Necessary medicines for the trip. What medicines to take on vacation. Our travel kit. Bruises, injuries, abrasions

In this article you will find full list medicines that we take on trips. Medicines for both children and adults. The list is pediatrician approved. It has all the necessary medicines that may come in handy on the road and there is nothing superfluous.

Our daughter, who is not yet three years old, has already managed to visit eight countries of the world. We lived for a long time in Egypt, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, traveled around Malaysia and Hong Kong. With each trip we took less and less less medication. And now the whole first-aid kit fits in such a cosmetic bag.

Here is my medication list. First, in a short version, which is convenient to print.

1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, analgin

2. Medications for digestive problems

Salt solution, sorbents (smecta, enterosgel), suppositories with glycerin, Nifuroxazide, tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults. You can take, but not necessarily - enzymes, dry bacteria.

3. Ointments and drops for allergies

Fenistil-ointment, fenistil drops or Erius, Zirtek is also suitable

4. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Bepanten, alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

5. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Tetracycline ointment or hydrocortisone

6. First aid for otitis media

7. For babies

Infacol or Espumisan, teething gels

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt nose drops vasoconstrictor drops, candles to lower the temperature, pills for motion sickness, Smecta.

And now about why i take all this and how to use it in more detail. If you experienced mom and most drugs are already familiar to you, then you can immediately skip to the next article:. In it about the experience of contacting doctors, about how to buy the right medicines in foreign pharmacies. You will also definitely need an article about. This is very important, because you will need to prepare for feeding in advance so that you don’t waste time and energy looking for food on vacation.

  1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

My experience shows that you need to take several drugs with different active ingredients. If paracetamol does not help, then ibuprofen should help. Diclofenac sodium is still used in Egypt. They sell wonderful Dolphin candles. I also take with me candles with analgin. In fact, analgin is banned in many countries of the world, because. may cause even more serious illnesses. But I take the most extreme case if nothing else helps, and the temperature is very high.

  1. Medications for digestive problems

Other water and food can cause all sorts of intestinal disorders. It can be diarrhea, vomiting, or vice versa - constipation. Undoubtedly, you yourself know that it is better to see a doctor in such a case. But, nevertheless, the minimum arsenal of drugs should always be at hand.

Saline solution to avoid dehydration with diarrhea and vomiting

Sorbents to remove poison from the body

Suppositories with glycerin for children (in case of constipation), tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults

You can also take with you enzymes and dry bacteria that restore the digestive flora, but in my opinion, this is not at all necessary. If necessary, they will be prescribed by a doctor, he will say the name of local medicines.

  1. Ointments and drops for allergies

Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, it is not a fact that you will be able to avoid this scourge abroad. An insect bite or a reaction to an exotic food or plant. Yes, not much else. I take antihistamines with me in several variations: ointment and suppositories.

4. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Such ointments are usually sold in tiny tubes and do not take up much space. And when traveling, they can become an indispensable medicine, because children often touch their eyes. dirty hands and can carry infection.

5. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Children are so restless. He ran and fell, hurt himself on the coral, pricked himself sharp object or just burnt out in the sun. One good healing ointment will help to cope with all the consequences of these troubles. Also, do not forget about the essential rescue kit - alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

6. First aid for otitis media

This happens at sea. Water got in, the wind blew, so the ear became inflamed. Before you get to the doctor for an appointment, you can relieve pain with special drops. Which one is better to take, ask your local doctor.

7. For babies

When Arina was just a baby, I took espumizan in syrup for her with a "revolution" in her stomach, as well as gels and tablets for painless teething. Now, when the teeth are all available, and digestion has improved, I leave it at home.

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt nasal drops are also very useful. The air in the plane is very dry, so I periodically bury Arina's nose so that excess bacteria do not stick to the dry mucous membrane. To avoid unpleasant pain in the ears, before departure, put vasoconstrictor drops in the child's nose. Also, for long flights on airplanes, you may need medication to reduce the temperature and the usual Smecta.

As for antibiotics, just imagine yourself in such a situation. You are abroad with a sick child. Well, do you really take responsibility and give antibiotics without a doctor's prescription? After all, no. Then don't take them. If they are really needed, then it is the doctor who will decide which drug to prescribe. In addition, each country has its own sores and cures for them are also different.

Changing location is stressful for the body. An unfamiliar environment can negatively affect your well-being, and you need to be prepared for this.

Dangers lurk on the coast and in the water. Contact with jellyfish, sea urchins, corals and poisonous fish fraught with wounds and burns. In addition to these exotic inhabitants, in a hot climate, sun and heat stroke threaten health. Also, travelers often encounter food poisoning.

To prevent trouble, you need to think about them in advance. When traveling to foreign resorts, it is necessary to take out travel insurance. If necessary, it will cover the costs of calling an ambulance or hospitalization.

When going on vacation, consult your doctor. He will make recommendations according to your health condition.

The customs regulations of states allow the import of not all drugs into their territory. If you are flying abroad, do not save space in your suitcase with a first aid kit. Medicines must be in their original packaging and with instructions. Drugs that are not included in the basic first-aid kit should be transported along with a prescription from a doctor. Medications that you can do without on board the aircraft, it is advisable to check in your luggage. Drugs related to potent or narcotic and psychotropic, if they are allowed in the country of destination, will have to be declared. To do this, you will need a doctor's prescription in English or in the local language.

If you foresee a language barrier in the country of your intended vacation, write down the main words on the topic in advance. This dictionary will help explain to a foreign-language doctor what kind of disease or symptom you are complaining about. You can also install an offline translator on your phone for this purpose.

List of medicines for the trip

Remedies for poisoning and indigestion

When we collect a travel first aid kit, the first thing we put there is medicines that help with food poisoning. Acquaintance with local cuisine or food spoiled in the heat are the main causes of this trouble, which often worries the tourist. Therefore, it is necessary to have adsorbents and antidiarrheal agents on hand. Adsorbents neutralize the action of toxins, therefore Activated carbon or polysorb are necessary for poisoning and intestinal infections.

You can stop diarrhea in case of indigestion with the help of medicines, the main active ingredient which - loperamide or imodium.

Unfamiliar foods can cause digestive difficulties. Abdominal heaviness or bloating relieves enzyme preparation such as pancreatin or mezim.

Thus, our travel first aid kit should contain adsorbents, diarrhea remedies and enzyme medicines.

Antipyretics and pain relievers

In case of an increase in body temperature of more than 38 degrees, you should use an antipyretic drug: for example, a medicine containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It is worth putting drugs from the category of painkillers and relieving spasms in the first-aid kit. Pentalgin is included in both categories, but one of the contraindications for this medication is the age of up to 18 years. Antispasmodic drug based on drotaverine - no-shpa.

If you are traveling with a child, it is better to purchase a specialized paracetamol-based antipyretic for children.

Even if you have planned an inactive vacation, it is still worth taking something that will help with cuts and wounds. step on sea ​​urchin or getting scratched on stones is easy. For this emergency it is necessary to collect antiseptics in the first-aid kit. Disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine disinfect the damaged area.

Also heals wounds and helps with bruises. medicinal ointments, for example, . it generic drug based formic alcohol. Special ointment additionally has a bactericidal effect.

In order to close the wound, we put a sterile bandage in the first aid kit. In case of stretching - elastic. Do not forget the patch, because in the heat even comfortable shoes can rub.

That is, the first-aid kit should contain antiseptic agents, sterile and elastic bandages and plaster.


Medicines in this category should only be taken on the advice of a doctor. If your doctor has prescribed them, then take them with you. Abroad, antibiotics cannot be purchased without a prescription. If the certification of the doctor who wrote the prescription is not valid in the country of your holiday, then you will have to contact your local physician.

Cold remedies

The most common travel illnesses are colds and infectious diseases. Antivirals stimulating immunity processes will not be superfluous in a suitcase. Adults from ARVI will help interferons. You can take candles with you - many of them are even suitable for one year old baby. Also, in the first aid kit, you should pack lollipops or spray for sore throats and drops for nasal congestion.

If you are planning a vacation in an unfamiliar climate or geographical area, you should bring an allergy medicine with you. Diazolin and loratadine block allergic reaction, including skin from insect bites.

Do not forget individual preparations that you are constantly taking. Put the first aid kit with them in a bag that you will keep with you. Read reviews in advance for unfamiliar drugs that you decide to take with you. Pay special attention to whether these medicines can be taken by children. Be sure to check the expiration date of all products that you take on the road.

Sunscreen preparations

Sunburns are not uncommon on the beach. Definitely worth taking along sunscreen appropriate for your skin type. If you are traveling with the whole family, do not save on cream: choose the right one for each family member. If you did get sunburn, then to alleviate the consequences, it is necessary to use an ointment that restores the integrity of the skin. Ointment dexpanthenol or has such properties.

From motion sickness

Every vacation trip is long time on the road. AT warm time of the year, especially sickness in a stuffy bus. A walk on water transport can also turn around. seasick". Make sure that a drug that relieves feelings of nausea and dizziness is nearby.

Have a nice holiday!

When going on a trip, it is necessary to complete a suitcase with medicines. Anything can happen on the road and during rest, and you should quickly stop the symptoms of the disease. Below is a complete list of medicines at sea, you can not buy everything, but you must take one representative of the group.

Tourist First Aid Kit Rules

There are several factors to consider when assembling a medicine case. Criteria that determine the composition of the first-aid kit for vacation:

  1. Medicine form. At sea, take pills, syrups, ointments, creams, powders. Liquid and gel-like substances must be in containers with tight-fitting lids. Instead of started blisters, put whole ones in the first-aid kit, on which the name of the drug is clearly visible. If he rides with you Small child, it is preferable to give him liquid forms medicines.
  2. Travel country. Analyze the epidemiological situation of the area you are going to visit. If the cuisine in the country of travel is unfamiliar to you, high risk pick up intestinal infection, be bitten by insects or animals, put appropriate medicines in the first aid kit at sea.
  3. Type of travel. Here the question of motion sickness in transport pops up. If one of the tourists becomes ill in a car, plane, train, ship, be sure to keep in the first aid kit for vacation special tablets.
  4. List of participants. The presence of children, pregnant women, elderly men and women, people with chronic diseases determines the completeness of the first-aid kit at sea.

When you have collected all the medicines, you need to fold them correctly. First make sure they have a normal expiration date. There will be a lot of drugs in the medicine cabinet, so for strangers, keep the instructions or write a short memo on doses and methods of administration. Read the storage conditions. Candles, for example, begin to melt at temperatures above +25 °C. Take prescription medications with a margin (they can be imported into other countries with the expectation of three months of admission). First, put the medicines that are constantly needed by the participants of the trip, then all the rest.

List of medicines for the trip

Take on vacation only those medicines to which you and other tourists have no contraindications, adverse reactions. If travelers have chronic illnesses, take medicines to help relieve symptoms when they flare up. Your first aid kit at sea will look like this:

  • medicines to be taken every day;
  • common drugs"for all occasions";
  • medicines necessary for a possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Antipyretics, painkillers and antispasmodics

If the body temperature has risen above 38 ° C, it is necessary to take any drug based on paracetamol and ibuprofen ( active ingredients). An adult can take pills, it is better for a child to give syrup. They should be taken symptomatically. Trade names drugs that should be put in the first-aid kit for vacation:

  • Ibufen;
  • Nurofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon;
  • Panadol.

In the first-aid kit for the sea, you need to have one type of drug based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. They also relieve head, muscle, toothache. In a suitcase with medicines for the sea, there should also be such medicines:

  • antispasmodics: No-shpa, Baralgin, Tempalgin, Spazmolgon, Plantex (relieves intestinal spasms in children);
  • painkillers: Analgin, Nise (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), Diclofenac, Nalgesin (for pain in musculoskeletal system), Movalis, Ketanov (at very severe pain sold by prescription).


Even if tourists have never had allergies, it is necessary to take antihistamines on vacation at sea, especially when traveling abroad. Verified medicines:

  • for a child: Fenistil, Zirtek, Suprastin, Cetrin, Claritin;
  • for adults: Loratadin, Tsetrin, Telfast, Zodak, Tavegil;
  • ointment / cream / gel for external use: Gistan, Ketopin, Prednisolone ointment (hormonal), Skin-Cap, Fenistil;
  • eye drops: Opatanol, Allergodil, Kromoheksal.

Cold remedies

In case of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, runny nose, lacrimation in the first-aid kit at sea, it is necessary to have drugs that relieve symptoms. These include:

  • remedies for sore throat: Faringosept, Falimint, Strepsils, Septolete, Yoks, Ingalipt;
  • powders based on paracetamol: Coldrex, TeraFlu;
  • vasoconstrictor drops in the nose that relieve congestion: Pinosol, Vibrocil, Noxprey;
  • saline solutions: Aquamaris, Humer, Salin, regular saline.

Means for the treatment of wounds

If the tourist damaged skin he needs to process the injury antiseptic. In the first aid kit for the holiday should be hydrogen peroxide 3%, Chlorhexidine, water solution Furacilina or Miramistin. Only the edges are smeared with iodine or brilliant green wound surface. It is very convenient to take antiseptic sprays with you on vacation at sea: Panthenol, Octenisept, Ioddicerin. After treatment on the wound, you can apply any wound healing ointment from the first aid kit: Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Baneocin, Bepanten-plus.

Drops and ointments for the eyes

On vacation at sea, the risk of conjunctivitis increases many times over. For elimination unpleasant symptoms In the first aid kit you need to put the following medicines:

  • ointments: Hydrocortisone, Tetracycline, Tobrex (there are also drops), Levomekol;
  • drops: Oftalmoferon, Albucid, Floksal.

For indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting

Irritable bowel syndrome occurs very often during a vacation at sea, acute enterocolitis(poisoning) - food, alcohol, chemical. Below are the medications that you need to take in the described sequence:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - needed for a solution that is used to wash the stomach with vomiting (cannot be used for ulcers and bleeding gastrointestinal tract);
  • adsorbents for the first-aid kit at sea: black or white coal, Enterosgel, Sorbex, Smecta, Polyphepan;
  • oral rehydration solution: Regidron, Hydrovit, Humana Electrolyte;
  • tablets and syrups for diarrhea: Nifuroxazide, Loperamide, Enterofuril, Ftalazol;
  • preparations for the normalization of microflora: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol;
  • products with enzymes: Mezim, Festal.

Help with a burn

Evil Influence it is better to prevent the sun initially - for this, before going to the sea, apply sunscreen with SPF20 and above. In case of thermal damage to the skin, it is necessary to take any ointment or spray based on dexpanthenol (Panthenol, Bepanthen, D-Panthenol) from the first-aid kit for vacation. You can apply hydrocortisone ointment, Actovegin. If the burn is not caused by the sun's rays (boiling water, jellyfish sting), take Olazol aerosol, Radevit ointment. With caution, they should be used on the mucous membrane, with damage to the tongue, eyes.

Medicines for motion sickness

Most effective remedy from motion sickness, which should be in the first-aid kit at sea - dimenhydrinate tablets (Dramina). If you can’t take them (and many medicines are prohibited for children and during pregnancy), choose another drug:

  • Air-Sea - homeopathic medicine, which increases stability vestibular apparatus to kinetic influences;
  • Kokkulin - tablets that prevent and eliminate the symptoms that occur during motion sickness;
  • Corvalment - menthol tablets that prevent vomiting;
  • Bonin - antiemetic, blocking receptors (deserves to be in the medicine cabinet due to its long-term effect).

Broad spectrum antibiotics

The vacation travel kit should contain antimicrobials that kill most common bacteria. They are assigned to serious cases- with indomitable diarrhea, vomiting, infectious processes upper and lower respiratory tract fraught with serious complications. Put one or two broad-spectrum antibiotics in your first aid kit ( international titles):

  • Azithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Levomycetin.

Tools and auxiliary materials

To provide the victim ambulance with burns, fainting, heat stroke, abrasions, cuts, cramps, etc., it is necessary to put the following items in the first-aid kit at sea:

  • sterile gloves;
  • scissors;
  • thermometer (it is better to take an electronic one);
  • disposable syringe;
  • cooling package;
  • pipette
  • gas tube (for a baby);
  • a pin (needed for convulsions);
  • tweezers.

Several not included in the list above important drugs, and you need to have them in your first aid kit for the holidays. it ammonia- necessary in case of loss of consciousness and severe dizziness; insect repellent, rubbing alcohol, diaper rash ointment, antiseptic hand spray. If a tourist has a tendency to otitis media, put ear drops in the medicine cabinet. Older people often need heart medications such as Nitroglycerin or Nitrospray.


When damaged skin is cleaned, they must be protected from environment dressings. In the first-aid kit at sea should be put:

  • sterile bandage;
  • gauze bandage;
  • bactericidal and tape plaster;
  • antibacterial and alcohol wipes;
  • cotton wool or cotton swabs;
  • elastic bandage.


A mobile first aid kit is an essential attribute of every traveler. medical assistance away from home it can be difficult to get, so you can only rely on yourself. How to competently collect pharmaceutical "baggage" so that it turns out to be as useful as possible?

The first-aid kit on the road should be compact, so everything should be included in it only the most necessary:

  1. antiseptic hand gel,
  2. chlorhexidine solution or Miramistin,
  3. dressing materials,
  4. drugs for intestinal poisoning,
  5. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
  6. No-shpa (or Drotaverine),
  7. allergy remedy,
  8. cold drops,
  9. cough medicines.

If the traveler suffers from any chronic disease, then you need to stock up on special medicines in case of exacerbations.

Hand gel or spray

Application: anywhere (in the car, in the forest, in a cafe .... when total absence water, you can completely disinfect your hands). You need to put a drop of the product on the palms and rub. And that's all.

Hand antiseptics (Sannitel, Dettol, Lizhen-Bio) are indispensable during long trips in transport and when visiting public places. These products include antibacterial and antifungal components which effectively disinfect the skin. The drugs are active even against tuberculosis. The pluses include the fact that all of them are quite economically spent. Funds are applied as needed.

Chlorhexidine and Miramistin

Application: treatment of wounds, abrasions, scratches and burns. Unlike drugs of the same group in terms of action (iodine, brilliant green ...) they do not have a pronounced smell and color.

Both antiseptics are different a wide range antimicrobial activity, in addition, stimulate defensive reactions at the place of application.

They can be used not only for disinfecting wounds, but also for inflammation of the gums or mucous membranes of the throat. Dilution of drugs is not required. Solutions are applied directly to the skin or used for rinsing.


On the road, cotton wool, a bandage and an adhesive plaster may come in handy. It is better to lay cotton wool sterile. So that the bandage and the plaster do not have to be torn apart by hand, the first-aid kit must be equipped with small scissors.

Adhesive plaster is better to take 2 types: bactericidal and fixative. A fixing adhesive plaster will help you fix a bandage, a compress, a tampon .... A bactericidal one will help with rubbing of the legs, minor scratches, wounds.

Medical thermometer

It is important! While on the road, you will not always be able to assess the state of yourself or your fellow traveler. And since the situation heightened danger in view of the distance medical institution, it is important to determine in time elevated level body temperature and apply the necessary medicines.


This preparation may come in handy especially when traveling during the hot summer months. Everyone knows that there are people who find it difficult to tolerate heat, and in the case when they find themselves in a situation in which they are forced to stand for a long time or be in a static position, fainting can happen. And this is where ammonia (or ammonia solution) comes in very handy.

At home (or at a recreation center), if you don’t have it on hand, vinegar essence can help.

Medicines for intestinal poisoning

According to statistics, intestinal disorders are the most common nuisance that happens to travelers. In such cases, adsorbents are very useful. Ordinary coal or preparations packed in sachets are suitable: Smecta, Neo-smectin, Polysorb.

The product is mixed with 1/2 cup of water and drunk (charcoal is pre-crushed). Reception is repeated every 4 hours.

At frequent stool and pain in the abdomen, therapy includes intestinal antiseptics - agents that selectively affect mucous membranes digestive tract(phthalazole, furazolidone, Enterofuril). They quickly kill the infection, significantly speeding up the recovery time.

You can replace medicines with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. True, you will have to drink it at least 1 liter.

fluid loss due to intestinal disorder, replenish with the help of rehydrants (Gastrolit, Regidron). In the absence of drugs, you will have to take large volumes of mineral water to save yourself from dehydration.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

Benefit from:

  • head,
  • muscle spasms,
  • rise in temperature.

For children, NSAIDs are available in the form of syrups (Panadol, Nurofen, Efferalgan). It is more convenient for adults to take tablet forms on the road - these can be any products based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid. Drugs are recommended to be taken no more than 4 times a day.


Designed to fix:

  • intestinal colic,
  • renal colic,
  • hepatic colic.

The action of the drug is based on relaxation smooth muscle organs. A day is allowed to take no more than 6 tablets.

With spasms of the digestive tract, a decoction of mint leaves can become an alternative to No-Shpe.

For travel, it is better to buy a herbal remedy in filter bags.

Allergy Remedy

An allergic reaction may occur in response to an insect sting or upon first acquaintance with overseas delicacies.

Therefore, an antihistamine (Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil) should become an obligatory travel companion. The drug should be taken immediately when a rash, itching or swelling appears.

Cold drops

Vasoconstrictive nasal drops will help to cope with both allergic and catarrhal rhinitis. Choose better for a long time active funds(Nazivin, Nazol, Knoxprey), then they will not have to be buried too often.

Cough preparations

Colds are often accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi.

Expectorants will help improve sputum discharge and make breathing easier: mukaltin, cough tablets, ambroxol, bromhexine. They need to be taken 3-4 times a day.

Adherents of herbal medicine instead of synthetic drugs can take with them the herb coltsfoot, licorice or violets.

List of medicines

We have developed for you a complete list of the first-aid kit on the road, indicating the name of the drug and what it is used for. Such a list can be printed and put in the first aid kit, as well as taken with you to the pharmacy to buy and form the necessary medicines in the first aid kit.

In order for your vacation not to be overshadowed by any health-related troubles, it is necessary to collect a first-aid kit along with your things on the road to the sea. This measure is necessary so that you can provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones at the place of rest on your own. After all, not everyone relaxes in resort areas, someone likes to go to the sea as “savages”, away from people, and someone goes to the countryside.

Why do you need to collect a first aid kit on the road to the sea?

For a long time known fact that at local resorts you have to wait a very long time for an ambulance, boarding houses are located on the coastline away from medical posts and hospitals, etc. Yes, and it often happens that due to climate change, water, etc., immunity may be weakened, a virus or infection will join, diarrhea or indigestion may begin.

Therefore, if you caught a cold at sea, injured your leg, overate barbecue or ate stale food, you can always quickly help yourself and restore your health. But when cases of the disease are more serious or life-threatening, then no matter what first aid kit you have, you need to urgently go to the clinic. A fracture without a properly applied gypsum will not grow together; with severe intoxication, coal alone cannot be saved. But with a common cold, diarrhea, conjunctivitis or calluses, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to know what necessary medicines you need to take with you.

List of medicines for the first-aid kit on the road to the sea

1. Dressings:

  • bandages are sterile and elastic;
  • adhesive plaster.

2. Antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide, preferably in a plastic bottle;
  • iodine or brilliant green.

3. Painkillers and antipyretics:

  • (Nosh-pa or Spazmalgon, etc.);
  • Citramon;
  • Ibuprofen, Solpadein, etc.;
  • Paracetamol.

4. Remedies for gastrointestinal disorders:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta, Enterosgel;
  • enzyme preparation (Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin);
  • antidiarrheals (Loperamide, etc.).

5. Antiviral drugs:

  • candles Viferon;
  • tablets Groprinosin, Isoprinosine.

6. Antihistamines:

  • Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Eden, etc.;
  • Fenistil gel.

7. ENT remedies:

  • nose drops (Nazol, Evkazolin, Galazolin or Naphthyzinum);
  • from a sore throat (Hepilor, Oracept, Tantum Verde, etc.);
  • drops for eyes and ears (Ciprofarm based on an antibiotic).
  • ointments or gels with diclofenac from, bruises, pain from injuries (Diklak-gel, Voltaren, Olfen, etc.);
  • ointment Rescuer from wounds and bruises;
  • ointment with panthenol for burns, including solar (Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.).

This is the main list essential medicines for a first aid kit on vacation at sea. Of course, the list can and should be supplemented and adjusted depending on your availability. chronic diseases, personal intolerance to certain drugs and other indications. And if you are going on vacation with children, then it is necessary to take into account their needs when collecting a first-aid kit.

When you go to sea abroad, the list in the first aid kit may change. This is due to the fact that not all drugs can be transported. For example, Analgin is prohibited in many countries, so you should not take this drug with you without a prescription. There are also restrictions on medicines in the form of a liquid. Vials should be no more than 100 ml, and a maximum of 10 pcs., i.e. the total volume of all liquid medicines must not exceed one litre. In addition, they must be packed in a separate sealed bag. But if you need more such a medicine as prescribed by a doctor, then you need a prescription translated into English language. If you are carrying several packs of the same medicine, as you need to take them daily, then also take care of a prescription from a doctor.

Take the entire first aid kit for a trip to the sea with a list of medicines in hand luggage not necessary, take with you only the drug that, for example, you must drink at the time of the flight or trip. Put the rest in your luggage, so you will have fewer questions.

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