Strawberry leaves blank. Wild strawberry useful properties. Recipe for strawberry tea. If the smell from the mouth

Wild strawberries and strawberries attract attention not only because of taste sensations. Valuable properties plants allow them to be used for medicinal purposes. Not only berries, but also leaves are considered useful. So strawberry and wild strawberry beneficial features and contraindications.

Benefits of strawberry leaves

The leaves of the plant contain a unique set of useful substances. Strawberry leaf is rich in the following elements:

  • malic and citric acid;
  • essential oil;
  • tannin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • quinic acid.

Strawberry leaf is considered a multivitamin remedy that helps with metabolic disorders, diabetes, beriberi. Tincture of strawberry leaves soothes, tones, it is useful to drink it with atherosclerosis. It is a good diaphoretic and diuretic.

Brewed strawberry leaves are useful for cardiovascular diseases. With the help of such a decoction, you can improve performance, increase the endurance of the body. If you add berries to the tincture, then in this way you can lower blood pressure.

Strawberry leaves help motor function stomach, after decoction, digestion improves, appetite improves after illness. It is recommended to drink a tincture of leaves for ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

Strawberry leaf is also used in cosmetology. With the help of masks, berries can be removed from the leaves dark spots and also freckles.

The leaves of the field berry are useful to use before childbirth. Substances from such a plant increase the contractile functions of the uterus.

The benefits of strawberries

Wild strawberries have fleshy small berries, they are not only fragrant and sweet, but also contain a rich vitamin composition. The berry contains vitamins B, C and E. Minerals include iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

Fresh wild strawberries help the job digestive system, normalizes appetite. It is recommended to include a small berry in the menu for anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Wild berry tones the body, it is useful to eat it for nervous disorders, insomnia. Crushed berry is used as a compress for back diseases, sciatica. High content ascorbic acid allows you to use strawberries for colds.

Medicinal recipes from the leaves and berries of strawberries

For the preparation of infusions, the leaves are collected for drying during the flowering period of the plant. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for making healing drinks from wild strawberries.

Method one

Dry crushed leaf in the amount of two tablespoons is poured hot water(one glass) and boil for 10-12 minutes. After that, leave to infuse for two hours. Tincture is recommended to drink three times a day for a tablespoon. They take such a boiled strawberry leaf for bronchitis, anemia, urolithiasis.

Method two

Strawberry leaf is small, two tablespoons are poured and poured with boiling water. In this recipe, it does not need to be boiled, the leaves are left to infuse for two hours. Drink the resulting remedy for hypertension, ulcers, enterocolitis several times a day, one spoonful. With hemorrhoids, lotions are made from a decoction.

Method three

Strawberry leaf must be finely chopped, pour a teaspoon into a container and pour a glass of vodka. The tincture stands for about a week, then it is drunk 30 drops a day before meals. The remedy is useful during cold epidemics, with weak immunity. Reception is contraindicated alcohol tincture with individual intolerance to alcohol.

Contraindications for the use of strawberries

Strawberry belongs to strong allergens, it is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. If, after taking a tincture of leaves or berries, itching occurs, the skin turns red, then you should stop using it. forest plant.

Strawberry leaves and berries are contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Hepatic colic;
  • Appendicitis;
  • secretion of the stomach;
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation in the first three months after birth.

Benefits of using strawberries

What are the benefits of strawberries? How is it different from wild berries?

  1. Strawberry leaves are used during pregnancy, a decoction of them will create a reliable barrier against infections.
  2. The decoction is useful to use during weight loss, as with it you can get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  3. A glass of decoction helps with nausea, stomach cramps, bloating. Like wild strawberries, strawberries help take the load off digestive tract.
  4. The leaves of the beloved berry contain caffeic acid, a compound that helps with arthritis. The decoction has a diuretic effect, removes excess liquid from the body and joints.
  5. Tea with strawberry leaves helps to keep the skin in healthy condition. Daily use relieves itching, oily sheen relieves minor inflammation. A mask of strawberries smoothes the skin and reduces swelling of the face.
  6. Women are shown to drink a decoction of strawberry leaves when heavy menstruation, it helps to reduce the amount of discharge. In addition, strawberries increase the strength of the body in case of decline.

Strawberries are undoubtedly useful, but how to prepare a decoction from their leaves? Strawberry leaves are harvested before flowering, during this period they contain maximum benefit. To do this, dry the leaves along with the petioles. After drying, the prepared sheet is crushed.

The crushed leaf can be brewed separately, as well as with other herbs. Drink a decoction during the day instead of tea. The proportions for brewing are as follows: two tablespoons of crushed leaves and 0.5 boiling water. You can insist from an hour to two.

Contraindications for the use of strawberries

Strawberries are strong allergens, they should not be given in large quantities children under three years of age. Strawberries are contraindicated in cirrhosis of the liver, appendicitis.

  • Gastroduodenitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Individual intolerance (allergy);
  • Increased acidity;
  • Ulcer disease.

Decoctions from leaves of strawberries and wild strawberries can heal the body and give it strength. Wild strawberries and homemade strawberries help with various diseases, but tinctures and berries are not recommended for those with a tendency to allergic reactions.

Strawberries are famous for their amazing taste and pronounced aroma. Such a forest berry is rightfully considered a healing miracle of nature. Since ancient times, all parts of this plant have been used to treat many ailments. Her useful composition fills the body with strength and health.

Strawberry is a low perennial herbaceous crop. It is classified as a species of the Rosaceae family. The height of the bush reaches no more than twenty-five centimeters. It grows mainly in forests, where sandy and loamy soils predominate. It can also be found in spacious sunny clearings or among bushes.

The plant has a horizontal or oblique shortened root system. The erect stems and lower part of the basal green leaves are covered with hairs. Shoots that spread above the ground easily take root, which leads to the formation of a new young plant.

Basal trifoliate strawberry leaves are located on long petioles, which somewhat exceed the flower shoots. White flowers have both stamens and pistils and form a paired calyx. They are collected in a corymbose inflorescence with a small amount ovoid petals directed by a narrow part to the petiole.

The fruits of wild strawberries are rounded or elongated berries, which are dotted with many achenes and lowered to the bottom. Flowering forest culture begins in late spring. Fruit ripening occurs within a month. reproduction herbaceous plant produced by shoots, division of the bush and seed method.

Fresh wild strawberries contain many elements beneficial to human health. Of particular value are fiber and fructose. The berries of a herbaceous plant are endowed with many other useful substances:

  • acids - ascorbic, salicylic, malic, quinic and citric;
  • pectin and tannins;
  • carotene;
  • anthocyanin compounds;
  • vitamins B1, B2, PP and E;
  • macronutrients;
  • trace elements.

There is more potassium in fruits than in currants, apples, raspberries and grapes. Strawberry leaves contain:

  • ash;
  • potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium;
  • tannic organic compounds;
  • fragarin glycoside;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • carotene;
  • essential oil.

The rhizomes and seeds contain a lot of iron, which contributes to the regulation of immune defenses in the body.

fragaria vesca

The fruits of wild strawberries are tasty and fragrant. They help in the treatment of many ailments, as they have a number of valuable properties:

  1. Wild berry has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, helping to restore its endurance and performance.
  2. Fresh fruits help stabilize blood pressure and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They are also used in the treatment of anemia and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Strawberry juice has a curative effect on constipation, improves digestion and improves bowel function. It is used when complex treatment gastritis, colitis and inflammatory response bile ducts.
  4. The fruits are used as a remedy for hemorrhoids and removal of worms.
  5. Berries are used to lower blood sugar. They are beneficial for people with diabetes. dietary product, which contains irreplaceable slowly absorbed carbohydrates.
  6. Strawberry decoctions are a good diuretic. Berry potions improve kidney function and remove toxic substances from the body, which is especially useful for cystitis and gout.
  7. Fruit infusions are effective for rinsing in inflammatory processes in oral cavity, as well as with tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the throat.
  8. Masks based on wild berries are used as a rejuvenating agent for the skin. Such cosmetic substances also relieve acne and age spots on the face.
  9. Fresh fruits of wild strawberry well eliminate the formed stones on the teeth and destroy bad smells from mouth.

The use of wild berries, especially in raw form, strengthens the body, increasing its protective abilities.

Healing properties of leaves and flowers

The flowers and leaves of wild strawberry are used for cooking healing decoctions and infusions. Often they are dried and brewed into tea for general health purposes. Fresh leaves have long been considered a good wound healing agent. They were used to treat wounds and cracks, as well as various skin diseases.

White strawberry flowers and leaves are used to treat joints and respiratory diseases. Decoctions prepared from these parts of the plant have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and are used to treat neuroses.

Juice from the ground part of the forest culture is used for metabolic disorders, uterine fibroids, gout and infectious diseases of the lungs. A decoction of flowers and leaves acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic. It is also drunk to relieve spasms. internal organs and to relieve constipation.

Strawberry leaves are brewed and drunk in this mixture. Also, the regular use of such a healing drink gives strength and fills the body with energy.

Contraindications - who should not take strawberries

Strawberries are very useful and delicious berry. She beckons with her amazing aroma. Moreover, it fills the body with the most beneficial elements for health. But still, it refers to products that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it should be used with caution by children, during pregnancy, and berries and other parts of the plant should not be used during breastfeeding. Strawberries are also contraindicated in the presence of:

  • hepatic colic;
  • gastric secretion;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

Also, excessive intake of infusions and decoctions from forest culture can cause appendicitis.

Strawberries are considered one of the healthiest berries. In folk medicine, all elements of the ground part of the plant, as well as its rhizome, are used for healing purposes.

To improve the condition of the skin of the face, it is good to use strawberry fruit masks. To do this, grind fresh berries and apply on the face. After ten minutes, wash off the mask and lubricate the skin nourishing cream. If the skin is dry, then the composition is added egg yolk. For oily skin as an additional component, a teaspoon of honey is suitable.

Strawberry tea is fragrant, tasty and very healthy. It is prepared from leaves, berries and flowers. It provides the body with many valuable substances, including vitamin C, which strengthens immune system person.

Tea from a forest herbaceous plant helps:

  • get rid of insomnia;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relieve attacks of tachycardia;
  • regulate bleeding processes;
  • remove toxins from the body.

Also, tea is endowed with antimicrobial and tonic properties. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • one tablespoon of a mixture of crushed dry berries, leaves and flowers of strawberries;
  • five hundred milliliters of boiling water.

Harvested vegetable composition pour hot water into a brewing container, which should be well wrapped after filling. Tea is infused for fifteen minutes. Drink it warm several times a day. For taste, you can add honey and lemon to the drink.

Collection and storage of raw materials

To harvest wild strawberries for the winter, you should correctly collect all parts of the plant:

  1. Berries are picked in dry weather. It is better to collect them in the evening or in the morning after the dew has dried. In order not to crush well-ripened fruits, they should be cut off very carefully. The harvest falls into a dry basket.
  2. Leaves and flowers should be harvested during the abundant flowering of the crop. They can be plucked or cut with a knife. Take only green whole and healthy leaves without damage. Flowers are recommended to be plucked with stems - they also contain a lot of useful substances.

After picking, the berries must be sorted out and spread out in a small layer. Dry them under a canopy. Finished fruits should crumble easily and not stick to each other. Dried berries are stored in dry glass vessels. It is recommended to store this valuable product for no more than two years.

The leaves are laid out and dried in the shade, periodically turning over in the process. Good for dry sunny days. As a result, the greens should crumble easily. Leaves are stored in paper or cloth dry bags. Such blanks can be saved for no more than a year.

All useful substances are preserved in dried berries and other parts of the plant. From such blanks, you can make tea, infusions and decoctions and use them for treatment and recreational purposes at any time of the year.

Strawberry. Benefit: video

Strawberries enrich the body with valuable vitamin composition and helps to heal many diseases only with its correct and reasonable use. In order not to harm your health, before using this forest plant for medicinal purposes, you must first consult with your doctor.

Strawberries have long been considered the most healing berry , which contains a lot of useful substances.

However, not only strawberries are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves of this plant are no less useful for human health.

The benefits of strawberry leaves lie in their rich chemical composition. In addition to vitamins and trace elements, the composition of the leaves includes:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids.

Thanks to such components, strawberry leaves have a diuretic, wound healing, hematopoietic, antispasmodic and strengthening effect on the human body.

Wild strawberry leaves can cope with a number of diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal colic;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • cholecystitis.

In addition, the leaves of this plant improve digestion, blood composition, increase hemoglobin, lower blood pressure, and protect against infections.

Strawberry leaves have a diuretic, wound healing, hematopoietic, antispasmodic and strengthening effect on the human body.

In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of strawberry leaves are obvious. Decoctions and teas are shown with diabetes second type. The substances that make up the leaves block the absorption of glucose and are low in calories.

Decoctions and infusions from raw materials are very useful for the female body. The antiviral qualities of the leaves provide reliable protection during the epidemic.

Leaf decoctions increase the tone of the uterus and its ability to contract, which is important after surgery. During menopause, decoctions and tinctures from this plant help to cope with tachycardia, improve sleep and reduce irritability.

Do not forget about the benefits of strawberry leaf for men's health . Zinc, which is part of the leaves, is able to normalize the production of testosterone - male hormone that prolongs youth and male power.

Decoctions have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improving sperm quality and prolonging sexual intercourse.

Don't forget that uncontrolled use medicinal decoctions and infusions harm the body. Be sure to consult your doctor about the advisability of using strawberry leaves!

Strawberry leaves. Treatment with folk remedies:

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Beyond all medicinal qualities, raw materials have a number of contraindications that are worth considering.

Refuse to use decoctions and teas from raw materials in the following cases:

  • there are chronic diseases liver;
  • there were problems with the secretion of the stomach;
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract.

Besides, do not brew raw materials for children under three years old and nursing mothers. In the first three months of lactation, you should refrain from strawberry tea.

During pregnancy, you can take raw materials only on the recommendation of a doctor, if there are no contraindications. Leaves cause uterine tone which provokes premature birth and throw out.

The use of strawberry leaves is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years old and with individual intolerance

How to use wild strawberry leaves for the treatment of diseases

AT alternative medicine there are many recipes for decoctions, teas and tinctures from strawberry leaves. You can cook them from dried or fresh raw materials. They use decoctions according to indications, for each disease they prepare their own infusion.


Restorative infusion for beriberi: Pour two full tablespoons of strawberry grass into a half-liter glass container and pour hot water up to the shoulders. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Strain the finished infusion through gauze and drink 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.

This infusion is also used as a mouthwash for stomatitis.

Infusion for hypertension: grind dry raw materials and take one spoon. Pour the leaves with boiling water, about 1 tbsp. Cover and leave for four hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

Drink 1 tbsp. l. up to four times a day. The intervals between doses should be the same.

In addition, this infusion can be used as lotions for hemorrhoids.

Treatment of anemia. Dry or fresh strawberry leaves are used as raw materials. In a half-liter jar, pour 2 tbsp. l crushed leaves and fill half with boiling water.

Cover and let the mixture steep for 60 minutes. Ready infusion drain and drink twice a day for 1/2 cup.

Strawberry leaf infusions are used for beriberi, hypertension, anemia and other diseases.

At painful periods . This infusion helps women reduce pain during menstruation, reduces the amount of blood separated and improves well-being.

Prepare it from 1 tbsp. spoons of grass and 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 8 hours, it is good to prepare the infusion in the evening, then in the morning it can already be consumed. Take 1⁄2 cup each day first until the end of your period.

With heart failure. Prepare an infusion based on high-quality vodka. Place half a tablespoon of raw materials in a half-liter glass container and fill half with vodka.

Leave the mixture in a dark place for one week. Take the tincture as a remedy, 30 drops three times a day.

In addition, this tincture can be used for anemia, vitamin C deficiency and as a general tonic during the period colds.


Everyone can make tea from strawberry leaves, the benefits of such a drink are huge. It not only strengthens the immune system, but also copes with headaches and menstrual pain, eliminates swelling and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.

strawberry tea recipe: to make tea, take 1 part of dry raw materials and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over it. Infuse tea for 10-15 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

You can drink tea 5 cups a day. If desired, ordinary tea leaves or other medicinal herbs can be added to tea.

Strawberry leaf tea strengthens the immune system, copes with headaches and menstrual pain, eliminates swelling and normalizes kidney function.


Strawberry herbal decoctions accepted as medicinal product by appointment. They cope with a number of diseases, have a general strengthening and tonic effect.

with bronchitis and strong cough : 2 tbsp. l. finely chop the leaves and pour a cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Cool the broth, strain and bring boiled water to the original volume. Warm the decoction and drink a spoonful three times a day.

For insomnia and asthma: pour 30 g of leaves into a saucepan and pour a cup of water, boil for 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool and drink several times a day.

With anemia and overwork: put 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a bowl and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Remove the dishes from the heat and leave the infusion for two hours. Drink a ready-made broth for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

The decoction helps with arrhythmia and palpitations, ischemia, urolithiasis, diseases of the spleen, Bladder and atherosclerosis.

Strawberry decoctions have a general strengthening and tonic effect, they are taken for insomnia, coughing, overwork

Benefits and uses in cosmetology

In cosmetology, dugout leaves have also found their application.

They are boiled in milk, filtered and consumed inside. Such a vitamin drink helps to remove freckles, age spots and reduce acne.

Decoction of freckles for external use: dry leaves of wild strawberry (20 gr) brew 1 cup boiling water. Steep the mixture for 30 minutes, then strain.

At night, make compresses from the decoction to problem areas. Hold for 20 minutes.

With baldness. A decoction of dry leaves, which is taken orally 1 tablespoon three times a day, helps well.

Prepare it like this: pour two full tablespoons of raw materials into a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water (250 ml), leave for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and take as directed.

Against sweaty feet: Brew 200-300 grams of strawberry grass in 2-3 liters of water. Boil and cool until warm state. Before going to bed, take a foot bath for 15 minutes.

Strawberry leaves are used in cosmetology as tonics, from freckles and acne, from baldness.

Face tonic. This lotion tones the skin well, gives it a fresh look, suitable for any skin type.

Three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for half an hour. Strained infusion wipe the face twice a day.

In addition, the lotion helps to get rid of acne, inflammation on the skin. It can be frozen in freezer, and as needed, wipe the skin of the face and neck with cubes.

Mask for dry skin: one tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice from strawberry leaves is mixed with vegetable or castor oil. Add to the mixture cereals. Apply the mask on a cleansed face for 20 minutes.

Ointment for acne: fresh strawberry leaves make gruel and mix with castor oil in a ratio of 1:4. Apply pointwise to the problem area.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that strawberry plant raw materials can be considered a unique remedy that has a lot of advantages and is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

There is hardly a person who would not know what strawberries are. This plant is familiar to everyone since childhood. Many have collected it themselves more than once in sunny glades in the forest. Currently, the berry can be found not only in the forest zone, but also on garden plots where many successfully cultivate it.

Many have heard that the juicy berries of this plant are not only tasty, but also have a healing effect. But not everyone is familiar with the fact that healing power the leaves of the plant also have about them and will be discussed in this review.

Chemical composition

If we talk about the chemical composition of the leaves of this plant, then they can be found, perhaps, the entire periodic table. Nature obviously did not skimp when endowing strawberries with various chemicals. The plant contains a lot of minerals. If we talk about iron, then it contains such an amount that it is 40 times more than you can find it in grapes. The leaves contain vitamins various groups. Especially a lot of them contain ascorbic and nicotinic acid.

There are many important and necessary for human body folic acid. It is enough contained in strawberries and such an element as magnesium. All this did not pass by folk healers. They have in their arsenal a lot of recipes based on strawberries. Compositions prepared with the addition of this plant significantly enrich the body with valuable substances. But for their successful use, it is necessary to understand the therapeutic effects and contraindications associated with the use of strawberry leaves.

mistletoe white - medicinal properties and contraindications

Medicinal properties

There are many medicinal properties associated with the plant, which are often used in practice when it is necessary to correct certain conditions. To the list medicinal properties the following items are included:

  1. Strawberries have pronounced anthelmintic properties. Therefore, strawberry leaf is often used in the fight against various helminth infections.
  2. The plant helps fight viruses. It can often be found in recipes for compositions to combat colds.
  3. Strawberries have a diuretic effect. It is successfully used to combat diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  4. The plant is able to heal a wound. Enough to apply wound surface a clean strawberry leaf, and this action will speed up the healing process.
  5. Strawberries are able to increase the outflow of bile. Therefore, it is often used as a choleretic agent.
  6. With the use of a plant, you can get an easy sedation. This can put the nervous system in order, help the body recover faster after a stressful situation.
  7. Strawberry leaf helps to stimulate the work of the blood-forming organs.

It is easy to understand that the range of therapeutic effects of strawberries is in a fairly wide range, which makes it possible to use it in various pathological conditions.

Indications for use

It would be an unforgivable mistake not to use strawberry leaves for the treatment of various diseases. This need is dictated by the abundance of its therapeutic effects. Strawberries can be used under the following conditions:

  1. Strawberry leaves are used in cases where the activity of the digestive tract is disturbed. These disorders include gastritis and ulcer formations located in the duodenum.
  2. The cardiovascular system may be affected various pathologies. In this case, the use of strawberry leaves will also be shown. In conditions associated with atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, both leaves and strawberry fruits are used.
  3. This plant has been used for a very long time. gynecological practice. It is prescribed if the woman's condition is associated with strong menstrual flow. Using prescription formulations based on strawberries, you can achieve a significant reduction in their volume. This remedy is a good helper during childbirth, as it can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  4. Strawberry is indispensable tool at preventive use in order to prevent various colds. This ability is due to the fact that the substances that make up strawberries can increase and strengthen immunity. Moreover, the plant is effective tool prevention of the development of avitaminosis.
  5. If the salt balance is disturbed in the body, or there is a pathology associated with bladder, strawberry leaves will come to the rescue. They will help you deal with inflammatory processes at renal pathology. This is achieved due to the fact that the plant assists in the restoration of disturbed metabolic processes. In addition to all this, strawberries show a pronounced diuretic effect.
  6. Conditions associated with increased production of gas, resulting in flatulence.
  7. Swelling on the face.

Adam's apple - medicinal properties and uses

Contraindications to the use of strawberry leaves

Unfortunately, not everyone can use them. Like any other plant, strawberries have certain limitations to their use. First of all, it concerns the possibility of development allergic reactions. Sometimes they can be quite pronounced. Allergy symptoms:

  • Dizziness.
  • Symptoms of nausea.
  • Itchy skin.

When such a negative symptoms you should stop taking strawberries and, without hesitation, seek medical help. Sometimes the condition can be very serious and should not be delayed with measures to correct it.

A doctor's consultation before consuming strawberry leaves is necessary in without fail. The point is that some medications in combination with strawberry leaves can give unwanted side effects.


Thanks to his rich chemical composition, strawberries can be a real help in correcting many painful conditions that almost anyone can experience. But before using such compounds, you must always remember that the plant has a number of contraindications. You have to match them with your condition. It is a smart move to seek advice from a doctor before using strawberries for treatment.

Boost immunity with strawberry tea
The plant is very rich in vitamin C. This feature formed the basis for the use of strawberries for the prevention of colds. And this is achieved by the fact that the plant is able to increase immunity. Strawberry tea is easy to make. For this purpose, you can use both fresh leaves and those that have dried, carrying out harvesting for the future. They just need to be brewed with boiling water in the same way as tea leaves are brewed when preparing this drink.

The effect will be achieved if the tea is consumed on a regular basis. The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by adding honey or mint to the drink. Such tea will be especially useful during the seasonal rise in the incidence of colds. It will saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, reliably protect against any respiratory infection. Of course, no one will give a 100% guarantee, but the risk of getting sick is reduced significantly.

Strawberries for inflammation and urolithiasis
Strawberry allows you to fight many inflammatory manifestations associated with various organs and tissues. This fully applies to conditions associated with joint pain. It will also help those for whom it is characteristic muscle weakness. It is also shown to the cores, which are characterized by cardioalgia and other functional disorders.

Most pronounced effect strawberries show against conditions associated with urolithiasis. When preparing for surgery to remove kidney stones, the use of strawberry leaves will be useful. For this, a strong decoction of leaves is used. You can also add flowers to them. The duration of the course of treatment should be at least 7 days. But more than 10 days it should not be taken either.

Digestive tract and heart
All symptoms chronic pathology these organs can be made much softer by using strawberries. Only ordinary tea is no longer enough here. It will require the use of a strong decoction. Cooking:

  • strawberry leaves - 4 tablespoons;
  • steep boiling water - 500 ml.

The number of ingredients included in the composition may vary, but the proportion should remain unchanged in nature. For cooking, it is better to use a thermos, but an enamel pot with a lid is also quite suitable for this. For greater efficiency, it is covered with a towel. At one time, 100 ml of the product is required. Take several times a day. You should first eat, and then take the prepared infusion.

When taking such a remedy, a sedative effect is also observed. Work is in order nervous system, the heart muscle begins to function better, streamlining the rhythm and frequency of its contractions. In hypertensive patients, there is a decrease in blood pressure.

Strawberry leaf and cosmetology
The plant is used for skin and hair care. It will help those who experience such an unpleasant condition as dandruff. With the help of compositions prepared on the basis of strawberries, you can completely get rid of it. Curls are saturated with vitamins and minerals which gives them health and shine.

Compresses and lotions with strawberries can get rid of dermatitis and other problems associated with skin health. With the help of strawberries, you can also get rid of the presence of age spots on the face. For these purposes, an infusion of strawberry leaves is used. A thick napkin or gauze is wetted in it. Then they must be applied to damaged areas of the skin. Conduct similar procedures follows multiple times. The use of compresses will lead to healing of the skin.

birch leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications

Procurement of raw materials

Strawberry leaves can be prepared for future use and used to prepare infusions and decoctions when fresh medicinal raw materials are not at hand. Collect material in dry calm weather. This is done mostly in the morning. But at the same time, you must wait for the moment when the dew completely disappears.

It is better to dry the plant naturally in rooms with adequate ventilation. Attic rooms are better suited for these purposes. Storage is carried out in paper or linen bags.

Only healthy leaves are to be collected. It is necessary to pay attention to this.

Strawberries are now successfully cultivated in household plots. But it requires permanent care. Strawberries in nature are accustomed to space. Often gardeners are faced with such a problem as the appearance of brown spotting on the leaves of a plant. It is characterized by a brown or purple hue. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. This may be due to poor-quality watering or improper application of appropriate fertilizers. There may be other reasons as well.

wild rose - medicinal properties and contraindications

Video: useful properties of strawberry leaves

Many of us, probably, often saw strawberry sprouts in country gardens or in park areas. However, not everyone knows that only wild strawberries have the best healing properties.

Unlike different varieties bred for the economy, it is in wild forest strawberries that the highest content of nutrients and vitamins is found. Given by nature, this medicinal plant has long served people with its healing powers. It is also noteworthy in that all its parts can be used in the treatment: roots, fruits, leaves.

In this article, we will try to consider in more detail the beneficial properties of wild strawberries, talk about what methods of its use, recipes for preparing potions from the plant, who are contraindicated in use, and who will be especially useful.

wild strawberry plant

it perennial, pink family, appearance slightly reminiscent of raspberries. In height, the size of the shoots can reach from 5 to 30 centimeters. The plant usually grows in a wild form in light areas of the forest, in bushes, in clearings. Blossoms usually in May, and ripens by July.

Depending on the habitat, several types of wild strawberries are distinguished. It can be meadow, mountainous, rocky, but the properties and developmental features of all types are almost the same. The plants are quite undemanding to the types of soil and light, therefore it grows in various parts the globe, from Europe to South America.

Important! Learn how to properly plant and care for wild strawberries.

The chemical composition of the plant

Each of the departments of the plant contains certain useful substances, therefore it is of value. The roots contain tannins and alkaloids. The leaves contain a large number of vitamin C, in addition there are B vitamins, also organic acids, alkaloids, tannins, essential oils, salts of iron, manganese, phosphorus, cobalt.

In berries great content ascorbic acid, in addition, there is carotene, a lot of folic acid, vitamin B, flavonoids, salicylic acid, tannins, malic acid.

Contraindications for use

Any medicinal plant should be used with caution. The advantage of wild strawberries over their natural "colleagues" is that there are not many contraindications for use, but they do exist.

First of all, unripe fruits should not be consumed, as there may be problems with digestion.

  • with allergic reactions to the use of the plant;
  • increased acidity of the stomach, exacerbation of diseases of the stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • children under the age of 8 years should be used in small doses with caution.

Useful properties of the plant

Here are the main ones:

  1. In the treatment of colds, sore throats, coughs, an infusion or tea from strawberry leaves is used. The vitamins that make up the leaves have a strengthening effect on the body weakened by a cold. With a sore throat, tinctures help to quickly overcome the disease and remove excess phlegm from the lungs. In addition, strawberry leaf tea will help overcome the autumn lack of vitamins in the body, resist possible diseases colds and flu.
  2. Use in cosmetic purposes. Due to the fact that berries contain a large amount of vitamins, beneficial acids and trace elements, they work as an antioxidant, slowing down the aging process of cells. In addition, they even out complexion, remove dead skin cells, renew it, improve metabolic processes skin, have a rejuvenating effect. A mask of crushed fruits is applied to clean skin for 10-15 minutes, then wash off. The procedure is repeated for several days, then the skin is allowed to rest, and the procedure is repeated again. We will consider recipes for making masks later in the article.
  3. For non-aggravated diseases of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, gastritis, strawberry decoctions and infusions are used. They have a binding, strengthening effect, remove toxins from the body, and also have a calming effect. Another decoction is used as a hemostatic agent for gynecological diseases and hemorrhoids.
  4. In diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, strawberry drugs are also used. They help the outflow of bile, work as a diuretic, saturate the body with vitamins.
  5. As a firming, soothing and toning agent. Thanks to vitamins and microelements, the hematopoietic function of the body improves, metabolic processes normalize, the body replenishes vitamin reserve, cholesterol is excreted, hemoglobin rises, pressure normalizes, a person feels more cheerful and more confident. Also improves sleep, disappear nervous disorders, experiences.
  6. With attacks of suffocation and bronchial asthma there are recipes based on strawberry leaves. Decoctions help to cope with seizures, reduce their number and strength, while having a strengthening effect on the body.

Recipes for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and tinctures

Face mask rejuvenating and firming the skin

Grind ripe freshly picked berries into a homogeneous mass, add one tablespoon of fat sour cream and apply the resulting mixture on cleansed face for 20-30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with clean warm water.

A decoction to increase immunity and with weak hematopoiesis

Take 20 grams of strawberry leaves and berries per half liter of water, boil the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. After it has cooled, strain and can be consumed, approximately 100-150 ml, 3 times a day. The course is selected individually.

Berry tincture for throat

4 tablespoons of fresh berries are crushed and 400 ml are added cool water. Hold the tincture for 1 hour, then strain through cheesecloth. After that, it can be used for diseases of the throat for gargling.

Tea to strengthen the body, increase tone

One small spoonful of crushed dry strawberry leaves is taken and 250 ml of boiling water is poured. Tea will help in the period of beriberi, in the fight against colds. In addition, it improves the hematopoietic function of the body, relieves swelling.

flower tincture

Pour one small spoonful of dried flowers with one glass of boiling water, then leave for 5-6 hours. Then strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth and can be consumed. They usually drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with a weakened cardiovascular system.

This wonderful plant is wild strawberry, we recommend you to use it for health and longevity!

Everyone knows that strawberries are very useful berry, in the juicy fruits of which an infinite number of substances important for the human body are concentrated. But at the same time, not many people are familiar with the strawberry leaf, the use of which in some cases is more justified compared to the use of berries. It is for this reason that we want to tell you what are the beneficial properties and contraindications of strawberry leaves, which are quite highly valued by traditional healers.

Strawberry leaf gives a mild, but very noticeable healing effect.

Procurement of raw materials

For starters, it’s worth figuring out when to collect strawberry leaves. The best period for collecting medicinal raw materials is the period from flowering to fruit set. It is from May to June in the leaves of wild strawberries that maximum amount valuable components, which allow the raw material to exhibit medicinal properties.

Suitable for harvesting are intact leaves that can be cut or simply torn off the stem. Collection is carried out in dry weather, after the morning dew has disappeared. Drying is carried out under canopies in the fresh air or in well-ventilated rooms - the leaves are laid out thin layer and turn over from time to time. Ready raw materials are put into linen bags and stored for no more than a year.

About the benefits of strawberry leaf

What are the medicinal properties contained in strawberry leaves?

  1. Thanks to high content volatile strawberry leaf is a natural antibiotic.
  2. Anti-inflammatory qualities help overcome diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver of an inflammatory nature.
  3. The leaves of this plant are capable of exhibiting an antispasmodic effect.
  4. The sedative effect helps to cope with insomnia and at the same time significantly improves the quality of sleep.
  5. Strawberry leaf is excellent tonic, which is highly effective with weak immunity.
  6. It perfectly copes with colds, sore throats and laryngitis.
  7. The leaves of this plant are especially popular with women suffering from heavy menstruation.
  8. In addition, they exhibit a diuretic effect, which eliminates puffiness.

    On a note! This quality allows the use of this raw material instead of chemicals diuretic action.

  9. Strawberry leaf has a hematopoietic effect.

Strawberry leaves are a good helper for diseases of the cardiovascular system. When using a decoction based on them, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the work of the heart muscle improves, the rhythm slows down and the amplitude of heart contractions increases.

On a note! This effect is achieved thanks to high concentration vitamin C. 100 g of strawberry leaf contains about 250 mg of ascorbic acid.

Strawberry leaf will normalize blood pressure

Strawberry leaves are considered good medicine from gout, as they have the ability to remove salts from the body. Externally, they can be used for hemorrhoids, abrasions, wounds, cuts and peptic ulcers skin.

Brewing healing tea

Strawberry leaves are used mainly in the form of tea, which can be brewed as follows: pour 3 g of raw material with two cups of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour.

Recommendation! Tea will turn out especially tasty and fragrant if the leaves are not boiled, namely, poured with boiling water. In this case, it is advisable to choose a teapot made of porcelain or clay; after filling it is closed with a lid and wrapped in a towel.

A fragrant drink can be used both for prevention and as aid with the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • metabolic disease;
  • kidney and liver stones;
  • sand in the gallbladder;
  • bladder disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gastritis;
  • scurvy;
  • gout;
  • prostration;
  • atherosclerosis.

Strawberry tea is used as a gargle for sore throats. And with beriberi, it makes up for the lack of nutrients and quickly puts it on its feet after the disease.


Strawberry leaf tea has incredible benefits, but in some cases it can cause harm.

  1. Its use should be abandoned to people with individual intolerance, as well as those with a tendency to allergic reactions, since strawberries are quite allergenic products.
  2. For the same reason, strawberry leaf is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Such a drink should be given to children with caution and at the same time constantly monitor the reaction.

Otherwise, strawberry tea is absolutely safe and its use will bring only benefits and good health to your body.

A wild berry called strawberry has been known to mankind since ancient times. Moreover, she became famous not only as a delicacy, but also as a wonderful remedy for many ailments. In folk medicine to combat various diseases strawberry leaves are used. Medicinal properties this tool practically limitless.

About strawberries in general

This tasty and at the same time healthy berry settled mainly in forest areas. Strawberry is a perennial plant that bears numerous fruits. The flowering period of this herb falls at the end of May and the beginning of summer, and the berries ripen by July. As for the strawberry leaves themselves, they are trifoliate and have jagged edges.

Strawberry leaves and their beneficial properties

Contrary to popular belief, not only the berries themselves can have a therapeutic effect. Yes, the fruits are very useful for the human body, but in their action they are not inferior to strawberry leaves. The medicinal properties of this folk remedy are as follows:

  • Anthelmintic.
  • Antiviral.
  • Diuretic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Cholagogue.
  • Sedatives.
  • Hematopoietic.

As can be seen from the list presented, strawberry leaves have a wide range actions, which cannot but make them an excellent medicine.

Indications for the use of recipes from strawberry leaves

This remedy has a beneficial effect on the body, and also helps to get rid of many diseases. Strawberry leaves are indispensable in such cases:

  • With violations of the digestive system, in particular gastritis and duodenal ulcer.
  • For the treatment of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. For atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension and other ailments, strawberry fruits and leaves are used.
  • The medicinal properties in gynecology of this remedy have been noticed for a long time, therefore it is recommended to use it for women. The first indication for use is abundant menstrual flow. Recipes from strawberry leaves can reduce their volume. Also, the tool helps to facilitate the process of childbirth, as it increases the tone of the uterus.
  • For seasonal prevention of colds and, if necessary, their treatment. Strawberry leaves are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, so they help boost immunity and cope with the virus. Moreover, it makes them excellent tool to prevent avitaminosis.
  • In case of violations salt balance in the body, as well as in diseases of the bladder and inflammatory processes in the kidneys. The effectiveness of the remedy is justified by the fact that the restoration of metabolism is one of the features that strawberry leaves are famous for. The medicinal properties of the plant are also manifested in a pronounced diuretic effect.

The whole periodic table in one plant

Strawberry leaves are rich huge amount useful substances. In particular, the iron content in them is 40 times higher than the content of the same element in grapes. Strawberry leaves are also a source of vitamins A, C, K and PP. In addition, they contain a large amount of folic acid, which is so necessary for the body, as well as potassium, fluorine and magnesium.

Using recipes based on a forest plant, you can significantly enrich the body useful substances. However, it should be understood that there is a risk of developing side effects, so it is advisable to carefully study what strawberry leaves have medicinal properties and contraindications.

Who is contraindicated in treatment with strawberry leaves?

Although traditional medicine seems harmless, it must be handled with no less care than traditional medicine. Too lean on tinctures and decoctions of strawberry leaves is not worth it, as this can provoke an allergic reaction. As a rule, it is manifested by dizziness, nausea and itching of the skin.

Before starting therapy, it is advisable to find out how strawberry leaves differ. Medicinal properties and contraindications should be the object of your close attention. And it is even better to first visit a qualified doctor in a medical institution in order to get competent advice from a specialist on this issue. Some medical preparations in combination with the substances that make up strawberry leaves, they can cause side effects. If you have got unpleasant symptoms, then you must immediately cancel the use of funds. In most cases, this helps eliminate side effects and allergic reactions.

Tea for boosting immunity

Due to their high vitamin C content, strawberry leaves can help protect the body from viral attack. To do this, it is enough to brew tea on their basis and drink it regularly. As the main ingredient for making a drink, you can use both fresh and dried strawberry leaves. The healing properties of such tea will be enhanced if you add a little honey or mint to it. It is especially useful to drink in winter time when the body lacks vitamins and increases the risk of developing respiratory diseases.

Strawberry leaf for inflammatory processes

The soothing effect of the remedy allows you to use it to combat inflammatory processes in the body. This recipe suitable for those who suffer from joint pain and muscle weakness, as well as heart problems. But the treatment of urolithiasis gives a particularly pronounced effect. Strawberry leaves help to remove the remnants of deposits after the operation, as well as prepare the body for the planned surgical intervention. In some cases, they even contribute to the removal of stones.

The tool is recommended to be used in the form of a strong decoction. It is advisable to prepare it from strawberry leaves mixed with flowers. The course of treatment should be at least a week, but not more than 10 days. But it is worth studying before using strawberry leaves in this way, medicinal properties and contraindications. Photos of allergic reactions are proof that the remedy is very powerful and you need to be careful with it.

Infusion for the treatment of disorders of the digestive and cardiovascular systems

The symptoms of acute and chronic diseases can be noticeably alleviated by the same strawberry leaf. Only in this case ordinary tea is no longer suitable - a strong and rich infusion is needed. For every 4 tbsp. l. strawberry leaves need 0.5 liters of boiling water. The number of ingredients can be varied, but the main thing is to maintain proportions. Infuse the drink preferably in a thermos or in a vessel wrapped in a towel. Finished product must be taken orally 4-5 times a day, 100 ml (approximately 1/3 of a standard glass). It is best to use the infusion half an hour later, a maximum of an hour after eating.

By the way, this recipe is great. sedative effect. But it is worth taking it, carefully studying what strawberry leaves have medicinal properties and contraindications. The heart, when using such an infusion, slows down the rhythm of its beating, and blood pressure decreases.

Application in cosmetology

A significant therapeutic effect can be achieved by using strawberry leaves for hair and skin. So, rinsing the hair with a decoction of this plant helps to completely get rid of dandruff. In addition, the tool has a tonic effect, so it actively fights hair loss. Saturating curls with vitamins and minerals, strawberry decoction makes them healthier and shinier.

Inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as various dermatitis and other problems, can be eliminated with the help of compresses and lotions based on tinctures from the plant. Ladies who want to whiten age spots on the face will also benefit from strawberry leaves. In this case, it is very important to know the medicinal properties and contraindications for women in order to avoid unwanted, but possible side effects. For therapy to eliminate defects and inflammation of the skin, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of strawberry leaves. Then you need to moisten a thick napkin or a piece of gauze in it. The fabric is applied to the skin in the form of a compress for a while, after certain period the procedure is repeated.

The wild berry has not only a great taste, but is also actively used. Not only berries are used, but also other parts of the plant endowed with. Wild berries are a natural multivitamin recommended for use as an addition to the main treatment of many ailments.

Medicinal properties

The strawberry fruit has many beneficial properties for the body. Among them are:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening and slowing down the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • vasodilation;
  • general strengthening;
  • memory improvement.

To prepare a remedy that can help improve health, you will need to take 50 g of leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water. Infused for about 4 hours. It is recommended to use the infusion 3 times a day for 150 g, just before meals.

Strawberries contain flavonoids and tannins that can reduce sweating and relieve symptoms of diarrhea.

Indications for use

The following factors may be the reason for the use of a decoction:

  • metabolic disease;
  • bladder problems;
  • stones in the liver or kidneys;
  • diseases:, scurvy, and cholelithiasis.

Important! Do not forget that the use of anything in unlimited quantities can adversely affect health.

Wild strawberry leaves, contraindications

Strawberries are actively used in cooking medicinal products prescription traditional medicine. They are also involved in cosmetology. As such, the plant does not have. The only thing you should pay attention to is the reaction of the body. Such caution is due to the fact that the body may not have a perception of the plant, more precisely, an allergy.

Important! To calm down, you can independently check the body's reaction to the product. To do this, you need to gradually introduce strawberries into the diet.

Medicinal properties during pregnancy

To begin with, it should be noted that berries are used not only in fresh. From dried berries, you get just a great tea, with a unique aroma. But, a decoction of the leaves is prohibited, because. drinking can increase the contraction of the uterine muscles, and they will be in increased tone. That is why any teas using fruits should be excluded, because in some cases there are threats of miscarriage.

leaf preparation

Before making tea, the leaves must be prepared. Fermentation begins by placing them in the shade for several hours. Such a measure is necessary so that they become soft. After they are kneaded until sticky juice is released and placed in a box under a damp cloth for no more than 9 hours. And finally, it remains to spread out on a baking sheet and dry.

The leaves can be brewed without the addition of any ingredients. They make an excellent tea filled with vitamins.

Even grandmothers and great-grandmothers made teas from all the fruits of the berry, which are an excellent remedy for the treatment of weeping and bleeding wounds. Moreover, it was used both inside and as a compress on the wound. Also, if suppuration was observed in the oral cavity, it was felt bad smell or tonsillitis, liquid gargled.

tea preparation

If you brew fermented leaves, you get fragrant tea, which does not have the smell of grass, but has beautiful color. Such a decoction is a storehouse of vitamin C. In order to get healing tea that helps in recovery, it is necessary:

  • take 1 tsp. leaves;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water.

This remedy is excellent for liver and kidney diseases.

With bronchitis

For making tea, you can use the leaves along with the rhizomes. For this you will need:

  • grind the ingredients and isolate 20 g;
  • pour 250 ml of water.

The mixture is put on fire for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and consumed 4 times a day for a tablespoon. It is best to prepare a new remedy each time, the more it costs, the faster the healing properties are lost.

In addition to the positive properties listed above, you can add the possibility of improving the work of the heart, as well as normalizing pressure and relieving edema. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh strawberry leaves;
  • poured with boiling water and during the night, insist.

The course of treatment with such tea lasts until the moment of recovery, and the dose is 100 ml 5 times a day. It is necessary to consume only after eating for about half an hour, the remedy is contraindicated on an empty stomach.

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