What makes fingers numb how to treat. Treatment for finger numbness. Numb ring and middle fingers

Often a condition occurs when fingers become numb during or after sleep. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Unpleasant pain and tingling are felt in the palms, fingers, they move with difficulty, become like cotton. Discomfort in the limbs torments for a long time, prevents you from falling asleep again, and in the morning from doing everyday things.

Why do my fingers go numb in my sleep

Usually, the phenomenon of paresthesia is associated with a temporary violation of blood flow, but sometimes serious diseases are the cause. The most common medical diagnosis is compression of the median nerve, neuritis, osteochondrosis. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, consultation of narrow specialists is required - a neuropathologist or a cardiologist.

Before seeking specialized help, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of pathological paresthesia and distinguish it from numbness of the fingers during sleep due to a pinched nerve.

External causes

There are several typical situations when the hands become numb after sleep. This is usually associated with pinching in the elbow or wrist joint, as well as circulatory disorders due to other physiological reasons. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate an external problem to forget about discomfort in the morning forever. We list the most common causes of paresthesia.

Uncomfortable sleeping position

Raised hands and palms folded under the pillow - this position during a night's rest is the most common reason why fingers go numb during sleep. Closed fists and bent elbows impede the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, its work slows down, and blood flows to the hands with difficulty.

The same effect is obtained by sleeping with the arm under the head or on the side, leaning on the limb with the whole body. Usually it is enough to change the position to a more comfortable and relaxed one for the tingling and numbness to go away.

hard pillow

This is another common reason why fingers go numb during sleep. A large, heavy and uncomfortable pillow leads to arching of the spine in the cervical region just at the level of the arms. The circulation of the nerve roots of the spinal column is disturbed and spreads to the fingers, palms and the entire arm, causing numbness.

The solution to the problem will be a high-quality selection of a pillow, which should be small and loose, and even better - orthopedic, which has a cushion under the neck and a notch for the head. This design promotes a natural anatomical sleeping posture and normal blood supply.

tight clothes

Tight, tight, uncomfortable pajamas and shirts often cause fingers to go numb during sleep. Burning and numbness is felt in the place of pinching the limbs with rough seams, tight cuffs, various folds and ruffles. Leisure clothing should be soft, loose, mostly from knitted fabrics.


Fingers and hands can swell while you sleep, so jewelry such as watches, bracelets, and rings can interfere with natural blood flow. In order to avoid the occurrence of numbness and pain, it is recommended to remove jewelry at night, and lightly massage the place where they are worn.

Bad habits

Another reason why fingers go numb during sleep may be alcohol abuse, especially sleeping while intoxicated. Before going to bed, you should avoid eating fatty, salty and spicy foods. Saturated coffee at night can also provoke numbness in the hands.

The above reasons are caused by external factors and do not bring significant damage to health. It is much worse when the symptoms of numbness are the consequences of the disease. In this case, without a thorough examination, treatment and medical supervision is indispensable.

Internal causes

The condition we are considering requires more careful attention if the fingers go numb in the morning after sleep almost every day. Advanced diagnostic methods help to identify the disease and cure it at an early stage. Focus on paresthesia should be in the event that the elimination of external factors did not bring relief from anxiety symptoms.

Initially, for an examination, you should contact a therapist, and then, if necessary, a cardiologist and a neurologist.

Possible signs of the disease:

  • Significant swelling;
  • Cramps in the fingers;
  • Severe pain on waking that persists for a long time;
  • Cracking in the joints, weakness of the arms, pain in the neck.

These symptoms may indicate diseases of the CCC (cardiovascular system) or nervous, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, a visit to the doctor for advice is strictly necessary.

If the fingers of the right hand go numb in a dream

A similar condition may be the result of cervical osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis. Paresthesia results from stenosis of the arteries and smaller blood vessels. And also regularly recurring numbness can portend a stroke.

Frequent causes:

  • Cardiac diseases - ischemia of the heart, hypertension;
  • Nerve compression due to destructive changes in the joints of the spine and upper limbs;
  • Fatigue of the neck muscles with prolonged sitting at the computer desk;
  • Carpal (carpal) tunnel syndrome, manifested by swelling of the ligaments; in case of progression of the disease, complete or partial death of the muscles of the hand is possible.

If the fingers of the left hand go numb in a dream

If the left hand is numb at night, this may indicate a pathology of the heart. In case of recurrence of symptoms during the daytime, during waking hours, it is necessary to immediately consult a cardiologist. Timely medical examination and treatment can save a life, as there is a high proportion of the likelihood of developing a heart attack and stroke.

Paresthesia in heart disease is difficult to confuse with other causes, since it usually captures the little finger and ring finger, is complemented by cold hands, cyanosis of the lips, suffocation, pain behind the sternum, under the shoulder blade, or in the left hand itself.

Possible causes of numbness:

  • Cardiovascular diseases:
    • angina pectoris;
    • myocardial infarction;
  • Avitaminosis - lack of vitamins A, B or E, accompanied by severe peeling of the skin;
  • Diseases of the spine:
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Spinal hernia;
  • Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs);
  • Problems in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

If fingers go numb in a dream during pregnancy

We will analyze the reasons why expectant mothers may experience paresthesia.

Of these, the most common are:

  • Edema, moisture retention by the body due to a lack of potassium and a malfunction in the water-salt balance;
  • Seizures that appear in a dream due to a lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • Excessive weight gain towards the end of pregnancy;
  • Low physical activity.

And also the reasons can be:

  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Diseases acquired during pregnancy;
  • traumatism;
  • Unhealthy spine;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Physiological predisposition.

Why do fingers go numb in a dream on both hands

If paresthesia is observed at once on both limbs, then diabetes mellitus, intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis may be the most likely factors.

Alternating numbness is a sign of hypertension or abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Possible diagnoses:

  • Hypertension (increased blood pressure);
  • Diabetes mellitus - accompanied by a narrowing of the arterioles and, as a result, provokes numbness of the extremities to one degree or another;
  • Circulatory pathology in anemia, obliterating endarteritis, deposition of cholesterol plaques, multiple sclerosis;
  • Thrombosis of the upper limbs is a dangerous pathology in which the artery of the arm or any other limb is blocked by a thrombus, and the first symptom may be numbness of the fingers;
  • Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, destruction of intervertebral discs;
  • Polyneuropathy is an organic damage to the nerve plexuses of the hand and fingers, in which there is a symptom of numbness and slight tingling. Such unpleasant sensations can disturb a person quite often if the damage to the nerve fibers has reached a high degree;
  • Raynaud's syndrome is a pathology in which there is a significant narrowing of the capillaries of the skin, as a result of which it first turns pale, after a while it turns blue and, at the end of the attack, turns red;
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rather dangerous autoimmune disease in which inflammation of the nerves occurs, which negatively affects the tactile and motor functions of a person. One of the earliest symptoms of the disease is numbness and slight tingling of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.

If there is a suspicion of any disease, it is impossible to postpone the examination. Untimely assistance inevitably leads to irreversible consequences - arthritis, loss of sensitivity of the fingers, and in severe cases to partial paralysis of the limb.

Diagnosis and treatment

The choice of treatment method is chosen by the doctor only after the examination of the patient, which includes general and necessary additional tests. The choice of examination method is determined by the patient's complaints and the degree of symptoms.

Methods for diagnosing the disease:

  • X-ray of the spine in the cervical region;
  • Computed (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Angiography of the cervical vessels and upper limbs;
  • Detailed analysis of urine and blood;
  • Blood test for the presence of sugar;
  • Visual assessment of nerve reflexes.

Medications for the treatment of paresthesia

  • For treatment, vitamins of groups A, E, B are always prescribed;
  • With arthritis and osteochondrosis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed;
  • With the identified violations of the vascular circulation, the use of drugs that lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the walls of blood vessels is indicated.
  • If numbness of the fingers during sleep occurs against the background of a stroke, diabetes mellitus or a tumor, then the priority direction of drug treatment is the underlying disease.

Pregnant women are advised to carefully control the amount of fluid and salt consumed. In case of swelling, carry out a small massage of the fingers from their tips towards the wrists. This stimulates blood circulation in the fingers and lymph outflow.

  • Swinging of the hands relaxed at the wrists;
  • Tight squeezing and complete relaxation of the fingers;
  • Raising and lowering hands lying on your back;
  • Sorting in the palms of a rounded object - a ball, a massage ball or a ball.

Folk remedies for the treatment of numbness of the fingers in a dream

Folk recipes do not bring such an effect as medication, but serve as an excellent addition to the main treatment. Their regular use is largely able to restore sensitivity in the fingers and eliminate pain. The choice of option depends only on the personal choice of the patient and ease of use.

The most famous recipes are:

  • Mix 50 gr. ammonia and 10 gr. camphor, add 1 liter. water and 1 tbsp. salt, mix well. Rub this solution on numb areas.
  • Pour a handful of rosemary into a basin and pour three liters of hot water, insist a little. After that, the infusion should be added to the filled bath and taken for 15 minutes immediately before going to bed.
  • Boil porridge from pumpkin pulp in water, cool to a comfortable temperature. Apply the gruel to numb areas, cover with cling film and wrap in a woolen shawl or scarf.
  • A positive effect is achieved by daily rubbing of sore spots with mustard oil, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. After rubbing, put on cotton gloves, pajamas or a long-sleeved shirt.
  • Other liquid for rubbing can be prepared by yourself. To do this, you need to cook 3 pods of hot peppers, 3 pickled cucumbers (not pickled!) And 0.5 liters of vodka. Cut vegetables, pour vodka and insist in a dark glass container for 7 days. The liquid should be rubbed daily, and compresses should be done before going to bed.

Prevention of finger numbness during sleep

To prevent the occurrence of paresthesia, the following is recommended:

  • After sleep, do a little morning workout, which has a beneficial effect not only on the limbs, but also on the general condition;
  • It is recommended to sleep on special orthopedic mattresses and pillows;
  • If you sleep in clothes (pajamas), it should be comfortable;
  • To prevent stroke, control blood pressure;
  • If you experience pain in the kidney area, do not postpone the visit to the doctor for later, since problems with them can also affect the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • As a prevention of nighttime numbness of the extremities, a healthy lifestyle plays an important role, i.e. quitting smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Try to avoid nervous situations and stresses that generally negatively affect the nervous system;
  • Before going to bed, a short walk in the fresh air is recommended;
  • If you led a sedentary lifestyle, you should reconsider it and do fitness, aerobics, swimming, etc.;
  • Periodically undergo a massage course;
  • With the onset of the cold season, it is very important to dress appropriately for the weather and avoid hypothermia.

Do not forget that the success of treatment largely depends on the timeliness of the examination and an accurate diagnosis, and only a medical specialist can do this. Therefore, even if the numbness of the fingers in a dream is of a short-term nature and does not interfere with normal life, but it manifests itself regularly and for no apparent reason, this is a sufficient reason to seek the advice of a doctor.

Finger numbness is an alarming symptom that can be a sign of various and serious pathologies, but most often people begin to pay attention to it when the loss of sensitivity does not go away for a long time, becomes permanent and begins to be accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations.

Why it is so important not to ignore such a symptom, and what reasons serve as a prerequisite for its appearance - we will find answers to these questions together.

Reasons for decreasing sensitivity in the fingers

If the finger on the left or right hand is numb and does not go away, immediately seek medical advice, because almost all the reasons for the manifestation of such symptoms are quite serious.

We list a number of factors that lead to the fact that fingers go numb:

  • Numb fingers - this symptom can eloquently indicate a conduction failure in the nerve endings and processes and the development of cervical osteochondrosis. Check your feelings: turn your head to the left to the right, tilt back and forth. If, during these actions, you hear a distinct crunch, or movements are accompanied by pain, the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis in the cervical vertebrae is extremely high.

Attention! If the thumb on the right hand is partially or completely numb, this may indicate osteochondrosis.

To confirm or deny the presence of a pathology, consult a doctor for an examination and x-ray examination;

  • If a finger on your hand has ossified, think about whether your limb has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time (for example, during sleep) and whether the size of your jewelry has been chosen correctly. These causes are the most innocuous of all for which loss of sensation in the limbs can be observed;
  • Women often complain of stiff fingers during pregnancy, PMS or menopause. Usually, loss of sensitivity under these circumstances is caused by a violation of water metabolism, changes in the hormonal background and the course of general metabolic processes;
  • The strongest concern should cause if you have numb some or all of the fingers on your left hand. Loss of sensation in the fingers of the left limb often indicates malfunctions in the normal functioning of the heart, and may be a sign of angina pectoris. You should immediately consult a doctor if the ring finger is constantly numb and this deadness extends to the forearm;
  • The thumb on the right upper limb may become numb for various reasons. We list some of the most serious: herniated discs of the spine, blockage of blood vessels, arthritis, serious disruptions in the process of blood circulation;
  • The case should not be left without attention if the ring finger on the right hand suddenly becomes numb. An unpleasant symptom may appear as a sign of the development of angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, and a pre-infarction state.

If you feel that the fingertip on the left or right hand is clearly numb and the unpleasant phenomenon does not go away for a long time, do not delay contacting a doctor. The tip of the limb loses sensitivity in the most serious pathologies of the nervous tissues.

The reasons for the appearance of a feeling of ossification may be traumatic brain injury or pre-stroke conditions.

Loss of sensation due to injury

If the finger on the left or right hand is numb, it is worth considering not only the development of pathologies in the nerve endings and inflammatory processes, but also the possibility of injury. The symptom may appear directly when the limb is injured, but may also indicate the presence of a traumatic brain injury. Usually, the feeling of stiffness is accompanied by other uncomfortable sensations: pain, tingling, itching, spasms, burning. The limb may twitch slightly.

On a note. If, with the above symptoms, there is a violation of coordination of movements when walking, there are serious reasons to suspect the development of multiple sclerosis.

If the reason for the loss of sensitivity is a head injury, then along with an unpleasant feeling of dumbness in the limbs, the patient will experience general weakness, he may experience fainting.

We draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of an unpleasant symptom. Sometimes they are generally not associated with injuries and inflammations and are observed against the background of developing pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, do not engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so - self-treatment. Seek advice from professional doctors. In this case, there will be a chance to cope with the problem faster and more efficiently and prevent the development of serious diseases in the body.

Therapy for sensory loss

Therapeutic measures for the treatment of an unpleasant symptom must be determined by the attending physician. If the reason for the appearance of dumbness is a banal beriberi and metabolic disorders, a specialist can prescribe you a special diet and prescribe mineral-vitamin complexes for admission.

If you constantly experience a feeling of dumbness in the limbs, a general practitioner or neurologist may refer you to an additional cardiological examination. It is worth visiting a cardiologist on your own if an unpleasant sensation bothers you in the little finger area.

If the examination reveals the cause of the loss of sensitivity due to pinched nerve endings, then therapeutic measures to eliminate the symptom will consist of the active intake of B vitamins, the passage of the amplipulse procedure with analgesics. A categorical rejection of bad habits will help to strengthen the beneficial effect of therapy.

In case of circulatory disorders, accompanied by painful stiffness in the limbs, the patient is prescribed a special diet containing foods rich in vitamin C in the menu.

In case of serious pathologies and disorders, the doctor prescribes pharmaceutical preparations to be taken, which should be taken strictly according to the instructions and in the doses recommended by the specialist.

Massage treatments

An excellent means of preventing and treating feelings of dumbness in the limbs are massage treatments. With strong manifestations of the syndrome, you should contact a professional chiropractor, but as a preventive measure, massage can be done at home.

Numbness of the upper limbs worries every person at least once in a lifetime. Usually this condition occurs during a night's rest, which negatively affects the duration and quality of sleep. If it appears too often and causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a study and, on the basis of this, will tell you why the hands go numb. The doctor will also determine the appropriate therapeutic measures.

Numbness of the hands - loss of sensation in the upper limb or some part of it. The condition is typical for people of all ages. It usually occurs during nighttime rest, but can occasionally appear during the daytime.

In itself, numbness of the upper extremities is not a pathology, but it can indicate the development of a disease, since it is included in the symptoms of some diseases.

There are several reasons why hands go numb. Only a doctor can determine the exact factor after conducting appropriate studies.

Harmful addictions and malnutrition cause numbness in the hands. If immediately before a night's rest, spicy food was consumed, alcohol, coffee or black tea was drunk, then during sleep there will be pain in the head and abdomen.

Incorrect body positions

Numbness of the upper extremities occurs due to an uncomfortable posture or a long stay in one position of the body. Unpleasant sensations appear at any time of the day or night, and not only in the hands, but also in other parts of the body. Numbness doesn't happen right away. First, discomfort appears - tingling in the arm or burning sensation. After that, numbness occurs.

If the position is not changed, the limb swells, aching appears. Then the hand reduces and there is severe pain. After moving the hand, the condition intensifies, and after a while it completely disappears.

With an uncomfortable position of the body, the vessels of the circulatory system are squeezed. As a result, the blood supply to the limbs deteriorates and numbness occurs.

If your hands are numb, then the reason for this may be an uncomfortable pillow. Too much height and increased density of this object leads to excessive deflection of the vertebrae in the cervical region. As a result, blood ceases to circulate well in the nerve endings of the intervertebral discs, which are responsible for the mobility of the hands. This causes them to become numb.

If the condition occurs due to a high and hard pillow, you can solve this problem yourself. To do this, this item of night rest is recommended to be changed to an orthopedic model. It will completely repeat all the curves of the body, which will positively affect the condition of the spine, as well as the quality of sleep. It will also be possible to get rid of numbness of the limbs at night.

tunnel syndrome

This pathology most often occurs in women after 40 years of age, whose professional activities are associated with constant tension of the hands. This occurs when working at a computer, with musical instruments and sewing equipment.

Pathologies are also susceptible to men who have to drive a car for a long time. The cause of this condition is swelling and pinching of the nerve responsible for the mobility of the hand and fingers, as well as for the sensitivity of the hand.

A characteristic symptomatology is numbness of the little finger and thumb, and after some time the entire hand loses sensitivity. The condition occurs at night, leading to sleep interruption.

Tunnel syndrome needs timely and high-quality therapy. The absence of such leads to the death of the nerve, which threatens to reduce the mobility of the joints of the hands and the complete loss of sensitivity of the palm. As a result, the patient cannot perform elementary manipulations with a brush - hold a spoon, a toothbrush, and others.

Diseases of the spine

This pathology is characterized by compression of the nerve endings of the vertebrae, which worsens their blood supply. Symptoms of the disease - numbness of the upper limbs at night, the appearance of pain in the head, dizziness. If the pathology is started, then there is a loss of consciousness.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is a violation of the blood supply to peripheral tissues. The vessels cannot fully function, which causes problems with blood circulation. This leads to numbness of the limbs. Usually the hands go numb, not the legs.

Numbness of the upper extremities is one of the symptoms of any type of diabetes mellitus. With this pathology, the level of glucose rises, which causes discomfort in the hands. This condition is preceded by overheating or hypothermia, unstable emotional background or excessive physical activity.

Other diseases

Pathologies in which numbness of the upper limbs is observed:

  • diseases of the circulatory system, in particular, anemia and chronic disorders of blood circulation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • joint diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Is there a difference between right and left hand numbness?

Some pathologies are characterized by numbness of both upper limbs, but there are also diseases in which only one of them becomes numb. The left hand speaks about the state of the cardiovascular system. If her numbness occurs, this indicates possible pathologies of the heart or joints.

This condition often occurs before a heart attack or stroke, so discomfort in the left hand cannot be ignored.

If the right upper limb goes numb, then this usually indicates an uncomfortable posture during a night's rest, the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis or osteochondrosis. This condition also occurs before a heart attack or stroke.

It happens that not the entire limb becomes numb, but only the fingers. This happens for the same reasons as in the case of the hands, but there are also reasons for the occurrence of discomfort.

Causes of finger numbness while carrying a baby:

  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • iron deficiency and low hemoglobin;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • lack of normal physical activity;
  • a lot of weight gain.

During pregnancy, numbness of the hands can also indicate the presence of pathologies, a symptom of which is loss of sensation in the upper limbs. For this reason, if such a condition occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Polyneuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The characteristic symptoms of pathology are pain in the upper limbs and their numbness. Polyneuropathy can be not only diabetic, but also alcoholic. Pathology develops due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is also characterized by numbness of the hands.

Thrombosis of the upper limbs

Pathology in which there is a blockage of the arteries by blood clots. If the fingers become numb, and after some time the entire limb and this condition is observed for more than 60 minutes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The lack of qualified timely assistance in such a situation can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the amputation of part or all of the hand.

Raynaud's syndrome

Vasospastic pathology, in which damage to the blood vessels occurs. This leads to poor blood circulation in the fingers. The result is numbness. This condition appears at any time of the day. Occurs mainly in the autumn-winter period and early spring.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

This is an autoimmune pathology in which an inflammatory process develops in the nerve endings responsible for the motor activity of the upper limbs. One of the symptoms of the disease is numbness of the fingers and all upper limbs. With this pathology, pain also appears in the buttocks, hips and back, shortness of breath, weakness and rapid pulse occur.

General principles for the treatment of hand numbness

It makes no sense to treat numbness of the limbs, since this symptom is not an independent pathology. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the cause that led to the occurrence of such a condition.

If numbness of the upper limbs occurs, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner, cardiologist or neuropathologist. The patient will be prescribed diagnostic measures, after which the cause of this condition will be determined.

If it is recognized that numbness of the upper limbs is not associated with pathology, but is a consequence of a deterioration in local blood circulation, then the doctor prescribes a therapeutic massage to the patient and recommends performing special exercises that improve blood circulation. It is recommended to visit a chiropractor.

The main thing is to choose a highly qualified specialist with extensive experience. An inexperienced doctor with one movement can worsen the patient's condition.

With numbness of the hands, physiotherapeutic measures are also prescribed. The use of laser or ultrasound has a positive effect on the condition of soft tissues and blood vessels. In some cases, electrophoresis is prescribed. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of drugs into the problem area.

With numbness of the upper limbs, folk remedies are also used. Their use is possible only after consulting a doctor. Alternative medicine is recommended not to be used as an independent method of treatment, but to be included in the complex therapy.

With numbness of the hands, it is advised to use an alcohol mixture. For its preparation, take 10 ml of camphor alcohol and 50 ml of ammonia. Both products are mixed and diluted with a liter of water at room temperature. In the resulting product, a spoonful of table salt is diluted. The composition is used to wipe problem areas when they are numb.

If your hands go numb, it is recommended to take rosemary baths. To do this, a handful of rosemary is poured into three liters of boiling water. The product is infused for half an hour and added to the bathroom. The procedure is carried out before a night's rest. The duration of the bath is a quarter of an hour.


Why are hands numb? Only a doctor can answer this question, since many pathologies manifest themselves this way. In the absence of timely qualified therapy, complications may occur. In some cases, due to the failure to provide timely assistance, the consequences can be the most serious.

To prevent this from happening, you need to contact a specialist in time. Only a doctor can tell what makes your hands go numb and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Finger numbness is a common problem that can occur in a child, an elderly person, and a patient in the prime of life. Everyone has encountered it at least a few times in their life: most often due to the uncomfortable position of the upper limbs during work or sleep and, as a result, temporarily impaired blood circulation. In some cases, this condition is observed regularly, and in this case we can already talk about health problems.

Numbness of the fingers is expressed by a partial decrease in their sensitivity, a feeling of "foreignness". Like they belong to someone else.

Why are my fingers numb? The human hand is a special organ. After all, a lot of nerve endings and acupuncture points are concentrated on the palms and fingers. Each acupuncture point is associated with a specific organ: the heart, kidneys, lungs, thyroid gland, etc. Therefore, discomfort in the hands can indicate problems with certain organ systems.

If your fingers go numb, you should not leave this problem unattended. Indeed, in most cases, numbness is not just an inconvenience, but a symptom of a disease. Depending on where the unpleasant sensations are localized, it can be assumed which particular organ gives you “SOS” signs in this way.

Important ! Numbness is a symptom of a disease if it occurs on a regular basis. If such a case was isolated, it is hardly possible to speak of the presence of pathologies.

Most often, numbness of the fingers on both hands at once may indicate that a person has:

  • Cardiovascular disease. With such pathologies, there is a violation of blood circulation, and if its quality has suffered precisely in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, then patients often experience numbness of the fingers.
  • Peripheral neuropathy- a disease in which, due to injuries, infections, systemic pathologies, peripheral nerves are affected. They become incapable of high-quality transmission of impulses. Numbness of the fingers and other parts of the hands may be accompanied by tingling, a feeling of squeezing of the limbs (the person has the impression that he is wearing tight gloves), thinning of the skin.
  • Raynaud's disease. With this pathology, blood flow is disturbed in small vessels - as a rule, hands or feet. That is why it is one of the most common reasons why fingers go numb. A person with such a pathology is vulnerable to infectious diseases. Accompanying symptoms are: pallor of the skin, tingling, burning. When the disease worsens, the fingers may hurt and turn blue in the cold. The above symptoms appear under the influence of stress, emotional overload, temperature changes. Numbness is symmetrically manifested on both hands.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis or bursitis. With these diseases, compression of the nerves occurs, which can cause numbness.
  • Avitaminosis. If you are wondering why the fingertips on your hands go numb, then it is quite possible that your body lacks some vitamins and minerals.
  • Endocrine disorders. Finger numbness is often observed in diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism.

Less common reasons why the fingers of both hands go numb at once include:

  • anemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Important! Often numbness occurs in pregnant women. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt, because now he needs to work in “enhanced mode”. The volume of blood circulating in it also increases. Because of this, circulatory disorders and, as a result, numbness of the fingers can sometimes be observed. After childbirth, it usually goes away. However, if such a symptom occurs during pregnancy, it must be reported to the doctor: it may be necessary to take measures to improve blood circulation.

And if the fingers of only one hand go numb? There may be "your" list of diseases:

  • tunnel syndrome(carpal tunnel syndrome). This is a neurological disease that occurs due to pinching of the median nerve. It is often found in people whose work is associated with monotonous activities with their hands. For example, at risk are pianists, sign language interpreters, drummers, artists, etc. And, of course, representatives of any profession that involves frequent use of a computer. Tunnel syndrome used to be called "typists' disease". With this disease, numbness of the fingers is accompanied by pain in the wrist.
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine. In this case, the fingers tend to go numb at night.
  • Pre-stroke state. Finger numbness is accompanied by severe headache and high blood pressure.
  • Thrombosis of the upper limb. When an artery is blocked by a thrombus, only the fingers go numb at first. But gradually this condition spreads to other parts of the hand.

In addition to internal, there are also external causes of finger numbness on one or both hands. These include:

  • Uncomfortable posture in a dream or poor-quality sleeping place (with bumps, dents). In this case, the fingers become numb in the morning. Getting rid of this condition is quite simple. It is necessary to bend your fingers, raising your hands up.
  • Tight clothing, squeezing jewelry (bracelets, rings).
  • "Love Syndrome" Some do not want to be separated from their soulmate, even in a dream. A woman falls asleep on her lover's shoulder, and in the morning he wakes up with numb fingers.

If you have eliminated all of the above external causes, and the numbness does not go away, you should pay attention to your health.

Numb fingers: what to do

If you regularly encounter numbness in your fingers, then you can’t let the situation take its course. Despite the fact that this condition does not always indicate the presence of diseases, the patient cannot determine for himself whether he needs medical help or not. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor. And before that, it is recommended to monitor your condition and write down the answers to the following questions:

  • How often and at what time of the day do your fingers go numb, all or just some of them? On one or both hands?
  • Is this condition accompanied by other symptoms? What?

Having such a "blank" will make it easier for you to answer the doctor's questions when he collects an anamnesis.

Important ! What exactly should not be done is to self-medicate. You may even be able to relieve discomfort for a while. But the cause of numbness will not disappear anywhere. This is dangerous not only because the symptom may return: without medical assistance, the existing disease can worsen. It will still have to be treated, but then it will be more difficult and longer.

The thumb is more vulnerable than its counterparts and is often the first to go numb. Often he suffers "in duet" with his index finger. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • compression of the median nerve;
  • diseases of the spine.

Tolerates middle, ring and little fingers

Numbness of the middle and ring fingers, as well as the little finger, may indicate:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the elbow joint;
  • intoxication of the body (with alcohol abuse, in smokers);
  • infringement of the brachial plexus.

Possible diseases

Above, you have already familiarized yourself with some diseases that can cause numbness in the fingers. Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a more detailed list of pathologies that may have such a symptom:

  • injuries of the hands, spine;
  • damage to the heart and / or blood vessels;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • Hansen's disease;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the spine and joints;
  • hygromas (tumor-like benign neoplasms);
  • hyperventilation of the lungs;
  • some autoimmune conditions;
  • syphilis;
  • Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis);
  • pathology of the brain and spinal cord;
  • vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels);
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is difficult for the patient to determine for himself why the fingers are numb. Accordingly, it is not easy to choose a narrow specialist in this situation. Therefore, the best option is to consult a therapist. He will examine the patient, send him to laboratory diagnostics. And if necessary, he will guide you in choosing a narrow specialist.

Hand numbness treatment by a doctor

Treatment can be either conservative (drug therapy) or surgical (or complex) - a lot depends on what disease caused the numbness of the fingers. To relieve an unpleasant symptom will help you:

  • Massage and manual therapy. Such activities can save the patient from discomfort and improve the quality of his life.
  • Physiotherapy. High efficiency is shown by ultrasonic and magnetotherapy, laser treatment. These procedures accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • Physiotherapy. It is indispensable for the normalization of blood circulation.

The personal initiative of the patient will also benefit - he can also help his body by changing his lifestyle:

  • Eating right and balanced. This is especially true for beriberi, anemia, metabolic disorders.
  • To refuse from bad habits. Fingers often become numb in people who are addicted to smoking or abusing alcohol.
  • Pay attention to physical activity. This will improve blood circulation, and it is precisely its violation that is often the “root of evil”.

It should be remembered that numbness of the fingers can occur not only due to a lack of physical activity, but also due to overload of the hands. Everything is good in moderation! If you are forced to constantly load your hands with monotonous activities, try to do a few simple exercises every hour to help relax your muscles. You can raise and lower your hands, clench and unclench your fists, do swings.

Stay healthy and don't forget to give your hands both rest and moderate exercise.

A person performs hundreds of manipulations with his hands daily, with numbness in the finger of the left or right hand, sometimes he does not attach much importance to this. Fingers go numb, little fingers are not just like that, it can be a sign of a serious internal disease. If this phenomenon has become permanent, causes anxiety and inconvenience, you should consult a therapist, undergo an examination, about what to do with such a disease, what are its causes and how to treat it, we will consider in more detail in this article.

In addition to numbness of the fingertips, there is often a sensation of tingling, burning, goosebumps. Numbness - loss of sensation, possible with a long stay in the wrong position, quickly disappears when changing the position of the hands. It often happens in the morning after sleep, when tracking the hand. Basically, this is the reason for the presence of serious diseases, especially in the elderly, malaise can be associated with blood vessels, nerves, and vitamin deficiency in the body.

Numbness is possible in children with an incorrect body position, a short-term loss of sensitivity is observed with:

  • sitting posture, cross-legged. If you sit like this all the time, you can get yourself varicose veins, problems with blood vessels
  • frequent tilting of the head leads to squeezing of blood vessels, obstruction of blood flow to the brain, sensitivity is lost in the hands
  • crossing the arms, blood begins to flow poorly to the fingertips
  • curvature of posture in a sitting position. Constantly bent back leads to diseases of the spine, in the future - fingers go numb
  • body position with hands under the head, the arteries are pinched, the fingertips begin to go numb.

There is no causeless numbness of the fingers. This is a symptom of neuralgia, heart disease, impaired metabolism. In addition to numbness, additional symptoms are possible. Loss of sensitivity is possible with:

  • disorders of the heart, hematopoietic system, pain in the sternum on the left side in the left region of the scapula joins the numbness of the fingertips, the diseases are neuralgic in nature. In addition to numbness, the limbs become cold, shortness of breath is possible. To prevent the development of heart disease, you need to see a doctor, be examined
  • disorders of the nervous system, fingers go numb with neurological diseases, osteochondrosis. A nerve is pinched between the fifth and sixth vertebrae, the fingers begin to lose sensitivity so that an intervertebral hernia does not appear, osteochondrosis must be treated. Fingers go numb when the median nerve is pinched, pain in the left or right hand joins the carpal tunnel syndrome when the nerve of the forearm is pinched, the little finger and ring finger go numb. Often, writers, programmers, seamstresses suffer from similar symptoms, that is, those who perform monotonous hours of work with their fingers
  • with metabolic pathology due to a lack of vitamins, especially in the spring season. The skin dries, begins to peel off, with a lack of potassium and calcium, swelling joins
  • with angina pectoris, in addition to numbness of the fingers, the lower jaw hurts, tingling in the left shoulder blades. With osteochondrosis, metabolism is disturbed, the muscle corset weakens, dystrophic damage to cartilage tissue leads to weight gain
  • with atherosclerosis and the formation of plaques in the area of ​​​​the fingers, leading to loss of sensitivity. Numbness is possible at the time of pregnancy, with poor blood circulation, or the presence of diabetes. Also, this condition is often present after a heart attack, stroke, in the presence of mental disorders, breathing problems, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

With symmetrical numbness of the fingers on the left and right hand, a manifestation of neuralgia, neuropathy is observed. The elbow joint may be inflamed with numbness of the thumb and middle fingers, or the pleural nerve may be pinched in the development of cervical osteochondrosis. With numbness of the fingers at night, problems with the spine are possible, in case of pinching of the vertebrae.

Heart disease is accompanied by numbness of the little finger and ring finger. With cardiac pathology, the limbs become cold, the lips turn blue, it hurts in the sternum, under the scapula. If the fingertips go numb on both hands at once, then the body needs vitamins and microelements. Often this phenomenon is observed in the spring with beriberi.

Why is my right hand numb more often?

The right hand is given more stress when writing, typing. The numbness of the fingers is associated with impaired blood supply in the hand, as well as with the spine. Frequent numbness should be examined. The symptom is possible when:

  • injuries
  • pathological condition of the spine, or its individual vertebrae
  • joint inflammation
  • impaired circulation of the affected nervous system
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

In case of injury, inflammation of the elbow joint, the middle or index finger becomes numb. The little finger, ring finger goes numb in diseases of the cardiovascular system. In case of tingling, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hand treatment is required for:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • circulatory disorders in the hands
  • upper limb thrombosis
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra
  • blockage of blood vessels in the brain
  • ischemic stroke
  • Raynaud's disease
  • carpal tunnel syndrome.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the affected area of ​​the hand:

  • hurts
  • swelling, reddening
  • muscles atrophy
  • the temperature rises
  • growths appear between the phalanges
  • stiff fingers, especially in the morning
  • the contracture of the fingers is violated during flexion, extension.

The general condition worsens, weight is lost, weakness and nervousness appear. Subsequently, the pathology spreads to the heart, respiratory system, kidneys, stomach.

With rheumatoid arthritis, several joints of one hand are affected at once. If the disease is neurological in nature, then the lesions become symmetrical between the phalanges and the wrist joints. Both hands begin to whine and hurt. If left untreated, seizures become permanent. Tissue that does not receive nutrition will eventually lead to the appearance of ulcers on the hands - necrosis, swelling, gangrene.

What is dangerous numbness in older age?

In people over 50, numbness is a sign of atherosclerosis, if the index finger on the left hand goes numb, it is a problem with the neck muscles. It is important for older people to listen to such sensations, as well as to the weakening of the fingers.

With osteochondrosis, the little finger on the left hand goes numb, with an overstrain associated with needlework - the ring finger. The middle finger on the right hand becomes numb with diseases of the elbow joint, the problem is dangerous, it requires examination by a doctor, with problems with the hand, the thumb becomes numb.

How does lifestyle affect fingers?

With an overstrain of constant needlework, over time, the hands begin to ache. Of course, if you give your hands a little rest, you can restore your activity, but with a constant loss of sensitivity, these are symptoms of the presence of internal diseases, there simply cannot be numbness without a cause.

How to treat numbness?

Numbness is a symptom, so you need to treat the underlying disease that led to such an ailment. It is impossible to start the disease, to be examined and treated is always more effective in the early stages of their development. Pay attention to the spine, the cardiovascular system, numbness is likely with arthrosis, thrombosis, malnutrition. You should contact a neurologist, insist on a CT scan.

If the fingers go numb immediately after excessive loads, you need to reduce them, pay attention to nutrition, include fatty acids in the diet. When moving the hands at the computer or driving, the nervous and muscular apparatus is overstrained, learn to relax, do relaxing exercises at least a few minutes per hour.

For tingling, numbness, work out the upper back, neck, doing massage or exercise. Massage your hands alternately.

You can get rid of numbness with folk remedies, for example, making a saline solution for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, keep sore hands for 35 - 40 minutes in a warm solution. Mix massage oil with sugar, massage your fingers. Loss of sensation in the fingers is a symptom of internal diseases, sometimes serious and insidious. A timely visit to a therapist, cardiologist, neuropathologist and complex treatment will save you from such symptoms.

Pregnancy and finger numbness.

Many pregnant women complain of paresthesia of the fingers. This is due to an increase in the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the nerve trunks and their endings. Especially it is shown on 7 9th month, puffiness comes. It is important for a woman to monitor her blood pressure, check it daily, and avoid salt, spices, and fried foods.

If your hands go numb, then you need to constantly monitor the development of the fetus with the help of ultrasound, to reduce swelling, eat asparagus, black currants, lettuce, parsley, celery.

How to improve health at home?

Our fleeting life sometimes does not leave time for going to the doctors, paying attention to our health. But you can always take care of yourself. Our fingers, which are constantly in motion, tirelessly fulfill all our desires, any work, need rest and support. It is important to massage them, this improves blood circulation, often keep your hands in healing baths, allowing them to relax and rest.

Massage starting from the elbow and moving to the wrist and fingers, while paying special attention to each finger. You can independently do rotations with your hands, right - left - up, left - left - down. Bend your fingers into a fist, put your chin on the phalanges, press it with your fingers and vice versa - with your chin on your fingers. Do not move your head and fingers, repeat 5-6 times.

Stretch your hands during prolonged loads, rotate with your hands, unclench, squeeze the phalanxes of your fingers.

Nutrition is of great importance, it should be balanced, with vitamins, microelements. We are what we eat, many defects develop in the body from malnutrition, because all organs are interconnected.

You do not need to avoid scheduled visits to doctors, with numbness with pain in the hands, you need to contact the doctors urgently. Loss of sensitivity can be with hand injuries, blows, contact a traumatologist, a specialist will better understand the causes of this ailment. Perhaps the appointment of acupuncture, osteopathy. If your fingers and fingertips go numb - it's time to think about your health. Regardless of the etiology of finger numbness, it is necessary to treat the root cause of the disease that has arisen, because numbness is a symptom, in some cases the consequences can be disastrous.

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