Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies in adults. How to treat pneumonia at home in adults? Treatment of the disease with folk remedies. Treatment of focal pneumonia

Pneumonia ( medical term Pneumonia is a debilitating disease that earlier people were dying. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lung tissue. The causative agent of the disease, as a rule, is an infection that has entered the body through the nasopharynx or as a result of a violation of gas exchange in the lungs. The causes of pneumonia are called the penetration of bacteria or fungi into the alveoli and lung tissue; low immunity.

The most common cause of pneumonia is streptococcal infection. When weakened protective functions organism, pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and infect lung tissue. Streptococcal pneumonia is very dangerous and sometimes causes death of the patient. It is also often the causative agent respiratory tract staph infection. For some chronic diseases kidneys, enterobacteria can become the culprit of pneumonia.

Symptoms of pneumonia can be obvious, but they can also be erased.

  1. Cough (first dry, then loose).
  2. Temperature rise.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. Frequent breathing.
  5. Chest pain.
  6. General weakness.
  7. Headache and muscle pain.
  8. Lack of appetite.

Without qualified treatment, pneumonia from acute form often becomes chronic and requires urgent hospitalization. Modern pharmacological agents allow you to cope with the disease.

Therapeutic treatment involves taking antibiotics. Along with the doctor's recommendations, folk remedies can also be used in the fight against pneumonia.

Long before the discovery of antibiotics, people treated this formidable disease with various natural medicines. Most often used medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antipyretic, and sputum-thinning properties.

Folk remedies for the treatment of pneumonia

With pneumonia, rosemary infusion helps well. Two large spoons
vegetable raw materials are poured with boiling water (250 ml) and infused. Take the potion before meals. single dose- 100 milliliters in a warm form.

Well liquefies thick sputum decoction from pine shoots and kidneys. One soup spoon of plant mass is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and brought to a boil. They insist. Drink a decoction of 80 ml (up to three times a day). Honey can be added to this remedy.

An infusion of the ground part of Potentilla will help. 10 grams of grass fall asleep in a thermos and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Take up to 6-7 spoons per day.

For children with a dry cough, infusions or decoctions of marshmallow, licorice rhizomes, oregano tops and coltsfoot herbs should be prepared. Each herbal ingredient is taken in equal amounts, crushed and four tablespoons of the collection are separated into a saucepan. Pour in 500 milliliters of boiling water and let it brew. Use the infusion one tablespoon four times a day before meals.

In the progressive period of pneumonia, such an expectorant collection of herbs should be used: yarrow, coltsfoot, celandine, flowering tops of St. John's wort, violet grass and large plantain and black currant leaves. All herbs are taken in equal proportions. Stir. 5 tablespoons of the collection pour four cups of boiling water. Then insist at least three hours. Strained warm remedy drink three times a day, 50 ml.

All plants are mixed in the ratio 4:1:1:1: veronica, mullein, eucalyptus and plantain leaf. A full (with a slide) spoonful of the collection is poured into a thermos, a glass of boiling water is poured in and insisted for two hours. Take the drug 1 spoon every hour and at bedtime until recovery.

With pneumonia, you should drink an infusion of such herbs: elderberry flowers, knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaves. Each herbal component is taken one teaspoon. Pour the collection with boiling water (250 ml) and insist. Two hours later, the infusion is taken in 60 ml. Repeat reception every two hours.

It is recommended to drink an infusion of such medicinal herbs: stepmother, chamomile flowers, birch leaves and rosemary. herbal ingredients take in a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 5. For 750 milliliters of boiling water, 3 tablespoons of the mixture will be required. Bring the composition to a boil and boil for another 9-10 minutes. Take 50 milliliters of strained broth four times a day.

An old remedy for pneumonia

With pneumonia in the old days, such a remedy was widely used. Mixed: one glass of juice from aloe leaves (before use, they need to be cut and kept for 3 days in a dark, cold place), 40 g of powdered dried birch buds, 1500 g of propolis oil (15% - go) and 1500 g of honey. Everything was mixed evenly. (Honey and propolis oil are recommended to be heated.) You need to take the remedy at least four times a day. Before this, one spoonful of such a medicine is dissolved in a cup of hot milk.


At chronic form diseases in the people use such a folk remedy. It is called calceumite.

  1. 6 fresh white-shelled eggs
  2. 10 large thin-skinned lemons
  3. 2/3 cup of good cognac and a glass of fresh flower honey.

Eggs are washed, wiped dry and placed in glass jar. Pour them pressed lemon juice. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze, and put it in a dark, cool place (with a temperature of approximately 15 ° C).

The tool should stand in the dark until the shell dissolves. (Usually this happens on the 8th-9th day). After that, honey and cognac are poured into the jar. The resulting mixture is stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

Take the medicine in a dessert spoon at least three times a day.

Therapeutic inhalations for pneumonia

It is very useful for pneumonia to do inhalations with garlic. If there is no inhaler in the house, you can use a plastic cup for this procedure.

To do this, several round holes are made in it (using a hot nail or awl). Crushed garlic is placed at the bottom of the glass and its vapors are inhaled.

It is convenient to do this with a coffee pot. Procedures are carried out at least five times a day. The duration of one session is 15 minutes.

Inhale garlic essential oils through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Such inhalations have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.


Help cure pneumonia and such compresses. A gauze napkin is moistened with vodka and squeezed. The chest is smeared with honey and applied vodka compress. From above it is covered with a film or waterproof paper. Warm with a towel or a warm scarf.

To prevent pneumonia, it is necessary, first of all, to conduct healthy lifestyle life:

  • eat properly;
  • temper;
  • do sport;
  • breathe more fresh air;
  • increase immunity;
  • heal in time chronic lesions infections;
  • do not overcool;
  • avoid contact with patients with viral pneumonia;
  • avoid stressful situations and dusty rooms.

Do not start the disease, seek help from doctors in time, consult with them, using this or that folk remedy, and then you will not be afraid of pneumonia!

Pneumonia - serious disease lungs. When the first symptoms appear, take Urgent measures otherwise the consequences can be very serious. Apart from drug treatment there are proven and quite effective folk remedies for pneumonia. If they are taken in combination with the recommendations of doctors, the disease can be cured much faster.

Signs of pneumonia

Pneumonia can start suddenly and very acutely. The reasons for its occurrence are different: complications after colds, ingestion of dangerous microorganisms into the lungs, consequences past injuries and operations. The first symptoms of pneumonia are similar to the signs viral infection: sharp rise temperatures up to 38-40 degrees, coughing, chills, fever, blanching of the skin, weakness. This condition is a reason for immediate appeal for medical assistance.

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If treatment does not take place in a hospital, but at home, it is necessary to observe strict bed rest. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. After the disappearance of a strong cough, you can take a warm bath, which helps speed up the process of resorption of infiltrative foci and improves blood flow to the lungs. It is very important that the air in the room where the patient is located is saturated with oxygen. The room should be ventilated daily, this way you can reduce the amount of bacteria that enter the air when you cough.

bed rest and plentiful drinkmandatory conditions get well soon with pneumonia

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Folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine has rich experience in the treatment of pneumonia. At a time when there was no cure for this disease, people were saved folk remedies and treated pneumonia with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, compresses and lotions. Efficiency folk methods quite understandable, since natural ingredients contain everything necessary substances and trace elements that the patient needs to alleviate the course of the disease and speedy recovery. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out simultaneously with the therapy prescribed by a specialist doctor.

Pneumonia is very severe in the elderly, they get it twice as often as in young age. The complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that due to various concomitant diseases, not all medicines are suitable for them, so folk remedies for the treatment of pneumonia in the elderly often come to the fore.

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Onions and garlic for pneumonia

Among enough a large number folk remedies for the treatment of pneumonia, special place take funds based on onions and garlic. These vegetables are great benefit weakened body. They contain special substances - phytoncides, they are also called plant antibiotics, they cleanse and strengthen respiratory system.

Onions and garlic have antimicrobial action

At acute course diseases are well helped by garlic juice, which must be taken every hour, one large spoonful. To prepare it, you need to put 200 g of chopped garlic in a closed container. When he starts up the juice (after about half an hour), add 1 liter of Cahors and infuse the mixture for 14 days. Then pour the filtered juice into a glass bottle.

Helps with purulent pneumonia garlic tincture. Grind 10 medium heads of garlic and pour them with a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 8 days. The tincture is taken in half a teaspoon three times a day.
Excellent tool for the treatment of pneumonia is an onion-milk decoction. Boil two onions in milk (about five minutes), leave for four hours and strain. It should be taken every three hours, one spoonful.

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Honey based products

Helps with lung problems warm compress from honey, dry mustard and vodka. Each ingredient should be taken in a tablespoon and put overnight in the area between the shoulder blades. The second compress is placed on the right side of the chest.

Honey is one of the best means in diseases of the respiratory tract

You can prepare a decoction of honey and aloe. To do this, mix honey (300 g), ½ cup of water and a pre-crushed aloe leaf. Boil the mixture over low heat for two hours. Take one large spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.

To strengthen the lungs various diseases respiratory tract, you can prepare a balm from liquid honey (350 g), Cahors (0.5 l) and aloe (250 g). Aloe should not be watered for 2 weeks before picking, and its leaves do not need to be washed, but only wiped. Mix all the ingredients, leave for two weeks in a cool place, strain and squeeze. Drink one large spoon 3 times a day.

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Tinctures for pneumonia

Not only very effective, but also delicious recipe tinctures from birch buds and aloe can be prepared as follows: mix one glass of honey and Cahors, two glasses of grapes (light), a large spoonful of birch buds and an aloe leaf. The mixture should be infused for a week in the dark. Drink 60 g per day.

Aloe juice helps fight lung diseases

Combine juice from one medium beet, aloe leaf, spoon pork fat and one glass of honey and Cahors. Put the mixture on fire and mix everything well. The infusion process takes 20 days. Drink 40 g per day.
Grind the sunflower flower without seeds and pour over two bottles of vodka. Insist two weeks. Drink one large spoon 2-3 times a day.

Traditional medicine - very effective and effective help in the treatment of pneumonia. They boost immunity vitality in the fight against disease, contribute speedy recovery. But in the treatment of such a serious disease as pneumonia, it is necessary, first of all, to follow the doctor's recommendations. Folk ways treatments are aids, which increase the effectiveness of the main therapy.

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Video: treatment of pneumonia with home remedies

Colds pneumonia - inflammation of the respiratory tract, which occurs with damage to the bronchi, lungs, which determines the severity of the disease itself and the phenomenon respiratory failure. Pneumonia occurs on its own or is a complication after other diseases.

Pneumonia disease causes

Various pathogenic microorganisms, most often it is pneumococcus, influenza bacillus, mycoplasmas cause pneumonia. Most severe forms diseases that are often accompanied by pulmonary suppuration, causes Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella.

Contribute to the development of pneumonia - hypothermia, beriberi, neuropsychic stress. The disease occurs suddenly, manifested by chills, weakness, high fever, cough with sputum If the human body is weakened by various reasons, then pneumonia is delayed or after treatment it may recur.

Symptoms of pneumonia

The main symptoms of the disease are cough, first dry, then with sputum, chest pain, fever with chills.

If symptoms of pneumonia appear, you should consult a doctor, treatment should be carried out under control. If the arrival of the doctor is delayed for some reason, the patient's stomach should be cleansed with any laxative, placed in a warm room, given a drink of broth, warmed milk. To reduce the temperature, they drink water with lemon, cranberry juice. If a person is old or simply very weak, they give some wine.

Causes of recurrence of pneumonia - dysfunction of the immune system, lack of vitamins and biologically active substances, bad ecology. We are not able to change the ecological situation, but to strengthen the immune system and eliminatevitamin deficiency is quite possible.

Health food

Nutrition for pneumonia in adults is as high in calories as possible. The diet must necessarily include meat, dairy products, eggs, butter, a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits. For better assimilation, especially if there is accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract, food is made fractional 6 times a day in small portions. From specific food products useful for pneumonia sea ​​fish, greens, nuts. As a source of vitamin C in winter, blackcurrant, sauerkraut, and feijoa are recommended.

A very healthy and nutritious drink is the juice of fresh carrots and beets. They are mixed immediately after preparation and drunk 1 ml three times a day.

Treatment of pneumonia with salt

Such treatment of the disease is possible during the recovery period. Because the salt caves not available to everyone, you can try to simulate them at home by hot salt inhalation.

Requires 100g table salt, 25 g of magnesium sulfate powder (available at the pharmacy), 50 drops of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine, a liter of water. Cooking - alcohol tincture mixed with salt, magnesium sulfate powder. Further dissolve hot water, bring to a boil. They breathe vapors over hot water for 16 minutes, then wash themselves with water without soap. The method of treatment of the disease is contraindicated in case of skin diseases, individual intolerance to iodine preparations, frequent nosebleeds.


After the cough becomes wet, sputum appears, chest massage can be applied. Description is in the article.

Add to massage oil aroma oils spruce, cedar, juniper, cypress, grapefruit. For 15 g of massage oil, take 4 drops of essential oil.


In the treatment of pneumonia, the essential oils of myrtle, eucalyptus, pine, and hyssop are used. The same oils can only be used for cold inhalations at the height of the disease. During recovery, oils of cloves, cinnamon, basil, sage are used. Good treatment for pneumonia local procedures- lotions, aroma massage.


When the temperature is still holding the patient needs a lot of water, it is desirable that it be honey water. Take 200 ml warmed boiled water, 2 tablespoons honey dissolved in water.

honey for pneumonia - inside up to 200 g in several doses. Contraindications - diabetes. Royal jelly helps to quickly cure pneumonia, restore strength.Requires 1 ml or a thimble of royal jelly. Dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved twice a day for a week.

Wax - 200g of yellow wax is required. Cooking - the wax is heated to liquid state, moisten a canvas diaper. Application - when the wax has cooled to a temperature that the hand can withstand, the diaper is wrapped around the problematic part of the chest (the heart area is excluded). An oilcloth is placed on top, wrapped in a warm woolen blanket. Duration - 20 minutes, then a mandatory rest of at least 4 hours.

Treatment of pneumonia with herbs

To clear the bronchi of sputum, herbal preparations are useful to reduce the temperature. There are so many, it's hard to know which one to use. Rationally use what is at hand. Pneumonia disease lasts about three weeks, it is important to change the composition of herbs every five or six days.

1. 1 tsp the color of calendula officinalis, blood red, St. John's wort, 3 tsp. oregano, 4 tsp leaves and fruits of Schisandra chinensis and 200 ml of water. Preparation - mix everything, add 200 ml of boiling water, strain after 22 minutes. Use 100 ml three times warm before meals.

2. oats for pneumonia - a glass of oats with husks, a chopped head of garlic, 2 liters of milk are simmered in the oven for 2 hours. Drink in small sips of 200 ml before going to bed.

3. honey and aloe for pneumonia -take 1.3 kg of honey, a glass of cut 20 m l olive oil, 50g lime blossom, 150g Before cooking aloe leaves withstand in the refrigerator for 10 days. Cooking - to honey u add aloe, ok warm. Separately, birch buds, linden color are steamed in 0.5 l of water , boil for two minutes, from squeeze and squeeze remainder . The cooled broth stir with honey and aloe. To a well-mixed composition, add olive oil. accept 1 st. spoon 3 times shaking before use.

4. for the treatment of pneumonia, cleansing the lungs of sputum, eat honey with hazelnuts, it helps a lot with a long cough.

5. cottage cheese - a compress for pneumonia is used if there are no antibiotics. Any cottage cheese is taken, slightly warmed up. It will take 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of honey. The mass is smeared thin layer on the fabric, put on the body. Waxed paper on top, warm with something.

6. 2 tsp stork, 200 ml of boiling water, wrap, insist an hour. You can drink with pneumonia - 100 ml four times before meals.

7. after the disease, in order to pass the cough, they drink boiled milk with two figs.

8. pneumonia complicated by pleurisy - mix 10g pine buds, 20 g fragrant violet root, 40 g Four teaspoons of the collection, a liter of chilled water, stand for two hours, boil for 4 minutes, cool, filter. Drink warm three times.

9. it is useful for pneumonia to rub the chest with ointment - warm up part of the wax and 4 goose fat. If there is no goose fat, they take chicken or sheep.

10. nettle seed boiled with wine treats pneumonia. For 200 ml of wine 1 tbsp. seeds, simmer over low heat as it boils for 20 minutes.

11. collection of herbs for pneumonia - 10 g of horsetail grass, yarrow, black currant leaf, chamomile color. 20g each - round-leaved linden flowers, St. John's wort, black elderberry flowers. 30g sheet coltsfoot common, raspberry leaves, marshmallow roots. 5 tbsp collection, a thermos is brewed with a liter of water, kept for 5 hours, filtered. Drink with pneumonia 3/4 cup warm several times a day.

12. coltsfoot leaves 20 parts, 10 parts each of mullein flowers, anise fruits, 40 parts of marshmallow roots, 15 parts of licorice roots, 5 parts of tricolor violet roots. The collection is brewed like tea for pneumonia, they drink 100 ml three times a day.

13. ethnoscience recommends an infusion of the herb lungwort or lungwort as it is also called. Take 10g of grass, add a glass of boiling water. Use 1st.l. 3 times for pneumonia.

14. facilitates the course of pneumonia - equally, a series of tripartite, leaves of a coltsfoot, a large plantain, common agrimony grass. 1 four spoons of the collection, 0.5 liters of boiling water, tightly closed, kept for at least 2 hours. Use for pneumonia - 3/4 cup up to five times a day.

15. pine buds, common cumin seed, fennel, elecampane roots, coltsfoot leaves taken equally. Mixture - 2 tbsp. 3 cups of cooled water, stand for 2 hours, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. In the treatment of pneumonia - they drink a glass for three weeks.

Inflammation of the lungs is acute illness which is most often caused by bacteria. Basically, this disease develops as a complication of bronchitis and other pathologies. The disease proceeds very hard, the patient's temperature rises, severe shortness of breath and symptoms are observed general intoxication. With pneumonia, the treatment regimen must include antibacterial drugs a wide range actions, expectorants, mucolytics and vitamins. You can supplement the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies, many of them give good results.


Inflammation of the lungs can occur both with high fever and without it. The latter case is observed very rarely and is typical for people with severely weakened immunity. You can suspect pneumonia by the following symptoms:

  • The patient coughs violently, with little sputum being coughed up. With advanced disease, sputum may be streaked with blood and pus;
  • Severe intoxication is observed;
  • The person becomes weak and apathetic, his sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • There is shortness of breath, often there are complaints of chest pain;
  • The patient is pale, he sweats profusely, while the sweat is cold and clammy.
  • The temperature rises. Sometimes it reaches very high levels.

The temperature during inflammation of the lungs is rather badly confused in both adults and children. Antipyretic drugs act only for a couple of hours, then the temperature rises again.

The main symptom of pneumonia are wheezing and gurgling, which are heard in the patient's lungs.. By the nature of wheezing experienced doctor can determine the type of pneumonia, as well as its localization.

In young children, pneumonia is always more severe than in adults. This is due to weak immunity and structural features. respiratory organs.

Why folk methods are effective

The effectiveness of alternative methods of treating pneumonia has been proven for many years. Before antibiotics were discovered, people treated it infection exclusively with herbs and some components of animal origin. Medicinal herbs contain many useful substances, which caused therapeutic effect. These herbs have the following benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiallergic;
  • Vasodilating;
  • painkillers;
  • Antimicrobial.

In addition, medicinal herbs contribute to the thinning of sputum and its rapid removal from the respiratory organs. If used correctly folk methods treatment of pneumonia and do not neglect the recommendations of doctors, then you can quickly recover from pneumonia.

Treatment of pneumonia only by folk methods will not give an effect. The patient must take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor.

How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies

Treatment of inflammation of the lungs with folk remedies must be agreed with the attending physician. The specialist may recommend the simultaneous use different methods, which will only increase the effectiveness of therapy. In the treatment, medicinal herbs, fats, bee products, dried fruits, cereals and other natural ingredients are used.

They take half a glass of pitted raisins, washed several times with water, dried and twisted in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting slurry with a glass of boiling water and put to cook on low heat. Boil for no more than 10 minutes, then insist until cool and filter.

Drink this decoction should be three times a day until the complete disappearance of all symptoms. The broth turns out to be very tasty, so not only adults, but also small children drink it with great pleasure. Adults and children over 12 years of age drink half a glass of raisin drink, children younger age give 1/3 cup.

A decoction of raisins can be prepared immediately for the whole day. In this case, it is stored in the refrigerator, and before use right amount warm up.

Medicine from aloe and birch buds

The most popular recipe for cooking is a drug based on aloe juice, birch buds and bee products. To do medicinal composition you need to take the following ingredients:

  • Fresh aloe juice - 1 cup;
  • Birch buds - 2 full tablespoons;
  • Leaves of the eryngium - 3 tablespoons;
  • Propolis - 1 kg;
  • Honey - 1 kg.

You can prepare the drug according to this recipe. Place all ingredients in a small saucepan water bath and boil until smooth for 20 minutes, then pour into a glass jar with a tightly ground lid and store in the refrigerator.

Take the drug in a tablespoon 3 times a day, after dissolving in a glass of hot milk. Children, depending on age, are given from a teaspoon to a dessert spoon.

For the preparation of the medicinal product, aloe leaves older than 2 years should be taken. Previously, the leaves are kept for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in paper.

Fig drink

A good remedy for pneumonia in children and adults is a fig drink. To cook it, you need to take two large figs, pour a glass of fat milk and boil over low heat for 15 minutes.

Fig milk should be drunk twice a day. It is better to start such treatment with the first symptoms of pneumonia. Optionally, you can add milk drink some honey.

Composition with cocoa and lard

At home, you can treat pneumonia with a delicious paste made from lard, honey and cocoa. To prepare the drug, you should take the following components:

  • Pork lard - 400 grams;
  • Butter of high fat content - 100 grams;
  • Honey - 400 grams;
  • Sugar - 400 grams;
  • Egg yolks - 8 pieces;
  • Heavy cream - 3 cups.

All components are thoroughly mixed and whipped a little. Put in a water bath and boil until the mass becomes homogeneous. Next, pour the composition into a glass container, cool and put in the refrigerator. Adults take a tablespoon 3 times a day with hot milk or tea. Children are given a teaspoon of this paste.

The course of treatment should be at least two weeks. Even after the main symptoms disappear, continue to use the drug for a few more days.

horseradish inhalation

Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies in children and adults can be supplemented with inhalations. Good help therapeutic inhalations with hell. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a large horseradish root, rinse it, peel and grate it. The resulting slurry is put in a small saucepan or jar and the vapors are inhaled for 15 minutes. Up to 5 such approaches should be done per day.

You can pour gruel from horseradish root a small amount medical alcohol, and then inhale the vapors. This treatment allows you to quickly get rid of coughing and asthma attacks.

For inhalation, fresh horseradish gruel is prepared every day. It is not worth storing such a remedy for more than a day, since medicinal properties are declining.

garlic oil

To prepare such a composition, you need to take a large head of garlic and a pack of fatty butter. Garlic is rubbed on a fine grater and rubbed with a little salt. Then slowly add soft butter and mix well.

Can cook medicine not only with butter but also with pork lard. The finished pasta is spread on a piece of black bread or mixed with first courses.

Garlic recipes should be used with caution by people who have chronic diseases digestive system.

Badger fat helps with inflammation of the lungs. Adults should consume 2 teaspoons dissolved in a glass of hot milk, children should be given one spoon twice a day. To drown out bad smell fat, a little cocoa or instant chocolate can be added to milk.

Can be prepared from badger fat and currant jam. In this case, the lard is left for a couple of hours at room temperature and then mix thoroughly with jam.

tar water

This ancient remedy helps to quickly cure pneumonia in patients of all age groups. You need to take 0.5 liters of medical tar, pour it into a three-liter jar and top up hot water. The jar is well closed and put for a week to infuse in a dark place. After that, adults drink a tablespoon at night, and give children a teaspoon.

Folk remedies for pneumonia will help strengthen the body and speed up recovery. In order for the treatment to be not only effective, but also safe, one should adhere to the recipe and all the recommendations of the doctor that he gives to the patient.

Therapy of pneumonia can be carried out at home if the patient does not have indications for hospitalization. This does not mean that you need to choose medications, since they must be appointed by a specialist, based on visual inspection patient and test results. Often, patients are interested in specialists about the effectiveness of " grandmother's recipes”, to which they give a favorable response if folk methods are used as an addition to the main treatment. Herbs, berries, plants and fruits are characterized not only by strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, but also have a significant amount minerals, amino acids and vitamins, which have a positive effect on immune system person and contribute to recovery.

One of the most efficient and accessible means dried fruits are considered for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs. They include vitamins C, A, K, PP, necessary to improve immunity, so decoctions from them should be used by people of any age with respiratory diseases.

Often used in the fight against pneumonia figs and raisins. When choosing raisins, you should give preference to dark varieties, as they contain a significant amount of pectin, mucous compounds, which protect the lungs from irritation. The enveloping properties of fruits reduce pain that occur in the chest when coughing or inhaling. To cleanse the body of pathogenic substances and prevent dehydration during high temperature should be used in large quantities decoctions of figs and raisins.

To prepare a decoction of figs or raisins, it is necessary to kill 100 g of fruits in a blender or pass through a meat grinder, pour 180 g of boiling water and boil over high heat for ten minutes. As soon as the broth is prepared, it must be filtered and a little sugar or honey added. Strained berries should not be thrown away, as they can be used to cook vitamin medicine. To do this, you need to add ground berries to the berries. Pine nuts and linden honey. Treatment with dried fruits is carried out for 14 days, and to restore the body, you can continue to use these berries for another 10 days.

Additional Information. If there are no raisins or figs in the house, you can use dried apricots, dried apricots or prunes. You need to cook them according to the same recipe, only double the number of berries.

Onions and garlic for pneumonia

Garlic and onion are medicines natural origin with a strong antibacterial effect. Phytoncides, present in them are able to cope with all strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Effective in the fight against pneumonia is onion juice with honey. To prepare it, it is necessary to peel the onion, pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness and grate it. Squeeze out the juice from the finished cake and add a teaspoon of honey to it. The finished medicine should be taken one teaspoon three times a day until the final recovery.

Also, you can get rid of the inflammatory process thanks to the onion-milk broth. To do this, pour two onions into 300 ml of milk and boil for five minutes. After that, you should cool the broth in the refrigerator for 4 hours. It is necessary to use 4 times a day for a tablespoon for 10 days.

If a painful and severe cough is observed during pneumonia, and a purulent process is also present, it is necessary to prepare a tincture of garlic juice. To prepare it, you need to peel and chop 250 g of garlic, then send it to a jar and close the lid tightly. After half an hour, juice will appear, into which 900 ml of Cahors must be sent, mixed and left to infuse for two weeks. Use the tincture should be a tablespoon every hour. Since alcohol is present in the composition, this remedy should not be given to children. It is necessary to use the tincture for no more than five days, while it passes acute stage inflammation of the lungs.

Another tincture is considered no less effective, for which you need to finely chop 10 heads of garlic and add a liter of vodka. This tincture must be infused for eight days and consumed 2 g 3 times a day before meals.

Additional Information. Products based on garlic or onions should be discarded when various bleeding, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Also, due to the presence of alcohol in tinctures, it is not recommended to use for people with pathologies of a neuropsychological nature.


Chamomile is the most popular herb used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Chamomile contains great amount tannin components that are excellent antiseptics, which disinfect the mucous membranes and rid the body of pathogens. It is chamomile that is capable of short span time to reduce inflammatory process, reduce pain.

To prepare a chamomile tincture, you need to grind 100 g of dried chamomile inflorescences and add 70 ml of vodka to them. The tincture must be removed in a dark room and insisted for 7 days, after which it should be filtered and consumed 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. If you systematically use the tincture and follow the appointments of specialists, pneumonia can be eliminated in five days.

A decoction of oats in milk

A decoction of oats in milk is ideal remedy suitable for patients with purulent form inflammation of the lungs. The decoction reduces inflammation, eliminates cough and improves immunity. To prepare a decoction, you need a head of garlic, 2 liters of milk and a glass of oats with husks. All ingredients should be mixed and sent to cook in the oven at a temperature of 120-150 degrees for two hours. A decoction of oats should be drunk 1 glass before bedtime until the final recovery.

Essential oils

In case of pneumonia, bronchitis or cough, it is worth using inhalation with essential oils. Inhaling medicinal vapors, the patient softens the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and lungs. Vapors with oils are able to penetrate deeply to the focus of the disease. Eucalyptus oils are suitable for the behavior of inhalations, tea tree, roses, juniper and wheat germ. Pour two cups of boiling water into the inhaler, add a couple of drops of essential oils and cover with a lid. Steam must be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose.

Peppermint and lavender essential oils can also be used for pneumonia, which can be used in wiping and massage. A course of such aromatherapy promotes recovery defensive forces organism.

Important . After inhalation with essential oils, you should not go outside for an hour.

Inhalations and compresses

In most cases, in the treatment of pneumonia, inhalations and compresses are carried out, which not only reduce the strength of the cough, but also eliminate breathing problems.

  • Onion inhalations are very effective for pneumonia, as it is characterized by bactericidal properties. For inhalation, it is necessary to finely grate the onion, place it in a bandage and send it to the container for inhalation. Onion pairs should be breathed 6 times a day for 10 minutes.
  • To prepare inhalation, you will need horseradish and potatoes, which should be boiled, and the broth should be drained into a separate container. Such steam must be inhaled for 10 minutes, while you should definitely cover yourself with a towel. If during this inhalation there are discomfort, you must immediately stop the procedure. also in effective purposes you can use horseradish separately, for this you need to grate it, wrap the gruel in a napkin and put it on the nasal passages. If after such a procedure tearing occurs, it is necessary to stop it.
  • During inhalation, plants such as chamomile, sage, oregano, calendula or mint can be used. Decoctions from these plants not only improve breathing, but also activate the immune system.
  • Plantain compress is very effective. To prepare it, fresh leaves Rinse the plantain well, then apply it on the back or chest of the patient. After that, you need to wrap yourself in cellophane, a towel and put on warm clothes. Such a compress must be performed at night and left until morning.
  • In the fight against pneumonia, a compress is considered effective, which includes vodka, honey, mustard powder. Each ingredient must be taken in 1 tbsp, mixed thoroughly and applied to the area between the shoulder blades for 20 minutes. Such a compress can be placed on right side chest.
  • To prepare a warm compress, you need honey. chest it is necessary to grease with honey, put a napkin soaked in alcohol, cotton wool on top and wrap everything with polyethylene. You can attach such a compress with a bandage or plaster. This procedure can be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

Additional Information. It is worth observing that the patient does not lie down on the side where the inflammatory process is observed, as this increases pressure on the affected organ and pain may increase.

In order for the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the doctor's prescriptions for the regimen and diet. Since pus is formed during pneumonia, the body is significantly weakened, as a result of which the patient must comply with bed rest. Rise is allowed only during meals and exercise hygiene procedures. The room in which the patient stays must be frequently ventilated and damp cleaned using plain water, without any disinfectants. Sleep should be long, at least 14 hours a day, while you need to sleep 2 times during the day.

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