Injections. Does it always hurt? Eating after removal. Types and methods of local anesthesia in dentistry

Surely each of us during the illness, the doctor prescribed injections. Some are calm about this method of treatment, while others are very afraid of injections because of the pain of the procedure. How to anesthetize an injection? Doctors have been thinking about this for a long time. If we consider various cosmetic procedures, which are based on "beauty injections", then you definitely cannot do without an anesthetic cream for injections.

Can injections be pain free?

An injection is an invasive procedure, the level of pain of which depends on several factors:

  • Directly the drug itself;
  • The quality of the injection needle;
  • Relaxation of the patient;
  • injection sites;
  • Skills of the specialist producing the injection (injection).

But after all, it is not at all necessary to endure the pain from the delivered injection. In addition, if the patient is to undergo a course of injections, chronic pain is possible 33 .

To reduce discomfort during the procedure, you can use a skin numbing cream before the Acryol Pro injection. This drug was developed by Akrikhin.

Now doctors do not ask the question: “How to anesthetize an injection to a child?”. Akriol Pro can be used from the 1st day of life (provided that the born full-term baby and its weight exceeds 3 kg 7).

Studying the topic “How to anesthetize the injection site”, we can definitely advise the use of the certified drug Akriol Pro, due to its composition (anesthetics of the amide series, which have minimal risks of developing allergic reactions compared to anesthetics of other groups 26).

Is injection pain relief safe?

A sensible approach to the use of proven drugs that provide pain relief at the injection site will help to avoid pain during the procedure.

How to anesthetize an injection in the buttock? The cream is applied to the skin in the form of an application, an occlusive dressing or sticker is applied on top (food film can act in this role). The application time is 60 minutes, but can be extended up to 5 hours for an adult patient 7 . The exposure time of the cream depends on the area: the thinner and more delicate the skin, the less time it will take to achieve maximum effect anesthesia 37 .

Pain relief injection cream is combined remedy It contains lidocaine and prilocaine. It should be borne in mind that the drug has contraindications: it can not be used in the presence of individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Painless injections

The drug Akriol Pro contains 2 active ingredients - lidocaine and prilocaine in equal proportions; the concentration of each is 2.5%. Pain relief creams for local application containing lidocaine and prilocaine at a concentration of 2.5% / 2.5% passed more than 100 clinical trials. A significant reduction in pain during injections and punctures has been proven. Acryol Pro is produced in accordance with international standards GMP quality 2 .

Acriol Pro can claim to be one of the best injectable pain relief creams, if we take into account the scientific validity and thoughtfulness of the composition, and high level safety for skin anesthetization.

In the field of dentistry over the past few decades, there has been a technical breakthrough. All directions received a huge impetus for development dental care. Improved day by day existing methods. The question of anesthesia in dentistry was long time unresolved, the use of injections for pain relief took patients out of their comfort zone, but it was the lesser of two evils. Patient comfort and safety - priority areas when deciding on the choice of anesthesia and its implementation. Scientists have spent a lot of effort and time searching for an effective anesthetic and a method for its delivery. And the data obtained exceeded all expectations.

Anesthesia in dentistry: a long way to perfection

Anesthesia in dentistry is something that treatment cannot do without. Even for treatment deep caries when the process is close to the pulp of the tooth, anesthesia is needed, to say nothing of the treatment of caries complications or even more serious operations.

Dentists around the world have been working for a long time and continue to work on improving painkillers, trying to increase the strength and duration of their action. Significant difficulties arose in anesthesia in the treatment of complications of caries - pulpitis. It is much easier to achieve pain relief when extracting a tooth or during certain surgical procedures than when removing the pulp. This can be explained by the anatomical and physiological features of the dentoalveolar system.

But, meanwhile, the introduction of vasoconstrictors - adrenaline, noradrenaline - allowed not only to increase the duration of anesthesia, but to somewhat increase its potential. Latest generations anesthetics bring anesthesia itself closer to the ideal, but there is still something to work on, namely, on the method of their administration.

injections are medical manipulations, which many adults are still afraid of, not to mention children. Thin needles, a carpool syringe will scare anyone, and the administration of anesthesia itself brings little pleasant sensations. These circumstances not only knock you out of your comfort zone, but sometimes make you refuse to go to the dentist, and the excuse is always fear. Work in this direction has been going on for a long time, and there is an old proven way to reduce discomfort during an injection - application anesthesia.

Application anesthesia is a superficial anesthesia of the mucous membrane. In this case, gels or sprays containing an anesthetic can be used, which makes it possible to refuse injections. Especially often such anesthesia is used in pediatric dentistry, and doctors call such anesthetics “jam”, telling the kids why it is necessary.

AT recent times dentists have abandoned the use of sprays and switched to the use of gels. The fact is that when treating the oral cavity with a gel, it is possible to achieve anesthesia in a limited area, and the anesthetic from the spray often gets into the throat, which can make it difficult to swallow and lead to more serious problems.

There are quite a few indications for application anesthesia: anesthesia before an anesthetic injection, removal of dental deposits, removal of mobile teeth both in pediatric practice and in adults, etc.

It was this method of anesthesia, which allows you to refuse injections and achieve pain relief, that made you think about expanding the boundaries of its action. And Brazilian scientists have found such a way.

After numerous studies, Brazilian scientists have proposed innovative method anesthesia in dentistry, which will push anesthetic injections into the background. Delivery of the substance is carried out by low voltage electric current. In this case, a gel anesthetic and a special polymer are used, which will fix it in the place where intervention is expected and anesthesia is needed. This innovative method is called iontophoresis. Scientists around the world make their predictions. In the near future, this method will be widely used not only as anesthesia in dentistry, but also as anesthesia in aesthetic surgery.

Scientists went further: it was necessary to find out the effectiveness of the method, and how long the pain relief would last. The data showed that the effect of the anesthetic was much faster compared to traditional methods anesthesia in dentistry - injections. In addition, the time of action of anesthesia has increased. These data led to the conclusion that electricity low force contributes to a more effective delivery of anesthetic components to the desired area and makes it possible to increase the penetration of the anesthetic into the mucous membrane twelvefold.

Based on the results obtained, scientists began to create special equipment, which will allow delivering anesthetics to the right areas with maximum patient comfort. According to scientists, the rejection of injections for anesthesia in dentistry will reduce the cost of the procedure, provide comfort to patients, and reduce the fear of treatment. The use of iontophoresis will also avoid many complications, because it seems possible to reduce the risk of intoxication and infection during anesthesia.

Simultaneously with iontophoresis, sonophoresis also received an impetus in development - the introduction of medicinal substances through sound waves, which also allows you to refuse injections. At modern patients a unique opportunity to take advantage safe anesthesia, which is used not only in dentistry, but also in ophthalmology, oncology and many other areas of medicine.

Sonophoresis allows patients to feel as comfortable as possible, as it was possible to refuse injections. These innovations have a worldwide scale, because the rejection of needles is an unprecedented breakthrough in scientific activity and in the field of pain relief.

In the near future, anesthesia in dentistry will take on a new look and become many times more effective. Scientists say that this is not only a breakthrough in terms of treatment and prevention of complications, but also in terms of patient comfort. In just a few decades, injections will disappear from dentistry forever.

Pain can disturb a person different reasons. For some, they occur after an injury, while for others they appear as a result of muscle spasms internal organs etc. It should be especially noted that in some cases similar condition can lead to complications such as pain shock or loss of consciousness. That is why in some situations the patient is given painkillers. What drugs are used for this, we will consider a little further.

Why are they needed?

As you know, painkillers are prescribed to patients to completely eliminate or mitigate discomfort during operations, after injury, as well as in other cases. Today there is great amount medicines, which are used to noticeably extinguish the feeling of pain. It should be noted that these drugs are different names and designed for different situations.

Ingredients used for dental treatment

With toothache, as well as their treatment or removal, dentists do local injection. Such an injection blocks nerve impulse only in a certain area. Most of these anesthetics contain the following components:

Injections used for dental treatment

What are the most effective and strongest painkillers used in dentistry when extracting a tooth or treating it? Such medicines include drugs:

Medication "Ketorol"

This drug is intended for pain relief injections. His active ingredient is ketorolac. This substance contributes to the inhibition of thermoregulation and pain sensitivity. In addition, it has a depressing effect on the synthesis of prostaglandins - modulators of inflammatory processes - and the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes. After such an injection, the patient begins to notice its analgesic effect after about 30 minutes. Usually, this drug appointed for:

  • joint injuries;
  • muscle and back pain;
  • fractures;
  • radiculitis;
  • bruises, dislocations and sprains;
  • headache;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • toothache (done right in the gum);
  • menstruation;
  • operations;
  • tooth extraction;
  • neuralgia;
  • oncology;
  • burns.

Anesthetic injection for hemorrhoids

If inflamed hemorrhoids cause unbearable pain, then doctors prescribe to patients novocaine blockade. To do this, anesthetic injections are made in the tissues that are located next to the anus. If the patient has a crack, then he is prescribed drugs such as:

Pain medication "Ketonal"

Active active substance of this drug is ketoprofen. It has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antipyretic effects. It can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. The injection "Ketonal" is shown in the following cases:

  • pain after injury and surgery;
  • bursitis;
  • gout;
  • gendenites;
  • pain during menstruation and algomenorrhea;
  • arthritis (all types).

Contraindications to the use of "Ketonal"

Such an anesthetic injection is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • intolerance to the substances of the drug;
  • bleeding history;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • asthma;
  • non-ulcer dyspepsia;
  • during pregnancy;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • during childbirth;
  • during lactation.

Pain medication Diclofenac

This medicine belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, derived from phenyl acetic acid. It has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Shown in cases such as:

  • postoperative pain;
  • primary dysmenorrhea;
  • bursitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • lumbago;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • gout;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • injury to the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • rheumatism.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

  • acute rhinitis;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • urticaria;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug;
  • during lactation;
  • in the last 3 months of pregnancy;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Other pain medications

The strongest painkillers are given for oncology, especially on her final stages. To do this, doctors prescribe (strictly by prescription) such a narcotic analgesic as the drug Morphine Hydrochloride. If you are worried about pancreatitis, then you can use the following drugs: "Odeston", "Mebeverine" or "Dicetel". Among other things, such well-known medicines as No-shpa and Papaverine are also highly valued.

Pain relievers during childbirth

During childbirth, medicines such as Petedin, Dolantin, Promedol, Fentanyl and Meperidine are most often used as an anesthetic. It's pretty effective drugs, the effect of which is already noticeable within 10 minutes after direct administration. But such drugs still have their contraindications and side effects. In this regard, they are appointed only after the permission of the expectant mother or in case of emergency. In general, the dosages of these funds are very small, so they practically do not affect the child negatively. Moreover, they are administered only when the cervix of the woman in labor is already 5-6 centimeters dilated.

Which anesthesia is better to choose when removing a tooth

Everyone experiences pain while in the dental chair. For most, after this, there is a fear before coming to the dentist. Therefore, anesthesia during tooth extraction is a common procedure. The use of painkillers refers to operational activities, but not on a large scale.

In order to quickly and painlessly cure or remove a tooth, it is necessary to choose the right anesthesia. Today there are a large number of painkillers. They have been improved so much that a person does not feel any pain.

Tooth extraction is always done with anesthesia

Anesthesia methods

Anesthesia can be local or general. local form divided into external and injection method.

The external method allows you to anesthetize superficial tissues using medicinal substances. It can be special ointments, gels, devices with electromagnetic waves are just applications. The last method is used most often. The application is a cooling plate. It is applied to the gums, and the patient does not feel pain. Usually this method is used to remove milk teeth in children.

The injection method is the introduction of an anesthetic through a needle.

Injection anesthesia is the most common way

There are 4 types of anesthesia:

  1. Conductor. The method allows you to anesthetize several teeth at once. An anesthetic is injected into the area last tooth where a branch of the nerve is affected, resulting in blockage of the entire nerve.
  2. Infiltration. An anesthetic is injected into the projection area of ​​the apex of the tooth root.
  3. Intraligamentous. The medicine is injected through the gum. As a result, the tooth and the nearest gum area are anesthetized. For this method a special syringe is used, which has a dispenser. It allows you to enter a minimum of anesthetic.
  4. Intraosseous. It is the best anesthesia. AT this case the injection is made directly into the spongy bone. It is she who covers the dental alveoli.

Intraosseous anesthesia is injected between the teeth

General anesthesia (narcosis) is done very rarely.

It should not be used for people who have heart problems. Apply this method anesthesia only in the most difficult cases. In dentistry, a special office and all the necessary devices should be equipped. And also during the operation, the presence of an anesthesiologist next to the patient is mandatory.

Carpool - single-slave injection anesthesia

Which anesthesia is better for tooth extraction is decided only by the doctor. Everything will depend on the complexity of the procedures and general condition tooth.

Basic pain medications

Not any anesthesia can be used when pulling out a tooth. In dentistry, only the most common and active medicines. And almost every hospital has novocaine.

But in modern treatment novocaine is used much less frequently. If earlier not a single operation could do without it, now this drug causes an allergic reaction in the majority. It has a number of side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Today, there are more intense anesthetics, and therefore novocaine is used only in combination. It is injected into the body with a small dose of adrenaline. In combination, these drugs have the best analgesic functions. But such a mixture should not be prescribed to people who have high blood pressure.

Anesthetic Lidocaine spray

With infiltration anesthesia, a 0.5% solution of Lidocaine is used. This drug can be used for the conductive method, only 1–2% of the solution is required. For an adult, the norm is 300-400 mg. To side effects This medicine includes:

  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of sensation of the lips and tongue;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • may be hives.

The most modern anesthesia is a medicine based on the substance articaine. Such drugs are able to provide long-term and reliable pain relief. It is used by a large number of dental surgeons. The substance reaches its maximum effect after 10 minutes and keeps its result for 1-3.5 hours. But no matter how good the drug is, it always has side effects:

  • muscle twitching;
  • headache;
  • tremor;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • diarrhea.

Complications of anesthesia during tooth extraction

These are the most common side effects. But sometimes there are others:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • cardiac arrhythmia is disturbed;
  • rashes appear on the skin;
  • angioedema may occur.

These painkillers cannot be used for meningitis, tumors, osteochondrosis, spondylitis, tuberculosis, metastatic lesions of the spine, heart failure, tumors in the abdominal area, severe arterial hypotension, disorders of hemostasis.

Caution should be taken during pregnancy. The drug can provoke a decrease in the heart rate of the fetus.

Ultracaine is one of the most effective anesthetics

Highly good drug based on articaine is Ubistezin. It also contains adrenaline. It provides a decrease in blood vessels in the place where anesthesia was administered. This makes it difficult to absorb the substance. As a result, the analgesic effect begins to act after 3 minutes. In addition to the above side functions, which drugs based on articaine have, the probability of an ischemic zone in the area where anesthesia was administered is added to Ubistezin. This happens if a blood vessel has been hit or a nerve has been damaged.

Removing a wisdom tooth

Anesthesia for the removal of a wisdom tooth is no different from conventional means in the treatment of other teeth. Which way to administer the medicine, the doctor decides independently, depending on the specific situation.

Most often, a wisdom tooth is removed not because they are affected by caries, but because of their abnormal location. As a result, these teeth have the pathology of dystopia or retention.

  • Dystopia is the process of eruption of a wisdom tooth that is displaced towards the cheek or tongue.
  • Retention is when a wisdom tooth has formed but has not erupted through the gum. In this case, the dentist makes an incision in the gum, removes the wisdom tooth, and sews up the incision. Typically, these operations are carried out under local anesthesia.

Removing milk teeth

Milk teeth that can no longer be cured, but they provoke the development acute inflammation bones or periosteum must be removed. Which method to use will depend on the specific situation.

For example, removed baby tooth already well loosened and the pain of pulling out will be minimal. In this case, the doctor may advise you to put an application, gel or aerosol.

Lidocaine aerosol is quite often used. 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight. For children, it is better to apply such a substance with a cotton swab.

Extraction of milk teeth does not cause severe pain

With more serious problems with teeth, children are doing infiltration anesthesia. Used Lidocaine, Ubistezin Forte and similar medicines. Two injections are made - from the side of the gums and from the side of the tongue.

These painkillers are well tolerated by children. But before using them, it is necessary to pass tests to identify allergens. It is also worth clarifying whether the child has problems with the cardiovascular system.

Anesthesia after tooth extraction

After the tooth has been removed and the anesthesia has begun to recede, pain may occur. Sometimes pain symptoms are very strong, and it is unbearable to endure them. In this case, resort to repeated anesthesia. The most common pain reliever offered by dentists is Ketanov.

Ketanov is able to save a person from severe and sharp pain.

It is often prescribed after surgery. It is allowed to use the drug every six hours, but not more than one week.

Ketanov tablets relieve pain well

Like any drug, Ketanov has side effects. These include:

  • drowsiness;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • the appearance of dry mouth;
  • accelerated heartbeat.

The drug should not be taken by people who have:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
  • kidney disease.

It is also undesirable to apply to women during lactation and pregnancy.

If pain or swelling reappears after three days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medications not to be taken

Many people use available drugs for pain relief. But they have low efficiency and can provoke an undesirable result:

  • Aspirin. The drug is intended to perform an antipyretic function. The effect of anesthesia is minimal. Aspirin is a good blood thinner. This can lead to delayed bleeding. Although this medicine is part of many painkillers.
  • Paracetamol. The drug can only cope with light headaches pains. It has no anti-inflammatory effect, it negatively affects the liver. Included in painkillers as an adjuvant.
  • No-shpa. Many people think that this medicine is a pain reliever. But it's not. No-shpa is antispasmodic drug, which eliminates only the pain associated with spasms. Pain after pulling out a tooth is completely different and no-shpa will not be able to cope with it.

Anesthesia does not work

There are times when the anesthesia does not work and the person feels pain. There are several factors why this happens:

  • Alcohol. Chemical composition ethyl alcohol able to block the effect of the anesthetic. Therefore, it is not recommended to go to the dentist if you have recently consumed strong drinks.
  • Use a large number painkillers. If a person is taking medications that include painkillers, then you should not take them before seeing a doctor.
  • A person may have individual immunity to certain anesthetics. This factor is very rare.

If anesthesia does not work, then it is worth understanding the reason. After receiving the result, the treatment is postponed to another day.

Eating after removal

It is not recommended to use salty and spicy food after tooth extraction. They irritate the mucous membrane and increase pain. Hot food and drinks can cause bleeding and increase swelling.

Many for a long time they are afraid to eat ice cream, claiming that the dental nerve will catch a cold. cold food has no effect on it. provoke this problem maybe a general hypothermia of the body or a draft. The main thing is to eat ice cream slowly, and not bite off large pieces. This delicacy is even recommended for use, because it forces you to narrow blood vessels, which means that there is no risk of bleeding.

Types of anesthesia in dental treatment: what anesthetics and painkillers are used in dentistry?

Many people are afraid to visit the dentist. The doctor's actions are associated with pain and discomfort. Suffering from toothache, patients delay the visit to the dentist until a critical moment and often, not having time to spare, ask the doctor to perform several extensive procedures at once.

Today, dentistry uses several methods of anesthesia for the extraction and treatment of teeth. Experienced specialist knows which drug is best for pain relief. The patient will not feel pain, and the dentist will be able to perform dental treatment at the proper level.

Anesthesia methods used in dentistry

Anesthesia for tooth extraction and other dental procedures suggests a reduction or complete loss sensitivity in certain areas oral cavity. It is possible to anesthetize the site of surgical intervention through the use of pharmaceuticals that interrupt the transmission of pain impulses coming from pain sources to the brain.

Yes, spend quality treatment wisdom teeth without anesthesia is almost impossible - therapeutic and surgical actions produced by a doctor will be accompanied by severe pain. That is why all modern dental clinics treat teeth using various kinds anesthesia.

General anesthesia

Under general anesthesia, the patient falls into a deep sleep, his consciousness is turned off. With this method of anesthesia, narcotic drugs are administered intravenously or inhaled. During dental treatment, the patient's condition is monitored by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

When a person is under general anesthesia, on the one hand, it is easier for a dentist to treat teeth, in particular, a wisdom tooth. But on the other hand, the doctor constantly needs to adapt to the patient, since he is immobilized and cannot fix his head in the correct position and open his mouth wider. As a rule, with this type of anesthesia, a person after waking up does not remember what happened to him during the operation.

This type of anesthesia is advisable to use in the case of:

  • complex surgical operation;
  • pathological fear of a dental procedure;
  • allergies to local anesthetics.

In many cases general anesthesia during procedures with teeth is contraindicated. Before the patient is put into a state of anesthesia, he needs to donate blood for analysis and undergo an ECG to rule out heart pathologies.

Shortly before the dental surgery, the patient should give up smoking and alcohol. A few hours before immersion in anesthesia, the patient should not eat.

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is the safest. The person is conscious, the drug used has an effect only on the peripheral nervous system.

With the introduction of carpool (strictly dosed) anesthesia, the patient begins to feel numbness of the gums, tongue and lips. There are frequent cases when, with an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug, patients complained that anesthesia did not work. With the advent of karpul (an anesthetic ampoule), this problem disappeared. After the splitting of the analgesic, its action stops, the sensitivity is restored.

Preparations for general anesthesia

Is anesthesia harmful when removing wisdom teeth? Under the influence of drugs, a person does not feel pain, but at the same time, his body is subjected to serious stress. First of all, the brain suffers, anesthesia affects the conduction system of the heart, the anesthetic components can cause allergic reactions. That is why during the operation, an anesthesiologist is present next to the patient, who has all the necessary resuscitation equipment at his disposal.

In dentistry, only intravenous general anesthesia is performed using drugs called Ketamine, Propofol, sodium thiopental, etc., which have a hypnotic, sedative, and muscle relaxant effect. In state deep sleep a person can be submerged with nitrous oxide inhaled through a mask.

Types of anesthetics for local anesthesia

To date, the best anesthesia used in dentistry for local anesthesia, are considered the strongest anesthetics of the articaine series. The main component of the painkiller is several times more effective than Lidocaine and Novocaine.

Distinctive feature Articaine is the possibility of application in purulent inflammations when the activity of other drugs decreases. Many patients in such cases do not understand why the anesthetic does not work. In addition to the main component of Articaine, modern preparations contain vasoconstrictors. Due to adrenaline or epinophrine, the vessels narrow, preventing the drug from being washed out of the injection site. The strength of anesthesia and the duration of the intraseptal anesthetic increase.

Ubistezin is an analogue of Ultracaine, the composition of the two drugs is identical. The manufacturer is registered in Germany. The anesthetic is available in two forms depending on the concentration of epinephrine: Ubistezin or Ubistezin forte.

Mepivastezin or Scandonest

It is not recommended for hypertensive patients to use anesthetics with vasoconstrictor components. high pressure it is worth choosing drugs without adrenaline and epinephrine in the composition. Mepivastezin (manufactured in Germany) and its complete analogue Scandonest (France) is prescribed to patients at risk.

These pharmaceuticals do not contain vasoconstrictors, so they are used to relieve pain in children, pregnant women and patients bronchial asthma. Mepivastezin and Scandonest are also prescribed to patients with adrenaline intolerance.

Dentists have been successfully using Septanest anesthesia for several years. The anesthetic is presented in two forms, each of which differs in the content of adrenaline in the composition. Unlike Ultracaine and its analogues, Septanest contains preservatives, which, according to the instructions for use, can provoke allergic reactions.

After the drug is administered to the patient, the anesthetic effect occurs after 1-3 minutes. Anesthesia lasts for 45 minutes. As a local anesthetic, Septanest can be used in children from 4 years of age.

Novocain belongs to the group of esters of the second generation. A drug with moderate anesthetic activity is inferior in effectiveness to anesthetics of the articaine and mepivacaine series. It is used less and less, as modern painkillers are 4-5 times better at coping with pain during tooth extraction. Novocaine is used for minor dental operations and in the treatment of pain syndromes.

Other types of anesthetics

Going to an appointment with a surgeon to remove a tooth, many people wonder what kind of anesthesia are there? By chemical properties anesthetics are divided into two groups: substituted amides and esters. There are preparations of short, medium and long-acting. Also, anesthesia in dentistry has its own classification:

  • superficial;
  • conductive;
  • infiltration.

Lidocaine has a deep analgesic effect, but copes with toothache worse than other intraseptal anesthetics. If we compare it with Novocain, which is widely used in state medical institutions, then the choice of dentists is more likely to stop at Lidocaine.

What drugs are allowed during pregnancy?

The best option for pregnant women and nursing mothers is Ultracaine or Ubistezin carpula with epinephrine at a concentration of 1: 200,000. The vasoconstrictor has no effect on the fetus, as it cannot cross the placenta. Studies have proven the safety of these carpool anesthetics in relation to children who are on breastfeeding- their components in breast milk do not fall.

During pregnancy, you do not need to refuse an injection with vasoconstrictors. However, in their practice, doctors use Scandonest and Mepivastezin without epinephrine in the composition for anesthesia of women during pregnancy. These drugs are twice as toxic as Novocaine and are absorbed into the blood faster.

The use of anesthesia in children

What anesthesia is used in pediatric dentistry? Dentists anesthetize children in two stages. Initially, application anesthesia is carried out, when the doctor, using an aerosol or a special gel with Lidocaine or Benzocaine, desensitizes the mucosal area, where the anesthetic will subsequently be injected. Also, this type of anesthesia is used for intraosseous anesthesia.

Children are administered drugs with Articaine as the main component. It is less toxic and is rapidly eliminated from the body. According to the instructions for use, such drugs can be used for anesthesia in children older than 4 years. Also, when removing molars, an injection of Mepivacaine is often given. In the nursery dental practice often use a table with weight and maximum allowable dose injected anesthetic.

When a person has any physical suffering, then the pain wants to be removed as soon as possible. The patient hurries to a nearby pharmacy to choose an effective painkiller, but the assortment modern drugs so huge that it is very difficult to find a medicine.

Analgesics - list of medicines

Analgesics are pain relievers that can eliminate or relieve pain. Their impact is not accompanied by a violation motor function or loss of consciousness. These painkillers are divided into narcotic (containing morphine) and non-narcotic. The second group of analgesics is divided into several subgroups:

  1. Derivatives salicylic acid. These include: Aspirin, Sodium salicylate.
  2. Pyrazolone derivatives. This is Analgin, Amidopyrine.
  3. Derivatives of propionic acid. These include drugs such as Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen.
  4. Derivatives of anthranilic acid. Mefenamic acid, Flufenamic acid.
  5. Derivatives of acetic acid. The most popular: Indomethacin, Tryptophan.
  6. Aniline derivatives (anilides). These are Phenacetin, Paracetamol.

Narcotic painkillers

This is a group of drugs with analgesic action, which reduces the vegetative accompaniment of pain, but causes drug addiction. A narcotic pain reliever may consist of a natural alkaloid (Codeine, Morphine) or a synthetic compound (Fentanyl, Promedol). The most effective analgesics of this group are:

  1. Methadone. Synthetic long-acting alkaloid. It is used as an analgesic and in the treatment of opiate or heroin addiction.
  2. Omnopon. Opioid combination medicine, which is available in ampoules as a solution. Used for severe pain syndrome any genesis.
  3. Morphine. Strong narcotic drug. Released in the form of a solution. Assign when severe injuries, heart attack, angina pectoris and other conditions caused by pronounced pain.
  4. Promedol. Semi-synthetic opiate. The solution and tablets are prescribed for pain of severe and moderate severity. Causes rapid addiction.

cheap pain pills

Many people cannot afford to buy medicines at high price. Any pharmacy chain offers a choice of inexpensive painkillers that also effectively relieve pain various etiologies. These include:

  1. Ibuprofen (Mig, Nurofen). Reduces inflammation symptoms high temperature body. Especially successfully anesthetizes the joints.
  2. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). It has a pronounced antipyretic effect. Works great for headaches and toothaches.
  3. Ortofen (Diclofenac). Reduces swelling, pain in the joints, quickly reduces inflammatory processes after injury.


The most powerful painkillers are the narcotic group. Given the danger of addiction, their independent use is strictly prohibited. Available and safe drugs for strong pain relief:

  1. Acecardol. NSAIDs (antiplatelet agent). It proved to be excellent for anesthesia during a heart attack, angina pectoris. Appointed at viral infections.
  2. Voltaren. Nonsteroidal medicine pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic action.
  3. Ibufen. Non-narcotic analgesic. It is widely used in acute viral infections, influenza and in pediatric practice.

Without prescriptions

Pharmaceutical companies offer many pain medications that are available without a prescription. It should be remembered that self-medication is not safe, since drugs do not treat the underlying disease, but only relieve symptoms. Over-the-counter drugs are antispasmodics and NSAIDs sold at different price. The most powerful over-the-counter painkillers:

  1. Meloflex. Solution for intramuscular injections. Does not affect the progression of the disease. Designed to reduce inflammation, reduce pain.
  2. Ketorol. It is used to suppress the pain syndrome of any localization.
  3. Papaverine. Good pain reliever for headaches. It has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, so it quickly removes pain syndromes during menstruation, cystitis, pancreatitis.

Modern painkillers

AT last years new generation drugs are widely used in medicine. These include a group of selective drugs NSAIDs. Their advantage is the fact that they have a selective effect and do not harm healthy organs. List of modern painkillers:

  1. . It is successfully used to treat back pain, removes inflammation and hyperemia.
  2. Flamax. It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory effects. It is indicated for pain syndromes of various origins.
  3. Celebrex. Assign for back pain, postoperative, musculoskeletal and other pain syndromes.


The group of non-steroidal drugs in the rating of painkillers is considered the most harmless. The drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. The name "non-steroidal" emphasizes that, unlike glucocorticoids, they do not contain synthetic steroid hormones. List of known analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Metindol. NSAID, which is more effective for pain syndromes of the spine, joints, after injuries or operations.
  2. Nalgezin. Quickly reduces the level of inflammatory hormones in the blood. Assign when different types pain syndrome: myalgia, viral diseases, sciatica and others.
  3. . NSAIDs. Shown at ulcerative colitis exacerbation of Crohn's disease.

For joint pain

AT complex treatment joint pain painkillers are used. Pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system is often unbearable, so you can not do without drugs. The most effective pain relievers for joint pain are pharmacological group NSAIDs:

  1. Koksib. Available in capsules. The medicine shows itself best in the treatment of osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  2. Arcoxia. Appoint for symptomatic therapy osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gouty arthritis. Effective drug after dental surgical interventions.
  3. Brufen. It is indicated for damage to tendons and ligaments, inflammation of the joints of various origins, feverish conditions, lumbago, after sports injuries and accidents.

For back pain

FROM painful sensations each person faces in the back. The modern pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, and every year it produces the most effective medicines that help fight pain. Popular pain relievers for back pain:

  1. Revmador. A strong pain reliever from the group non-narcotic analgesics. It is used when degenerative diseases of the spine and joints are accompanied by pain.
  2. Finalgel. Classification - NSAIDs. Designed for topical use during inflammatory diseases joints and back, with sprains, injuries (closed) of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Fentatin. drug used for the treatment unbearable pain. Available in the form of a crystalline powder. Designed for subcutaneous injections.

With oncology

In cancerous conditions, drugs are prescribed that can relieve pain caused by tumor growth or cancer. Begin therapy with non-narcotic analgesics, then move on to weak or (if necessary) strong opionates. The main painkillers for oncology:

  • anti-inflammatory: Aspirin,;
  • steroids: , Prednisolone;
  • type 2 inhibitors: Celecoxib, Rofecoxib;
  • Opiates: Morphine, Hydromorphone.

The use of painkillers

You should not take pills for every pain syndrome. Often you can do without medication, for example, when the head hurts after sleeping or with mild abdominal cramps during menstruation. The use of painkillers is justified when the cause cannot be eliminated, because they have a temporary effect. Uncontrolled reception drugs leads to either health problems or addiction. If painkillers are prescribed by a doctor, then they must be taken according to the scheme that he prescribed.

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