Poorly reduced uterus after cesarean what to do. Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period. What is a scar on the uterus after cesarean

Not in all cases, the child is born naturally. If there are medical indications, a caesarean section is used to remove the baby from the womb. This procedure is not difficult and has been used in obstetric practice for a very long time. However, due to the fact that during the operation the uterus is dissected, its recovery is much more difficult and longer than after natural childbirth. How long does uterine contraction last after caesarean section? How to speed up the postoperative period and avoid complications?

What is the condition of the uterus after the operation?

Caesarean section is a necessary measure. To extract the fetus from the mother's womb using this technique, the uterus is dissected in the classic vertical or transverse manner. The first method is rarely resorted to, since an incision made vertically at the top of the genital organ, due to the presence of a large number of vessels, provokes heavy bleeding. Vertical incision is used in cases where the operation is performed urgently.

The transverse method of caesarean section, in which the incision is made along the lower fold of the abdomen (pictured), is the most preferable, because it is characterized by less blood loss and trauma. In addition, the risk of postpartum infection is reduced and the period of regeneration of damaged tissues is reduced.

Regardless of the method of dissection of the uterus during the operation, this organ is subjected to much more significant damage than during the birth of a child in a natural way. For this reason, its recovery takes longer than with self-delivery.

The volume of the uterus after caesarean section is increased, its walls are greatly stretched. Inside and out, it looks like one big bleeding wound.

The uterine fundus at the end of the operation is lowered by 4-5 cm in relation to the navel. The diameter of this organ is about 10–12 cm. There is a suture on the uterus after cesarean, which is a tissue connected with self-absorbable threads.

Restoration of the organ after caesarean section

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In how many days will the uterus fully recover after delivery by caesarean section? How long this period lasts depends on many factors, but in most cases the recovery process takes about 2 months.

In the postoperative period, it is extremely important to observe the nature of the discharge, the state and speed of healing of the suture, as well as the features of uterine contraction. Timely elimination of the identified deviations from the norm will help to avoid the development of complications, which is why it is so important to have an idea of ​​​​what the uterine discharge should be like and what role the suture plays after a cesarean section in recovery.

The nature of the discharge

After delivery using this method, lochia is released from the vagina, as in the case of natural childbirth. The color, consistency and volume of secretions are important, since these indicators can be used to determine whether the uterus is contracting correctly, as well as to identify the existing pathological process. Experts recommend monitoring lochia every day and informing your doctor if any abnormalities are found.

In situations not burdened by complications, the discharge completely stops 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child. Information about what lochia should normally be is presented in the table.

Recovery phaseColorConsistencyQuantity
First 3 days after surgerybright redLiquidVery plentiful (postpartum pads get wet quickly)
4–10 daysPink brown or brownIn the form of an ichor interspersed with blood streaksMinor (the need to use a pad still remains)
End of 2nd weekYellowish or whitishSmearingVirtually absent
Start of the 3rd weekLightWith inclusions of mucous elementsNo need for gaskets

What role does the seam play?

Its contraction largely depends on the suture on the uterus. In the incision area, a dense connective tissue formation should form on it, resulting from tissue regeneration. This area is more rigid than smooth muscle.

In addition, the connective tissues do not stretch well, and the movements of the uterus during contractions and relaxation cause discomfort.

In most cases, the formation of the scar takes about 6 months after the birth of the child. In other words, an independent process also flows in the area of ​​the cut. Along with this, the condition of the seam on the abdomen is also important. Damage received during surgery weakens the muscles of this area, which also does not have the best effect on the contractility of the uterus.

After a caesarean section, the incision is usually sutured with a single-row or double-row suture without interruption. At the same time, such types of threads are used as self-absorbable materials, such as:

  • dexon;
  • monocryl;
  • vicryl;
  • kaproag and others.

At the postoperative stage, doctors control the wound healing process and make sure that there is no inflammation at the surgical site. After the completion of labor, it is recommended to use painkillers for several days to reduce pain. Since the formation of the scar takes at least 6-7 days, the woman will be able to take a shower on her own only a week after the operation.

To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend that patients bandage their stomach with a diaper or wear a special bandage. You can go in for sports no earlier than 2-3 months after the operation. At the same time, the loads should be gentle, and it is better to completely refuse to lift weights in order to avoid the formation of hernias and divergence of seams.

Contractions and return to normal size of the uterus

As noted earlier, how quickly the uterus contracts depends on the quality of the stitches on it and on the abdomen. The weight of this organ immediately after birth is 1 kg. Over time, it begins to gradually shrink, acquiring a normal size. The final restoration of the uterus, as a rule, is completed no earlier than 3 months after birth. During this time, it is constantly decreasing.

At first, the contractile activity is very weakly expressed, because during the surgical intervention, tissues, blood vessels and nerve endings are damaged. However, after a certain time interval, uterine contractions intensify, and the restoration of its normal size is accelerated. The table shows the indicators of the standard process of recovery of this organ after caesarean section.

Possible complications after surgery

After a caesarean section, as after any other type of surgical intervention, the development of various complications is possible:

  • damage to the bladder, intestines, parametrium, blood vessels, presenting part of the fetus;
  • hematoma on the uterus;
  • profuse blood loss;
  • adhesive formations;
  • inflammatory process;
  • violation of the contractile function of the uterus;
  • violation of blood flow and increased blood pressure in the pool of the portal vein;
  • deterioration of the veins.

Unlike physiological childbirth, delivery using caesarean section is characterized by large blood losses. If in the first case the volume of blood loss is about 300 ml, during surgery this figure can reach 1 liter. Heavy bleeding may require a blood transfusion. In severe situations, extensive blood loss leads to resection or removal of the uterus. In 1 case out of 100 during the operation, doctors resort to the help of an intensive care team.

How to accelerate uterine contractions and body recovery?

What should be done to speed up the recovery of the uterus? To activate its contractile activity will help:

  • Physical activity. After agreement with the attending physician, within a few hours after delivery, lying on your back or on your side, you can begin to roll over in bed, move your arms and lift them up, gently pull in your stomach, bend your legs and rotate your feet. Later, you can do these exercises while sitting.
  • Kegel exercises. By improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, they allow you to shorten the uterus as soon as possible.
  • Self-massage of the abdomen. Careful strokes from right to left accelerate the recovery of the reproductive organ.
  • Wearing a bandage.
  • Compliance with intimate hygiene. Doctors recommend changing pads as often as possible, regularly washing the genitals with soap, and treating the seam.
  • Prevention of overcrowding of the intestines and bladder.
  • Breastfeeding the baby (if the mother does not take drugs that are dangerous for the baby).

Difficulties in the postoperative period

After removing the child by the surgical method, the woman faces a number of problems:

  • pain during getting out of bed, coughing and walking and associated passivity;
  • violation of intestinal motility and the formation of a large amount of gases against this background;
  • difficulties with lactation arising from the fact that the child is brought for feeding only after 3 days from the date of the operation;
  • inability to lie on the stomach due to a protruding and painful seam.

This kind of operation, the woman in labor recovers a little more slowly than after natural labor. Since a cesarean is an abdominal operation, which is not natural for the body. During the surgical intervention, the skin, blood vessels and nerve endings are damaged. It takes a certain period of time for the scars to heal on the uterus. If the operation was planned and there was no complication during the surgical intervention, then several months are needed to restore the body. In some situations, the attending physician prescribes medications in order to speed up this process. Hemostatic drugs stop bleeding and have a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels.

How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean?

This process is unpredictable. Much depends on other factors. The female body needs several years to recover. Immediately after surgery, the girl has severe discomfort in the incision area. A special bandage, diet, medicines will help restore the health of a young mother. After the operation, the girl needs time to enter the previous mode of life, so there is no need to lift weights and overwork much. The place where the placenta was located and the incision was made was most damaged. There may still be a blood clot and part of the fetal membrane. A few days after the cesarean, spotting begins to come out. With each passing day, the shade of blood brightens.

How fast is everything happening?

How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean? During the period of bearing a baby, the uterus increases by 500 times. Immediately after labor, the organ is 900 g, after 7 days 500 g, and after 8 days - 340 g. After 90 days, the organ acquires prenatal size and weight. The uterus will contract most actively in the first few days after labor. In the future, this process will slow down. In the process of contraction of the organ, cramping and pulling pain occurs. Feelings like this shouldn't be cause for concern. In some cases, this feeling causes severe discomfort and interferes with the usual way of life. In such circumstances, it is important to contact your doctor, who will prescribe pain medication. With the help of antispasmodics, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. In some situations, the uterus contracts slowly. For this reason, bleeding or other complication may occur.

What to do if the organ is contracting slowly?

"How much does the uterus shrink after a cesarean?" - a question that interests many, but not everyone knows that a lot depends on the general health of the woman in labor and other factors. If the pregnancy was multiple, and the weight of the fetus exceeded the norm, then the contraction process may be delayed, since under such conditions the uterus can stretch more. If the placenta was located low, then the contraction is slower. With a weak labor activity, doctors often perform an unscheduled caesarean section. Under such circumstances, the body will recover much longer. In addition to all this, it is important to take into account the general health of the patient and the presence of other concomitant diseases. If there is a strong inflammatory process in the body, then the uterus may not contract at all.

What are the reasons why the organ will not contract?

Problems may arise in the process of recovering a woman in labor if the birth canal is injured, there is a fibrous formation in the uterus, inflamed appendages, a blood disease is detected, and polyhydramnios is present. Under such conditions, the uterus can contract much longer. Only a doctor can determine how fast the contraction of the uterus occurs.

Can this process be accelerated?

To stimulate the contraction of the organ, it is necessary to breastfeed the baby. In the process of feeding, the substance oxytocin is released. Due to this, the uterus contracts faster. In some situations, after labor, doctors do not recommend breastfeeding the baby, because the new mother takes antibiotics to prevent postoperative infections. How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? The process is quite individual. Due to physical activity, it is possible to reduce the time of uterine contraction. Doctors often recommend that women lie on their stomachs as this helps the organ contract faster. It is equally important to regularly treat the seams and carry out hygiene procedures to prevent the introduction of harmful microorganisms. It is important to empty the bladder in a timely manner, to avoid constipation. If you experience severe pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, as serious complications can occur.

What to do if the organ does not contract?

How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? It all depends on many factors: the general health of the patient, whether the operation was planned, etc. In some cases, the uterus does not contract at all. In frequent cases, this is due to the fact that there are lochia left, which should come out naturally. If blood clots remain in the uterus, complications may occur. The woman in labor often has a rise in body temperature and severe weakness appears. In this case, it is necessary to carry out cleaning, the so-called scraping. Under such circumstances, the doctor will remove blood clots and residues mechanically. If this is not done, then severe inflammation may occur, which will lead to endometritis or sepsis. It is not enough to know how many days the uterus contracts after a caesarean section, since this process is individual.

Doctors recommend preparing for the postpartum period in advance, since the muscles have a memory. It is necessary to perform physical exercises on the muscles of the press, pelvis and back. Regular walks in the fresh air and doing housework will help improve the overall condition of the body.

How to define danger?

Many are interested in how much the uterus contracts after a second cesarean? But not everyone knows that this process is unpredictable, since many factors influence it. In the maternity hospital, the medical staff looks after the puerperas every day. After being discharged home, you need to listen to your body. It is important to pay attention to any unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort, as they can provoke serious complications. You should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • a few months after the caesarean section, uterine discharge continues to appear;
  • 7 days after the operation, the discharge is just as plentiful;
  • the body temperature rose sharply and the state of health worsened.

If bleeding occurs, go to the hospital immediately. The rest of the foreign tissue in the uterus often provokes the development of complications. Hypotension may occur. Under such conditions, the organ does not contract. It is forbidden to solve the problem at home, as this can be fatal.

Many people know how much the uterus contracts after a cesarean section on average. If the process is too painful, then you can take the drug that the doctor will prescribe. "No-shpa", "Ibuprofen", "Ketoprofen", "Lidocaine", "Naproxen" will help eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations. You should be aware that it is not recommended to systematically take medications, since it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provokes the occurrence of intolerable pain. Self-medication can harm and lead to the development of complications.

First aid

If in the first few days after childbirth a woman does not experience spotting, while there is no soreness and cramping, this is a cause for concern. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe a treatment that will help activate the process of uterine contraction. With the help of the artificial hormone oxytocin, you can speed up the process of organ contraction and prevent the occurrence of severe bleeding. Many people are concerned about how many days the uterus contracts after a cesarean? The most active contraction occurs in the first days after childbirth, if this is not observed, it is necessary to put a dropper.

If a woman feels unwell and has no strength after childbirth, then doctors prescribe an Oxytocin dropper. Treatment is carried out with the use of "Hyfotocin", "Demoxytocin", "Dinoprostone", "Ergometrine". The medicine is prescribed to the patient both in the form of tablets and injections. Any of these drugs are prescribed by specialists if the uterus is not contracting well. Some doctors are of the opinion that it is not recommended to inject Oxytocin after childbirth, since such a process (cleansing the uterus and contracting) should start on its own. In some situations, gynecologists prescribe folk remedies.

List of folk remedies

How long after a cesarean does the uterus contract, and how to speed up this process with folk methods? Before using any folk remedy, you should consult a doctor, since home treatment can greatly harm and cause the development of serious complications. You should know that the uterus contracts within two months, but this is an approximate period. Using nettle, you can improve the general condition of a woman after childbirth. To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to pour the plant with boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. Drink throughout the day 90 ml. Leaves of white cassava must be poured with warm water in a proportion of 3 tbsp. spoons for 600 ml of water. The remedy should be infused for one day. Strain before use and take several times a day.

Massage treatment

With the help of massage, you can speed up the process of uterine contraction. In the first days after childbirth, a doctor comes to the woman in labor and performs a therapeutic massage, during which an incredibly severe pain occurs, while the procedure is useful and speeds up the woman’s recovery process. To make the organ shrink faster, homeopathy is used. The main advantage of this treatment is that the preparations do not contain synthetic and chemical elements. With the help of "Tire", "Millefolium", "Paradise", "Sabina" you can accelerate the healing of the uterus and eliminate heavy bleeding.

Many people are concerned about how long the uterus shrinks after cesarean, but not everyone knows that with the help of special exercises, you can speed up the process of uterine contraction. A useful physical exercise will not require a lot of time and effort from a woman. Timely implementation of a set of exercises will help speed up the recovery process of a woman's body.

  1. Lying on your back, you need to straighten and connect your legs. Then we bend and unbend them at a slow pace. Run 5-7 approaches.
  2. Squeeze and relax your toes.
  3. We lie down on our back, relax, straighten our legs and pull our socks towards us.
  4. Sit on a gymnastic ball and perform a circular motion in different directions.

It's important to check with your doctor before you start exercising, as self-medication can aggravate the problem.

Healthy diet

There are a number of useful products that positively affect the functioning of the uterus. How long does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? This process can take up to 60 days. In this case, nutrition also plays an important role. In order for the body to function properly, it is necessary to provide a complete and balanced diet. You need to include the following foods in your diet:

  1. Avocados contain a lot of folic acid. If you include this fruit in your diet, you can reduce the risk of developing cervical dysplasia.
  2. Rosehip has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Due to the fact that the product contains a large amount of vitamin C, the risk of cancer is reduced.
  3. To improve the functioning of the uterus and fallopian tubes, you need to include mackerel, herring, salmon in your diet.
  4. With the help of olive oil, you can improve the functioning of the whole organism. Fats and vitamin E support the health of the uterine lining.
  5. Thanks to seaweed, it is possible to improve the metabolic process in the body, since it contains a large amount of iodine, therefore, the protective function of the uterus increases and the risk of cancer is reduced.

Before changing your diet, you should consult your doctor. During breastfeeding, many foods should not be consumed. How many days after cesarean does the uterus contract? Only the doctor will answer this question after examining the patient. Everything depends on many factors. If there are no complications of the uterus, then it should shrink within 2 months.

After the birth of a child, serious changes occur in the body of a young mother, which are mostly localized in the uterus. For a long time after childbirth, the female reproductive system returns to normal. Recovery of the uterus takes at least several months. At this time, it is necessary to follow the rules of daily hygiene and visit the gynecologist on time to avoid possible complications.

Not every woman can give birth naturally. Nowadays, the number of young mothers who gave birth to their child by caesarean section is steadily increasing. Such childbirth is no longer considered difficult, doctors perform the operation with partial or complete anesthesia. But after the birth of a baby in this way, a young mother will need more patience, because the uterus recovers longer after a cesarean section than after a physiological birth.

After childbirth, the uterus becomes larger in size, and its inner layer looks like a whole bleeding wound surface. The bottom of the uterus has a diameter of 10 cm, immediately after delivery it is located 5 cm below the navel. Constant contractions of the muscle layer of the organ gradually lead to a decrease in its volume and restoration of the mucous layer.

The contractions of the uterus immediately after childbirth cannot be called strong, on the contrary, the muscle fibers contract too weakly. And the type of childbirth does not play any role. Gradually, the contractility of the reproductive organ increases, but uterine contractions after cesarean section will still be weaker. Therefore, it takes longer to recover. The total duration of the postpartum period after caesarean section is two months. At this time, lochia comes out of the female genital tract - bloody discharge from the uterus.

During a surgical intervention associated with an incision in the muscular layer of the uterus, the vessels, nerve endings and muscle fibers lose their integrity, so the organ cannot contract as quickly as after natural childbirth. If the involution of the uterus after caesarean section is extremely slow, the doctor may prescribe specific drug therapy to the woman in labor.

Types of sutures on the uterus after caesarean section

During surgery on the abdominal wall and uterus, the doctor makes a transverse or longitudinal incision. Subsequently, the tissues in this place are scarred, a scar is formed, which does not always have an aesthetic appearance. In addition, cicatricial changes after surgery, if the rules of care are violated, can become a source of serious complications, for example, provoking infections of the reproductive organs.

For sutures in medicine, materials of synthetic and natural origin are used. There are self-absorbable materials that do not require removal. In other cases, it is customary to remove the sutures on the 6th day after the operation. The quality of the suture material, as well as its quantity and the technique of surgical intervention, directly affect the rate of organ recovery and how the suture will look in the future.

Internal seams are superimposed directly on the wall of the reproductive organ. on the uterus after caesarean section requires special strength and compliance with all conditions for its subsequent healing. Usually, the doctor uses absorbable materials for the internal suture.

Depending on the method of incision, the seams are of the following types:

  • vertical - superimposed down from the navel to the pubic region with an appropriate vertical incision;
  • transverse - superimposed along the bikini line, called the Joe-Kohen laparotomy;
  • arcuate - the incision is made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin above the pubic bone, is called the Pfannenstiel laparotomy.

As a rule, during a planned operation, doctors practice Pfannenstiel laparotomy. The seam placed on the incision will have cosmetic properties, that is, after healing, it will soon become difficult to see on the skin. In addition, such a suture on the uterus after cesarean section heals faster and more successfully, and blood loss after childbirth will be minimal.

During an emergency operation, when it comes to saving a mother or a child, there is no time to think about aesthetics. The doctor performs a longitudinal dissection of the reproductive organ and then puts strong interrupted sutures on it. This seam cannot be called aesthetic, but it has its advantages - it is produced quickly.

Recovery of the uterus after caesarean section

Whatever the birth, every woman in labor needs peace and rest. In the first hours after the woman stays in the ward under the constant supervision of the medical staff. The suture after the operation is systematically treated with antiseptics and the dressings are changed, and the appearance of signs of divergence of the suture on the uterus after cesarean section is monitored.

An ice bubble is applied to the lower abdomen of the woman in labor, since the cold is a stimulator of muscle contractions of the uterus and reduces the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage. Also, the patient is prescribed drug therapy, the tasks of which are pain relief and restoration of the digestive organs.

After operative childbirth, it is recommended to resume sexual activity no earlier than after a full two months. Planning for the next pregnancy can be done one and a half years after the operation. The scar on the uterus will be formed completely one year after cesarean.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist for an ultrasound examination and subsequent monitoring of the restoration of the reproductive system. In this case, the doctor must select a suitable contraceptive for the patient, since conception and pregnancy during the healing of the suture on the uterus after cesarean section is unacceptable.

In the future, when planning a new pregnancy, a woman should undergo hysterography - an x-ray examination of the uterus in several projections, and hysteroscopy - a visual examination of the genital organ using an endoscope from the inside.

These procedures allow you to assess the condition of the uterine scar and its possible behavior in future pregnancies. They are also necessary when it comes to the development of uterine fibroids after cesarean section. These manipulations can be carried out 8 months after the birth of the child.

Any physical activity is prohibited within 2 months after childbirth. Weight lifting, physical education and sports - everything is banned. With overstrain of the muscle fibers of the abdominal press, a divergence of the suture on the uterus after a cesarean section is possible, which prevents the normal healing of the postoperative scar.

The success of postpartum recovery of the uterus after caesarean section is directly related to the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the age of the woman, her state of health and the technique of performing surgical intervention.

Possible complications after caesarean section

Operative childbirth is a surgical operation, so complications can be different.

  1. Surgical complications:
  • trauma of the bladder, intestines;
  • damage to parametrium, vascular bundles;
  • injury to the presenting part of the child;
  • hematoma after caesarean section on the uterus;
  • sewing to the uterus of the bladder;
  • internal or external bleeding.
  1. Anesthetic complications:
  • Mendelssohn's syndrome - aspiration of the respiratory tract;
  • portocaval syndrome;
  • failure of tracheal intubation.
  1. Postoperative complications:
  • subinvolution of the uterus after caesarean section (violation of its contractility);
  • purulent-septic conditions: endometritis, peritonitis, sepsis;
  • vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • adhesive process, characterized by adhesions between various organs of the abdominal cavity.

Most often, childbirth performed by surgery is complicated by massive blood loss. Of course, bleeding cannot be avoided with any type of childbirth. But if during natural delivery a woman can lose no more than 400 ml of blood (of course, provided that no complications arise), then during operative delivery this figure reaches 1000 ml.

Such blood loss is due to extensive damage to the vascular wall of the uterus, which occurs during the incision during the operation. If a woman loses more than 1 liter of blood, then most likely she will need an urgent transfusion. In 8 situations out of 1000, massive blood loss results in resection or removal of the uterus. In 10 out of 1000 cases, women need the help of an intensive care team.

As for lochia, which are normally removed from the uterus within a few weeks, the following symptoms should alert a woman:

  1. If there was discharge after the operation, but suddenly disappeared after a few days, you need to urgently inform the doctor about this. This complication may occur because the cervix is ​​closed after a caesarean section due to spasm, or its cavity is filled with blood clots, preventing the normal cleansing of the organ. Stagnation in the reproductive organ can cause the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and cause endometritis and sepsis - the most severe consequences of childbirth.
  2. If lochia go longer than 2 months and become more abundant, you need to call emergency help. Most likely, the uterus after childbirth could not contract in the required volume, and there was a possibility of hypotonic bleeding.

Do not be afraid of operative childbirth, if the doctor insists on their conduct - by his actions he tries to prevent negative consequences, and sometimes save the life and health of a woman and her child. It is better to plan the next pregnancy no earlier than 2 years after the surgical delivery, providing the body with enough strength and opportunities for rehabilitation.

Useful video about re-birth after caesarean section

The rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery lasts several months. Successful contraction of the uterus after caesarean section is one of the important indicators. This physiological process, which normally takes up to 6 weeks, can be significantly delayed due to surgical intervention. The reason for this is the seam on the wall of the uterus.

Condition of the uterus after caesarean section

The female uterus is a unique organ. During the period of pregnancy, its size and mass increase several times, the placenta is formed in the cavity, and after childbirth, the condition and structure gradually return to prenatal. Physiological childbirth, with the exception of difficult cases, does not lead to a violation of the integrity of the muscular layer of the walls, so the uterus contracts freely. On average, this process takes about 6 weeks. In the first 14 days, involution is most intensive.

A caesarean section is a serious physical injury that can interfere with the natural process and complicate it. An incision 12–15 cm long in the region of the anterior uterine wall is sutured with a special ligature that does not require removal, dissolving on its own after a few weeks. A transverse suture running along the muscle fibers is relatively safe. Its presence rarely leads to a violation of involution, provided that the outcome of the operation is favorable. Vertical dissection of the wall is more traumatic: more vessels and nerve endings are cut, muscle healing takes longer, and because of this, there is a high risk of infection. The massive blood loss that accompanies the intervention also slows down subsequent recovery.

How many months have passed since CS?

1 monthfrom 2 months

After all the manipulations performed during the operation, the uterine cavity is a continuous wound filled with bloody exudate and mucous remnants. The swollen organ weighs about 900–1000 years. Its bottom is well palpable through the abdominal wall at the level of the navel or below. An ice pack is placed on the abdomen to prevent bleeding. Periodically, the obstetrician massages the organ, prompting it to start contracting.

The presence of a seam does not add to the postpartum pleasant sensations. In the first few days, analgesic drugs are indicated. To maintain muscles and reduce pain after getting out of bed, it is recommended to wear tight underwear or a special bandage.

Everything that happens to the uterus after natural childbirth is also characteristic of the operated organ. The closure of the walls contributes to the compression of blood vessels and prevents the development of massive bleeding. At the same time, muscle contraction begins.

How does the uterus shrink after a caesarean?

Already a day after the removal of the baby and the placenta, the walls of the organ decrease by approximately 2–3 cm. After 2 days, its edge can be felt 3–4 cm below the navel. blood clots. Every week the body is reduced by almost 2 times. Normally, 9–12 days after the operation, it becomes impossible to probe it through the abdominal wall - it returns to its former “legitimate” place. At the same time, recovery continues until the damaged tissues heal, and a full-fledged dense scar forms at the site of the seam.

How the uterus contracts after a cesarean section, a woman clearly feels convulsive spasms inside the abdominal cavity. The process is especially intensive when oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the release of breast milk, is released into the blood. It also stimulates an increase in the tone of muscle fibers.

You can also control the process of involution by the intensity of postpartum discharge. Caesarean section normally does not affect their character. In the first week, abundant, bright red with brown clots of clotted blood, require the change of several thick pads per day. As the walls of the uterus contract, the fluid brightens, becoming scanty, light pink, then yellowish-whitish. The discharge ends in 6-7 weeks.

How much does the uterus shrink after cesarean

The period in which the operated uterus takes its previous size varies from 45 to 70 days. Scar formation takes from 10 months to 2 years.

It should be noted that the recovery rate is affected by factors such as:

  • the age and physical condition of the woman;
  • the presence of systemic disorders in the body;
  • seam location;
  • what the account was caesarean section.

After the first planned operation, performed without complications, the time of uterine contraction does not exceed 50 days. With each new intervention, the muscle walls become thinner, and the presence of scars reduces their elasticity - recovery is slower.

How many days the uterus contracts after cesarean also depends on the formation of lactation. Breastfeeding naturally contributes to increased tone - each application of the child to the breast causes an oxytocin surge, to which muscle fibers immediately respond. Lack of milk for any reason, forced or voluntary refusal of the mother to feed provokes a delay involutions.

The uterus is completely restored in 1–1.5 years after the operation. Its weight and size remain 1.5 times greater than before the operation. Due to the presence of a scar, the shape may change slightly. Despite the practical absence of any physical restrictions after the rehabilitation period, re-pregnancy before the 2-year period after the operation should be excluded. The connective tissue in the area of ​​the formed scar acquires the necessary density and resistance to stretching only by this time.

If the contraction is prolonged

Situations in which the uterus does not contract well are possible for several reasons.

The most common:

  • the development of hypoxia: the muscles, due to a lack of oxygen, receive insufficient nutrition and are unable to quickly regain their tone;
  • lack of physical activity: moderate exercise contributes to the recovery of the body, if a woman spends a lot of time in bed, uterine contraction slows down;
  • severe tissue damage: in the presence of a vertical suture, the regeneration of fibers and blood vessels takes a lot of resources, involution is especially painful;
  • intestinal atony: if the contents of the digestive tract are advanced and excreted with difficulty, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs is disturbed, and the tone of the walls of the genital organ decreases;
  • bending of the uterus: this condition is often accompanied by an abrupt cessation of lochia in the early postpartum period, in which case a significant amount of blood and placental residues accumulate inside the cavity.

How to speed up the process

In order for the uterus to shrink faster after a cesarean section to its previous size, the basic principles of recovery should not be neglected.

  1. After the end of the anesthesia, you need to start moving: get up in bed, raise your arms, bend your knees. You don't have to lie down all the time. From the second day, it is necessary to gradually increase physical activity. How much time the patient spends in motion directly depends on how quickly the body will recover.
  2. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises daily: with an effort to compress and relax the vaginal and gluteal muscles.
  3. It is advisable to feed the newborn every 3 hours. With each application, a new portion of oxytocin is released into the blood, the tone of the uterus increases.
  4. It is important to take care of your digestion. It is required to empty the intestines daily, and the process itself should not cause difficulties. If necessary, it is indicated to take mild laxatives.

The nature and amount of discharge also needs to be controlled, especially if a woman is worried about how to speed up the contraction of the uterus. A feeling of heaviness, swelling and increased pain in the abdominal cavity simultaneously with the cessation of lochia is a sign of a developing pathology. Blood clots that clog the cervical canal can cause further suppuration. In this case, you need to seek help immediately.

What do doctors think

Medical statistics do not record a large number of cases of violation of the timing of uterine involution after cesarean. The presence of a seam on the front wall often causes the development of infectious processes. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reduction in the volume of the organ in the first weeks.

If the uterus does not contract enough in the first weeks, it is advisable to make sure that there is no hematometers, bends, other possible complications and consequences of the operation that prevent involution. In severe cases, the woman is given intravenous doses of oxytocin.

To stimulate an increase in tone help: a measured lifestyle, regular breastfeeding or pumping milk, a light massage of the abdominal wall. in the first weeks should be worn for at least three hours a day.

Each case of recovery after surgical delivery is individual. Usually, by the end of the second month from the day of the operation, the volume of the uterus is reduced to its previous size. The reasons for the slow recovery are: multiple pregnancy, thinning of the walls after several caesarean.

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Childbirth greatly affects the reproductive system of a woman and, first of all, the uterus. And it takes a long time to fully recover. After childbirth, the uterus may resemble a stretched bag, but over time, it and all other organs will become the same shape. But do not forget that the recovery may end in 1-2 months, and in some cases even several years must pass. Therefore, it is worth adding trips to the doctor, daily hygiene and, of course, a good mood to the list of your rules. But there are cases when childbirth takes place with the help of caesarean section. Today it has become quite familiar and this operation is easy. But after such childbirth, the uterus of a woman recovers much longer.

Uterus after caesarean section

After the birth is over, the uterus will resemble a large bleeding wound. But it continues at first weakly, and then intensively reduced, and this affects the process of its healing and reduction. But in women who have given birth through surgery, the uterus heals even more slowly. Also, for several weeks, or even months, you can observe spotting - lochia. The slow contraction after caesarean section is more affected by damage to the fibers and blood vessels. In some cases, a woman may be prescribed medications that will help the suture tighten faster, and should also help the uterus begin to contract.

Also, women after a caesarean section in most cases are left in the hospital a little longer. And when mom gets home, she has other problems. It hurts to walk, roll over on her side. Coughing or sneezing also causes severe pain. As a rule, this is not yet a complete list. And all this together becomes one huge problem with breastfeeding, when it is very difficult to find a position.

Complications after caesarean section

The first complication may be the loss of blood, which during caesarean section can reach one liter. And if, with a small loss during natural childbirth, the body independently copes with the loss, then in the case of an operation, this option is impossible. Therefore, doctors inject solutions that can replace blood.
Also, do not forget that a caesarean section is also an operation. And it is characterized by violations of the integrity of the abdominal wall, adhesions may occur. And this can end not only with severe pain during movement, but even with inflammation of the uterus. Inflammatory processes can also occur due to the fact that during the operation the surface of the uterus comes into contact with air. And he, as a rule, is not very sterile. No woman is immune from weak contractions. In such cases, the mother expects at least five days of therapy.

Restoration of the walls of the uterus after surgery

After childbirth, the seam is treated daily with antiseptics. Also, in most cases, ice is applied to the uterus. This helps the uterus contract faster. You can not do without painkillers and drugs to stimulate contractions.
Mom should remember that a strong scar should form on the uterus. And therefore, it is worth forgetting about sexual life for 2-3 months, and about the next pregnancy for several years at all. It is generally accepted that the scar is already strong enough a year after childbirth, but to make sure of this, you need to go to the doctor, for an ultrasound scan, and also pass the necessary tests.

Suture after caesarean section

To date, doctors use three methods of incision of the uterus during caesarean section. In most cases, this is an incision 10-12 cm long, which is located in the lower part of the uterus. It is considered the safest. Also, it does not affect further pregnancies at all, and it will already be possible to give birth on your own. Also important is the seam. It comes in single row or double row. But in no case should it be interrupted.
After surgery, it is also worth asking your doctor about exercises that will help the uterus return to shape sooner.
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