New hypertensive drugs. List of effective drugs for hypertension of the new generation.

Arterial hypertension is a serious enemy. And the fight against the disease should be systematic. Proper Diet nutrition, reasonable physical exercise, weight control, a calm and friendly atmosphere around - these are the necessary components, without which even the most expensive medicines may turn out to be ineffective.

Drug treatment of hypertension is a huge branch of pharmacological science. Research and discoveries in this area are ongoing. The list of drugs that can lower blood pressure is constantly updated and supplemented. But it would be wrong to acquaint you with new products antihypertensive drugs without indication pharmacological groups to which they belong. We will consider new generation pressure drugs in accordance with the official classification. So, let's begin…

Renin inhibitors

Among direct renin inhibitors for permanent use in last years appoint alskiren and cardosal.

Aliskiren (aka Rasilez) is one of the new generation of pressure drugs. Correct Dosages this drug helped maintain normal blood pressure throughout the day and even in the morning

Aliskiren (Rasilez) showed in clinical studies nice results. AT daily dose 75 mg of the drug lowered blood pressure to the expected level in 52% of patients, when the dose was increased to 300 mg per day, the effect was observed in 64% of the subjects. Moreover, the given dosages helped to maintain normal performance BP not only during the day, but also during morning time, which is undoubtedly a significant advantage of alskiren. If we draw an analogy with the usual ACE inhibitors, the dosages of direct renin inhibitors are used smaller. The drug is well tolerated by patients, without causing glossitis and dry cough, characteristic of ACE inhibitors.

The cost of the drug in Russia ranges from 1700 to 2500 rubles, in Ukraine - 1070 - 1300 hryvnia.

In some patients with severe course hypertension, the desired hypotensive result is achieved with the simultaneous use of alskiren and diuretics.

Glossitis - inflammatory process, which develops due to trauma to the tongue or infection with pathogenic microorganisms

ARA - angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists

Among the drugs in this group, the most famous drug new generation - Olmesartan (Cardosal).

Requires a single dose in 24 hours at a dosage of 20 or 40 mg. The main advantages of the drug are:

  • Persistent reduction in blood pressure with a systematic intake.
  • Absence of "withdrawal syndrome".
  • Low percentage of unwanted side effects.

Compared to alskiren, the maximum therapeutic effect which in patients was observed after 12 weeks from the start of administration, Cardosal has the maximum hypotensive action faster - after 8 weeks.

New generation diuretics

Trifas is another drug on our list of new generation pressure drugs. Diuretic. Provides an excellent hypotensive result in the elderly and in patients with diabetes mellitus

The most popular representative of this group is Trifas (torasemide). Unlike classical diuretic drugs, the drug does not require periodic administration, it can be prescribed for daily use. The drug provides an excellent hypotensive result in patients with diabetes mellitus, the elderly, which distinguishes it from its predecessors.

Known similar drugs- indapamide, indapafon, diuver.

When prescribing diuretics, the doctor always faces a choice from many pharmacological groups. And diuretics have a lot of them.

Important! use diuretics without medical prescription Absolutely forbidden.

ACE inhibitors

Do not think that science is stepping on the heels of your beloved enalapril and lisinopril. This is not true. The new-generation ACE inhibitor fosinopril is conditionally isolated, but such a release of the drug is very conditional.

In terms of the strength of the desired effect, lisinopril, ramipril and enalapril are hard to outdo even new drugs. Invented over 30 years ago, they are excellently used in patients with the most different types chronic hypertension.


Yes, side effects also matter, but enalapril does not lose popularity among representatives. A significant advantage is the more than affordable cost of the drug. And a good stable level of blood pressure when taken systematically.

New generation beta and alpha blockers

The group is represented the following drugs 3 generations:

  • Labetalol
  • Carvedilol
  • Nebivolol

Used for complex treatment arterial hypertension. Unlike their predecessors (anaprilin), they have a good vasodilating effect. Reduce heart rate, which is especially important for patients with severe tachycardia. However, like their predecessors, they have a vivid “withdrawal syndrome”.

Calcium channel blockers

Of the representatives of the 3rd generation, the most famous drug is amlodipine, well known to many hypertensive patients. In combination with lisinopril, a combined drug is used - Equator, which has a long-term hypotensive effect.

Blockers calcium channels can be used both independently and in complex therapy AG. They have a list of contraindications.

New drugs - old traditions

In conclusion, I would like to remind the esteemed hypertensive patients that absolutely any drug, whether it is the 1st generation itself or the fashionable third - requires mandatory medical prescription and control!

You will not be able to take into account all the nuances of your own state of health the way a doctor does. And selection antihypertensive treatment it is better to carry out in a hospital where it will be carried out full examination and observation.

Hypertension is not completely curable, so we suggest studying the list of drugs that hypertensive patients will have to face.

List of drugs

The most popular drugs, the list of which is given below, are prescribed regardless of the stage of the disease. When taking them, you should carefully control the dosage recommended by your doctor. Many antihypertensive pills are addictive, so over time they need to be replaced with other drugs. Doctors are familiar with such features of the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Common list of blood pressure medications:

  • angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors;
  • calcium blockers;
  • Diuretics;
  • Beta blockers.

In addition to using pharmaceuticals, for hypertension symptomatic treatment, including the prevention of secondary diseases: diabetes mellitus, retinopathy, coronary heart disease, disorders cerebral blood supply, nephropathy.

The use of each drug from the above groups is not devoid of side effects, so you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition. For example, using ACE inhibitors(ACE inhibitor) leads to an increase in creatinine and magnesium in the blood. Diuretics are able to remove useful trace elements - potassium, magnesium, calcium.

An additional danger is symptomatic therapy. Often used in hypertension vasodilators(vasodilators):

  • Ganglioblockers;
  • Clonidine.

These drugs for hypertension effectively dilate peripheral vessels, but lead to negative changes in brain cells. It is necessary to control their dose and frequency of administration.

Diuretics are considered the first line of treatment for hypertension. This list drugs has a large list of representatives with different mechanisms of action, so if any drug is ineffective, the doctor can easily replace it with another analogue.

In some cases, diuretic therapy may be replaced by the use of ACE inhibitors. These medicines are helpful in relieving high blood pressure. diabetes.

List of medicines for high blood pressure

To show impossibility and low efficiency self-treatment hypertension, here is a list of drugs that can be used at home, but only according to the recommendations of the therapist:

  • bisoprolol;
  • Adelfan;
  • Veroshpiron;
  • Amlodipine;
  • Validol;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Afobazole;
  • Diroton;
  • Anaprilin;
  • Kapoten;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Lisinopril;
  • Indapamide;
  • Capropril;
  • Concor;
  • Kapoten;
  • Lorista;
  • Corvalol;
  • Lozap;
  • Furosemide;
  • metoprolol;
  • Nitrosorbide;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Enap;
  • Prestarium;
  • Egilok;
  • Papazol.

This list of medicines high pressure contains representatives different groups. In the treatment of hypertension, they are used in combinations, which allows you to optimally control vascular tone and prevent a hypertensive crisis (a sharp and strong increase in pressure).

ACE inhibitors are recommended when hypertension is combined with diabetes mellitus. They are taken 30 minutes before meals, and the duration and frequency are selected individually by the therapist. The danger with taking these pills is that they cause an increase in potassium levels in the body. This microelement elevated concentrations leads to disruption of the heart and convulsive muscle contractions. From ACE inhibitors, a good antihypertensive effect is observed, you just need to take them in small proportions.

Clinical researches have shown that they can prevent heart failure when used long-term at low doses.

The mechanism of the antihypertensive action of ACE inhibitors is to block the formation of renal tissue angiotensin, a substance that constricts blood vessels. Chemical compound synthesized from renin by angiotensin-converting enzyme. If it is blocked, then angiotensin is not formed. This effect leads to vasodilation.

List of popular drugs:

  • Enam;
  • Kapoten;
  • Lotensil;
  • Univask;
  • Monopril;
  • Aseon;
  • Altheis;
  • blamed;
  • Mavik.

When using these drugs for hypertension, the following effects occur:

  1. Sore throat;
  2. redness of the skin;
  3. swelling of the face;
  4. Weakness and dizziness;
  5. Metallic taste in the mouth;
  6. Increased heart rate;
  7. Increased potassium in the blood;
  8. Pain in the kidneys.


Diuretics are considered first line drugs. At the congress on hypertension, held in Italy (Milan) in 2007, the following combinations of these drugs were recommended:

  • Thiazide diuretic (TD) and calcium antagonist;
  • ACE inhibitor and TD;
  • ACE inhibitor and calcium antagonist;
  • Angiotensin and TD receptor blockers;
  • Thiazide diuretic and calcium antagonist;
  • Calcium antagonist and beta blocker.

According to the recommendations of specialists, it is clearly seen that calcium antagonists and thiazide diuretics are most often prescribed for high blood pressure. It should be borne in mind that the use of these drugs in high dosages is undesirable, since they “wash out” minerals from the blood.

List of diuretics and their dosage for arterial hypertension (hypertension):

  • Hydrochlorothiazide - in a daily dose of up to 100 mg;
  • Indapamide-retard - 1.5 mg;
  • Amlodipine - daily dosage 5 mg.

Unfortunately, hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of more than 100 mg can provoke sudden death, and in low doses (50-70 mg) does not protect against heart failure. When using thiazide diuretics, purine, carbohydrate and fat metabolism is disturbed.

  1. Gout;
  2. metabolic syndrome;
  3. Decreased glucose uptake (tolerance);
  4. Pregnancy.

Obviously, diuretics are not a panacea for hypertension, so they are combined with other antihypertensive drugs.

Diuretics for hypertension

Diuretics (diuretics) for hypertension are classified into 3 groups:

  1. Thiazide;
  2. Loop;
  3. Potassium-sparing.

Diuretics are called diuretics due to the fact that they remove water from the body, therefore lowering blood pressure. Decreased blood volume reduces the workload on the heart, which reduces the risk of heart failure.

Diuretics are used in the treatment of other diseases of the cardiovascular system, but trace elements are excreted in the urine.

What causes the loss of potassium and calcium when using diuretics:

  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Increased urination;
  • Dizziness;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • confusion;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Vomit;
  • Skin rash;
  • Anxiety;
  • Dehydration.

List of thiazide diuretics:

  1. Ezidrex;
  2. Hydrochlorothiazide;
  3. Chlortalidone.

The toxicity of these drugs is moderate, but within a short time they quickly bring down the pressure.

List of loop diuretics:

  1. Ethacrynic acid;
  2. pyretanide;
  3. Lasix.

When taking medications, there is a loss of magnesium, sodium and potassium. The effect comes quickly, so it is rational to take these tablets even with a hypertensive crisis.

Potassium-sparing diuretics increase the concentration of potassium in the blood, which is dangerous for muscle cramps.

List of potassium-sparing diuretics:

  1. Amiloride;
  2. Triamterene.

The most common regimen for the use of thiazide diuretics is their combination with ACE inhibitors. Clinical studies have shown that this combination is the most favorable in hypertensive patients. The combination of indapamide with perindole has proved to be quite good. Both drugs have a nephroprotective effect, so when using them, kidney failure.

Drugs for the treatment of hypertension

ACE inhibitors are excellent medicine for hypertension. They do not affect cardiac output and glomerular filtration in the kidneys, but at the same time effectively reduce blood pressure.

Unlike diuretics, these antihypertensive drugs do not cause metabolic disorders. They protect the kidneys, heart and blood vessels from damage, therefore it is recommended long-term use drugs on the background increased tone vessels.

They can be used both as part of mono and with combination therapy hypertension. Special indications to the use of funds is renal failure, metabolic syndrome, proteinuria.

Contraindications to the appointment of drugs are: angioedema, hyperkalemia and pregnancy.

There are complications when using these drugs: there is hepatotoxicity (liver damage), neutropenia (a decrease in blood neutrophils), an increase in potassium, creatinine and urea. These side effects are rare, but they do exist.

Obviously, therapy with these drugs requires monitoring of kidney function, blood status and potassium levels.

List of popular angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors:

  • Ramipril;
  • Lisinopril;
  • Fosinopril;
  • Enalapril;
  • Captopril.

Bra is a new class of drugs with organoprotective properties and hypotensive effect. This class of drugs, unlike other ACE blockers, does not cause cough, therefore it has advantages over other members of the group.

In practice, there is experience in the use of drugs:

  • Candesartan;
  • Irbesartan;
  • Losartan.

Medicines showed high efficiency even in patients with a complicated form of the disease.

Negative effect when using Sconce:

  1. Depression;
  2. atrioventricular block;
  3. bradycardia;
  4. Insomnia;
  5. Fast fatiguability;
  6. Bronchospasm;
  7. Violation of potency;
  8. hyperglycemia;
  9. Memory deterioration.

Contraindications to the use of funds are conduction disorders, diabetes mellitus, depression, arterial hypertension.

A special indication for the use of these drugs is hypersympathicotonia (increased tone of the sympathetic system), tachyarrhythmia (acceleration of the heart rate), increased type of blood circulation (hyperkinetic).

Angiotensin receptor blockers

Angiotensin receptor blockers cause a "soft" effect, which increases gradually. The maximum effect of the drug will be observed in a few weeks. The mechanism of action of angiotensin 2 blockers in hypertension is to disrupt the conversion of renin to angiotensin (a substance that constricts blood vessels). The point of application of these funds are the vessels (unlike angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers). The drugs bind to receptors and disrupt the biochemical mechanisms of angiotensin production.

Side effects of angiotensin 2 blockers:

List of common angiotensin 2 blockers:

  1. Atakand;
  2. Avapro;
  3. Diovan;
  4. Kozaar.

These drugs should be combined with other groups, such as thiazide diuretics.

Hypertension medications: calcium receptor blockers

Calcium channel blockers are common drugs used for high blood pressure. The dose, duration of the course and the frequency of taking these drugs are selected by the therapist after a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition.

List of popular calcium channel blockers:

  1. Verapamil;
  2. Dihydropyridines;
  3. Diltiazem.

The effectiveness of calcium channel blockers lies in the fact that they inhibit the penetration of calcium, which has the ability to reduce muscle tissue. With an excess of this element in the blood, a narrowing of the peripheral vessels occurs.

Side effects when using calcium blockers:

  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • dry mouth;
  • swelling;
  • Rash on the skin;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • Increased fatigue.

Vasodilator drugs

The effectiveness of beta-blockers lies in the fact that they block beta-adrenergic receptors. Under the influence of drugs, the effects of norepinephrine and adrenaline are reduced, which causes the expansion of the vascular wall.

Effective pills for hypertension: beta-blockers

Beta blockers - effective pills from high pressure. Their use should be regulated by a doctor. Before prescribing these drugs, the doctor should find out if the patient has the following conditions:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. bradycardia;
  3. Arrhythmia;
  4. Emphysema;
  5. Asthma.

Beta blockers should be taken with or after food. Nutrients can lower blood pressure, but at the same time cause serious side effects. When taking these tablets, you need to monitor the pulse rate.

List of popular beta blockers:

  • Timolol;
  • propranolol;
  • Nadolol;
  • Anaprilin;
  • metoprolol;
  • Labetalol;
  • bisoprolol;
  • Betaxolol;
  • Atenolol;
  • Acetutolol.

Side effects of beta blockers:

  • Weakening of the heartbeat;
  • Violations of potency and sexual desire;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Cold feet and hands;
  • Depression;
  • Difficulties in breathing.

Before using beta-blockers, the presence of certain diseases should be excluded:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Cold;
  3. Instability of the heart rhythm.

Vasodilator drugs for hypertension: a review of properties

Vasodilator drugs for hypertension are not the preferred option for high blood pressure. Vasodilators are prescribed in combination with other antihypertensive drugs.

Against the background of the use of vasodilator tablets for hypertension, most people experience side effects:

  • Increased heart rate;
  • The emergence of an asynchronous rhythm;
  • The occurrence of edema of the lower extremities.

Overview of popular vasodilators

Dibazol - good pills from hypertension. They dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the brain. The drug can relax skeletal muscles even when other analogues are not effective.

Minoxidil is used in the treatment of . Relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessels.

Hydralazine provokes kidney damage, so these vasoconstrictor tablets for hypertension should be taken with caution.

No-shpa is a common vasodilator that simultaneously relaxes intestinal motility, but does not affect nervous system.

Papaverine is an antispasmodic with a hypotensive effect. It reduces tone smooth muscle respiratory, reproductive and urinary tract.

Using vasoconstrictor drugs long time habit is formed. Their effectiveness decreases after a week of regular use.

There are many medicines for high blood pressure. In moderate, severe and complicated forms of hypertension, they should be used in combination. This is the only way to guarantee a long-term and stable maintenance of the pressure level.

Hypertension is a disorder in which the patient's blood pressure rises, causing a serious deterioration in well-being, and there are a number of other unpleasant problems. It is relevant for both men and women, both for age people as well as for youth. To deal with this kind of troubles, a wide variety of methods are used. But the most popular remains drug treatment, at which the maximum best effect.

Recently, medicine has been striding forward by leaps and bounds, so almost every month there are new drugs that can lower blood pressure. Pills and solutions for hypertension of the new generation are devoid of the disadvantages and side effects that older medications had. Therefore, they are the most popular today. Today we will talk about the achievements of medicine in this direction.


Aliskiren is also known by trade name Rasilez. Considered one of the most modern medicines belonging to the category of renin inhibitors. With an adequate dosage, it helps to restore and maintain blood pressure throughout the day. Moreover, even in the morning, patients did not feel any health problems.

During clinical testing, Aliskiren was noted for excellent results. The minimum dosage in the studies was 75 mg.

In this amount, the drug helped more than 50% of the patients. When the dose was increased to 300 mg, the number of patients who got rid of high blood pressure increased to 65%.

The undoubted advantage of Aliskiren is the possibility of normalizing blood pressure not only at the time of the day, but even in the morning. Older analogues of renin inhibitors are ACE inhibitors. The obvious advantage of the new generation drug is that in order to obtain desired effect need a lower dose. At the same time, Aliskiren does not cause side effects in the form of glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) or dry cough.

This medical product can be purchased at pharmacies in the Russian Federation at a price of 1,700 to 2,500 rubles per pack.

If the patient has a severe form of hypertension, it is just right to use a combination of Aliskiren with drugs of the diuretic group to lower the pressure.

Cardosal is medical preparation latest generation belonging to the group of angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists (ARA). To obtain the desired effect, only one dose of medication per day is enough. The approximate dosage ranges from 20 mg to 40 mg. A number of benefits of Cardosal have been noted in clinical testing. In particular:

  1. Sustained hypotensive effect with constant intake at the indicated dosage.
  2. No "cancellation".
  3. Minimal manifestation of any side effects of the drug.

If we compare this drug with Aliskiren, one obvious advantage can be distinguished here - the duration of administration until the desired effect occurs. Yes, to downgrade blood pressure continuous reception of Cardosal for 2 months is necessary. As for Aliskiren, it will take at least 3 months.

The latest diuretics

Among the latest generation of diuretics include a drug such as Trifas. Its use is indicated for people of advanced age who have any restrictions on taking drugs from other groups. In addition, Trifas should be used for patients suffering from diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

As for the advantages of Trifas, these include the absence of the need permanent reception. Diuretic drugs of previous generations had to be taken regularly, several times a day. This medication can be used for a single morning dose, providing a long-term and high-quality effect. It is Trifas that is most often prescribed for elderly patients. Also, the group of diuretic drugs of the latest generation includes:

  • Indapamide;
  • Indapafon;
  • Diuver.

It is important to know that before prescribing diuretics, the specialist selects them from a number of different pharmacological groups, and there are great amount. Therefore, it is not allowed to use any medicines of this kind without permission. Be sure to contact a specialist who will choose the most suitable option for you.

ACE inhibitors

As for this group of drugs, the old generation drugs hold strong positions here. First of all, they include:

  • Lisinopril;
  • Ramipril;
  • Enalapril.

There are enough shortcomings in medicines of the past generation. Primarily, we are talking about side effects that occur quite often. However, in terms of effectiveness, it is difficult to compare even with the medicines of modern medicine. Specialists conditionally allocate a "fresh" medication, called Fosinopril. However, we repeat, its selection from the group of these drugs is very conditional. Therefore, the patient remains to use the means, known to medicine for over three decades. Alas, they have enough disadvantages, but the low cost and excellent effect leave them in the lead.

Modern β-blockers and α-blockers

The drugs in these categories include:

  • Carvedilol;
  • Nebivolol.

All of these drugs are used for the complex fight against hypertension. Among the advantages of these medicines, an improved effect of vasodilatation is distinguished, in which they are significantly superior to the leader of the previous generation - Anaprilin. In addition, these medications are best suited for people suffering from tachycardia attacks, because they allow you to normalize the heart rate. The main drawback of the drugs under consideration is the “withdrawal” syndrome, which has not yet been overcome even with the most modern means.

Modern calcium channel blockers

Considering the latest generation of calcium channel blockers, special attention deserves amlodipine. In addition, in combination with ACE inhibitors, a medication called "Equator" can also be prescribed. During therapy with the use of these funds, a long-term decrease in blood pressure is noted. However, calcium channel blockers can also be used separately, without the use of additional funds. However, unfortunately, the list of contraindications remains quite extensive.

Medicines of the latest generation do not cancel important rules!

Remember, even if you buy cutting-edge medicines, you cannot use them uncontrollably! The appointment of any drugs against hypertension is within the competence of a cardiologist. Therefore, be sure to visit a specialist before purchasing any medication. Any medications are prescribed based on complex diagnostics so don't avoid inpatient treatment. It will help you choose the best suitable therapy against hypertension.

In addition, there are a number of rules for taking drugs to lower blood pressure. Remember them:

  1. Unauthorized intake of medications against hypertension (and against any other diseases) is strictly prohibited! Be sure to contact a professional.
  2. Reception medical device over the recommended dose will not improve the effect, but may cause side effects. In no case do not deviate from the recommendation of a cardiologist about the drug.
  3. Avoid advice from other people and do not advise anything yourself. If one person is helped by one medication, then for another it may be ineffective. Moreover, if there are contraindications, it can cause a number of health problems, so do not take anyone's advice.
  4. Self-cancellation of drugs is strictly prohibited. If you are prescribed full course treatment, it must be completed, regardless of your current condition. If you feel better, notify your cardiologist, who will tell you what to do next.
  5. Even the most modern and super-expensive drugs do not guarantee a 100% effect. Therefore, chasing the latest achievements of medicine is not at all necessary. If a specialist recommends an old generation drug, purchase it. You may even get a better effect than with the latest generation of medicines.
  6. Be vigilant and listen to your body. At the first sign of problems, be sure to visit a doctor who will help you choose effective medicine in your case. Get a routine check-up to help identify any health problems before they occur.

One of the most actual problems Today, for many people is hypertension. Fortunately, spikes in blood pressure (BP) can be eliminated with the help of folk recipes and a number of drugs. In addition, some people have completely adapted to live normally with manifestations of high pressure, without even noticing abrupt change HELL.

But, as it turned out, stopping the episode is not enough. The whole problem of hypertension lies in the consequences. After all sharp rise Blood pressure affects the performance of the heart, kidneys, acting as targets.

Therefore, ignoring attacks of high pressure or eliminating an attack without a subsequent course of therapy can even lead to a pathological lesion. eye retina. Based on the danger posed by arterial hypertension, it is necessary to pay attention to therapy that prevents rises in blood pressure and hypertensive crises. Thus, it is possible to protect target organs from pathological damage due to complications of arterial hypertension.

But, before you buy everything in a row medicines that prevent the consequences of high blood pressure, you should conduct a detailed diagnosis in a specialized medical institution, and then decide on drugs that do not have side effects.

First of all, attention is drawn to the BP indicator. Pathological indicators include indicators exceeding 140 by 90. Until recently, it was believed that for representatives of different age categories are the norm different indicators HELL. But, now doctors have come to the unanimous conclusion that a patient with a pressure of 140 to 90 requires therapy. But it is not always necessary to resort to medication.

For example, in the absence of manifestations coronary disease, but at the same time, persistent high blood pressure, it will be enough to reconsider the usual way of life. In this case, normalization of the power supply, including special diet, psychotherapy and lowering blood pressure through massage and meditation. This technique will be effective if the upper threshold of blood pressure does not exceed 160 to 90 and the patient does not have concomitant ailments.

Note! A patient with hypertension should monitor their weight. After all overweight will only exacerbate clinical picture.

The second concern is the desired BP after therapy and the value to be maintained for a long period. For example, a category of people under the age of 55-60 with complications of hypertension, kidney ailments or diabetes, should keep indicators no more than 130 to 85.

What aggravates the clinical picture in high blood pressure?

Risk factorsAdditional factors that worsen the clinical pictureFactors that increase the risk of deathMaximum fatal risk when these factors are present
SmokingmicroalbuminuriaIf the patient has had a strokeObesity
Age indicators (the risk of developing the disease increases for men after 55 years, and for women 10 years older)Excess weightHave kidney failureElevated blood sugar
Cholesterol indicators (if over 6.5 mol / l.)Lack of sports activities, inactivityPathological lesions of the retinal vesselsHigh levels of bad cholesterol
When the patient is diabeticWhen lipoproteins high density significantly reduced than lowVascular (peripheral) damageArterial hypertension
hereditary factorInfluence of the external environment (incidence rates are increasing among residents of industrial megacities)brain ischemia. Nephropathy diabetic. Myocardial infarction. Ischemic diseaseArterial hypertension

There are several categories of patients with hypertension. The former ignore the danger of AD risks and try to live within the limits of their health endurance. Thus, considering that if the disease does not cause significant discomfort, then you can get by with pills that block blood pressure jumps. The second patients, on the contrary, overestimate the risk and try to heal the disease with all the drugs that come to hand, not paying attention to side effects, but ignore going to the doctor.

Video - Hypertension: how to protect yourself

How to treat hypertension?

If the patient observes regular jumps in blood pressure up to high performance he needs to see a doctor first. Since all drugs are aimed at normalizing the patient's condition and lowering the blood pressure, but in parallel they can have side effects.

It is advisable to consider the main drugs:

  1. Beta blockers. It's special medications to reduce pressure by lowering the heart rate. But, their reverse side in the form of side effects is weakness, skin rashes, excessive slowing of the pulse.
  2. ACE inhibitors. The body can produce a large number of a hormone that negatively affects blood vessels, narrowing them. This group drugs are aimed at lowering the amount of hormone produced. As a result, blood pressure drops when blood vessels dilate. Negative consequences inhibitors can appear as allergic reactions or a sudden cough.
  3. Diuretics. This is a group of diuretic drugs. They are taken in order to quickly lower blood pressure by removing fluid from the body. But, taking these drugs can adversely affect the functioning of the heart, lead to dizziness, seizures and nausea.
  4. calcium antagonists. The main purpose of such funds is to have a relaxing effect on the vessels, as a result of which blood pressure decreases. Side effects after taking such drugs are manifested in the form of hot flashes, heart palpitations, and sometimes even dizziness.
  5. Angiotensin antagonists. High blood pressure may be due to the effect on the vessels of angiotensin 2, and the drugs of this group block this action. But the result can be dizziness, accompanied by nausea.

That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe them effective therapy for the treatment of hypertension.

Are there safe drugs?

When high blood pressure interferes with normal life, the question arises how to find the safest medicines without side effects. Unfortunately, science has not given such drugs. It is extremely difficult to develop generic drug, which would be suitable for every patient, but at the same time had no side effects. But still, new generation drugs have significant advantages over outdated drugs for the treatment of hypertension, they are as follows:

  1. Minimization of side effects. Absolutely safe drugs for every patient do not exist, but new developments select components in such a way that they do not cause negative reactions organism.
  2. Long acting drugs. Therefore, the dosage of the drug is reduced and thus the risk of side effects is minimized.
  3. Modern technologies provide more effective drugs for the treatment of hypertension.
  4. Complex preparations have been developed. The risk of side effects is so low that the drug can be considered absolutely safe.

This is dangerous! Ignoring the treatment of hypertension is strictly prohibited, since almost 50% of deaths from stroke are the result of hypertension. Therefore, you should not be frivolous about therapy and examination by a specialist.

Drugs with minimal side effects

Minimal Risk side effect when high blood pressure is eliminated, it will be if you take complex drugs. The main representative is Lisinopril- This is a drug of the ACE inhibitor group, but already the third generation. It contains a diuretic, as a result, the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly.

  1. Shows top scores in the treatment of the elderly.
  2. Approved for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.
  3. Minimizes the risk of complications.
  4. Lowers blood pressure quickly.

Physiotens is the second effective and at the same time safe drug for the treatment of hypertension. If we talk about the manifestations of side effects after taking this drug, then they are insignificant and are expressed in the form of dry mouth, mild weakness and drowsiness. Patients do not note other uncomfortable conditions.

Physiotens is a safe drug for the treatment of hypertension

Note! These drugs have minimal manifestations side effects that are truly safe medicines. And most importantly, they do not have a detrimental effect on respiratory system and do not call chronic cough. Therefore, drugs are allowed for patients suffering from bronchial asthma.

Do not forget that Physiotens can be taken by diabetic patients, since the drug significantly increases insulin sensitivity.

No less effective hypertensive drugs can be considered Moxonidine and Rilmenidine are representatives of selective imidazoline receptor agonists. They do an excellent job with high blood pressure, while they do not cause side effects at all and have practically no contraindications.

Among the blockers of the new generation, it is necessary to highlight the leaders - Nebivolol, Labetalol, Carvedilol. it excellent facilities for the treatment of hypertension, which rarely cause side effects, but at the same time prevent dire consequences high BP.

Fast-acting drugs

Medicines fast action used to block an attack of hypertension. They are also used as preventive measure hypertensive crisis. After taking these pills, blood pressure decreases instantly, and the pulse returns to normal.

List of the most effective fast-acting drugs with minimal risk of side effects

Name of the drugImageActive substanceImpact on the bodyDosages and duration of administration
Andipal Metamizole sodiumThe main impact is on cardiovascular system. Additionally, it is able to relieve spasms with severe headaches that occur against the background of high blood pressure.The duration of treatment is one week. It is recommended to take one or two tablets, but in some cases the specialist may increase the dosage.
Raunatin Derived plants RauwolfiaThe main effect occurs on the nervous system. Contraindications of the drug are solely in individual intoleranceThe duration of admission is one month. On the first day, you need to take only one tablet, and the next - increase the dosage to five tablets. In this case, the best effect of treatment is achieved if the drug is taken before bedtime.
Reserpine ReserpineRefers to the most important drugs for the treatment of hypertension of varying severityAllowed to take maximum dose 0.5 mg. Upon the normalization of the patient's condition, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 0.1 mg.
Captopril CaptoprilRecommended for concomitant cardiac ailments, in particular left ventricular dysfunctionInitially, the doctor prescribes a dose of 50 mg, which is taken in two approaches - in the morning and in the evening. At severe case dosage may be increased. Throughout the time of taking the drug. The doctor monitors the state of hypertension and, if positive changes are noted, then Captopril therapy continues for a month
Losartan Losartan potassiumThe main action is to lower blood pressure and prevent the development of heart disease, in particular myocardial infarction.It is taken in a dosage of not more than 50 mg. within one month. If necessary, therapy is extended

Attention! If the patient takes Andipal, then Papaverine and Dibazol are prohibited in parallel. Since such drug combination only aggravates the patient's condition.

Medicines for the elderly

In the first place are drugs to eliminate high blood pressure:

When the patient feels a significant increase in pressure, it is urgent to call a medical team, and, first, provide the following assistance:

Additionally, it should be noted that pharmacies have outdated drugs that can be recommended to lower blood pressure. One of these is Validol, a drug used for pain in the heart muscle. Also Moxonidine and Clonidine- they were widely used several years ago to quickly reduce the manifestations of hypertension. But today, doctors do not advise resorting to the help of such outdated drugs.

Note! Very often, diuretics are used to treat high blood pressure, the most popular among them are Furosemide, Lasix, Ravel, Arifon.

It must be understood that when it comes to new generation drugs, they have significantly fewer side effects than previous generations of drugs. At the same time, during treatment with drugs with antihypertensive action, great importance has a properly selected course of therapy by a doctor, taking into account individual features hypertension and drug contraindications.

Comments: 3

Treatment of hypertension with the latest generation of drugs

Arterial hypertension, or hypertension (AH), is a syndrome, the main manifestation of which is a steady increase in systolic blood pressure over 140 mm Hg. and / or diastolic - over 90 mm Hg. Properly selected medicine for hypertension can help to cope with the diagnosis even on initial stage development. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), every third person on the planet suffers from high blood pressure.

Principles of drug treatment

At mild stage diseases are considered to be the main non-drug methods of treatment ( healthy eating, moderate exercise, massage, physiotherapy, herbal treatment). Medications from hypertension are prescribed if after 3-4 months of the effect of non-drug methods treatment does not occur. To choose a remedy for the treatment of hypertension, which will help reduce blood pressure to normal, you need to consult a doctor. Only after a comprehensive examination of the patient and the establishment of the reasons for the increase in pressure, it is possible to correctly prescribe a drug to reduce it.

When taking medications for hypertension, it is necessary to follow the medication regimen

The main principles of medical antihypertensive therapy are:

  • stepping;
  • constancy;
  • complexity.


It is necessary to start treatment of hypertension with drugs for pressure with monodrugs, and if they are ineffective, combine several antihypertensive drugs. Initial dosages of drugs should be minimal and increased gradually.


To keep blood pressure indicators at a stable level, antihypertensive drugs must be taken constantly. Therefore, in case of hypertension, they are prescribed in convenient for independent daily intake. dosage forms: tablets, drops, capsules. Means against high blood pressure for parenteral administration(shots) quickly reduce pressure, so they are indicated to normalize blood pressure in a hypertensive crisis.

The treatment of hypertension should be approached comprehensively


Comprehensive treatment of hypertension involves simultaneous etiological (elimination of the cause), pathogenetic (influence on the mechanism of pressure increase) and symptomatic treatment. In order to reduce the load on the patient's detoxification organs (liver, intestines and kidneys), when prescribing medications, preference is given to combined preparations with hypertension.

Hypertension is often accompanied by headache

What determines the effectiveness of medicines?

There is no universal cure for hypertension. The selection of an effective medical preparation is influenced by:

  • reasons for the increase in pressure;
  • blood pressure indicators;
  • age and gender of the patient;
  • features of physiology (pregnancy, breastfeeding);
  • living and working conditions.

Hypertension is characterized by an abrupt change in blood pressure

The effectiveness of the prescribed agent is evaluated by the dynamics of physical examination data during treatment. The effectiveness of the drug is also indicated by the patient's own comments about his well-being. In the arsenal modern doctors There are many modern drugs, including the latest generation of drugs, which are designed to treat GB. But a new drug for hypertension does not always mean effective. The cost of the drug does not affect the effectiveness of treatment: often "old", cheap drugs help no worse than new generation drugs. The drug for high blood pressure should not only be effective, but also safe for the patient. Only a doctor knows how to choose a medicine that will be affordable, effective and as safe as possible for the patient.

What and how to treat a particular patient also depends on the presence of lesions of the "target organs" (heart, cerebral, renal and peripheral vessels, retina) and comorbidities(diabetes, hypothyroidism).

What are antihypertensive drugs?

Depending on the direction and mechanism of action, several types of drugs for hypertension are distinguished. Drugs used to treat hypertension can conditionally be divided into two large groups, which are presented below in the form of a list:

  • First line funds:
  1. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - ACE (Enalapril, Capropril, Lisinopril);
  2. diuretics - diuretics (Hydrochlorothiazide, Veroshpiron, Furosemide);
  3. angiotensin receptor inhibitors - sartans (Losartan, Valsartan, Eprosartan);
  4. beta-blockers (Atenolol, Anaprilin, Labetolol);
  5. calcium antagonists (Amlodipine, Diltiazem, Nifedipine).
  • Second line medicines, list:
  1. alpha 2 agonists central action(Methyldopa, Clonidine);
  2. alpha-blockers (Fentolamine, Tropafen, Pyrroxan);
  3. peripheral vasodilators - vasodilators (Pentoxifylline, Atropine, Molsidomin);
  4. rauwolfia alkaloids (Reserpine, Raunatin).
Control your pressure at any age, if jumps are observed, then you need to see a doctor

Hypertension drugs from this list are mono-drugs, that is, they contain only one active ingredient. Currently, complex drugs containing combinations of two to three drugs are considered the best for the treatment of hypertension. active ingredients, for example, Captopress (Captopril + Dihydrochlorothiazide) or Adelfan (Reserpine + Dihydralazine).

First line funds

They are considered the means of choice in the treatment of arterial hypertension, effectively normalizing blood pressure, so they are prescribed to almost all patients with GB.

modern medicine has a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of hypertension

ACE inhibitors indirectly block the formation of angiotensin II, which spasms blood vessels. With prolonged use of these funds, damage to the heart as a target organ is prevented. Diuretics stimulate urination, thereby reducing the volume of blood circulating in the vessels. Accordingly, with a decrease in the volume of blood in the vascular bed, the pressure on the walls of the vessels decreases. Sartans, compared with other groups of drugs, are relatively new drugs. If ACE inhibitors inhibit the formation of angiotensin II, then sartans block the receptors that it affects. Thus, they show a similar effect, but at the same time they are deprived of the side effects of ACE inhibitors - dry painful cough. Blockers of beta-adrenergic receptors bind to adrenaline beta receptors, preventing their activation. As a result, the strength and frequency of heart contractions decrease, which affects the level of blood pressure. These are typical heart drugs for hypertension: they are often prescribed for combination of hypertension with angina pectoris and tachyarrhythmia.

To determine the presence and degree of hypertension, regular measurement of blood pressure is used for several days in different time days - the so-called pressure profile

Second line medicines

Calcium antagonists do not allow calcium ions to penetrate into the smooth muscle cells of the vascular walls and prevent their contraction. With GB, the latest generation of calcium antagonists (Amlodipine) are considered the most effective.

Drugs of this group most often supplement the scheme of basic treatment of hypertension. They are also used as a basis in certain groups of patients, for example, in pregnant women. Alpha-2 agonists are antihypertensive agents of central selective action. They excite only alpha-2 receptors, which are located in the vasomotor center of the brain. Thus, without affecting the functions of other organs and systems, they have a mild hypotensive effect. They are the drugs of choice for hypertension in pregnant women.

Pregnant women with hypertension can be divided into 2 categories: those whose blood pressure was elevated before pregnancy and those whose blood pressure was elevated during pregnancy

Alpha-blockers bind to adrenaline alpha receptors, causing relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, while increasing the strength and frequency of heart contractions. In addition to the hypotensive effect, these drugs lower cholesterol levels, but do not affect blood glucose levels. Alpha-blockers complement the treatment regimens for patients with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus. Peripheral vasodilators for hypertension have the ability to relax vascular walls peripheral vessels, resulting in improved blood supply to peripheral tissues and organs. Rauwolfia alkaloids were the first drugs to be used for HD. They are not very effective in lowering blood pressure, while they have a large list of side effects (bronchospasm, drowsiness, depression, parkinsonism, increased cancer risk). However, rauwolfia remedies are still used in the treatment of hypertension today because they are cheap.

AT complex treatment GB, except for antihypertensive drugs, depending on the stage, course characteristics and concomitant diseases, includes other groups of drugs:

  • blood thinners (Aspirin, Warfarin);
  • improving cerebral circulation(Nootropil, Phezam);
  • hypoglycemic (Diaformin, Vitaxon, Insulin);
  • hormonal (Oral contraceptives, thyroxine);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.
Pentoxifylline is a blood thinner.

Blood thinners for hypertension do not directly reduce blood pressure, but improve blood flow, which is beneficial for blood vessels.

How to take drugs correctly?

In order for the medications taken to show the expected effect, you need to know how to drink them with GB:

  • if the instructions for medicine no other method of administration is indicated, it is better to take the medicine one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal;
  • if, according to the instructions, you need to take medication for hypertension while eating food, you need to make sure that the dishes do not contain a lot of protein (protein reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs);
  • take the medicine with warm water boiled water and not milk, compote or mineral water.

Hypertension and diabetes

The main cause of hypertension in diabetics is diabetic nephropathy. That is why drugs that affect tone are used to treat hypertension in diabetes mellitus. renal vessels and circulation in the kidneys.

If you have diabetes, you need to carefully monitor the pressure

Doctors most often prescribe such drugs for hypertension in diabetes mellitus:

  • diuretics (Lasix);
  • beta-blockers (Nebivolol, Atenolol);
  • alpha blockers (Doxazosin);
  • calcium antagonists (Altiazem);
  • renin inhibitors (Rasilez);
  • angiotensin receptor antagonists (Aprovel).

What drugs to take and how to drink them in diabetes mellitus of the first or second type, only an endocrinologist can tell. The main selection criterion for prescribing antihypertensive drugs to diabetics is the controllability of blood glucose levels.

Hypertension in pregnancy

From the genesis of the increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman depends on what means she will be prescribed. The treatment of hypertension in pregnant women is last step on the way to lowering her blood pressure.

Antihypertensive drugs during pregnancy should be with minimal side effects. Their choice should be approached with extreme caution, weighing all the pros and cons, because harm can be done not only to the woman herself, but also to the unborn child. Pregnancy hypertension is treated with the safest (according to gynecologists) drugs: Methyldopa, Labetalol, Hydralazine. Drugs of choice from renal hypertension pregnant are diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide).

With hypertension, pain in the kidneys and heart is especially felt.

Hypertonic disease is not a death sentence. the main task for her successful treatment - early detection, timely treatment and prevention of complications. The patient must be aware that only a change in his lifestyle can help him normalize and keep his blood pressure normal. Symptomatic self-treatment can only worsen the situation. So, for example, when frequent pain in the head, you should not swallow headache pills, but consult a specialist, go through comprehensive examination and strictly follow all doctor's recommendations.

Education: Northwestern State medical University them. I.I. Mechnikova, Mr.…

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