Abrupt smoking cessation. Consequences of abrupt smoking cessation. Changes after quitting smoking in a week, month, year

IN modern world became quite popular healthy lifestyle life. In this regard, many people give up bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking. And, probably, there is not a single smoker who has not tried to quit smoking at least once in his life. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Even with the development of willpower, quitting smoking is very difficult. First, it is a strong stress for the body. Secondly, quitting smoking is constantly surrounded by smoking colleagues, friends, relatives. It is known that . A popular method to overcome a bad habit is to abruptly give up cigarettes. But, is it possible to quit smoking abruptly, and what will be the consequences?

Negative Aspects of Quitting Smoking Abruptly

In progress prolonged use cigarettes, the body gets used to receiving a certain dose of nicotine. As a result, a stance is formed, both physical and psychological dependence. Without nicotine, the brain, the whole body as a whole ceases to function normally. Depriving him of "doping", health problems begin. Therefore, abruptly quitting smoking is not the best option for heavy smokers. If the experience of smoking is less than 5 years, sharp isolation from cigarettes can be applied.

Almost all with a sharp ban in the first days, symptoms of withdrawal symptoms appear. Tobacco is classified as light drugs. That is why many smokers experience a kind of “withdrawal” during quitting. Against this background, there are also disruptions. It is worth noting that any discomfort during the withdrawal period is temporary. Already at 2-3 weeks of abstinence from cigarettes, the body will begin its cleaning, restoration of all functions.

So, with a sharp refusal, such negative manifestations can occur:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Psychological disorders;
  • Headache;
  • Problems at work gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Difficulties in breathing.

Decrease due to quitting cigarettes defensive reactions organism. A person becomes susceptible to infection with colds. Also, when you stop taking a dose of nicotine, all chronic diseases. Fluctuations in the blood blood pressure cause headaches and dizziness. In some cases, loss of consciousness may also occur. As soon as nicotine and smoke cease to enter the digestive system, the following manifestations occur: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, sharp pains in a stomach.

With a sharp cessation of smoking necessarily appears coughing. The cough of quitting smoking is accompanied by sputum production. Thus, the lungs and bronchi get rid of toxins and poisons accumulated in them. The maximum is a cough in the morning, after waking up. During sleep, the body accumulates a large number of mucus.

Sometimes there is an increase in body weight. This aspect is associated with the replacement of the ritual of smoking with the ritual of eating food. This is also temporary. And you can eat healthy low-calorie foods - vegetables, fruits. The psychological side of a sharp refusal is very clearly manifested. When you stop taking a dose of nicotine, the brain suffers. For a while, memory may deteriorate, concentration of attention may decrease. The person becomes lethargic and irritable. Apathy, anxiety, insomnia may occur. In such cases, consultation with a psychologist or narcologist is necessary.

What are the dangers of abruptly quitting smoking?

Many people think that the most the best option it will be harsh for them complete failure from smoking. But, all this is completely individual. In most cases, the best option is to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. With this reduction in the dosage of nicotine, it is possible to avoid distressing symptoms withdrawal syndrome, and do not break. If a person has sufficient willpower, you can try a sharp refusal.

The danger of this method lies in acute manifestation withdrawal symptoms. The thrower feels just awful: constant shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness do not allow him to keep the same physical activity. In the early stages, irritability and nervousness appear. Against the backdrop of such acute reactions body, most often, a person again reaches for a cigarette. In the future, it becomes more and more difficult to quit smoking.

Abrupt refusal is a strong stress for the body. The danger lies in the fact that exacerbations of all chronic diseases may appear. In this case, you need the help of a doctor. But, it is worth remembering that all these phenomena are temporary. And constant exposure to nicotine is much more dangerous for the health of the body. It is important to hold out for the first 2-3 weeks. During this period of time, the body gets used to such changes, all functions are restored.

Initially, the work of the central nervous system is restored. The sleep of a former smoker normalizes, mood improves, headaches disappear. Further, the work of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal. Improves the quality of taste buds, accelerates metabolism, absorption useful elements from food. Last of all, the lungs and bronchi resume their full-fledged work. For their complete purification, 3 to 6 months of a complete ban on cigarettes should pass. Everyone chooses the method of throwing for himself. But, a sharp refusal is suitable mainly for smokers with a short experience of use. And it is not worth delaying the decision to quit smoking.

They are not always positive from the very beginning, yet you can start from the first minute after the last cigarette smoked.
They cannot be compared with the positive changes that occur in the body in the first hours without nicotine.

Exists great amount feedback on the state after quitting smoking. Giving up negative habits causes the body to different reactions, which depends on individual physiology and psyche.

The state of the body after smoking is temporary, because. Undoubtedly, the craving for habit at first is very strong. This is a kind of psychological barrier that a person is trying to overcome. But the most important thing is the withdrawal syndrome.

The most common:

  1. Different in strength of pain in certain parts of the body and associated with organs.
  2. Violation of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, pain, disruption of the intestines.
  3. Increased or decreased appetite.
  4. Increased body temperature, colds, reduced immunity.
  5. Poor performance and inability to concentrate.
  6. Constant mood swings, unreasonable rarefaction, nervousness, dreary state.
  7. The duration of this period is different - from a couple of weeks to a year.
  8. Unstable blood pressure that is not associated with withdrawal symptoms is also common. All violations are related to quitting the habit of smoking and physiological and psychological state.

In another common phenomenon like weight gain, there are several reasons:

  • slow metabolism, which was stimulated by nicotine (especially in women);
  • increased appetite due to stressful condition, which is very common under stress;
  • more time to snack if earlier free time went for a break.

The main thing is not to be afraid of the consequences, proper nutrition and regular exercise will relieve excess weight. In addition, there are many more positive consequences. On early stages sense of smell, restoration of the respiratory system improves. Vessels are restored, the risk of a stroke or heart attack is reduced. All positive changes, not so obvious due to the fact that they occur along with negative consequences.

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Sudden habit break

Refusal abrupt or gradual depends on the individual and the choice is strictly individual. Obviously, the longer the habit lasted, the more difficult.

In some cases, this is dangerous to health; for this, a gradual decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked per day is more effective method. For example, the decline starts from 15 cigarettes per day, then - up to 10, after that -5 - the last -2 cigarettes.

To accustom the body to two cigarettes a day and this will be enough to give up smoking forever. The body gradually weaned from nicotine, the negative effects are not so pronounced and are easier to bear.

The consequences of abruptly getting rid of the habit of self can be different. The state of the immune system varies from person to person.

Duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked - the longer the habit has lasted, the harder it is to quit. The inner mood should not be subject to physiological manifestations because quit smoking without discomfort impossible.

After a refusal, a person enters a state of psychological withdrawal, which takes several days to overcome. Craving for cigarettes can be certain time. A gradual reduction in cigarettes per day can be substituted if this method seems to be more effective.

Given the experience of a smoker and chronic diseases, such a refusal will cause complications. Gradual failure is appropriate. Smoking affects the development of the fetus and contributes to disease even before birth.

A sharp refusal during pregnancy will entail consequences, therefore, it is desirable to refuse in such cases gradually and under the supervision of a doctor.

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Body reaction by day

From the moment of smoking the last cigarette, the body begins to recover.

Cigarette smoke contains substances that act on you like doping, the body does not abruptly rebuild after quitting smoking. Fast work metabolism facilitates the condition with constant intoxication.

For long-term smokers, as a rule, there are not many negative consequences of quitting smoking, namely:

  • the first sign of purification is a cough, the discharge of a large amount of sputum;
  • weight gain;
  • irritability, increased fatigue;
  • depression, sadness.

Almost all smokers experience sputum discharge, which can last several months. Weight gain, contrary to popular belief, will not be excessive. In many ways former smokers they seize the desire to smoke, there are more snacks.

Most smokers consider their habit to be a method of calming, relaxing, therefore, when they give up their doping, increased nervousness, short temper for no apparent reason.

Conditions similar to depression are characterized by mood swings, sadness. It is possible to survive such changes thanks to the internal mood and the firmness of the decision to quit smoking. Giving up a negative habit will bring only temporary inconvenience, and the positive consequences of refusal will be much greater.

During the period of abandoning a bad habit, it is necessary to exclude the use of spicy and fried foods from the diet. The body is under stress, and to speed up the process of getting rid of toxins, a large amount of fluid is needed.

Eat green or, juices, mineral water. Nicotine withdrawal provokes the desire to replace smoking with products such as candy, cakes or fast food.

A former smoker can change one habit for another, thereby consuming nuts, seeds, chips. So many factors provoke weight gain. If the craving for a sticking habit is irresistible, you should replace high-calorie foods for fruits and vegetables.

In such acute period Avoid alcohol and coffee. Some smokers may abuse such drinks, which will only complicate their condition.

Having given up smoking, a person should understand that his unstable condition is temporary. Alarm states And Bad mood can be reduced by doing what you love. Noticing positive changes after quitting smoking, the desire to be healthy will only increase, and there will be no more time for a smoke break.

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Burden tobacco addiction can be measured in premature deaths due to accelerated atherosclerotic disease and cancer, and economic costs associated with loss of productivity and increased medical care.

Cigarette smoke- a poisonous mixture containing a huge amount chemical elements that adversely affect human health. Carbon monoxide, ammonia, pyridine, toluene, nicotine and more - a real cocktail that can cause discomfort, various diseases, infections, affects reproductive function and also leading to cancer. And all this in exchange for dubious pleasure?

According to statistics, about five million people die every year from cigarettes, six hundred thousand from passive smoking. Moreover, eighty percent of lung cancer cases are associated with nicotine. Therefore, all those who are addicted to cigarettes need to do one single, most important step quit smoking in your life. Thus, saving not only your own life, but also limiting those around you from harmful effects nicotine.

What happens while smoking?

The most pleasant thing is to smoke a cigarette after eating. This can be confirmed by absolutely every smoker. Many also smoke while drinking alcohol. There is a myth that smoking cigarettes helps to calm down in any stressful situation. Someone smokes to be liberated or to become their own in an unfamiliar company. Many of the smokers started smoking at a young age, thanks to the herd mentality, the desire to be like everyone else, so as not to look like a black sheep or seem cool. But this imaginary charm and momentary pleasure soon disappear, leaving only an addiction in its place.

Lighting a cigarette, a person draws smoke into his lungs. Once in the body, nicotine and other components of combustion products act as follows:

High doses of nicotine can cause an overdose, which can irreversible consequences:

  • weakness;
  • confusion;
  • rapid decline blood pressure and respiratory rate;
  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • respiratory arrest
  • death.

60 mg of nicotine can be fatal for an adult.

How to quit smoking?

There is no single way to quit smoking that works for everyone. Reading special literature is suitable for someone, someone begins to seize the desire to smoke sweets or seeds. Everyone's recovery from addiction is different. Some tips to help you quit smoking:

For what?

There is not a single person in the world who will say that smoking is good habit. There is nothing good about it, it's an addiction. Smoking is a drug, albeit not as strong as, for example, heroin.

What are the consequences of quitting smoking?

Ways to quit smoking

  • Gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
  • Sharp. Avoid cigarettes completely.
  • Reading special literature.
  • Medical devices: tablets, patches.
  • Coding.
  • Change of environment.

According to statistics, it is best to stop smoking abruptly, once and for all, in order to eliminate the temptation to smoke another “last” cigarette. This method is more effective than quitting gradually. The consequences of abruptly quitting smoking are no different from any other method. The only thing is that this method can be most effective if you isolate yourself from people who smoke. To do this in the modern world will, of course, be difficult. It will also be easier to endure the consequences of abruptly quitting smoking if you plunge headlong into some new activity. For example, find a hobby, go on a trip, go in for sports.

The consequences of quitting smoking by day and hour, step by step

When a person, smoking cigarettes, gives up an addiction, he, undoubtedly, begins to feel how his health and general well-being improve in geometric progression. You can feel the effects of quitting smoking by the hour:

  • After 20 minutes, the smoke stops polluting the air, the pressure, pulse and temperature of a person return to normal.
  • After 8 hours, the level of oxygen in the blood will increase.
  • After 24 hours, the risk of having a heart attack is reduced.
  • After 48 hours nervous system adapts to the absence of nicotine, and taste sensations and the olfactory function will begin to return to normal state.
  • After 72 hours, the bronchi begin to relax.
  • After 14 days, the effects of smoking cessation are expressed in improved blood circulation, resulting in increased exercise tolerance.

A month later, coughing decreases, nasal congestion and shortness of breath gradually disappear, strength returns and fatigue disappears, energy appears. After a person does not use nicotine for a year, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50%.

After 5 years from the last cigarette smoked, the risk of stroke decreases to the level non-smoker. After 10 years, the risk of getting cancer of the lungs, as well as other organs (larynx, esophagus, Bladder, kidneys, pancreas) also falls.

Day after day

To quit smoking cigarettes, the addict must be prepared emotionally and psychologically. Instead, many list many reasons why they continue to use tobacco, despite the fact that half of them will die before their non-smoking peers. real truth come down to one fact - it's nicotine addiction. Most people know this word, but many do not fully understand the true effects on the body of quitting smoking.

During the refusal of cigarettes due to the sudden cessation of nicotine intake, the body will experience certain symptoms. Intensity side effects will vary depending on how long the person was dependent on nicotine, how many cigarettes he smoked per day. Naturally, with a smoking experience of 20 years, the consequences of quitting will be much stronger than for a smoker with a shorter period of use. But in any case, all the symptoms will not be present all the time, but only the first weeks, while the body will be cleansed and restored.

The following describes the sensations and consequences for the days after quitting smoking.

  1. The first craving occurs within the first few hours. The urge can be so strong that you may want to quit as soon as you start. But don't give in to temptation. It is better not to think about cigarettes, to immerse yourself in a task that requires attention, and also physical strength.
  2. First night without cigarettes. No need to deviate from your decision, no matter how strong the craving to smoke is. It is better to do push-ups a few times and go to bed.
  3. In the next morning. The desire to smoke a cigarette has not gone anywhere, it is understandable, very little time has passed. Perhaps, irritation will increase and a feeling of fatigue will appear.
  4. In the next 2-3 days, headaches and a feeling that cigarettes are the only way out will appear. Do not forget that smoking is not an option.
  5. 1 week is already whole week, and the traction slowly subsides.
  6. 2 weeks. You can celebrate. The main thing is not to break.

Negative side

Of course, one desire to fight smoking is not enough, you need to have good willpower and approach this process with responsibility. While the nicotine itself will leave your body fairly quickly, a long-standing habit is hard to break right away. It will take several months to overcome psychological dependence. Positive results cessation of cigarettes will begin only immediately after the smoker smokes the last cigarette. But along with the pros, there are also cons.

Some possible consequences smoking cessation:

  • Craving for smoking. This is a sign that the body is recovering, cleared of all toxic chemical substances and resin.
  • Constant feeling hunger. An increase in appetite is a sign of enhanced brain function. The hunger won't last forever. As soon as the body learns to work normally without nicotine, the disturbed metabolism will return to normal.
  • Weight gain. Usually people feel hungry at regular intervals, but smokers can go without food all day. Nicotine in this case suppresses the feeling of hunger. When quitting smoking, a person eats more sweet and salty foods, which causes weight gain. You should redistribute meals. Eat not large portions at regular intervals.
  • Appearance of cough. Occurs due to the cleansing of the lungs.
  • Headache.
  • Difficulties in concentrating and concentrating.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sore throat.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Constipation.

After quitting smoking, many experience effects such as depression. All due to the fact that for some people smoking is defense mechanism, a form of self-therapy. A teenager who starts smoking may not be aware of a tendency to depression or anxiety until they decide to quit. But all these symptoms will be the strongest only at the very beginning, and will pass within a few weeks.

smoking in men

Nicotine negatively affects male and female fertility, develops the risk of infertility. The quality of a man's sperm deteriorates, the number of spermatozoa decreases. Toxic Substances that are present in tobacco smoke, such as cadmium, nicotine, benzapyrene, can damage the genetic material in spermatozoa.

Men who smoke have significantly more high risk development of impotence ( erectile dysfunction) than non-smokers. How longer man smokes, the more likely it is.

Studies have shown that children of fathers who smoke have increased risk cancer development at an early age.

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing invasive cancer penis. This risk is about four times that of non-smokers. The consequences of smoking cessation in men are reflected mainly in emotional terms.

smoking in women

Women who smoke face more health risks than smoking men. They may be more likely to develop lung cancer or heart attack. Studies show that women find it harder to quit smoking than men and are more likely to start smoking again. The effects of quitting smoking in women can be much more pronounced.

The ability of a smoking woman to conceive a child is 72%. Moreover, smoking during pregnancy has a detrimental effect on the unborn child. Nicotine can cause miscarriage various complications pregnancy (bleeding, premature birth), birth defects in the child, low birth weight, stillbirth, early death, increased risk of morbidity. Therefore, giving up cigarettes before planning is best opportunity ensure the health of your baby.


Health, and there is no doubt about it. It does not matter how old a person is and how long he smoked. All the negative effects of quitting smoking will eventually fade away and only the positive aspects of a new life without nicotine will remain. will disappear bad smell from the mouth, from hair, hands and clothes, general well-being will improve, a surge of strength and energy will appear, new opportunities for self-development and career development.

  • Try to avoid being in the company of heavy smokers at least until there is confidence in willpower.
  • Move away from smokers at the table, at work or at parties.
  • Do something else instead of joining the smokers on breaks.
  • Remind yourself of the negative effects of smoking
  • Focus on eating, drinking, talking, anything but cigarettes.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake so you don't lose control and succumb to the urge to smoke.
  • Try the popcorn chewing gum no sugar or drink soft drink, juice or water instead of smoking.


Smoking is the dumbest thing you can do in your life. It is unlikely that anyone actually has the desire to get yellow fingers, brown teeth and black lungs.

Most smokers try to quit smoking several times before actually succeeding. While it may work the first time, for most quitting is a learning process in which the person gradually learns more about their addiction and also experiences emotions that can be confusing. To successfully quit smoking, it is important not to smoke at all, even one cigarette, even one small puff. Quitting smoking is not just about giving up nicotine, it's about changing your lifestyle and habits. Unpleasant consequences after quitting smoking indicate only the restoration and cleansing of the body.

Smoking kills. It's never too late to quit! Life without nicotine is great!

Many people have tried to quit smoking. Someone is trying to gradually wean from nicotine on their own, others use any aids like pills, sprays or patches, and still others decide to quit abruptly, simply giving up cigarettes once and for all. But is it possible to quit smoking abruptly? There are many opinions about this.

Why you shouldn't quit smoking

Many try to quit cigarettes, however, not everyone can do this step. For some smokers, the very thought of quitting cigarettes seems incredibly alien. Moreover, they are not even motivated by the fact that you need to quit smoking at least for the sake of your own children and loved ones.

Sometimes it happens that someone who has already quit once returns to cigarettes again. The reason for this is not only a craving of a psychological nature, but also a physiological malaise associated with the rejection of nicotine. Therefore, a firm belief has formed that it is absolutely not worth it to abruptly quit an addiction like smoking. Let's take a closer look at why.

To get used to changes and painlessly accept them, each organism needs a certain period of adaptation. Since giving up cigarettes seriously changes the way of life in psychophysiological terms, he needs time to accept and tune in to such changes.

IN human body there is a production of a specific element - acetylcholine, which is responsible for the nerve impulse transmission of various organic structures. The smoker in the process of absorbing tobacco smoke supplies the body with large portions of nicotine, which significantly reduces natural production this element.

Giving up cigarettes will require the body to reproduce higher doses acetylcholine, for which he will need a certain time. If the supply of nicotine to the body of a smoker abruptly stops, then a state of “withdrawal” occurs. After all, the available stocks of this element ended, and the development of new portions of it did not begin.

What happens in the body

In general, it is believed that it is sharply possible if the experience of dependence does not exceed 3-5 years, and no more than a pack is smoked per day. If the experience of absorption harmful smoke exceeds 10 years, then a sharp rejection of cigarettes can turn into a lot of problems. The reasons for such a reaction are hidden in the physically conditioned nicotine addiction, the formation of which sometimes takes more than 5 years. Usually, with a short smoking experience, only dependence of a psychological origin takes place, which is easier to deal with than with a psychophysiological connection with cigarettes.

After a few days, a smoker who has given up cigarettes will experience withdrawal due to an acetylcholine deficiency. As a result, various ailments may appear, such as dizziness, gluttony, nausea, unreasonable anxiety, etc. All these manifestations are associated with an acute shortage of acetylcholine.

Side effects

In the process of quitting, smokers get a lot of side effects Because nicotine is a psychoactive substance addictive and persistent physical addiction. Why is it impossible to abruptly get rid of addiction?

Abruptly giving up cigarettes, the smoker is going through a difficult one, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased anxiety;
  • outbursts of anger;
  • excessive irritability;
  • problems with concentration;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Insatiable hunger and lack of satiety;
  • Bad mood;
  • Inability to sit still, etc.

Particularly acute similar symptoms are felt approximately on the second or third day after a sharp refusal, and then they gradually recede. Unfortunately, the desire to smoke can remain for several months. When applied various means, helping to cope with nicotine addiction, the severity of abstinence is significantly reduced.

In the first weeks after a sharp refusal, patients may experience increased coughing, because it is difficult for mucous masses to rise through the bronchi due to epithelial damage. Typically, the withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the presence of increased anxiety and depressive states. Sometimes such consequences require qualified treatment by taking antidepressant drugs. Depression can become an impetus for the return of addiction, therefore, it necessarily requires medical treatment.

Pros and cons

So, it is not recommended to abruptly quit smoking for people who have been nicotine for more than 10 years, because such actions cause severe withdrawal. However, with less than 10 years of smoking experience and smoking no more than a pack per day, a sharp rejection of cigarettes most often occurs without painful physiological symptoms, because there is no physical addiction to tobacco yet. Therefore, it is better for such patients to quit smoking immediately and abruptly.

In addition, for a sharp throwing of cigarettes, a smoker must have a truly strong will and a strong body.

At weak immunity or the presence of other pathologies, smoking cessation should be approached carefully and under medical guidance in order to prevent dangerous consequences for the body.

There are situations when dependence on nicotine lasts for decades (25-30 years) and during this time the patient accumulates many chronic pathological processes, which can easily become aggravated if the patient abruptly quits smoking, and simply refuses cigarettes.

Doctors' opinion

Official medicine finds it difficult to say unequivocally whether it is possible and harmful to give up cigarettes abruptly. But the fact that the rejection of such a habit will only benefit the body is a fact. But if we consider the problem from the point of view of the dependence experience, then with a sharp refusal from cigarettes, a heavy long-term smoker may have serious health problems, and his body will experience severe stress due to lack of nicotine.

With a sharp rejection of cigarettes, the smoker experiences two types of uncomfortable sensations:

  • Physiological discomfort suggests the presence of dizziness and nausea, hyperhidrosis and coughing, decreased immune status etc.;
  • Psychological discomfort is withdrawal syndrome and manifests itself in the form of irritability, nervousness, deep stress, etc.

The undoubted advantage of quick quitting is the fact that after experiencing the withdrawal syndrome, the craving for cigarettes will begin to decrease intensively, while with gradual quitting this process can be significantly delayed. Therefore, doctors advise, in the absence of contraindications and a relatively small smoking experience, to quit the addiction immediately, and not gradually.


Is it harmful to quit smoking abruptly or not? There is no need to be afraid to part with cigarettes. If you have been smoking for about 5-7 years, then you can quit smoking at once, simply by giving up cigarettes. Similar actions will not cause any serious problems with health. If nicotine addiction oppresses you for more than a decade, then it is better to approach the issue of parting with cigarettes more thoroughly. It is not recommended to quit cigarettes abruptly with a long experience, so you need to consult a narcologist.

Most importantly, you need to tune in to quitting nicotine. Emotional and psychological mood in similar situation plays an important role. Walk more, go in for sports, go somewhere on vacation - you need something to distract yourself from cigarettes, then the process of weaning will be less painful.

Breaking bad habits is not painless. So, if a person abruptly in the form of a withdrawal syndrome will not keep you waiting. And although already in the first days and even hours without cigarettes, the body begins to heal, the negative consequences are more pronounced at first. Fear of them is one of the reasons why many smokers cannot give up their bad habit. They fear that constipation will begin to torment them, weight will increase, depression will roll in, nervousness, and the heart will begin to hurt. How justified are these fears?

When deciding to quit smoking, you need to consider the possible ones, which are positive and negative. They are also divided into early and delayed, and favorable phenomena are mainly delayed, and in early period negative ones predominate. It is very important to understand that they are temporary, you just need to be patient and endure the transition period when the body is rebuilt. But positive consequences every day and every month become more and more pronounced. Unfortunately, a person quickly gets used to the good and ceases to notice them.

Long-term use of nicotine leads to addiction - the formation of a painful need for this substance. Nicotine rebuilds the work of the body, interferes with all processes occurring in it. Therefore, smoking cessation is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms. First of all, the respiratory organs, heart, stomach, nervous system, as well as the skin and oral mucosa react to not receiving the usual dose of nicotine.

Smoking cessation affects various organs and systems:

  • arise pain different localizationtypical manifestation withdrawal symptoms;
  • the immune system, accustomed to artificial stimulation, begins to rebuild. Temporarily reduced general and local immunity, increased risk colds, infections, stomatitis may develop;
  • vascular tone normalizes, ventilation of the lungs improves, the load on the heart decreases. At first, this can lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness;
  • cleansing of the respiratory organs from tobacco tar deposits begins, manifested by a strong cough;
  • a common complaint of smokers: after. This is due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat due to persistent cough, the situation is aggravated by the weakening of the immune system;
  • deterioration in appetite after a while is replaced by a feeling of hunger, especially cravings for sweets due to a decrease in blood sugar. This often leads to weight gain. Constipation, nausea and vomiting, stomach pains are possible.

Also, smoking cessation leads to a variety of neuropsychiatric consequences. Mood swings are observed, the person is either irritable or depressed, depression often develops . Due to a drop in blood sugar, mental activity worsens, concentration of attention decreases, and the perception of time is distorted. Insomnia and other sleep disorders may develop.

Because every organism has individual characteristics, its restructuring in different people can proceed in different ways. In some, the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are smoothed out, almost imperceptible, smoking cessation is easy and painless. Others develop severe withdrawal symptoms comparable to drug withdrawal.

As a rule, with a sharp rejection of a bad habit, the negative consequences are more pronounced, but this method is more effective than a gradual rejection.

First week of abstinence

There are typical for most smokers that can be painted by day.

The first day

The concentration of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases, and oxygen - increases, which leads to hyperventilation. The craving for smoking is rather weak, but the first ones appear unpleasant symptoms- dizziness, sleep and appetite disorders, mild anxiety, general weakness. The severity of unpleasant sensations is moderate, positive emotions predominate: joy, pride. A person is determined to bring what he has begun to the end and is confident in his abilities.

Second day

Nicotine starvation makes itself felt, there is a physical desire to smoke, mood swings begin, a person has difficulty falling asleep and does not sleep well. Appetite is often poor, but cravings may appear. certain products having a pronounced taste. On the part of the respiratory organs, shortness of breath appears, coughing intensifies, the ciliated epithelium actively expels pollution accumulated in the lungs and bronchi. Cell renewal of the gastrointestinal mucosa begins, the stomach reacts mild pain, and the urinary system - frequent urination. At this stage, many people have itchy skin, there is a feeling of tightness.

Day three

Although the physical craving for nicotine begins to wane, it becomes more and more difficult to distract from thoughts of smoking, the person becomes nervous, sleep disturbances progress, and depression may develop. The secretion of the pancreas changes, the stomach, which has got rid of the effects of nicotine, produces less mucus, at first this leads to belching and heartburn. There is a sharp increase in appetite, the need for sweets increases. Blood circulation is activated, the heart and brain receive more oxygen. Unaccustomed to this, the body reacts pressing pains in the region of the heart, dizziness, tinnitus.

Day four

Recovery underway inner layers lungs and bronchi, secretion is stabilized bronchial mucus, coughing is often accompanied by a sensation of a lump in the throat. Urination and the activity of the digestive system gradually normalize, but constipation is possible due to the fact that intestinal motility is temporarily reduced. To stop attacks of aggression, irritability, one has to resort to medications. There may be an increase in pressure, swelling. Depression can alternate with euphoria.

Day five

Large blood vessels continue to acquire a normal tone, the heart and brain adapt to an unusual excess of oxygen. Regeneration of bronchopulmonary tissues continues, cough is accompanied by thick mucus with dark coloration. The oral mucosa is restored, the work of taste receptors begins to normalize. By this time, the euphoria of the first days of quitting fades, the psychological dependence on nicotine is still strong. Increasing coughing and continued constipation, combined with persistent thoughts about smoking, can lead to a relapse.

Day six

The physiological and psychological manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome are intensifying. Perestroika begins duodenum and gallbladder. Numerous vegetative and dyspeptic disorders are manifested - sweating, trembling of the hands, nausea, constipation, bitterness in the mouth. Possible pain in the right side, frequent urination on the background intense thirst. The person is irritable, aggressive, capricious, trying to find cigarettes.

Day seven

The physiological restructuring of the body, deprived of nicotine, is completed, many cells are renewed. Smoking from a physical need turns into a habitual ritual. But it may take many months for the heart, lungs, vascular and nervous systems to get used to fully functioning without doping. Appetite improves, intestinal peristalsis normalizes, but occasional constipation, heartburn as a reaction to consumption are possible. fatty foods. Continues to cough with mucus, the skin is flaky.

Consequences of quitting smoking. Second week

After the cleansing and restructuring of the body has taken place, the physiological dependence on nicotine has been overcome, the further process of withdrawal is easier. But the psychological dependence is still quite strong, which prevents the stabilization of the emotional state.

Day eight

Increases appetite, receptors, previously "clogged" tobacco smoke, begin to fully feel the taste and aroma of products. From the second week, weight gain is possible. Due to the instability of the tone of the cerebral vessels, dizziness is observed. The pressure often drops, the heart in response begins to contract more actively. Sleep is not normalized yet, depression and melancholy are possible.

Day nine

The stomach gradually returns to normal, but the state of the gastrointestinal tract is unstable. Abdominal pain, heartburn, diarrhea, or constipation may occur. On this day, the immune system is especially weak, a person is vulnerable to herpes, respiratory infections allergic reactions are also possible.

Tenth - fourteenth days

  • On the 10th day, the cough continues, the discharge often has an unpleasant odor. The restoration of the immune system begins.
  • On the 11th, hormonal restructuring and related metabolic changes begin, which can lead to increased excitability or aggressiveness, weight gain, less often weight loss. Possible headache, dizziness, tremor.
  • On the 12th day, the skin condition, complexion normalize, the immune system begins to work actively, diarrhea and constipation stop.
  • 13th - perhaps a vague malaise, weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, drops in blood pressure.
  • 14th - in smokers with an experience of less than 20 years, cough disappears, skin color continues to improve. But the state of the vegetative-vascular system is unstable.

It was at the end of the second week that many cigarettes, as if rewarding themselves for prolonged abstinence. This is enough to return to their original positions.

Delayed Consequences

By the end of the first month, all conditions are created for the subsequent formation of healthy cells unfamiliar with nicotine. At the same time, some people completely get rid of the psychological need to smoke, while in others it is very strong, and abstinence becomes more and more painful. In the second month, the cough persists, but the skin condition improves significantly. On the third, the tone stabilizes small vessels, sleep normalizes, depression disappears, the risk of a breakdown is minimized.

Starting from the fourth month, diarrhea and constipation due to nicotine starvation become a thing of the past, the work of the digestive system is completely normalized. Due to the fact that the body absorbs nutrients and you have to increase portions, in the first months of quitting smoking, many get better. In the second quarter, the weight stabilizes, the desire to “seize” the stress associated with quitting the habit disappears. Gained pounds can be lost with the help of diets, and it is better to wait another month with exercises.

In the fifth month, the liver begins to recover, regeneration continues lung tissue, sputum production is minimized. Increasing by the end of the first half vital capacity lungs, the heart and liver continue to heal, and the weight finally stabilizes. In the second half of the year, taste and smell become aggravated, cough completely disappears, vocal cords are restored. At 9-10 months, an ex-smoker may return to the habit due to recurring dreams about smoking - immediately after waking up desire turn a dream into reality. Starting from the 11th month, the heart and lungs fully adapt to the loads that are normal for a non-smoking, healthy person.

Positive effects of quitting smoking

When attempting to quit smoking, one should not only think about possible negative consequences, such as sleep disorders, nervousness, constipation, heartburn, weight gain, and blood pressure drops. If you do not break, they will eventually come to naught. But the positive changes that smoking cessation leads to are becoming more tangible every day. Thinking about them will help you overcome temporary difficulties and maintain your determination to give up a bad habit. Here are the main positive points smoking cessation:

  • already in the first day the balance is normalized carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, the likelihood of a heart attack is reduced;
  • in the first months, blood circulation, ventilation of the lungs, supply of all organs and tissues with oxygen improves;
  • during the first year, the respiratory organs are cleansed, the affected mucosa and ciliated epithelium are restored, resistance to infections increases, a person who has quit smoking is less likely to suffer from shortness of breath and cough;
  • the heart and blood vessels heal, by the end of the first year without cigarettes, the risk is halved coronary disease, myocardial infarction, 30% - the risk of stroke;
  • if a person manages to stay without smoking for 5 years or more, the likelihood of cardiovascular disease becomes the same as that of a non-smoker.
  • when other factors coincide, non-smokers have a significantly lower risk oncological diseases lungs, liver, digestive organs, and the risk of cancer of the lips, oral mucosa is practically reduced to zero.

Restored health is quickly taken for granted and no longer appreciated. In addition, the more time passes since quitting smoking, the worse man remembers how difficult it was to quit smoking. Therefore, many return to addiction one year or more after quitting smoking. And the reason here is not in physiological dependence, which we managed to overcome long ago, but in psychological, social problems.

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