with laryngitis and bronchospasm.

Medicine analogs

To date, eufillin has only one analogue, aminophylline. This dosage form contains an identical active ingredient. As for bronchodilators similar in effect, in which the active substance is different, but the spectrum of therapeutic effects is similar, there are several of them, namely:

  • Diprofilin. It is released in tablet form, in the form of a solution and injections;
  • Neotheopak. Released in the form of tablets and suppositories for rectal use;
  • Theobromine. They are prescribed in the form of tablets.

These drugs can be used instead of aminophylline, but only as directed by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use analogs on your own.

drug overdose

The following symptoms may indicate that the patient has experienced an overdose:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting with an admixture of blood;
  • facial flushing and tachycardia;
  • there is a fear of light;
  • tremor of hands and feet;
  • convulsions;
  • a strong decrease in blood pressure;
  • headache.

If the patient has one of the above signs, you should immediately contact your doctor and rinse the intestines by drinking plenty of fluids.

Important: If convulsions appear, it is strictly forbidden to use barbiturates.

If an overdose of the drug is observed in children, the first sign will be the sharp appearance of epileptic seizures. In this case, you need to urgently call for emergency help.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of aminophylline is strictly prohibited for people with the following pathologies:

  • hypersensitivity to xanthine derivatives and caffeine;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • with severe hypotension or hypertension;
  • stroke, hemorrhagic type.

As for possible side effects, when the drug is administered intravenously, patients note that sometimes dizziness, migraines, convulsions appear, and with rectal use, a burning sensation occurs.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase the medication in question, you will need a prescription from a doctor. With regard to storage conditions, aminofillin must be placed in a dark place with a temperature not higher than + 20C. Under such conditions, it is permissible to store the medicine for 5 years.

According to doctors, aminofillin is an effective medication with which it is possible to quickly stop bronchospasm. Recommended remedy for severe attacks of suffocation and dry cough. However, in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is important to carry out treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Eufillin for inhalation is another remedy for the complex treatment of various infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. The drug begins its action already when it enters the nasopharynx. Eufillin belongs to the group of xanthines or anticholinergics.

The drug is available in three forms - capsules, tablets and ampoules. Is it possible to do inhalations with aminophylline, and what type of medicine is best suited? How to dilute it correctly so that there is no negative effect from therapy?

Features and properties of eufillin

The method of treatment with the help of inhalation with a nebulizer has proven itself from the best side. Eufillin directly acts in the focus of inflammation. Inhalation of fine particles leads to a rapid decrease in the manifestations of acute bronchitis. The drug in aerosol form does not settle, but gently envelops the affected inner surface of the bronchial tree.

The drug in tablets is not suitable for preparing the solution, since a solution with suspended particles cannot be poured into aerosol inhalers. Even if the compressed medicine is well crushed and dissolved, microscopic particles will remain in the liquid. This may damage the nebulizer.

The active substance of the drug is aminophylline, which contains a component of the theophylline group. Due to this, inhalations with a nebulizer with aminophylline are considered particularly effective, as they are quickly absorbed and have a direct maximum effect.

Action of the solution:

  • direct hit to the inflamed epithelium;
  • removal of spasm;
  • normalization of breathing;
  • activation of the muscles of the diaphragm;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the lungs;
  • improving the patency of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract;
  • elimination of excess carbon dioxide in tissues;
  • maximum relaxation of the bronchi, which reduces coughing;
  • restoration of air flow and ventilation function.
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • improvement of blood properties.

Indications for use:

  • purulent, protracted, acute, chronic bronchitis;
  • obstruction;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • bronchitis with an asthmatic component;
  • cough of any form - dry, wet, smoker's;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane lining the throat;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Eufillin has a lot of useful properties, but also has many side effects and limitations. Before using it, you should consult your doctor regarding the duration of use and dosage. After that, you can safely start the inhalation course.


  • self-administration of the drug;
  • insufficiency of cardiac function;
  • violation in the myocardium;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • disruption of the kidneys, liver;
  • age up to 4 months.

If the use of aminophylline is necessary during pregnancy, then this is done after consulting a gynecologist and therapist. Long-term use of the drug leads to a change in the blood picture, affecting the level of glucose.

The drug has some side effects:

  • sudden pressure surges;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness or pain;
  • dyspeptic disorders (discomfort in the stomach, impaired stool);
  • damage to the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity.

In a hospital setting, side effects from the drug are practically absent. This is due to its special training by medical workers, the correct proportion is observed. On an outpatient basis, an individual dosage is selected. But before that, it is desirable to undergo a complete examination, to establish the cause of bronchitis and its severity. Complaints, chronic and concomitant diseases are taken into account. With caution, eufillin is prescribed for drug allergies. Its components can cause a strong reaction on the skin or in the respiratory system.

Inhalation with the drug

The use of this remedy is indispensable in the dyspnea and obstruction that occurs in asthma. Obstructive changes gradually lead to the development of respiratory failure. It is quite difficult to prevent it with drugs, but with the help of inhalations, you can achieve the maximum effect and alleviate complications. Eufillin in a nebulizer for asthma is prescribed even for children. Spastic syndromes at this age cause fear in the child and severe discomfort, so they need to be stopped as quickly as possible.

About the nebulizer

Inhalations through an aerosol-type apparatus are provided for the rapid introduction of the drug into the affected area of ​​the bronchi. The smallest particles do not settle in the alveoli, but gently envelop the epithelium inside the lung tree, helping to reduce swelling and irritation. After regular use of aminophylline, against the background of a decrease in the inflammatory process, rapid cell regeneration is noted. Eufillin is not suitable for steam inhalation; under the influence of temperature, the active part of the components is destroyed. Children quickly get used to a convenient and safe device. Using the medicine in this way is the most gentle option for babies.

Eufillin is incompatible with some drugs. Even with inhalation exposure, drug inconsistencies may persist. During the consultation, the doctor is informed about the child taking all groups of medicines, if they are necessary for the treatment of chronic diseases.

  • The drug can not be combined with acid solutions. With the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs, their side effects increase. Eufillin is not used with drugs that excite the central nervous system.
  • Drugs for diarrhea significantly reduce the absorption of aminophylline. They are taken one hour after inhalation.
  • A high therapeutic effect from aerosol therapy occurs with the use of macrolide antibiotics. They require a reduction in the number of inhalations.
  • Diuretic drugs taken in parallel with aminophylline are enhanced in action.
  • It is recommended to stop drinking strong tea and coffee.
  • The duration of therapy will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, the rate of normalization of the general condition and the elimination of symptoms.

Terms of Use

Instructions for use of the solution must be followed exactly. You can not use the drug uncontrollably in large doses, hoping that it will help instantly. There are forms of chronic bronchitis that require persistent long-term treatment. The main problem in them is a prolonged cough, the addition of an asthmatic component and chest pain.

How to dilute the medicine? In the preparation of a therapeutic solution, eufillin is used in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration. To reduce the body's response to the production of histamine with aminophylline, diphenhydramine is used. For 1 ampoule of ampoule, 3 ampoules of diphenhydramine and 150 ml of sodium chloride solution are taken. Saline solution can be replaced with distilled water.

For one inhalation, only 3 ml of the solution is used. Residues of diluted drugs should not be stored in the refrigerator and used for further aerosol treatment. Each time a new solution is used. The time of inhalation is no more than 5-7 minutes.

Usually, eufillin in this application does not cause systemic abnormalities in the body. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, but acts on the surface of the bronchi. But if there is a feeling that the condition has changed, dizziness or a rash appears, inhalations stop. In such cases, it is necessary to inform the attending physician so that he develops a different treatment tactic.

Eufillin inhalations for children

Self-administration of the drug is prohibited. If the doctor does not see an analogue for treating a child, then he can prescribe aminofillin, taking into account the characteristics of the baby's body and the risk of side effects.

The instruction requires compliance with the time regime. Inhalations are not done to children more often than once every 6-8 hours. In special cases of prolonged or complicated bronchitis, only a doctor can reduce the inhalation time of the solution.

How to dilute the drug for a child, the doctor will tell you. Standard dosage, as for adults.

Who said that it is difficult to cure bronchitis?

  • Do you regularly cough with phlegm?
  • And also this shortness of breath, malaise and fatigue ...
  • Therefore, you are waiting with fear for the approach of the autumn-winter period with its epidemics...
  • With its cold, drafts and dampness...
  • Because inhalations, mustard plasters and medicines are not very effective in your case ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...

There is an effective remedy for bronchitis. Follow the link and find out how pulmonologist Ekaterina Tolbuzina recommends treating bronchitis ...

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi that occurs with bouts of excruciating cough against the background of shortness of breath. The inflammatory process in the bronchi always proceeds with the formation of a large amount of mucus, for the removal of which it is necessary to expand the airways, constrained as a result of muscle spasm due to their excessive tension. The antispasmodic drug "Eufillin" in bronchitis acts as an active bronchodilator, helping to restore airway patency even in case of severe obstruction.

Since "Eufillin" is not a specific bronchodilator, and due to its ability to quickly relieve spasms of smooth muscles, it is used for a wide range of different diseases, some readers have a completely fair question, is it possible to use "Eufillin" for bronchitis? And given that the drug is famous for a fairly large number of contraindications and side effects, the possibility of its use in general is called into question.

However, the drug is used for inflammation of the bronchi, even in young children. And in many cases quite successfully, which means that it makes sense to consider the use of this antispasmodic for the treatment of bronchitis in more detail.

ATX code

R03DA05 Aminophylline

Active ingredients

Aminophenylbutyric acid

Pharmacological group

Adenosinergic agents

pharmachologic effect

Bronchodilator drugs

Diuretic drugs

Antispasmodic drugs

Vasodilator (vasodilator) drugs

Indications for the use of eufillin in bronchitis

It should be noted right away that the indications for the use of the drug are quite wide, because its active substance (aminophylline, a derivative of theophylline) can relieve muscle spasms not only of the bronchi, but also of the heart, blood vessels, bladder, bile ducts, etc. But now we are interested in in what cases it is recommended to take "Euphyllin" for bronchitis.

So, "Eufillin" is an active bronchodilator that improves sputum discharge, which means it can be successfully used for coughing, accompanied by the release of a large amount of viscous contents of the bronchi. Very often, this situation is observed in chronic bronchitis and among ardent fans of smoking, which means that "Eufillin" can be used to treat such patients.

"Eufillin" will also help with severe coughing attacks, accompanied by suffocation due to bronchospasm. "Eufillin" with obstructive bronchitis helps to quickly eliminate bronchospasm, which makes it difficult not only to discharge sputum, but also to breathe, which is life-threatening for the patient.

Attacks of a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi can provoke various factors, which means that you need to be ready to provide urgent assistance to a patient with obstructive bronchitis (or even bronchial asthma) at any time and in different situations. "Eufillin" is available both in the form of injection solutions and in the form of tablets, which makes it possible to always keep it with you, using it in critical situations.

It is worth noting that obstructive bronchitis with impaired airway patency, from the pharynx to the lungs, most often results from ineffective treatment of chronic bronchitis. However, in some cases, obstruction can be caused by regular ingestion of dust and other foreign substances into the bronchi. In infancy, obstruction is often associated with the ingress of various fluids (blood, milk, etc.) into the respiratory tract. "Eufillin" will be useful in these situations, it is administered after removing foreign bodies and fluids from the respiratory tract.

The drug "Eufillin", according to the instructions for it, is intended for the treatment of patients older than 6 years. However, in the case of severe obstructive bronchitis that threatens the life of a small patient, doctors effectively use the drug, calculating the allowable dose in this case in each case.


In any drug there is an active substance (one or more), the presence of which determines the therapeutic properties of the drug. In the drug "Eufillin" such a substance is aminophylline, which has antispasmodic properties. Ethylenediamine acts as a catalyst for the processes triggered by aminophylline, which not only enhances the drug, but also contributes to its rapid dissolution in a liquid medium.

Thanks to this composition, an effective antispasmodic can be used not only in the form of tablets, but also as an injection solution for intramuscular injections or an infusion solution for drip administration, which is important in situations where delay is unacceptable.

The main action of aminophylline is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the bronchial system, which allows air to freely enter the lungs, delivering oxygen there, and ensures the removal of carbon dioxide. However, in parallel with this, the drug is able to enhance the nonspecific protection of the bronchi, stimulating their inner membrane, which produces mucus.

By stimulating the brain centers responsible for breathing, aminophylline stimulates the contractility of not only the bronchi, but also other muscles involved in the act of breathing, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. By increasing the body's sensitivity to CO 2 and improving blood oxygen saturation by improving the ventilation of the bronchial system, aminophylline has a positive effect on other organs and systems that experience oxygen starvation during a spasm.

Bronchitis is an insidious pathology that provides the strongest load not only on the respiratory, but also on the cardiovascular system of the patient. By stimulating myocardial contraction and increasing coronary blood flow, Eufillin thereby facilitates the work of the heart, reducing the load on it.

By relaxing the muscles of the kidneys and bladder, the drug provides a slight diuretic effect, which makes it effective in relieving edema, if they pose a danger to the patient.


The drug is rapidly absorbed even when taken orally. Eating food may slightly reduce the absorption rate without affecting the volume. The rate of absorption also depends on the dose of the drug. Small doses of the drug are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract faster than large ones.

The maximum concentration of aminophylline in the blood plasma is observed 1-2 hours after taking the drug (when taken orally), with intravenous administration, the peak concentration is observed after 15 minutes.

Aminophylline is partially metabolized in the liver with the release of caffeine, which in children under 3 years of age is excreted much longer than in adults, which means it can accumulate in the child's body.

When prescribing "Eufillin" for bronchitis, patients of different ages and health conditions should take into account that its half-life is directly dependent on these indicators. So in newborns and patients with heart pathologies, T1 / 2 will be equal to 1 day, while in completely healthy adult patients this figure will be within 8-9 hours. Nicotine in large doses accelerates the excretion of aminophylline.

When prescribing the drug during pregnancy and lactation, you need to be aware that aminophylline is able to penetrate into breast milk and the blood of the fetus, where its concentration is even higher than in the mother's blood.

It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

The use of aminophylline for bronchitis during pregnancy

"Eufillin" is an excellent antispasmodic with the ability to affect the muscles of the uterus, removing the increased muscle tone, which makes it possible to use it if there is a threat of premature spontaneous abortion. But on the other hand, the good penetrating ability of the active substance, which easily passes through the protective barrier - the placenta, poses some danger to the fetus in the womb.

Aminophylline itself is not able to affect the development of the fetus, however, it may well provide some toxic effects for a small organism. The result of exposure to aminophylline will be the symptoms of intoxication that can be observed in a newborn (nausea, impaired heart rate, etc.). These symptoms are not dangerous for the life and development of the baby, as they are considered reversible. This gives the doctor the opportunity to use the drug in situations that threaten the life of a pregnant woman and threaten to miscarry.

Thus, the drug can be used in situations such as late toxicosis (preeclampsia), edematous syndrome, placental insufficiency, threatened miscarriage, bronchial obstruction, etc. In these situations, urgent effective measures are required from the doctor to save the life of the woman and the unborn baby.

There is no specific dosage for such cases, so the doctor has to rely on his knowledge and experience, and the woman has to trust the specialist who observes her, strictly fulfilling his requirements for the dosage and methods of using the drug.


So we got to an important issue that worries many patients, because taking antispasmodics against the background of certain pathologies and conditions can only cause a deterioration in the patient's health. And there are quite a lot of contraindications for the use of the drug "Eufillin", used for bronchitis, which must be taken into account when prescribing the medicine.

Alas, not all doctors are responsible for their work, which means that potential buyers of the drug should be informed about all contraindications to it, both absolute and relative.

To begin with, consider the absolute contraindications to the use of the drug, in which the use of the drug is not allowed under any pretext:

  • Severe course of arterial hypertension or hypotension (if the patient has consistently high or vice versa low pressure, which is difficult to correct with drugs),
  • Arrhythmia with a consistently elevated heart rate (such a pathology is called tachyarrhythmia),
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage,
  • Gastritis, occurring against the background of high acidity of gastric juice,
  • Severe renal or hepatic failure,
  • Epilepsy and cases of epileptic seizures in the history of the patient,
  • Hemorrhage in the brain.

Do not prescribe the drug and patients with acute porphyria, hemorrhages in the retina, high body temperature, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug in the form of tablets is not used in the treatment of patients under 3 years of age, in whom swallowing tablets causes serious difficulties.

Now let's talk about relative contraindications. These are cases where the use of the drug is allowed, however, some care must be taken in the dosage of the drug and the methods of its administration.

So, the drug is used with caution in such situations:

  • In acute myocardial infarction,
  • During an attack of angina pectoris,
  • With a common form of atherosclerosis of the vessels,
  • Tendency to convulsions
  • Various disorders of the kidneys and liver,
  • The presence in the patient's anamnesis of a healed stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer,
  • Occurring in the past bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • With reflux disease of the stomach,
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland, manifested in an uncontrollably low or, conversely, increased production of thyrohormones (with hypo- and hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis),
  • High body temperature that does not subside for an extended period
  • With septic injury.

In all these cases, the drug is prohibited from injecting.

Particular care with careful dose adjustment should be shown in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, elderly patients.

Side effects of eufillin in bronchitis

Both oral administration of drugs and its injection may be accompanied by the appearance of undesirable symptoms, which are commonly called side effects of the drug. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with them when planning to take "Eufillin" for bronchitis.

The impact of the drug on different organs and systems of the body can cause both a positive and a negative response on their part.

So the central nervous system can respond to taking the drug with dizziness, difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep, anxiety, trembling in the body, and the development of convulsive syndrome.

From the side of the heart and blood vessels, one can observe the appearance of arrhythmias, pain in the heart (for this reason, too rapid administration of the drug is not recommended), a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Some patients experienced an increase in the frequency of angina attacks, others indicated a sensation of a strong heartbeat.

From the digestive system, one can expect such manifestations as nausea and vomiting, loose and frequent stools, heartburn due to increased acidity of gastric juice. Possible exacerbations of stomach ulcers, esophagoreflux disease, and with long-term therapy and the development of anorexia.

While taking medications, laboratory parameters may change. For example, blood or protein is found in the urine, which is associated with impaired kidney function, or blood glucose levels drop.

The immune system on "Eufillin" can react with the development of allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching and fever.

Among other things, patients may experience: hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), hot flashes, chest pain, increased urine output.

Dosage and administration

Despite all the above points, doctors continue to use "Eufillin" for chronic bronchitis with airway obstruction, bronchospasm, emphysema and other dangerous conditions, when the drug practically saves people's lives.

Consider how various forms of the drug can be used to treat chronic inflammation of the bronchi.

Tablets "Eufillin" for bronchitis

The drug in the form of tablets is intended for oral administration. You need to take the medicine after eating, drinking ½ glass of water. Tablets can be swallowed whole or broken into 2-4 parts.

The dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the rate of excretion of the drug from the body in different groups of patients.

The daily dose of the drug for adults and adolescents weighing more than 50 kg ranges from 450-900 mg (from 3 to 6 tablets weighing 150 mg) with the possibility of increasing the dose to 8 tablets. You need to take medicine every 6 hours, dividing the daily dosage into 3-4 equal parts.

If the weight of an adult patient is in the range of 40-50 kg (for adolescents, this figure is slightly higher - from 45 to 55 kg), the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 600 mg.

The daily dose for children over 6 years of age and adolescents weighing less than 45 kg is calculated as 13 mg per kilogram of the patient's body weight. In general, this is the minimum daily dose for adults - 450 mg (3 tablets). Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day.

Ampoules "Eufillin" for bronchitis

The pharmacological industry produces "Eufillin" not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution of the drug placed in ampoules. Each ampoule (5 and 10 ml) of the drug contains 120 or 240 mg of aminophylline.

"Eufillin" for bronchitis in injections can be prescribed both intravenously and intramuscularly. Intravenous injections are indicated if the situation is life-threatening for the patient and urgent care is required. After all, with this method of administration, the drug most quickly enters the bloodstream, forming effective concentrations there.

For intravenous injections, the drug is mixed with a 9% sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1:2. The duration of the injection should not be less than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of negative reactions from the cardiovascular system (increased heart rate, shortness of breath, drop in blood pressure). If this is observed even at a low rate of administration of the drug, you need to switch to drip administration.

During the injection, the patient must be in a supine position, and the doctor must constantly monitor his condition. The dose for adults is calculated as 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Intramuscularly, the drug can be prescribed to a child for health reasons. In this case, the dose is calculated as 15 mg of aminophylline per kilogram of the patient's weight.

If necessary, the dosage can be increased by a quarter of the initial dose once every 2-3 days.

The Efillina dropper for bronchitis can be prescribed to both adults and children if the situation that has arisen threatens the patient's life.

In situations that threaten the life of the patient, the drug is administered at a loading dose (5.6 mg per 1 kg of weight) for 30 minutes, maintenance therapy is carried out in smaller doses (0.9-3.3 mg per 1 kg of weight at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute up to 3 times a day).

The solution for infusion is prepared by mixing 2 ampoules of "Euphyllin" in 5 or 10 mg with a solution of sodium chloride with a volume of 100-150 ml.

Droppers are given to children only as a last resort. The daily dosage for infants up to 3 months should not exceed 60 mg. For older children, the drug is administered at a dose corresponding to 2-3 mg per kilogram of the child's weight.

A single dose of aminophylline for adults should not exceed 250 mg. At the maximum dose, the drug can be administered no more than 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment by injection should not exceed 2 weeks. As soon as the patient's condition improves, it is recommended to switch to oral medications.

Non-traditional use of "Euphyllin"

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the drug "Eufillin" for bronchitis should be used as an oral medication, as well as for injection or drip in case of acute bronchial obstruction. Electrophoresis with "Eufilin" is used mainly for the treatment of bronchial asthma and osteochondrosis, with disorders of cerebral circulation, to reduce intracranial pressure, as well as to relieve tension in smooth muscles, but the instruction does not mention this procedure for bronchitis.

However, this treatment of bronchitis is also actively practiced among physicians. For electrophoresis, an ampoule solution of the drug is used, with which a napkin is moistened, in order to then apply it to the bronchial area between the patient's body and the electrode.

With bronchitis, "Eufillin" can be used alone or in combination with magnesia. In the second case, one napkin is moistened in the Eufillin solution, and the other is impregnated with magnesia, after which the napkins are placed under the electrodes with different poles.

The medicine passes through the skin under the influence of an electric current, the strength of which is selected individually. Thus, aminophylline is delivered directly to the bronchi, facilitating breathing and saturating the blood with oxygen, but without having a systemic effect on other organs, which is especially important in the treatment of young patients.

The procedure time usually ranges from 10 to 20 minutes (in pediatrics, the time is set to 10 minutes). On average, about 15-20 procedures are performed, which are prescribed daily or 1 time in 2 days.

The traditional method for conducting drug electrophoresis has been described above. However, with bronchitis, as one of the pathologies of the respiratory organs, interstitial electrophoresis also gives good results, in which the drug is administered orally or parenterally, after which the electrodes are applied to the bronchial region.

The administration of drugs by electrophoresis is a painless (for example, intramuscular administration of a drug is accompanied by severe pain) method of therapy in which even small doses of the drug produce a long-term positive effect, and the bioavailability of aminophylline approaches 100%, which cannot be achieved with oral administration.

However, when prescribing electrophoresis, contraindications must be taken into account, relating not only to the medication used, but also to the procedure itself. Electrophoresis is not performed if the patient is in serious condition, has a high body temperature (from 38 degrees), blood clotting is impaired, in the presence of pacemakers and other metal-containing implants, in violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure, during menstruation. Do not allow the procedure and such health pathologies as tuberculosis (active form), cancerous tumors, liver and kidney failure. Exposure to an electromagnetic field is considered dangerous in decompensated cardiovascular insufficiency and severe mental disorders. Electrophoresis is prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease.

Another non-traditional way to use "Euphyllin" for bronchitis is inhalation with the drug. It is difficult to say what is the basis for the expediency of such treatment. Apparently, the property that "Eufillin", getting into the bloodstream, effectively expands the bronchi and alveoli, removing the increased tone of the muscles of the respiratory tract, led to the erroneous conclusion that the drug will have the same effect when it enters the bronchial mucosa.

Inhalations with "Eufillin" for bronchitis, although they are quite popular, are equal in their effectiveness to the same procedure carried out with clean water. This is the opinion of doctors who claim that the expansion of the bronchi occurs under the influence of steam, and not the drug itself.

In chronic bronchitis, it is more expedient to talk about a different treatment regimen, when inhalations are carried out with Berodual or Salbutamol and Lazolvan, where the first 2 drugs dilate the bronchi, and the latter facilitates the removal of sputum. As an option, inhalation with "Lazolvan" for bronchitis can be carried out after therapy with "Eufillin" and "Suprastin", which helps relieve swelling and spasms of the airways. At the same time, an antispasmodic and an antihistamine are taken orally on the eve of inhalations.

In chronic bronchitis and severe cough, medicinal compresses and lotions show a good effect. But since "Eufillin" does not penetrate well through the skin, it makes no sense to use it in its pure form. But in combination with the drug "Dimexide", which facilitates the penetration of other drugs into the tissues, aminophylline is quite capable of alleviating the patient's condition by improving the ventilation of the respiratory system.

"Dimexide" and "Eufillin" in a compress for bronchitis are found in different recipes.

Classic recipe:

  • 1 tbsp "Dimexida",
  • 1 ampoule "Eufillina" 5 ml,
  • 4 tbsp water heated to 45 degrees.

First, mix "Dimexide" with water, then add "Eufillin".

Enhanced Recipe:

  • 1 tbsp "Dimexida",
  • 1 ampoule of "Eufillin" and "Mukolvan",
  • 5 tbsp warm water.

The composition is prepared according to the same principle.

The compress is done as follows: moisten a cloth in the prepared composition, apply it on the chest or back of the patient, cover with a film and a warm cloth. Hold the compress for 30-40 minutes. You can do it 1 or 2 times a day, as prescribed by the attending physician.

When using Dimexide in compresses, it is important to be aware that this drug is highly toxic. It is dangerous to use it in its pure form even for a healthy person, not to mention people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, for whom the medicine is prohibited in any form.

If you are going to use a compress with "Dimexide" and "Eufillin" to treat a child, you must first consult a doctor about the safe proportions of water and drugs, because "Dimexide" can only be used from the age of 12, and "Eufillin" according to the annotation from 6 years old.

As for the warming compresses themselves, they should not be done at a high body temperature and applied to the heart area. After removing the compress, the skin must be wiped with a damp cloth, removing the remnants of the medicine.

Eufillin for children with bronchitis

According to the instructions for the drug "Eufillin" for bronchitis and other pathologies where rapid relief of spasms and restoration of breathing and blood circulation are required, it is allowed to use from the age of 6. However, in pediatric practice, the drug is often used to save the lives of very young patients. So it is used for obstruction of the bronchi in newborns, caused by the ingestion of milk and physiological fluids into the respiratory tract.

For children under 3 years old, the drug in an injectable form can be administered only for health reasons and only intramuscularly; tablets are not given to babies at all. If there is no threat to the life of the child, injectable solutions are allowed to be administered only from the age of 14. At the age of 3-6 years, a child may be prescribed a drug even in the form of tablets, but the dosage will be much less than an adult.

In children, on the background of bronchitis, bronchospasms occur quite often, which means that urgent help is required to restore breathing. In this case, intravenous administration of the drug is considered the most effective, which should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. And in the future, the child is recommended to be left under the supervision of a pediatrician, because "Eufillin" is famous for its effect not only on the bronchi, but also on the cardiovascular system, which can cause a drop in blood pressure against the background of a decrease in the tone of blood vessels and other undesirable consequences.

To avoid negative effects on the children's body at a younger age, the drug is recommended to be used only in the form of inhalations or during physiotherapy. Medicinal electrophoresis avoids the systemic effect of aminophylline on the children's body (circulatory system, heart, kidneys, bile ducts, mucous membrane of the digestive tract, etc.), since the active substance is delivered directly to the affected area, where it has a therapeutic effect in necessary safe concentrations.

Severe poisoning with the drug may have such manifestations as epileptic seizures, symptoms of hypoxia, acid-base imbalance (acidosis), increased blood sugar levels, potassium deficiency, a drop in blood pressure, necrotic changes in the muscle tissue of the skeletal muscles, malfunctioning of the kidneys, confusion .

Therapeutic measures (in a hospital setting): forced diuresis, hemodialysis, such extracorporeal methods of blood purification as hemosorption and plasmapheresis, symptomatic therapy. With vomiting, Metoclopramide is prescribed, with convulsions - Diazepam and oxygen therapy.

Interactions with other drugs

As you can see, "Eufillin", used to relieve bronchospasm and relieve cough in bronchitis, is not such a safe drug that requires strict adherence to prescribed dosages. And this means that its purpose should also be coordinated with the intake of other drugs, so that the interaction of drugs does not have negative consequences for the body.

There is a group of drugs that can enhance the effect of "Euphyllin", which requires correction of the prescribed dose. These drugs include Furosemide and Ephedrine. A similar effect is observed in combination with beta-agonists and caffeine.

Another group of drugs inhibits the excretion of aminophylline from the body, increasing its concentration in the blood, which also requires a decrease in the prescribed dose of antispasmodic. These drugs include oral contraceptives, macrolide and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, beta-blockers, influenza virus vaccines, drugs based on alopurine, isoprenaline, cemitidine, lincomycin, viloxazine, fluvoxamine, disulfiram.

"Eufillin" is undesirable to take simultaneously with lithium preparations, since it reduces the effectiveness of the latter. But with the simultaneous administration of aminophylline and beta-blockers, the therapeutic effect of both decreases.

The use of steroid drugs, diuretics and beta-agonists during therapy with aminophylline can lead to a significant decrease in blood glucose (hypoglycemia).

Aminophylline is able to enhance the side effects of other drugs (fluorinated anesthetics, mineralocorticoids, CNS stimulants).

"Eufillin" has the ability to enhance the effect of anticoagulants.

Aminophylline, like theophylline, is a xanthine derivative. To avoid the development of an overdose during aminophylline therapy, you will have to abandon drugs and products (coffee, tea, etc.) containing xanthine, as well as purine and theophylline derivatives.

Taking such drugs based on rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carmazepine and moracizin in parallel with Eufillin may require an increase in the dose of the latter.

The Eufillin solution shows incompatibility with acids, fructose, glucose, levulose and their solutions. In one syringe, the solution of aminophylline is allowed to be mixed only with a solution of sodium chloride.

As for the shelf life of various forms of the drug, the tablets should be stored for no more than 5 years, and the solution in ampoules should be used up within a year. However, different manufacturers of the drug may have their own requirements for the storage of their products, which are always reflected in the annotation to the drug.

Eufillin in the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies is used to facilitate breathing. The drug relieves spasms, expands the lumen of the bronchial tubes, redirects pulmonary blood flow, stimulates cardiac activity. Eufillin for inhalation is used in children and adults. The use of the drug in this way causes much doubt and controversy among practitioners. However, patients note the effectiveness of inhalation with aminophylline.

Eufillin for inhalation

Eufillin is a combination drug consisting of theophylline and ethylenediamine. The pharmaceutical industry produces drugs in three forms:

  • Tablets, dosage 150 mg
  • Solution for intravenous administration in ampoules (concentration 2.4%)
  • Solution for intramuscular injection (24% concentration)

Note! There is no special form for the release of eufillin, as a solution for inhalation.

Opponents of inhalation with aminophylline motivate their position by the fact that such procedures are pointless and can provoke bronchospasm. Their negative attitude is explained by the peculiarity of the action of the drug.

Eufillin, as a drug of systemic influence on the body, has a therapeutic effect only if it is used "centrally", through the blood. It does not have a local effect on the mucous membrane when using inhalers. Facilitation of breathing is explained by the action of physiological saline on the mucous membrane.

The action of the drug

Eufillin has a non-selective antispasmodic effect. This means that when taking the medicine and reaching a therapeutic dose of aminophylline in the blood of the patient, the following occurs in his body:

  • the tone of smooth muscles of all organs and systems decreases
  • the lumen of the bronchial tubes expands
  • increases the intensity of heart contractions
  • the tone is removed from the blood vessels
  • improves peripheral blood supply, blood supply to the brain
  • markedly reduced pressure
  • diuresis increases due to improved blood supply to the kidneys
  • relax the bile ducts
  • increased levels of acid in the stomach
  • in pregnant women, the tone of the uterus is removed
  • the intensity of contractile spasms of the intestinal muscles decreases

Note! The therapeutic dose of the drug differs slightly from its toxic dose. The use of aminophylline should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Procedures with eufilin, with the correct dilution of the solution and the absence of an individual reaction to it, do not lead to an overdose of the agent in the blood.

Indications for use in bronchopulmonary pathologies

Regarding diseases of the respiratory system, eufillin is prescribed:

  • in asthma for relief and prevention of bronchospasm
  • with obstructive bronchitis according to the same indications
  • with allergic reactions of the body, accompanied by bronchospasm

Eufillin in injections is prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease or to provide urgent medical care in stopping an asthma attack. In maintenance and prophylactic therapy, eufillin is taken in tablet form several times a day, the dosage depending on the prescription of the therapist.

Warnings and contraindications

Eufillin is forbidden for children and adults to use without consulting a doctor, especially if they encountered the drug for the first time. An individual reaction is possible, similar to the reaction to an overdose.

  • convulsive syndrome
  • drop in blood pressure
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn
  • dizziness, disorientation
  • palpitations, rhythm disturbance

During treatment, you should not drink a lot of coffee, since the drug is converted into caffeine during absorption.

Fact! Strong coffee can make breathing easier. People with chronic asthma attacks are well aware of this feature.

The drug is incompatible with theophylline and ephedrine (which are often found in cough syrups, including those for children). When used together, an overdose effect occurs.

The drug is not used:

  • with pathologies of the heart associated with rhythm disturbance
  • with gastropathology, peptic ulcer of the intestine
  • with severe renal / hepatic insufficiency
  • with hypothyroidism

Use with caution if the patient has low blood pressure. Eufillin in any form is prohibited for use by children at home without medical supervision.


How to use ampoule inhalation for inhalation in ampoules? For procedures with aminophylline, spraying through a nebulizer is used - a special device that sprays the treatment solution to the smallest particles without heating it. Steam inhalers are not used for treatment in this case. The aerosol obtained in the nebulizer, when inhaled, enters directly into the trachea and bronchi, where it settles.

How to carry out inhalation:

  • inhaling correctly during the procedure with aminophylline should be through the mouth, and exhale through the nose
  • procedure time 5-8 min
  • the solution should not be cold

Note! The official instructions for the use of the drug do not give instructions for inhalation. The manufacturer does not provide for such use of the drug.

Dosages for children and adults

The preparation of a solution for inhalation with a nebulizer in children and adults is no different, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise. An ampoule of ampophylline is diluted in 150 ml of hypotonic sodium chloride solution (NaCl) + 3 ampoules of diphenhydramine are added. The solution should be used immediately, it is unacceptable to store. For inhalation (strictly prescribed by a doctor!) Use a solution that is intended for intravenous administration, where the concentration of the active substance is 2.4%.

3 ml of the resulting solution is poured into the nebulizer for one procedure. How to dilute the medicine for one procedure? It will be necessary to reduce the volume of the components accordingly, while maintaining proportions. So for 50 ml of saline, you should take 1 ampoule of diphenhydramine and a third of an ampoule of ampophylline.

When treating children, the permissible dosage per 1 kg of the child's weight at one time every 6 hours is mandatory. Here the proportion depends on age:

  • children 1-9 years 5 mg
  • 9-12 years old 4 mg
  • 12-16 years old 3 mg

In conclusion, it is worth noting that eufillin has an unbearably bitter taste, which can make it difficult to inhale.

ratings, average:

All diseases accompanied by bronchial obstruction syndrome, bronchospasm require the appointment of drugs that expand the bronchi, which have an antispasmodic effect. Regardless of gender, concomitant diseases, or special conditions of the body, for example, during pregnancy and in early childhood, eufillin for inhalation is successfully used.

Description of the drug

The drug has the ability to relax the muscles of the bronchi, blood vessels, uterus, intestines and other internal organs. However, the drug has a tonic effect on the skeletal muscles of the respiratory tract, which explains the improvement in chest excursion, deepening of breathing, and a decrease in shortness of breath. The mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of calcium transport into the cell. At the same time, a moderate blood-thinning effect is observed. The local anti-allergic effect is well expressed for the set of normalization of the permeability of the vascular wall and the exchange of histamine.

Properties of eufillin

Eufillin, regardless of the route of administration, has a dose-dependent effect. At low concentrations of a substance in the blood, achieved by inhalation in a child, an expansion of the bronchial tree is observed. With an increase in the concentration of the drug, a diuretic effect is noted, blood pressure in the pulmonary artery decreases, spasm from the extrahepatic bile ducts disappears. This is what makes inhalations with aminofillin convenient - they prevent an undesirable increase in the amount of the drug in the blood, which is especially important for pregnant women and children.

A significant increase in eufillin in the blood leads to a significant drop in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, increases the outflow of venous blood from the brain, which leads to its stealing, hypoxia. The dosage of aminophylline entering the body through the respiratory tract cannot achieve a toxic effect.

The action of the solution

Instructions for use states that a 2.4% solution is applied intravenously, and a 24% solution is administered intramuscularly. The effect of the solution of eufillin when administered parenterally:

  • improves renal blood flow, has a diuretic effect;
  • increases heart rate;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • improves venous outflow from the brain;
  • dilates peripheral vessels.

Indications for use and contraindications

Indications for use are the following conditions:

  • chronic bronchitis with an obstructive component;
  • bronchial asthma of physical exertion;
  • emphysema;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • apnea of ​​the newborn;
  • pathological types of breathing in adults;
  • all kinds of respiratory disorders.

Eufillin is contraindicated for inhalation in such conditions as:

  • allergic reaction to aminophylline;
  • tendency to high blood pressure;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • ongoing bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • anasarka;
  • all degrees of liver failure;
  • thyrotoxic shock;
  • uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia.

Side effects:
Eufillin, the indications for the appointment of which are very multifaceted, also has side effects. When prescribing a remedy during any manifestations of respiratory failure and bronchial obstruction, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of developing the following complications:

  • lack of appetite;
  • stool instability, alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase in the frequency of respiratory movements;
  • redness of the face;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • arrhythmia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache;
  • tremor - twitching of the fingers;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • psychomotor agitation.

Inhalations with eufillin nebulizer

The introduction of local methods of treatment into modern therapy, including the use of inhalation with a nebulizer, inhalation of aerosols, has made it possible for children and adults to quickly deliver the drug to the right place, to minimize side effects and complications. The benefits of this type of therapy:

  • there is no need to coordinate respiratory movements with the device;
  • the required dose of the drug enters the respiratory tract and has a therapeutic effect on the spot;
  • therapeutic effect occurs immediately, after a short period of time;
  • it is possible to treat the disease during an exacerbation;
  • ease of carrying out regardless of the severity of the patient's condition;
  • reduced systemic side effects.

For local treatment, a special apparatus is used - a nebulizer. The device provides fine spraying of the medicinal substance after passing it through the compressor. The size of the inhaled particles is 2-3 microns, you can breathe aminophylline through your mouth through a mouthpiece or mask, which facilitates the use of nebulizer therapy even in a child of the first days of life.

How to use eufillin for inhalation

Inhalations with aminophylline are used, in which the dosage for adults is selected as follows: initially, 1.0-1.5 ml of water for injection or sterile saline sodium chloride solution is poured into the apparatus. Then the prescribed amount of aminophylline is added - 1-1.5 ml of a 2.4% solution. The total volume of liquid should be 3 ml. The duration of inhalation is 5 minutes or until the complete cessation of spraying the drug.

But it must be remembered that the instruction for the use of the drug does not contain an indication of its use through inhalation. This is due to the fact that all the therapeutic effects of the drug are achieved when it enters the systemic circulation. The advisability of prescribing aminophylline through a nebulizer should be discussed with your doctor. It may be recommended to add bronchodilators from other pharmacological groups along with the solvent and aminophylline to the inhaler.

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of the interaction of eufillin with various chemical compounds. It is advisable to remember this when sharing them in a nebulizer and with systemic administration. At the same time, complications most often develop when prescribing an unreasonably large number of drugs - with polypharmacy. In terms of treatment with eufillin, it is necessary to beware of the consequences of its combined use with anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides, cytostatics, neuroleptics, psychostimulants.

Features of the use of inhalation for children

The excellent effect of aerosol therapy for children is explained by the fact that inhalations can be used from almost any age, with any severity of the condition and severity of bronchial obstruction syndrome. Given that aminophylline has a dose-dependent effect, the use of a nebulizer is most justified to reduce the number of side effects and complications. The ability to breathe through a mask in any position of the body - both sitting and lying down, makes it possible to receive treatment at home and in intensive care units. The drug can be combined with salbutamol, diphenhydramine, berotek, prednisolone, pulmicort, and other drugs. Combinations of these agents depend on the severity and severity of the bronchial obstruction syndrome.

Eufillin during pregnancy

Eufillin has a tocolytic effect, therefore, when this drug is administered orally or parenterally, there may be a relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. A decrease in the tone of the muscles of the uterus and its cervix is ​​fraught with the risk of spontaneous abortion. This property of the drug is not expressed when inhaled with aminofillin, because. with local treatment, it practically does not enter the bloodstream.

Drug analogues

Eufillin can be replaced with the following drugs:

  • aminophylline;
  • aminocardol;
  • ammophylline;
  • diaphyllin;
  • genophyllin;
  • metaphyllin;
  • neophyllin;
  • novofillin;
  • synthophyllin;
  • theophylamine.

Eufillin price

You can buy Eufillin at the following prices:

  • ampoule 2.4% - 10.0, 10 pcs. you can start from 50 rubles;
  • tablets 150 mg - 30 pieces for 11 rubles;
  • ampoule 24% - 1.0 - 10 pcs. - 76 rubles.
  • ampoule 2.4% - 5.0, - 10 pcs. - 38 rubles.


Eufillin, indications for the appointment of which are not limited to obstructive bronchitis when taken orally and parenterally, gives a good effect when used locally in the form of electrophoresis and inhalation. It dilutes sputum, improves its outflow from the upper respiratory tract, and normalizes local immunity in the bronchial tree. It is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician when using aminophylline through a nebulizer in patients of different ages.

Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease of the vocal cords and subglottic apparatus. The disease may have an infectious or allergic origin. Often, swelling in the larynx leads to narrowing of the lumen and reflex muscle spasm. Dealing with such formidable symptoms is not easy. Drugs with a relaxing (bronchodilator) effect come to the rescue. Consider the effects and principles of administration for laryngitis of eufillin.

Composition and form

The working substance in Eufillin is theophylline. Sometimes the international name aminophylline is used. All these names are synonyms. They belong to the pharmacological group of xanthines. Means of this group are used systemically for stenosing diseases of the respiratory system. In particular, Eufillin has found wide application in obstructive conditions.

Eufillin is produced in dosage forms:

  • tablets of 150 mg. aminophylline;
  • ampoules of 5, 0 ml. for intravenous administration (2.4%), for intramuscular administration (24% solution).

One pack of tablets contains 3 blisters of 10 pieces. Ampoules are produced 10 per box.

With laryngitis in children, liquid forms are mainly used for inhalation therapy. In adults, tablets are more widely used. But intravenous infusions are a type of emergency care for emergency conditions.

Description of the drug Eufillin.

How does the drug work with laryngitis

It would be useful to recall that laryngitis is accompanied by inflammation of the ligaments and subglottic apparatus of the larynx. With a significant swelling of the tissues, a spasm of the muscles of the throat occurs, a narrowing of the glottis. Since the glottis serves as an air duct to the trachea and bronchi, a violation of its functioning leads to suffocation and hypoxia. In adolescents and adults, the first symptoms of laryngitis are a hoarse voice and cough, in young children an attack of stenosis may immediately occur.

Aminophylline has antispasmodic, bronchodilator and vasodilating effects. The drug causes relaxation of the smooth muscle fibers of the respiratory tract. One of the important effects is an increase in the sensitivity of the respiratory center to carbon dioxide. Reflexively, cardiac output increases, which increases blood flow and oxygenation in the alveoli. Eufillin also expands the lumen of the coronary and pulmonary vessels. This mechanism, in turn, accelerates the transfer of oxygen, improves the respiratory function of tissues.

With stenosis of the larynx against the background of the use of aminophylline, chest excursion improves, breathing becomes deeper and more rhythmic. This leads to the appointment of aminophylline for children with frequent acute stenosing laryngotracheitis. In parallel, the action of the drug normalizes the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, thus reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat. A side effect on the renal vessels is expressed in the expansion of their lumen and forcing the excretion of urine. This diuretic property of Eufillin favorably affects the removal of edema of the mucous walls of the respiratory tract. It is also used as an emergency medication. Both intravenous administration and inhalation with aminophylline are acceptable. The action in both cases occurs quickly, within five to ten minutes.

How to use in children and adults

Self-medication for laryngitis, laryngospasm is unacceptable. Reception of aminophylline derivatives is possible only after consultation with a specialist. The therapeutic regimen is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. Treatment of a child with laryngitis often occurs in a hospital, especially in infancy, early age.

Eufillin is a dose-dependent agent. That is, its therapeutic effect, the severity of side symptoms directly depend on the amount of active substance taken. The choice of the route of administration, the amount is influenced by the age, weight and severity of the patient's condition. Moreover, if aminophylline tablets are included in the planned treatment of laryngitis, then the dosage of injection into a vein or muscle should be reduced.

  1. Adolescents 12-16 years of age for a single administration are calculated at 2-3 mg / kg of body weight (the largest daily dose is 18 mg / kg).
  2. From 12 to 9 years are allowed to use 20 mg / kg per day.
  3. Children 9 - 3 years old are prescribed 24 mg / kg / day.
  4. Adults receive the drug at a dose of 10 mg kg per day.

Eufillin tablets are usually prescribed for adults for long-term therapy, prevention of asthma attacks in the amount of 450 mg per day.

The maximum allowable daily quantities of the working substance are indicated. They can be corrected in the course of treatment depending on the dynamics of the course of the disease. It is customary to divide this dose into 2-3 doses.

Intravenous infusion is possible in 2 forms: jet and drip. The first type involves the dilution of aminophylline in 10 - 20 ml of saline. For delivery through a dropper or infusomat, a single dose is dissolved in 100 - 150 ml of 0.9% Na Cl. Jet injection is carried out very slowly, for five or more minutes. Drip - 30 - 50 drops per minute. When using modern systems for infusion (syringe pump), the flow is carried out at the rate of 1 - 2 ml per minute.

The preferred route of administration for laryngitis is by nebulizer. This is a hardware inhaler that allows you to crush a liquid substance into an aerosol. With the help of a compressor, the drug is delivered directly to the respiratory tract. Active participation of the patient is not required. Since injections of aminophylline are not allowed for a baby up to 3 years old, this route of administration will remain the only correct one at this age.

Small particles of the drug settle on the mucous membrane of the larynx and bronchi, exercising their effect at the destination, bypassing the systemic circulation. The use of a nebulizer is especially justified in young children, patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency, malnourished patients, since in these groups it is important to minimize the number of side effects. Usually prescribed 1.0 - 1.5 ml of a 2.4% solution in ampoules. Immediately before inhalation, the amount of the prescribed substance is brought to 3 ml with saline. You can carry out this procedure in any convenient position of the body, choosing a mask of the appropriate size.


Since Eufillin is a drug with a direct correlation of action and side effects from a dose, it should be used with extreme caution. Sometimes it is even required to monitor its concentration in blood plasma in order to prevent the development of serious complications. Therefore, in some situations, use is limited or prohibited.

Eufillin is contraindicated in the following conditions and diseases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system - acute circulatory failure, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, severe forms of blood pressure disorders;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • hemorrhage in the brain, retina, other tendencies to bleeding;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland with a violation of the production of hormones;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency in severe stages;
  • early childhood (for intravenous administration).

As for the special conditions of women, this medication is not prescribed during pregnancy. With lactation, eufillin therapy is possible only if the baby is temporarily weaned from the breast for the period of treatment.

Pulmonary edema.

Side effects

The effect of aminophylline derivatives on the body as a whole is varied. It is important to remember this in the elderly, patients with concomitant chronic pathologies. In some cases, the use of this tool can aggravate the general condition of the patient.

Symptoms associated with systemic administration of eufillin:

  1. Cardiovascular disorders in the form of tachycardia, extrasystole, retrosternal pain, sudden hypotension, collapse.
  2. On the part of the nervous system, sleep disturbances, mood lability, confusion up to hallucinations, convulsive seizures or their equivalents may appear.
  3. Problems of the digestive tract are expressed in epigastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting, impaired stool, exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
  4. The urinary tract "signals" a frequent and difficult act of urination.
  5. Of the general effects, a feeling of hot flashes, shortness of breath, a slight increase in body temperature, and lethargy are noted.
  6. Such formidable conditions as anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria are possible.

At the injection site, local changes may appear in the form of infiltration, hematoma, and soft tissue tenderness.

The use of the drug in a dose higher than the maximum allowable causes an overdose clinic. It is a complex of pronounced side effects. The patient's consciousness is disturbed, hemodynamics suffers, respiratory, cardiac, and renal failure develops. In children, convulsive syndrome comes to the fore without characteristic precursors. With the development of such a condition, emergency hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Treatment is indicated in intensive care with the use of intensive care.

Frequent urination.


The widespread demand for the use of xanthines has led to the release of aminophylline under various trade names:

  • neophyllin;
  • Theopec;
  • Theophylline;
  • Aerofillin;
  • Teofedrin.

Different pharmacological companies can change the composition of the filler and the amount of the active substance. Therefore, when purchasing analogues of the prescribed medication, it is important to pay attention to the instructions for use of a particular drug in order to exclude possible contraindications.

When receiving treatment for a concomitant disease, it is worth discussing this with your doctor. There are a number of drugs with which eufillin interacts in a special way:

  1. Enhances the action of diuretics.
  2. Inhibits the effect of beta-blockers and lithium preparations.
  3. Increases the risk of side effects of steroid hormones, anesthetics.
  4. The intensity of the action of aminophylline decreases while taking intestinal sorbents, phenobarbital, rifampicin, isoniazid.
  5. Among the means that increase its activity are caffeine, furosemide, macrolide antibiotics, estrogen-containing contraceptives.

With pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, liver, diabetes mellitus, prostatitis, the recommended doses should be reduced to the minimum effective. Due to the possible effects on the central nervous system, driving and work requiring increased concentration should be limited. The use of large amounts of caffeine with food also enhances the effect of aminophylline on the body.

Due to the ability of aminophylline to cause collaptoid conditions, it is necessary to inject it into a vein only in the horizontal position of the patient. Be sure to follow the recommendations for infusion rates.

The article tells about the drug Eufillin for laryngitis.

What is inhalation: their feature in the treatment of laryngitis

Inhalations in adults

The effect of these inhalations is directly related to the fact that during them there is a direct effect of medicinal substances on the mucous membrane covering the respiratory tract.

Treatment of laryngitis with inhalations pursues the following results:

  • mucolytic effect (facilitation of discharge from the larynx of sputum accumulating there);
  • liquefaction in the throat of thickened mucus;
  • reduction of swelling of the inner surface of the throat;
  • prevention of laryngospasm (if special hormonal inhalations are used for laryngitis);
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • acceleration of the process of regeneration in damaged tissues;
  • relief of negative symptoms (pain, hoarseness or complete loss of voice);
  • prevention of the development of any of the possible complications of the disease.

For the procedure, it is best to use a nebulizer, a special device that creates an aerosol from the drug without heating it. But the solution to the question of what to do with inhalation for laryngitis in each case should remain the prerogative of a specialist. Only he fully knows the situation with the mucous membrane of the larynx in the patient and therefore can choose the most optimal course of therapeutic measures.

Sometimes just a couple of procedures are enough for a sick person to fully recover. Direct indications for inhalation with laryngitis with a nebulizer, both for children and adult patients, is the development of edema, which occurs against the background of other inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

Rules for performing inhalations

A noticeable therapeutic effect from the inhalation of certain medicinal substances can be seen after just a few procedures. But in order for it to fully manifest itself, you need to know certain rules and strictly adhere to them:

  • treatment of laryngitis with a nebulizer, both in adults and in children, cannot be carried out if the patient's body temperature exceeds 37.5˚C;
  • the procedure is permissible only if at least an hour has passed after serious physical effort or eating;
  • carrying out therapeutic actions that relieve swelling of the larynx by inhaling microscopic particles of drugs is categorically not recommended immediately after waking up;
  • preparations for inhalation are prescribed exclusively by an otolaryngologist, and their dosage indicated in the prescriptions must be observed with accuracy;
  • before the procedure, you can not take medicines that improve sputum discharge, as well as rinse your mouth with any antiseptics.

Question! How many days to do inhalation with laryngitis?

In each case, this is decided by the attending physician, but on average, the number of procedures fluctuates from 10 to 15 for 5-7 days. At the end of the inhalation process, you should be silent for at least 2 hours, and also rinse your mouth with boiled water at room temperature.

Edema of the larynx in babies develops very often. This is one of the reactions of the immature immune system to most viral diseases. A dangerous disease is often accompanied by tracheitis or passes into it. The younger the child's age, the more dangerous the pathological condition of his larynx and can often turn into a false croup (almost complete narrowing of the pharyngeal lumen).

In order not to bring the baby's condition to a critical one, often threatening a fatal outcome, it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first alarming symptoms and undergo the treatment prescribed by him. At the very beginning of the disease, babies most often have enough of a course of inhalation. Otolaryngologists usually recommend using a nebulizer to inhale medicinal substances into crumbs. With laryngitis in babies, this device is most effective.

There is also a list that includes certain drugs. In children, it is with these medications that the safest course of therapy can be carried out:

  • inhalations with Berodual for laryngitis are prescribed very often. The inhalation solution is prepared immediately before the procedure. The dose prescribed by the otolaryngologist is diluted with saline to such an extent that the total volume of the therapeutic fluid is 3-4 ml. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 7 minutes, and repeated inhalation of the drug is permissible no earlier than after 4 hours;
  • inhalations with lazolvan are allowed for children only from the age of two. This drug is also immediately before use diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 1, the treatment course should not exceed 5 days. It is necessary for a child to use lazolvan for inhalation only after consulting a specialist and in compliance with all therapeutic prescriptions;
  • inhalations with Aminocaproic acid are prescribed quite often, as it not only successfully copes with negative symptoms, but also helps to strengthen the vascular walls thinned by the disease. For the procedure, this drug is mixed with saline in equal proportions and placed in an inhaler. Therapeutic sessions are held for 5 days, during which the baby inhales therapeutic vapors 2 times a day;
  • inhalations with Eufillin. With laryngitis, they are prescribed when it is necessary to relieve spasm from the vocal cords. In the event that the crumbs begin to suffocate due to severe edema of the larynx, For the procedure, Eufillin 1: 1 is mixed with saline.

It is worth noting! Inhalations with Eufillin are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, and they cannot be carried out when babies have a history of epilepsy or low blood pressure.

Otolaryngologists always recommend young parents to make inhalations of mineral water for the crumbs. Its use in its pure form, without the addition of medications, is very useful for babies with laryngeal edema. Borjomi with laryngitis will help moisturize the neck of the crumbs, which quickly stops all the negative manifestations of a dangerous disease. Small children can inhale pure mineral water up to 6 times a day. It depends on how severe their manifestations of an inflammatory disease of the larynx are.

Therapeutic measures that help get rid of laryngeal edema with a special device are very convenient and effective. In addition, all therapeutic actions with the help of a nebulizer can be performed starting from the age of one. This device is good in that it provides almost instantaneous access of the drug to the foci of the mucous membrane of the larynx affected by inflammation. This efficiency is due to the fact that it very quickly sprays the preparations placed in it into the smallest particles.

Inhalation in children

The question of what to do with inhalation for laryngitis, which is of interest to many, should be asked exclusively by a specialist. Only the attending physician will be able to choose in each case the most effective remedy, the effectiveness of which will be immediately visible. Inhalations for laryngitis with a nebulizer in adults and children are carried out with drugs of a fairly wide group.

The main ones are listed in the table:

DEXAMETHASONE Dexamethasone is prescribed for the following indications: swelling of the throat, accompanied by suffocation, a condition of false croup Inhalations with Dexamethasone for laryngitis are categorically not recommended for hypersensitivity to the drug or individual intolerance to it, weakened immunity, some heart and mental diseases, high fever, and the presence of purulent inclusions in the sputum
NAPHTHIZIN The appointment of naphthyzinum is necessary if the patient is diagnosed with: increased secretion of mucus in the throat, false croup and swelling of the larynx Inhalations with Naphthyzinum for laryngitis are unacceptable mainly in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to the drug, but in the case of using this drug in a child, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary
PULMICORT Inhalations with Pulmicort for laryngitis are necessary in several cases: incipient stenosis of the larynx, swelling of the throat, a rapidly developing inflammatory process Pulmicort for inhalation should not be used in those patients who have a history of cirrhosis of the liver, hormonal disorders or diseases of the adrenal glands.
ADRENALIN (EPINEFRINE) Adrenaline will improve the patient's condition in the following cases: the threat of developing laryngospasm, the risk of false croup The procedure with Adrenaline for laryngitis is carried out only after consultation with a specialist, since this drug increases the heart rate
PREDNISOLONE Prednisolone will help if: laryngeal edema develops rapidly, the patient has severe shortness of breath due to laryngospasm Prednisolone inhalations with laryngitis have one contraindication - this is hypersensitivity to any component that is part of the drug
MIRAMISTIN Miramistin is prescribed in cases where: the patient has completely lost his voice and needs to be restored quickly, extensive laryngeal edema has developed, there is a dry, barking cough Inhalations with Miramistin for laryngitis are so safe that the only contraindication to their implementation is the individual intolerance of the patient
DIOXIDINE Otolaryngologists recommend Dioxidin for inhalation if the patient has the following picture with laryngitis: a purulent process develops in the larynx, there is extensive swelling of the throat, false croup is diagnosed Inhalations with Dioxidine for laryngitis are not prescribed for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age, if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in severe decompensated pathologies of the kidneys or liver
EUFILLIN Eufillin is recommended to be used in cases where it is necessary: ​​to relieve spasm from the vocal cords, to stop a dry cough Eufillin for laryngitis is unacceptable if the patient has an acute phase of myocardial infarction, epilepsy and hypersensitivity to the drug
BERODUALON Berodual is a fairly effective remedy, so it can be prescribed, if necessary: ​​to reduce the overall severity of negative symptoms, to stop the foci of inflammation in the larynx, to eliminate an attack of false croup Inhalations with Berodual have a fairly extensive list of side effects and therefore the use of the drug for medicinal purposes is permissible only on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist

All of the above inhalations with saline are carried out. With laryngitis, it is this use of drugs that can give an excellent effect, since the solution used for the procedure contributes to the maximum moistening of the respiratory tract. This, in turn, allows you to quickly and efficiently remove sputum and excess mucus from the laryngeal region.

Important! All medicinal prescriptions and procedures for laryngeal edema should be performed exclusively by a specialist, especially if inhalations are performed for laryngitis in children. Choosing drugs on your own can cause irreparable harm to yourself and your child.

If a person begins to develop swelling of the larynx, first of all, this will be evidenced by a rather painful symptom - a barking cough. A huge number of patients with laryngitis complain about this negative sign. For adults, it brings with it pains that “tear” the sternum, and in children the situation can be much worse. In addition to painful sensations in babies, against the background of a nocturnal barking cough, false croup or stenosis of the larynx very often develops, almost always ending in death.

Treatment of cough syndrome is not carried out without the help of inhalation. With the help of them, it is possible to moisten a dry painful cough in the shortest possible time. Antitussive medicine for inhalation with laryngitis is selected in direct dependence on what kind it has:

  • inhalations with drugs based on butamirate (Panatus, Sinekod and others) affect the cough center. This helps to stop bouts of unproductive coughing, which does not allow a person to fall asleep;
  • suppress unpleasant symptoms and drugs with dextromethorphan, for example, Glycodin. They act similarly, but are more effective for viral laryngitis. In this case, inhalations with drugs from this group of drugs are able to independently cope with an unpleasant and painful symptom;
  • procedures with preparations containing codeine - Codelac and Terpincod - are the least effective. These funds belong to the past generation, therefore, although they reduce cough, they cause significant harm to the body along the way.

Also, for the relief of a painful cough syndrome, Ambrobene is often prescribed by specialists. For inhalation, this remedy is ideal, as it has both expectorant and mucolic properties. It can be used by patients of any age group.

Any ENT diseases, including laryngeal edema, if it is not in an advanced stage, can be cured with the help of traditional medicine. She offers a huge number of recipes for these procedures. Basically, they are intended for disinfection of the mucous surface of the throat, as they have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

If it is planned to carry out inhalations for laryngitis at home, even the usual phyto-collection for them should be recommended by a specialist who knows the condition of the patient's pharynx. All healing solutions must be poured into a container or teapot, cover your head with a towel and breathe the steam coming from the liquid. In folk medicine, a nebulizer is not used for laryngitis.

Inhalation process

The following recipes are especially popular among doctors and patients;

  • 15 drops (half less for children) of eucalyptus tincture are poured into a kettle with 300 ml of hot water or a teaspoon of the leaves of this plant is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Any of these means is breathed until its taste is felt in the pair;
  • inhalations for laryngitis at home are also performed using the following herbal tea: thyme, coltsfoot and currant leaves are mixed in equal parts. 2 tablespoons of this collection are poured with half a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, and then used for inhalation;
  • well disinfects the larynx (throat) and decoctions of sage or chamomile flowers. The method of their preparation is similar to the previous healing collection. Such procedures with the inhalation of herbal decoctions can be done quite often, as they are completely safe and will help relieve the inflammatory process faster;
  • Alkaline inhalations for laryngitis are also considered indispensable. For them, 2 tablespoons (without a slide) of soda are dissolved in half a liter of hot water. Such therapeutic inhalations not only quickly stop the feeling of soreness and sore throat, but also help restore the voice.

Often, young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to do inhalation with laryngitis for children using folk remedies. According to experts, this is acceptable, but only after the baby is examined by an experienced otolaryngologist. In addition, do not forget that before starting an inhalation course of home therapy, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the components of herbal teas. In the same case, when an acute course of the disease is observed, it is possible to cope with it only with the help of medications, the appointment of which will be carried out by the attending physician. Folk recipes in such a situation can only be an auxiliary therapy.

Inhalation of medicinal substances through steam in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract is considered, although very old, but fully proven method of treating such ailments. It was used by our ancestors. Although in no case should one forget that steam inhalations for laryngitis, despite their provenness for centuries, should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician. This is due to the fact that in some cases the negative consequences of their use may exceed the positive effect.

Such situations include the following:

  • purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Heating loosened tissues in this case will lead to accelerated reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which will begin to penetrate into other parts of the respiratory system at a double speed;
  • elevated body temperature. Inhaled hot steam contributes to its further rise.

In both of these cases, inhalation with laryngitis with a nebulizer is necessary. In other situations, when the doctor has allowed this procedure to be carried out with steam, it is very important to control its temperature. Any increase in it can lead the patient's mucous membrane to burns.

Such procedures are also quite popular. Inhalations with oil during laryngitis contribute to the creation of a thin protective film in the larynx, which will effectively protect the mucous membrane from the penetration of harmful substances and pathogens. But in order for the patient to receive the full therapeutic effect, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules during the procedure:

  • after the end of the treatment process, it is not recommended to talk, smoke and eat food for an hour;
  • during the procedure, you should completely disconnect from extraneous affairs and thoughts;
  • it is enough to take a few drops of oil on a vessel with liquid.

Oil inhalations for laryngitis are best done with juniper, fir or lemon oils, which have a wound healing, soothing and bactericidal effect. The procedure is carried out in two ways - the usual, hot, and cold. The second is that the vapors of oil added to cold water are inhaled. It is recommended for those patients who have a history of irritability, vascular disorders or insomnia. After carrying out any procedure with the inhalation of oil vapors, it is required to rest for some time.

For many years, baking soda was used in medicine exclusively for gargling. Recently, its use for medicinal purposes has expanded significantly. Increasingly, otolaryngologists advise their patients soda inhalation for laryngitis. They can be carried out in two ways: the old-fashioned way, hiding with a blanket over a pot with a healing solution, or using a modern medical nebulizer device.

The composition of the solution for inhalation of the respiratory tract is almost always prepared in the same way. To prepare it, it is necessary to dilute 2 teaspoons of soda ash in half a liter of hot boiled water. Important: in no case should you inhale steam until the temperature of the soda solution reaches 55˚C. Otherwise, there is a chance to burn the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

The therapeutic effect of inhalation with soda for laryngitis is as follows:

  • inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • elimination of edema from the pharyngeal region;
  • liquefaction of sputum accumulated there and thereby freeing the respiratory tract;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • providing an analgesic effect.

Carrying out soda procedures for very young children should be carried out using a special medical device, a nebulizer, as this is much more effective than inhaling steam over a saucepan. First of all, this fact is due to the fact that not every baby will be able to inhale hot steam under the covers for some time, even the shortest, as it will be very hot for him. Also, children have a significant risk of getting a burn of the throat mucosa. That is why experts strongly recommend parents to abandon the use of the grandfather's method of inhalation treatment in favor of a nebulizer.

The treatment of pathological conditions of the throat, due to its high safety and effectiveness, has long been considered a popular method of therapy. This led to the fact that this technique began to be used unlimitedly and uncontrollably. However, it should be recalled that
that this procedure has some contraindications, ignoring which will not only not give the desired healing effect, but can also provoke the development of serious health problems.

Situations in which it is absolutely impossible to inhale the smallest medicinal particles:

  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • body temperature exceeding 38˚C;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute phase;
  • severe stage of laryngitis;
  • the age of the child is up to one year;
  • individual intolerance to the drugs used for the procedure.

There are much more contraindications for steam inhalations than for those that were carried out using a nebulizer. The main prohibition for their implementation is considered to be a purulent process developing in the larynx. It is also categorically not recommended to inhale hot steam in the case when the pathological condition is provoked by bacterial microflora - this will contribute to its speedy reproduction. In order for the procedures performed to give a positive result, and not provoke any serious health problems, before inhalation, you must seek the advice of a specialist and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Eufillin for inhalation is recommended for use in complex therapy for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The drug begins its active action immediately after penetration into the respiratory system. Eufillin is a medication belonging to the group of anticholinergics (xanthines).

The drug has 3 forms of release:

  • capsule;
  • tableted;
  • into ampoules.

The drug is allowed to be used for inhalation procedures.

Inhalations with aminophylline are recommended to be done using a nebulizer. The medicinal composition, immediately after penetration to the focus of the inflammatory process, is immediately activated to fight. When inhaled fine aerosol particles, the manifestations of bronchitis and acute course are instantly reduced. The effect of the solution is due to the enveloping properties of the affected surface of the bronchi, which indicates that the medicinal composition does not precipitate on the organs.

To prepare a medicinal solution, the tablet form of the drug Eufillin is not suitable, since small fragments of the drug can damage the nebulizer.

Active components of Eufillin: aminophylline containing active components of the theophylline group. The action of these components is aimed at rapid absorption with an immediate positive therapeutic effect.

For inhalation procedures, the prescribed dosage for adults and children, which is prescribed by the attending physician, is maintained. The dose of Eufillin is prescribed individually.

How the solution works

Eufillin allows you to normalize breathing with a cold

The action of the therapeutic drug Eufillin:

  • Quickly penetrates to inflamed epithelial cells;
  • Relieves spasms;
  • Normalizes breathing;
  • Activates the muscle tissue of the diaphragm;
  • Restores microcirculation;
  • Improves patency in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Eliminates excess carbon dioxide.
  • Relaxes the bronchi, which helps to better cough.
  • Restores oxygen flow with ventilation functions;
  • Prevents thrombosis;
  • Improves plasma composition.

Such an action of the drug does not leave the disease any chance for a further course.

Who is shown the use of inhalation procedures Eufillin

Inhalations with Eyfillin are indicated for:

  • purulent, protracted, acute, chronic bronchitis;
  • obstruction;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • bronchitis, asthmatic origin;
  • any kind of cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • irritations of the mucous membranes, lining the throat;
  • pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

Eufillin has a lot of positive efficacy, however, there are also many side reactions with limitations. Self-administration of the drug is prohibited, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor, as well as the dosage should be selected with the duration of the course of therapy.

Any prescribing medications and their dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.

When the drug is contraindicated

Instructions for the use of Eufillin for inhalation has a number of contraindications:

  • self-administration of the medicinal composition;
  • heart failure;
  • heart pathology;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • breastfed children up to four months of age.

Important! For pregnant and lactating mothers, Eufillin inhalations are prescribed only by a therapist or gynecologist. With prolonged use of the drug, a change in the composition of the plasma and jumps in glucose levels are possible.

During pregnancy, inhalations can be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

Adverse reactions

  • sudden pressure drops;
  • vomiting with nausea;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • malfunction of the digestive tract;
  • constipation or loose stools;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

If the patient is undergoing inpatient treatment, then side effects do not occur, since the doctors are professionally trained and do not violate the rules for preparing the proportion of solutions for inhalation with Eufillin for children and adults.

For outpatient treatment, individual dosage selection is required. For this, an examination is carried out to determine the causes of bronchitis, as well as the severity of the course of the disease.

When deciding on a treatment regimen, the specialist takes into account the presence of possible concomitant and chronic diseases. If the patient has an allergy, then the decision on appointments is made carefully.

Carrying out an inhalation procedure

Most often, this medicinal composition is used to eliminate shortness of breath, obstruction, asthma. Due to obstructive changes, respiratory failure may occur. This pathology is very difficult to treat with medication. Inhalations are just designed to eliminate the complication. Eufillin is approved for use in children, especially when the child has asthmatic attacks. Procedures are carried out through a nebulizer. With spastic syndromes in children, fears with severe discomfort are observed. Therefore, such attacks should be stopped as quickly as possible.

Inhalation should be done with a nebulizer

Definition of a nebulizer

Thanks to inhalation, the aerosol quickly penetrates to the affected areas in the bronchi. Small fragments envelop the alveoli and cell epithelium in the pulmonary tree. This reduces swelling, eliminates irritation. Regular inhalation procedures with Eufillin relieve the inflammatory process, against which rapid cellular regeneration occurs.

The drug is not intended for steam inhalation, as high temperatures have a destructive effect on the active components. In addition, steam inhalation is not safe, for children the best option is to use a special device to which they quickly get used and are not capricious.

Nebulizer Instruction Manual

Inhalations for children are carried out only in the presence of adults

To get the maximum result from the treatment therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the dosage of the medicinal composition. Increasing the dose may cause unwanted reactions. Some types of bronchitis need long-term medical therapy. Such pathologies are accompanied by a prolonged cough and chest pain.

For the preparation of the medicinal composition, a liquid form of the drug (ampoules) is used, intended for intravenous and intramuscular manipulations. Dimidrol is used to reduce the reaction in the body (the production of histamine). The volume of one ampoule of Eufilin requires diphenhydramine (3 amp.) And saline solution. In total, 3 ml of the finished composition is poured into the nebulizer.

The diluted composition is not intended for storage, the second application can be carried out with a newly prepared composition. The duration of the inhalation procedure is 5 minutes.

Systemic deviations after the use of such inhalation are not noted. The drug does not enter the bloodstream, its effect is noted only on the bronchial surface. If suddenly unpleasant symptoms began to appear in the form of dizziness, rashes, inhalation procedures are stopped. The patient should seek medical attention.

You can not independently apply the drug to a child. The specialist selects the components of medicines on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the state of the child's body.

An important point is to observe the duration of the procedure; in childhood, inhalations with Eufillin are carried out no more than once every 7 hours. If the baby is diagnosed with complicated bronchitis, the time of respiratory treatment is reduced.

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