From Nazol baby the child is uncontrollable. "Nazol Kids": instructions for use. Instructions for use for children with dosages and frequency of administration by age

Nazol Baby- a medicinal product for topical use, which has a pronounced adrenomimetic activity. The active ingredient that is part of the drug Nazol Baby is phenylephrine hydrochloride - synthetic medicinal substance group of alpha1-adrenergic agonists. The drug has vasoconstrictor effect, helps to facilitate nasal breathing, eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa, paranasal sinuses and eustachian tube. Phenylephrine hydrochloride, being a selective alpha1-agonist, helps to eliminate congestion in the nasal mucosa without disturbing its function. In addition, the drug has a softening and moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa, this effect due to the properties of glycerin, which is included in composition of Nazol Baby.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of phenylephrine hydrochloride to stimulate alpha1-adrenergic receptors located in the smooth muscle layer of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, resulting in vasoconstriction. Due to local vasoconstriction, edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane are stopped, nasal secretion and aeration of the middle ear are normalized, drainage of the paranasal sinuses is enhanced.
At topical application phenylephrine hydrochloride is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not systemic action. Therapeutic effect the drug is observed 3-6 minutes after application and lasts about 6 hours. Usually, the complete disappearance of rhinitis symptoms is noted 3-5 days after the start of drug therapy. Nazol Baby.

Indications for use

The drug is used as a monotherapy or in complex treatment patients suffering acute rhinitis any etiology (including allergic rhinitis). The drug Nazol Baby used for acute rhinitis, which is accompanied by influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.
Nazol Baby can be applied in complex therapy patients with acute otitis.
In addition, the drug is used for the prevention and relief of swelling of the nasal mucosa with surgical interventions and holding diagnostic procedures in the area of ​​the nose. The drug is also indicated for patients who have undergone surgical intervention in the nose area, to prevent and stop swelling of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and nose.

Mode of application

The drug is used intranasally. Before using the drug, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages. When using the drug, it is necessary to tilt the patient's head back and hold the vial over the nasal passage with a dropper down. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.
Children aged 2 months to 1 year are usually prescribed 1 drop of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. Between applications, it is recommended to observe an interval of at least 6 hours. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.
Children aged 1 to 2 years are usually prescribed 1-2 drops of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. Between applications, it is recommended to observe an interval of at least 6 hours. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.

Children aged 2 to 6 years are usually prescribed 2-3 drops of the drug in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. Between applications, it is recommended to observe an interval of at least 6 hours. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3 days, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.
For the treatment of acute rhinitis in children over the age of 6 years, it is recommended to use Nazol Kids.
The vial is recommended to be used individually, since the use of one vial for the treatment of several patients may spread the infection.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients; in isolated cases, the development of such side effects as a burning sensation and tingling of the nasal mucosa, facial flushing, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, dizziness, feeling causeless fear. It should be noted that these side effects developed mainly with frequent and prolonged use of the drug, as well as the use of doses exceeding the recommended ones.


- Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- the drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from diseases thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus;
- the drug is not prescribed to patients with arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

Interaction with other drugs

A drug Nazol Baby do not use simultaneously with other drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect.
The drug is not recommended for patients receiving therapy with drugs of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor group. The drug can be used no earlier than 14 days after the end of taking drugs from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.


When using the drug according to the instructions, an overdose is not possible. At frequent use high doses of the drug in patients, the development of increased excitability and increased blood pressure.
In case of an overdose of the drug, it is recommended to stop therapy with the drug and contact your doctor.

Release form

Nasal drops of 15 ml in plastic bottles with a conical distributor, 1 bottle in a carton.

Storage conditions

The drug is recommended to be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life - 2 years.


1ml nasal drops contains:
Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 1.25 mg;
Auxiliary substances, including glycerin.

main parameters


If children have a cold and the nose does not breathe, the drug Nazol will perfectly cope with the problem. The main effect of the drug is its ability to constrict blood vessels and relieve swelling. The drug is quite safe and effective for children, has minor side effects, which can be avoided by following the instructions exactly.

When choosing a medicine for children with nasal congestion, you must first learn about the quality of the product, contraindications and possible side effects. Nazol should be used if the baby's nose stops breathing and you notice that the baby breathes through the mouth. The reason for this can be colds in children, such as SARS, flu, or swelling of the nose caused by allergies.

Drops or spray

There are several release forms. this drug convenient for children. Firstly, the form that is already classic for many is Nazol drops, its other name Nazol Advance. Due to the properties of the substances that make up the drug, it can be quickly, effectively, and most importantly carefully removed. Such drops act long enough and the effect of one application can last half a day. But apply Nazol Advance infants it is impossible, since it contains substances that irritate the nasal mucosa of the child and cannot ensure complete safety for the health of the baby.

The next release form is Nazol spray. Already in the name it is clear how this drug differs from the previous one - a convenient release form with a spray nozzle provides excellent administration of the drug and ease of use. The advantage of spray nozzles is that using the drug, the risk of overdose is significantly reduced. One injection - one dose.

Another type of drug Nazol Kids. This drug is designed specifically for children. The composition includes the substance phenylephrine, which is the safest when applied to children, acts gently, without irritating the mucous membrane of the child. The nozzle is also in the form of a spray, the effectiveness of which was mentioned above.

And the last form on the list - Nazol Baby. This, as well as Nazol Kids, includes substances that are as safe as possible for children. Nazol Baby contains eucalyptus extract to moisturize the baby's nose. A distinctive feature of Nazol Baby is the presence of a convenient pipette. Nazol Baby can be given to children up to a year old and the pipette greatly simplifies the introduction of medicine into the nose.

How to apply

Nazol is a medicine for intranasal administration, where active substance which is phenylephrine. When we use phenylephrine drops, it helps to constrict the vessels of the nasal cavity, which facilitates breathing and removes swelling of the nasal mucosa. Eucalyptus extract moisturizes and softens inner surface nose. Use the drug for diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis and.


The dosage is selected according to the selected release form. Nazol Baby is suitable for children from birth. As for the other types of the drug, there is age restrictions. So, if these are drops of Nazol Advance or Nazol Spray, then, as the instructions show, it is worth using the drug for children at least six years old. We introduce a sick child 2-3 drops into each nostril a maximum of 2 times a day, and children from six to twelve years old - one drop each.

According to the instructions, Nazol Kids can be used for children from four to twelve years old. For children aged four to six years, we make two injections in each nostril. According to the instructions, the procedure can be repeated after 6 hours. Children from six to twelve years old - you can do up to three injections. The procedure can be repeated after 4 hours. It is worth remembering that you can be treated on your own for a maximum of five days, and if the situation does not change for the better, you need the help of a doctor.

Using Nazol Baby, children from birth to one year old usually drip one drop into each nostril. Children from two to six years old need to drip 2-3 drops. Here the instruction says that Nazol Baby can be used a maximum of 4 times per day. It is important to wait at least 6 hours between applications. If within three days the effect is not visible and the child still has a stuffy nose, you should consult a doctor and stop self-treatment.

It is not recommended to use one bottle of medicine when treating several family members at once, as this can contribute to the infection of healthy children.

Contraindications and side effects

There are few side effects and contraindications for Nazol for children, but they still exist. Very rarely, there may be a burning sensation and tingling inside the nose, facial redness, heart palpitations, dizziness and a feeling of internal discomfort, or rather fear. As noted in the instructions, this can only happen if you use Nazol above the due date or enter it into large quantities, violating the dosage. Contraindications of the drug, according to the instructions, is the individual intolerance of the components that make up the drug by children. Nazol is also contraindicated in children with thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, children with arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

Price and analogues

Relative to other drugs in this group, the price of Nazol is quite loyal and amounts to approximately 150-170 rubles, depending on the region and the network of pharmacies. To similar drugs we can safely attribute such nasal remedies as, which is purified sea water. The safety of this medication is definitely higher, if Nazol is contraindicated for your child, then Aqua Maris is perfect, but in terms of effectiveness it is inferior to drugs with vasoconstrictive properties. The price of Aqua Maris is about 250 rubles.

Another drug based on sea ​​water- Aqualor Baby. Suitable for children from birth, cleans and relieves inflammation of the nose, can be used every day as a preventive measure. Its price is 320 rubles

- the drug in separate dropper bottles is a saline solution. Otrivin Baby helps to cleanse the nose and moisturize it, acts gently and effectively, and helps to improve immunity. It can also be used from birth. The price of Otrivin Baby is 168 rubles.

- a drug that contains two active component. One helps in relieving swelling of the nose, and the other helps to reduce itching and sneezing. Vibrocil acts gently and effectively, and the safe substances that make up its composition allow the use of the drug for up to 7 days. This drug relieves swelling of the nasal cavity and makes breathing easier. Its price is 245 rubles.

Many of us have experienced the symptoms of the onset of a cold: sneezing, burning, watery eyes, sore throat, fever. Each of them is unpleasant in its own way, and it is not so easy to cure them. Only one thing can be said with certainty: it is not worth waiting until the disease begins to progress, however, as well as leaving it unattended. The main thing is to choose the right treatment.

A good remedy for a cold is Nazol. Instructions for use, composition, methods of application, release form will be presented below. The drug is intended for people of any age and is available in the form of a spray and drops. The manufacturer took care of the effectiveness and reliability of the medicine, both for babies and adults.

The action of the drug

How does Nazol work? Instructions for use gives an exhaustive answer to this question. The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, when it is used, the swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The effect of the drug begins 10-15 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 10-12 hours. So for a while it will become easier for you to breathe through your nose, in addition, "Nazol" helps to open the mouths of the Eustachian tubes and paranasal sinuses.

Release form

In the pharmacy, the drug is offered in the form of a nasal spray and nasal drops. At the same time, the entire line consists of 4 types:

The use of the drug for sinusitis

"Nazol" is an excellent choice for inflammation of the mucous membrane maxillary sinus. After all, the drug is designed to eliminate edema. In addition, "Nazol" reduces pain and reduces pressure in the bridge of the nose, relieves inflammation and eliminates the infection.

Many people refuse to use cold drops because it gives them a lot of discomfort, because the remnants of the liquid, flowing down the nasopharynx, often enter the oral cavity, and the taste of the medicine is rather unpleasant. Another disadvantage of this form of the drug is the inconvenience of use in crowded places. In such situations, "Nazol Spray" is better suited. Instructions for use states that one squeeze of the vial is enough to get the medicine into the nose.

However, the spray also has its drawback - it is not suitable for the treatment of rhinitis in children. But the manufacturing company also took care of the kids, creating Nazol Baby drops for them. Their composition differs from conventional medicine in that all aggressive components are replaced by safe elements. At the same time, the effect of the drug remains the same.

Spray "Nazol Kids": instructions and effects on the children's body

The main active ingredient is phenylephrine hydrochloride. Additional elements include glycerol, macrogol, benzonium chloride, eucalyptol, purified water, disodium edetate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sodium hydrogen phosphate.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride helps reduce smooth muscle, vasoconstriction and a decrease in mucus secretion, which greatly facilitates breathing.

As for the additional components, they, in turn, moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve discomfort in the nasopharynx. The eucalyptol contained in the preparation has anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties, and even gives the medicine a certain freshness.

"Nazol Kids" is presented in the form of a spray. Regarding this form of release, there are a couple contentious issues. On the one hand, the spray has more effective action, it is convenient to use. When injected, the drug is evenly distributed on the nasal mucosa. You can never go wrong with a dose. On the other hand, the spray can irritate the nasopharynx, thereby causing discomfort.

If you have previously noticed that the medicine causes discomfort, it can be replaced with another form of Nazol (nasal drops). Instructions for use are attached to the medication. When the bottle is turned upside down, the product will be released in the form of drops. You can buy "Nazol Baby", according to the instructions, it can be used with infancy. If you believe the reviews, this drug is effective not only for children, but also for adults.

At severe runny nose, infections of the upper respiratory tract, with colds, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, "Nazol Kids" can be prescribed. Instructions for use a similar remedy contains dosage information. "Nazol Kids" relieves difficult breathing, because it has a vasoconstrictor property.

Dosage and side effects of the pediatric drug

"Nazol" for children (instruction) allows the use of no more than 2-3 injections and with an interval of at least 4 hours for children over 6 years old. The drug intake in children is limited to 3 days, since the child's body is more susceptible and prone to negative impact phenylephrine. And this can cause headaches, palpitations, sweating, sleep disturbances. You can replace "Nazol Kids" with another drug in case of individual intolerance, in violation of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, arrhythmias and tachycardia. The use of a drug intended for children during pregnancy is highly discouraged. Special Studies in this area have not been carried out, so it is not recommended to take risks in this position.

Adult version in the line of the drug - "Nazol Advance": instructions for use

The main active ingredient in the spray is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. This element is considered more effective in comparison with xylometazoline or naphazoline, in addition, its action lasts much longer.

The composition of the drug also contains components that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antiseptic effects. These are menthol, camphor and eucalyptol. In addition, they normalize nasal secretion and improve mucus discharge. "Nazol Advance" moisturizes the nasal mucosa, preventing excessive dryness that occurs with the use of alpha-agonists. Eucalyptol reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, and this element is also involved in reducing the ability of viruses to penetrate into the upper respiratory tract.

The drug is prescribed to relieve nasal breathing with colds, rhinitis or other respiratory diseases. "Nazol" helps with allergic rhinitis different nature. The main thing is not to forget that the reception is limited to a few days, and this time is not enough for the allergy to go away.

Now let's talk about dosage. Children over 12 years of age and adults can apply the spray twice a day for 2-3 injections. "Nazol" is allowed and in more early age: a child from 6 years old is allowed to use the drug twice a day, but only one injection in each nasal passage. Always pay attention to the state of your body, it is quite possible that one use of the spray per day will be enough for you.

I would like to note that injections are made while standing, while the head should be in a normal position. To avoid infection of other family members, any medicine in the form of a spray should be used individually.

Side effects

The drug "Nazol", the instructions for use of which describe unwanted effects during use, may cause:

  • Burning of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, dryness in oral cavity and throat; long-term use can lead to atrophy and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.
  • Rapid heartbeat, less often - arterial hypertension.
  • Hyperexcitability, headaches, dizziness and sleep disturbances, prolonged use may lead to tachyphylaxis.
  • On the part of digestion: nausea.
  • Irritation of the conjunctiva, eyelid retraction.

The effectiveness of drops "Nazol Baby"

The drug relieves swelling and eliminates inflammatory processes nasal mucosa, intended for babies from 2 months (as the instruction says). Drops "Nazol Baby" - a drug with adrenomimetic activity, so before use, you need to familiarize yourself with one important point « special instructions". Give it due attention. The use of the drug in children under one year is possible only as prescribed by the doctor.

The drug is not prescribed to patients if 2 weeks have not passed after taking MAO inhibitors. These drugs increase the chance of side effects of cardio-vascular system.

You can also try "Nazol Aqua". The instruction allows the use of this drug for children from birth.

Many troubles with a cold in babies are associated with nasal congestion. The nasal passage of the child is still very narrow, so it instantly fills with mucus, which leads to difficulty breathing.

When severe swelling nasal mucosa, it is imperative to use vasoconstrictor drugs, such as Otrivin, Nazol. Instructions for use are attached to each medication.

by application medicinal product for medical use

Registration number:

Trade name of the drug:

Nazol ® Baby

International non-proprietary name:


Chemical Name:

(1R)-1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-(methylamino)ethanol hydrochloride

Dosage form:

nasal drops


100 ml contains:
active substance:
phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.125 g;
benzalkonium chloride 0.018 g, glycerol 5 g, macrogol 1500 1.5 g, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 0.226 g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.101 g, disodium edetate dihydrate 0.02 g, purified water 94.76 g.

transparent solution from colorless to light yellow, odorless.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

anticongestive agent - alpha-adrenergic agonist.

CodeATH: 1101AA04.

pharmachologic effect

Phenylephrine hydrochloride is an alpha1-adrenergic receptor agonist (sympathomimetic) that has vasoconstrictor action due to the stimulation of alpha1 receptors in the nasal mucosa, it reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and tissue hyperemia, congestion in the nasal mucosa, and also improves nasal airway patency.

When applied topically, systemic absorption is low.

Indications for use

To facilitate breathing through the nose colds, flu, hay fever or other allergic diseases upper respiratory tract, accompanied by acute rhinitis or sinusitis.


  • Increased individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (including coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris)
  • hypertensive crisis
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes
  • simultaneous reception MAO inhibitors (as well as 2 weeks after their cancellation)
Carefully: childhood up to 6 years old.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is no sufficient experience in the use of the drug during pregnancy. It is possible to use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating mothers as prescribed by the attending physician, if expected healing effect outweighs the risk of possible side effects.

Dosage and administration

Intranasally. Squeeze the vial lightly while holding it upside down.
For children aged 0 to 1 year single dose- 1 drop no more than every 6 hours.
For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops.
For children over the age of 6 years and adults, a single dose of 3-4 drops.
After use, wipe the pipette on the vial dry.
The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.

Side effect

Local reactions: sometimes burning, stinging or tingling in the nose.
System effects: headache, dizziness, palpitations, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, sweating, pallor, tremor, sleep disturbance.


There are no data on drug overdose.
Potentially possible symptoms (with systemic absorption): ventricular extrasystole, short paroxysms ventricular tachycardia, feeling of heaviness in the head and limbs, excessive increase in blood pressure, agitation.
Treatment: intravenous administration alpha blockers short action(phentolamine) and beta-blockers (for rhythm disturbances).

Interaction with others medicines
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (procarbazine, selegin), tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, guanedrel, guanethidine increase the pressor effect and arrhythmogenicity of phenylephrine (with systemic absorption).
Thyroid hormones increase (mutually with systemic absorption of phenylephrine) the associated risk of developing coronary insufficiency(especially in coronary atherosclerosis).

special instructions

Children from 0 to 1 year of age, use strictly as directed by a doctor and no more than every 6 hours.
In children, the systemic absorption of phenylephrine and the associated risk of side effects is higher than in adults.
Phenylephrine should not be administered to patients within 2 weeks after discontinuation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as they may increase the severity of the adrenergic effects of sympathomimetics and increase the risk of side effects from the cardiovascular system.

Release form

Nasal drops 0.125%.

Drops Nazol Baby are designed specifically for the treatment of rhinitis in children. The active substance of the drug is well tolerated by babies from the first days of life, and the composition as a whole is thought out taking into account the characteristics of their vessels, so Nazol Baby is successfully used even for the treatment of newborns.

Thanks to a convenient bottle, when using drops, you do not need to use additional devices, such as pipettes, which prevents infection from entering the nasal cavity child and makes it easier for parents to use. The form of release of drops is due to the fact that they are intended for children under 6 years old. For the treatment of older children, Nazol Baby is no longer so effective, therefore, a spray is prescribed - Nazol Kids.

Nazol baby - indications for use

Nazol baby is used to treat children with the following diseases:

  • runny nose with bacterial and viral nature;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the Eustachian tube - the auditory canal;
  • acute otitis.

It significantly alleviates the condition and well-being in various acute respiratory viral infections and influenza and is actively used in combination with antibiotics and other drugs for the treatment of otitis media, which are especially susceptible to children under the age of 3 years.

The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, which facilitates nasal breathing and the baby can sleep peacefully almost all night. In addition, it relieves swelling of the mucous membranes.

It is noteworthy that the active substance does not enter the bloodstream and, thus, does not have a systemic effect on the child's body. The effect occurs approximately 3 minutes after use and lasts up to 6 hours. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor, on average it is 3 days and should not exceed 7-10 days, since after this time, vascular tolerance to stimulation appears active substance In other words, addiction to the drug occurs. Therefore, if, after this period, the runny nose continues to bother the child, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed, based on another active substance.

Nazol baby drops are used intranasally, it is recommended to clear the sinuses before use. To avoid the spread of the virus, it is recommended to treat with one vial per child.

Nazol baby - composition

The active substance of the drops is phenylephrine hydrochloride. It has a stimulating effect on the receptors located in the muscle fibers of the nasal mucosa, due to which the vessels narrow and the mucosal edema disappears. It also contains glycerin, which moisturizes the nasal mucosa, which most often suffers from dryness when using vasoconstrictor drops.

Nazol baby - contraindications

In general, the drug is well tolerated by children, but there are some contraindications to its use. Nazol baby is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Availability hypersensitivity to constituent substances;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Nazol is not prescribed in parallel with others vasoconstrictor drops for the nose.

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