Strawberry grass useful properties. Leaves of wild strawberry. How to insist strawberry leaves on water

» Strawberries

Strawberry has long been considered the most healing berry., which contains a lot of useful substances.

However, in medicinal purposes apply not only the fruits of strawberries. The leaves of this plant are no less useful for human health.

The benefits of strawberry leaves lie in their rich chemical composition. In addition to vitamins and trace elements, the composition of the leaves includes:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids.

Thanks to such components, strawberry leaves have a diuretic, wound healing, hematopoietic, antispasmodic and strengthening effect on the human body.

Wild strawberry leaves can cope with a number of diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal colic;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • cholecystitis.

In addition, the leaves of this plant improve digestion, blood composition, increase hemoglobin, reduce arterial pressure protect against infections.

AT folk medicine beneficial features strawberry leaves are obvious. Decoctions and teas are indicated for type 2 diabetes. The substances that make up the leaves block the absorption of glucose and are low in calories.

Decoctions and infusions from raw materials are very useful for female body . The antiviral qualities of the leaves provide reliable protection during the epidemic.

Leaf decoctions increase the tone of the uterus and its ability to contract, which is important after surgery. During menopause, decoctions and tinctures from this plant help to cope with tachycardia, improve sleep and reduce irritability.

Do not forget about the benefits of strawberry leaf for men's health . Zinc, which is part of the leaves, is able to normalize the production of testosterone - male hormone that prolongs youth and male power.

Decoctions have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improving sperm quality and prolonging sexual intercourse.

Don't forget that uncontrolled use medicinal decoctions and infusions harm the body. Be sure to consult your doctor about the advisability of using strawberry leaves!

Strawberry leaves. Treatment with folk remedies:

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Beyond all medicinal qualities, raw materials have a number of contraindications that are worth considering.

Refuse to use decoctions and teas from raw materials in the following cases:

  • there are chronic diseases liver;
  • there were problems with the secretion of the stomach;
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract.

Besides, do not brew raw materials for children under three years old and nursing mothers. In the first three months of lactation, you should refrain from strawberry tea.

During pregnancy, you can take raw materials only on the recommendation of a doctor, if there are no contraindications. Leaves cause uterine tone which provokes premature birth and throw out.

How to use wild strawberry leaves for the treatment of diseases

AT alternative medicine there are many recipes for decoctions, teas and tinctures from strawberry leaves. You can cook them from dried or fresh raw materials. They use decoctions according to indications, for each disease they prepare their own infusion.


Restorative infusion for beriberi: Pour two full tablespoons of strawberry grass into a half-liter glass container and pour hot water on the shoulders. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Strain the finished infusion through gauze and drink 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.

This infusion is also used as a rinse. oral cavity with stomatitis.

Infusion for hypertension: grind dry raw materials and take one spoon. Pour the leaves with boiling water, about 1 tbsp. Cover and leave for four hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

Drink 1 tbsp. l. up to four times a day. The intervals between doses should be the same.

In addition, this infusion can be used as lotions for hemorrhoids.

Treatment of anemia. Dry or fresh strawberry leaves are used as raw materials. In a half-liter jar, pour 2 tbsp. l crushed leaves and fill half with boiling water.

Cover and let the mixture steep for 60 minutes. Ready infusion drain and drink twice a day for 1/2 cup.

At painful periods . This infusion helps women reduce pain during menstruation, reduces the amount of blood separated and improves well-being.

Prepare it from 1 tbsp. spoons of grass and 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 8 hours, it is good to prepare the infusion in the evening, then in the morning it can already be consumed. Take 1⁄2 cup each day first until the end of your period.

With heart failure. Prepare an infusion based on high-quality vodka. Place half a tablespoon of raw materials in a half-liter glass container and fill half with vodka.

Leave the mixture in a dark place for one week. Take the tincture as a remedy, 30 drops three times a day.

In addition, this tincture can be used for anemia, vitamin C deficiency and as a general tonic during the period colds.


Everyone can make tea from strawberry leaves, the benefits of such a drink are huge. It not only strengthens the immune system, but also copes with headaches and menstrual pain, eliminates swelling and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.

strawberry tea recipe: to make tea, take 1 part of dry raw materials and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over it. Infuse tea for 10-15 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

You can drink tea 5 cups a day. If desired, ordinary tea leaves or other medicinal herbs can be added to tea.


Strawberry herbal decoctions accepted as medicinal product by appointment. They cope with a number of diseases, have a general strengthening and tonic effect.

with bronchitis and strong cough : 2 tbsp. l. finely chop the leaves and pour a cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Cool the broth, strain and bring boiled water to the original volume. Warm the decoction and drink a spoonful three times a day.

For insomnia and asthma: pour 30 g of leaves into a saucepan and pour a cup of water, boil for 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool and drink several times a day.

With anemia and overwork: put 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a bowl and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Remove the dishes from the heat and leave the infusion for two hours. Drink a ready-made broth for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

The decoction helps with arrhythmias and palpitations, ischemia, urolithiasis, in diseases of the spleen, Bladder and atherosclerosis.

Benefits and uses in cosmetology

In cosmetology, dugout leaves have also found their application.

They are boiled in milk, filtered and consumed inside. Such a vitamin drink helps to remove freckles, dark spots and reduce acne.

Decoction of freckles for external use: dry leaves of wild strawberry (20 gr) brew 1 cup boiling water. Steep the mixture for 30 minutes, then strain.

At night, make compresses from the decoction on problem areas. Hold for 20 minutes.

With baldness. A decoction of dry leaves, which is taken orally 1 tablespoon three times a day, helps well.

Prepare it like this: pour two full tablespoons of raw materials into a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water (250 ml), leave for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and take as directed.

Against sweaty feet: Brew 200-300 grams of strawberry grass in 2-3 liters of water. Boil and cool until warm state. Before going to bed, take a foot bath for 15 minutes.

Face tonic. This lotion tones the skin well, gives it a fresh look, suitable for any skin type.

Three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for half an hour. Strained infusion wipe the face twice a day.

In addition, the lotion helps to get rid of acne, inflammation on the skin. It can be frozen in freezer, and as needed, wipe the skin of the face and neck with cubes.

Mask for dry skin: one tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice from strawberry leaves is mixed with vegetable or castor oil. Add to the mixture cereals. Apply the mask on a cleansed face for 20 minutes.

Ointment for acne: fresh strawberry leaves make gruel and mix with castor oil in a ratio of 1:4. Apply pointwise to the problem area.

In conclusion, it should be noted that plant raw materials of strawberries can be considered unique means, which has a lot of advantages and is actively used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

In folk medicine, strawberry leaves, roots and berries are used for treatment.

Strawberries are rich in iron, copper, zinc, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, E. In terms of iron content, strawberries are superior to plums, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Berries contain a large number of manganese, which contributes normal process metabolism, nutrition nerve cells and the brain, activates the work thyroid gland. A large amount of folic acid was found in strawberries (it has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis), as well as potassium, which helps to remove water from the body and lower blood pressure.

Strawberries have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diaphoretic, diuretic, hemostatic, tonic, choleretic, diuretic, laxative and astringent properties.

If the smell from the mouth

If you are tortured bad smell from the mouth, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strawberries 1 cup boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 15 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with this infusion after eating.

Strawberries for bleeding gums

With bleeding gums, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a decoction of strawberries.

Mix 1 part wild strawberry leaves and flowers with 1 part string grass and 0.5 part mint.

1 st. Pour a spoonful of collection with 1 cup of boiling water, close the lid. Strain and rinse your mouth several times a day.

How to increase hemoglobin?

It is useful for people with low hemoglobin to eat strawberries, they contain a large amount of iron. It is also good to include apples and tomatoes in the diet.

The most important thing with low hemoglobin is to eat a little, but often. You can not eat 2-3 times a day. Every 2 hours it is necessary to fill the stomach with something: nuts, an apple, a piece of bread, etc.

Strawberries for the treatment of the stomach

Strawberry is a real pharmacy! In the summer season, eat as much of this berry as possible, it is excellent remedy to regulate bowel activity. Strawberries normalize stools, reduce the activity of putrefactive processes in the intestines. The berries of this plant are useful for inflammatory diseases stomach.

You can stock up on berries for the future, for the winter. To do this, freeze them in the refrigerator or dry them, then you will always have reliable remedy from gastrointestinal ailments.

I offer my recipe for freezing. Strawberries should be cooled in the refrigerator, pour cold sugar syrup (0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water) and freeze in the freezer.

strawberries vs. diabetes

Many people today suffer from diabetes. medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes in this disease have been used for a long time, so the recipe I propose has stood the test of time.

Herbal therapy can be used as ancillary treatment with any form of diabetes. Medicinal plants improve immunity, normalize work gastrointestinal a path, liquidate stagnation in a liver and gallbladder and, importantly, reduce the need for insulin.

Except simple recipes with one component, there are collections of herbs, which include several names of plants.

Medicinal mixtures of herbs can be prepared at home.

Combine 60 g of strawberry grass with 40 g of linden flowers, 30 g of mullein flowers and 100 g of blueberry leaves.

Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for several minutes and drink 1 glass after meals 2-3 times a day.


Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is more common in the elderly as a result of vascular changes. Long-term phytotherapy helps to maintain the health of patients.

Mix wild strawberry leaves with hawthorn and meadowsweet grass (all in equal parts).

1 st. brew a spoonful of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew, strain. Take 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day with honey.

With encephalopathy I-II stages it is recommended to take baths with sea ​​salt, iodine-bromine, with coniferous extract and simply aromatic. The water temperature should not exceed 38-39 degrees. On the course it is desirable to spend 10-25 baths for 25-30 minutes each.

Strawberries at cholelithiasis

With cholelithiasis, an infusion of berries and strawberry leaves will help. For its preparation 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mixture of berries and strawberry leaves is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes and filtered. Use 0.5-1 glass of infusion 3 times a day.

strawberries for high blood pressure

With hypertension, an infusion of strawberry leaves helps well. Brew 1 teaspoon of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water and drink like tea.

Eat as many baked potatoes as possible with the skin on, as well as garlic, raw onion and keep singing cranberry juice or sea.

Preserving vitamins

Strawberries have a lot of beneficial properties for the body. Naturally, fresh strawberries are the most useful. However, it is very nutritious and in a processed form, I Strawberries are laid in layers in a clean jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Then leave to infuse in a cold room for 8-10 hours. When the juice stands out, the mass is squeezed through gauze. Juice is bottled, adding a glass of rum or cognac to each. Store juice in the cold.

■ Berries are boiled for 50 minutes. Then the juice is poured into a separate pan and heated to 90 degrees. Hot juice is poured into jars and immediately rolled up.

■ 400 g of strawberries are rubbed, gradually adding 0.5 liters of water. Insist for a while, then filter through cheesecloth. The resulting water is sweetened to taste. The drink is kept cold.

Strawberries against anemia and bronchial asthma

Of all the wild berries, the most fragrant and fragrant is strawberries. It is not only tasty, but also very useful.

Strawberry leaves are used as a hemostatic agent in gynecological practice and with hemorrhoids. To do this, make a decoction of 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and 2 glasses of water and consume 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours until bleeding stops.

At various kinds anemia (anemia) drink infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry strawberry leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist until warm.

Or make a decoction of the whole plant with 2 cups of water. Boil 5-7 minutes. Drink 0.25 cups 4-5 times a day. This decoction is a source of iron and other trace elements. With suffocation and bronchial asthma 1 st. a spoonful of dried strawberry leaves is poured with 2 cups of water, boiled until 100 g remains. Then filter and take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours until breathing improves.

In bronchial asthma, an infusion of herbs with strawberries is also used: leaves of strawberries, blackberries, fireweed (willow-herb), raspberries, black currants, linden flowers, St. John's wort and thyme grass (equally divided).

1 st. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter and drink 0.25 cups every 2 hours. The collection contains plants of bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic action. The same mixture is used for colds, flu, bronchitis.

Infusions and decoctions of strawberry leaves are widely used topically. Rinses with a decoction of rhizomes and leaves are used for sore throat and chronic tonsillitis.

"Tibetan collection" cleanses and strengthens

Strawberry leaves are part of the famous " Tibetan collection", which helps to cleanse the body of toxins, lose weight, improves metabolism, the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of cardio-vascular system and also cleanses the liver and kidneys.

Mix strawberry leaves with immortelle flowers, birch buds, St. John's wort and chamomile (100 g each). Grind the ingredients in a coffee grinder.

Methods of application: - 2 tbsp. spoon collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 1.5 hours. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

■ 1 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of boiling water over a spoonful of the collection, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes and leave warm overnight. In the morning, strain and drink 1 glass of decoction, adding 1 teaspoon of honey. Take the rest in the evening 1 hour before meals.

Herbal strawberry tea

Most best tea- herbal. He not only has original taste but also has healing powers.

From strawberry leaves in combination with raspberry leaves, flowers, stalks of cherries and sweet cherries, you can cook fragrant tea, which is useful for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, joints.

Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink tea without sugar, no more than 1 cup at a time, 2 times a day.

constriction bile ducts

My relative was diagnosed with a narrowing of the bile ducts. Doctors, of course, prescribed a lot of pills, and we began to leaf through medical newspapers, look for advice good people and found.

Mix wild strawberry leaves with birch leaves, peppermint and brown rose hips (in equal proportions).

2 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool under the lid, strain. Take a third cup 3 times a day before meals for a month.

The wild berry has not only a great taste, but is also actively used. Not only berries are used, but also other parts of the plant endowed with. Wild berries are a natural multivitamin recommended for use as an addition to the main treatment of many ailments.

Medicinal properties

The strawberry fruit has many beneficial properties for the body. Among them are:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening and slowing down the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • vasodilation;
  • general strengthening;
  • memory improvement.

To prepare a remedy that can help improve health, you will need to take 50 g of leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water. Infused for about 4 hours. It is recommended to use the infusion 3 times a day for 150 g, just before meals.

Strawberries contain flavonoids and tannins that can reduce sweating and relieve symptoms of diarrhea.

Indications for use

The following factors may be the reason for the use of a decoction:

  • metabolic disease;
  • bladder problems;
  • stones in the liver or kidneys;
  • diseases:, scurvy, and cholelithiasis.

Important! Do not forget that the use of anything in unlimited quantities can adversely affect health.

Wild strawberry leaves, contraindications

Strawberries are actively used in cooking medicinal products according to the recipes of traditional medicine. They are also involved in cosmetology. As such, the plant does not have. The only thing you should pay attention to is the reaction of the body. Such caution is due to the fact that the body may not have a perception of the plant, more precisely, an allergy.

Important! To calm down, you can independently check the body's reaction to the product. To do this, you need to gradually introduce strawberries into the diet.

Medicinal properties during pregnancy

To begin with, it should be noted that berries are used not only in fresh. From dried berries, you get just a great tea, with a unique aroma. But, a decoction of the leaves is prohibited, because. drinking can increase the contraction of the uterine muscles, and they will be in increased tone. That is why any teas using fruits should be excluded, because in some cases there are threats of miscarriage.

leaf preparation

Before making tea, the leaves must be prepared. Fermentation begins by placing them in the shade for several hours. Such a measure is necessary so that they become soft. After they are kneaded until sticky juice is released and placed in a box under a damp cloth for no more than 9 hours. And finally, it remains to spread out on a baking sheet and dry.

The leaves can be brewed without the addition of any ingredients. They make an excellent tea filled with vitamins.

Even grandmothers and great-grandmothers made teas from all the fruits of the berry, which are an excellent remedy for the treatment of weeping and bleeding wounds. Moreover, it was used both inside and as a compress on the wound. Also, if suppuration was observed in the oral cavity, it was felt bad smell or tonsillitis, liquid gargled.

tea preparation

If you brew fermented leaves, you get fragrant tea, which does not have the smell of grass, but has beautiful color. Such a decoction is a storehouse of vitamin C. In order to get healing tea that helps in recovery, it is necessary:

  • take 1 tsp. leaves;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water.

This remedy is excellent for liver and kidney diseases.

With bronchitis

For making tea, you can use the leaves along with the rhizomes. For this you will need:

  • grind the ingredients and isolate 20 g;
  • pour 250 ml of water.

The mixture is put on fire for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and consumed 4 times a day for a tablespoon. It is best to prepare a new remedy each time, the more it costs, the faster the healing properties are lost.

In addition to the positive properties listed above, you can add the possibility of improving the work of the heart, as well as normalizing pressure and relieving edema. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh strawberry leaves;
  • poured with boiling water and during the night, insist.

The course of treatment with such tea lasts until the moment of recovery, and the dose is 100 ml 5 times a day. It is necessary to consume only after eating for about half an hour, the remedy is contraindicated on an empty stomach.

Brings not only aesthetic pleasure to our taste buds. She is extremely helpful. Here you have a whole set of vitamins and components for the prevention of various colds and benefits for the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. But no less useful is its greens, the benefits of which will be discussed below.

Beneficial features

With the onset of autumn, we think more and more about vitamins, as there are fewer and fewer fresh and really healthy fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is worth seeking help from medicinal herbs. For example, if you examine in more detail the leaves of wild strawberries, useful properties and contraindications, you will notice that they are a storehouse healing properties.

For example, a decoction will be very useful in case of metabolic disorders or diseases of tissues and joints, and an infusion of the same components will improve the condition of the skin of the face and cure problem areas. All this is due to countless trace elements that have a wound healing and analgesic effect on the body.


Despite all the useful properties of the plant, there are some contraindications to the use of wild strawberry leaves:

  • It's pretty strong allergen so before using pure form or mixed with other herbs, you should consult your doctor.
  • With hepatic colic or gastric secretion, it is desirable to reduce the use of tinctures or drugs based on these components to a minimum.
  • If the decoction is abused (no more than 3 tablespoons per day), appendicitis can be provoked.

Harvesting wild strawberry leaves

Many people ask the question: how to properly prepare raw materials? The answer is very simple - you need to wait for the period of flowering and fruiting. You need to collect them very carefully, no more than two leaves from each bush and without touching the petiole responsible for photosynthesis. You can collect both with your hands and with the help of scissors, and after collection, be sure to rinse under running water.

When to harvest wild strawberry leaves for tea?

Best time the end of May is considered to be the end of May for harvesting green crops. Usually noon and dry weather are chosen, then not only the probability of successful drying will increase, but also the number of healing properties.

Useful and healing recipes from wild strawberry leaves

Among the people very often there are useful and medicinal recipes from the leaves of wild strawberries, because it medicinal value very high. Infusions, teas and decoctions are prepared from them, both in pure form and in combination with others. medicinal herbs. For example, the infusion has a vasodilating, hematopoietic and general tonic therefore suitable for almost every organism.


The recipe for the infusion is very simple: infuse 50 g of herb for four hours, first filling it with boiling water. Use no more than 150 ml. per day. If there is a need for a diuretic, you need to boil 20g. in a small amount water (150-200 ml.) You can also use vodka to cook excellent tool to boost immunity. Take 30-50 drops, several times a day.


Like any other herbal tea, it is better to drink this drink in a course, strictly observing the dosage. Excessive consumption can adversely affect both the body and general condition person. It is best to use dried leaves, flowers and berries in tea, since in combination they have a much more effective effect on the body.

A thermos is best suited for brewing such tea, since the liquid remains warm for a long time, which means it contains beneficial properties for a longer time. Pour boiling water over the thermos, then pour the mixture and pour hot water over it. It is advisable to wrap the container with a towel for best effect.


The combination of wild strawberry root leaves is a high concentration of vitamin components, which affects the immune system and the body as a whole. For decoction use 30g. Pour the mixture with one glass of water and boil for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. The resulting decoction is recommended to drink for insomnia, tuberculosis, asthma, etc.

Application during pregnancy

Thanks to folic acid contained in strawberries, it is extremely useful for pregnant women. This is especially true for greenery. Despite some contraindications, in which it is not recommended to use anything based on this raw material, a small dose still does not hurt. To do this, you need to consult a doctor and find out in more detail what tea from wild strawberry leaves contains during pregnancy, how to drink it.

It is known that such a drink helps prevent beriberi, and also increases the contractile functions of the uterus. That is why it is recommended to use it before childbirth.

Application for weight loss

If you include strawberry leaves in your diet, this will be a significant plus, since not all herbs contain such a large amount of vitamins. It is also an excellent diuretic and diaphoretic, which plays an important role in cleansing the body. Tea or decoction will help not only in the fight against cholesterol, but also indirectly with fat cells.

What determines the benefits and harms of strawberries

Useful properties and contraindications of wild strawberry are determined by its chemical composition, that is, the presence of vitamins in it, including a large amount of compound C, tannins, alkaloids (most of all fragarin), flavonoids (quercetin), acids (including coffee, malic, citric, cinchona), various trace elements, essential oils.

Vitamin C in the human body strengthens connective tissues making the skin healthy and elastic. The same become after the use of the plant and the walls of blood vessels, which are cleared of cholesterol and calcium. Therefore, wild strawberries and strawberry leaves, its berries help fight atherosclerosis even without the use of medicines. Women with the help of decoctions of the plant can get rid of bleeding.

Tannins, which are abundant in strawberry leaves and strawberries, help with gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning with metal salts and poisons, they are used to treat burns and bleeding, skin inflammation. At the same time, one should not forget that tannins lose their beneficial properties when frozen, and an excess of tannin can provoke constipation. But strawberry leaves do not contain such a large amount of it.

Fragarin defines Latin name strawberries - Fragaria vesca - due to great content in the plant of this substance, which is a powerful antioxidant that can fight even with oncological diseases.

The flavonoid quercetin is also an antioxidant, has antihistamine, decongestant, anti-inflammatory properties, increases vascular tone, supports the myocardium, and normalizes the production of cortisone and insulin. One can only imagine how many ailments can be avoided by pampering yourself with delicious strawberry leaf tea.

Wild strawberry contains caffeic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, inhibits carcinogenesis. All these substances, including great amount trace elements with medicinal properties make it possible to use strawberries not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes.

What diseases can strawberry cope with

The beneficial properties of strawberries have been known since time immemorial. Wild strawberry, including the leaves of the plant, is used in folk medicine for the most various diseases gastrointestinal tract. An infusion of the leaves of the plant helps to get rid of cramps and bloating, significantly reduces stomach cramps with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

strawberry tea(can be used dried berries or only leaflets) are used for kidney and liver diseases, including the formation of kidney stones. Decoction displays excess liquid from the body, improves blood circulation in the tissues, helps fight swelling of the face and limbs that accompany kidney disease.

Most of all, strawberries and strawberries have beneficial properties due to their anti-inflammatory effect. Tea from dried leaves you can gargle with sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis. With bronchitis, when there is a prolonged wet cough, strawberries are used to quickly remove sputum from the lungs, enhance the effect medical preparations.

The juice of fresh leaves will help heal wounds and cuts faster, quickly relieve pain from burns, because it contains enough tannins. Thus, a strawberry meadow can be useful for vacationers who forgot to take a first-aid kit.

Teas made from the leaves of strawberries and strawberries can be useful for nervous disorders, loss vitality, and a huge amount of trace elements will help fight beriberi, strengthen immune system.

Strawberry pharmacy has an arsenal in the fight against joint diseases, especially arthritis, due to the anti-inflammatory effect of the plant. menstrual bleeding will become less plentiful if you drink tea from dried strawberry leaves before and during your period. Delicious flavored drink during pregnancy will create reliable protection against bacteria and infections, especially in winter, when there are few vitamins. But in any case, we must not forget about contraindications.

When strawberry leaves can be harmful

The main contraindication to the use of this plant is individual intolerance. Allergic reactions require the immediate cessation of drinking strawberry or strawberry leaf tea. It should be remembered, however, that people with negative reactions to berries, will not necessarily respond to tea made from dried leaves in the same way. But in any case, allergy sufferers should consult a doctor before starting to use the plant, and monitor the body's reaction.

Berries and infusions are carefully introduced into the diet of children. Even in the absence of allergies, drinking large amounts of the drink can cause skin reactions- rash, itching, redness. Therefore, it is better to start giving the plant to a child with a few berries. Leaf teas do not give such a reaction, but it is also recommended to start with a teaspoon.

Although strawberry leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect, they should not be abused when chronic liver diseases occur, chronic appendicitis, production problems gastric juice. Pregnant women should use decoctions only after consulting a doctor, because in this state allergic reactions may be unpredictable. AT postpartum period and during lactation, the use of strawberries should be abandoned.

Harvesting strawberry leaves

Wild strawberry useful properties are great, but its noble relative - strawberries - should not be neglected. Of course, it is easier to collect leaves when there is a strawberry garden near the house or cottage, but still the wild berry is more useful. In any case, the plant should be collected in ecologically clean areas, away from large enterprises and highways.

In order not to completely destroy a plant that does not have a large root system, you only need to tear 2-3 leaves from a bush. It is best to use small scissors so as not to injure the bush. In nature, this is not possible, so with one hand it is worth holding the plant at its base, and tearing off the leaves with stems with the other.

Dry the washed leaves in well-ventilated, shaded areas on a clean cloth or paper. The material is then crushed and placed in linen bags or paper bags for storage. The best time to collect is the flowering period from May to June. The weather should be dry and sunny.

How to prepare a healing decoction

There are a large number of cooking recipes healing decoction strawberry and strawberry leaves. From the simplest, when they are simply poured with boiling water and insisted like regular tea, to complex ones that require preparation in several stages. A special technology is used to create fermented tea, which is considered the most beneficial.

Its preparation consists of four stages:

  • drying of raw materials (provides for the removal of excess moisture, for which the leaves are kept for 5-7 hours under a canopy on fresh air);
  • kneading of raw materials takes place in porcelain dishes by means of a pusher or manually for about half an hour;
  • oxidation in air (the longer, the stronger the drink will be);
  • drying with an electric dryer at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

Prepare the drink as follows. 1 st. l. raw materials are poured with boiling water and insisted on a water bath for 20 minutes. Let it brew for 2 hours, filter. Consume 0.5 cup twice a day 1 hour after meals. Fermented tea is healthier than regular tea.

Time of use medicinal drink depends on the expected effect. If there is a need to cure stomach colic, then the infusion is consumed half an hour before meals. When bleeding, tannins should be used, which have the ability to bind to proteins even before they reach the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so it is recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach or between meals.

For the treatment of wounds, burns or to improve the condition of the skin of the face, it is best to use fresh leaves, which are crushed to gruel and applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. For masks, the substance can be mixed with other ingredients - honey, yogurt, lemon juice.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of strawberry leaves are quite extensive, so it is necessary to take them into account and not neglect the use of the plant in traditional medicine.

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