If you hit the back of your head: what to do and what are the consequences. Signs of a concussion after a severe, moderate or mild head injury Headaches after a fall


A blow to the head, received as a result of a fight, a fall, an accident, or ordinary negligence, can lead to the development of a traumatic brain injury. The changes that occur in the brain after injury does not always lead to the immediate appearance of alarming symptoms.

The clinical picture can develop several days, months and even years after the tragic incident. The situation when, after a strike, does not always signal serious problems. Regardless of the severity of the symptom, it is better to inform the therapist or traumatologist about it. Especially if or has a high degree of severity.

Types of injuries sustained due to blows to the head

A cranial injury can be open or closed. In the first case, the contents of the cranium are in contact with the environment. In the second, a violation of the integrity of the skin is not ruled out, damage to the brain occurs, but the structures of the aponeurosis remain intact.

Experts distinguish three degrees of severity of the condition, regardless of its type. Each of them requires a doctor's assessment and therapeutic measures.

A blow to the head can lead to the following variants of brain damage:

  • concussion is a fairly mild condition with reversible effects. Changes in the structure of the medulla occur only at the cellular level, due to which patients recover quickly. The symptoms of a concussion often mask more severe injuries. For this reason, if a condition is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis under the supervision of specialists;
  • contusion - damage to the tissues of the brain and the vault of the skull as a result of mechanical impact. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by cell necrosis in separate areas. A fracture of the skull bones is not excluded even with a mild degree of the condition. Subarachnoid bleeding can be a dangerous consequence of a brain injury. If emergency care is not provided to the patient in time, there is a possibility of death;
  • compression is a progressive pathological process that becomes a consequence of hematoma, depressed bone fracture and other phenomena against the background of an injury. As a result, the reserve capacities of the craniocerebral space are filled, and failures occur in the compensatory mechanisms. This is a life-threatening condition that implies the mandatory hospitalization of the victim.

As a result of a blow to the head, a person may experience a rupture of the eardrum, displacement of the cervical vertebrae, the formation of a hematoma, or malformation of the vessels of the brain. All of these conditions are accompanied by headache and pose a danger to the life and health of the patient.

Symptoms that accompany a headache after a stroke

The characteristics of the clinical picture and the severity of signs of brain damage depend on the type and severity of the injury, the location of the focus of problems. At the same time, there is a list of symptoms that are considered universal - they almost always accompany TBI. The victim rarely only has a headache after a blow, even with a mild degree of damage to the central nervous system organ. As pathological processes develop, other manifestations join.

Signs of concussion and other types of organ damage:

  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • dizziness, which is complemented by nausea, vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • the formation of bruises under the eyes;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory depression;
  • change in pupillary response to light;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • speech problems, hypersensitivity to external stimuli.

The listed symptoms are not always present in full, they usually appear in groups, but almost never occur one at a time. The degree of their brightness depends on the general condition of the victim, his age and gender, and the type of injury. If during a concussion the signs can appear only once, then with a hematoma, on the contrary, they will become more pronounced as the intracranial formation grows.

Risk of headache after a stroke

Preservation of cephalalgia for several days after injury is often a residual phenomenon of damage to the medulla. If the symptoms are on the decline, stopped by drugs, and the diagnosis did not reveal any complications, you should not worry. Situations where the headache after a stroke persists for a long time, does not respond to medication, or increases - an indication for additional research. There is a high probability of developing negative consequences, many of which pose serious health risks.

Damage to tissues and blood vessels of the brain as a result of trauma can lead to such complications:

  • hemorrhages - even microscopic local bleeding causes an increase in intracranial pressure and;
  • epilepsy - the appearance of epileptic seizures after an injury is observed in 20-30% of cases (the percentage can vary significantly depending on the severity of the injury);
  • hematoma - the formation of a cavity filled with blood leads to intracranial hypertension and the creation of excessive pressure on healthy brain tissue;
  • aneurysm - bulges on the walls of the arteries can break through at any time, creating an emergency;
  • hydrocephalus - the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the space between the brain and the skull leads to pathological pressure on the substance of the organ;
  • pneumocephalus - develops very rarely and is characterized by the accumulation of air between the bones of the skull and the brain;
  • cerebral edema - an increase in the volume of the organ due to the accumulation of excess fluid develops rapidly and can lead to the death of the victim in a short time.

Also, provoked by trauma, can lead to mental problems. They manifest themselves in the rapidly changing mood of the patient, unmotivated aggression, inability to focus on the goal. There is a high probability of a decrease in the quality of sleep, which is fraught with depression, deterioration of memory and intelligence, and organic disorders.

When do you need to see a traumatologist?

Even not the most severe head injury can cause negative consequences. For this reason, for any damage that has led to the appearance of any symptoms, it is recommended to seek the advice of professionals. In some cases, a visit to the doctor cannot be delayed, otherwise there will be a risk of death or disability of a person.

Indications for calling an ambulance:

  • the patient's consciousness is confused or absent;
  • or rapidly increasing
  • severe bleeding or swelling at the site of impact;
  • indomitable vomiting;
  • signs of impaired coordination or disorientation;
  • blood or clear fluid comes out of the nose or ears;
  • the victim does not understand well the speech addressed to him and / or cannot speak himself;
  • the skin became pale, red or cyanotic;
  • there are signs of respiratory failure, changes in the frequency or rhythm of heart contractions;
  • bruises form under the eyes;
  • increased response to external stimuli.

Emergency assistance must be called if a person who has received a blow to the head notes a deterioration in general well-being. Attempts to transport it yourself can provoke complications. It is better not to take risks and wait for the arrival of the brigade, which will assess his condition and decide on further actions.

What to do if your head hurts after a blow

A person with a suspected head injury should see a doctor as soon as possible. The traumatologist will check the body's reaction to stimuli, evaluate reflexes, and check for symptoms of TBI. Even if a headache and other signs of problems appeared some time after receiving a blow to the head, it is better not to take risks and entrust the assessment of your condition to professionals.

First aid to the victim

You need to act immediately after an injury. Don't wait for signs that your brain has been damaged. The sooner you start treatment, the higher the chances that the accident will end without negative consequences. After the victim is given a comfortable position, you need to call an ambulance.

To properly provide first aid, you must do the following:

  • lay the person on his back on a horizontal surface and turn his head to the side so that he does not choke if he starts vomiting;
  • provide the patient with access to fresh air - open a window, unfasten clothes;
  • if the site of the bruise is not deformed, and the integrity of the skin is not broken, ice wrapped in cloth or gauze can be applied to it;
  • if the skin is cut, you can wash the wound with cool water and treat with hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic;
  • if bone fragments are found, it is better not to try to do something on your own, only with heavy bleeding, the wound should be covered with a cloth folded several times - do not press hard;
  • the victim should not be allowed to fall asleep, he must be conscious until the arrival of the medical team.

If the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, he has lost consciousness, and signs of life have disappeared, it is necessary to start resuscitation. They consist in performing an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

Headache treatment after a stroke

Therapeutic measures in each case are selected individually. Usually the headache goes away as the signs of brain damage disappear. Additionally, symptomatic treatment is carried out, which can quickly bring relief to the patient.

With cephalgia against the background of a head injury, different types of actions can be used:

  • restoration of the tone of the walls of the blood channels, normalization of cerebral circulation;
  • elimination of tissue edema;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • fight against inflammatory or infectious process, its prevention;
  • lowering high blood pressure;
  • removal of pain.

In addition, the patient is shown a good rest and complete rest. To prevent the development of addiction to painkillers, traditional medicine can be included in the therapy. Compresses with potato and cabbage juice are good for headaches. Before starting manipulations, you must obtain the permission of the attending physician.

If the head hurts after the blow, this condition cannot be tolerated. Even in cases where cephalgia seems to be the only unpleasant consequence of an injury, the situation must be taken seriously. Sometimes complications develop some time after the accident and can be serious.

Head injuries are very dangerous for a person, because they can be fatal. It is not for nothing that safety standards are provided for a person at enterprises, when playing sports, during some types of outdoor activities, according to which it is necessary to use a protective helmet or helmet. Despite the fact that the human skull is quite strong enough to protect the brain from damage, any blow to the head is very dangerous. If, after an injury, your head hurts, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Head injuries after impact can be open and closed. With an open injury, qualifying damage, applying first aid and prescribing treatment is not difficult for a specialist. As for the closed head injury, its danger lies in the absence of external signs. The diagnosis is made on the basis of indications about the well-being of the patient himself and after conducting numerous studies and wasting precious time.

After receiving a blow, a head injury or after a fall and the absence of external symptoms of injury, a person, due to his carelessness, in most cases, refuses to immediately seek medical attention, although many closed head injuries require inpatient treatment. Moreover, the impact force is not always proportional to the pain sensation. The most severe injury may cause mild pain.

Headache that occurs after hitting the head may be accompanied by side effects of the injury.

Symptoms of a dangerous head injury

  1. General malaise.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Bruises under the eyes.
  5. Deterioration of vision, smell, hearing.
  6. Impaired coordination.
  7. Speech disorder.
  8. Loss of consciousness.
  9. Difficulty breathing.
  10. Dilated or constricted pupils.
  11. Discharge of clear fluid from the ears and nose.
  12. Redness of the face from congestion of blood to the head.
  13. Light sensitivity.

Consequences of hitting the head that cause pain

A common consequence of a head injury is manifested by the head and temporary brain dysfunction. In most cases, after a concussion, the body recovers quickly, but often the primary signs of a concussion mask the concomitant effects of the injury.

Head trauma can cause vascular malformations of cerebral vessels. - this is an abnormal connection of arteries or veins and their interlacing. These formations cause not only pain, but can also be causes, limb paralysis and. In this case, pain occurs in the area of ​​malformation formation. This problem is successfully treated with surgery.

Internal hematoma may occur after a strong blow to the head. occurs in the area of ​​rupture of a blood vessel in the brain tissue itself or between the brain and the cranium. Even a small hematoma can compress the brain, thereby interfering with its activity. With an internal hematoma of the head, there may be no external signs in the form of bruises or abrasions at all. Treatment of a hematoma is carried out using a laser or surgery.

Cerebral aneurysm ( abnormal bulge of areas of brain vessels filled with blood) occurs with a strong blow to the head. Convex areas put pressure on the brain, nerve centers, cause brain dysfunction, but the greatest danger is the rupture of the aneurysm, which is often the cause of death.

Traumatic brain injury can cause inflammation and fluid accumulation A fluid that fills the space between the brain and the skull. This condition is called hydrocephalus. Very rarely, a blow to the head can cause pneumocephalus- accumulation of air inside the skull. Both diseases are treated with surgery.

tympanic membrane rupture due to a blow to the head, it is accompanied by pain and can even cause bleeding from the ear. The main danger with such an injury is infection in the inner ear. Hearing loss can be temporary, and the eardrum has the property of regeneration and usually recovers completely without the intervention of doctors in 2-3 weeks.

The result of a blow to the head can be cerebral edema- an increase in the brain in volume due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the brain cells. Cerebral edema develops very rapidly and requires emergency care. Treatment relies on restoring normal blood circulation, while the blood is artificially enriched with oxygen.

The cause of the headache may be displacement of the cervical vertebrae, which can be caused by a fall or a blow to the back of the head. In this case, the cause of the headache is impaired blood circulation. A chiropractor and therapeutic exercises will help to eliminate this problem.

Practice shows that after a blow to the head, pain can periodically return for decades. So that the pain does not become a habit, and also, in order to prevent the development of any brain anomaly, it is not worth the time to go to the doctor. Specialists can identify the cause of the headache and, depending on the nature of the damage, prescribe treatment.

Profile specialists

  1. Therapist.
  2. Orthopedist-traumatologist.
  3. Otolaryngologist.
  4. Neurologist.
  5. Surgeon.
  6. Chiropractor.

A head injury is an injury that often occurs in domestic everyday conditions. At first glance, it seems simple enough, but things can turn out to be much more serious. The main danger lies in the fact that the bruise of the soft tissues of the head is a closed type injury, in which the skin is not affected. Sometimes there is damage to the integrity of the skin. In any case, such damage is often combined with other injuries - skull fracture, concussion, which can have dangerous consequences.

The danger lies in the possibility of the formation of an extensive hematoma. It will put severe pressure on the brain, which can lead to unintended consequences, including severe brain damage. Therefore, consultation with a specialist and proper treatment are extremely important.


The head has different lobes, which allows you to classify the injury:

  • Forehead injury.
  • Neck bruise.
  • Temple bruise.
  • Damage to the parietal lobe, vault or base of the skull.

In most cases, damage to the occipital or frontal lobe occurs. Rarely observed injury to the parietal region. Damage to the temporal part occurs least often. The most rare and at the same time difficult cases are when extensive damage is observed, which covers several head lobes.

Depending on the severity of the injury, a bruise is classified as follows:

  • Minor injury.
  • Damage to the integrity of the skin.
  • Jaw injuries.
  • Skull and brain lesions.

ICD 10 injury code

According to the international classification of diseases, ICD 10, the classifier code is included in S00-S09. The specific classifier depends on the severity of the damage. Code S00 - superficial, which does not include contusion of the brain, damage to the orbits and on the face.

An open wound of the head is classified in S01-S02. Other unspecified scalp wounds are S09.

The reasons

A head injury in a child and an adult can occur for various reasons. The most common injury to the head is a fall. But there are other causes of bruised wounds in adults:

  • Hit with a blunt object.
  • Household fight.
  • During sports competitions and training.
  • During wrestling or martial arts.
  • In the course of work.
  • Due to an accident.

Bruising of the forehead, occipital part of the head in a child usually occurs during a fall, a sharp collision with other objects, or during active games. In a newborn baby, a bruise occurs due to insufficient adult supervision. Often, the baby can be hit on the back of the head when they are placed on the changing table. An active baby can accidentally fall and hit his forehead, for example, rolling off the couch, falling out of the stroller. It is impossible for the kids to be unattended, as there is a high probability of bruising the occipital region, bumps on the forehead and other types of injuries.


A contusion of the soft tissues of the head necessarily needs examination and complex treatment by a specialist. The latter directly depends on the symptoms, and it, in turn, is determined by the type of injury and the degree of damage.

The main features include:

  • Pain sensations. Their cause is vasospasm.
  • The appearance or bruising of a hematoma on the head after a bruise.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • An increase in temperature for a short period of time.
  • Feeling of weakness in the arms.
  • As a result of a head injury, a teenager and an adult may experience nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred head without loss of consciousness.
  • Complete loss of consciousness, fainting.
  • Movement disruption.
  • A bruise formed by a bump.
  • Pressure drop.

Many people believe that a bump from a bruise will go away on its own, ignoring a visit to a specialist. This leads to serious consequences, including hallucinations, memory loss. A person may begin to hear voices, and there is a high probability of the appearance of other signs. Common symptoms of soft tissue injury are pain, bumps, and bruising. When they appear, you should promptly seek the advice of a specialist.

First aid

heads in adults and children is an opportunity to exclude further complications. However, everything must be done correctly so as not to harm a person. So, help with a head injury involves doing the following:

  • A tight bandage is applied to the head. It helps to prevent the appearance of a hematoma.
  • Impose . Many people have a question, how long to keep the cold - no more than 10-15 minutes. Then, during the first day, the procedure should be systematically repeated to relieve pain and prevent the growth of the hematoma.
  • In the presence of open wounds, their antiseptic treatment is carried out with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, bleeding stops. You can not use brilliant green or iodine.

Remember that with bruises on the head of children - you should help as quickly as possible. You should not scold the baby, it is better to calm him down and subsequently have a conversation about accuracy in the gameplay.

What to do with a head injury

It is important for people to know what to do if they get a head injury. Simple rules will help reduce pain and help speed up recovery. Initially, first aid is provided after a bruise to the head of an adult or a child. After that, the victim should get to a medical facility for diagnosis, diagnosis and competent treatment. The following actions are then recommended:

  • During the first day, an ice compress should be repeated. It is held for up to 10 minutes every 2-3 hours. This allows you to reduce pain, avoid the appearance of extensive bruising, a cold compress is applied directly to the injured area without strong pressure.
  • With a severe bruise of the head, it happens that the head hurts and does not go away. Then you can drink. It is important to understand that in the presence of subcutaneous hemorrhage, the use of aspirin is not allowed. It tends to worsen blood clotting, as a result, a hematoma grows.
  • After 2-3 days, you can perform warm-ups using warm lotions, heating pads or compresses. This will help the swelling to dissolve more quickly. On the first day, warming up is not permissible, since there is a possibility of an inflammatory process developing.
  • If a crust appears at the site of the abrasion, do not rip it off. There is a chance that a scar will remain.
  • To make the injury stop bothering you faster, you can use gels, creams and ointments. It is best to coordinate this with your doctor. The use of such medications also eliminates the formation of a crust.

Diagnosis and treatment

A severe bruise of the head suggests that you definitely need to make an appointment with a specialist for an examination. It is important for damage to the temporal, parietal, frontal and occipital lobes. The result is confirmation or refutation of serious diagnoses, for example, concussion. Many people are concerned about the question of which doctor to contact with such injuries. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a traumatologist, and a consultation with a neuropathologist may also be necessary.

The main diagnostic methods include:

  • Radiography. It allows you to see if there is a violation of the integrity of the cranial bones
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to assess changes in the structure of the brain and the depth of the hematoma.
  • X-ray of the cervical spine. It is necessary in cases where there is a possibility of displacement of the vertebrae.

Treatment is usually carried out by two methods - conservative and operative. The specific one is selected by the doctor. An operative method of treatment is indicated in cases where the internal diameter of the hematoma exceeds 4 cm, as well as in pronounced intracranial hypertension, if the displacement of the brain structures exceeds 5 mm. Conservative treatment is based on the appointment by a specialist of diuretic drugs, anticonvulsant tablets, infusion and oxygen therapy, as well as taking antihypoxants.

Among the medications, the following can be prescribed:

  • Drugs that normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Analgesics.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Nootropic drugs that normalize brain function. They are usually prescribed as a preventive measure.

To increase the rate of resorption of the hematoma, doctors recommend using gels, creams, ointments from bruises. At the same time, being interested in how to remove a hematoma on the forehead, one should proceed as follows: on the first day, cold is applied for up to 10 minutes every few hours, on the second day they warm up, and also begin to lubricate the damaged area with special ointments.

How to treat a head injury

When wondering how to treat a head bruise, it is important to understand that the process depends on the severity of the injury. it's possible if it's a minor injury. It often boils down to:

  • The first few days the victim is recommended bed rest. Get out of bed only when necessary.
  • When localizing the injury on the right, it is worth resting on the left side and vice versa.
  • It is important for the next few weeks to completely eliminate physical activity. If this is not possible, it is worth limiting them.
  • During the recovery period, TV viewing and computer work should be minimized.
  • It is necessary 2-3 days after the injury to spend more time in the fresh air.
  • You should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Additionally, you can use folk remedies, which usually help speed up the healing process. Among the recipes are the following:

  • Saline 3% solution. Natural fabric is moistened in the liquid and placed in the freezer for 4-5 hours. Before applying the compress, the fabric is moistened in water to soften. The procedure lasts up to 10 minutes.
  • Composition with iodine and alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The fabric is dipped into the resulting composition and applied to the site of damage.
  • Crystal camphor and water. The composition includes 10 grams of camphor and half a liter of water. The infusion of the solution is carried out at room temperature, while periodically shaking the product is recommended. Application is possible only after complete dissolution. In the composition, the fabric is moistened and applied to the site of injury for up to 60 minutes.
  • Potato starch. It is mixed with water to the state of slurry. After that, apply to the injured area.

Some use more non-standard methods of treatment, for example, leeches. Before using folk remedies, it is best to consult a specialist so as not to harm.

Complications and consequences

A bruise to the back of the head or any other part of the head can have serious consequences. They are observed with strong blows, incorrect or untimely help from specialists. The most frequently encountered include:

  • depressive states.
  • Deterioration in working capacity. The main reason for this is traumatic asthenia.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Frequent insomnia.
  • Problems with remembering information.
  • An acute reaction of the body to a change in weather.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Frequent migraines and headaches.

It is important to understand that the consequences after a bruise may not appear immediately, but after a couple of weeks or months. This is the main danger from a blow to the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal parts.

Getting a head injury is very easy. In many cases, the injury is mild. However, if there is at least one alarming symptom, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your feedback, comments, share stories of how you survived a similar trauma and successfully coped with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Statistics show that in everyday life and in sports, a headbutt is one of the most common types of injuries. You can get it in many ways: during a fight, slipping on ice, or accidentally hitting a corner of furniture. The injury that occurs after a blow to the head can be very dangerous. Damage to the temple area often causes fainting, and damage to the parietal part usually leads to a concussion and a violation of the integrity of the bones of the skull.

Types of damage

Neurologists and other specialists identify several types of traumatic brain injury (TBI) diagnosed after blows to the head.

Concussion (CCM)

To get SGM, it is enough to accidentally knock on a solid object. As a result of the collision, a twofold displacement of the brain occurs: first, it moves in the direction of the shock trajectory, and then returns to its original place. Thus, the negative impact caused by the collision is doubled.

CGM accounts for 70% of all reported head injuries. It is equally common in children and adults. The consequences of hitting the head during concussion are manifested in the form of:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • short (up to a quarter of an hour) fainting;
  • inability to remember the events that preceded the injury;
  • feelings of weakness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • soreness in the eye area;
  • visual impairment.

These signs can be observed even after a blow to the jaw (and not just to the head). In this case, it becomes difficult for the victim to chew.

Blood pressure after a concussion returns to normal quickly, and body temperature changes slightly. However, the feeling of nausea, dizziness and sleep disturbances (up to insomnia) persist for a long time.

If SGM is suspected, a person must be brought to the hospital for examination. In the absence of complications, the patient can continue treatment at home, using not only the doctor's recommendations, but also some folk recipes. Particularly good in this case is a head massage and a patch from a linen cloth.

Brain compression

The danger of such a condition is associated with a possible lesion of stem formations in the cerebellum region, which regulate the blood circulation process and allow a person to breathe.

As soon as possible after the onset of the injury, the victim is examined for the presence of hematomas. If detected, they are urgently removed, since hemorrhages can increase the compression of the brain and worsen the patient's condition.

brain contusion

With such a diagnosis, the result of blows to the head is damage to the cranial vault and brain tissue, which is often accompanied by the development of necrotic (dead) areas. A brain injury can be obtained even from a strong punch (therefore, this type is a frequent occurrence in boxing). Associated symptoms of trauma include:

  • neurological disorders;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain in the back of the head (the head will throb painfully for several weeks).

The victims sometimes feel dizzy, there is a feeling of compression in the temporal regions. The injury may be complicated by a skull fracture. Sometimes it looks like a dent on the surface of the head, but if fragments of the cranial bones damage the cortical tissues and enter the medulla, this will lead to a violation of the vital functions of the body.

Insignificant bruises usually occur in childhood (about 1/5 of all cases of TBI) due to the increased activity of babies, who often fall and hit their heads. More severe injuries occur at an older age and are usually accompanied by impaired visual acuity, dilated pupils and fever. Due to the most severe injuries of this type, all body functions deteriorate.

To normalize the condition after a brain injury, the patient is prescribed drugs that have an antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. Means that strengthen the vascular system and contribute to its restoration are also used.

Axon damage

This type of injury leads to severe disturbances of consciousness (concussions), which soon become the reason for stopping brain activity and falling into a coma. The main treatment for axonal injury is life support. It is impossible to determine the recovery time, since it will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

By severity

In accordance with another classification, 3 types of TBI are distinguished depending on their severity.

However, no matter how strong the blow to the head was, its consequences can be minimized if the necessary assistance is provided to the victim in a timely manner.

Features of the development of TBI in children

In infants and one-year-olds, body temperature can rise to 38°C or more after hitting the head. In the presence of open wounds, this is a consequence of infection, and in other cases, the result of stress, the development of inflammation or the use of inappropriate medications.

Blows to the head received by children are especially dangerous because the child cannot describe his feelings clearly enough. This complicates the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. However, it is at the moment of receiving the grass that you can notice that the baby:

  • turned pale;
  • became drowsy and lethargic;
  • Has a fast heartbeat and uneven pulse.

In the future, the baby has frequent vomiting. He constantly spits up when feeding, becomes restless. There are problems with sleep. With a concussion, these symptoms completely disappear after 3-4 days.

In newborns and infants, as well as in the elderly, concussion develops with the preservation of consciousness. This is due to their physiological characteristics.

First aid

If a person fell and hit his head, then the signs of TBI will begin to appear almost immediately, you just need to pay attention to it. He will begin to feel nauseous, or he may faint. Help in such a situation is needed quickly and confidently. To do this, do the following:

  1. call an ambulance;
  2. Apply ice to the forehead of the victim or make a cold compress (this will narrow the blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of bleeding, bumps and bruising, and also reduce swelling);
  3. Perform a careful examination of the patient: if he has pain in the neck, then perhaps we are talking about an injury to one or more vertebrae (in this case, you should try not to change the person’s posture without urgent need);
  4. If the victim has lost consciousness - give a sniff of ammonia (you should not beat on the cheeks in this situation, as this can aggravate the patient's condition);
  5. Treat all damaged areas of the skin (with wounds and abrasions) with hydrogen peroxide or furacilin solution;
  6. With gushing bleeding in the temple area, you need to firmly press the vessel with your fingers, then apply a furatsilin bandage, fix it with a plaster and rewind it with a bandage (if the necessary remedy is not at hand, it can be replaced with miramistin ointment);
  7. If the victim begins to feel sick or vomit, then it is necessary to lay him on his side and try to make the vomiting come out as freely as possible (use homemade gauze swabs or a piece of any clean cloth to wipe the patient's mouth).

Now all we have to do is wait for the ambulance to arrive. However, it is not always necessary to follow this sequence of actions. If a person just has a headache after a blow, then there is no need to call a team of doctors. But it is worth taking the victim to the hospital, since not a single head injury passes without a trace, which means that he needs the help of specialists.


In all cases of TBI detection, surgical treatment is indicated for patients. For mild disorders, primary surgical treatment is sufficient. In other situations, a procedure to restore bone structures or even a craniotomy may be required. After the necessary surgical operations, the patient undergoes drug therapy.

With severe vomiting, people with TBI are prescribed injections of metoclopramide or etamsylate. Of the painkillers for them, Analgin is the most preferable. However, even with severe headaches, you should not drink more than two tablets of this drug at a time.

In the future, the patient will have to drink Piracetam and Etamzilat three times a day (the volume of one dose is 2 tablets). This will contribute to a more active flow of metabolic processes and improve cerebral circulation.

Also, the victim may be shown taking several more types of medications.

Until the end of the therapy prescribed by the doctor, the patient should be treated as carefully as possible:

  • do not move it too abruptly;
  • protect from direct sunlight;
  • keep quiet;
  • allow you to sleep well.

If there is no improvement, be sure to consult a doctor.

Without the necessary treatment, the victim after hitting his head develops meteorological dependence and fatigue. If the membranes of the brain were injured, then the person is highly likely to get meningitis.

Indications for hospitalization

Even if someone near the victim or he himself knows what to do if he hit his head hard, you still need to call an ambulance or somehow deliver a person with a TBI to the nearest medical facility for a CT scan (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain. These diagnostic methods are the most accurate.

If they are not available, then you will need:

  • be examined by an ophthalmologist;
  • make an x-ray of the skull;
  • perform echocardiography (EEG).

The latter research method allows you to check the presence or absence of intracranial hemorrhage, which may be the basis for hospitalization of the victim.

Nobody is immune from an accident. If your head hurts after a blow, you should immediately consult a doctor. These painful sensations are especially dangerous for the body.

They may indicate the presence of a concussion, internal hematoma and hemorrhage, as well as rupture of blood vessels.

The very first thing to do at this time is to pay attention to how the victim reacts to what is happening around him.

The danger of having a headache is that the pathology can even lead to death.

Types of strikes

The head hurts in different situations and with various injuries.

  • When hit in the head with a hard object.
  • Hitting with a hard object.
  • Hit after a fall.
  • Due to a traffic accident.
  • During a fight.

In the head there is a very large number of small vessels and capillaries. In this regard, after the impact, hemorrhage, as well as volumetric hematomas, may appear.

After a bruise, bruises appear under the eyes if the blow was delivered to the frontal part of the head.

With a concussion, memory impairment, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and disruption of the nervous system can occur.

Symptoms that occur after a stroke

After a head injury, additional symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, and nausea occur. Vision can be lost sharply, coordination of movements is disturbed, problems with speech appear.

In especially severe cases, the patient may lose consciousness, completely lose his memory, or fall into a coma.

What symptoms require urgent medical attention? After hitting the head, the head hurts, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of painful sensations.

You should be concerned if you have the following symptoms:

  • With a strong and intense headache, even medications do not help.
  • There are problems when turning the head with the cervical spine.
  • After a blow, the headaches do not stop for several days.
  • There is a pulsation that gives to the temples or manifests itself as tinnitus.
  • Especially dangerous is the appearance of bleeding from the ears. This may indicate the presence of a fracture of the base of the skull.

Signs that indicate the presence of a concussion: fainting, nausea, vomiting.

Additionally, symptoms such as intense weakness, bruising under the eyes, weakness, and fever may appear. A person cannot properly formulate a phrase.

With a blow to the head and a concussion of the brain, convulsions, hallucinations and incoordination in movements may appear.

Additionally, there is increased irritability. He can't look at the light properly.

In the case when a person loses consciousness, but then feels normal, he should still undergo a full examination.

After a head injury, hematomas, fluid accumulation and rupture of capillaries may occur.

It is especially dangerous if the cervical spine has been damaged. Trauma, displacement of the vertebrae or compression fracture can result in paralysis of the entire body.

Partial displacement can lead to occlusion of the blood vessels, and cause severe and intense headache.

Help if you have a headache

The patient must be urgently hospitalized if he has the following symptoms:

  • Can't stop the bleeding. It can be either from a wound or from the ears or nose.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature.
  • There are injuries to the back, cervical region.
  • A person has a convulsive syndrome.

First aid

You need to know what to do with a strong blow and the appearance of a headache. In this case, it is advisable to call an ambulance.

It is not necessary to provide assistance on your own without consulting a specialist. But there are some methods of rehabilitation therapy that must be completed before the arrival of a team of specialists.

First, the patient should be placed on his side. If this is not possible, then you should slightly raise your shoulders and head.

It is necessary to try to provide the patient with the maximum state of rest. If the temple was damaged by a blow, then something cold should be applied to this area.

If a headache appears after hitting the head, then it is necessary to take the drug to eliminate painful sensations. In this case, Spazmalgon, Analgin, Paracetamol will help.

In the case when the headache is getting stronger during this time, you should consult a doctor. It is the specialist who, through examination and diagnosis, can determine which drugs are needed.

If there is damage to the skin, it is necessary to treat them with hydrogen peroxide.

Treatment with medication

You can forget about such a symptom as a headache with the help of antispasmodics and painkillers. What if they don't help? In this case, you should consult a doctor at the hospital.

It is impossible to do an examination or diagnosis at home. When hitting the head, it is necessary to take drugs that will improve metabolic processes inside the cells.

They help to eliminate dizziness and such an unpleasant symptom as a headache. For example, Piracetam.

When hitting the head, swelling of the tissues can occur, this can lead to a sharp increase in pressure. In this case, a drug such as Eufillin will help.

The danger after hitting the head lies additionally in the rupture of the eardrum. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs.

It is they who can become the prevention of the onset of meningitis.

What is the danger of a headache after a stroke

  • The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted.
  • There may be a sharp loss of vision, hearing, taste, smell are disturbed.
  • Additionally, problems such as convulsions and paralysis may appear.
  • There is amnesia.

Preventive measures

In case of severe headache after a fall, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After passing the diagnosis, he will be able to determine which part of the brain was damaged. Only a specialist can prescribe medications.

What to do with a headache at home

If the blow was not even too intense, then a headache can still torment. In this case, you can use folk recipes as an additional remedy for treatment.

A relaxing bath with the addition of aromatic oils will help relieve unpleasant symptoms. You can also use an aroma lamp.

From oils, preference should be given to oils such as lavender, eucalyptus or rose.

You can eliminate the headache with a light massage of the cervical-collar region. It is recommended to take vegetable juices. For example, potato broth, beet juice, tomato juice.

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