The daily routine of a primary school student. The correct daily routine for a first grader

The correct organization of human life is extremely important for maintaining health. To achieve favorable conditions in the activity of the human body, it is necessary that his life obey a certain rhythm, that is, sleep, rest, work, nutrition, etc. occur at the same time. In this case, the body gets used to doing the same work at a certain time, or, in the words of physiologists, a dynamic stereotype is developed. What is very important for . Therefore, it is necessary to develop the correct school day schedule.

So, for example, classes at school at certain hours cause habitual excitation in areas of the cerebral cortex than achieve more fruitful and intensive work. The habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time helps to quickly fall asleep and wake up, and sound sleep for 7-8 hours gives the body the rest it needs.

Eating at a time causes a person's appetite, promotes secretion of digestive juices and more complete absorption of food.

The value of the mode is not limited only to the physiological framework: the mode helps to make better use of time, instills a sense of discipline and self-control, and develops the habit of order.

What is the daily routine of a schoolchild and what are the basic principles of its rational construction?

Mode - a sequence of various activities and recreation throughout the day. The daily regimen increases efficiency, protects the body from overwork, improves academic performance and improves health.. The daily routine is set individually, that is, for each individual, taking into account age, health status, schoolwork.

The main elements of the daily routine for a student are classes at school, homework, favorite pastime (reading, drawing, music), social work, helping the family, walking, physical education and sports, tempering procedures, toilet, meals, sleep, etc.

Composing the regime of the day, it is necessary to take into account the main regime moments and be able to correctly determine the time for their implementation.

Doing homework

It is not possible, for example, to doing homework immediately after coming home from school. An organism that has not had time to rest receives an additional load, its working capacity decreases and more time is spent on preparing lessons.

How to organize the preparation of homework? How much time is required for this? What time of day is best to cook them? Answers to these questions are given to us by special studies. First grade students should spend no more than 1 hour on homework, 2nd grade students - no more than 1.5 hours, 3rd-4th grade students - no more than 2 hours, 5th-7th grade students - no more than 2 , 5 hours and students of grades 8-11 - no more than 3 hours. If you prepare lessons for longer than the specified time, the work becomes ineffective and can lead to student overwork. When preparing homework, as well as at school, it is necessary to take 10-minute breaks after 45 minutes of class.

It is advisable to start preparing lessons with subjects of medium difficulty. and then move on to a more difficult subject. This situation is explained by the fact that at the beginning of the preparation of lessons, as at the beginning of any mental work, the working capacity of most people is relatively low. To achieve a higher degree of it, a certain time is needed, during which a person, as it were, “works in”. If you make it a habit to always start preparing your lessons at the same time, then you will spend much less time on achieving maximum efficiency.

Workplace organization

The quality of homework preparation is also affected by the correct workplace organization, which should be permanent and convenient.

Textbooks and notebooks should be in a certain place in order to start classes immediately, without being distracted and without wasting time looking for them. The workplace can only be comfortable if the size of the table and chair will correspond to the height of the student.

In this case, it is necessary that the body be in a vertical position, the head be slightly tilted forward (no more than 15 °), the legs bent at a right angle, the soles would touch the floor with their entire surface.

It is better to place the study table so that natural light falls on the left. In case of insufficient illumination, it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting. Sufficient artificial illumination is provided by light from a table lamp under a shade with an electric light bulb with a power of 40-50 watts.

It is better for those who are engaged in the first shift to prepare lessons from 16 to 17 hours. Postponing the preparation of lessons for later hours is irrational, since in the second half of the day the working capacity decreases, which leads to an increase in the time required to complete homework. It is advisable for those who study on the second shift to prepare lessons between 9 and 12 o'clock. Compliance with these conditions provides good visual perception, free breathing, normal blood circulation and contributes to the development of correct posture.

In order to master the material of homework well, you need a good rest before preparing them. If students on the second shift get enough rest during the night sleep, then students on the first shift after returning from school need the so-called active rest, which includes being outdoors, outdoor games, etc.

Outdoor stay

Outdoor stay is one of the main elements of the schoolchildren's daily regimen, which has a great healing effect on the body.

Those who exercise outdoors throughout the year are less likely to get colds and have better physical development than those who do not exercise. Sport has a particularly beneficial effect on human health, helps to strengthen it and the lungs, strengthen and improve the nervous activity of the body. The total duration of stay in the open air should be at least 3.5-4 hours for junior students and at least 2-2.5 hours for senior students.

This time is best spread evenly throughout the day. For primary school students who are engaged in the first shift, it is advisable to stay outdoors four times a day: in the morning, after breakfast and before the start of classes at school - 30 minutes; after the end of classes - 50 minutes - 1 hour; after dinner before preparing homework - 1-1.5 hours and before bedtime - 30 minutes. Morning walk contributes to the rapid inclusion in classes in the first lesson; a walk after class is necessary to relieve fatigue; a walk after dinner leads to higher performance at homework, and a 30-minute walk before bed promotes restful and deep sleep.

Middle and high school students need to be outdoors three times a day; morning, afternoon and before dinner.

Proper nutrition

The next, very important component of the daily regimen, without the rational organization of which it is impossible to correctly build the entire daily regimen, is a complete and well-organized nutrition.

Scientists have found that good nutrition has a positive effect on the mental and physical abilities of a person, on increasing a person's resistance to various diseases and adverse environmental influences.

Food is the main source of energy and building material necessary for the growth and development of the body..

It is necessary to eat at certain hours 4-5 times a day. This promotes better digestion.

Breakfast at school is necessary for students of all grades: students who do not have breakfast during a big break are more likely to get tired, they often complain of headaches and fatigue.

Dinner should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

The most important components of food are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, water, etc.


One of the most important moments of the daily routine is relaxation. The human body needs not only a short rest during classes and stay in the fresh air, but also a longer rest, which completely restores the working capacity of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole. Sleep is the best kind of rest.. The hygienic usefulness of sleep is determined by three main qualities: duration, frequency and depth. Children need different amounts of sleep depending on their age.

At the age of 7 years, you need to sleep at least 12 hours; 8-9 years old - 10-11 hours; 10-12 years old - 10 hours; 13-15 years old - 9 hours; 16 years-8 - 8.5 hours. Physically weakened, tiring children need more sleep. They are recommended an additional daytime sleep for an hour.

For a sound sleep go to bed and wake up at the same time; in the last hours before going to bed, you should not play noisy games, argue. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before going to bed, you need to wash your face, wash your feet. The bed should be comfortable, clean and not too soft.

Sleep is a major factor that affects physical and mental activity. Children 6-8 years old are recommended to sleep for 11 hours. First graders who sleep on schedule fall asleep faster. Hang-up should be at 21.00, and the rise at 7.00.

Before going to bed, do not allow the child to play outdoor games, as well as the computer. Walking or simply airing the room promotes restful and deep sleep. It also requires daytime sleep. Its duration should not exceed 1.5 hours.


It has been proven that children who eat strictly on time are less prone to diseases of the digestive system and obesity. Therefore, try to adhere to this rule. It is also necessary to take into account that children 5-10 years old need five meals a day, which must necessarily include meat and dairy products, cereals, a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Physical activity

Physical activity is essential for proper development. Plan the day in such a way that the child can do morning exercises, and in the afternoon play and run in the fresh air. Walking time should not be less than 45 minutes, but not more than 3 hours.


Do not put your child on homework immediately after coming home from school. First there should be lunch, then rest or sleep, and after an afternoon snack and a walk. Postponing tasks until the night is also not worth it. The optimal time for homework is 17.00. Their duration, if possible, should not exceed 2 hours.

The daily routine of a student is a schedule of wakefulness and sleep, alternation of various activities and rest during the day.
The state of health, physical development, working capacity and academic performance at school depend on how well the student’s daily routine is organized.
Most of the day students are in the family. Therefore, parents should know the hygiene requirements for the daily routine of the student and, guided by them, help their children in the correct organization of the daily routine.
The child's organism needs certain conditions for its growth and development, since its life is in the closest connection with the environment, in unity with it. The connection of the organism with the external environment, its adaptation to the conditions of existence are established with the help of the nervous system, through the so-called reflexes, i.e., the response of the body's nervous system to external influences.
The external environment includes natural factors of nature, such as light, air, water, and social factors - housing, food, conditions at school and at home, rest.
Unfavorable changes in the external environment lead to diseases, lagging behind in physical development, and a decrease in the efficiency and academic performance of the student. Parents must properly organize the conditions in which the student prepares homework, rests, eats, sleeps so as to ensure the best implementation of this activity or rest.
The basis of a properly organized school day regimen is a certain rhythm, a strict alternation of individual elements of the regime. When performing in a certain sequence, at the same time, individual elements of the daily routine, complex connections are created in the central nervous system that facilitate the transition from one type of activity to another and their implementation with the least expenditure of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain time of getting up and going to bed, preparing homework, meals, that is, following a certain, established daily routine. All elements of the regime must be subordinated to this basic provision.
The daily routine of a schoolchild is built taking into account age-related characteristics and, above all, taking into account the age-related characteristics of the activity of the nervous system. As the student grows and develops, his nervous system improves, its endurance to greater stress increases, the body gets used to doing more work without fatigue. Therefore, the usual workload for schoolchildren of middle or senior school age is excessive, unbearable for younger schoolchildren.
This article deals with the daily routine for healthy schoolchildren. In children with poor health, infected with worms, with tuberculosis intoxication, patients with rheumatism, as well as in children recovering from infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, the body's endurance to the usual load is reduced and therefore the daily routine should be somewhat different. When organizing a student's daily routine, it is important to seek advice from a school or district doctor. The doctor, guided by the state of health of the student, will indicate the features of the regimen necessary for him.

A well-organized school day includes:

1. Proper alternation of work and rest.
2. Regular meals.
3. Sleep of a certain duration, with the exact time of getting up and going to bed.
4. A certain time for morning exercises and hygiene procedures.
5. Set time for doing homework.
6. A certain duration of rest with a maximum stay in the open air.

7.00 - Waking up (waking up late will not give the child time to wake up well - drowsiness may persist for a long time)

7.00-7.30 - Morning exercises (it will help to make it easier to switch from sleep to wakefulness and energize), water procedures, bed making, toilet

7.30 -7.50 - Morning breakfast

7.50 - 8.20 - Road to school or morning walk before school starts

8.30 - 12.30 - Classes at school

12.30 - 13.00 - The road from school or a walk after school

13.00 -13.30 - Lunch (if for some reason you exclude hot breakfasts at school, then the child must go to lunch if he attends an extended day group)

13.30 - 14.30 - Afternoon rest or sleep (it is difficult for a modern child to put to bed after dinner, but a quiet rest is necessary)

14.30 - 16.00 - Walk or play and outdoor sports

16.00 - 16.15 - Afternoon snack

16.15 - 17.30 - Homework preparation

17.30 - 19.00 - Outdoor walks

19.00 - 20.00 - Dinner and free activities (reading, music lessons, quiet games, manual labor, helping the family, foreign language classes, etc.)

20.30 - Getting ready for bed (hygienic measures - cleaning clothes; shoes, washing)

The child should sleep for about 10 hours. They must get up at 7 o'clock in the morning and go to bed at 20.30 - 21.00, and the elders - at 22.00, at the latest - at 22.30.

You can change jobs. based on your child's preferences and priorities, it's important to keep alternating between work and rest.

Each student's day should begin with morning exercises, which is not without reason called charging, as it drives away the remnants of drowsiness and, as it were, gives a charge of vivacity for the whole coming day. A set of morning exercises is best coordinated with a physical education teacher. On the advice of the school doctor, exercises are included in gymnastics that correct posture disorders.
Gymnastic exercises should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, in the warm season - with an open window or in the fresh air. The body, if possible, should be naked (it is necessary to practice in panties and slippers), so that the body simultaneously receives an air bath. Gymnastic exercises enhance the work of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
After gymnastics, water procedures are carried out in the form of rubdowns or douches. Water procedures should be started only after talking with the school doctor about the student's health status. The first wipes should be carried out with water at a temperature of 30-28 °, and every 2-3 days the water temperature should be reduced by 1 ° (not lower than 12-13 °), while the temperature in the room should not be lower than 15 °. Gradually, from rubdowns, you can go to douche. Water procedures with a gradual decrease in water temperature increase the body's resistance to sharp temperature fluctuations in the external environment. Consequently, the morning toilet, in addition to hygienic significance, has a hardening effect, improves health, and increases resistance to colds. The entire morning toilet should take no more than 30 minutes. Morning gymnastics followed by water procedures prepares the student's body for the working day.
The main activity of schoolchildren is their educational work at school and at home.. But for the comprehensive development of children it is also very important to accustom them to physical labor; work in the school workshop, in production, in the “Skilled Hands” circles, in the garden, in the garden, helping the mother with the housework. At the same time, children acquire not only labor skills, but also receive physical hardening, strengthen their health. Only the right combination of mental and physical labor contributes to the harmonious development of the student.
For schoolchildren of younger, middle and older age, based on the age characteristics of their central nervous system, a certain duration of school hours is established. It is necessary to take 1 1/2-2 hours for the preparation of home lessons in the daily routine for junior schoolchildren, 2-3 hours for middle classes, and 3-4 hours for senior classes.
With such a long duration of homework, as shown by special studies, children work attentively, with concentration all the time, and by the end of classes remain cheerful, cheerful; there are no noticeable signs of fatigue.
If the preparation of homework is delayed, then the educational material is poorly absorbed, children have to re-read the same thing over and over in order to understand the meaning, they make many mistakes in written work.
The increase in preparation time for homework often depends on the fact that many parents force their children to prepare homework as soon as they come home from school. In these cases, the student, after mental labor at school, without having time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly gets tired, the speed of completing tasks decreases, memorization of new material worsens, and in order to prepare all the lessons well, a diligent student sits at them for many hours.
For example, the mother of a boy, Vova, believes that her son, who is in the 2nd grade of the first shift, should, after coming home from school, eat and do homework, and then go for a walk. Vova K., a very neat, diligent boy, on the advice of his mother, prepares assignments immediately upon arrival from school, but for some time now doing assignments has become a torment for him, he sits continuously for 3-4 hours, is nervous because learns the learning material. This affected both health and performance. The boy lost weight, turned pale, began to sleep badly, became absent-minded at school, and his academic performance declined.
It is not advisable to prepare lessons immediately upon arrival from school. To learn well the educational material, students must rest. There should be at least 2 1/2 hours of break between school hours and the start of preparing homework. Most of this break, students need to walk or play outdoors.
Students studying in the first shift can start preparing homework no earlier than from 16-17 hours. For students of the second shift, time should be allotted for preparing homework, starting from 8-8 1/2 hours in the morning; they should not be allowed to prepare their lessons in the evening after returning from school, as their work capacity decreases towards the end of the day.
When doing homework, as well as at school, every 45 minutes you should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, walk, do a few breathing exercises well.
Often, children spend a lot of time preparing homework because parents do not help them properly organize homework, do not create such conditions for this work that would allow them to concentrate and work without distraction. Students in many cases have to prepare assignments when the room is loudly talking, arguing, the radio is on. These extraneous external stimuli distract attention (which happens especially easily in children), slow down and disorganize the well-established activity of the body. As a result, not only the time for preparing lessons is lengthened, but the child’s fatigue also increases, and besides, he does not develop the skills of concentrated work, he learns to be distracted while working with extraneous matters. It also happens that parents, while preparing homework for a child, interrupt him, give small assignments: “put the kettle on”, “open “believe”, etc. This is unacceptable. It is necessary to create calm conditions for classes for the student and demand that he work with concentration and not sit up for lessons more than the allotted time.
Every student needs a certain a permanent place at a common or special table for doing homework, since in the same constant environment, attention is focused more quickly on the educational material, and, consequently, its assimilation is more successful. The workplace should be such that the student can freely settle down with his benefits. The dimensions of the table and chair should correspond to the height of the student, otherwise the muscles will quickly fatigue, the child cannot maintain the correct posture at the table while performing tasks. Prolonged sitting in the wrong position entails a curvature of the spine, the appearance of stoop, sunken chest, abnormal development of the chest organs. If a student has a special table for classes, then before the age of 14, the height of the table and chair should be changed in a timely manner. For students with a height of 120-129 cm, the height of the table should be 56 cm, and the height of the chair - 34 cm, for students with a height of 130-139 cm - the height of the table is 62 cm, the chair - 38 cm.
When a student works at a common table, the difference in the height of the table from the floor and the height of the chair from the floor should be no more than 27 cm and not less than 21 cm. To ensure this position for younger students, you can put one or two well-planned boards on the chair, and place a bench for support. Parents should monitor the student's seating position during homework preparation and free practice. The correct landing of the student provides normal visual perception, free breathing, normal blood circulation and contributes to the development of good posture. With the correct fit, 2/3 of the student's hips are placed on the seat of the chair, the legs are bent at right angles at the hip and knee joints and rest on the floor or bench, both forearms lie freely on the table, the shoulders are at the same level. Between the chest and the edge of the table there should be a distance equal to the width of the student’s palm, the distance from the eyes to the book or notebook should be at least 30-35 cm. If the height of the table and chair corresponds to the student’s body size, then by controlling the correct fit, you can easily teach children sit straight.
For the growth and development of the child's body, clean, fresh air is necessary. It is of great importance for increasing mental performance, improving brain function and maintaining vigor. Therefore, before classes, as well as during 10-minute breaks, you need to ventilate the room, and in the warm season you should practice with an open window or with an open window. Another important condition for classes is sufficient lighting of the workplace, both natural and artificial, since doing homework (reading, writing) is associated with a lot of eye strain. The light from the window or from the lamp should fall on the textbooks (notebooks) to the left of the sitting student so that the shadow from the hand does not fall. There should not be tall flowers and a solid curtain on the window, as this worsens the lighting of the workplace. When exercising in conditions of artificial lighting, the table must be additionally illuminated with a table lamp, placing it in front and on the left. The electric lamp should be 75 watts and covered with a lampshade to prevent light rays from entering the eyes.
The fulfillment of all the above conditions contributes to the preservation of high performance.
The success of homework preparation and the success of classes at school also depend on the timeliness of the completion of other elements of the regimen. So, an important element of the daily routine of a student is rest.
With prolonged intense mental work, the nerve cells of the brain get tired, depleted, in the working organs, the processes of decay of substances begin to prevail over their replenishment, therefore, efficiency decreases. To prevent this from happening, the body should be given timely rest. During rest, the processes of restoration of substances intensify in the tissues, the exchange shifts that have occurred are eliminated and proper working capacity is restored. Particularly important in mental work, which primarily involves the cells of the cerebral cortex, which have rapid fatigue, is the alternation of mental work with other types of activity.
The largest Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov proved that the best rest is not complete rest, but the so-called active rest, that is, the change of one type of activity to another. During mental work, excitation occurs in the working cells of the cerebral cortex; at the same time, other cells of the cerebral cortex are in a state of inhibition - they are resting. The transition to another type of activity, such as movement, causes excitation in previously idle cells, and in working cells, an inhibitory process arises and intensifies, during which the cells rest and recover.
One-sided mental sedentary work of schoolchildren does not create conditions for full-fledged physical development and health. The replacement of mental labor with physical labor, in which the entire body of the child or its parts are involved in movement, contributes to the rapid restoration of working capacity. The best outdoor activity for a student is outdoor activities, especially outdoors. Children's exposure to the open air is of great health significance. Fresh, clean air strengthens the student's body, improves metabolic processes, the activity of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, and increases his resistance to infection. The best types of mobile activities that quickly dissipate fatigue and fatigue are movements chosen by the children themselves, performed by them with pleasure, joy, and emotional uplift. Such movements are outdoor games and sports entertainment (in the warm season - games with a ball, jump rope, gorodki, etc.; in winter - sledding, skating, skiing).
As experience shows, with the desire and perseverance of parents, in almost every yard in the winter it is possible to flood the skating rink, and in the summer to organize a playground for ball games.
Parents should encourage middle and older students to do sport in one of the sports sections at schools, houses of pioneers or at youth sports schools. These classes make the student strong, hardy and have a positive impact on his performance and academic performance.
For outdoor games, students of the first shift should be given time in the afternoon before the preparation of home lessons, and students of the second shift - after preparing home lessons before leaving for school. The total duration of stay in the open air, including the way to school and back, should be at least 3 - 3 1/2 hours for younger students, and at least 2 - 2 1/2 hours for older students.
Outdoor games, outdoor sports more time should be devoted to weekends, combining them with walks out of town, into the forest, with excursions. Many parents incorrectly think that instead of playing outdoors, it is better for children to read fiction or do housework. They should be reminded of the old pedagogical rule: "The character of children is formed not so much in the classroom at the desk, but on the lawn, in outdoor games."
In the daily routine of the student, time should be set aside for free selected creative activity such as construction, drawing, modeling, music, reading fiction. For this during the day, for younger students it takes 1 - 1 1/2 hours, and for older students - 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours.
Every student should be involved in feasible housework. The younger ones can be entrusted with cleaning the room, watering the flowers, washing the dishes; for the elders - a walk with the kids, buying food, working in the garden, in the garden, etc.
Some parents do not involve their children at all in family service work and even in self-service (cleaning shoes, dresses, making the bed, sewing on collars, buttons, etc.). This is how they make a big mistake.
So, the mother of two schoolchildren, despite the fact that they are already in the 6th grade, believes that her children are still too small for housework. The mother cleans the apartment herself, goes for groceries, washes dishes, without involving children in this. Previously, children had a desire to do something for the house themselves, but a caring mother warned them in everything. And now, growing up, they make claims to their mother: why the clothes are not ironed so well, why the room is poorly cleaned. Children grew up selfish, people who do not know how to do anything. Such parents forget that work activity not only contributes to the correct upbringing of the child and disciplines him, it helps to improve his physical development and health. Every schoolchild should be taught to help the family and instill a love of work.
For proper growth and development of the child, sufficient calorie nutrition is necessary., high-grade in the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins.
Much attention should be paid to the diet, regular meals at a strictly set time - after 3-4 hours (4-5 times a day). Those who always eat at a certain time develop a conditioned reflex for time, that is, when a certain hour approaches, an appetite appears, the release of digestive juices begins, which facilitates the digestion of food.
Disorderly eating leads to the fact that the necessary preparation of the gastrointestinal apparatus for these meals does not occur, nutrients are absorbed worse, and appetite is lost. The disordered eating of sweets and sugar especially spoils the appetite.
An example of a student can be used to illustrate. He did not have fixed hours for meals: on some days he dined immediately upon arrival from school, on other days, without having lunch, he ran out into the street with a piece of bread, then ran home for candy, then for cookies. His parents often gave him money to buy ice cream, which he ate right there on the street. Returning from such a walk, the boy not only forgot about lunch, but also refused to eat dinner. The boy's mother, trying to find the cause of her son's loss of appetite, went with him from one doctor to another, thinking that the boy was seriously ill. There was only one reason: irregular meals, disordered eating of sweets. In this case, it was enough for the mother to establish for the boy the exact time of meals, as the appetite was restored. Of great importance for the excitation of appetite is the environment in which the meal takes place. The sight of a table with neatly arranged plates and cutlery, the smell of deliciously cooked food excite the appetite, causing the so-called mental phase of separation of digestive juices.
It is necessary to teach the student to wash their hands before each meal, eat slowly, not talking, not reading while eating. Regular intake of high-grade food, subject to all hygiene rules, is the key to health.
The student's day should end with an evening dress and subsequent sleep.. No more than 30 minutes are allotted for the evening toilet. During this time, the student must put in order the school uniform and shoes. Then you need to wash, brush your teeth, wash your feet with water at room temperature.
By evening, after intense hours of wakefulness and the perception of many stimuli from the outside world, an inhibitory process occurs faster in the cerebral cortex, which easily spreads to other parts of the nervous system, causing sleep.
This inhibition is called protective, as it protects the nervous system from excessive work, from exhaustion. As already mentioned, the younger the child, the less his nervous system has less tolerance to external stimuli and the greater his need for sleep.
So, the total duration of sleep for 7-year-old schoolchildren should be 12 hours a day, for which it is better to take one hour for an afternoon nap. The duration of sleep for children 8-9 years old is 10 1/2-11 hours, for 10-11 years old - 10 hours, for 12-15 years old - 9 hours and for older students - 9 - 8 1/2 hours. Night sleep is a long rest, eliminating the fatigue that appears at the end of the day, and restoring the body's strength. In nerve cells, under the influence of the inhibitory process, recovery processes are intensified. Cells again acquire the ability to perceive stimuli from the external environment and give them an appropriate response. Lack of sleep adversely affects the nervous system of schoolchildren and leads to a decrease in working capacity.
The student should be taught to always go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time., then his nervous system is accustomed to a certain rhythm of work and rest. Then the student will easily and quickly fall asleep and easily and quickly wake up at a certain hour.
Students of both the first and second shifts must get up at 7 am and go to bed at 20:30 - 21:00, and older students at 22:00, at the latest - at 22:30.
The fullness of sleep is determined not only by its duration, but also by its depth. Sleep of sufficient duration, but not deep, with dreams, talking in a dream does not give complete rest. In order for the child’s sleep to be deep, it is necessary that before going to bed the student does not engage in noisy games, disputes, stories that cause strong feelings, as this interferes with quick falling asleep and violates the depth of sleep. Deep sleep is also prevented by external stimuli: conversations, light, etc.
The child should sleep in a separate bed, corresponding to the size of his body; this creates the opportunity to maintain the muscles of the body in a relaxed state throughout sleep.
One of the main conditions for maintaining the depth of children's sleep is sleep in a well-ventilated room at an air temperature of no higher than 16-18 °. It is even better to teach the student to sleep with the window open. In this case, the bed should be no closer than 2 m from the window so that the cold air does not fall on the child, or it is necessary to hang the window with gauze.
Compliance with all these conditions contributes to the full sleep of the child and the full restoration of his strength by the next working day.
When drawing up the daily routine of a student, parents can be guided by the schemes of the daily routine. On the basis of these daily regimen schemes, each student, with the help of his parents, can draw up his daily routine, post this schedule in a conspicuous place and strictly adhere to it. Schoolchildren need to be reminded of the words of M.I. Kalinin, who said that you need to organize your studies, your day in such a way that you have time and study well and walk, and play, and do physical education.
An especially difficult and responsible time in the life of every student is the period of exams., therefore, during this period, the regime should be observed especially clearly. In no case should you increase the hours of classes due to sleep and walks, violate the diet, as this leads to fatigue and weakening of the nervous system and the whole organism. Unfortunately, very often during exams, schoolchildren, especially tenth graders, break the regimen and study for many hours in a row without rest and sleep, thinking that this will help them prepare better for exams. But they are wrong - a tired brain does not perceive and remember what is read, and it takes more time to master the same material, and the result is poor.
So, for example, on the eve of the exam, a girl, feeling that there was little time left for repeating the material covered, studied until 2 am. As a result of lack of sleep for several hours in the morning, her head hurt, the girl became very irritable, worried, although she managed to repeat all the material. During the exam, she could not remember what she knew well. After this incident, the schoolgirl made it a rule never to study late and to observe the regime of work and rest during the exams.
Parents should know and instill in their children that it is necessary to work seriously during the year, then the exams will not be difficult. And during the period of exams, parents should help their children organize their classes, ensure silence, proper nutrition, and timely sleep.

The daily routine of a first-grader has a huge impact on his well-being, mood and school performance. Much, if not all, in this matter depends on the parents, who need to gain patience and strength in advance. Fortunately, adaptation to school does not last forever, it usually takes about two months. But all children are different, respectively, and they “merge” into a new environment in different ways. The task of parents is not so much to speed up this process as to make it softer.

A huge role in maintaining the mental and physical strength of any person, and even more so of a child, is played by strict adherence to a properly composed daily routine.

Rules for compiling the regimen of the first grader's day

  • Sleep at least 10 hours a night

Additional 1-2 hours of daytime sleep are added as desired. If a newly-made student refuses to go to bed during the day, it is not necessary to force him to do this, since due to physiological characteristics, some children (for example, hypotensive patients) hardly return to the state of wakefulness. If you pack up at 21:00, having prepared things in the evening so that you can sleep until 7:00 in the morning, then there will be enough time to recuperate.

  • Daily outdoor walk

Ideally, a first-grader needs to walk for three hours a day. For working parents, as well as with the current workload of children in various creative and sports sections, this seems hardly possible. Therefore, it is necessary to use every opportunity to stay in the fresh air, for example, movement to and from school, to circles and back on foot.

  • Rest between school and homework

Half an hour of free time after lunch is enough for a first-grade student to restore a normal level of efficiency and at the same time not lose his working spirit.

  • Doing homework for less than an hour

In the first grade, the lessons should not take more than an hour to complete. If this rule is not observed, then something is wrong, the child either does not want or cannot concentrate. The most favorable time for classes is from 15 to 17 hours. It happens that a child is more active in the evening, but this is just the result of overexcitation. In this case, a quiet evening walk is simply necessary. The best time for her is after dinner, around half past seven.

  • Moderate evening hygiene procedures

Long bathing before going to bed should be avoided. A warm shower or a simple wash is enough.

  • Calm falling asleep

You should not accompany going to bed with conversations about the past day, a discussion of past events. Mom can stroke, hug a child or read a good book quietly.

  • Quiet gathering in the morning

Night sleep is very important, but it is better to not sleep for half an hour than to get ready for school in stress, under the hurrying shouts of parents.

Primary school students should have five meals a day: breakfast at home, breakfast at school, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. There are other options, for example, two dinners. Here you need to take into account the characteristics of the child, the presence of any diseases and already established habits. Of course, it is recommended to feed the child before going to school with a hot breakfast. However, it is better to come to class without breakfast than to experience nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach on the way, or to eat in a hurry.

It is important not only when, but also what the child eats.

  • Soups not strong meat broths are not useful.
  • Spicy, smoked and fried children are not recommended.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily.
  • Dinner should be light and no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • A variety of dishes is welcomed. The mental attitude to eating is very important.

Circles and sections in the first grader's schedule

Undoubtedly, the additional development of a child's creative and athletic abilities is worth the time and resource costs. However, physiologists strongly do not recommend combining the beginning of schooling with admission to the section of additional education. It is better to do this from the second grade or a year before school. The second option is more preferable, since the preschooler has the opportunity to realize his strengths, to believe that he is already capable of something.

The period of adaptation to school and the entire first grade is the time to slow down a bit and prioritize, leaving only really important classes for the child in the schedule. Here it is necessary to focus on the words "for the child." Unfortunately, parents often take upon themselves the right to have the final word, choosing not those directions that emotionally feed the child, but those in which, perhaps, they themselves could not once realize themselves.

7:00 Wake up.

7:00 - 7:15 Exercise, wash.

7:15 - 7:30 Breakfast.

7:30 - 8:00 Way to school.

8:00 - 12:00 Classes at school.

12:00 - 13:00 Way home, combined with a walk.

13:00 - 13:30 Lunch.

13:30 - 14:30 Rest, sleep.

14:30 - 14:45 Afternoon snack.

14:45 - 16:00 Walk, games, hobbies.

16:00 - 17:00 Homework.

17:00 - 19:00 Walk or visit the section.

19:00 - 19:30 Dinner.

19:30 - 20:00 Communication with family, reading a fiction book.

20:00 - 20:30 Hygiene procedures, preparation for sleep.

20:30 - 7:00 Sleep.

And finally, it should be noted that the biggest thing that parents can do for a child of any age is just love him, love and not be afraid to show it, give your child a feeling of constant protection, a sense of the presence of a reliable rear.

Primary general education

The correct daily routine for a first grader

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the necessary sleep duration.

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the necessary sleep duration.

“How to organize a day for my first grader?” is a question regularly asked by parents to teachers, doctors and other experts. Indeed, a well-structured daily routine is extremely important for the child to smoothly and comfortably enter the learning process and maintain their health. Often parents themselves form rules that are not always feasible and far from always really needed by a first grader.

To correct the possible mistakes of parents, we decided to turn to two experts - a primary school teacher and an experienced pediatrician. Let their advice and observations help us create an objective picture of what the daily routine of a modern first grader should be like.

Alexey Igorevich Krapivkin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology

Daily routine: keep the kindergarten norm

When a child goes to school, his life changes a lot. But even in the first grade, it is quite possible to maintain the daily routine that you had in kindergarten: with regular meals, afternoon rest and fairly active walks, albeit not so long.

Nutrition: the main thing is variety

The body of a first grader is in dire need of regular nutrition in order to make up for the lack of glucose in time. By the age of seven, the child should already have formed eating habits: a mandatory full breakfast, hot lunch, proper snacks - second breakfast, afternoon tea.

My main advice to parents: feed your children a variety. Any excess product can affect the child's condition, his digestion, sleep and physical activity. Of course, it is better to avoid an abundance of sweet, fatty or spicy foods in a child's diet - for the same reason.

At the same time, if the child does not have serious diseases, then there should not be deliberate restrictions on food. Coming to a new children's team, the child reconsiders his diet: if everyone eats cookies, why should he flatly refuse it? If everyone is having a snack after the third period, why can't he take a sandwich or an apple with him?

And one more piece of advice: in order not to risk the well-being of the child at night, try to feed him dinner about two hours before bedtime, no later. If you didn’t manage to have dinner on time, offer the lightest and safest food for the digestive tract.

Sleep: the main thing is not to fight for performance

Not only a first-grader, but any person should sleep as much as his body requires. But sometimes parents put the child to bed almost at eight in the evening so that he sleeps as long as possible, this, in my opinion, is an extra measure.

According to statistics, an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day. A first grader needs a little more, but not 12 hours like a baby. Most importantly, when putting your child to bed early, do not fight for performance, it is better to look at his condition. Is it easy for him to wake up in the morning? Do you have enough strength until the evening?

It is best to put the child to bed between 9 and 10 pm, preferably no later than 10 pm. At the same time, the time 1.5–2 hours before bedtime should be free for the child to carry out daily rituals: water procedures, reading at night, a glass of milk - and as little stress as possible, then the child will smoothly enter sleep and be able to fully relax.

With regard to daytime sleep, it seems to me that there is no reason to insist that the child sleep during the day. If he wants to go to bed after dinner - great, if not - do not insist. The main thing is that daytime sleep should divide the day into two equal intervals. No need to go to bed after 4 pm: then the night's sleep may suffer.

Loads: Achieve a state of reasonable fatigue

Now they talk a lot about the fact that first-graders can hardly withstand the exorbitant load that the school and parents arrange for them with their circles and sections. I like the idea that the load level should be determined by portability. If your child has enough resources to study the piano for two hours after school and go to the sports section with pleasure in the evening, then why not? For parents, the main indicator of the level of stress should be the state of the child in the evenings. If he falls off his feet, is naughty, cannot eat, he is so tired - you obviously went too far. If he is active and could have been doing something enthusiastically for a couple more hours, then the daily load was not enough. But if his fatigue is not excessive, natural, does not cause him serious discomfort, then the amount of load is sufficient.

Physical activity

It is important to remember here that for a seven-year-old child, just sitting at a desk for several hours in a row is a colossal burden. To remove it, it is more useful not to put the child to bed, but to let him run around properly, to give vent to tension.

The child's need for movement is natural, physiological. Be sure to give him the opportunity to properly jump, climb, run after school, and if necessary, also in the evening.

Be sure to remind your child to do a little warm-up after a long sitting at the lessons: elementary gymnastics will be enough. And give the child to the sports section: two or three times a week.

Elena Alexandrovna Chulihina, primary school teacher at MBOU "Malodubenskaya secondary school"

Daily routine: on weekends as on weekdays

There is nothing to talk about, every first grader needs a full day regimen. Best of all, if he doesn’t get lost on the weekend, otherwise it will be difficult to rebuild by the beginning of the working week.

Meals: hot is better than biscuits

Now almost all parents are very afraid that their children will be hungry at school. They give them sweets, cookies, buns, waffles and other “dry food” with them - despite the fact that the school has a canteen where you can always eat a hot breakfast and have a good lunch. Naturally, having eaten sweets, children in the dining room refuse a full-fledged hot meal. Therefore, I want to give advice to parents: teach them to better go to the dining room, eat porridge or scrambled eggs in the morning, have a good hot soup for dinner in the afternoon, not candies. I'm not opposed to you giving the children treats with you, but in moderation, and not in such a way that it interrupts the appetite.

Sleep: do not nod off in class!

I'll tell you honestly, it's very unpleasant when at the first lesson in your class the children nod off. Therefore, please put the children to bed on time, at best at nine o'clock in the evening. There is no need to hope that you will snatch fifteen minutes of sleep in the morning: morning delays begin with this, and this also does not help children very much to concentrate.

Daytime sleep is a useful thing, especially since children themselves, as a rule, require an afternoon rest: they come from school and immediately go to bed. This means that they need it, which means that parents need to take this need into account when compiling a daily routine.


Now, in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, first-graders are entitled to up to 10 hours of extracurricular activities per week. They usually start in the afternoon and last up to two academic hours a day - this is in addition to the usual school workload. In addition, almost every child attends various clubs, some of them very serious and located on the other side of the city. It turns out that first-graders are very busy on weekdays, even if they are not given homework in the first grade.

Here I have no right to give parents any advice: they themselves decide how, what and how much to load children, what achievements to require, etc. But I would insist that at least on weekends the children are free, they can do their affairs, play, walk, spend the evening with the family. This is the best support we can give them.

Physical activity

We make sure that the children do warm-ups between lessons, can run, unload properly. It is important that parents take care of the same. Be sure to let the children walk, move a lot. It's best when they walk home from school instead of driving.

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