The best cats for apartments and children. Best Cat Breeds for Kids

A small child next to a small kitten. This is an amazing picture and you can look at it endlessly. But when choosing a pet so that he lives in a family with children, you first need to think about what breed of cats is suitable for children. After all, the bulk of cats are extremely characteristic wayward creatures. But nature, as if compensating for the capriciousness of some fluffies, has created cute, affectionate and kind cats of others.

Having decided to take a cute kitten into the house, you will first have to thoroughly prepare your own baby for this event.

It is necessary to explain to the child that a kitten is not a soft plush toy; Explaining the simple rules to the baby, it is necessary that he understands the most important thing: an animal in the house is not only a source of joy, but also a very big responsibility for a small living creature nearby.

A kitten may want to sleep, eat, just watch the world around him. Moreover, he may have his own plans, his own games. In any case, the desires of a small meowing lump will have to be respected, how to respect the child himself. The child will also have to take care of the kitten, take care of him. When the child learns completely simple rules, you can proceed to the choice of breed.

choose me

When choosing a breed, it is best to focus on the desires of the child. Of course, if he suddenly wants to get a unique savannah, then his parents will have to explain that this is not a small playful cat, but quite a large predatory cat.

It is necessary to choose a cat for a child so that they can get along together, become at least good comrades. If the child is calm and shy, then the cat should be chosen to match him.

If energy is seething in the baby, he is constantly on the move, then a phlegmatic cat is unlikely to suit him.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the cat is not shy, not aggressive, would love petting and long games, be easily adaptable and friendly.

For the little ones

If the child is still very small, then special requirements will be imposed on the cat. After all, the child still cannot control himself too much, so it is important that a good relationship immediately develops between the baby and the kitten. For young children under 6 years old, it is best to:

  • The American Curl is a timeless kitten with amazing, recurved ears and a gentle, accommodating character. Curls are very fond of being hugged, so the curl kitten will become a wonderful friend of the baby and a constant partner in games;
  • The American Shorthair cat is a very sweet creature, calm, gentle, friendly. This cute creature perfectly adapts to an unfamiliar environment, easily finds a common language with people and animals;
  • the Burmese cat is a graceful gentle, very balanced cat, loves people very much, trusts them, is not afraid of strangers;
  • Kuril Bobtail - a patient, short-tailed, fluffy phlegmatic, who absolutely does not know how to show aggression, who loves to mess with children;
  • manx - a tailless, playful handsome man, perfectly able to control himself, but he will never give up the opportunity to tinker with children, take a dip in the bathroom, catch a running stream of water with his paw;
  • - a big gentle purr, endlessly singing her cat songs, loving human society more than anything else;
  • the Persian cat is an affectionate royal person with excellent endurance, adoring her owners and having fun playing with them;
  • ragdoll is the best breed of cats for children under 6 years old, she does not know how to show aggression at all, she likes to lie imposingly in the hands of a person, she will never interfere in conflicts, unconditionally loyal to her owners;
  • the Siberian cat is a sedate affectionate fluffy miracle, very smart and curious, will certainly get along with every member of the family and with every animal in the house;
  • the sphinx is a smooth, eared, gentle and affectionate beauty, she loves to cuddle, warm herself, doze off in the arms of the owner. But during the period of wakefulness, she will definitely start a fun game with those she trusts;
  • the exotic shorthair cat is a playful minx with a constant good-natured expression of a touching muzzle.

The most charming and attractive

Children aged 6 to 11 already understand well how to behave with these beautiful animals, they will not just pull the kitten by the tail. They need a fun, active companion to play with.

The best cat breeds for children from 6 to 11 years old are those who support fidgets of the same age in games:

  • the Abyssinian cat is an active, mobile cat with a quiet voice and the makings of a leader, but completely unable to endure loneliness;
  • - a royal beauty of blue blood, active, energetic. If there is any mouse nearby, even just a clockwork one, the angora will never pass by, but will start a long fun fuss with it. With children, in general, he can play endlessly;
  • the Balinese cat is an amazingly smart beauty, it must be with someone nearby, captivate with its games, tell all the news and open the cabinets where all the toys hid from it;
  • the British shorthair - plush princess is well aware of her own beauty, behaves almost like a king, but she is unlikely to be able to refuse to play with the owner;
  • the Bombay cat is like a small panther, soft, graceful, constantly in need of being communicated with and caressed;
  • the Burmese cat is a shy modest girl who will never betray her emotions, but is always in a good playful mood;
  • devon rex - a fearless cat with a playful character, active, cheerful, not thinking of himself without human society, he can suit children who love animals endlessly;
  • the Egyptian Mau is a talkative, playful, extremely curious beauty who can make something like a chirp and keeps an eye on every thing that belongs to her;
  • Korat - an extremely gentle and sensitive pet, will easily get along with any member of the family, will love devotedly and give all of himself without a trace to his friend;
  • the Cornish Rex is a wonderful companion, a favorite host for him is the light in the window. This cat may even be obsessive in its manifestation of love, but it will never betray or offend a child;
  • munchkin - a funny cat, thanks to his short legs, always looks like a kitten, playful, loving. He will so affectionately stand up on his hind legs and stretch his neck to examine something that is taller than him;
  • Maine Coon is an imposing affectionate giant with a loving heart, phlegmatic character. He will never offend anyone, will not show aggression, but will behave like a real king of animals in his greatness;
  • oriental cat - sweet, graceful, graceful beauty, trusting and devoted;
  • ocicat is a brave, smart, energetic and agile cat, attracting attention with its endless chanting;
  • the Selkirk Rex is a gentle, soft, patient and attached to the owner beauty with charming grace and endless curiosity;
  • the Siamese cat is a sociable beauty, she not only loves herself, she requires love for herself, care, attention, it was not for nothing that the blue-eyed beauty was a temple cat in ancient times;
  • snowshoe is a smart, funny pet who loves water and can't stand closed doors. This sweet young lady will never be silent if she has something to say to her master;
  • Scottish Fold is a kind, loving, but very wayward cat. She needs a master, whom she will follow, with whom she will play, talk, sitting side by side on the sofa;
  • The Japanese Bobtail is a charming pet with a fearless heart and the stubbornness of a Japanese samurai.

When deciding which breed of cat is best for children, it is safe to say that the most wonderful and suitable cat on earth will be the one that the child falls in love with at first sight. The one that loves her little master.

A photo


The most popular pets to keep in an apartment are cats. But not all breeds are suitable for home keeping in urban environments. Let's try to find the answer to the question, which cat is better to have in an apartment?

When choosing a pet, it should be taken into account that the apartment is a small living space, besides, the cat will not be able to go out for a walk, so professionals advise getting medium-sized animals in this case. For example, breeds such as Maine Coon or Bengals are not quite suitable for ordinary small apartments due to the fact that the dimensions are significant.

Choose a friendly animal

To answer the question of which cat is better to have in an apartment so that both you and your new friend live comfortably, it is necessary to take into account the character traits inherent in feline representatives.

For the conditions of a comfortable city apartment, it is important to expect from a cat:

  • complaisance and the ability to quickly adapt to the new;
  • so that the animals are not too noisy;
  • the ability to calmly endure loneliness for more than 8 hours;
  • sociability;
  • that she does not have a strong attachment to a particular place.

When getting a pet, also take into account your lifestyle, for example, some cat breeds cannot stand the noise and constant guests of the owner, take this fact into account.

How important is cat activity to you?

In the apartment, as they say, you can’t clear up, but many breeds are extremely active, running and jumping around the house. There are breeds that are much calmer, such as British, Persian, Scots, Burmese, Russian Blues, Sphynxes and Exotics. They are not in a hurry, they like to frolic, but in moderation. But such cats as Siamese, Bengal, Abyssinian, Kuril Bobtail are not suitable for living in a small space, as they are hyperactive in nature.

But even if you have acquired a kitten from a calm breed, do not expect him to lie like a soft toy all day. Every cat needs space to play. In addition, each animal has its own character, which the owner may not like, some of the habits of the animal will have to be reconciled, and some will be eradicated through educational measures. So that an unpleasant smell does not appear in the apartment, as well as your favorite furniture remains intact, you need to take care of purchasing accessories for your pet.

First of all, you need a cat litter box, a scratching post and a nail clipper. The next most important event is the equipment of the place where the animal will eat. Get a feeder for food, and a separate bowl for water.

Remember! If your kitten eats dry food, then the water in the bowl should be constant.

If you wish, you can equip a cat's resting place, here you will need special houses, toys, beds, etc.

If you do not want your pet to bring offspring in the future, then go through the procedure of castration for cats and sterilization for cats. Such a procedure will help cats and cats in the future not to suffer without a partner, preserve their health and is completely safe for animals.

Cat Breeds Best Adapted to Apartment Life

What breed of cat is best to have in an apartment? Below are the breeds that are most suitable for living in apartments. But it is also worth considering the temperament of the pet, therefore, before purchasing an animal, talk about it with the breeder, find out more about its character and habits, and only after that take the cat. So, which cat is better to have in an apartment?

  1. British breed. This cat is well adapted to life in an apartment, with a quiet disposition, very friendly. Ideal for novice cat owners. He loves to sit on his knees and purr peacefully.
  2. The Persian cat is calm and affectionate. It is also ideal for apartment living. He is not afraid of loneliness, can do without human society for a long time, but requires daily care for his coat. If you like the Persian cat breed but are intimidated by the long hair of the animal, get an Exotic Shorthair Persian.
  3. The Russian Blue breed is an independent but affectionate cat. The animal may be frightened and not approach strangers, but it is loyal to its owners. The coat of the animal does not require special care. The cat is moderately playful and friendly.
  4. Javanese cat. The representative of this breed loves to frolic and causes more noise than the above breeds. But, nevertheless, the Javanese cat endures loneliness without owners during the day. She is happy when the owners are around. This breed can be recommended to novice cat owners, it is great for older people.
  5. Ragdoll. By choosing a kitten of this breed, you will appreciate the completely laid-back and easy nature of the pet. She can perfectly doze off on your lap, and when you touch her, she immediately wakes up and starts playing. Ragdolls are well adapted to apartment life.

There are other excellent breeds for living in an apartment. And is it a matter of breed? Many animals in shelters need their owners. If you decide to take this step to adopt an animal from a shelter, then it is best to take an adult cat. The staff will help you choose the animal that suits your lifestyle. If you are often absent, then you can take two cats from the same litter at once, so in the absence of the owner they will entertain each other.

How to deal with animal hair

Attention! When getting a cat with long hair, it is worth remembering that you will have to brush it regularly, especially during the molting period.

In addition, long-haired breeds are not suitable for people prone to allergies. But breeds such as Sphynx, Scottish Fold and Cornish Rex are ideal in this regard, since their coat is very short and does not require special care.

Pay or not pay?

When purchasing a cat, you can come across different prices, and in different regions they differ significantly, so the question arises why somewhere they give away purebred cats for absolutely nothing, and somewhere they ask for fabulous money for them? It all depends on several factors:

  • Each nursery must keep its own brand. This is the same as with the sale of things: branded clothes are much more expensive than similar Chinese products. The cattery will provide you with documents for a kitten, where its pedigree will be indicated, and this is very important if you want to breed an animal in the future. Of particular value are show-class kittens whose parents won prizes in shows and exhibitions. If that doesn't matter to you, then you shouldn't overpay.
  • Compliance with breed standards. Experts will immediately suspect incest in the kitten's appearance. This is called a defect, a deviation from the breed. Sometimes such defects can be in a kitten of thoroughbred parents. But still, it is not suitable for exhibitions, unlike its successful brothers and sisters, and therefore its price will be much lower.
  • The age of the kitten also plays a role. It is best to sell it at the age of 2-3 months. Older kittens are considered "bred" and are cheaper.
  • Sometimes it happens that the kitten is sick, and the owners try to sell it faster, until the disease is noticeable. In this case, the price can also be low.

There are different cases, for example, in the bird market, a thoroughbred kitten can be bought for ridiculous prices. Owners sometimes do not know how to quickly get rid of the born offspring. If you are not interested in exhibitions, medals and regalia, then this is also a good option for acquiring a fluffy miracle. You choose which cat is better to have in the apartment.

Important! If you want a cat to perfectly match your lifestyle, then it is better to take the animal from breeders.

They will tell you which cat is better to have in an apartment, they will pick up a pet for you, taking into account your interests. But it is worth telling about your wishes in more detail, so that later there will be no disappointments.

For example, it is very important to know how long you are away, as some breeds cannot stand being alone, it is also important whether you have enough time to care for a cat, this is important for long-haired breeds, whether you plan to have offspring, etc.

A good breeder is also interested in his kitten getting into kind and caring hands. You may need time to find the right option, but if your desires and opportunities coincide, you will make a reliable friend for life.

Which cat is better to have in an ordinary apartment was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

The cat family is quite large and has an impressive diversity. And this applies not only to everything from the cat family, but also to domestic cats.

Among this tribe of small predators, everyone can choose for themselves such a representative of it, which will correspond to the individual preferences of its owner. After all, someone loves hairless cats, someone is large and short-haired, and someone likes fluffy and small ones.

True, external signs are only half the battle, and much more important is whether you can get along with your pet day after day while staying in the same territory. And this issue is most acute for those who live in a city apartment. It is the choice of the most suitable cat for apartment maintenance that this article is devoted to.

The best cats for a city apartment

british shorthair cat

Almost the ideal option for urban housing is the British Shorthair cat. This incredibly beautiful and, as a rule, gray cat gets along well with its owners in apartment conditions, has a moderately active and very friendly character.

"British" are very easy to train, and due to the short coat they reduce grooming issues to a minimum.

It can be safely attributed to the type of calm cats designed specifically for apartments, since British shorthair cats are calm from a very early age, they are alien to hooliganism and do not require either excessive care or any worries.

Persian cat

Representatives of this breed are loved by many for their long fluffy coat and snub nose. Persians can be of two types:

  • owners of a moderately snub-nosed and, by the standards of the Persian breed, a relatively long nose, are considered representatives of the classical type;
  • those cats that have an upturned and very small nose are considered representatives of the extreme type.

A nervous Persian is either nonsense or the result of extremely unfavorable conditions.

Both of these types are characterized by muscular short legs. In the United States, the extreme type of Persian is more popular, while in Europe, most cat lovers prefer the classic type. Persians from birth are distinguished by calmness, affectionateness and serenity.

Representatives of this breed need attention from the owner, they are distinguished by a developed intellect and need daily care, otherwise, tangles form very quickly in their wool.

Peterbalds are an ideal option for those owners who don't want to bother looking after their pet.

This hairless cat is distinguished by amazing elegance. Since Peterbalds do not have wool, there is no hassle associated with it. However, it must be admitted that the health of these animals cannot be called powerful, and the forces that will be saved on caring for the animal can then be wasted on maintaining its health.

Be that as it may, it is not worth acquiring a representative of this breed, being driven solely by laziness and unwillingness to spend time combing. It would be much wiser to just get a cat with very short hair - they are not much more of a hassle.

In terms of character, Peterbalds are calm, patient and quick-witted. Petersburg sphinxes are friendly towards all family members, undemanding in care, not vindictive and generally not conflict. Their nature is such that the Peterbald does not create practically any inconvenience, maintains an even relationship with all family members, without singling out one person, but needs love and tenderness.

Calm cats for apartment maintenance


This cat is well suited for a large apartment. Her character is submissive and laid-back, able to add a touch of holiday to the daily worries of her owner.

The Ragdoll is calm, not prone to isolation or tantrums, does not need special care, obeys the rules very easily, but does not like loneliness and therefore, as a rule, follows its owner like a “tail”. Has a good appetite, but is not prone to obesity. Playful, but within reason.

Scottish fold

Outwardly, these animals are very similar to the British shorthair cat, but the ears hang forward. The character is calm and balanced, but not without cunning and playfulness. This is a purely apartment breed, since Scottish folds do not experience much cravings for walks on the street: they like the comfort of their home and the company of the owner much more. With other households (both bipedal and quadrupedal), the Scottish Fold gets along very easily and is well trained.

shorthaired exotic

The Exotic Shorthair was the result of a cross between an American Shorthair and a Persian. It has a calm character and the same calm and good manners and habits. Exotic cats do not belong to the number of talkative cats and, as a rule, prefer to remain silent. Exotics are very obedient to their master, they are quite easy to care for, they react carelessly to the actions of the owner and, at the same time, are friendly and faithful.

Russian blue cat

This is a submissive and gentle, but at the same time independent cat. She can safely remain alone, despite all her love for the owner. Russian Blue is great for those owners who spend a lot of time at work, appearing at home only in the evening.

The Russian blue cat has a developed intellect.

In relation to her master, she is kind and gentle, but in relation to strangers she is quite suspicious. Outwardly elegant, and the short coat and good constitution makes this cat very easy to care for. She absorbs good manners effortlessly.

sacred burma

This is a friendly and affectionate cat, which had both Persian and Siamese cats in its family. The character of the Burmese is friendly and gets along with other pets without any effort. They also get along well with small children. The Burma has rather graceful features and a medium length coat that needs careful grooming. Otherwise, representatives of this breed are undemanding in care and maintenance.

What does an apartment cat need?

Future owners of these animals need to remember that when choosing a cat, they choose a friend with whom they will live for 10-15 years. For this reason, the choice of breed should not be made in a hurry, under the influence of a momentary mood, or, even worse, under the influence of fashion for a particular breed. First, you should slowly think over your sympathies, opportunities, availability of free time and funds, as well as lifestyle, and based on this, make assumptions about which breed will suit such an owner best.

When everything is decided with the breed, you should also not rush to run to the breeder. First you need to equip the house in such a way that the cat has everything it needs immediately upon arrival at the house. That is, the house should have:

  • tray;
  • filler for him;
  • bowls for food and water (preferably several ceramic);
  • couch and / or house;
  • scratching post (required!);
  • toys and, preferably, a climbing frame;
  • carrying;
  • vitamins;
  • feed supply (if preference is given to ready-made feed);
  • brush-comb;
  • nail clipper.

It is also worthwhile to equip a cat's first aid kit in advance, since this item is often neglected when preparing for the kitten's arrival in the house, and after that, the first aid kit is completely forgotten. If the owner has chosen such a breed as the Exotic Shorthair, you should immediately prepare for the fact that he may have special needs in terms of eye care. The same can be said about all breeds with short and snub noses. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare pet eye care products in advance.

In general, before bringing a kitten home, you should carefully study all the information regarding the care of representatives of this breed, and about its health. And only after that you can take the next step - choosing a good breeder, from whom the kitten will be bought.

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Mom, let's get a kitten? And now happy parents are already looking for a four-legged friend who will not only have to keep the baby company, but also teach him responsibility, compassion and love for animals. Does it exist and how to choose the very playful and good-natured kitten?

If you are going to give your child a tailed playmate, it is important to remember that the responsibility for the kitten lies on the shoulders of adult family members. Parents will have to feed, comb and bathe the mustachioed baby. If you are not ready to sacrifice your free time, you should not get a pet in the hope that the child himself will perform all the necessary care manipulations.

Cats live on average for about fifteen years. And all these years the cat is a member of the family with its own character and habits. A shy or aggressive kitten and a small child are an explosive combination that will not lead to anything good. A mustachioed baby weighing half a kilo is capable of seriously biting or scratching a noisy child, acting within the framework of natural instincts. It does not matter which kitten to choose for a child, one month old or six months old, if he was born from a street cat and spent the first weeks of his life without contact with a person. Therefore, you should not look for a friend for the baby in the yards and basements: semi-wild kittens born on the street are very wayward and independent.

Kitten "from hands"

Popular cat breeds for young children are a very expensive purchase. A thoroughbred kitten, born from quality sires, healthy and raised in compliance with all the rules, will never end up in the market, in a pet store or a subway crossing. You should not save on the safety and health of the child - contact only professional nurseries to breeders with a felinological or veterinary education.

Representatives of various cat breeds have been living in the homes and apartments of people for many centuries. thanks to them, a warm atmosphere of housing is created, more relaxed relationships in the family. A cat is one of the most popular pets, because this animal is very beautiful, cute, has its own character, affectionate or wayward. In order for a cat to live comfortably in an apartment and not cause inconvenience to other residents, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed, think carefully about which cat is better to have in an apartment, and also do not forget about some other important selection factors.

  • There are many positive aspects to having a pet in an apartment next to people.
  • Cats for children are a connection with the natural world. Children learn to love animals and take care of them. They grow up less selfish and callous.
  • Any representative of the cat has a beautiful appearance and an interesting character, so it is pleasant to watch cats. A person gets real pleasure from communicating with a pet, his mood improves, peace and tranquility come.
  • It has been noted that the presence of a cat in the house can improve the atmosphere in it, relieve the symptoms of depression and overstrain in those who are too tired of problems.

What criteria should be used to choose a kitten for a family with children?

When deciding which breed to choose for a child, one should think, first of all, about children's peace of mind, health, and safety.

  • It is recommended to take a small kitten into the house in order to observe its development, accustom it to the rules of living in the house.
  • Large and aggressive cat breeds should not be kept in a family with children, this may be unsafe. Some cats are too jealous of their integrity, they do not like to be picked up or even stroked.
  • Parents should take into account that even the calmest cats will require regular care and attention. Children will not yet be able to responsibly care for a pet, many processes are simply beyond their power. That's why adults should have time for a pet.
  • If a domestic cat has kittens, the child should not play with them as toys. Any cruel treatment of a pet is not allowed.

The best cat breeds by character

Calm character is an important criterion for choosing a pet. Deciding which cat you want to take into the house, you should pay attention to calm breeds of cats. Persians, Scots, British are distinguished by an even, benevolent character, calm disposition and ability to train.

  • Scottish lop-eared- these are pets that will quickly find a common language with children, with adults. They lend themselves well to education, unpretentious, rarely cause trouble to their owners, to whom they are also strongly attached. The only thing is that the Scots do not really like new people in the house, a noisy atmosphere, they can hide from loud guests
  • The calmest breed or one of them is British Shorthair. Cats, especially small ones, resemble cute soft toys, therefore they cause special tenderness and tenderness in children. British children get along well, but you need to explain that the animal has its own character, it should not be bothered.
  • In many ways, it resembles the previous breed scottish fold– the perfect apartment cat. She will never strive for street walks, enjoying the comfort of home and her own secluded corner, the presence of the owner.
  • You can have a little Persian in the house, which will eventually turn into a luxurious handsome man, the pride of the house. Persian loves attention from the owners, you will need to find time to communicate with him. It is also a very calm pet, which can show its claws only in the most exceptional cases.
  • The maintenance-free ones are also great for those who want to take a pet into an apartment. This animal is playful, affectionate, will gladly keep company with children in their games. Kittens of this breed are very funny, cute, any child will become attached to them.

Other breeds suitable for apartment living

INTERESTING! Among the calm cat breeds, there are many animals with long hair, which can cause allergies in children and even adults.

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics Russian blue. Her character combines independence and goodwill, calmness. She calmly endures a long absence of the owner, which is important for those owners who spend many hours at work. A cat of this breed is considered an intellectual, it lends itself well to education, requires easy care. The owner, nevertheless, should in the evening, after work, find time for his “neighbor”, talk to her, take her in his arms.

Do you want to have a calm, silent, well-mannered cat in the house? Suitable shorthair exotic. This is a loyal and friendly pet that will not bother, pester the owner. Caring for him is also simple, but do not forget about the most important needs of the animal. With such a sweet and well-mannered cat, you can live comfortably for many years without encountering problems.

ATTENTION! It is possible to settle a cat or a dog in the house only if any of the family members is not allergic to animal hair. Do not risk the health of a loved one.

Which breed is suitable for a family with children with allergies

The best cat in this case is this, since this breed has no wool causing allergic symptoms. The appearance of the sphinx is specific, not everyone is able to feel sympathy for such an animal. But if you take even small kittens into the apartment, raise them, the breed will seem the most attractive. The Canadian Sphynx is affectionate, friendly, he needs attention and loves to be close to a person. Also, these cats have a good character, patiently endure the presence of other animals and guests in the house.

What other cat is suitable for a family with allergies? Great option - peterbald. It is also hairless, making it easy to care for. Only important provide the cat with warmth, monitor his health. The absence of wool is an important advantage, no one in the family will have health problems due to a pet.

IMPORTANT! Canadian Sphynx need special care. If adults do not have the opportunity to pay enough attention to the pet, you can choose a less whimsical breed.

Cheerful companion

Considering which breeds are suitable for home keeping, you can also focus on the sociability of the animal. There are breeds that love most of all communication with people, playing with children, they will be constantly next to their owners, even when doing various household chores. These cats are Maine Coon. The cat is large, with a fluffy beautiful coat that needs to be combed out twice a week. He is also distinguished by high intellectual abilities, as for a cat, sociability. Maine Coons they like to sit on the hands of a person or very close by, this is especially liked by the elderly and affectionate children.

Cats of this breed they are happy to participate in active games, you can even take them with you for a walk.

Comfortable living of a cat in an apartment

What kind of cats are chosen for the house? There are many options, the priority may be the presence or absence of wool, a calm or playful character, how much kittens of the breed cost. But even with the right choice, an animal can cause a lot of problems and inconvenience if you take care of it incorrectly and do not pay attention to your pet.

  • With proper care and good genetics, cats can live an average of 10-15 years in an apartment. You don’t need to bring an animal into the house if there is no certainty that love is enough for him for such long time.
  • How to take care of a pet at home? Required proper nutrition (depending on the breed), hair care, regular visits to the veterinarian. And, just as important for a cat, there should be time to communicate with him.
  • Children should understand that a kitten, even the cutest one with a plush coat, is a living being that requires careful attitude, safety.
  • Features of the breed, the nature of the cat should match the character and rhythm of life of family members.
  • Definitely needed learn all the information about the cat breed who will live in the house. About what kind of food suits him, how often he needs to bathe, comb out, what diseases he can face.

If the family has decided on the breed of the cat, the kitten should be sent to a good breeder, to a reputable cattery. Many kittens at the very young age are similar, it is difficult to distinguish them by the characteristics of the breed. If you buy a pet in the market, for example, you may encounter a dishonest seller.

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