We eat at work and lose weight. Rating of "office" food: what to eat at work quickly and with benefit

Tips for managing your diet at work

Office workers they know firsthand that not a single holiday is complete without accompanying goodies: pizza for a colleague's birthday, pies in honor of the birth of the boss's daughter, cakes for March 8, cakes to cheer up and end the work week on Friday evening. All this is postponed not only pleasant memories about the spent working day, but also extra centimeters on the sides and waist. Frequent fast food snacks, fried pies, salads dressed with mayonnaise, coffee and tea with sugar and sweets, sedentary and sedentary image life - all this together with a thick layer envelops our body with unwanted kilograms, which are then so difficult to get rid of. What to do? Control yourself! Or rather, keep your diet in hand, and in literally this word.

Consuming food in small quantities (so that the portion fits in the palm of your hand), about 5-6 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours between meals, you avoid not only the severity of overeating, but also unload your body, improving the digestion process. However, first of all, you need to eat in a balanced way. From the fact that you will eat a hill chocolates or a fried pie with jam, the situation is unlikely to change.

Make it a habit to cook healthy and healthy in the morning proper breakfast. It is he who will help maintain a feeling of satiety until lunch, while the food consumed by the body before noon is better absorbed and digested. Start the good things in your life today and start your day with Herbalife Balanced Breakfast which is easy to prepare and rich in minerals and vitamins to help you stay productive, energetic and active all day long.

Lunch - no less important trick food during the day, because it accounts for about 50% energy value diet. There is nothing wrong with cooking delicious and healthy meals at home, bringing a portion for lunch at work. If you avoid food containers, then avoid going to restaurants. fast food in the company of colleagues. Try to drink as much as you can pure water during the day. You can read about why and how much you need to drink.

Interesting : When consumed at lunchtime large portions heavy meals, back on workplace you will want to sleep. This is due to the fact that the body throws all the resources into the digestion of incoming food, while the blood rushes into lower part body, reducing blood flow to the brain, impairing its oxygen supply.

Try not to overload the body with fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, choose easily digestible foods, for example, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yoghurts, protein shake Formula 1 Herbalife, eggs. Try to include in the diet dishes from vegetables and fruits, boiled white meat, lean fish for a couple.

Don't forget about snacks! In the intervals between main meals, you can and even need to have a snack with fruits or dried fruits, protein bar Herbalife or vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil. September 15, 2016, 14:01 2016-09-15

"Lunch on a skyscraper", 1932.

I have such a job! I don't have time to watch my diet!

Work is different, but whatever it is, you need to have diet.

1. Work from 9 to 18. With such a schedule, as a rule, there is a clear time for lunch. In the morning (before lunch) and in the afternoon (after lunch), you need to allocate one more break (10 minutes each) in order to have a snack, drink a cup of tea or coffee. (If you want to lose weight, then tea and coffee - without sugar, you can with a sweetener. And snacks are not sweets!)

If you return home at 20-22 hours, then for dinner - this is a late time. You need to have dinner before leaving work (at 18-19 hours), and limit yourself to a cup at home herbal tea or a glass of kefir with bran. If the day was very busy and you want to relax, then you can have a glass of dry red wine.

2. Shift work, flexitime(work 2/2, daily duty and morning/evening shifts). Need to clarify with the boss(or agree with a colleague, with a partner) - what time can you eat. As a rule, most bosses will not mind if you leave the workplace for 10-20 minutes to eat. But most often they will not offer you breaks either. Do not think that everything will be solved by itself. Your nutrition comes first! There should be clarity on this issue, then there will be no conflicts, why you are not there.

3. Night shifts. For those who work at night, it is advisable to sleep a couple of hours in the evening. And before leaving for work - eat.

If you have sedentary work you don't need a lot of food.
It all depends on your preferences, and leave sweets (cookies, sweets, pies and buns) at home. You can take kefir with an apple or some vegetables and a couple of pieces of cheese, you can take a piece of bread with a piece of cold meat.

If you want sweets, eat complex carbohydrates (you can just buckwheat!). You can eat 1 apple, but not a kilogram of fruit and not a bag of dried fruits. You can have a glass of kefir with a spoonful of jam and bran.

If the work is physical, then the food can be denser. But anyway, it's not sweets!

3.For those who plan their own time. For many, the whole day is scheduled by the hour (meetings, negotiations, speeches, meetings, lectures). There was time for everything, only they forgot about lunch!

Meals are planned just like everything else. And they also take time! Let your subordinates and clients get used to the fact that you have lunch time when you are not for anyone! Turn off the phone, put on an answering machine, or give the phone to the secretary. The secretary can answer for you, but he cannot dine for you!

A good habit is to always set aside time for food in your diary. Finding time to eat (especially if you plan the day yourself) is a matter of priorities. Eating on time is just as important as negotiating.

4.Work at home. For those who work from home, oddly enough, it is more difficult. When there is a lot of work, some forget about food and remember closer to the night. And when there is little work, they graze by the refrigerator.

An alarm clock will help those who work at home. Set an alarm (or a reminder on your phone) every 3-3.5 hours. When you have a lot of work, he will remind you that it's time to eat. And when there is nothing to do - remember that until there was an alarm signal, we do not approach the refrigerator!

Sometimes you want to chew, crunch, most often to switch or be distracted. You can chew bran, gnaw - a stalk of celery or a carrot. But in any case, it's not sweet!

The most important problem that anyone who wants to lose weight faces is how to organize their meals during the working day. It is very good when there is an opportunity to take full-fledged food from home for 2-3 meals and warm it up in the office. And if your day is scheduled by the minute and you are in the office for no more than two hours. What to do for those who do not have the opportunity to take food with them, and the next diet fails due to the fact that there is no way to follow the regimen?

A person is his own boss, no matter what job he is, and he is able to do everything to eat right during the day without harming his health. So, let's begin. The main rule for everyone, both for those who eat at the office and for those who are not, is the right one. healthy breakfast. If you get up early and leave the house, you may not have an appetite in the morning. There is a solution - as soon as you wake up, drink a glass warm water. After 20 minutes, the appetite will arrive. Breakfast should consist of foods rich in vital nutrients. For breakfast, try to eat muesli, filling them with juice or fat-free kefir, eat bread with bran and vegetables, drink tea. Scrambled eggs with herbs or scrambled eggs with vegetables are suitable for those who like to have a hearty meal in the morning. In addition to feeling full, eggs provide you with protein and vitamin E. Cook buckwheat porridge with milk. Buckwheat - beautiful dietary product. Besides, she's a treasure trove vegetable protein and important trace elements for our body. For those who cannot live without meat, a sausage sandwich can be replaced with a piece of white chicken meat with vegetables, you can also cook vegetable salad or a light vegetable soup that will be good for both the heart and the stomach.

If you have the opportunity to eat at the office, prepare food in advance and store it in containers. Best to bring to the office fresh vegetables, fruits, pre-boiled meat, chicken or fish. Refuse to use sauces and marinades, the best spices are fresh herbs. Dress salads directly on the spot, before eating. Buy small thermoses designed for 250 ml and prepare your lungs vegetable soups, chicken bouillon etc. Do not eat the whole lunch at once - break it into two parts: first eat the soup, then the salad or main course.

If you are going to dine in a canteen or cafe, think over your menu in advance. After half a day running around the city or office, you have a brutal appetite and, of course, you will eat much more than you need. Therefore, stop your choice on one dish, eat it and wait a bit. It is better to take a small snack after an hour or two. In a canteen or cafe, try to order simpler food - boiled, stewed or baked dishes - they will satisfy your hunger and energize, but fried food, on the contrary, will make you lethargic. An additional portion of vitamins will be a vegetable salad. About french fries, hamburgers, breaded chicken, hot dogs and spicy dishes in pita bread - better to forget. As an alternative to such a dinner, sandwiches from bread with bran and cheese, apples, low-calorie cookies, muesli bars brought from home can serve.

If you do not have any opportunity for a full and balanced lunch, snack often, but in small portions. Bananas are ideal for a quick snack: they contain easily digestible carbohydrates satisfy hunger and provide a surge of strength. Bananas also contribute to the formation of the hormone serotonin, which increases concentration and is responsible for good mood. With daily stress, we need potassium. They are rich in pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Do not forget about dried fruits that stimulate the brain. If you feel a breakdown - eat carrots or celery.

And of course, don't forget to drink fluids throughout the day. The amount of fluid you drink is just as important as what you eat. Give up sugary carbonated drinks, industrial kvass. Prepare fruit drinks with you in advance, drink mineral water, herbal teas.

If you decide to change your habits to healthier ones, then in practice you will have to face a number of difficulties, one of which is proper nutrition at work. How to organize it so as not to go beyond the diet? After all, it is work - regardless of its nature - that often makes us eat wrong.

Mission Possible?

Every day is very stressful. You get up early, wake up the kids, get them ready for school. Often getting by with just a cup of coffee, hurry to work. The day is stressful, and often you do not have time to eat thoroughly. Therefore, you snack on nuts, cookies, sticks, etc., all washed down with liters of coffee. When you get home, you eat, eat, and eat again. Are you familiar with this scenario? Irregular, unhealthy eating at work will lead to the fact that after some time you will not be able to button your favorite skirt, and your gastrointestinal tract will stop working properly. What can you do to change your way of eating to be healthier?

First of all, you should take as a basis the rule: in order to lose weight, you need to eat less, but more often. More frequent use food is much healthier to maintain normal weight body than hunger and infrequently eating large portions of food. The office or work diet involves eating five meals a day, even if your job doesn't allow for long, regular breaks.

How to properly organize meals at work and at home, so as not to break the diet

  • Start the day with breakfast. Don't leave the house without it. A hearty morning meal will give you energy for the whole day. What should this most important meal of the day consist of? Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and a serving of protein. Enriching your breakfast with vegetables will provide you with a sufficient amount of fiber.
  • If you can't imagine life without coffee, one cup won't be a crime. But you need to remember that this drink should not become the main one during the day. Instead of coffee during the working day, it is always good to have a bottle on hand. mineral water without gas. You can add a little lemon juice. This liquid will perfectly quench your thirst and allow you to further enrich the diet with valuable vitamin C, make the office diet more complete.
  • The second breakfast should not be too dense. For this stage of nutrition at work, some milk product rich in protein, calcium and live cultures of bacteria. Therefore, a glass of yogurt, kefir or buttermilk is very a good option. Even if the work is intense, it can be drunk without problems.
  • Care must be taken to daily menu attended hot food. Thanks to this, you will ensure normal work digestive system. A diet at work will be possible if you take with you a dish prepared at home that you can heat in the microwave. If you can’t eat a hot lunch, then you need to take care of at least, about a warm dinner.
  • Before leaving work, drink tea or eat some fruit. Preferably it should be something seasonal, containing a large amount nutrients. Fruit should be a separate meal.
  • With four meals a day in the workplace (and, mind you, healthy), it's easy enough to limit the size of dinner, which is very important for people who care about the figure. absorption too a large number eating in the evening hours is detrimental to normal weight. Ideally, you should eat last time 3 hours before bed. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have your last dinner at 6:00 pm, especially if you stay up late. A light dinner will help you sleep better and wake up fresh and rested in the morning. And keeping a diet at work will not be as difficult as it might seem at first.

It is believed that during weight loss it is necessary to be on vacation in order to avoid temptations, protect yourself from unnecessary stress, and allow the body to focus on losing weight.

However, thinking about how to lose weight at work, you can get rid of unnecessary body fat without interrupting the work process, which is much more interesting and easier than going on vacation every time to return to your previous forms.

The indisputable advantage of losing weight in the workplace is the regularity of certain actions, as well as the ability to enter the most important rules weight loss in your daily schedule and gradually turn some of the necessary actions for losing weight into a habit, that is, over time, losing weight in the workplace will be possible without much effort.

The tricks below will allow you to turn weight loss into a lifestyle, that is, to permanently cope with overweight:

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be the most important part of your daily schedule.

in order for metabolic processes in the body to proceed intensively, the entire volume of daily ration divided into 3-4 meals, between which there is at least 3 hours

2. Snacks should be included in the daily routine as one of the important tasks for which you should allocate certain time(at least 5-10 minutes)

healthy snacks are considered fresh fruits and a handful of nuts

3. All snacks can be taken with you from home, which eliminates the risk of eating something wrong or staying hungry until the evening

the diet for the next day should be made in advance, which will make it as useful to the body as possible

4. Be sure to have nuts and dried fruits in your desktop drawer, which will help you cope with hunger at any time.

having eaten a small amount of of these products, you can easily cope with hunger, eliminate overeating, which is extremely important for weight loss

5. Candy and cookies should not be on the desktop

the absence of visual stimuli makes it easier to cope with such food temptations

6. As a companion or support group, you can use colleagues for whom the question of how to lose weight at work is relevant.

losing weight together is much more effective and interesting, together it’s easier to eat right, it’s easier to keep from breaking the diet

7. For lunch, you should only go to cafes and restaurants that offer healthy dishes.

restaurants and cafes positioning themselves as healthy eating, offer dishes balanced in terms of the main food ingredients, which simplifies the choice and eliminates the risk of diet violations

8. In the diary and phone, you can specify the hours of water intake and scrupulously observe them

weight loss can only be achieved through enough drinking water

9. slightest opportunity get up and move around during the working day should be used

as hypodynamia - main enemy slim figure, it is necessary to maximize the volume physical activity throughout the working day

10. Drink 3-4 cups during the working day green tea, known as a stimulant metabolic processes and excellent remedy against hunger

11. Everything eaten during the working day should be recorded and subsequently analyzed to find out how necessary this food was for the body.

12. At least once an hour, you should do simple exercises or just go down and up the stairs.

Although the answer to the question of how to lose weight at work is quite complicated, gradually turning weight loss into an integral part of the working day, you can not only achieve career development, but also to make your figure perfect.

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