Gum pine application. Pine resin: medicinal properties and methods of application. Medicinal properties of Scotch pine resin

Pine resin is a pine resin that is released when a tree trunk is damaged. The product has a complex chemical composition, and the presence of biologically active substances in it depends on the breed of coniferous culture. In folk medicine, resin has been used since ancient times, because it has exceptional healing properties, which contributes to effective treatment many diseases. Based on resin, preparations are prepared for external and internal use.

Composition and medicinal properties

Diterpene acids predominate in the composition of the resin of coniferous trees. Due to this, the product has a powerful bactericidal effect. Substances in equal quantities are contained in spruce, pine and cedar resin. But these resins differ in the ratio of diterpenes and their derivatives. The product contains vitamins C and D, succinic and fatty acids.

The healing properties of the resin of coniferous trees are as follows:

  1. 1. Due to its composition, resin destroys pathogenic microorganisms Therefore, it is used to relieve inflammatory processes.
  2. 2. The aroma of pine needles has a positive effect on the nervous system, which allows the product to be used to treat depression, insomnia and apathy.
  3. 3. The product has an antiviral effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.
  4. 4. As part of the oleoresin, there are biologically active substances that favorably affect the functioning of the digestive system.
  5. 5. Coniferous product is actively used in the treatment cardiovascular disease, since its components contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, reduce blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Application methods

At home, the resin of coniferous trees is used not only inside. This natural medicine is also suitable for external use.


For diseases such as psoriasis, pediculosis, acne, rheumatism, sciatica, candidiasis and hemorrhoids, the resin of coniferous trees is applied externally.

Recipes for external use:

  1. 1. Oil. Take 2 parts of resin and one part of olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath. Healing agent is used as a rubbing. In the composition, you can moisten a cotton swab and use it to rub the medicine into inflamed skin or sore joints. Also, this remedy is useful for herpes, trophic ulcers, furunculosis. Tampons soaked in oil are placed at night for gynecological diseases.
  2. 2. Tool for compresses. To prepare the medicine, the resin is first frozen and then crushed into small pieces. This powder is mixed in equal proportions with honey. The mixture is slightly heated and used for warming compresses.
  3. 3. Ointment. Take 100 g of wax, the same amount of pork fat and 50 g of spruce or cedar resin. The components are thoroughly mixed and heated in the oven. Slightly warm ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin. Ready-made resin ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Why does a damaged pine "cry"? So the tree heals itself: fragrant pine resin makes the wounds heal - and the tree comes to life. That's why medicinal resin popularly called "sap" - it has the same root as the word "live". It is not in vain that people like a specific ethereal smell pine resin - its viscous, sticky mass has long been used in medicinal purposes and beneficial effect on the human body.

What is pine resin?

If you cut the pine bark, then a pronounced smell of needles will immediately appear, and a transparent yellowish elixir will stand out from the crack. As soon as it meets the air, pine resin begins to solidify, and its color darkens. This is conceived by nature so that any organisms, fungi, and pests do not get into the woody "insides" through a crack in the bark. The sap frozen in this way is unofficially called "gray", although to the well-known chemical element pine resin does not apply.

Also, due to the emitted resin, the tree will be protected from destruction. It can already be assumed that resin can also heal the human body, protect it with its unique healing properties. For example, during the Great Patriotic War resin treated severe wounds, and very soon the soldiers were on the mend. And in ancient Russia, people chewed resin to protect their teeth and gums, to freshen their breath.

The composition of the life-giving resin depends on the type of wood, and the quality depends on the area where the pine grew. Compared with its counterparts - cedar, fir and spruce - pine has the highest antiseptic properties, which is why its resin is so popular in folk medicine. Pine resin in its composition:

  • three-quarters consists of resin acids, and these components in the normal state are solid;
  • has 18% of special substances - terpenes - which just dissolve resin acids and allow resin to move freely through pine woody labyrinths.

The unimagined benefits of pine resin

The most valuable substances in the resin composition are divided into two main groups.


  • resin acids;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides.


  • monoterpene and diterpene carbohydrates;
  • diterpenic acids.

Pine resin has a pronounced antibacterial action, and also perfectly heals wounds and resolves boils. It is used externally in the following cases:

  • various problems and skin damage: injuries, wounds, eczema, scabies, insect bites, severe acne, psoriasis;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system, neuralgia, joint pain, myositis, rheumatism;
  • ENT diseases;
  • gynecological and proctological ailments: hemorrhoids, colpitis, vaginitis, candidiasis.

Gum can also be chewed and taken orally - it is an edible substance, which is often only good for the body. When chewing the resin, there is an increased secretion of saliva, which has a beneficial effect on cleansing the oral cavity and strengthening the teeth and gums. Resin heals tooth enamel, kills carious bacteria and in some cases even saves from toothache. Internal application pine medicine necessary in the following situations:

  • colds, problems with the lungs and stomach, severe cough;
  • VSD and unstable arterial pressure, which the resin normalizes due to its ability to thin the blood;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, heart problems;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • ailments in the urogenital area, impotence;
  • bad environment, frequent stress and physical activity;
  • obesity.

Recipe Chest

The effectiveness of the medicinal properties attributed to pine resin has been proven for many centuries. The resin can be used both separately and as part of other natural remedies.

Non-healing boils

It is necessary to take a gauze cloth and soak it with pine resin. Next - attach to the sore spot, cover with special paper for compresses on top and wrap with a bandage. It is recommended to keep such a compress for about half an hour. If boils are only at the beginning of their development, then the only procedure can destroy them in the bud.

Trophic ulcers

Similar to the previous recipe, you need to soak the bandage with resin and place it on the surface of the ulcer. With deep non-healing ulcer you can insert a piece of a folded bandage soaked in resin into it. Repeat the treatment until recovery occurs.


Required in equal proportions (50 g):

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 7 days so that the product gains strength and strength. After that, you can rub the sore areas with a drug.

stomach ulcer

4-5 drops of resin placed on a piece of bread to be eaten before the main meal will help overcome the ailment.

Pulmonary diseases

Required in equal quantities (50 g):

The ingredients must be mixed well and insisted for 4 days, then taken orally at any time of the day, 3 teaspoons.


Would need:

  • vegetable oil(100 g);
  • resin (20 g).
  • enameled container for heating.

Mix the ingredients and put to bask on water bath. When the temperature is warm enough, you can build a compress.

periodontal disease

  • resin (1.5 teaspoons);
  • fine salt (3.5 teaspoons);
  • olive oil (by eye)

You should get a liquid that resembles thick sour cream in consistency. It will need to be rubbed into sore gums three times a day.


Ointment from resin is easy to prepare. First you need to melt lard, then mix it with sea buckthorn oil and resin - in equal amounts. Place the resulting ointment on gauze and apply to damaged areas. You need to do this three times a day, waiting for an hour while the compress is in effect. Then carefully remove the remaining fluid from the affected area.


Gum lotions will help cure fungal infections, they need to be kept for half an hour twice a day. Treatment should continue up to 10 days.


Pour 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil into a glass and add 5-6 drops of pine resin to it. Mix the ingredients and then rub them into the chest in the area of ​​the heart. If you repeat this procedure daily, supplementing the course with the intake of resin inside (5-6 drops will be enough), you can avoid heart attacks and rhythm disturbances. If there is a reason not to swallow gum, it can simply be placed under the tongue and held for 10 minutes.


Both for the prevention and for the treatment of an existing cold (tonsillitis), resorption of resin will be useful. You need to do this every day at least once a day. Angina may recede after a couple of days of such treatment.

Strengthening immunity

Pine resin must be placed in a glass dish and combined with water in a ratio of 1: 5, then put on bright sun and insist 10 days. It should be borne in mind that the funds will be needed for at least a month, and it will need to be taken three times a day for several tablespoons (even half a glass is possible). Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on the drug for the entire course. With bronchitis and cough, such a remedy has a good effect.

How to get valuable resin yourself

Gum and preparations with its content can be purchased at any pharmacy. But if there is desire get it yourself natural medicine, you need to arm yourself with the following inventory:

  • container with a lid;
  • cord 1.5 meters;
  • a napkin soaked in vegetable oil;

When you find a tree covered with cracks and damage, you can collect resin - usually its frozen accumulations abundantly cover wood wounds. So that the resin does not stick to the knife, it must be treated with an oiled cloth. Collecting resin is simple - you just need to cut off the influx and put it in a container. You need to cut the resin in small pieces - this will eliminate problems with ductility. In hot weather, it is better not to collect, the resin from the sun is especially sticky, and such work will quickly tire. But in inclement and cold weather, the amount of resin is usually scarce. That's why the best option will go for collection in warm, dry weather.

Another way to collect resin without hassle is to choose a young tree and tie a prepared container to it with a cord. First you need to make a crack with a knife at the base of a thick branch - it will be necessary to tie up the container under the incision. Zhivitsa will start naturally flow into it.

How to get pine resin

Resin must be stored under a tightly closed lid, as outdoors it hardens quickly. But we'll fix it. Before using resin for medical procedures, you just need to warm the jar in a water bath, and the resin will become liquid again.

pine resin

Pine is widely known for its bactericidal properties. Ancient tribes even practiced treatment in a coniferous forest, leaving the patient alone with nature for a period of several days to a week. It is not surprising that pine resin produces a very favorable effect on the human body, because it has absorbed all healing substances this tree.

Pine resin or resin - medicinal properties

This substance has a pronounced antiseptic, wound healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it perfectly disinfects and anesthetizes, so pine resin is widely used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • bedsores;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils;
  • fungal and herpetic skin lesions;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weak union bone tissue after fracture;
  • radiculitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
  • burns.

In addition, the resin is very effective for the symptoms of colds and viral diseases, quickly relieves sore throat, promotes expectoration of sputum with a dry cough, stops purulent processes in sore throat, increases the overall resistance of the body to bacteria.

The effectiveness of the product in relation to pathologies has been proven digestive tract- stomach ulcers, gastritis, bowel problems.

Pine resin - application and treatment

To prepare tonic to boost immunity, you need:

  1. Freeze 30-40 g of resin and then grind into powder.
  2. Dry the resin, pour into a dry glass container.
  3. Take half a teaspoon of the medicine received one hour after meals, at least 2 times a day.

The use of pine resin for skin diseases:

  1. Quadruple folded sterile bandage is well lubricated with resin.
  2. Apply for 30 minutes to the affected areas.
  3. After removing the compress, wipe the treated area with an antiseptic solution.

With angina, inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, infections oral cavity it is recommended to dissolve a third of a teaspoon of the product or put the same amount of resin under the tongue. The course of treatment can be long - until noticeable improvements appear.

Gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer suggest a very simple use of resin. You need to eat a small sandwich every morning, spreading 5 g of the substance on bread.

Pine gum oil

Coniferous resin enhances its therapeutic properties when mixed with vegetable oils, because it is better absorbed by the body in this form and absorbed into the skin, penetrating into the deeper layers.

Recipe for pain in the joints, muscles:

  1. Insist for a week in the refrigerator a mixture of pine resin, vodka and vegetable oil (50 g each).
  2. Strain the solution and pour into a clean jar with a lid.
  3. Rub painful areas every day before bed.

The cure for mastopathy:

  1. In 100 g of olive oil, dissolve, heating in a water bath, 20 g of pine resin.
  2. Do daily compresses for 35 minutes, then rub the rest of the mixture into the chest.

Pine resin ointment

A medicinal preparation based on the described substance consists of resin, natural wax and vegetable oils, and is manufactured according to a traditional recipe.

Ointment is used in such cases:

  • skin lesions(burns, wounds, abscesses, boils);
  • viral and colds, as well as their complications (sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis);
  • endocrine pathologies(mastitis, mastopathy);
  • gynecological diseases(inflammation of the appendages, erosion of the cervix);
  • bedsores and diaper rash;
  • hemorrhoids.

The tool can be used to make candles, impregnate tampons and compresses, dilute with water (for drops and rinses).

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Pine resin - medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine

Pine is perhaps the most popular tree in our country after birch. Many of us see pine trees every day, but few people think about what this tree can give us besides its wood.

Meanwhile, pine is able to become a real healer and help a person get rid of a wide variety of diseases. Pine resin will help us improve our health, the healing properties of which people guessed long before the appearance of all kinds of medicines in our lives.

Medicinal properties of pine resin

So why is this so valuable? natural product? The resin received its greatest popularity for its unique properties heal wounds. Actually, for this, people called it that way.

Buy pine resin 50 ml.

And in the first and in the second world war when there was an acute shortage of medicines in hospitals, it was resin that came to the rescue. It was she who helped to put on their feet more than one thousand ordinary Russian peasants, who, by the will of fate, were forced to fight.

But the ability to heal wounds is far from all that she is capable of. Pine resin is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment the following diseases:

Agree, impressive list! And it's not yet complete list diseases that are treated with pine resin. It can be easily extended if desired. How to use this pine waste product correctly?

The use of pine resin in folk medicine

There are 2 forms of using resin for medicinal purposes:

For external use, mainly all kinds of lotions and rubbing, ointments, oils are used. For the inside, decoctions are prepared or they simply suck pine resin, like candy - candy. Below you can find some of the recipes.

Pine resin ointment used to treat trophic ulcers

This ointment is ideal for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Anyone can cook it, there would be a desire. She prepares like this:

  • You need to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • Mix everything and apply to the wound, preferably at night. Before this, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Cold treatment

With the help of pine resin, you can try to cure a cold. To do this, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of resin in the morning and evening.

Treatment of varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins, you will need a pine resin balm. You can prepare it like this:

  • we take 1 part of pine resin and 10 parts of vegetable oil.
  • Mix everything, bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  • Turn off, let the balm cool. After that, you can lubricate the diseased veins. It is best to do this at night, before going to bed.

To strengthen immunity

  • We put a small piece (30-40 grams) of pine resin in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then we take it out and make powder out of it.
  • You can use a fine grater for this, you can simply crush it - it’s more convenient for anyone.
  • This powder will help boost your immune system. Take it 3 times a day with water, 1 hour before meals.

Treatment of gastritis

Pine resin helps well with gastritis. To reduce pain, you just need to dissolve a piece of resin. Pain pass quickly, sometimes it takes only five minutes, sometimes a little more, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, and they are all different for us.

Treatment of furunculosis

If you got boils, apply pine resin to them at night and cover with a band-aid. 3 - 4 days of such treatment and there will be no trace of boils, they will simply resolve!

Treatment of sciatica

For the treatment of sciatica, a tincture of pine resin, vodka and olive oil is used. It is quite easy to prepare:

  • we take all the components in equal amounts, mix and insist in a dark place for exactly a week.
  • A week later healing tincture completely ready.
  • They just rub it sore spot. Helps a lot according to the forums.

Burn treatment

Due to its strong natural antiseptic and wound-healing properties, pine resin copes well with burns. To treat burns, make the following ointment:

  • we take in equal proportions lard, sea buckthorn oil and pine resin. We mix everything until a mass is obtained, homogeneous in composition.
  • In place of the burn, we make a bandage with ointment for a period of 1 hour.
  • Such dressings should be applied 3 times a day until the patient's condition improves.

Reviews about the treatment with resin

There are plenty of reviews on the treatment of pine resin in various forums dedicated to traditional medicine. They won't be hard to find. here are just a few.

Oleg (Kineshma)

In a huge healing power I was convinced of the resin when trouble happened to our 9-year-old daughter - she accidentally knocked over a pot of boiling water on herself and as a result received severe burns. On the advice of mother-in-law treated homemade ointment from pine resin and sea buckthorn oil. The result is just great! The pain was removed already on the 3rd day, and a noticeable improvement came about a week later. So I highly recommend having this natural miracle - the material at hand, God forbid, of course, but it may be needed.

Svetlana Viktorovna (village of Pankratovo, Nizhny Novgorod region)

My husband tried to treat gastritis with pine resin. The pain really does go away! I do not know if it is possible to cure her gastritis completely, but the fact that she relieves pain means a lot. True, we do not buy resin, but extract it ourselves, since we live next to the forest. And about the purchased, I honestly doubt it. All the same, the product must be natural. I read a lot of good things about cedar resin, but, unfortunately, we don’t have cedars.

Nina Serebryakova (Moscow)

We order sap over the internet all the time. There are specialized stores that sell such products. We order from Altai, as this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly region of Russia. Basically, we use it for the preparation of terpetine balm (it helps a lot with pain in the joints and not only). The whole family takes it to strengthen immunity. The same balm can be purchased ready-made, but we are used to doing it ourselves, it's cheaper and more reliable!

By the way, many doctors also speak positively about the healing properties of resin. True, we must not forget that she also has contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of preparations based on pine resin

There are few contraindications, but they exist and you need to know about them. First of all it is:

  1. individual intolerance to such drugs
  2. pregnancy
  3. kidney disease

In all other cases, use healing properties turpentine is possible and even necessary. In addition, if in doubt, you can always consult with your doctor before starting treatment.

Where could I buy

You can buy pine resin in any online store or pharmacy at your place of residence. Can be purchased as pure form, and in the form of various oils, balms and tinctures.

To find an online store selling such goods, just type in any search engine such a phrase - buy pine resin (or cedar, spruce).

As a rule, the largest and most popular pharmacies will be on the first page of the issue. Choose from them based on the price of the goods, the possibility of delivery to your region, etc. If you are too lazy to look, then you can buy any resin by clicking on the yellow banner located above in this article (on the left is the product catalog - resin - choose pine resin).

How to prepare your own gum

If you live in places where cedar, spruce or pine trees grow, then you can prepare resin yourself. There is nothing difficult in this and even a child can cope with this task.

You can learn how to do it right by watching this short video.

Do you know what pine resin treats? | Agave

What is pine resin? This is not only glue or a candle, it is also healing agent.

A long time ago they knew the properties of pine resin, indispensable for those who lived among the pines in the forest area. Pine resin helped with skin diseases, saved from burns, and healed blisters.

Possibilities of Pine Resin

pine resin is the first aid with its irreplaceable healing properties.

Pine resin treatment

The resin can be burned and its smoke inhaled, it will cure coughs. Good to know How to cure a cough.

If smoke is passed through the nose, then the runny nose will immediately recede. What else treats a runny nose How to quickly cure a runny nose - grandmother's recipes.

By making resin inhalations, you can thoroughly treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It stops the bleeding and heals any wounds. Worth applying natural remedy on a cut or abrasion, as the resin immediately begins to heal it and tighten the edges, like a surgeon.

The smoke from the pine tree resin improves eyesight, in particular, heals " night blindness».

Pine resin is also an excellent dentist. If you chew it, you can cure the gums and put your teeth in order. Interesting information Treatment of gums in traditional medicine.

Made from pine resin medicinal ointments. It is not for nothing that pine resin is called resin. Its healing properties can not only treat external diseases, but also help from the inside.

Pine resin in the treatment of intervertebral hernia

Ointment from intervertebral hernias prepared from:

  • pine resin - 70 g;
  • comfrey root - 0.5 kg;
  • internal pork fat - 350 g;
  • vodka - 300 g.

How to prepare ointment

  1. Comfrey roots should be washed, but not peeled. Let dry and twist in a meat grinder three times to make a slurry.
  2. Melt pine resin (resin) in a water bath.
  3. Melt pork fat add gruel from comfrey root to it. Keep the mixture on low heat and stir constantly with a wooden spoon for about forty minutes.
  4. Pour the melted resin into the mixture and boil for another fifteen minutes.
  5. Then pour in the vodka and simmer for ten minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Many natural substances have unique healing qualities. And the benefits of such elements, most people do not even suspect. Traditional medicine experts say that almost every natural substance can be used to treat and prevent various pathological conditions. To unique gifts nature also includes spruce resin, medicinal properties which, the composition and application will now be considered in a little more detail, and we will also talk on www ..

It is believed that spruce resin can be collected in different time year, and in autumn, and in spring, and in summer, and even in cold winter.

What is spruce resin rich in, what is its composition?

This natural substance is the source huge amount useful substances. Scientists have found that resin is rich in essential oils, resins, amber and formic acid and also turpentine. All these components are characterized by bactericidal, antiseptic and wound healing qualities. Such a natural substance is a source of a number of volatile substances (monoterpenes), diterpenes and sesquiterpenes, as well as their derivatives. There is evidence that spruce resin contains special resin acids, represented by abietic, dehydroabistinic, dextropimaric, pimaric, sapinic and others. Resin colorless alcohols resinoly and resinotannols were also found in its composition.

What is spruce resin valued for, what are its properties?

There is evidence that resin helps to cope with many digestive disorders. For this purpose, it was taken inside many centuries ago - at the time Ancient Greece. Also given beneficial substance often used to treat ailments of the lungs and kidneys. It was also used externally - for rheumatism, various injuries and diseases. skin.

Specialists Chinese medicine claim that spruce resin can be a good cure for toothache and headaches.

About how spruce resin is used, its application in practice, what

Ointment with spruce resin

This drug is suitable for internal and external use. It helps to cope with wounds, trophic ulcerative lesions, bruises, burns, diseases of the joints and spine. In addition, the ointment is advised to be used to treat boils, animal and insect bites, runny nose, bronchitis, tuberculosis, gastric ulcers and other pathological conditions.

To prepare an ointment with spruce resin, you need to prepare four parts spruce resin, one part of propolis, four parts of beeswax and ten parts of oil (St. John's wort, meadowsweet or linseed). Put all the prepared components in an enameled container, heat in a water bath with constant stirring. Strain the medicine hot through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

At ulcerative lesions, tuberculosis and bronchopulmonary ailments, it is worth preparing a pea of ​​ointment and dissolving it in hot milk or tea (but not in boiling water). You can also dilute the resin medicine in cocoa or in a decoction of cetraria. However, the best option would still be milk. Drink the resulting medicine one hundred and fifty milliliters three to four times a day about a quarter of an hour before a meal. Treat with spruce resin ointment until complete recovery.

As for the external use of spruce resin ointment, for bruises, ailments of the joints and spine, as well as for incipient boils, small burns and nodular formations in the thyroid gland, it is worth rubbing it into the area of ​​​​the sore spot without applying pronounced efforts. The duration of such rubbing is three to five minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

To correct a runny nose, it is necessary to lubricate the wings of the nose with an ointment composition, as well as the area maxillary sinuses, nose bridge and forehead.

For the treatment of cough, mustard plasters should be placed, and then the reddish skin should be lubricated with spruce resin ointment. In some cases, the ointment can be used as an alternative to massage cream.

Other ways to use spruce resin

For herpes, traditional medicine experts advise mixing spruce resin with any vegetable oil. Soak a tampon with this mixture and apply it to the sore for half an hour. Repeat this procedure at intervals of two to four hours.

For the treatment of colds and sore throats, it is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of spruce resin. After this procedure, you should stop eating and drinking for a couple of hours.

For the treatment of polyarthritis, it is necessary to mix resin with vegetable oil, observing an equal ratio. Rub this mixture on the affected areas several times a day. The duration of such therapy is two weeks. Then take a break for one week and rub again for two weeks.

spruce resin help to deal with male impotence. Combine a teaspoon of such a natural substance with half a liter of vodka and send it to infuse in a rather dark place for five days. Consume the received medicine three tablespoons twice a day before a meal.

Is spruce resin dangerous to someone, does it have any contraindications?

Consumption of spruce resin is strictly contraindicated if the patient has allergic reaction for this natural substance. Besides oral administration medicines based on resin is impossible with glomerulonephritis, allergies, viral hepatitis, pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood up to twelve years old.

Spruce oleoresin is an amazing medicine given to us by nature itself.

Pine oleoresin, - "pine tears", when a tree is damaged, it "cries" and seeks to heal the wound faster, filling it with healing resin - oleoresin from the resin passages. But this wonderful resin helps not only pine in the treatment of wounds. It is not for nothing that people gave her the name resin - from the word heal, it personifies healing, fullness, youth, life.

For treatment, pine resin is insisted on vodka or alcohol - a full-fledged resin tincture is obtained for internal and external use. Mixed in a water bath with oil for external use - rubbing, compresses, ointments. They make chewing gum from it, the so-called "tar", for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

Pine resin has been used with considerable success to treat colds, bronchopulmonary infections, influenza, sinusitis, gastrointestinal diseases and genitourinary system, with hemorrhoids and cracks, fractures and wounds, with thrombophlebitis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis and many other diseases. Pine oleoresin is also used in the treatment of a disease such as stroke - it successfully treats paresis (paralysis).

Nicholas Roerich wrote in Agni Yoga: pine resin cures all diseases, and the commander Suvorov, in order to prevent soldiers from catching a cold, gave them gum milk (250 grams of vodka + 30 grams of resin).

Pine gum tincture

Laureate of the award "20 successful people of Samara 2016" in the nomination "Medicine"

Producer: IP Nikitin S E "Coniferous doctor", Samara

Pine gum tincture

500 ml

Our price: 1200 rubles

Availability: in stock

Buy in one click

stomach ulcers and duodenum, oncology, muscle paralysis (paresis in stroke), tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis, fractures, wounds, boils, trophic ulcers, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds

Pine resin (resin) for tincture is harvested in ecologically clean areas, - national park"Buzuluk-sky forest" and in the Zhiguli reserve " National Park Samarskaya Luka". "Tincture of pine gum" is prepared in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards of IP "Khvoyny Lekar".

individual intolerance

Initial components:
pine resin 50%
pine bark 3%
medical alcohol 95° "Vita-sept"

compresses, application cotton swab, massage

DARK! place (in a locker, refrigerator)

Medicinal properties of tincture of pine resin

Pine resin tincture has amazing medicinal properties and the range of its use is huge, ranging from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension to the treatment of paralysis and fractures. It is enough to lubricate the lesions with this drug several times a day, and the result will not be long in coming. The rate of fusion of bone tissue increases by about three times, paralyzed limbs begin to show signs of revival, burns and wounds heal literally "before our eyes".

The composition of the tincture also includes an alcohol extract of pine bark, which further increases the wound healing properties of this truly miraculous remedy.

In the old days, Siberian healers used resin to treat diseases of the nervous system, gastric and duodenal ulcers, to speed up the fusion of bones in fractures, and was widely used in the treatment of cancer.
Several recipes for the use of pine resin for the treatment of various diseases can be seen below.

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Recipes with pine resin

Angina or atrial fibrillation, tachycardia: add five drops of pine resin to a dessert spoon of vegetable oil, rub into the heart area. At the same time, daily take 5 drops of resin inside diluted with water. This treatment should be continued for a month.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, heartburn: before eating, drip three or four drops of resin on a piece of bread.

Radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis: mix equally olive oil with tincture of resin. Rub into the sore spot with massage movements.

Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis: mix honey and butter in equal amounts, add resin tincture, mix thoroughly. Use daily 1 teaspoon three times a day. Proportions of composition: 100 gr. honey: 100 gr. butter: 1 tablespoon of resin.

Mastopathy treatment: mix vegetable oil with resin tincture. For 100 grams of oil, 20 grams of tincture, make compresses.

Non-healing ulcers, wounds, fractures: saturate the bandage with tincture and apply to the damage. The course of treatment until complete recovery.

Numbness, paresis (paralysis): Pour 1 teaspoon of resin tincture into the palm of your hand and massage into the affected area until dry 1-3 times a day.

Colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract: 5-6 drops of resin tincture per sugar cube, taken 3 times a day.

Ointment for the treatment of varicose veins, erysipelas, wounds and skin diseases:

100 ml of resin tincture (pine, spruce, cedar);
200 ml vegetable oil (preferably olive);
2 tablespoons of honey;
100 grams of beeswax (natural, you can buy in the markets);
2 grams of propolis.

1. Place in an enamel saucepan or mug beeswax, pour in olive oil, then resin. Warm in a water bath for 10 minutes.
2. Add honey and cook for another 10 minutes.
3. Add propolis and boil for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly (crush propolis into powder, after freezing it in freezer to brittle).
Ointment is stored only in the refrigerator. Lubricate the sore spot once or twice a day.

Application folk remedies does not cancel the prescriptions of the attending physician, but helps to quickly cope with the disease and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

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For survival in the forest knowledge of any natural materials used for food or as medicines. This will allow survive even when exposed to the most extreme conditions, so knowing how to resin application hard to overestimate.


Also in Ancient Russia as medicinal product actively used resin of coniferous trees such as pine, spruce, fir, cedar and larch. On the territory of our country, they are ubiquitous, so almost everywhere you can find at least one of these species.

Precisely for healing properties these resins were popularly received common name « sap", that is " bringing life". AT scientific world they are better known as turpentine.

You can find resin in a coniferous forest on damaged trees, which, with the help of this sticky juice, heal the wounds, protecting the wood from the penetration of fungi and bark beetles. The oozing resin looks very much like fresh (amber) bee honey.

Sap its composition is very viscous and extremely sticky, so when collecting it, try not to get dirty. It does not dissolve in water, but ordinary vegetable oil can be used as a solvent. This allows soiled tools and hands to be simply rubbed with oil and then washed with soap and water.

If you did not find a damaged tree, you can do it differently. For example, to get pine resin, it is enough to make a few small notches on the tree with a knife or an ax. After that, it is worth waiting a few minutes, and you will notice how the excreted resin appears on the bark. She will need you.

The use of resin for centuries

As already mentioned, the healing properties of resin have been known for many millennia. The first mention of it dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt, as recorded in the manuscripts. Already pine resin was widely used for bleeding, for poultices, compresses, treatment of wounds and other diseases. She successfully cured rheumatism, lung diseases, burns and ulcers, skin diseases, digestive disorders and even urinary infections.

So in the XVI century, coniferous resin was successfully used to treat the plague. Turpentine was made from it, the vapors of which had a bactericidal effect.

The great Russian surgeon Pirogov, during Russian-Turkish war(1877), actively used resin in the treatment of poorly healing wounds formed at the site of amputations. Subsequently, this type of treatment became one of the main topics of his scientific activity.

During the Great Patriotic War pine resin and cedar resin successfully used in hospitals. Thanks to their anesthetic and healing properties, wounds and cuts, even the most severe and chronic ones, healed faster. They also treated gangrene, which was considered the scourge of military medicine. Wounds were filled with resin itself or balsam from it, and tissue soaked in balm was applied to abscesses and tumors. Such a compress had a softening and healing effect.

Gum in folk medicine

Most often it is used to cover wounds and abrasions to prevent infection and dirt from entering them. Resin well stops the blood and disinfects the wound, thanks to the antiseptics that the resin contains a large number of. In addition, by preventing the access of air, water and microbes, it contributes to a significant acceleration of the healing process.

For many centuries, the inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia used resin for pain relief, fast healing cuts and wounds, treatment of ulcers, burns, boils, abscesses and after snake bites. In case of fractures, they lubricated the place of injury with resin, which led to rapid accretion bones.

In addition, for a long time in Siberia cedar resin treat toothache. It was applied to a diseased tooth or gum, which brought relief from pain and swelling of the gums. Siberian healers also used it to treat diseases such as cataracts, cataracts, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as to strengthen the nervous system. Even incense used to be made from cedar resin and was considered sacred, because according to legend, he cast out evil spirits.

Currently, the resin of coniferous trees is one of the main components for many lotions and ointments with analgesic effect. Based on it, medicines are created for the treatment of colds, dental, cardiovascular and other diseases, as well as the healing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Workshop for survival in extreme conditions

With angina - put a small piece of resin in your mouth. You can dissolve it or chew it like gum. You can forget about a sore throat in a couple of days. In addition, "gum" saliva heals well sick and inflamed gums , and once in the stomach - heals internal ulcers.

Resin, taken internally, restores liver and pancreas cells. This improves not only metabolism, but also cerebral and peripheral circulation. Visibly activated withdrawal of heavy and harmful substances from the body. Improving general state health and blood pressure stabilizes.

Attention! Reception of resin and products from it inside is carried out exclusively during daylight hours. This is due to the fact that its components have a maximum effect only on the waking organism. As a result of taking resin in humans, the chromosome number is restored, which is truly unique, because even complex homeopathic systems rarely lead to such results.

And most importantly - resin does not create for the body stressful situations. It slowly and gently starts the process of regeneration, and at the cellular level.

For many centuries, resin has been mixed with vegetable or cedar oil, getting turpentine balm. Its powerful healing effect it has both external and internal application. With no less success, it is used as an oil for therapeutic massage.

Collection and storage of resin

The collection of resin largely depends on what time of the year you need the resin. In spring (with the beginning of sap flow) and summer, it is liquid, and its viscosity decreases with increasing ambient temperature. Notches are made on the tree, under which a cone-shaped container is attached. After collecting the resin, the damage is covered with garden pitch.

In the cold season, the frozen resin is collected, which is cut with a knife. Wipe the blade with an oiled cloth before harvesting to keep the resin from sticking to the knife. Cut it into small pieces or layers. Remember, the colder the weather, the less sticky the resin, and the more convenient the collection.

The unique quality of resin is that it does not age, which is very convenient for survival in conditions wildlife. With access to air, it only gradually crystallizes and becomes solid, outwardly similar to amber. Conveniently, these golden pieces melt well when heated. And most importantly, it retains its healing properties for centuries.

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