Oil for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Drops and ointments for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

The period of cold weather is a serious test for the body. Why? After all, with the beginning of the heating season, the number of people who fell ill with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and others unpleasant diseases, increases by an order of magnitude. And this is due not only to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the number of aggressive particles in the air, freezing, but also to dry air in offices, residential premises, etc. For prevention and therapy various diseases nasopharynx, which we will actually talk about further on this page www.site, it is necessary to humidify the air, as well as provide moisture to the nose, use appropriate preparations (drops, spray, oil, ointment, saline solution).

Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

Drops for the nasal mucosa

These are safe medicines that can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are recommended to be used even in early childhood - literally from the moment the baby is born. Nasal moisturizing drops are based on sea ​​water, sterilized in a special way, or water from mineral springs. There are simply no other components in the composition of such funds, so they can be used without restrictions. Newborn babies are most often advised to inject one or two drops of such solutions in order to clear the nose of accumulations of mucus and crusts.

Drops for moisturizing the nasal mucosa are represented by a whole list of drugs: Aqua Maris, Marimer, Morenazal, Sialor Aqua, Salin and Humer. The cost of such funds may vary, depending on the volume of the drug and on its manufacturer.

Sea water in the composition of such medicines helps to optimize the activity of the mucous membranes of the nose. It is believed that the beneficial substances in its composition ensure the normalization and improvement of local immunity. Also, such drugs effectively reduce the viscosity of mucus, optimize the activity of cells in the nasal mucosa. Sea water contains iodine and sodium chloride, which can reduce swelling and inflammation.

It is believed that the use of such drugs is absolutely safe, except perhaps the rarest cases individual intolerance.

Spray for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

Nasal moisturizing sprays can be a great choice for all health conscious people. They are easy to use, they can be used very often - as needed. Sprays, like drops, will help prevent and eliminate colds and other similar diseases. They should definitely be used for excessive dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose.

However, it should be noted that sprays, unlike drops, cannot be used in the treatment of children. young age. Their use is possible only in relation to patients older than one year.

Preparations for moisturizing the nasal mucosa of this type are represented by the already mentioned Aqua Maris, Marimer, Morenazal, Sialor Aqua, Physiomer, Fluimarin, etc.

Oil for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

Many experts advise moisturizing the nasal mucosa using quality oils. Nasal moisturizing oil can be purchased at any pharmacy and even at the grocery store. Oils will help eliminate crusts from the nose and activate the regeneration of mucous membranes if they have suffered from excessive dryness. So to combat dry nose, you can buy olive, sea ​​buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. They can be applied to cotton swab and use to lubricate the nasal mucosa. Also, a good effect is given by the instillation of such oils - one drop in each nasal passage.

For effective moisturizing, you can also use stone fruit oils, represented by apricot, peach, almond, avocado and grape seeds etc.

Still oils purchased at a pharmacy can be used for inhalation. To effectively moisturize the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to prepare such procedures with the addition of menthol oil, peppermint or eucalyptus oils.

Ointment for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

In the event that excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa has caused the formation of crusts that bleed and bring severe discomfort, you should pay attention to ointments. So Fleming's ointment can be a good choice - homeopathic remedy containing calendula, witch hazel, esculus, and some aids represented by zinc oxide, menthol and petroleum jelly. Ointment for moisturizing the nose should be placed in the sinuses in turundas for five to ten minutes. It is also possible to carry out direct lubrication of the mucous membranes inside the nose three times a day.

Also for lubrication problem areas you can use other ointment formulations presented by Traumeel S and Rescuer.

Saline solution for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

Saline is an aqueous 0.9% sodium chloride solution and is a multifunctional drug. With a runny nose and dry air, such a composition can be a good alternative to drops and sprays with sea ​​water. A saline solution for the nasal mucosa for wetting it can be instilled with a pipette or sprayed (poured into a bottle from the same Aqua Maris). Also, saline is great for washing the nose with already developed rhinitis.

Thus, local moisturizing of the nose is a very simple procedure that helps to avoid the development of a runny nose or cure it as soon as possible. Of course, in order for such manipulations to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to provide moisture to the nose and outside - by using a special humidifier and other maintenance measures. normal level humidity in the room.

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An article on the topic: "Popular ways to eliminate dryness in the nose. How to quickly moisturize the sinuses" from professionals.

Dryness in the nose leads to the formation of crusts that make breathing difficult. Patients experience itching and burning. When such symptoms appear, patients are prescribed drugs with a moisturizing effect.

Moisturizing nasal drops

Almost all moisturizing drops contain sea water. Brine clears the nose of mucus and eliminates inflammation.

In the pharmacy you can find sprays and drops with a moisturizing effect. The advantage of sprays is the convenience of dosage. How and how to moisturize the nasal mucosa for an adult and a child? This question worries many patients suffering from unpleasant symptoms.

Some of the most popular moisturizers include:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Marimer;
  • Vivasan.

Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris is a solution that is designed to wash the nose. The product is used to cleanse sinuses from pus.

The introduction of drops into each nostril prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Experts prescribe Aqua Maris for rhinitis and sinusitis.


In the pharmacy you can find several varieties of Aqualor: soft, baby and forte. They differ only in concentration. sea ​​salt. Preparations with large quantity sea ​​salt is used in the treatment severe congestion nose. Aqualor Baby in the form of drops is prescribed for babies up to 2 years old.

Important! Spray for moisturizing the mucosa is prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. This can cause choking in babies.

Aqualor forte is prescribed for adult patients with prolonged runny nose. This drug is the leader in the content of sea salt. Aqualor forte is prescribed to patients with severe edema nasopharynx .


Marimer is designed to maintain the normal state of the mucosa. The drug moisturizes the mucous membrane and helps to restore damaged nasal mucosa.


Vivasan contains various herbal extracts. To get rid of sinusitis, mint and sage are added to the solution. The tool is not recommended for children, as it contains a large amount of sea salt.

Moisturizing nasal dropssimple and affordable way to eliminate dryness. However, before treatment, it is necessary to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Oil drops

Oil-based preparations not only moisturize the mucous membranes. They soften the crusts and make them easier to remove from the nose. This helps patients avoid tissue damage when treating the common cold.

For amplification therapeutic effect added to solutions essential oils. In some patients, these drugs can cause allergies. To get rid of dryness in the nose, you can use the following types of drops.


Contains eucalyptus oil, peppermint and pines. They are bactericidal and help with various forms runny nose. The drug can be used in the treatment of children older than 2 years.


Sinusan is made from Japanese mint oil. Before the introduction of the drug, it is recommended to clear the nose of mucus.


A nasal moisturizer is prescribed for bacterial rhinitis. Its composition includes fish fat which moisturizes the nasal mucosa.

What ointments can be used to moisturize the mucosa

Due to excessive dryness, crusts form in the nose. If you try to remove them, bleeding may occur.

The patient is advised to put in the nasal passages cotton swabs with Oksolin or Bactroban. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. Turundas should be in the nose for about 3 minutes. Read here how to make turundas correctly.

Ointment for moisturizing the nasal mucosa facilitates the process of removing crusts. To speed up the healing of damaged tissues, doctors prescribe Traumeel or Rescuer to patients.

How to moisturize the nasal mucosa at home

Can be used as a moisturizer salt water. Salt solution will relieve swelling and remove pus that has accumulated in the sinuses.

To moisturize the mucosa, you can use propolis. Water solution 2 drops should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day.

Important! Use alcohol tinctures propolis in the treatment of the common cold is prohibited.

Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa are unpleasant symptoms that occur when chronic sinusitis. You can help the patient with the help of aloe juice. For cooking medicinal solution the lower leaves of the plant will do.

Wrap the plucked leaves in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, pass the raw materials through a blender. Plant juice should be instilled every 3 hours.

Peach oil is a natural product that can be used to moisturize mucous membranes.

A remedy for dry nose can be prepared at home. To obtain medicinal infusion must be mixed in equal proportions calendula, plantain and chamomile.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials in a separate container and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, cover the container with a lid. Healing infusion strain through a piece of gauze. The remedy should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.

Moisturize the nasal mucosa at home You can use glycerin. The tool will help keep moisture in the nose throughout the working day. The drug is preferably applied in the morning.

Inhalation with saline

Saline has no contraindications and can be used in the treatment of newborns.

The product contains 0.9% sodium chloride, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

The child can feel positive results after several sessions. The baby improves nasal breathing and reduces swelling.

Unlike herbal decoctions, saline does not have an unpleasant taste and smell.

  1. Hydration of the nasopharynx should be done every 4 hours. However, this procedure can only help initial stage runny nose.
  2. The optimum solution temperature should be about 37 degrees.
  3. To increase efficiency you can add a few drops of essential oil to the solution.
  4. Necessarily wipe all elements of the inhaler soda solution before the procedure.
  5. The patient is allowed to inhale vapors only through the nose. You can't talk during the procedure..
  6. Do not inhale immediately after a meal. Wait at least 1.5 hours.

Important! After medical procedure The patient is not allowed to leave the house for 30 minutes.


You can get rid of dryness in the nose with the help of moisturizers. Adult patients can use sprays and drops based on sea water.

When treating children under 2 years old, only drops can be used. This ban is related to anatomical features structure of the baby's nasopharynx. Sprays can cause choking.

You can eliminate dryness due to oil drops and ointments. Inhalations with saline have a moisturizing effect. They can be used not only by adults, but also by children. Essential oils should be added to the solution only if there is no allergy.

To moisturize the mucous membranes, you can use folk methods. healing properties possesses chamomile, calendula and plantain. Applying glycerin to mucous membranes is the easiest way to keep moisture in the nose.

Violation of the secretion of mucus in the nasal canals leads not only to uncomfortable sensations but also a decrease in local immunity. The inner surface of the nose is lined with ciliated epithelium, which should purify and moisten the air entering the ENT organ. But in the absence of a secret on the surface of the mucosa, air filtration is disturbed, which increases the risk of infection entering the respiratory tract. Treatment of dry nose at home primarily involves restoring the activity of goblet cells that produce a viscous secret.

To normalize the microflora in the upper respiratory tract, doctors recommend using moisturizing solutions, ointments, oils and medicinal herbs. As practice shows, sanitation of the nasopharynx, inhalations and local compresses contribute to the restoration of the functions of the ciliated epithelium and moisturizing the mucosa.

In today's publication, the most simple and effective methods combat dryness in the nose.

Causes of dry nose

The inner surface of the nasal cavity is covered with ciliated epithelium, which contains many small cilia. They are completely immersed in mucus, which is produced by unicellular glands - goblet cells. In the absence of inflammation, the cilia constantly make oscillatory movements, as a result of which a viscous secret moves from the nasal cavity to the nasal passages.

Malfunctions of goblet cells lead to a decrease in the amount of viscous secretion on the surface of the nasal mucosa. The cause of dysfunction of unicellular glands can be:

  • nasal scleroma;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • allergic reaction.

Before treating the nose with moisturizers, you need to determine the true cause of the drying of the mucous membrane. Inadequate therapy in some cases entails complications and deterioration of health. In particular, irrational treatment of atrophic rhinitis is fraught with purulent inflammation, tissue necrosis and abscess.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of the nose at home involves a number of physiotherapy procedures. Regular irrigation of the ciliated epithelium with moisturizers helps to restore the activity of goblet cells and, accordingly, moisturize the nasopharynx. Absolutely all methods of treating dryness in the nose are aimed at:

  • intensive hydration of the ciliated epithelium;
  • elimination of dry crusts in the nasal canals;
  • restoration of goblet cell activity;
  • normalization of mucociliary clearance;
  • increased local immunity.

Untimely treatment entails the formation of cracks in the mucosa and, as a result, nosebleeds.

The therapeutic effect largely depends on the regularity of the medical measures. To achieve normal hydration of the mucosa and restore the functions of unicellular glands in the epithelium, physiotherapeutic procedures will have to be performed 3-4 times a day for at least a week.

How to moisturize the nasal mucosa without the use of drugs? It is possible to eliminate an unpleasant symptom only by intensively moisturizing the ciliated epithelium. The subsequent restoration of the hydrolipidic balance in the tissues will contribute to the activation of the functions of goblet cells and increase local immunity.

Compliance with the treatment regimen contributes to speedy recovery and elimination of discomfort in the nasal cavity:

Normalization of the drinking regime

Dehydration is one of the key causes of goblet cell dysfunction. To make up for the lack of moisture in the body and normalize the hydrolipid balance, it is recommended to use throughout the entire period of treatment:

  • mineral water (without gas);
  • warm milk with honey;
  • liquid soups;
  • fresh juices;
  • decoctions of wild rose;
  • herbal teas.

Important! It is advisable to consume at least 1.5 liters of warm alkaline drink per day.

It should be understood that not all drinks make up for the lack of fluid in the body. For example, alcohol and carbonated drinks disrupt the water-salt balance in the body. Their regular use entails dehydration and, as a result, dysfunction of the endocrine and external secretion glands.

Air humidification

Humidification of the mucosa is facilitated by an increase in the degree of humidity in the room to at least 65%. For achievement necessary conditions you can use special humidifiers or air conditioners with a humidification function.

If dryness in the nose is associated with septic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cloves of chopped garlic and onions can be spread out in the room. As the vegetables dry, they will release phytoncides into the atmosphere, which have a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies

Moisturizers not only normalize the function of the submucosal layer in the nasopharynx, but also increase local immunity. As the amount of moisture in the body decreases, the mucus that forms on the surface of the nasal passages thickens. In this regard, the cilia on the surface of the epithelium cannot cope with the transport of a viscous secret, which leads to a violation of mucociliary clearance. Stagnation of mucus in the nasal cavity increases the risk of septic inflammation. To reduce the viscosity of mucus and normalize the functioning of the mucociliary apparatus, it is recommended to use:

Vegetable oils

You can remove crusts in the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils. Regular lubrication of the nasal passages with oily liquids contributes to the formation of inner surface protective film. It prevents not only the evaporation of moisture, but also the penetration of infectious agents into tissues. Some of the best moisturizing oils include:

  • almond;
  • peach;
  • mustard;
  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • sesame.

You should not use mustard oil in the presence of wounds on the inner surface of the nasal passages, as this will lead to irritation and swelling of the tissues.

Before going outside, it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of oil into each nasal canal. Regular use of oily liquids will reduce nasal discomfort, normalize water-salt exchange and strengthen local immunity.

Nasal lavage (irrigation of the nasal cavity)

Nasal lavage - irrigation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa medicinal solutions in order to eliminate inflammatory reactions and dryness. Therapeutic procedures contribute to the washing out of the nose of dust, allergens and infectious agents that can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. To restore water-salt metabolism in the tissues, it is recommended to rinse the nose with the following means:

  • saline solution: dissolve ½ tsp. salt in 250 ml of boiled water;
  • herbal decoction: pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers 1.5 liters of water, then boil and strain.

When carrying out a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is advisable to follow one rule: immediately after washing the nose, lubricate the mucous membrane with moisturizing ointments or instill 1-2 drops of aloe juice into the nose. Thus, you prevent the ciliated epithelium from drying out and the formation of cracks on its surface.

Local compresses (cotton turundas)

Local compresses are one of the most effective methods elimination of dry crusts and dryness in the nose. Cotton turundas soaked in the solution should be inserted into the nasal passages for 30-40 minutes at least 3-4 times a day. With regular compresses, the secretion of nasal mucus is normalized, and local immunity is also increased.

To achieve the desired result, while using cotton turundas, you need to consider the following points:

  • for setting a compress, it is better to use sterile cotton wool;
  • you can moisten cotton swabs in herbal decoctions, oils or ointments ("Rescuer", "Fleming's ointment", "Vitaon");
  • after the procedure, it is advisable to instill vegetable oils into the nose.

Ointments and oils contribute not only to tissue hydration, but also to the restoration of microflora in the respiratory tract. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on local immunity and prevents the penetration of viral and bacterial infections into the respiratory tract.


Treatment of dryness in the nasal cavity is the use of moisturizing solutions, creams, oils and saline solutions. Sanitizing procedures allow you to wash viscous mucus and pathogenic particles not only from the nasal passages, but also paranasal sinuses. Physiotherapy procedures can prevent inflammation of the airways and restore the function of the glands that produce nasal mucus.

Efficiency home treatment depends on the regularity and correctness of the therapeutic measures. In order to quickly restore mucociliary clearance and water-salt metabolism in tissues, it is recommended to combine irrigation of the nasal cavity with the use of local compresses and instillation of vegetable oils into the nose.

Treatment of dry nose should be started only after it has been clarified true reason occurrence of this deviation.

Symptoms and consequences

Typically, with such pathological condition a person may feel discomfort in the nasal cavity, as well as observe one-sided congestion and problems with air filtration. In addition, dryness of the nasal mucosa is often accompanied by burning, pain and periodic bleeding. If you are haunted by such an unpleasant condition, then it is recommended to look for its cause in the very mechanism of respiratory failure, which most often occurs against the background of neurovegetative-muscular changes in the vessels. After all, even a slight irritation nerve endings can provoke their expansion and further filling with blood, which as a result leads to congestion and swelling this body. In addition, such a process quite often captures the upper respiratory tract. It is also worth noting that constant congestion and dryness in the nose, which should be treated immediately, can disrupt metabolism and the normal supply of oxygen to the brain. Such consequences are fraught with failures in cardiovascular system and, consequently, in other organs.

Causes of dry nasal cavity

There are quite a few reasons why this deviation worries a person. Let's consider the most common of them in more detail.

  • Dryness of the nasal mucosa (the treatment of this pathology will be presented below) most often appears as a result of the side effects of certain medical preparations. These include drops from the common cold, as well as antihistamines used for therapy vasomotor rhinitis, antihypertensive drugs and vasodilators.
  • Also cause given deviation may become dry climate. Typically with this unpleasant phenomenon face in winter time those who live in the middle lanes, when dry air in heated houses adversely affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, drying it out. Similar situations occur in cases of dusty atmosphere in industries, where the source of irritation is any chemical substances, cement, etc.
  • Infectious diseases can also cause a person to develop crusts in the nose. Dryness in this organ is a symptom and 2 the following diseases: keratoconjunctivitis and Sjögren's syndrome.

Among other things, such a deviation may arise due to:

  • any injury;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive enthusiasm for the cleanliness of the nasal cavity (endless blowing your nose and washing);
  • stress;
  • decrease in the function of mucus formation, which is most often observed in the elderly.

Treatment of dry nose with traditional medicine

After the appearance of such a nuisance, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, namely an ENT doctor. After all, only a doctor can prescribe you a treatment that will help to gently eliminate crusts and produce the proper amount of mucus, which will subsequently eliminate this problem.

Pharmacy funds

Treatment of dry nose should begin with: natural remedies, as ointments and oils that can quickly soften all existing crusts, thereby greatly facilitating their further discharge. However, it should be noted that the pharmaceutical preparations in no case should they contain corticosteroids, as well as other irritating and drying components. The ideal option to solve this problem, lubrication of the nasal cavity with sea buckthorn, apricot or even ordinary sunflower oil. For such treatment, it is enough just to drip a few drops of any chosen agent into the sinuses. Doctors also recommend using cotton or gauze swabs pre-soaked in oil. It is advisable to carry out such procedures for at least half an hour twice a day. By the way, saline solutions "Ocean" or "Air" can also serve as good pharmaceutical remedies against dryness in the nose.

Other Therapies

If a pharmaceutical products did not solve this problem, many experts recommend treating dryness in the nose in special medical institutions where the service of fine-dispersion irrigation of the nasal cavity with mineral particles is provided. Such photodynamic therapy is aimed at quickly and painlessly restoring the functionality of the respiratory mucosa, as well as enhancing the lymph flow, which is responsible for immune system. It is worth noting that the presented method allows you to eliminate all the discomfort associated with dryness in the nose, in the most short time. In most cases, improvement in the patient's condition is observed after the first sessions.

Traditional medicine against dry nose

Quite often, people try to get rid of such a nuisance on their own with the help of non-traditional methods. Below we present the most popular and effective recipes, which will help you soften the formed crusts in the nasal cavity and restore the normal formation of mucus.

The nose is one of important parts body, which is very susceptible to dry air and cold weather. The nose is the beginning of the respiratory tract, where cold air is warmed up, germs and bacteria are trapped, as well as pollutants, which can cause dryness in the nose. Dryness of the nasal mucosa is not a very painful condition and disease, but it can be very annoying and uncomfortable.

special treatment dryness of the nasal mucosa does not require and can be dealt with with the help of proper care and some simple home remedies. What these means, read further in the article.

Dry nose causes

Before moving on to ways to treat dry nose, let's determine what causes this problem. In the cold season, the main cause of dryness of the nasal mucosa can be colds or dry cold air. But these are far from the only causes of dry nose. It can also be caused by other reasons.

The main causes of dry nose can be:

dry air environment. In winter - due to heating devices, in summer - dry hot weather;

Nasal sprays. Many nasal sprays can cause dryness of the nasal mucosa. Especially if they are used for a long time;

Side effects of certain drugs and in particular antihistamines;

Sjögren's syndrome. This disease is relatively rare. autoimmune disease, which dries out all the mucous membranes of the body: nose, eyes, mouth, vagina and other organs;

Hormonal changes in the body associated with menopause;

High blood pressure;

Radiation therapy to the head or throat.

Treatment for dry nose

There are no specific medications to treat dry nose. But it is necessary to treat dryness in the nose. This is not only an unpleasant sensation, but in the winter in the cold season it is also a protection against viruses and bacteria that easily penetrate through the nasal mucosa further into the respiratory tract.

Before starting treatment, it is important to know what caused the problem. If you know the cause, you can use simple home remedies.

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is more often used for sore throat and nasal congestion. They also help with dry nose. Steam moisturizes the nasal mucosa well, penetrating into the pores and opening them, and thus helps to increase the secretion of mucus in the nose.

Boil 3 cups of water and pour them into a wide bowl.

Bend over the bowl, covering your head with a towel, and breathe for at least 7-10 minutes.

You can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the water.

With regular use steam inhalation you can get rid of dryness in the nose.


Due to its moisturizing property, petroleum jelly is one of the effective home remedies for dryness of the nasal mucosa, the formation of dry crusts, including with blood. Use only medical vaseline.


Glycerin also hydrates the skin well and can prevent and relieve dry nose. You just need to lubricate the nasal mucosa with pharmacy glycerin.

Vegetable and cosmetic oils

With dryness in the nose, congestion and the formation of dry crusts for moisturizing, the mucous membrane can be lubricated with vegetable or cosmetic oils. Some of the best oils for treating dry nasal mucosa are mustard oil, almond oil, and coconut oil.

Mustard oil. Mustard oil is fatty oil. To get rid of a dry nose, simply put two or three drops of oil into each nostril and inhale slowly so that the oil passes further into the nasal passages.

Lubricate the nose in winter mustard oil every time before going outside. This will help to avoid dryness in the nose in severe frosts.

Almond oil. Almond oil is a source of many useful substances: irreplaceable fatty acids, vitamin E and other vitamins, which are very useful for relieving dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Almond oil moisturizes and softens the mucous membranes, which in turn can help prevent crusting, damage to the mucous membranes and nasal congestion.

AT almond oil you can add aloe vera gel, which will help to quickly heal cracks and wounds in the nose.

Coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin well. It is not for nothing that this oil is present in many care products for the winter season. It absorbs quickly without leaving an oily film.

Sesame oil. Few people know that Sesame oil can cure nasal congestion caused by dry mucous membranes in winter.

Sesame oil can relieve discomfort, pain, which can be with nasal congestion and dry crust in the nose.

Sesame oil can be mixed with chamomile oil. Lubricate the nasal mucosa for several weeks for best results.

Rinsing the nose with salt water

One of the best home remedies is to rinse your nose with salt water. You can use a nasal saline spray.

The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is very sensitive. Therefore, even a minimal impact on it can lead to serious injury. The damaged mucosa is big problem. It ceases to perform its main function, namely to moisten and filter the air that enters the lungs.

Because of this, a person runs the risk of catching an infectious or viral disease. That is why it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the nasal mucosa and treat it in a timely manner.

Before you start treatment, you need to find out the cause of the drying of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In this case, the most suitable drug will be selected for the patient, which will quickly and effectively solve an unpleasant problem.

Basic principles of treatment of the nasal mucosa

It is possible to restore the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx different methods. Usually, patients who are faced with such a symptom try to get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. The use of agents that have a healing effect.
  2. Passage of physiotherapy procedures.
  3. The use of corticosteroid drugs.
  4. Treatment with traditional medicine.
  5. Carrying out spa therapy.

The patient must set himself the task of not only getting rid of the symptom, but also eliminating the interaction with the factor that caused dryness and irritation in the nose.

What traditional medicine offers

You can moisturize the parched mucous membrane of the nasopharynx at home. To do this, it is enough to use special medical preparations, which are freely available in pharmacies.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a medication, it is recommended that you first be examined by a specialist. He will bring out exact reason ailments and select the most effective medicine to a specific patient.

Treatment of parched nasal mucosa is carried out with such medications:

  • Ointments.
  • Spray.
  • Drops.
  • Solutions for inhalation.

In some cases, get rid of disease state helps change the microclimate at home or a change of workplace. The patient has to take such measures if the malaise is caused by inhalation harmful substances contained in the air.

Dryness and irritation in the nose may well be caused by a long stay in a cold room or excessive dryness of the air and its oversaturation with dust, as well as other small particles that act as an irritant.

In children, the nasopharynx usually dries up due to the fact that they have to breathe through the mouth. Nasal breathing may be impossible for them due to the appearance of adenoids or a cold.

Reestablish normal microflora in the nose, proven drugs help to eliminate signs of irritation and dryness:

If a person is interested in how to soften the nose, he can be offered various medicines that are made on the basis of sea water or sea salt. They are used for washing the nose and instillation.

Medicines such as Aqua Maris and Physiomer help to quickly eliminate signs of dryness of the mucous membrane. They also soften mucus and contribute to its trouble-free removal.

Some medicines not only treat, but also help strengthen the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which is attacked in a weakened state. a large number pathogenic microorganisms.

Physiotherapy treatments

Therapeutic procedures can relieve irritation and dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In such a situation, doctors recommend warming up the paranasal sinuses and the back of the nose. This procedure can be done at home. To do this, you need to find a UV lamp. You will also need sand or salt, which act as a source of dry heat.

The success of treatment also depends on whether the patient has bad habits. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptom, he will have to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages. It is also advisable to avoid being in places with dirty air, which aggravates an already bad condition.

Moisturizing the nasal mucosa with folk remedies

An adult or child who suffers from severe dryness in the nose, it is worth suggesting treatment folk remedies. Sometimes they work much better than pharmacy medicines.

If a person often complains of dryness and irritation in the nasal cavity, he should try to get rid of the painful condition with the help of the following funds folk medicine:

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to make sure that there are no hypersensitivity to natural products and herbs that are used in the preparation of folk remedies.

Prevention of dry nose

Dryness in the nasal cavity causes severe discomfort in a person. Unpleasant sensations do not leave it until the complete elimination of painful symptoms. Therefore, it is best to try to prevent the development of such a condition. This can be achieved by following certain rules:

  • Treatment of rhinitis and others similar diseases vasoconstrictors should not be longer than 7 days.
  • The crusts that form inside the nose should be removed regularly.
  • It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity in the room.
  • It is desirable to carry out preventive procedures, which help not to catch a cold in the cold season.

As you can understand, it is not necessary to go to the hospital to get rid of the dryness of the mucosa in the nasopharynx. This treatment is usually done at home.

If the patient intends to be treated with nasal instillations, then he must understand that sometimes such drugs only aggravate the condition. You can avoid such consequences if you choose the right medication and follow its recommended dosage.

Attention, only TODAY!

A feeling of excessive dryness in the nose is a common problem, but most of those who experience it do not go to the doctor. It seems to many that this is not so scary, and you can endure it, maybe it will pass by itself. However, over time, the problem only gets worse. And only when it is simply impossible to endure dryness, the patient thinks - how to moisturize the nasal mucosa?

It is worth noting that dryness in the nose is not only unpleasant, but also very harmful. Nasal mucus is normally constantly produced by the cells of the mucous membrane (after all, that is why it has such a name), which is necessary for moisturizing and purifying the air, as well as suppressing the activity of microorganisms that enter the nose with inhaled air.

Thus, excessive dryness in the nose significantly increases the risk of developing various infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

How to treat dry nose in an adult? What drugs are best used for this purpose? Read about it in this article.

Possible Causes of Dryness

Dryness in the nose can be both an independent violation and a sign of more complex systemic diseases. So, dry nose can have the following reasons:

  1. Low air humidity. The most harmless reason, since it is due solely to external conditions.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body, dehydration.
  3. Dry rhinitis. A disease in which the mucosa becomes dehydrated and thinned; dry crusts form in the nose, often with impurities of dried blood.
  4. Hormonal changes - pregnancy, menopause.
  5. Abuse of vasoconstrictor nasal preparations (such as Naphthyzinum, Otrivin, which are used for congestion).
  6. Side effects of certain medications (particularly hormonal drugs, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  7. Diabetes. In this disease, fluid is retained in the blood, causing tissues to become dehydrated. For the same reason, patients diabetes notice itching in ear canals and are constantly thirsty.
  8. Pathologies of the glands of external secretion (in this case, the patient does not produce enough saliva, mucus in the nose, he sweats a little).

Dryness in the nose may be a reaction to unfavourable conditions environment, and a sign severe violations metabolism.


Usually, the treatment of excessive dryness begins with topical preparations - drops, sprays, ointments, etc. These drugs act symptomatically - they reduce dryness by acting directly on the mucous membrane. In most cases, this approach gives nice results- the work of the mucosa is normalized, and in further man can do without medication.

Moisturizing drops

How to moisturize the nasal mucosa? First of all, you will need moisturizing saline nasal drops.

Moisturizing nasal drops are a group of paramedical drugs used to treat many diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as to care for the nasal cavity. Moisturizing drops contain only water and salt. Many of them are based on sterilized and isotonic sea water.

Plasma isotonia is one of the the most important properties moisturizing drops. Due to isotonicity, such drops do not pull water onto themselves - this would lead to drying of the mucous membrane, but they are not absorbed into the cells, causing them to swell.

As you know, the simplest isotonic saline is saline(or simply "saline"). Indeed, physiological saline is actively used as an analogue of drops based on sea water. In fact, both are 0.9% solutions edible salt. You can even prepare such a solution yourself - fortunately, the components are very affordable. Just dissolve 9 grams of salt in 1000 ml of water (exactly 0.9% concentration is obtained). You should not increase the proportion of salt - you will get a saline solution that irritates and overdries the mucous membrane.

Ready-made saline can be purchased at a pharmacy; the advantage of such a solution will be its sterility and the absence of any impurities. As for pharmaceutical nasal drops and aerosols based on sea water, their indisputable advantage is a convenient bottle that sprays the solution throughout the nasal cavity. At the same time, such drops and sprays can hardly be called affordable, especially considering their simplest composition. The most popular drugs in this group are Aqua Maris, Salin, AquaLor, Aqua Master.

How can a saline-based drug help with dry mucous membranes? Such a solution:

  • liquefies viscous clots of mucus;
  • softens crusts;
  • imitating physiological nasal mucus, facilitates nasal breathing;
  • eliminates dust and other microparticles deposited on the mucous membrane;
  • normalizes the work of goblet cells that secrete mucus;
  • stimulates the movement of ciliated cells essential role in self-cleansing of the nose.

How to use saline drops and sprays? This group of drugs does not cause side effects and are not addictive, so there are no restrictions on their use.

You can bury your nose saline solution as often as necessary to improve well-being.


To moisturize the nasal mucosa, both pure oils and nasal drops based on them are used. Among the oils can be distinguished olive, peach, sea buckthorn. You can use other neutral oils (linseed, sesame, etc.), but not essential oils - they are not suitable for this purpose, and can be harmful if they are instilled undiluted. Among pharmaceuticals based on oils, Pinosol, Neonox, Sinumiks are very popular.

Oil and preparations based on it are a wonderful tool in the fight against drying out of the mucous membrane. The effect of such funds is felt immediately after application.

For this reason, many people suffering from dryness become addicted to oils. For example, you can often hear "I smear nasal cavity oil every day before going to bed - otherwise I can’t sleep.” But is it possible to use oil solutions on a regular basis? Can they harm the mucosa?

Let's see how these drugs work. The oil, which is part of the product, envelops the nasal cavity with a thin film, preventing the evaporation of moisture from the mucous membrane. In addition, the epithelium lubricated with oil becomes more elastic, and dry crusts soften and move off more easily. All this leads to a noticeable improvement in nasal breathing and the disappearance of itching, burning and dryness.

The negative effect of oil drops is that the oil disrupts the work of the ciliated epithelium, namely, it impedes the movement of cilia.

Indeed, cilia cannot fluctuate normally in oil, because its density differs significantly from the density of physiological mucus. Over time, they become inactive. In turn, this can lead to the inability of the nasal cavity to clean itself from dust, microorganisms and mucous secretions. This threatens with weak resistance to infectious diseases and them severe course in future.

What conclusions follow from this? First, the oil is effective and fast acting agent from dryness in the nose. Secondly, oils should be used sparingly, only with strong drying, not forgetting about possible negative effects.


Another remedy for dry nose is nasal ointments. Almost all ointments and creams for the nose contain oil or petroleum jelly, enveloping the mucous membrane. Thus, their action is in many ways similar to the effect of a simple oil. Wherein different ointments may contain additional active ingredients, which have different effects - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emollient, etc., depending on the drug.

When dry inner walls nose can be smeared with ointments such as:

  1. Lanolin ointment - has a nourishing and softening effect, prevents the formation of crusts.
  2. Pinosol - moisturizes and kills microorganisms.
  3. Ointment from dryness in the nose "Propolis" MosPharma.
  4. Evamenthol is a Vaseline-based moisturizing ointment that also contains eucalyptus oil and menthol.
  5. Nizita is an ointment based on petroleum jelly, contains mineral supplements.

It is worth noting that many ointments for dry nose are not medicines so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Aids in the fight against dryness

We told what medications can be used to moisturize the nasal mucosa. At the same time, you need to remember that in order to achieve a long-term result, you need to not only moisturize your nose with drops and ointments, but also change some of your habits to healthier ones. In particular, during treatment, the following rules should be followed:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • avoid too sweet food, caffeinated drinks;
  • consume a sufficient amount of vegetable oils;
  • maintain normal humidity in the house (recommended above 55%);
  • often do wet cleaning;
  • walk outdoors every day.

If local therapy does not improve, the patient should be examined - there are probably internal causes dryness of the nose. In this case, you will need general treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, and moisturizing the nasal mucosa with drops and ointments will play the role of adjuvant therapy.

Dryness and sore throat are often the first symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. There are several ways to keep this area naturally hydrated, which will be discussed in this article.

The mucous throat can dry out due to exogenous and endogenous (physiological and pathological) causes. Exogenous provocateur is primarily too dry air - both indoors and outdoors.

In the cold season, the problem can be aggravated due to the operation of heating systems. To protect yourself from this etiological factor dryness (and not only the throat, but also skin), it is recommended to regularly humidify the air with the help of special devices.

  • to exogenous Other causes include inhalation of smoke and polluted air, and excessive smoking.
  • to endogenous physiological reasons insufficient fluid intake can be attributed, provoking dehydration of the whole body. However, pathological provocateurs are still of greater interest.

The most common of these is the inhalation of air through the mouth due to nasal congestion. Therefore, if you let a runny nose take its course, you can harm not only the nasal cavity, but the entire respiratory system generally.

Rhinitis needs to be treated, and specific drugs should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the cause. inflammatory process. Dryness can also occur in the case of allergic diseases.

Ways to moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat

To saturate the mucous lining with moisture, it is recommended:

  1. Monitor the level of humidity in the air in the living room. Apply a moisturizer if necessary.
  2. Drink enough liquid. And it should be not only the usual tea, coffee and juices, but also plain drinking water.
  3. herbal decoctions or simply clean water. Chamomile, calendula can be used as vegetable raw materials for the preparation of a decoction.
  4. Apply saline sprays ( , ).

Spray Aqualor Throat

This product contains natural sea water, purified water, Roman chamomile extract and Aloe Vera extract. The spray is available in 125 ml bottles and is intended for irrigation of the throat.

Indications for its use are prevention and treatment as part of the complex therapy of chronic and acute pathologies inflammatory nature with damage oral cavity and throat.

These diseases include:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis.

The spray is also used to irrigate the throat in the prevention of acute respiratory diseases viral nature.

Aqualor Throat perfectly moisturizes and disinfects the affected area, helps to relieve or prevent inflammation. Thanks to its use, dryness disappears, the likelihood of developing diseases is reduced.

Before using the spray, you must put the nozzle on the bottle. Next, the sprayer should be directed to the throat, press 3-4 times. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day. A 50 ml bottle costs about 300 rubles, 125 ml - about 450 rubles.

Spray Aqua Maris

The basis of this drug is the water of the Adriatic Sea. Spray can be used for prevention and treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract in adults and children over one year old. It contains no preservatives and chemical additives. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

The spray is used to irrigate the throat several times a day. Helps eliminate dryness and prevent the development of inflammatory diseases.

It can be used as part of the complex therapy of respiratory pathologies. The cost of the drug is about 300 rubles per bottle of 30 ml.

Dry throat - unpleasant problem, but it is possible to deal with it completely accessible ways. Take care of yourself and your health!

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