Is it possible to wash after swimming in the hole. How to swim in the winter in the hole. The dangers that lie in wait in the icy water at Epiphany

Is it necessary to "dive" into the cold water?

Consecration with water can only be carried out by a clergyman of the Church. The ceremony is preceded by the reading of the appropriate prayers and the immersion of the cross in the "Jordan", in the water. On the days of the Baptism of the Lord, all water becomes holy and is used by the Orthodox for healing, prayer and strengthening of the spirit. It is important to remember that a full ablution with holy water is certainly part of the tradition, but it is not necessary to completely immerse yourself in the hole.

Ablution in consecrated reservoirs is carried out in order to strengthen and harden the body. This tradition originates from bathing babies in ice water among the ancient Scythian peoples.

The Church explains that washing in the hole is not the duty of believers, touching holy water by people should be done according to their strength, for example, it is enough for weak and sick people to scoop up water and wash themselves, and immerse their whole body in cold water reservoir is permissible only for the most courageous.

It is important to remember that ablution does not remove sins from a person, this happens after a series of prayers and during traditional procedure communion.


To the "Jordan", a hole in the shape of a cross, you need to approach in non-slip shoes (slippers, slates) or woolen socks. Walking barefoot in the snow can injure your feet or cause loss of feeling in your feet. Women are allowed to dip in a bathing suit or a plain long linen shirt. Men can dive in swimming trunks or underwear. From the house you need to grab a large towel, a warm bathrobe and a set of dry linen. In addition, it is recommended to grab hot tea in a thermos, preferably with honey.

There is no need to rush to the hole, it is important to remember that the path can be slippery, so you need to step slowly and carefully. Before plunging into the water, it is advised to do some warm-up movements, such as squats, swings or bends.

Basic Rules

1. Diving is allowed only in specially cut holes, the so-called "Jordan". The ice hole should be close to the shore, it is desirable that lifeguards are on duty nearby. Help will be invaluable if someone suddenly becomes ill from a temperature drop or begins to drag under water.

2. The steps of the ladder must be stable, and the ladder itself must be firmly fixed. For safety net, it is better if a rope with knots hangs over Jordan. It is needed so that dipping people can hold on to it.

3. You can dive up to the neck, but if health allows, then they plunge three times with their heads. After the believers read the prayer "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!" and baptized three times

4. Diving head first is prohibited. You need to enter the water gradually, keeping vertical position body. Displacement of the body can provoke a blow to the ice edge.

5. Total time stay in cold water should not exceed 2 minutes. Otherwise, it is easy to get hypothermia of the body, especially if you plunged headlong, as this causes large heat losses.

6. After leaving the hole, it is important to thoroughly rub the body with a towel, dry off and change into woolen clothes.


Swimming in an ice hole, like an extreme procedure, has contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to plunge into ice water if a person is sick with acute respiratory viral diseases, is in a feverish or alcoholic state. Persons with heart disease of cardio-vascular system, CNS and chronic endocrinological diseases, complete immersion in the winter hole is also contraindicated.

10 chose

Once a year, a significant part of the population in our country becomes "walruses" for a day and with joy and delight or horror and shudder falls into the icy water of the hole. It is easy to guess that this day - January 19, at Orthodox calendar Feast of the Epiphany. According to the scripture, on this day, many centuries ago, Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. And although we live in completely different latitudes, for many centuries Russian people on this day courageously climb into the hole, following the example of the Savior. By the way, The tradition of winter swimming as a health-improving practice grew out of this custom. But you and I are rational people, we are more concerned about not traditions Epiphany bathing and their effect on the body.

There is no consensus on this issue: some experts point to positive influence on the body of winter bathing, others warn of possible danger for good health. The truth, as is often the case, is somewhere in the middle, and you can find out only by weighing all the pros and cons and making your own decision.

But experts agree on one point: only a very healthy person can afford to plunge into the hole. If you have doubts about your own health, it is better to find another way to join the holiday. For example, douse yourself with holy water at home, in the bath.


It was not priests who told us about the benefits of hardening in childhood, but quite pragmatic physical education teachers. But exposure to cold temperatures is precisely hardening(especially if it happens more than once a year, in Orthodox holiday, but with some regularity). The body, accustomed to stressful situations, does not react so painfully to them. That is why statistics show that "walruses" suffer from colds less often than their heat-loving fellow citizens.

During winter swimming, oddly enough, people do not feel the cold, but internal heat . This is due to the fact that the skin capillaries narrow, blood is sent to the heart and brain to support vitality. important organs in stressful situation. Under the influence of cold water, the body fights for survival, immunity increases, and some not very serious, but "long-lasting" sores go away by themselves. In any case, "walruses" with experience talk about how they got rid of some chronic diseases after a hobby cold water.

Usually people who have plunged into the hole, mood rises, they are charged with optimism and good spirits. Pain, if any, is gone. The whole point is that adrenal glands in a stressful situation begin to produce endorphins - hormones of joy. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who once decide to swim in Epiphany frosts usually make it their tradition.


Tempering is always advised regularly and gradually, and a one-time impact cold temperature can bring more harm than good, an unprepared person can simply catch a cold and get sick. And, I must admit, Epiphany bathing is just such a one-time impact. Few people prepare for them ahead of time, gradually lowering the temperature.

But also "professional walruses" have their own "professional" problems. As I have already said, during winter bathing, the body produces a hormone of joy. Having got used to this sensation, people "sit down" on it. And if they stop dipping in the cold they may have psychological problems: sadness, apathy and even depression.

"So don't stop!" you say. But even here it is not so simple. The fact is that if the body often has to deal with stressful situations, it wears out faster. Hormonal system, so actively used, after some time may fail. In addition, with age, any person may have contraindications to such a cold bath.


As I have said, climbing into the icy water is only for people who are confident in their health. But other than that there are quite specific contraindications for baptismal bathing.

  • Cardiovascular diseases - sharp drop temperature causes vasospasm and puts a serious strain on the heart. In the worst case diseased heart, unable to cope with the load, may even stop.
  • Epilepsy and tendency to convulsions. Ice water can provoke an attack or cause convulsions.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys and broncho-pulmonary system.
  • Hypertension.
  • Thyroid problems.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Allergy to cold.
  • Alcohol. This is not a joke: a strong drink drunk before dipping "for courage" - serious reason don't go swimming. Firstly, alcohol dilates blood vessels, and cold water, on the contrary, constricts. Such a difference also has heavy load on the heart. Secondly, it is not necessary to explain that in this stressful situation you have to be very well in control of what is happening.

For those who dare

If you were not afraid of the cons and contraindications, and you still decided to join the Epiphany bathing, I’ll tell you a little about How exactly should you dive in order to avoid health problems.

Before you plunge, you should do some warm-up exercises: run a little, wave your arms and legs.

You need to cool down gradually. remove first outerwear, after a couple of minutes, shoes, then undress to the waist and go into the water. This will prepare your body for the cold.

You can stay in the water for no more than 1-2 minutes. After that, you run the risk of getting no longer hardening and high spirits, but banal hypothermia.

When you get out of the water, rub yourself well with a towel, get dressed and go to a warm room where you can drink tea.

Have you ever plunged into a hole? Would you like to try? In your opinion, what is more from this activity: benefit or harm?

The hole is a symbol of Baptism. Our country will soon meet the country's main extreme holiday. And this means that millions of people will plunge into the icy water, and get incredible sensations. The benefits of swimming in the hole is the topic of today's material.

Benefits of swimming in cold water

We have already talked about the benefits of swimming in cold water. For a better understanding of the topic is worth (just click on the link).

Briefly about useful properties ice water:

  • Feeling of life. Good mood appears due to the release of hormones of happiness. In particular, we are talking about, which gives a feeling of euphoria after bathing;
  • Benefits for the head. This game will definitely clear your mind. You will be able to approach everyday problems with a fresh mind. The benefit of swimming in the hole lies in the psychological relief. And this is very important;
  • Strengthening immunity. The more regular bathing, the more pronounced given property. But even one entry into the hole will give motivation to build up protective resources for your body;
  • Improving the functioning of all body systems. All internal organs cleansed and toned. Except in situations where the bather suffers from serious illnesses. More on that below;
  • Cleansing the body. Removal of toxins. While swimming in ice water, the body temperature rises sharply to the level of 40-41 degrees. And falls quickly. The body is thus protected from hypothermia. It is at this temperature that toxic substances, which could poison the body for decades.
  • Feeling of lightness. As a result of all the above points;
  • high energy. Walruses are very energetic people. The benefits of swimming in an ice hole for energy can be simply huge if you dive into ice water regularly.

This is only part of the effects that can be obtained from single and regular hardening in the hole

If you are planning to swim at Epiphany, then all the positive properties of cold water will add a sense of celebration. Try it, it's a great feeling!

Rules for swimming in the hole

  1. Safe place. If you are swimming for the first time, then this must be done in a specially designated place. Epiphany bathing is good and healthy. But there are also sad cases. When people try to make a hole on their own, without the help of experienced assistants. Under no circumstances should this be done;
  2. Rapidity. Dive into the hole should last no longer than 30 seconds. Preferably even less. Went in, dipped in and out. Swimming for a minute or two is strongly discouraged for beginners;
  3. Warm feet. Legs are the most vulnerable part of the body when swimming in an ice hole. They are the ones that stay cold the longest. The benefits of swimming in an ice hole can be offset by its harm if you do not bring warm slippers with you. Contrary to prejudice, the likelihood of getting sick after Epiphany bathing is minimal. But warm feet significantly reduce the chance of catching a cold;
  4. Tea. Hot tea - direct reading after swimming in the hole. The body needs to warm up best drink than hot tea with lemon (if possible) for this purpose does not exist. The main thing is not to use . After immersion in cold water, it can cause great harm to the body;
  5. Warm, dry clothes. It is advisable to take an extra jacket and socks (very important!) To keep warm after swimming. We devote to the legs Special attention. You need to change your clothes right away. The longer wet clothes is on the body, the colder it becomes;
  6. Warm up before diving. If you are already warm, then additional actions do not need to be done. Frozen - do light gymnastics, run, squat. But not completely hot.

The benefits of swimming in the hole. Personal experience

My experience is that swimming in cold water is an incredibly valuable thing.

But the hole must be approached with extreme caution.

For example, during the first swim, I decided to swim a little, as a result of which I lingered in the water for 90-120 seconds, and stomped on the snow for another minute. I felt my toes only an hour later.

Fortunately, I had a girl with me who helped me lace up my sneakers and zip up my jacket, because I didn’t feel my fingers either.

An unpleasant companion of swimming in cold water is the wind. A strong and cold wind is not only a storm, but also a very rapid freezing. Once, having gone swimming alone, I stopped feeling my toes already when I left the sea, in which I spent no more than 40 seconds.

Taking into account the temperature of minus 15 (in winter at sea, these minus 15 feel like minus 35), storms and strong wind, this bathing was very similar to the first.

Only after him did I understand the importance of the advice about warm slippers.

To feel the fingers and toes, I had to squat and push up at an extremely fast pace.

But that's only extreme situations. If you swim in a specially equipped place, then you will have to try very hard to get such an incredible experience.

In other respects, regular bathing has helped me greatly improve my health and appearance, and the sound of the waves perfectly unloads the head.

So you can swim in the hole not only once a year!

The harm of swimming in the hole. Contraindications

The benefits of swimming in an ice hole can be offset by harmful properties.

But all the harm essentially comes down to contraindications:

  • serious cardiovascular diseases . More or less healthy heart only strengthened by bathing in the hole. The patient may suffer greatly;
  • lung disease, difficulty breathing, severe illness . Tuberculosis and oncological diseases refer to this item;
  • Viral and colds. Banal runny nose can be aggravated by swimming in the hole. Sore throat or a little fever can also complicate your position after bathing; Pneumonia or bronchitis are very serious contraindications against Epiphany bathing. And this, of course, is not about the acute phase, but about a period of 2-4 weeks after the illness;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, swimming in ice water can aggravate the course of cystitis. If you have recently been ill with diseases from this area, then you should also refuse the ice hole;
  • Overwork. The ice hole will relieve fatigue, but cold water is stressful. In a state on the verge of exhaustion, such stress is best avoided;
  • Alcohol intoxication. Alcohol is a burden on the entire body. You may not be aware of some minor illness. And it may not be a contraindication against ice water. But together with alcohol, this little disease can do a lot of harm.

Have you swum in ice water? Do you know about the benefits and harms of swimming in the hole?

Will you swim at Epiphany?

Tell us about your experience in the comments!

This year, the whole of Russia, together with the capital, decided to celebrate the Epiphany festivities on an even larger scale than in previous years. In Moscow alone, 70 fonts have been prepared in 56 places in the city. Where there are no natural reservoirs with holes, tubs were placed there. In general, dive anyone who dares. And after all, they dive, although unbridled courage has long been identified with stupidity ...

Harmful or beneficial?

Swimming in an ice hole in Russia is an ancient occupation. But in recent times not only the ceremony in the baptismal font, but also the walrus movement in general began to expand and multiply in its composition. And thus forced experts to think about the benefits and possible harm pagan action.

There were few arguments in favor of swimming in ice water. Honestly, just one. The body really gets a hardening effect. Nobody argues with this. But, having calculated how much harm such hardening causes to the organs and systems of the body, the doctors quite rightly decided that we do not need such goodness and nothing. And that's why.

Heart stop!

Everyone has long known that even in summer you need to swim carefully. Most often occurs during bathing sudden stop hearts because of the temperature difference.

If you plunge into the water instantly, there may be a spasm of the vessels of the whole body, muscles, skin, subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, blood circulation increases, and the heart simply can not cope with this flow. And then trouble happens in the form of an angina pectoris attack, a heart attack, a stroke, and someone may have a cardiac arrest. In such cases, it can be very difficult to start the heart again. Any ambulance paramedic will confirm this to you. But if during summer swimming we are talking about the difference in temperature of just a couple of degrees, and plus ones, then what can we say about swimming in ice water, and even in frost?

Moreover, if you consider that the cold does not have a long wait, but drives you to quickly plunge and instantly get out of the water. The burden on the body is overwhelming. And stress is the strongest.

Cardiovascular catastrophe is not the only danger that awaits divers in icy water.

SARS and others

Big problems arise in winter divers with SARS and other diseases. In general, in recent decades, domestic researchers have been closely monitoring the health of walruses in order to understand how exposure to cold affects the body.

And this is no coincidence. Most of The population of Russia has constant contact with the cold, and in the widest range, experiencing from one to several tens of degrees of frost. And winter bathers are an excellent model for studying the state of the body and its reactions in cold conditions, since “walruses” expose themselves to extreme cold exposure.

Almost all researchers came to the same conclusions. "Walruses" during the year fall ill with colds approximately 2-3 times. It's not much, scientists say. However, it was found that colds in "walruses", unlike ordinary mortal citizens, last much longer. Moreover, many of them had long-term residual effects after the postponed viral infection such as weakness, fast fatiguability. Moreover, women had ARVI more often and more severely than men.

Many scientists noted: yes, the incidence of walruses is low, but they are thoroughly tormented bacterial infections. Moreover, such diseases are not typical, that is, they do not correspond classic symptoms. And after an illness, walruses have large quantity complications than in ordinary citizens. By the way, people get sick in the same way, for a long time living in a cold climate, as well as the indigenous peoples of the North.

The more experience the "walruses" have, the more troubles fall on their heads. For example, people who have been winter swimming for more than 5 years are much more likely to get herpes. They have much longer than ordinary people heal wounds and cuts. But newcomers often have pustular diseases skin.

Men's hole

After bathing in an ice font, you can become infertile. And this is not a horror story, but a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, this problem can be in both sexes.

Due to the stress that the body experiences in ice water, the number of spermatozoa decreases in men. This has already been proven. The American doctor Moskowitz once reported this, and Russian scientists also confirmed this. Moreover, domestic andrologists believe that stress should generally be put in first place among the causes of infertility.

upset male body capable of any sudden temperature fluctuations.

The fact that the sauna is harmful to the reproductive organs is scientific fact. And, interestingly, I took a steam bath literally once in a steam room, floundered in an ice hole, and the deterioration in the formation of seminal fluid continues for another 2 whole months after dubious pleasure. Then comes the peak of the deterioration of spermatogenesis, after which the recovery process begins. And the normal formation of sperm will be restored only 3 months after the onset of the peak. That is at least 5 months later!

The next argument against swimming in ice water also applies to men, and urologists have already expressed them. The prostate is a very delicate, fragile organ, and therefore brittle. And it can break from any sneeze. Especially the prostate is afraid of hypothermia. An inflammatory disease that can be obtained against the background of hypothermia is a prelude to impotence. I think even schoolchildren know about this now. Chronic prostatitis in the hole can be easily obtained.

Flesh without flesh

The same trouble with reproductive organs there are also "women-walruses": inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or appendages, obstruction of the tubes. And in the future - long-term treatment with an unpredictable outcome. True, women in this sense were a little more fortunate than men. Their bodies are stronger, and they are cured more successfully.

Don't cancel the tradition!

This raises a quite reasonable question: is the tradition worth such torment? Why is it so necessary to plunge into ice-cold water for ritual bathing? After all, it is quite possible to make it safe for health. Sanctify the water and sprinkle on the people, for example; or just wipe your face or hands. I believe that the holy effect of water will not decrease from this, but it will be without extreme sports - without a heart attack and cardiac arrest, without herpes, chronic prostatitis, infertility and impotence.

The Moscow Patriarchate explains that bathing at Epiphany in an ice hole is an ancient folk custom, and not church sacrament only repentance at confession in the temple makes the remission of sins possible.

Let's look at who should refrain from swimming in the hole for Epiphany, and what the health consequences of immersing in an ice font can be.

Swimming in the hole - health benefits

No one denies the benefits of exposure to cold on the body. Even at school, physical education teachers talk about the effectiveness of hardening, doctors advise pouring cold water over them, pediatricians teach you how to take cold and hot shower. Cold treatment has long been considered effective and promising direction medicine, but this can only be done under the supervision of specialists. The temperature difference shakes up the body, trains and strengthens many of its systems.

There is an opinion that a sharp decline temperature stimulates the release of corticosteroid hormones into the body by the adrenal glands. They are responsible for adapting the body to changes. environment thus protecting it from external influences.

Scientists have noticed that winter swimming for several years has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Hardening helps to reduce blood pressure by 10-30 mm. In addition, the cold has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Studies have shown that the body of people who are constantly engaged in hardening is resistant to seasonal diseases flu and acute respiratory infections, it is 20% more effective than the average in dealing with microbes.

After winter swimming in the hole, people's mood rises, they are charged with optimism, they leave pain. It's all about the hormones of joy endorphins, which the adrenal glands begin to produce in a stressful situation. Therefore, people who once decide to swim in the hole for Baptism usually make this ceremony their tradition.

The dangers that lie in wait in the icy water at Epiphany

It is very important not to confuse the two concepts - the gradual process of hardening and one-time bathing in the hole for Epiphany. It is one thing if a person slowly, gradually accustoms his body to temperature changes, and quite another when I dip him in ice water without prior preparation.

Do experiments on own organism not worth it. In order to plunge into the hole at Baptism without harm to health, it is necessary to take a contrast or cold shower at least from the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. If you do not prepare the body, a minute bath in ice water in January can threaten you with hypothermia, exacerbations of chronic diseases. Most often when swimming in cold water suffers genitourinary system, pelvic organs. The body may experience inflammatory processes, disruption of local blood vessels.

For an unprepared body, bathing in ice water at Epiphany is a huge stress. If you are not completely confident in your health, it is better not to risk it once again.

Who is contraindicated to swim in the hole for Baptism

If a person has been hardening for many years, bathes in an ice hole every winter, then Epiphany frosts are not terrible for him. Only a fairly healthy person without inflammatory and chronic diseases can swim in the hole at Epiphany without consequences.

Winter swimming in an ice hole can cause an increase blood pressure, headache, strong heartbeat, especially for those people who decided to swim in the winter for the first time in their lives. Health problems can occur in people with diseases of the urinary system. Bathing in ice water can exacerbate prostatitis in men and adnexitis in women, exacerbate kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

Unpleasant consequences can be in people with diseases of the joints, which, after bathing, will be reminded of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, pain in the spine.

Swimming in the hole at Epiphany is dangerous for people with tumors, chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, diseases of cardio-vascular system especially in the acute stage. Gradual hardening can help hypertensive patients lower their blood pressure, and sudden immersion in ice water can even cause death. With a sharp drop in temperature blood vessels, already narrowed, are reduced even more, as a result, you can earn a stroke, heart attack.

Swimming in the hole children

Parents who decide to bathe their children in the hole at Baptism should understand the full degree of risk to which they are exposed.

Children of the first three years of life, like preschoolers, are at risk of disruption of immunity, the occurrence inflammatory diseases. When an unprepared child low immunity plunges into cold water, the adrenal cortex secretes great amount adrenaline, this is stress for a fragile body. Swimming in an ice-hole can cause immune exhaustion, against which a common cold can begin, or those diseases that the child already has become aggravated.

Small children cannot explain to their parents whether it is good or bad for them after swimming in the hole, adults take on a huge responsibility for the health of their child.

How to organize winter swimming in the hole

Even healthy person must be observed certain rules before diving into the hole. You need to undress gradually. First you should remove outer clothing, then shoes, undress to the waist. You can enter the water only after a few minutes. On the soles of the feet, a person has points that, when walking on snow, cool down and, in turn, give a signal to the body to prepare for cooling. You can stay in ice water for no more than a couple of minutes. After diving, the body releases biologically active, anti-stress substances and a complex of hormones into the blood, which cause an increase in immunity. The person feels alert, but the release of hormones cannot last long. Prolonged exposure to ice water can lead to hypothermia, the course of diseases will worsen.

After winter swimming in the hole, you should quickly rub yourself with a towel, change into dry clothes, put on a hat or scarf, drink hot tea or an infusion of herbs. You can’t go home in damp clothes, you can get sick not only with a cold, but also with meningitis.

You should not take alcohol, it will be too much stress on the cardiovascular system.

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