Mother and stepmother how he helps a person. What does mother-and-stepmother treat. Inhalations for diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with traditional medicine is probably aware medicinal properties herbs coltsfoot and, of course, its contraindications. Grass in the form of tinctures and decoctions is very healing and helps in the treatment of many diseases. She got her name thanks to her leaves: one side of her sheets is smooth and tender (like a mother), and the second is rough (like a stepmother).

In appearance, the grass resembles a dandelion, only the shape of the stem is much thicker and longer, the pedicel is scaly, and the leaves have round shape in the form of a heart. For treatment, not only leaves and flowers are used, but also the root of the plant. Oddly enough, flowers appear first in spring, and later in early summer - leaves.

Grass grows in North America, Central Asia, in Africa and in Russia. They begin to collect it from flowers in April, and then in the summer they collect the leaves of the plant and dig out the root. All parts of the plant are properly dried, and only then does the coltsfoot acquire its healing properties.

Mother and stepmother - 12 useful properties

  1. From inflammatory processes

    Coltsfoot is widely used to treat almost all inflammations in the human body. Its antioxidant properties help to improve the condition of the skin and reduce its oxidative stress. The herb has an antimicrobial effect and makes the skin younger. Due to their anti-aging properties, cosmetic tonics using coltsfoot are in huge demand.

  2. As a wound healing agent

    The antibacterial properties of coltsfoot act as an antiseptic for all kinds of external wounds, including insect bites. High content The slime in the plant helps fight dandruff, both dry and oily.

  3. Helps fight depression

    With the help of coltsfoot flower extract, you can successfully fight depression or use it as medicinal oils for massage and aromatherapy.

  4. For gastric diseases

    Coltsfoot prevents diseases such as diarrhea, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and colitis. It helps to increase intestinal peristalsis, and also improves the metabolism in the body.

  5. For urinary tract health

    Coltsfoot has powerful antimicrobial properties, which is why it is also used to treat cystitis and other infections. urinary tract. Consumption of decoctions from the plant stimulates the excretion of urine and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

  6. From respiratory diseases

    The medicinal properties of coltsfoot leaves are used in the treatment respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, colds, coughs and sinusitis. And for smokers who unsuccessfully try to quit smoking, coltsfoot will become the best substitute nicotine.

  7. From women's diseases

    A tincture of coltsfoot leaves is often used as a soak to relieve many vaginal irritations. But it is important to remember that excessive douching can cause various vaginal problems and is therefore not recommended by doctors.

  8. For eye health

    Tea from the coltsfoot plant has excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which has made it very popular among traditional medicine adherents. For removal inflammatory redness eyes recommend using a decoction of coltsfoot flowers, calendula officinalis, barberry bark and echinacea purpurea.

  9. To improve immunity

    Regular use of drugs, which include this plant, helps to increase immunity. coltsfoot strengthens immune system, improving lymphatic discharge in the body, and also helps to cure allergies.

  10. To lower blood pressure

    Decoctions of coltsfoot very effectively reduce arterial pressure in hypertensive patients, infusions from the plant serve to prevent atherosclerosis and cleanse the body of cholesterol.

  11. For oral health

    medicinal properties coltsfoot very successfully treat periodontal disease, bleeding gums, stomatitis and tonsillitis. The plant has an astringent effect and is able to heal small wounds, remove inflammatory process and even cleanse festering wounds.

  12. For skin health

    Rubbing in skin coltsfoot tinctures will help relieve itching, seborrhea and eczema, as well as dermatitis. They will restore damaged skin, cleanse the pores acne in teenagers. Penetrating deep into the skin, such preparations will improve the structure of the hair, get rid of dandruff and improve the nail plate.

Mother and stepmother - contraindications

Even a well-dried and properly collected coltsfoot grass may have contraindications for use:

  • overdose (glucosides contained in the leaves of the plant, in in large numbers may cause intoxication);
  • misuse can cause side effects: vomiting, stomach pain, nausea and fever;
  • incorrect combination of coltsfoot herb with other drugs (it is incompatible with dietary supplements, vitamins and antipyretic drugs);
  • taking the plant is contraindicated in children before they reach two years of age, women with delayed menstruation, pregnant women, young mothers during lactation, people with chronic liver diseases, alcoholics;
  • individual intolerance to grass and medicines with its content.

Decoctions based on coltsfoot herbs should not be taken for more than five weeks in a row to avoid addiction and a cumulative effect.

Plant alkaloids with high carcinogenic and hepatotoxic activity are dangerous, and it is worth treating with herbs only after the appointment of your doctor.

Before using the herb, you need to carefully study the recommendations for its use, having learned in more detail about the beneficial properties of coltsfoot, not forgetting about its contraindications.

What else is useful?

We were known visually, but we did not know what they were called. About the name of others, such as coltsfoot, you will not need a photo for identification, we somehow guessed ourselves, without any clues.

Remember, it's all about the leaves, one side of which is green and smooth, the other slightly fleecy and white color. Down side is "mother". It is warm, soft, slightly damp, just alive. Top part is "stepmother". She is cold and harsh. And it is precisely on these leaves that we eyes closed immediately recognize this plant. And the leaf is so similar to a human palm - it even has veins on it.

Coltsfoot. Properties

The benefits of each plant or product are determined by its properties, which mainly depend on the useful substances. This also applies to such a plant as coltsfoot. Wikipedia says scientifically that the real name of this herb is Tussilágo farfara. It is made up of two syllables tussis and ago and literally means "coughing away". The word farfara means "sprinkled with flour" - Bottom part and the truth makes such an impression.

This name is true. Parents, grandmothers, herbalists and even doctors recommend brewing coltsfoot for bronchitis, cough, laryngitis, pneumonia. She owes this to tannin, glycoside and mucus (and no need to frown - this is not the mucus you thought of).

But not rich in tannin alone medicinal plant coltsfoot. There are tannins, sterols, carotenoids, polysaccharides, mineral salts, tartaric and malic acids, elements of iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. And our ancestors from early spring added coltsfoot to salads, perhaps because of the content in flowers and leaves. Try it, maybe you will like it.

What can be treated by coltsfoot?

This noble plant is coltsfoot. The herb, the use and action of which was appreciated by such famous medical characters as Avicenna and Hippocrates, deserves respect. No wonder it is otherwise called the mother-grass or the king-grass. Even in preventive purposes you can simply dry the coltsfoot in the spring and constantly add it to tea. There will definitely be no harm.

In all other cases, a coltsfoot is useful, reviews eloquently confirm this. Take the plant in the form of decoctions, teas and infusions.

  • Decoction coltsfoot . Warm 3 large spoons of leaves (crushed) in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Dosage 3 spoons after each meal.
  • Infusion of coltsfoot . 3 large spoons of flowers and leaves are brewed in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. After another 45 minutes, strain well and dilute in a glass to full. Drink the infusion should be warm, store in the refrigerator.
  • Tea from coltsfoot leaves . 2 large spoons with the top insist in a glass of boiling water, like tea. Dosage - one cup three times a day.

Successfully used coltsfoot for coughs and colds, because it has a secretory, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. We make a decoction (see the recipe above) and drink it in a spoonful every three hours as an expectorant. If you add honey, lemon or to the broth, it will be much tastier.

Here is a review from one of the caring mothers:

“The mother-and-stepmother’s decoction, like gulls for coughing, has been familiar to me since childhood. That's why I decided to give it to my child. I won’t say that the next day the child jumped up, and there was no cough or fever. But the fact that the night passed relatively calmly, and the child did not come in with a dry cough - I can assure you of this.

In addition to coughing, coltsfoot also relieves other ailments.

  • Tuberculosis. It is best to drink juice for which only fresh leaves. Grind the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. Then pour the same amount of water and boil a little. The course is a week or a half. Dosage three times a day before meals, a tablespoon of juice.
  • Dropsy, suffocation, scrofula.
  • atherosclerosis and myositis.
  • Stagnation of bile and cystitis.
  • hypertension and arthritis.
  • Runny nose (you can bury the juice diluted with water).
  • Stomach ulcer and allergy.
  • Stomatitis, toothache.
  • Problems with the intestines.
  • If the nerves are shaking.
  • For general strengthening body and spirit.

You made juice, but the pulp (slurry) remained. Don't rush to throw it away. It perfectly heals wounds, boils, cuts, burns, treats diathesis and mastitis.

You are in the field, barbecue or just went for a walk. And do you have a headache? A doctor is not needed if a coltsfoot is growing at hand, or rather, under the foot. With the smooth “stepmother” side, attach the leaf to the forehead and temples. It will relieve pain and lower the temperature.

Remember the mythical forest and meadow nymphs - wreaths always flaunt on their heads. When they were invented, they were invented as cheerful creatures with excellent mood, whose head does not hurt. Take a closer look, if there is mother-grass in their wreaths - our mother-and-stepmother? After all, they were invented by people who are quite close to nature ...

Recipes fees with mother and stepmother

The plant itself is strong and efficient. But you can also improve its medicinal qualities.

  • AT equal parts coltsfoot (leaves), . A glass of boiling water per spoon collection. We insist. We drink from tonsillitis - a glass a day for three visits.
  • Violet tricolor, coltsfoot (leaves), calendula (flower), anise - all in equal parts. 2 spoons per glass of boiling water - infusion for affairs (15 +45 minutes). Facilitates asthmatic cough. You need to drink just a glass for the whole day.
  • Coltsfoot, calendula (flowers) 2 parts, 1 part. Pour a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Strained infusion is administered for sinusitis in maxillary sinuses. But after washing with a solution of (isotonic) sodium chloride.
  • coltsfoot, licorice root, pine buds(2 shares each), calendula, marshmallow root, wild rosemary (1 share each). Pour two tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, warm. Drink a glass of ha a day. The infusion helps with asthma.
  • Coltsfoot (leaves), pine buds, plantain. 2 spoons per cup of boiling water. Drink throughout the day against whooping cough.

Mother and stepmother for the benefit of our beauty

Having fresh or dried coltsfoot at home and not using it to enhance your irresistibility is simply unacceptable. Let's start at the top.

From water, paints, curls, hair becomes brittle and weak, and even dandruff appears. Hair coltsfoot will have an effect stronger than some cosmetics. We mix leaves and coltsfoot in any proportions. We make a strong decoction, add a couple of drops of essential oil to it for aroma and rinse the hair after each wash. After the procedure, it is no longer recommended to use a balm.

In summer, corns and corns appear on the legs. Let's get rid of them like this. First, we make baths, adding coltsfoot infusion to the water. And then we turn the cake into gruel and apply it to the feet at night. She will also get rid of.

Children and teenagers can wipe their face with infusion so that diathesis and age-related pimples disappear.

Coltsfoot for weight loss is effective in combination with other herbs. So, you can make tea from birch leaves (2 parts), (3 parts), coltsfoot (1 part) and corn silk(2 parts). Add part of the hay and drink a glass per day in two doses (0.5 liters of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of the mixture).

This mixture improves metabolism and dulls appetite. The result will be noticeable in a few days - a second wind will open, you will want not to walk, but to fly, vision and memory become clear, you are mobile, as if you had lost several years. Perhaps it was this cocktail that Lyudmila Gurchenko drank in the film “The Recipe for Her Youth”.

natural aphrodisiac.

And all this is due to the fact that this plant grows, in the truest sense of the word, everywhere and blooms one of the first. Along with this, coltsfoot has beneficial features, is a medicinal plant that contains great amount substances. About the benefits and harms of the plant, as well as what properties and methods of application - later in the article.

Brief description of the plant

coltsfoot - perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the Astrov family. This is one of the first spring flowers, which is famous for the originality of its flowering. First, a thick stem is formed with a yellow flower, which after some time becomes a white fluffy ball.

As soon as the plant fades, the basal leaves collected in a rosette open to the human eye. On the one hand, they are covered with a soft warm fluff, and on the other hand, the surface is somewhat different - smooth to the touch and cool. It is because of this characteristic feature of the plant that it was nicknamed "coltsfoot", where the "mother" is the warm and fluffy side, and the "stepmother" is cool and smooth.

In the people, the plant is called: mother-grass, burdock icy, double-leafed, recumbent grass. Flowering occurs in early spring.

To understand how useful coltsfoot is, you need to know how to harvest this plant. All parts of the plant are considered medicinal. Therefore, you can harvest: flowers, leaves, rhizomes, and even seed fruits. Flowers must be collected in March and early April. As for the leaves, it is recommended to collect them at the beginning summer period. But it is advisable to harvest the roots with the arrival of the first frost.

The collected raw materials, before being sent for storage, must be thoroughly dried. It is very important that the room is ventilated.

The shelf life of flowers is two years, leaves - three, rhizomes - one year.


The benefits of coltsfoot for the human body are undeniable. In addition to the fact that the plant is widely used both in folk and in traditional medicine, it is also used for cosmetic and culinary purposes. The leaves of the plant are added to various salads and sauces. Thus, people strengthen the immune system and fight various ailments.

The plant is used to prepare various healing decoctions, infusions, herbal preparations are making tea. In addition, coltsfoot extract is added in the manufacture of lotions, masks and creams.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

Since any part of the coltsfoot is a medicinal raw material, this means one thing: the plant contains a large number of useful substances. But you should know that each part of the plant has a slightly different chemical composition, because it is not in vain that they need to be stored separately.

Thus, the leaves contain a sufficient amount of:

  • mucus;
  • bitter glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • insulin.

Tannins, phenolic acids, essential oils, phytosterol and organic substances - all this is found in the flowers of the plant.

Substances that make up coltsfoot have:

  • enveloping;
  • softening;
  • thinning;
  • restoring;
  • expectorant;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic properties.

The mucus contained in the plant helps to coat and protect the oral mucosa from different kind irritations, including stomatitis. The presence of saponins and organic acids in the plant significantly improves the process of sputum discharge.

Glycosides and sterols promote healing of the mucosa in burns and wounds.

Mother and stepmother will save you from all troubles

The most popular and effective recipes

Healing infusion will help to cure persistent cough. Take a dry mixture of flowers and leaves and brew it in a glass boiled water then leave to infuse for half an hour. After straining, consume 1/4 cup three times a day.

In addition to infusion, inhalations can be used for the same purposes. The mixture is prepared according to the above recipe. Pour the warm infusion into a bowl, cover yourself with a warm towel, bend over and inhale the vapors.

There is also an old and very effective way elimination of tuberculosis cough. Take the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, put them in a three-liter bottle and cover with sugar, literally two squeezes. Thus, layer by layer, fill the entire jar. In this state, the remedy should be infused for several months. After that, drain the resulting viscous mucus and add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the therapeutic part. Consume one spoon three times a day.

Take the flowers, put them in a jar, fill with vodka, then close tightly. Infuse for a week in a dark place. Use thirty drops of the product half an hour before sitting at the table.

A decoction of the leaves of the plant. Pour one handful of raw materials with a liter of boiled water, put on the stove and boil over low heat for ten minutes, then leave to infuse for half an hour. Filter and use for compresses, baths, rinses and washes.

Infusion for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy will help in curing diseases of the organs. gastrointestinal tract. Take a few tablespoons of a mixture of flowers and leaves and pour boiled water, leave to infuse for a couple of hours, then strain. Take 50 ml of medicine before each meal.

Nasal drops from coltsfoot. Take the fresh leaves of the plant, wash and squeeze the juice out of them. Instill two drops of this juice into each nasal passage.

Milk and juice coltsfoot - excellent tool From cough. From fresh leaves of the plant, it is necessary to squeeze the juice, about three tablespoons. Then connect it with warm milk and drink. This remedy must be taken once a day. Storage is not amenable.

Mother and stepmother in cosmetology

This flower is also used in cosmetic purposes. Prepared from a plant various decoctions, which help strengthen the roots and accelerate hair growth. Elimination of dandruff and prevention of hair loss - this healing plant can cope with all these problems.

Baldness treatment

Take fresh coltsfoot herb and nettle leaves, grind well and mix. Then pour this mixture with boiled water, put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes, then let it brew for an hour, strain and use for rinsing.

Also, an infusion can also cope with hair loss, which must be rubbed into the roots: take the herb of the plant and pour it with a glass of boiled water. After the agent is infused, it is ready for use.

Recipe for a toning face mask

Mix coltsfoot grass with boiled, cooled water to a mushy consistency. Then add a couple of tablespoons of honey to this mass, mix thoroughly. thin layer apply the product on your face. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the residue with warm water.

If you have a dry skin type, then replace honey with cream, if oily - with a mixture of egg white and lemon juice.

This plant has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. It is not recommended to use coltsfoot-based products for small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. If you have liver disease, then you should also refrain from using medicines from this plant.

In addition, in no case do not self-medicate, do not take any drugs without first consulting a specialist.

Medicinal plants are an integral part of folk medicine. Even in ancient times they were used as a treatment all kinds of ailments and for their prevention. In traditional medicine, components are also quite often used. medicinal herbs, many medicines, teas, syrups and healthy food supplements have been created on their basis.


Tussilago farfara (in Latin) - common coltsfoot. Belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials from the Compositae family.

It grows almost throughout Eurasia, is found in North America, in certain regions of North Africa.

Prefers clay and well-moistened soils, little overgrown with turf. You can often find this grass on sandy, pebble shallows, on the slopes of forest ravines, on artificial embankments, along the banks of various reservoirs, in crops.


The root of the plant is creeping, branched, reaching favorable conditions one meter. The buds located on the rhizome are divided into flower-bearing and vegetative.

With the onset of early spring, the development of flowering shoots begins.

The flowers are bright yellow. Their diameter is 2 - 2.5 cm. When ripe, the heads of the plant become fluffy, resembling a dandelion.

The fruits are slightly curved seeds with small, feather-like tufts. About 18 thousand seeds ripen in one plant, which have a very high germination rate.

Vegetative shoots gain growth after the start of flowering. Each of the shoots develops several heart-shaped rounded leaves with unevenly serrated edges, forming a rosette. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, the lower side is rough. It is because of this feature that the top of the sheet seems warmer than the bottom.

Medicinal properties

A rich set of biologically diverse active components contain flowers, rhizomes and the leaves of the coltsfoot:

  • Tannins (known for their anti-inflammatory action, have a protective effect on the mucous membranes against irritants).
  • Carotene (removes excess harmful radicals from the body, strengthening the immune system).
  • Saponin (often included in expectorant, sedative drugs).
  • Polysaccharides (sources of energy).
  • Bitter glycoside (stimulates the secretion of gastric juice).
  • Essential oils (normalize metabolic processes, effective for skin ailments, widely used in different areas cosmetology).
  • Ascorbic acid (indispensable for supporting immunity).
  • Beta-sitosterol (lowers cholesterol, has an anti-cancer effect).
  • Phytosterol (responsible for maintaining the structure of body cells).
  • Tussilagin (improves sputum excretion).

Coltsfoot is deservedly considered the oldest healer among medicinal herbs. Its healing properties were known in Greece, in Rome.

Hippocrates recommended the plant as a strong expectorant. He also used this herb to draw out pus from all kinds. Avicenna treated with her help; claimed it was good for the eyes. Pliny advised using a decoction of this plant for diseases of the lungs and.

Medicinal properties of coltsfoot:

The main properties described by modern medicine

  • Diaphoretic (to relieve intense heat).
  • Hypotensive.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Restoring.
  • Enveloping (against diseases of the stomach).
  • Disinfectant.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Expectorant.

Treatment of ENT diseases

The use of the components of this plant is effective in almost any ENT diseases:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Sinusitis.

How is it used


Decoction: (220 gr. boiling water. 6 gr. dried leaves).

  • Fill the leaves with water. Then, after boiling for a few minutes, let them brew for a quarter of an hour.
  • Strain the resulting broth.
  • Take it one spoon several times a day.

Infusion: (A glass of boiling water. One spoonful of freshly chopped crushed leaves).

Pour the leaves the right amount boiling water, hold them under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Then leave the infusion for three quarters of an hour. Next, strain. In the finished drink, add chilled water to make up for the boiled off. Take it slightly warm before meals. One third of a glass is enough for one dose. This infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make an infusion of coltsfoot:

Contraindications, side effects

When using medicines based on coltsfoot components, it is important to know that the leaflets contain glycosides. An overdose of them is fraught. Based on this, the main conditions
self-medication are correct calculation dosage of raw materials and limited duration of administration.

It is dangerous to take funds from coltsfoot for more than two months in a row, harmful substances can accumulate in the body.

Do not take this herb:

  • With individual intolerance.
  • During pregnancy.
  • At frequent delay monthly.
  • When breastfeeding.

How to prepare

Dry, sunny weather is required for picking flowers.

Dry them in the shade, in a light breeze or in rooms with good ventilation. For drying, special stainless steel meshes are used. In order for the flowers to dry evenly, they are turned over from time to time. Store dried flowers preferably in paper bags or boxes.

The leaves are harvested after the end of flowering, when the first top fluff disappears from the leaf, and the upper side of the leaves is almost smooth, and the lower side is completely covered with white felt, which makes the leaf seem warm.

You can not tear old leaves with brown spots and those that have already begun to turn yellow. Dry them in the same way as flowers.

It is undesirable to collect plants in the city limits and along roadsides. They absorb a lot harmful substances, chemicals and can be hazardous to health.

Ready-made dried ingredients are sold in pharmacies.

Drugs and remedies with coltsfoot

Efficiency and reviews

Mother-and-stepmother has adequately established herself as one of the best natural remedies. But anyway official medicine considers it a secondary remedy for the treatment of diseases, and not the main one.
Before use, it is advisable to ask a specialist for advice and remember that any therapy should be comprehensive. Much of this depends on its effectiveness.

In the article we discuss coltsfoot - the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant. You will learn how the plant is useful, what diseases it treats, and how to properly prepare a decoction or infusion to treat coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia and colds.

Coltsfoot (lat. Tussilágo) is a monotypic genus of plants in the family Asteraceae or Compositae (Asteraceae).

Common coltsfoot (lat. Tussilágo fárfara) is a perennial herbaceous plant, common in Eurasia, Africa, and also, as an alien, in other parts of the world. Amazing Feature plants - the flowering period occurs in early spring, before the leaves bloom.

Mother and stepmother in Latin is translated as follows: the scientific (Latin) generic name tussilago, inis f comes from lat. tussis, is ("cough") and ago, egi, actum, ere ("to drive away") - and can be translated as "coughlegon". This name is associated with medical use as a cough remedy.

There are numerous hairs on the underside of the leaves, so the underside of the leaf evaporates water less than the bare top. The underside (mother) is warmer to the touch than the top (stepmother) - hence Russian name plants.

Other Russian names: two-leafed, Kamchuzhnaya grass, cold lapukha, mother grass, one-sided, king-potion.

What does it look like

The coltsfoot plant has a long, branched, creeping rhizome. Two types of shoots develop from the buds on the rhizome: flower-bearing and vegetative.

What does a coltsfoot look like? The plant has flowering, erect shoots, covered with ovate-lanceolate, often brown leaves. On each of the shoots, a single before flowering, and after a drooping head develops, consisting of a cylindrical single-row bedspread, a bare flat receptacle and bright yellow flowers of two types.

Medicinal plant coltsfoot has external flowers - female, reed. The flowers that are in the middle of the inflorescence are bisexual, tubular, and barren.

The fruit is a cylindrical achene, with a tuft of soft hairs. After fruit ripening, flower-bearing shoots die off.

Some time after the start of flowering, vegetative shoots develop, which bear several rounded-heart-shaped, angular, white-tomentose below, bare leaves with long petioles above. You can see in more detail how the plant looks like in the photo of coltsfoot. Appearance (photo) coltsfoot

Where does it grow

Coltsfoot grass is popular in Europe, Asia, Siberia, Africa and America. In Europe, it grows to Arctic Scandinavia.

Usually found in areas free of turf, on the banks of water bodies, slopes of ravines and landslides, often in areas subjected to anthropogenic impact - fields, wastelands, landfills. It grows well on clay soil, but it also occurs on other types of soil, including sandy, pebbly river banks. Flowering time in the conditions of the European part of Russia is April.

Leaves coltsfoot

Since ancient times, the plant has been used as a medicinal plant. All aboveground parts have useful properties. The coltsfoot leaves and flowers are harvested. Before use, study the benefits and harms of coltsfoot.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • carotenoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oil;
  • slime;
  • inulin;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids.

The popularity of coltsfoot's application folk medicine due to its unique chemical composition.

Medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties:

  • antitussive;
  • enveloping;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The use of coltsfoot for coughs and bronchitis is effective due to the mucus that is part of the plant, which envelops the respiratory tract and prevents irritation. Saponins, organic acids thin dry cough, remove sputum. Read more about coltsfoot for coughing at.

The plant is effective in complex treatment with sore throats. Coltsfoot is used for stomatitis, purulent infections, inflammation.

Tannins in the composition of the plant do not allow bacteria to multiply and spread throughout the body. The plant is used for colds.

Outwardly coltsfoot is used for treatment skin diseases, acne on the face, itching and dandruff on the head. To strengthen hair growth, decoctions based on a plant are used.

How to collect

AT medicinal purposes use the leaves of the plant The timing of the preparation of parts of the plant varies depending on which part of the coltsfoot you will collect. Choose sunny, dry weather to harvest the plant. Collect flowers at the very beginning of flowering, until they turn white and the first true leaves appear. Pick the flowers without a petiole. Dry raw materials in a well-ventilated area to prevent mold.

Leaves appear after the flowering period. The terms of harvesting the leaves of the coltsfoot can be found out based on the appearance of the plant. When the upper fluff disappears from the leaves, the upper side will be smooth, cold, and the lower side will be covered with white omission, and this makes it seem that it is warm, then collect the leaves of the coltsfoot. Break off the leaves with your hands, leaving a small petiole.

Dry the leaves under a canopy in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Can be dried in a special dryer at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. Turn leaves occasionally to dry evenly.

You can understand that the leaves are already ready by the characteristic folded appearance. The short stem breaks easily. Before storing raw materials, sort them out, since there should be no more than 3% of rust-covered leaves. dried leaves odorless, taste bitter, with a feeling of mucus. Store raw materials in paper or cloth bags.

How to apply

Any plant-based products should be used with caution. Basically, coltsfoot is used in combination with other herbs in the form of infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures and psyllium and coltsfoot syrup is also popular.

Decoction for cough

Take a decoction of coltsfoot for cough as an independent or additional treatment. The plant does not absorb nitrates, therefore it effectively cleanses the lungs.


  1. Dried leaves - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiled water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Fill the leaves with water, close the container with a lid, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Infusion coltsfoot stir occasionally. After cooking, cool the mixture and strain. Bring the strained mixture to a boil. Store the decoction in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

How to use: Take ½ cup warm 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Result: Has an expectorant effect, clears dust from the lungs.

Decoction for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. The disease is primary or secondary, when bronchitis develops as a complication against the background of chronic diseases.

Coltsfoot with bronchitis has an antitussive effect. The plant is part of chest fees From cough. Coltsfoot for tracheitis or bronchitis is used together with flower baskets and leaves.


  1. Leaves - 3 tablespoons
  2. Water - 2 glasses.

How to cook: Pour the plant with water, boil until the water has evaporated by half. Strain the decoction after cooking.

How to use: Use 1 tbsp. every 2 hours.

Result: Expectorant, improves general state body, supports during illness.

Infusion for asthma

Asthma is chronic illness respiratory tract. Exogenous allergens are considered a provoking factor in the development of the disease.

Common allergens - vegetable, food, book dust, fish food, particles and animal dander.

In 20-40% of people with this disease, a reaction to medications. In 2%, the disease was obtained due to work in a hazardous enterprise or in a perfume shop. Coltsfoot for asthma is an effective remedy.


  1. Mother and stepmother - 4 tsp
  2. Boiling water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the components of the plant, leave for 30 minutes.

How to use: Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.

Result: Has antiseptic, expectorant effect.

Infusion for pneumonia

Pneumonia is inflammation lung tissue infectious origin. Disease occurs when attacked bacterial infection, the causative agents of which are pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungal infections, herpes virus.


  1. Crushed leaves of the plant - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the components of the plant, leave for 30 minutes.

How to use: Take up to 5 times daily chilled.

Result: Coltsfoot with pneumonia has an expectorant effect, produces mucus, which relieves inflammation.

Other application

Coltsfoot can be bought at a pharmacy. Coltsfoot with pancreatitis normalizes the production of enzymes, relieves inflammation, pain, renders antimicrobial action. Treatment with plant-based preparations is carried out for at least two months.

Coltsfoot for hemorrhoids is used as a decoction for baths. Leaves of coltsfoot, oregano, alder cones, couch grass root, hop cones are mixed in equal proportions, infused and added to water. Helps with dilated veins anus, anal fissures, painful sensations.

Coltsfoot for weight loss is used in combination with other herbs. The plant goes well with blackberries. Take coltsfoot in the form of tea. The drink removes toxins, toxins from the body, restores strength. Coltsfoot for weight loss is popular due to its diuretic effect.

Coltsfoot with angina affects inflamed tonsils. Take the plant inside in the form of infusions, decoctions or gargle. Also carried out with coltsfoot inhalation. For inhalation, a complex of herbs is used: chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, linden. In the broth, you can add the asterisk balm at the tip of the knife. Breathe in steam as much as possible. After a couple of days, improvements are noticeable, there will be no trace of inflammation and cough.

Coltsfoot for hair acts as a strengthening agent, restores the structure of the hair. The plant is used for hair loss, high fat content scalp, dandruff.

Features of use during pregnancy

Mother-and-stepmother during pregnancy can only be used as directed by a doctor. In the first trimester of pregnancy, taking the plant is strictly prohibited. Substances that make up the plant can penetrate the placental barrier and disrupt the development of the fetus or cause miscarriage.

Although, in the optimally selected dosage, coltsfoot for a cold can strengthen the body of a pregnant woman and saturate it with vitamins, in no case should you use the plant without first consulting a doctor.

Outwardly, it can be used to treat skin diseases, as well as apply coltsfoot compresses for varicose veins.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the use of the plant is not so dangerous. With a runny nose, cough, you can use tea from coltsfoot, after consulting with your doctor.

Plant-based teas or coltsfoot teas can be purchased ready-made or you can make your own.

At breastfeeding the plant should not be consumed in any form, because through breast milk coltsfoot also enters the child's body. The plant is contraindicated for small children.


Contraindications for use:

  • delay, violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • breast-feeding;
  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • individual intolerance;
  • simultaneous intake of certain vitamins, dietary supplements, medicines to relieve symptoms of a cold, temperature.

Before using any products containing coltsfoot, be sure to consult your doctor. Some medicines do not combine with the plant.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature.

Due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the plant, the toxicity of which has been poorly studied, it is not recommended to use coltsfoot flowers for more than 4-6 weeks in a row.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowering.
  • Class - Bipartite.
  • Order - Astrocolor.
  • Family - Astroflowers.
  • Genus - Mother-and-stepmother.

For more information about coltsfoot, see the video:


Previously, the genus was understood in an essentially broad sense. Many of the species that are now part of the genus Butterbur (Petasites) were formerly classified in the genus Tussilago:

  • Butterbur smooth or radiant (Tussilago aquatica).
  • Fragrant butterbur (Tussilago pyrenaica).
  • Butterbur cold (Tussilago frigida).
  • Butterbur hybrid (Tussilago hybrida).
  • Rocky or reddish butterbur (Tussilago rubella).
  • Siberian Butterbur (Tussilago sibirica).
  • False Butterbur (Tussilago spuria Retz).

coltsfoot infographic

Photo of coltsfoot, its useful properties and application:
Infographics on coltsfoot

What to remember

  1. Coltsfoot is a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of coughs, pneumonia, colds and for weight loss.
  2. Before using the plant, study what coltsfoot helps from, what contraindications there are.
  3. Collect flowers and leaves of the plant for harvesting.

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