Nutrition with phosphate diet 14. What are phosphate stones (phosphaturia). Making a menu for phosphaturia

The appearance of phosphates in the urine is not always an indication for a change in diet. Only the wrong exchange of phosphorus and calcium, which led to the formation phosphate salts, which do not dissolve, forming stones, requires a diet.

Until a certain point, the patient may not know about the formation of stones in the urine (phosphaturia). Phosphate stones appear when increased concentration calcium in an alkaline environment. The stones reach a certain size and begin their movement through the ureters, causing a frequent desire to urinate, sharp pains when walking, running and other movements. This happens due to damage to nearby tissues by the sharp edges of phosphate stones. Violation of the lining of the ureters, bladder, kidneys leads to inflammatory processes within these organs.

Phosphates in the urine are detected with a complete examination urinary system. Urine tests are given, and if urolithiasis (the formation of kidney stones) is suspected, ultrasound is prescribed. Usually, phosphate stones have a soft structure and are easily crushed with subsequent excretion from the body. This is facilitated by a properly selected diet.

Phosphate stones can degenerate into oxalate stones, which are already a more complex pathology that requires surgical treatment. Oxalate stones are very hard and have sharp edges, although they are smaller than phosphate deposits. They are caused by overindulgence. strict diet, which reduces the concentration of phosphates. Therefore, the diet for phosphaturia should be followed under the guidance of the attending physician and with the control of urine tests. Only such measures can lead to the normalization of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and the prevention of sediment in the form of insoluble magnesium and calcium phosphates.

Can cause phosphate buildup in the urinary system abrupt change nutrition in the direction of foods rich in phosphorus, or an improperly composed diet. Phosphorus necessary for the body microelement responsible for growth, development and functioning musculoskeletal system. Therefore, nutrition should contain this element, especially in children. The diet is based on a balance between phosphorus-containing foods and protein in order to keep urine acidity normal.

On the acid-base environment in urine, a combination of two factors influences: the process of metabolism of animal products, in particular meat, which creates an acidic reaction. In turn, elements of dairy and plant compounds create a slightly alkaline environment. As a result, the observance of these two processes reduces the risk of violation of the ionic and acidic composition of the urine inside the renal pelvis. Probability of attack urolithiasis reduces to zero.

Those who adhere to vegetarianism or otherwise violate the balance of trace elements in the urine are at risk. This category may need a diet with phosphates in the urine to normalize the acid- alkaline balance. After all, meat contains 20% protein. To obtain daily allowance a person weighing 70 kilograms needs to consume from 100 to 120 grams of meat products per day.

If the situation is not too advanced, then the normalization of nutrition may be a sufficient measure to change the composition of the urine. Medications may not be needed. The diet is able to prevent the formation of sediment from insoluble salts and restore normal level ph in urine. When the disease is advanced and already causes discomfort and pain, for the treatment of phosphaturia diet is not the only measure. Appointed drug therapy, physiotherapy, vitamin complexes, herbal infusions and physiotherapy.

In the presence of phosphate stones in the urinary system, completely exclude or limit, depending on clinical picture diseases, the use of dairy products, certain vegetables and fruits, which contain easily digestible calcium. The diet is based on products that contribute to the acidification of urine; phosphates do not appear in an acidic environment.

When phosphates are found in the urine, the diet completely excludes the following items: canned food, pickles, marinades, smoked meats. Should stop using fatty foods, such as fatty varieties meat and fish, fat and so on. Eliminate dairy and dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. The use of table salt is possible, but in very limited quantities. You also need to give up most sweets: chocolate, caramel, marmalade and other sweets. You can not eat confectionery and fresh bakery products. These include: cakes, pastries, cookies and fresh muffins. It is completely necessary to exclude alcohol, as well as coffee and cocoa.

You need to eat more often during the diet than usual. Daily diet, which is 2500 calories per day, should be divided into 5-6 meals. Wherein daily rate protein is limited to 70 grams, carbohydrates should be ingested in the amount of 400 grams, and fat - 80 grams. During the diet, you need to drink a lot - the norm of fluid is 2.5 liters per day.

The allowed products in the presence of phosphaturia include the following groups. First of all, it is a protein that is contained in lean fish and meat (preferably poultry, beef), cereals from cereals and legumes. A small number of vegetables among which cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, peas, pumpkin are allowed. Fruits should be eaten with sour taste. For example, apples, lingonberries, cranberries, currants, some varieties of plums and grapes, as well as figs.

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Phosphaturia is a malfunction of the body during calcium-phosphorus metabolism, leading to the formation of a precipitate in the form of insoluble phosphates (magnesium phosphate and calcium). Over time, amorphous phosphates become larger and form sand in the urinary canal, and sometimes stones.

Phosphates in the urine: causes of the formation of salt stones

The causes of this disease are elevated level calcium in the composition of urine, the acidity of which exceeds pH 7 and an imbalance between phosphorus and calcium. Often there are cases when the root cause of the disease was the use of foods rich in phosphorus in unlimited quantities or a failure in metabolic processes. Phosphates in the urine can also be diagnosed during pregnancy.

Phosphate stones can form without clinical manifestations until they reach a certain size and begin to move through the urinary system. Any department of this system can be affected by this kind of deposits. Their localization is diagnosed in the ureter, kidneys and bladder.

Phosphate urolithiasis brings many discomfort patient: obstruction of the upper urinary tract, escalate chronic diseases, unbearable pains appear during any movement (running, walking), frequent urination.

Stones with sharp edges are the most dangerous, because. when moving, they cause injuries to all adjacent tissues and contribute to the formation of inflammation processes.

Treatment Methods

To prescribe the treatment of phosphaturia, it is initially carried out full examination patient, including ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system.

The location and size of the calculus are decisive factors for prescribing one of the treatment options. Cases without complications usually respond well to such therapeutic methods:

Diet for phosphate kidney stones

A diet with phosphates in the urine is an opportunity to correct and eliminate the consequences of an imbalance in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Violation of the main acid-base balance in the direction high content alkali, eliminated by diet therapy. It helps to compensate for the valency of the acid residue when adjusting the diet.

Dietary table No. 14 corresponds to the provision normal operation organism in violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and as a result, the formation of insoluble stones in the urinary canals.

By following the recommendations of Diet 14, which lists all the requirements for the list of allowed ingredients, the number of daily meals, the volume of servings and food processing methods, you will be able to restore normal urine pH and prevent further formation of amorphous phosphates in the urine.

If diet No. 14 is followed, the use of many milk-containing products is excluded. Products that form an "acidified" environment are recommended. They are easy to identify, because they have a characteristic sour taste.

Nutrition should be compiled as a fractional diet, the portion size is reduced, the number of doses is increased up to 6 times. The numerical characteristics of the diet of diet No. 14 must be compiled from the account of 2800 kcal per day, of which:

  • proteins 70 g;
  • carbohydrates 410 g;
  • salt 9 g;
  • fats 90 g.

The menu does not belong to a mono-diet, so it is possible to eat a balanced diet, which will help improve emotional condition patient during treatment. All meals must be fresh, unseasoned and the minimum amount salt.

Drinking regime

Fluid intake increases to 2-3 liters per day - and this is one of the most important aspects diets.

Drinking regime influences the regulation of urine pH quite strongly. Exceeding the norm entails shifts to the alkaline side, but we need to achieve “oxidation”. You can use a decoction of rose hips and birch sap. Herbal preparations No. 11 and No. 12 are also recommended.

Mineral water in diseases of the urinary tract helps to increase acidity. It is recommended to drink 1 hour before and after a meal: Narzan or Arzni.

Collection number 11

  1. We mix 1 tbsp. fringed grass, lingonberry leaves and heather.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. crushed madder root petiole.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp into enameled dishes. collection and pour boiling water 300 ml.
  4. Simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  5. Ready broth to drink 3 tbsp. half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Collection №12

  1. 1 tbsp crushed madder root petiole.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. crushed petiole madder root, pirnik and salvia leaves.
  3. Mix with 4 tbsp. flax seed.
  4. 3 tbsp collection pour one liter of boiling water.
  5. Simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  6. Take in a warm form, 250 ml, an hour before meals, 2 times a day.

Approved Products

Due to the fact that the list of products allowed for consumption is rather limited, it is impossible to adhere to diet therapy for a long time. Equally important is the monitoring of the patient's condition by a urologist, with periodic testing.

It is allowed several times a week to diversify your diet with egg whites, vegetables and milk-containing products indicated in the table.



Buckwheat, rice, barley porridge, millet, oatmeal, barley


Beans, peas

Protein products

Lean meat, egg (protein) 1 pc. in a day


Fresh green peas, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, mushrooms

Berries and fruits

Apples, sea buckthorn, pomegranates, dogwood, gooseberries, cranberries, strawberries, strawberries, black and red currants, lemons, grapes


Not strong tea and coffee, still mineral water, juice, compotes and fruit drinks from sour fruits and berries, rosehip broth, birch sap


Fish, shellfish and caviar (fried)


Honey, halva

Prohibited Products

The use of dairy products should be completely excluded or reduced as much as possible - no more than 150 ml of milk-containing products. In this way, calcium is self-regulated in the body of a patient with phosphaturia, because it is in the problem that salt stones are formed due to insufficient excretion of calcium and phosphorus from the body.

Extractive foods such as smoked sausages, spicy dishes, pickled vegetables are completely prohibited.


Protein products

Fatty meat and fish


any alcoholic drinks, cocoa, strong tea and coffee. alkaline waters

Sweets and confectionery

Chocolate, sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes, brownies

Bakery products

fresh bread, buns


Cooking fats, lard

Long shelf life products

Preservation, canned food, pickled vegetables


Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt


Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, onions, carrots, Brussels sprouts, sorrel, spinach, horseradish

The first dishes in the diet have special meaning. The basis for them should be low-fat meat, fish or mushroom broths. You can diversify the diet by preparing gravy for cereals on the same broths.

A decoction of rose hips is an active assistant in the normalization of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Its "acidifying" effect for the body is invaluable, so the drink can be safely included in the daily drinking diet. Doctors recommend drinking a decoction after meals. In addition, patients with phosphate salts in the urine are prescribed to use various fruit drinks, compotes and jelly from berries and fruits, with high acid(cranberries, lingonberries, etc.). Morning should start with a glass of purified water on an empty stomach.

If the patient first encountered the disease phosphaturia, after the end of treatment, twice a year he needs to take preventive measures in the form of a course mineral waters or herbal preparations.

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to abandon sweets containing trans fats, dyes and flavors. An alternative would be a moderate amount of sugar, homemade jam, and honey.

Features of the diet for phosphaturia in children

Phosphaturia is rarely diagnosed in children. Amorphous crystals in the urine of a child, they do not subsequently form salt stones. Vegetable and milk soups, sweet berries and fruits, including juices from them, are excluded from the children's diet. Allowed per day 1 tbsp. sour cream.

Due to the fact that during the diet you will have to give up products with high content calcium, which can adversely affect the metabolic processes in the child's body, so twice a week in the diet should be supplemented with sweet fruits. It will also be useful to supplement the treatment with decoctions from medicinal fees.

The construction of the child's diet is carried out according to the principle maximum content protein: fish, meat products, cereals and allowed vegetables.

Diet menu table number 14

Menu 1

Calorie content - 2750 kcal

Breakfast: fish cakes, buckwheat with butter, grapefruit juice.

Lunch: apple, rosehip decoction.

Dinner: soup with meatballs, baked cabbage pie, berry jelly.

Afternoon snack: cranberries with honey, tea.

Dinner: meat cutlets, rice with butter, cranberry juice.

Second dinner: apple-carrot juice.

Menu 2

Calorie - 2610 kcal

Breakfast: lasagna with fish or meat and sour cream, berry juice.

Lunch: fruit jelly, biscuit cookies.

Dinner: borscht with beef, pea zrazy with mushrooms, jelly.

Afternoon snack: apples, tea with lemon.

Dinner: baked chicken fillet with rice, rosehip broth.

Second dinner: compote, rice biscuits.

Menu 3

Calorie content - 2780 kcal.

Breakfast: sandwich with ham and butter, rosehip broth.

Lunch: dry biscuits, tea.

Dinner: vermicelli soup with chicken fillet, rice casserole, compote.

Afternoon snack: fresh or frozen berries with sugar, tea with lemon.

Dinner: chop with buckwheat porridge, squash caviar, berry juice.

Second dinner: compote, rice biscuits.

Diet therapy is the main condition for successful complex treatment phosphaturia.

Serious diseases accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as changes in metabolic processes and problems at work parathyroid gland stimulate the development of phosphaturia.

In addition, a number of other reasons are determined, which are revealed when the problem is fixed. Doctors prescribe specific treatment, such as a diet for phosphaturia and medication, to correct an elevated phosphate level in the urine. Such therapy will prevent the prerequisites for the formation of consequences.

Phosphaturia what is it?

Phosphaturia refers to the state of the body in which stones (phosphates) are found in urine. The latter are formed due to wrong exchange phosphorus-calcium character. Diagnostics reveals insoluble particles as sediment.

The following situations become factors in the development of phosphaturia:

  1. Increased calcium in the fluid submitted for analysis.
  2. Changes in acid-base balance, where the pH-medium increases above 7.
  3. Imbalance between calcium and phosphorus levels.
  4. The use of food enriched with phosphorus, exceeding the allowable limits.

In some situations, phosphate stones are fixed in the kidneys during childbearing. Neoplasms develop in the cavity for a long period, reach a certain size and then begin to move along the urinary system.

Urinalysis and its main parameters

It is possible to determine elevated phosphates in a patient only by performing a urinalysis general. Indirect symptoms that signal the development of problems with alkaline balance are:

  1. Vomiting, severe nausea.
  2. Feeling of a full bladder.
  3. Pain in the lower back or groin.
  4. The appearance of precipitation when going to the restroom in the form of large flakes.
  5. Increased flatulence.
  6. Frequent urging to the toilet, pain during urination.

But in most cases, the occurrence of phosphates in the urine is not accompanied by negative signs. Identifies the problem by appearance urine and laboratory tests.

The analysis reveals the level of acidity in the urine: only in an alkaline environment are phosphates formed. Salts precipitate in the sediment, which, when examined under a microscope, have the appearance of small grains of a grayish tint, and are also endowed with the shape of butterfly wings or look like a snowflake.

Normal at healthy person should contain the following amount of phosphates:

  1. In a healthy person, regardless of gender and age period- 0.8-1.3 g / kg. On the day at normal an adult should receive 1200 mg of phosphates, while excreting at least 800 mg.
  2. In a child under 12 years of age - 2-4 g / kg.
  3. Urine at normal pH contains phosphates from 5.0 to 7.0 g/kg.

At serious violation alkaline balance when detected increased performance phosphates, it is required to adjust the diet and follow a certain diet for phosphaturia in children and adults.

As a result of the diagnostics, phosphates are normally fixed as "+" or "++". If there are more than 2 “+” signs, then there is a possibility of development salt metabolism. For accurate identification diagnosis, it is required to specifically prepare and collect daily urine.

Rules for preparing for urinalysis

To obtain as a result of the analyzes reliable results specific preparation is required:

  1. 1 week before the upcoming examination, completely exclude foods that increase alkali in urine, such as sweets, alcohol or smoked meats, from the diet.
  2. In a stationary pharmacy, purchase special containers for testing.
  3. For general analysis urine is taken from the morning urine of the middle type, before meals. Within 2 hours, the resulting liquid should be handed over to the laboratory for testing.
  4. In the case of daily urine collection: urine sampling is carried out at 6 o'clock in the morning, and then every 3 hours.
  5. Before collecting urine, it is required to carry out hygiene of the genital tract, but without the use of any kind of soap. This is required so that foreign impurities do not get into the collected liquid.
  6. Until delivery to the laboratory collected urine store in a dark place, at a cool temperature, but not in the refrigerator.

When handing over a container with analyzes, the time and date of the collected liquid, the patient's name must be indicated on the container.

Upon detection urolithiasis initially, tests are given, the size of kidney stones is determined using ultrasound examination. Based on the diameter of the neoplasm and its nature, specific treatment is prescribed in the form of taking medications and prescribing a sparing diet.

For treatment, a diet with phosphates detected in the urine of a child, No. 14, is recommended. In a number of situations, the attending physician, on the basis of the studies performed, prescribes other therapeutic diets or a certain kind metabolic diet.

When fixing phosphaturia, the diet implies nutritional features:

  1. eat proteins different nature(vegetable or animal) - no more than 100 gr., and the ratio of proteins should be 70 to 30.
  2. Carbohydrates of various nature are consumed in volumes up to 0.5 kg.
  3. The norm of salt per day is up to 0.07 kg.
  4. Water - up to 2.5 liters. in 24 hours.
  5. The energy value of products per day is no more than 2500 kcal.

As a result of such a diet, the patient eats throughout the day in fractional approaches, from 4 times a day. At the same time, not all dishes are allowed, a number of products that a person can consume and are strictly prohibited are highlighted.

List of prohibited products

To completely eliminate the increased phosphorus content in the urine, you should adhere to healthy eating. It is strictly forbidden to consume the following dishes and products:

  1. Marinades, smoked, overly salted or canned foods.
  2. Any alcoholic products or other strong drinks.
  3. Dishes with a high fat content.
  4. Bakery products and confectionery sweets.

To improve the diet in a patient with a fixed pathology, it is necessary to limit foods that contain a large amount of calcium. The latter contributes to an increase in alkali in the body - milk, Pine nuts as well as cheeses.

The list of products desirable for eating with phosphaturia

The patient should lean on cereals, consume more lean meat and different varieties fish, in other words, increase the acidity in the digestive organs.

Allocate healthy foods needed to improve general condition patient and normalization of his analyzes:

  1. Introduce dietary salads from green vegetables such as sorrel, cabbage of various varieties (cauliflower, white cabbage), peas, onions or broccoli.
  2. Eggs - chicken and quail, but when eating eggs, the yolk should be removed.
  3. Sweets of only natural kind: honey, beet sugar.
  4. Fresh fruits and vegetables: pears, pomegranates, apples, lingonberries, goji berries, and any sour fruits.
  5. Vegetable oils.
  6. Cereals, as well as cereals and legumes.

Due to a very limited list of approved products, therapy should be carried out for a short period of time and under constant control attending physician, due to the possibility of excessive weight loss. Additionally, on the recommendation of a doctor, the diet includes fortified complexes.

Recommended Diet Options for Adults (Men, Women, Pregnant Women) and Children

As recipes for the implementation of the diet in various age categories or in pregnant women, some therapeutic diet options are highlighted.

Pregnant women are prescribed products such as bran bread, birch sap, asparagus, dried fruit drinks, lean meat and fish, berry fruit drinks, sour in their type and various jelly, Brussels sprouts and pumpkin.

When phosphaturia is detected in young patients under 5 years of age, a daily diet is planned in this order:

  1. Breakfast - cereal porridge, not strong tea.
  2. Lunch - some strawberries or grapes.
  3. Lunch - soup with meat and jelly.
  4. Snack - a decoction of bran.
  5. Dinner minced fish cutlets and vegetables in a small amount.

For an adult patient, the diet contains an almost identical list of products as for a child, only dinner is replaced by a decoction of rose hips, which must be drunk before going to bed.

What not to do while on a diet

When following a diet with phosphaturia, you should not drink carbonated drinks, it is good to flavor dishes with green seasoning or spicy spices. It is forbidden to use rich meat broth, as well as drink a lot of coffee and tea.

The diet for phosphaturia is primarily aimed at eliminating the consequences of impaired phosphorus and phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the human body. These disorders manifest themselves as a shift in the acid-base balance in the body in favor of alkaline environment. Therefore, therapeutic diet therapy for phosphaturia should primarily compensate for the lack acid environment(acid valencies) due to the correction of the diet.

Diet therapy for phosphaturia

It should be noted that in order to ensure the full functioning of the body in violation of phosphorus metabolism in the case of phosphaturia, as well as in the formation of stones in urinary tract dietary table No. 14 is shown. This diet is included in the system of therapy with specially designed diets and includes requirements for the set of products used, the frequency of meals, the recommended volume of fluid intake and methods heat treatment dishes.

It must be said that the daily diet of dietary table No. 14 has the following numerical characteristics:

  1. Energy value - from 2800 to 3000 kcal.
  2. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 450 g, fats - 100 g, proteins - 90 g.
  3. The volume of liquid consumed is 2.5 liters.
  4. The amount of table salt - 10 g.

In addition, all dishes should be freshly prepared and varied. Since Diet 14 is not a mono-diet, tasty and balanced food significantly improves the psycho-emotional and physical state patients with phosphaturia.

Goals and objectives of diet number 14

It must be said that, since with phosphaturia there is a shift in the reaction of urine to the alkaline side, the content of phosphoric acid salts in the urine increases. Phosphorus-calcium stones are formed, and the diet for phosphaturia is intended to prevent and prevent these pathological processes. Therefore, the main tasks of diet therapy for phosphates in the urine are:

  • a shift in the reaction of urine to the acid side;
  • increase in the intensity of excretion of phosphorus-calcium salts;
  • preventing the formation of new stones.

This is achieved through the consumption of a certain set of products. So, dietary table No. 14 provides for the inclusion in the diet of products that change the pH of urine to the acid side. Such foods include those that have a sour taste, as well as a number of others. First of all, it is meat of any kind and products from it, seafood ( various shellfish), fish and caviar from it, sour berries, fruits and vegetables. Without restrictions, the use of cereals cooked different ways, bakery products, vegetable and butter oils.

From legume diet No. 14 allows you to use green pea in addition, mushrooms and dishes from them are allowed.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the first courses that should be prepared using broths. various kinds- from fish, meat or mushrooms. You can also use broths to make cooking sauces and dressings.

From berries, fruits and vegetables in the diet of diet No. 14, neutral or sour tastes are allowed:

  • lemons, pomegranates, sour apples, dogwood, sea buckthorn, cherry plum;
  • cranberries, gooseberries, cranberries;
  • pumpkin.

Of the desserts, sugar, jam, honey, halva, Turkish delight, high-quality pastries are recommended. Store-bought sweets with trans fats, colors, flavors, and sweeteners should be avoided.

Rosehip decoction has a good acidifying property, so it must be regularly included in the diet of those suffering from disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The best option is to drink brewed rose hips between meals. In addition to the rosehip decoction, patients with phosphaturia are shown fruit drinks, jelly and jelly from sour berries and fruits - blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries, etc.

Particular attention in the diet table menu No. 14 is given to the use of enough fluids to drink on an empty stomach in the morning and between meals. As for the number of meals, medical science recommends breaking the daily ration into 4 times.

Prohibitions of therapeutic nutrition for phosphaturia

Since the main goal of diet therapy for phosphaturia is to shift the pH of the urine to the acid side and the general "acidification" of the body, the following should be excluded from the menu of patients:

  • spices, spices, marinades, pickles, canned food, smoked meats, etc.;
  • dairy products and milk;
  • fruits, berries and vegetables other than those listed above.

It must be said that milk and dairy products are excluded from the diet of patients in order to regulate the calcium content in the body, since in this disease, phosphorus-calcium salts are not sufficiently excreted in the urine, which leads to the formation of stones from them.

As noted above, a number of extractive products (smoked meats, pickles, spicy dishes etc.) are prohibited. The same applies to tonic drinks - strong tea, coffee. The use of alcohol and nicotine is not recommended.

These restrictions contribute to "acidification" internal environment organism, which, in turn, leads to an improvement in the patient's well-being and alleviation of the symptoms of the disease.

Some aspects of table number 14

It should be noted that in case of violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the process of diet therapy, the use of dishes from products that are exposed to any known species culinary processing.

So for good nutrition patients suffering from phosphaturia can be included in daily menu recommended diet table No. 14 foods that have been fried, stewed, boiled or baked. Vegetables, fruits and berries can be consumed fresh, not thermally processed. In addition, the degree of grinding of food does not play a decisive role in this diet.

Kidney cleansing of phosphate stones

With phosphaturia in the urine alkaline reaction phosphorus-calcium stones are formed. Given these circumstances, it is necessary to limit the consumption of vegetables and fruits, completely eliminate dairy products that alkalize urine, and increase the consumption of meat, fish, flour products and vegetable oils, which acidify the urine.
When treating this type nephrolithiasis Diet number 14 is recommended.
At the same time, the food and water regimen should have an impact on the oxidation of urine with a sufficient content of vitamins A, B, and D in food. The diet consists of foods with a predominance of acid radicals and excludes nutrients co alkaline properties, limits calcium salts and involves the consumption of smaller amounts of fluid than with uric acid and oxalic acid diathesis, in order to cause shifts in the acid-base reserves of the body towards acidosis (in the acid direction) and reduce the effects of phosphaturia.
Allowed: weak tea without milk (with cream), any bread, egg dishes in a very limited quantity(yolks are especially limited), butter, salo, vegetable oil(cottage cheese, cheese, curdled milk are not allowed); soups with meat or fish broth; cereals, pasta, flour dishes; meat, fish, poultry in the form of a variety of dishes of conventional culinary processing.
Greens, vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet, except for peas, beans, Brussels sprouts, cranberries. Meat and fish sauces are also prohibited; sweet dishes in the form of biscuits, cakes.
It is allowed to use various types of bread and bread products, except for rich ones. A meat table is mainly prescribed, which contributes to the oxidation of urine: meat, poultry, fish and lard, various dishes from them, meat, mushroom and fish soups, flour, cereals and pasta, canned food (but not vegetables), caviar, butter, vegetable fats, sweet dishes, sugar and sweets in all forms, honey, infusion and juice of wild rose, cranberries, bread kvass, decoction wheat bran.
The use of eggs (no more than 1 per day), sour cream (up to 50 g per day), vegetables containing a small amount of calcium and alkaline radicals - Brussels sprouts, pumpkins, asparagus, peas; dishes and side dishes from legumes and mushrooms (no more than 100 g per day); sour berries and fruits - lingonberries, red currants, prunes, cherry plums, apples, nuts.
Forbidden: milk and dairy products (with the exception of sour cream), egg yolk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, berries (except for the above), canned snacks, smoked meats, mustard, pepper, horseradish. Substances and products that stimulate nervous system and having a strong juice effect, - alcoholic drinks, coffee, spices, strong tea, concentrated broths and broths, pickles and smoked meats. These substances are irritating gastrointestinal tract, cause a violation of the acid-base balance and alkalinization of urine.
Vitamins are given in the form of rosehip infusion, decoction of wheat bran, lingonberry juice. Salt ingested in normal amounts.
Chemical composition: proteins - 120 g, fats - 100-110 g, carbohydrates - up to 600 g; calories - 4000.
Diet - general. Liquid 1.5-2 liters per day.

sample menu

8-9 hours. Ham, rice porridge meat broth, butter, bread, tea.

12-13 hours. Fried meat, pasta, bread, tea, decoction of wheat bran.

16-17 hours. Oatmeal soup in meat broth with meatballs, fried cutlets, buckwheat porridge, cake, tea.

19-20 hours. Rice casserole, fried protein omelet, lingonberry compote, tea.

22 hours. Tea, bun.
In addition to the diet, acidification of urine should also be carried out by taking acidifying juices: cabbage, apple and grape (in the absence of diabetes).
Juices are taken 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals in a volume of 100-150 ml.
In case of existing gastritis with hyperacidity stomach acidic juices can be taken with meals, closer to the end of the meal, but not after meals.
In the future, the dose of juice taken should be regulated by yourself, based on measurements of the pH of the urine and maintaining its acidity at the level of 6.2-6.6. Stronger acidification of the urine can lead to the loss of urates.
Increasing the solubility of phosphates - the phospholytic effect is achieved by taking a decoction of the roots of elecampane, the roots of the mountaineer snake, the roots of the great burdock. Decoctions are taken in a volume of 80-90 ml 5-10 minutes after meals 2-3 times a day.
medicinal plants that promote the excretion of phosphates are largely the same as those used for oxalate diathesis. Therefore, with phosphate stones, fees No. 7 and No. 10 are applicable. In addition to them, you can assign fees of the following composition.

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