MRI of the brain: what shows how often you can do? Gradient magnetic fields. Contraindications to the appointment

How often can an MRI be done? medical equipment today is a whole universal complex capable of identifying various diseases in a person. Great amount devices and devices are actively used in medical clinics. One of best practices for the diagnosis of diseases can be considered a tomograph. This is a high-precision device capable of obtaining images of the organ in layers in different planes.

Magnetic resonance imaging helps the doctor quickly make an accurate diagnosis based on the picture he sees. With its help, it is possible to identify tumors, neoplasms, developmental pathologies and structural anomalies. The principle of operation of the tomograph is to influence the particles of the human body with electromagnetic and radio waves vibrating under radiation.

MRI allows you to examine the body regardless of age and gender. The tomograph details the following body structures:

  • soft tissues;
  • nervous system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • brain;
  • urinary system.

MRI can be done required amount times, but only as prescribed by a doctor, the procedure is absolutely harmless

The time for MRI diagnostics is from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on which organ is being scanned and what the purpose of the examination is. Diagnostics can show:

  • neoplasms, benign or malignant;
  • anomalies of various nature;
  • metastasis;
  • foci of various diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • developmental pathology internal organs or fabrics.

How many times in a row can you do an MRI?

For a long time, research and observations have been conducted on how magnetic radiation affects the human body. different models tomographs underwent certain testing, after which the experts came to the conclusion that it is completely safe to do an MRI.

The frequency of the examination depends on the need and indications. The number of scans will depend on the purpose for which the doctor prescribes a diagnosis for you. If a patient is sent for magnetic resonance imaging to detect a disease or clarify the diagnosis, then it is likely that he will not have to undergo an MRI again.

For those who are preparing for surgery, an examination is prescribed to clarify the state of the organ and its damage or interaction with neighboring tissues. Most likely, the procedure will be prescribed to the patient and again after some time, in order to conduct a control and understand whether the operation helped or how the organ takes root after transplantation.

How often an MRI can be done for a particular patient is determined by the attending physician. Due to the fact that the procedure is not cheap, it will be expensive to do magnetic resonance imaging without a doctor's appointment.

However, the main aspect is mental attitude. Often, by winding themselves up, the patient worsens performance blood pressure, the head will hurt, the heartbeat will become more frequent - this interferes with being in the tomograph, because you need to lie still for a long time.

How many times a year can I have an MRI with contrast?

In addition to the classic examination, some patients need to do. In this case, the procedure will differ only in that the patient is injected intravenously with contrast. This contributes to obtaining clearer pictures of the diagnostic result.

detailed clinical picture is often necessary before the examination of blood vessels, or before neurosurgical intervention, because this will allow the diagnostician to note even the smallest tumors and formations at the stage of inception. contrast agent It is made on the basis of gadolinium salts and will be contraindicated only for those who have allergic reactions to the composition of the drug.

If there is no allergy, then this type of MRI will be absolutely safe, it can be performed as many times as necessary during the treatment period, without dividing into categories of citizens by age.

How often can a child's body scan be done?

The MRI procedure is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. Reactions to computer diagnostics should not be, because the method is non-invasive. It has already been proven that electromagnetic waves do not negative impact on the children's body, in view of this, there are no restrictions on the number of examinations in a certain period of time.

However, there are difficulties of a different nature. For diagnosis on a tomograph, a child must endure quite long time motionless. This is a difficult aspect, because by nature children are very active. The doctor can offer 2 options for examination: under anesthesia and with the use of sedatives. Any option affects the baby’s nervous system, so you should not often scan the child’s body. If there is an urgent need for tomography, it is impossible to avoid, however, if there is no indication, then it is better to refrain from MRI up to 3 years, since the use of sedatives cannot be avoided, and this is a colossal burden on the child's body.

Is it possible to carry out tomography of the same organ several times?

The most commonly prescribed CT scans are:

  • detailed study of the brain;
  • MRI of the abdominal cavity;
  • tomography of organs located in the small pelvis;
  • scanning of the musculoskeletal system.

As a rule, the session is carried out once, if an examination is required. certain body. However, if a person was examined by examining the liver and its vascular system, and the scan did not reveal the cause of the deterioration in well-being, then an MRI of the same zone will be scheduled again, and there is nothing dangerous in this.

Repeated scanning of the same organ is a safe procedure and is practiced as needed.

How often can I do an MRI of the spine in pregnant women?

While in the process of bearing a child, female body experiencing overload, which very often affects musculoskeletal system. Women complain of pain:

  • in the back, lower back;
  • spinal tingling;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • swelling of the legs or toes.

If a visible reasons if not, then the doctor has the right to prescribe an MRI of the spine. This procedure will be safe, painless, and can be done as often as any other patient.

It is advised to refrain from magnetic resonance imaging only in the first 3 months of pregnancy, when the laying occurs. critical components for fetal development. It is difficult to understand what effect electromagnetic waves can have on a developing fetus. But if there is a threat to life future mother then an MRI is required.

Is the procedure advisable during critical days in women?

Many experts agree that it is undesirable to do an MRI during menstruation in women. This question is controversial and not unreasonable. It is believed that electromagnetic waves and a magnetic field can affect the functioning of the pituitary gland, and this will entail hormonal disbalance, which can affect not only well-being, but also the frequency of the menstrual cycle.

Yet direct evidence of this opinion is not yet available, just as there are no sufficient studies in such situations. Only the woman has the right to decide whether to scan during special days or wait for them to finish. In any case, the doctor will not prescribe an MRI of the pelvic organs, in order to avoid incorrect data, since in menstrual period storms occur in the body hormonal changes.

Is re-scanning of the brain acceptable?

If the patient experiences difficulties in mental activity, the condition is constantly deteriorating, or a concussion or a blow to the head has been suffered, then a brain diagnosis cannot be avoided. Indications will be such complaints:

  • nausea, dizziness, vomiting;
  • causeless loss of consciousness;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • difficulties in the functions of cerebral vessels;
  • suspicion of oncological formations;
  • stroke;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • craniotomy;
  • pain after surgery.

You can scan the brain an unlimited number of times, as long as the treatment requires. But most often, doctors do not prescribe an MRI as a control procedure more than once a year. During this period, all processes disturbed by the operation or disease should be restored, the nervous system will come to normal rhythm, and the consequences of the operation will be on the face. But there are patients who are examined 2 to 4 times a year. These are those who have multiple sclerosis. They need it to control the disease. A couple of times a year, they may prescribe a tomography for those who have an inoperable brain tumor to monitor its condition and effect on the vascular system and arteries.

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI - greatest invention late XIX century, which made a revolution in diagnostic medicine. Among all existing methods of tomographic diagnostics MRI is the least dangerous and the most accurate, which makes it possible to visualize not only the anatomical structure of any tissues, but also their functional state.

Is MRI harmful to health?

Initially, the MRI method was called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which in itself alarmed patients, causing associations with nuclear energy and a sense of danger. But even after the renaming, there are parallels with the term resonance, which everyone remembers from the school physics course, as a destructive phenomenon.

In fact, the MRI method does not have any nuclear energy and destructive effects. It is based on the effect of a magnetic field of a certain frequency and power on the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, which is contained in all tissues of the body. As a result of exposure, the nuclei resonate, that is, they give an answer, which is fixed by special sensors of the scanner camera, in which the subject is placed.

Such an impact does not lead to any changes in tissues, does not cause chemical reactions, deviations and destruction, and the magnetic field does not have an ionizing (radiation) effect. At the end of the study, the vibration of hydrogen atoms stops and everything returns to normal, that is, it returns to its original state.

The response of cellular hydrogen atoms to the action of a magnetic field can be different. This factor is used to judge the nature and location of tissues, their condition practically at the cellular level, without any negative consequences for the body. In addition, the procedure itself is not accompanied by painful or other unpleasant sensations. The inventor of the MRI method, Peter Mansfield, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

How often can an MRI be done?

Magnetic resonance imaging, unlike beam methods research does not cause side effects and does not require time for tissue recovery after the study. Therefore, restrictions on the number of diagnostic procedures Hardly ever.

Typically, an initial MRI is performed to determine accurate diagnosis and prescribing a course of treatment. In the future, a series of repeated MRI studies is carried out to monitor the condition of tissues or organs, changes in them as a result of the treatment.

The number of such control procedures of magnetic resonance imaging depends on the specific needs in each individual case. This is especially important in the treatment of patients with severe pathology - oncological, vascular diseases, after surgery, and so on.

And yet, although no specific cases are described negative impact MRI, observing main principle medicine "do no harm", experts are cautious about the study of the most complex and vulnerable tissue of the body - the brain and spinal cord.

Consider how many times a year you can do an MRI. The norms for passing an MRI of the head are 1 time per year, and after a stroke - 1 time in 2-3 years. If more are needed frequent research, then the patient is placed in a hospital for observation and elimination negative phenomena MRI, if any. In the study, magnetic tomography is performed on average 1 time in 2 years, if necessary - 2 times a year.

Can an MRI be done during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, ultrasound is considered the safest procedure, and this is true. However, this method is not so accurate and informative as to judge any fetal pathology - malformations, position anomalies, and so on.

Therefore, after the detection of pathology on ultrasound, there is a need for a clarifying study - MRI, especially when we are talking about a serious pathology in the fetus, and the question is decided whether to leave or interrupt this pregnancy. Unlike radiation tomography, MRI is a much safer research method.

On the other hand, sometimes it becomes necessary to examine the pregnant woman herself. For example, in cardiovascular renal pathology, suspected cancer. And in these cases, magnetic resonance imaging has no contraindications and is performed as needed to clarify the diagnosis and treatment of a pregnant woman. Her condition and the possibility of carrying pregnancy and childbirth are assessed, best way their conduct - naturally or caesarean section.

Can a child have an MRI?

There are strict indications for an MRI study in children, and it is carried out only to clarify the diagnosis after preliminary survey other methods (ultrasound, thermography, and so on).

This is due not so much to the danger of MRI, but to the peculiarities of children's physiology. Magnetic resonance imaging requires the patient to remain still, otherwise the image will be fuzzy. In addition, the procedure is accompanied by noise, which can frighten the child. Therefore, children younger age for the duration of the study, they give a light short anesthesia, the hearing organ is protected with special headphones or ear plugs.

Children, as well as adults, can be claustrophobia - fear closed space. In a number of modern clinics, new-generation devices with an open camera-scanner are already being introduced into practice.

When is an MRI necessary?

Magnetic resonance imaging, as the most accurate and informative method, is indispensable in many complex diagnostic cases, as well as in the study of organs and tissues that are difficult to access for diagnosis.

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As the need for an MRI is assigned in the following cases:

  • If a tumor of the brain or spinal cord is suspected, to clarify its stage and prevalence;
  • To detect malformations, vascular anomalies in the cranial cavity;
  • To study the state of the myocardium, heart valves, blood vessels;
  • In the presence of pathology of the spine, intervertebral discs and roots, spinal cord tissue;
  • To clarify the nature and severity of defects and anomalies in the fetus;
  • For differential diagnosis neoplasms in chest(mediastinum, lungs);
  • For the diagnosis of pathology musculoskeletal system in difficult cases.

MRI may become necessary in any case of difficulty in diagnosis, when all other methods used are questionable.

Is it possible to do a CT scan instead of an MRI?

Paying tribute computed tomography, widely used in medicine, for the sake of truth, it should be noted that it is inferior to the MRI study in terms of information content. CT cannot assess functional state tissues and organs.

And yet, there are cases when MRI is not possible to perform due to the presence of contraindications to it. This happens with severe claustrophobia, as well as in the presence of various devices in the body (pacemaker, insulin pump), metal structures that cannot be removed (internal staples, paper clips, clips after surgery, non-removable metal prostheses).

Also, MRI is not performed in the presence of tattoos with dyes containing titanium. In all these cases, the magnetizing metal will distort the results of the study, so CT is the forced method of choice. However, by definition, it cannot be equivalent to magnetic resonance imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has begun to play a special role in modern medical diagnostic practice. Many laboratories and centers specializing in patient examination technology have been created in cities. Doctors are increasingly recommending an MRI to see complete picture the health status of the patient or to observe him in postoperative period. Therefore, many people are concerned actual question Q: How many times a year can I have an MRI?

With the increase in popularity, the number of requests on the Internet about the benefits and harms of MRI on the body also increases. People are interested in how many examinations can be done on the device, whether MRI is contraindicated during pregnancy and what effect it can have on certain parts of the body.

The principle of operation of MRI: what the device consists of

MRI has the form of a tube: during operation, a constant magnetic field of high power can be created in it. Unlike x-rays and computed tomography, the device does not use radiation and makes an analysis using the chemical state of the substance. Every second atom in the body is hydrogen, it contains protons (“biological magnets”). How many of these particles are there in the body and how can they be used in MRI? The particles resonate from an electromagnetic pulse sent out by a magnetic field in the equipment. All human tissues contain different number hydrogen atoms, which means that the resonances will be different. The response is fixed and, after viewing, is projected into a 3D image.

talking plain language, No x-ray radiation- there is no harm to the human body, and a three-dimensional image is an opportunity to see the finest matter of any part of the body from all viewing angles and directions. Patients who are concerned about the question of how many times a year you can do an MRI, this fact should reassure.

A person, no matter how much he is in the device at the time of scanning, does not feel discomfort. It is believed that the only unpleasant aspect is loud noise working equipment: headphones and ear plugs will help here.

How many times a year can you do an MRI: contraindications

The question of how many times an MRI can be done per year is most relevant for patients. Despite the safety of this method for the body, the tomograph has contraindications. Doctors recommend refraining from MRI for pregnant women. Guidance is more of a preventive nature: according to a number of studies, magnetic fields do not affect fetal development.

No matter how many indications for an MRI, there is a category of people who can do it extremely rarely. These include people with heart pacemakers, dentures, surgical braces, fixed dental crowns and dentures, metal fragments, and piercings. The magnetic field can affect a metal object, disable it and harm the patient. In carrying out tomography there are restrictions on body weight - for people whose weight exceeds 120 kg.

How many MRIs can be done for claustrophobic people? As little as possible. They are contraindicated examination in the scanner. Patients MRI is performed on an open tomograph. A survey of patients who underwent the procedure showed that they should do an MRI in case of emergency. If the patient was allowed to do an MRI, the safest devices are suitable for him - high-field, or closed, - the magnetic field strength here fluctuates: 1.5-3 Tesla. Their advantage lies in the speed of scanning and the quality of visualization of the tissues under study.

In order to make patients less likely to think about how many times they can do an MRI, the improvement of closed devices continues, the results become more effective, and the process is harmless. There are already machines with a shortened tube: you can leave the patient's head outside during the diagnosis. Such scanners can be used to study patients with low level claustrophobia.

Can the importance of MRI be overestimated? It is effectively used for the prevention and detection cancerous tumors and malignant neoplasms, detailed examination joints, ligaments and muscles. How many medical communities have already recognized that any examination (ultrasound and x-ray) can be done, but MRI is the most effective and efficient in making an unmistakable, timely diagnosis. The only warning from doctors to those who are interested in how many MRIs can be done: do not undergo an examination for own will without the appointment of a specialist.

one of the most common diagnostic methods in modern medicine. Due to safety and high information content this survey gradually replaces the x-ray.

The essence of MRI is to scan the human body using electromagnetic waves. Today, such diagnostics are prescribed to many patients of clinics in order to check the condition of their internal organs, as a result of which the consideration of tomography never loses its relevance.

In the article below, our resource will consider the general essence of MRI, the features of the procedure and its danger to the body. Interesting? Then read today's article to the end.

MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic of the body, that is, carried out without intervention in internal systems organism. The examination method is based on the determination of electromagnetic potentials emitted from human organs and tissues. Carrying out the procedure of magnetic resonance scanning allows you to assess the general condition and structure of the internal nodes of the body without causing any harm to them.

Today, MRI is a fully automated type of diagnostics, which is carried out using special devices. Modern tomographs allow not only to obtain information about the state of human organs and tissues, but also to form their 3D models. The procedure for tomography is quite simple and does not require special training.

A typical survey is carried out as follows:

  • The examined person removes all metal objects from himself.
  • Then lie down on a special tomograph couch.
  • After that, the diagnostician turns on the device, which pushes the couch with the patient into the cavity of the tomograph and the examination begins.

The average duration is 20-60 minutes. Throughout the procedure, the person being examined is forbidden to move, only answers to the questions of the diagnostician are allowed. If the examination is carried out in accordance with all the rules, it is possible to obtain comprehensive information about the patient's state of health. Otherwise, assigned repeated procedure MRI.

What is examined with an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging is used to confirm certain hunches doctors have about the health of their patients.

Depending on the suspicions of the specialist, the following types of examination are carried out:

  • , which allows you to identify neoplasms in the skull, determine the condition of the main nerves in this area and detect problems with vascular structures, an aneurysm.
  • used to study pain of inaccurate genesis and analyze the condition bone tissue, bone marrow.
  • needed to diagnose them. general condition and clarification of the severity of existing injuries.
  • , which makes it possible to examine in detail middle part human torso.

In principle, the purpose of tomography is a rather multidisciplinary concept. Most often this diagnosis used for a detailed study of diseases, pathologies of the pelvis, brain and spine. Due to its high information content, MRI can reveal how common lesions internal structures organism, and local violations in their work.

How often can an examination be done?

MRI is safe method examination of the body, the essence of which is the impact on human tissues using electromagnetic waves. Due to the absence of any radiation, MRI is not capable of causing problems for patients, so you should not be afraid of its implementation. According to statistics, 99.99% of those examined using tomography did not reveal any harm to their body from the procedure.

MRI is prescribed in modern medicine quite often. Definition serious pathologies ENT character, problems with the spine, brain or gastrointestinal tract with the help of this diagnosis is not uncommon. Due to absolute safety, the examination is carried out both for adult patients and children of all ages. Quantity necessary research determined by the attending physician and can reach 2-3 procedures per day. This practice is completely safe and does not cause any harm to the body.

The myth about the dangers of MRI is largely due to the fact that people confuse this type of diagnosis with x-rays.

Remember, X-ray examination is carried out using ionizing radiation, so its frequent repetition is unacceptable. MRI, on the other hand, analyzes the magnetic field of human organs, so it does not pose a danger. That is, with profile appointments and the absence of contraindications, it is not advisable to refuse tomography. Benefits from the survey will be guaranteed more than harm.

Features of tomography with contrast

is one of the main types of research. The main difference between such a tomography and its basic variation is that before being placed in a tomograph, a person is injected with a special substance called “contrasting”. The purpose of this substance is primitive - it allows you to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis, as it significantly improves the final results.

Contrast-enhanced tomography usually uses contrast agents based on gadolinium salts. Such substances perfectly interact with electromagnetic waves and help the tomograph to detect even the most minor lesions. Latest scientific research confirmed that

MRI with contrast safe procedure for humans, since gadolinium salts do not have a negative effect on the body.

It should be noted that contrast agents are not tolerated by all people. If you are allergic to gadolinium salts, MRI with contrast will have to be abandoned. In other cases, there are no prohibitions on such diagnostics. Again, it is completely safe and harmless to any person.

Contraindications to diagnostics and its side effects

Like any other examination, magnetic resonance imaging has a number of contraindications. Conventionally, the prohibitions on the procedure are divided into two large groups:

  1. Absolute, in the presence of which MRI is always prohibited.
  2. Relative, determining the possibility of performing tomography with special assignments the doctors.

Absolute contraindications for MRI include:

  • the use by a person of a pacemaker or the Ilizarov apparatus, as they can fail under the influence of a tomograph
  • the presence in his body of large metal implants or ferromagnetic fragments, which significantly distort the results of tomography
  • previous operations accompanied by the installation of hemostatic metal clips inside the patient's skull

From the video you can find out if it is harmful to do an MRI:

Relative prohibitions for tomography are represented by the following list:

  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • some types of heart failure
  • use of an insulin pump by the subject
  • artificial heart valve, hemostatic clips and CNS stimulators installed in humans
  • too severe, insane condition of the patient
  • claustrophobia (when examined in tunnel apparatus)
  • Allergy to contrast agent (if using it)

In the presence of the factors noted above, the appropriateness of an MRI is determined by the attending specialist. As a rule, if the benefits of implementing the procedure cover the risks possible complications- Examination is required. In other situations, tomography is usually abandoned.

Ignoring contraindications or individual characteristics examined individuals may be marked by the appearance side effects from an MRI. Fortunately, the development of "side effects" from tomography - a rare event. The maximum that can happen after the procedure - allergic reaction for contrast (when used) or temporary headaches. No other side effects can be observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of MRI

At the end of today's article, let's pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic resonance imaging. Let's start with the benefits, which are much more:

  1. High information content, which is manifested in the possibility of high-quality diagnostics of many nodes of the body. For example, X-ray cannot boast of this.
  2. Higher image fidelity even in the absence of contrast.
  3. A small list of contraindications and side effects when compared with the same x-ray.
  4. Free examination, which takes place when contacting city clinics with a medical insurance policy.
  5. Complete diagnostic safety, which has already been mentioned above.

As for the shortcomings of the survey, it has only one - the duration of the procedure. On average, one tomography takes about 30-50 minutes. What if the study needs to be repeated? In general, in terms of time expenditure, MRI is not convenient. From all other aspects of consideration, the diagnosis is characterized exclusively on the positive side.

Perhaps, on this the most important provisions on the topic of today's article have come to an end. We hope that the presented material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Good luck and good luck with your research!

Magnetic resonance imaging is performed using modern apparatus- high-frequency tomograph. The equipment operates due to a constant magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation. Subsequently, a three-dimensional model of the organ under study is obtained, which is further analyzed.

MRI and magnetic fields

The basis of MRI research is the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. The essence of the phenomenon is the ability of the nuclei of some elements under the influence of magnetic waves to take on the energy of a radio frequency pulse.

The human body is 70% water or hydrogen protons, which act as small "magnets" randomly scattered in space when normal conditions. When hydrogen atoms are exposed to a magnetic field, they become ordered. Under the influence of radio frequency waves, the "magnets" begin to rotate around their axis. With the return of the latter to their previous state, they begin to emit radio waves, which are fixed by the equipment. The signal coming from healthy organs, differs from that emitted by areas affected by the disease.

The conclusion is obvious: the described diagnostic method is most effective in the case of examining organs that are mostly composed of water - the brain and spinal cord, ligamentous apparatus, muscles, etc.

The impact of diagnostics on the body

The power index of the magnets used in modern equipment is 0.2-9.0 T (Tesla). The radiation intensity is adjusted depending on the need to obtain high-quality images of a particular area.

In the course of experimental work carried out to study the effect of electromagnetic waves and radio emission on the body, the limit of permissible tension was determined - 4 T. If this indicator is exceeded, inhibition of nerve conduction is observed.

A certain role is played by the time spent by the patient under the action of constant electromagnetic waves. How long does an MRI usually take? Traditionally, the procedure takes 30-60 minutes. The connection between the processes is as follows: when the patient is under the influence of a magnetic field, the ECG amplitude increases, which is directly proportional to the increase in the power of electromagnetic waves.

However, the research work proved the absence of significant changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular vascular system even with amplitude changes.

The interaction of radio frequency waves with biological tissues leads to an increase in temperature. However, according to research, under such conditions, the heating index does not exceed 1˚.

The experimental way did not demonstrate the adverse effect of diagnostics on the human body. Despite this, there is a need to correctly increase the tension indicator during the study.

Permissible frequency of the procedure

How often should an adult have an MRI? Since MR imaging is classified as a harmless procedure, diagnostics can be performed as often as is justified in this clinical case. However, before undergoing an MRI again (for the second or even third time), a specialist consultation is necessary.

Differences between x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging

The optimal number of consecutive procedures is what helps specialists to get reliable information on changes in the patient's condition. However, even when diagnosing severe pathologies An MRI study is rarely used with a frequency of less than 1 time in 7 days.

The table below shows the frequency options for MRI diagnostics of the occipital part of the head, taking into account the diagnosed disease:

Type of diseaseRecommendations for MRI diagnostics of the brain
Dyscirculatory encephalopathy (dizziness due to vascular problems)1 procedure in 4-5 years (in the absence of critical changes)
Hydrocephalus1 procedure in 4-5 years (for non-acute disease). In case of exacerbation of the disease, the frequency is determined by a specialist
StrokeIn the case of ischemic stroke, an examination is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Further, the 1st MRI at 4-5 years is enough to prevent relapse. At internal bleeding it may be necessary to control the dynamics of the state to prevent the resumption of the pathological process
Multiple sclerosis1-2 procedures per year (depending on the rate of development of the disease and the severity of symptoms)
Alzheimer's diseaseMRI is required 1 time to confirm the suspected diagnosis
Neoplasms in the brainMaximum 4 times during the first 12 months. Then every 6-12 months provided there is no tumor progression
Monitoring the patient's condition after the operation3-4 treatments in the first year. Then once every 12-18 months

How often can I have contrast screening done?

To obtain a detailed diagnostic picture in a number of clinical cases MRI uses a contrast agent containing gadolinium salts. More often, this method is used in the diagnosis of the vascular system of the head.

Since the substances used are non-toxic and safe for the patient's health, there are no restrictions on the frequency of diagnostics for an adult, as in the case of traditional MRI.

In some patients, individual intolerance to the contrast is manifested. Under such circumstances, only conventional MRI diagnostics is indicated.

Frequency of MRI in pregnant women

Patients who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, magnetic resonance imaging is not performed. The adverse effect of magnetic waves on human body has not been identified, but their impact on the child has not been fully studied.

Dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus can be tomography using a contrast agent. This is due to the ability of the contrast to bypass the placental barrier and have an adverse effect on the development of the child.

However, the doctor may prescribe an MRI examination of a pregnant woman, regardless of the period of gestation. Such a decision is made in case of a threat to the life of the patient. The frequency of diagnosis depends on the circumstances.

MRI diagnostics for children

Magnetic resonance imaging is performed on children of any age category. In the case of diagnosing infants and children under 7 years of age, anesthesia is used to ensure the immobility of the patient. Older children are being prepared for the procedure: they are asked to remain motionless in the capsule, not to be afraid of noise, they are offered to use earplugs.

MRI for children, and especially twice in a row, is extremely rare due to the inconvenience of diagnosing small children and the heavy burden on the child's body when using anesthesia.

MRI ( open type device)

List of contraindications

In some cases, the frequency of MRI is determined by the proposed diagnosis and the presence of restrictions. Presence absolute contraindications to the diagnosis becomes a reason to search for an alternative technique. These restrictions include:

When it comes to relative contraindications, the restriction on the next diagnosis is not so strict: if the recommendations are followed and it is impossible to conduct alternative procedure the appointment of repeated magnetic tomography is not excluded.

In sheet relative contraindications conditions of patients that require correction of the power of the equipment used or stabilization of the patient's condition, for example:

  • fear of closed space, inadequacy of a person (MRI is not contraindicated only with the use of sedatives);
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • prosthetic heart valve.

Titanium dental implants are not among the contraindications for MRI diagnostics of organs.

Having become acquainted with the principles of operation of the tomograph and its effect on the body during MRI diagnostics, we can conclude: the probability of manifestation of adverse reactions of the body is equated to zero. However, taking into account the relative novelty of the technique, it is required to conduct an examination taking into account general requirements regulating the frequency of diagnostics, taking into account the pathologies developing in the patient. The acute question of the expediency of carrying out diagnostic study stands in the case of pregnant women and children.


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