How to wean a cat to climb tables? Practical advice. How to wean a kitten to climb tables: practical ways to educate a cat walks on a table

They do not like strong odors. A great way is to leave orange peels on the table, sprinkle with perfume, you can put a cup in which there are napkins with applied drops of aromatic oils. The main thing is that the pet, having jumped on the table, does not feel comfortable there.

Cats love rustling objects, but they don't like it when the rustling gives them away when they are trying to be as quiet as possible. If you put foil on the table, the cat will not be able to climb the table unnoticed while you are at home. The cat itself will have unpleasant impressions about this.

The spray gun is now your constant ally. Water is one of the most disliked things. Keep a spray bottle near the kitchen counter at all times. Arriving home, caught a cat of crime? Spray it with water immediately! The cat will remember what a sudden discovery is fraught with.

Not everyone knows about it, but cats don't like to be scolded or scolded. They may not understand the words, but the intonation, and even more so the cry, they understand perfectly - people are very unhappy with them. Therefore, noticing a cat on the table, immediately shout at him. The cat will remember this shock for . If repeated several times, the effect is guaranteed. After removing the cat from the table, look into his eyes and scold him severely. You will immediately see that the cat is ashamed. Do not beat the animal, namely, reprimand. In general, animals understand the intonation of human speech much better than slaps on the ears.

Cats are very agile creatures, and if somewhere something falls on them or because of them, they avoid this place. Put notebooks or thin books on the edge of the table so that the cat jumps and drops them. Maybe the cat will even fall off with the notebooks, which will then fall on him. The main thing is to use light objects so that the animal does not hurt.


It is best to take up the upbringing of a pet when he is still a very small kitten. It is very difficult to wean an adult cat from favorite habits, a lot depends on the stubbornness of the cat and his character, but also on your stubbornness too!

Useful advice

Wean the cat to jump on the table should be systematic. As soon as you notice a violation of the rule, take immediate action. If you allow the cat to jump once, then not allow it several times, and then let it sleep on the table again, the whole educational process will go down the drain.

Pets, just like people, have habits that piss off their owners. Some cats scatter litter from the litter box, others sharpen their claws on walls and furniture. Finally, many indoor cats experience an inexplicable urge to jump on the dining table. How to wean a cat from it?

Sometimes the owners, who love their own too much, allow them to jump wherever they please, even on the dining table. First of all, it is unhygienic, because the animal carries all kinds of bacteria on the paws and fur of the animal. In addition, such a habit can be for herself, because she can accidentally jump onto a working gas stove, resulting in serious burns. How can a cat jump on a table?

What to do to stop your cat from climbing tables

If in your presence the cat jumped on the table, and such behavior is undesirable for you, stop these actions. To do this, you can yell at the animal, clap your hands, or lightly slap it with a newspaper. The cat will understand that you can’t jump on the table, but what if you don’t see it?

It is reasonable to use methods to wean a cat from the habit of walking on tables that work both in the presence of the owners and when they are not at home. In this case, the animal quickly learns that it is impossible to jump on the table, regardless of whether someone sees it or not. For example, on the table you can put a tray with low sides bent up, on the bottom of which water is poured. Trying to jump on the table, the cat will land directly into the water, which will further force him to avoid such behavior.

Also, for the period of weaning the cat from jumping on the table, you can use special pshikalki and crackers from the pet store, which make a loud sound when touched. Cats are very afraid of such sounds and in the future avoid collisions with objects that frighten them.

Sometimes there are especially stubborn cats who cannot be weaned from jumping on the table with more gentle methods. In this case, consider using a special electric mat. When a cat jumps on a table top with a rug like this, it receives a harmless, but very unpleasant electrical shock. She quickly consolidates the association of jumping and electric shock, and the animal stops climbing tables.

Why does the cat jump on the table?

Cats are very curious animals; in addition to this, your pet may naturally associate the dining table with food. Do not leave edibles or any items that are attractive to the animal, such as caramels in rustling wrappers, on the table.

Cats love to sit at a height, because it gives them the opportunity to view all their possessions at once. If you buy a cat special furniture for cats - for example, a scratching post with a platform on top - she will probably lose interest in jumping on tables.

A kitten in the house is a real joy. You won’t get bored with him, and sometimes you even get tired of such a “neighborhood”. A little prankster is able to run over all the surfaces in the room in a second or end up on the table while the owner turned his back to the refrigerator. Bad habits should not be encouraged, because walking the cat on the table is not only annoying, but can also lead to infection of people with helminths and bacteria that stick to the paws of the cat while digging in the tray. So, how to wean a cat to climb on a table?

Why do cats love to climb on tall pieces of furniture?

Even after numerous screams and punishments, the cat can be incredibly drawn to the table. To take competent educational measures, you need to know the motivation of the cat and his habits. It should be remembered that cats are very fond of heights. Sitting on a raised platform, they can easily inspect the territory of their "possessions" and follow people. Both domestic cats and wild predators do the same. However, this habit can be dangerous, so you need to know how to wean a cat from climbing tables.

In order for the cat to stop staring at the table and closet, you need to buy special furniture for animals. It is presented in the form of high houses where a cat can climb and lie there. Often this furniture is covered with twine or carpet. You can buy a ready-made house or make it yourself. Own high house can be so interested in the cat that he will forget about the tables and other furniture.

Another problem is the window sill. Cats love to watch what is happening on the street. They are interested in people, birds, trees. These problems have the same root, so you need to limit the pet's access to the window. You can hang it with a thick curtain. However, the cat will still need an alternative in the form of a house. If you do not give the cat a choice, she will stubbornly climb into her favorite places.

The animal on the table is also attracted to food and toys. You need to clean up food so that the kitchen table is perfectly clean. The same applies to tables in the living room and bedroom. If the cat is looking for toys there (all sorts of rustling and strumming objects), then you need to clean up the entire office, because even nondescript boxes may seem attractive to the cat.

If you remove everything interesting from the table, the cat will eventually stop climbing there. Pets are often very playful, so bare surfaces are of little interest to them.

How to teach a cat not to jump on a table

All pets can be trained to some extent. Cats are often lazy and stubborn if the owner tries to educate them. Correction of the cat's behavior should be done while he is still small. The older the animal becomes, the more strongly its habits and character develop.

Kittens, on the other hand, lend themselves well to training and easily perceive commands. It is better to distract small kittens with toys: favorite toys and other interesting items are put under the table, and the table itself remains perfectly clean.

Do not show aggression in response to disobedience. You can not beat the cat, drag it by the scruff or tail. It is undesirable to approach an angry animal from behind and grab it from above. This will elicit a response. Cats are very vindictive - they won't patiently endure any rough treatment. Soon you will find a "gift" in slippers or get an unexpected scratch from around the corner. An offended cat will not let the owner pass.

If the cat intends to jump on the table in the presence of people, you need to call him loudly or clap your hands. You can distract your cat with her favorite ball. Hearing the owner or seeing the "victim", the pet usually forgets about his plans and switches his attention.

If the cat has learned to climb on the table when the owners are not there, you can put a container of water on the table. A baking sheet from the oven is suitable for testing. You need to collect some water there and put it in the place where the cat jumps in the first place. Such an experience will be stunning and unforgettable. Even if the animal loves water, this will be an unpleasant surprise for him.

There is a rather risky way to keep a cat off the table with a balloon. It is necessary to blow up a couple of balls in front of a cat - a sharp sound is perceived by them much brighter than by a person. In the future, the mere sight of the ball will lead the cat into a stupor. Then you need to place a couple of inflated balloons on the table, and the cat will stop looking in his direction. It is permissible to use other noisy objects. You can put a metal sheet on the table that will rumble if the cat jumps on it.

If you want to avoid trouble with a pet, you need to take a responsible and serious approach to the issue of keeping and raising an animal. Source: Flickr (Loic)

If all else fails, you need to resort to modern technology. In order for the cat not to climb on the table, electric rugs were invented. If your pet is not afraid of sounds, water and the owner's voice, this device is perfect. A special rug is placed on the table, which is connected to the outlet. He conducts weak electrical impulses that will not harm the cat, but will scare her away for a long time.

  1. Toys. Kittens love to play with different objects. To divert the attention of the pet from the furniture, you need to occupy it with other interesting things. Sonic toys are ideal, although sometimes even ordinary candy wrappers become a favorite pastime. Entertaining items should be laid out under the table, leaving the surface clean. Interest in the table will disappear, and the cat will not climb there, even if there is some thing there.
  2. Smell. As you know, cats do not like the smell of citrus and other harsh scents. You can use simpler tips and put the peel of oranges or tangerines on the table. In pet stores, you can buy special aerosols that are used to treat furniture and even clothes to wean a pet from jumping on its feet and attacking its hands. Bleach is sometimes used on furniture, but this is a controversial method.
  3. Metal. A really very good way for those who do not know how to wean a cat from jumping on a table. To cope with the problem of a cat jumping on the tables, an ordinary metal sheet will help, which will rumble when the pet lands on it. As soon as the pet jumps on the table, it will either step on the sheet and cause a sound, or accidentally throw it off and make even more noise. Fright will affect the cat much more than screaming and beating. Long-term effect guaranteed.
  4. Scotch. Even a person is annoyed when something sticks or clings to him. Here and cats do not tolerate such irritants. To keep the pet off the table, you will need several strips of tape. You need to put them on the table with the sticky side up, remove all third-party items and wait. The cat will jump, stick and start rushing about. To consolidate the effect, you can repeat the trick several times.
  5. Foil. Strips of foil are laid out on the edges of the table, which imitate the edges. Pieces should protrude beyond the edges of the countertop. When the animal jumps, it grabs with its front paws. The foil will help knock down the landmark, and the inevitable loss of balance will stun the cat. You can get goodies and make bait in front of the pet, and then leave the room so that the cat can carry out his cunning plan.
  6. Spray. The main weakness of cats is water. It can be easily used in the process of raising a cat. Even those breeds that swim well and are not afraid of water will not tolerate sharp splashes. As soon as the cat tries to jump onto the table or cabinet, you need to spray it with a spray bottle or any other spray bottle. It is recommended not to show the pet that water drops come from the owner.

There are times when a conversation with a pet was enough for him to stop playing dirty tricks and begin to be attentive to the requests of the owners. Many breeds love to talk and are offended by the silence of people. And an offended cat is capable of incredible pranks. Other owners will have to work hard to wean the cat from climbing on the table. If you want to avoid trouble with a pet, you need to take a responsible and serious approach to the issue of keeping and raising an animal.

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Cats love heights. They are also the most curious pets. Only now, trampling on the surface on which food and cutlery are placed is not very hygienic. But before you teach your cat to climb tables, think about why she does it. And then your efforts will surely be crowned with success.

Napkins, plates, vases with flowers and fruits, books and newspapers - so many interesting things! Perhaps your pet just wants to sniff around and find a toy. Spend more time with your cat, entertain her more often by chasing the ball and hunting for mice. Remove from the table everything that attracts a mustachioed climber. Soon the cat will realize that it is more interesting downstairs, they play with it there, and there is nothing more interesting on the kitchen table.

Probably, such cats will like interactive games - an automatic laser, a mechanical mouse, a maze with balls. Such animals need to satisfy their exploratory instincts.

Passion for hunting

Many novice owners do not understand this, but stealing from the table is a real hunt! The cat knows very well where it is not allowed to climb. And she knows that taking food from plates is taboo. Therefore, the extracted piece becomes doubly sweeter.

First, we clear everything off the table. In general, everything. Yes, and unattractive fruits for a cat. And the sugar bowl she never sticks her nose into. Only the tablecloth should remain on the table - no decorative items. Of course, the cat has a sense of smell, but it will still jump on the table to double-check (what if there is at least a crumb in a boring and seemingly empty plate?). The second - we leave the "prey" where the cat is allowed to walk. Ideal - on the windowsill. Let the pet see that you are putting something behind the curtain, but do not specifically lure her. The cat must think that she tracked down and got a piece.

There is a sign according to which a cat on the table promises illness. And it has a rational grain. After all, a well-groomed, healthy and clean cat can climb up immediately after the toilet, when the paws are stained with filler, urine and excrement. And these are harmful bacteria, protozoa and the likelihood of infection with helminths.

Cats are loved by millions of people around the world. Affectionate, fluffy, good-natured and cheerful, they settled in many apartments and houses of our compatriots. However, when they appear, many questions arise. One of the most common is how to wean a cat to climb tables. This is a really important question - some animal lovers spend many months and years, but cannot find a way that would solve the problem once and for all. And the presence of a cat on the table, where the whole family gathers to have dinner, is unlikely to please anyone.

To deal with the difficulty, you must first understand the reason why the cat regularly climbs the forbidden place. Let's start with this.

Why do they do it?

To begin with, the cat climbs tables for several reasons. Most often this:

  • hunger,
  • curiosity,
  • desire to annoy the owners.

It is very important to understand which of these reasons encourages your pet to break the rules you set. Without this, it is impossible to find a solution and wean him from a bad habit. So let's start in order.


This is one of the strongest instincts. It is extremely difficult to overcome it. No wonder - if you regularly forget to feed the cat, then do not be surprised that he never misses the opportunity to steal a piece of sausage, a slice of cheese or any other treat from the table. You can punish the animal in any way, beat, scream, intimidate, trying to wean - it will not change anything. A hungry cat understands that it will most likely fly into it. But it will fly in later, but you want to eat right now. Therefore, first of all, make sure that you feed your pet regularly and fully.

However, even if you feed a cat heartily, but it still climbs onto the table to steal forbidden food, then try to remove everything edible for a time when there is no one in the kitchen. By removing the main stimulus, you can certainly solve the problem and wean the cat from visiting the table.


What cat can resist the temptation to play with pencils, matchboxes or other items scattered on the table? If you notice that the main goal of the pet is to play with the left things, then dealing with the situation is quite easy - just develop the habit of clearing everything from the table.

An empty smooth surface will make the cat's presence on the table simply meaningless - he will find many more interesting and exciting activities. Yes, and sleeping in an easy chair or on the windowsill, which overlooks the courtyard, is much more pleasant. Therefore, it will be very easy to wean a cat from jumping on a table.

desire to annoy

The most difficult option. It occurs quite rarely and only in some cats that are distinguished by vindictiveness. Yes, surprisingly, there are some. Such a cat jumps on the table, knowing full well that it will fly in for it. In order to wean her from this, drastic measures must be taken. Alas, even they do not always bring the desired result. But it's worth trying anyway.

How to solve a problem?

Of course, persuasion or a simple verbal ban will not help here in any way - the cat is not so smart as to understand - the owner wants to wean her from climbing on the table. Therefore, the only simple and reliable way to wean a pet from his eccentric antics is to instill a reluctance to climb on the table or even fear of this piece of furniture. Jumping on a table should be associated with something extremely unpleasant. Then, over time, the desire to climb the table of the cat will pass by itself. But, of course, here you have to be smart.

For clarity, here are a few tips on how you can wean it:

  1. Spray your desk with citrus-scented air freshener.
  2. Glue a few strips of double-sided tape to the table.
  3. Put on the edge of the table from the side where the cat jumps, a metal tray with forks and spoons, or just water.

It would seem that the methods are quite simple, but almost always their use is to wean the cat from climbing the table. How it works? Let's figure it out.

Spraying the table with an orange-scented preparation

A fairly simple method that does not cause serious problems for owners. On the contrary, it is pleasant to enter the kitchen or dining room, where the aroma of citrus hovers. But cats do not like this smell at all. Therefore, they will try to bypass the table - to wean it simply and effectively. True, it does not always help - some cats overpower themselves and still climb onto the table. But you should try anyway.

double sided tape method

A more reliable method is to wean table climbing, although it can be a bit of a hassle for owners. Jumping on the table, the cat will definitely stick to the tape: with paw pads, hair on the tail or stomach. Of course, this will cause him discomfort, and maybe a slight pain. It is unlikely that he will again have a desire to violate the owner’s ban and climb onto the table.

baking sheet

Perhaps the most cruel, uncomfortable, but also a reliable way to wean a pet from jumping on a table. Jumping on the table, the cat falls on the baking sheet, rattling metal forks and spoons. This is so unexpected for him that it will cause panic horror. In the vast majority of cases, one or two such cases are enough to wean the cat from the habit - the table will become a forbidden place.

The main thing at the same time, make sure that the baking sheet is not too heavy and does not turn over when jumping, causing injury to the pet. After all, you need to wean the cat from jumping on the table, and not cripple him. Yes, the accompanying rumble will cause trouble for people too. But for sure it will solve the problem and wean the cat from the forbidden place.

These methods vary in effectiveness, so they should be applied alternately - from mild to severe. Perhaps, it will be possible to achieve the desired result even at the first stage. Then you can do without adhesive tape and a tray.

How to avoid mistakes?

Unfortunately, in most cases, the unpleasant behavior of cats is only a consequence of the wrong actions of the owners. Let's briefly talk about how to avoid them.

Let's start with the fact that if you do not want to rack your brains on how to wean your cat to climb the table, then you need to start education from childhood. Some owners of funny laughs put a tiny kitten on the table to take a good photo or to please the children. This is repeated over and over again, and when a kitten turns into an adult cat or cat, the owners do not like it. But the pet is sincerely perplexed - why today they suddenly banned what was allowed yesterday.

Such a process of breaking the worldview will take a very long time and will bring torment to both the owners and the animal. Therefore, it is better not to make such a mistake right away - do not put the kitten on the table and prohibit children from doing this.

As soon as you notice that the cat is climbing on the table, take action. Some owners wonder what she will do on the table. The pet, noticing that the owner does not immediately prohibit climbing on the table, will repeat the experiment over and over again. As a result, the learning process will take much longer. Immediately gently but firmly push the cat off the table, showing him that this behavior is unacceptable. This is not so difficult, but it will avoid problems in the future.

Finally, don't hit or yell at your cat if it breaks the rules you set. In most cases, this behavior leads to the fact that the animal begins to fear its owner.. And who wants a cat that runs away from its owner, doesn't curl up in his lap and hide when people enter the room? After all, the main goal of a modern cat is to create an atmosphere of comfort and peace in the house. You need to help him so that he understands that his behavior is unacceptable in your home.

Please note that all the above ways to wean a cat from climbing a table are aimed at causing him dislike or fear of a piece of furniture, and not of the owner. This allows you to reliably wean a furry pet from an unpleasant habit, while not making him think that the owner is evil, can hurt, and in general it is better to stay away from him.

To summarize all of the above, we present it in the form of a short list. So, what should you do if you do not want the cat to climb the table:

  • Do not let the kitten climb on the table.
  • In case of violation of the rules, act decisively and immediately.
  • Act not too emotionally, making allowances for the worldview and mental abilities of the pet.


As you can see, there are quite simple and at the same time effective ways to discourage the cat from climbing on the table. The main thing is to make decisions wisely, without excessive cruelty. Then you can easily convey to the cat that his behavior is unacceptable. And he will not harbor fear or anger at you and will forever remain a universal favorite, purring on his knees and bringing comfort to your home.

Almost all mustache-striped pets like to climb tables and window sills. This feature is manifested in them even in early childhood, when no one punishes a mischievous kitten for pranks. However, over time, if you do not pay attention to the problem in time, it will be very difficult for the cat to wean from the habit of climbing tables.

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Why does the cat climb on the table?

First, cats are very fond of heights. At an early age, for a kitten, a table or window sill is a very tempting peak that must be conquered.

Secondly, these animals are very curious. And there are so many interesting things on the work or dining table - pens, paper clips, pieces of paper, vases, napkins. All this playful kitten will easily turn into a toy. And what can we say about the kitchen table ...

Thirdly, all cats are hunters by nature. And it’s not even hunger that orders your fluffy pet to steal something delicious from the kitchen table, but the real natural hunting instinct.

Why can't cats climb tables?

Until the owner notices!

The basic principles of raising a fluffy pet if he sits on the table

Of course, your cat didn't develop the habit of climbing tables right away. Most likely, while he was small, you felt sorry for the kitten and did not punish him for his misdeeds. Therefore, already becoming an adult cat, the animal does not understand why you suddenly began to scold him for what he allowed in childhood. In order not to think about how to wean a cat to climb tables when something is already broken or eaten, you need to start raising a pet from the first days.

To get started, get a special "cat" corner with all sorts of elevations, places for climbing and perches for sitting. Special cat furniture can be purchased at a pet store or, if desired, you can make your own. This is necessary so that your mustachioed pet does not compensate for its craving for heights at the expense of tables and bedside tables. Further it is necessary to strictly suppress all his attempts to climb the table.

It is strictly forbidden to beat an animal, because cats are smart animals and can subsequently misbehave simply in retaliation for an insult. It will be enough just to warn his desire with a sharp shout or clap. Cats do not like harsh sounds, and this should scare him away. If this does not help, then you can throw a toy at him. This will both frighten him and turn his attention to a new fun.

You also need to be more careful yourself. While the kitten is growing, you should not leave goodies or his toys on the tables so as not to awaken the hunting instincts in him.

Effective ways to wean a cat to climb on a table

If the educational moment was missed in early childhood, then your cat has already chosen the desktop as a place to relax, and the kitchen for her is hunting grounds. Do not be upset, there are several surefire ways to wean a cat from climbing tables.

The most important thing to remember is that all inconveniences or obstacles that arise in front of a cat when trying to climb a table must be remote. That is, the animal should in no way connect everything that happens with its owner. It is necessary to develop a conditioned reflex.

We create inconvenience

On a table, bedside table or window sill chosen by your pet, you need to lay out rattling or ringing objects. To jump there, the cat must drop something, and so that it falls with as much rumble or ringing as possible. These can be pot lids, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with cereals, etc.

You can also arrange objects so that the cat falls by itself. They have a very developed sense of balance, so any fall will be extremely unpleasant. For this, stacked books or magazines are suitable.

As a last resort, you can choose a cooking tray with water. Place it in the place where the cat usually jumps. Landing in the water, your mischievous beauty will receive a very unpleasant, but memorable lesson. You can also place plastic cups filled with water around the perimeter. This method is suitable when there is no one at home, and the pet can walk and climb wherever he wants.

Scared by loud noises

As it turned out, cats and cats really do not like loud sounds. Therefore, when you are at home, all attempts by the cat to jump onto the forbidden plane must be accompanied by sharp sounds. It can be the squeak or horn of a child's toy, even the clatter of the same pot lid. The most important thing is that the sound should be loud and sound unexpected at the moment of the jump.

Repel bad odors

All cats are sensitive to strong odors. But it should not be the smell of detergents, because there are animals that, on the contrary, love the smell of chlorine. Ordinary vinegar, which can be used to wipe the surface of the kitchen table, can help. For other surfaces, aroma oils with the smell of citrus or pine needles are suitable. Cats don't like them either.

Making the table sticky

Ordinary adhesive tape or strips for removing body hair are surprisingly effective. It is enough just to spread them on the surface. After your mustachioed friend has spent a sufficient amount of time tearing it all off his paws and fur, he will think several times whether to climb onto the table again.

splashing water

An ordinary spray can be a very effective deterrent. Mustachioed hunters hate water, especially if the jet appears from nowhere. The main thing is that the animal does not associate its appearance with you. Otherwise, the reflex will be developed not for an unpleasant shower during a violation of the forbidden zone, but for your appearance.

Electric mat

If all of the above measures do not help, then you can try a special electric mat. Climbing onto a surface covered with such a rug, the animal receives a mild, but very unpleasant discharge. But, of course, this is already in the most extreme case.

If you are a patient, attentive and at the same time loving owner, then soon your cat will stop stealing food from plates and breaking your favorite cups. Even such a freedom-loving and headstrong animal as a cat can be re-educated with the right approach.

Video "Vegetarian cat caught on the table"

This video is about how the owners, who had no idea that their cat is an adherent of vegetarianism, caught him eating greens. Watch how frightened the fluffy is because he is "special".

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