What is the name of dystrophic processes in the liver. Fatty hepatosis - symptoms of the disease and treatment. Mechanisms of disease development

The accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver causes this pathology and leads to dysfunction of the organ. The mechanism of the progression of the disease is such that the initial stage is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the hepatocytes (liver cells) themselves, and with an excess content, breaks through cell membrane and leads to the proliferation of connective tissue and fatty degeneration of the liver.

Features of such pathologies, as well as possible plan treatment is given in our article.

The concept and code of the disease according to ICD-10

Fatty liver disease is characterized different character occurrence and rate of cell transformation. Depending on the origin, two forms of hepatosis are distinguished: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

They also classify primary and secondary form diseases. In the International Classifier of Diseases, it is registered under the code K 76.0 - fatty degeneration of the liver.

The reasons

The risk factors leading to the development of such a disease are common to all characteristic liver diseases. Under the influence of toxic substances, most often alcohol, the excretory function of the liver is disrupted, and healthy hepatocytes die, which are replaced by connective (fibrous) tissue.

The photo shows fatty hepatosis of the liver

Others contribute to liver poisoning chemical compounds, for example, work in harmful conditions or living in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

The health of the liver is influenced by the lifestyle and eating habits of the patient, as well as hereditary factors. Most often, several causes contribute to the onset of the disease at once, so the risk of hepatosis should be considered in the following cases.

For what reasons can a disease occur:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Metabolic disorders in endocrine diseases.
  • (usually over ten years).
  • Long-term use of some medications(most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Diseases of viral hepatitis.
  • Violations of the normal and functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity.
  • permanent power cut, strict diets and starvation.

The combination of causes leads to the development fatty hepatosis. In some cases, the cause may not be clear, so no one is immune from such a disease.


Depending on the number of affected cells, there are four stages of the disease, which determine the further prognosis for the patient.

Hepatosis classification:

  • Zero stage. Separate groups of cells contain fatty inclusions.
  • First degree characterized by damage from 10 to 335 hepatocytes. Fat droplets become larger in size, forming separate lesions.
  • Second degree determines cell damage at the level of 33 - 66% of total. Cellular obesity is formed various kinds connections.
  • Third stage. Fat inclusions go beyond the boundaries of hepatocytes, forming fatty cysts. Cell damage reaches more than 66%.

Adequate treatment will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and completely get rid of the disease. It will take years, and the doctor's recommendations must be followed for the rest of your life, but compared to the prospect of cirrhosis and death, this is the most acceptable option.


For the most part, the manifestations of the disease can be seen only in advanced stages.

Prior to this, hepatosis does not manifest itself in any way and the disease can be detected only during a preventive examination, including ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Objective complaints begin to appear when more than 10% of the total number of replaced liver cells becomes. At this stage, more than half of the body ceases to perform its functions.

Common complaints are:

  1. Soreness in right side.
  2. Enlarged liver size, noticeable with.
  3. Digestive disorders: vomiting, or constipation.
  4. Deterioration of the skin and hair.
  5. Predisposition to colds, poor immunity and allergic reactions.
  6. Violations reproductive function, impossibility of conception.
  7. Women have deviations menstrual cycle, heavy or irregular bleeding.
  8. Deterioration of blood clotting.

Usually anxiety symptoms do not appear at once, but increase over time. First, patients complain of soreness and discomfort, then symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, because the affected organ ceases to perform its function.

Video program about the signs of fatty liver hepatosis:

Acute disease in pregnant women: clinical guidelines

Hepatosis of the liver is one of the most complex pathologies pregnant. Symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or an infectious disease. Correct staging the diagnosis is difficult and acute clinical picture, because the symptoms are diverse.

What are the patients complaining about?

  • Frequent vomiting without relief.
  • Pain in the abdomen of unclear localization.
  • Jaundice of the skin and sclera.
  • General deterioration.

According to statistics, this pathology develops between 30 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Cases of acute fatty liver occur approximately once in 13,500 - 14,000 births, therefore timely diagnosis extremely difficult.

Usually a woman enters the hospital with a suspected infection or late toxicosis, which is considered a threat to not bearing. Unfortunately, the only possible treatment will be delivery as soon as possible followed by drug therapy.

Previously, mortality from such a pathology was almost 100%, now the threat is less (about 25%), but still, such a complication of pregnancy is considered extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and child, so all possible measures should be taken immediately.

alcohol form

Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver, because it leads to its dysfunction.

Hepatosis that has arisen for such reasons quickly degenerates into, which is an irreversible violation of the structure and functions of the liver.

With this development, the prognosis for the patient is extremely negative, because usually the survival rate of patients is about 40% in the first three years.

Fatty hepatosis of the pancreas: treatment

A specialist hepatologist will help prescribe the optimal therapy. Based on the surveys and analysis data, an individual course is selected medications.

The dosage and regimen will be somewhat different, because such funds should provide unloading of the affected organ, as well as improve functions due to special enzymes.

Treatment includes the following items:

  1. Strict diet. Food restriction is prerequisite successful treatment. The diet should be varied, but as light and nutritious as possible.
  2. Lifelong abstinence from alcohol. Even with the development of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis, refusal to bad habits, including smoking, should be conscious.
  3. Leading Patients sedentary image life, are at risk for the development of such a disease, so the necessary plan physical training can be agreed with the doctor.
  4. Medical therapy. The selection of drugs is carried out on an individual basis, and such funds will have to be taken in long courses for the rest of your life. According to laboratory tests, the dosage and type of drug are adjusted, but drug support for liver functions plays an important role in its treatment for hepatosis.
  5. Traditional medicine methods, including the use of herbal decoctions. They have a choleretic, cleansing and diuretic effect, are effective in complex therapy hepatosis.

A separate word can be said about special preparations - hepatoprotectors. They contribute to the normalization of liver function, even with significant damage to hepatocytes.

These drugs are generally safe for long-term use, you can choose the optimal dosage for each patient, and their effectiveness will allow them to be used even in the treatment of cirrhosis.

Essentiale, Galsten, Phosphogliv, Glutargin and Arginine drugs caused particular popularity and trust of patients. In addition, ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are often used, for example, Ursofalk, Grinterol, Ukrliv, Ursodesk and others. They are used for biliary disorders of the biliary tract.

Why is the disease dangerous?

Fatty hepatosis leads to liver dysfunction, which is deadly for the patient.

Gradual intoxication of the body negatively affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and even lungs, causing irreversible damage. Most often, hepatosis develops into, but this disease is not at all treatable.

In addition, the following complications are noted:

  • (enlargement of the liver).
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dysfunction of the abdominal vessels.
  • General intoxication of the body.
  • Progressive.

The development of cirrhosis with diagnosed hepatosis is a matter of time. The degeneration of cells and the growth of connective tissue in hepatosis of the last degree is irreversible, and therefore leads to the appearance of cirrhosis.

The rate of development of such an ailment is different in each individual case, but the prognosis for the patient is very poor.


It is impossible to determine the disease at an early stage using laboratory tests. Unfortunately, an increase in normal liver enzymes occurs already with progressive hepatosis.

At the zero and first stages, the disease is diagnosed exclusively special methods research, for example, or. It is distinguished by good information content and safety, which will show all tissue changes.

How to cleanse the liver with traditional medicine?

An effective method of treating and preventing hepatosis is liver cleansing. It can be carried out independently, but a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. If there are no contraindications, and the specialist has approved the chosen method, you can proceed with the procedure.

Options for independent use:

  • Preventive cleansing begins with a preliminary cleansing of the intestines.(fasting and enemas, only drinking water is allowed), after two days you need to take two tablets of allochol and lie on your right side. An hour later, drink 50 grams of warm vegetable oil(olive or linseed is best), after that 30 grams lemon juice. Apply a heating pad to your right side and lie down for at least two hours.
  • Cleansing with vegetable oil is also very effective. To do this, three days before the event, you must completely abandon food of animal origin, on the eve of doing cleansing enema. Before starting cleaning, it is also worth completely eliminating solid food, replacing a small amount natural vegetable juice. Every day at 19:00 optimal time for the release of bile), you need to drink 100 - 120 grams of warm vegetable oil. After that, it is worth lying down, using a heating pad on the right side. After about two hours, the process of bowel release will begin. You can repeat this cleaning two to three times a year.
  • Cleaning with buckwheat porridge. To do this, it is necessary to cook 50 grams of buckwheat chopped per 200 grams of water. Boil for a long time, about 20 - 35 minutes, without salt, oil and other ingredients. Eat porridge in one go while warm. After that, lie on your right side, placing a heating pad under it. After a while, go to the toilet. The feces will be liquid, dark in color, which indicates the effectiveness of cleaning. You can repeat this cleaning no more than once a month.

When conducting similar procedures, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, and also not to abuse these methods. If you feel worse, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid possible complications.

Diet: sample menu

Adjusting your diet to take into account liver pathologies is not so difficult. To do this, one should take into account the need for fractional nutrition (portions should be designed for 4-5 single meals), cooking technology (cooking, steaming and baking, rarely stewing).

The amount of salt must be reduced, and fat must be removed from the diet.

In general, the nutritional composition remains complete, only alcoholic drinks, "harmful" foods and fatty foods. The information provided will help to accurately determine all the boundaries of what is permitted.

Allowed foods:

  • Lean meat, meat products.
  • Low-fat fish stewed and boiled.
  • Milk boiled sausages.
  • Vegetable and milk soups.
  • Chicken egg (1 piece per day).
  • Mild cheese, ham.
  • Kashi on the water.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Boiled or stewed vegetables (can be baked).
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Omelet for a couple.
  • Fresh fruits (except citrus fruits) and non-acidic berries.
  • Compotes, jelly, decoctions, weak tea.

It should be taken into account that daily allowance fat is reduced to 70 grams. With caution, sour cream, fermented baked milk is used, fatty cottage cheese. You should also limit your intake. strong tea, coffee, mineral sparkling water.

Legumes should be consumed in very limited quantities. If you have problems with digestion, this product is completely removed from the diet.

Prohibited Products:

  • Any kind of alcohol.
  • Sweet sparkling water.
  • Purchased snacks (chips, nuts and crackers).
  • Spicy, fatty and overly spicy dishes.
  • Concentrated meat broths.
  • Pickles and smoked meats.
  • Fresh onion and garlic.
  • Fresh radish and radish.

An important requirement of the diet is fractional nutrition. You should divide the diet into several small portions and sit down at the table four to five times a day. You will need to follow a diet for life, for which you will not be long in improving your well-being.

Is it possible to cure the pathology completely?

Hepatosis diagnosed in the early stages can be successfully treated with medication. Special preparations and a radical change in lifestyle and eating habits will help to avoid complications.

At the last stage or insufficient treatment, hepatosis progresses rapidly and leads to severe complications and . In this case, it is impossible to get rid of the disease, the drugs only eliminate the accompanying manifestations and discomfort.


The best way to avoid developing this disease is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. A strict diet, the exclusion of alcohol, harmful and difficult to digest food, as well as fractional nutrition - all these activities should become permanent.

It is very important to undergo examinations on time, to treat the acute phase of diseases, preventing the transition to chronic form. In addition, if there are associated problems, for example, being overweight, you should work hard on yourself to reduce the risks of such a pathology.

Fatty liver disease is a serious liver disease that leads to irreversible consequences in the organ.

Under the influence of external and internal adverse factors, liver cells accumulate excess fat, which then fills the entire space in the affected organ. Such a pathology often leads to, which is an irreversible disease and a mortal threat to the patient.

Fatty degeneration of the liver- This is a pathology that occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of fats (lipids) in the cells of an organ. It also has other names - fatty liver and fatty hepatosis.

The accumulation of fat can be a reaction to various toxic effects, sometimes it is associated with certain diseases and pathological conditions of the body, when the functionality of the immune system decreases in a person.

As it accumulates in liver cells simple fats under the influence various factors regenerate and form adipose tissue. Gradually, the liver loses its natural ability to neutralize toxins and ceases to function fully.

The reasons

The pathological process usually develops due to the influence of nutritional factors:

  • abuse of fatty foods;
  • systematic use of alcoholic beverages;
  • vegetarianism, leading to a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • dominance in the diet sweet food, the components of which are transformed into fats;
  • regular consumption of cheap food and semi-finished products.

In some patients, hepatosis appears against the background of atherosclerosis, gout, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, drugs or certain medications. Women get sick mainly because of diets that end in sharp overeating.


The disease develops in stages. At stage I, it can be generally asymptomatic, but it is detected during morphological study organ with biopsy. As fatty degeneration of the liver progresses, the patient's health worsens. A person complains about such deviations as:

  1. bloating;
  2. feeling of heaviness and pain in the hypochondrium on the right;
  3. various stool disorders;
  4. yellowish coating on the tongue;
  5. periodic nausea;
  6. bitter taste in the mouth.

Upon reaching III degree the symptoms of the disease appear as a result of the dysfunction of hepatocytes, that is, liver cells. The patient is found chronic intoxication, making itself felt depression, memory impairment, drowsiness, irritability. Against the background of cirrhotic changes and impaired blood flow through portal vein development of portal hypertension. About the III degree of fatty degeneration of the liver is judged by concomitant diseases:

  • jaundice;
  • varicose veins of the esophageal veins;
  • expansion of the veins on the abdomen (the so-called "head of a jellyfish").


To confirm the diagnosis fatty degeneration liver” the patient is given a referral for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity (during palpation of the abdomen, the doctor can only establish an increase in the organ).

In the results biochemical analysis blood shows an elevated level of liver enzymes. In some cases, the patient is biopsied and offered to undergo an MRI or CT scan.


Steatosis therapy has several goals:

  1. elimination of factors that provoked organ obesity;
  2. elimination of toxins;
  3. metabolism correction;
  4. restoration of liver function.

As a drug therapy, drugs of 3 groups are prescribed:

  • essential phospholipids - defenders of hepatocytes (Phosphogliv, Berlition, Essentiale Forte);
  • sulfoamino acids (Taurine, Methionine, Ademetionine);
  • medicines with herbal ingredients(Karsil, Liv).

Folk methods of treatment

To remove fat from the body, it is recommended to drink a rosehip decoction. Prepare it by 12-hour infusion in a thermos 50 g of berries, filled with half a liter of boiling water. Take infusion 4 p. a glass a day. Brewed in the same way corn silk.

Help the liver recover normal sizes can be through the use of citrus infusion. To prepare it, you will need 3 lemons thoroughly washed and processed with a blender, half a liter of boiling water. Lemons are crushed together with the peel and the resulting slurry is combined with water. The remedy is insisted during the night, filtered in the morning, and taken between meals for 3 days in a row, no more. Then they arrange a 4-day break and are again treated with infusion.

To strengthen the liver cells, it is useful to eat 1 tsp daily. pine nuts. Also in the morning, it is recommended to add mint leaf or lemon balm to any tea. Mint phytonast is prepared from 20 g of leaves and 125 ml of boiling water. The remedy is insisted all night, and in the morning it is divided into 3 parts and drunk over the next day.


People with this diagnosis are shown diet table No. 5. His diet provides for a high protein content with a restriction of animal fats. The menu necessarily includes dishes from cottage cheese, rice, cereals - they break down the fats accumulated in the liver.

As a light choleretic agent, it is useful to eat pumpkin, cabbage, carrots. Vegetables are allowed to eat in any form, but not fried. Meat and fish are boiled or stewed. From dairy products, you can drink fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. But it is not recommended to drink heavy cream, milk and eat cheese. Also banned are:

  1. sausages;
  2. pasta;
  3. soda;
  4. alcohol;
  5. White bread;
  6. lemonades;
  7. muffin;
  8. mayonnaise;
  9. margarine;
  10. sweets.

With fatty degeneration of the liver, it is necessary to consume foods with pangamic acid. It could be brewer's yeast apricot kernels, gourds, rice bran, brown rice.

The following activities are indicated as maintenance therapy:

  • weight control;
  • immunity protection;
  • increased physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining hormonal balance;
  • dieting;
  • state stabilization nervous system.

What else is good for the liver, see below:


With timely adequate therapy and weight loss, the results of treatment of fatty liver will be noticeable in about 3 weeks. Full recovery of the organ can be achieved in a few months. To maintain the body in a satisfactory condition, the patient must adhere to a diet and give up addictions. For pregnant women, fatty liver is dangerous with complications during gestation and even death during childbirth.

Negative prognostic factors include the possible degeneration of the pathology into fibrosis and (there is an proliferation of connective tissue with the replacement of liver cells).

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Fatty degeneration of the liver

Treatment folk remedies

Usually we associate the word "obesity" with overweight body that is visible to all. With regard to the diagnosis of fatty liver disease, the disease is not associated with extra pounds and invisible to the outside eye.

A planned or random visit to the doctor allows you to recognize this ailment. Today's article offered to you, dear readers and guests medical blog"", is dedicated to the prevention of fatty liver and the prevention of serious complications.

The mechanism of development of fatty degeneration of the liver

● This currently very common disease has several names - steatosis, fatty degeneration of the liver ... The name is different, but the result is the same - for various reasons and under the influence of irritants, liver cells are reborn into adipose tissue.

The mechanism of the development of pathology is based on the so-called phenomenon of insulin resistance, when the sensitivity of tissues to insulin in the body decreases markedly.

● You and I know that insulin, being the main factor for the formation of energy, promotes the breakdown of glucose in the liver. AT this case we see a completely different picture.

Glucose, instead of being broken down, accumulates in the blood, contributing to the development fat process, against which the liver cells, suffering, begin to collapse. The consequences of such a pathology are very dangerous.

● Since the role of the liver is the chemical laboratory of the body, it ceases to fight dangerous toxins, produce bile, thereby contributing to the disruption of the digestion process and the pollution of the blood with toxins.

If you do not urgently start treating fatty degeneration of the liver, complications arise in the form of or.

Causes of hepatosis of the liver

● The liver has many enemies, leading to its obesity. These include: overeating, irrational use of chemical drugs.

In the latter case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are considered the most dangerous. Let's take this example. The patient suffered from back pain throughout the year.

Instead of going to a specialist, he stubbornly swallows diclofenac or voltaren (the very anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs).

After some time, he complains to the doctor about the heaviness in the right hypochondrium, as if a brick was tied. The answer is quite simple - the pathological process of degeneration of healthy liver cells into fat is in full swing.

● The risk group to get sick with fatty degeneration of the liver includes those people who have worked all their working lives at hazardous chemical enterprises, constantly in contact with such toxic substances as phosphorus, lead, arsenic, and so on.

May be in danger, as well as lovers of illegal diets with a weight loss per week of more than 500 grams. For fatty liver, fullness is not absolute indicator, because among the patients there are many slender; however, it will be better if you keep your weight normal.

Symptoms of fatty liver

● Fatty degeneration of the liver is not limited to a single symptom - heaviness in the right hypochondrium. However, it should be noted that fatty liver disease starts without any symptoms.

Is it sometimes nauseous, who doesn’t happen to?! Is this a cause for serious concern? This can go on for several months to years.

That's when, in addition to heaviness in the right hypochondrium, you feel fatigue, weakness, lack of strength to do ordinary housework - stop postponing a visit to the clinic - immediately see a doctor!

● During the initial examination of such a patient, the doctor notes a slight increase in the liver: it can protrude from under the costal arch by 2-3 cm.

A biochemical blood test indicates an increased content of liver enzymes (AlAt, AsAt), as well as cholesterol levels. The ultrasound picture shows a diffuse change in the liver parenchyma, and a biopsy shows the presence of a certain stage of fatty degeneration of the liver.

The main therapeutic and preventive measures for hepatosis

● To prevent the aggravation of the process of development of pathological changes in the cellular structure of the liver, the right lifestyle will help you - giving up alcohol, overeating, lying in front of the TV screen for a long time.

Above all, pay close attention to what you drink and eat. Start sounding the alarm if alcoholic drinks appear on your table every day, strong coffee, all kinds of cakes and buns, marinades, sausages, sausages, rich broths, dishes with an abundance of spicy seasonings from fried fatty meat.

● Eat a modern Mediterranean diet. Love meat - choose only white (turkey, chicken and rabbit), from fish - eat more low-fat sea.

Your salvation is olive oil, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are best eaten stewed rather than fried and raw. You will be useful skim cheese, dairy products, vegetable soups, butter, curdled milk. Eat often, fractionally - up to 5-6 times a day in small, not frightening portions.

● You are faced with the challenge of losing weight gradually to ease liver function. To do this, you must, among other things, use physical activity, but not of an intense nature, but of a long one - jogging, walking, swimming, useful work in the garden and garden in the country or in the garden.

Conservative treatment of fatty liver

● Before proceeding with the presentation of this chapter, a big request to all patients not to self-medicate - only a doctor can prescribe the correct course of treatment. And let today's article be for you only information to think about the disease.

● The attending physician to stop the absorption of glucose from gastro- intestinal tract and increase the sensitivity of adipose and muscle tissues to insulin, as a rule, prescribes long timesiofor- 0.5 - 1.0 g twice a day.

If you have high blood cholesterol, you will need a group of statins: atoris- 10 mg once a day for six months to a year.

Special place in the treatment of fatty degeneration of the liver, hepatic hepatoprotectors are used, which help to facilitate the outflow of bile, normalize metabolic processes in the liver. They are treated for at least three months, or even more, it all depends on the indicators of a biochemical blood test:

heptral- take one or two tablets twice a day;

legalon- 2 r per day, 140 mg;

Essentiale forte- three times a day, two capsules;

ursofalk- at night, three or four capsules.

● In other cases, your doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations to help your pancreas cope with digestion: panzinorm, creon 10000, mezim-forte, as well as choleretic agents: hofitol, odeston, allochol, corn stigmas.

Cleansing the liver - prevention of hepatosis

● If fatty degeneration of the liver aggravated, it is necessary to eliminate the stagnation of bile using the “blind tubage” procedure, which can only be carried out in the absence of. Learn how to cleanse the liver due to alcohol addiction on this.

To spend medical procedure, you will need electric heater and one liter mineral water"Essentuki No. 17" with released gas and adding a tablespoon of olive oil to it.

● Take two no-shpy tablets, drink the entire mineral water within half an hour and lie down with your right side on a warm heating pad, rest for 1.5-2 hours. "Blind tubage" should not cause you discomfort. You should do it once or twice a week for thirty days.

If for some reason you were unable to carry out the procedure, limit yourself to taking olive oil three times a day before meals for twenty minutes in a tablespoon.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of liver dystrophy

● There are many medicines for the treatment of fatty liver, you just need to skillfully use them. For example, leaves and juice have a beneficial effect on diseased liver cells, and clover successfully removes toxic substances (toxins) from it; corn stigmas, - the best choleretic agents.

ethnoscience recommends that patients with fatty liver take 20 ml of fresh lemon juice diluted in half with boiled water; eat vegetable salads with the addition of dandelion leaves, drink rosehip broth 1-2 cups daily, eat 3-5 apricot kernels containing vitamin B-17, or take the following healing compounds:

- mix one glass each, collected in the month of May and fresh, add 50 g of fruits and rose hips (pitted), crushed in a coffee grinder, and also; mix everything and take twice a day, half a teaspoon half an hour before a meal, until the entire composition is over;

- the collection consists of four parts of flowers, three parts taken in two parts of immortelle grass and; crush and mix everything. We insist until morning in a thermos two tablespoons of the mixture in half a liter of boiling water. Take half a glass three or four times a day after a meal for one or one and a half months. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times a year.

you know traditional healer Academician Bazylkan Dyusupov? For details on how it treats liver problems, read on. this site.

You can read about the treatment of cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts.

Stay healthy, God bless you!!!

Any disease has causes and prerequisites, and often a person is to blame for the occurrence of the disease. Especially it concerns . Neglect of the recommendations of doctors, self-medication and passion for folk remedies, use junk food, addictions - as a result of these abuses of one's own body, fatty degeneration of the liver or fatty liver develops.

Fatty infiltration of the liver is a pathological condition in which the organ accumulates lipid tissue and hepatocyte cells begin to degenerate. With timely detection, proper treatment and constant adherence to the diet, fatty hepatosis is a reversible process.

Why is there a replacement healthy cells for fat? Doctors identify the following reasons:

  • diabetes II type;
  • overweight (body mass index over 30), metabolic disorders;
  • hyperlipidemia - a disease characterized by an abnormal amount of lipids in the blood;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract system - pancreatitis, enteritis, chronic intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • endocrine pathologies (hypofunction thyroid gland, hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex);
  • malnutrition, alcohol abuse;
  • irregular meals, fasting, debilitating diets;
  • taking certain medications, for example: tetracycline, methotrexate, excess vitamin A, estrogens, antiretroviral therapy drugs, antibiotics for a long time and without probiotics;
  • intense exposure to toxins (gasoline, poisonous mushrooms, phosphorus in pure form, some pesticides, etc.) and radiation.

Alcohol and drug intoxication, poisoning or chemicals, irradiation can lead to toxic liver dystrophy - acute condition requiring immediate medical attention.

Mechanisms of disease development

Fatty infiltration of the liver usually occurs for 2 reasons. Most often, this is due to an excess of fats entering the body, which can lead to:

  • Excess fat and carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Increased use of glycogen. At the same time, fats are removed from the depot and accumulate in the liver.
  • Slowing down the breakdown of lipids due to alcoholism or obesity, anemia, diabetes, endocrine diseases.
  • Imbalance in production processes growth hormone. This produces the release of fat cells from the depot.
  • Insulin resistance increases the uptake of fatty acids from peripheral adipose tissue to the liver.

The second reason is the difficulty in removing fats from the liver. This can happen due to such phenomena:

  • Lack of substances responsible for the processing of fats (proteins, lipotropic factors). As a result, lipids are not converted to phospholipids or lecithin, but are deposited as free fats within cells.
  • Toxins, alcohol, some diseases destroy mitochondria and others cell structures than impair the utilization of fatty acids.

In the case when the liver parenchyma is so affected that hepatocytes can no longer function normally, tissue inflammation may begin. The result of the inflammatory process sometimes becomes toxic dystrophy of the liver. This pathology is usually acute course with severe pain, a sharp deterioration in well-being and requires immediate treatment to the hospital.

Signs of fatty liver

Fatty degeneration of the liver is asymptomatic for a long time. Degeneration of this kind refers to slowly progressive pathologies. With the further development of liver dystrophy, symptoms occur:

  • heaviness and dull pain in the upper right side of the abdomen;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • the skin is dull, pale, dry;
  • nausea and vomiting;

Hepatosis of the liver, the symptoms of which are easily confused with the usual deterioration in well-being, is dangerous for its inconspicuousness. Symptoms increase gradually and become apparent by the 3rd stage of the disease. Unfortunately, such liver damage is treated only by organ transplantation.

Therefore, if you are at risk (they are listed in the causes of fatty liver disease), you need to be more attentive to your body so as not to miss the signs of the onset of dystrophy. More the best way out every 6-12 months will undergo an examination: ultrasound, blood and urine tests. The sooner changes in the structure of the organ tissue are detected, the more likely restore the liver.

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of the disease:

  • zero - small inclusions of fat in a small amount;
  • the first - large drops of fat, small areas of degeneration;
  • the second - intracellular fatty liver with large areas;
  • the third is the formation of lipomas - fatty cysts.

The third stage is accompanied high risk fibrosis. Cysts can begin to compress neighboring areas of the liver, block bile ducts. Diagnosis is carried out according to the patient's complaints, ultrasound is prescribed and CT scan. With a doubtful diagnosis, a liver biopsy is prescribed.

Treatment strategy and tactics

There is no specific treatment for this disease. But you can't give up! It is quite possible to take the pathology under control, to nullify the main manifestations of the disease.

What can you do to improve your condition:

  1. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination, follow all prescriptions and prescriptions;
  2. Power correction. This is not a temporary diet, but a way of life for a person with liver disease;
  3. If toxic liver dystrophy is diagnosed, then the likelihood of contact with poisons that are suspicious should be reduced. medicines, various pesticides and insecticides.

Diet for hepatitis

With this pathology, the main thing is to reduce the amount of fat. Fried food is prohibited, only boiled, stewed or steamed.

You will need to remove the following foods from your diet:

  • rich broths, especially bone and mushroom;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fresh onions and garlic;
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • radish and radish;
  • canned foods - including homemade products;
  • smoked meats, salty foods;
  • fatty milk and dairy products;
  • coffee and cocoa, various sodas.

The diet for fatty liver hepatosis should include:

  • fresh, boiled, steam vegetables;
  • soups, borscht on the water and without meat;
  • milk soups;
  • low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • boiled eggs - no more than 1 per day;
  • steam omelet;
  • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina and rice;
  • milk;
  • kefir, low-fat yogurt.

Any disease of the liver and pancreas is not treated without diet.

it Foundation stone of the whole tactics of therapy of this disease and the most effective method stop further development fatty infiltration of the liver. But even following a diet, with hepatosis, it is important to monitor the amount of fats and proteins that come with food.

Medical treatment of fatty liver

A gastroenterologist deals with diseases of the liver and pancreas.

For the treatment of fatty hepatosis, 3 groups of drugs are used:

  1. Preparations with essential phospholipids. These substances protect cells from various toxic effects. The doctor may prescribe Essentiale, Phosphogliv.
  2. Sulfoamino acids - "Heptral" or "Dibicor";
  3. Preparations based on vegetable raw materials - Karsil and its analogues;

The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor according to the diagnosis and degree of the disease. To consolidate and improve the treatment, antioxidants and a complex of vitamins with minerals are additionally prescribed.

Folk remedies in the treatment of pathologies of the liver and pancreas

In the people, hepatosis is called fatty liver disease or simply - fatty liver. People have long passed each other "grandmother's" ways to restore the body's natural filter. Some of them are exactly the same as the tips. official medicine by selection useful products in the diet of a patient with fatty liver disease. In folk recipes, it is advised to eat onion and garlic, rich in enzymes, pumpkin and cabbage, which are full of fiber, honey and cottage cheese, abounding in vitamins and microelements.

However, there are some recipes that need to be treated with caution, especially when it comes to self-medication with herbs. Healing herbs are not at all as harmless as they might seem. If you believe that the herb can cure a serious disease, then you must understand that it has the power not only to heal, but also to cripple. A person with should be especially attentive to what enters his body, because it is on his already affected organ that the main blow from improper herbal medicine will fall. Medicinal herbs often need to be drunk according to a strict scheme, observing the dosage, the time of administration, the temperature of the infusion. Consequences of uncontrolled intake herbal preparations or tinctures may be worse than fatty liver disease.

What folk remedies are safe and useful?

  • Pumpkin in any form - porridge, casseroles, raw in salads. Patient and scrupulous patients can try pumpkin-infused honey. To do this, seeds are removed from the vegetable, any fresh honey is poured into the cavity. The folk remedy is infused for 14 days in a dark place. Take 3 tablespoons a day.
  • Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A. But retinol is a fat-soluble substance. Half a glass carrot juice you need to pour the same amount of milk of normal fat content (2.5%). Take 1 glass of drink in the morning.
  • Apricot Kernel - Take 5 kernels every day.

Such folk recipes how to eat cottage cheese and pumpkin you can “prescribe” yourself on your own - there will be no harm from this, but if you want to try something more radical, you need to consult a doctor. A gastroenterologist knows best how to treat fatty liver in your particular case. If you do not want to take medication, the doctor will write you a treatment regimen with herbs - milk thistle, immortelle, yarrow. However, you should not start taking herbs without a doctor's prescription, the wrong dosage may not cure fatty liver disease, but aggravate the condition.

Some Conclusions

  • With fatty liver treatment is not limited to a course of drugs. This disease is chronic, it is unlikely to be completely cured, therefore, it will be necessary to prevent the degeneration of the organ throughout life.
  • The course of treatment necessarily includes a diet. It is necessary to treat the disease only on the advice of a doctor. Folk remedies are good, but this is not a panacea.
  • Everything depends on the patient. If he wants to change eating habits, stick to a diet, treat the main and accompanying illnesses, then the destruction process can be reversed.

The question of what liver dystrophy is is of interest to many patients who are faced with a similar diagnosis. As doctors explain, this is a coma that arose as a result of a deep inhibition of the functionality of the liver. Liver dystrophy (LP) is provoked by various diseases with chronic course in which the bile-forming gland is damaged.

The liver is a unique organ that plays an important role in lipid metabolism. Triglycerides from food enter the intestines, where they are broken down by enzymes, then they penetrate into bloodstream. Fats travel with the blood to the liver, where they are converted into various substances, necessary for normal operation organism.

With excessive accumulation of lipids, fatty degeneration occurs, in which the concentration of fats in the organ increases 10 times. The content of triglycerides can reach more than 50% of the total volume of the gland, and normally this figure does not exceed 5%.

The disease progresses slowly and does not manifest itself. characteristic symptoms. It is important to identify signs of pathology in time and consult a doctor who will diagnose, identify the cause and establish a diagnosis. With absence timely treatment increases the likelihood of dangerous complications up to death.

Causes of the disease

In most cases, DP occurs due to the fact that the response of hepatocytes (liver cells) to the effects of insulin decreases. Insulin is a hormone that transports glucose to the body's cells. Due to the fact that hepatocytes do not respond to the action of insulin, there is a lack of glucose in the liver. Glucose is very important for the normal functioning of liver cells, therefore, with a deficiency of the substance, they begin to die. Affected cells are replaced by adipose tissue over time. As a result, there are disorders of the functionality of the liver.

DP occurs as a result of malnutrition, bad habits, a passive lifestyle, etc.

Hepatocytes become immune to the effects of insulin due to genetic pathologies or metabolic disorders. Absence normal reaction liver cells can manifest itself due to immune aggression in relation to insulin.

Other causes of DP:

  • The presence of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  • Excessive consumption of fatty foods.
  • Passive lifestyle.

All these factors negatively affect the state of the liver, provoking irreversible changes.


Symptoms of liver dystrophy are most often mild, and the patient may simply not pay attention to them. As a rule, patients do not complain of any disturbing phenomena. The pathological process develops slowly, and clinical picture not explicit.

As DP develops, there is a dull pain on the right under the ribs, nausea, hepatomegaly, etc.

However, over time, the following symptoms appear:

  • dull pain on the right under the ribs;
  • hepatomegaly;
  • nausea;
  • eruption of vomit;
  • stool disorders.

AT rare cases dystrophic changes glands are accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, a sharp decrease in weight, itching, staining of the skin and mucous membranes in a yellow tint.

Usually, the symptoms of DP are divided according to the type of pathology. With toxic liver dystrophy with widespread necrosis (tissue death) of the organ parenchyma, there is an increased growth of hepatocytes, which are located next to portal vein lymph nodes and spleen. DP is manifested by multiple bleeding in skin, internal and serous membranes. In addition, there are necrotic and dystrophic changes in tissues that affect the heart muscle and pancreas.

Toxic DP with a chronic course progresses over time to large-nodular cirrhosis (one that develops as a result of widespread necrosis of the parenchyma of the organ). If left untreated, the risk of death of the patient due to or hepatorenal syndrome (severe functional acute renal failure) increases.

Liver lipodystrophy

Fatty degeneration of the liver (fatty hepatosis) occurs due to the replacement of hepatocytes with fat cells. Accumulate in hepatosis body fat, which look like drops on the liver.

The cause of fatty degeneration is the pathology of the gallbladder, its duct or intestinal tract. FDP (fatty liver) can cause the following diseases:

  • Severe obesity.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 malabsorptive and maldigestive syndrome.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Taking corticosteroids, tetracyclines, estrogens, NSAIDs.

Lipodystrophy often occurs against the background of hepatitis with a chronic course (especially with type C hepatitis).

A macropreparation characteristic of IDP: hepatomegaly, the surface of the liver is smooth, the consistency is dense or flabby, the front edge of the organ is rounded, clayey, yellow or yellow-brown.

Toxic DP

Toxic liver dystrophy (TDP) is manifested by extensive rapidly developing necrotic processes that affect the structure of the liver. Usually, the pathology has an acute course, but sometimes it becomes chronic, provoking liver dysfunction.

With TDP, necrotic processes develop

Massive necrosis develops under the influence of toxins that are found in foods, such as mushrooms. Such poisoning occurs under the influence of external factors. Toxic degeneration of the liver may occur due to endotoxicosis. To similar states include toxicosis in pregnant women, hyperthyroidism (an excess of thyroid hormones). Often TDP occurs against the background of hepatitis, then dystrophy is a symptom of its fulminant form.

Toxic liver dystrophy is accompanied by hepatomegaly, flabbiness or density of liver tissues, the organ turns yellow. If left untreated, the size of the gland decreases, the capsular membrane becomes wrinkled. The organ acquires a gray color and outwardly resembles a clay mass. For 3 weeks, the gland continues to decrease, its color changes to reddish. Over time, the reticular stroma of the liver begins to become exposed, in which dilated, blood-filled capillaries are visible. Liver cells are preserved only in certain areas of the lobules. This is how red dystrophy manifests itself.

Chronic TDP is a rare condition in which the patient is more likely to die due to rapidly progressive liver dysfunction.

Acute hepatic dystrophy

Acute liver dystrophy (ALD) is most often a complication of hepatitis A, which occurs in unfavorable form. Separately, pathology develops quite rarely.

The disease is little studied, so doctors cannot accurately answer how it develops. It is also not clear whether there is a connection with the strength of the virus or if some other factors influence the pathological progress.

ADP is most often a complication of Botkin's disease

Aggravated parenchymal hepatitis is provoked by the following diseases: brucellosis, tick-borne relapsing fever, syphilis. In addition, the likelihood of complications of the disease during pregnancy or after an abortion increases. These factors adversely affect liver cells, provoking severe dystrophy.

Symptoms of ADP at an early stage resemble those of hepatitis A, so there is a risk of a significant deterioration in the patient's condition. The pathological process affects the nervous system, as a result, brain activity is disturbed. The disease is manifested by delirium, anxiety, convulsions, eruption of vomit. In this case, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in a psychiatric department.

The reverse reaction of the nervous system is also possible: indifference to everything that happens, depression, lowering of vitality, craving for sleep. Symptoms continue to grow, the patient loses consciousness, hepatic coma develops.

Alcoholic dystrophy

This type of dystrophy occurs due to excessive drinking for 10-12 years. Ethyl alcohol penetrates the body and poisons hepatocytes.

ADP manifests itself against the background of excessive and prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic liver dystrophy (ALD) can occur against the background of hepatosis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis. Most often, it is hepatosis that causes gland dystrophy due to excessive drinking. If the patient refuses strong drinks at an early stage of hepatosis, then the condition of the liver improves after 2-4 weeks. In most cases, ADP does not show severe symptoms.

Signs of ADP:

  • Enlargement of the parotid salivary glands.
  • Flexion contracture of fingers.
  • Redness of the palms, and sometimes of the feet.

The easiest way to identify the disease is through laboratory tests and biopsy.

To restore the functionality of the liver, the patient must give up alcohol. In addition, the doctor prescribes corticosteroid drugs, essential phospholipids. At the last stage of ADP, an organ transplant is prescribed.

Diffuse dystrophy

Diffuse dystrophic changes in the liver parenchyma are very dangerous state. It occurs as a result of the fact that hepatocytes are not able to neutralize the toxins that enter the body. Liver cells cannot cope with large-scale poisoning, as a result, the parenchymal tissue begins to die, and fibrous tissue grows in the damaged areas. connective tissue. diffuse changes become more and more pronounced, and this threatens liver failure. This is how diffuse DP manifests itself.

With diffuse transformation, the liver parenchyma dies

Degenerative dystrophic changes in the liver most often provoke a similar process in the pancreas. This is due to the fact that these organs are closely related to each other.

Focal dystrophy

Focal liver dystrophy (OLD) is difficult to detect using laboratory tests. This is quite difficult even despite the fact that there are functional disorders of the gland. Symptoms of the disease depend on the causes that provoked it.

With focal transformation, individual parts of the liver are affected

Focal DP, which arose as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, is manifested by shortness of breath, loss of appetite, sometimes there is pain on the right under the ribs. These signs become more pronounced when the patient moves.

The most effective methods for detecting pathology are magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

Granular dystrophy

This is the most common type of protein DP. Granular liver dystrophy (GLD) is characterized by a violation of the colloidal properties of the cytoplasm of the cell, in which a grain-like protein appears.

With ZDP, the organ becomes flabby, its blood supply is disturbed

ZDP provoke the following factors:

  • Inadequate feeding of the newborn.
  • Intoxication.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Violation of blood circulation and lymph circulation.
  • Causes that provoke oxygen starvation of tissues.

Over time, with ZDP, protein metabolism in cells changes, the cytoplasm becomes cloudy, swells. Due to damage to the liver tissue, the bile-forming gland becomes flabby, its blood supply is disturbed.

It is important to distinguish the signs of PD from natural processes protein synthesis in cells, in which granularity appears in the protein.

This pathology is reversible, but it has a severe course. Therefore, there is a possibility of degeneration of the ZDP into intracellular hyalinosis, dropsy or necrosis.

Protein DP

Protein degeneration of the liver (BDP) develops as a result of protein metabolism disorders and occurs against the background of amyloidosis, hyaline or granular degeneration.

BDP is manifested due to a violation of protein metabolism

In amyloidosis, amyloid (a protein-polysaccharide complex) is formed and deposited in the tissues.

Hyalinosis is a type of BDP, which complicates atherosclerosis. As a rule, the disease manifests itself locally, for example, in vascular wall during the formation of a blood clot (thrombus). Pathology is characterized by the formation of translucent protein structures that resemble cartilage.

With BDP, the liver acquires a granular structure, since drop-shaped and granular formations appear in the protoplasm of cells. They combine and fill the intracellular space. Protein structures become denser, the work of gland cells is disrupted, as a result, liver tissues die.

Hydropic degeneration of the liver (HDP, vacuole degeneration) is accompanied by the appearance of vacuoles (a cavity in cell cytoplasm), which are filled with cytoplasmic fluid. In pathology, the cells of the parenchyma of the organ increase, which is accompanied by wrinkling or vacuolization of the nucleus.

With HDP, vacuoles filled with cytoplasmic fluid form in the liver.

As the disease progresses, the liver overflows with fluid, and its ultrastructures undergo decomposition. Affected cells look like containers filled with water and are a continuous cavity with a bubble-shaped nucleus. This is how GDP manifests itself.

Changes can only be detected using a microscope, since the liver does not change externally.

The prognosis for vacuolar dystrophy is unfavorable, as intense disorders in the functionality of the gland appear. If left untreated, the disease ends with focal or total cell death.

Yellow dystrophy of the liver

IDP is often a complication of pregnancy. The pathology is due to acute poisoning organism against the background of infectious diseases. Jaundice future mother can provoke DP, inflammation of the gallbladder, stones in the liver. In addition, the disease can occur independently due to autointoxication of the body (toxicosis).

IDP often manifests itself during gestation

IDP is a severe degree of toxicosis in expectant mothers. Pathology occurs due to severe poisoning by metabolites. The disease is manifested by yellow staining of the skin and mucous membranes, profuse vomiting, clouding of consciousness, delirium and increased excitability. In addition, there is a possibility of a hemorrhagic rash (hemorrhage under the skin), the volume of urine decreases, it contains cyrosine and lecithin, and hepatic dullness decreases. If left untreated, the patient dies within a few days.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of DP is difficult, since traditional laboratory research are ineffective, despite disorders of the functionality of the gland.

CT and MRI are the main methods for detecting liver dystrophy

The disease is usually asymptomatic, the only sign of pathology is hepatomegaly. The echogenicity of the liver during ultrasound remains within the normal range, and sometimes even increases, so it is quite difficult to distinguish DP from cirrhosis or fibrosis. Ultrasound procedure allows you to identify areas with increased echogenicity. Areas of low echogenicity can be identified using CT. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are the most informative methods DP recognition. With their help, it is possible to determine focal hepatosis of the liver.

A biopsy is performed to detect pathology. With a pathomorphological examination of tissues, the doctor will determine the excess accumulation of fat.

Treatment Methods

Many patients wonder how to treat DP. Treatment consists in observing the following rules:

  • Diet.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases.
  • Restoration of the structure of the liver.
  • Consolidation of results.

Complex therapy consists in following a diet and taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

If the pathology was provoked by diabetes, then you should contact an endocrinologist, for diseases of the digestive tract, contact a gastroenterologist or therapist, and for alcoholism, contact a narcologist.

As a rule, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • hepatoprotectors,
  • synthetic antioxidants,
  • statins.

Hepatoprotectors stabilize cell membranes, restore their integrity. They improve the metabolism of bilirubin, fatty acids, proteins. For this purpose, Karsil, LIV-52, Hofitol, Essentiale, etc. are used.

Choleretic agents improve the secretion of bile, normalize its composition, and reduce congestion. With DP, Allohol, Holosas are prescribed.

Statins correct the lipid profile of the blood. With their help, the penetration of fats into the bloodstream is reduced, and excess cholesterol is excreted from the body.

If hepatic encephalopathy is observed with DP, then the patient is urgently hospitalized. The patient is administered drugs by the parenteral method, limit the amount of proteins. In addition, drugs are prescribed that correct the acid-base state. Acidosis is often manifested in DP; sodium bicarbonate is administered to prevent it. Antibacterial agents suppress the intestinal microflora.

At functional disorders the liver is prescribed extracorporeal enterosorption. Glucocorticoids are used to support metabolism.

To reduce the load on the liver and speed up recovery, it is necessary to revise the menu. The diet should include foods containing vitamins, fiber, pectins, carbohydrates. Daily rate fat - 70 g. It is important to exclude foods that contain cholesterol and limit salt intake.

When treating DP, it is forbidden to drink coffee, tea, soda and alcohol.

Patients are allowed to eat soups with vegetables, cereals or based on skimmed milk. It is recommended to consume fresh, boiled, baked or steamed vegetables. Occasionally, you can enjoy low-fat ham, hard cheese (not spicy), scrambled eggs from proteins or boiled eggs (no more than 1 egg per day). You can also include buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina and rice in your diet. In addition, sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content are not prohibited.

Preventive measures and prognosis for DP

To prevent the disease, you should avoid the factors that provoke it. It is important to give up bad habits: alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of food (especially fatty), passive lifestyle.

For the prevention of DP, it is recommended to conduct healthy lifestyle life

To keep high vitality and prevent development pathological processes, you should eat right, limit the use of hot, fried foods, smoked, canned foods. In addition, the patient should constantly monitor the weight and maintain it within the normal range.

In order for the liver to function normally, you should do sports every day: walking, jogging, swimming, etc.

If DP is not accompanied by other diseases, then the prognosis is favorable. With dystrophy with pronounced complications, immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable to infectious diseases. Pathogenic microbes enter the body, as a result, the patient tolerates anesthesia, surgical procedures worse and recovers after them longer.

If the patient is leading wrong image life and is not engaged in treatment, then the pathology progresses. Then the probability of small-nodular cirrhosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis increases.

If during the treatment of DP the patient refused alcohol, follows a diet and the doctor's recommendations, then most likely he will be able to maintain his working capacity and improve his general condition.

Based on the foregoing, liver dystrophy is dangerous disease with a chronic course, which occurs as a result of deep inhibition of the functionality of the gland. To prevent dangerous complications, you must be attentive to your health and, if suspicious symptoms occur, contact a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound, MRI or CT scan, as well as a biopsy. The patient must strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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