Delicious raspberry: useful properties and versatile applications. Raspberries: useful properties and contraindications, rules for use. Possible harm of raspberries: truth or myth

FROM therapeutic purpose not only raspberries are used. Branches, roots and leaves have useful properties, but before using and preparing decoctions, infusions, it is necessary to study the issue of "raspberries - health benefits and harms." The components contained in the plant tone and strengthen the body, improve digestion. Learn cooking recipes medicinal tea, elixir, raspberry tea and ointment.

What is useful raspberry

You should know what raspberries are - the health benefits and harms of its use can be combined in the most bizarre way. The whole plant contains essential oils and substances that have therapeutic effect on the human body. Decoctions and infusions can act as sedative drug capable of curing depressive disorders, keep the body in good shape. Contribute to weight loss - excess fluid, salts are removed, stimulated metabolic processes. The plant has wide range usage:

  • treatment of colds, relieves cough and fever;
  • excellent prevention of fungi and viruses;
  • relieves dizziness;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • decoctions are used for rinsing inflammatory diseases;
  • treatment of anemia (anemia), bronchitis, sciatica, diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • useful for pregnant women.


The healing properties and benefits of raspberries are due to its composition: it contains vitamins and minerals.The berries of the plant contain beta-carotene - a vitamin called the elixir of youth, and a nicotinic acid, which strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism and neutralizes viruses. The berries contain pectins and other useful substances:

  • macro and microelements (the berry is rich in copper, potassium, iron);
  • alimentary fiber(cellulose);
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • folic acid;
  • mono and disaccharides;
  • antioxidants;
  • water.


Raspberries are among the berries that contain the least amount of calories. There are 46 kcal per 100 g, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nutritionists refer to the fruits of the plant as low-calorie foods that are allowed to be consumed during weight loss. If you eat a glass of berries (250 ml) daily, you will get 82.8 kcal nutrients everyday.

Healing properties

All parts of the plant have immunostimulating, rejuvenating, anti-cold, analgesic properties. Raspberry is useful for every person (if there are no contraindications to taking it), regardless of gender and age. The benefit of the plant for men is the content of potassium: eating berries, a person notes an improvement in the functioning of the heart and urination. The berry has a preventive effect on the prostate, potency. Other healing properties of the plant:

  1. For children, raspberries are a dessert that improves appetite, helps to cope with a sore throat, increase resistance to viruses, knock down elevated temperature.
  2. During pregnancy, you can eat this berry, because it relieves toxicosis, problems with constipation and urination, but early term can be harmful and cause miscarriage (due to increased contraction of the uterus).
  3. During lactation, the berry increases the amount of milk, increases the immunity of the baby.

What is useful raspberry for women

By eating fresh berries, the woman feels the effect of rejuvenation: wrinkles are smoothed out, substances have a beneficial effect on skin health, and the number of light age spots is reduced. Tea made from raspberry leaves stabilizes menstrual cycle, normalizes hormonal background and serves as an analgesic for painful periods. In cosmetology, scrubs and masks are made from seeds. By including raspberries in a diet for weight loss, you can speed up the metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body.

Benefits and harms in diseases

What is the main purpose of eating raspberries - what benefits and harms does it bring to health? Raspberry bush is not just sweet berries, but also a medicine that helps to alleviate the condition in a number of diseases, eliminate symptoms and direct everything defensive forces body to fight disease. Like any effective remedy, raspberries can bring not only benefits, but also harm. In what cases is it harmful:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • children's age up to 2 years.

With pancreatitis

It is not recommended to use the product in the acute phase of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) due to the acids contained in raspberry seeds, which are harmful and irritating to the gastric mucosa. Filtered raspberry compotes and diluted raspberry juices can be introduced into the patient's diet from 10-15 days. In chronic pancreatitis, a person is allowed to consume fresh berries and jam in moderation.

With diabetes

The person who is sick diabetes, it is allowed to eat black raspberries every day, but in limited doses. The exact rate that is safe for the patient is determined by the attending physician. Berries have a reduced glycemic index- this means that the product does not cause sharp increase blood sugar levels. The medicinal plant does not harm, it has a beneficial effect on the body of a patient with diabetes, as it reduces body weight, stabilizes pressure and removes fluid.

With a cold

Raspberry jam - an ancient medicine, has diaphoretic properties and helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms colds. Natural medicine has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. With a cold, raspberry lowers body temperature (due to salicylic acid), causes profuse sweating. The antimicrobial action of the berry is due to tannins (anthocyanins).

With gastritis

The fruits of garden raspberries with inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) harm the body, but you can prepare a decoction from the leaves of a medicinal plant. To do this, you need to brew the leaves in boiling water, insist and drink half a glass 6 times daily. If a person has a low acidity of the stomach, then raspberry juice, squeezed from the fruit through gauze, and diluted with pure boiled water.

For gout

In case of joint disease caused by impaired metabolism in the human body, it is necessary to strictly observe established by the doctor diet. The use of raspberries for gout is undesirable, since an exacerbation of the disease is not excluded due to the high content of purines in the composition of the fruits of the plant. Gout is characterized increased production uric acid. Purines are substances that, when broken down, release uric acid which is harmful to the body.

In folk medicine

Raspberries are used dried, fresh and frozen. Flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, fresh shoots are useful for the body. AT medical purposes all parts of the plant can be used. the best options harvesting plants for the winter are drying fruits or freezing. Ripe berries separated from the receptacle are suitable for drying. From dried, frozen raw materials are prepared medicinal decoctions, infusions.


Raspberry leaves are brewed in order to eliminate skin problems, get rid of hemorrhoids. The prepared remedy is beneficial in the treatment of stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. An infusion of leaves is made according to the recipe: grind dried raw materials (10 g), pour it with 2 glasses of water. Infuse for 20 minutes, strain, squeeze. It is necessary to take 100 ml orally three times a day, and for external use, you can rinse your mouth. From the leaves, you can prepare a healing ointment for rashes, a decoction for the treatment of kidneys:

  1. Ointment. dried leaves grind. Squeeze out the juice, combine with vaseline, mix thoroughly. Lubricate the problem areas of the skin with the product, store in a cool place.
  2. Decoction for oral administration. grind the leaves medicinal plants(St. John's wort, cowberry, birch, sage, centaury, raspberry). Brew 2-3 tablespoons of leaves in 1 liter of water. Filter, take three times a day, 50 ml.


The most beneficial for the body is the use of berries in fresh, but what to do in winter, when there is no opportunity to acquire miraculous fruits? To cope with colds, flu or sore throats, an infusion made from dry berries of wild forest raspberries will help. Preparation scheme: 100 g of raw materials pour 750 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. The resulting diaphoretic take 250 ml at night. For benefit, you can make an additional anti-cold collection, drink raspberry juice:

  1. Collection against colds from dried linden flowers, dried berries raspberries. Combine 1 tbsp. l. ingredients, brew 3 cups boiling water. Boil on low heat for about five minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain with cheesecloth. Means to take half a glass 3 to 4 times a day. Before use, the broth needs to be slightly warmed up.
  2. Raspberry juice. Collect berries, wash, peel off the receptacle. Squeeze juice from fruits through gauze. It is recommended to drink 50-100 ml 3 times a day before meals, diluted with boiled water. Helps with colitis, gastritis, colds.


Take raspberry root for coughs, colds, asthma. A decoction of crushed yellow roots will help to cope with attacks. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put on fire, cover with a lid, cook for 15 minutes. Let cool, filter. Asthmatics drink a decoction after meals for 50-70 g. Benefits in treatment purulent otitis media (infectious inflammation in the middle ear) brings an infusion of rhizomes, and the use of an elixir to increase immunity gives positive results:

  1. Infusion for the treatment of otitis. Dry, grind required amount roots, brew in boiled water. Give a day to insist. Take orally 100 ml 2 times daily for 13 days.
  2. Elixir to strengthen the body. Crumble 500 g of roots, 1 kg of tops of pine or fir branches, add 1.5 kg of honey. Pour 200 g of boiling water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. On the steam bath simmer for 8 hours, then insist again for 2 days. Use the elixir for adults 1 tbsp. l., children - 1 tsp. Apply the product for 10 days 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Benefits bring tea made from raspberry sprigs. healthy drink used for flu, colds, to increase immunity, as a diaphoretic, analgesic. Cough branches help. To brew tea, it is necessary to prepare raw materials: cut branches (6-7 pieces) must be washed, dried, chopped. Put on the bottom of the pan, pour half a liter of water. Boil 20 minutes. Before drinking tea, you need to let it brew for 6 hours. There are other recipes taken for flu, colds:

  1. Decoction. It is necessary to grind dry or fresh stems of the plant. Pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a container, pour 20 ml of boiling water. Boil 15 minutes. For the treatment of colds, drink 125 ml three times a day.
  2. Infusion. To prepare a drink, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. branches, dry leaves, pour half a liter of hot water. Put on fire until boiling. Insist 3-4 hours. You can drink the infusion warm.


As soon as juicy, fragrant and sweet, uniquely tasty raspberries ripen in the gardens, parents have a desire to treat their child with this delicacy. Moreover, all mothers from childhood are familiar with the beneficial properties of these berries, which, in the form of a tasty medicine, helped to cope with.

Raspberry is one of the most popular berries in Russia. In all well-known phraseological units, this berry is a symbol of a good, "sweet" life.

For the first time, garden raspberries were planted in Russia in the 12th century by Yuri Dolgoruky. In Russia, before the advent of tea, they liked to drink "vzvarets" - hot honey drink with the addition of raspberries. Since then, it has been growing and enjoying popularity not only in the forests, but also in almost every garden in central Russia.

The popularity of these berries in different countries of the world is associated not only with their unique taste, but also with their inherent beneficial properties. True, these properties are more pronounced in wild berries than in garden raspberries.

Calorie content and composition

Raspberries are rich in vitamins and microelements, contain a small amount of kilocalories.

  • IN 1 ,
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No less rich in raspberry content of trace elements:

  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

100 g of berries contain:

  • carbohydrates (11.9 g);
  • proteins (1.2 g);
  • fats (0.7 g).

Carbohydrates are represented mainly by glucose and fructose. Other components are no less useful:

  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids (pantothenic, folic, salicylic).

Dietary fibers make up 18.5%. Raspberries are low-calorie foods: 100 g of berries contain about 50 kcal.

The benefits of raspberries

The beneficial effect of sweet berries on the body is due to the components of their composition:

  1. The content of salicylic acid in raspberries ( natural aspirin) allows you to have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, reduce headaches. Such a decrease in temperature in a child is preferable to the action of chemicals with their possible side effects.
  2. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of fragrant berries will help children cope with infectious disease. Raspberry, of course, is not a substitute for an antibiotic, but it can increase the effectiveness of drug therapy.
  3. A significant content of vitamin C in sweet berries will help increase immunity in a child. Being one of the antioxidants, ascorbic acid will make the body more resistant to the effects of adverse factors environment. Raspberries are among the top three products containing the largest amount of antioxidants - substances that protect the body from toxic effects (external and internal). The use of raspberries is especially indicated for children in ecologically unfavorable regions.
  4. Magnesium and potassium from delicious berries will necessary support children's heart in violation of the rhythm, weakness of the myocardium.
  5. Dietary fiber, pectin will improve performance digestive tract will contribute to the development. Children's favorite berries, render antiemetic action. The acids included in the berries (malic, citric, etc.) will increase the acidity of the gastric contents, improve the digestion of food.
  6. Vitamins PP and C will strengthen vascular wall, and vitamin K contributes to the normalization of blood clotting, has a hemostatic effect.
  7. Pectin will help remove toxins from the body, toxic substances including pesticides. This is the antitoxic effect of raspberries. This property, inherent in fresh berries, is not lost during heat treatment (in compotes, jam).
  8. Due to the fiber content, raspberries have a mild laxative effect. This natural laxative will help to cope with. To improve appetite and digestion, it is enough for a baby to eat about 10 berries before meals.
  9. Raspberry normalizes metabolism. Despite the significant content of carbohydrates, it belongs to low-calorie foods, since carbohydrates are mainly represented by fructose, which provides low rates glycemic index.
  10. Berries contain lipolytic enzymes (that is, they break down fats). Therefore, raspberries can be consumed by children with whom a diet for weight loss is prescribed.
  11. The combined content of copper, iron and folic acid in the fruits will have a very positive effect on the treatment and prevention of children.
  12. Raspberries can be called an excellent anti-stress product. It is recommended to give a drink from its berries to children with neurosis, a tendency to depression (for example, in adolescents), sleep disturbances. Suitable in such cases, tea with raspberry jam.
  13. Wonderful berries (dry or frozen, as part of "cold" jam) will help thanks to the rich vitamin composition cope with spring beriberi, protect the child from frequent viral infections.

You can talk about the beneficial properties of raspberries for a long time, worrying only about whether all of them are listed.

Varieties of raspberries

Black raspberries are rich in antioxidants and prevent the development of cancer.

In addition to bushes with red berries, gardeners grow black and yellow raspberries. Such berries began to appear more often in the markets. Both yellow and black raspberries are less common in Russia than red, but their popularity is gradually growing.

According to the results of studies conducted by American scientists in Ohio State, the beneficial properties of black fruits are several times higher than those of red and yellow berries.

  • The main pronounced property of black raspberries is the ability to prevent the development oncological diseases. This effect on the body is due to the content in black berries of a significant amount of substances that are antioxidants.
  • Raspberries with fruits yellow color also worthy of note. After all, little content coloring pigment allows, with a lower risk of development, to include it in the diet of children and pregnant women, persons with a tendency to allergies. In addition, it is yellow raspberries that contain more folic acid, which is necessary for hematopoiesis, which is very useful for a child even at the stage of formation. nervous system during the period prenatal development.


For the use of raspberries, too, unfortunately, there are contraindications:

  • You can not give raspberries to a child with individual intolerance, allergies to it.
  • Its use is not recommended in the presence of, (often diagnosed in adolescents) in the acute stage.
  • A contraindication is also an exacerbation of kidney disease (nephritis,), increased clotting blood.

How to choose and store raspberries

The main thing when choosing should be the good condition of the berries:

  • They should be bright red, with a pronounced aroma, dry and whole, not bruised.
  • Darkened berries with mold should not be bought and eaten.

For fresh consumption, berries can be stored for only 1-2 days in the refrigerator. For this whole ripe berries you need to carefully lay out on a plate in 1 or 2 layers, cover with a paper towel on top and place in the refrigerator. Raspberries should be washed before eating or freezing.

  • Washed raspberries should be laid out to dry on a paper towel, and then placed on a plate in 1 layer and frozen.
  • Frozen berries can be portioned into bags or small containers.
  • Berries are kept in freezer in this form for up to a year. Beneficial features preserved in frozen fruits.
  • It is impossible only to allow defrosting and re-freezing of berries. Therefore, portioned packaging of frozen fruits is recommended.

For long-term storage you can dry raspberries and drink fragrant tea with it.

Retains its useful properties and raspberries, rubbed together with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. This method of harvesting berries (“cold jam”) is healthier than the usual boiled raspberry jam.

Unfortunately, there are few useful properties left in ordinary jam, jam or jelly. Their use does not bring much benefit, only the pleasure of aroma and taste.

Healing properties of raspberry leaves

Useful are not only berries, but also leaves, stalks of raspberries. Biochemical composition theirs is also rich enough. For example, the content ascorbic acid in leaves 6 times higher than in berries.

Therefore, tea brewed with raspberry leaves has a pronounced immunostimulating and restorative effect. Such a drink will improve well-being in case of any ailment.

  • Infusion crimson leaves is an excellent antipyretic and expectorant. It can be given to children instead chemicals with colds, bronchitis, flu.
  • The same infusion can be used to gargle with sore throat and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • It can also be applied to adolescents when they are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  • Raspberry tea or infusion can also be used to prevent colds.

To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry raspberry leaves with boiling water (0.5 l) and let it brew in a thermos for 2 hours. Take three times a day for ¼ or half a glass.

Dry berries (2 tablespoons) are brewed with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, this tea can already be drunk warm.

Of course, the use of herbal medicine for diseases must be agreed with the pediatrician.

  • For acne in teenagers good effect will have a mask of thoroughly washed and crushed fresh raspberry leaves.
  • Hair after rinsing with infusion of leaves will have a healthy look.

Harvesting raspberry leaves

Leaves should be collected at the end of May, since it is during this period that useful ingredients accumulate in them to the maximum.

  • You need to choose bright green leaves without black spots.
  • The collected leaves should be laid out on a tray or clean paper in 1-2 layers.
  • Dry them in the air in the shade so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on them.
  • You can dry the leaves in a slightly heated oven.

When and how to introduce raspberries into a child's diet

Raspberries can be introduced into the diet of a child from the age of one. The number of berries eaten should be increased gradually, bringing to a maximum - 1 handful per day.

According to the generally accepted opinion of nutritionists, it is possible to introduce raspberries into the diet from a year old, while observing the principle of gradual acquaintance of the baby with a new product.

  • You need to start with one berry and watch the reaction. child's body within 1-2 days. It is best to give freshly picked, preferably organic fruits.
  • In the absence of any allergic manifestations the daily portion can be increased by 2-3 berries, bringing the portion to a handful per day.
  • When allergic symptoms it is necessary to treat with antihistamines as prescribed by the pediatrician. It is possible to give raspberries to a child again only after a few months or even a year later.

Summary for parents

Useful and delicious berries, collected from the raspberry bush, have a beneficial and multifaceted effect on the child's body. Frozen raspberries, dry raspberries, and even raspberry leaves can also be useful. They will not only provide vitamins, many trace elements, but also help to cope with some diseases.

Raspberries are good for children of all ages. But it is recommended for babies to introduce it into the diet after a year. This should be done gradually, monitoring the reaction of the child's body.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky talks about whether tea with raspberries is useful:

Fragrant raspberry is not just a very famous berry - it is an old heroine of fairy tales and legends, songs and ditties, stories and even novels. It is difficult to find a dacha or a village house where a raspberry bush would not grow, and a rare mother and grandmother do not stock up several cans of the sweetest jam in the world for the winter ... And despite the fact that during the period of a cold, raspberries are still known and popular medicine - its useful properties and contraindications are much wider and more interesting.

Understanding varieties

The "raspberry story" has been going on for several millennia - there are references to the forest dessert both in ancient Greek treatises and in myths. In Russia, the first berry garden was planted by the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky - according to legend, the "plantations" were so huge that bears, known for their sweet tooth, often visited them.

Today, raspberries grow in almost the entire northern hemisphere, but our country remains the main leader in its cultivation and collection. The fragrant berry can be found along the banks of reservoirs, in dense forests and on rare edges, in lowlands and deep ravines. Raspberries have been successfully cultivated in gardens for a long time. “Country” and wild raspberries are unspoken rivals: the first one is sweeter, larger, and it’s much easier to remove it from the bush. But the wild berry is very fragrant, and there are significantly more useful substances in it.

Raspberry harvest is traditionally harvested from late June to August, the plant begins to bear fruit steadily after the second wintering. But today, breeders have bred a completely amazing raspberry - remontant, which bears fruit in the first year. Breeding such a berry is more difficult than usual, but if you try and grow a couple of remontant raspberry bushes in the garden, you can get another significant bonus. Such a dessert is harvested directly “from the garden” not only in summer, but also until the end of September - a great alternative to autumn and watermelons.

There are more than 600 raspberry varieties in the world, but all of them can be grouped into three large groups - by color.

  1. Red. If you search the web for what raspberries look like, the photos most often show exactly these varieties, of various pink and red colors. The "raspberry" raspberry has a familiar bright taste, it is very useful, and the traditional "cold-prevention jam" is made from it.
  2. Yellow. The fruits of these varieties can have shades from pale yellow to transparent amber. These berries have a delicate honey aroma, but their main advantage is the reduced content of the special coloring matter anthocyanin, which means that they are practically hypoallergenic.
  3. Raspberry black. This variety was bred in North America, but in Russian gardens you can increasingly see bushes with interesting black berries. These fruits are smaller than usual and resemble, although it is much easier to collect them: such fruits are quickly removed from the branch, and without a narrow fruit bearing. Dark raspberries have a subtle, unique taste, and due to their unique chemical composition, they are very good for the heart and blood.

Fragrant cold medicine

Raspberries contain many healing substances: tannins, acids and sugars, vitamins B, PP, potassium and copper, bones - fatty oils. One of the main riches of this berry is salicylic acid, it is thanks to her that raspberries have long been famous as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

In the first days of a cold, it is recommended to drink hot raspberry tea from dried berries and leaves several times a day, after which you need to get under the covers and sweat well. And if you can stock up on raspberry leaves in the summer, picking them up at your own dacha, then you can easily buy dried fruits at a pharmacy or an “herbal” online store.

The diaphoretic properties of raspberries will also be appreciated by hypertensive patients: after fragrant raspberry tea, not only a cold comes out with sweat, but also extra salt, from which it decreases arterial pressure.

For the stomach and nerves

AT folk medicine antiemetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of sweet raspberries have long been known.

Fresh berries quench thirst and improve digestion, and various preserves, jams and raspberry decoctions alleviate the condition in diseases gastrointestinal tract and poisonings.

Desserts from freshly picked and processed berries are recommended to be included in the menu for anemia, atherosclerosis, kidney disease. And the ancient Korean healers even used miracle fruits in the recipe for potions for sexual impotence! Of course, looking for ancient Asian recipes or eating kilograms of raspberries as a treatment is not the most useful way treatment. But why not replace traditional seafood, strawberries and chocolate once or twice for a romantic evening with raspberry muffins and ice cream with fresh berries?

But not only colds, raspberries treat the heart and stomach - how is it useful for a healthy person? Fragrant raspberry fruits contain a lot of copper, which is traditionally included in antidepressants. Therefore, for tired city dwellers, this garden-forest berry is simply irreplaceable - besides, eating stress with raspberry jam is unusually tasty ... Only - within reasonable limits.

Why are raspberries dangerous?

Raspberries are not only healthy and tasty, but also very sweet, so diabetics should drastically limit this berry in their diet. Raspberry desserts are also banned for those who suffer from inflammation of the kidneys and gout.

AT large quantities raspberries, especially red and black ones, can also cause allergies, but here you can also find a way out - replace the bright berry with safe yellow raspberries.

miraculous raspberry leaves

Fragrant tea with fresh leaves raspberries and - one of the most delicious and pleasant gifts of summer. Fresh and dried, raspberry leaves are equally valuable - their benefits and harms have been known for a long time, and in terms of healing properties, the leaves are only slightly inferior to the fruits themselves.

A decoction of raspberry leaves is traditionally drunk for colds and gastrointestinal problems, gargle with sore throat, wash eyes with conjunctivitis. But best of all, "berry" leaves have proven themselves in home cosmetology- Regular rinsing with decoctions of dried or fresh leaves will add shine to the hair and make styling easier, and restore radiance and healthy color to tired skin.

With youthful acne and acne, summer masks made from fresh raspberry leaves will help - a handful of the base should be finely torn or crushed in a blender and applied green porridge on the face. Keep for 15-20 minutes, rinse warm water.

How to store and harvest raspberries?

Raspberry is a very tender berry, therefore, the storage conditions for it are special. Keeping freshly picked fruits in the refrigerator for more than 3 days is not worth it, otherwise you will get a liquid unappetizing jelly. There are many raspberry preparations - this is jam, jam, tinctures, sauces, marmalade, etc. familiar to everyone.

For those who love the classic taste of raspberries and want to preserve the berries themselves, there are three main ways - dry the juicy fruits, freeze or grind with sugar.

  1. The easiest way to dry tender raspberries is in the oven. The washed and slightly dried berries are poured onto a baking sheet covered with parchment and put on low heat - 50-60 degrees. The door is left ajar, and the berries are periodically mixed in the process. When the berry spots no longer remain on the hands, the raspberries are ready.
  2. For freezing, the selected and washed berries are laid out on a flat surface and placed in the freezer. When the berry hardens, it can be poured into a container and stored.
  3. The amount of sugar for grated raspberries should match the intended shelf life. Planning to keep the jar in the cellar whole year- take 2 kg per kg of raspberries, and if dessert is eaten in a month, 800 g per kg of berry base is enough. The fruits are ground with sugar, poured into sterilized jars, on top - a thin protective layer of sugar.

The fruits are also rich in pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances, malic, formic, citric, tartaric, caproic and salicylic acids. The seeds contain phytosterol and fatty oil. Leaves, no less than berries, are saturated with pectin substances, organic acids, trace elements, sugars and phytoncides.

From what only diseases does not heal raspberry, the useful properties of which are preserved even after heat treatment! Is there someone who, from childhood, the slightest sign colds and coughs were not given hot tea with jam from this fragrant berry? And what other diseases does such a tasty medicine help with, and what can raspberry leaves be used for?

Raspberry photography

The enormous benefits and healing properties of raspberries are explained by its unique chemical composition. So, the berries contain B vitamins, carotene, vitamin C, PP, E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, potassium, cobalt. The fruits are also rich in pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances, malic, formic, citric, tartaric, caproic and salicylic acids. The seeds contain phytosterol and fatty oil. Leaves, no less than berries, are saturated with pectin, organic acids, trace elements, sugars and phytoncides.

It is not without reason that raspberries are so popular among the people - a berry, the beneficial properties of which help the body cope with various ailments. For example, salicylic acid provides a diaphoretic effect, contributing to rapid decline temperature in SARS. Phytoncides get rid of Staphylococcus aureus, anthocyanins strengthen blood capillaries. Coumarins normalize blood clotting, preventing the occurrence of blood clots - this healing property is also inherent.

Video about the beneficial properties of raspberries

Sweet berry is an excellent antidepressant thanks to high content copper, which is essential for the nervous system. Here is a partial list of health problems that medicinal properties of raspberries are very effective:

  • Radiculitis and joint pain
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • anemia,
  • hypertension,
  • feverish conditions, neuralgia;
  • diabetes,
  • diarrhea.

In addition, delicious berries improve appetite, stimulate the intestines, remove toxins from the body, and even help to cope with intoxication. For women, raspberry allows you to preserve youth and beauty of the skin for a long time due to vitamins E, C and B vitamins.

Photo of raspberries

Not only helps with bronchitis raspberry jam and fresh berries: dried leaves also have an expectorant effect when cooked from them healing decoction. You can also use a decoction to prevent influenza, especially during a seasonal exacerbation. By brewing leaves instead of tea, you will significantly increase immunity in the autumn-winter period.

Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of leaves and stems is effective for laryngitis and sore throat.

Benefits of raspberry leaves in addition to protection from respiratory diseases? They can be found in the composition of the kidney, gynecological and vitamin fees. The concentrated infusion of the leaves relieves stomach bleeding, and is also used in the treatment of gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases.

Photograph of raspberry leaves

Separately, it is worth noting how important raspberry leaves are for women's health - their beneficial properties help to reduce pain during menstruation and regulate the cycle. Lotions and douching with a decoction of the leaves help restore women Health eliminating inflammatory processes. Pregnant women who drink raspberry leaf tea are more likely to tolerate toxicosis. In addition, this aromatic drink strengthens the uterus, preparing it for the process of childbirth, and facilitates childbirth itself by increasing the elasticity of tissues and softening the ligaments.

Raspberries - the benefits and harms of everyone's favorite berry

Although no one usually doubts whether raspberries are healthy, their properties in some cases can be unsafe for health. So, fragrant berries due to the content of purines in them should not be eaten during an exacerbation urolithiasis and in kidney disease.

Video about the beneficial properties of raspberries, contraindications, traditional medicine recipes

Allergy sufferers should eat raspberries with caution, since they contain essential oils that can cause a negative reaction of the body.

Decoctions and tinctures from berries or leaves, as well as undiluted raspberry juice (as well as), should not be used for stomach ulcers or ulcers duodenum and with gastritis. In the presence of such health problems, raspberry juice is allowed or Fresh Juice diluted with water.

long time ago raspberry benefits and harm to human health which are studied in this article, is known to man due to its medicinal properties. Our article describes in detail the composition of this berry, as well as the use of adults and children.

In everyday life, the berry is used as a healthy dessert, which is recommended for children; jam, compote, and jam are made from it. With colds, fever, sore throat, these blanks are used as medicinal product helping to relieve fever and relieve pain. The leaves and branches of the plant also have therapeutic effect. Raspberries are widely used for cooking culinary specialties, in cosmetology and medicine.

Salicylic acid, which is part of the fruit, will replace expensive pills and potions. Berries as a preventive measure should be eaten during the spread of colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections. Severe inflammatory processes in the body will help to remove black raspberry combined with honey. The berry can also harm human health by provoking an allergic reaction.


Raspberry is a perennial shrub with powerful roots and high shoots up to 1.5 m. Two main varieties of this plant can be distinguished - forest and garden. Fruits grown in the wild are smaller and less intense in color, but are often sweeter.

Composition and calories

The fruits are used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. This is due to the number useful elements, in fruits.

100 g of berries contains:

Raspberries also contain:

  • cobalt,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • fluorine,
  • manganese,
  • iron.

This list is not limited to the listed trace elements. The fruits are also rich in macronutrients:

  • phosphorus
  • chlorine
  • sodium
  • gray
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • calcium.

A large number of beneficial vitamins is part of these fragrant fruits, among them:

  • thiamine,
  • a nicotinic acid,
  • retinol,
  • beta carotene,
  • tocopherol,
  • riboflavin,
  • pyridoxine,
  • pantothenic acid,
  • vitamins of the H group,
  • vitamin C,
  • folic acid.

Beneficial features

Not only the fruits are used as a remedy, branches and raspberry leaves also have rich rich in vitamins compound.


  • 2 tsp jam;
  • pour a glass of warm water and drink the resulting drink before going to bed.

It does not contain extra calories, so it is recommended to use it even for overweight people.

  1. You can also prepare such a drink from dried berries:
  • 2 teaspoons of dry fruits;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist and accept as needed.

This remedy will help to cope with anemia, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, nervous disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes. The infusion will help normalize the menstrual cycle for women, and is also used as an anesthetic, help recover after childbirth.


Raspberry leaves also have medicinal properties. It is recommended to prepare decoctions and infusions from them to cope with colds and viral diseases. With tracheitis, gastritis, bronchitis, irregular periods - this remedy will also help.

It is best to collect leaves in May, dry in a well-ventilated area, protect from direct sunlight. Raw materials are brewed with boiling water and used as tea. And lotions from this decoction will help get rid of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, non-healing wounds.

A tincture of the leaves and flowers of the plant will help get rid of itching after an insect bite. For this:

  • 100 g of raw materials;
  • pour 500 ml of vodka;
  • leave to infuse for 4 hours.

The agent lubricates the bite site several times a day.


The branches of the plant contain components that help to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.

A decoction of fresh branches is widely used in gynecology. It helps to prepare the muscles of the uterus and thus facilitate childbirth. The decoction is recommended to drink daily for all pregnant women, up to 36 weeks.

Watch the video! What are the benefits of raspberries?


For women

  1. Such important component how the iron found in berries helps maintain health women, in addition, berries should be consumed during pregnancy for the prevention iron deficiency anemia.
  2. The pulp and juice of raspberries are recommended for women to use for the preparation of face masks. After application this tool the skin looks fresher, the number of wrinkles is reduced.
  3. The hormonal background normalizes tea, which is prepared from berries and raspberry leaves. This drink is recommended to be consumed during menstruation to reduce pain and relieve muscle spasms.
  4. Eating fresh raspberries will also affect the health of the hair, they will grow faster and become stronger. From raspberry seeds, you can prepare peeling for the skin, as well as an effective remedy for cellulite.

For men

D for children's health

For pregnant

  1. The composition of raspberries contains in large numbers folic acid, which is necessary for the intrauterine development of the child.
  2. Fruit drink made from raspberries helps to easily cope with toxicosis.
  3. As a prophylaxis against iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to consume fresh berries daily.
  4. Substances contained in berries have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the walls of the vagina and uterus. Therefore, childbirth will be much more comfortable and easier.
  5. The fragrin contained in raspberry leaves increases the rate of uterine contractions during contractions.
  6. The prepared decoction of raspberry leaves should be drunk only after consultation with the attending physician. Otherwise, you can provoke premature birth.
  7. Breastfeeding mothers are also advised to eat a small amount of berries. Milk will become much more nutritious, tastier and healthier.

Important! Raspberries are allergens, so enter into daily diet this fragrant berry should be gradually and in small volume.

  1. You should include fruits in your diet, starting with adding a couple of berries to tea. If redness appears on the skin, bloating or intestinal upset, you should immediately stop taking raspberries.

When losing weight

Raspberries are often used as food by those who want to lose weight, since this berry has a low calorie content. yellow raspberry helps to cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism.

Accelerated metabolic processes improve blood circulation and cleansing internal organs which in turn contributes to the loss of extra pounds.

Also fresh raspberries has a diuretic effect, so eating berries not only helps to reduce weight, but also to eliminate excess fluid from the body.

Raspberries for pancreatitis

  1. It is strictly forbidden to treat an acute form of pancreatitis with raspberries. This contraindication connected with the fact that fruit pits are not digested and cause irritation of the mucous membrane of internal organs. This can lead to frequent seizures.
  2. In other cases, weakly concentrated juices, strained compotes should be introduced into the usual diet. Raspberry mousses and jelly should be eaten after some time. A small amount of berries are allowed to be eaten in the remission phase with chronic form diseases.
  3. Raspberry juice should be consumed only in a diluted form, observing a 1: 1 ratio (water, raspberry juice). The daily norm of such a drink should not exceed more than 100 ml.

Can you eat raspberries in diabetes

In folk medicine, raspberries are used as a means to lower blood sugar levels, berries should be consumed in a certain amount and at the very beginning of the disease.

The composition of raspberries is rich in vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances, which are necessary for every person, and for diabetics this is doubly important, because, due to the characteristics of the disease, useful substances are poorly absorbed.

Watch the video! Kefir with raspberry benefits for the intestines and cancer prevention

Traditional medicine recipes

For colds

For colds, it is useful to eat both fresh berries and jams, jams, fruit drinks from raspberries.

The following infusion of dry fruits helps to cope with the flu well. Suitable for cooking garden and forest raspberry:

  • 100 g of berries;
  • pour 3 cups of boiling water;
  • insist 30 minutes;
  • the resulting liquid is filtered and taken at bedtime, 1 glass.

Advice! To enhance perspiration, it is best to drink the remedy hot, then immediately cover yourself with a warm blanket.

You can also boil the fruits, cool the liquid and drink like a fruit drink. The drink helps reduce fever and has a diaphoretic effect.

With gastritis

Inflammation and diseases of the gastric mucosa will help eliminate a decoction of raspberry leaves. To prepare it you need:

  • 36 g leaves;
  • pour boiling water - 300 ml;
  • after cooling, you can take a decoction of 50 ml 6 times a day.

deal with low acidity stomach can be prepared with a drink made from water and raspberry juice, taken in a ratio of 1: 1.

A decoction of raspberry leaves and stems for bronchitis:

  • 40 g of raspberry leaves and stems;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse under the lid for 3 hours;
  • when the composition has cooled, it must be filtered.

Take a decoction should be 2-3 times a day for 100-150 ml.

How to treat raspberry herpes?

  • Raspberry sprigs - 20 g;
  • Pour 450 ml of boiling water;
  • Insist for 2 hours under the lid, then filter.

How to treat diarrhea?

  • Raspberry leaves 20 g;
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • Insist 2-3 hours.;
  • After the composition has cooled, it should be filtered and drunk 100 ml 3 times a day.


Infusion of raspberries for flu and colds:

  • Berries 30g;
  • Pour 300 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave to infuse for 1 hour;
  • The resulting infusion should be taken warm throughout the day.

Infusion of raspberries for inflammation of the larynx and sore throat:

  • Berries 60 g;
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • Wrap, leave to infuse for 2 hours;
  • Drink warm 80-100 ml 4 times a day.

Advice! Warm infusion can be used to gargle.

Treatment of colds with dried raspberries:

  • Dried raspberries 30 g;
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • Insist 10 minutes under the lid;
  • Then, the composition is filtered and taken 3 times a day, 250 ml each.


Infusion of raspberry flowers for hemorrhoids:

  • Raspberry flowers 30 g;
  • Pour 300 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave to brew for 3 hours;
  • Then the composition is filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 100 ml.

With hypertension

A decoction of raspberries will also help to cope with hypertension. To prepare it you need:

  • 40 g stems and leaves;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • leave to brew for 3 hours;
  • after cooling, strain and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

This decoction will help reduce blood pressure, relieve swelling of the limbs.

With oncology

Development oncological processes in the body will help prevent the ellagic acid contained in raspberries. With regular use, this component reduces the spread rate cancer cells. Tissues are cleansed of toxins, toxins and carcinogens if you use raspberries daily.

Raspberry in facial cosmetology

Antioxidants contained in the pulp and juice of raspberries help to maintain youthfulness, beauty and elasticity of the skin.

A moisturizing raspberry mask for dry skin can be prepared at home:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of raspberry pulp;
  • mix with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • add 1 yolk to the resulting mixture;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

To prepare a complex mask for oily skin, you need to take:

  • egg white;
  • a handful of berries;
  • mix until smooth;
  • add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt.

Berries can be crushed and spread on the face - this mask is suitable for any skin type.

Raspberry juice mixed with chamomile infusion used for problem skin.

For normal skin you can use a mask consisting of:

  • 1 st. l raspberries;
  • 1 tbsp milk;
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal.

For clarification age spots in this composition lemon juice should be added.

You can remove skin irritation with parsley and sour cream, which are added to the composition of masks for sensitive skin.

Advice!!! To remove circles under the eyes after a sleepless night before exams, diploma defense or a conference, a mixture of crushed mint and raspberries will help.

Contraindications and harm of raspberries

Like any other product, raspberries also have contraindications. Improper use of the berries of this plant can harm human health serious harm. It is strictly forbidden to eat raspberries for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • allergy;
  • nephritis;
  • gout.

Raspberries should not be included in the diet of a child up to a year old, since a berry can cause not only allergic reaction but also diarrhea.

It's not even worth eating raspberries healthy people. Significant harm to the human body can cause uncontrolled use of these berries.

Important!!! Daily rate consumption of raspberries is considered to be 200-250 g (a glass and a half).

More than 70 g of raspberries per day should not be eaten by children.

Raspberry is a versatile berry, it can be added to the diet of both healthy and sick people. It is recommended to eat berries for children, men and women. Contraindications are minor, it is very easy to adapt to them. Raspberry is a unique product that is widely used in the treatment of colds, to maintain normal weight and for skin care. The fruits should be eaten as a prophylaxis against more serious diseases.

Watch the video! Useful properties of raspberries

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