Preparations for good sleep. What medicine for insomnia to choose. Vitamin complexes for insomnia

Whoever sleeps well looks great, works great, and thinks clearly. Sleep does not just provide an opportunity to rest, it, like a healer, can cure, give a person new strength. But what if sleep is disturbed? Sometimes it is worth using light sleeping pills for insomnia, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Medicine offers a wide range of sleep medications, but due to their side effects, they should only be used with the permission of a doctor. But there are medicines that do not have negative consequences, including after an overdose.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills for sound sleep will help those who occasionally cannot fall asleep.

Those who have more serious sleep problems should consult a specialist. Since the task is not only to induce artificial sleep, but to eliminate the causes that cause insomnia. If there are no serious reasons for concern, then you can safely get by with a light sleeping pill.

The list of sleeping pills without prescription in pharmacies is quite wide. For young people, drops are quite suitable, where there is lemon balm, motherwort, valerian. Or mild zolpidem. This is a good sleeping pill, however, we must remember that all drugs should be taken no more than 2-3 weeks.

New generation z-drugs are considered safe - Tazepam, Nozepam, Signopam. They are offered even to older people, as well as to those who have insomnia only occasionally, for example, during a nervous breakdown.

List of over-the-counter sleeping pills:

Sleeping pills in pharmacies are dispensed mainly by prescription. These are powerful drugs that some people simply cannot do without. For everyone else, light sleep products are suitable, which gently soothe and promote good rest.


This tool will surely send a person to sleep. Due to its advantages, the drug is popular.

Among the advantages:

  • acts 40 minutes after application (20 drops in the evening before meals). The main thing is to be ready for this, not to resist, but just to relax;
  • the cost is relatively low.

But there are some features:

  • the drug is addictive, so you need to use it no more than 14 days;
  • Despite its effectiveness, the drug is not suitable for everyone. For some, drowsiness may persist all the next day, concentration of attention may be disturbed;
  • it is not recommended to take Barboval for those who suffer from depression;
  • has an unpleasant taste.

Otherwise, there are no complaints, the tool has been used for a long time and very successfully.


A good sleeping pill that acts like a "sleep hormone" to make you sleepy.

Its advantages:

  • sleep is calm, without nightmares, with natural cycles;
  • the drug leaves the body completely, without affecting it, there is no danger of overdose;
  • in the morning there is no drowsiness, weakness, you can safely drive.

And the cons include:

  • the price of Melaxen is quite high - an average of 650 rubles;
  • an allergic reaction, peripheral edema may occur.

With mild and moderate sleep disorders, Melaxen is a very good helper. It can also be used by perfectly healthy people who, due to circumstances, need to change time zones and get used to the new daily routine.

Donormil or Sonmil

Donormil is an antihistamine drug. It is also released under the name Sonmil. Despite the antihistamine origin, the drug is not intended to fight allergies, but to restore sleep. It can be effervescent tablets, or simply tablets that are washed down with water.

The advantages include:

  • the drug acts quickly and gently. Very good for those who are, in fact, healthy, but for some reason can not sleep sometimes. And sleep is very important for some upcoming meetings, important matters, the need to drive in the early morning;
  • rarely causes an allergic reaction.

But you should know that he:

  • causes thirst, dry mouth;
  • sleepiness may occur in the morning.


This drug is also good for various sleep disorders or just insomnia. This is a pretty strong tool.

Undeniable advantages:

  • it lengthens the period of sleep and improves its quality;
  • can be used even during pregnancy, but after consulting a doctor.

And the cons should include:

  • should not be used for children under 15 years of age, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • may cause dizziness the next day;
  • with prolonged use, there may be constipation, dry mouth, problems with urination.

The cost of the drug is not high, it is available to everyone.


It contains an extract of many plants, among which are known for their sedative properties of valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm, St. John's wort, and so on.

Undoubted advantages:

  • healthy sleep comes in a matter of minutes;
  • anxiety and nervousness go away;
  • The effect is good from the first dose.

And the disadvantages can be considered:

  • sometimes causes drowsiness the next day;
  • children are not allowed to use;
  • forbidden to people who abuse alcohol.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets or syrup. The action of the syrup is faster, sends you to sleep twice as fast.

Pursen Forte

This preparation consists of such natural ingredients as mint, lemon balm and valerian. It calms, relieves nervous excitement. It helps to fall asleep well when spoiled mood and obsessive thoughts do not give rest.

Among the advantages:

  • the right remedy that absolutely helps to fall asleep, while it is necessary to choose a drug specifically for night action;
  • irritability and anxiety go away.

And the disadvantages include:

  • should not be taken by people with biliary tract problems;
  • not recommended for children under 12;
  • No liquid form, only tablets.

The medicine can be used for several days, it will improve both sleep and mood.

Herbal preparations

For those who do not have serious sleep disorders, herbal preparations, such as tincture of valerian or motherwort, herbal preparations, Sonilyuks, Persen, Novo-Passit, are quite suitable.

You don't have to take sleeping pills to sleep. Herbal preparations calm the nerves. This is enough for rest.

They are not addictive, like potent drugs, but still have their own characteristics. This should not be forgotten. It is important to consider that with the simultaneous use of sedatives with antidepressants, analgesics and neuroleptics, the effect of the latter is enhanced. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor.

Combined drugs

They combine several active ingredients at once, include both herbal and chemical components, or both. The most popular medicines are Persen-Forte, Novo-Passit, Persen, Corvalol (its analogue is Valocordin).

Combined drugs have several tasks - they calm, relieve spasms of internal organs. But since there are several components, the risk of an allergy to one of them increases.

Combination drugs can be habit-forming. The duration of their use is indicated in the instructions for use, it should be observed.

Homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic remedies are very good for home use. They do not get used to, and the consequences of a negative impact on the body are not observed, but they act correctly and gently. Passidorm is popular. With such disorders as waking up in the middle of the night, it helps invariably. Sleep lengthens, becomes calm. But it is not recommended to use it for alcoholics, as well as during gestation. A good homeopathic remedy Soothe solves the problem of overexcitation. It eliminates anxiety, nervousness, promotes relaxation, serene rest.

How to take, so as not to get used?

Even if drugs for sleepless nights are sold freely in all pharmacies, they must be treated with caution. First of all, you should find out how the medicine works - on a cumulative basis, that is, you need to drink it regularly for a certain period in order for it to start working. Or its effect is manifested immediately. You should also ask if it has side effects and what is included in its composition. Are you allergic to any of the ingredients.

Another important point: before buying, you need to find out if the drug has such a drawback as getting used to it. In order not to get used to, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the period of taking the drug.

The feasibility of using sleeping pills

Of course, there are no completely harmless drugs, so it’s worth deciding whether it is necessary to resort to medicines at all?

Here are the cases in which they can be used:

  • with regular sleepless nights, when a feeling of weakness haunts in the morning;
  • when changing time zones, when you can’t fall asleep;
  • on the eve of an important day, when nervous tension prevents you from falling asleep;
  • during nervous disorders, interfering with sleep.

And yet, even in these cases, it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a remedy for a sleepless night adequately, that is, not to hit sparrows from a cannon.

With temporary nervous overexcitation and the inability to fall asleep, it is enough to take a homeopathic remedy or a herbal preparation - valerian, motherwort. If something more serious is tormented by nightmares, regular insomnia, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Even more responsibly it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem of insomnia in children. Try to do without drugs at all. Perhaps a glass of warm sweet tea or milk with honey and a loving attitude will solve the problem.

Good sleep is a guarantee of health, high working capacity, good health and mood. For sound sleep in pharmacies, you can buy a whole list of sleeping pills sold without prescriptions.

The composition of most modern synthetic sleeping pills, which do not require a doctor's prescription, includes an artificial analogue of the sleep hormone (melatonin) or histamine H1 receptor blockers (ethanolamines).

Melatonin-based preparations are recognized as the safest, because. they are not addictive, practically do not give side effects, while doing an excellent job with insomnia.

Ethanolamines require more careful handling, since they have a large list of contraindications, often their intake is accompanied by side effects. There are also other groups of synthetic hypnotics with a stronger mechanism of action on the body.

When choosing sleeping pills without prescriptions for sound sleep, you need to keep in mind that the list of those includes several dozen drugs. Before acquiring this or that remedy, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and features of the effect on the body.


The active substance of the drug "Melaxen" is a synthetic analogue of melatonin, i.e. the hormone responsible for sleep. It is produced in the form of tablets, the average price for a package of 12 pieces is 500 rubles.

Doctors prescribe it to patients from 55 years of age suffering from insomnia and young people in order to normalize biorhythms when changing time zones or during stressful periods. Reception schedule "Melaxen": 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. Patients note the high effectiveness of the drug from the first day of admission., as well as the absence of any negative side effects during therapy.


"Donormil" has a relaxing and hypnotic effect: it helps to fall asleep in a short time, guarantees a long restful sleep. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, the average price per pack is 300 rubles. The drug is prescribed for various sleep disorders, the dosage is 1 tablet 60 minutes before bedtime.

The active substance of this drug (doxylamine) is absorbed into the stomach within an hour and blocks histamine receptors, resulting in relaxation and rapid falling asleep.

According to doctors and patients, Donormil has a mild effect on the body, retains its effect after discontinuation, and also has virtually no side effects.


The active substance of Sondox is doxylamine succinate, the drug is an analogue of "Donormil", has absolutely identical properties and mechanism of action. The price of the medicine ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. for packing.

The dosage is selected individually, depending on the nature of insomnia and the characteristics of the organism. Doctors recommend starting with half a tablet an hour before bedtime, the maximum allowable dose is 2 tablets. The duration of sleep after taking Sondox is 7 hours. You can hear both positive and negative reviews about the drug.

Negative experience is most often due to the manifestation of side effects:

  • sleepiness during the day;
  • nausea;
  • tachycardia.


"Glycine" is an over-the-counter drug, its active ingredient is aminoacetic acid.

The drug is one of the biologically active additives, it:

  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • improves brain activity;
  • normalizes sleep.

It has a low cost - from 30 rubles. for packing. For insomnia, it is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet of "Glycine" half an hour before bedtime.

It should be borne in mind that the remedy has a cumulative effect and will not help with serious sleep disorders.


The active ingredient in Andante is zaleplon, which is prescribed as a hypnotic for occasional insomnia and trouble falling asleep. Produced in the form of capsules with a dosage of 5 mg and 10 mg. The price for a package of 7 capsules of 5 mg is on average 200 rubles.

The dosage of "Andante" is selected by the doctor individually. The standard regimen for taking the drug is 5 mg per day, while at least 2 hours must pass after the last meal.

The drug is rapidly absorbed, reduces the time to fall asleep, and also prevents nocturnal and early awakenings."Andante" is not recommended for more than two weeks to avoid addiction.


"Ivadal" (zolpidem tartrate) - a hypnotic, is produced in the form of tablets in packs of 7, 10, 20 pieces. The price of the drug is from 2000 rubles. This sleeping pill is prescribed in case of problems with falling asleep, as well as early and frequent night awakenings. Scheme of administration - 1 tablet per day, immediately before bedtime.

Patients note the effectiveness of the drug even with a single use. With strict observance of the instructions is not addictive.


"Imovan" is a sleeping pill from the group of cyclopyrrolones, its active substance is zopiclone. It has a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and muscle relaxant effect. The average cost of a drug package is 300 rubles.

"Imovan" is absorbed into the blood in a short time, reduces the period of falling asleep, provides a long sleep without awakening. The duration of the course is selected individually, depending on the type of insomnia and the age of the patient. Scheme of taking the remedy: 1 tablet at bedtime.

Many patients who took Imovan note in their reviews that the drug really allows you to cope with insomnia, but side symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth often appear.

"Chloral hydrate"

"Chloral hydrate" is a sedative, hypnotic, analgesic and anticonvulsant. Under the influence of this drug, a person easily falls asleep and sleeps for a long deep sleep.

"Chloral hydrate" is recommended to be taken orally along with enveloping agents., as it has a strong irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. It has a lot of contraindications, quickly causes addiction.


Rohypnol is a powerful hypnotic drug sold in the form of tablets and injections. Its main active ingredient is flunitrazepam. For insomnia, doctors prescribe 1 tablet of Rohypnol at bedtime. The drug begins to act half an hour after ingestion.

The maximum duration of therapy is 3 weeks, with longer use it is addictive.

Herbal preparations

Calming and hypnotic over-the-counter drugs for sound sleep, made from plant extracts, are considered harmless to the human body, the list of such drugs is quite long. They have a mild sedative effect, have a minimum number of contraindications, are not addictive, and their intake is not accompanied by the development of side effects.


"Novo-Passit" is a sedative, consisting of extracts of such medicinal plants:

  • valerian;
  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hawthorn;
  • elder;
  • hop.

Sold in the form of a solution and tablets. The average cost for a package of 10 tablets is 170 rubles, for the same amount you can buy 100 ml of syrup.

With a mild form of insomnia, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet, or 5 ml of solution.


"Persen-Forte" - a sedative and antispasmodic drug, sold in the form of tablets and capsules.

It contains extracts of medicinal plants:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm.

One of the main indications for taking "Persena-Forte" is insomnia. Due to the significant content of valerian rhizome extract, taking the drug can reduce the time to fall asleep, improve the quality of sleep, and ensure proper rest. The average cost of a package of the drug from 10 capsules is 190 rubles, 40 tablets - 300 rubles.


"Fitosedan" - a sedative collection of medicinal herbs, including:

  • motherwort;
  • oregano;
  • valerian;
  • sweet clover;
  • thyme.

It is produced in the form of convenient filter bags, which are recommended to be brewed with boiling water, like tea, and drunk before going to bed. It has a mild calming effect on the entire body, helps to relax, relieve tension and fall asleep.

Herbal Benefits:

  • no artificial additives;
  • does not cause dependence;
  • low price (about 50 rubles per pack).

"Sonilyuks" and "DreamZzz"

"Sonilyuks" is a sleeping pill, which includes more than 30 components of exclusively herbal origin, it is allowed to be used to treat children from 2 years old.

The unique composition of the drug allows:

  • effectively cope with insomnia;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • get rid of nervous tension.

It is non-addictive, so it is ideal for daily and long-term use.

"Sonilux" is available in the form of a solution, along with the drug, a double-sided measuring spoon is included in the kit, with which it is easy to adjust the dosage based on the age of the patient.

The regimen for taking the drug is selected individually by the doctor. The standard dosage is one scoop three times a day. The recommended course duration is 1 month.

The only disadvantage of the drug is a rather high price., the cost of one bottle is about 1000 rubles. Sold on the manufacturer's website.

"DreamZzz" in composition, form of release, dosage regimen and price absolutely coincides with the drug "Sonilyuks".

Patients who took "DreamZzz" and "Sonilyuks", in their reviews note the mild effect of the drug, the absence of drowsiness during the day, and an improvement in overall well-being. The maximum effect is observed after a full course of the drug.


"Restox" is a preparation based on plant extracts (agave, aralia, eleutherococcus, marshmallow), the combination of which provides not only a calm sound sleep without awakening, but also eliminates the causes of snoring. The product is available in liquid form, dosage regimen: 15 drops / 3 times a day before meals. The cost of the drug is 1000 rubles. Sold only on the manufacturer's website.

Patients in the reviews note the cumulative effect of the drug, the first improvements usually begin to be observed 7 days after the start of treatment.

Combined drugs

Combined sleeping pills for sound sleep consist of a complex of herbal and synthetic components, the list of such drugs includes Corvalol and Valocordin, which are available without a prescription.

"Corvalol" ("Valocordin")

"Corvalol" is a drug whose main components are peppermint oil and phenobarbital. Valocordin has the same composition. The drugs have a pronounced sedative effect, therefore, they help to relax the body and fall asleep faster.


"Barboval" is a complex remedy that includes a number of components (ethyl alcohol of a-bromizovaleric acid, validol, phenobarbital, ethanol). It is produced in the form of drops and tablets, the cost of the drug is quite low - from 50 rubles.

"Barboval" is prescribed as a sedative and antispasmodic, it is effective in the treatment of neurosis, nervous disorders and insomnia. In the latter case, it is recommended to take the medicine 10-15 drops three times a day before meals.

Homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic remedies for insomnia are characterized by a gentle effect on the body, their use is not accompanied by the development of unpleasant side effects.

Homeopaths believe that each remedy should be selected on an individual basis, depending on the nature of the disorders and their root cause, the characteristics of the nervous system and the general state of health of the patient.

List of homeopathic sleeping pills for sound sleep, sold without a prescription, has several dozen items, the most popular of them are:

  • "Coffee" - used when overexcited;
  • "Ignatia" - helps with sleep problems that occur against the background of strong experiences;
  • "Argentum Nitricum" is indicated to improve sleep before exciting events;
  • "Sulfur" is recommended for people suffering from frequent awakenings due to light sleep;
  • "Lycopodium" is designed for people suffering from early awakenings.

Sleeping pills for children

In case of serious disorders of the nervous system in a child, a doctor may prescribe drugs that have a hypnotic effect.

The list of over-the-counter sleeping pills for sound sleep includes drugs for adults, for children, and for pregnant women.

In childhood, only herbal sedatives can be taken, these include:

  • infusion of valerian;
  • "Persen" (from 3 years old);
  • "Dormiplant" (from 6 years old);
  • syrup "Alora" (from 3 years old);
  • "Novo-Passit" (from the age of 12).

How to take, so as not to get used

Despite the fact that in modern pharmacies there are many sleeping pills on the market, their use should be treated with the utmost care.

In order to avoid getting used to such means, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • carefully study the proposed instructions;
  • strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions;
  • do not exceed the maximum allowable duration of the drug.

Who should not take sleeping pills

Almost all sleeping pills (especially synthetic and combined) have contraindications for use.

Such drugs should not be taken:

The list of sleeping pills without prescriptions for sound sleep is quite large, therefore, despite all the possible contraindications, in each particular case it is possible to choose an effective remedy.

It's important to know that insomnia can be a symptom of a serious illness(hyperthyroidism, sleep apnea, Parkinson's disease, chronic depression, etc.). If taking light sleeping pills does not help, you should seek medical help.

Video about effective sleeping pills

List of sleeping pills for sound sleep, which can be purchased without prescriptions:

Effective sleeping pills that are prepared at home:


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

A modern person is constantly exposed to negative influences from outside, which often leads to stress and depression. Against the background of such conditions in adults, sleep problems are often observed. They toss and turn in bed for a long time, hoping to fall asleep quickly, but negative thoughts haunt them. As a result, they fall asleep only in the morning, and they have to get up very early. In view of this, many begin to take drugs for sleep, which help them quickly calm down and fall asleep soundly.

But the problem is that the range of such drugs in pharmacies is quite wide, and the choice of the drug turns into one big problem. So how do you choose a sleep aid? And what consequences should be expected from its reception? We will try to understand all these questions.

But before giving answers to them, a very important point should be noted - never take any medicines on the advice of a neighbor or your grandmother, even if they can be bought without a prescription in pharmacies. All medications should only be taken as directed by a physician. After all, each organism has its own individual characteristics and can react differently to certain medications, or rather, to the components contained in them.

Every person at least once in his life experienced "all the miracles" of insomnia - you want to sleep, but you can't! And meditation helps someone at such moments, and soothing herbal teas help someone. But when sleep disturbance is observed for a long time, all these methods cease to have a positive effect and people begin to resort to drugs.

Sometimes insomnia can occur not as an independent disease, but as a consequence of an already existing pathology. In this case, you will also need the help of a qualified doctor. After all, if the cause of sleep problems is not eliminated, the state of health can only worsen.

So that a person can sleep normally and, accordingly, feel good throughout the day, he is prescribed medications - sleeping pills, which are divided into 4 main groups:

  • alpha;
  • antihistamines;
  • barbiturates;
  • benzodiazepine derivatives.

Preparations of all these groups have the same effect - relaxing and soothing. Taking them allows you to slow down brain waves, relieve tension and anxiety, as a result of which a person falls asleep quickly. Sleeping pills help you fall asleep quickly by lengthening REM sleep, but significantly reducing deep sleep.

However, there are also differences between them. The time of assimilation and excretion from the body for each group of drugs is different. According to their action, they can be divided into light, medium and strong.

The latter include drugs such as:

  • Methaqualone;
  • Chloral hydrate.

Among medium-acting sleeping pills, Phenazepam and Flurazepam can be noted, among the lung - Bromural. These drugs are prescribed for serious sleep disorders. They quickly affect the body, but at the same time they have a number of side effects, among which there is addiction and a violation of the structure of sleep.

The question arises, how can sleep aids disrupt its structure? The thing is that when you take a drug, you quickly fall asleep, but your body does not rest. As a result of this, the next day a person has a feeling of "brokenness" and he begins to feel bad.

As for the group of benzodiazepam derivatives, these drugs are less dangerous for humans. They also promote fast falling asleep, but are not addictive.

In the "world" of pharmaceuticals, there are several over-the-counter drugs that have become very popular among people. They are available in the form of drops. These are Carvalol and Barboval.

This also includes less safe means - hawthorn, tincture of valerian and motherwort. Their use contributes to a beneficial effect on the central nervous system - anxiety, fear, feelings recede and the person falls asleep calmly.

All these drugs have practically no side effects, and therefore can be taken without prior consultation with a doctor. But no one canceled it. If you decide to take these drugs to improve sleep, and at the same time you know that you have serious pathologies, then it is better to still visit your doctor and discuss with him the possibility of taking these drugs.

All of the above pharmaceutical preparations can be used for 30-60 days. But you should carefully monitor the dosage - it should not exceed 30 drops at a time. While taking these drugs, you should also carefully monitor your well-being. Quite often, with prolonged use, people experience an allergy.

If we talk about sleeping pills in the form of tablets that are produced without a doctor's prescription, we can note such drugs as "Sonmil" and "Donormil". They are taken ½ tablet 20-30 minutes before bedtime. If this dosage does not solve the problem, it can be increased to a whole tablet, but no more.

It is worth noting that taking Donoramil provides sound sleep for 8 hours. But taking it for more than 2 weeks in a row is not recommended. As for Sonmil, it has a more pronounced sedative effect on the body than Donoramil. But after taking it, a side effect occurs - drowsiness throughout the day.

Many people who experience sleep problems take sleeping pills quite often and for a long time, without thinking at all about how they affect the body, and not in the best way.

Potent drugs are contraindicated for use in people who have heart problems, vascular diseases and psychosis.

In addition, do not forget about such a side effect as addiction. All sleeping pills should be taken strictly according to the instructions or the scheme drawn up by the doctor. In no case should you independently increase the dosage or the period of taking the remedy. Otherwise, there will come a moment when your body gets used to the drug, and in order to fall asleep, you will need to increase its dosage several times, and this negatively affects health, including psychological.

To avoid the negative effects of drugs on the body, you should take some measures that will help you fall asleep without using them. For example:

  • arrange evening walks in the fresh air;
  • before going to bed, ventilate the room in which you sleep;
  • eat right throughout the day (ideal in this case);
  • go in for sports;
  • before going to bed, turn off the TV, computer and anything that emits light;
  • Be sure to take a hot bath or shower before bed.

If you have trouble sleeping and all of the above remedies are not working for you, it's time to seek help from your doctor. After a thorough examination, he will prescribe you a treatment that will help eliminate the very cause of the appearance of this disease, after which your sleep can return to normal.

Video about Donormil

It has long been known to everyone that a person spends a third of his life in a dream, and this, on average, is 15-25 years. Such a natural process as sleep, being in a state of reduced reaction to the outside world, fills us with vitality and allows the organs to rest, because during, when a person is awake they work more actively; sleep is relaxation for the soul and body. The quality of sleep directly affects the quality of our life and performance. Such a popular problem as intermittent, short sleep can harm our body, knocking down all life cycles, developing diseases of the internal organs.

The cause of insomnia can be even insignificant factors, the most popular of them:

  • Stress caused by increased mental stress;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • CNS problems;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Flights to other time zones;
  • Protracted depression;
  • Age-related changes in the body.

Sleep, according to experts, should last 6-8 hours, and go through phases, there are only 4 of them, but they are repeated, replacing each other many times. In a healthy person, the sleep process occurs according to the following plan:

  1. A person begins to fall asleep and the first phase of slow sleep begins (5-10 minutes);
  2. The second phase begins (20 minutes);
  3. Phase 3 is abruptly replaced by the third and fourth phases (an average of 40 minutes);
  4. There is a return to the second phase of non-REM sleep (20 minutes);
  5. The first episode of REM sleep occurs, lasting about 5 minutes.

This is called a “cycle” and there should be 5 of them, and with each onset of a new cycle, the duration of slow sleep is reduced, and fast sleep is increased. This is how healthy sleep works. In a person with sleep disorders, the phases are often interrupted and there is no cyclicality. As a result - frequent nocturnal awakenings, difficulty in trying to sleep.

Sleeping pills can help the body regulate sleep processes. Often hypnotics have a sedative, sometimes mild tranquilizing effect, and vice versa - sedatives can induce sleep. But there is not always time to go to the doctor's office to get a prescription for sleeping pills. Our ranking of the best over-the-counter sleeping pills contains drugs that are exceptionally proven.

The distribution of seats was influenced by such factors as:

  • Reviews;
  • Price corresponding to quality;
  • Efficiency;
  • Safety;
  • Popularity.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

TOP 10 best sleeping pills without a prescription

10 Persen Night

Antispasmodic properties
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 580 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

A sedative drug with an extract of valerian, lemon balm, peppermint is available in the form of capsules. It has a calming and antispasmodic effect, helps to fall into a deep sleep. It is indicated for insomnia caused by nervous excitability. During the period of taking the medicine, you should be careful while driving and when working with dangerous mechanisms. Children "Persen Noch" are allowed to use only from 12 years old.

Judging by the reviews, the sleeping pill does not work immediately, on average after 4 hours, in severe advanced cases it does not have the desired effect at all, so the drug is not suitable for older people with chronic insomnia. Side effects may include stomach cramps, dilated pupils, tremors in the hands, which disappear within 24 hours. It is worth paying attention to the attached instructions. Not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation.

9 Novo-Passit

The most popular
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Novo-Passit has been sold by pharmacists for about 10 years. Contains extracts of many plants, used for neurasthenia, memory impairment, increased fatigue, mild forms of sleep disturbance, migraine, increased excitability. Suitable even for the elderly. Available in tablets or as a tincture. In numerous reviews, people who have used Novo-Passit express an opinion about the slow action of sleeping pills, although a noticeable sedative effect occurs almost immediately.

There is no side effect as a withdrawal syndrome, but with an increased content of the drug in the body, it can lead to lethargy, lethargy and depression. It is undesirable to drive a car or engage in hazardous activities during the period of use of the drug. Cannot be used together with alcoholic beverages. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age and people with gastrointestinal disorders.

8 Dormiplant

Best Cast
Country: Germany
Average price: 420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Melissa extract and valerian root in the composition provide relief from excessive anxiety and have a calming effect. The main function of the drug is to improve the quality of sleep and its duration, but facilitating the process of falling asleep is hardly noticeable, a drowsy state occurs only after 3-4 hours. Approved for use by children from 6 years of age with the appropriate dosage for different ages. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

A big plus is that Dormiplant has no side effects due to its safe natural composition (cases of individual intolerance are excluded). Sleeping pills should not be used for a long time, it is not recommended for liver diseases. Reviews about Dormiplant are enthusiastic, based on their content, it can be noted that the drug copes with its functions very well, without causing any additional problems, after waking up there is a feeling of cheerfulness.

7 Sunmil

Allowed for lactating and pregnant women
Country: France
Average price: 240 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Sonmil" is available in the form of tablets. It has a sedative and anthropine-like effect, improves the quality and duration of sleep, reduces the period of falling asleep, the course lasts 3-5 days. The advantage will be the possibility of using the drug even during pregnancy and lactation, but a doctor's consultation is desirable. Alcoholic beverages are not recommended during the course. Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, may cause daytime sleepiness.

Judging by the reviews, the drug has the desired effect in a fairly short period of time, usually 1-2 hours. Of the minuses, frequent cases can be noted when the feeling of drowsiness remains even after waking up. Not recommended for patients with glaucoma or diseases of the genitourinary system. Side effects may include dry mouth, constipation, and palpitations.

6 Melaxen

Relieves stress
Country: USA
Average price: 610 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Taking Melaxen is safe for the body, has a strong adaptogenic effect, regulating the production of melatonin to normalize sleep. The tool has a healing effect, increases vitality, therefore it is also suitable for the elderly. Complete assimilation by the body and lack of addiction are guaranteed, after waking up there is no lethargy and weakness. It does not affect the functioning of the brain and human behavior. There are practically no contraindications.

"Melaxen" is recommended for use during mild depression, susceptibility to stress, fatigue. In the reviews of the drug, it is noted that for a clear effect of sleeping pills, the course should be at least 3 weeks. Rarely, in some patients with individual intolerance to the components, swelling of the face, slight dizziness, diarrhea and chills are observed. Not compatible with the simultaneous intake of alcohol. Available in tablets and capsules.

5 Donormil

Over 50 years on the market
Country: France
Average price: 320 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Sleeping pills with a sedative effect help reduce the time to fall asleep and get rid of insomnia. It was first released to the public in 1948. The drug is taken orally, quickly absorbed into the blood, has an effect in about an hour, and is completely eliminated from the body. It does not affect brain cells and memory properties, it is not contraindicated for people with blood pressure.

After the termination of the course, the effect persists, it does not have a negative effect on the body, it does not cause addiction. If the dosage is not observed, as a side effect, there is a temporary deterioration in vision, an increase in body temperature, and a rapid heartbeat. May make it difficult to urinate, so it is contraindicated in people with diseases of the urethra or prostate gland. It is also prohibited for pregnant women, women during lactation and children under 15 years of age.

4 Tripsidan

Best for the elderly
Country: India
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The drug is available in the form of capsules and syrup, children "Tripsidan" are allowed to take from 5 years old, with different dosages depending on age. There is no alcohol in the composition, so the circle of patients who are allowed to use sleeping pills is quite wide, also ideal for the elderly. The main components are extracts and extracts of medicinal plants, restoring calm and peace of mind. With insomnia, restores the stages of sleep phases, providing sound sleep. Acts gently and effectively.

Fully restores strength in the morning, brings cheerfulness upon awakening and good mood. Strengthens the central nervous system and has an anti-stress effect. Of the side effects, it is worth noting the feeling of drowsiness that appears during the day, but this is eliminated by lowering the dosage. It has no special contraindications, during pregnancy and lactation, the use is not prohibited.

3 Passidorm

No side effects
Country: Germany
Average price: 950 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Homeopathic medicine "Passidorm" is an alcohol tincture, helps with problems with falling asleep, frequent night awakenings. "Passidorm" is well tolerated, suitable for long-term use, without causing addiction. After waking up, the patient feels that he had slept well, feels well rested. Overdose is almost impossible, without side effects.

It is forbidden for people with liver diseases and suffering from chronic alcoholism. The effect is not immediately felt, drowsiness occurs within 2-3 hours. Does not cause any harm to the body, making the drug the best sleeping pill for older people with frequent nocturnal awakenings. Depending on the condition, the dosage can be varied. It is not recommended for lactation and pregnancy and is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age; the drug reduces the reaction rate, you should be careful when driving.

2 Notta

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Austria
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Notta" fights depression, has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect. Helps to get rid of feelings of fear, anxiety, restores physiological strong daytime and nighttime sleep, normalizes cycles. The drug significantly facilitates falling asleep, without causing lethargy and drowsiness during the day after waking up. The tool activates the brain, improving blood circulation and oxygen supply. It is recommended for emotional overstrain and nervous exhaustion.

"Notta" is not addictive, and the effect persists after the withdrawal of sleeping pills. Available in drops or tablets, allowed for children from 3 years old, the dosage for each age is different. The duration of therapy is up to 4 months, the minimum course is not less than 7 days. Patient reviews agree that the drug is harmless and does not show negative effects, but it does not work immediately.

1 Sonylux

Directed action on the causes of insomnia
Country: Belarus
Average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The main function of sleeping pills is the normalization of sleep by eliminating the causes of its violation, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole. It has a completely herbal composition, is available in the form of drops. "Sonilyuks" eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, disorders of the nervous system. Quickly penetrates into the blood, regulates the psycho-emotional state, relieving insomnia caused by nervous shock, stress; reduces the time to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep.

It is noteworthy that the remedy is allowed for children from 2 years ( dosage variesdepending on age). It has a directed effect on the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems, reduces aggression and irritability, restores a full sound sleep. Numerous reviews testify to the effectiveness of the tool; does not cause daytime sleepiness, allergies and addiction.

Any sleep disorders - from short-term disturbances to chronic insomnia, have the most negative impact on well-being and significantly reduce the quality of life. Insomnia pills will help to cope with the problem, which the doctor will prescribe, taking into account the reasons that cause the night cycle to fail. Most potent drugs with a hypnotic effect are available only by prescription, because they have a lot of contraindications and, in addition to unpleasant side effects, are addictive.

At the same time, on the shelves of pharmacies there is an extensive group of over-the-counter products that provide a mild sedative and hypnotic effect without harm to health. These are plant-based preparations that are good for simple sleep disorders that are not associated with concomitant diseases. Let's find out which pills for insomnia help best, what they consist of and how long should they be taken?

When insomnia pills help

Everyone knows that chronic "lack of sleep" provokes a breakdown, decreased performance, increased irritability, and depression. But the main danger of insomnia, which has been haunting a person for many months, is that the risk of cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the brain, nervous and endocrine systems increases. And this is already fraught with serious health problems. Therefore, it is imperative to deal with sleep disorders, and for this it will not hurt to undergo a medical examination and receive recommendations from a doctor on the use of medicines. Such medications should have a sedative (sedative) effect, eliminate anxiety at the level of the central nervous system and restore a healthy night's sleep. Indications for the use of sleeping pills are:

  • sleep disturbances that occur regularly and persist for more than 4 weeks;
  • sleep problems caused by autonomic dysfunctions and emotional lability;
  • insomnia that has developed as a result of psychopathic or neurotic disorders;
  • increased nervous tension, anxiety, irritability.

Drugs with hypnotic action will help restore sound sleep, but they should be taken carefully, for a short time, so as not to provoke addiction, the development of physical and psychological dependence.

The main groups of sleeping pills

All medications used to eliminate sleep disorders can be divided into several large groups:

  1. herbal medicines;
  2. preparations of synthetic origin;
  3. combined products (containing vegetable raw materials and chemical components);
  4. homeopathic preparations.

Plant-based preparations (combined and mono-drugs) are considered the most harmless, they exhibit a mild sedative effect and are good for mild sleep disorders. This group of medicines includes:

  • Persen;
  • Neurostabil, etc.

All of the above medicines are over-the-counter, since their use is quite safe and. These are non-habituation pills for insomnia, they help relieve tension, relax, make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep.

Chemicals have the most effective effect, but are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and are omitted from a pharmacy by prescription, as they can provoke serious side effects. Representatives of synthetic drugs are drugs from the category of barbiturates and benzodiazepines. This group also includes tranquilizers, which have a psychotropic effect and are prescribed to reduce anxiety and restore the functions of the central nervous system. Barbiturates (for example, Phenobarbital) are now rarely prescribed, since the drugs in this group are outdated and have lost their relevance. They were replaced by more modern medicines:

  • Rozerem;
  • Lunesta;
  • Zaleplon.

The drugs are distinguished by good efficiency, prolonged action and help even with prolonged insomnia, while causing fewer adverse reactions and do not provoke addiction. From the group of tranquilizers for the treatment of insomnia, Phenazepam, Lorazepam are more often prescribed, these medicines are dispensed exclusively by prescription.

In addition, in the pharmacy you can buy completely harmless over-the-counter sleeping pills Donormil, Melaksen, Sonmil, Dormiplant, Ortho-Taurin, Balansin. But their use is not recommended without prior consultation with a specialist.

Homeopathic sleeping pills are practically devoid of contraindications, they facilitate falling asleep naturally, normalize the sleep-wake cycle and do not cause daytime sleepiness. Bright representatives of this group are Hypnosed, Calm, Passidorm.

Insomnia pills without prescription

Let's take a closer look at the most popular representatives of over-the-counter sleeping pills:

  • Melaxen. A hypnotic drug, the active substance of which is an analogue of the "sleep hormone" - melatonin. Melaxen facilitates falling asleep, does not disturb the natural phases of sleep, does not provoke physical and mental dependence, increases resistance to stress and ensures good health in the morning. When used correctly, the tool has a minimum of contraindications. Among the advantages of the drug is the absence of the risk of the symptom of apnea (stopping breathing during sleep), memory disorders and concentration during the daytime. These are the best insomnia pills for the elderly, as they effectively eliminate sleep disorders caused by age-related deficiency of the hormone melatonin. In some cases, when the dosage was exceeded, side effects were noted: facial flushing, increased irritability, excitability, headaches. With extreme caution, the drug should be prescribed with a tendency to allergic reactions, in the presence of hormonal disorders and kidney pathologies. The price of Melaxen is from 500 rubles.

  • Donormil (similar to Sonmil). Sleeping pills from the group of antihistamine blockers, exhibits a powerful sedative effect, accelerates falling asleep, improves the duration and quality of sleep. Available in the form of regular and effervescent tablets, which must be dissolved in water before taking. The advantage of antihistamines used as sleeping pills is that they are not addictive, but on the other hand they have quite a few side effects, including dry mouth, daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration. Therefore, such tools are not suitable for a certain category of people whose profession requires special care and quick reactions. Such a drug is not suitable for patients with a diseased liver, kidneys, angle-closure glaucoma, sleep apnea, or the elderly. Donormil should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, with a tendency to allergic reactions. The cost of the drug - from 270 rubles.

  • Valerian. Plant-based tablets have a calming (sedative) effect and are recommended for problems with falling asleep and sleep disturbance caused by stress factors. The drug has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, relieves anxiety, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and helps restore healthy sleep. The maximum effect is achieved with long-term and regular use. The medication is quite safe and has practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance). The price of tablets is from 25 to 50 rubles.
  • Persen (analogous to Dormiplant). A herbal preparation with a sedative and muscle relaxant (relaxing) effect. It is considered one of the safest non-addictive sleeping pills. Allows you to normalize sleep and relieve psycho-emotional stress. It is based on a complex of plant extracts from valerian, lemon balm and mint. The drug is recommended for chronic insomnia, increased nervous excitability and irritability. Taking sleeping pills does not affect daily activity, does not cause a decrease in efficiency, drowsiness, changes in the rate of reactions. The use of the drug is contraindicated in liver diseases and individual sensitivity. In all other cases, Persen can be taken without fear, it does not cause addiction and adverse reactions. The cost of the drug - from 250 rubles.

  • Novo-Passit. Combined herbal remedy with sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect. It is recommended for mild sleep disorders, increased irritability and excitability. The basis of the drug is extracts of valerian, hops, St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower. Novo-Passit has a quick sedative effect, facilitates falling asleep, eliminates nervousness, relieves daytime stress and fatigue. At the same time, it is not recommended to use it for a long time, otherwise daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may occur. The average price of tablets is from 600 rubles.

  • Ortho-taurine. It is a sleeping pill with adaptogenic properties that relieves mental and physical fatigue, speeds up the process of falling asleep and prevents night awakenings, making sleep deep and healthy. Taking the drug does not affect daily work capacity, but it helps to maintain a good mood and increases resistance to stress. The composition of the drug includes components such as magnesium, taurine, rose hips, succinic and folic acid, vitamins E and group B (B1, B6, B12). To eliminate insomnia, it is enough to take 1 capsule at bedtime for a month. This remedy has practically no contraindications and does not cause adverse reactions. The cost of the drug - from 450 rubles.

In addition, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a number of herbal remedies and dietary supplements with a sedative and hypnotic effect, which are sold without a prescription. Among them are such medicines as Neurostabil, Sedistress, Palora, Sedonic.

Strong pills for insomnia

In addition, there is a wide range of prescription sleeping pills based on barbiturates, benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine drugs, among which the latter are considered the safest, as they have far fewer side effects. These are drugs Rozerem, Zopiclone, Anbiem, Andante. Remember that strong sleeping pills are not intended for long-term use, during the treatment you should not exceed the indicated dosages and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations in order to prevent unwanted complications.

homeopathic remedies

Some of the best known homeopathic sleeping pills include:

  • Hypnosed. It is recommended to drink with sleep disorders caused by increased nervousness, irritability, migraine. The drug is well tolerated and has no contraindications for use.
  • Calm down. It is advised for sleep disorders associated with long falling asleep and nocturnal awakenings. The drug exhibits a rapid sedative effect, relieves nervous excitement well.
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