Inside cranial pressure. Invasive diagnostic methods. There are two types of invasive methods for measuring ICP

Inside cranial pressure is an accumulation or deficiency spinal cerebral fluid in a certain part cranium caused by impaired circulation.

The name of the liquid is liquor. It is located in the ventricles of the brain, in the spinal cavity, as well as in the space between the bones of the skull, bone marrow and brain. Liquor protects the "gray matter" from strong reboots and mechanical damage.

The fluid is always under a certain pressure. It is constantly updated, circulating from one area to another. The process usually takes about seven days. But sometimes its violation occurs and the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in one place. There is increased intracranial pressure. If there is a decrease in CSF, then there is a reduced intracranial pressure.

The decrease often occurs after a head injury, with brain tumors, with prolonged vasoconstriction, and also due to long-term use of diuretic drugs.

The reasons

The main causes of ICP are:

  • Violation of metabolic processes in which fluid is poorly absorbed into the blood;
  • Spasmodic vessels, through which CSF cannot circulate normally;
  • Excess fluid in the body, resulting in an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Hypoxia of the brain;
  • Meningitis;
  • Encephalitis;
  • tumors;
  • Excess weight;
  • Severe poisoning;
  • Too much vitamin A.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure:

When is surgery necessary?

  1. If there is a trauma to the skull. Due to the impact, a hematoma may occur, which will provoke an increase in intracranial pressure;
  2. Severe headache and fainting. In this case, most likely, there was a rupture of the aneurysm of the vessels.

One should always treat intracranial pressure, and not wait until an accident occurs.


"Speaks" the increased size of the head, strabismus. In school children and preschool age appears fast fatiguability, irritability, hypersensitivity.


Doctors determine the presence of a problem by many factors, including:

In addition, adults and older children undergo computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and infants examined by ultrasound of the skull through the fontanel.

Another way is that a special needle with a pressure gauge is inserted into the spinal canal or liquid cavities. This procedure is far from safe and should only be performed by highly qualified doctors.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is desirable to use all of the above diagnostic methods. MRI and X-ray remain the main CT scan.


Increased intracranial pressure is a serious threat to the life of the patient. Regular pressure on the brain disrupts its activity, as a result of which intellectual abilities may decrease and the nervous regulation of work may be disrupted. internal organs.

If the diagnosis revealed serious deviations, treatment should take place in a hospital.

If a tumor occurs, it is removed. If available, operations are performed to drain the fluid, with neuroinfections, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

The main thing is not to self-medicate. As soon as you feel unwell, immediately visit a doctor and get competent advice.

If there is no high threat to the life of the patient, symptomatic drug treatment is prescribed, aimed at normalizing intracranial pressure.


Most often, diuretics are used, which accelerate the process of removing liquor and improve its absorption. Treatment with such drugs is carried out in courses. If the disease recurs often, they are taken constantly, but at least once every seven days.

Sedatives and vascular drugs

Can be pierced by doctor's prescription nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation of the brain. To normalize pressure, massage sessions are often held, patients go in for swimming, and improve their health.

If there are no serious complications, you can do without medicines. Instead, this is done:

  • Manual therapy;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Gymnastic exercises.

It is also worth thinking about the normalization of the drinking regimen.

How to measure intracranial pressure?

Intracranial pressure can be measured by inserting a special catheter into the lateral ventricle of the brain, where the cerebrospinal fluid is located. This method is considered to be the most accurate.

If the pressure is high, it can be reduced by pumping out some of the CSF.

Another way is to use a subdural screw. It is inserted into a hole in the skull. This device allows you to measure pressure in the subdural space.

epidural sensor

The transducer is inserted between the dural tissue and the skull. To do this, hair is shaved from the head, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. After that, an incision is made and the skin is pushed back so that the “cranial box” becomes visible. The final stage is the input of the sensor. It is necessary to measure pressure only in extreme cases.


If you do not take measures to normalize the pressure, the disease will take chronic form. This is fraught with the occurrence of many diseases, the most dangerous of which is a stroke. Therefore, it is better to take the problem seriously and treat it as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • Alternative treatment should be used only in the chronic course of the disease or as an addition to already prescribed therapy.

Lemon juice with honey

Take one lemon. Cut it up. Squeeze out the juice carefully. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and one hundred milliliters of water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and drink. The treatment period is twenty days. There is a break after ten days.

Pollen with honey

Used for head massage. Take 2 parts of pollen, add honey. Mix the ingredients and leave for 72 hours in a place where it does not penetrate sunlight. Then rub the mixture in small portions on the back of the head, the back of the neck and the bridge of the nose. Then wrap your head in a towel. Carry out the procedure every day for a month.


Take three tablespoons of dry plantain, pour half a liter of boiling water over them and leave for thirty minutes. Drink fifty grams of decoction three times a day.

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Cranial pressure is a signal of failure, any malfunction in the work of the whole organism. Many confuse it with arterial, but these are two Different things. Excessive accumulation of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leads to additional load on the brain, i.e., hypertension or increased cranial pressure occurs. In children, it increases during crying (in infants, the fontanel bulges), screaming, physical exertion, etc. Its norm is 10 mm Hg. Art. Fluctuation during the day from 5 to 10 mm Hg. Art. - absolutely normal phenomenon, inherent in all people, does not require treatment.

What is the danger?

If hypertension is present continuously, even at rest, it may impair normal work brain. In this case, the official diagnosis is hypertension. For children, it is dangerous because it affects their development: such a child begins to crawl, sit, hold his head much later than his peers.

Cranial pressure in children as a diagnosis


A large head with a convex forehead, its circumference is growing rapidly;

The fontanel constantly bulges noticeably;

A strip of sclera (the protein membrane of the eye) is visible at the top of the eyelid, while the child's eyes are directed downward - Graefe's symptom;

A thin venous network clearly emerges under the scalp;

Increased irritability;

Frequent monotonous crying;

Constant drowsiness, lethargy;

Lack of body weight;

Frequent regurgitation after eating;

Vomiting - requires emergency treatment can cause serious complications, even death.

The reasons:

Head injury;




Cranial pressure in adults


Headache - constant, throbbing, greatly aggravated at night and in the morning, throbbing behind the orbits;

Bright flashes of light, dots, double vision;

Lethargy, fatigue, nervousness;

Nausea, vomiting that does not bring relief;



uncoordinated movements;


Feeling of fullness in the head;

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - sweating, frequent fainting, jumps in blood pressure, tachycardia, darkening in the eyes.

The reasons:

genetic abnormalities;

Concussions, injuries;


Circulatory disorders;


Cancer of any organs in the skull;


How to measure cranial pressure?

To establish such a diagnosis as hypertension, one examination by a neurologist is not enough. A comprehensive examination is required. A puncture is used to determine cranial pressure. The method is the most effective, but complicated and dangerous, since the measuring needle is inserted into the ventricles of the brain or the spinal canal. The procedure is carried out according to strict indications, if other methods have been ineffective. Indirect methods for determining the presence of hypertension - examination of the fundus, ultrasound of the brain, MRI, CT, electroencephalography.

How to downgrade

1. Traditional medicine:

A decoction of oak wood ash;

A decoction of lavender;

Garlic, garlic-lemon tincture;

A decoction of parsley in milk.

2. Official medicine:

Diuretic drugs;

Nootropics - improve brain nutrition;


Vitamins of group "B";

Therapeutic treatments: acupuncture, swimming, head massage, special gymnastics;

Diet, drinking regimen;

Surgical intervention: shunting - performed in severe cases, not amenable to correction.

Nature took great care of the safety human brain. She encased him in a hard cranial case to prevent possible injuries. In addition, brain tissues are always in suspension, constantly bathed in cerebrospinal fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid. It plays the role of a kind of shock-absorbing pillow, and also protects the brain from shock. But not only. Liquor carries oxygen to the brain cells, nutrients. And then, through the venous outflow, it removes waste products of vital activity.

CSF circulates continuously, washing the spinal cord and brain. In a healthy person, it is completely renewed up to seven times a day. Its constant volume, as a rule, reaches 1 liter. The cerebrospinal fluid originates from the arterial plexuses, taking food from them for the "gray" matter, and leaves through the venous pathways, taking with it the waste products.

If suddenly, for some reason, the venous outflow is disturbed, the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid becomes difficult. It starts to build up and puts pressure on soft tissues brain, eventually leading to their deformation and atrophy. This condition causes severe headaches. They usually occur early morning or at night, when the general blood flow in the body is slowed down and liquor stagnation forms more easily.

In addition, the amount of intracranial pressure is affected by the density of the brain tissue, which largely depends on the inflow arterial blood and venous return. ICP also depends on the presence of intracellular and osmotic pressure extracellular fluid.

Signs and symptoms of intracranial pressure

Many of us tend not to attach of great importance mild malaise, manifested by minor headaches, short-term and mild, blurred vision. But all these signs are characteristic of fluctuations in intracranial pressure and may indicate severe structural damage to the brain.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

How does it feel increased ICP? In most cases, severe stale head syndrome occurs, bursting pressing pains. This nature of the headache appears as a result of irritation of the receptors of the hard shell of the brain and intracranial vessels. The pressure comes from within on the eyeballs, on the ears. The feeling is like landing an airplane.

Also, the patient experiences constant fatigue, is in a state of increased nervousness. Literally everything annoys him: bright light, loud sounds, People around. There is nausea, accompanied by vomiting. But at the same time vomiting reflex does not bring the expected relief to the patient. There is a violation of the functions of vision, hearing impairment.

intracranial pressure increase dangerous phenomenon and can do a lot of damage. human health. It requires the attention and help of good specialists in the field of neurology.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

Decreased intracranial pressure

In the event of a drop in the level of cerebrospinal fluid, ICP decreases. Primary intracranial hypotension is a rather rare phenomenon. Most often, the disease occurs due to the loss of cerebrospinal fluid as a result of medical and diagnostic interventions. An overdose of dehydrating drugs can also lead to this condition, as well as arterial hypotension.

The most characteristic symptom is It decreases when pressing the jugular veins or in the supine position with the head down. Pain is accompanied by dizziness, bouts of nausea, tachycardia. The patient is pale skin, arterial hypotension, lethargy, lethargy. At sharp decline ICP can manifest disorders of consciousness, from mild forms to coma.

A decrease in intracranial pressure due to a lack of cerebrospinal fluid can lead to brain injury. After all, the cerebrospinal fluid plays the role of a kind of shock-absorbing cushion that protects the "gray matter" from unwanted shakes. Therefore, intracranial hypotension increases the risk of damage to the vessels of the head with further cerebral hemorrhage, as well as displacement of brain tissues or damage to their structure.

In this way, normal level ICP is an indispensable condition for active brain activity.

Such a pathology is not so common. But no one is safe from it. age category. Men are much less susceptible to it than women and children.

Provoking factors include:

Sometimes ICP spikes are physiological norm. But this can be judged only after a number of necessary diagnostic measures.

How is intracranial pressure measured?

Arterial pressure should be distinguished from intracranial pressure. In the first case, it is enough to use a tonometer, mechanical or electronic, and you can do it yourself. ICP is measured by medical personnel in a hospital. This procedure is quite traumatic, and its implementation is allowed mainly in seriously ill patients in order to timely prevent the threat to their lives.

There are several ways to measure intracranial pressure in the neurological rehabilitation department:

  1. subdural method. It is used rarely and in especially severe cases. A small hole is made with a special tool bone tissue skulls. A subdural sensor is placed there, with the help of which measurements are taken.
  2. epidural method. into the burr hole between the cranium and meninges an epidural sensor is placed.
  3. Through an intraventricular catheter. It is the most modern and reliable way definition of ICP. A catheter is inserted into the cranial cavity through the hole, which is able to reach lateral ventricle brain. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to measure intracranial pressure, but also to pump out excess cerebrospinal fluid.

Approximately, ICP can be determined using MRI or electroencephalography, when indicators of the bioelectrical activity of the brain are evaluated. Their fluctuations may indicate violations of ICP. In addition, an ophthalmologist with a thorough analysis of the fundus can also detect intracranial hypertension.

At home, it is not possible to determine the level of pressure. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your condition, and with repeated appearance characteristic features contact a doctor.

How to reduce intracranial pressure

To eliminate the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure can be used different methods. The tactics and treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician. This may include:

  • conservative therapy . As a rule, diuretics and a diet with low content salt;
  • surgical correction. With inefficiency drug treatment excess cerebrospinal fluid is removed using a catheter or a structural neoplasm is removed;
  • folk remedies. It is recommended to take kidney, diuretic teas that improve the outflow of fluid from the body, soothing and vasodilating fees, allowing you to relieve vasospasm and improve cerebral circulation;
  • alternative treatments: massage, special gymnastic exercises. Such methods are effective only with pressure caused by obstructed venous outflow due to compression of the veins by spasmodic neck muscles or processes of the cervical vertebrae.

If the change in ICP is situational, it is natural and cannot be treated. Such pressure surges are observed after some types of physical activity due to weather changes and other reasons.

Treatment of intracranial hypertension: methods and means

When suffering from headaches, many of us are accustomed to doing nothing but painkillers. At the same time, forgetting that without eliminating the root cause of pain, it is impossible to get rid of them forever. The direction of treatment will directly depend on which disease is the root cause of the painful symptoms.

Used both conservatively and surgery as well as knowledge and experience traditional medicine. In any case, it is necessary to reduce the pressure only under the supervision of a specialist. Main principle- this is simultaneous treatment underlying disease and decreased ICP different ways and means. In addition to medicines, the patient is prescribed diet therapy, the correct drinking regimen, lifestyle change.

The following methods of treatment of the disease are used:

  • diuretics (Veroshpiron, Mannitol, Furosemide, Diakarb, etc.) remove excess fluid from the body, normalize the content of cerebrospinal fluid and improve its absorption;
  • venotonic drugs that regulate venous outflow (Phlebodia, Troksivazin, Eufilin, etc.);
  • all preparations containing caffeine tone the veins and promote the outflow of venous blood;
  • preparations containing potassium (Asparkam) improve the balance of electrolytes and tissue metabolism, resulting in improved brain nutrition. They are prescribed for cerebral edema caused by traumatic brain injury or stroke;
  • corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) are taken for brain tumors and meningitis. Neutralize swelling caused by intoxication or allergies;
  • myotropic antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Caventon, Cinnarizine, etc.) eliminate spasm cerebral vessels, thereby improving blood flow and nutrition of the brain;
  • antibacterial agents used for neuroinfections;
  • (Nootropil, Pantogam, Ginkgo biloba, etc.) significantly improve brain function, positively affecting mental processes and the memory mechanism;
  • sedatives neutralize the effects of stress, act as a vasodilator, relieve irritability, improve sleep quality, mental activity;
  • vitamin complexes are prescribed to improve metabolism, general strengthening of the body;
  • homeopathic remedies (Nott, Nevrochel);
  • surgical method it is used if a brain tumor has formed and presses on the surrounding intracranial structures. With hydrocephalus, excess cerebrospinal fluid is removed by intracranial penetration using a silicone catheter;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis with aminophylline (introduction of aminophylline into collar area improves brain nutrition and normalizes lymph absorption), a magnet on the collar zone ( magnetic fields normalize pressure, relieve swelling), massage, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture (relieves vasospasm, improves metabolism and work nervous system), circular shower (stimulates the vascular system, improves metabolism);
  • folk treatment used only if ICP has increased due to overweight, constant stress, venous outflow disorders or osteochondrosis cervicothoracic spine.

Do any of these techniques relieve symptoms? intracranial hypertension, the rest eliminate its root cause. If left untreated, the disease will become chronic and may lead to serious complications such as stroke.

Removing symptoms of intracranial pressure at home

Running can help control blood pressure. The results will appear faster if accompanied by correct breathing. Well help gymnastic exercises, visiting the pool, daily hiking, any other increase in activity during the day.

Need to get rid of excess weight, if any. This will help normalize the pressure. Diet should be followed healthy principles: use less salt and more fresh natural food: vegetables, herbs, fruits. It would be useful to include daily diet ginger, which will strengthen blood vessels, normalize cerebral circulation, increase immunity.

To avoid jumps in ICP at night, a thin and fairly dense pillow should be placed under the head. Thereby cervical arteries will not be pinched during sleep, and blood circulation in the brain will not be disturbed. In addition, at home, to relieve the symptoms of ICP, they use a heating pad in the lumbar region, do self-massage of the head, collar zone.

It is necessary to stop smoking. Nicotine causes vasospasm and disrupts liquorodynamics. Cut down on alcohol consumption, as it can cause brain swelling. Avoid overheating in the bath or under hot sunlight. Limit TV and computer time to one hour a day. Observe the regime of the day, and alternate mental and physical exercise. Carry out regularly spa treatment specializing in diseases of the circulatory system.

Intracranial pressure: treatment with folk remedies

Due to what appears constant pressure on the brain, there are serious violations of its functions. Decreased intelligence and energy level human quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary with various means and ways to normalize the level of ICP, including using traditional medicine methods.

The most reliable folk remedies for the treatment of intracranial hypertension, a mixture of honey and lemon juice with water, infusions of wild rose, plantain, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, alcohol tincture from clover. They use kidney teas that stimulate the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as herbal decoctions with a mild diuretic effect ( horsetail, knotweed and others).

efficient prophylactic serves mint oil, taken in the amount of 10 drops per glass of water twice a day after meals. It effectively affects the state blood vessels maintains their tone.

At increased ICP well help mustard baths. One or two spoons mustard powder bred in a basin with warm water and immerse your feet there for 10-20 minutes. Such a simple procedure will reduce the filling of the blood vessels of the brain and will help reduce intracranial pressure.

For self-massage of the head is taken pollen, mixed with honey (2:1). The mixture is kept in a dark place for three days, and only after that it is suitable for use. You should gradually rub the prepared remedy into the head, back of the neck. Then wrap everything with a towel, and repeat this daily for a month.

A mixture of alcohol tinctures will improve blood circulation in the brain tissues and will help reduce cranial pressure. It is necessary to mix the tinctures of the following medicinal plants:

  • eucalyptus (1/4 part);
  • mint (1/4 part);
  • valerian (1 part);
  • motherwort (1 part);
  • hawthorn (1 part).

The mixture is placed in a darkened glass container, a little cloves are added and left to infuse. After two weeks, start taking 25 drops in a tablespoon of water three times a day. The prepared remedy eliminates spasm of the veins and improves the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Unconventional methods will help to remove pain caused by intracranial hypertension, but will not eliminate the underlying disease. Therefore, you should not resort to self-medication. Folk remedies are only a component complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Tablets from intracranial pressure

Among the medications, Diacarb is the most popular. This drug is prescribed for violations of the outflow of cerebral fluid and intracranial hypertension. The drug reduces the formation of cerebrospinal fluid and successfully treats liquorodynamic disorders.

It is used only after consultation with a specialist. Due to the fact that Diacarb oxidizes the blood, it long-term use unwanted. The drug is usually taken in small intermittent courses.

Diakarb promotes increased excretion of potassium salts from the body. Therefore, in order to neutralize side effect, at the same time the doctor prescribes Asparkam. it medicine provides rapid delivery of potassium and magnesium to cells, excretion of bicarbonate, increase in blood acidity.

Diakarb and Asparkam is the most successful combination that helps to reduce the amount of fluid in the body, as well as intracranial pressure, without complications.

This problem has become common not only among the elderly and newborns, but also among young people and adolescents. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in an adult is capable of excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Hypertension, if ignored, leads to disruption of the central nervous system, a decrease in mental abilities. Prolonged squeezing some brain tissue leads to death.

What is intracranial pressure

Cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid - protects against mechanical damage to the brain and overloads. The skull is a hard bone round shape, whose volume is constant. If the pressure in the head changes, then there is a brain tumor, problems with blood vessels (poor patency) or CSF absorption. Increased or decreased pressure in the head occurs due to its excess or lack, in case of circulation disturbance.

Symptoms in adults

Elevated ICP is also called hypertension. It can lead to death. It is important to learn to distinguish the characteristic symptoms of benign intracranial hypertension in order to take timely action and contact a specialist for examination. If signs of intracranial pressure in adults are identified, the following should be done:

  • do not worry, so as not to aggravate the problem;
  • make an appointment with a neurologist, undergo a brain examination;
  • follow a diet, take medications prescribed by a doctor, follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Increased intracranial pressure

This pathology can be observed in individuals different ages. Clinical picture hypertension in adults and children is different. Definition problem high blood pressure on the brain lies in the fact that its signs also indicate other serious illnesses. First there is a constant headache, mainly in the morning. There is a feeling of squeezing or bursting, especially in the temples. An increase in intracranial pressure is accompanied by signs:

  • drowsiness, vomiting, nausea;
  • feeling tired in the morning
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • violation of thought processes, memory loss, distracted attention;
  • horse racing blood pressure during the day;
  • sweating, bradycardia rare pulse);
  • vision problems, tinnitus.


Hypotension, hypotension is observed when the pressure inside the skull drops below 10 mm Hg. There is a strong headache, sharp, squeezing. With low pressure in the head, flashes before the eyes, a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, tingling in the heart area are possible. Symptoms of a decrease in ICP are: vomiting, motion sickness, lethargy, irritability, weakness and loss of strength. Headache relieved by bending down.

Symptoms in children

In newborns, intracranial hypertension is observed in the first hours after birth. This may be indicated by a tremor of the chin, a divergence of the bones of the head, an increase in fontanelles, their pulsation, and convulsions. Symptoms of increased pressure inside the skull in children are regurgitation, repeated vomiting, strabismus, serious violation vision and limited movement of the eyeballs. a clear sign there is an increase in the ventricles of the brain. In schoolchildren and children a little younger, high ICP is manifested by irritability, fatigue.

How the head hurts

At high pressure, the temples pulsate. Migraine appears in the morning after waking up. The headache has a pressing character, there is a feeling of narrowing of the skull or its bursting. It can be aggravated by bending over, sneezing, coughing, lying down, exerting yourself. After taking painkillers, the pain does not go away.

The reasons

In children, the main factor causing increased ICP is hydrocephalus - an excessive accumulation of CSF in the skull. This pathology occurs with tumors of the head vessels, inflammation of the brain, obstructions in the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (formations, blood clots). Reduced pressure appears when the patient's skull and its box are damaged as a result of surgery or trauma. In adults, they secrete the following reasons high pressure:

  • swelling, inflammation of the brain;
  • Availability foreign body, tumors, hematomas, intracranial hemorrhage;
  • increased blood flow in dilated cerebral vessels due to intoxication of the body;
  • congenital hydrocephalus, which leads to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid.

Why is intracranial pressure dangerous?

If ICP rises gradually, the brain has time to adapt, but from time to time gives distress signals. Its squeezing negatively affects general state health. Constant fatigue, headaches lead to poor sleep. The brain does not rest fully. For a child, this is dangerous, because the mental and physical development. An adult patient experiences a feeling of apathy, meteopathy (dependence on atmospheric pressure, weather changes). When the hemispheres of the brain are infringed, the centers of the heartbeat and respiration suffer, which leads to death.

How to determine intracranial pressure

Normal ICP - 10-17 mm Hg or 100-151 mm H2O. Craniocerebral pressure indicates the degree of influence of CSF on the brain. The critical level is 25-35 mmHg: this leads to lethal outcome. Methods for measuring the magnitude of intracranial compression in the head are:

  • Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) through the fontanel - used for infants under the age of 12 months;
  • computed tomography or MRI of the cranial cavity - common with severe circulatory disorders;
  • echoencephaloscopy - often prescribed for infants;
  • it is important to check the fundus to find out if there is swelling of the optic nerve;
  • measure the intracranial level with a manometer: into the lumen dorsal canal or a catheter is inserted into the ventricles of the brain, to which an apparatus is attached that works like a mercury thermometer.


Rubbing the collar zone, the head is considered effective. A course of 15-20 massages helps to improve the outflow of venous blood. It is advisable to continue the treatment on your own. Massage twice a day for 15 minutes in a circular motion neck from top to bottom, points of the base of the skull, hold with palms from the back of the head to the collarbones. Procedures are prescribed - electrophoresis or a magnet is placed on the collar zone. This relieves swelling, allows you to increase blood circulation. Acupuncture pinpoints the reflex zones that relieve spasms venous vessels.

Physiotherapy implies moderate loads on the neck and shoulder. You can reduce intracranial pressure if you go swimming, race walking playing badminton, table tennis. At home, carry out such exercises by doing the exercises slowly:

  • stretching the head forward and down to chest;
  • alternate turns of the head to the right and to the left until it stops;
  • tilting the head, touching the shoulder with the right ear, then similarly on the other side;
  • on inhalation, the chin rises and the breath is held for 5 seconds, on exhalation it falls.

What to drink

With an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity, diuretics are used - Furosemide, Diakarb, Acetazolamide. Such normalization and treatment of intracranial pressure in adults removes excess fluid. Nootropic drugs help to increase blood circulation in the brain. These are stimulants that improve thought processes, soothing - Pantogam, Piracetam, Encephabol. It is recommended to monitor the drinking regimen.

With edema, corticosteroids are prescribed - Dexamethasone, Asparkam and other drugs containing potassium. Blood circulation is normalized by Sermion, Cavinton, Cinnarizine. From homeopathic remedies to reduce pressure inside the cranium, Nervochel, Notta are effective. If the problem is caused by a neuroinfection, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.


Surgical intervention is necessary in the presence of a tumor, foreign body, aneurysm. If hydrocephalus is the cause of increased pressure in the head, excess cerebrospinal fluid is removed surgically. Indications for surgical treatment: trauma of the skull, blockage of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, cysts. Operations are of two types: shunting with the transfer of excess to abdominal cavity or in right atrium. Applied method spinal tap ventricles.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you do not know what to do with intracranial pressure, there are no pills, you can turn to proven methods. What home remedies are used in this case:

  • alcohol compress and camphor oil it will help to remove the spasm of the cerebral vessels: the ingredients are mixed in 50 ml each, rubbed into the scalp, a rubber cap is put on and wrapped in a scarf on top;
  • alcohol tincture of plants fights hypertension: infusions of valerian, motherwort, mint, eucalyptus, hawthorn are combined in equal amounts to make 500 ml of medicine. Store the mixture in a warm place for 14 days, add 1 tsp to water. This remedy is not suitable for babies, pregnant women;
  • to normalize intracranial changes, squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add half a glass of water, drink for an hour. Important condition- take at bedtime for 20 days with a break after 1.5 weeks.


If you do not fight the level of intracranial changes (ICP), a person may faint. It is impossible not to recognize and ignore hypertension. With it, diseases of the cerebral vessels develop, become chronic, and the work of the central nervous system is disrupted. Most dangerous consequence- stroke. Complications of brain compression include:

  • decreased vision up to its complete loss;
  • disorder of consciousness mental disorders;
  • epileptic syndrome - constant seizures;
  • respiratory failure, weakness in the legs and arms.


The main ways to prevent compression of the brain is good sleep, regular exercise moderate force, normalization of drinking balance. Alternate mental activities with sports. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol to avoid vasospasm. To improve venous outflow, raise the part of the bed on which you lie with your head by 30 degrees.


The brain tissue is very sensitive to mechanical influences. Therefore, nature placed the human brain in addition to the bone box (skull) in a protective liquid environment (subarachnoid fluid spaces) and provided it with internal fluid cavities (ventricles). Thus, the brain is actually suspended in a liquid - CSF (other names - cerebrospinal fluid or CSF). Liquor is in the cranial cavity under a certain pressure. It is the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid on the brain that is called intracranial pressure .

A normal level of intracranial pressure is very important for a person's well-being. Increased intracranial pressure is not independent disease but a symptom of many neurological diseases.

Causes of increased intracranial pressure

All fluid spaces and ventricles are interconnected by ducts. Liquor constantly circulates. In some parts of the brain, it is secreted, and then flows through the cerebrospinal fluid ducts to other parts of the brain, where it is absorbed into bloodstream. Full renewal of CSF occurs on average 7 times a day.

Excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid causes an increase in its pressure on the substance of the brain. This is called increased intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension).

Three common causes of chronic increased intracranial pressure:

1. too much liquor is released;
2. CSF is not fully absorbed;
3. the patency of the CSF circulation pathways is impaired.

Increased intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus lead to:

  • craniocerebral injury (even very old, up to birth injury, concussions, brain bruises);
  • meningitis or encephalitis;
  • congenital structural features of the central nervous system (Arnold-Chiari anomaly, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, etc.);
  • poisoning (including medication and alcohol);
  • circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain (for example, ischemia, encephalopathy, osteochondrosis cervical spine);
  • hypoxia;
  • intracranial volumetric processes (tumors of the brain, meninges, hemorrhages in the brain and intracranial hematomas).


If intracranial pressure is increased significantly and for a sufficiently long time, the fluid cavities of the brain can expand - this expansion is called hydrocephalus . Since the cranial cavity is a closed space, the expansion of the fluid cavities of the brain occurs due to a decrease in the mass of the medulla itself. This process can adversely affect health.

MRI scan of a normal brain. The substance of the brain is shown in gray, the cerebrospinal fluid is shown in white. The normal size of the fluid spaces of the brain (they are slit-like). The ventricles are visible inside the brain. Subarachnoid spaces - a white border around the brain.

MRI scans for intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus. Result insufficient treatment increased intracranial pressure. Excessive accumulation of CSF inside the brain (in the form of a butterfly) and outside the brain (wide white border) is visible. The volume of the medulla is reduced - atrophy of the brain from fluid pressure.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

Increased pressure on the substance of the brain can disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system. Hence the characteristic symptoms:

Heaviness in the head or headaches, increasing in the morning or in the second half of the night;
In severe cases, nausea and / or vomiting in the morning is possible;
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (sweating, drop or increase in blood pressure, palpitations, presyncope, etc.) - practically obligatory symptom;
· Fatigue, "stupefaction", easy exhaustion during work or study loads;
· Nervousness;
· "Bruises" under the gases (if you stretch the skin under the eyes in the "bruise" area, dilated small veins are visible);
Possible decrease in sexual desire, potency;
If the human body is in a horizontal position, the cerebrospinal fluid is released more actively and absorbed more slowly, so intracranial pressure and its symptoms tend to peak in the second half of the night or in the morning;
Intracranial pressure is the higher, the lower the atmospheric pressure, so the deterioration is associated with a change in the weather.

The diagnosis of intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus is established by doctors on the basis of characteristic symptoms and on the basis of data special studies such as brain tomography.

Diagnostics for suspected increased intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension), hydrocephalus

Direct measurement of intracranial pressure is possible only by introducing into the fluid cavities of the skull or spinal canal a special needle with a manometer connected to it. That's why direct measurement intracranial pressure due to the invasiveness of the procedure is not applicable.

Signs of changes in intracranial pressure in children and adult patients are detected during the following examination procedures:

  • neurological examination
  • brain MRI
  • fundus examination
  • performing a lumbar puncture
  • x-ray of the bones of the skull
  • REG (rheoencephalography)

An increase in intracranial pressure can be said with certainty based on the following data:

Expansion, tortuosity of the fundus veins is an indirect but reliable sign of increased intracranial pressure;
- Expansion of the fluid cavities of the brain and rarefaction of the medulla along the edge of the ventricles of the brain, clearly visible on computed x-ray tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
- Violation of the outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity, established using ultrasound vascular studies.
- decrease pulse wave on the REG study(on the rheoencephalogram)

How much the brain suffers from an increase in intracranial pressure can be judged by EEG data.

gold standard instrumental examination patients - this is an assessment of symptoms, brain tomography data and fundus and EEG patterns.

Echoencephalography (Echo-EG) provides indirect and not always reliable data on increased intracranial pressure, it is less reliable than CT and MRI, so this method is rarely used.

intracranial hypertension. Hydrocephalus - treatment

The human brain cannot function normally under the influence of excessive pressure, moreover, a slow atrophy of the white medulla occurs, and this leads to a slow decrease in intellectual abilities, impaired nervous regulation work of internal organs hormonal disorders, arterial hypertension and etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures for the speedy normalization of intracranial pressure.

In the treatment of increased intracranial pressure, it is important to reduce the excretion and increase the absorption of CSF. Traditionally, it is customary to prescribe diuretics for this purpose. However, the constant use of diuretics is not always acceptable for the patient.

Treatment methods are used to normalize intracranial pressure without drugs. This is a special gymnastics to reduce intracranial pressure (used by the patient independently), individual drinking regimen and small changes in nutrition, unloading the venous bed of the head using methods of soft manual therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

Thus, a steady decrease in intracranial pressure is achieved without permanent reception diuretics, then unpleasant symptoms are gradually decreasing. The effect is usually noticeable already in the first week of treatment.

Increased intracranial pressure can be cured only if the disease that caused this symptom is treated.

Surgical treatment of hydrocephalus

In very severe cases (for example, CSF block after neurosurgical operations or congenital CSF block), surgical treatment is used. For example, a technology has been developed for implanting tubes (shunts) to drain excess CSF.

PS: Decreased intracranial pressure (hypotension) leads to dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea, large blood loss), chronic stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, neurosis, diseases accompanied by circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain (for example, ischemia, encephalopathy, cervical osteochondrosis).

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