Hepatitis is transmitted through saliva. Viruses E and D. Possible routes of transmission

Infection with hepatitis C immediately raises the question of how the disease is transmitted, in particular, transmission through saliva during kissing. The risks of getting infected in this way are negligible, but they cannot be ruled out.

Main routes of transmission

Infection through saliva

Infection through saliva, as a rule, does not occur. Many studies claim that hepatitis C cannot harm a healthy person when kissing. This is due to the fact that the concentration of hepatitis C transmissible units in biological fluids extremely small and not enough to infect another person. However, research in this area is still ongoing and doctors do not believe that the risk of infection does not exist at all. The facts have been published that the hepatovirus belongs to quite small viruses, therefore, at the very height of the disease, its concentration in 1 ml of blood is much higher than that of the immunodeficiency virus, for example. This fact once again proves the danger of hepatitis C and high opportunity its entry into the body healthy person.

The mechanism of transmission through the mucous membranes

The hepatitis C virus can enter the body through saliva if the human oral cavity is damaged. Therefore, hepatitis C can theoretically be transmitted through a kiss. Usually, most people do not have such injuries, but with a banal wound from biting the cheek or with stomatitis that has not yet healed, the saliva of an infected person can get into an open wound. Of course, the risk of infection in this way is extremely small, since it is necessary to have a clearly bleeding area through which the virus can enter the systemic circulation. However, given that only a few units of the virus can be transmitted to become infected with hepatitis C, the doctor is still advised to be extremely careful about all contacts with a person with hepatitis C.

What is the risk of infection?

People living with a sick person are wondering if it is possible to get hepatitis C through saliva? The risk of contracting hepatitis C primarily depends on the biological fluids - blood, saliva, semen. The highest concentration of the virus is found in the blood, but hepatovirus may also be present in saliva.

The concentration of the virus depends primarily on the stage of development of the disease. As you know, when hepatovirus C enters the body, a person acquires only a small amount of it. The body of an already infected patient produces new viral units exponentially.

Interesting fact: A person infected with a hepatovirus produces about a trillion viral particles per day.

Getting into the liver cells, hepatovirus C actively reproduces its copies in the cells, which are found in the blood of a sick person. For example, in 1 ml of blood, even more than 2 million copies of the virus can be detected. This means that the disease is progressing and has acquired a complex chronic course, and a sick person is especially contagious to others. Naturally, with such a development of the disease, the level of the virus in saliva also increases.

How to avoid infection?

To avoid infection, a high social responsibility of the patient to others is necessary. Knowing about your status, first of all, you need to limit intimate communication, and when sexual contact use a condom. People living near the patient should ensure that they do not come into contact with blood and body fluids, including saliva. If there are any wounds in the oral cavity, they must be treated, avoiding contact at this time with an infected person. The disease is easier to prevent than to cure, and any rash behavior and neglect elementary rules security can be costly to others.

To date, drugs for hepatitis C with an efficiency close to 100% have already appeared in the world. The modern pharmaceutical industry has created drugs that practically do not have side effects. Many patients see the first results in the form of relief of symptoms and a decrease in viral load after a week of taking.

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Having identified hepatitis, the patient immediately tries to protect himself from all contacts with his relatives and friends, because not everyone knows about the ways of transmission of the virus, and whether hepatitis B is transmitted by kissing through saliva.

Hepatitis B is a viral disease caused by a virus from the hepadnavirus family. It is very resistant to temperature changes and other negative impacts environment as well as pharmaceuticals.

Relationship between hepatitis B and kissing

The number of infected is constantly growing, hepatitis B has become for health authorities global problem, since the treatment of this disease can only help on initial stage. But the difficulty in treatment lies in the fact that immediately after infection, a person may not suspect that he is a carrier of hepatitis B and only find out about it when it occurs. serious illnesses liver.

The main route of infection is the entry of the blood of an infected person into the blood of a healthy person, for example, during a blood transfusion. At the same time, the virus in the human body is present not only in the blood, but also in saliva, urine, menstrual flow and seminal fluid. That is why you can get hepatitis B in different ways.

Since visually, upon initial acquaintance with a person, it is impossible to determine whether he is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus or not, many are concerned about the question of whether the virus is transmitted through a kiss.

Officially, no cases of infection through saliva have been reported, although small dose virus in the patient's saliva may be present.

Important! With a severe degree of hepatitis B, a large amount of the virus is produced in the patient's body, which can lead to infection of his partner during a kiss.

When infection through a kiss is very likely:

the chances of getting infected through kissing increase if there are gum injuries or bleeding wounds in both partners, since the virus is transmitted through the blood. In this case, the patient's blood can freely enter the body of a healthy person through the wound; if the percentage of the virus in the patient's body is very high, then there will be a small concentration of the virus in the saliva, which will lead to infection of the partner through a kiss.

Consider how the hepatitis virus is transmitted.

Ways of infection

There are several ways to get this disease.

The virus is transmitted both from the carrier to a healthy person, and household way through shared items that have contaminated particles on them.

The main modes of transmission of the B virus are:

through the blood, when the blood of a sick person enters the blood of a healthy person. This can happen when using non-sterile medical instruments and syringes, as a rule, hepatitis is common among drug addicts. You can also become infected during a blood transfusion, as well as through cuts and scratches, for example, when using other people's personal hygiene items if they have the patient's blood on them (razor, scissors or a manicure set); infection after unprotected intercourse. Because the virus can be carried in semen or vaginal discharge it is sexually transmitted;

when visiting dental office or nail salon. Since the patient's blood can remain on the instruments, it is easy to catch the virus in these institutions, because the burr machine, as well as manicure instruments, are not sterilized; perinatal route. If childbirth is complicated, then the likelihood of infection of the child from a mother who is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus is high. After all, a child, passing through birth canal, in contact with mucus, as well as mother's blood; through a kiss. Since the hepatitis B virus can be found in saliva at high concentrations in the body, there is a risk of infection by kissing, especially if there are wounds and other damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth. If the patient has mild degree diseases and there is no damage to the mucosa, in this case the likelihood of infection is minimal.

Many people who have not encountered hepatitis B in their lives do not even imagine what a threat it poses, therefore very often they do not follow precautionary measures and do not even know how the virus is transmitted. Consider what this disease entails.

The danger of hepatitis

Hepatitis B can occur in several forms, in which different symptoms and their severity:

the chronic form is characterized prolonged absence any symptoms (about 6 months); the acute form has several stages from mild to severe, while various symptoms appear from jaundice to liver failure; the instantaneous form is characterized by the unexpected death of the patient, because for short span time the patient has cerebral edema, without the prior onset of symptoms.

What can be dangerous hepatitis B?

This viral disease is dangerous if diagnosed on late stage because then it will be too late for treatment. In this case, cirrhosis or liver cancer, cerebral edema, as well as other disorders in the body, such as myocarditis, arthritis, arthrosis, vascular and kidney diseases, including kidney failure. These complications increase the risk of death.

Because the hepatitis B virus is sometimes transmitted through saliva, don't risk kissing someone who is infected. It is especially worth giving up kisses for wounds on the lips, in the mouth, problems with the gums, because this is a direct path for various viruses to enter.

Because the disease is difficult to treat and new effective drugs that increase the likelihood of recovery cost a lot of money, the only way stop the epidemic of hepatitis B is vaccination.

Vaccination is carried out for the following population groups: infants, kindergarten children, schoolchildren, students, prisoners, healthcare workers who are in contact with patients with hepatitis B, patients on hemodialysis and in need of intravenous injections, relatives of patients with hepatitis B, drug addicts, tourists who arrived from territories where outbreaks of viral hepatitis were recorded.

To protect yourself from such viral disease like hepatitis B, it is worth getting vaccinated, strengthening your immunity, taking vitamins, healthy lifestyle life without bad habits, avoid messy connections.

Strengthening the immune system and a healthy lifestyle are the main protection against hepatitis B.

With strong immunity and healthy liver, as well as the absence of violations of the oral mucosa, you can safely kiss and not be afraid of infection.

It is known that hepatitis B is transmitted mainly in two ways:

Through blood transfusions (blood transfusion or the use of dirty instruments with traces of blood); Sexual contacts.

Infection by household means, including through saliva, has no epidemic significance, however, it is theoretically possible.

Where is the hepatitis B virus found?

After a thorough study of biological fluids, doctors came to disappointing conclusion that the causative agent of hepatitis B is contained in saliva, urine, excrement and tears in small quantities infected person. However, usually infection does not occur through household contact, despite the fact that the likelihood of this remains.

How can household transmission of the virus occur?

Despite the fact that the virus is present in other biological fluids in addition to blood, a number of conditions must be met for infection. From saliva, it must go directly into the blood, which is possible only if there are wounds on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes.

Thus, theoretically, the likelihood of contracting hepatitis B through kissing remains if a person has wounds in his mouth. However, this route of infection was noted only in children's groups. This is explained by the fact that in young children hepatitis B can be asymptomatic, so the child freely attends childcare facilities. Especially dangerous is the period of the acute phase, when the concentration of the pathogen in the blood increases.

A feature of the relationship of children is the lack of concepts about sanitary standards and hygiene due to age. Therefore, they can eat from the same dishes, gnaw on toys and even bite each other until they bleed. These actions can lead to infection if the child has not been vaccinated against hepatitis B in a timely manner for any reason.

Among adults, the main source of infection is the neglect of basic hygiene rules and the sharing of razors, manicure sets, scissors, and so on with a carrier of hepatitis B, which is not associated with the transmission of the pathogen through saliva. Physicians note that patients with chronic hepatitis In the concentration of the virus anywhere other than blood and semen is negligible, therefore, it is unlikely to become infected from them through dishes or, for example, common towels.

On the other hand, relatives and household members of a patient with hepatitis are at risk and have a high chance of contracting the virus, especially with prolonged cohabitation, more than 10 years.

It should be noted that the probability domestic infection through saliva other types of hepatitis, for example, A and C, is significantly different. Hepatitis A is easily transmitted by the fecal-oral route, and hepatitis C is transmitted exclusively through blood transfusions (sexual transmission is relevant in only 5% of cases).

How is it transmitted viral hepatitis FROM? In the course of his life, a person exchanges body fluids with one or more partners in the process of sexual intercourse or kissing. Other common life situations greatly expand this list. For example, for people who inject drugs, to a large extent blood exchange is possible, however, as for visitors medical institutions and service enterprises: hairdressing and beauty salons.

When using public toilets possible contact with foreign particles of urine and sputum.

The main route of its transmission is parenteral, that is, through the blood or mucous membranes, bypassing gastrointestinal tract. There are various and quite common situations when hepatitis C can enter the body:

  • sexually;
  • during the introduction injectables and use of one syringe by a group of people;
  • during surgery;
  • during a visit to the gynecologist;
  • when manipulating the biological fluids of patients carrying the virus, for example, laboratory tests;
  • during childbirth from an infected mother to a newborn.

Is it possible to get infected through saliva?

Saliva is a biological fluid that is produced salivary glands and can be found not only in the mouth, but on clothes, hands and other household and hygienic items. That is why the issue of transmission of the hepatitis C virus through saliva remains relevant for most citizens. It will not be possible to answer it affirmatively or negatively with absolute certainty, since the virus may be in saliva, but this does not guarantee its transmission to another person and infection with hepatitis. However, such a possibility exists.

For years there was no clear evidence that the hepatitis C virus could be transmitted through saliva, but development modern technologies and conducting a series of serious experiments made it possible to prove the relevance of this method of transmitting the virus.

Several decades ago, scientists, in order to prove such a possibility, conducted an experiment that demonstrated that the virus in the saliva of a sick person is so small that its quantity would not be enough to infect another person. However, the individuality of each organism makes its own adjustments to this process and the hepatitis C virus can overcome this barrier and get to another person. The probability of infection through the saliva of one person from another is very high if the disease of one individual has passed into the chronic stage.

Do not neglect the safety measures when using hygienic items, such as Toothbrush. It may contain particles of the virus carrier's blood, which, getting into someone else's oral cavity, through wounds and damage to the mucosa transfer dangerous virus in healthy body. It should be noted that the RNA virus can remain viable on the bristles for up to 96 hours.

If one healthy partner has good immunity and mucous membrane of the mouth without damage, then, with big share the likelihood that a kiss with a virus carrier will not have for him serious consequences. Although remembering the rules of hygiene is always useful!

Factors affecting the transmission of hepatitis through saliva

It is possible to pass hepatitis C through a kiss from a sick person to a healthy person, but this probability will depend on several conditions. As we have already said, it rises if a man or woman has damage to the mucous membrane and small wounds in the mouth. Weakened immune system as well accompanying illnesses may be cause for concern.

It is quite clear that at chronic stage development of the disease in human saliva, the concentration of foreign RNA will be several times higher than at the initial stage of the development of the disease. Well, another factor is the amount of saliva that comes into contact with a healthy person. The more it is, the higher the risk of infection.

When hepatitis is diagnosed, many perceive it as a sentence for themselves, they worry about the health and safety of loved ones. Can you get infected through kissing? To understand the mechanism of transmission of infection, it is worth getting acquainted with the features of the disease in detail.

Features of the disease and kiss

Viral hepatitis is the name of a group of diseases that share common features:

  • viral nature;
  • ability to attack liver cells.

Their transmission routes do not always coincide, as well as the symptoms and ways of influencing the organ, therefore they are divided into several types, the main of which are A, B and C.

Hepatitis A is known as jaundice. The disease always passes in an acute form, it is cured in a month, giving a person strong immunity. People can become infected with the virus, which is transmitted:

Knowing the high contagiousness of the disease, there are hardly any who want to kiss a patient with jaundice.

Great danger for human body represent viruses B and C because:

  • often have a chronic form;
  • difficult to treat;
  • infection is fraught with serious complications.

Virus B has an aggressive form and high resistance; it remains active in the external environment for up to several months. hepatitis B in people with strong immunity causes sharp shape, in the presence of adequate treatment often ends with a complete recovery, a stable immunity is acquired. In people with a deficiency immune protection the acute phase passes implicitly, the disease smoothly flows into the chronic stage.

Virus in in large numbers is present in the patient's blood, during periods of exacerbation, its concentration in a cubic milliliter of blood reaches a billion copies of the virus. A drop is enough for 100 people to get an infection. It is active in the biological fluids of the patient, especially a lot of it in semen and saliva. You can get infected:

Only people who have been ill and vaccinated are protected from this type of hepatitis. You can get infected from patients with both acute and chronic forms.

The presence of the virus in the secreted fluids increases the risk of infection at the time of sexual intercourse, this happens in 30% of cases. Infection is most likely during periods of exacerbations, when the number of agents increases dramatically. For people practicing frequent shift partners and non-traditional entertainment, the danger increases many times over.

A kiss is an active exchange of saliva of partners, and since in both variants of hepatitis the presence of a virus in it has been proven, the question of whether it can be passed on to another person remains relevant. But there are some nuances here.

The saliva of a patient with hepatitis B contains a virus, but if it gets on a healthy mucosa, it will not bring harm. Studies by American scientists have shown that its activity and amount increases with severe course sickness when there is inflammatory foci on the gums. Bleeding wounds in both kissers increase the risk of infection by several times.

Therefore, with type B, in some cases, a kiss can be considered real threat the introduction of the virus into the blood, so it would be useful to take security measures.

The virus of this type is considered the most dangerous, the list of complications caused by the disease is wide, the disease often goes without symptoms for years.

An infected person often learns about the disease by accident.

Immunity to this type of virus is not developed.

With a strong immune system and a small amount of the agent, you can count on a complete recovery, but in most cases its course is chronic.

The method of transmission of the virus is hematogenous, which means that all manipulations with the patient's blood and its entry into the bloodstream of a healthy person carry the threat of infection. Previously positive reactions were detected during blood transfusion, measures have now been taken to prevent the situation, and a test for the presence of the virus is being carried out before it is donated.

Risk factors:

Virus C is able to exist in the external environment at moderate temperatures from several hours to several days.

It is found in semen, as well as menstrual blood. But its quantity is insignificant, so the sexual transmission option is possible, but rare (about 5%), this usually happens if the patient's genitals have lesions that secrete blood, and the partner also has wounds.

The risk increases when people practice anal and non-traditional sex, constantly change sexual partners.

Virus C is present in the saliva of an infected person, but its concentration there is negligible and insufficient to initiate the disease, it is usually not transmitted in this way. official statistics does not have data, but this does not mean that such a possibility is excluded.

Theoretically, a kiss can cause infection, but only if:

  • when there are wounds on the lips or in the oral cavity, both partners must have them, since the infection is transmitted through the blood:
  • the danger exists when a healthy partner has damage in the stomach: an ulcer or unhealed postoperative sutures.

How to avoid infection?

If it turns out that a carrier of type B or C infection has appeared in the family, this is not a reason to turn away from the person, to isolate him from society. It is impossible to get infected:

  • by airborne droplets:
  • through dishes;
  • through household items;
  • when touched on healthy skin.

First of all, the patient himself must observe safety measures so as not to accidentally transmit the virus to loved ones. An infected person should:

Healthy people should also take steps to prevent infection:

  • first aid can only be provided with gloves;
  • minimize the number of sexual partners;
  • use condoms;
  • vaccinate.

It must be remembered that according to appearance a person cannot be understood whether he has hepatitis or not. Promiscuity in relationships sometimes leads to a sad result.

If you got sick close person, compliance with countermeasures, attention to its condition, timely treatment will help to avoid infection and take an active part in his recovery.

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