Cracking of the cervical vertebrae when turning the head. Why crunches and clicks in the neck and shoulder blades. Causes of unnatural sounds in healthy people

The neck crunches when turning or tilting the head - how dangerous is this symptom? Many people experience this phenomenon, but often consider it a simple consequence of sedentary image life. What is really behind this phenomenon, when is it time to sound the alarm and seek medical help? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Causes of a crunch in the neck

What crunches in the cervical spine? An unpleasant sound is made by the joints intervertebral discs, and this phenomenon can be caused by the most different reasons, both completely harmless (physiological) and pathological, associated with the course of concomitant diseases.

The cervical spine experiences the highest loads, because it provides the mobility of the head and shoulders. A crunch in the neck may appear periodically and disappear without any consequences, or it may be a symptom serious pathologies associated with vertebral fracture. To begin with, consider the completely harmless causes of crunching joints in the neck, not related to the course pathological process.

Physiological causes of crunching

Block header The most common cause of crunching is sedentary image life, lack of mobility of the neck. If a person is forced to stay in the same position all day long (work at a desk, computer), without giving enough time to warm up, then the neck begins to numb, and then crunch when turning or tilting the head.

and close to it features of the structure of the cartilaginous and connective tissue- another one physiological cause this phenomenon. The appearance of an unpleasant crackling in the neck - salient feature, inherent in many people of thin build with excessive joint mobility and weak muscle tone. This crunch is not too dangerous for health, if observed optimal mode physical activity.

Another reason why the neck crackles is an excess of physical activity, accompanied by excessive physical exertion. In professional athletes, a crunch in the joints of the cervical region can be observed with long break in workouts. Usually this phenomenon disappears after a mandatory warm-up. Often amateur athletes or gym regulars begin to suffer from a crunch in the neck. In order for the crunch to pass, you need to make a more rational training schedule and dose physical activity.

At infants there is age feature- joint fluid, necessary to prevent joint friction, is still produced in insufficient quantities. Because of this, the baby's joints and neck may crackle. After a year, this phenomenon usually resolves on its own, and it does not need to be treated. But if the crunch is heard all the time, it is worth showing the baby to the pediatrician - perhaps there is a chance to identify spinal disease on early stages and prevent severe consequences various congenital anomalies development musculoskeletal system.

Pathological causes of crunch


On the verge of pathology are such formations as osteophytes - bone growths on the vertebrae. They are formed as a result of a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism or destructive age-related changes affecting the tissues of the spine.

Violation of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus can cause a strong crunch in the neck. Calcium is essential for structure formation bone tissue, but its excess is deposited in cartilage, ligaments and tendons. These structures lose their elasticity, become less mobile, crunch when moving. For treatment, you should change the diet to reduce the calcium content to normal.

Depending on the size and location, osteophytes may not affect the patient's condition in any way, but may significantly limit the mobility of the neck. The crunch causes the contact of osteophytes with cartilage and bone tissue. Whether to fight them depends on the degree of mobility impairment. Most often, osteophytes are a harbinger of more severe pathologies associated with degenerative-dystrophic processes in the bone and cartilage tissue of the joints.


Among the most common diseases of the cervical spine, doctors call. This is the process of thinning and gradual destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. It affects the most mobile parts of the spine - cervical and lumbar.

There are several reasons for osteochondrosis - hereditary predisposition, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, anatomical features structures of the spine metabolic disorders, body aging. As a rule, there is a combination of several adverse factors. Hypothermia, stress or intense physical activity can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

The manifestations of osteochondrosis are extremely diverse - the mobility of the affected spine is disturbed, the neck constantly crunches when tilting or turning the head, pain occurs, muscles get tired and ache from a monotonous posture, if a person for a long time forced to be in a static position. AT advanced cases involved in the process spinal nerves, there are pain in the neck, shoulders, headaches, as well as chest pain that mimics angina pectoris. At risk - office workers, pupils, students, persons engaged in monotonous physical labor in which the muscles of the neck are constantly in tension.

The disease proceeds with periods of exacerbation and remission. During the subsidence of inflammation, the patient may feel good, but during the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, he is pursued severe pain. The intensity of pain is so high that a person cannot move his neck or turn his head. The position exacerbates the protective hypertonicity of the muscles, which sharply limits the mobility of the neck.

Treatment methods for osteochondrosis

Treatment of the most common cause of a crunch in the neck - osteochondrosis, long process, which does not stop the whole life of the patient. Comprehensive therapy includes medications, physiotherapy sessions, various alternative methods (manual therapy, acupuncture). AT severe cases resort to surgical treatment.

basis drug treatment make up anti-inflammatory, chondroprotective agents in tablets, ointments or injections. If necessary, prescribe calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. Spasmodic muscles are relaxed with the help of muscle relaxants, a strong pain syndrome is stopped by powerful analgesics (Ketanov, Ketonal). In cases where the growth of osteophytes and the destruction of intervertebral discs leads to impaired blood circulation and hypoxia of the brain, Actovegin, Cinnarizine, Trental are prescribed. Such medicines promote vasodilation and eliminate dangerous manifestations at severe forms cervical osteochondrosis - dizziness, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, jumps blood pressure, numbness of the upper extremities.

Highly important role plays LFC ( physiotherapy) - it strengthens the muscles of the neck, forming a strong frame that supports the spine. General physical activity renders beneficial effect on the patient's condition, it improves the mobility of the joints in the cervical region and reduces pain and stiffness.

With osteochondrosis, the appointment of warming procedures, compresses, UHF, medicinal electrophoresis. Massage is effective during periods of remission, but is strictly prohibited during exacerbation. Complications of osteochondrosis are treated surgically.

Spinal cord compression

The progression of osteochondrosis leads to "sagging" of the vertebrae, a decrease in the distance between the discs and the appearance of a characteristic crunch when turning the head. The structures of the vertebrae gradually become thinner, the cartilaginous tissues are destroyed, which can lead to infringement of the nerve roots and compression of the spinal cord.

As a result, serious complications arise - unbearable pain, weakness, limitation of mobility, problems, associated with urination and a chair. Treatment of compression is carried out conservatively or surgically.

cervical spondylosis

A disease accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs, proliferation of bone tissue and the formation of bone growths (osteophytes) on the surface of the vertebrae. Spondylosis is more often diagnosed in the elderly (after 50 years).

With a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs and other anatomical disorders in the cervical region, dull, nagging pains appear, neck mobility worsens, the patient complains of a crunch of the vertebrae when turning the head. As the pathology progresses, dizziness, migraines appear, which is associated with impaired blood supply and hypoxia of the brain. Compression nerve endings accompanied by tinnitus, decreased vision, inability to focus. The muscles of the neck are spasmodic, are in constant tension, which increases the impairment of mobility and causes pain.

Therapy Methods

Drug treatment of spondylosis consists in taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants (to relieve muscle tension), analgesics (to relieve pain syndrome). In addition, the doctor will prescribe drugs that normalize blood circulation, multivitamin complexes. If necessary, prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics or sedatives.

After the exacerbation subsides, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy procedures:

  • impulse therapy using low-frequency current;
  • sessions of diadynamic therapy;
  • procedures using sinusoidal modulated currents;
  • application of the method of transcutaneous neurostimulation;
  • acupuncture;
  • UHF and UFO;
  • shock wave therapy.
Uncovertebral arthrosis

With this disease, there is a gradual destruction of small articular formations between the cervical vertebrae, which leads to their displacement and compression of blood vessels and nerve roots in problem area. Degenerative changes in the vertebrae are manifested by a crunch in the cervical region and unbearable pain.

The causes of the disease can be congenital and acquired (consequences of injuries, high loads or a sedentary lifestyle). If, at the beginning of the development of the pathological process, the patient attributes the malaise to chronic fatigue, then as the disease develops, the severity of symptoms increases. In addition to the characteristic crunch, severe pains appear in the neck, radiating to the head and spreading along the entire length of the spine, there is an increase in pressure, bouts of nausea, which are not stopped by medications.

Treatment Methods

As part of complex therapy, doctors include painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, which can slow down the progression of the pathology. Additionally, the patient may need to consult a cardiologist, vascular, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist.

Drug treatment during periods of remission is supplemented with physiotherapy procedures - magnetic and ultrasound therapy, UHF, electrophoresis with drugs. good effect gives physiotherapy exercises and adherence to a special diet. Vitamin and mineral complexes will bring benefits and bioactive supplements that improve the nutrition of the joints and normalize metabolic processes.

Wearing a Shants collar, a special orthopedic corset for neck immobilization, helps to reduce the load on the cervical spine and reduce the motor load on the joints during an exacerbation.

Curvature of the spine

This is a group of diseases that can also cause pain and crunching in the neck. The term "curvature" refers to a significant deviation of the spine from its normal position. There are three main types of deformation of the spinal column - scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis (as well as mixed types).

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine to the side, most often to the right. Depending on the degree of curvature, this defect may be noticeable only during examination (first degree) or on final stages present with severe deformity of the spine. Particularly difficult in terms of treatment is the 4th degree of scoliosis, leading to displacement internal organs and often resulting in disability. For the treatment of scoliosis, methods of exercise therapy are used, with ineffectiveness - surgical intervention.

Kyphosis - deviation of the spine back, resulting in the formation of a characteristic appearance sick (hump). As a rule, the pathology affects thoracic region, makes it difficult to move the neck, creates conditions for damage to the vertebrae of the cervical region, accompanied by a characteristic crunch. Lordosis (forward deviation of the spine) is much less common. Treatment of a crunch in the neck when turning the head associated with a curvature of the spine is most often surgical.


The consequences of spinal and neck injuries are one of the most dangerous reasons pathological crunch. If the patient was not provided with competent health care, and the injury has not been completely cured, there is a risk of complications. A crunch in the neck can be the first sign of a developing disease.

After an injury, there may be a decrease in neck mobility, constant pain, violations of the sensitivity of the skin of the head, neck, hands. Some symptoms may not be associated with a neck injury in any way. For example, such as facial numbness, tinnitus, increased anxiety. Complications of trauma may be one of the causes of injury carotid arteries, disorders of cerebral circulation, fine motor skills hands

Several specialists are involved in the treatment of such conditions at once - a traumatologist, a neurologist, a vertebrologist, chiropractor, massage therapist.

Instability of the cervical vertebrae

This condition is more often congenital, associated with anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system. It is characterized by heaviness and aches in the vertebrae even at rest, when moving the head, pain and a characteristic crunch or clicks appear, which is associated with displacement of the articular joints.

The pathology is treated by a vertebrologist. Usually the patient is advised to wear a special orthopedic collar, supporting the muscles of the neck in the correct position, apply various massage techniques and methods manual therapy aimed at strengthening the muscular frame and giving the vertebrae the correct position.

What to do?

What to do if the neck crackles when turning the head? First of all, you need to monitor your condition and note the presence of other alarming symptoms:

  • a crunch in the neck is accompanied by dizziness and headache;
  • there is tinnitus, flickering of "flies" before the eyes, vision is reduced;
  • attacks of weakness become more frequent, there is a feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • pain in the neck haunts the patient constantly;
  • painful sensations gradually increase, give to the back of the head, shoulder, under the shoulder blade, simulating a heart attack;
  • blood pressure rises, numbness of the skin of the face is noted;
  • neck movements are difficult, sensitivity and mobility of the upper limbs are reduced, coordination of movements is disturbed;
  • pallor of the skin, violation of tendon reflexes, increased sweating;
  • the skin in the area of ​​the affected cervical vertebrae is swollen, with the progression of the inflammatory process - hot to the touch.

If of all the above unpleasant symptoms only a crunch is noted, you can be glad - this is a completely fixable condition, and it is quite simple to deal with it - you need to reconsider the diet and do not forget about exercise and optimal physical activity.

If there are anxiety symptoms indicating the development of a pathological process, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. How to get rid of a crunch in the neck will be prompted by a neurologist, surgeon, traumatologist, vertebrologist. You may need to consult other specialists, for example, a chiropractor.

Block headingTherapeutic trainings are conducted under the guidance of an exercise therapy methodologist.

If a crunch in the neck is accompanied by unbearable pain, mobility is sharply limited, there is a feeling of difficulty breathing - you need to urgently consult a doctor, but it is better to call an ambulance. Some injuries, such as vertebral process fractures, may go unnoticed immediately, but cause serious consequences in a remote period.

Almost every person at least once in their life has encountered such a phenomenon as a crunch in the neck. This sensation is not always accompanied by pain, it can appear even in absolutely healthy people. But often the crackling sounds that occur with any movement of the head give a person a lot of discomfort. Not all people suffering from such a problem go to the doctor. Indeed, in some cases, these sensations can be caused by ordinary overwork or muscle spasm. But it is best to ask a doctor how to get rid of a crunch in the neck. After all, this phenomenon can be caused by serious diseases of the spine. Often a crunch is the first symptom of beginning degenerative-dystrophic processes.

Characteristics of the problem

The cervical spine is the most mobile. This is necessary to perform the necessary range of motion during normal life. Mobility is provided due to the special structure: the vertebrae are interconnected mobile joints between them are elastic intervertebral discs. In addition, many muscles and ligaments allow you to perform a wide variety of movements. But despite heavy load, which this section of the spine can withstand constantly, the cervical vertebrae are very fragile, and the muscles are rather weak. Therefore, various pathologies often develop here.

One of the most frivolous is considered a crunch in the neck when turning the head. This phenomenon may be characterized by a feeling of friction between the vertebrae, a creaking or crunching sensation, or loud clicking sounds. Moreover, this condition often appears in absolutely healthy people, even athletes.

Causes of crunch

Most often, a crunch in the neck, when it is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant symptoms, is not harmful. It may be the result of a genetic predisposition or overwork. It is believed that a crackling sound in the cervical spine appears when the muscles cannot counteract the increased load. This can happen with their spasm or excessive relaxation.

Moreover, under the influence various factors there is a deterioration in the condition of cartilage, ligaments and tendons, a decrease in the number synovial fluid. All this can lead to the fact that a crunch will be heard during movement. This condition is not always associated with pathologies of the spine. This sound can also appear in healthy people. There are such causes of a crunch in the neck:

  • hypermobility of the vertebral joints, which can occur in thin people or in young children due to a hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of synovial fluid in the joints in infants;
  • strong tension and improper muscle work during sports;
  • poor posture, which leads to increased stress on the cervical region;
  • weakness of the neck muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • sudden unnatural movement of the head.

Often a crunch in the neck occurs due to degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine

What diseases can cause this phenomenon

But a constantly appearing crunch in the neck when turning the head may indicate serious health problems. Especially often this phenomenon is associated with degenerative processes in cartilage tissue. If the intervertebral discs cease to perform their functions of cushioning movements, the vertebrae rub against each other with a characteristic crackling sound. This may be due to various diseases.

Most often, pain and crunch in the neck appear with osteochondrosis. Degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue and the structure of the vertebrae caused by this disease lead to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs. This causes limitation of movement, especially when tilting the head.

On the late stages osteochondrosis, the vertebrae begin to collapse due to friction against each other, as a result, osteophytes are formed - bone growths. Because of them, with every movement, a crunch is heard.

The vertebrae also crunch due to other pathologies:

  • spondylosis causes the formation of osteophytes on the vertebrae, such growths cause a crunch with any movement;
  • due to a violation of calcium metabolism in tendons, muscles, joints and vertebrae, calcium salts are deposited;
  • subluxations of small joints spine due to injury or congenital pathologies development;
  • crunching and severe pain when turning the head due to a hernia intervertebral disc;
  • displacement of a vertebra due to spondylolisthesis;
  • uncovertebral arthrosis causes the destruction of cartilage tissue, which causes the neck to crackle when moving.

If the crunch is accompanied by pain and limitation of mobility, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor

Associated symptoms

Usually a simple crunch does not cause much trouble to the patient and is not dangerous. But if other symptoms join it, you should consult a doctor. What signs may indicate the presence of diseases of the spine:

  • pain in the neck, shoulders, often radiating to the shoulder blade, arm or back of the head;
  • muscle spasms that restrict head movement;
  • with damage to the nerve roots, numbness, tingling, decreased sensitivity of the skin, its pallor may occur;
  • headaches often appear, they can be caused by impaired cerebral circulation or innervation;
  • dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination of movements, tinnitus may appear.


You should not decide on your own why a crunch appears in the neck. If this condition occurs periodically and is not accompanied by pain, it can be managed without a doctor. But a constant crunch, pain in the neck and back, especially if they give to the arm or head, may indicate incipient diseases. In this case, without the advice of a specialist can not do. Usually, such a problem is addressed to an orthopedist, but an examination by a neurologist or cardiologist may be required. To determine the cause of the pathology, radiography, MRI, electromyography are most often prescribed. At frequent pain echoencephalography is done in the head, and if it becomes numb left hand- EKG.

After the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of a crunch in the neck

If the examination did not reveal serious pathologies, then the crunch appears due to weakness or excessive muscle strain. You can get rid of this feeling by strengthening the muscle corset. It is important to avoid painful muscle tension, their overwork. When playing sports, it is necessary to warm up the muscles before exercise. It is also necessary to avoid prolonged immobility of the neck, hypothermia and injury.

Such an exercise is effective: lie down on a bed without a pillow, put your hands closed in a lock under your neck. The ribs of the palms and little fingers should be at the base occiput. At the same time, you should try to relax. It will be easier to do this if you put a few drops on your palms. camphor oil. Then you need to slowly raise and lower your chin. To strengthen the muscles of the neck, eliminate congestion in the veins and salt deposits, you need to do 4 sets of 10 such movements per day.

But with a crunch in the neck caused by degenerative diseases, the doctor should prescribe treatment. After all, if you do not start it on time, complications may develop.

Treatment of pathology

For effective disposal From this pathology, it is necessary, first of all, to find out its causes, and choose the treatment in accordance with them. Methods are prescribed individually, taking into account the severity and characteristics of the pathology. Non-steroidal pain relievers anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, "Ksefokam", "Diclofenac". You can take them only as directed by a doctor for several days, so a strong pain syndrome requires the use of other therapeutic methods. Muscle relaxants are used, for example, Mydocalm. You can also relieve pain with massage, manual therapy and physiotherapy. If there is hypermobility of the spine in the cervical region, it is imperative to wear a Shants collar.

After the relief of pain, the treatment of degenerative diseases continues. Apply manual techniques, osteopathy, therapeutic exercises. To restore cartilage tissue and replenish the reserve essential vitamins it is useful to take chondroprotectors, antioxidants and multivitamins. Teraflex, Dona, Milgamma, Mexicor are effective.


With a crunch of the vertebrae and instability of the cervical spine, it is necessary to do exercises that strengthen the muscles. On the initial stage they should be static, with no head movement. For this, hands are used: resting your palms on your forehead, you need to strain your neck muscles, as if trying to lean forward. The same is done when placing the palms on the back of the head. The lateral muscles of the neck are strengthened when you try to tilt your head to the side, holding it with your hand.

Special gymnastics will help strengthen the muscles of the neck

Then you can perform slow tilts, turns, rotation of the head. It is also necessary to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle by doing exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulders.


Good effect on various pathologies spine have massage and manual therapy. In the neck area, it is necessary to use sparing techniques, as sharp strong movements can do more damage. Properly performed massage of the back of the neck and collar area helps relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and metabolism. Manual therapy methods can eliminate subluxations of the joints, stretch the spine, releasing pressure on the discs, and remove the infringement of the nerve roots.

Massage and manual therapy can help prevent cracking in the neck


Such methods effectively improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, and accelerate cell recovery. Physiotherapy helps relieve spasms and muscle pain, swelling, inflammation. Most often, with a crunch, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • thermal procedures;
  • balneotherapy.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine offers several recipes to help restore the cartilaginous tissue of the spine:

  • drink before going to bed 50 ml of water with 3 grams of gelatin dissolved in it;
  • take a tincture dead bee a teaspoon three times a day;
  • into a glass orange juice add a teaspoon of chopped chicken cartilage.


The menu should include as many products as possible containing substances to strengthen cartilage. it sea ​​fish, dairy products, vegetables, greens. Useful dishes based on gelatin, jelly from boiled cartilage. It is necessary to limit the intake of salt, animal fats, sweets and fast carbohydrates.

With frequent crunching in the neck, it is very important not to miss the moment when degenerative processes can still be reversed. Timely treatment help restore cervical mobility, and discomfort stop worrying.

Some people, when turning the neck, distinguish a characteristic crunch, it has no gender and occurs in both men and women. From what it arises, what to do, what is dangerous, what diseases it is associated with, we will consider all these issues in our article.

The neck is the organ that connects the brain to other organs. Without a neck, it is impossible to turn the head and tilt.

The basis of the connecting organ is formed by seven vertebrae, interconnected by vertebral discs, articular and muscle tissue, nerve fibers and tendons. Because of its versatility this body has a strong vulnerability.

Causes of a crunch in the neck

Even today, with advanced medicine, the causes of a crunch in the neck have not been fully studied. The reasons can be completely different. Modern medicine considers nine reasons official:

Cracking in the neck of a child

It occurs as a result of hypermobility of the joints of the spine, in which case not only the cervical, but also other joints crackle. There is one more serious reason- congenital abnormalities in the development of connective tissues. In such cases, doctors prescribe massage and exercise therapy.

Symptomatic manifestations of a crunch in the neck

The most important symptom is a characteristic pain sensation. This pathology causes the following discomfort:

  • - severe headaches, mainly in the occipital region;
  • - dizziness;
  • - nausea and vomiting;
  • - feelings of weakness and general malaise;
  • - noise in ears;
  • - pain in the region of the heart;
  • - stiffness in movements;
  • - pain in the shoulder blades;
  • - drops in blood pressure;
  • - numbness of the skin on the face.

If you have these symptoms, you should definitely visit a doctor in order to quickly determine treatment measures.

Which doctor should I contact?

If an uncharacteristic sound appears for the cervical region, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

First of all, you should make an appointment with a therapist, and the following specialists will also help you sort out this problem: a neuropathologist, an orthopedist, a neurosurgeon and a traumatologist.

If pain sensations appeared on the background nervous tension, then solve the problem of crunching in the neck will help neuropathologist.

If possible, it is better to visit vertebrologist, this specialist who deals with the treatment of the spinal column. The problem is that this specialist is only in large cities.


At the appointment, the doctor must collect the necessary anamnesis in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is possible to make a diagnosis of the cervical spine using following methods:

Therapeutic treatment

Since neck cracking can be a symptom certain diseases, then the appropriate treatment is prescribed by the doctor after a complete examination.

If crunching is not associated with health problems, then an increase in physical activity is recommended, for example, regular walks are shown. fresh air, special exercises, swimming. In some cases, the wearing of a medical corset is prescribed.

In degenerative-dystrophic disorders, treatment is focused on the disease itself, while the patient is shown next treatment:

  • - taking medications;
  • - exercise therapy;
  • – physiotherapy treatment;
  • - massage;
  • surgical intervention;
  • - acupuncture;
  • - Carrying out treatment in a health resort.


How to prevent pathology?

In fact, doing this is not difficult, for this you must follow preventive measures, such as:

Physical activity

You can't do without this item.

It is necessary to do exercises daily, and with a sedentary lifestyle, small breaks for a walk are shown to avoid discomfort.

If you feel that the neck is in excessive tension, it is necessary to change the position of the body, and perform a series of exercises for the cervical region.



Eliminate fatty foods completely from the diet.

exercise therapy

Passing massage courses will help relax the muscles and reduce pain.


The following are simple exercises that you can do at home daily:

  1. Being in vertical position, slowly tilt your head to the left so that left ear touched the left shoulder. Stay in this position for 15-25 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do this for five sets on the left and right sides.
  2. We tilt our head to the left, when the ear and shoulder touch, it is necessary to turn the neck slightly in front to look at the floor. Maintain this position for 10-15 seconds. Perform repetitions on each side five times.
  3. Tilt your head to the left, after the ear approaches the shoulder, tilt your head back and look at the ceiling, maintain this position for 10-15 seconds, then return to the starting position. And do five sets on each side.
  4. We sit straight and slowly and gently rotate your head first to the right side, then to the left, trying to lower your chin as low as possible. The exercise takes about two minutes. It must be repeated three times a day.

As we can see, there can be many reasons for a crunch in the neck; if the symptoms described above occur, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Orthopedist-traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, PFUR, 2008

Such a phenomenon as a crunch in the neck when turning the head occurs as a single phenomenon or appears in combination with other symptoms, including painful ones. Not always its appearance becomes a sign of the development of a serious illness.

However, it is necessary to check the condition of the spinal column under any circumstances in order to prevent progression serious problems.

The cervical spine is considered the most mobile part of it and experiences significant daily loads in any position of the body. In this area, seven vertebrae are localized, connected cartilaginous discs and muscular frame. This design provides a connection between the spinal cord and the brain, and also performs protective functions.

In addition, the nerve trunks are located in this part of the spinal column, as well as the four most important main vessels. Any, even minor damage or displacement can cause serious problems of the cervical region, so the presence of a neck crunch in any position of the body is recommended to be diagnosed.

Otherwise, the disease of bone and cartilage tissue can progress rapidly and lead to irreversible consequences.

Possible causes and predisposing factors for the appearance of a crunch

It is possible to conditionally divide the reasons why the cervical vertebrae crunch into two groups: those that make up the norm and pathological. The first type of factors is usually observed even in healthy people who do not have skeletal disorders.

It includes:

  • Increased mobility of the vertebrae in people with underweight. It does not pose any danger or harm to health.
  • Temporary dysfunction of the flexor and extensor muscles of the neck corset. Often occurs in people who are actively involved in sports, and disappears immediately after the muscles warm up enough.
  • Lack of joint fluid childhood caused by a discrepancy between the rate of growth and development of the organism and the increase in the functionality of the skeleton. The phenomenon does not pose a danger and harm, and over time it is eliminated by itself.
  • Collapse of accumulations of gases in the joint area.

As a rule, pathological changes that cause a crunch in the cervical vertebrae during head rotation are accompanied by concomitant symptoms and often cause severe pain. These include:

  1. Violation of the accumulation of calcium salts, as a result of which deposits form in the bones and soft tissues. The phenomenon causes the appearance of a functional block, after the elimination of which an unpleasant sound appears.
  2. Progression of osteochondrosis. The crunch in the cervical region occurs constantly and over time intensifies and becomes more frequent.
  3. Curvature of the spinal column. In this case, the appearance of clicks accompanies not only turns, but also inclinations.
  4. Instability of the vertebrae after trauma. Accompanied by pain and loss of mobility.
  5. . The progression of the pathology is accompanied by crunches in the neck when turning the head, causing severe pain. In addition, there may be instability of blood pressure, impaired functionality and mobility of the skeleton, pain in the chest, dizziness, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  6. Abnormal development of soft tissues and bones in early age This may be accompanied by abnormal mobility.
  7. Spondylolisthesis. Degenerative changes associated with the disease also cause a violation of the connection between the elements of the spinal column.
  8. Intervertebral hernia. When the protrusion of the intervertebral substance, a crunch in the cervical spine is observed constantly. Pathology develops as a result of progression of curvature, injury or increased load on the spinal column.
  9. Spondylosis. The disease is characterized by the growth of bone tissue, blocking the mobility of the column and contributing to the pinching of the nerves. The crunch is accompanied by stiffness of movements and pain.

The first stages of the development of diseases of the spine can be characterized only by the appearance of clicks, therefore, when they sudden appearance you should consult a doctor for advice and a comprehensive diagnosis.

Associated symptoms

Conventionally, all accompanying crunches in the neck when turning the head are three types of symptoms: pain in the area of ​​interest, radicular syndrome, headache. They may have their own characteristics depending on the type of disease.

Pain in the affected area

If sand in the neck occurs along with pain when turning the head, it is likely that a disease of the musculoskeletal system develops in the department.

In this case, the nature of the pain can be:

  • Aching;
  • Pulsating;
  • Unilateral or bilateral;
  • Causing a burning sensation;
  • Simultaneous (only when moving the head);
  • Periodic or permanent;
  • Localized only in the specified area, or spreading to the back of the head, back, shoulder and other parts of the skeleton.

Along with the pain syndrome, there may also be muscle spasm, as a result of which a seal is formed in the affected area. In addition, stiffness of movements is often observed.

Consequences of clamping

If the progression of the pathology is accompanied by pinching and compression of the spinal root, the occurrence and autonomic disorders, loss of sensation, neurological disorders. Among them:

  1. Ringing and noise in the ears;
  2. Numbness of the skin, the appearance of a tingling sensation;
  3. Violation of the sensitivity of the skin (temporary or permanent);
  4. Paleness as a result of impaired blood supply;
  5. Violation of tendon reflexes.

Almost all symptoms of nerve root clamping can be temporary or permanent. It depends on the type of the disease itself, as well as the degree of its progression.


If the cervical vertebrae crunch and the causes of the phenomenon lie in the progression of a serious disease, systematic migraines often occur, which can be difficult to eliminate with painkillers.

Depending on the type of pain disorder, it can be characterized as follows:

  • Feeling of being wrapped in a hoop (tension pain);
  • Heaviness of the whole head morning time days (venous);
  • Painful pulsation in the temple or neck;
  • Pain, accompanied by the appearance of optical effects before the eyes, nausea and dizziness.

In some cases, migraine can cause vomiting when severe nausea that brings no relief.

Diagnostic methods

Even if the neck crackles when turning the head without pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis. To detect pathologies, a complex medical examination soft tissue, blood vessels, cartilage and bone.

The following methods are used:

  1. Radiography. Allows you to visually examine cartilage and bone tissue;
  2. Electromyography. Allows you to assess the condition of the muscles;
  3. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Essential for soft tissue imaging;
  4. ECG. Helps assess condition of cardio-vascular system, as well as to identify possible disorders related to the heart and heart muscle;
  5. Doppler ultrasound.

Treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis.

Treatment Methods

If you hear a crunch of sand when you turn your neck, you should not take any therapy without consulting a doctor. Professional medical care can completely eliminate the problem or alleviate its course.

Medical impact

With a crunch in the neck when turning the head, treatment may be based on taking medicines. The need for this measure is determined purely on an individual basis.

To eliminate the symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease, the following groups of medicines are used:

Drug therapy can be supplemented by taking vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants, as well as a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in gelatin.

Medical nutrition limits the use of animal fats, fast food and sweets.


Physiotherapy is usually not used as the basis for the treatment of diseases of the spine that cause a crunch when turning the head. However, they can significantly improve general state the patient's body. In particular, physiotherapy is used to relax and strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, relieve inflammatory processes and pain syndrome, improve metabolism.

Most often used for this:

Crunch and clicks when turning the head during and after treatment may persist. However, the skeleton will gain mobility and functionality.

Exercise therapy and massage

Acupressure, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises form the basis of the treatment of diseases that cause a crunch when turning the head. Both methods are means of strengthening the muscles of the neck and back, as well as aligning the spinal column and improving metabolic processes.

The complex of therapeutic exercises is selected individually. Most often, it includes exercises of the following type:

  1. Bend your elbows and place your palms on your forehead. Tighten your neck muscles, trying to tilt your head forward and resisting with your hands. Keep your head and palms in this position for a few seconds. Repeat;
  2. Do the same, but at the same time prop it up with your palm temporal region heads. Repeat for the second side;
  3. Repeat the exercise for the occipital region.

Manual and acupressure therapy can only be carried out by a certified specialist, since incorrect and too strong exposure can aggravate the situation.

If the neck crackles when turning, surgery rarely used to fix a problem. In most cases, conservative sparing methods are used. However, the presence of a serious curvature of the spinal column, degenerative changes in cartilage and bones, as well as large growths on the vertebrae may become a prerequisite for surgery.

During therapy, the spine is aligned, pinching and compression of the nerve roots is eliminated, and bone growths are removed.

During rehabilitation period the patient must undergo medical preventive therapy and a course of medical gymnastics. It will also be recommended special diet and daily routine.

Therapy with non-traditional measures

Non-traditional methods are allowed to be used only with the permission of the doctor. If the neck crackles when turning the head, home treatment may be based on the use of the following remedies:

  1. Camphor oil. The substance has a warming property, so it can be used for a relaxing massage, as well as for application to the skin at night.
  2. Boiled rice. Mix equal amounts of dry cereals and water (300 grams each), leave in this form overnight. Boil one spoonful of rice in the morning and consume during breakfast. Replace the water with clean water and leave for another day. Repeat the cycle until the cereal is finished.
  3. Infusion of radish. Grate 200 grams of fruit, add two tablespoons edible salt, 100 grams of liquid honey, as well as a tablespoon of vodka. Infuse the product for three days, strain. Use the mixture to rub the affected areas.

It is possible to use prescriptions until the patient feels relief. Homemade mixtures will help relieve pain and inflammation, improve skeletal mobility and ease the course of the disease.

To prevent a crunch in the cervical region and diseases that cause a problem, it is possible with the help of the following preventive recommendations:

  • Drink at least two liters daily clean water without gas and additives, regulate the water-salt balance;
  • Every day, perform light gymnastics aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the body and, in particular, the neck;
  • To not allow increased loads on the spine;
  • Track the volume and weight of the body;
  • Monitor posture, avoid curvature of the spinal column;

Posture is especially important for children under the age of eighteen. It is recommended to instill in the child the habit of keeping his back in the correct position, as well as doing exercises every morning.


A crunch in the neck during head movements in different directions does not always indicate the progression of the disease of the vertebrae and skeleton. However, if a symptom occurs, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis to clarify the causes of the phenomenon.

In some situations, it may indicate the early stages of development complex pathologies musculoskeletal system, the progression of which can disrupt the functionality of the skeleton. It is also important to treat such problems correctly and in a timely manner.

Normally, there is no crackling in the neck when turning the head. it clinical symptom indicative of degenerative destructive processes occurring in the intervertebral discs or the soft tissues surrounding them. In particular, a strong crunch in the neck when turning the head may be present with the development of osteophytes (calcium salt deposits). Calcifications may be present in ligaments, muscles, and tendons. After a neck sprain, extensive cicatricial changes may persist. They can also make a characteristic crunch and click when moving their head.

The proposed article tells about how to properly conduct differential diagnosis and which specialist is best to contact for timely and effective treatment diseases with similar symptoms. Here you can also learn about the principles on which the treatment of pathologies of the spinal column is based and on which concomitant symptoms worth paying close attention to.

If you are in Moscow, then you have a great opportunity to get an appointment with a chiropractor or vertebrologist for free. In our chiropractic clinic, all patients receive a free initial consultation. If you have a crunch in your neck when you turn your head, we advise you to make an appointment as soon as possible. An experienced doctor will conduct an examination, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Causes of a crunch in the neck when turning the head

There are various reasons for the occurrence of a crunch in the neck when turning the head in different directions. Here it is important to pay attention to the angle at which this unpleasant sound occurs. If, when making movements without load, i.e. tilting your head forward of you, there is no crunch, then there is a high probability that its cause is the destruction of the intervertebral discs.

When the head is in a straight position, a static load is placed on the intervertebral discs. In the normal state of the cartilaginous tissue of the fibrous ring, the load is depreciated almost instantly. In the event that cartilage fibers are dehydrated, they do not have the ability to carry out depreciation correction and quickly restore their original shape after being squeezed. As a result, when trying to turn the head, the vertebral bodies begin to rub against each other, causing unpleasant crunch and the feeling of rolling crystals.

Potential causes of crackling in the neck when turning the head are the following diseases spine:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • its complication in the form of disc protrusion and the appearance of a hernial protrusion of the nucleus pulposus;
  • instability of the position of the vertebral bodies against the background of weakness of the surrounding ligamentous apparatus;
  • cicatricial changes in muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • deforming osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints;
  • uncovertebral arthrosis;
  • posture disorder.

Pathological changes leading to the appearance of a crunch do not occur simultaneously. It may take a certain amount of time for the disease to develop. Primary degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs begin as early as adolescence. Change hormonal background, production by glands huge amount sex hormones, fast growth body and a set of muscle mass - all these factors negatively affect the condition of the cartilaginous tissues of the spinal column.

Currently, juvenile or adolescent osteochondrosis is a very common disease, leading to the destruction of discs already by the age of 25 years.

In general, the process of destruction, leading to the appearance of a crunch in the neck when turning the head, goes through the following stages:

  • the diffuse exchange of fluids between the discs of the spine and the surrounding muscle tissues is disrupted (this is facilitated by the lack of regular physical activity and prolonged static tension of the neck and collar zone);
  • the fibrous ring, which is a kind of shell of the intervertebral disc, loses its flexibility and elasticity due to dehydration;
  • it strives to compensate for the loss of moisture by obtaining it from the inner pulpous nucleus, which has a gelatinous jelly-like structure;
  • a decrease in the volume of the nucleus pulposus to an even greater extent reduces the depreciation ability of the intervertebral disc and leads to its rapid destruction;
  • small cracks form on the surface of the fibrous ring, which are filled with deposits of calcium salts (already at this stage of the disease, a characteristic crunch in the neck may occur when turning the head);
  • further there is a deformation of the disc in the form of protrusion with an increase in area and a decrease in height;
  • the final stage of osteochondrosis is a herniated disc.

This can be caused by risk factors that each modern man must exclude from his life with a view to effective prevention development of osteochondrosis. These provocative aspects include:

  • a sedentary lifestyle without regular physical exertion on all the muscles of the back, collar zone and neck;
  • an incorrectly composed diet, in which carbohydrates are present in excess, blocking the microcirculation of blood in the muscles, and there are no vitamins and minerals necessary for the restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • excess body weight;
  • poor posture and the habit of slouching;
  • illiterate organization of sleeping and working places;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • injuries of the neck and collar zone.

All these factors should be excluded if possible. if you do not know how to do this - seek advice from an experienced specialist. In our clinic of manual therapy, you can get a similar consultation for free.

How does a crunch appear in the cervical region when you turn your head?

There are several distinctive features of how a crunch appears in the cervical region when the head is turned - they make it possible to distinguish the symptom of cervical osteochondrosis from the manifestation vascular pathologies. The first thing you should pay attention to is the subjectivity and objectivity of the perception of the symptom. if the crunch is clearly audible from the outside, then this is objectively symptom present. It most likely accompanies the destruction of the intervertebral discs.

If the crunch when turning the head is heard only by the patient himself, then this may be a sign of damage to the cerebral blood vessels neck area. Often this happens with their narrowing, tortuosity of the course, deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.

Second hallmark- headache. if the crunch is of vertebral origin, then there is a high probability that it will be accompanied by recurrent headaches, localized mainly in the occipital part of the head. Another location of the headache in cervical osteochondrosis does not occur. But with vascular pathologies, the headache can be girdle, squeezing in nature. It can be in the temple, crown, frontal lobes.

The third distinguishing feature is the presence additional symptoms typical of a given disease. So, for cervical osteochondrosis, the classic signs are:

  1. pain in the neck and collar area;
  2. muscle tension in the neck and shoulders;
  3. stiffness of movements;
  4. shoulder pain and upper limb on the side of defeat radicular nerve;
  5. hand numbness and decreased muscle strength in her.

If at least some of these symptoms are present, then it can be assumed that the crunch in the neck when turning the head is caused by damage to the spinal column.

Why is there a crunch in the back of the head, neck and ears when turning the head?

An unpleasant crunch in the back of the head when turning the head is a symptom of damage to the holes through which the posterior vertebral arteries pass. This gives extremely unpleasant symptoms. Most patients with posterior syndrome vertebral artery complain of persistent headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, decreased mental performance.

It is quite difficult to understand why a crunch occurs in the neck when turning the head - this requires a special differential diagnosis. The first thing to do is an x-ray of the cervical spine. If a pathological changes is not detected, then angiography of large blood vessels is indicated. Upon detection of their tortuosity of the course, local narrowing, an exclusive diagnosis of vascular pathologies and the syndrome of the posterior vertebral artery is carried out.

A crunch in the ears when turning the head is a symptom of damage to the upper cervical vertebrae. Between first and second cervical vertebra there is no cartilaginous intervertebral disc. Therefore, bone growths and partial fusion of the vertebral bodies are possible in this joint. It is this condition that leads to the appearance of the corresponding extraneous sounds.

It is worth paying attention to the following typical signs lesions of the upper two cervical vertebrae:

  • a crunch appears when the head is tilted forward and backward;
  • when turning the head, it may be accompanied by a slight click;
  • after several movements back and forth and left-right, the symptom disappears;
  • after a long static load, the crunch reappears;
  • may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea;
  • visual impairment is often present, which is expressed in the inability to focus the gaze for several minutes, then everything passes.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a vertebrologist or a chiropractor. This is extremely negative signs development of serious pathology in the upper part of the cervical spine.

Treatment of crunch in the neck when turning the head

If a crunch appears in the neck when turning the head, treatment should begin with a thorough diagnosis and staging accurate diagnosis. Then the doctor's efforts will be directed to the treatment of the disease, a symptom of which is a crunch in the neck.

With osteochondrosis and vertebral artery syndrome, effective methods of manual therapy can be used. Unlike official medicine, which offers patients mainly symptomatic methods treatment, the chiropractor uses only those techniques that allow you to restore the normal state of the cartilaginous intervertebral discs.

Help make it the following ways impact:

  • osteopathy and massage help restore impaired blood circulation and microcirculation of lymphatic fluid in the lesion;
  • therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy strengthen the muscles of the neck and collar zone;
  • traction traction will help increase the gaps between the vertebral bodies;
  • reflexology starts the process of tissue regeneration.

If you want an effective and safe course of treatment for crunching in the neck when turning your head, then sign up for the first free admission at our chiropractic clinic. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you about all the possibilities and prospects for therapy. In the future, an individual course of treatment can be developed for you.

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