Palmistry of fingers. The meaning of the thumb

Any (index, middle, ring, little finger, thumb) finger is considered by palmistry as a source of information. There are also lines on the fingers that help to learn as much as possible about the character and fate of a person. Please note that any sign (be it an intricate line, a cross, etc.) is extremely important for compiling a complete picture.

In the article:

Thumb - palmistry

First of all, evaluate the size of your thumb. The larger it is, the more likely that a person has achieved or will achieve great success in his career. He does not know what fear is, he is very proud, loves power, stubborn. It is far from always easy to communicate with such people, since they rarely pay attention to the feelings of others.

short and thick- in front of you is a strong, practical person who is not used to flying in the clouds, is guided by common sense, defends his point of view and always confidently stands his ground. Unfortunately, quite often these individuals are unable to control their negative emotions.

Long and thin the thumb of the hand indicates that its owner is a sensual, refined nature. Often such people are endowed with a unique gift, talent.

small and weak- his master is always balanced, patient, does not like quarrels, always happy to make concessions.

Lines and other signs on the thumb - Indian palmistry

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - the individual is full of energy, strong-willed, strong.
  • Lattices - not able to self-actualize, weak-willed.
  • Crosses are stubborn, hard to make contact.
  • Horizontal lines - not self-confident, dissatisfied with life.

2 phalanges
  • Vertical lines - has common sense, thinks logically.
  • Lattice - unable to adequately assess the situation, a liar.
  • Crosses - perceives his actions and words distortedly.
  • Horizontal stripes - inability to reason sensibly.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - love life, family, enjoys existence.
  • Lattice - passionate, easily addicted.
  • Crosses - subject to emotional obsession.
  • Horizontal stripes - stress, subject to moral violence.

What can the index finger say?

Palmists call the index finger the "finger of Jupiter." It is associated with cruelty, will, power, pride.

If the length of the finger is equal to the length of the ring finger, then the client in front of you is proud, self-confident, but fair. He has a developed sense of proportion and he never cuts off the shoulder.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then the person is very strong-willed. He will always achieve his goal, even if he has to “walk over corpses” in order to achieve his goal.

The short index finger indicates that in his youth this man was very modest. With age, he becomes more confident in himself, but still avoids any conflict. Such people are often loved for their complaisant nature.

If the second phalanx is slightly curved towards the middle finger, then the person is selfish, often feels sorry for himself.

Deciphering signs in palmistry of fingers

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a born leader, the desire for spiritual development.
  • Bars - solitude (in various senses, can be regarded as imprisonment, the life of a hermit, creative isolation).
  • Crosses - a person is far from worldly problems (isolation from reality).
  • Horizontal lines - a stressful state, moral dissatisfaction.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical stripes - in their actions guided by morality.
  • Grids - does not understand himself, engages in self-deception.
  • Crosses is a liar, manipulates society, an envious person.
  • Horizontal lines - constant stress, violation of the canons.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical stripes - inspires confidence, can control people.
  • Lattices - a tendency to tyranny.
  • Crosses - does not consider the feelings of others.
  • Horizontal lines - unable to realize themselves.

Middle Finger Riddles

The middle finger was called the "finger of Saturn". He is positioned as a closed, rude, gloomy and emotionless deity.

Too long finger- loves loneliness very much, easily manages without communication with other people.

Not very long finger- rather irresponsible and frivolous. It is dangerous to do business with an individual or to trust secrets.

The middle finger is bent towards the index finger - low self-esteem. A person is constantly under the yoke of his own insecurity, is nervous because of the little things, feels constantly indebted to someone.

The finger is curved towards the ring finger - it is sometimes difficult for a person to communicate with other people because he is timid, although he can hide this behind his behavior. At the same time, often, in order to speak with a stranger, he has to make a huge effort on himself. However, it is these people who achieve great creative success.

Important marks

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a responsible person, financially secure, self-confident.
  • Grids - not able to control their energy.
  • Crosses - has a developed intuition.
  • Horizontal lines - responsible, but it depresses him, constant dissatisfaction.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - loves truth, justice, prone to the study of science.
  • Lattices are a pessimist, unable to develop harmoniously.
  • Crosses - abstraction from the real world, indifference.
  • Horizontal lines - either is under constant pressure, or is in the world of its illusions.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - constantly evolving, striving for wealth, comfort.
  • Lattice - not able to soberly assess their strength.
  • Crosses - a person goes on the wrong path.
  • Horizontal lines - loneliness, failure, lack of experience.

Palmistry - ring finger

This finger is associated with the creative and emotional Apollo. If it is longer than the index, then you have a subtle creative nature.

If the length of the index and ring fingers is equal, then the person is extremely reckless. He rarely listens to common sense and does as he pleases.

The finger is curved towards the middle - it's time for a person to change jobs, since he has a different vocation. He has developed intuition and can become clairvoyant.

Bending towards the little finger - a person is too self-critical, this prevents him from succeeding in any endeavors.

What will the phalanges of the fingers tell

Phalanges of fingers

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a sensitive, energetic, impulsive person with pronounced creative abilities.
  • Grids - depression.
  • Crosses - lack of attention, antisocial behavior.
  • Horizontal lines - creative stagnation.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - a creative, business, developing person.
  • Grids - is engaged in creativity, but is not able to develop talent, angry at others.
  • Crosses - wastes the gift.
  • Horizontal lines - constantly under stress.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - a person knows how to work with his hands, physical labor brings him pleasure.
  • Lattice is a perfectionist.
  • Crosses - constantly trying to be the best, but, being far from perfect, engages in self-flagellation.
  • Horizontal lines - stress, creative difficulties.

Secrets of the little finger

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. If it is higher than the line separating the phalanx of the ring finger, then you have an honest and open person.

If it is lower, then the person is extremely timid, shy and has difficulty expressing his emotions.

A curved finger towards the ring finger - a person is cunning and inclined to deceive.

A strongly twisted finger - it is dangerous to do business with such a person, as he can betray at any moment.

4 fold lines on the little finger speak of a person's sociability.

In the thumb, palmists are looking for signs of willpower, perseverance on the way to the goal, constancy and the ability to achieve all goals. A good thumb exhibits all of these features.

In the thumb to be evaluated length, thickness, specific shape and three phalanges. These elements define its meaning.

Of particular interest is the location of the thumb. This finger, together with its base, known as the Mount of Venus, forms the central part of the palm and enables the hand to perform its functions. That is why it is usually considered separately from the rest of the fingers. We must not forget that the thumb opposed to the rest is a distinctive feature of a person, and that it is precisely this arrangement that turns the hand into a perfect instrument. All other fingers interact with the thumb as one.

The thumb has three phalanges, like the others, although its third phalanx is hidden in the mound. This thumb differs from all the others, in which the corresponding hill is located separately. Although the thumb contains completely self-sufficient information, its analysis can also be based on diagrams used in the study of other parts of the hand.

Phalanges of the thumb. For example, speaking of the first phalanx, that is, the tip of the thumb, it can be assumed that it is associated with mental qualities, like the tips of other fingers. Accordingly, the middle phalanx refers to the ability to think rationally and compare facts. The third section of the thumb, the mount of Venus, really corresponds to the physical sensations and activities - and even more than that. To fully understand the meaning of this phalanx, you need to read about the Mount of Venus, because it refers to the physical world in the broadest sense. The very life force of a person lies in the hill of Venus, and it is quite logical that it is she who forms the third phalanx of the thumb.

Think of the thumb as the root of the entire hand. If this “root” is long, resilient and strong, then it expresses such qualities as perseverance, dedication and willpower. A well-shaped thumb indicates a person who can handle a lot and who will not be blown off his feet by the winds of change.

short thumb indicates a person who gives in to his emotions, obeys what others do and say.

To measure the length of the thumb, press it against the palm of your hand and see if the tip of it reaches the middle of the lower phalanx of your index finger. Highly long thumb even reaches the line dividing the second and third phalanges of Jupiter's finger. The short thumb reaches only to its base.

The thumb is so important that a person with a short thumb, regardless of the degree of giftedness, will have difficulty realizing their potential. He will have to suppress in himself the qualities that prevent him from achieving what he wants.

It is not enough for such a person to be aware of his tendency to do less than he can. He probably knows this already, without guessing by the thumbs. However, as a palmist, you can help him by encouraging him and pushing him to achieve high goals.

What such a person really needs is inspiration, which will give him the strength to do all that he is capable of doing.

short thumb does not mean that a person will never achieve anything in life. It only means that he will have to work twice as hard to overcome his natural tendency to let things take their course and take the path of least resistance.

A long thumb indicates a natural ability to achieve goals. And the fact that prominent people, for example, those who have ascended to the pinnacle of power, have long or regular thumbs is not a mere coincidence. If a person with short thumbs is seeking power, then this is the result of the great efforts that he made on his way, and, probably, the support of other people.

The real test for those who reach the top is to stay there. Nature itself gave people with long thumbs more chances to do this.

Thick thumbs mean power. They indicate that a person is able to insist on his own. But his path will not be easy and will not necessarily lead to results, because he sometimes does not overcome the obstacles that arise in his path, but simply “bends” them for a while.

If you immediately notice that a person has a thick thumb, carefully discuss all his achievements and how he came to them.

When assessing the thickness of a finger, attention should be paid to two phalanges - the first and second. Each of them has its own meaning.

Thick fingertip (first phalanx) means exceptionally great willpower and stubbornness. The thin fingertip demonstrates the energy that suddenly bursts out and the inability to remain calm when things are not going well. However, he also betrays a tactful person who will not be too persistent in claiming a dominant position. He just doesn't have enough resources to dominate. He needs to rest, while a man with a thick fingertip is able to keep working even when the rest of them are exhausted.

Thick second phalanx indicates that a person does not like being convinced of something. He has his own opinion about most problems and events. There is a stubbornness in him, generated by a formed outlook on life.

Well, if the second phalanx of the thumb is of medium thickness or thin. The middle second phalanx means that this person combines rationality with willpower. A balance is maintained between them.

Thin second phalanx always found in tactful people. It is a sign of an open, receptive mind that considers all possible points of view before making a choice. If the second phalanx is much longer than the first, such a person tends to think over and weigh all the pros and cons for a long time before taking action. Such a thumb is also called "Hamlet's finger", because its owner constantly thinks: "To be or not to be?" You can draw the person's attention to this tendency and to the need to make decisions. With some effort, he will be able to become more decisive in his actions.

The thumb, thin along its entire length, but regular in shape and graceful, marks a tactful, lively person. He appreciates different types of people, he has an open mind. He also likes adventure. Such a person has a quick mind and is likely to have many interesting stories to tell.

The shape of the thumb can have its own meaning.

To identify it, you should pay attention to the first phalanx.

Thumb with a thickened tip . If the tip is very thick, this indicates a hereditary tendency to irritability. Even if such a thumb does not occur in your client's family members, it is likely that someone from distant relatives had one. It is called "thick" and is associated with a cruel or even criminal nature. However, one should not rush to conclusions. Perhaps a person will never face circumstances in which his cruelty will awaken. However, it should be borne in mind that he can easily provoke an outburst of anger, and you can never guess what exactly will cause it.

flat thumb. Sometimes the tip of the thumb looks flat or depressed. This means that a person needs more physical activity than what he currently has. Perhaps he feels tired or exhausted from any unusual effort for him. This tendency can be overcome with regular exercise, because the body needs to be kept in shape to compensate for any unforeseen outflow of energy.

Flexible and inflexible thumbs . There is another special feature that characterizes the thumbs. The flexible finger moves so easily in the joint connecting the first and second phalanges that the finger can be bent back. If the joint is inflexible, then the finger will remain straight.

flexible finger betrays a generous person who readily shares his time, money and emotions. He likes to have a good time and have fun. Very often, this shape of the finger indicates dramatic talent. A slight curve of the finger reflects a sympathetic nature, but if the arc is strong, such a person is too easily touched by stories of someone else's bad luck. In addition, a flexible thumb is a clear sign of a person who easily parted with money.

Inflexible finger. Such people strictly control their budget. If we talk about positive properties, then among them we can name a developed ability for self-control, although other signs fixed on the hand can strengthen or weaken this ability. Inflexible thumb indicates a person who is not spontaneous in reactions to new situations. Only old and proven methods allow him to show his creative abilities. If you want to make such a person feel comfortable, talk about what is familiar to him, and you will notice how he relaxes and opens up.

meet you right before your eyes.

Compliance and resistance. Finishing work with the thumb, once again pay attention to how pliable it is.

A thumb that doesn't give in to your pressure indicates a quality of self-control. If the curve of the thumb indicates a sympathetic, prone to wasteful personality, then the lack of mobility at the junction of the finger with the palm indicates that this quality is partly under control. If the finger is thick, which is a sign of stubbornness, the lack of mobility will indicate an even greater severity of this quality. Assess the level of control by the degree of resistance and add the result to all other signs to get a complete picture.

Of all the parameters of the thumb, the most important are its length and general appearance. It is the length of the thumb that says the most about what a person can achieve in life, and helps determine how much effort a person needs to make in order to realize the potential reflected in his palm.

A lot can be learned by looking at the hills in the palm of a person, because they tell how much and what type of energy he has.

The thumb on the hand is the basis of analysis in Indian palmistry.

This finger will tell us about how a person makes decisions and how they implement them. Unlike others, it does not have the name of a deity, although in some books it is called the Finger of Venus, in honor of the hillock that is located at its base.

Our thumb distinguishes man from other animals, including great apes. The basis of this difference is a nerve, but not a simple one, but a radial one, which contains the same nerves as our brain. No wonder the stimulation of the thumb has a positive effect on the frontal lobes of the brain and enhances intellectual activity.

First of all, palmistry suggests paying attention to the length of the thumb.

Indian palmistry claims that the length of this finger is directly related to success. Because according to observations, people with a long thumb achieve more in life than the rest. Most famous personalities, actors, managers had a well-developed thumb.

  • If the thumb is long (the length reaches the middle of the second phalanx of the index finger), then the person in front of you is most likely frank, straightforward. At the same time, he is a real dictator, striving for absolute power.
  • If the thumb is medium in size (its length reaches the middle of the third phalanx of the index finger), this indicates the development of leadership qualities. Such people are balanced managers who are able to believe in themselves.
  • A short finger (its length only reaches the base of the lower phalanx of the index finger) indicates that such people are more irrational and prone to momentary moods. They are enthusiastic and impressive. And in achieving goals, they are stubborn and stubborn.

Size and location

  • Big - speaks of a developed will, that a person can not only set a goal for himself, but also go towards it, no matter what, overcoming himself over and over again.
  • Small, thin, not developed - suggests that this nature cares more about its emotional side than about the physical one. He is a poet and a romantic, and by no means an athlete.

It is important to understand how the thumb joins, attaches to the palm. It is very simple to do this, in palmistry it is customary to divide the palm into squares with two lines. One line should run from the lower phalanx of the middle finger down, the horizontal line should cross exactly the middle of the vertical line at a clear angle. In order to calculate the middle, it is better to use a ruler.

Thus, you can get three types of attachment.

  • Attachment in the middle (when the finger joins the palm at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines), this attachment enhances all the positive characteristics of the thumb, namely the strong-willed component, leadership and purposefulness.
  • Attachment is high (attached above the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines), such people are creators, they are able to approach solving problems in a non-standard way, and most solutions come to them unexpectedly, like insight.
  • Attachment is low (attaches below the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines), such people are endowed with courage and bravery. They know what a sense of duty and nobility are. They are flexible and able to adapt to the most unexpected living conditions.

The next thing that palmistry pays attention to is the angle at which a person places his thumb in ordinary life. The angle is understood as the distance from the thumb to the finger of Jupiter (index). Usually this angle looks on the right hand.

  • So, the angle is less than 45 degrees (i.e. close enough to the index), such people are stern and straightforward. They do not hide anything in their bosoms and speak everything directly and in the eyes.
  • At an angle of 90 degrees - such people have a developed sense of justice, they tend to worry about both themselves and others, and fight for justice. These people are friendly and understanding.
  • The angle is more than a right one - such people are open and trusting. For them, the team and reliance on the people around them is important, they easily lend their friendly shoulder to colleagues and friends.

Flexibility - the ability to bend the thumb back at the joint. Everything is quite simple here.

  • If the thumb bends, then the person has the flexibility of character, he is a merry fellow and a joker, the center of attention of any company. Such people resemble grass, they easily respond to any breath of wind, and are also able to adapt to different conditions.
  • If he (especially the right hand) is firm, then this means firmness of character and intentions, such people are stubborn and persistent. They can be compared to centuries-old oaks, they stand so firmly on the ground that nothing can break them.


Palmistry focuses on both the shape and size of the finger, and the shape and size of the phalanges. If the phalanges are equal in size. Then a person is equally developed perseverance and enterprise.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second, then such a person is stubborn and restless. He will go through difficulties and obstacles to his goal. Such people are able to climb the career ladder from the bottom, mistakes do not break them, but make them stronger.

If the second phalanx is greater than the first. Here the situation is directly opposite to the previous one. Such a person has a flexible and resourceful mind. He does not rush into battle until he calculates tactics and strategy, and then he thinks a little more and only then, perhaps, begins to act.

tip shape

Palmistry pays special attention to which ending the thumb has.

  • The square shape speaks of the practicality and prosaic nature of a person. Such people are down to earth, do not hover in the clouds and do not build castles in the air.
  • The shape of the shoulder blade - such a person is businesslike, energetic and very active.
  • Conical shape - found in people of art, sensitive, sophisticated and emotional.
  • Pointed shape - such people have the ability of a soothsayer. They are balanced and can find positive, even in difficult situations.
  • Wide tip - such people tend to be careful and measure seven times before cutting off.

A wide and flat shape (especially on the right hand) - such people are extremely patient, they can even tolerate misbehavior from others, but they need to “drain” the accumulated tension in the gym or in extreme sports. Author: Daria Potykan

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Lines on the thumb branch Indian palmistry.

Rekhas (lines) of the thumb

The definition of events by the thumb is based on the reading of horizontal and vertical lines, called by Hindu palmists “rekhas”, which means “river” in Sanskrit. In total, there are 9 main rekhs on the thumb, 6 of which are horizontal and 3 are vertical. Without exception, all thumb rekhas are associated with the most important karmic events, i.e. with those events that a person will need to work out in this incarnation. When reading rekhs, one must take into account their location, shape, depth and quality of lines, because the quality of the analysis depends on them.

Six horizontal rekhs:

1. phala rekha- is called the "line of wheat" and indicates the quality and conditions of human life.

2. mandhura rekha- is called the line of education.
3. mandra rekha- is called the line of trips or journeys.
4. Mana rekha- indicates a tendency to extramarital affairs.
5. Rati rekha- is called the marital line and denotes happiness in marriage for both partners.
6. Malika rekha- is called a family ring or lineage.

Three vertical rekhas:

1. Kesara rekha- speaks of an increase in well-being and shows how rich or poor a person will be throughout his life.
2. Vajara rekha- is called the diamond line and speaks of the disclosure of one's karmic destiny.
3. Mangala rekha- is called the “enemy line” and is one of the heaviest karmic signs on the hand.

Rekhas illuminate the most important areas of human life. But in fact, not every thumb has so many lines. If the line is clearly expressed on the thumb, then this indicates that this area is developing in a person, and depending on the quality of the rekha, we will be able to understand whether a person is going in the right direction or not. The absence of a line indicates that, according to karma, something is not given to such a person in life or the area will not receive its development in this incarnation.
And now we will analyze each rekha line in more detail and dwell on the main combinations that can form thumb rekhas.

PHALA REKHA separates the first and second phalanges of the thumb and indicates the quality and conditions of a person's life. It is also called the "wheat line". This sign is associated with karma more than any other rekha on the finger, since it is Phala that reflects all the deeds of a person in a past life. Its configuration is strictly individual and entirely dependent on Sanchita karma. If this line is clearly visible, deep, distinct and continuous, this indicates that such a person will live a simple life without much ups and downs, but he will always have enough money to feed himself. Also, according to ancient tradition, a good Phala predicts longevity for a person. The most favorable sign is considered to be in the form of an island, called by palmists "a grain of rice or wheat." In India, where there are still a large number of poor people, a hearty meal every day is considered a great gift of fate and
favorable karmic offering. In our understanding, the sign of "grain of wheat" on the thumb means that the basic vital needs of the owner of the hand will be satisfied, regardless of the external factors of a person's life. If Phala
rekha is represented in the form of a flower, then a person will face difficulties in childhood, but will flourish in youth and old age. If the flower consists of 3 petals, then the person will have a lot of money and wealth.
If Kesar, Malika and Rati are pressed on the finger, this means that a person was born into this world in order to correct the sins of past incarnations.

Among Eastern palmists, there is an opinion that if we see two Phalas standing next to each other, then they denote a man and a woman. On the male hand, the additional line is called the Stri Rekha, and on the female hand, the Purusha Rekha. This is a special karmic sign, indicating that the owner of these lines will outlive a marriage partner. If this line is interrupted, then in life there will be more than one family grief or loss of a loved one. In addition, the owner of such a hand can squander all family wealth or inheritance in a very short time. Black dots on the line indicate a lack of livelihood or the death of a marriage partner. At what age these events will occur, you can find out by applying dating to the line itself and the signs on it.
Now we will move from theory to practice, from basic descriptions of lines to their visual study. On the left in the drawings, various variations of Phala will be schematically shown, and on the right you will see how certain signs look on the thumbs of real people.

  1. Two Phalas located next to each other - a happy life from birth to death (provided that the lines are long and
    pass through the entire phalanx). Such a person will have a brother, parents and a permanent job. There will be quick money and quick spending.
  2. Fat Phala - a man born and raised in a poor family, he had a difficult and difficult childhood. Will earn all my life
    to a life of hard work and experience problems from his wife and children. There are many enemies in life. Short-lived. Such a person has money
    not even enough to feed themselves.
  3. In the middle of Phala, thickening is a period of hard life, problems at work and in the family. When applying dating to the line, we find out the beginning and end of the problems.
  4. There is a second compensatory line at the end of the Phala - a person will receive wealth from his children. In old age, he will gain recognition, respect and honor in society.
  5. The beginning of Phala is blurred - a person suffers from illnesses and will not live where he was born, but will move to a friend
  6. Phala forms a sign of grain - a person will be rich, help others and have many women (men). The dating in this case will indicate when success begins (the beginning of the grain) and at what age it will end (the end of the grain).
    You should always pay attention to how the line behaves after the grain: if it is deep and clear, then the success will continue, but will not be so strong; if broken or broken, then bankruptcy or ruin is possible. success in
    in our understanding means that the basic vital needs of the owner of the hand will be satisfied regardless of external factors, i.e. he will receive everything that he dreamed of and that was given to him by karma.
  7. Phala forms two grains - a sign of great wealth and recognition in society. A very rare sign. In my practice, I have never met him even with very rich and recognized people in society. Its rarity is due to the fact that a person, in addition to possessing huge material wealth, must have the same huge spiritual nature and be sure to help people, and this
    very rare in our modern world.
  8. Phala in the form of a snake, as it were, devours the remaining rekha - the loss of a mother (or wife).
  9. Phala is pressed or broken - a person is fighting for survival. His family and children will suffer from such a miserable existence.
  10. Phala thin or torn (wavy) - a period of illness and vague happiness. Life consists of black and white stripes. A good conversationalist, but will be very reckless and often play for money.

11. If a fish or a snake (fork) is formed in the middle of Phala, a person will give up the money profession (at the beginning of the fish or snake sign) and emigrate. During this period, his wife will face danger to her life. The sign makes a person very suspicious.

12. Branch from Phala down - a man does not respect his wife and often leaves home. If there are negative signs (crosses or dots on the line), the loss of a spouse is possible.
13. Three Phalas are located far from each other - a man marries more than two wives during his life and receives property from them.

14. Phala curve (forms a "bow") - happiness and peace in family life are unattainable and will only be present in the imagination
sign owner. The sign dooms to excessive work and low income for life.
15. Phala and Mandhura are cut by a snake and go to the center of the papillary pattern - loss of vision in her husband in old age.
16. The V sign over Phala indicates problems with conception and childbirth or the birth of only girls. There will be no heirs (boys). Almost all children inherit bad karma with premature death before adulthood.

17. Sign V crosses Phala and forms a triangle with its apex down - a person will have many sons.
18. Phala branches in its end - the loss of everything acquired: family, children, position in society.
19. Phala in the form of a tower, next to which there is a “flag” - a person is very rich, and he will have a good wife (husband), perhaps
noble bloodlines.

20. Phala breaks and starts from a new line - indicates a fateful move or a radical change in profession (to be confirmed
along the main lines of the arms). What will life be like further, we specify by the quality of the newly formed line.
21. Phala of this kind indicates life outside the family, danger to the wife of the owner of the sign and the loss of children. In addition to this, there will be
many enemies.

22. The snake cuts the Phala and goes from the bottom up - the loss of the mother. The period of the snake crossing Phala indicates the time of loss.
23. The snake cuts Phala from top to bottom - a person will have a lot of enemies.
24. Lotus sign on Phala - the person will be a famous politician and have a high social status.

25. A snake from Phala "bites" a star - a person will lose all his wealth due to enemies or loved ones. Bad relationships in the family
throughout life.
26. Phala is depressed at the beginning, and forms a zigzag at the end - a difficult life at the beginning and difficulties at the end of life. Zigzag directional
in the finger, is a sign of loss of property.
27. Phala first goes in a straight line, then forms a grain and ends in a zigzag - a person will move in childhood, in middle age
will become rich, but by the end of his life he will lose his accumulated wealth and happiness as a result of adverse events. The wife will die before him. All the above events are determined to within a year when dating is applied to this line.
28. Phala is like a fish - a person will earn a livelihood by simple professions. He is interested in visiting holy places, serves God and respects elders. Capricious. In life, there will be several sources of income and easy spending of money.
29. Phala is a homogeneous line - a simple life. Happiness and hardship equally.

30. If Phala forms the sign of wheat at the beginning, the person is rich from birth. In his youth he will be engaged in business, as a result of which
gain fame and glory. During his life he will have many mistresses. Will be generous and will donate funds to charity.
31. Phala forms a grain at first, in middle age the line breaks and comes to naught - a person is rich from birth. In middle age
will lose all his wealth inherited from childhood from his parents. As a result of promiscuous sexual life, venereal diseases are possible.
32. Phala in the middle and at the end of life forms grains - a good life in childhood. In the future, as a result of the received profession, he will grow rich and inherit the property of other people. Has the favor of many women and will spend his life in great fame and fortune.
33. Phala is a chain - constant life problems, hard and difficult life. Lack of livelihood.
MANDHURA REKHA- this is the line of education, the humanities or humanity. It is located just below the wheat line, but is not visible on every hand. Its presence on the thumb endows a person with generosity, free-thinking, high intelligence and compassion. These are strong, generous natures that stand out from the gray mass of ordinary people. People with a good Mandhura line are always in the spotlight due to their intellect and inner nobility. You can rely on such people in difficult times or ask for help, because. they will never refuse.
Mandhura rekha may not always reach the opposite side of the finger. If it does not exist at all, then the person is uneducated. In a broad sense, education is understood, in addition to the school course of knowledge, also spiritual education. Two lines located one below the other at a short distance from each other indicate two formations.

1. Strong and clear Mandhura - good education and powerful intellect.
2. Mandhura is split or cut off abruptly - a person is uneducated and mentally unstable or has difficulty in getting an education.
3. Cross on Mandhur - fame due to education.

4. Mandhura curved or wavy - a person is fickle in getting an education. Constantly tossing in search of a better place
under the sun will make it difficult to concentrate on the learning process.

MANDRA REKHA- This is a line of travel and travel. A sign of restlessness of nature and impatience with prohibitions and restrictions. People with such a line cannot bear the monotony and everyday everyday problems, as their vital energy is in full swing and needs to be released. Their inquisitive mind is set to constantly receive new information and to change the type of activity. Often they are dreamers and dreamers.
If, by the will of fate, it is not possible to travel, then they go to their invented illusory world.

The figures above show the varieties of travel lines. I want to note that if the line is deep, then in life there will be an important karmic move or emigration to another country. The number of lines does not indicate the number of trips, but indicates the fact of the move itself, i.e. that a person will not live where he was born.

MANA REKHA- people with this line may have extramarital affairs and are prone to cheating on a marriage partner. If these signs are present on the hands of a man, then you can be sure that you have a desperate womanizer who is constantly looking for love adventures. Even if a person can physically overcome this temptation, his thoughts will still be colored with sexual fantasies and desires. On the female hand, Mana Rekha can be interpreted as friendly relations (without betrayal) with a large number of men. The sign indicates the presence in the character of one of the 6 enemies of man - lust.

The figure on the left shows the varieties of Mana, and the following pictures show examples of how these lines are displayed on the thumbs.
The RATI REKHA is one of the most difficult thumb rekhas to interpret. This is the marital line, which indicates happiness in marriage for both partners, because. it contains all the information about the marital relationship and marital status of a person. On male hands, Rati speaks of his wife, on female hands, of her husband. Rati is a kind of line of Influence on the hill of Venus or a line
Relationships on the hill of Mercury, which tells about the nature of the partner, his attitude to marriage and, of course, the number of marriages in a person's life.

1. Rati rekha, which forms the island through which the lines of Kesar pass, predicts an easy and happy family life. The marriage partner will be rich and educated.
2. Rati is torn in the middle - family happiness will be only in the first half of life, because. in middle age there will be an unfortunate
death or danger to the life of the spouse. Having dated the time of the break in the line and evaluating its second part, we learn about the time of the onset of these problems and the quality of the new marriage.

3. Rati is rough and fat - the partner of the owner of the mark will have a cruel disposition. If, in addition to this, Rati is broken, then the poor health of the spouse or misfortune with him (at the time of the line break) will be added to everything else.
4. Island on Rati - the marriage partner will have poor health. On men's hands, the island says that the wife will have abortions.
5. Broken Rati is a sign of a bachelor. A person does not marry throughout his life.

6. Rati branches - a sign of a problem marriage. A man will earn little to support his family. The wife will
Seek help and support from other people.
7. There are dots or crosses on Rati - the owner of the sign will have a bad wife.
8. Rati is broken - an unhappy marriage due to infidelity.
9. Rati has the shape of a fish - a person will receive wealth and fame as a result of marriage.

10. Rati is curved - indicates the fickle and changeable nature of the partner. The spouse will be long-lived.

11. Kesars depart from Rati - the acquisition of money and wealth through a partner.
12. Rati cuts the line of the enemy, after which it breaks - the spouse will die from an accident. If, after crossing the line of the enemy, Rati does not
breaks down, and continues on - an indication of a period of problems that will be successfully overcome. Oblique line crossing Rati -
divorce sign. Crossing the Rati Rekha lines, when applied to them dating, will tell about the time of the problems.
13. On Rati, the sign of fish (corner) - a person successfully marries at the beginning of the sign of fish. A good and prosperous marriage, provided that the line
Rati does not break after crossing with a corner.
14. Two Ratis - two spouses. The strength and quality of the lines determine which marriage will be better. For example, if the second line is split or broken compared to the first, then there will be problems in family life with the second spouse.
15. If a comet cuts the line of Life and Rati, the partner will have a bad temper and be disgusted with his spouse. Divorce sign
through the court.

16. Rati branches at the end - widowhood in marriage.
17. On Rati or next to it is the sign of a star - a person in the second half of his life will lose his spouse. In addition, the partner will suffer
stomach diseases. The time of the death of the spouse is specified by the intersection of Rati with a star.
18. Two lines of Rati, located far from each other, on one of which there are short lines - the marriage partner will have a bad character and will not reckon with anyone or anything.
19. Rati is rough and thick, the branches from which resemble the roots of a tree - marriage with an ignorant person who has extramarital affairs.
In a fit of anger, he can kill a marriage partner.

20. On Rati, a square and a triangle - a person will work in one profession throughout his life. He will hold the position of an employee who, in addition to his wife, will have two mistresses.
21. Rati cuts the snake - the partner will cheat. After marriage, she finds out about the betrayal and leaves him after three years of marriage.
The man marries again, but the second wife can also leave him, provided that Rati eventually becomes thinner and disappears.
22. Cross on or near Rati - a person indulges his weaknesses, as a result of which he can divorce and remarry.
23. Next to Rati fork - the partner will have problems with the reproductive organs.
24. Rati is very thin or short - there will be no happiness in marriage. On men's hands, he speaks of his wife's infertility.
25. Rati has a “ship” sign - the spouse will be a very famous person: a politician, director, property owner or manager. Working for the state, he will get rich and will do charity work. He will have famous and famous children. Due to the fact that the sign of the "ship" is connected with Rati, he will receive help in his career as a result of a successful marriage.

26. Rati goes upstairs - divorce due to spouse's fantasies or sexual incompatibility.
27. Rati ends with a fork - a sign of divorce from a partner.
28. Rati bends down, cuts Malika and goes to the hill of Venus - a divorce from his spouse, as a result of which he will take everything together
but acquired property. Dating in this case is carried out at the intersection of Rati with Malika, where the intersection will indicate the time of the divorce.
29. Rati flows into Malika - the spouse will bring wealth. A very good and favorable marriage.
30. Many lines of Rati that flow into Malika - the spouse will be very wealthy. The more connections, the more income
husband will bring to the family. We take Malika as the basis for dating, where each connection with a branch from Rati will indicate the time of capital increase.
And the last thing you need to know about Rati Rekha. The initiator of a divorce can be defined as follows: if on the active hand Rati is torn or damaged, and on the passive it is whole and even, then the owner of the active hand with bad Rati will initiate the divorce, since he is not satisfied with these relationships, and vice versa. The active hand is always the choice of the owner of the sign, and the passive hand is the choice of his spouse. Also, if Rati Rekha has flaws or irregularities on the thumbs, then most likely the spouses will have sexual incompatibility. If the line is even and beautiful, this indicates that in addition to a good marriage, the partner will also be a good one.
I can't help but dwell on the sign at number 30. Now in our society, young pretty girls dream of marrying a millionaire, thereby buying themselves a ticket to an expensive and beautiful life. But due to ignorance of the laws of karma, they do not realize that a good and wealthy husband now had to be earned by his righteous deeds in past lives. The Vedas say that in order to know your karma, you need to look at your husband. If the husband is hardworking and a good family man, then you have good karma, and if he drinks and walks, then your karma is bad. In any case, you need to start working hard on yourself and improve yourself. If
you do not have the sign shown in the last example, which means that by karma you are not entitled to a millionaire husband or a person with a high social status, so you can have no illusions about this. It is also necessary to remember that the lines on the hands can change when working on one’s character, and in our example this means that by getting married, one can either improve the quality of the marriage by one’s actions or break it once and for all.

Malika Rekha looks like a chain of islands separating the thumb from the hill of Venus. The continuity of Maliki conditions a happy family life, so if it is broken or islandless, then this is a sign of loss of family wealth or family reputation. According to Malik, palmists will find out how a person was influenced by parental upbringing and the character traits of which parent prevail in him to a greater extent. If Malika is fatter and fatter than Phala, this indicates excessive care and guardianship of parents or a child's great attachment to his parents.
Even if there is no Phala on the finger, but there are good strong lines of Kesar and Malika Rekha, then the person will be happy in life. If Malika and Phala are fat, rough or depressed, then such a person was born into this world in order to work off his karmic debts and provide other people with their well-being. If there are auspicious signs next to Malika, such as a lotus, a leaf or a tree, the person will be rich and famous in life. In the presence of bad signs - a snake, a scorpion, an inverted triangle - a person will have bad professions and low material wealth. A cross on Malik or a strongly depressed line indicates interference with children.
1. A good chained Malika is a happy family life. A person is born in a good and rich family.
2. Butterfly (two triangles connected by vertices) on Malik - future great fame as a manager or director thanks to parental upbringing. Land and / or real estate will help in this.
3-4. On Malik there are signs of a fish, a triangle or a square - a person will earn his living by technical professions. His wife will be good, benevolent, pious and will do charity work. The owner of such signs believes in
5. Malik is cut or broken by a comet coming from the hill of Venus - sworn enemies will damage reputation, property and wealth
6. Next to Malika, the sign of the eye - portends wealth and enjoyment of life. Gives fame to the spouse and children. gift of intuition and
sixth sense (third eye).
7. Signs on Malik: towers, bowls, triangles. Tower - gaining power as a result of social life. The bowl indicates charity, and the triangle indicates the possession of land and wealth.
8. Black dot on Malik - loss of wealth due to relatives.
9. An inverted triangle next to or on Malika - a hard life, a constant shortage or lack of money.
10. Malika is depressed and crossed by hostile lines - the persecution of a person by the father's relatives.
11. Malika is rough, has the sign of a snake or branches - a person leads a depraved lifestyle, as a result of which venereal diseases are possible. For such an immoral way of life, people will condemn him. He will spend all his money on women and will be left without a livelihood.
12. Thick, straight Malika, on which there are no islands - the celibacy of a person and constant failures. Absence of parents from birth
or proper upbringing in the family.

The study of varieties and behavior on the hand of Maliki Rekha can tell a lot about the life and fate of our parents in relation to their joint marriage, as well as how they influenced our upbringing. The most interesting cases of such influence will be considered in the photographs and drawings below.

4.79 4.79.1

4.80 4.80.1

Figures 4.79 show an ideal family ring, which consists of islands, forming a chain. The chain, firstly, indicates that the person was born in a good and wealthy family. Secondly, it informs about the parents of the owner of the hand. In theory, a chain is two lines that, connecting together and interacting with each other, intertwining, form a continuous sequence of islands.
Suppose that one of the lines symbolizes the father, and the second - the mother. If the lines of the father and mother are intertwined with each other, while forming good, clear and deep islands that go together for a long time, then this sign will tell us that the parents, having married, will live together and will never divorce . This means that the fates of the father and mother are intertwined to work out the common karma of the clan and personal Prarabdha karma. Such a full-fledged family will raise good smart children and give them a decent education, and will also be able to pass on to their children all their accumulated knowledge and skills, which will undoubtedly affect the child in a positive way. The child will realize that he is desirable in such a family, he will see and feel that he is loved and taken care of, so he will not have those complexes that are inherent in children from single-parent families. On the example of his parents, he will
learn how to live in marriage and build relationships with your spouse.
A completely different situation is shown in Figures 4.80. These photographs show the divorce of the parents, which caused great mental trauma to the child. Before explaining the behavior and interpretation of the lines in this drawing, I want to talk to you about divorce - how it is described in the Vedas. Divorce is nothing but selfishness. This egoism is expressed in relation to oneself, in the unwillingness to put up with those unpleasant situations that you have to solve in the course of living together with your spouse. I want to live for myself, so that the spouse satisfies only your desires, which can often contradict his own. When selfishness begins to "go wild", and no one wants to give in to relationships, then swearing begins, which turns into mutual claims, and then, when people already hate each other, they decide to break off the joint relationship.
When parents deal with themselves or sort things out in marriage, they almost always forget about the child, and he, seeing all this negativity, receives great moral and psychological wounds that will never heal and will remain for the rest of his life. Family karma is the most complex of all the varieties of karma that exist, and sooner or later all participants in the process will have to work it out anyway. Divorce does not solve the problem in a relationship, and moreover, it can exacerbate it many times over. For example, if parents enter into a new relationship, then even if at first everything is fine in a new marriage, then as time passes, their relationship will begin to deteriorate again due to the fact that the joint karma of the past relationship that connected the parents and the child has not been worked out.
Therefore, the Vedas say that it is a great happiness to be born and live in a complete family, and this right also had to be earned by one's pious deeds in past lives. In addition to personal karma, in this situation, the karma of the clan is also mixed in, more and more
and more confusing the situation. What kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and how they will affect the child, you can easily find out without even knowing the basics of palmistry, just by looking at Malika Rekha of the child on both fingers. If there is a chain, then the child will receive only good things from your marriage, and if it is broken, as in Figure 4.80, then you urgently need to reconsider your relationship with your spouse and immediately begin to correct the situation.
In figure 4.80, the ideal Malika Rekha is drawn in white in the place where it should be if the relationship of the parents in marriage would be harmonious. But here we see that it is torn and leaves its "orbit" in different directions, clearly showing that the marriage is collapsing, and the fate of the mother and father of the owner of the hand diverges. The bottom line, which traditionally represents the father of the child, runs below the normal location of Maliki, while the top line represents the mother and goes into the finger. By this behavior and the quality of the lines, you can determine with whom the child will remain after the divorce. In this case, there are islands on the mother's line, which say
that the child after the divorce will be with her. If, on the contrary, islets are present on the father's line, then the child will live with the father. You can also notice that there are branches from Malika's father to Malika's mother - this is a sign that the father was looking for an opportunity to restore the marriage, but he did not succeed, because the line on the thumb did not recover. You see three branches going to the mother's line, indicating that the father made three attempts over time to return the family and restore relations. The comet highlighted in black acts as a time marker. It is during the period of the comet that the relationship between the parents is finally broken and they disperse, and the child at this moment receives the peak of psychological shocks and problems.
Figure 4.81 also shows the parents' divorce. The only difference from the above case is that the relationship of the parents after the divorce will be restored over time, they will come together and continue to live together. Reunion shown
a branch coming from the line of the father, which merges with the line of the mother approximately in the middle of the common Maliki.
Pay attention to the fact that there is an island on Mother's Malik, in which two branches are enclosed, and the island itself seems to want to break away from the line itself. The branches in this case indicate that mother tried twice to build relationships with new men, and
the fact that they are on the island indicates that these attempts were unsuccessful. Therefore, after these unsuccessful attempts, the mother began to improve relations with the father of the child, and Malika's family began to grow together.

The figure shows a case related to the death of a father who inflicted the most severe psychological wounds on a child. You have already mastered the basic course of behavior and reading of Maliki Rekha, so I will go straight to the event. The death of the father is spoken of by a comet that cuts the line immediately after the island on Malik of the father. If we apply dating to the line, it is clear that the event occurred before the child came of age, at 16 years old. Stress over the loss of a parent is shown by a wiki on the father's line. Since the lines forming the fork are strong and go on for a long time, approximately 10–12 years, it can be said that the loss of the father caused deep mental trauma to the child for a rather long period.

To conclude this topic, consider the most auspicious example of the behavior of Maliki Rekha.
The picture shows the thumb of a child who was taken from an orphanage by foster parents and adopted. The example is indicative in the sense that at first Malika begins and goes for some time with sign No. 12, and after dissecting it by a comet, it passes into islands - into sign No. 1. Malika, who did not form islands at the beginning, says that since childhood, by karma the child was given a hard life, which was expressed in the fact that his parents abandoned him at birth and left him in the care of the state. The time period of the beginning of the islands is the appearance of a full-fledged family in a child, in our case, his adoption.

Judging by the quality of the islands, it is clear that the new foster parents will give him all the benefits that are necessary for further independent life. Good, even and closed islets also indicate that the child himself will be very
strongly attached to his new family. The comet in this case is also a marker of age, separating old and new life. But you may notice that after her crossing with Malika, islands begin to indicate that the event that will happen to our child has only favorable consequences, unlike previous examples in which comets break the main lines of the thumb.
And the last important remark regarding the family ring. When reading the Maliki Rekha, always remember that in case of violations of the line, the interpretation on the active and passive hand will have cardinal differences. If on the active hand Malika represents a chain, and on the passive hand it is broken, this suggests that although in appearance the family in which the child lives has normal relations, psychologically the child feels that in the relationship between father and mother, not everything is going smoothly and OK. In my practice, such behavior of the lines occurred in those families when, for their own reasons, the parents did not have a deep spiritual connection with each other and did not get divorced only because
so as not to injure the child with their actions. And vice versa, broken Malika on the active and normal on the passive hand has opposite interpretations. But most often in your practice you will meet with a person’s bad karma broken lines on both hands due to the fact that fateful events always leave an indelible mark on our lives and inflict such spiritual wounds that are healed only by time.

KESARA REKHA- this is a vertical line crossing the thumb along the side remote from the other four fingers of the hand, indicating an increase in the well-being, fame and wealth of the family. If Kesara is not found, this is a sign of poverty and hard life. The thick line promises easy money. A broken or wavy Kesara indicates a person who does not adhere to a particular profession, who will often lose his job and have unstable material wealth. If Kesara is as thin as hair, then the person will eventually rise to wealth and fame, but first he will have to work out his bad karma. If Kesar is more than 16, then such a person was born in a rich family, he will have power, become famous and rich. If Kesara is not visible at first, and then manifests itself, then a person, although he will be born in a poor family, but in the second half of his life he will be able to find a profession that will allow him to earn money and be happy. Summarizing all of the above, I can say that it is a great success to have Kesar lines on hand, because. they promise an increase in material wealth. By applying dating to the thumb, you can easily determine at what age a person will have an increase in wealth and a happy, carefree life.

1. Kesara is long and clear, going to the phalanx of the will, is a very good sign that speaks of education and wealth. A person with such a line will love and appreciate art.
2. Short Kesars going from Mandra to Phala Rekha - a small financial aid from children.
3. Many long Kesar - a person is wealthy, holds a high position and has many subordinates.
4. A lot of Kesar - a person during the entire time of the sign will enjoy a rich life and have high incomes from
your business.
5. Enemy line starts from Rati rekha and cuts Phala - a man will lose all money and prestige because of a woman.

VAJARA REKHA called the diamond line and is extremely rare. This line crosses the thumb along the side close to the other four fingers. If it is present on the hand, then it is always clearly visible and easy to find.
Sometimes Vajara can start on the Mount of Venus and run all the way down the second phalanx of the thumb.
The appearance of this karmic sign indicates that a person did not reveal his true destiny in this incarnation and lost sight of the most important thing, therefore he is sometimes given incurable diseases along with great wealth. It is important to remember here that no worldly pleasures can free us from the burden of our karma. If we do not constantly work on ourselves, if we do not develop spiritually and forget about God, while repeating the same mistakes again and again, over and over again, then the burden of karma grows and life becomes more difficult every day. On the other hand, the presence of a continuous Vajara on the thumb can mean the temptation of wealth. The bearer of such a sign can become the owner of a huge fortune, opening before him all the worldly temptations. If at the same time the temptation wins, then according to the law of unshakable justice, the Higher powers will take away something else from a person, for example, health, which, as we know, cannot be bought for any money.
If Vajara is clearly expressed on the thumb, but at the same time Rati is broken, the person, although he will be rich, will suffer from venereal diseases or abuse alcohol. In the presence of Vajara, which is accompanied by many Kesars, a person will be a millionaire, but will suffer from numerous diseases. If Vajara, Kesara and Phala are depressed or only
one wavy Vajara, then a person will have a speculative type of income and a lot of expenses.

MANGALA REKHA- this is a vertical line rising from the hill of Venus and dividing the finger in half.
Literally, it is translated from Sanskrit as "enemy line". Is the most negative line on the big
finger, which gives a person illness, poverty and want. In palmistry, it is believed that the line that
the Mangala line cuts or with which it comes into contact, loses its favorable properties, or its
properties are replaced by negative ones. A very heavy karmic sign that is given to a person as an edification for the negative deeds of past lives and contributes to the development of the personality and the search for one's destiny, and also teaches patience in the present.

In order not to torment you with theory any longer, let's go straight to practice and consider the example presented in Figure 4.88. The photograph shows the thumb of a man who, at the age of 18, as a result of an unsuccessful jump into the pool, dislocated his neck and remained disabled for life.

The fact that this event is karmic and very difficult, I think, none of you doubted. When considering the behavior of the lines, we will omit why this young man received such problems in life and the hardest trials, and we will focus only on Mangala Rekha. Mangala is just at the age of 18 and is a fork that cuts the Phala rekha. From what we have learned, we know
that if the enemy line cuts Phala, then it loses its favorable properties, in this case affecting the quality of life, making it difficult and unbearable.
The most interesting thing in this combination is that a person should not have died when falling, but should, in any case, remain alive in order to continue to rethink life and search for himself. This fact is evidenced by the second protective line, which goes a little higher, parallel to Phala, thereby protecting it and covering the very life of the owner of the hand. This is how the “villainous fate” ordered and worked off the karmic debt, immobilizing a person and making him an invalid for life; fate gave a person a second chance and a lot of time to rethink his life to find himself in a new quality. Thus, having got rid of everything material, to be able, at least in your thoughts and desires, to start moving towards God. At the age of 40, there is another Mangala Rekha on his finger, talking about a new karmic test.
And the last thing to always remember when analyzing the rekhas of the thumb: if all the lines are very thick and there are no auspicious signs, then the person will be ignorant, rude, uneducated and spend his whole life in hard work.

Article based on the book by K.V. Pilipishin. Your karma in the palms trust my experience! The circulation of such books is running out very quickly, you can purchase at the link

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