Increased ICP symptoms. Intracranial pressure and its deviations

People often do not pay attention to intermittent dizziness, mild headaches, nausea, temporary visual impairment. Associating such symptoms with overwork, mental strain, stress, many do not even suspect that all these are signs of intracranial pressure in adults. Meanwhile, intracranial hypertension is a serious disease that occurs when circulation is disturbed, the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) in one or another part of the skull.

Quantitative indicators of increased VHF indicate the force with which the cerebrospinal fluid acts on the brain tissue. If pressure is applied to the medulla for a long time, its structure is damaged. The result is disturbances in the functioning of the brain, which affect the vital activity of all organs and systems.

That is why it is so important to be able to recognize the symptoms of intracranial pressure in time and take timely measures to treat the developing disease. Inaction, attempts to self-treat intracranial hypertension is a dangerous path that can lead to serious consequences.

An increase in intracranial pressure is indicated by different, at first glance, unrelated signs of malaise. Experts distinguish them into separate groups. But the very first, main symptom of intracranial hypertension is a headache.

Pain syndrome with increased ICP does not have a specific location of localization. The nature of the pain is described as bursting, pressing. Sometimes there is a throbbing pain in the head. Increases in cases of violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain: when tilting the head, sneezing, coughing, straining. It becomes more intense during a night's sleep, closer to the morning, due to the increased production and flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the head. Often accompanied by tinnitus. Painkillers are not removed.

Severe headaches caused by increased intracranial pressure are accompanied by nausea. Sometimes vomiting occurs. In this case, vomiting is not caused by food poisoning, but by pressure on the nerve endings of the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata. It is possible to distinguish such symptoms of ICP from migraine attacks, during which nausea and vomiting are also observed, by the nature of vomiting. She is strong, gushing, does not bring relief.

Visual disturbance is another characteristic symptom of increased intracranial pressure in adults. It occurs as a result of compression of the optic nerves. It is manifested by double vision, impaired peripheral vision, decreased pupillary response to light, short-term fogging, uneven pupils, intermittent blindness.

Often, an increase in ICP is signaled by the symptom of the “setting sun”. The eyeball bulges outward due to strong pressure, as a result of which the eyelids cannot close completely. The eyes remain half open all the time. When looking down, the upper edge of the iris is visible between them.

Dark circles appear under the eyes. With intracranial hypertension, this is not an ordinary sign of fatigue, but a consequence of the overflow of blood in the small vessels of the lower eyelids.

Syndrome of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

With an increase in intracranial pressure in adults, in addition to the leading signs, the following symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness.
  • Flushes of heat, chills, sweating. The reason is a violation of the functions of the autonomic NS.
  • Back pain caused by increased CSF pressure in the spinal canal.
  • Pain in the abdomen, in the region of the heart.
  • Wet palms, soles of the feet.
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea), a feeling of lack of air, which appear due to compression in the medulla oblongata of the respiratory center.
  • "Goosebumps" on the skin, hyperesthesia, painful sensitivity of the skin.
  • Paresis (weakening) of muscles that occurs on one of the upper, lower extremities or on one half of the body. The condition resembles mild paralysis. It is a consequence of damage to the cells of the nervous tissue of the motor centers of the spinal cord and brain.
  • Hypersalivation (increased salivation).
  • Increase and decrease in blood pressure during the day, unstable pulse.
  • Problems with the intestines, manifested in the form of constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

Indirect symptoms of increased ICP caused by autonomic disorders include increased fatigue, irritability, general weakness, and apathy. Such mental health disorders are a sign of pyramidal insufficiency, which develops against the background of prolonged pressure on the cerebral cortex, the medulla oblongata.

With intracranial hypertension, compression of the areas of the brain responsible for emotions occurs. As a result, increased ICP is often accompanied by mood instability, depressive states. An unreasonable feeling of fear, unreasonable anxiety belong to the same category of symptoms of intracranial hypertension.

Pre-stroke conditions

Every adult should understand that neglect of health, improper treatment sooner or later turns into serious problems. If you do not pay attention to the "ordinary" symptoms of increased intracranial pressure or try to drown them out by taking painkillers, a condition that poses a direct threat to life may develop.

Signs that indicate the need for emergency treatment:

  • Strong dizziness.
  • Violation of the functions of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Decreased visual function up to blindness.
  • Clouding of consciousness.
  • Disorder of speech abilities.
  • Weakness in the limbs.
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs, expressed in incontinence or urinary retention, defecation.
  • Uncontrollable, excruciating vomiting.
  • epileptic syndrome.
  • Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke.

Of particular danger is the state of a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. If the patient is not provided with immediate medical care, the likelihood of a fatal outcome is high.

Treatment of ICP

If symptoms of intracranial hypertension are detected, treatment should not be delayed. First you need to undergo a medical examination. Diagnostic measures in this case include an examination by a therapist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, ultrasound, MRI (CT), and radiography. Therapy is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis.

Symptomatic treatment of intracranial pressure in adults begins with the elimination of the causes of intracranial hypertension. If the increase in ICP is caused by the formation of hematomas, tumors, aneurysms in the brain, surgical intervention is necessary. The patient undergoes an operation, the purpose of which is to remove the tumor-like formation.

With excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside the cranium, shunting is performed. Thanks to such an operation, additional pathways for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain are created. As a result, intracranial pressure normalizes.

Drug therapy aimed at correcting ICP involves taking certain drugs:

  • Hormone-containing agents (Descametasone).
  • Osmodiuretics (Glycerol), which reduce the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Neuroprotectors (Glycine).
  • Loop diuretics that normalize intestinal motility (Furosemide).

In the treatment of increased ICP, not only tablets are used. Drug therapy involves procedures that aim to reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull. These techniques include decompression craniotomy, ventricular puncture.

If there are problems with the spine against the background of intracranial hypertension, the main treatment course is supplemented with manual therapy techniques. The task of physiotherapy treatment is to improve blood circulation in the brain, ensuring the flow of an optimal amount of oxygen.

In addition, patients are prescribed procedures for hyperventilation, hyperbaric oxygenation, etc. Homeopathic medicines, therapeutic exercises in the treatment of increased ICP in adults are not used if there are tumor formations in the brain, and also if the cause of hypertension is a head or spinal injury.

Often confused with elevated ICP, which contributes to an incorrect diagnosis.

Increased intracranial pressure can occur not only in the elderly. A significant proportion of newborns have elevated blood pressure. For this reason, they are prescribed special medications. In some patients, the pathology can remain for life. In this case, it is important to know how to treat intracranial pressure in both infants and adults.

Patients with increased intracranial pressure often suffer from headaches, migraine attacks, a sensation of pulsation in the head, which leads to unbearable discomfort. High intracranial pressure is formed due to increased pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates in the cranium. If the CSF pressure is elevated, then patients suffer from characteristic signs of pathology that must be treated without delay.

Features of treatment in a child

For the first time, you can find out about increased intracranial pressure in an infant at an appointment with a neurologist who examines babies a month after birth. Already the first examination of specialists indicates the need to normalize the indicators of intracranial pressure in babies, since in the future children will not be able to develop properly, neuropathologies and other disorders will appear.

The first thing they do after making a diagnosis is to deal with the cause.

If the causes of high blood pressure do not threaten the life of the baby, then intracranial pressure can be treated at home by taking medications. In difficult situations, when there is a need for surgical intervention, doctors resort to a surgical solution to the problem - they create workarounds to remove cerebrospinal fluid and normalize intracranial pressure. The choice of treatment method is determined after a thorough diagnosis of the child's body.

Drug treatment of pathology consists in the appointment of various groups of drugs:

  • drugs to stimulate blood flow - Actovegin, Somazin, Cinnarizine, Pantogam;
  • to remove excess fluid from the body, Diacarb or Triampur is prescribed;
  • neuroprotective drugs, for example, Ceraxon.

To relieve puffiness, you can use weak hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs, Glycine and Magne B6 will also be useful.

Treatment with physiotherapy methods

If intracranial pressure (ICP) is not accompanied by severe pathologies, but is a benign process, then the pathology can be successfully cured with the help of physiotherapeutic methods.

Typically, patients are prescribed the following procedures:

  • Electrophoresis with eufillin. A course of ten procedures is recommended, the duration of each procedure is at least fifteen minutes. Eufillin, introduced into the collar zone, contributes to the activation of brain nutrition, blood circulation, since with ICP the brain suffers significantly from a lack of oxygen. After normalization of the vessels, the cerebral fluid is absorbed and flows from the brain, which lowers the intracranial pressure.
  • Applying a magnet to the collar area. With the help of a magnetic field, vascular tone decreases, the sensitivity of tissues to oxygen starvation decreases. Also, the use of a magnet makes it possible to remove swelling of tissues, improve the condition of nerve tissues.
  • Very often, on the recommendation of the attending physician, a massage of the cervical-collar zone is performed. This effective tool helps to establish the outflow of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid, reduce spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, and relax the muscle corset. All this contributes to the outflow of cranial fluid. The massage course consists of fifteen sessions. After that, patients can independently master the technique of massage and do it twice a day for fifteen minutes.
  • Physiotherapy exercises will help to eliminate the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, and swimming is best. This type of physical activity works all muscle groups. Swimming unloads the body as much as possible, tones the muscles of the neck and shoulder. It is useful to swim two or three times a week for thirty to forty minutes a day. If swimming is impossible for some reason, it is replaced with water aerobics or physiotherapy exercises with an emphasis on the cervical region.
  • With increased intracranial pressure, acupuncture gives good results. Treatment with this method allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, eliminate vascular spasm, restore the functioning of the nervous system, damaged by increased intracranial pressure. Acupuncture is not used as an independent method of therapy, it only complements the main treatment.
  • Circular douche is another effective way to treat increased intracranial pressure. With the help of a jet of water, the shower unit acts on certain areas of the neck, which allows you to activate sensitive receptors, increase muscle tone, normalize blood circulation and ensure the outflow of fluid from the cranium.

Uncomplicated cases of intracranial pressure can be treated with physiotherapy, but specialized medical treatment is indicated for more severe situations.

Medical treatment

Several groups of medications are used to treat intracranial hypertension. Diuretic drugs are aimed at reducing the production of cerebrospinal fluid, as they inhibit the transport of chloride ions. Among this group, the most famous are Diakarb, Furosemide. Diakarb is mainly prescribed for a child, including a baby, but Furosemide is used in adults.

Potassium-containing drugs - these drugs activate electrolyte metabolism and normalize the balance of electrolytes in the body. Thanks to the use of drugs of this drug group, the nutrition of the brain improves, oxygen enters in a larger volume. Usually, drugs are prescribed for severe conditions. For example, traumatic brain injuries, in which cerebral edema provoked increased intracranial pressure. The most famous representative of this group is Asparkam.

Corticosteroid drugs - this group of drugs is used for diagnosed meningitis, brain tumors, as well as severe intoxication or the development of an allergic reaction accompanied by cerebral edema. An effective drug in this group is Dexamethasone.

It is worth noting that recent studies have shown that previously actively prescribed drugs for ICP do not have the desired effects at all. Therefore, doctors today do not recommend taking such drugs: Notta, Cavinton, Sermion, Nootropil, which do not give a therapeutic effect.


If it is not possible to lower the cranial pressure with medications, a decision is made to conduct an operative intervention. In patients with severe congenital pathologies, severe injuries or tumors, surgery may be the only way to save their lives.

Various types of shunting are used for treatment. In this case, a hole is made in the skull, where the catheter is placed. With one end, it is immersed in the ventricle of the brain, and the other end is brought out into the abdominal cavity or other suitable area. Despite the progressiveness of such an operation, patients experience some inconvenience:

  • there is always a risk of clogging of the valve, due to which the intervention has to be repeated;
  • for young children, a series of surgical interventions will be necessary, since with the growth of the body it is necessary to reinstall the catheter.

The second option for removing fluid from the brain is a puncture. With this type of intervention, an incision is made in the soft tissues of the skull. A catheter is inserted into the incision to a shallow depth, which is fixed to a sterile reservoir. It will collect excess cerebrospinal fluid. The disadvantage of such an intervention is complications, as well as the need for a second procedure in fifty percent of cases. If a lumbar puncture is done, then the fluid is removed from the spinal canal, after which intracranial pressure normalizes.

Endoscopic surgery is performed in the form of perforation of the bottom of the third ventricle. A set of instruments for endoscopy under the control of video equipment performs the necessary manipulations to create a channel for the outflow of intracranial fluid. As a rule, such operations are used in adult patients. The operation has a favorable outcome in most cases. Complications after its implementation practically do not arise.

Alternative treatment

In addition to the main methods of therapy, you can also be treated with folk remedies. A decoction of mulberry branches will be useful for patients. Dried thin branches are cut into one and a half to two centimeters, two table boats of branches are poured with four glasses of water and boiled for twenty minutes over low heat.

The resulting broth should be filtered and drunk one glass three times a day.

The course of therapy with this remedy is three weeks. Improving the health of patients occurs due to the unique composition of the resulting fluid. It contains antioxidants, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, manganese, zinc, choline and many other active substances and trace elements that are useful for both adults and children.

Helps with increased intracranial pressure and a mixture of alcohol tinctures. For treatment, you need to take the following components:

  • hawthorn, motherwort, valerian - 4 parts each;
  • eucalyptus and peppermint - one part each.

All tinctures for the preparation of the product must be purchased at the pharmacy, and then combined in the right proportions. Ten sticks of cloves are added to the resulting liquid and left to infuse for two weeks. It is necessary to take liquid twenty-five drops along with sugar. Drink the medicine before meals three times a day. The resulting mixture allows you to eliminate venous spasm, which opposes the normal flow of CSF.

It is necessary to treat increased intracranial pressure as soon as possible, already when the first signs of pathology are detected. Otherwise, patients are threatened with cerebral circulatory arrest (ischemic stroke), compression of brain tissue, and damage to stem structures. Serious consequences are epileptic seizures and vision problems.

Intracranial pressure is the accumulation or lack of cerebrospinal fluid in a certain part of the skull, caused by a violation of its circulation.

The name of the liquid is liquor. It is located in the ventricles of the brain, in the spinal cavity, as well as in the space between the bones of the skull, bone marrow and brain. Liquor protects the "gray matter" from strong overloads and mechanical damage.

The fluid is always under a certain pressure. It is constantly updated, circulating from one area to another. The process usually takes about seven days. But sometimes its violation occurs and the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in one place. There is increased intracranial pressure. If there is a decrease in CSF, then there is a reduced intracranial pressure.

The decrease often occurs after a head injury, with brain tumors, with prolonged vasoconstriction, and also due to long-term use of diuretic drugs.

The reasons

The main causes of ICP are:

  • Violation of metabolic processes in which fluid is poorly absorbed into the blood;
  • Spasmodic vessels, through which CSF cannot circulate normally;
  • Excess fluid in the body, resulting in an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Hypoxia of the brain;
  • Meningitis;
  • Encephalitis;
  • tumors;
  • Excess weight;
  • Severe poisoning;
  • Too much vitamin A.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure:

When is surgery necessary?

  1. If there is a trauma to the skull. Due to the impact, a hematoma may occur, which will provoke an increase in intracranial pressure;
  2. Severe headache and fainting. In this case, most likely, there was a rupture of the aneurysm of the vessels.

One should always treat intracranial pressure, and not wait until an accident occurs.


"Speaks" the increased size of the head, strabismus. Children of school and preschool age develop fatigue, irritability, hypersensitivity.


Doctors determine the presence of a problem by many factors, including:

  • Stagnation of the optic disc;
  • Violation of the outflow of venous blood.

In addition, adults and older children undergo computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and infants are examined using an ultrasound of the skull through the fontanel.

Another way is that a special needle with a pressure gauge is inserted into the spinal canal or liquid cavities. This procedure is far from safe and should only be performed by highly qualified doctors.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is desirable to use all of the above diagnostic methods. MRI and X-ray computed tomography remain the main ones.


Increased intracranial pressure is a serious threat to the life of the patient. Regular pressure on the brain disrupts its activity, as a result of which intellectual abilities may decrease and the nervous regulation of the internal organs will be disrupted.

If the diagnosis revealed serious deviations, treatment should take place in a hospital.

If a tumor occurs, it is removed. If available, operations are performed to drain the fluid, with neuroinfections, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

The main thing is not to self-medicate. As soon as you feel unwell, immediately visit a doctor and get competent advice.

If there is no high threat to the life of the patient, symptomatic drug treatment is prescribed, aimed at normalizing intracranial pressure.


Most often, diuretics are used, which accelerate the process of excretion of cerebrospinal fluid and improve its absorption. Treatment with such drugs is carried out in courses. If the disease recurs frequently, they are taken constantly, but at least once every seven days.

Sedatives and vascular drugs

By prescription, you can pierce nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation in the brain. To normalize pressure, massage sessions are often held, patients go in for swimming, improve their health.

If there are no serious complications, you can do without drugs. Instead, this is done:

  • Manual therapy;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Gymnastic exercises.

It is also worth thinking about the normalization of the drinking regimen.

How to measure intracranial pressure?

Intracranial pressure can be measured by inserting a special catheter into the lateral ventricle of the brain, where the cerebrospinal fluid is located. This method is considered to be the most accurate.

If the pressure is high, it can be reduced by pumping out some of the CSF.

Another way is to use a subdural screw. It is inserted into a hole in the skull. This device allows you to measure pressure in the subdural space.

epidural sensor

The transducer is inserted between the dural tissue and the skull. To do this, hair is shaved from the head, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. After that, an incision is made and the skin is pushed back so that the “cranial box” becomes visible. The final stage is the input of the sensor. It is necessary to measure pressure only in extreme cases.


If you do not take measures to normalize the pressure, the disease will take a chronic form. This is fraught with the occurrence of many diseases, the most dangerous of which is a stroke. Therefore, it is better to take the problem seriously and treat it as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • Alternative treatment should be used only in the chronic course of the disease or as an addition to already prescribed therapy.

Lemon juice with honey

Take one lemon. Cut it up. Squeeze out the juice carefully. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and one hundred milliliters of water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and drink. The treatment period is twenty days. There is a break after ten days.

Pollen with honey

Used for head massage. Take 2 parts of pollen, add honey. Mix the ingredients and leave for 72 hours in a place where sunlight does not penetrate. Then rub the mixture in small portions on the back of the head, the back of the neck and the bridge of the nose. Then wrap your head in a towel. Carry out the procedure every day for a month.


Take three tablespoons of dry plantain, pour half a liter of boiling water over them and leave for thirty minutes. Drink fifty grams of decoction three times a day.

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Today, many people suffer from increased or decreased intracranial pressure, which negatively affects the patient's condition and can lead to irreparable consequences.

Increased intracranial pressure, the symptoms and treatment of which have distinctive features and nuances, can be caused by many factors.

Intracranial pressure is characterized by the accumulation or outflow of cerebrospinal fluid in a certain area of ​​the skull. This phenomenon is connected, first of all, with a violation of the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, which protects the brain from mechanical damage, physical, emotional overload.

The battleship is concentrated over the entire skull under a certain pressure. In this case, there is a constant renewal and circulation of fluid from one part of the head to another. On average, the update process is 6-7 days. But if this process is violated, the cerebrospinal fluid stagnates in one part, which leads to an increase in intracranial pressure. In the event that the cerebrospinal fluid does not cope with its functions, then the person experiences a decrease in pressure.

Most often, the decrease in the battleship is associated with a head injury or the formation of a brain tumor. In addition, a similar phenomenon is possible with prolonged use of diuretics, as well as with narrowing of the vessels of the brain.

There are many factors that contribute to high blood pressure. But if this phenomenon is observed constantly, then you need to seek help from your doctor. Intracranial pressure increases for the following reasons:

  • impaired metabolism, in which the liquid is practically not absorbed into the blood;
  • spasms of blood vessels that impede the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • stagnation of fluid in the human body;
  • oxygen starvation, cerebral hypoxia;
  • infectious and somatic diseases, including meningitis, hydrocephalus, encephalitis;
  • malignant, benign brain tumors;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • persistent headaches, migraines;
  • overweight and bad habits;
  • food, drug poisoning;
  • vitamin A overdose.

All factors that can increase blood pressure can be controlled or treated. But this can only be achieved if signs are detected in a timely manner. Increased intracranial pressure causes a lot of trouble, as it causes a deterioration in the general condition. With effective, successful treatment, it is possible to eliminate not only the symptoms of the disease, but its source.

High blood pressure in adults and children manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to know how it manifests itself and what should be done to confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms in adults

The disease can be diagnosed independently by the following symptoms:

  • dysfunction of the organs of vision, hearing;
  • swelling of the face, eyelids;
  • pain in the head;
  • gag reflex, nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • increased sweating;
  • irritability and unreasonable attacks of aggression.

In each case, the symptoms of the disease are individual. For example, one patient may feel weakness, nausea, and the other - blurred vision, headache.

If the increase in intracranial pressure is caused by a head injury, then in this case it is impossible to hesitate, as surgical intervention may be required. After an injury, a hematoma forms in the skull, which prevents the normal circulation of fluids and blood between the parts, the organs of the head.

Surgical care may be required for persistent headache and pre-syncope, since these manifestations are usually associated with rupture of an aneurysm of the vessels. In no case should you wait until the symptoms of intracranial pressure disappear on their own. You should always seek medical help.

In newborns, this disease manifests itself in an increase in the size of the head and strabismus. Intracranial pressure in children requires surgical intervention, constant monitoring by doctors. In children of school, preschool age, the disease manifests itself in irritability, malaise and fatigue. The child becomes hypersensitive to ongoing events, and sometimes aggressive.

If a child complains of systematic headaches, nausea, which manifest themselves abruptly and for no reason, then his painful condition cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is better to contact a pediatrician who will conduct a comprehensive examination, as well as prescribe an effective treatment.

Diagnostic methods

You can identify signs of intracranial pressure using computer diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging. Thanks to this examination, you can get a more complete picture of the patient's condition and diagnose the disease. In addition, a pressure problem can be identified by stagnation of the optic disc and venous blood. Newborns are examined by ultrasound. It is carried out through the fontanelle of the skull.

To identify the disease, specialists can resort to a special procedure, which consists in conducting a pressure gauge with a needle into the spinal column. This procedure is painful, high risk, so it should only be performed by a highly qualified doctor.

It is possible to identify intracranial pressure, the symptoms and treatment of which may have features, using all of the above diagnostic methods. A comprehensive examination allows you to collect all the necessary information about the patient's condition in order to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective, surgical treatment. First of all, an MRI is performed, an x-ray of the brain.

Treatment of the disease

Intracranial pressure in adults is fraught with many negative consequences. Therefore, the treatment of the disease must be effective and timely, since it poses a serious threat to the health and life of the patient. When there is constant pressure on the brain, its activity is disturbed. This can manifest itself in a decrease in intellectual abilities and dysfunction of internal organs.

If a tumor is found, it must be removed surgically. If the patient has hydrocephalus, then an operation is performed to drain fluid from the brain. Increased blood pressure, which is caused by a neuroinfection, is treated with antibiotic therapy. Identification of the cause of the disease plays a big role, so you should not engage in self-medication. In some cases, the loss of time can lead to serious consequences, including death.

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to visit the attending physician and take advantage of his competent recommendations. When the disease proceeds without a threat to the life of the patient, he is prescribed symptomatic drug treatment. It contributes to the normalization of intracranial pressure.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure can be eliminated with the help of diuretics, which help to speed up the process of CSF withdrawal, as well as the absorption of the substance.

Medications must be taken in courses, but sometimes their constant intake is desirable. For example, with a recurrence of the disease. Diuretics should be taken at least once a week.

Nootropic drugs significantly improve blood circulation and nutrition of the brain. They are used in combination with a massage course. You can achieve a quick cure with the help of physical exercises. The most effective sport for high intracranial pressure is swimming, which has a positive effect on the patient's condition.

If the disease proceeds without complications, then medication can be completely excluded. Their reception can be replaced by procedures such as:

  • health exercises;
  • manual therapy;
  • method of osteopathy.

In some cases, to reduce the manifestations of the disease, it is required to limit the intake of water and other fluids. Since this allows you to normalize the water balance in the body and eliminate puffiness.

Only the attending physician can choose an effective method of treatment. Based on their symptoms and manifestations of the disease, he can offer the patient the most optimal and effective treatment.

Folk remedies

Treatment of intracranial pressure at home is possible as an additional therapy when therapeutic treatment has already been prescribed. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Recipes in which the main ingredients are honey and lemon are especially popular. One option is the following recipe: mix the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of boiled water. The resulting mixture must be drunk. The course of treatment is 20 days, after which you need to take a break.

You can also make honey masks for the scalp. For one month, you should rub a few tablespoons of honey into your hair and scalp. Regular use of the mask allows you to relieve headaches and give your hair a healthy look.

There are several methods for measuring intracranial pressure. First, a special catheter is used, which is inserted into the lateral ventricle of the brain, since it is in this area that the cerebrospinal fluid is concentrated. This method allows to obtain more accurate data on the disease. In addition, with the help of a catheter, you can control and regulate the level of CSF. For example, at high pressure, a small part of the liquor can be pumped out, which will allow the condition to normalize.

Secondly, a subdural screw can be used, which is inserted into a previously prepared hole in the skull. This method is associated with risk, therefore it is used much less frequently than using a catheter.

Thirdly, the most difficult procedure, which is performed extremely rarely, is the insertion of an epidural sensor. It is inserted between the skin and the skull of the patient. The procedure is possible only when all hair is removed from the scalp. Then the head is treated with an antiseptic. After the preparatory stage, an incision of the skin is made and the sensor is inserted. Intracranial pressure is measured in this way only in extreme conditions.

Therefore, it is impossible to measure the level of pressure in the brain on its own. Therefore, if you begin to notice the symptoms and signs of high intracranial pressure, then urgently consult a therapist.

This problem has become common not only among the elderly and newborns, but also among young people and adolescents. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in an adult is capable of excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Hypertension, if ignored, leads to disruption of the central nervous system, a decrease in mental abilities. Prolonged compression of certain brain tissues leads to death.

What is intracranial pressure

Cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid - protects against mechanical damage to the brain and overloads. The cranium is a hard rounded bone, the volume of which is constant. If the pressure in the head changes, then there is a brain tumor, problems with blood vessels (poor patency) or CSF absorption. Increased or decreased pressure in the head occurs due to its excess or lack, in case of circulation disturbance.

Symptoms in adults

Elevated ICP is also called hypertension. It can lead to death. It is important to learn to distinguish the characteristic symptoms of benign intracranial hypertension in order to take timely action and contact a specialist for examination. If signs of intracranial pressure in adults are identified, the following should be done:

  • do not worry, so as not to aggravate the problem;
  • make an appointment with a neurologist, undergo a brain examination;
  • follow a diet, take medications prescribed by a doctor, follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Increased intracranial pressure

This pathology can be observed in people of different ages. The clinical picture of hypertension in adults and children is different. The problem of determining increased pressure on the brain is that its signs also indicate other serious diseases. First there is a constant headache, mainly in the morning. There is a feeling of squeezing or bursting, especially in the temples. An increase in intracranial pressure is accompanied by signs:

  • drowsiness, vomiting, nausea;
  • feeling tired in the morning
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • violation of thought processes, memory loss, distracted attention;
  • jumps in blood pressure during the day;
  • sweating, bradycardia (slow pulse);
  • vision problems, tinnitus.


Hypotension, hypotension is observed when the pressure inside the skull drops below 10 mm Hg. There is a strong headache, sharp, squeezing. With low pressure in the head, flashes before the eyes, a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, tingling in the heart area are possible. Symptoms of a decrease in ICP are: vomiting, motion sickness, lethargy, irritability, weakness and loss of strength. Headache relieved by bending down.

Symptoms in children

In newborns, intracranial hypertension is observed in the first hours after birth. This may be indicated by a tremor of the chin, a divergence of the bones of the head, an increase in fontanelles, their pulsation, and convulsions. Symptoms of increased pressure inside the skull in children are regurgitation, repeated vomiting, strabismus, severe visual impairment and limitation of eyeball movement. A clear sign is an increase in the ventricles of the brain. In schoolchildren and children a little younger, high ICP is manifested by irritability, fatigue.

How the head hurts

At high pressure, the temples pulsate. Migraine appears in the morning after waking up. The headache has a pressing character, there is a feeling of narrowing of the skull or its bursting. It can be aggravated by bending over, sneezing, coughing, lying down, exerting yourself. After taking painkillers, the pain does not go away.

The reasons

In children, the main factor causing increased ICP is hydrocephalus - an excessive accumulation of CSF in the skull. This pathology occurs with tumors of the head vessels, inflammation of the brain, obstructions in the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (formations, blood clots). Reduced pressure appears when the patient's skull and its box are damaged as a result of surgery or trauma. In adults, the following causes of high blood pressure are distinguished:

  • swelling, inflammation of the brain;
  • the presence of a foreign body, tumor, hematoma, intracranial hemorrhage;
  • increased blood flow in dilated cerebral vessels due to intoxication of the body;
  • congenital hydrocephalus, which leads to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid.

Why is intracranial pressure dangerous?

If ICP rises gradually, the brain has time to adapt, but from time to time gives distress signals. Its squeezing negatively affects the general state of health. Constant fatigue, headaches lead to poor sleep. The brain does not rest fully. For a child, this is dangerous, because mental and physical development slows down. An adult patient experiences a feeling of apathy, meteopathy (dependence on atmospheric pressure, weather changes). When the hemispheres of the brain are infringed, the centers of the heartbeat and respiration suffer, which leads to death.

How to determine intracranial pressure

The normal ICP is 10-17 mm Hg or 100-151 mm H2O. Craniocerebral pressure indicates the degree of influence of CSF on the brain. The critical level is 25-35 mmHg: this is fatal. Methods for measuring the magnitude of intracranial compression in the head are:

  • Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) through the fontanel - used for infants under the age of 12 months;
  • computed tomography or MRI of the cranial cavity - common with severe circulatory disorders;
  • echoencephaloscopy - often prescribed for infants;
  • it is important to check the fundus to find out if there is swelling of the optic nerve;
  • measure the intracranial level with a manometer: a catheter is inserted into the lumen of the spinal canal or into the ventricles of the brain, to which an apparatus is attached that works like a mercury thermometer.


Rubbing the collar zone, the head is considered effective. A course of 15-20 massages helps to improve the outflow of venous blood. It is advisable to continue the treatment on your own. Twice a day for 15 minutes, massage the neck in a circular motion from top to bottom, the points of the base of the skull, hold the palms from the back of the head to the collarbones. Procedures are prescribed - electrophoresis or a magnet is placed on the collar zone. This relieves swelling, allows you to increase blood circulation. Acupuncture has a point effect on the reflex zones, which remove spasms of the venous vessels.

Therapeutic exercise involves moderate loads on the cervical-shoulder region. You can reduce intracranial pressure by swimming, walking, playing badminton, table tennis. At home, carry out such exercises by doing the exercises slowly:

  • stretching the head forward and down to the chest;
  • alternate turns of the head to the right and to the left until it stops;
  • tilting the head, touching the shoulder with the right ear, then similarly on the other side;
  • on inhalation, the chin rises and the breath is held for 5 seconds, on exhalation it falls.

What to drink

With an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity, diuretics are used - Furosemide, Diakarb, Acetazolamide. Such normalization and treatment of intracranial pressure in adults removes excess fluid. Nootropic drugs help to increase blood circulation in the brain. These are stimulants that improve thought processes, soothing - Pantogam, Piracetam, Encephabol. It is recommended to monitor the drinking regimen.

With edema, corticosteroids are prescribed - Dexamethasone, Asparkam and other drugs containing potassium. Blood circulation is normalized by Sermion, Cavinton, Cinnarizine. Of the homeopathic remedies for reducing pressure inside the skull, Nervochel, Notta are effective. If the problem is caused by a neuroinfection, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.


Surgical intervention is necessary in the presence of a tumor, foreign body, aneurysm. If the cause of increased pressure in the head is hydrocephalus, the excess cerebrospinal fluid is removed surgically. Indications for surgical treatment: trauma of the skull, blockage of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, cysts. Operations are of two types: shunting with the transfer of excess into the abdominal cavity or into the right atrium. The method of spinal puncture of the ventricles is used.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you do not know what to do with intracranial pressure, there are no pills, you can turn to proven methods. What home remedies are used in this case:

  • a compress of alcohol and camphor oil will help remove spasm of the cerebral vessels: the ingredients are mixed in 50 ml each, rubbed into the scalp, a rubber cap is put on and wrapped in a scarf on top;
  • alcohol tincture of plants fights hypertension: infusions of valerian, motherwort, mint, eucalyptus, hawthorn are combined in equal amounts to make 500 ml of medicine. Store the mixture in a warm place for 14 days, add 1 tsp to water. This remedy is not suitable for babies, pregnant women;
  • to normalize intracranial changes, squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add half a glass of water, drink for an hour. An important condition is to take it at bedtime for 20 days with a break after 1.5 weeks.


If you do not fight the level of intracranial changes (ICP), a person may faint. It is impossible not to recognize and ignore hypertension. With it, diseases of the cerebral vessels develop, become chronic, and the work of the central nervous system is disrupted. The most dangerous consequence is a stroke. Complications of brain compression include:

  • decreased vision up to its complete loss;
  • disorder of consciousness, mental disorders;
  • epileptic syndrome - constant seizures;
  • respiratory failure, weakness in the legs and arms.


The main ways to prevent brain compression are good sleep, regular exercise of moderate strength, normalization of drinking balance. Alternate mental activities with sports. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol to avoid vasospasm. To improve venous outflow, raise the part of the bed on which you lie with your head by 30 degrees.


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