Types, causes and symptoms of cysts in newborns. Choroid plexus cyst in newborns How quickly the choroid plexus cyst and subependymal cyst resolve

A brain cyst is a terrible diagnosis for people who have just become parents. A cyst in the brain is a volumetric formation inside the organ, which is a spherical cavity filled with fluid, which is localized in the place of dead nerve tissue.

Pathology can occur in any area of ​​the organ, be single or multiple. It should also be noted that a cyst is not a tumor formation!

Subependymal cyst: why does it appear in a newborn baby

The main provoking factor is congenital pathologies of the development of the central nervous system and trauma during the neonatal period. In infants, they occur due to:

  1. disorders of cerebral circulation, resulting in tissue necrosis;
  2. due to various injuries, inflammations, for example, meningitis, encephalitis, as well as hemorrhages in the brain.

The listed reasons lead to the fact that the degeneration of the tissue begins, its necrosis, a cavity is formed, which eventually fills with liquid and squeezes the tissues localized nearby. As a result, there is a specific neurological symptomatology, there is a delay in the growth and development of the baby.

Subependymal cyst and other types of pathologies in the brain

In newborns and older children, three main types of pathology are distinguished: arachnoid, subependymal, and choroid plexus cyst.

  • The arachnoid cavity is the same cavity, which can have a different size and shape, be localized in any of the departments of the organ. Hemorrhage, trauma, inflammatory disease can provoke its appearance. A characteristic feature of this type of pathology is its rapid growth. An increase in size leads to compression of nearby tissues. Without proper treatment, severe consequences occur;
  • Subependymal- a severe form of pathology that requires regular monitoring in dynamics. This occurs due to poor blood circulation at the site of localization of the ventricles of the organ. Its appearance leads to tissue necrosis and severe ischemia. In place of the dead cells, a cystic cavity is formed. Sick children need annual magnetic resonance imaging. Only in this way can doctors monitor the increase in the size of the formation;
  • Choroid plexus cyst formed during the intrauterine period. The main provoking factor is herpes virus infection. If the disease is detected during pregnancy, the prognosis is favorable, since over time such formation resolves. With a later formation, the prognosis is less favorable, there is a high risk of developing severe consequences.

Consequences and symptoms of a subependymal cyst of the brain in newborns

Symptoms depend on the location of the neoplasm in the brain. For example, when one is located in the occipital region, the visual center is affected, respectively, various visual impairments occur: double vision, decreased visual acuity, "fog" before the eyes. With the appearance of pathology in the tissues of the cerebellum, the following is observed:

  1. gait disturbance;
  2. coordination;
  3. dizziness.

When a brain cyst is localized in the sella turcica, at the location of the pituitary gland, disturbances in the endocrine system may occur: as a rule, these are delays in sexual and physical development.

Regardless of the location of education, a child may experience:

  • convulsions;
  • hearing impairment;
  • paresis / paralysis of the arms and legs.

An increase in size leads to an increase in intracranial pressure, because the volume of the cranium does not change, but the amount of tissue increases. An increase in ICP is always accompanied by:

  1. headache;
  2. dizziness;
  3. a feeling of pulsation and fullness of the head;
  4. nausea;
  5. vomiting;
  6. increased drowsiness and lethargy.

In a severe case of progression of the disease, the bones diverge, the fontanelles in newborns do not overgrow, resulting in a developmental delay.

How is a subependymal or other cyst diagnosed on the left

  • The main method for detecting a disease in babies of the first year of life is ultrasound, or neurosonography. It is very important that the pathology is diagnosed as early as possible. In newborns, this is easiest to do, since the fontanelles are not overgrown, the bones of the skull are not closed.
  • Screening study it is recommended to carry out for premature babies, as well as for newborns after a difficult pregnancy or complicated childbirth, when fetal hypoxia was noted.
  • Research such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography, allow you to get the most accurate information about the location, shape and size of the cystic cavity.

Control and treatment of subependymal cyst

The pathology can be eliminated only by surgery. Surgical interventions in this situation are divided into two types: radical and palliative.

  1. In the first case, a trepanation of the skull is performed, then the complete removal of the cyst, including its contents and walls. Surgical intervention is carried out in an open way, respectively, is accompanied by a high trauma.
  2. Palliative methods include shunting and endoscopy. Shunting is the removal of the contents of the formation through a special shunt system. This method is less traumatic when compared with radical intervention, but it has several disadvantages. For example, there is a risk of infection because the shunt stays in the brain for quite a long time. In addition, the brain cyst is not removed completely, only its contents are removed.

Endoscopy involves the use of an instrument such as an endoscope, which is inserted through punctures in the skull. This option is less traumatic and the safest of all of the above.

How quickly does a choroid plexus cyst and subependymal cyst resolve?

The danger of a subependymal cyst is determined by its variety. It is worth noting that in infants, these very often resolve on their own after some time. If they do not increase, then they are not dangerous. Periodic ultrasound monitoring of the pathology is recommended in order to detect the presence of complications in time and take radical measures.

Quite often, cysts of the vascular plexuses of the brain are found in newborns.

In the choroid plexuses, cerebrospinal fluid is formed, which nourishes the nerve cells at the initial stage of embryo development.

When making any diagnoses related to formations in the brain, parents have many different questions. Knowing about the manifestations of such diseases in infants is very important. This will help prevent life-threatening conditions in the future. Many parents are interested in a brain cyst in newborns and infants.

What it is?

Cysts in the brain are abdominal formations. Do not confuse them with tumors, they are completely different diseases. A cyst does not at all indicate the presence of an oncological pathology in a child. Various influences can lead to the development of this condition.

In some cases, cysts in the brain are not detected throughout life. The child grows and does not even suspect that he has any changes. In other situations, cysts cause the appearance of various symptoms that bring discomfort to the baby and disturb his well-being. Such cases require treatment.

As a rule, the cyst in appearance resembles a ball. The size of education can be different. The contour of the cyst is correct and even. In some cases, the examination reveals several formations at once. They can be located at a considerable distance from each other or side by side.

Usually, doctors detect brain cysts in every third out of ten babies born. They appear in different places. There is fluid in the cavity of the cyst. The small size of the formation, as a rule, does not cause any discomfort in the child.

If the cyst is not located near vital centers, then this development of the disease is not dangerous.

The reasons

Various factors can lead to the appearance of cystic formations in the brain. In some cases, they may work together. Prolonged or strong exposure to various causative factors contributes to the appearance of various cavity formations in the brain.

The most common reasons for their occurrence include:

  • Various congenital pathologies. They usually develop during fetal development. Pathology of the development of the central nervous system contributes to the development of pathological changes in the brain. Cysts in this case are congenital.

  • Injuries received during childbirth. Too large a fetus, the birth of twins contribute to the occurrence of traumatic brain injuries in newborns.

  • infections occurring in the mother during pregnancy. Many viruses and bacteria are able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Doctors often register brain cysts in newborns as a result of infectious diseases that occurred during pregnancy. Viral or bacterial meningitis is often the root cause of the formation of cavitary formations.

  • Hemorrhages in the brain. May occur due to various reasons. Often, various injuries and falls lead to the development of hemorrhage. Brain damage contributes to the formation of a cavity filled with fluid, which then becomes a cyst.


The impact of various causes leads to the appearance of cavity formations in the brain. They can be localized in its various departments. Currently, doctors identify several possible localizations of brain cysts.

Taking into account the location, all cavity formations can be divided into several groups:

  • Located at the level of the pituitary gland. Normally, this section of the brain is responsible for the synthesis of the elements necessary for the growth and development of hormones. When a cyst appears in it, various symptoms begin to appear in a child. Usually, this clinical form is not without symptoms.

  • Cerebellar. Also called a lacunar cyst. These types of cavity formations are most often formed in boys. They are quite rare. With a rapid course, the disease can lead to the appearance of various motor disorders.

Mandatory treatment is required, as serious complications can occur - in the form of paralysis or paresis.

  • Located adjacent to the pineal gland. This organ is called the epiphysis. It performs an endocrine function in the body. The pineal gland is well supplied with blood, especially at night. Violations in his work lead to a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which ultimately contributes to the development of cysts.

  • Arachnoid. They are located in the arachnoid membrane. Normally, it covers the outside of the brain and protects it from various damages. Most often, this type of cyst occurs as a result of trauma or inflammation of the meninges due to infectious diseases.
  • Dermoid. They are extremely rare. Registered in babies in the first year of life. Inside the cyst does not have a liquid component, but the remains of embryonic particles. In some cases, you can find the beginnings of teeth and bones, various elements of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Choroid plexus cysts. They occur during fetal development. Most often, these abdominal formations are recorded already at the 28th week of pregnancy. After birth, they can remain for life. Usually the child does not have any adverse symptoms, everything proceeds without any clinical changes.

  • Cysts of the intermediate sail. They are located in the fold of the pia mater, which is located in the zone of the third ventricle of the brain. They are often detected only by magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Pseudocysts. Inside the cavity is cerebrospinal fluid. The disease is usually asymptomatic. The child does not change the state of health and behavior. In some cases, there are several pseudocysts, which is a consequence of polycystic disease.
  • Subarachnoid. They are located in the subarachnoid space. Often occur after various traumatic brain injuries or after car accidents. May present with adverse symptoms. With a severe course of the disease and the rapid growth of education, surgical treatment is performed.
  • Cysts in the ventricle of the brain. They are located in the cerebral collectors of the cerebrospinal fluid. Most often, such cysts form in the zone of the lateral ventricles. The rapid growth of formations leads to the appearance of symptoms of intracranial hypertension.

  • Subependymal. The most common cysts in infants. Inside the formations is cerebrospinal fluid. A cavity formation occurs due to hemorrhages under the lining of the brain and rupture of blood vessels. This condition usually occurs with birth trauma. They can be of various sizes - from 5 mm to several centimeters.
  • Retrocerebellar. They form inside the brain, and not outside, like many types of cysts. The formation of the cavity occurs as a result of the death of gray matter. Various provoking causes can lead to the development of this type of cyst: trauma, infectious pathologies, hemorrhages, and others. Such cavity formations usually proceed quite hard and require treatment.
  • Porencephalic. This condition is extremely rare in pediatric practice. It is characterized by the formation of several cavity formations in the brain - of various sizes.


The manifestation of clinical signs depends on the initial localization of the cavity formation. If there are several cysts, they are located in different parts of the brain, then the baby may have a variety of symptoms that significantly complicate the diagnosis.

The most common clinical manifestations of cystic formations include:

  • The onset of a headache. It can be of different intensity: from mild to unbearable. The pain syndrome is usually maximum after waking up or active games. Identifying this symptom in infants is a difficult task. It is worth paying attention to the child's behavior, which changes significantly when a headache occurs.
  • Change in baby's condition. In some cases, the child becomes more inhibited. He has increased drowsiness, there are pronounced problems with falling asleep. Babies lose their appetite, they sluggishly attach to the chest. Sometimes babies completely refuse breastfeeding.

  • Increasing the size of the head. This symptom does not always appear. Usually, the size of the head increases with the pronounced size of the cysts. If a child has such abnormalities, then an additional examination is required to exclude cavity formations in the brain.
  • Strong pulsation and bulging of the fontanel. Often this symptom is the first sign of the presence of a cavity formation in the brain, which has already led to the appearance of intracranial hypertension.

  • Movement and coordination disorders. Usually, these unpleasant clinical signs appear in the presence of a cavity formation in the region of the cerebellum of the brain.
  • Visual disorders. Often, when looking at closely spaced objects, the child develops double vision. This pathological condition occurs as a result of compression of the growing cyst of the optic nerve.

  • Violation of sexual development. It occurs as a result of the presence of a cyst in the area of ​​​​the epiphysis - the pineal gland. Violation of the production of hormones leads to a pronounced lag of the child from age norms. In some cases, the reverse situation occurs - excessively early puberty.
  • Attacks of epileptic seizures. This condition appears when a cyst occurs in the region of the meninges. To eliminate adverse symptoms, special treatment is required, and in some cases even a surgical operation.


It is quite difficult to suspect the presence of a cyst in the brain in a newborn child. Additional testing is required to establish a diagnosis. These studies are being carried out on the recommendation of a pediatric neurologist. If the development of the cyst was preceded by trauma or brain damage, then you should go for a consultation with a neurosurgeon.

For the diagnosis of abdominal formations use:

  • Ultrasound examination of the brain. In neurology, it is also called neurosonography. This method is quite safe and can be used even for babies in the first months of life. There is no pain from the examination. 15-25 minutes are enough to determine the diagnosis.

  • Computed tomography (or CT). The study gives a high radiation exposure. It should not be performed to screen for cystic masses. This method is used only in complex clinical cases, when the diagnosis is difficult. The study gives a complete picture of the anomalies and anatomical defects present in the brain.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (or MRI). Reviews after conducting this study are the most positive. In most cases, it was with the help of MRI that it was possible to establish the presence of cystic formations in the brain. The method has a high resolution and can successfully detect even the smallest cysts. In complex diagnostic cases, they resort to the preliminary administration of contrast, which makes it possible to establish the diagnosis more accurately.


Cysts are usually asymptomatic and do not require medical attention. However, in some cases, with unfavorable localization, complications and consequences from their presence in the brain may occur. These conditions are treated by neurologists. If conservative treatment is not possible, surgical operations are performed.

The most common complication of abdominal formations in the brain (especially in newborn babies) is a lag in physical and mental development in the future. In some cases, the child has visual and motor (motor) disorders.

One of the complications is also congenital or acquired hearing loss due to the presence of a cyst in the brain.


The tactics of therapy is made by a pediatric neurologist - after identifying signs of cystic formations in the brain in a child. Usually kids are observed at such doctors during all subsequent life. Regular examination allows you to control the growth and development of the cyst.

Cystic formations in the brain can be treated conservatively and with the help of surgical operations. The choice of therapy remains with the attending physician. No one will operate on a baby right away. First, a waiting tactic is used. The doctor assesses the well-being of the child using special diagnostic methods. If there are no violations in the behavior of the child, then there is no need to perform the operation. Usually conservative therapy is reduced to the appointment of drugs that have a symptomatic effect.

If the cyst arose after bacterial meningitis, then the appointment of antibacterial drugs is required. In some cases, they are prescribed in the form of injections or droppers. Treatment of such forms of diseases is usually carried out in a hospital. After recovery from infection, as a rule, the resulting cyst also changes significantly in size. After a while, it can completely dissolve and disappear.

If the child has an immunodeficiency state, immunostimulating drugs are used. They are prescribed as a course, more often as intramuscular injections. Typically, such treatment is combined with the appointment of multivitamin complexes. Complex therapy improves the functioning of the immune system and leads to recovery.

With traumatic injuries of the meninges or after some birth injuries, doctors are forced to resort to the appointment of surgical treatment. Usually operations are carried out at an older age. Newborns and infants are only observed. If the course of the disease is rapid, and adverse symptoms significantly disrupt the child's well-being, then the decision on the need for surgical treatment can be made earlier.

You will learn about what a brain cyst is in the next video.

Until now, there is no consensus on the signs by which a pseudocyst of the brain in a newborn differs from a normal cyst. As a rule, the main criterion is the presence or absence of an epithelial lining. However, not all experts agree with this term. What is hidden behind the concept of a pseudocyst, is this deviation dangerous for a child?

What is a brain pseudocyst in newborns

Both a cyst and a pseudocyst are a cavity filled with exudate, which is played by CSF fluid or other substances. Pseudocysts of the brain in newborns are formed due to trauma during childbirth, fetal hypoxia, etc. With adequate assistance, education resolves.

Why do pseudocysts appear in the brain of a baby?

The causes of brain pseudocysts in infants are very different, but basically the etiology of education comes down to disorders associated with the prenatal development of the fetus.

Often the catalyst is:

Especially dangerous is the subependymal pseudocyst of the brain in newborn babies. Violation always occurs against the background of hemorrhage, sometimes due to birth trauma. The reasons for the formation of a subependymal pseudocyst are always associated with an acquired during pregnancy, and not a congenital factor.

What is dangerous pseudocyst

A pseudocyst always has a secondary cause of development. The catalyst for the occurrence is trauma, lack of oxygen, difficult childbirth, and not disturbances in the functioning of the body.

There is no specific treatment for brain pseudocysts in infants. Enough regular visits to a neurologist, the passage of restorative therapy aimed at combating possible complications due to injury.

If a year after birth, the formation does not go away in an infant, a true cyst is diagnosed. In this case, a lifelong consultation with a neurologist will be required.

In most cases, true and false cysts do not manifest themselves clinically and do not interfere with the normal development of the child and adult. The danger arises with a tendency to a rapid increase in education, which occurs no more than 1-5%.

How to identify a pseudocyst

The most informative and safe method for diagnosing abnormalities in a baby is an ultrasound of the brain. An indication for an ultrasound examination is a birth injury, fetal hypoxia and any disturbances in the behavior of the child. Excessive tearfulness, lack of sleep, etc.

Having found pseudocysts of cerebral vessels in newborns, the neuropathologist will prescribe a second study to follow the dynamics of growth.

When re-examination, attention is drawn to a decrease in the volume of the neoplasm. If the dimensions remain the same or there is a tendency to increase, a course of therapy is prescribed to prevent the appearance of possible complications: seizures, headaches. As they grow older, the diagnostic procedure may be replaced by an MRI.

The difference between a brain cyst and a pseudocyst

Although some medical reference books indicate that the main difference between the diagnoses is the presence of an epithelial lining, not all specialists agree with this.

Pseudocysts of the lateral ventricles of the brain are determined by the following criteria:

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the true cyst from a pseudocyst after an ultrasound diagnosis.

How to treat a pseudocyst of the brain of the head

Treatment of pseudocysts in children is not required. Usually, education takes place on its own during the first year of life. On the development of the child: his mental, emotional and physical condition is not affected.

To play it safe, a neurologist may prescribe Actovegin or a similar drug that improves blood circulation in the brain. But if during the first year the cystic formation remained unchanged, intracranial pressure increased, medical, according to indications, manual therapy will be required.

Massage with a pseudocyst is prescribed to improve the neuro-reflex and musculoskeletal system. It is carried out exclusively by a specialist. There are contraindications.

What to do if the pseudocyst does not resolve

In this case, the diagnosis of a pseudocyst was made incorrectly. Mistakes are rare, but they do occur. After determining the exact diagnosis, the doctor determines the symptoms of education and establishes the consequences of the disease.

The likelihood of affecting the development of the child, the occurrence of seizures and seizures is minimal, but if the cystic cavity exceeds the allowable size, anticonvulsant drugs are prescribed.

The main task of the specialist is to determine the causes of education. Therapy is mainly directed against the catalysts of deviations and the fight against the symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation and metabolism. Homeopathy can be useful, but it is prescribed with extreme caution.

Folk remedies for brain pseudocysts

Folk remedies in the treatment of a child should be used with extreme caution. Most medicinal plants provoke allergic reactions, so you should consult your doctor before use.

Baths and decoctions help relieve symptoms if the formation has reached its maximum size. Herbal baths relieve tension in the muscles, are a good relaxing and soothing remedy. A decoction of hawthorn, which has an excellent taste, will help the child.

It is impossible to prescribe St. John's wort, which helps adults with similar problems! For a child, grass is a strong poison. Before using any method of non-traditional treatment, it is better to consult a doctor!

- a common benign formation. It is a cavity in an organ filled with fluid. By the end of pregnancy, a similar phenomenon in the fetus usually resolves without outside intervention. The reasons for the appearance of cysts are different. Most often, cysts are the result of the fact that newborns have not yet established a metabolism.

Symptoms of neonatal cysts depend on the type of tumor. Its localization, size and associated complications matter. Neoplasms differ in malignancy, the presence of suppuration and inflammatory processes. Newborn cysts have the following symptoms:

    Disorder of coordination of movements and late reactions.

    Decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs, up to its complete loss (for a certain period of time, the handle, leg is taken away).

    Violation and deterioration of vision.


The prognosis is positive. Such a disease does not affect the further development of the newborn.

Periventricular cyst in a newborn

A periventricular cyst in a newborn affects the white matter of the brain. Because of it, newborns often experience paralysis. The pathogenesis of this disease manifests itself through foci in the periventricular areas of the white matter of the brain. This is one of the varieties of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Cyst treatment is complex. It is quite complex, and is based on a combination of drug therapy with surgical intervention. Periventricular cysts are difficult to treat on their own. They appear for various reasons:

    hereditary pathologies,

    fetal abnormalities,

    infectious lesions,

    complications during pregnancy.

Such cysts most often occur in the perinatal period.

Cyst of the spermatic cord in newborns

A spermatic cord cyst in newborns is a small volume of fluid enclosed in a vesicle. It usually forms in the sheaths of the spermatic cord. A favorable environment for the cyst is located in the area of ​​​​the open vaginal process of the peritoneum. A cyst of the spermatic cord has much in common with a disease such as dropsy of the testicular membranes (hydrocele). The diseases have a similar origin and methods of treatment. The cyst of the spermatic cord has the ability to grow, increasing in volume. This is typical for an acute cyst. If left untreated, it develops into inguinal.

There are situations when such a cyst communicates with the abdominal organs. In this case, its size depends on the daily physiological cycle, and the fluid flows from the abdominal organs into the cyst cavity and back. The process contributes to the transformation of the cyst into a hernia of the inguinal or inguinal-scrotal region. There are factors leading to the disappearance of communication with the abdominal cavity. Often this occurs due to blockage of the cavity from the inside, injury or inflammation. As a result, the cyst of the spermatic cord becomes threatening due to the risk of rupture.

This disease is most often treated with surgery. In infants under one year old, a testicular or spermatic cord cyst sometimes resolves on its own. For children of the younger age group with a cyst of the spermatic cord, a stable observation of the surgeon is organized. It is carried out until reaching 1-2 years of age. Surgical treatment is carried out if the patient has reached 1.5 - 2 years of age, and the cyst has not resolved.

Choroidal cyst in a newborn

Choroidal cyst in a newborn is a disease that affects the choroid plexus of the brain. Causes: intrauterine infection or injury received during pregnancy or during childbirth. This type of cyst is removed by only one method - surgical. Such education resolves with difficulty, the percentage of such cases does not exceed 45%.

The choroidal cyst of a newborn is easily recognized by the symptoms. The child suffers from convulsive reactions, twitches. He constantly finds himself either in a sleepy state, or vice versa - all the time he seems restless. The body cannot function normally. The baby has impaired coordination of movements. Diagnosing a choroidal cyst in a newborn is not difficult. At the very first ultrasound examination, it turns out that the fontanel cannot close, although it should already be due. The method of treatment is quite complicated - surgical methods and drug therapy are used.

A cyst on the kidney in a newborn has almost no effect on the activity of the organ. Ultrasound is the best tool for accurate diagnosis of such a formation. It is also very important to identify the features of the blood supply of the resulting cyst.

Newborns can suffer from several types of kidney cysts. Most often, formations are unilateral. However, if a cortical cyst is found on one of the kidneys, it can be assumed that the tumor most likely arose on the second. This disease is diagnosed not only by ultrasound, but also through duplex scanning. It is used to determine if the tumor is malignant.

In newborns, the following types of renal cysts are diagnosed:

    Simple view, cortical. In many ways, this disease proceeds in the same way as in adults.

    Polycystic - it is laid during the tenth week of intrauterine development, if the renal tubules are blocked. Instead of healthy kidney tissue, a cyst forms. The consequences of the disease are completely impaired blood circulation, blockage of the ureter. There are frequent cases when a kidney lesion with polycystic disease is not detected by ultrasound. The prognosis is favorable only if the second kidney develops normally.

    Nephroma multiforme is a malignant tumor that is more common in boys under the age of five.

Treatment of kidney cysts in newborns is usually medication. Therapy is carried out with a noticeable increase in benign cysts in size.

Cyst under the tongue in a newborn

A cyst under the tongue in a newborn appears due to the peculiarities of the development of the thyroid duct. Occurs quite often. The condition of the newborn and the nature of the clinical picture depend on the size of the tumor. If the formation is large, it will interfere with eating and proper breathing, and it will have to be removed. A sublingual cyst develops under the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. The frenulum of the tongue is on the side of it. Large size can lead to an attack of asphyxia when pressed. The cyst has a soft elastic consistency. The shell is translucent, the body seems slightly bluish.

As a rule, such formation resolves on its own in the first months after birth. Treatment is required only if self-healing has not occurred. Usually resort to drug therapy. Dissection is carried out only in children, starting from primary school age.

When a cyst appears under the tongue, you need to contact a dentist-surgeon, a specialist in the pediatric department. Depending on the complexity of the disease, conclusions are drawn about the urgency of the intervention.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Volgograd State Medical University. He also received a certificate of a specialist in 2014.

Cyst in infants is a fairly common pathology. Fortunately, most of these neoplasms do not pose a danger to the health and life of the baby. However, in some cases, a cyst in a newborn requires treatment or at least close medical supervision. Consider what cysts are, what they are and how dangerous they are for a child.

What is a cyst in newborns?

A cyst is a cavity with walls that is filled with fluid or other biological content. There are many causes of cysts in newborns, among which the main ones are: oxygen starvation of the brain, circulatory problems, infection of the child in the womb.

The symptoms of a cyst in an infant depend on its etiology, location, size, and complications that it provokes. If such a formation is small, its signs are usually absent.

Diagnosis of cysts in newborns is carried out by various methods, but most often with the help of ultrasound. In most cases, cysts resolve in the first year of a baby's life. If this does not happen, the doctor selects the necessary treatment method. The result of the prescribed therapy in most cases is positive.

Types of cysts in babies

There are many types of cysts in children. Let's consider the most common of them.

A choroid plexus cyst in a newborn child is a pathological formation caused by infection, most often with the herpes virus. This neoplasm appears in the baby in the prenatal period of its development or immediately after childbirth. It is a collection of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) inside the choroid plexus of the brain.

Most experts note that a choroid plexus cyst in a newborn does not pose any danger to his health. It can persist throughout the child's life, and only in some cases does it need to be removed.

A subependymal cyst in a newborn is formed due to oxygen starvation of the brain. As a result of oxygen deficiency, brain tissues die, and a cyst forms in their place. Cysts of this type, as a rule, do not increase in size and do not affect the health of the baby. However, in some cases, a subependymal cyst in a newborn grows and displaces brain tissue, causing neurological disorders. In such a situation, urgent surgical removal is required.

A brain cyst in a baby usually disappears in the first year of life. If it remains, treatment is necessary. This neoplasm, when enlarged, compresses the surrounding tissues, which causes convulsive seizures in the child, and in some cases such a serious illness as a hemorrhagic stroke.

Another type of cystic pathological growths in infants is the periventricular cyst, which affects the white matter of the brain. It rarely resolves on its own, and often causes paralysis in a child. Treatment of a periventricular cyst in a newborn is quite complex and includes both drug therapy and surgery. The reason for the formation of such an education, experts call anomalies in the development of the fetus, complications and infectious diseases during pregnancy.

Ovarian cysts are quite common in newborns. This pathology is usually benign and often resolves on its own. Very rarely, the formation has a malignant course, which requires immediate treatment.

A cyst of the spermatic cord is often diagnosed in newborn boys. Such formations tend to grow and, in the absence of timely treatment, can transform into an inguinal hernia. Usually, the first two years after the birth of the baby, the doctor observes, and only at the age of 1.5-2 years, the cyst is surgically removed.

Sometimes babies are diagnosed with a cyst on the kidney. As a rule, it does not manifest itself in any way and resolves in the first year of life. You can determine the pathology with the help of ultrasound. If this formation does not disappear, drug treatment is carried out, having previously established whether it is malignant.

Common cysts in newborns include a cystic growth on the tongue. Its appearance is associated with anomalies in the development of the thyroglossal duct. If the cyst is large and prevents the child from eating, it is removed immediately. In other cases, observation is carried out until the baby reaches 1 year in the hope of resorption of the formation. Sometimes drugs are used to eliminate the cyst, but more often it is excised surgically.

Pseudocysts in newborns

Pseudocysts in newborns are small cystic formations. It was previously believed that their main difference from cysts is the absence of an epithelial lining. However, now it is very rare, but brain cysts are diagnosed, which also do not have epithelial tissue inside.

Most often, the term "pseudocyst" in a newborn is used in the case of a cystic formation of the brain, which develops in the region of its lateral angles and the place of the groove between the head of the caudate nuclei and the thalamus. Pseudocysts have a favorable prognosis and arise from a reduction in the germinal matrix or other malformations. In all other cases, we are talking about cysts. 4.6 out of 5 (5 votes)

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