What is the risk of starvation. Purity of consciousness and increased concentration. Intermittent fasting regimens

A lot of women and men try to keep their body in perfect shape, but in order to achieve excellent results, it is not always enough to eat right and physical activity, many athletes and losing weight use the hunger method. Unfortunately, fasting adherents do not know much about what the consequences of fasting can be, especially if they are constantly refusing food without preparation.

The consequences of fasting are often really terrible, many doctors say that young girls, carried away by this method of weight loss, come to the hospital in an ambulance with a diagnosis of "anorexia" or more. terrible diseases. As many adherents of proper nutrition say, a girl should go on a hunger strike every week on the water, while completely refusing any food for this period. Unfortunately, many nutritionists try to dissuade their patients from such a dubious method of losing weight and cleansing, as it can harm the body.

There are more and more adherents of fasting, and not everyone understands why such stress can be fatal for the human body, because many sources talk about incredible benefits hunger. If you read a little more information about this method of weight loss, you can find out that, according to experts, it is the refusal of food that helps to remove all toxins and toxins from the organ systems.

Also, during the period of hunger, you can lose a lot excess weight, in addition, the refusal of food can increase immunity and improve the functioning of the digestive system. But that's not all, some sincerely believe that hunger can cure dangerous and incurable diseases, which have to be treated only with strong drugs.

There is a little truth in the fact that hunger makes it possible to lose weight, because in any case, when the body does not receive food, it has to expend its own sources of energy. But when the feeling of hunger passes, there is great weakness and other ailments, all this happens for the reason that they do not enter the body important vitamins and minerals, it affects well-being.

How does the body behave during hunger?

It is not uncommon for patients to complain of bad breath during fasting, and diarrhea during fasting, and many also have stomach ache and heartburn during fasting, the causes of these ailments are quite simple, we will write about them in more detail below. So, it is worth considering how the human body behaves if it stops receiving food that is valuable and the only source energy. Now we will only talk about the hunger that lasts more than two days, since this can already be considered a long fast.

Since food does not enter the stomach, the body, after a few days of hard work, has to switch to its own resources, which were constantly preserved all the time before hunger. Unfortunately, when the body uses its resources, this negatively affects the work of all organ systems, the fact is that our body spends not only unnecessary fats, but also very important proteins that are involved in the process of creating new cells.

If the protein is not enough, this leads to flabbiness of the skin, then wrinkles appear, and well-being also deteriorates significantly, as the muscles weaken. When fasting lasts too long, a person develops protein and energy deficiency, which may be varying degrees severity, and cases of exhaustion are not uncommon.

Along with this, the quality of life also deteriorates, since the girl simply cannot think of something else, like a feeling of hunger, it is not uncommon for the smell of acetone to appear from the mouth when fasting, diarrhea is also observed, the stomach and stomach area may hurt, after a while time manifests severe weakness and increasing nausea.

Many people think that hunger helps to increase immunity, but this is not so, because during such a period defensive forces organisms drop sharply, for this reason it is during the period of complete abstinence from food that a woman becomes ill with influenza and colds. It is not uncommon to observe an exacerbation of other chronic diseases that long time did not bother the woman at all.

Since the immune system is depressed, the body cannot normally resist even the most simple diseases so there's more to talk about serious problems oh health. Many ladies who were adherents of hunger developed tumors, mental abilities also significantly decreased, hormonal background which led to infertility. Doctors noticed that starving people often had stomach and intestinal disorders, women also became more nervous, the work of the heart and blood vessels worsened, electrolyte imbalance occurred, and this led to fainting and convulsions.

A few years ago, doctors recommended strict fasting to their patients if the patient was taken to the hospital with acute appendicitis, gastric and intestinal bleeding, as well as severe injuries in which a person loses consciousness for a long time. But although this fast was used for a certain time, each patient was injected intravenously with substances such as glucose, electrolytes and various amino acids in liquid form. All these components were vital for a person in serious condition, since glucose and other components helped the body to fully recover.

To date, physicians believe that complete failure the patient cannot benefit from food, because in good nutrition every organism needs, even unconscious patients must receive the necessary substances.

If the patient is unconscious, then a special energy mixture is used for him from substances that will help support a person’s life; proteins, light fats, amino acids and carbohydrates are used in such mixtures. Previously, the formulations were administered intravenously, but now nutrient mixtures are injected into the body through a special probe if a person cannot eat on his own. Based on this, it can be understood that refusing food simply cannot be beneficial for the body, since this is a certain stress and risk.

The effect of hunger on the body has already been fully studied, for this reason, you can find many reasons why it is better not to refuse food, especially for a long time. Many girls can say that only with the help of hunger can they remove overweight at the waist, but even here lies the danger. The thing is that when the body realizes that food does not enter the stomach, it begins to spend all the saved resources, so the weight gradually decreases.

But as soon as the lady leaves the diet, the body immediately puts what she has eaten into fat deposits, and the feeling of hunger becomes stronger, forcing the lady to overeat. All this leads not only to rapid weight gain, but also to poor health, in addition, kilograms usually return in excess.

Health effects of hunger

The effects of prolonged starvation on the body can be very dangerous, just look at the examples of women who practice very often. this method weight reduction. It should be remembered that the disadvantage nutrients will certainly affect normal operation body, because the body is deprived not only of its usual energy, but also important trace elements, minerals and vitamins.

Not only the body itself as a whole suffers, but also the beauty of a woman, for starters, a lack of substances affects the health of nails, teeth, hair and skin, nails exfoliate, teeth darken and collapse, and hair falls out. You can also pay attention to the skin, it will become duller, pimples will begin to appear much more often, and elasticity will also decrease and wrinkles will be more noticeable.

Girls with obesity should not practice this method at all, as extra pounds begin to go away quickly enough, and the skin does not have time to adapt to such a fast-paced work. As a result, it turns out that the skin sags and becomes flabby, this will be noticeable on the face, in the thighs, abdomen, and also on the buttocks. In addition, the body begins to break down protein, which provides skin elasticity, and when there is less protein in the skin, then appearance deteriorates significantly.

What threatens starvation?

In adolescents and people with chronic diseases other diseases may develop constant hunger causes digestive failure, also for girls in adolescence you should not use such a diet so as not to disrupt the hormonal background, otherwise you can get additional female diseases. Main danger in the fact that the body spends proteins, and after leaving the diet, these proteins are immediately replaced by adipose tissue, thus it turns out that excess fat much more is added than it was before the start of losing weight.

Our body is programmed in such a way that if you periodically arrange hunger strikes for it, then it will not be able to normally perceive a constant influx of food. The body remembers the information that “black” days can come at any moment, for this reason it saves a large number of extra fat to use this reserve in difficult times. Thus, it turns out that after each strict diet the body tries to gain as many kilograms as possible in order to use them later during the diet.

Harm of fasting

The harm of fasting may not be felt in the first few days of restrictions, since many symptoms can be attributed precisely to the lack of food, but the lack of food can lead to very disastrous results. Many girls are at a loss when, after hunger, kilograms return, and even more. If we consider the population of the United States, then there are a lot of fat people who have been victims malnutrition as well as permanent diets. But France and Japan differ in that in these countries people are more committed to proper nutrition and their native cuisine, for this reason, problems with obesity are not so common there.

Harm is also observed in the restructuring of the body, many notice that it starts to smell bad from the mouth, women consider this to be toxins that leave the body, but in fact bad smell may indicate disorders in the work of the stomach and intestines.

The effect of starvation leading to unpleasant results, is already familiar to many young ladies in our country, since girls under thirty in almost forty percent of cases are overweight. Unfortunately, a hunger strike will not help cleanse the body of everything superfluous, but it can bring many health problems that were not there before.

Anorexia as a consequence of hunger strikes

There were cases when women were too fond of refusing food, trying to lose as much excess weight as possible, in this case the lady developed anorexia. This disease is considered psychophysical, for this reason, the help of not only a doctor, but also a psychologist is needed.

Such a disease manifests itself in the event that hunger strikes are carried out frequently, then the body simply ceases to feel hunger, and body weight is rapidly decreasing, this disease is increasingly common among professional photo models.

Anorexia can manifest itself against the background of starvation, as well as often tolerated stress, in some cases the disease ends in death.

Most likely, many women still know that a complete rejection of food can do a lot of harm. healthy body, but they don't care about it. But hunger can be safe if only carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, and with careful preparation organism. Proper preparation will play a very large role in the refusal of food.

Accused of stealing 350 million tons of oil, he went on an indefinite hunger strike. According to the report, Khodorkovsky announced his decision in a letter to the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev. The reason for his writing was the extension of the ex-head of Yukos arrest until August 17.

The opinion of most experts suggests that prolonged hunger is always stress for the body. Even with therapeutic fasting, as a rule, periods of more than 21 days are not used, since after this time the risk to the health of the starving person increases dramatically.

The feeling of hunger indicates that glycogen stores (the main source of "fast" energy) have come to an end and an immediate charge is required. If this does not happen, then the so-called hunger crisis will soon set in. At this time, mechanisms are launched to search for and utilize everything that, without harm to the main life-supporting centers, could be “melted” into kilocalories. General cleaning of the body begins. At this time, excess sodium is excreted, leading to excessive pressure, the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized, and metabolic processes. A sharp release from internal debris can lead to severe poisoning. The kidneys and liver simply will not have time to remove toxins.

During the first days, the starving person has pale skin, the smell of acetone from the mouth, a white furred tongue, weakness and an unhealthy gleam in the eyes. All this against the backdrop of headaches and a feeling of complete weakness. The next step is a gradual adaptation to hunger and the transition of the body to self-eating, which occurs in 2-4 days. Weakness remains, but the feeling of hunger practically disappears. By the 4th-7th day, the so-called supercompensation occurs, when the body completely switches to using only internal reserves. There comes a strict economy in energy consumption, so metabolic processes slow down significantly. You don’t even want to drink, because a significant amount of water is released during the oxidation of fat.

If a person has a lot of fat deposits, then the hunger strike process is easier, since it is the fat involved in the metabolism that is consumed first of all, and so far body fat eat, they will be consumed and maintain a more or less normal state of the body. But when there is no more fat, they suffer first of all various systems metabolism in the body: the same fat, carbohydrate - all types of metabolism are disturbed and under-oxidized products accumulate in the body, products that normal condition should split. The liver, kidneys do not work well, toxins and salts accumulate, poisons are formed, and this, in turn, affects the central nervous system, on the cerebral cortex.

In some, after 10 days, significant damage begins - cells that do not recover die. If the hunger strike lasts three weeks, then this is the most dangerous. If then the person is not paraenterally fed or helped, he can die at any moment.

During the so-called dry hunger strike, irreversible processes begin in the body on the third day. And it is very difficult to save a person after five or seven days of a dry hunger strike. The main danger in the so-called dry hunger strike is dehydration (dehydration), water loss below the physiological norm. Dehydration of the body by only a few percent leads to disruption of its vital functions. If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, significant reduction working capacity, and if it increases to 25%, then this usually leads to death. When the body loses 1-5% percent of the fluid, acute thirst, bad feeling, slow movements, drowsiness, redness of the skin, fever, nausea, indigestion. With a loss of 6-10% - shortness of breath, headache, tingling in the legs and arms, lack of salivation, loss of the ability to move and a violation of the logic of speech. With a loss of 11-20% - delirium, muscle spasms, swelling of the tongue, dullness of hearing and vision, cooling of the body.

In pursuit of perfect figure many girls decide to apply extreme measures. Fasting is one of the methods of losing weight, which most often has a very harmful effect on the body. But this method is also used in medicinal purposes but few people know about it. Today we will analyze what will happen if you stop eating.

The worst effects of fasting

If you decide to stop eating food almost completely or completely refuse food for a while, then you need to know the most detrimental consequences of such a hunger strike. So, you will have to deal with such factors:

  • Bluish complexion.
  • The smell of acetone from the mouth.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Unnatural consistency of urine.

Many authors of books on weight loss claim that if you suddenly stop eating, then all toxins and toxins will be removed from the body. But do not rush to believe them, because the process, which will begin after some time of hunger strike, is explained by completely different reasons.

What actually happens to the body during fasting

If you choose not to eat, then certain time your body will begin to change. If the hunger strike continues for a very long time, then these changes may become irreversible. So what happens if you stop eating:

  1. The body will begin to draw energy from internal reserves. It could be glucose taken from the blood subcutaneous fat or
  2. The level of glucose in the blood will drop sharply.
  3. The body will try to replenish this level with the help of internal reserves.
  4. Due to the manipulation of the body with glucose, toxins are formed. By the way, because of this, many people are sure that fasting contributes to the removal harmful substances from the body. This is not so, since the substances are formed directly during the hunger strike, and not before it begins.
  5. The body falls into stressful condition, from which it can be removed either by a gradual return to the usual regimen, or with the help of pharmaceuticals.

As a consequence of these processes, various diseases will appear, which we will discuss below.

Why fasting is dangerous

If you stop eating completely, soon your health will deteriorate. After 1-2 weeks you will have to go to the hospital. After a certain examination, you will be given one of these diagnoses:

  • Gastric ulcer and other diseases of the digestive system.
  • Performance deterioration immune system.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.

You will feel very bad, your head and stomach will hurt. In addition, strong nervous irritation and fatigue become your constant companions.

About therapeutic fasting

There are techniques that can help the body cope with increased load on the digestive system. However, if a girl simply decided to stop eating, this cannot be considered a healing process. Therapeutic fasting- this is not a complete and not permanent refusal of food. In order for the technique to lead to a positive result and not harm your health, follow the instructions:

  1. Before giving up food, gradually reduce the amount of protein consumed in the diet.
  2. Prepare mentally for the fact that you will not eat at all for a certain time.
  3. Drink more water during your fast.
  4. After a fast, do not start eating in large quantities. Try not to eat right away, but drink juices or different types tea, and only then include food in the diet. Start with light foods and gradually work your way back to normal.

Remember that you can start therapeutic fasting only after talking with your doctor. In addition, the technique is designed exclusively for healing the body. If you want to lose weight, choose another way.

When to stop fasting

If you decide to stop eating for a certain time, do not forget that with certain signs, the hunger strike must be stopped. This is very important, because you risk greatly worsening your health. So, when you need to interrupt the technique:

  • If your weight has decreased by 20% or more.
  • If you feel sharp decline forces.
  • If you have fainting.
  • If you suffer from constant headaches.
  • If your doctor has decided that you should start eating again.

So, we figured out what will happen if you stop eating. Keep in mind that each person's body will react differently to fasting. Therefore, you may experience symptoms that you are not even aware of. They may not always be reversible.

If you are still interested in the question of what will happen if you stop eating, and you want to test it in practice, then think about how your body might respond to such stress. The consequences may appear immediately. But there are times when they appear after more than one year. In the latter case, you will not even guess what the reason is sharp deterioration health. So that fasting does not hurt you, heed the advice of professional doctors:

  • Never stop eating without a doctor's advice.
  • Do not fast for longer than 5 days.
  • If your body began to react to a hunger strike with a manifestation unpleasant symptoms start eating again.
  • Don't stop eating fast.
  • After a fast, return to your previous diet gradually.

So fasting is a bad idea if you don't have special reasons for this health related. Take care of yourself, do not introduce the body into a stressful state without the advice of a doctor.

The fasting method is gaining more and more popularity as a way not only to lose weight, but also naturally cleanse the body. Many supporters traditional medicine are working on courses on how to fast properly, how long you can endure, and why fasting is so effective. Is fasting useful and how much you can starve without harm to health, read the article.

Starvation - what is it?

Fasting is a complete temporary abstinence from any food. It is considered a cardinal method, more stringent than a diet. Women are trying to lose weight faster by blocking the body's access to a source of carbohydrates. For them, the benefits of fasting in fast and effective opportunity weight loss, at the same time getting rid of.

However, it is worth remembering that by refusing to eat at all, people block access not only to harmful toxins and an abundance of carbohydrates, but also to useful microelements. Thinking about whether fasting is useful, you can’t just choose a day, start it and end it, immediately returning to your usual daily menu. During fasting, the body goes through a series of internal changes.

Types of fasting

Fasting at home can be divided into two large separate groups.

Dry fasting - it is also called "absolute" or "complete", when, in addition to food, a person also refuses water, and this is an absolute ban on any contact with liquid. You can't drink, you can't wash your face, you can't even brush your teeth or take a shower. What happens to the body during fasting of this type?

Fats will break down faster, swelling will be removed, the body will look for liquid inside itself, but it is safe to keep dry fasting not longer than three days, more long terms only with the consent of a specialist and under regular supervision. It is worth remembering that people live no more than 3-4 days without water. There is no need to turn the method of purification into a harsh, dangerous test.

Doctors believe that only a specialist after an examination gives a competent opinion on how much a patient can starve on an individual basis.

Water fasting is more common. You can drink, and a lot, the amount of liquid has no restrictions.

Subtypes of fasting:

Short - a day - two;
Average - 3-7 days;
Long - 10-15 days;
Extreme - 40 days.

It is clear that long periods for beginners cannot be set. It's worth starting small. Is fasting useful at all, what is the opinion of specialists from official medicine?

Most doctors agree that fasting, the benefits and harms of which are still controversial points, it's ancient complex procedure which people often use Ancient Greece, China or Egypt. They used fasting as a cure.

It is worth remembering the behavior of a sick animal: it temporarily stops eating, even when the brethren bring food. It fasts while at rest, only drinks. Ancient healers tried to use the example of animals, in China in general they still believe that many diseases can be cured with plain water if you fast and drink more.

Pros and cons

When fasting, if with the consent of a doctor, in a hospital, unpleasant consequences of course it will be possible to avoid, because any negative changes will be recorded. But to arrange experiments at home, without medical advice, a person takes full responsibility for the consequences.

After all, a number of people generally categorically cannot starve:

cancer patients;
Having open form in tuberculosis;
Having severe heart failure;
Patients with kidney or liver problems;
Organ transplant recipients;
When (only with the consent of your doctor;
Fasting during pregnancy, especially when the first months go.

The rest, theoretically, of course, can try, but fasting, the pros and cons of it for each act individually. You can’t just enlist good examples from acquaintances or neighbors. Several are playing here. related factors: age, also gender and the presence of diseases, physique.

Possible consequences

Many people think about how to make themselves hungry when it is worth thinking about precautions. For example, lack of food (stopping the supply of micronutrients, necessary vitamins) will hit the immune system, it will decrease and the person will become extremely easy prey for a million microbes with viruses. The red blood cells responsible for supplying the whole body with oxygen will decrease, and this is a manifestation of anemia.

Weakness will appear, fatigue will increase, dizziness with fainting is possible, general malaise, attention will decrease.

Aggravation of anemia will result in shortness of breath even after a slight load, headache, constant noise in the ears, sleep disturbances. Sometimes a hunger strike even leads to paralysis or coma. Is it worth the risk of reducing a couple of centimeters of the abdomen or hips?

Of course, such horrors do not happen all at once, you can starve without harm to your health if you consult a doctor in advance and remember the following rules:

1. Fasting is safe only completely healthy people who know how to prepare for fasting and what possible contraindications he has;
2. During the fasting period, you should not drink any medicines, you should forget about alcohol or cigarettes;
3. Before starting, learn more about the chosen fasting method;
4. Find out how to enter correctly, about the recovery period;
5. Fasting during pregnancy is extremely dangerous, especially if the first months go by, and after the 4th it is completely prohibited. Why limit the child's access to trace elements, he needs vitamins for growth and development. A pregnant woman should discuss any intervention in her own health with her observing gynecologist;
6. They usually start small. If you are just a beginner, there is no need to set yourself records right away, testing your nerves or willpower. The main thing is not to break loose, not to undermine your health. It is good to start small.

Why during pregnancy early dates fasting is so categorically forbidden by many doctors? It is enough to know the changes taking place in the body. Hormonal adjustment, the body prepares a place for the fetus, many processes are running.

Why aggravate the situation with a hunger strike, especially vitamins necessary for the fetus. A woman will have to plan to lose weight or cleanse herself after pregnancy, often even after a feeding period. Although there are exceptions, any possibilities of fasting should be immediately discussed with your supervising doctor.

Correct entry

First you need to prepare for. Set yourself a specific day when you start your fast, let there be 1.5-2 weeks before it for preparation.

How to tune in to starvation mentally? Menu changes help. positive mood and motivation. With the start of preparation, you need to delete from familiar menu the following products:

Meat (leave only fish with seafood);
Fatty meals;
Fast food;
Flour with sweet;
carbonated water;
Fast semi-finished products;
Too salty or spicy food.

Eat more vegetables with fruits, cereals. Proper fasting begins with such a preparatory diet. At the same time, the body is already starting the process of cleansing, because there is no heavy, harmful food.

About a day or evening before fasting, take an enema or drink saline solution (activated carbon) so that the intestines are cleared faster.

How many days can you fast? To begin with, it is safer to apply the scheme:

Half day (day) - day - 1-3 days, each time with an entrance, then recovery period making intervals between sessions.

Then the fasting period begins. It is better to start fasting from the day off, especially for beginners. It is easier to carry when there is no hard work or many trips. Remember, you can not take any, even the simplest medicines, vitamins, alcohol is not allowed.

It is useful to tune in to positive, fill the days of fasting good books, good films, walk more often, try to be distracted, because thoughts about delicious food, snacking will be pursued. Frequent contraindications headache, possibly nausea or vomiting, any other warning signs carefully monitor if they become long-term - fasting should be stopped.

Important: it is dangerous to start fasting for children, the elderly, also sick, even with a cold. Only adults who do not have serious health problems people.

What is the benefit of fasting itself? Slags will begin to leave the body, fat will break down, because with the loss of external energy sources, it will begin to switch to internal nutrition. Fat deposits, storehouses of carbohydrates will be used. Many experts believe that contraindications in the form of a headache with nausea appear as a result of internal cleansing work.

They say the split slags, once again in the blood, exert their toxic effect. You just have to wait until they get out. If you urgently interrupt the hunger strike, then the slags that have left the organs and tissues will return back without having time to actually leave the body.

What is the most painful thing when fasting? Indeed, sometimes all the positive attitude flies somewhere and it is impossible to spend even a full day without food. The hardest thing is to extinguish hunger. This primitive instinct will send dozens of impulses from the brain, demanding food, turning starvation into an endless wait for food. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably purified water, without sugar or sweeteners, otherwise the whole result will be "done" by sugar. Do pleasant things, walk more. Good thoughts, exciting books, maybe pick up a new hobby.

Right way out

Important: the recovery period is equal to the hunger strike. A day lasts - a day of recovery, three days - the same amount the body needs to recover. The rehabilitation period begins with the right exit, when the hunger strike is over and you can eat food.

Diluted homemade vegetable or fruit juices (you can not mix vegetables with fruits, but you can diversify the types of vegetables or fruits) - the first day after the end of the fast. Frequent snacks with juices, every 1.5-2 hours. Then you can vegetable salad(without mayonnaise, oil).

Day 2-3 - vegetable dishes, cereals, only without milk, without spices. Especially if the period of fasting is long.

Gradually introduce dairy products, wait a little with meat, fried foods, spicy. 2-3 weeks of such a sparing menu will allow you to enjoy the result of a complete cleansing, and the hunger strike will pass without much damage.

Despite the fact that the fasting technique has been used for a long time, doctors have not come to a consensus regarding the safety of the procedure. Experts are divided into two camps, each of which has arguments "for" and "against" the hunger strike. Opponents of refusing food claim that the harm of fasting in stress for the body, supporters prove the opposite, arguing that, having experienced hunger, the body turns on all its reserve forces. Let's try to figure out what the refusal of food can give a person, and when it is worth (if it is worth) to starve.

What is fasting

Fasting is the refusal of food, which should lead to weight loss or have a therapeutic effect on health. When they talk about fasting, they first of all stop eating foods in order to exclude fats and carbohydrates from entering the body. A person who removes these components from his diet does not take into account their importance for the body. The lack of fats and carbohydrates will adversely affect the work internal organs, the coherence of the action of many systems. Carbohydrate deficiency causes a breakdown, unwillingness to actively move, there is a decrease emotional level.

Refusal of products should be competent and thoughtful. Rational abstinence has on the body positive impact. It is necessary to deliberately approach this issue and fast only after visiting the doctor, when he excludes potential danger for good health.

With food, energy enters our body, which is intended to maintain optimal level life and activity of the body. We absorb not only healthy foods, which speed up metabolism and help remove slag accumulations. Inadequate food, on the contrary, fills the body with components that are deposited in the form of toxins, clog the lumen of blood vessels, joints.

These deposits are difficult to remove, moreover, they poison the body and cause health problems.

Therapeutic fasting is a complete refusal of food. As a result, the body rebuilds its work and gets rid of dangerous accumulations, it activates hidden reserves and finds an alternative way of being without food. Carbohydrate and fat reserves begin to be actively used, a person gets rid of excess weight and completely rebuilds to a more active way of existence. There is healing of tissues and self-delivery from harmful reserves, poisons, some diseases at the cell level.

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History of fasting technique

Refusal to eat has been a practice for decades. Even in ancient Greece, fasting was widespread and actively used. Bible Heroes and the prophets used the famine, and there are numerous references to this. Jesus, Moses went without food for forty days. Modern authors of the methods - Paul Breg and Herbert Shelton offered their own options for refusing food, tried and tested on themselves. They argued that as a result of stagnation and slagging full exchange substances slow down. Fasting can start the processes of self-purification and speed up the metabolism, which is slowed down.

If the course of abstinence is designed and carried out correctly, the result of fasting will be:

  • cleansing the body at the cellular level;
  • rejuvenation;
  • improvement general well-being;
  • elimination of many pathologies;
  • getting rid of extra pounds.

It is not for nothing that during an illness the body subconsciously refuses food, showing that food will only complicate recovery.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

It has been scientifically proven that short-term fasting is equivalent in effectiveness to an extended period of calorie restriction. Monitoring the intake of food in the body for a short time gives the following result:

  • the oxidation process starts;
  • increased sensitivity to insulin;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • the amount of antioxidants entering the blood increases;
  • growth hormone is produced, which has a positive effect on overall health;
  • the work of the immune system is activated and resistance to diseases increases;
  • recovery processes occur faster, cell regeneration improves;
  • there is a cleansing of the liver after eight hours of fasting.

It is recommended to start fasting with a twelve-hour break between the first and last meals. Gradually, the distance between meals should be increased to eighteen hours. If health permits, the maximum interval can be up to twenty-four hours. This method is practiced no more than once a week. Regularly spending hungry days allows you to balance the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, to get sick less and feel more cheerful. As a result, the aging process will slow down.

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Features of proper fasting

Not every fasting can be beneficial and help normalize the condition. An improperly organized process can harm health and cause malfunctions. important organs. There are three main rules for not eating:

  • you must choose correct method fasting, which will take into account the individual characteristics of human health and the experience of refusing food in the past;
  • carrying out mandatory preparatory procedures before the start of fasting: cleansing the body, reducing the amount of food consumed, increasing the intervals between meals;
  • control over the state of health in the process of restrictions, timely response to any possible negative manifestation, rejection of hunger if necessary.

Thus, healthy fasting should also be safe. It is worth noting that this technique will bring results only in case of refusal bad habits, reference healthy way life and occupation physical activity. Proper abstinence is possible only with active cooperation with the doctor, when he corrects the action plan, taking into account individual characteristics health. There are a number of fasting rules:

  1. The correct entry and exit must be carried out - a smooth preparation of the body for restrictions and a gradual exit from hunger, and a return to a normal diet. This period should be equal to the period of refusal of food. The diet is being carefully reviewed: you need to give up heavy food and increase the amount herbal products.
  2. Drinking regime- the key to a successful course of fasting. Optimal water balance will make it as easy as possible to survive the stress of refusing food. Dry fasting is categorically not recommended, they only aggravate painful conditions, increasing the amount of slag accumulations.
  3. Fasting is not recommended. longer than a day. This is the most optimal time for positive change.
  4. During hunger, it is necessary to limit the load on the body. Equally difficult during this period are physical or mental stress. Any energy-consuming actions are not shown.
  5. During fasting, you can only drink water, no tea, let alone coffee, can be taken. This is a categorical rule that cannot be broken.

The benefits of healing methods are unconditional if the starving person does everything right. Fasting can also cause some harm to health. It's about about a hunger that lasts more than a day.

If you violate the rules for refusing food, the following pathologies are observed:

  • not fat, but protein accumulations are consumed, which leads to lethargy and flabbiness skin, premature formation of wrinkles;
  • prolonged abstinence from food leads to malfunctions of the immune system and defenselessness against attacks from outside;
  • the development of anemia is manifested by a deterioration in well-being, fatigue, inability to concentrate;
  • the supply of vitamins in the body decreases, which manifests itself bad condition teeth, hair, nails, decreased vitality.

Correctly organized abstinence from food will give positive result and will help to cope with many diseases, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists and not to correct the course of therapeutic starvation on your own.

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