Interpretation of dreams and dreams by day. What do dreams mean by the days of the month? Prophetic dreams in different periods of the lunar phases

Incredible Facts

For many years, mankind has been interested in the omens of the future that come in a dream. Many of us have learned to understand and correctly interpret our dreams, thereby receiving the necessary clues.

But why is it that one dreams come true immediately, others - over time, and still others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week on which we dream also plays an important role.

Before proceeding to the interpretation of each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in the time interval between the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord. This time, Christmas time, is surrounded by numerous signs and signs.

It is said that it was during this period that the souls of the dead roam among living people, and with them various other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come, among other things, with the aim of telling a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All dreams during the holy week are prophetic, and every night of the week starting after Christmas carries its own sleepy prophecies. For example, the night of January 7-8 can show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, dreams are dreamed about the family and the fate of loved ones.

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The next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12, dreams will show you possible prospects for the development of your business or career advancement. Before going to bed on the 14th, ask any question, the answer should come in a dream.

A dream on the night of the 15th can show you the right way to build relationships with a competitor or rival. And from 15 to 16 do not think of anything, while a dream on the night of January 17 will tell you about the difficulties that you will have to face in the coming year.

A dream seen on the eve of January 18 carries a message about love relationships, about the likelihood of marriage, and in general about family and children.

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It is important to add that if you are guessing at Christmas time, then do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict the fate of a person, willy-nilly or not, he includes various evil spirits and forces of darkness in his work. And these creatures will definitely be asked to pay for their services.

Also prophetic are often dreams that occurred right on the eve of any church holiday, and their feature is a quick embodiment. They say that on the night of the 3rd of any month a person can see a prophetic dream, but dreams on the night of the 25th are always empty and unfulfilled.

When prophetic dreams

So, let's move on to the interpretation of the days of the week.

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This is a day ruled by the Moon, which governs the sensual and emotional life of a person. Therefore, everything that dreams that night is in one way or another connected with feelings and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human thoughts and dreams. They are not prophetic, and it is not worth expecting that what you see will be repeated in reality, because the Moon is very cunning and changeable.

However, on this night it is allowed to guess what a person will dream about. The moon can help solve important and complex issues that worries the sleeping person in reality. But still, if what you see in a dream is remembered with great difficulty, then the dream is empty.

If the same symbols appeared throughout the entire dream, then it is worth deciphering them in order to obtain important information that can warn of trouble or a problem.

There is another aspect of dreams on Monday night. The more difficult the psychological state of a person, the more conflicts he has with other people and with himself, the more difficult and confusing his dreams will be. These dreams do not bring anything important to life, and if they can predict something, then only minor household chores.

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This day of the week is under the influence of Mars and is ruled by courage and strength. Mars is the planet of aspirations and ambitions, therefore, whatever the dream book portends, it will be connected with your spirit. Everything favorable should come true within 10 days, if you show character, determination and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to activate all your strength in order to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, then it will never come true.

Also, dreams on Tuesday night reflect the creative potential of a person, they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not start a new business, and vice versa, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you must act decisively. Pay attention to the dreams in which you win, such dreams can be prophetic in some way, especially if you dreamed on the night of the 3rd of the month.

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The patron of the environment is Mercury, it is light, airy, calm and changeable. He shouldn't be trusted. On this night, people usually have dreams with colorful storylines, but, as a rule, they have a contradictory nature and the opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasies, hints, there is practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that the dream will ever come true.

But if the dream book promises very great happiness, then be sure to believe in it in order to attract what you want. Dreams on Wednesday night are almost always positive.

Prophetic dreams and days of the week

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This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, which governs everything related to activity, deeds and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the state of affairs, and they often come true.

When interpreting dreams on Thursday night, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activity, so even if the dream book prophesies romance, love and feelings for you (which happens extremely rarely on Jupiter's night), then think twice and translate the interpretation into a business aspect.

Dreams often come with symbols or predictions of promotions, as well as your role in the team. Also, dreams can show ways to resolve disputes, conflicts and important problems. Moreover, a Thursday night dream may offer a way to solve your financial problems in a short time.

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The mistress of Friday is Venus, a sensual and loving planet.

It is well known that on the night from Thursday to Friday, people see prophetic dreams, especially if they relate to love matters. Often dreamed events are repeated very accurately in reality.

If the interpretation points you to something related to work or finances, then know that this will come true, but will be connected in a certain way with love affairs.

These dreams are of particular importance, among other things, because Jesus was crucified on the night of Thursday to Friday. They say that it is better not to plan the beginning of important things on this day, because in most cases a person will experience failure and failure.

Positive emotions and feelings that you experience in a dream portend you a new period in life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates the secret human forces. For example, intuition. Strong energy is carried by Fridays, which precede some church holidays. Dreams on these Fridays can predict fate and other important events.

Good Friday List:

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During the first week of Great Lent

Eve of the Annunciation

Palm Sunday Eve

Ascension Eve

Before Trinity

Before the Nativity of John the Baptist

Eve of Elijah the Prophet

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the day of the Archangel Michael

Saints Damian and Cosmas Day

Before Baptism

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The patron saint of Saturday is Saturn, which is associated with fate, trials and fate. Saturn sets rules and laws, often through signs and symbols warns a person. Therefore, this night you may have frightening dreams, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream book if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that dreams on Saturday night often carry symbols not only for the one who sees them, but also for people close to him.

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Sunday is in the power of the Sun. This star bestows life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in every way, because they are created by the planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed of something good and positive, then it will surely come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday not only carry the truth, they are also very happy and do not bode well.

What to do to ensure that the prophetic dream comes true?

Surprisingly, while we sleep, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most incredible transformations, actions and conversations. And only waking up we understand all the illogicality and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible and not for everyone to describe in detail or tell what was dreamed of. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that are deposited in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, then you can use the old folk methods:

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Place a small stone under your pillow;

Try to sleep on your right side, not on your stomach;

After waking up, do not look out the window and do not look at the flames;

Bite the corner of your pillow in the morning.

The most important rule is not to tell anyone for three days about what you dreamed about. Better not to tell at all.

How to protect yourself from predicted troubles?

Here you need to behave the other way around, that is, inform as many people as possible about what you dreamed about. And do it before noon. In order to forget the dream, stare at any source of flame.

Some advise knocking on the window three times. And if after a bad dream you woke up at night and there is still time until morning, then just turn the pillowcase inside out and turn the pillow over to the other side.

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In some villages, there has long been a custom to put a stone in front of the entrance to the house. People considered him a lightning rod from various misfortunes and troubles. For example, it was believed that a person with bad intentions could not get into a house guarded by a stone. The stone also saved from epidemics and various diseases.

The most terrible dreams were also told to the stone in order to protect a person from a bad prophecy. If there was no such stone, then the dream was retold to an ordinary stone. To drive a bad dream out of the house, you need to open the front door, put your left foot outside the threshold and order all bad visions to leave the home.

Among the methods that guarantee getting rid of bad signs, a simple and effective water conspiracy is common. You need to go to the source of water, open the tap and ask the water to take away all the troubles and sorrows.

To protect yourself from bad dreams coming true and increase the likelihood of good omens coming true, you can make a dream trap. This is a ring made of a curved willow twig, along which threads are wound.

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The ancient Indians created such a trap, who believed that a spider weaving its webs would never get entangled in them. But the net helps to catch prey and protect against ailments. They say that such a trap will help protect good dreams, and bad ones will leave through holes in the net.

Every person needs to know when prophetic dreams occur. Such night visions become important signs for sleepers that help to avoid various problems, or tips on how best to act in a given life situation. The main thing is to correctly recognize a prophetic dream.

Night dreams are called prophetic, predicting events that will soon happen in real life.

But not every dream should be taken as an important clue for the future.

Much more often in night visions, a person simply once again experiences the emotions experienced during the day.

Many esotericists are sure that not all people can see prophetic dreams. This is a certain skill that needs to be not only recognized, but also endlessly developed. There are even special techniques for this purpose.

Prophetic dreams are divided into two types:

  1. Dreams are called literal, exactly conveying events that will later happen in reality.
  2. Symbolic dreams are made up of symbols and subtle clues. To understand the warning from them, the sleeper has to carefully decipher the plot. It is almost impossible to do this without special dream books.

When and on what days do prophetic dreams occur?

First of all, you need to figure out what days you have prophetic dreams. They are most likely in the period from 7 to 19 January. It is believed that it is on Holy Week that friends and / or relatives who have gone to another world appear in the night dreams of the sleeper, who suggest further changes in fate. In general, a prophetic dream can occur on any holiday from the church calendar.

Prophetic visions should be expected on the third of every month. Always predict the future and plots seen on Friday. There is a belief that important things should never be started on the last working day of the week, as they are only rarely successful.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

  • On Monday night, the sleeper sees plots that can only come true in a few years. If one of them is well remembered, it is worth writing down its details and after a while checking for veracity.
  • On Tuesday, dreams are usually considered empty. They can come true only if the plot turned out to be very vivid and memorable. In this case, the repetition of events from a dream in reality must be expected in 10 days.
  • Dreams seen on Wednesday night have been considered prophetic since ancient times. Usually these are “literal” stories that come true in the very near future. They are clear and without additional transcripts.
  • Plots from Wednesday to Thursday are considered empty. If some plot seen that night turned out to be very vivid and memorable, then it can partially come true in reality for three days.
  • Dreams on Friday are considered prophetic. Usually they come true in the next 8-12 days. If a person saw an unpleasant story that night, do not ignore it. Gotta heed the signs this can help avoid trouble.
  • Dreams on Saturday come true extremely rarely. Usually they do not carry any important information.
  • Plots for Sunday come true immediately - before lunch the next day. If this did not happen, then you should not consider the dream as prophetic.

Twelve good Fridays - truth or myth

Friday is considered a special day for Christians (this is due to the crucifixion of Christ). Believers are convinced that all dreams on the night of Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic. Especially if these are “named” days. "Temporary" (nominal) Fridays are the days on the eve of church holidays. For example, before the Trinity, Assumption, Epiphany, etc. There are twelve such Fridays. You need to try to remember the plots seen on the night of these days well and find important clues in them.

It is difficult to say for sure whether all dreams on "name" Fridays are really prophetic. To draw a conclusion on this topic, you need to try to remember the bright stories and check whether they will come true in the near future.

Do you have prophetic dreams on Christmas night?

Since ancient times, people have believed that prophetic dreams are dreamed at Christmas. Usually they are kind, bright, pleasant, they warn a person about something very good.

For such stories to come true in real life, you can’t tell anyone about them, even the closest and dearest people.

If the vision turned out to be unpleasant, on the contrary, it should be discussed with others as soon as possible.

Dreams on Christmas night can determine fate. In addition, they give a person a hint on how best to act in a certain situation, and what not to do. Therefore, such dreams need to be given special attention and try to interpret them correctly, armed with dream books. The stories seen on the night of Christmas come true in a period of 7 days to 4 years.

Why are they dreaming?

It is not easy to answer why men or women have prophetic dreams. If we imagine that life is a program, then such plots become signals that an event is approaching a person, knowing about which in advance, it will be possible to correctly correct their own behavior. By learning to interpret prophetic dreams, you can protect yourself from many problems and troubles.

Skeptics are convinced that the discussed visions do not deserve attention. But there are many examples in history when they even became the basis for scientific discoveries. For example, this happened with D. I. Mendeleev.

Every day during the day, each person experiences a huge number of emotions. His consciousness highlights only the most important, significant details, but the subconscious mind captures even the little things unnoticed at first glance.

Based on the information collected, the brain makes a forecast for the future, which, as a result, a man or woman sees in a dream - this is the scientific explanation for the origin of prophetic night dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one?

It is impossible to get important clues of fate in a dream in the following cases:

  • after a heavy meal or on an empty stomach;
  • after taking drugs or alcohol;
  • in case of malaise (especially fever and headache);
  • if the room is too hot, cold, bright lights are on, noisy, etc.

Prophetic dreams always turn out to be very bright, clear, and colorful. In addition, they represent a complete story. Even if it is very short, it still has a clear beginning and end. Ordinary visions, on the contrary, are fragmentary, and their plot changes rapidly.

Prophetic night dreams evoke vivid emotions in a person. They are experienced not only in sleep, but also for some time after waking up. In addition, the time spent in a prophetic dream is usually approximately equal to the real one.

How to develop abilities?

To learn to see your future according to the plots of dreams, you will need to develop your gift. First of all, it is important to set up correctly. A person must have faith in their own abilities and positive motivation.

At the first stage, you will need to learn how to collect important information from the past day. For example, intuition prompted a person to choose a different path, and this decision turned out to be correct - you need to write down what happened on paper.

The next day, the analysis is repeated. In addition, it is necessary to realize yesterday's self and mentally connect yesterday and today. If everything is done correctly, information will begin to flow through it. As a result, it will be possible to bring this technique to automatism.

Having learned to analyze your thoughts, emotions and feelings in different situations, you will be able to predict future events and always make the right decisions. And the picture will be complemented by clues from prophetic dreams.

The world of dreams is a combination of unique images and plots with the participation of real and fictional characters. Dreams are clear and very confusing. Interpreting them may seem impossible. Philosophers and scientists have been trying to find patterns and analyze dreams for hundreds of years. All these studies led to the understanding that before proceeding with the interpretation of the plot, it is necessary to pay attention to dreams by the days of the week and the days of the month of their appearance.

Dreams by day of the month

Ancient esotericists believed that the calendar number brings with it special information, which is revealed by comparing the date and numerology data about certain numbers. Thus, the scientists managed to identify a pattern and compile a dream book by the days of the month, where every night has its own omen:

Value by day of the week

Important in deciphering a dream is what day of the week it was seen. By combining the interpretation of the dream book by the days of the month and the days of the week, it is possible to determine it is worth paying attention to the dream or it was completely empty:

There are also exceptions to the rule. For example, if a dream warns of possible health problems and dreams more than once, then regardless of the date on the calendar and the day of the week, you need to urgently contact a specialist. In other cases, you can look for the interpretation of dreams by the days of the week and the days of the month.

Dream Interpretation by days of the week and dates can tell about minor upcoming events, warn against unnecessary actions or protect against unwanted actions. But there are dreams that always carry important information and can often tell about the future. Such dreams are called prophetic.

What are prophetic dreams

In ancient times, people believed that dreams were sent to a person to understand a completely different world and expand the boundaries of knowledge. In a dream, a person is able to freely travel anywhere.

Esotericists believe that during sleep the soul leaves the body and goes on a journey through time channels. And if she wanders into other worlds, then what she sees while sleeping may turn out to be prophetic.

Science has proven that several dreams come to a person every night. Often during awakening, he fails to remember even one of them, but sometimes the “pictures” are remembered and the person intuitively realizes their importance. However, the reality of prophetic dreams can be delayed for years.

Not all vivid dreams that are remembered can be considered prophetic. They come exclusively on certain days or coincide with the dates of Orthodox holidays.

Most often, prophetic omens come during the Christmas week - from January 7 to 19. These seven days are surrounded by a large number of signs and beliefs. It is believed that on Holy Week the souls of departed ancestors and otherworldly entities are among the living. Good and evil spirits reveal the future to man.

Christmas dreams on each of the nights of this week carry special prophecies:

Dreams that come on the eve of any church holiday are prophetic, and their feature is a quick incarnation.

Friday is considered another mystical time, on the night of which the hidden possibilities of a person are activated. They have the strongest energy before some church dates. Dreams that have visited these days are able to predict fate and a variety of events.

Great Fridays are considered on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, Baptism, Great Lent, on the eve of the Annunciation, Palm Sunday, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, before the Trinity, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the feast of Elijah the Prophet, the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Day of the Archangel Michael, the name day of Saints Cosmas and Damian.

Believers should fast these days, especially Good Fridays, which carry a hidden meaning and grace.

How to remember or forget what you saw

It is important that only those dreams that are remembered are fulfilled. In order not to forget them upon awakening, you can use the methods of ancestors:

  • put a small stone at the head of the bed or under the pillow;
  • fall asleep on the right side without turning on the stomach;
  • after waking up, you can not immediately look out the window or at the flame;
  • in the morning, without opening your eyes, bite the corner of the pillow.

The main thing is not to talk about what you dreamed about for three days. And it is better to hide the information received in a dream from others.

Since ancient times, the interpretation of dreams has been the most favorite thing for soothsayers. Their prediction was based on the time and the object they saw. Predicting dreams by day of the week will allow you to fully understand your subconscious and, based on this, manage upcoming events.

Deciphering dreams by day of the week

Each day corresponds to a certain planet, which means that it affects what we will see in a dream.

  1. Sunday Monday. The patron is the Moon. Dreams tell about the emotional and psychological state, show internal conflicts and with their environment. Short ones do not portend problems, long ones, on the contrary, speak of upcoming chores and a lot of work.
  2. Monday Tuesday. The patron is Mars. Dreams are associated with your own aspirations, they show your dreams and desires. If the night passed anxiously, there is a possibility of a future conflict, calm, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday Wednesday. The patron is Mercury. Dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life, it is problematic to remember them. This planet is responsible for sociability, if at night you do not experience difficulties, then everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. The patron is Jupiter. Dreams will tell you how to correct any situations related to your financial situation and activities.
  5. Thursday Friday. The patron is Venus. Prophecies almost always appear at night. It is proved that on this day the intuition of each person is very sharpened. You can even see the ways and timing of your desires. The acquisition of something speaks of the satisfaction of your feelings in reality, the loss warns of the limitation of needs.
  6. Friday Saturday. The patron is Saturn. Dreams make visible the secret causes of life situations, it is on this night that it is really possible to see the desired behavior strategy. Today there is a chance to learn about fate.
  7. Saturday Sunday. The patron is the Sun. Dreams will represent people who light up your life. You can expect clues to find happiness in life. A mean dream speaks of the nervous tension that was experienced during the day.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can find out about upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, which means that dreams tell about situations that will happen over a long time.
  2. Tuesday - what you see on this night shows all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered prophetic and will be fulfilled within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will happen tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - ordinary dreams, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night, what you see will surely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - after a hard week, the brain rests, dreams do not portend anything.
  7. Sunday is a festive day, the information received at night will come true in the first half of the day.

Fulfillment of dreams by day of the week

Whether the night vision will come true can be judged by the time when it was seen:

It is known that what you see at night can be made up, now, knowing the decoding, you can easily make a prophetic dream on the right day of the week.

What days do dreams come true

Interpretation of dreams by the days of the month:

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week







The patron of the day is the Sun. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should expect clues on what efforts to make in order to become happier. Dreams with a positive emotional coloring - to good changes in life. Gloomy dreams are a warning about possible difficulties or a hint for solving a long-standing problem that takes a lot of mental strength.

Dream interpretation by day of the month

  • 1st day of the month - Dreams on this day are fulfilled exactly and foreshadow good.
  • 2nd day of the month - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
  • 3rd day of the month - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
  • 4th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and portend good things.
  • 5th day of the month - Dreams on this day of good meaning, this dream is very accurate.
  • 6th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true after twelve days.
  • 7th day of the month - Dreams on this day are happy, but you should not talk about them.
  • 8th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desires.
  • 9th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
  • 10th day of the month - Dreams on this day portend some difficulties.
  • 11th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
  • 12th day of the month - Dreams on this day are quickly and favorably fulfilled.
  • 13th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
  • 14th day of the month - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not concern personal life.
  • 15th day of the month - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very safely.
  • 16th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true and do not matter.
  • 17th day of the month - Dreams on this day promise success and are fulfilled within 20 days.
  • 18th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
  • 19th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
  • 20th day of the month - Dreams come true on this day, but you should not tell them to anyone.
  • 21st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and portend the fulfillment of desires.
  • 22nd day of the month - Dreams on this day come true quickly, do not promise trouble.
  • 23rd day of the month - Dreams on this day in the very accuracy will soon come true.
  • 24th day of the month - Dreams on this day are joyful and soon come true.
  • 25th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deceit, quickly come true.
  • 26th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
  • 27th day of the month - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
  • 28th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true for 30 days.
  • 29th day of the month - Dreams on this day are not fulfilled, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
  • 30th day of the month - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
  • 31st day of the month - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.

Dreams by day of the week

For the correct interpretation of what you saw in a dream, you should not only carefully read the information contained in the Dream Interpretations, but also take into account on which particular day of the week this plot appeared to you. It has been proven that dreams that occurred on the night of a certain day of the week have their own unique features, and we invite you to familiarize yourself with them.


The first day of the week is under the auspices of the mystical Moon, and therefore all dreams that arose on Monday night fully reflect your emotional state. In these dreams, one should not look for a hidden meaning, since they primarily serve as an indicator of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

The second day of the week is under the auspices of the militant Mars. Everything that you see on Tuesday night identifies your life priorities and goals and helps you figure out if you have chosen your guidelines correctly. So, if the plot of your dream was calm and harmonious, then at this stage of your life path you are completely satisfied with yourself and your reality. Too bright, rich plot of a dream on Tuesday night indicates that at the moment you are overwhelmed by internal energy (this should be skillfully used). If, after a dream, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in your soul, it means that on the way to realizing your own ambitions you began to forget about universal values, and this moment subconsciously gives you severe inconvenience.

The third day of the week is dominated by the calm, balanced Mercury. Dreams that appeared on Wednesday night portend you quite insignificant life changes. Often their plot is centered around real characters from your reality and tells about your life as a whole. It should be noted that if on this day you had a whole chain of vivid, dynamic dreams, then in the coming days your existence will become more eventful and eventful (it is possible that you will go on a trip or receive a tempting offer). In the same case, if the dreams on Wednesday were very dull and monotonous, be prepared for the fact that in the coming days a certain stagnation will reign in your life, characterized by a lack of information and any movement.

The fourth day of the week is ruled by Jupiter, the planet that is responsible for social and personal success, as well as for shaping your universe. Everything that you will see on Thursday night will tell you in detail about your current official affairs and how you feel in society. In addition, the dreams that appeared on this day can be an excellent clue for you as to which direction you should move in order to succeed.

The fifth day of the week is dominated by sensual Venus, which is responsible for the sphere of romance, love and interpersonal communication. Dreams seen on Friday night tend to come true, and therefore take your nightly fantasies as seriously as possible. Even before you get out of bed, analyze your dream, remembering all its details and details. If, according to the plot of your dream, you received something as a gift or acquired, then very soon your spiritual and material needs will be fully satisfied. And, on the contrary, the loss or damage to something in a Friday dream portends disappointment and loss to you, and also indicates the need to somewhat moderate your ambitions.

The sixth day of the week is dominated by strict and sad Saturn, which teaches us wisdom through severe trials. Everything that you dream about on Saturday night, try to accept it as calmly as possible. Decipher the details of what you saw and correlate them with your reality (very often in such dreams hidden messages are encrypted about what rules and norms you should adhere to in order to find inner balance and steadfastly overcome all the obstacles that have arisen in your path).


The last day of the week is under the powerful patronage of the Sun (the planet responsible for joy, happiness, creativity and inspiration). Everything that you dream about on this day will tell you how you can make your existence even more joyful and harmonious. If you had a good dream, it promises you a stable cheerful emotional background and the onset of a bright period of life. In the same case, if on Sunday night you saw a negatively colored plot, then at the moment you are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion (it's time for you to slow down your pace of life and think about a good rest).

From Friday to Saturday, prophetic dreams? and in general, what do dreams dream on different days of the week mean ???



1st day of the month - Dreams on this day are fulfilled exactly and foreshadow good.
2nd - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
3rd - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
4th - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and portend good.
5th - Dreams on this day of good value, this dream is very accurate.
6th - Dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
7th - Dreams on this day are happy, but one should not talk about them.
8th - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desire.
9th - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
10th - Dreams on this day portend some difficulties.
11th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
12th - Dreams on this day are quickly and auspiciously fulfilled.
13th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
14th - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not concern personal life.
15th - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very safely.
16th - Dreams on this day do not come true and do not matter.
17th - Dreams on this day promise success and are fulfilled within 20 days.
18th - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
19th - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
20th - Dreams come true on this day, but they should not be told to anyone.
21st - Dreams on this day come true and portend the fulfillment of desires.
22nd - Dreams on this day come true quickly, do not promise trouble.
23rd - Dreams on this day in the very accuracy will soon come true.
24th - Dreams on this day are joyful and soon come true.
25th - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deceit, quickly come true.
26th - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
27th - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
28th - Dreams on this day come true for 30 days.
29th - Dreams on this day are not fulfilled, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
30th - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
31st - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.
Dreams by day of the week

Monday is under the auspices of the Moon - the Earth satellite that controls human emotions. Dreams on Monday night will tell about the psychological state of a person and his internal conflicts with himself and loved ones. Dreams are short and distinct and do not promise any problems. Strange and long dreams will bring troubles and experiences associated with them.

The day is patronized by the militant and energetic Mars, which encourages a person not to deviate from his goals. Anxious dreams signal an impending conflict, and dreams that bring peace and tranquility will tell you about a favorable solution to any difficult problem.

The day belongs to Mercury, which controls the communication abilities of people, their ability to put their feelings and thoughts into words. This is a day of light, but difficult to remember dreams, but they become harbingers of important life changes, talk about upcoming meetings, negotiations and new acquaintances.

The day, which is in the power of Jupiter, brings success and good luck and helps to form stable life views. On this day, expect dreams about professional activities and opportunities to improve your financial situation. Thursday's dreams will tell you how to deal with life's most intricate collisions.

The day is ruled by Venus - the patroness of love and harmony, endowing people with a soft and sophisticated perception of the world around them. Dreams from Thursday to Friday have long been considered prophetic, and this is not without real grounds: on this night, a person’s intuition is extremely sharpened.

The ruler of the day is Saturn, symbolizing wisdom and life experience. A dream on Saturday night will prompt certain rules and strategies for behavior in society. Saturday dreams make obvious the hidden causes of exciting life events, warn against the consequences of rash actions and the implementation of unclear plans.

The patron of the day is the Sun. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should expect tips

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