Magazine crocodile 1975 1985 watch. Humorous magazine crocodile. "Crocodile" cartoons from a magazine

origin of name magazine "Crocodile", as well as the author of its logo (a red crocodile with a pitchfork) are not known for certain. The magazine was founded in 1922, quickly gained immense popularity, and by 1933 became the main (and only) all-Union satirical magazine. "Crocodile" has always been a mouthpiece of propaganda, so the subject matter of his illustrations has changed along with the political climate in the USSR and foreign dynamics. Some topics (in particular, anti-religious propaganda) remained one of the main topics of the publication throughout the years of its existence.

In the 20s cartoons were aimed mainly at the numerous vices of the Nepmen, religious leaders and kulaks, ridiculed the white émigrés and the bourgeois intelligentsia, who retained the old regime habits and manners. During the dangerous Stalinist years, the publication refrained from any sharp political commentary, instead illustrating the decay of foreign capitalism, the anti-social activities of international opportunists, exposing intellectual saboteurs, those responsible for the backwardness of socialist production and sellers of opium for the people. Moonshiners, truants, parasites and sycophants have at all times been the favorite target of the Crocodile.

During the Great Patriotic War, "Crocodile" could not stand aside - they acquire not only an anti-fascist orientation, but also expose American, British and French accomplices of fascism. Much attention is paid to the heroic struggle of the Spaniards against fascism. Illustrations, as well as texts during this period, are aimed at strengthening patriotic feelings and confidence in the imminent victory of the Soviet troops.

After the end of the war, the Crocodile inevitably had to change both its concept and design. The publication again begins to pay much attention to satirical illustrations and comments on foreign capitalist realities, bourgeois ideology, and at the same time publishes a lot of materials relating to the life and morality of Soviet people. In the 1960s and 1980s, the magazine reflected all the significant phenomena of an international scale - from nuclear hysteria to the hippie movement.

In 2000, Krokodil was closed due to insufficient funding. Then the magazine was published in the period from 2001 to 2004, and from 2005 to 2008. However, the new edition format failed to attract a sufficient number of readers, and 2008 was the last year in the history of Crocodile.

"Crocodile" cartoons from a magazine

There were no crises in the USSR, so every citizen was confident in the future, and there were never any layoffs at Soviet enterprises.
“Which of the two to cut?”
(relevant in the light of current cuts).

Official Soviet statistics today unequivocally prove that everyone who criticizes the Soviet economy is brazenly lying, but in fact the successes of the Soviet economy are beyond all criticism.

“Sorry, comrade director, but it was me who accidentally turned the schedule upside down during cleaning”

In the USSR, people were sensitive and sincere to each other. Unlike today, when the phrase “Man is a wolf to man” has become the motto of life, in the USSR every Soviet person was different - “Friend, comrade and brother.”

Signing of a mutual non-aggression pact.

Although there were some shortcomings in the USSR in terms of the production of fashionable and modern products, everything made in the USSR reliably served its owners for decades.

- Where are the firewood from?
- From the Raymag, of course ...

Soviet statistics - the most accurate and reliable statistics!

"Throwing the Rings"

In the USSR, all people who followed fashion were dressed in fashionable modern clothes.

“And an additional question: where did you get such a sweater?”

Every year in the USSR, hundreds of thousands of square meters of comfortable living space were rented out for people on the waiting list.

“There is nothing to think about a soft landing here”

In Soviet new buildings, Soviet new settlers did not experience discomfort from the lack of consumer services for the population and shops selling the most necessary things for life.

"Here's a kitchen machine for you!"

In the USSR, every person could eat tasty food for a moderate fee in a network of catering canteens.

“For the first we have okroshka, but, unfortunately, without kvass”

In Soviet catering establishments, Soviet visitors were surrounded by an atmosphere of goodwill, comfort and coziness from the side of Soviet service personnel.

How quickly the month flew by!

In Soviet catering enterprises, the Soviet consumer was always offered products of the highest quality, in contrast to modern soy "meat" products.

"I'll make a cutlet out of you"

High yields on Soviet fields were harvested by the most modern agricultural machinery.

“When it stops, call. We will send an emergency

In the USSR, the most stringent nature protection was ensured, which was not and could not be in the capitalist countries.

"The best bait - all the fish will gather here! .."

Unlike capitalist trade, in Soviet stores there was never such a disgusting phenomenon as overdressing customers.

"Seller Championship"

The products of the Soviet light industry were in constant demand among the Soviet consumer.

"Textile factory needs: BUYERS"

The Soviet workers were the most inspired workers in the world and worked tirelessly behind the machines for the benefit of the Soviet government.

“I’ll leave for a minute in the shop, I’ll hang up the report card”

There were no cases of absenteeism at Soviet enterprises, since Soviet employees were aware of their high debt to the Soviet government and devoted themselves to work with incredible stress.

"Today in our trust SEARCHING"

And we emphasize again: Soviet statistics are the most reliable statistics.

“Again, they ate inflated reports!”

There were no cases of theft of socialist property at Soviet enterprises, and the manufactured products themselves met the highest quality and design criteria.

- Do you take out toys? Well, show me!
- Aren't you afraid, grandfather?

Soviet citizens have always rested their souls by shopping in Soviet stores. Not a single capitalist trading enterprise could compare with the politeness of employees with Soviet stores.

“Our store has joined the month of courtesy!”

The USSR was not even afraid of atomic bombs. It could only be destroyed with such terrible things that were sent to the gullible Soviet youth by the insidious emissaries of the capitalist foreign countries. Needless to say, how such parcels undermined the Soviet power.

Abbey Road by the Beatles, a Rolling Stones album and a pack of chewing gum is worse than an atomic bomb!

Well, in conclusion, a bonus: And this is how online games were presented back in 1970.

Actually, it's not that far from the truth. And here "Crocodile" is, as always, reliable.

Fictional characters often appeared on the pages of the magazine, who were given the features of real-life people. These characters include:

    Crocodile- a permanent character of feuilletons, caricatures and screensavers, as well as the cartoon series "Cartoon Crocodile". Depicted as a red crocodile with a pitchfork and a pipe (the pipe disappeared in different years, then reappeared). Komsomolets since 1922 (that is, from birth; No. 28, 1968). "Raised" two sons - Totosha and Kokosha. "Owned" a three-room apartment in Moscow (No. 36, 1987) and a Zhiguli car (No. 18, 1981; model unknown). In 1990, he "founded" his own party - the RCP (entertaining crocodile party). "Died" in 1992 from acute financial insufficiency; after the funeral service, the body was given over to water (No. 6, 1992).

    Totosha and Kokosha- children of the Crocodile (the names are borrowed from the works of K. Chukovsky "Crocodile" and "Moydodyr"), "leading" headings "At Totoshi and Kokoshi" (1982-1989). Depicted as red twin crocodiles. According to Crocodile (No. 36, 1990) by the beginning of the 1990s. grew up, after which Totosha took up management, and Kokosha went to the USA to make entertainment magazines for men. Considering that in 1991 the rubric was resumed, it can be assumed that Crocodile had grandchildren.

    Big Crocodile- Crocodile's wife. According to the latter (No. 36, 1990), she went crazy back in the 1930s, which was reflected in the famous song.

    Nile Crocodile- the elder brother of the Crocodile, a native African. With his older brother, Crocodile "made" a journey through the liberated countries of Africa, as a result of which No. 25 for 1960 appeared.

    Lev Skameikin- a fictional correspondent for the crocodile newspaper "Around the Light and Darkness" in 1976-1980 and 1985. The name of the journalist is a portmanteau of the names of journalists Lev Rubashkin and Yan Skameykin from the novel The Golden Calf by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov.

    Evgeny Dotoshny- detective, character of feuilletons and comics published under the heading "Documentary Detective" (1982-1984)

    I. Khmelnoy- a fictional correspondent for the fictional newspaper "Drinking Buddy", a chronic alcoholic ("fighter against sobriety"). Feuilletons on anti-alcohol topics were published under the name of Y. Khmelny. The name of the newspaper "Sobotylnik" is possibly an allusion to "Sobesednik" - the name of the supplement to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

    Katyusha- the emblem of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. Depicted as a girl in a Russian sundress and a kokoshnik in the form of a festival chamomile. With Katyusha, Krokodil "made" a walk around the festival Moscow, as a result of which No. 21 for 1985 appeared.

    Old Man Sinitsky- the son of Zosya Sinitskaya and the great-grandson of the old man Sinitsky from the novel by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov "The Golden Calf", a hereditary puzzle writer. He was the "leading" column "Move the cerebral gyrus" (1986-1988).

    Princess Turandot And Prince Calaf- characters from the comedy "Princess Turandot" by Carlo Gozzi. They were the "leaders" of the heading "Turandot" (1989-1992), which replaced the heading "Move the cerebral gyrus".

    Valentin L. Podsvechnikov- private entrepreneur, founder of the cooperative "Vitamin C" (vitamin of laughter). As a result of the agreement concluded between Crocodile and Podsvechnikov, No. 10 for 1989 appeared.

    Harlequin And Columbine- the characters of A. Blok's drama "Puppet Show", and in "Crocodile" Harlequin played the role of an informal humorist, and Colombina - a formalized satire. Together with Harlequin and Columbine (as well as Blok who came to visit them), Crocodile “created” No. 10 for 1990.

In 2000, due to insufficient funding, Krokodil ceased publication. From September 2001, a group of crocodiles published the New Crocodile magazine until August 2004. The publication of the magazine resumed in Moscow in 2006. However, designed not for the broad masses, but for a narrow circle of readers, he could not win the former fame and finally closed in 2008 ...

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