What is the difference between beans and beans. How to cook beans: different types of beans, different types of beans

How are beans different from beans?

Legumes are an amazing culture, which is represented by a wide variety of species: it is the familiar peas, beans, and now fashionable lentils, and many other plants, including even peanuts. Unites them one common feature- fruits in the form of a pod with several dense, smooth seeds inside. The pod itself is often referred to as the bean. Almost all leguminous plants have an important nutritional value, because they contain a lot of protein, vitamins A, B, C, mineral salts, complex carbohydrates. In moderation, the fruits of these plants must be present in the diet of every person who cares about their health.

Most often we eat peas, beans and beans. And if the peas are from the rest legumes easy to distinguish, then there is always confusion with beans and beans.

What are beans and beans

Bean (garden, ordinary, horse, Russian, Fava, Aquadulce) is a plant of the legume family (genus Peas).

Seeds of garden (or common) beans

Beans are the fruits (seeds) of leguminous crops.

Bean is a plant of the legume family (genus Beans).

Bean seeds of different types

difference between beans and beans

Beans are a common crop of the legume family. This species is represented by both climbing and bush plants. There is also a type of bean that is planted exclusively for decorative purposes. Common beans are used for food. There are many varieties and varieties of this species, which came to us from Latin America.

Beans - a welcome guest in cuisines different countries. It is used for cooking first and second courses. Beans are an important part of the vegetarian and lean menu.

Beans contain a lot of legumin and starch, magnesium and calcium. Zinc and iron are presented in a slightly smaller amount. In 100 g of this product - 24% protein, 60% carbohydrates and about 1% fat. Calorie content of 100 g of beans - 333 kcal.

Bean seeds and young green pods are eaten, which contain a large number of vitamins C and A, calcium and very few calories (31 kcal per 100 g). Pods can be consumed even by those who adhere to the dietary menu.

Bean shells are used in medicinal purposes.

Many varieties of beans fresh poisonous to the human body due to the content in them toxic substances, so you can eat beans only after heat treatment.

Common beans are often confused with beans because of their name, which is consonant with the fruit of other legumes - the bean. Meanwhile, this separate view, which has its features. The homeland of beans is the Mediterranean, and the fruits of this plant still occupy an important place in the local cuisine. In our latitudes, beans are grown everywhere, this is a well-known food and fodder crop, as well as an excellent honey plant. Beans are a bushy plant.

Bean seeds are much flatter and flatter than bean seeds. 100 g of beans contains up to 35% protein, 55% complex carbohydrates, from 0.8% fat. They are rich in B, A, C, PP vitamins, fiber, mineral salts and enzymes, which human body are not synthesized. 100 g of beans contains 309 kcal. In the fruits of milky ripeness - several times fewer calories, so they are suitable for people on a dietary menu.

Beans can be used to treat many diseases, useful properties possess their inflorescences, seeds and even valves.

Bean seeds can only be eaten after heat treatment, as they contain toxic substances.

The difference between beans and beans

  1. Beans are native to the Mediterranean. The common bean is a native of Latin America.
  2. Common bean is a bushy plant. Most varieties of beans are climbing plants.
  3. Bean seeds are rather irregular in shape, being flatter than bean seeds.
  4. Beans contain slightly fewer calories and fats, but more proteins, fiber and enzymes important for the human body.
  5. Beans, unlike beans, are not only a food, but also a fodder crop, as well as an excellent honey plant.
  6. For medicinal purposes, flowers, fruits and bean leaves are used. In beans, only the sash has such properties.


How are beans different from beans? : Which ones do you know?

  1. BEANS (Phaseolus) are a genus of annuals and perennials the legume family.
    If in common parlance all legumes are called beans))), then the beans are lower than beans as a structural unit)))).
    BUT! Actually, BOB is the fruit of plants of the legume order; is formed from the upper ovary by one carpel. Most often it is a dry fruit, opening from the top to the base with two wings. And thus, in the genus Bean, the fruit is a bean! And in this sense, the bean is lower than the bean as a structural unit!))
    I know a lot of them, but the Internet knows more)))) : and so on...))))
    It's funny that one of the top answers does not present beans, but Castor bean seeds!))
  2. Beans
    For more than 7000 years, the history of cultivation of one of the oldest cultivated plants on the planet - beans has been cultivated. This is currently vegetable crop ranks second among legumes in the world after soybeans. It is widespread in France and England, Germany and China, Brazil, Mexico.
    Beans came to Russia relatively recently - in the 16th century - from Turkey and France. At first it was called beans and was grown only for decorative purposes. As a vegetable, beans began to be cultivated in the 18th century. AT last years beans are becoming more and more popular in central Russia and even in the north-west of the country.
  3. Beans are a plant related to beans. One family. And biological features are similar. AT recent times beans are of feed value, and beans are a food product.
  4. There are about 200 varieties of beans. And not all of them can be eaten. Some representatives of this large family are grown exclusively as ornamentals. But there are also enough edible varieties of beans, which can be divided into 2 large groups cereals and vegetables. The former are distinguished by large seeds and require long cooking. The second ones are cooked together with the pods for only 15-20 minutes. But both are very useful.
    All varieties of beans can be divided into three groups: shelling, semi-sugar, sugar. The shape of the beans is bush, semi-curly and curly. According to the ripening time, the varieties are divided into early ripening (up to 65 days), medium early (65-75 days), medium (75 - 85 days), mid-ripening (85-100 days), late (more than 100 days).

    Bean groups:
    Shelling, or cereal, semi-sugar, sugar, or asparagus

    Bean varieties:
    Secunda, saxophone, pink, flat long, fiery red, purple

    Beans contain almost all vitamins known to science. It also contains carotene (necessary for vision, immunity and skin health), and vitamin C(protects against viruses, bacteria and premature aging), and vitamin K (necessary for normal composition blood), and B vitamins. Beans are rich in iron, potassium, iodine and other valuable trace elements. And if you add to this the ability of beans to reduce the level bad cholesterol in the blood, the time for cooking bean dishes will not be a pity at all.

    But still, the main advantage of beans is substances that reduce blood sugar levels. That's why the fans traditional medicine consider her excellent remedy for the treatment of diabetes. official medicine recognizes this property of beans, therefore, it also recommends including it more often in the diet of diabetics.

    In my own way vitamin composition and beneficial properties, beans are close to their relatives beans and peas. One of the few differences in beans compared to relatives is higher fiber content. This is what makes beans a rather heavy food. That is why beans are not recommended for people who have stomach problems. But everyone else can eat bean dishes without any fear.

    However, in order to cook the beans, you will have to be patient. Cooking time is at least 2 hours. You can reduce it a little if you do not add salt to the dish during cooking, but add salt only after the beans become soft. Another way to save time is to soak the beans in water for several hours.

  5. Anyone who asks how beans differ from beans just wants to ask a counter question: "How are you different from a person?"

Beans are one of the most popular representatives of the legume family, and many people like their taste qualities. Boiled beans are especially appetizing when they are saturated with the aromas of spices and other ingredients of the dish.

There are many varieties of beans, even very many. Without particularly going into botany, we distinguish between "red", "white", "asparagus". Although recently they began to understand what lima beans, mung beans, black eye, pinto and others are.

What is valuable in beans? And the most valuable?

Fat free high quality protein. Combined with dishes prepared from whole grains (for example, rice), beans will provide you with almost defatted high-quality protein, replenish vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, as well as molybdenum, which is responsible for detoxifying the body with the accumulation of sulfites.

Cellulose. Beans contain it in the ideal amount: 1 serving can provide us daily requirement completely (in 200 g - about 50 g of fiber). What is fiber for? It removes toxins from the body, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and saturates without extra calories. Red beans are especially rich in fiber.

Molybdenum. Why is molybdenum important? Sulfites, which are a kind of preservative, are often found in finished products. People who are sensitive to them may experience palpitations, headache or loss of orientation. Meanwhile, just one serving of cooked beans (about 200 grams) supplies the body with 177% of daily allowance molybdenum.

Other nutrients. As a representative of legumes, beans are also rich in B vitamins (especially B6), vitamin PP, vitamin E, contain such macro- and microelements as manganese, sulfur, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. And this is not all, but only the most important.

Calorie content of beans. 100 grams dry contains 139 kcal, the calorie content of boiled beans is approx. 94 kcal.

Bean composition. 100 g of product contains 8.5 g of protein, 18 g of carbohydrates, 20 g of fiber

Useful properties of beans. Beans for various diseases

The beneficial properties of beans are in many ways similar to those of peas, and this is understandable - both products belong to the class of legumes. However, the unique relationship nutrients as part of both, it makes their use, if not mandatory, then very desirable, just as the presence of phytoncides in both apples and cherries does not negate the value of the first or second. Even related products have uniqueness. It is no coincidence that nutritionists insist on the diversity of our menu.

For those who are used to approaching healthy eating with a meticulous feeling, sense and arrangement, it will be interesting to get acquainted with scientific research beneficial properties of beans. The issue has been well researched.

Eat Beans for Diabetes

One study, which involved two groups of people with type 2 diabetes, compared the performance of patients whose diet included foods with great content fiber. Patients of one of the groups ate according to the standard American diet for diabetics, according to which the daily norm of fibers was 24 grams per person. The other group followed a diet that included 50 grams of fiber per day. As a result, people in the group that ate more fiber had lower levels of both blood sugar and insulin. In addition, their cholesterol levels decreased by almost 7% and triglyceride levels by 10.2%.

Beans help lower blood cholesterol

As a legume, beans are made up of both soluble and insoluble fiber. A serving of these beans (about 200 grams) will provide almost all daily allowance fiber.

Soluble fibers, due to the formation of gel-like substances in the digestive tract, remove bound bile from the body along with the cholesterol it contains. insoluble fiber should be used by people prone to constipation and digestive disorders(eg, irritable bowel syndrome).

Add beans to your diet to reduce the risk of heart disease

For two decades, scientists have been testing the relationship between diet and mortality from coronary disease hearts. The experiment involved 16,000 middle-aged men in the United States, Italy, Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, the former Yugoslavia and Japan for 25 years. Typical diets were: in Northern Europe they were consumed in large quantities dairy; in the USA - meat and meat products, in Southern Europe the diet was more fish, wine, vegetables and legumes, and in Japan - fish and dishes from cereals, soy products.

An experiment has shown that eating legumes reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 82%!

Another American study confirms that eating high-fiber foods, such as beans, can help prevent heart disease. Nearly 10,000 American adults participated in this experiment for 19 years. In people who consumed a lot of fiber (21 grams per day), a 12% increase in fewer cases coronary heart disease (CHD) and 11% - cardiovascular diseases(CVD) compared to those with a diet of 5 grams of fiber per day. The groups that consumed only water-soluble dietary fiber were even more fortunate, with a 15% reduction in the risk of coronary artery disease and a 10% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Beans contain a significant amount folic acid and magnesium, which is also important for the heart and blood vessels. Folic acid helps lower homocysteine ​​levels, increased content which is one of the factors heart attack, stroke or disease peripheral vessels. It has been calculated that 100% daily intake of folic acid reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by 10%.

Just one serving of cooked beans will provide more than half (57.3%) of the recommended daily dose folic acid.

Large supply of magnesium in beans- this is another fat plus for the human cardiovascular system. In the presence of enough magnesium in the body improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and reduces the risk of a heart attack. So eat more beans if you want to keep your heart healthy (especially if you have a heart diagnosis): one serving contains 19.9% ​​of your daily magnesium requirement.

Beans replenish iron stores in the body. In particular, women during menstrual cycle When they are more at risk of iron deficiency, these beans are also recommended because, unlike meat (another source of iron), they are low in calories and virtually fat free. Iron - component hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all cells in the body, and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism. In pregnant or lactating women, the need for iron also increases. From one serving of beans, you will get 28.9% of the daily value of this element.

Vegetarians, voluntary or involuntary

Include beans in your diet if you do not eat meat. If you want to replace red meat on your menu, become a fan of beans. These beans, especially when paired with whole grain dishes like durum wheat pasta or brown rice, will provide you with vegetable protein, similar to meat proteins, but without the extra calories and fats found in meat and dairy products. A serving of beans (about 200 grams) will supply 30.7% (15.3 grams) of your daily protein requirement.

By the way, the closest in composition to meat protein among plants found in soybeans. Beans are inferior, but still confidently holding on among the protein champions.

How to choose and store beans

dried beans, as a rule, is available in prepackaged packages, and is also sold in sufficient quantities in the markets. The packaging must be strong and undamaged. Unpackaged beans should be inspected for stains, insect damage and bad smell, which indicates that the beans were stored in a warehouse with high humidity. The beans will last until the next harvest if kept in a dry place in an airtight container (you can simply glass jar). And the already boiled product remains edible for up to three days if placed in a closed container and refrigerated.

You can also buy canned beans.. This is more convenient because you save time on cooking, and the nutrients of such beans are no different from those that you cook yourself. However, such a product may contain additional salts and additives, and home-cooked beans are absolutely safe. And for some reason canned beans not so tasty. So the cons are significant.

To reduce the cooking time of beans, improve their absorption digestive system(which oligosaccharides interfere with) and remove from beans toxic substances(and they are, especially in red), it is recommended to rinse and pre-soak it. This can be done in several ways. The first method is to boil the beans for two minutes, remove from heat, cover and let stand for two hours. Alternative method is a simple soaking of beans in cold water for eight hours or overnight in a cold place. Before cooking, beans, regardless of the pre-soaking method, should be rinsed with clean water.

In the pot, the beans should be covered with water 2 inches above the beans. You need to start cooking it in cold water over low heat, when the water boils, add salt. When using beans in the first courses, it must be brought to half-cooked in a small amount water, and then pour in the broth and other ingredients of the dish. It is important to remember that foods containing acid, such as vinegar, tomatoes or tomato paste, are best added at the end of cooking, when the beans are already soft. If these ingredients are added too early, they will slow down the cooking process of the beans.

Beware the purines

Beans contain natural substances called purines. The kidneys of some people are not able to remove the breakdown product of purines - uric acid, and then its level in the human body rises. With constant accumulation uric acid may arise dangerous disease- gout. People who are predisposed to gout, and even more so those suffering from it, need to limit or eliminate foods that contain purines. However, some nutritionists consider this recommendation more than controversial. According to the results latest research only purines of meat and fish can lead to the development of gout, and purines, which are contained in plant foods, have practically no effect on the manifestation of this disease.

A bit of history

Common beans, like some other beans, descended from a common ancestor, whose homeland is Peru. Throughout South and Central America, these legumes spread thanks to the movement of Indian traders, who brought the beans from Peru. It was brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 15th century. Because beans are an inexpensive yet generous source of protein, they quickly gained popularity in many cultures around the world.

The ancient Incas and Aztecs were the first to grow this plant, and in the ancient Greeks and Romans they used it not only for cooking, but also in medicinal purposes. The homeland of the product is South America, and Columbus brought it to Europe. About what in question? Of course, about beans, one of the most popular crops of the legume family. Today, scientists identify over 250 plant varieties, and MedAboutMe will introduce you to the 10 most unusual varieties of beans.

Beans - tasty and nutritional product rich in valuable substances. This is a real champion in the content of vitamins and microelements, amino acids. According to the content of easily digestible protein, legumes can compete with chicken meat. That is why the plant is so loved by vegetarians, athletes.

Beans must be present in healthy eating. After all, it is so easy to cook tasty, satisfying and healthy meals. Soups, salads, side dishes, snacks and even pastries - the product will successfully fit into the menu of people with any taste preferences.

A vegetable analogue of meat is recommended to be consumed regularly - at least 3 glasses of boiled beans per week. The product is useful in certain diseases of the kidneys, liver, Bladder, diseases gastrointestinal tract, heart failure. Beans reduce the risk of formation cancerous tumors, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It is also an excellent antidepressant and diuretic. This type of legume should not be included in the diet only if there are contraindications: nephritis, gastritis, gout, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, ulcer.

To cook beans, you must first soak the beans. It is advisable to keep them in water for at least 8 hours. But this rule does not apply to all varieties. For example, green beans can be cooked without soaking.

Eating only 100 g of boiled beans per day, you protect cardiovascular system from the appearance and development of diseases. This is because the product contains a large amount of potassium. And this type of legume has a positive effect on the nervous system.

A culture from the legume family is classified according to a number of characteristics. The main ones are the shape of the plants, the size of the seeds, the taste and structure of the beans. So, in shape, the beans can be curly, semi-curly or weaving, bush. And in terms of seed size - large, medium, small seeds.

According to taste and structure, three main types of plants are distinguished:

  • Shelling.
  • Asparagus or sugar.
  • Semi-sugar.

Varieties of beans also differ in the color of seeds and valves, the nature of the color (variegated or plain). There are perennial and annual varieties of the plant. But scientists divide the whole variety of types of culture into two main groups - Phaseolus L or American and Vigna Savi or Asian. As the name suggests, they differ in geographic distribution. And in Russia, American varieties of beans are the most popular. Them distinctive features- large beans characteristic form, short pods. Whereas Asian varieties have small seeds, long pods.

10 Beans Everyone Should Try


Popular in Japan, a variety of culture with a sweetish taste and aroma. AT Eastern countries sweet soups, bean paste, desserts and other dishes are prepared from beans of this species. Especially appreciated for its ease of preparation. Adzuki does not require pre-soaking, and it can be cooked in just 40 minutes. If desired, this variety can be germinated in order to prepare various vitamin salads and snacks from it.


A variety of white beans containing a large amount of fiber, iron. Milky white small pea beans are very common in the USA. Therefore, it is often called "Boston beans", "Yanke beans". This product is recommended for people whose goal is healthy weight loss. It is advisable to cook it together with other vegetables and herbs rich in vitamin C. Navi is a versatile type of legume that can be used in different dishes. We love the variety pleasant aroma, speed of preparation.


Another type of white bean, the name of which can be translated from Turkish as "bush". This product is common in Turkey, some Asian countries. The variety requires pre-soaking, chali is cooked relatively quickly - about 40 minutes. Large white beans often used in stews. She is valued for high content potassium, calcium, and beans do not lose their properties even after boiling.


A type of red bean that looks like a kidney. Usually the variety has a rich purple color, but can also be dark red, variegated in color. The product is rich in dietary fiber and protein, iron. For better assimilation iron should be cooked in combination with vegetables. This variety is often used for canning, cooking spicy Mexican dishes. Kidni should be used when diabetes, rheumatism.


A variety of asparagus or string beans. Loved by gardeners for good yields, fast ripening. Like any other green beans, it does not require pre-soaking, long-term cooking.

The pods of this variety are long, slightly curved. Saxa has a sweetish taste, the pods do not contain dietary fiber. The fruits of the plant are often used to make salads.

Lima or lima

Lima beans are also a type of white bean. It is curious that this variety got its name in honor of the capital of Peru - Lima.

Its seeds resemble tangerine slices or even a growing moon.

They have an interesting creamy taste, which is why there is another name for the variety - oil beans. The product contains a lot of dietary fiber, proteins, fats and vitamins. Often used for frying, stewing.


A popular bean in France with a mild flavor and a smooth seed texture. With its delicate aroma, it slightly resembles edam cheese.

Seeds can be white or pale green in color. The variety does not require long cooking, it is mainly used for cooking side dishes for meat or as an independent dish.

Interestingly, the flageole goes well with mint.

Pinto or variegated beans

Widespread variety in the USA, Latin America. It has a variegated color, which is why it got its name. This bean most often has a soft pink color, brown-red strokes cover the seeds. Pinto is from Spain.

Stews, soups, mashed potatoes are often prepared from it. Requires pre-soaking and sufficiently long cooking - at least an hour and a half.

Black eye

Unusual by appearance the variety is popular in Africa, USA, Iran. His beans really, as if covered with painted black eyes.

Beans have a delicate taste, they cook quickly, because they have a thin skin. Therefore, the product does not require additional soaking. It is often combined with cabbage, rice, meat, seasonings and other products.


This variety is believed to be native to North America. It has a variegated color - in white and red tones. These beans are great for cooking Mexican dishes, especially often they are used for spicy soups.

Anasazi resembles a kidney in shape, the product contains many amino acids, vitamins PP, C, group B, micro-, macroelements. The variety is indispensable in the nutrition of patients with rheumatism, bronchial diseases, intestinal infections.

Beans also contain a large amount of vitamin E, which serves as an antioxidant.

In your diet, you can use both varieties of red and white beans familiar to everyone, as well as green beans, and other unusual varieties. You can cook various soups, dietary salads and side dishes from beans. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak it for several hours so that it becomes softer. Dishes from these legumes are well absorbed by the body due to essential amino acids.

A lot: there is black and white, red and green, as well as yellow. Each of them has its own set of minerals and vitamins. The question of which one is more useful is still open, although many people are interested. Of course, any leguminous plant is an excellent source of nutrients, but still we will try to find the best variety.

Is there a difference

Do all these varieties differ depending on the composition? Modern research showed that yes, and quite strongly. For example, red beans (298 kcal per 100 g) have almost three times more calories than white beans (102 kcal per 100 g). But the difference doesn't stop there. Red beans are about three times richer in protein and carbohydrates than white beans. But we emphasize once again that any legumes are extremely useful for our body, because they contain great amount squirrel. Now let's talk about which beans are healthier - white or red.

Most popular variety

Most often we have red beans on our tables. It is bright, looks great on the table and complements many meat and vegetable dishes. But it's not just about beauty. It is important for us to find out which beans are healthier - white or red. Large-scale studies were carried out, the purpose of which was to find the best antioxidants. The products studied included fruits, berries, nuts, and red beans. At the same time, the latter left behind even currants, becoming an ideal antioxidant. This substance effectively protects against radicals that cause various diseases including cancer.

a little red

And we continue to discuss the question of which beans are healthier - white or red. Below we will talk about the various diseases The focus may shift somewhat, but in general, nutritionists say that it is important to regularly include this product in your menu. And red beans can be safely added to the list. herbal products that are vital to our body. Why - now consider. This product is devoid of fat, or rather, their concentration is so meager that it can be ignored. Instead of synthetic vitamin complexes cook tasty soup or salad. It will warm and saturate the body with everything it needs. This is a real treasure useful substances, especially in winter time. It is no less rich in minerals. The composition contains zinc and copper, potassium and sulfur, iron and much more.

White beans

It is the undisputed leader in fiber content. We have already compared these two types, although we have not come to a final conclusion, which beans are more useful - white or red. "Sportviki" most often prefers the colorless variety, since it has the least calories. At the same time, white beans are very quickly absorbed. Just one glass can fully satisfy the body's need for fiber. it perfect option for those on a diet. The low-calorie product is also rich in vitamins and minerals, like the red counterpart.

Many women note that regular consumption of beans gives visible result. Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This is achieved due to the content of sulfur in legumes. And iron in the composition helps to avoid anemia and improves heart function.

Gender differences

As you can see, it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which beans are healthier - white or red. For women who watch their figure, the best option will become colorless, because it saturates well, allows you to do without snacks for a long time, but at the same time contains few calories. True, if a woman is busy with a serious physical labor, then it is quite possible that she will choose red beans. The same opinion is held mainly by strong half humanity. Red beans are more nutritious, which means they provide the body with energy better. Accordingly, it provides more amino acids and B vitamins, as well as sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, zinc and selenium.

For pregnant women

The benefits of leguminous plants for expectant mothers can hardly be overestimated. This is an excellent source of protein, amino acids and vitamins, which are so important during this difficult period. The high fiber content will effectively eliminate constipation, which is not at all rare during this difficult period. Dietary fiber swells in the stomach, which means you won’t feel like eating for a long time. Therefore, if you constantly feel hungry, then these dishes are especially for you. And with vegetables, it is much healthier than potatoes with pork. And B vitamins and iron are another reason to eat legumes.

And which beans are more useful (white or red) for pregnant women? If you have overweight bodies - choose white. And when normal weight best suited red or black, which is the champion in protein content. The most important thing is to soak the beans overnight in cold water before cooking. Then the beans will not cause excruciating flatulence. It is very important to fully cook the beans, because raw or undercooked, they are a source of toxic substances.

We continue to compare

And we still have a lot of interesting things ahead of us. You need to find out which beans are healthier - white or red. Black, by the way, also participates in the competition, and therefore we will need to consider this species. appeared on our shelves relatively recently, so not everyone knows about its properties. Taste qualities differ, this product has a more delicate structure and a somewhat sweetish taste. It is a complete protein source. Moreover, if white contains 7 g (per 100 g of product), red 8.4, then black - 8.9 g.

Nutritionists believe that it is black bean protein that is closest in composition to an animal enzyme. This is just an ideal option for a person who, for a number of reasons, refuses meat.

Pros and cons

So which beans are healthier? White or red? Or black? The choice will be yours. Black contains more carbohydrates than white and red, which means it saturates better. Complex carbohydrates break down slowly and gradually enter the bloodstream, without provoking the release of insulin, like confectionery. But it is this mechanism that contributes to the deposition of fat. So even daily use beans in food will not contribute to weight gain. It is this variety that is fantastically rich in coarse plant fibers. This provides normal work intestines.

At the same time, nature has awarded black beans with substances that resist atherosclerosis. This is the main reason for the development of heart attacks and strokes. Only 200 g of beans contain the daily intake of potassium, iron and manganese, selenium and magnesium, as well as zinc.

The other side should also be noted. This is a high content of oligosaccharides in the product. That is, its use provokes the formation of gases and bloating.

Instead of a conclusion

So, you can distribute the places as follows. Black beans are the leader in protein and other nutrients, but they also contain a maximum of calories. In second place is red and motley, which is slightly less high-calorie, but there are fewer of all other substances in it. Finally, in third place in terms of nutritional value and the amount of amino acids and minerals is white beans. But she is important element diet food.

Beans also taste different. Red beans are most often used in sauces, salads and appetizers, while white and black beans are used for first courses. For the rest, the choice is yours. But whichever variety you prefer, remember to consume legumes at least twice a week. In addition, you can eat green beans, which have all the same beneficial properties, but do not load digestive tract and does not cause flatulence. This may be a solution for a person who has digestive problems.

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