Open lesson on the world around. Theme: "Health on a plate." How to eat to live? Health in a bowl

Topic: Health on a plate (generalizing lesson on the topic "Human Digestive System").


  1. generalize students' knowledge about the structure and functions of organs digestive system;
  2. to promote the formation of a scientific outlook and hygienic education of students;
  3. to promote the development of cognitive interest, the ability to work with educational and popular science literature;
  4. make short messages.
  5. learn to observe the rules of personal hygiene;

Equipment: tables, textbook, intestinal model, plates with the image of vitamins and mineral salts.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II.1.Motivational setting.

Teacher: - We have finished studying a large and interesting topic"Digestive system". We got acquainted with the bodies that are part of it, how they work. And today we are faced with a very important task: how to make sure that all organs work well and do not get sick, that is, today we need to figure out what we eat, how we eat. And, of course, food hygiene.

2. Learning new material.

Teacher: - Let's imagine that we are at a conference at a food hygiene research institute and are employees of various laboratories:

  1. Anatomy of the digestive system;
  2. Food history;
  3. Microbiology (bacteria, viruses);
  4. Dietetics (component of nutrition healthy person and medical nutrition)

We also need a secretary to lead the conference.

(Students choose a secretary)

Secretary: - Dear colleagues, let me open our conference on nutrition and food hygiene. From first to last day man must eat in his life. This is one of the basic human needs.

Why does a person need to eat?

Answers: (walk, talk, work, energy is needed for development)

Secretary: - Our health depends on how we eat. Let's remember the structure of the digestive system. The floor is given to the staff of the laboratory "Anatomy of the digestive system."

(The student talks about the structure of the digestive system and draws a conclusion).

  1. While eating, you can not talk, laugh, so that food does not get into the trachea.
  2. You can not watch TV, learn lessons, eat at night.
  3. Brush your teeth, chew your food thoroughly.

Secretary: - Thank you, any additions?

Teacher: - Guys, I brought you an unusual model of our digestive conveyor.

Intestine model

(clothing line, ribbons for divisions, 2-liter jar instead of the stomach)

Secretary: - And now let's ask the staff of the "History of Nutrition" laboratory to tell us what people ate in ancient times?

a) The ancient Greeks began their feasts early morning and ate so much in a day that it is even hard to imagine. They ate reclining, and when the stomach was full of food, they took a peacock feather, tickled it in the throat, the food came out back and the feast continued.
b) And in Sparta they ate only once a day. All food was placed in the palms of the hands.
c) The soldiers of Alexander the Great ate one glass of apricots mashed in water a day, and this was enough for them for the whole day.
d) The table of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter I) was always served with the most simple meals and rye bread. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, he ate nothing meat. And during fasting these days, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich did not eat at all, did not drink, and on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday he ate only once a day - a piece of black bread with salt, pickled mushroom or cucumber and drank kvass. It can be calculated that the king fasted for 8 months of the year. During magnificent receptions, about 70 different dishes were served on the royal table. But almost all of them were distributed. The king himself ate very modest meals.

Secretary: - Guys, what do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner?
Teacher: - What dishes are served with festive table?
Answer: (students list what they eat).

Teacher: - You have listed a lot of foods, various dishes, fruits, drinks, desserts, but all your life so that you do not eat the menu will consist of 6 "dishes". This is what we need to deal with today. Can any of you guess what "dishes" we are talking about?

(A table gradually appears on the board. See Appendix 1)

Secretary: - Let's give the floor to the "Dietitians".

a) Squirrels are the main building material of our body. It is from them that our blood and brain, bones and hair, all the cells of the body are built. And since "construction" goes on throughout a person's life, it is therefore important to get these substances with food. The body needs plant and animal proteins. Protein starvation is especially dangerous for children: they grow poorly and get sick.
There are a lot of proteins: eggs, cereals, beans, potatoes, meat, cottage cheese, fish, milk, sour cream, cheese. But in tropical countries, where there are many fruits, but few proteins of animal origin, it is customary to eat insects, worms, fatty hairy caterpillars, tree leeches, ants, and locusts.
These strange customs and habits did not appear by accident. So, for a long time, people instinctively, without realizing it, tried to enrich their food with animal proteins.

b) Fats. It turns out that in our body they act as "fuel". Fats - good source energy. And also body fat form a soft shell around the internal organs and protect them from damage. They soften the pressure on our soles and palms. Fats "wrap" our body like a thin blanket, helping to lose less heat in cold weather.

And what foods provide our body with fats? Do not think that this is only butter, lard, margarine. Fats are found in meat, eggs, hard cheeses, milk chocolate, walnuts, peanuts, seeds and bread.
Fats are essential for our body. But everything is good in moderation. Overuse fatty foods leads to excessive weight gain, because fats are stored in the body in the form of reserves. Overweight body is an additional burden on the heart. The fats found in animal foods contain cholesterol. Its excess leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the vessels that supply the heart with blood. Because of this, the heart cannot fully work.

in) Carbohydrates. They are easily absorbed by the body and provide a lot of energy. Most carbohydrates are spent on muscle work. Our heart needs a constant supply of carbohydrates. Not without reason, to maintain a weakened heart, patients are sometimes injected directly into the blood with a glucose solution. This is one of the carbohydrates.
There are many carbohydrates in potatoes, rice, beans, vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts, bran bread, sugar.

G) mineral salts(On the board are cards with the image of mineral salts. See Appendix 2.)

Calcium salts needed by the body for bone growth and renewal. They regulate the work of the heart, participate in the process of blood coagulation. If the blood is poor in calcium, a person, even with a small wound, can bleed out. This is dangerous to health.

Phosphorus salts required nerve cells. They are essential for healthy teeth.
Salts of calcium and phosphorus are present in rye bread, oatmeal and buckwheat, sorrel, fish, meat, nuts, milk.

iron salts. With their lack, we will quickly get tired, our cells will receive little oxygen (tomato, cabbage, peas, apples, pears, grapes, strawberries).

Magnesium salts important for the work of the heart, if the lack of these salts, expect various heart diseases. When we are angry or nervous, magnesium is released from our body, so we need to smile more often. (vegetables, fruits, especially in apricots and peaches).

Iodine needed for memory and mood (seafood, feijoa).

e) vitamins. (See Appendix 3). Lack of vitamins in the body leads to various diseases.

FROM(ascorbic acid) protects us from diseases like influenza, measles, tonsillitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, pneumonia. Thanks to him, wounds heal faster and bones grow together in case of fractures. Lack leads to weakening of the body, drowsiness, fatigue. (lemon, orange, rosehip, blackcurrant, cabbage, green onion, Bell pepper, tomatoes).

BUT- Growth vitamin. Without it, you will not grow tall and strong. With its lack, vision decreases, fatigue quickly sets in, appetite disappears, weight begins to fall (oil, eggs, fish fat, carrots, sweet peppers).

D- needed to strengthen bones (eggs, butter, fish, sprats, sun).

Group B 1,2,12,6 needed to strengthen muscles, to maintain general health skin, hair, oral cavity, eye. (meat, liver, cereals, bread, eggs, milk, nuts).

RR for good memory and mood (citrus fruits, fish, liver)

Vitamins are friends of health.

e) Water. The human body consists of 3/4 of the weight of water.
Water supplies are constantly depleted and need to be replenished. A person loses 12 glasses of water per day, so this amount needs to be drunk or eaten.

Secretary: - Microbiologists also want to add something to us.

Answer: - We would like to remind you of the elementary hygiene rules that you need to wash your hands before eating, do not drink raw water, fight flies and cockroaches. If you do not follow these rules, then you can get dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis. Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

Secretary: - A word to nutritionists.

Answer: - Strictly follow the daily routine: breakfast, lunch, dinner. Eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. Drink natural juices and milk.

Secretary: - Let's summarize our conference and draw up rules on food hygiene:

Students response:

1) Correctly brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after eating.
2) Chew your food thoroughly.
3) Wash vegetables, fruits, hands well before eating.
4) Fight flies and cockroaches.
5) Boil meat and fish well.
6) Do not be distracted while eating.
7) Consume more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.

Secretary: - On this we will finish our work. Thank you for your attention and active work.

Food should be such that after a while the body does not need to be cleansed of it.

For example, slagged liver. Pigmentation appears on the body, and in such unfavorable places as the face ... This is unpleasant for women. Well, the work of immunity is concentrated in the intestine. And how can the latter work if everything is packed there? At one time, studies were carried out on the intestines that died of cancer. weighted stool reach about thirty kilograms. This is something that could not be digested in sufficient volume and, accordingly, exit naturally. In the intestines there are such small villi that, when normal operation pushing already digested food to the exit. What if they are full? The guts don't work! Or papillomas will crawl out, such unpleasant nipple-like growths. By the way, they are very ugly ... Two or three centimeters in diameter! And okay beauty. Certain types of such a virus contribute to the formation of cervical cancer.

To eat something like that, so as not to die later? There is a certain set of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which a person can feel vigorous, healthy and full of strength. If you don't eat enough, rich in vitamins, then there is a failure in the processes of the body and the metabolism is disturbed. Accumulation of vitamins human body does not occur, from that they are necessary in a complete set, constantly and in accordance with the individual physiological need consume. Insufficient and untimely intake of them reduces the efficiency and resistance of the body to various diseases, makes you feel worse.

Short review. Poor eyesight or dry skin, causes vitamin A deficiency. It is found in orange, yellow, red, green vegetables and fruits.

If there are few red blood cells in the blood, anemia appears, and leukocytes - leukopenia, appetite worsens, hair begins to fall out or it is impossible to concentrate on anything at all, then rather eat meat, oily fish, some kind of grain, watermelon, bananas, peanuts, avocados, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs.

When it appears muscle weakness or limbs tingle, as if they had served a leg, milk, fish, meat, eggs will help. Problems with gums, again no appetite, fatigue, problems with digestion, something slowly heals - most likely a vitamin C deficiency. All citrus fruits, broccoli, all currants, kiwi. If suddenly there are cramps in the limbs or teeth are destroyed, then there is not enough calcium. Again, dairy White cabbage, broccoli. In case of violation heart rate, dizziness and weakness will help foods containing magnesium - all the same green vegetables, nuts, fish ... If boils are overcome, the body misses the B group of vitamins - these are all legumes, cereals.

It is important to drink water. Approximately two or three liters a day. Otherwise, everything eaten will not be delivered correctly and on time to all parts of the body and, accordingly, removed from it ...

An excess of vitamins also leads to unpleasant sensations. At the same time, it will feel as if the body is trying to get rid of something. That is, it is ordinary nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss. Health!

During a school day lasting 5-6 hours, a student spends about 600 kcal, i.e. more than a quarter of energy consumption per day. Providing hot meals during the school day has an active impact on improving the educational process and improving academic performance. Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, and ability to work.

Studying at school significantly increases the physical and emotional stress on the body, which has to expend a lot of energy, and the only source energy is food. Therefore, how a person eats, whether he observes a diet, his health largely depends.

REMEMBER! Wash my hands before eating. When eating, follow the rules: eat slowly, do not talk. Follow the diet. Include healthy foods in your diet: bread, cereals and pasta, lean meats, fish, butter and vegetable oil, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, sour cream, cheese, various vegetables and fruits. Eat less sweets, exclude "chips", "kirieshki", cola, pepsi, etc. "Your health is in your hands."

The other day, I really wanted canned green peas .. what would that mean ... :)

All this passed. Then suddenly an irresistible desire for a chocolate bar, or herring, or a terrible zhor attacks in front of critical days. This means that our body needs certain vitamins or minerals. Below - detailed description, which means the thirst for certain foods and how it can be compensated without compromising health.

I want chocolate
Lack of magnesium.

I want bread
Lack of nitrogen.
Found in: products with high content protein (fish, meat, nuts, beans).

I want to chew on ice
Lack of iron.
Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries.

I want something sweet:
1. Lack of chromium.
Found in: broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, calf liver
2. Lack of carbon.
Found in fresh fruits.
3. Lack of phosphorus.

4. Lack of sulfur.

5. Lack of tryptophan (one of essential amino acids).

Craving fatty foods
Lack of calcium.

Would you like coffee or tea?
1. Lack of phosphorus.
Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes.
2. Lack of sulfur.
Found in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale.
3. Lack of sodium (salt).
Contained in: sea ​​salt, apple cider vinegar(to dress salad with this).
4. Lack of iron.
Found in: red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.

Craving burnt food
Lack of carbon.
Found in: fresh fruits.

Want carbonated drinks?
Lack of calcium.
Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds.

I want salty
Lack of chlorides.
Found in: unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt.

I want sour
Lack of magnesium.
Found in: Unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.

I want liquid food:
Water scarcity. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with lemon or lime juice added.

Craving solid food
Water scarcity. The body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirst. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with lemon or lime juice added.

Craving cold drinks
Manganese deficiency.
Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries

Zhor on the eve of critical days:
Deficiency: zinc.
Found in: red meat (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables.

The general invincible zhor attacked:
1. Lack of silicon.

2. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids).
Found in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
3. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).

Appetite vanished completely:
1. Lack of vitamin B1.
Found in: nuts, seeds, legumes, liver, and more internal organs animals.
2. Lack of vitamin B2.
Found in: Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes
3. Lack of manganese.
Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries.

Want to smoke:
1.Lack of silicon.
Contained in: nuts, seeds; avoid refined starchy foods.
2. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).
Contained in: vitamin supplements with vitamin C or in orange, green and red fruits and vegetables.

Want something...
strong attraction to certain products- a kind of signal: the body lets us know that it lacks something. What do the most common eating habits indicate?
Peanuts, peanut butter.
The desire to gnaw peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily to residents of megacities. If you have a craving for peanuts, as well as legumes, then your body is not getting enough B vitamins.
If you lose your head at the smell of ripe bananas, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone preparations that “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, which is a quarter daily requirement adult person. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans, or figs.
Passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes dieters. Limiting fat-containing foods leads to lower blood cholesterol levels, and smoked meats are just the product in which saturated fat is the most. Do not want to reduce the effect of the diet to nothing - do not be tempted.
Melons contain a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C. special need they are experienced by people with a weak nervous and cardiovascular system. By the way, half a medium melon contains no more than 100 kcal, so overweight you are not afraid.
Sour fruits and berries.
Cravings for lemons, cranberries, etc. observed during colds when a weakened body experiences an increased need for vitamin C and potassium salts. Draws on sour and those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder.
Paints, plaster, earth, chalk.
The desire to chew all this usually occurs in babies, adolescents and pregnant women. It indicates a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, which occurs during a period of intensive growth in children and the formation skeletal system fetus during pregnancy. Add dairy products, eggs, butter and fish to your diet - this way you can easily correct the situation.
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings.
An acute need for spices, as a rule, is experienced by people who have problems with the respiratory system. If a person is drawn to garlic and onions and he smears bread with mustard instead of jam, perhaps there is some kind of respiratory disease. Apparently, in this way - with the help of phytoncides - the body tries to protect itself from infection.
Milk and dairy products.
lovers fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, - most often people who need calcium. A sudden love for milk can also arise due to a lack of essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.
Ice cream.
Ice cream, like other dairy products, is a good source of calcium. But people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, suffering from hypoglycemia or diabetes. Psychologists see the love of ice cream as a manifestation of longing for childhood.
A constant craving for seafood, especially mussels and seaweed, is observed with iodine deficiency. such people need to buy iodized salt.
Olives and olives.
Love for olives and olives (as well as for pickles and marinades) arises from the lack of sodium salts. In addition, people with a thyroid disorder have an addiction to salt.
It is adored by those who need calcium and phosphorus. Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it contains much more of these substances, and there are almost no calories.
Cravings for it are observed in vegetarians, whose diet is low in fat, and in the inhabitants of the North, who lack vitamin D.
Sunflower seeds.
The desire to nibble on seeds most often occurs in smokers who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins, which are rich in sunflower seeds.
The love of chocolate is universal. However, caffeine adherents and those whose brains especially need glucose love chocolate more than others.

Cravings for salt? Boost your immunity

An acute desire to gobble up a kilo of pickles and eat a bar of dark chocolate visits not only ladies in " interesting position». Taste preferences can tell a lot about health.
So, if lately you have been drawn with terrible force to:
SWEET. Perhaps you are working to the point of exhaustion and have already irritated your nerves. Glucose is actively involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Therefore, with nervous and mental overstrain, sugar is consumed faster, and the body constantly requires more and more portions.
In such a situation, pampering yourself with sweets is not a sin. But it’s better not to gobble up pieces of rich cakes (they have a lot of heavy carbohydrates), but limit yourself to chocolate or marshmallow.
SALT. If you pounce like a beast on pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and herring, if the food all the time seems undersalted, we can talk about an exacerbation of chronic inflammation or the appearance of a new focus of infection in the body.
Practice shows that most often these problems are associated with genitourinary system- cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.
Also, salty pulls with a decrease in immunity.
SOUR. Often this is a signal low acidity stomach. This happens with gastritis with insufficient secretory function when little gastric juice is produced. You can check this with a gastroscopy.
Also, food with a sour taste has cooling, astringent properties, helps to relieve well-being during colds and elevated temperature stimulates the appetite.
BITTER. Perhaps this is a signal of intoxication of the body after an untreated illness or slagging of the digestive system.
If you often want something with a bitter taste, it makes sense to arrange fasting days, do cleansing procedures.
BURNING. The dish seems bland until you tip half a pepper pot into it, and your feet lead you to a Mexican restaurant? This may mean that you have a "lazy" stomach, it slowly digests food, it needs a stimulus for this. BUT hot spices and spices just stimulate digestion.
Also, the need for spicy can signal a violation of lipid metabolism and an increase in the amount of "bad" cholesterol. Spicy food thins the blood, promotes the removal of fats, “cleanses” the blood vessels. But at the same time, it irritates the mucous membrane. So don't jump on chili and salsa on an empty stomach.
Astringent. If you suddenly feel an unbearable desire to send a handful of bird cherry berries into your mouth or you can’t calmly pass by persimmons, your defensive forces are weakening and urgently in need of nourishment.
Products with astringent taste contribute to the division of skin cells (help heal wounds), improve complexion. They help stop bleeding (for example, with fibroids), remove sputum in case of broncho-pulmonary problems.
But astringent foods thicken the blood - this can be dangerous for people with increased clotting blood and a tendency to thrombosis (with varicose veins, hypertension, some heart diseases).
FRESH. The need for such food often occurs with gastritis or stomach ulcers with hyperacidity, constipation, and problems with the liver and gallbladder.
Fresh food weakens, helps relieve spastic pains, and soothes the stomach.
But if all the food seems fresh, tasteless to you, then we can talk about a form of depression with a violation of taste perception.

Passion is salty and spicy
If you are drawn to specific product- Determine what attracts you to it. For example, when you feel an irresistible desire to eat a piece of salami or are ready to give your life for a bag of salted pistachios, this does not always mean that your body is in dire need of sausage or nuts. Most likely, he does not have enough salt.

*** Moderately salt food and do not get carried away with salt-free diets. According to latest research, 1 gram of salt, if after dinner slowly dissolve it in the mouth, contributes to good digestion and absorption of products. Of course, this advice can only be used by those who do not have indications for salt restriction.

Passion chocolate-sweet
More often than others, caffeine lovers and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction”. This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose as the fastest source of energy. Chocolate is the perfect way to do this. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure.

*** Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich complex carbohydrates. And as a dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount nuts.

passion cheese
Spicy, salty, with and without spices... You can't live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you're ready to absorb it in kilograms (at least eat at least 100 g a day). Nutritionists claim that those who are in dire need of calcium and phosphorus adore cheese. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much-needed and extremely beneficial to the body substances, but fats ...

*** Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body perceives milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat a little cheese (no more than 50 g per day) and along with raw vegetables.

Passion sour-lemon
Perhaps your diet is dominated by hard-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to facilitate its work. With a cold, you can also pull on sour fruit and berries are an excellent source of vitamin C.

*** Choose moderate-fat meals and don't mix too many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, over-salted and overly spicy food, as well as the one that has undergone excessive heat treatment. Noticing problems with digestion (especially from the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Passion smoked
Passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who sit on too strict diet. Long-term restriction in the diet of fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and in smoked meats enough saturated fats.

*** Do not get carried away with low-fat food - choose one that still has a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable and a teaspoon butter per day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have empirically proven that it is those who consume enough fat that lose weight faster.

Food passions and diseases
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An acute need for these foods and spices, as a rule, indicates problems with the respiratory system.
Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible with a disorder of the thyroid gland.
Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for him.
Bananas. If you lose your head from the smell of ripe bananas, pay attention to the state of your heart.
Sunflower seeds. The desire to gnaw on seeds most often occurs in those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that your body has a lot free radicals- the main provocateurs of premature aging.

Goals, tasks: to acquaint with the features of the structure and functions of the human digestive system; Learn to be mindful of your diet.

Material: diagram of the human digestive system; granulated sugar, refined sugar; two glasses of water, a glass of water for each child, a phonendoscope.

Description : Educator: Guys, I will name the words, but do you think that this is one word? Porridge, fruit, chocolate, soup, chips.

Children: Food, food.

Educator: Do you think the foods we eat affect our health?

Children: Yes, they do.

Educator: Who knows what foods the body needs for a person to be healthy, grow and develop.

Children: Useful (fruits, vegetables, cereals, soup).

Educator: Now, please specify what we are going to talk about today?

Children : O useful products; about the foods you need to eat to be healthy.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Everything that we put in our mouth goes to us in ... (Stomach)

Children: Belly

Educator: That's right, let's repeat how the digestive system of our body works. What do you think our stomach does?

Children: digest food

Teacher: yes , it processes all the food we eat. For the human body to work well, everyone must eat. Every day a person eats food. Pay attention to the diagram of the human digestive system. Let's remember how the bull's-eye travels within us. So the journey begins! (Working with an illustration of a person with the depicted digestive organs and an apple - a large magnet) They bit off an apple, but what happens to it in the mouth?

Children: It is chewed by teeth, the tongue is moistened with saliva and turned over.

Educator: They ground an apple with their teeth, swallowed it, and it fell into a tube called ... tell me how?

Children: esophagus (in case of difficulty in children - repeat with them and individually).

Educator: What do you think it is for?

Children: It carries food down to the stomach.

Educator: That's right, he "leads" the food that we have swallowed, independently, regardless of our will. Even if we stood on our heads and managed to swallow a piece of something, it would still “go” through the esophagus in the right direction. And in this direction is the stomach. (Individual repetition of the word stomach and show on yourself with your palm). What happens to food in the stomach?

Children: Food is digested in the stomach.

Educator: The stomach produces a special fluid - gastric juice(individual repetition), which impregnates the food that enters the stomach and dissolves it. And this means that the food we eat will be quickly digested and turn into a transparent solution that absorbs blood and spreads throughout the body. Further, everything that is not digested in the stomach passes into a long winding intestine and goes out. What a long journey food makes in our body! (Figure 45)

Let's check whether it is necessary to chew food (invite two children to perform the experiment).

Sugar experience. In which glass did the sugar dissolve faster? (where small). And in which one does it dissolve for a long time? (with pieces). It also happens in the stomach. If we swallow food in pieces, it is difficult for the stomach to digest it. And if you chew thoroughly, then it is easier for the stomach to digest food. Conclusion: before swallowing food - it must be thoroughly chewed!

Next, the teacher invites the children to slowly, sip, drink water from a glass, draw attention to the sensations after swallowing: “Feel where the liquid is moving inside you.” right in the stomach, it works, moves, makes sounds. Offer to listen to the stomach with a phonendoscope.

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