Viburnum juice benefits and harms. The recipe for the preparation and medicinal properties of viburnum juice. Bronchial asthma and severe cough

Kalina red is not just a berry, but a whole pharmacy. The fruits of the shrub are used to treat a variety of ailments. Scientists have found that absolutely all parts of viburnum have useful properties - bark, leaves, berries, seeds. Today we will talk about viburnum juice: beneficial features and contraindications and how to take this product will be discussed in detail.

Useful properties of viburnum juice

The juice of the fruits of this shrub is an excellent helper for a weakened immune system, because in it more vitamin With than in citrus. In addition, it contains other vitamins - A, K, E, P, as well as trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, vanadium, iodine, copper, manganese and others.

Found in the product great amount pectin, and this substance is known for its ability to cleanse the intestines and have a beneficial effect on its microflora. The fruits contain organic acids, tannins, phytoncides, resinous substances and esters.

Thanks to these components, we can talk about the benefits of viburnum juice, as it has antibacterial, regenerating, antipyretic and astringent effects on the body.

It is known that this product can help with hypertension. People suffering high blood pressure, it is recommended to use it in fresh daily.

Also, it cleans well. vascular walls from cholesterol plaques and generally has a beneficial effect on the entire vascular system as a whole. Regular intake of the drug helps to improve heart function, serves as a prevention of stroke.

Kalina helps to recover faster from colds and flu, lowers the temperature. It is useful to drink the liquid squeezed from its fruits in case of edema, as it has a diuretic effect. It is known that with its help it is removed from the kidneys and Bladder sand. Despite such big list useful properties, there are contraindications to the product. Let's consider them.

Since the berries contain acid, people diagnosed with gastritis have an ulcer with hyperacidity It is better not to use them in any form. “Popular about health” warns that allergy sufferers should also take viburnum fruit juice with caution. At the slightest sign negative reaction of the body should stop taking.

In what cases is this product contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy.
  • With hypotension.
  • With increased blood clotting.
  • With constipation.
  • If in the kidneys gallbladder stones were found.

If you have no contraindications to this product, then read the information on how to properly prepare viburnum juice.

Cooking viburnum juice

We need fresh fruit. They need to be washed with water, sprinkled on a clean towel to dry. Then take a sieve (it is best to use a plastic one so that it does not oxidize), pour the berries into it and grind it.

The liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth and squeeze out what remains. The resulting product spoils quickly, so it is worth freezing in small portions if you plan to take it. long time.

How to take viburnum juice?

Viburnum juice is taken in different ways, depending on which ailment needs to be cured. Let's look at a few examples.

1. For cancer, it is taken orally, mixed with honey 1: 1, 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture in the morning and evening.

2. An ovarian cyst is also treated with viburnum juice with honey. But here a different scheme is applied. Treatment is extended for a month. In the first week, you should drink on an empty stomach a third of a teaspoon of the mixture. In the second - half, then a week they drink a teaspoon, and in the fourth week - a whole tablespoon of the remedy. Further, the course of treatment is necessarily interrupted for 30 days, after which it is started again, but the funds are taken in a decreasing pattern, starting with a tablespoon and ending with the third part of a teaspoon.

3. With hypertension, you should drink 5 ml of juice in the morning and evening, diluted with water.

4. When cancerous tumor in the mammary gland, applications can be made from fresh juice on the sore spot. To do this, moisten the bandage and fix it on the tumor area. Mashed berries can be applied in the same way, the effect will be the same.

5. When high cholesterol the product is also taken with the addition of honey, 5 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

7. To remove puffiness, dilute 10 ml of juice in 100 ml of boiled water, sweeten with honey to taste and drink at night. The swelling will go away in the morning.

Viburnum juice is a medicine that has been tested for centuries, a gift from nature. If you have access to this shrub, be sure to stock up on healthy berries. To preserve the harvest, make juice or twist the fruits along with the seeds through a meat grinder.

Put the remedy in the refrigerator or send it to the freezer, divided into portions. So you will be able to extend the shelf life of the product and benefit from it throughout the winter.

Acne, freckles, dark tan, lethargy of the skin of the face, hands, brittle nails - all this is not a problem if you have a little viburnum juice on hand. It is he who has a whitening, rejuvenating and antiseptic effect.

Pre-squeezed juice can be poured into ice molds and frozen, and then regularly massage your face with these ice cubes. As a result, after 1.5-2 weeks, wrinkles will begin to smooth out, freckles will become invisible, and acne will disappear, and with all this, the skin will become much lighter.

Viburnum juice helps with acne and in combination with sour cream. The ingredients, taken in equal proportions, are mixed and applied to the face, and after 20 minutes, washed off with water, always a little cool.

An increased whitening effect has a mixture of juice and raw egg whites. The proportion is also 1:1, the time the mask is on the face should be half an hour. The effect will become noticeable after 15-20 procedures.

Viburnum juice for the face can be used in the form of masks, lotions and even creams. For a tonic mask, you will need freshly squeezed juice (3 tablespoons), oatmeal (5 tablespoons), liquid honey (1 tablespoon), low-fat kefir (1 tablespoon), egg white.

To prepare the mixture with a mixer, you must first beat the protein, then add kefir with honey, juice, and add oatmeal at the end. Keep this mass on the face, neck or décolleté for about 15-17 minutes. You can wash it off only with boiled and warm water.

From two yolks, 0.2 l of viburnum juice, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, a glass of water, 200 ml of cream and the same amount camphor alcohol You can make a moisturizer.

It should be stored in the refrigerator. Homemade nourishing cream is prepared from juice (3 tablespoons), olive oil (3 tablespoons) and yolk. After each application of such a cream, the skin must be rinsed with herbal infusion of chamomile or calendula.

To strengthen the nail plates and make the skin of the hands soft and very tender, baths of 500 ml of warm water, freshly squeezed viburnum juice (2 tbsp.), sea ​​salt(1 tablespoon). Fingers should be immersed in this solution for 20 minutes.

If you pamper yourself with similar procedures daily, then the results will become noticeable after 3 weeks.

Kalina - all about growing

Kalina is valued and revered in Russia, it has a rich history and, along with birch and mountain ash, is considered a native Russian culture. Since ancient times, viburnum has been grown near houses, planted in courtyards. She was thought to have magical property drive away evil spirits and demons.

For the same reason, viburnum has always been a welcome guest at wedding ceremonies, celebrations associated with the birth of children and other festivities. Viburnum fruits were used to decorate dwellings, weave wreaths, use them to treat a variety of ailments, and even bake pies with them, which they called viburnums.

In general, viburnum was valued in Russia, and even to this day its fruits and seedlings are in considerable demand. Currently, viburnum is grown both in amateur plantations and on an industrial scale, although, of course, it is still far from the scale of cultivation of viburnum to such crops as strawberries and black currants.

As soon as the snow melts, which usually happens at the very end of March or the beginning of April, it is necessary to clean the bite zone from possible debris, fallen leaves, dry branches and loosen it to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

A week later, viburnum can be treated with urea by preparing a 5% solution. This processing will play the role of the first, in this case, foliar, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers in the season and will serve as a preventive measure against both pests and diseases.

Approximately in the middle of May, it is necessary to re-loosen the soil in the bite zone, pour a tablespoon of nitroammophoska (a good complex fertilizer) under each viburnum bush, and then pour two buckets of water under each bush more than five years old, and under a younger one - a bucket, and mulch the soil surface with peat or humus, a layer of a couple of centimeters.

Summer viburnum care

Immediately after flowering, it is necessary to make another top dressing according to the same “scenario”: we loosen, bring in, water, mulch. This time, it is more appropriate to use superphosphate and potassium salt as a fertilizer: a teaspoon of both under each bush.

Viburnum also responds well to the introduction of wood ash - good source potassium. Organics are also appropriate, especially humus 1-2 kg for each bush.

AT summer period do not forget about watering viburnum, they must be carried out every 4-5 days if it is drought and very hot. During the formation of ovaries, fruit growth, moisture is almost more important for viburnum than fertilizers.

Under bushes aged 5-6 years and older, you need to pour 2-3 buckets, under younger plants - half as much. After watering, be sure to mulch the soil, cover the moisture, this will prevent it from evaporating quickly. Remember: in the case of viburnum, the harvest depends on two factors - pollination and sufficient moisture.

Naturally, it is necessary to continue the fight against weeds, especially in the near-growth zone of young plants.

Care for viburnum in the fall

In early autumn, usually the end of August and the beginning of September, viburnum fruits ripen. It is advisable to collect them after waiting for the full ripening of all the berries in the inflorescence.

It is very simple to understand that they are ripe: when pressed, a ripe berry releases scarlet juice, while unripe berries often release light juice, and it is quite difficult to squeeze them to such a state, since they are hard.

Collecting viburnum ahead of time is justified only if you need to transport the crop to far distance; if you immediately put the berries for processing, then it is better to collect them fully ripened.

It has been noticed, however, that viburnum berries “reach”, that is, they ripen when picked ahead of time, but this only applies to berries that are completely colored and begin to soften, but if they are picked even earlier, when the barrels of berries on the north side are still greenish, then wait their full maturation at home will not work.

After harvesting viburnum, which is most convenient to pick with whole brushes, and when one person can easily collect up to a hundred kilograms per day, which is equal to a harvest from about ten bushes, the plants need to be fed again.

Remember that in the autumn, nitrogen fertilizers should never be used, they can activate the growth of viburnum shoots and they will freeze out before they have time to become woody and prepare for winter. In autumn, you can use superphosphate and potassium salt in the amount of 15-20 grams for each bush.

Viburnum does not need any additional protection for the winter, it winters excellently and extremely rarely only some parts of young growths can be seized by frost.

Pruning is important in caring for viburnum, if it is not done, the bush will thicken greatly, the shoots will begin to compete with each other, rushing up, which will lead to an increase in the height of the bush, a decrease in the total yield and difficulty in picking those berries that can form.

It is advisable to trim the viburnum as soon as the snow settles, but the snow does not completely melt. Usually this is the end of February and the first week of March.

First you need to cut out all the broken shoots (of which there are usually a lot after harvest), remove all dry growths that are too thin (thinner simple pencil), fattening (very thick young growths with wide internodes, on which there are usually no fruits) and those that grow deep into the crown.

In general, viburnum pruning does not have any clear rules like, say, an apple tree. You need to approach each plant individually, trying to reduce its growth by trimming to a side branch that runs outside the crown.

For example, if the shoot is long, 2-2.5 meters high and has a number of branches, then it is quite possible to shorten it just by one of the branches at a height of about 1.5 meters. What will we get? Viburnum bush with a spreading crown, low, not thickened, from which it is very convenient to harvest.

After ten years, you can carry out a cardinal pruning of the viburnum, cut off all the shoots near the ground at a height of 10-15 cm, leaving some of the growths with a pair of buds. Over time, new shoots will begin to actively grow from them and the viburnum bush will be updated. You will only need to choose 5-6 pieces (no more) from them and cut them off to the side branch as soon as they reach a height of one and a half meters.

After pruning viburnum, do not forget to isolate all cut points with garden pitch.

Diseases and pests of viburnum

What is sick viburnum?

In general, viburnum rarely gets sick, but it happens, especially in certain years, when a particular disease suddenly manifests itself to a particularly strong degree.

In wet years, with an abundance of heat, in dense stands, where no pruning is carried out, outbreaks of powdery mildew are frequent. This is a fungal infection that manifests itself in the form of a whitish coating on the viburnum leaf blades, which turns brown over time (when the spores ripen and scatter in different directions).

Powdery growth, developing, leads to drying out and death of leaf blades, therefore, photosynthesis processes are disrupted, and the yield is reduced.

You can fight powdery mildew on viburnum by treating with colloidal sulfur in the amount of 50 g per 10 liters of water, the consumption rate of the drug is about a liter for each plant. Preparations that are called fungicides, for example, Skor, Topaz and many others, will also help to cope with powdery mildew.

Ascochitous spotting - it appears on viburnum leaves in the form of angular spots or specks round shape, grayish in color, with a purple or brown border. Over time, in the place where the spots were, foci of dead tissue appear, which lead to the death of the entire leaf blade.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is imperative to collect and destroy fallen leaves. They help viburnum to cope with the disease of treatment with XOM or 2% Bordeaux mixture.

The leaf tissue in place of these spots dries up and falls out, the berries can also be affected by gray rot, while they become covered with a brown coating and rot.

To exclude the appearance of gray rot on viburnum, it is necessary to abandon watering if it rains, do not thicken the plants, carry out sanitary cleaning of the crown, always collect all the fruits from the bushes and remove foliage and plant debris in the bite zone. Treatment with any fungicides helps.

There are few people who do not know about the beneficial properties that it has on human immunity in general and in the treatment of colds.

However, these are not the only advantages, besides healing actions possess not only , but also other parts . The range of application of this berry crop is wide.

You can be convinced of this by reading our material, in which we will talk in detail about viburnum red, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

Vitamins and minerals in red berries

is a shrub plant from the Adox family, which produces spherical berries of red, yellow and black color with a sweet-bitter-sour taste.

There are approximately 200 species in the world, but not all of them bear edible fruits. Some of them are used only for a purpose. Kalina is also used in traditional medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

The healing properties of berries have been known since ancient times. This is explained simply - they contain over 10 different organic acids, resins, alcohols, tannins, sugars, pectin, essential oils, tannin, viburnin.

In addition, viburnum is just the same storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin composition of berries is as follows:

  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • E (alpha tocopherol).
Of the minerals in viburnum, there are: Fe (iron), P (phosphorus), Zn (zinc), Cr (chromium), I (iodine), Se (selenium), Cu (copper), Mn (manganese).

Did you know? There is no other such plant in the world, except viburnum, the fruits of which would have heart-shaped bones..

Beneficial features

Both the fruits of viburnum and flowers, as well as the bark of the plant, have useful properties.


Berries are used to make juice, decoctions and teas.

It also participates in the processes of rejuvenation of the body, promotes the speedy regeneration of cells, and has a decongestant effect.
Viburnum contains over 90% of the daily requirement for the human body of vitamin C. This means that the berries contribute to better absorption of iron, increase the resistance of the immune system against viral and colds, eliminate beriberi, help strengthen blood capillaries in the nose, as well as strengthening the gums.

The most powerful antioxidant - vitamin E, which is part of red berries, helps to cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, normalizes the functioning of the sex glands, the heart.

Did you know? If we compare the amount of vitamin C in viburnum, and then most of it is in the last berry. Viburnum contains 82 mg per 100 g of product, which is 91.1% of the daily requirement for a person, 40 mg (44.4%), and black currant 200 mg (222.2%).

A decoction and tea from the fruits of viburnum helps well with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. They are recommended for inflammation of the lungs.

Pectins and tannins, consumed together with the berry, help to improve activity. digestive system, cleanse the liver.
Berry juice is used to prevent headaches, migraines, hypertension.

Means based on berries are drunk as an astringent and diuretic, they relieve excess swelling, and have an antipyretic effect.


Flower decoctions are recommended for different kind inflammation and bleeding. They are used to increase appetite, reduce sweating, restore the voice and heal the vocal cords.

They also help to stabilize the condition and relieve pain during acute gastritis in people with low acidity.

In cosmetology, products from viburnum flowers are used to strengthen the growth of hair, nails, and improve facial skin tone.


Viburnum bark contains resins, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, glycosides, organic acids. Funds based on it help:

  • cope with various skin diseases;
  • have a hemostatic effect;
  • accelerate the healing process with ulcers, hemorrhoids;
  • help to cope with nervous disorders and overwork;
  • relieve spasms.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

Berries are harvested in the first and second month of autumn. However, it is believed that the best time to collect viburnum will be the period immediately after the first frost.

At this time, the fruits will have the highest concentration of nutrients, and they will also not be so bitter. The berries are cut in clusters, along with the stem. They can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.

To dry the berries, the clusters are laid out on paper in a cool room. In this position, they will have to be 5-10 days. Then they will need to be placed in an oven, heated to a temperature of 50 ° C, to dry.
Dry berries should be stored in bags made of natural fabrics in places where light and moisture do not penetrate.

Well, you can save useful substances in viburnum if you put the berries in a jar and fill them to the top with sugar. Close the container with a lid. Such a remedy, stored in the refrigerator, can be used for six months.
Viburnum juice is prepared from washed and well-dried berries. They are lightly crushed, and then mixed with sugar in equal proportions and ground. Juice is poured into glass containers and stored in. The longer it stays, the more bitterness will go out of it.

Also, juice can be prepared by boiling the berry. For 1 kg of fruit, 1 liter of water and a glass of sugar are taken. The mixture is boiled until the berries are soft. Then the berries are squeezed and infused for a while. The juice is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Please note that viburnum juice has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it uncontrollably and in excessive doses.

The bark for medicinal products is harvested in April, in the phase after sap flow.

The flowers are harvested from May to June. They are dried and stored in glass jars or cloth bags.

The use of medicinal properties in traditional medicine

The fact that red viburnum, its berries, flowers and bark, have useful properties, people have known for a very long time, since then there have been many that are used to treat a wide range of diseases. A selection of the most effective ones is given in this section.

To strengthen immunity

About how to make juice, we wrote above. Tea is prepared as follows: brew fruits (tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml). Leave to infuse for two hours.

For the purpose of prevention, drink half a glass twice a day. For medicinal purposes, you can use more often - up to three times a day.

As a general tonic, a mixture of viburnum (100 g), lemon (one piece), leaves (200 g), a small portion, crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder, is very effective. Oil (200 g) and (200 g) is added to it. The tool is used in a tablespoon after a meal.

To calm the nervous system

Since valeric acid is part of the viburnum bark, an infusion from it is able to remove nervous tension and eliminate the syndrome chronic fatigue.

Grind the bark, mix 2-3 tablespoons with (tablespoon). 30 minutes to sweat in a water bath. Then insist under the lid for 50-60 minutes. Take a week on a tablespoon before meals.

Fatigue will be relieved by hand if you use a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of viburnum bark and chamomile before going to bed. Mix chamomile flowers with bark powder in equal proportions.

Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Then steam in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain before use.

With angina

With a sore throat with sore throat, frequent rinsing with an infusion of flowers and berries will help to cope. For its preparation, they take equally flowers and berries, pour boiling water and insist 3-4 hours. For rinsing, use half a glass.

Also, sometimes they use viburnum-honey compresses, which are placed on the throat twice a day for an hour.

With a cold

At colds, except for viburnum tea, decoction and juice from berries, you can brew the bark. Here are some decoction recipes:

For bronchitis and pneumonia

For bronchitis and pneumonia, decoctions of berries and bark are taken. They loosen and expel mucus.

A tablespoon of red berries is crushed and added to a glass of hot honey. Means insist 5-6 hours. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A tablespoon of crushed bark is mixed with the same amount of herbs:, flowers. Then add a glass of boiling water. After waiting half an hour, the remedy is drunk 30 minutes before meals, a quarter cup.

For chronic cough

A decoction of berries (100 g / 400 ml of water), boiled for half an hour, with the addition of ½ cup of honey, will help to cope with a cough. It is consumed in two tablespoons, after waiting 30 minutes after eating.

For headaches

Frequent headaches can be eliminated by regularly drinking viburnum juice with the addition of honey.

Hypertension is another disease, which helps viburnum. It is good to take viburnum juice. The remedy is prepared from juice squeezed from half a kilo of berries, a decoction of already squeezed berries (pour 100 ml of water and boil for five minutes), a tablespoon of honey. After cooking, 30 minutes before meals, eat two tablespoons.

You can also try a remedy based on shrub shoots. They are crushed and mixed with motherwort, valerian root, brewed with boiling water and boiled for a couple of minutes.

For liver diseases

Kalina with honey is an excellent liver cleanser. Pour half a kilogram of fruit with a small amount of water and boil. The fruits should soften. Then they are rubbed through a sieve and honey (250 ml) is introduced.

The course of admission is two weeks. Eat a couple of tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

For constipation

Viburnum is an amazing berry, because various remedies based on it can help with both constipation and diarrhea. You can forget about constipation by eating 40 berries mixed with honey.

You can also grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, separate a teaspoon of the powder and place it in 200 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the product can be drunk twice daily, mixed for taste with sugar or honey.

For diarrhea

A remedy made from viburnum fruits and honey will help to fix the chair. Fruits (a couple of tablespoons) are placed in ½ cup of honey. Then the mixture is heated over low heat for 10 minutes, while it must be stirred.

After the mixture has cooled, eat it in a tablespoon during the day, maintaining equal intervals of time.

With gastritis

To alleviate the condition of gastritis will help two tablespoons of fruits, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours. This remedy is taken two tablespoons five times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For stomach ulcer

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are quite serious diseases that require complex treatment. Means based on viburnum can only be used as an additional therapy.
Berries (tablespoon) are crushed and placed in ½ cup of chilled boiled water. Insist 112 hours. Then drink a tablespoon before meals.

Important! If you have serious illness any internal organ, then before use in medicinal purposes you should consult your doctor, since even such a seemingly innocent remedy as viburnum with honey can have both beneficial properties and contraindications.

For skin diseases

Boils, abscesses, eczema - it also helps to get rid of these troubles. In this case, it is applied externally. Moisten gauze with viburnum juice and apply to problem areas for 1-2 hours.

You will need several such compresses during the day. The initial course of treatment is 14-18 days. Then you should take a break of seven days. Courses must be at least three.

For the speedy healing of skin diseases, lotions are made from viburnum decoction: a tablespoon of berries is placed in ½ cup of boiled chilled water and allowed to stand for 6-8 hours.
Mix a tablespoon of honey before use. Lotions are placed for an hour in the mornings and evenings.

For sweaty feet

The bark of viburnum is excellent tool to eliminate excessive sweating. Place a tablespoon of fine bark in 200 ml of water and cook over low heat after boiling for 10 minutes.

When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is used to wipe the soles of the feet.

In addition to the diseases described, it must be said that viburnum is considered a female berry. After all, it helps with some female diseases.
Kalina has medicinal properties, however, as it has contraindications, for women with heavy and painful menstruation, uterine bleeding. Can be taken alcohol tincture from the bark.

It is prepared from four tablespoons of the bark, diluted in a glass of alcohol (70%), which are infused for 10 days in a place without light. Drink it should be twice a day for a tablespoon.

The use of viburnum in home cosmetology

Kalina is very useful for facial skin. Means based on it and viburnum juice tone it, rejuvenate, make it more elastic and clean. For any problems such as rashes, you can simply wipe your face with viburnum juice daily.

Such rubbing also helps to make freckles and age spots less conspicuous.

Juice can be mixed with honey, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, lemon juice, egg.

There are several face mask recipes that use juice, berries and flowers. From wrinkles. Mix fruits (three tablespoons), olive oil (dessert spoon), honey (teaspoon), egg yolk. For mixing it is better to use a blender. The mask is applied for 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with water or herbal decoction.

From rashes. Combine viburnum juice with sour cream in equal proportions. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Moisturizing. Combine viburnum juice (two tablespoons), glycerin (one tablespoon), honey (teaspoon), olive oil (teaspoon), flour. Apply the mixture on your face for 10-20 minutes.

Tonic lotion. Place flowers (two tablespoons) in boiling water (200 ml), stand for two hours. Strain and use to wipe the skin.

Important! All masks can be applied to the face only after allergic tests on the skin around the bend of the elbow. The product should be applied to a small amount to this delicate area. If no adverse reactions occur within half an hour, the mask can be applied on the face.


Means based on viburnum can bring both benefit and harm. They should not be taken:

  • hypotension, since it tends to lower blood pressure;
  • those with high acidity gastric juice;
  • people with gout and arthritis - viburnum can worsen the condition of the joints;
  • having a tendency to thrombosis;
  • pregnant women in case of prolonged use, there is a risk of provoking premature birth;
  • people with a history of kidney disease.
Excessive use of vitamin C with viburnum can also provoke a local allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Kalina, in the absence of contraindications, must be consumed during periods of mass epidemics of viral diseases.

A decoction of viburnum has excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, and for this reason it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases.

This remedy also has a sedative effect and reduces the risk of seizures, respectively, is used to treat various nervous disorders.

A decoction prepared from viburnum flowers is successfully used for various inflammatory processes and bleeding. This remedy stimulates increased sweating and can increase appetite.

Read what are the benefits of olive oil for the face. Use our advice, and the skin will be simply irresistible.

Find out more about the calorie content of a boiled chicken egg here. After all, knowing energy value products, about extra pounds you can not worry.

An infusion of berries or a decoction of them also helps with eczema, carbuncles, boils, ulcers and diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Considering how rich the composition of red viburnum is, the healing properties of its fruits are used to prepare various vitamin preparations.

Juice from viburnum berries is used for liver diseases and jaundice.

A decoction of viburnum seeds is used for indigestion, and also as a diaphoretic.

A decoction of young shoots helps with advanced scrofula.

An infusion of berries, flowers and viburnum leaves is used to gargle with sore throats.

Red viburnum is also used in the cosmetology field: under industrial conditions, shampoos, masks, tinctures, tonics are made from it.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum

Although viburnum has undeniable benefits for the body, its use is not recommended for everyone.

The main contraindication to the use of viburnum is pregnancy, since the juice of viburnum fruits contains substances that are analogous to female hormones.

An increased content of these substances in the blood can cause the development of various pathologies in the fetus and even provoke premature birth.

In addition, people with low blood pressure should not get carried away with viburnum.

In this situation, doctors advise eating no more than one tablespoon of berries a day or drinking a maximum of one cup of viburnum tea.

Viburnum is also contraindicated for people suffering from chronic kidney diseases, as well as those with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Kalina should not be used by people with blood diseases, including leukemia and thrombophlebitis.

Home cooking recipes

In order to prepare a decoction of viburnum bark, boil 10 grams of the bark in a glass of water, leave to infuse for two hours, strain and take a tablespoon three times a day.

An infusion of viburnum berries is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of berries is infused for two hours in a glass of boiling water, then filtered.

Take this infusion should be two tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

With uterine bleeding, heavy painful menstruation and hemorrhoids, an alcohol tincture of viburnum bark is used: a tablespoon of the bark must be poured with 100 ml of 50% alcohol, left for a week in a cool place, filtered.

The finished tincture is consumed 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

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Learn more about iron-rich foods here.

From the petals of viburnum, you can brew tea, which has a good effect on the body with scrofula.

A teaspoon of fresh or dried viburnum petals must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to take tea 5-6 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Viburnum juice is used as disinfectant, as well as atonic constipation and colic.

Freshly squeezed viburnum juice is very useful for healing stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It not only heals ulcers, but also relieves pain.

Doctors advise taking viburnum juice with polyps in the stomach and intestines to prevent malignant degeneration.

It is useful to add honey to the juice.

In this case, viburnum juice should be taken before meals 3-4 times a day.

Viburnum juice remarkably helps with hypertension, liver diseases, epilepsy, hysteria, menopausal neuroses.

Viburnum juice is also known as a tonic that stimulates the heart.

Viburnum juice has antitussive properties and is used to treat whooping cough.

Among other things, viburnum juice is used for various allergic reactions and also to prevent the development of cancer.

Sweeten a special taste

Everyone knows about the benefits of viburnum berries, especially about the wonderful effect that they, together with honey, have for colds, tracheitis and bronchitis.

There are also known recipes for viburnum berries with honey for neurosis, heart disease, vasospasm, to reduce blood pressure, as well as to increase the tone of the body.

Consider the recipe for the preparation of viburnum with honey for the treatment of colds, as well as cough that occurs with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, with bronchial asthma and allergies.

Two tablespoons of viburnum berries should be steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water in an enamel pan and tightly closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left overnight.

In the morning, the resulting liquid must be filtered, and the berries must be squeezed out.

In the resulting broth, you need to add four tablespoons of honey.

The infusion is taken four times a day for 1/3 cup in the form of heat.

This recipe will help protect against tracheitis, bronchitis, influenza and pneumonia.

Let's add some sugar

As mentioned earlier, viburnum berries have a somewhat bitter taste, but still viburnum with sugar is very good in winter with tea.

You can also add it to red wine, which adds a specific flavor to it.

After light frosts, the viburnum should be collected by cutting off the bunches.

Then the berries must be washed and dried, separated from the stalks and placed in jars, sprinkled with sugar.

After that, the jars should be closed with plastic lids and wait until the berries release a little juice, and the sugar is at least partially dissolved.

When this happens, jars of viburnum can be put in the refrigerator.

Sweet viburnum juice from cans should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.

It helps boost immunity and strengthen the heart muscle.

When the juice in the jars runs out and only the berries remain, be sure to eat them, sucking on the bones - this is very good for the throat.

You can also pour boiling water over the berries and let them brew a little, or add viburnum with sugar to tea.

Don't throw away the bones!

It is worth noting that everything is useful in viburnum: berries, flowers, thin twigs, bark, and even bones, which we often throw away.

A decoction of viburnum seeds is often used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders in young children.

Viburnum seeds, pre-roasted, are an excellent coffee substitute.

It is enough to fry them a little in a dry frying pan until they acquire the color of coffee beans, grind and brew like regular coffee.

This drink has a slight stimulating effect.

Viburnum seeds are considered natural cleaners - they are taken orally in order to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen intestinal muscles and intestinal microflora.

Due to the regular use of viburnum seeds, headaches, runny nose, fatigue disappear, lightness appears in the body.

Kalina for patients with hypertension

It should be noted that viburnum fruits are very rich in vitamin C, tannins and organic acids.

For this reason, viburnum is used to treat a host of diseases, in particular - hypertension.

In this case, doctors advise using an infusion of viburnum berries, which has firming and soothing properties.

To prepare viburnum infusion, place three glasses of berries in a three-liter jar and pour boiling water over them.

After that, the jar is tightly closed and placed in a warm place for 4-5 hours.

After this time, the infusion should be filtered into an enamel bowl.

The berries must be rubbed through a sieve with a wooden spoon, adding 0.5 kg of honey to them.

The prepared solution should be taken three times a day, 1/3 cup before or after meals for three weeks.

Cooking sweet jam

To make viburnum jam, you will need 1 kg of viburnum, 800 g of sugar and 200 ml of water.

The berries should be washed, put in a saucepan, covered with a lid, placed in an oven heated to 160 degrees and left until the fruits soften.

When the berries become soft, they must be poured with boiling syrup.

All this must be cooked over low heat in two steps.

Between brews should be a break of eight hours.

The finished jam should be poured into sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

Viburnum jam is great for heartburn. To do this, dilute one teaspoon of jam in a glass of water and consume without restrictions.

For the little ones

Young mothers should know that viburnum is hypoallergenic, which means that it can be given to all children over the age of six months in the form of not too saturated compote or fruit drink, and after a year - in the form of mousse or jelly.

Regular consumption of viburnum fruits helps in the treatment of allergic reactions.

If a child eats up to ten fresh viburnum berries a day, various viral diseases and colds will bypass him.

In a word, the beneficial properties of red viburnum are simply invaluable for children.

To prepare viburnum jelly for a child, you will need 100 ml of viburnum juice, water, 180 g of sugar and 90 g of starch.

Starch should be diluted in a small amount of water, then pour hot juice diluted with water, add sugar, bring to a boil, while constantly stirring the jelly.

Kissel can be served warm or hot.

To prepare viburnum syrup, you need 1 liter of viburnum juice and 2 kg of sugar.

Sugar should be added to the juice and heated until it is completely dissolved.

When the foam appears, it must be removed and the syrup boiled for five minutes.

Ready viburnum syrup should be filtered, poured into sterilized bottles and corked with sterilized corks.

This product is stored in the refrigerator.

Tea, to which such a syrup is added, becomes very useful and tasty.

Video dessert

Watch a video about the features of red viburnum berries for the body.

  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Boil crushed rose hips in 3 liters of water for 10 minutes over low heat, then add celandine, sage, let it brew for 10-12 hours and strain. Grind viburnum berries with sugar, then add to the rest of the ingredients, mix. Take 100 g 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 20 consecutive days (every 3 months for 2 years). This remedy is most often used for hepatitis. In addition, when it is taken, there is a rapid dissolution of stones in the kidneys and liver.

Infusion of viburnum and honey

  • 50 g viburnum;
  • 100 g fresh honey.

Heat honey in a water bath. Grind the fruits of viburnum thoroughly. Mix viburnum with warmed honey and let it brew for 6-7 hours. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can also dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of this remedy in 0.5 cups of warm boiled water and take 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Cholagogue collection

  • 1 st. a spoonful of fresh or dry viburnum berries;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of peppermint;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of birch buds;
  • 1 glass of water.

1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with cold boiled water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoonful of infusion 3-4 times a day after meals.

Kalina for diseases of the stomach

Kalina is widely used in medicine for chronic diseases stomach. The following recipes are especially used.

Recipe 1

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to use the following collection:

  • 20 g of crushed viburnum bark;
  • 40 g dried and crushed rose hips;
  • 40 g of a mixture of crushed leaves, flowers and St. John's wort;
  • 20 g of motherwort;
  • 30 g of blackberry leaves and flowers;
  • 10 g of Veronica officinalis;
  • 500 ml of water.

Mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water for 30 minutes, but do not bring to a boil. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Drink 4 times a day for 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals.

Drink for chronic constipation

  • 50 g of dry fruits of viburnum;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste.

Grind viburnum seeds in a coffee grinder, put 1 teaspoon of powder in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Wrap the cup and let it brew for 10 minutes. If desired, to improve the taste, you can add cream or sugar to the drink to taste. Such coffee from viburnum should be taken no more than 2 times a day.

drink for diarrhea

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of viburnum fruits;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Sort fresh viburnum berries thoroughly and rinse in running water. Finely crush the berries, mix with honey. The mixture is best cooked in an enamel bowl. Put on low heat and boil well with constant stirring. Keep the mixture on fire for no more than 10-15 minutes. Refrigerate the mixture before use. Take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times during the day.

For chronic constipation

Traditional medicine recommends that people suffering from chronic constipation take 50 viburnum berries in the morning during the day. Viburnum berries have a peculiar tart taste. They are good to use with a small amount of honey or sugar, since not all people like the sour taste, and especially those who suffer from stomach diseases against the background of high acidity. Honey does not at all make viburnum berries less valuable, on the contrary, their healing effect is enhanced, taste qualities products are noticeably improved.

Decoction for indigestion

  • 1 st. a spoonful of viburnum seeds;
  • 200 ml of water.

Pour viburnum seeds with water and put on a slow fire. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat, let steep for another 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 2 times a day before meals.

Decoction for the treatment of hemorrhoids

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum bark;
  • 200 ml of water.

Pour the crushed bark of viburnum with water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth.

Drink 0.3-0.5 cups 2 times a day before meals. It is recommended to eat fresh viburnum berries for gastritis with low acidity. It is also used to prevent stomach cancer, and in this case, not only infusion helps fresh fruit but also dried.

Infusion for gastritis

  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries;
  • 400 ml of water.

Grind viburnum berries thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Insist from 4 to 4.5 hours, then strain the infusion. Take 3 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day before meals.

Kalina for respiratory diseases

Recipe 1

Viburnum is especially often used for pneumonia and bronchitis.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries;
  • 2 cups of honey.

Grind the berries thoroughly. Heat honey in a water bath with constant stirring with a wooden spoon. The fire doesn't have to be strong. When the honey becomes hot, pour viburnum berries over it. Wrap with a woolen scarf and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day constant control blood pressure.

Recipe 2

In folk medicine, there is a recipe used for chronic asthma.

  • 200 g of viburnum juice;
  • 200 g of May honey;
  • 200 g of cognac.

Mix all ingredients. Use infusion of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 3

With bronchitis and bronchial asthma, a mixture of juices of viburnum, carrots and aloe helps.

  • 200 g of viburnum juice;
  • 200 g of carrot juice;
  • 200 g of aloe juice.

Juices must be freshly prepared. Mix them in a decanter and keep in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator. Drink 3 glasses of this juice every day for 7 days. Then it takes a few days to take a break, after which the course of treatment is continued.

Recipe 4

For acute respiratory infections winter period the next collection helps.

  • 1 st. a spoonful of viburnum bark;
  • 0.5 cups of viburnum juice;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of chamomile;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of thyme;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • 200 ml of water.

Mix all ingredients and pour boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, then let it brew for 10 minutes. When the infusion has cooled slightly, strain it and pour into a glass bottle. Take with juice fresh berries viburnum and honey. Drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 5

For bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and whooping cough breast tea with viburnum.

  • 5 g of viburnum bark;

How many useful properties does viburnum juice have?

The medicinal qualities of viburnum have been known for a long time, so it is harvested for the winter both as a vitamin remedy and as a cure for many diseases. Viburnum juice is not as well known in use as its berries, which are harvested for the winter in frozen, dried or candied form. It turns out that some craftsmen also save the juice of this plant for use in winter.

What is rich in viburnum?

Everything that viburnum gives has medicinal properties - this is its color, berries, leaves, bark, roots and even its seeds. Each of these components of the plant is rich in its own vitamins and helps to heal various diseases . Therefore, flowers and plant bark are harvested in spring, berries are harvested in autumn, and the roots are dripped as needed. Viburnum berries are rich in tannins, a large number of trace elements, isovaleric, acetic and ascorbic acid, and also contain invert sugar.

Viburnum fruits are bitter in taste, so not everyone can use them fresh, but just fresh they are the most useful.

  • Taking 50 grams of viburnum berries every day, you can improve the body's normal exchange substances and satisfy vitamin C deficiency.
  • Help berries in the treatment cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, hypertension, gastrointestinal tract, colds and respiratory diseases is simply invaluable.
  • Berries are used as immune strengthening remedy, due to the presence of a large number of vitamins in them.
  • Blood pressure returns to normal if you drink a decoction of viburnum leaves, and it also promotes vasodilation and activates the contraction of the heart muscle.
  • A decoction of the bark of the plant is used to treat uterine bleeding and pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • A decoction of the color of viburnum is good to use for colds, shortness of breath, stomach diseases and even cancer.

The main useful properties of viburnum juice

The components of the juice berries amaze with their abundance of medicinal and supportive properties for the human body.

  • Invert sugar, which is obtained from fructose and glucose, is found in large quantities in viburnum fruits. It's being used in the manufacture of medical and conventional cosmetics.
  • Berry juice contains useful pectin substances, vitamins E, P, A, C. Minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, iodine, strontium, manganese, etc.

Kalina is not difficult to find in Russia, it is a fairly common plant, it grows in parks, near rivers and lakes, its plantings are visible along roads, and it also decorates gardens and plots. So, if you wish, you can always find this plant for harvesting for the winter.

We begin to forget about the incredible healthy drinks… We will remind, to begin with, we present to your attention the recipe oatmeal jelly, the benefits of which are simply huge!

And of course, do not forget about the good old kefir, how to use it correctly on a fasting day, you can find out in this article!

Harvesting for the future

Most best time for canning - autumn, viburnum at this time is as rich as possible in vitamins. You can use the following recipes for making juice from viburnum for the winter:

Juice with honey

To collect berries for juice, choose the time before frost. Bringing viburnum home, her rinse well and dry. Next, laying the berry in a double gauze, you need to squeeze the juice out of it. The juice will turn out bitter, so it must be mixed with honey (one to one) and poured into jars. They are placed in a cool place until use. Thanks to this recipe, the mixture of viburnum juice with honey will lose its bitterness over time.

Just with sugar

And here is a simple one, but delicious recipe viburnum juice with sugar! The washed berries are mixed with sugar (one kilogram of sugar is taken per kilogram of berries). Next, this mixture is left for several hours, so that it gives juice. Then it is laid out in clean glass jars, closed and stored in a cool place. Such a product can be stored for six to seven months.

Kalina with juice in sugar and its pure juice are used to make jelly, kissels, marshmallows, or you can just drink tea by adding this vitamin elixir to it.

Treatment with a miracle drink

As mentioned above, viburnum is used for various diseases. Recipes have been kept in the "tablets" of traditional medicine for a long time, it was very difficult to find information on how to make viburnum juice useful and, most importantly, healing, but especially for the readers of the "drink", we did it!

Treatment of an ovarian cyst

This treatment takes time, patience and a serious approach.

You will need: viburnum juice mixed with honey one to one.

Method of reception:

  1. the first week you need to take juice with honey every day, on an empty stomach for? teaspoon;
  2. the second week - the intake is increased to one teaspoon of the composition, also on an empty stomach;
  3. the third week - 1.5 teaspoons, on an empty stomach;
  4. fourth week - two teaspoons on an empty stomach;
  5. from the fifth week, the intake is reduced, in the reverse order, you need to reach 0.5 teaspoon.

For tumors

At neoplastic diseases the use of viburnum juice with honey is due to the fact that it acts as an auxiliary and immunity-supporting agent.

Mode of application:

  • Viburnum juice with honey is taken three to four times a day, one to two tbsp. spoons.
  • In combination with juice, it is necessary to take a decoction of one tbsp. viburnum-colored spoons and 200 grams of boiling water, you need to insist it for 20-30 minutes, take it 10-15 minutes before meals.
  • With a breast tumor, make compresses from juice or pureed berries on the tumor area.

Effect on blood pressure

Everyone knows that viburnum perfectly normalizes blood pressure and relieves chronic fatigue. Maintaining the normal state of the body prescription consists of the following ingredients:

  • viburnum juice;
  • rose hips, mountain ash, hawthorn, raisins and dried apricots.
  • These products should be taken one tablespoon each, viburnum juice - 1/3 cup.

How to make juice from viburnum against pressure:

Pour the fruits of all berries with one liter of boiling water and leave for 4-6 hours in a closed thermos, or sweat in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. When the broth is ready, you need to cool it to warm state and add viburnum juice to it. This composition is drunk like tea.

stomach ulcer

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis, the following composition is recommended: 1/3 cup of viburnum juice should be diluted with warm boiled water to a full glass and taken three times a day before meals for half a glass.

Bronchial asthma and severe cough

With these diseases, viburnum juice with honey is taken four times a day, one tbsp. spoon after eating.


This remedy is taken with strong excitement or at bedtime.

Cooking method

grind three tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries with honey; dilute with 400 grams of boiling water, leave for 3 hours.

Mode of application:

You need to drink this infusion in half a glass three to four times a day.

Application in cosmetics

Thanks to the components of the juice of the berries of this plant, they are successfully used for the preparation of cosmetics, both in traditional medicine and at the industrial level. It is added to creams, shampoos, lotions, tonics, gels and other products. Folk remedies for the treatment and transformation of the skin also include recipes using viburnum juice.

Cleansing the skin of the face from age spots and acne

Composition of the product: viburnum juice and rustic sour cream.

Method of preparation and use:

mix the ingredients in equal amounts, make a face mask out of them and keep it for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Cleansing of age spots and freckles

It is necessary to moisturize the face and put on it for 10-15 minutes a napkin soaked in berry juice, then rinse with warm water.

This mask will help not only get rid of unwanted spots on the face, but also give the skin a rejuvenating effect.

Mask for oily skin

To help oily skin faces look better, a mask of viburnum juice mixed with egg white. This mask should be kept for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.


Billets of viburnum juice will help in winter to prepare healthy and delicious desserts and diversify the menu with environmentally friendly vitamin products.

viburnum jelly

Ingredients for cooking: one liter of viburnum in its own juice and two glasses of water.

Cooking method:

Rub viburnum with sugar through a sieve, add water to it and cook for about fifty minutes, then pour into bowls, cool and refrigerate, or simply put in glass jar and put away in a cool place.

viburnum fruit drink

This drink is easy to prepare - winter juice preparations or berries in their own juice with honey are perfect. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, add juice or berries with juice, about a glass and bring to a boil. If you took berries, then fruit juice must be filtered through a sieve. Then cool - everything, the fruit drink is ready. It can be drunk throughout the day instead of water.


For this work of cooking, prepared berries with juice are suitable. You need to take a liter jar of berries in their own juice and wipe them through a sieve. Then add a glass of water to it and cook until the water almost completely evaporates and thickens. Put the mass on the spread foil and dry in the oven. Then it can be rolled into tubes and stored in the refrigerator.

Marmalade with apples

mashed viburnum in its own juice - one liter; four to five baked and pureed apples.

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients and cook the mass until it becomes thick. Then spread it into dessert plates with a layer of about one centimeter and hold in a warm oven. Then you need to cut the marmalade and roll it in powdered sugar, put it in a jar or a bowl and close it with a lid or parchment, store it in the refrigerator.

viburnum jam

juice from one and a half kilograms of viburnum; 5-6 kilograms of apples; five kilos of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut apples into medium-sized slices, cover with sugar and wait until they give juice. Next, they need to be boiled a little, until the sugar is completely dissolved, then cool. Pour viburnum juice into apples with syrup and cook until tender for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Then put into clean jars and roll up.

In fact, cook grape juice at home - a couple of trifles, the main desire!

About the benefits ginger tea they talk a lot, but is there any harm from it? Read in this article.

We share the secrets of making green tea, link to the article:

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, anyone, even the most useful product, available back side. Therefore, you need to know who can use the gifts of this plant, who is not recommended. So, let's talk about the contraindications of viburnum juice:

  • those who have low blood pressure, as it tends to lower it even more;
  • in cases where a person increased clotting blood;
  • with gastritis with high acidity, it can simply harm;
  • people with kidney disease and urolithiasis;
  • with gout and arthritis, the use of viburnum and its juice is also undesirable;
During pregnancy, if you need to use viburnum products, you should definitely consult a doctor before taking them.

Thanks to his unique composition, this plant is simply indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases, so it can be consumed in small quantities to boost immunity for everyone. But, if you need to carry out treatment with the help of viburnum, a consultation with a doctor is simply necessary.

A branchy shrub with red fruits - common viburnum is an old folk remedy for the treatment of various ailments.

The benefits of viburnum are in its fruits, flowers, leaves.

Also, in the treatment of common diseases, the roots and bark of the plant are used.

Kalina: calories and composition

The chemical composition of viburnum is unusually rich. It contains saponins, resin, flobafens, glycosides, tannins, phylloquinones, etc.

In addition, the composition of viburnum includes formic, acetic, isovaleric, caproic, butyric, linoleic, cerotinic and other acids.

Kalina has beneficial properties due to the vitamins it contains (A, E, C, P, K), magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, pectin, and essential oils.

The calorie content of viburnum is low and amounts to 28 kcal per 100 g of product.

With the help of viburnum, they treat a whole range of diseases from the common cold to more serious ones.

1. For the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, a decoction of viburnum bark is used - the most beneficial remedy for human health. It is prepared according to this recipe: simply pour the crushed bark (about 2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water.

Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for a short time - 5-10 minutes. As usual in such cases, the composition is insisted and, after straining, they drink half a glass in two doses, adding a spoonful of honey to the composition for effectiveness.

This mixture is also used against colds. Thyme, chamomile, mint (one spoon each) are combined, the same amount of viburnum bark and half a glass of freshly squeezed juice of the plant's berries are added.

Everything is well mixed and poured with boiling water, after which they are heated in a water bath quite a bit. After the manipulations, the remedy is insisted, filtered and drunk with general malaise and a cold for half a glass, adding a little honey for taste (if you are not allergic to it).

2. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to defeat bronchitis and pneumonia with its help. The recipe for preparing a cure for such diseases is special. Honey (200 g) should be slightly heated, stirring it with a spoon. Then separately you need to grind a spoonful of viburnum fruits and pour them with melted honey.

The composition should be well infused (about 5 hours), and then it can be taken as remedy as an addition to the main therapy (a tablespoon several times a day).

3. With a strong hacking cough, you can prepare the following composition: pour viburnum fruits (100 g) with boiling water (2 cups). Boil the composition over very low heat for at least half an hour. Then the mixture must be allowed to stand. Drink a healing composition of viburnum, which is extremely useful for promoting health, in a couple of tablespoons after a meal.

Do not forget to add a little honey to the mixture for greater effectiveness.

4. Kalina is useful for hypertension, constant headache, unpleasant sensations in the heart.

In the first case, the shoots of the plant are mixed (grind), motherwort herb and valerian root (take everything in equal parts). 2 tablespoons of the healing mixture is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and be sure to boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.

After cooling and straining drink this remedy just a few sips a day.

For heart pains, a traditional infusion of viburnum berries is used (3-4 tablespoons per glass of boiling water), and for persistent headaches, they drink a glass or two of fresh viburnum juice daily (you can add honey).

5. Kalina is useful for the body in that it helps cleanse the liver. To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to boil 500 g of fruits until soft (in a small amount of water). Then you should strain the composition through a sieve and combine it with honey (1 cup).

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Use without fail on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (2 weeks).

6. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to successfully use the plant in the fight against such problems as stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, loose stools.

In such cases, a simple recipe is used: pour a couple of tablespoons of berries into a glass of boiling water and drink the composition like tea.

7. Kalina is widely used to treat overwork and chronic fatigue. It is easy to prepare a remedy that will relieve overvoltage. You just need to grind the bark of the plant, combine it with a universal medicinal herb- chamomile (in equal proportions) and brew the composition in the classic way - a spoon in a glass of boiling water.

8. Kalina is also used for skin diseases. Boils, abscesses, eczema are treated with freshly squeezed juice of the plant, using it as a compress on problem areas of the skin.

9. Kalina is a real doctor. It is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Viburnum juice with honey (1:1) is useful. It is consumed several tablespoons up to 4 times a day.

10. Viburnum tincture, which is easy to prepare at home, helps in the treatment of almost all diseases. You should pour half a kilogram of berries with half a liter of vodka and let the composition brew, as is customary, in the far corner of the cabinet.

After 3-4 weeks of infusion, the composition must be filtered and squeezed, poured into a clean container and used as directed.

The tincture is taken orally or lubricated with it on the affected areas of the skin.

Kalina: what are the benefits for the body?

Due to its beneficial properties, viburnum has gained popularity as a remedy used in the treatment of many diseases.

What is the strength of viburnum?

It has a pronounced choleretic effect.

It treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular pathologies.

Due to its powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective for colds.

Kalina normalizes blood sugar levels.

Helps with irregular periods and alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

It has a strong hemostatic property, therefore it is used for bleeding.

Known for its mild soothing effect. Relieves insomnia, anxiety, irritability.

Displays excess liquid from the body. Kalina is low-calorie, therefore it is allowed for obesity.

It is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its property to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, whitening and toning it.

Kalina is a natural antipyretic. This quality makes the plant indispensable for colds associated with fever.

A decoction of viburnum is effective for sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, with inflammation in the oral cavity. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant make it possible to relatively short term get rid of these ailments. It is enough to gargle more often the throat or mouth with a healing composition of miracle berries.

The low calorie content of viburnum allows it to be used for weight loss. For those who seek to get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to use the juice of the fruits of the plant (separately or in combination with another berry) or add healing fruits in dishes.

Kalina: what is the harm to health?

The main harm of viburnum lies not so much in the product itself, but in its quantity. An excess of even the most useful substances in the body can cause an allergic rash.

Kalina should be taken with caution by people with low blood pressure, as well as those who have increased blood clotting and there is a risk of thrombosis.

Kalina is a real storehouse of organic acids, but for those who suffer from gout, it will do more harm than good.

Kalina should not be taken for a long time. It is best to carry out treatment courses, alternating them with breaks.

Kalina for pregnant and lactating mothers: benefit or harm?

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is most susceptible to various infections and viruses. In order not to harm the baby, women in position are advised to use natural remedies.

So, unique properties Viburnum allows you to use it for colds, accompanied by a prolonged cough.

Kalina is the strongest immunostimulant (and natural) and a source of vitamins that the body of a pregnant woman needs so much.

However, during the period of bearing a baby, official medicine does not recommend using decoctions and infusions of viburnum. It is enough to drink weak tea from the bright red berries of the plant and use viburnum externally (if necessary).

With all the benefits of viburnum for the body, pregnant women should be wary of too much this product. The fact is that the plant has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Also, viburnum (with an overdose) can cause an allergic reaction, which will not please future mother. To protect yourself from negative impact, a woman should consult a doctor about taking viburnum as a remedy. Only a specialist can say for sure whether the plant can be used in your case.

Kalina for children: benefit or harm?

Kalina - unique plant which is good for children's health. Its rich chemical composition, as mentioned above, has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Kalina is used for children's colds, bronchitis, fever, pneumonia.

The child is usually prepared tea from healing berries with the addition of honey (in the absence of allergies). To begin with, the berries are ground (2 tablespoons), poured with water (1 cup) and boiled for half an hour over low heat.

When the composition cools down a little, add a little honey (a teaspoon) to it. Give kids this healing agent three times a day for a third of a glass.

In addition, for colds and coughs, sweet jam from viburnum berries is used, which is prepared in season as follows: the fruits of the plant are ground with sugar (1: 1).

However, before using any remedy based on viburnum, you should consult a pediatrician.

As a rule, experts advise using viburnum - the most useful remedy for the body of a child from 2 years.

A plant with broad-spectrum properties - viburnum is extremely beneficial to health.

Moreover, all its parts have healing properties. There are many ways to use viburnum. Only a few have been touched upon in this article. Everyone can choose for themselves a recipe that will relieve a particular disease.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Kalina must be taken in doses.

Viburnum juice - benefits and harms

Kalina is a woody flowering plant, common in both vivo, and cultivated by many gardeners. Rich red berries are harvested in October, waiting for the first frosts, which reduce the bitterness of the fruit. Viburnum juice, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, is used both in cooking and medicine.

What is the benefit of viburnum juice?

He absorbed all the beneficial properties of this plant. The phytoncides included in its composition - plant analogues of antibiotics fight viruses and bacteria, therefore the product of berry processing is actively used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary ailments. In addition, it is also useful for diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity: they rinse their mouth with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis. For skin diseases, as well as all kinds of cuts, scratches and ulcers, it is used topically, because this antiseptic helps prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Useful properties of viburnum juice lies in its ability to increase immune defense, because it contains an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals, in particular, vitamins E, C, A, minerals - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, etc. Pectins in its composition effectively cleanse the intestines from accumulated decay products, so the juice of this plants recommend drinking to normalize peristalsis, and it also has a beneficial effect on the state of the entire gastrointestinal tract. The juice has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect, which gives reason to use it in therapy. urinary diseases especially cystitis.

The benefits of viburnum juice are also noted by women who care for their appearance. It is included in anti-aging and anti-inflammatory face masks, and it is able to give hair strength and elasticity. The harm of the berry processing product lies in possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance. You can not get carried away with them hypotensive, and be wary of people with high acidity of gastric juice and gout.

Kalina with honey: benefits and contraindications

The small red viburnum berry has long been valued for its unique healing properties. Therefore, it is especially carefully harvested, waiting for the first frost. Viburnum is used to make compotes, jams, juice, tinctures and even marmalade. A small berry is able to defeat many different ailments. Often, viburnum with honey is recommended for treatment: the benefits of such a duet are double, since honey also has a number of healing properties.

And preparing a vitaminized composition is very easy. It is enough to turn red berries into puree in any convenient way and mix with the same amount of honey, and it is better to use a flower, lime or May product. It is only necessary to store the mentioned remedy in the refrigerator, although, of course, you can prepare viburnum for future use. For long-term storage in sterile jars, you need to decompose clean and dry berries, fill them with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio and simply cover with lids. It will be possible to use them only after six months.

Viburnum is useful for the following ailments: atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems, furunculosis and skin diseases. But first of all it should be noted important feature, which viburnum juice with honey has: this drink is simply indispensable for strengthening immunity, treating beriberi and fighting colds. Moreover, it can be given to children, however, from the age of two.

This berry is also very useful in the treatment of some purely female diseases. For example, for the treatment of ovarian cysts, regular and long-term use of viburnum juice mixed with an equal amount of honey is recommended. Drink juice on an empty stomach for a month, weekly increasing the dose from a quarter of a teaspoon to a tablespoon. Then take a monthly break, and then drink again, only already reducing the dose in the reverse order, i.e. from larger to smaller. Naturally, with such a disease, not only viburnum with honey is used. It will be useful if you combine the cocktail with traditional - drug - methods of therapy.

There is one old recipe, inherited from grandmothers, for the treatment old cough and bronchitis. This is a special proportion of mixed viburnum with honey. The benefits of drinking such a drink are obvious, and relief comes almost immediately. You need to grind 40 g of berries well and pour them with a glass of warm (which is very important!) Honey. Let it brew for 2 hours and drink only after meals, 1 spoon four times a day. By the way, the mentioned infusion is also able to improve the condition of bronchial asthma. In addition, from such folk remedy, like viburnum with honey, the benefits for the body are simply enormous. And it consists not only in the treatment of a specific disease, but also in the concomitant strengthening of immunity. After all, the off-season, as a rule, accounts for the most a large number of colds associated with beriberi and weakening of protective
bodily functions. And viburnum overtakes even citrus fruits in content ascorbic acid about 2 times.

Also has viburnum with honey contraindications for use. It cannot be used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis, but only with high acidity;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • kidney diseases.

Kalina - useful properties and harm. What is useful viburnum

Delicious, beautiful and useful berry viburnum is a real pantry of health. The berry is especially good after the first autumn frosts. It is then that it is recommended to collect heavy bright red bunches filled with slightly bitter juice. Kalina grows almost throughout Russia, you can mainly meet this shrub in the wild on the banks of rivers, in shady forests and clearings. With pleasure, viburnum is also grown in personal plots.

The useful properties of viburnum have long been known to Russian people: they were harvested in late autumn, bunched in bunches and hung in the attic or right on the street. And then the frozen berry was used as a useful vitamin supplement in pie fillings, jelly, fruit drinks and compotes.

There are many sincere Slavic songs in which the people sang the beauty of viburnum, comparing it with the beauty of a young girl. And viburnum is really good: at least in spring, strewn with snow-white flowers, at least in autumn, with bending thin branches, decorated with ruby ​​clusters. However, they loved viburnum not only for its beauty, but also for its ability to heal many diseases. Since ancient times, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, hypertension, childhood scrofula and other diseases have been treated with the help of viburnum. At the same time, not only berries were used for medicinal potions, but also the bark, leaves, shoots of the plant.

In forests, ravines, on personal plots throughout Russia, viburnum grows. It owes its popularity not only to external attractiveness, but also to the abundance of useful properties of all parts of this amazing plant. In folk medicine, seeds, fruits, leaves and bark with resin are used for treatment. Scientists around the world recognize juice from viburnum berries as one of the richest products in vitamins C, A, E and carotene. It contains many necessary human body minerals.

Viburnum juice: useful properties

Reception of viburnum juice is recommended, first of all, to people with diseases of the heart and vascular system. He copes with the task of eliminating spasms of blood vessels, normalizing the pulse and heart function, reducing pressure in hypertensive patients. It is an effective choleretic and diuretic. Atherosclerosis, the main cause of which lies in an excess of harmful cholesterol in the body, can be cured with the help of complex therapy with the participation of viburnum juice.

Used to treat gynecological and other diseases

What is useful viburnum juice for women? It has been successfully used for many years in the treatment of certain gynecological diseases. Indications for its appointment may be an ovarian cyst, breast cancer. And it is also indispensable for bronchial asthma and cough, colds and flu, liver disorders.

At malignant tumors in different parts body juice is able to support the body, strengthening the immune system, supplying it with vitamins and minerals, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. The medicinal properties of viburnum juice make it possible to use it in the fight against edema, the cause of which is a malfunction of the heart system or impaired functioning of the kidneys.

The beneficial properties of viburnum juice are manifested in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis with low acidity, diarrhea, duodenal ulcers, and poor appetite. Hepatitis, allergies, vitamin deficiencies, frequent headaches, a high risk of developing cancer of the digestive organs - all these problems can also be resolved if colic is carried out along with drug therapy.

The properties of viburnum juice have found their application in the treatment of eye diseases. It enhances vision and also blocks inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and eyes, gradually bringing the visual organs to a normal state. He can cure both children's diathesis, and teenage acne, and lichen. Even such serious and intractable diseases as diabetes mellitus are on the list of diseases, the effectiveness of which in the fight against viburnum juice is beyond doubt.

Treatment with viburnum juice: dosage and rules of administration

Treatment using viburnum juice may be accompanied by its ingestion, as well as external use as lotions or drops. In some cases, it is better to use it in a diluted form or as part of any multicomponent means. It is very common to combine it with honey.

Viburnum juice with honey (in equal proportions) is actively used to eliminate corneal opacities and when a thorn appears. To do this, it is recommended to instill such a mixture in a sore eye before going to bed, 1 drop each. By the way, the medicine can be made in advance for the entire course of treatment; when boiled, it is stored in a closed glass container in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

In a few months, with the help of viburnum juice and honey, you can get rid of ovarian cysts. To do this, the mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. In the first week, the dose is very small - at the tip of a spoon (a teaspoon, of course), on the second, the norm grows to a third of a spoon, on the third - up to 2 teaspoons (taken in two steps - in the morning and in the evening), on the fourth - up to 2 tablespoons. The next month you need to take a break from the medicine, and then continue therapy. How to drink viburnum juice further? In reverse order, that is, you should start with large doses gradually reducing them.

A mixture of honey and juice is also used to fight tumors. Taking the medicine should be a couple of tablespoons (in some cases, you can increase the rate to three tablespoons) three times a day. Such a composition is effective and. The dosage will be 150 ml per day. Take this amount of medicine should be in three visits, each time it should be before meals. A similar dosage and administration rules apply to patients with asthma, hypertension, colds and those who are tormented by a cough. But in this case, viburnum juice should be free of impurities and any additives.

In diseases of the digestive system, juice can be mixed not only with honey, but also with sugar, taken three times a day, 2-3 tablespoons, washed down with water. Morning and evening instillations of 4-5 drops of fresh juice into the nose will save you from a runny nose. For allergies and diabetes you should drink a quarter or a third cup of a mixture of juice and flower honey three to four times a day.

Viburnum juice in cosmetology

Acne, freckles, dark tan, lethargy of the skin of the face, hands, brittle nails - all this is not a problem if you have a little viburnum juice on hand. It is he who has a whitening, rejuvenating and antiseptic effect. Pre-squeezed juice can be poured into ice molds and frozen, and then regularly massage your face with these ice cubes. As a result, after 1.5-2 weeks, wrinkles will begin to smooth out, freckles will become invisible, and acne will disappear, and with all this, the skin will become much lighter.

Helps get rid of acne

Viburnum juice helps with acne and in combination with sour cream. The ingredients, taken in equal proportions, are mixed and applied to the face, and after 20 minutes, washed off with water, always a little cool. A mixture of juice and raw egg whites has an increased whitening effect. The proportion is also 1:1, the time the mask is on the face should be half an hour. The effect will become noticeable after 15-20 procedures.

Viburnum juice for the face can be used in the form of masks, lotions and even creams. For a tonic mask, you will need freshly squeezed juice (3 tablespoons), oatmeal (5 tablespoons), liquid honey (1 tablespoon), low-fat kefir (1 tablespoon), egg white. To prepare the mixture with a mixer, you must first beat the protein, then add kefir with honey, juice, and add oatmeal at the end. Keep this mass on the face, neck or décolleté for about 15-17 minutes. You can wash it off only with boiled and warm water.

From two yolks, 0.2 l of viburnum juice, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, a glass of water, 200 ml of cream and the same amount of camphor alcohol can make a moisturizing lotion. It should be stored in the refrigerator. Homemade nourishing cream is prepared from juice (3 tablespoons), olive oil (3 tablespoons) and yolk. After each application of such a cream, the skin must be rinsed with herbal infusion of chamomile or calendula.

To strengthen the nail plates and make the skin of the hands soft and very tender, baths of 500 ml of warm water, freshly squeezed viburnum juice (2 tablespoons), sea salt (1 tablespoon) will help. Fingers should be immersed in this solution for 20 minutes. If you pamper yourself with similar procedures daily, then the results will become noticeable after 3 weeks.

How to make juice from viburnum?

There are many ways to harvest viburnum berries, but most often preference is given to juice. After all, it is in the juice that the highest concentration of all useful substances is preserved. You can cook it with or without pulp, with sugar or sugar syrup, or you can do without sweetening at all. The only inviolable rule is that it must be stored in a cool place, like.

How to make juice from viburnum? To do this, the berries are first washed well under running water, and then their direct processing begins. You can immediately start squeezing the juice or freeze the berries to get rid of the bitterness inherent in viburnum. Blanching the berries in boiling water for 5 minutes will also help remove bitterness.

You can make viburnum juice in a juicer, and this method will be the fastest and easiest. In the absence of such a technique, improvised materials are also suitable, for example, a wooden spoon, gauze or a strainer. Processed berries should be rubbed with a spoon, and then squeezed out of the resulting slurry through gauze juice. If there is a desire to prepare juice with pulp, then it is better to simply wipe the berries through a metal sieve. The resulting cake should not be thrown away immediately, it can be boiled with water for 5-10 minutes, then strain the liquid and add to the juice.

The preparation of juice from viburnum does not end at the stage of its extraction and filtration. In order for it to be stored longer, it is mixed with sugar, honey or sugar syrup. Honey and sugar are usually taken in a ratio of 1:1 (although a ratio of 1:2 is also considered acceptable) in relation to the volume of juice. In this case, it is not at all necessary to give sweetened juice. heat treatment, it can simply be poured into jars, closed with lids and put in the refrigerator.

Harvesting for the winter will allow you to use all the wonderful properties for a long time

Juice from viburnum for the winter involves the preliminary welding of whole berries in water until they are completely softened. After that, the water is drained, and the juice is squeezed out of the berries in any convenient way. This recipe for viburnum juice requires the juice to stand for 2-3 hours. Then you need to add sugar - for every liter of pure juice you will need 125 g of granulated sugar. Everything is heated together on a small fire. After dissolving the sugar, the juice is filtered, brought to a boil and immediately poured into jars, rolled up.

The recipe for viburnum juice along with berries is very popular among modern hostesses. And no wonder, because viburnum in its own juice is harvested very simply. It is only necessary to lay berries in jars (about a third of the volume) and cover them with sugar on the shoulders of the container. Six months later, viburnum and juice can be consumed.

Viburnum juice: contraindications

Increased blood clotting, hypotension, arthritis and gout - with all these diseases, taking viburnum juice is strictly prohibited. Viburnum juice - benefits and harms for people with gastrointestinal disorders. So, it effectively copes with gastritis with low acidity, and with elevated level acidity, the condition will only be aggravated and brought to a critical point.

Viburnum and juice from it are not recommended in case of urolithiasis or kidney disease. Can pregnant women drink viburnum juice? No. The reason for such a ban is simple - viburnum drink stimulates uterine contractions, that is, it can provoke premature birth or miscarriage.

Juice treatment is a wonderful alternative to traditional drug therapy. But you should not completely abandon the doctor's recommendations, because you can often successfully and quite effectively combine healing procedures folk and traditional medicine. In addition, the beginning of the fight against the disease, albeit with the help of juice, should be preceded by medical diagnosis.

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