Proper nutrition what and how. Principles of healthy eating. Laws for proper nutrition

Healthy eating is incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness, depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Most likely, we are talking about […]

Healthy eating is incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness, depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Most likely, we are talking about the fact that due to good food feel great, have optimal energy reserves, improve your health and stabilize your mood.

Proper healthy eating

This material should not be taken as intrusive recommendations on nutrition for all and a guide to action. The article contains interesting observations and useful facts proven scientifically. When planning a diet, you need to focus on your own needs and start from your state of health. To plan a menu for serious illnesses need advice from a doctor.

It is worth noting that today you can find quite a lot of clearly conflicting data on nutrition. For example, one nutritionist talks about the unequivocal usefulness of a certain product, another expert gives completely opposite facts. In fact, it is better to pay attention to the proven common norms, avoid confusion and easily create tasty, varied and healthy eating, which will be a remedy for the body and mind of all family members.

Proper nutrition implies competent menu planning without starvation and overeating. Universal advice- this is fractional nutrition, that is, eating small portions of food every 2-3 hours. In total, you should get 5-7 meals a day.

It is better not to bring yourself to a state of severe hunger, remaining without food and snacks for many hours, because in this state you can easily overeat, eating more than you need. These excesses can be harmful to health, create a feeling of heaviness and be deposited in the form of fat reserves in the most undesirable places on the body.

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals;
  • protein food;
  • bean products;
  • dairy products;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • salt;
  • and drinks.

Nutrition for the heart and blood vessels - health products

The transition to healthy food helps to maintain normal body weight, adds energy for a fulfilling life, normalizes the percentage of cholesterol and another important indicator - blood pressure. People who start a healthy lifestyle at any age notice amazing changes and a clear improvement in health.

It is believed that daily it is useful to eat seeds, nuts, fruits, various whole grains and vegetables.

A lot of useful substances are found in olives, oils, low-fat yogurts, milk and cheese.

It is good if fish dishes and various seafood are prepared 3 times a week.

Instead of consuming salt in large quantities, it is advisable to switch to useful spices and natural herbs.

Protein lovers can eat eggs for health up to 6 pieces per week. Dishes from beans and other legumes - ideally prepared twice a week.

Benefits of fruits and vegetables for the body

The easiest way to stay healthy is to add to the menu more vegetables and fruits. Studies have shown that most people get less nutrients due to the fact that they neglect fruits and vegetables. These products are especially valuable for humans because they contain a large percentage of fiber, a lot of vitamins, natural antioxidants and minerals. When there are many vegetables and fruits of different types in the diet, the predisposition to certain types of oncology, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies decreases.

There is such a rule that the menu should include colorful fruits and vegetables, they contain different nutrients. In addition to fresh products, you can use dried, frozen or canned products, since the latter are not inferior in usefulness to fresh ones. When buying products, you need to carefully read the label and make sure that the composition does not contain a lot of sugar and salt. It is reasonable to give preference to affordable seasonal vegetables and fruits of only the first freshness.

It is good for the average person to consume 2 servings of fresh fruit and 5 servings of vegetables throughout each day. This norm is irrelevant for children and women during lactation, they have their own norms. And we will return to ordinary adults, it is useful for them to consume apples, pears, oranges, bananas, kiwi, apricots, plums, canned fruits, natural juice and dried fruits. Boiled vegetables, various salads from raw vegetables. For example, they are inexpensive and useful for the body: peas, lentils, corn, beans, potatoes, beets, carrots.

How to enrich your daily menu fruits and vegetables, see below.

It's good to get in the habit of adding fruit to your breakfast meal. For example, you can use this recipe: prepare fruit and vegetable puree with low-fat milk.

A healthy diet is unthinkable without cereals and other grain dishes. They can be consumed together with pieces of fruit, this is a harmonious combination.

If you have to eat out of the house, then you can add vegetable sauce to pasta, order pizza with vegetable filler, eat french fries with herbs.

It is useful to put lettuce leaves on any sandwiches. The most delicious sandwiches are obtained by adding grated cucumbers or carrots to cream cheese or putting mushrooms, chopped onion, tomato, spinach on bread along with ham.

It is useful to arrange a fasting day once a week and eat legumes instead of meat.

Many have a tradition of having a tea ceremony in the morning or in the afternoon, along with this it will not be superfluous to eat cucumbers or carrots, this light food. It is also good to stock up on products for a healthy snack: as soon as you feel hungry between meals, eat prepared chopped fruits and vegetables, they are conveniently stored in the refrigerator in plastic containers.

The diet should be dominated by vegetables. To increase the proportion of vegetables on the menu, you can add a small portion to each meal. Together with poultry and meat, eating lentils, beans and peas is not only healthy, but also tasty and economical.

Cereal food

Experts say it's good to eat grains, mostly whole grains. Such food helps to reduce the risk of certain types of oncology, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and a number of complex chronic pathologies.

Wheat, corn, rice, millet, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, semolina, bulgur, quinoa are available to us. Whole grains added by manufacturers to noodles, breakfasts, pasta and bread. It is also useful to eat muesli, bread - these are dietary products.

Whole grain cereals contain a lot of nutrients valuable B vitamins, alimentary fiber, healthy fats and vitamin E. A huge plus of whole grain food is a positive effect on the digestive system.

It is desirable to reduce the proportion of cakes, muffins, cookies, pastries in the diet to the limit. In such food, harmful elements are often hidden, such as saturated trans fats, they are high in sugar, salt, low in fiber, they are poor in minerals and vitamins. Of course, you can eat such food, but occasionally and little by little.

Breakfast cereals are healthy if they contain a lot of dietary fiber and whole grains, minimal amount saturated fat and little added salt. By carefully studying product labels, you can learn to choose the best one. When buying bread, you need to pay attention to what it is made of. It is good when there is a lot of fiber in bread, little salt, whole grain raw materials, seeds and coarse flour predominate.

It’s good if you have 4-6 servings of grains per day, and whole grains are better.

Of course, proper nutrition healthy life from the point of view of each person, it looks different, since individual dietary norms are associated with age and other characteristics, so you need to make a menu to your liking, and not eat according to other people's schemes.

Ordinary pasta is fattening, so it is advisable to replace them with whole grains. It's also good to cook brown rice. Brown rice has many advantages and is easier to cook than white rice.

Pasta and rice go well with vegetables and can be used to make many tasty and nutritious dishes. Breakfast will fill you with energy and add comfort if it is fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal, muesli, or any other favorite cereal. Instead of white bread it is better to buy bread products using coarse flour or whole grain products in the store. It should be noted on the packaging that it is whole grain bread.

What is protein food and why is it useful

Benefits of protein food

  • low-fat animal meat;
  • poultry meat;
  • eggs;
  • different types of fish;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • beans and all legumes.

Such food contains a huge amount of benefits, it has the following nutrients:

  • valuable protein that helps nourish muscle tissue on a diet;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • a whole range of vitamins.

For example, in protein foods there are necessary for correct operation the whole body and maintaining health B vitamins.

Animal meat (beef, lamb, pork, rabbit, goat, venison) and poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) with a minimum fat content has a good effect on humans. When cooking, it is better to separate the fat from the meat and remove the skin from the chicken.

Taste meat dishes can be improved not by adding oil and salt, but by spices, herbs, lemon. For adherents of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to eat more vegetables and legumes along with meat. Protein foods should be consumed daily in 1-3 servings.

Harm of processed meat products

It is important that compared to natural meat, products from processed meat are much less beneficial to the body. These products are familiar to each of us: sausages, sausages and other products. They are filled with various nutritional supplements, they are high in salt and saturated fat. Scientists associate the development of heart pathologies and oncology, among other factors, with the consumption of a large amount of such food. Many people cannot imagine their menu without sausages and various meat delicacies, but it is better to minimize their consumption and choose the safest products in the store.

Benefits of fish and seafood

Without fish and seafood, the diet will be incomplete. It is good to eat this food 2-3 times a week. It has been noticed that lovers of fish dishes have a lower risk of developing heart pathologies, they are less prone to stroke. Such nutrition makes up for the deficiency:

  • squirrel;
  • Selena;
  • omega3;
  • iodine;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin A.

A lot of omega3 and other useful substances are found in canned tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardine, and bream. Scallops, mussels, harmoniously fit into a healthy menu. The main thing to acquire quality products not contaminated with mercury.

Proper consumption of fish is the guarantor of health and well-being. It is recommended to cook 2-3 fish dishes per week, consume different varieties of fish and seafood, including those with a high fat content. One serving should be close to the size of a human hand. About 150 grams.

A few fish recipes:

  • Fish in the oven. To cook fish tasty and healthy, use your oven. We take fresh fish, add lemon slices, your favorite herbs and minced garlic, wrap it all in foil and cook in the oven. Cooking time can be varied to your taste - about 30 minutes, until softened. The oven temperature is about 200 degrees. This fish goes well with salads.
  • Steam fish. Steamed fish is a dietary dish for the whole family. Steam fish is cooked in a double boiler, combined with ginger, sesame oil, add shallots and garlic to it.
  • Fish sandwich. Open canned sardines and knead them with a fork, add ground pepper. We put tomatoes and fish mass on the toast.
  • Salad with fish. Mix canned pitted and liquid tuna (100 grams), chopped seedless tomatoes (250 grams), chopped cucumbers and peppers (100 grams each), iceberg lettuce, basil, garlic clove.
Proper nutrition with healthy products: an important component of a healthy lifestyle

Eggs in a healthy diet

Useful properties of eggs

Eggs count natural source quality protein. The product contains more than a dozen important vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fats. The introduction of eggs in various diets is welcomed by experts. Eggs contain fats, and unsaturated ones significantly predominate over saturated ones.

In a balanced diet, the average person eats 6 eggs per week without increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This number of eggs can be distributed as you like - eat one at a time daily or make 2-3 servings of them.

cholesterol in eggs

Everyone has heard of the cholesterol in eggs. Many experts argue that this substance has little effect on a healthy body, without increasing the percentage of cholesterol in the blood. True, at individual people, which are sensitive to cholesterol in food, the level of cholesterol in the body actually increases when eating a large number of eggs.

Egg consumption

The best ways to cook eggs are soft-boiled and hard-boiled. They can also be consumed in the form of a cocktail along with low-fat milk. An affordable and easy-to-prepare product will always come in handy on home cooking It is suitable for adults and children. Eggs are a component of a large number of salads and other delicious meals healthy food for holidays and weekdays.

Nuts and seeds in a healthy diet

Useful properties of nuts and seeds

Different varieties of nuts and seeds are excellent foods for daily nutrition helping to saturate the body with healthy fats. As part of such food, not only not saturated fat, but also proteins, a lot of minerals, vitamins. Due to the content of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fats, seeds with nuts help reduce the susceptibility to heart disease. With regular nutrition of nuts, the percentage of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases. If it is reasonable to consume these products, then they do not lead to fullness.

The best varieties of seeds and nuts

It would be wise to pay attention to:

  • Walnut;
  • almond;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • peanut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • chia seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • sesame seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds.

Some foods contain seeds and nuts, such as peanut butter (no sugar or salt), butter walnut, sesame paste tahini.

How to use nuts and seeds?

For every day, a small handful of nuts and seeds is enough, you can eat about 30 grams at a time. It is advisable to eat non-fried, unsalted and the freshest foods. Sunflower seeds, almonds and other members of this category are good for salads. Cashew nuts are also common in cooking. Yogurts are perfectly combined with nut crumbs, for example, with almonds.

Legumes in a healthy diet

Legumes: benefits for the body

The most popular products from the category legumes this is:

  • beans;
  • soya beans;
  • lentils;
  • peas;

Legumes are bought dried or canned. Canned food is convenient as it saves the hostess time. All nutritionists recommend including legumes in proper nutrition for a healthy life, as they contain an impressive proportion of vegetable protein and quite a bit of fat.

Legumes have a low glycemic index and contain dietary fiber. Such food helps to fill the stomach, so the feeling of satiety after its consumption is persistent and long-lasting.

Legumes on the vegetarian menu

When giving up animal food, various seeds and nuts help out a lot. From them, the body receives zinc and iron. Vegetarian diets include green vegetables, tofu, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. You can fully eat and not experience vitamin deficiency even without meat and dairy products, but the diet should be very rich and thoughtful.

Beans in the kitchen

Vegetable protein foods - beans, lentils, peas and other products from this category should be prepared for yourself and your family at least a couple of times a week. Fresh or canned products without salt are welcome. When buying canned food, some wash and dry the product, and then add it to the dishes, that's right.

Peas and beans are excellent fillers for hearty and nutritious salads. There are a huge number of homemade soups, meat sauces, casseroles with the addition of legumes. By reducing the proportion of meat and adding legumes, the overall fat content of dishes is reduced and money is saved. Not everyone likes to cook beans, as they are tough even after boiling. To improve taste qualities, soak the product in water without salt for several hours. Stewed beans with a minimum amount of salt, you can add to any meals and even eat for breakfast.

Dairy food

Low-fat or skimmed milk, like products made from it, is an important component of a healthy diet. It is believed that most people are deficient in various nutrients due to insufficient consumption high-quality dairy products, therefore, for the prevention of diseases, you need to introduce such food into your menu. Daily dairy products are milk, yoghurts and cheeses. They are useful for children and adults. Milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese contain:

  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B6;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D;
  • protein;
  • calcium.

Such food helps to fill the lack of calcium as a foundation. strong bones and beautiful teeth, reduces predisposition to osteoporosis.

Scientists say that when eating low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, healthy menu, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, reduces the predisposition to stroke, some types of oncology. Authoritative sources report that such food works well for almost every person from 2 years old. Almost all fats in milk are saturated, it is better to choose products with a reduced percentage of fat content, they can be found in stores.

Cream and butter have a higher content of saturated fats. The same is true for ice cream, to which sugar is added. It is for this reason that ice cream, butter and cream are not equal in terms of usefulness to low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, and they are recommended to be eaten in small quantities.

If children refuse milk and say they don't like it, they are offered various flavored yoghurts and other products. A great option is to puree milk, yogurt, and fresh fruit. Skimmed milk, yogurt, cheese or substitutes (soy milk, high calcium rice milk) can be consumed 2 to 4 times a day.

Before going to work, it is useful to drink Latte with a minimum fat content and without sugar. A great start to the day is a breakfast of whole grain cereal along with low-fat milk or yogurt, seeds, nuts, and fruit.

Some put butter or cream in the soup at the end of cooking. It is much healthier to use low-fat products like condensed milk and yogurt, which also make the dish creamy. To treat yourself on a diet, you can make sandwiches from whole grain crackers, low-fat cheese and tomatoes.

The role of fats in the body

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats

It is known that healthy fats reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, heal the body as a whole. We refer to healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in food as omega6 and omega3 fats. These substances have a positive effect on humans, as they balance the cholesterol content in the blood, increasing the proportion of good cholesterol.

People who adhere to the rules of healthy eating and lead correct image of life are committed to replacing trans fats and saturated fats in foods with healthy fats in order to maintain heart health and improve quality of life.

Here are the best food sources monounsaturated fats, which will always find a place in a balanced diet:

  • rapeseed oil (improves regeneration processes in the body, helps to lose weight);
  • sunflower oil;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • peanut butter;
  • rice bran oil (rice oil);
  • avocado;
  • peanut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • almond.

The best food sources of polyunsaturated fats, list:

  • fish;
  • chia seeds;
  • tahini;
  • flax seeds;
  • safflower oil;
  • soybean oil;
  • rapeseed oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • pine nuts;
  • walnuts.

It is good to add oily fish in reasonable amounts to the diet. For example, mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon. Equally useful are mussels, scallops. Chicken, eggs, and beef also include healthy fats.

If a person does not get enough healthy fats from food, then he can easily make up for this deficiency through fish oil capsules.

To feel good, it's good to start a tradition of cooking fish three times a week, one serving is about 150 grams and theoretically can fit in one or two human palms.

Do not neglect nuts in the morning, as they are a great addition to breakfast. For example, eat yogurt with crushed almonds or add flaxseeds to any cereal dish - porridge.

A 30-gram serving of unsalted nuts is a healthy snack that will relieve feelings of hunger and overeating during the day.

To make sandwiches healthier, sometimes you need to change your regular butter for avocado, tahini, nut butter or margarine based on rapeseed, sunflower, olive, safflower oils.

Useful whole grain bread with the addition of flaxseeds. Seeds and nuts go well with some vegetable dishes. For example, you can add peanuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts to french fries.

Information about trans fats

The abundance of so-called trans fats in food increases the risk of heart disease, provokes a rise in bad cholesterol in the blood, so many are calling for limiting the proportion of saturated fats, as well as reducing the consumption of products with trans fats as much as possible.

The body gets saturated fats from meat, dairy products and some vegetable sources e.g. coconut oil, palm oil. Also, this component is found in fast food, cakes, cakes, cookies, which contain palm oil (on the package it can be listed as vegetable oil).

To protect against heart failure, doctors advise reducing saturated fat intake to 7-10% of the total calorie intake. In fact, it can be seen that most people consume much more saturated fats. For example, on a 2000 daily calorie diet, saturated fat should be in the amount of 14-20 grams.

The abundance of trans fats causes heart and other diseases, an increase in the level of bad cholesterol. Small doses of trans fats are found in lamb, beef, veal, much more of it in fried and baked foods, such as rolls, pastries, cookies, cakes. A healthy diet, according to some experts, should include only 1% of trans fats from total calories. In terms of products, this is about one cookie.

To add usefulness to your diet, it is better to purchase yogurts, cheeses, and low-fat milk. Studying the information on the packaging of goods, you need to know that the presence of partially or fully hydrogenated oils in food is undesirable. Many authoritative sources advise eating cakes, cookies and similar goodies as little as possible. It also doesn't work well. fast food, for example, pizza, chips, hamburger - of course, if you love them, then you don’t have to completely refuse, but you will have to limit at least a little. Before cooking, do not forget to remove the skin and fat from the chicken. A good substitute for butter is nut butter. You should definitely avoid the aforementioned processed meat products - sausages and salami, which are high in trans fats.

Carbohydrates in food

The human body needs carbohydrates as a source of energy. Our task is to choose healthy carbohydrates for nutrition and reduce consumption. simple carbohydrates, (they are also called fast carbohydrates).

What is carbohydrate food?

  • potatoes;
  • pasta products;
  • bread and grain products;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • sugar and all kinds of sweets.

A subtype of carbohydrates - sugar is indicated on the labels in different ways, for example, molasses, fructose, malt extract, lactose, cane sugar, sucrose; raw sugar, glucose, dextrose, fructose corn syrup and maltose.

Scientists believe that sugary drinks provoke tooth decay, predispose to heart disease and increase the likelihood of set excess weight.

It is better to give preference to healthy, so-called complex carbohydrates found in fresh vegetables and fruits, hard flour products, whole grain breads and cereals.

Occasionally and little by little can be used fast carbohydrates in the form of cakes, white bread, sweet drinks, cookies and various confectionery products. If possible, the proportion of simple carbohydrates should be minimized.

What do we know about salt?

Salt is needed for normal operation human body, but studies show that most people eat this product in doses that are dangerous to health. With systematic overeating of salt, hypertension, heart and other ailments develop.

A good way to reduce your salt intake is to plan your diet properly. The menu is compiled in such a way that it is dominated by products and dishes with the optimal percentage of salt in the composition. These are fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits, grains and whole grains, seeds, nuts.

If you constantly eat too much salt and salty foods, you may increase your susceptibility to these disorders:

  • pathology of the heart muscle;
  • heart failure, heart attack and stroke;
  • the formation of kidney stones and other kidney abnormalities;
  • osteoporosis;
  • fluid retention in tissues and edema.

Water and other healthy drinks

All experts in healthy nutrition unanimously argue that you need to supply yourself daily with clean water, it is inexpensive, calorie-free and is the best thirst quencher.

In addition to water in reasonable doses, these drinks are welcome:

  • carbonated and non-carbonated mineral water;
  • vegetable juices;
  • diluted fruit juices;
  • low-fat milk;
  • herbal teas;
  • drinks with ginger;
  • coffee (without sugar and milk, in last resort with skim milk)
  • tea and milk tea.

As mentioned above, sugary drinks are not healthy. Here's a good tip for everyone: always have a bottle of clean water with you, it won't take up much space in your car or bag. And also stock up on water at home, put it in the refrigerator.

To get a magical diet drink, you need to add cucumber slices, mint leaves, lemon slices and other fruits to ordinary water.

Alcohol will definitely have to be excluded, if only because it causes cancer of the esophagus and a host of other terrible irreversible disorders in any form and dose. Alcoholic drinks affect each person in different ways: one is killed or disabled in just a few years, while in another, all organs remain relatively healthy over decades of consumption. The mechanism of destruction of the body ethyl alcohol does not depend on the quality of alcohol, the quantity and frequency of its intake, the regenerative capabilities of the body of a particular person play a decisive role.

For people with heart problems, it is deadly to drink alcohol. In any case, discuss the benefits and harms of alcohol with your doctor. Obviously, it is better to remove this potentially harmful component from the diet altogether, since in reality quality drinks not available in mainstream grocery stores.

In this post, we discussed in detail healthy foods and basic recommendations on how to organize proper nutrition for a healthy life. If desired, everyone can switch to a healthy lifestyle, replenish energy reserves, have a beautiful body, excellent health, high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Proper nutrition is a diet? Not at all, a diet is a short-term course of severe food restriction in order to lose a certain number of kilograms. Associations with her are not the most pleasant: constant feeling hunger, dizziness, poor skin and hair condition. In addition, when the course ends (or is interrupted due to a breakdown), all the kilograms shed with difficulty return to their place. It is difficult to call this way of dealing with excess weight rational. No, proper nutrition is a new way of life that is not uncomfortable and short-lived. Changing eating habits leads to the normalization of metabolism, which means that gradually the weight will return to normal.

How to train yourself to eat right

Let's give an approximate definition of the concept in question in order to better navigate the topic of the article. So, proper nutrition is a complete and balanced diet, consisting of natural and quality products, which gives the body a complete set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, that is, they satisfy all its needs and benefit it.

To analyze your menu and switch to a healthy diet, you need to understand a few rules:

We are what we eat

Indeed, it is very difficult to perceive such an abstract concept as proper nutrition. "Menu for the day" sounds much easier. We will definitely come to a detailed consideration of your diet, but for now let's look at the features of the construction. It is based on the principle of dividing all products into groups that will allow you to create an optimal diet throughout the day.

Consider the pyramid from the bottom up. The basis is those foods that need to be eaten daily in sufficient quantities. These are whole grain bread, oatmeal, rice and durum wheat pasta. This is the foundation, without which it is impossible for a day to necessarily include foods that provide the body with complex carbohydrates, that is, an important source of energy. Whole grain foods provide the body with the fiber and B vitamins that the body needs. Many people believe that eating bread leads to weight gain, but this is actually not true unless you add a lot of butter, salt, fatty sauces or cheese to it.

The next block of the pyramid includes vegetables. It is a source of fiber and vitamins, many of which provide the body with protein. The complete absence of fat allows you to use these products with virtually no restrictions. By the way, potatoes are also very useful for the body, as they contain the maximum amount of nutrients. It is very important to eat vegetable juices. On the same line with vegetables are fruits. Proper nutrition for girls is hard to imagine without these tasty and healthy foods. Fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals, without which it is difficult to have beautiful skin, healthy hair and nails. Useful fruit in any form. You can eat fresh or frozen, dried or canned.

The next block is the most important component of the diet, since protein is responsible for a large amount metabolic processes flowing in the body. Proper nutrition for girls must include meat and fish, nuts and eggs, beans and beans. They are also indispensable sources of iron, zinc, B vitamins. This block includes another large group - milk and dairy products - irreplaceable source calcium, protein and vitamin B12. It should be borne in mind that low-fat varieties should be chosen, as they contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of nutrients. Don't forget we're talking about proper nutrition. Dinner in particular should contain a minimum of high-calorie foods.

Finally, the top of our pyramid is fats, oils and sweets. High calorie and very nutritious foods. They should be the least in the diet, although you should not refuse at all.

Daily diet

To make the conversation about proper nutrition more substantive, let's give an example that can be followed at least every day, of course, with adjustments. The first rule of a healthy diet is to have a hearty breakfast. A great option to start the day would be a small piece of meat, a portion of rice and a cup (200 g) vegetable salad. You can finish the meal with a cup and some other fruit. You can offer another option: chicken breast with cheese, boiled potatoes and tea with fruits.

An orange or grapefruit, a handful of nuts can serve as a snack between breakfast and lunch. But lunch is a full meal that should not be skipped. As an option, you can offer a couple of bread toasts with baked fish and a green salad. The second option could be a serving of brown rice with stewed vegetables. Can choose Mint tea or still water. Talking about proper nutrition necessarily affects the regularity of eating. Indeed, the more carefully the regimen is observed, the faster the metabolism is restored, which means that there will be no problems with being overweight. Therefore, it is also impossible to skip an afternoon snack. At the same time, this snack should not be heavy. Perfect for an afternoon snack kefir or yogurt.

Now we are moving on to the meal, around which there is a lot of controversy, however, dinner does not cancel proper nutrition. Another thing is that the calorie content of foods consumed in the evening should not be too high. An excellent option would be with toast or 150-200 g of fat-free cottage cheese.

Please note that this is a diet for the average person. It can be supplemented with vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries. But if your goal is weight loss, then the diet should be adjusted depending on the tasks. Because healthy eating and weight loss are not synonymous, as many used to think.

and weight loss

What is the relationship between proper nutrition and weight loss? In fact healthy diet involves the full functioning of the body and the prevention of weight gain, but there are separate systems for losing weight. However, many people confirm that sticking to it is easy and pleasant) suggests eliminating fatty and unhealthy foods such as fast food, soda and many others that contribute to the development of obesity. Eliminating these foods and replacing them with fruits and vegetables will lead to gradual weight loss.

That is, proper nutrition is not a system for losing weight, but you should not give it up and look on the Internet for newfangled diets that promise rapid decline body weight. Because they all violate the main rule. For the result to be sustainable, you need not a short-term diet, but a new lifestyle. Therefore, the principles of healthy eating that we have given above should also be present in the weight loss system. There should be only one difference: in order to lose weight, you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet.

More or less it is already clear what constitutes proper nutrition. Reviews of people who have completely rebuilt their diet in accordance with its principles say that their well-being has improved much, and there is no need to suffer from a lack of interesting dishes, since you can come up with many amazing snacks, desserts and other goodies from healthy and needed by the body products.

What you need to know if you are going to lose weight

It is very important to set goals and priorities right away. It is better to conclude a contract in writing with yourself, for what period of time and how many kilograms you want to lose weight. Based on this, we form a diet, not forgetting about proper nutrition. A photo taken before the start of the course will help you not to deviate from your goal. Calculate the maximum caloric content of the diet using the following formula:

For men: 66 + (13.7 x body weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years).

For a woman, the formula is slightly different: 655 + (9.6 x body weight) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years).

You get a number that reflects your actual metabolism. Now you need to multiply the result by a factor equal to the level of physical activity. At seated life it is 1.2, but if you do light exercises 1-3 times a week, then multiply by 1.375. Intense exercise 3-5 times a week equals a factor of 1.55, and daily heavy physical activity is 1.725. The resulting figure is the number of calories that your body spends per day. If you want to lose weight, then this amount must be reduced along with an increase in the level of physical activity.

When choosing a diet for yourself, be sure to consult a dietitian, and, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. Photos "before" and "after" will be a great incentive to continue to stick to it. But, despite the strong desire to lose weight, you should track the slightest change in well-being. If you have trouble sleeping, irritability or headache, the state of health and the condition of the skin have sharply worsened - these are all sure signs that the diet is not balanced. So you are hurting yourself necessary elements. Only a doctor can make an optimal diet for the day. Proper nutrition is easy to adhere to, such a diet does not cause a deterioration in health and does not leave the feeling that you are restricting yourself in some way.

Approximate diet for a woman

To lose weight, you will have to limit your calorie intake, which means tightening your belts a little. But what is proper nutrition without a varied and balanced diet? It is best to start the day with porridge, while oatmeal or millet boiled in water is excellent. An apple and coffee with milk will complement the morning meal. Do not skip the second breakfast, it is necessary so as not to overeat at lunch. In addition, the body gets used to the fact that food comes often, and ceases to store fat in the bins, as is the case with severe restriction and long breaks between meals. For lunch, a glass of kefir and a couple of apricots or other fruits are suitable.

Lunch is just as important. Be sure to steam a piece of fish or meat. A cup of coleslaw, one baked potato can serve as an addition. For an afternoon snack, it is best to give preference to a vegetable salad, for example, grated carrots with olives. Finally, dinner: do not give up protein foods. Stewed chicken breast with vegetables will come in handy.

We fix the result. The main thing is the system

Indeed, organizing proper nutrition is not difficult, the main thing is to continue to adhere to it constantly. The most important thing here is to observe the daily routine, despite work, study and other things. You can not force the body to starve or accustom it to the feeling of hunger, because in such conditions it will store any extra piece in reserve. Remember the feeling of fatigue when dieting. This is the result of the fact that a frightened body tries to save all the useful substances by slowing down the metabolism. Eating 4-6 times a day, you let your instincts know that everything is in order, with this mode, metabolism and weight are normalized. You yourself can make an approximate proper nutrition for yourself and adjust it in the process.

Drinking water is a must

The key to proper nutrition is your desire to be healthy and beautiful. But many people forget about the need to consume a sufficient amount of fluid. Try to keep tea and coffee to a minimum, and instead drink at least 2 liters of pure water a day. In this case, you do not need to try to drink the entire norm at a time. It is best to carry a bottle with you at all times and drink as you get thirsty.

Listen to yourself

Even if a nutritionist has developed a detailed proper nutrition for you for a month, this does not negate the need to listen to the signals of the body. We are used to eating because the food is fragrant, attractive, that is, eating itself is a pleasure. But in fact, the body knows what it needs right now. If you are unbearably craving sweets, perhaps at this very moment there is a great need for energy. But at the same time, instead of a fatty cake, it is better to allow yourself a piece of chocolate in the morning.

The simpler the better

Remember what our grandparents ate. These were mainly soups and cereals, vegetables, fish or meat. Today we are accustomed to complex, multicomponent dishes, salads, sauces. In such a leapfrog of tastes, it is difficult to determine the calorie content of a dish. If you decompose a dinner consisting of salad, fish with cheese sauce with potatoes and a chocolate pie with tea into components, then there will be more than 20 of them, and each of them requires its own enzymes to break down. That is what it refers to Special attention doctor making up proper nutrition for girls. The menu should be as simple as possible, and the dishes should be as light as possible. For example, no additional watering is required chicken breast mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese - this way you reduce the beneficial properties of both protein products. Much better to split them into two different methods food. This also applies to the calorie content of products: if possible, it is always better to avoid adding oil to the dish, and try to choose milk with low percentage fat content. Of course, the body also needs fats, but in a very small amount. A small piece of butter at breakfast will completely block the daily requirement.

Pay attention not only to quantity, but also to quality

Indeed, one of the rules of a healthy diet says that the body should receive a complete set of essential substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements. For this to be possible, the food must be fresh and natural. Pay attention to the presence of preservatives in products, and soon you will return to the diet habitual for our ancestors. Everything that is sold in supermarkets, packed in beautiful boxes, contains more or less additives, stabilizers and other unnecessary and even harmful components. Therefore, give preference to products in which there is a minimum amount of them or not at all. By following this rule, you will save your budget, because fresh vegetables and fruits are much cheaper than canned ones, the same applies to meat and sausages. Healthy foods they will saturate the body with the necessary substances faster, which means that you will not be bothered by the feeling of hunger just because some important element was missing in the diet.

small concessions

Proper nutrition is not a diet, which means that it is not limited in time. Therefore, the strict requirements of diets (do not eat bread or sweets at all) do not work here. The only restriction can be considered the use of fast food, very fatty, excessively sweet and salty foods. At the same time, in reasonable quantities, the body needs bread, sugar, and even lard, which also has useful properties. Therefore, we offered your attention at the beginning of the article a pyramid food products. The basis of nutrition should be the most useful ingredients, and all the rest can serve as a small addition. By following this principle, you will save yourself from torment and unnecessary restrictions, and playing sports will completely neutralize these excesses.

At first, sticking to the principles of a healthy diet seems difficult. There is not enough ketchup and mayonnaise, soda and sausage, the food seems insipid. But then you begin to feel lightness, good health comes and complete indifference to harmful excesses, which at first you lacked so much. Be healthy and beautiful!

Proper nutrition is the main condition for a healthy lifestyle.

The satisfaction of hunger is one of the most important instincts of the body, as it guarantees the preservation of life. Consequently, our life in all its manifestations and aspects depends on what we eat, in what quantity, when and how.

Human nutrition is one of the most important factors that directly affect a person.
Improper nutrition leads to disruption of the functions of both individual human organs and the body as a whole. Defective in composition food, and the lack of food and its overabundance also have a detrimental effect.

That is why it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition and make the necessary efforts in order for it to be complete!

Healthy proper nutrition is the intake and assimilation of those substances that are necessary to replenish the expended energy, build and restore tissues, regulate the work of all organs and systems of the human body.

Food pyramid (food pyramid)

FROM hematic image fundamental principles healthy eating can be seen by looking at the food pyramid developed by foreign nutritionists and approved by Russian experts. The food pyramid does not represent specific foods, but five large groups products, which allows you to diversify your diet and choose those that you like best or are suitable for yours. Balancing your diet using the food pyramid is quite simple. Let's take a closer look at the food pyramid.

At the bottom of the pyramid (at the base) there are foods that should be the most in the human diet and the higher to the top, the less of the corresponding foods a person should consume.

Products in the food pyramid are conventionally divided into portions. A serving is a conditional value and can be equal, for example, to 100 gr. or other value that is more convenient for you. The number of servings needed by a particular person depends on the age, gender, configuration, health status and degree of activity of a particular person. Below is a food pyramid for the average person, not weakened by disease and not busy with heavy physical labor.

  • Fat, salt, sugar, sweets (should be kept to a minimum)
  • Dairy products, yogurt, cheese (2-3 servings)
  • Meats, poultry, fish, beans, nuts (2-3 servings)
  • Vegetables and fruits (5-9 servings)
  • (6-11 servings)

Whole grain products
The basis of the food pyramid is food made from grains. Whole grains include wholemeal bread, cereals, whole grain pasta, unrefined. Also, this group in this food pyramid includes vegetable fats(, and other oils).

Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits are very beneficial for the human body. They are low in calories and contain a huge amount of micronutrients, as well as high in water and fiber, which create a feeling of satiety.

Meat products, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts.
This group of foods is also called protein foods. It is advisable to give preference to fish, poultry meat, beans. they contain less fat than other protein-containing products of animal origin. Legumes and nuts contain a lot of useful and trace elements.

Dairy products, yogurt, cheese.
These products are also protein-containing and in the food pyramid are on the same level with meat products, poultry, fish, beans, and nuts. Dairy products provide us with protein, calcium and other nutrients.

Fat, salt, sugar, sweets.
This group of products in the diet of a healthy diet should be minimized, and best of all completely excluded from the human diet. This group of products also includes margarine, white flour products (bread and pasta), sweets, carbonated drinks.

The basics of proper nutrition:

  • Try to bring your diet as close as possible to the generally accepted food pyramid, which was mentioned above. That is, the main diet of a healthy diet should be vegetables, fruits and cereals.
  • Try to eat only fresh food. In extreme cases, you can cook semi-finished products. Ready-made food, sold in many stores and requiring only heating, should be excluded from the diet.
  • Healthy balanced diet includes all food groups. Therefore, try not to replace or eliminate specific food groups. You just need to keep the proportions and diversify your diet.
  • If you need to snack, eat fruits, nuts, or dried fruits.
  • As often as possible, include different types of cabbage (white cabbage,) in your diet. In addition to the main useful properties cabbage, scientists have proven that eating cabbage significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Try to reduce your alcohol, sugar, and salt intake as much as possible.
  • Remember that the food eaten must be balanced with the appropriate one. At the heart (lowest part) of the food pyramid developed by the Harvard School of Public Nutrition is the use of liquids and.
  • Don't expect immediate results from switching to a healthy diet. Gradually, you will notice that you have more energy, recovered, you began to get sick much less often and recover much faster, your weight returned to normal and many more pleasant moments.
  • If you find it difficult to evaluate your diet and switch to a balanced diet, then a notebook and a pen will help you. During the week, write down everything that you eat and at the end of the week you will be able to independently assess the state of affairs and find out which foods prevail in your diet at the moment, and which foods should be added or excluded from the diet in order to balance your diet.

Your health is in your hands!

Food healthy food is a prerequisite for life and body health person. Hippocrates said: "A man is born healthy, and all his illnesses come to him through the mouth with food." Are we eating right?

You can spend all your money on medicines, or you can just become a long-liver by learning how to eat right. eating healthy food can be much more effective than expensive imported medications, and regular eating can help you achieve unimaginable longevity. A person is nourished not by what he eats, but by what he digests. Depending on the quantity, quality, individual tolerance, it can be medicine or poison for him. As a rule, all diseases digestive tract arise from the fact that we do not give him time to adapt to the food he takes. It is better to keep food in the mouth for a long time, while enjoying the taste, then you can eat very little and at the same time get enough.

You can formulate the basic rules of nutrition. First: do not sit down at the table if you do not feel hungry. I am opposed to the recommendations to eat on a schedule when the stomach is full of food that has not yet been overeaten. Second: the meal should be divided into three servings. Take the first part of a lunch or dinner just to satisfy a strong hunger, and the second - to get enough. Third: It is necessary to get up from the table when you can still eat the same amount. The third portion is for gluttony, when you taste everything that you liked on the table, when you please everyone if they ask you to taste something. This portion must be completely eliminated, except to allow a person engaged in heavy physical labor. Fourth: eating fast, we eat much more than we need. We swallow food at such a speed that the receptors that transmit a signal to the brain about the onset of saturation are completely unprepared for this. Author of one of the books eating healthy food G. Feetcher talks about his experience of recovery, having many different problems with body health. He quickly corrected healthorganism and achieved an unusual working capacity only due to the fact that he began to chew each piece of food many times before swallowing it. By the way, he lived for more than 90 years.

Some of us eat to treat ourselves, because the future is unknown and we need to eat before the deadline to have fun. And very few people take food in order to live.

Most often, we eat what we are simply used to, or what can be easily prepared or what comes to hand. Sometimes we eat what we like to taste.

You have to listen to your body, especially when eating. Simply observing your body's reaction to a particular taste can have a very big effect on its recovery. If the taste of food in the mouth is not pleasant, then this means that your body does not need this taste. By listening to your body, you will see for yourself whether this or that food product is good or bad for you, your weight is gaining or you are losing weight, your stool is improving, or you have constipation, diarrhea. Listen to your body - the best way determine the suitability of certain foods. First and main principle eating healthy food, reducing the aging process of the body - to ensure the consumption of food throughout the day of all six taste groups: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and astringent.
The sweet taste strengthens, increases the strength of the body, promotes longevity and expands blood vessels. Sweet-tasting foods are good for old and debilitated people, but they lead to obesity and urinary diseases, and increase self-pity.

Sour taste has a refreshing effect, promotes fluid retention in the body, stimulates appetite, opens blockages and makes passable intestine and also promotes vasoconstriction. Excessive consumption of acidic foods causes weakness, dizziness, and swelling.

The salty taste removes hardened feces and accumulated gases, cleanses clogged vessels, and supports appetite. Salty taste improves digestion, but leads to hair loss, wrinkles, premature graying.

The bitter taste has thinning and dissolving properties, warms the body and stimulates the release of fluid from it. Food with a bitter taste is useful in obesity, and in the practice of treating skin diseases, especially inflammatory ones, it is more effective than some medicines.

The astringent taste helps with diarrhea, accelerates wound healing, improves blood clotting, improves skin color and greatly cools the body. Excessive consumption of products astringent taste dehydrates and cools the body.

Pungent taste stimulates the calorific functions of the body, is useful in diseases of the throat, increases appetite, heals severe skin abscesses, but leads to wrinkles, pain in the back and lower back, fainting and has a bad effect on sexual function.

I want to tell you which products I avoid and which ones I prefer. Any product containing yeast is not suitable for me - I do not eat pastries from white wheat flour. I avoid using organic fats replacing them with vegetable oil. Instead of milk, I consider all types of bacterial derivatives to be useful - “sour”, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. I eat boiled meat and fish without restrictions on types, but limited in quantity.

I have always been of the opinion that the most beneficial is a balanced diet that can support ideal weight body. Based on this, I recommend following eating healthy food, which will be approximately 60% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and 25% fats. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, proteins found in vegetables and the WAY to longevity. bees and fish products, fats contained in vegetables and fish, as well as vegetable oils.

I can’t stand sugar in any form, and all my life I’ve been struggling with salt with those who salt food, because of which I often refuse to eat dishes with salt. I think that daily allowance 6 g of salt is found in natural products. Sugar is completely replaced by honey, which I eat about 40 kg per year. Sugar and salt are the white enemies of man. Sugar quickly turns into fat in the body, which settles on the walls of blood vessels, impedes blood circulation and leads to heart disease. In contrast to the recommendations of the propagandist-writer A. V. Bolotov, I do not like salt too much, which, in addition to a direct effect on raising blood pressure, leads to water retention in the body. Instead of seasoning your food with salt, use a seasoning mix that does not contain salt or herbs such as basil, etc.

By completely eliminating white flour and sugar from my diet, I felt much better. Moreover, low carb food regimen- not someone's whim. By sticking to it, a person eats natural products that have nutritional value, and not that many times processed, fat-free and de-nutritioned chemical rubbish that supermarkets are crammed with. Have you ever read on the packaging what is included in such products? They are not from the earth, but from the laboratory! How can something that is not a natural product be useful? This is nonsense. Therefore, it is necessary to eat natural low-carbohydrate foods that mankind has been eating for many centuries: meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs, almost all vegetables, nuts, grains, olives, various varieties natural vegetable oil. I just can't wrap my head around that older man eating processed, cold, low-fat, processed cereals full of artificial chemicals.

Eating healthy food- one of the most important steps to reverse the aging process of the body. A lot of people can't manage their diet. Need to eat more protein or carbohydrates? Are bee products or dairy products good or bad for us? Should fruits and vegetables be eaten raw, or is it best to cook them first? Given the amount of conflicting information that we find in many published books on eating healthy food It's no wonder we can't decide which food is best.

Reliable research has shown that by including plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, honey, and whole grains in our diets, while reducing our intake of animal fats, we eat healthier foods, which increases our chances of living longer.

The lack of B vitamins, which are used to break down sugar, can lead to a serious deterioration in health. Instead of salt, you can add lemon, orange or grapefruit juice to your food. They alkalize the blood and promote the release of toxins, and are also prophylactic from cancer.

In general, in question eating healthy food must be guided by a well-known rule - there is only natural products and only when hungry, and eat as much honey as possible. “It is very harmful to drink what you eat at dinner with water - a cold arises in the stomach, and with it indigestion write. Veal meat should be considered extremely nutritious. Chicken and pigeon are excellent. And the quail, the pheasant, and the black grouse with them, the lark, the woodcock, and the chaffinch, then the partridge and the plover. And if you take curdled milk, it will wash it and cleanse the intestines, ”says the Salerno Health Code. When we eat plant foods, we guarantee ourselves health, clarity of mind, longevity. When we eat mostly canned, chemically processed foods, then we wonder why we get a great many diseases. In words, many people are in favor of eating natural food, but in fact ... Smoking, alcohol, sugar, salt and the general moral climate, which is far from perfect, should be added to this - one should not be surprised at the bouquet of diseases. Every day in the world 1 thousand people die from smoking, 500 thousand people from cancer, 1 million people from heart attacks. Despite this, we continue to eat at McDonald's, poisoning our bodies further.

Consciously eat - and you will feel that your body resists the intake of harmful products, such as alcohol, fatty, spicy, poisonous. Take care of your body, let it move. Take a steam bath, take walks in nature, choose a hobby that would fascinate you. Most importantly, do not think or say anything bad about yourself or others.

Changes in society over the past few centuries have significantly affected our lifestyle and nutrition: almost all foods included in our diet are processed in one way or another, natural biorhythms are distorted. This fact had a negative impact on body health person. But before you deal with this problem, you need to correctly define it. What exactly are we doing wrong? What is the reason for such an unprecedented spread of all kinds of gastroenterological diseases? This book answers these questions and more through apitherapy, the ancient science of body health and modern folk recipes.

A balanced diet is unique in its effectiveness practical advice. You can, of course, do it all your life Chinese qigong or Indian yoga, but it is wrong to eat. The ancient sages said: "You are what you eat!". I’ll add from myself: “What do you eat, but also how much and how you eat!”.

It has been proven that in the majority of industrially produced food products in the process of their technological processing, the amount of essential amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active components, which leads to deterioration body health due to violation of metabolic processes in the human body. Therefore, it is important to eat food in a balanced form, containing the necessary food ingredients. Some of these products are honey, pollen and royal jelly. It is not in vain that the World Health Organization recommends consuming up to 40-60% of fruits and vegetables in their natural form. This is a very important recommendation that will help you avoid many problems. After all, food is also medicine.

The second step to longevity and healthy eating is the hunger signal. Although many of those who are struggling with excess weight consider appetite to be their adversary, listening to it and respecting its messages is one of the most important aspects. eating healthy food. The rule is very simple: eat when you are hungry and stop when you are no longer hungry, without sticking to the time of eating. You wouldn't fill your car's tank with gasoline when it was half empty, would you? Listen carefully to your appetite, through it the body tells you what it needs in this moment. Eat only when you really want to eat, and not for company. Nothing should distract you from the meal: neither TV, nor thinking about serious projects or your problems. Otherwise, you will miss your body's signals that enough has already been eaten. Try eating more at lunch and less at dinner and you will notice an increase. vitality and improved well-being.

Since ancient times, people have turned to nature for healing. It is found that the state body health and human activity depend on many factors. No one disputes that vitamins are extremely important for ensuring all vital important functions human body. However, numerous studies have shown that in parallel with vitamins, it is also necessary to consume trace elements, the assimilation of which occurs much better when they are jointly introduced into the body.

In zones radioactive contamination environment, people can be exposed to external and internal radiation. Radionuclides can accumulate in products of plant and animal origin, from where they can enter the athlete's body with food. After absorption from the digestive tract, radionuclides accumulate in organs and tissues. For this purpose, it is preferable to use natural substances, such as pectins, rather than synthetic ones, which have side effects.

A modern healthy lifestyle should be seen not in particulars, but as an integral life program. It is obvious that a new community is developing with increasing activity also for other areas of our lives. Today people leading active image of life, are much more attentive to their body, especially to the ongoing processes of changes in the body, demanding satisfaction from nutrients. disrespectful attitude towards body health can lead to early aging organism. Sports activity in combination with proper and moderate nutrition is the key not only to health at any age, but also to attractiveness.
A person should receive the basis of calories (for men, this is approximately 2000 kcal, and for women - 1500 kcal per day). This specific dose is increased according to physical activity. Calculations about certain amounts of calories and, accordingly, the energy requirement per minute are often estimated differently, since the loads must be taken into account.
Depending on the way the muscles are loaded, accordingly, different energy reserves should be available. In addition, body weight, different physiques and motor backgrounds play a decisive role. The stronger and more intense exercise stress, the more dynamic and economical the value of nutrients - it should always be in the foreground. In terms of complete eating healthy food, especially the nutrition of athletes, its 7 components are of undeniable importance.

Carbohydrates. Saving oxygen, carbohydrates provide approximately 1% of our body weight in the liver and muscles.

Pollen (calculated as invert sugar with 11.3% of them) can serve as the best solution for replenishing carbohydrates in the body of an athlete. In combination with honey, pollen takes a very high percentage.

Fats. Some types of fats (lipids) are very useful for the human body, especially fatty acids, other fats should be excluded. Our body must receive fats for the production of hormones, the construction of the walls of blood vessels and the accumulation of energy. Protein sources are meat, fish, vegetable oils, nuts and some fruits.

In general, our body exists invulnerably with 4-10% fat. Together with carbohydrates, they cover the need for energy. Lubricants (fats) will activate the body if they are provided for a long time. AT flower pollen they contain 12-18%, in honey - 3.33%.

In many countries, at the government level, they are struggling with fats, as well as with cholesterol. But for good body health a certain amount of essential fatty acids is needed to absorb fat-soluble nutrients containing vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as beta-carotene. We need the polyunsaturated fats known as omega-3s and omega-6s (sometimes omega-9s). Their benefits to the body are invaluable.

Protein. All cells of the human body are built from proteins, and proteins from amino acids, which are the building blocks of our body. The preservation of the structure of the body and its new construction depend not only on bones and water, but to a greater extent on proteins. Approximately 20% of body weight is protein protein substances. It is formed with

chains of amino acids. In order to properly form and maintain body tissues, nerves and muscles, proteins are needed in certain amounts and combinations. Substances (muscle fibers, enzymes, hormones) are necessary for the body. The participation of protein in pollen is approximately 24%, proteins (amino acids) - 34%. Honey has 16 amino acids.

Most protein in meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products and other animal products.

Vitamins. Vitamins regulate certain processes in the human body (maintenance of tissue change and power). If our diet lacks vitamin A, vision begins to suffer; lack of vitamin B - nerves begin to disturb; C - teeth; D-bones, etc.

Flower pollen contains all vital important vitamins and more vitamin C than most fruits and vegetables. Vitamins "K" and "H", carotene, folic acid and pyridoxine are found in honey in huge quantities. Moreover, the vitamins contained in honey retain their strength much longer than plant foods, which lose a large percentage of vitamins during the day. Honey contains all the vitamins that are considered essential for normal development and good condition body health athlete.

Antioxidant long-liver kit: vitamin A (retinol) strengthens the human immune system, supports fertility, participates in protein synthesis, maintains healthy skin, Airways esophagus, stomach, urinary tract, kidneys and intestines; vitamin P (flavonoids) has a powerful antioxidant property and contributes to the normalization of capillary permeability; selenium is part of a number of enzymes and is a powerful antioxidant that protects cell walls and red blood cells from oxidation. Its upper limit in the body is 0.2 mg. An excess of selenium leads to brittle nails, deterioration of the brain.

Amino acids. In the process of life, amino acids are constantly catabolized. Each protein in our body has a certain amount of amino acids, which must necessarily be obtained from the protein or amino acids contained in food. Some amino acids can be synthesized in the sports body. But the rest of the amino acids that are considered essential must be supplied by protein from food for optimal nutrition. body health. In 100 g of honey - 210 kcal. Our body is supplied with nutrients protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, vitamin C, thiamine, a nicotinic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, sodium and magnesium. Dark-colored honey and some types of light-colored honeys are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Minerals. Our total body weight contains 4-5% minerals. According to researchers, mineral salts are necessary not only for physiological development - their complete absence can lead to death. The amount of mineral salts in honey reflects its alkaline content - thanks to this, it is possible to balance the acidity of other foods that can lead to indigestion and even gastroenterological diseases. Among the minerals found in honey, the most important are potassium, chlorine, sulfur, silicon and iodine salts, calcium and iron. In pollen and honey, they are found in large quantities.

As you know, with age, a person loses a lot of calcium, bones become thinner, become brittle. Metabolism is also disturbed due to a lack of phosphorus and zinc. Therefore, the main task of prevention and treatment is to prevent an imbalance in the content of mineral substances or to compensate for their loss. When replenishing calcium, it is important that it is not deposited in the body, but is absorbed by blood cells. This is provided, for example, by eggshells: the shells, peeled from the film, are poured with lemon juice so that it covers the entire mass (juice of 1 lemon per 50 g of the shell), and kept for 21 days. The resulting jelly-like medicine is taken in 0.5 tsp. daily for about 3 weeks. The course is held twice a year - in February and October. The main thing is to limit the consumption of rice in the diet, which, due to poverty in fiber, prevents normal intestinal motility, rich soups, carbonated drinks, beer, spinach and chocolate. They contain substances that impede the absorption of calcium, causing the formation of its insoluble crystals in the joints.

As shown by studies conducted in Germany, older people often receive less magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can lead to tics and muscle spasms, fatigue, weakness and heart failure. The high content of protein and calcium in food makes it difficult to absorb magnesium. Also, the cause of poor magnesium resorption can be alcohol consumption and a deficiency of vitamins BI and WB. In honey, magnesium and vitamins B> and B* are present at the same time, which contributes to their resorption from the intestine.

The trace element zinc is required in very small amounts, as it increases the body's susceptibility to infections, slows wound healing, and can interfere with olfactory and taste sensations. 1-2 tsp honey with juice or with other drinks ideally solve this problem. At the same time, zinc increases bone strength, lowers blood cholesterol and regulates blood sugar.

Ballast substances. Previously, indigestible materials were called "ballast". These plant fiber materials are essential building stones. eating healthy food. Our diet must contain at least 20 g per day of dietary fiber. The cover of bee pollen (sheath) refers to these ballast substances.

Water: 60-71% of our body weight consists of water. Tissue fluid (or cell fluid) serves as vehicle and a solvent for maintaining body weight.

Acids. Approximately 0.5% of the solid state of honey is occupied by acids. They give honey a specific taste and aroma. The duration of the shelf life of this wonderful product depends on them. Organic and inorganic acids interact with other components - this is necessary for normal cellular functioning. Citric, glucose, formic, acetic, lactic, pyroglutamic, oxalic and phosphoric are just some of the acids found in honey. They are available in the appropriate weight and are optimally matched to each other.

Honey contains free radical scavengers. Dark honey contains more antioxidants than light honey.

Dr. Jarvis, recognized specialist in eating healthy food, writes: “Honey is not just a type of sweet food. Actually honey is medicinal sweetness that can help maintain good body health. The human body works on the bare minimum of what it needs. Honey contains this minimum - the minerals found in honey are more important than the vitamins."

Here it should be especially noted that you will not be able to prevent or alleviate the disease if the only change in your diet is to use honey instead of sugar. Only balanced eating healthy food with a high content of all necessary substances for a long time can maintain health. Trust me, yearly fasting, fasting one day a week, active lifestyle and balanced eating healthy food, which I talk about in this book, contribute to the fact that all your organs are healthy.

To balance your digestion and activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, many peoples use such a stimulant before meals: mix equal parts lemon juice, water, honey and juice of ginger roots, adding a pinch of black pepper, and drink 100 g before meals.

A few additional tips:

  • Before swallowing food, chew it until it becomes liquid or semi-liquid;
  • Do not put the next piece of food in your mouth until you have swallowed the previous one;
  • Do not sit down for the next meal until you have digested the previous one (usually this takes at least 3 hours);
  • Eat all 6 flavors throughout the day;
  • Use nutritional supplements from bee products. If used wisely, many age-related diseases can be prevented and your biological age can change dramatically.

Our site can be found using the following phrases : body health, human body and health, health cleansing of the body, body resources immunity health longevity, health reserves of the human body, eating healthy food.

Good afternoon or evening dear friends and guests of my blog. I am very glad that you looked at the light, it means you are interested. I will try to write today's article for you as interesting and useful as possible.

Today I am starting a new column and I want to devote it to nutrition. After all, proper nutrition is very important for us and for our children. We all want to be healthy, strong and energetic.

Unfortunately, we can not always boast of health, of course, a lot also depends on nutrition. There are three very important factors in our life on which our life and our health depends. This is food physical development and cleansing.

Over the past few hundred years, in all, especially developed countries, it has been noticed that the level of various diseases has become very high. From what is this happening? If you think about it, of course, first of all from malnutrition.

From this began to progress, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as peptic ulcer, a variety of allergies, atherosclerosis, etc.

In the US, doctors have noticed that mortality has increased especially recent times just because of the wrong diet. What are the reasons for such a deplorable situation? If you think about it, how did a person eat before?

For thousands of years, humans have been hunter-gatherers. And archaeologists say that forty thousand years ago people ate plants. They used to feed up to two hundred different plant names.

After all, in the plants that a person ate, there was everything that the body needs. For example, fatty acids, which saturate the body with everything that the body needed.

And about ten millennia, when people opened fire, there was a revolution in nutrition. People began to cultivate and eat cereals. These plants also provide energy. Saturate the body with glucose.

After people began to use fire for cooking, they began to cook food of animal origin. In the early nineteenth century, cane sugar from America was replaced by cheaper beet sugar.

People began to consume more sugar. For example, in England, per person per year, the consumption of sugar from three kilograms has reached twenty kilograms per year, and this is a lot. How important is proper nutrition for us?

After a while, they began to manifest modern diseases. On the one hand, it seems to be good, our brains began to receive enough stimulants to work effectively.

On the other hand, we have acquired drug addiction, which led to overeating of sugar. Accordingly, there appeared side effects, damage has begun.

As a result of this change in diet, we have deprived ourselves of receiving enough fatty acids so necessary for our body. The imbalance of our body between illness and health began.

A lot depends on how the food is prepared. After all, the food we cook goes through frying, boiling, microwave processing. Where do you think this leads? Nutrients are destroyed by about twenty-five percent.

Red and yellow vegetables are destroyed by thirty-five percent, and vitamin C is completely destroyed. For this reason, many scientists are already calling on all of us to start making friends with nature and its natural resources.

They encourage you to eat right. Give preference natural products from the garden, from your garden. If you notice now more and more people are switching to just such food. Many are addicted to a raw food diet, or a semi-raw food diet.

I'm thinking about it myself. The raw food diet is certainly not for me, but we already practice the semi-raw food diet in our family. I began to feel much better. I feel relief in my stomach.

What is a healthy diet - firstly, the nutrition of each person is the most diverse. For nutrition to be healthy, it must be age appropriate.

Also, a healthy diet depends on many factors - what kind of work you do, and habits play an important role. We all know that food affects our health.

The structure of tissues in our body depends on nutrition. After all, our bodies are constantly evolving and evolving. Throughout our life We must eat properly and fully.

The calories that we get through food should make up for the lost ones that are needed for normal human life. No matter how we eat, no matter what foods and vitamins we use, they will not give desired effect if you do not follow the diet.

Healthy nutrition plays an important role in the body. For example, take a person who is not engaged in physical labor, three meals a day is enough to maintain health.

What is very important is to eat at the same time. Our health depends on proper nutrition. Take the monkey for example. Who was in the zoo and watched the monkey while eating?

You probably noticed that putting food in her mouth, she chews it until the food turns into porridge. If you want to stop her, she will get angry with you, jump aside, but will not stop chewing.

We humans have lost the ability to listen to our body and often and thickly swallow without chewing food thoroughly. Take that same monkey and give him a hot drink.

A monkey will never drink hot milk. We humans do not know at all that there is a natural thermometer in our mouth. It shows the exact temperature of the drink and food that we should consume.

Where do you think this thermometer is located in the mouth? are teeth. After all, our teeth immediately react to hot, tea or coffee. They answer acute pain. This is the limit of prudence we must observe.

For example, US doctors have noticed that lips in men are more common than in women. Why this happens - yes, because the wife serves the first hot glass of tea or coffee to her husband.

The Japanese, who conducted experiments on animals and received confirmation of this, agree with this statement. Scientists have proven that people, thanks to healthy and proper nutrition, can extend their lives by ten to fifteen years.

In order to prolong your life, you need to follow ten rules:

Rule 1

  • Observe the measure. Do not overeat so that your stomach is not weighed down by excess food. Always remember that our physical and mental state depends on food.

Rule 2

  • Eat varied and nutritious foods every day. If you stick to this rule, your body will receive the nutrients that the body needs.

Rule 3

  • The food you eat should be pleasing to you and yours. Prepare food with good thoughts and thank nature for the food you have. The food you have cooked hastily With bad mood from anything, it will not bring you any benefit.

Rule 4

  • Sit down to eat at the table only when you are hungry. When eating, be sure to follow the regimen. Between meals should be at least five to six hours. Your stomach should rest from food for at least one hour.
  • If you are engaged in heavy physical labor, or are sick, as well as children, you can add a second breakfast and afternoon snack. Elderly people and the elderly should eat twice a day, as their metabolism is greatly reduced.

Rule 5

  • Do not eat a lot of smoked meats and spices, as well as mustard. All these products irritate the stomach lining. You can earn gastritis, peptic ulcer and disrupt the work of the stomach.

Rule 6

  • Try not to eat either too hot or too cold food. very hot or cold food especially harmful. It leads to indigestion. Cooks are more likely than others to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Also, cooks more often than others develop diseases of the biliary tract. This happens due to the fact that they constantly have to take a hot sample. Animals will never try hot food, mother nature rewarded them with this reflex.

Rule 7

  • Always take care of your intestines so that it is systematically emptied one to two times a day. If you feel after emptying that the intestines are not empty, then there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If your bowels are not emptying completely, check your large and small intestines. If you haven't gone to the bathroom for two days or more, take an enema. Laxative in a pinch.

Rule 8

  • Try to chew your food well. Food not chewed and not treated with saliva settles in the stomach and intestines, it begins to rot. Heartburn appears, the intestines swell, unpleasant belching and many other troubles.

Rule 9

  • If you don't feel thirsty, don't drink a lot of fluids. A lot of fluid weakens the body, makes it susceptible to infections, thins the blood. Load on the bladder and kidneys.
  • Do not drink water with food, as this dilutes the stomach hydrochloric acid, weakens and does not sufficiently process food in the stomach. This is where the dire consequences begin.

Rule 10

  • During meals, do not engage in work, no matter what, physical or mental. After all, your body is already busy with work, it processes food and its energy is directed precisely at this work.

These are the rules I learned and I think they will be useful to all of you who want to be healthy. I really hope that you will like the article about healthy and proper nutrition and you will find in it the tips that you are looking for.

Be healthy.

Video - Proper and healthy nutrition

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