Omega 3 what does it contain. Composition of vegetable oil. Fatty acid rating

Omega-3 fatty acids are also called polyunsaturated. These substances cannot be replaced by anything else. They cannot be synthesized by the body on their own, so they need to be replenished from the outside. Omega-3s are several independent substances with their own structure and effect on the body.

Scientists know ten fatty acids. Of these, only four are particularly important:

  1. docosagesaenoic acid;
  2. alpha linolenic;
  3. eicosapentaenoic;
  4. docosapentaenoic.

They are found in products of plant and animal origin.

Where is Omega-3 found?

The main product containing these acids is fish. However, when frying, the structure of acids is destroyed, therefore, to replenish the supply of Omega-3 in the body, it is better to eat lightly salted fish. Interestingly, you do not need to choose exquisite varieties of fish, such as trout, cod, halibut - ordinary herring is enough.

Most Omega-3 in mackerel. It is followed by herring, then salmon, tuna, cod, halibut. Seafood can also boast of the presence of fatty acids of this type. Especially the shrimp.

One hundred grams of fish per day is enough to replenish the body with a daily allowance. Eating fish twice a week will improve your well-being and improve your body.

Omega-3 acids are slightly less, but are found in livestock meat, eggs, and vegetable oil.

Other sources of Omega-3s are:

  1. Beans;
  2. Greens;
  3. soy;
  4. Germs of oats and wheat;
  5. Cabbage;
  6. Zucchini.

Consumption rate

A person needs about two and a half grams of Omega-3 per day. It is better if they are from sea fish. There are more of them. Farm-raised fish cannot boast of a rich composition of acids. Omega-3 content in fish decreases with frying. So, it is better to choose more gentle cooking methods.

You can also replenish the supply if you eat 5-10 walnuts per day. Or add one teaspoon of flaxseed to your food. Accustom yourself to eating vegetable oil - and the problem with Omega-3 will disappear by itself.

About 25% of the composition of acids is lost when it enters the body. For this reason, manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules. They begin to dissolve, only finding themselves in the intestines.

Fatty acids are necessary for women in the postpartum period. They will help you deal with depression. Older people will be strengthened by mental faculties.

Signs of a lack of Omega-3 in the body

  1. Skin problems - dryness and itching.
  2. Brittleness of hair and nails.
  3. Weakness and fatigue.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Muscle pain;
  6. Decreased immunity.
  7. Depressive state.
  8. Distractedness and forgetfulness.

Too much Omega-3 in the body

People with a disease of the stomach and intestines should be careful to eat fatty foods. It can harm the body, even cause internal bleeding.

Healthy people simply cannot overdo it with the consumption of these acids these days. We do not have a large amount of fish, seafood, too, and in all other food products Omega-3 is not so much.

If, nevertheless, you overate Omega-3, then this threatens you with blood incoagulability, bleeding and low blood pressure. A shallow cut can be a real problem.

Omega-3 fatty acids are destroyed by sunlight, oxygen and high temperatures. Therefore, products with their content are stored in a closed container in a cool place. And frying them is not recommended at all.

The role of fats for the body is difficult to overestimate. They serve as protection for all internal organs and prevent their hypothermia. Participate in the renewal of skin cells. Already this is enough to realize the importance of these components.

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Having a high-quality and balanced diet can not only prevent many diseases, but also improve the quality of life. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids are a necessary component for the adequate functioning of all body systems, improving the functioning of internal organs and metabolic processes.

Role in the work of the human body

Omega-3 is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids, the main components of which are eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and alpha-linolenic acids. The importance of this complex is due to the fact that the human body is not able to synthesize its elements from simpler substances, and their intake directly from the food consumed is considered the most effective. The benefits of omega-3s for health and their importance for the development of the body have been known for a long time - since the 30s of the XX century, but in recent years this element has received special attention. The optimal daily dose for an adult is 250 mg. So, these fatty acids have an effect in the following aspects:

  • at the stage of fetal formation, acids are necessary for the formation of the retina and brain;
  • normalization of hormonal balance;
  • a decrease in the level of blood clotting as a prevention of the appearance of blood clots;
  • level down;
  • expansion of blood vessels, which improves blood flow to all organs and tissues;
  • reduced risk of development, stroke;
  • participates in the metabolism taking place in the nervous system, contributing to the creation of the best conditions for the conduction of nerve impulses, and hence the normal functioning of the nervous system as a whole;
  • regulation of serotonin metabolism;

Doctor's note: it is precisely due to the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to normalize the metabolism of serotonin, getting them in sufficient volume can minimize the risk of depressive conditions.

  • increasing the adequacy of the immune defense response to provoking factors;
  • due to the anti-inflammatory action of acids, omega-3 complexes are indicated for people with joint diseases accompanied by pain.

It is worth noting that people with diseases of the digestive system should treat products containing omega-3 with extreme caution. The fact is that all lipids are difficult to digest, and therefore their excessive consumption can become a direct cause of the development of an exacerbation of chronic diseases that already exist.

Fatty acids are simply necessary for the human body. If they are absent in the required volumes, then the corresponding symptoms develop (in particular, increased fatigue, brittle nails and hair, atypical dry skin, difficulty concentrating, the appearance of depression or pain in the articular elements).

What seafood contains the omega-3 complex?

Fatty sea fish and other seafood are one of the richest sources of fatty acids. But here it is worth understanding that only those fish that were grown in the sea and caught from it are of value.. Marine farm products cannot boast the desired fatty acid content. The difference lies in nutrition - marine life feeds on algae, not feed.

Do not think that omega-3 is something inaccessible, such substances are contained even in ordinary herring, which anyone can afford. So, consider the types of fish that are most rich in unsaturated fatty acids:

As for other seafood, they will also be useful. We are talking about shrimp, squid, oysters, etc.

Omega-3 fish and seafood gallery

Other sources of acids

Fatty acids should be ingested daily, but few people would agree to eat fish at such a frequency. But these substances are also found in other products of animal origin, so the diet can be diversified. We are talking about products such as eggs and beef. Here it is also worth noting the great influence of the conditions of detention and the type of feeding of animals. So, if the bird is rural and ate natural food, then from its eggs you can get about 2 dozen times more fatty acids than from the eggs of a bird grown in a poultry farm. The same can be said about cows - their meat is more valuable if they eat not only dry food, but also fresh grass.

If possible, it is better to choose village eggs, as they are natural and contain more nutrients.

Herbal Products

The advantage of plant sources of these acids is that they also contain vitamin E. Consider the main plant foods rich in omega-3s.

Doctor's opinion: plant food is less useful than animal food in terms of obtaining fatty acids, although it is much easier to digest. It is best to use both sources, combining them. The recommended share of obtaining the complex from animal sources is 40%.

The leader in the content of these acids is flax seeds and oil from them. However, the oil should be used very carefully - it is subject to rapid oxidation, and even if the product is stored in the refrigerator, you can only benefit from it for some time immediately after production. It is also not worth heating such oil - this speeds up the oxidation processes, and many times over. When deciding to use such a source of omega-3, be sure to look at the expiration date on the bottle upon purchase (it is six months from the moment of extraction), and the container itself should not let in the sun's rays. Give preference to small volumes, as such a product is used faster and does not have time to lose its properties. After opening, you can store flaxseed oil for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Also, stocks of fatty acids can be replenished with flax seeds, wheat or oat germs. But you will have to look for such products in special stores, and use them only fresh.

It is also worth paying attention to leafy plants - purslane (common in Greek cuisine), parsley, cilantro, dill. Legumes, especially red beans, are also considered essential sources of omega-3s.

How to keep the benefits when cooking?

To get the most benefit from seafood, eat it marinated, lightly salted, or even raw. During frying and other heat treatment, a significant proportion of fatty acids are destroyed, which significantly reduces the benefits of the product. It is very important to use fresh foods, as freezing reduces their benefits - omega-3 reserves are halved in a year. But canned fish remains just as useful - vegetable oils protect such important acids from decomposition.

The rule regarding no frying and other thermal effects applies to other products with omega-3. Experts note their danger during high-temperature processing, especially in combination with long preliminary storage in the open air under the influence of sunlight. Under proper storage conditions (packages should be tightly closed, the place should be cool and protected from the sun), there is practically no risk of rapid oxidation.

Features of use for children and pregnant women

During childbearing, such acids are necessary both for the mother herself and for the development of the fetus. Every day, the mother's body gives about two and a half grams of omega-3 for the baby, so you need to carefully monitor its sufficiency. The doctor will be able to adjust the nutrition system and, if necessary, prescribe nutritional supplements. In an effort to get omega-3s, it is best for pregnant women to avoid fish that are high in mercury (eg, swordfish, king mackerel).

As for children, before the age of 7 years, the intake of omega-3 should be under strict control in order to prevent overdose.

The intake of omega-3 from food is simply necessary for the body. You can get substances from ordinary products by correctly compiling and thinking through your diet.

Now more and more you can hear about the benefits of fatty acids. People who want to be healthy try not to consume animal fats, making a choice in favor of vegetable oil. When choosing foods for a diet, many find out where Omega-6 is found. Therefore, sometimes it turns out that even too much of these fatty acids enters the body. And despite the fact that they are very beneficial for health, their excess can lead to serious violations in the functioning of various organs.

The role of fats in the body

Women who want to lose weight often cut out fat altogether. But this cannot be done, since these substances are necessary for the body. It is from the components of fats that the molecules that make up cell membranes are built. Therefore, with a lack of fat, cells cannot grow and exchange information.

In addition, fats are used for energy production. Not a single process in the body can do without them. Moreover, both vegetable and animal fats are needed. The only things to avoid are trans fats, such as margarine, and refined oils. Overcooked fats can also become harmful, because with a strong increase in temperature, their components decompose with the formation of carcinogens..

Characterization of fatty acids

Of all the fats that enter the body with food, unsaturated ones are useful. There are a lot of them, but no more than two dozen are considered important for a person. All of them are included in the group These are monounsaturated acids Omega-9, polyunsaturated acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6. Moreover, if the first can be produced by the body on its own, which is why their deficiency is never observed, all the rest come only with food. And since they are very important for the functioning of cells, every person needs to know where Omega-3 and Omega-6 are contained. This is necessary in order to include these products in the daily diet.

Omega-3s are docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic and alpha-linoleic acids. They are involved in the work of the central nervous system, so their lack negatively affects health. Omega-6 is represented mainly by linoleic acid. It is used to produce other substances needed by the body, such as gamma-linolenic and arachidonic acids.

If polyunsaturated fatty acids enter the body in sufficient quantities, then mediators that transmit impulses from nerve cells are produced normally. These substances perform the following functions:

  • responsible for the sensitivity of receptors;
  • participate in the work of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems;
  • stimulate the processes of smooth muscle work;
  • participate in metabolic processes.

Role of fatty acids

It is very important that the correct balance of these substances is maintained in the body. It is Omega-3s that stimulate the production of mediators for the transmission of nerve impulses. They are most abundant in fish oil, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. But you also need to know where Omega-6 is found. After all, these substances also have very important properties:

  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • relieve premenstrual syndrome in women;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • participate in the processes of cell regeneration;
  • normalize the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

What is harmful lack of these fats

Most people are deficient in omega-3s. Because of this, obesity develops, a person ages faster, often gets sick. But it may also be that linoleic acid also enters the body with food in insufficient quantities. This occurs with an unbalanced monotonous diet, frequent dieting, or in violation of lipid metabolism. The body also experiences an increased need for these fatty acids in the cold season, with various diseases and during pregnancy.

Then the following symptoms may occur:

  • skin condition worsens, eczema appears;
  • hair falls out, their growth slows down;
  • impaired liver function;
  • nervous diseases occur;
  • bones and joints suffer;
  • immunity decreases;
  • reproductive function is impaired.

Where is Omega-6 found?

A table of the ratio of the amount of fatty acids in the most common products is offered for study by people who want to take care of their health. Linoleic acid is good for the body, but it is most effective only when combined with omega-3s in the right ratio. If the balance of these acids is maintained, the body functions properly. You should try to choose those products that contain Omega-6 and Omega-3 in the correct ratio. They should enter the body, respectively, 8-10 and 0.8-1.6 grams per day.

The following foods are especially useful for maintaining the balance of fatty acids:

  • linseed oil;
  • chia seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • walnuts;
  • raw beans;
  • lettuce;
  • fresh spinach;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • arugula.

Omega-6: where it is found the most

In order not to experience a lack of any nutrients, you need to monitor the balance of your diet. It is important that fats are present in the diet daily. It is especially necessary to pay attention to those foods that contain the most Omega-6. It can be:

  • raw sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • unrefined sunflower, corn, soybean, sesame and other vegetable oils;
  • raw pine nuts, pistachios and peanuts;
  • wheat, rye, oats, lentils, chickpeas;
  • eggs and offal;
  • avocado;
  • sea ​​fish.

In addition, there are nutritional supplements from which you can get enough linoleic acid. These are grape seeds, blackcurrant, Spirulina and others. Such supplements are often successfully used for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system.

But it is not enough to know what foods contain Omega-6, they must also be used correctly. In order for fats to be well absorbed, foods should be cooked as little as possible. Food fried in oil is especially harmful. All oils are recommended to be added to cooked food immediately before consumption. And you need to make sure that they are cold-pressed and unrefined..

Why can there be an excess of these acids

This is most often due to changes in the food industry that have taken place in the last few decades. Grazing cattle on natural pastures becomes unprofitable, as well as catching fish in the sea. If they grow and eat naturally, then their meat is good for health, as it contains all the necessary nutrients. But now livestock and fish are grown on cheap feed rich in Omega-6. Therefore, modern meat and milk are rich in precisely these fatty acids, but Omega-3 is not in them.

In addition, all junk food contains a large amount of fat. These are chips, french fries, sauces, pizza, sausages.

Why Too Much Omega-6 Is Harmful

The modern fascination with healthy eating, and especially the attention to fats, leads to the fact that the diet of an ordinary person is usually not deficient in them. Omega-6 fatty acids are now especially ingested with food. Few people know where these substances are contained, but the food industry has taken care of this for consumers. Indeed, most livestock and fish farms grow products using special feeds rich in these fatty acids. Therefore, many people experience an overabundance of them.

This condition leads to narrowing of blood vessels, increased blood pressure, impaired immunity and frequent inflammatory diseases. People who frequently consume foods rich in omega-6 are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and oncological diseases, they age faster, suffer from migraines, depression, arthritis or asthma. With an excess of linoleic acid, blood viscosity increases, blood clots may occur. And this happens because the balance of fatty acids is disturbed - there is not enough Omega-3. At the same time, the body begins to use linoleic acid for energy production and cell building..

How to maintain the right balance of fats

These substances must be supplied to the body not just like that, but in the correct ratio. The balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 should be 2:1, in extreme cases - 6:1. But now in most people it is 10:1, but more often even 30:1, which leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs. Recently, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids has often been observed in a modern person. There are many of them in leafy greens, fresh fish and seafood, but only not grown, but living in natural conditions. Since a modern person consumes little of such products, the body switches to omega-6 fatty acids.

Where omega-9 is contained, rarely anyone is interested. After all, this group of fatty acids, even in the absence of them in food, can be synthesized by the body itself. And their shortage is observed mainly in vegetarians, as they are found in meat products, and from vegetables and fruits - only in avocados and olives, a little in almonds, rapeseed and sunflowers.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the foods that contain them.

What fats are needed?

Dietary fats are made up of 90% fatty acids. Which were divided into three groups and named: saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA). The last fatty acids, called "useful" (omega 3 PUFAs) are of particular value.

What is the daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids?

It was previously noted that all fatty acids are divided into three groups. In the diet, it is recommended to follow the following ratio of fatty acids of these groups: 10% PUFA, 30% SFA and 60% MUFA.

It's important to know

The Russian Ministry of Health recommends 1g of omega 3 per day for adequate intake. The FDA (US Department of Health) recommended in 2000 that no more than 3g of EPA and DHA be taken per day, and no more than 2g of dietary supplements containing these substances.

It is necessary to eat lipids of both animal and vegetable nature. The need for omega 3 fatty acids is 1-2 grams per day. It can be satisfied with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil, a serving of Atlantic herring, or seafood.

The body in some situations requires an increase in the content of omega 3 fatty acids in the daily diet: during pregnancy and lactation, with increased physical activity, with autoimmune diseases, with lesions of the pancreas (diabetes mellitus), in childhood and old age.

It's important to know

There are omega-3 PUFA preparations belonging to the group of dietary supplements, the intake of which should be started only after consulting a specialist.

What foods contain Omega 3?

It has been proven that foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are plant based lipids. Which are richest in flax, sunflower and hemp oils. In addition to vegetable fats, omega 3 can be obtained by eating flaxseed, oily fish, seafood, nuts, in particular, walnuts, etc.

Below is a table that shows where omega 3 is found in foods and in what quantities.

Omega 3 in vegetable oils

Omega 3 in nuts

Omega 3 in seeds

Omega 3 in meat and animal products

Omega 3 in cereals

Omega 3 in dairy products

Omega 3 in fish and seafood

Omega 3 in vegetables and fruits

What are the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids?

  • One of the essential functions of omega-3 PUFAs is to reduce the level of fatty acids called “bad” ones and, in general, regulate the processes of fat metabolism. What prevents the occurrence of such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids dissolve already existing plaques of atherosclerosis on the inner wall of blood vessels, inhibiting the further progress of this disease.
  • They prevent platelets from sticking together and improve the general condition of the blood.
  • Just like all fats in general, omega-3 fatty acids are involved in the "building" of cell membranes and ensure its integrity.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids regulate the content in the brain of the well-known “hormone of happiness” - serotonin. Thus, they have an antidepressant effect.
  • They take part in the creation of sheaths of nerve fibers. Due to this, the processes of memorization, thinking, attention and coordination are carried out better.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to detect an omega 3 deficiency?

Yes, there are signs by which one can suspect a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • The appearance of dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • Deterioration of visual function;
  • General weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • Increased hair loss;
  • Weakening of nails;
  • Frequent mood swings, depression;
  • An increase in the level of cholesterol in the venous blood (hypercholesterolemia).

The appearance of these symptoms is not a direct evidence of a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the food taken.

Fats: Should You Eliminate Your Diet?

It's important to know

Lipids - they are also fats, are involved in the performance of functions necessary for the normal life support of the body:

  • Lipids supply the most energy, unlike proteins and carbohydrates. Dissimilation of 1 g of fat gives 9 kcal of energy. With the breakdown of 1 g of proteins or 1 g of carbohydrates, less energy is released - 4 kcal each. In the next article, we have put together a list of .
  • With the help of lipids, vitamins A, D, E, K are absorbed, the deficiency of which (hypovitaminosis or beriberi) is dangerous to health.
  • At the biological level, fats are structural elements of cell membranes. Therefore, lipid deficiency will lead to disruption of the structure of the cell membrane, consisting of a double lipid layer, and ultimately to cell death.
  • Cholesterol is an indispensable element in the synthesis of steroid hormones in the body: corticosteroid and sex hormones (androgens and estrogens). That is, cholesterol levels below normal can lead to serious hormonal disorders.

Thus, we figured out how important the presence of omega 3 fats in our diet. In the next article, we will analyze how important it is to consume and how important hemoglobin balance is.

In case of impaired concentration of attention, the manifestation of chronic depressive conditions, the deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, one can raise the question of a deficiency in the body of omega-3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the main building material for cells of various levels. The lack of omega-3 negatively affects not only general well-being, but also mental and reproductive abilities. That is why it is important to know which foods contain omega-3s.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the main building material for cells of various levels.

Omega-3 in animal products

The source of saturation of the body with omega-3 PUFAs are most of all products of animal and vegetable origin. Most fatty acids are found in marine fish. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a high content of omega-3 is typical only for fish caught directly in the sea, growing in the natural environment.

It is important to remember that omega-3 is a complex of alpha-linoleic (ALA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids. Table 1 shows the content of omega acids in seafood.

Omega 3 in fish

Table 1. PUFA content per 100 g of product

In addition to fish and seafood, omega-3 is found in chicken eggs. The best way to consume is a raw egg or boiled soft-boiled. But here, too, the content of omega-3 is typical only for the eggs of a village bird. Eggs from a poultry farm have no useful value for our body.

Omega-3 is found in chicken eggs

Omega-3 in plant products

Moreover, in terms of the content of fatty acids, flax seeds are superior in their usefulness to animal products.

Flax seeds, as a source of omega-3, are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, flax seed is introduced into the diet for oncological diseases of the mammary glands, arthritis, and diabetes.

The richest in omega-3 flax seeds

In addition, sunflower, corn, rapeseed and olive oils are enriched with fatty acids. Vegetarians can include polyunsaturated fats from almonds, walnuts, spinach, avocados, radishes, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts in their diet. However, plant products in their composition contain only alpha-linoleic fats, while the more valuable DG and EPA acids must be replenished through the intake of dietary supplements. Omega-3 in gelatin capsules for vegetarians will compensate for the deficiency of fatty acids DG and EPO type.
The content of omega 3 in plant foods is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The content of Omega-3 in plant products per 100 g.

Proper nutrition with omega 3

Foods that are minimally processed contain many useful substances. The least heat treatment guarantees the greatest preservation of trace elements. The omega-3 content requires proper consumption.

Rapeseed oil contains omega 3

  • Varieties of vegetable oil are consumed as dressing for salads. It is best to use rapeseed or linseed oil. In their absence, preference should be given to olive. When used to fry foods, fatty acids are destroyed. Store oil in a dark place without access to sunlight.
  • Flax seeds are added to salads or seasoned with ready-made fish or meat dishes. It is also recommended to use 1 tbsp. seeds on an empty stomach to make up for the deficiency of omega acids and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The fish is bought fresh, not thermally frozen. Lightly salted or boiled fish is most useful.
  • For cooking, gentle heat treatment modes are used. Deep frying deprives the original product of all useful substances.

To replenish omega-3 reserves, it is enough to consume foods fortified with PUFAs. To do this, enter into the diet:

  • rapeseed oil - 1 tbsp;
  • flax seed - 1 tbsp;
  • walnut - 8 pcs;
  • slightly salted salmon - 90 g;
  • canned sardine - 100 g;
  • canned tuna - 140 g.

Walnut contains omega 3

The organization of high-quality and healthy nutrition can saturate the body with the necessary dose of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Mediterranean diet, which is based on omega-containing foods that make the skin more toned and elastic. PUFAs will give a charge of vivacity and energy, which is necessary for strength and cardio training.

Being healthy is simple, because nature has given everything that is needed for our body, you just need to optimize your diet and include foods rich in vitamins and healthy fats.

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