Where to take an acid-base balance test. At home. Products that promote alkalization of the blood

The activity of the human body depends on many factors. Our well-being is affected by general health organs and systems, and the lifestyle we lead, and a balanced diet. Many experts claim that one of critical factors, which determines the probability of development various diseases, is the acid-base balance of the body. The fluctuation of the acid-base balance leads to a disruption in the activity of organs and systems, which makes them defenseless against the attacks of various viruses and bacteria. Let's talk about the role played by the acid-base balance of human blood in general, and also consider whether a blood test for acid-base balance is possible.

The term "acid-base balance" means the ratio of acid and alkali in any solution. When talking about such a balance in the body, experts mean that our body is 80% water, and, accordingly, has a certain acid-base ratio, which is determined by the pH indicator. Its value depends on the number of negatively and positively charged ions and on their ratio to each other.

How can acid-base balance be disturbed?

Increasing the acidity of the body

Acidosis can provoke ailments of the heart and blood vessels, cause weight gain and diabetes. Increased acidity often leads to impaired kidney function, as well as Bladder and to the formation of stones. In patients with such a problem, immunity worsens, weakness develops, and working capacity decreases. Acidosis often leads to brittle bones and other musculoskeletal disorders. Patients experience joint pain, discomfort in the muscles.

Increase in alkali in the body

With such a violation, experts talk about the development of alkalosis. In this case, the full assimilation of nutrient particles - vitamins and minerals - also worsens. With the accumulation of alkali in the body, the food as a whole is absorbed slowly, due to which toxins enter the bloodstream. Alkalosis is particularly difficult to correct, but it develops quite rarely. In most cases given state due to the consumption of drugs that have alkali in their composition.

Analysis for acid-base balance

A blood test for acidity can be carried out in almost any clinic. Blood for such a study is used arterial, it is taken from the capillaries on the finger. Next, laboratory assistants examine the blood using an electrometric technique in the laboratory. Normal acidity arterial blood plasma usually ranges from 7.37 to 7.43 pH. Even a small shift from these data signals acidosis or alkalosis. It is worth noting that a change in blood acidity of more than 7.8 pH or less than 6.8 pH is incompatible with life.

How to normalize blood acidity?

It is not so difficult to control the acidity of the blood, you just need to eat right and maintain healthy lifestyle life. To achieve a balance of acid and alkali in the body with acidosis, you need to pay attention to. Of particular utility are different types green salads, cereals, all kinds of vegetables (raw), as well as dried fruits and various nuts (especially walnuts and almonds). Patients with acid disorders need to drink more plain pure drinking water.

Foods represented by mango, melon, watermelon, lemons and oranges, as well as spinach, raisins, sultana grapes and apricots remarkably increase the amount of alkali in the body. The diet should include freshly squeezed vegetable juices, Fresh Apples, Parsley And Celery. Garlic and many medicinal herbs will also be a wonderful alkalizing agent.

When the body is oxidized, it is desirable to significantly reduce the consumption of fatty, high-calorie and smoked foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Patients with this disorder should not take coffee in excess Also, they shouldn't smoke.

It is also worth buying a special medical alkaline water for domestic consumption. It is enriched with ions and is able to strengthen the immune system. Such a drink effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, it is able to slow down the aging process and regulate the activity of the digestive organs. given water it is worth taking in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as during the day - two to three glasses.

So lifestyle change and right balanced diet nutrition will help maintain the acid-base balance of the body and avoid its fluctuations in one direction or another.

Alternative treatment

Specialists traditional medicine advise patients with acid disorders to take medicines based on different herbs for optimization acid-base balance.

So when the body is oxidized great effect gives the reception of a simple decoction based on oats. Rinse one glass of unpeeled grains well and fill with a liter of water. Put the container with the medicine on the fire and boil for one hour. Strain the finished medicine and take it a third to a quarter cup at a time. Drink all the prepared remedy for the day.

Even with violations of the acid-base balance, you can prepare a medicine from equal parts of chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of the resulting collection with one glass of boiled water only. Insist this medicine under the lid for fifteen to twenty minutes, then strain. Accept finished product half a glass half an hour before a meal. Drink the resulting volume of infusion per day in several doses. The duration of such therapy is one to one and a half weeks.

To cope with violations of the acid-base balance, you can use a medicine based on needles. You can use both spruce and pine needles. Rinse it well, dry it a little and grind it. Brew five tablespoons of such raw materials with one liter of boiled water only. Add three tablespoons of crushed rose hips and a couple of tablespoons of chopped onion peel. Place container over medium heat and bring to a boil. After the medicine boils, reduce the heat and boil it for ten to fifteen minutes. Infuse the resulting broth for ten to twelve hours, then strain. Take the finished drink throughout the day in small sips. The duration of such treatment is one and a half weeks.

Violation of the acid-base balance of the blood is fraught with the development of many unpleasant symptoms: deterioration in well-being and performance, as well as the occurrence various diseases. But, fortunately, such a problem can be completely prevented - you just need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Professor M.I. BAKANOV

Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow

One of the most important conditions for the vital activity of an organism is the constancy of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the extracellular space and in cells - the acid-base state (CBS) or acid-base balance (COR). In other words, COR is the relative constancy of the reaction internal environment organism, quantitatively characterized by the concentration of hydrogen ions (protons).

The average normal concentration of hydrogen ions in blood plasma is 40 nmol/l, which corresponds to pH 7.4.

The constancy of the pH of the internal environment of the body is due to the joint action of the buffer systems of blood and tissues and a number of physiological mechanisms (lung activity and excretory function of the kidneys).

Buffer properties, i.e. the ability to counteract changes in the pH of a solution when acids or bases are added to it, have mixtures consisting of a weak acid and its salt with a strong base or a weak base with a salt of a strong acid. The buffer system in the body is a conjugated acid-base pair, consisting of a donor and an acceptor of hydrogen ions (protons).

The functioning of the buffer pair is described by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, which relates the pH value to the dissociation constant of any acid (CA):

PH = pKA + lg [proton acceptor]/[proton donor]

The most important buffer systems of blood are: bicarbonate, hemoglobin, protein and phosphate.

Bicarbonate buffer system- a fairly powerful system of extracellular fluid and blood. The share of bicarbonate buffer accounts for 10% of the total buffer capacity of the blood. This bicarbonate system is a conjugated acid-base pair, consisting of a carbonic acid molecule (H 2 CO 3), which acts as a proton donor, and a bicarbonate anion (HCO -) - a base, which acts as a proton acceptor. Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for a given buffer system, the pH value can be expressed in terms of the dissociation constant of carbonic acid (pKH 2 CO 3) and decimal logarithm the ratio of the concentrations of HCO 3 ions - and non-dissociated H 2 CO 3 molecules: RI \u003d pKH 2 CO 3 + lg ([HCO 3 -] / [H 2 CO 3])

At normal value blood pH (7.4) concentration of bicarbonate ions HCO 3 - in plasma approximately 20 times higher than the concentration of H 2 SO 3 (or dissolved carbon dioxide CO 2 ).

The mechanism of action of this system is that when relatively large amounts of acidic products are released into the blood, hydrogen ions (H+) interact with bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 -) to form weakly dissociating carbonic acid H 2 CO 3 . The decrease in the concentration of the latter is achieved accelerated elimination CO 2 through the lungs as a result of their hyperventilation. When the number of bases in the blood increases, they, interacting with weak carbonic acid, form bicarbonate ions and water; no noticeable shifts in the pH value occur. In addition, in maintaining the normal ratio between the components of the bicarbonate buffer system, physiological mechanisms regulation of COR: there is a delay in the blood plasma of a certain amount of CO 2 as a result of a decrease in ventilation (hypoventilation) of the lungs.

Second in importance after the bicarbonate buffer system is buffer system hemoglobin - oxyhemoglobin. Last plays important role in the regulation of the ratio of hemoglobin (weak base) -oxyhemoglobin (weak acid), as well as in the conversion of dissolved carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and expel it through the lungs. The functions of this system depend on the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and on the supply of sufficient amounts of oxygen: in anemia and hypoxia, its power decreases sharply.

RBCs have a base storage mechanism for the body known as the Ambourger effect. It consists in the fact that the carbon dioxide formed in the tissues is converted in erythrocytes into carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3). In turn, H 2 CO 3 dissociates into the H + ion and the HCO 3 anion - under the influence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (carbon anhydrase) of erythrocytes. In this case, the hydrogen ion is captured by buffer systems inside the cell (hemoglobin, phosphates), and the bicarbonate anion returns to the blood plasma, exchanging for the chloride anion entering the erythrocyte (according to the so-called Donnan equilibrium). In erythrocytes, the chloride anion binds to the potassium cation. In the lungs, the resulting oxyhemoglobin binds a significant part of the potassium, as a result of which the chloride anion is displaced outside the erythrocyte and binds to the sodium cation released when carbon dioxide is removed. As a result, there is an active formation and retention in the body of the anion HCO 3 - (base) and the removal of carbonic acid.

It should be emphasized that the degree of oxygen binding to hemoglobin significantly depends on the shifts in the pH of the blood plasma: when it shifts to the acid side (acidosis, pH decreases), the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases and, accordingly, the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen decreases; when the pH shifts to the alkaline side (alkalosis, increases), an inverse relationship takes place: the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen and its saturation with oxygen increase. This pattern is called the Bohr effect.

Protein buffer system is of less importance for the maintenance of COR in blood plasma than other buffer systems. Proteins have buffering properties due to the presence of acid-base groups in the protein molecule: protein-H + (acid, proton donor) and protein- (conjugate base, proton acceptor). This blood plasma buffer system is effective in the pH range of 7.2-7.4.

Phosphate buffer system is a conjugated acid-base pair consisting of monosubstituted and disubstituted orthophosphate (NaH 2 PO 4: Na 2 HPO 4), in which the first component is an H + ion donor (acid), and the second is a proton acceptor (base). The buffering action of the phosphate system is based on the possibility of binding hydrogen and hydroxide ions. Organic phosphates also have buffer properties, but their power is weaker than inorganic phosphate buffer. The functioning of this buffer system is closely related to the involvement of the kidneys in the regulation of COR. Hydrogen ions are actively secreted into the urine by the tubular epithelium, and this process restores the physiological ratios in the phosphate buffer system and ensures the predominance of disubstituted sodium in the blood flowing from the kidneys. The excesses of hydrogen ions removed in this way constitute the so-called. titratable acidity of urine. Anions of strong acids are excreted together with the NH 4 + cation, which is formed from ammonia and hydrogen in the kidneys. This process is called ammoniogenesis and also aims to remove excess hydrogen ions. The renal regulation of COR thus includes the production and removal of ammonium ions, the secretion of hydrogen ions, as well as the conservation of bicarbonate anion (bicarbonate anions from primary urine are almost completely absorbed in the renal tubules).

Sensitive electrodes are used to study blood COR indicators. direct measurement pH and partial tension of carbon dioxide, as well as a micro-Astrup device and domestic devices AZIF, AKOR, which make it possible to determine the pH of capillary blood at various partial tensions of oxygen (PO 2) and carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (PCO 2). With the help of these devices and the corresponding Sigaard-Andersen nomograms, a number of parameters are determined that characterize the violations of the COR of the blood and the degree of their compensation.

blood pH (an indicator of the concentration of hydrogen ions). The boundaries of this indicator, compatible with life, are as follows: from 6.8 to 7.8. Normally, blood pH fluctuates within narrow limits: from 7.35 to 7.45; pH below 7.35 indicates a significant predominance of acidic metabolic products (acidosis); A pH above 7.45 indicates excessive base accumulation (alkalosis). In other biological fluids and in cells, the pH may have different values: for example, in erythrocytes, the pH is normally 7.19 ± 0.02. The indicator of hydrogen ions reflects only the general direction of changes in the COR of the blood, while the type of these disorders (respiratory or metabolic) can only be assessed on the basis of a set of the following indicators.

The partial tension of carbon dioxide in the blood (PCO 2) is normally 40 mm on average. rt. Art. (5.3 kPa). An increase in this parameter indicates respiratory acidosis associated with depression respiratory function lungs; this is often combined with a compensatory bicarbonate rise. A decrease in RCO 2 (and often a simultaneous compensatory fall in bicarbonates) indicates the presence of respiratory alkalosis, which is most often observed with hyperventilation of the lungs.

Buffer bases (BB) - a total indicator of the content of bicarbonate ions and anions of protein and hemoglobin. Physiological fluctuations of this indicator - from 31.8 to 65.0 mmol / l. Its definition reveals the degree of shift of the COR due to "metabolic" changes in the tissues.

Basis excess (BE) - a parameter indicating an excess of bases (positive values) or their deficit (negative values). Normally, the fluctuation limits of this indicator are as follows: from (3.26 ± 0.4 to -0.98 ± 0.2 mmol / l. An increase in BE indicates the development of metabolic alkalosis, and a decrease to negative values ​​\u200b\u200b(up to -20 mmol / l). k) - about the presence of metabolic acidosis.

Standard bicarbonates (SB) - the concentration of bicarbonates in blood plasma, balanced at RCO 2 equal to 40 mm Hg. Art., and at a partial tension of oxygen in the blood, providing full saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.

True or actual bicarbonates (AB) - an indicator corresponding to the concentration of bicarbonates in the blood taken without contact with air at a temperature of 38 ° C. In healthy individuals, the content of topical bicarbonates and standard bicarbonates (SB) is approximately identical and ranges from 18.5 to 26.0 mmol/l.

The partial tension of oxygen in the blood (RO 2) ranges normally from 90 to 100 mm Hg. Art. (12.0-13.3 kPa). Shifts in this indicator can be due to both changes in the respiratory function of the blood and disorders of tissue metabolism (in particular, tissue or histotoxic hypoxia).

The failure of the body's compensatory mechanisms to prevent shifts in the concentration of hydrogen ions leads to various violations KOR. Depending on the mechanisms of development of these disorders, respiratory acidosis (or alkalosis) and metabolic acidosis (or alkalosis) are distinguished.

Respiratory acidosis occurs due to hypoventilation of the lungs (with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, circulatory disorders with stagnation in the small circle, pulmonary edema, emphysema, atelectasis of the lungs, depression respiratory center under the influence of a number of toxins and drugs such as morphine, etc.). As a result, hypercapnia is observed, i.e. increased PCO 2 arterial blood; at the same time, the content of H 2 CO 3 in the blood plasma increases, which, in turn, leads to a compensatory increase in bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 -) in the plasma (the so-called alkaline reserve of blood increases). Simultaneously with a decrease in blood pH in respiratory acidosis, the excretion of free and bound (in the form of ammonium salts) acids with urine increases.

Respiratory alkalosis occurs with hyperventilation of the lungs (when inhaling pure oxygen, compensatory shortness of breath that accompanies a number of diseases, including neurotoxic syndrome, infectious viral conditions). At the same time, due to rapid elimination hypocapnia develops from the body of CO 2, i.e. decrease in RCO 2 in arterial blood (less than 35 mm Hg); a decrease in the content of carbonic acid in the arterial blood is accompanied by a decrease in bicarbonates in the blood plasma (the alkaline reserve of the blood decreases), since part of them is converted into carbonic acid compensatory. Although this mechanism is often insufficient to compensate for the decrease in the content of H 2 CO 3 . With respiratory alkalosis, there is a decrease in the acidity of urine and the content of ammonia in it.

Metabolic acidosis, the most common form of COR disorders, is due to accumulation in tissues and blood organic acids. It occurs with diabetes mellitus (an increase in ketone bodies - beta-hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids), malnutrition, starvation, fever, toxic conditions, renal glomerular insufficiency, cardiovascular insufficiency, hereditary and acquired forms of pyelonephritis, hypoaldosteronism, adrenogenital syndrome with loss salt, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, shock conditions. With metabolic acidosis, the acidity of urine and the content of ammonia in it are increased.

Metabolic alkalosis can develop as a result of loss of a large number acid equivalents (for example, this happens with indomitable vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders) and increased intake from the gastrointestinal tract of substances that have not been neutralized by acidic gastric juice and have basic properties, as well as with the accumulation of such agents in tissues (in particular, with tetany) and in cases of excessive and uncontrolled administration of alkaline solutions to correct metabolic acidosis. With metabolic alkalosis, the content of bicarbonate (HCO 3 -) in the plasma increases and, consequently, the alkaline reserve of the blood increases. As a compensation for metabolic alkalosis, one should consider the resulting hypercapnia as a result of a decrease in the excitability of the respiratory center under conditions of elevated pH and, accordingly, a decrease in the respiratory rate. This type of COR disorder is accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of urine and the content of ammonia in it.

In practice, isolated forms of respiratory or metabolic disorders of the COR are rare: most often they occur in combination. So, for example, mixed acidosis is the result of a change in both "metabolic" and "respiratory" indicators; such violations of the COR are often observed in bronchopulmonary pathology.

If the pH values ​​remain within the normal range for various changes in blood COR, such changes in COR can be considered compensated; if the pH value is outside the normal range, then COR violations can be either partially compensated or uncompensated (depending on the degree of pH deviation).

Without dwelling in detail on the issues of correction of disorders of the COR in the blood, it should be noted that alkaline solutions (sodium bicarbonate, trisamine, etc.) are used to neutralize acidotic shifts in the COR; on the contrary, solutions containing acidic valences (hydrochloric acid or salt, etc.). It is important that the correction of the COR should be carried out under strict control of changes in the indicators of acid-base balance.

Indicators of acid-base balance and gases in the blood are normal










mmHg Art. * kPa

36 - 43 4,8 - 5,7


mmHg Art. * kPa

90 - 100 12,0 - 13,3

Note. *- I mm Hg. Art. = 0.133 kPa

Any biological fluids of the human body, whether it be saliva, lymph, urine, as well as the most important medium - blood, are characterized by an indicator of acid-base balance.

Power Hydrogen, or, in short, pH is translated as "power of hydrogen" and in the everyday life of doctors is referred to as "hydrogen indicator", it means the ratio of acidic and alkaline elements in the liquid.

Blood pH has a huge impact on the state of all organs and systems of the body, so knowing the limits of its norm, methods of measurement and methods of regulation is an essential element for everyone who is responsible for their health.

The main thing about blood

Blood is liquid connective tissue, consisting of two fractions in a certain ratio - plasma and shaped elements(erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and others).

The ratios of these fractions are constantly changing, as are the constantly renewed blood cells that die, being excreted from the body. excretory system and give way to new ones.

The movement of blood through the vessels is controlled by heart rhythms, it does not stop for a second, since it is it that delivers vital oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues.

There are several main functions of blood:

  • Respiratory, which ensures the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to all organs, and the evacuation of carbon dioxide along the way back from the cells to the pulmonary alveoli;
  • Nutritious arranging delivery nutrients(hormones, enzymes, structural and microelements, etc.) to all body systems;
  • Regulatory, providing the message of hormones between organs;
  • Mechanical, which forms the turgor tension of the organs due to the blood flowing to them;
  • excretory, which ensures the transportation of spent substances to the excretory organs - the kidneys and lungs, for their further evacuation;
  • Thermoregulating, which maintains the body temperature optimal for the functioning of the organs;
  • Protective, providing a shield of cells from foreign agents;

The blood pH indicator forms the quality of the homeostatic function that regulates the acid-base balance and water-electrolyte balance of the body.

pH: what is it?

The concept of pH was first formulated in Denmark at the beginning of the 20th century. Physicists introduced the concept of the degree of acidity of a liquid, defining it on a scale from 0 to 14. For each human liquid environment, there is its own optimal indicator pH, including for blood.

A value of 7 on this scale indicates a neutral environment, values ​​​​less than this indicator indicate an acidic environment, large - alkaline. The concentration of active hydrogen particles in it makes the medium acidic or alkaline, which is why this indicator is also called hydrogen.

The pH of the blood, if a person has a normal metabolism, is stably within certain limits. In other cases, the balance of body systems is disturbed, which provokes health problems.

In order for the pH value to be stable, special buffer systems work in the body - liquids that provide the correct concentration of hydrogen ions.

They do this with the help of the liver, lungs and kidneys, which regulate the physiological mechanisms of compensation by the products of their activity: they increase the pH concentration or dilute it.

The body can function smoothly and smoothly only if the acid-base reaction of the most important body fluid is normal.

The main role in this interaction belongs to the lungs, since it is their structures that produce the overwhelming amount of acidic products that are excreted from the outside in the form of carbon dioxide, and affect the viability of the whole organism.

The kidneys play the role of binding and forming hydrogen particles when the released sodium ions and bicarbonate are returned to the blood. The liver, on the other hand, utilizes unnecessary acids that enter it from the body, which forces the acid-base balance to move towards alkalization.

Alkaline balance of various liquids

The level of pH constancy also depends on the digestive organs, which also do not stand aside, but actively influence the level of acidity by producing huge amount digestive juices that change the pH level.

Negative factors affecting the pH level are:

  • Bad ecology;
  • Bad habits;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Psycho-emotional stress;
  • Violations of the regime of work and rest.

pH norm and deviations

If a person is healthy, then his pH indicator is stable in the range of 7.35-7.45 units. The values ​​of this interval mean a weakly alkaline reaction of the blood.

You should know that the norms of the indicator for venous and arterial blood are different:

  • Venous blood: 7.32-7.42.
  • Arterial: 7.37-7.45.

Only with such values, the lungs, excretory, digestive and other systems work harmoniously, removing unnecessary substances from the body, including acids and bases, which maintain healthy acidity in the blood.

If there is an increased or low acidity, the doctor has the right to suspect the presence of chronic diseases, as they reflect serious violations in the work of the organism.

A decrease in the indicator below 7.35 indicates such a condition as "acidosis", and at pH values ​​​​more than 7.45, a diagnosis of "alkalosis" is made.

At the same time, a person feels various negative changes in health, changes in appearance occur, chronic diseases. Values ​​over 7.8 and below 7.0 are considered incompatible with life.

In case of deviations from the norm, it is first possible to identify problems in the organs most responsible for the acid-base balance:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lungs;
  • Liver;
  • Kidneys.

Acid-base balance different products

Blood pH analysis

When diagnosing many disorders, it will be necessary to determine the level of acidity in the blood. In this case, the doctor must find out the content of hydrogen ions and total acidity by taking arterial blood.

arterial blood is purer than venous, and the ratio of plasma and cell structures more constantly, so the study of it, and not the venous one, is more preferable.

An analysis of the level of acidity is performed by taking blood from the capillaries of the finger, that is, outside the body (in vitro). Subsequently, it is placed in glass pH electrodes and electrometric measurements are taken, counting hydrogen and carbon dioxide ions per unit volume of blood.

The interpretation of the values ​​​​is carried out by the attending physician, who, when making a verdict, must rely on data from other diagnostic studies.

In the vast majority of cases, an indicator of 7.4 indicates a slightly alkaline reaction and indicates normal acidity.

Based on the numerical values, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If the indicator is 7.4, this indicates a slightly alkaline reaction and that the acidity is normal.
  • If the pH is elevated (greater than 7.45) indicates that alkaline substances (bases) have accumulated in the body and the organs responsible for their evacuation cannot cope with this task.
  • If the pH is found to be below the lower limit of normal, then this indicates an acidification of the body, that is, acid is produced either more than necessary, or buffer systems cannot neutralize its excess.

Both alkalization and acidification, which persist for a long time, do not pass without a trace for the body.


The causes of metabolic alkalosis, in which the body is oversaturated with alkali, are:

  • Intense vomiting, in which a lot of acid and gastric juice is lost;
  • Oversaturation of the body with some vegetable or dairy products, leading to alkalization;
  • Nervous stress, overstrain;
  • Overweight;
  • Cardiovascular diseases occurring with shortness of breath.

Alkalosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Deterioration of digestion of food, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • The phenomena of toxicosis, since substances are poorly absorbed and remain in the blood;
  • Skin manifestations of an allergic nature;
  • Deterioration of the liver, kidneys;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The treatment shows the elimination of the causes of alkalization. Inhalation of mixtures containing carbon dioxide will help normalize acidity.

Effective for normalizing pH are also solutions of ammonium, calcium, potassium, insulin, prescribed by a doctor in therapeutic dosage. This treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician in a hospital setting.


Acidosis is a more common manifestation of metabolic disorders than alkalosis - human body more resistant to alkalization than to acidification.

Its mild form is usually asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during concomitant blood tests.

With a serious form of the disease, they manifest the following symptoms:

  • Rapid breathing;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Heartburn.

When in the body high level acidity, organs and tissues are deficient in nutrition and oxygen, which eventually leads to pathological conditions:

  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system
  • general weakness;
  • urinary system disorders;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • obesity;
  • Development of diabetes;
  • Decreased immunity.

The causes of persistent acidosis are:

  • Diabetes;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • Fright or shock, stressful condition;
  • Various diseases;
  • Alcoholism.

The tactics of treatment involves the elimination of the causes that caused acidification of the blood. With the phenomena of acidosis and with the pathology accompanying this condition, the patient needs plentiful drink and taking saline solution.

Measurement of blood pH yourself

The importance of acid-base balance to human health has led the medical industry to develop portable instruments that can measure pH at home.

Such a pH measuring device, offered in various variations by pharmacies and specialized medical equipment stores, is able to give an accurate result with minimal measurement errors.

Manipulation consists of puncturing the surface of the skin with the thinnest needle and taking a small amount of blood.

The electronic device built into the device instantly reacts and displays the result on the display. The procedure is quite simple and painless.

How to increase or decrease acidity through nutrition

By using proper organization nutrition, you can not only diversify the menu and make the diet more balanced, but also maintain the necessary pH level with them. Certain Products in the processes of assimilation, they contribute to an increase in alkalinity, and when using others, on the contrary, an increase in acidity occurs.

Foods that increase acidity:

If the diet is oversaturated with these products, then a person will inevitably begin to experience immune disorders, malfunctions of the digestive system,

This kind of power leads to failure. reproductive system for both men and women: for normal synthesis sperm cells need an alkaline environment, and when they move through the vagina of a woman with too high acidity, they die.

Products that promote alkalization of the blood:

When a person abuses animal fats, alcohol, coffee, sweets, while smoking and being stressed, the body undergoes “acidification”. The toxins formed in this case are not excreted from the body, but settle in the blood, joints, blood vessels, becoming provocateurs of diseases. Along with a complex of cleansing and healing procedures, doctors advise drinking alkaline mineral water regularly.

The high efficiency of mineral water lies in the fact that it not only normalizes the acid-base balance, but also beneficial action on the whole body - removes toxins, heals the stomach, improves blood structure and strengthens the immune system. Recommended dose: 3-4 glasses per day.

A pH value within the normal range is an indispensable condition for the healthy functioning of human organs and systems, since all tissues are extremely sensitive to its fluctuations and prolonged violations can lead to the most disastrous consequences. Every individual responsible for his health should check and control his acid-base balance from time to time.

Video - adequate nutrition. Acid-base regulation

When the substances are equal, the urine will have a neutral acidity.

Urine pH

In a child and in an adult, indicators in the range of 5-7 are considered the norm of urine acidity. When urine is constantly acidic (pH<5) или щелочная (рН>6) in the absence of obvious reasons for this, it is necessary diagnostic search. Determining the pH of urine involves clinical analysis.

The shift in the pH of urine to one side contributes to the formation of various salts in the sediment:

  • if the indicator is below 5.5, urate stones are formed;
  • with an indicator of 5.5 to 6.0 - oxalate stones;
  • if the pH is above 7.0, phosphate stones form.

These indicators are taken into account in urolithiasis.

Urinalysis for acidity during pregnancy

In women, the ph acidity of urine during pregnancy is necessarily determined. Normally, the ph value in the urine during pregnancy ranges from 4.5 to 8. An increased value indicates possible pathology kidney, parathyroid glands. A decrease means dehydration, a lack of potassium, or a high temperature.

You can determine the acid-base balance at home using pH strips, which are used for emergency diagnostics in pregnant women, for prescribing a diet, for monitoring the process of losing weight, etc. AT this case deciphering the result of the study does not require special knowledge.

It should be borne in mind that a urine test for acidity is evaluated only in conjunction with other laboratory indicators and symptoms. After all, acidity is the most variable indicator, which during the day can vary significantly in both men and women.

Appointment and conduct of the study

pH analysis of urine is prescribed for endocrine pathology, kidney disease, diuretic therapy. For laboratory research fresh urine is needed, which is not more than two hours. Before the analysis, you do not need to eat foods that increase or can reduce the acidity of urine. Do not take diuretics that increase the excretion of water from the body and affect chemical composition urine.

The price of the study depends on the chosen institution. The INVITRO laboratory guarantees a qualitatively performed analysis, as we have experienced employees and modern equipment, while its cost is quite acceptable.

  1. Urine is collected during the day: the first morning portion of urine is removed, all subsequent portions of urine allocated during the day, night and the morning portion of the next day are collected in one container, which is stored in the refrigerator (+4. +8 C) during the entire collection time (this is necessary condition, because at room temperature significantly reduced glucose levels.
  • Urolithiasis disease. The reaction of urine determines the possibility and nature of the formation of stones: uric acid stones are more often formed at a pH below 5.5, oxalate - at 5.5 - 6.0, phosphate - at pH 7.0 - 7.8.
  1. diet with high content fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits (vegetarian food);
  1. diet high in meat protein or cranberries;

Period of execution

(the specified period does not include the day of taking the biomaterial)

The pH of human blood is the norm in venous and arterial blood. Methods for determining at home

Any biological fluids of the human body, whether it be saliva, lymph, urine, as well as the most important medium - blood, are characterized by an indicator of acid-base balance.

Power Hydrogen, or, in short, pH is translated as "power of hydrogen" and in the everyday life of doctors is referred to as "hydrogen indicator", it means the ratio of acidic and alkaline elements in the liquid.

Blood pH has a huge impact on the state of all organs and systems of the body, so knowing the limits of its norm, methods of measurement and methods of regulation is an essential element for everyone who is responsible for their health.

The main thing about blood

Blood is a liquid connective tissue consisting of two fractions in a certain ratio - plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and others).

The ratios of these fractions are constantly changing, just as blood cells are constantly being renewed, which die off, being excreted from the body by the excretory system, and give way to new ones.

The movement of blood through the vessels is controlled by heart rhythms, it does not stop for a second, since it is it that delivers vital oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues.

There are several main functions of blood:

  • Respiratory, ensuring the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to all organs, and the evacuation of carbon dioxide along the way back from the cells to the pulmonary alveoli;
  • Nutritional, organizing the delivery of nutrients (hormones, enzymes, structural and microelements, etc.) to all body systems;
  • Regulatory, ensuring the communication of hormones between organs;
  • Mechanical, forming turgor tension of the organs due to the blood flowing to them;
  • Excretory, ensuring the transportation of spent substances to the excretory organs - the kidneys and lungs, for their further evacuation;
  • Thermoregulatory, maintaining the body temperature that is optimal for the functioning of the organs;
  • Protective, providing a barrier of cells from foreign agents;

The blood pH indicator forms the quality of the homeostatic function that regulates the acid-base balance and water-electrolyte balance of the body.

pH: what is it?

The concept of pH was first formulated in Denmark at the beginning of the 20th century. Physicists introduced the concept of the degree of acidity of a liquid, defining it on a scale from 0 to 14. For each human liquid medium, there is an optimal pH value, including for blood.

A value of 7 on this scale indicates a neutral environment, values ​​​​less than this indicator indicate an acidic environment, large - alkaline. The concentration of active hydrogen particles in it makes the medium acidic or alkaline, which is why this indicator is also called hydrogen.

The pH of the blood, if a person has a normal metabolism, is stably within certain limits. In other cases, the balance of body systems is disturbed, which provokes health problems.

In order for the pH value to be stable, special buffer systems work in the body - liquids that provide the correct concentration of hydrogen ions.

They do this with the help of the liver, lungs and kidneys, which regulate the physiological mechanisms of compensation by the products of their activity: they increase the pH concentration or dilute it.

The body can function smoothly and smoothly only if the acid-base reaction of the most important body fluid is normal.

The main role in this interaction belongs to the lungs, since it is their structures that produce the overwhelming amount of acidic products that are excreted from the outside in the form of carbon dioxide, and affect the viability of the whole organism.

The kidneys play the role of binding and forming hydrogen particles when the released sodium ions and bicarbonate are returned to the blood. The liver, on the other hand, utilizes unnecessary acids that enter it from the body, which forces the acid-base balance to move towards alkalization.

Alkaline balance of various liquids

The level of pH constancy also depends on the digestive organs, which also do not stand aside, but actively influence the level of acidity by producing a huge amount of digestive juices that change the pH level.

Negative factors affecting the pH level are:

  • Bad ecology;
  • Bad habits;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Psycho-emotional stress;
  • Violations of the regime of work and rest.

pH norm and deviations

If a person is healthy, then his pH indicator is stable in the range of 7.35-7.45 units. The values ​​of this interval mean a weakly alkaline reaction of the blood.

You should know that the norms of the indicator for venous and arterial blood are different:

Only with such values, the lungs, excretory, digestive and other systems work harmoniously, removing unnecessary substances from the body, including acids and bases, which maintain healthy acidity in the blood.

If increased or decreased acidity is detected, the doctor has the right to suspect the presence of chronic diseases, as they reflect serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

A decrease in the indicator below 7.35 indicates such a condition as "acidosis", and at pH values ​​​​more than 7.45, a diagnosis of "alkalosis" is made.

At the same time, a person feels various negative changes in health, changes in appearance occur, and chronic diseases appear. Values ​​over 7.8 and below 7.0 are considered incompatible with life.

In case of deviations from the norm, it is first possible to identify problems in the organs most responsible for the acid-base balance:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lungs;
  • Liver;
  • Kidneys.

Acid-base balance of different products to the content

Blood pH analysis

When diagnosing many disorders, it will be necessary to determine the level of acidity in the blood. In this case, the doctor must find out the content of hydrogen ions and total acidity by taking arterial blood.

Arterial blood is cleaner than venous blood, and the ratio of plasma and cellular structures in it is more constant, so the study of it, rather than venous blood, is more preferable.

An analysis of the level of acidity is performed by taking blood from the capillaries of the finger, that is, outside the body (in vitro). Subsequently, it is placed in glass pH electrodes and electrometric measurements are taken, counting hydrogen and carbon dioxide ions per unit volume of blood.

The interpretation of the values ​​​​is carried out by the attending physician, who, when making a verdict, must rely on data from other diagnostic studies.

In the vast majority of cases, an indicator of 7.4 indicates a slightly alkaline reaction and indicates normal acidity.

  • If the pH level is elevated (more than 7.45), it indicates that alkaline substances (bases) have accumulated in the body and the organs responsible for their evacuation cannot cope with this task.
  • If the pH is found below the lower limit of the norm, then this indicates an acidification of the body, that is, acid is produced either more than necessary, or buffer systems cannot neutralize its excess.

Both alkalization and acidification, which persist for a long time, do not pass without a trace for the body.


The causes of metabolic alkalosis, in which the body is oversaturated with alkali, are:

  • Intense vomiting, in which a lot of acid and gastric juice is lost;
  • Oversaturation of the body with some vegetable or dairy products, leading to alkalization;
  • Nervous stress, overstrain;
  • Overweight;
  • Cardiovascular diseases occurring with shortness of breath.

Alkalosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Deterioration of digestion of food, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • The phenomena of toxicosis, since substances are poorly absorbed and remain in the blood;
  • Skin manifestations of an allergic nature;
  • Deterioration of the liver, kidneys;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The treatment shows the elimination of the causes of alkalization. Inhalation of mixtures containing carbon dioxide will help normalize acidity.

Effective for normalizing pH are also solutions of ammonium, calcium, potassium, insulin, prescribed by a doctor in a therapeutic dosage. This treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician in a hospital setting.


Acidosis is a more frequent manifestation of metabolic disorders than alkalosis - the human body is more resistant to alkalization than to acidification.

Its mild form is usually asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during concomitant blood tests.

In a serious form of the disease, the following symptoms appear:

When the body has a high level of acidity, organs and tissues experience a lack of nutrition and oxygen, which eventually leads to pathological conditions:

  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system
  • general weakness;
  • urinary system disorders;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • obesity;
  • Development of diabetes;
  • Decreased immunity.

The causes of persistent acidosis are:

  • Diabetes;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • Fright or shock, stressful condition;
  • Various diseases;
  • Alcoholism.

The tactics of treatment involves the elimination of the causes that caused acidification of the blood. With the phenomena of acidosis and with the pathology accompanying this condition, the patient needs to drink plenty of water and take a soda solution.

Measurement of blood pH yourself

The importance of acid-base balance to human health has led the medical industry to develop portable instruments that can measure pH at home.

Such a pH measuring device, offered in various variations by pharmacies and specialized medical equipment stores, is able to give an accurate result with minimal measurement errors.

Manipulation consists of puncturing the surface of the skin with the thinnest needle and taking a small amount of blood.

The electronic device built into the device instantly reacts and displays the result on the display. The procedure is quite simple and painless.

However, with all the availability of self-diagnosis, the advantage of accurate measurement in the laboratory should not be neglected. medical institution and advice from a qualified physician.

How to increase or decrease acidity through nutrition

With the help of proper nutrition, you can not only diversify the menu and make the diet more balanced, but also maintain the necessary pH level with them. Certain foods in the process of assimilation contribute to an increase in alkalinity, and when using others, on the contrary, an increase in acidity occurs.

Foods that increase acidity:

  • Meat, fish and seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Sweets;
  • Bakery and pasta;
  • Beer;
  • Dairy products;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Cereals, legumes;
  • Salt;
  • Antibiotics.

If the diet is oversaturated with these products, then a person will inevitably begin to experience immune disorders, malfunctions of the digestive system,

Such nutrition leads to malfunctions of the reproductive system in both men and women: for normal synthesis, spermatozoa need an alkaline environment, and when they move through the vagina of a woman with too high acidity, they die.

Products that promote alkalization of the blood:

  • Citrus;
  • melons;
  • Celery;
  • Mango;
  • Papaya;
  • Grape;
  • Greens (parsley, spinach, celery, asparagus);
  • Fruits (pears, apples, apricots, bananas, avocados, peaches)
  • Absolutely all vegetable juices;
  • Ginger;
  • Garlic;
  • simple drinking and mineral water.

When a person abuses animal fats, alcohol, coffee, sweets, while smoking and being stressed, the body undergoes “acidification”. The toxins formed in this case are not excreted from the body, but settle in the blood, joints, blood vessels, becoming provocateurs of diseases. Along with a complex of cleansing and healing procedures, doctors advise drinking alkaline mineral water regularly.

The high efficiency of mineral water lies in the fact that it not only normalizes the acid-base balance, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body - removes toxins, heals the stomach, improves blood structure and strengthens the immune system. Recommended dose: 3-4 glasses per day.

A pH value within the normal range is an indispensable condition for the healthy functioning of human organs and systems, since all tissues are extremely sensitive to its fluctuations and prolonged violations can lead to the most disastrous consequences. Every individual responsible for his health should check and control his acid-base balance from time to time.

What does a blood test for ph show?

What is a ph blood test? This question is of interest to many patients. The PH level is an indicator of the state of health and immunity. In order to control the state of your health, you need to regularly do a blood test for ph.

Maintaining the acid-base balance in the body is very important. If it is violated, then the person begins to get sick more, grow old faster.

The diet should be rich in minerals and vitamins, must be present fresh fruits and vegetables, and you also need to try to avoid stress.

Only then will our body be young and healthy for a long time.

What is the ph level

Blood pH is considered normal if it does not exceed 7.35 to 7.45. For a healthy adult, the norm is approximately 7.42.

Level indicators are influenced by:

  • food quality;
  • bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • stressful situations;
  • bad ecology;
  • wrong daily routine.

All this leads to the fact that the PH level begins to decline.

If we cannot influence the level of ecology, then we can completely balance our diet. We should be careful about the products that we purchase in stores. Europeans have long understood that healthy food- this is a guarantee of normal well-being and a decent contribution to the family budget. After all quality treatment it costs expensive.

If the ph level of blood and other fluids begins to change, then the body tries to stabilize it. In particular, blood tests can have the following values:

  • arterial blood has a ph value of 7.35-7.45;
  • venous - 7.26-7.36;
  • lymph - 7.35-7.40;
  • in the analysis of urine - 6.4-6.5;
  • in saliva - 6.4-6.8;
  • intercellular fluid - 7.26-7.38;
  • intra-articular fluid - 7.3.

If there is no excess ph in the analysis of urine and blood, then your body is in perfect order. Acidity is primarily affected by foods that also have a certain level.

According to the ph level, foods can be acidic or alkaline.

Potatoes, vegetables rich in starch, fruits, pasteurized milk, sweet yoghurts, meat, fish, vegetable oil refined, sugar, flour products.

Oxidizing and alkaline include coffee, tea, cocoa, soda, store juice. Weak tea, herbal infusions are more useful. Of course, completely abandon acid products it won’t work, but it’s quite possible to maintain your diet.

What do the data in the analyzes mean?

Approximately 5-6 liters circulate in the body, which is approximately 6-8% of total mass person's weight. Only in this amount can blood support normal functions body. Blood density indicators are 1.060, which fully depends on the number of red blood cells. Plasma density is determined by proteins - 1.025-1.034.

Blood acidity, or KOS, measures the balance of hydrogen and hydroxide ions. Here great importance has a ph level. Its norm is 7.2-7.4. As we have already said, different blood has different level. Normal level acid-base balance is incredibly important.

Changes up or down, such as below 7 or above 7.85, are considered life-threatening.

If the acidity in the blood is increased

Increased acidity of the blood means a condition doctors call acidosis. Similar condition very familiar to athletes who are addicted to anabolics and drugs to increase muscle mass. As you know, different amino acids and proteins are used for this. Trying to achieve a serious increase in muscle mass, many athletes are addicted to proteins. This leads to the fact that there is a violation of the acid balance in the body.

A condition where the acidity in the blood and urine exceeds allowable level, is dangerous to the body. If too much protein accumulates in the body, then their breakdown begins. The condition is dangerous because at an early stage, acidosis is practically not manifested.

However, you may notice the following signs:

Trying to restore balance, the body begins to get rid of muscle tissue, which the athlete tried to increase. Thus, it is she who decreases in the first place. Modern research has proven that the consequences of acidosis can be dangerous:

And that's not all. If the acidity level is less than seven, then this can even lead to a coma.

From this we can conclude how important it is to monitor your health, nutrition, lifestyle. It is necessary to regularly conduct an examination of the body in order to timely identify and eliminate any negative manifestations.

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pH (power Hydrogen, acidity indicator)

Test material: See description

The hydrogen index is one of the components of the total acid-base composition of the blood and is characterized by the amount of free hydrogen ions in the blood serum.

Reference values ​​- norm

(pH (power Hydrogen, acidity indicator))

Information regarding the reference values ​​of the indicators, as well as the very composition of the indicators included in the analysis, may differ slightly depending on the laboratory!

For newborns -

For adults, there are separate norms for arterial and venous blood


There are no warnings for the procedure.

Ph blood (acid-base balance)

One of the indicators of health is the acid-base balance (ph). The more acidic the environment of the body, the faster the aging process occurs and the more often the overall functioning of systems and organs is disrupted. Each liquid has its own ph level and human blood is no exception. All life processes in the aquatic environment are accompanied by a certain number of hydrogen atoms, and depending on the lack or excess of hydrogen atoms, the balance of acid and alkali is disturbed.

Balanced blood acidity ensures proper functioning metabolic processes body, helping it to cope with diseases and factors of premature aging.

To determine the pH of the blood, it is necessary to pass an analysis that reveals the index of alkaline and acidic components. This indicator has an extremely narrow range of norms, and even its insignificant fluctuations can cause serious condition person.

Analysis of the acid-base balance of blood

The acid-base balance in the blood is maintained by the organized work of the kidneys, liver and lungs, which cleanse the body of most harmful compounds and toxins, thereby ensuring a stable level of hydrogen ions in the blood. Laboratory analysis will help determine the acidity of arterial and venous blood. His data will show the index of acidic and alkaline components, and any deviations from the reference values ​​​​will require the close attention of doctors.

Reference values ​​of the acid-base balance of the blood:

In newborns, the acidity index is slightly lower - 7.21-7.38.

Changes in the acid-base state of the blood will be assessed by the severity of:

Conditions in which blood acidity is above 7.8 or below 6.8 are recognized as incompatible with life.

It is also possible to check the acid-base state of the blood, in addition to laboratory analysis, on your own. To do this, you need to buy a special device, use it to pierce an artery and the results of the study will be displayed on the screen. Of course, laboratory analysis will be the most accurate and effective, but in case of emergency, the study can be carried out at home.

The numerical values ​​of the analysis show:

  • an indicator equal to 7.4 means that the acid-base balance of the blood is normal;
  • if the blood ph is higher than the reference values, this indicates an alkaline environment of the blood and is called alkalosis;
  • if the ph is below the reference values, this indicates an increased acidity of the blood and is called acidosis.

If the pH of the blood is elevated

Alkalosis is a rare disease in which the blood accumulates alkaline substances or the body loses too much acid. Such a loss can occur, for example, with prolonged vomiting, and also if some factors affect the ability of the kidneys to regulate acid balance.

Alkalinization of blood occurs for a number of reasons:

  • when consuming a large amount of products containing alkaline compounds (dairy products, green tea, mineral water without gas, etc.);
  • in the severe stage of obesity;
  • against the background of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • in case of severe nervous strain;
  • at rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • against the background of the use of drugs that increase the amount of alkali.
  • general loss of strength;
  • headaches;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration in memory and concentration;
  • dizziness.

Treatment of alkalization of the blood is a complex application medicines. If the cause of alkalosis has been identified, then it is eliminated.

If the pH of the blood is low

Acidosis happens much more often than alkalosis, since the human body is more prone to "acidification" of the blood. What does acidity mean? This is a condition in which the blood is acidic due to the difficulty in removing certain organic acids from the body. When the human body functions smoothly, these acids are excreted without hindrance, but in some diseases or special conditions, body dysfunction occurs, which provokes acidosis.

Increased acidity of the blood can occur for reasons:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • with diseases of the urinary system;
  • in a situation of prolonged starvation;
  • with diabetes;
  • in a situation of circulatory failure;
  • after fever;
  • in case of poisoning or loss of appetite;
  • when oxygen starvation with heart failure or in a state of shock;
  • after alcohol abuse;
  • during pregnancy.

malnutrition and sedentary image life significantly increase the likelihood of acidosis. Light form hyperacidity is almost asymptomatic, and in the case of a pronounced decrease in the ph index, the following manifestations are observed:

  • increased frequency and depth of breathing;
  • malfunctions in the work of the heart in the form of arrhythmia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • dizziness.

The initial manifestations of acidification of the blood can be prevented by healthy eating and drinking enough water, and moderate physical activity can help. In the case of severe and severe forms of acidosis, treatment occurs by eliminating the causes that caused it. That is, first of all, therapy is aimed at the underlying disease, for example, diabetes mellitus or diarrhea, and the normalization of the acid balance is carried out by administering special injections to the patient or by ingesting a solution of baking soda.

It is worth giving up excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcoholic beverages and caffeine, as well as the following factors can affect acidity:

  • regular stress;
  • smoking;
  • bad ecology;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • poor water quality.

And due to the fact that some factors of ph imbalance cannot be avoided, it is worth regularly analyzing the acid-base state of the blood.

blood pH and methods for its determination

Acid-base balance is important indicator any biological fluid organism. As for the blood, the ratio of acidic and alkaline components in it should normally be within very narrow limits, and even a slight deviation can lead to a serious condition. The acid-base balance is determined by the pH indicator, which is also called hydrogen. pH stands for power Hydrogen, which means "power of hydrogen".


Blood pH should be within the following limits:

Conditions in which pH values ​​are below 6.8 or above 7.8 are not compatible with life.

O normal functioning the body says a stable amount of hydrogen ions. The pH level is normal if a person's lungs, liver, kidneys work smoothly, which remove harmful elements, maintaining the desired acidity.

Some violations in the body may indicate a violation of the acid-base balance:

This is manifested by the development of chronic diseases and deterioration in appearance.

How to pass the analysis

An analysis of the pH of the blood may be needed for some disorders in the body. During the study, the level of hydrogen content and total acidity is determined. Most reliable result obtained by donating arterial blood, which is considered cleaner and the number of blood cells contained in it is more constant.

For analysis, blood is taken from the capillaries. The pH level is determined in the laboratory by electrometric method. Measurements are taken with glass pH electrodes. The number of hydrogen ions and the content of carbon dioxide in the blood are counted.

Deciphering the analysis

The interpretation of the received data should be carried out by a medical specialist.

Based on the numerical values, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If the indicator is 7.4, this indicates a slightly alkaline reaction and that the acidity is normal.
  • A condition in which the pH level is above normal is associated with the accumulation of alkaline substances and is called alkalosis.
  • If the indicator is below normal, this indicates an increase in acidity, and this condition is called acidosis (acidic blood).

Causes of alkalosis

Alkalosis can develop for the following reasons:

  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with psycho-emotional stress;
  • after prolonged vomiting, in which a lot of the acid contained in the gastric juice is lost;
  • with obesity;
  • if the diet contains a lot of dairy foods and some fruits and vegetables.

When blood is alkalized, metabolism is disturbed, food digestion worsens, minerals are poorly absorbed, into the blood from digestive tract toxins enter. For these reasons, the following pathologies can develop:

Existing chronic diseases begin to constantly worsen and progress.


Acidosis is more common than alkalosis. We can say that the body is more resistant to alkalization than to acidification.

Alcoholism often leads to acidosis. Acidic blood can also be a complication of diabetes.

Increased acidity of the blood does not manifest itself in any way if the deviations from the norm are insignificant. In more severe cases the following symptoms are observed:

  • nausea;
  • constant heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • lack of oxygen and breathing problems;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • symptoms of diabetes.

With an increase in acidity, insufficient oxygen and nutrition enter the tissues and organs. There is a deficit important elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and this leads to pathological conditions:

  • general weakness;
  • tumor processes;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • fragility of bones;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • joint pain;
  • decrease in immune defense.

How to determine at home

You can check the pH level yourself. To do this, you need to buy a special drug in a pharmacy. electronic device, which will make a puncture, take the required amount of blood, analyze the data obtained using a microprocessor and display a digital result. But it is better to contact the laboratory of a medical institution for analysis, where more accurate results will be obtained and a competent interpretation will be given.

What else affects pH

Acidity can change for the following reasons:

  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • emotional stress;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • wrong mode of work and rest.


Blood acidity is an important indicator of health, which should always be within the normal range. Body tissues are very sensitive to slight fluctuations in pH. Deviations of only 0.1 lead to the destruction of cells, the loss of the ability of enzymes to perform their functions. Such changes can lead to the development of irreversible pathologies and even death. With a deviation from the norm by 0.2, coma occurs, by 0.3 - death. Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to maintain an acid-base balance in the body.

Why is blood never tested for acidity and alkalinity when taking blood tests? This is the first. Why do not any pharmacy sell litmus test strips? How can we be sick and elderly, and even young?

So that you get sick and they can sell drugs to you and make money. This is business.

because healthy pensioner like a bone in the throat of an official.

“Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to maintain an acid-base balance in the body.”

Priceless advice. Would also like to know how to do it.

I donated blood for analysis in Finland, it was tested for 26 indicators, the pH of the blood is also indicated, I now have 6.5. This seems to be below the norm, slightly higher than slightly acidic, but 7.43 should be.

Values ​​over 7.8 and below 7.0 are considered incompatible with life.

Blood is an important component of the body. It moves throughout the body and delivers oxygen to tissues and organs. Coming out with harmful substances in the process of metabolism, so it is updated regularly. Blood PH analysis is important, but it should be taken only as prescribed by doctors.

Everyone has blood in the body, but many do not know what it is for and what its main functions are. Blood is needed to provide normal exchange substances and oxygen supply of organs, but this is not the limit of its functions. To avoid serious illnesses and their consequences for health, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the functions of the blood, since it plays a large role in the life of the body. Blood functions:

  • supplies organs and cells with oxygen, transports enzymes, vitamins and important hormones;
  • helps transport oxygen and carbon dioxide, controls the respiratory process of the whole body;
  • helps to keep a stable body temperature, regulate the process of metabolism and the absorption of hormones;
  • The main components of blood are leukocytes, which help fight diseases and viruses that have entered the body.
What are the factors and internal systems organisms are responsible for regulating and maintaining the acid-base level

What is blood pH?

Those who were assigned to take the test are interested in the question, what is the pH of the blood and why is the study needed? Blood pH is a value that helps determine the acidity of the blood and its volume, since in some pathologies these indicators deviate from the norm. If the value has changes, then this indicates a metabolic disorder and dysfunctions in the circulatory system.

Acid-base balance is the main indicator of the functioning of the immune system and the state of human health. Violations threaten to weaken the immune system, as a result of which diseases more intensely overcome a person. Because of this, aging and oppression of the body occurs faster. If deviations are not detected in time and treatment is not taken, then they threaten to fall. immune status, immune system will weaken, and diseases will disturb more intensively.

The main indicator of the analysis is the balance of acidity and the rate of hydrogen in human blood.

The level of fluctuations in blood acidity and nutrition to normalize the state of CB

Normal test scores

Norm indicators are not divided by sex and age, for each person they are the same. The values ​​differ for arterial and venous blood:

  • The pH rate for venous blood is 7.30-7.43.
  • The normal pH of arterial blood is 7.36-7.45.

Deviations are considered pH values ​​above 7.9 and below 6.9. In such cases, the values ​​indicate pathological processes developing in the body. The balance of CLB can be disturbed as a result of diseases that disrupt the functioning of the bloodstream and organs. In order to determine in time if there are any deviations, it is necessary to visit a doctor and take tests recommended by a specialist for diagnosis.

List of foods that affect alkaline and acid state blood

Negative test results

The results may be negative different reasons and many factors can influence this. If the deviations are higher or lower than normal, this indicates the onset of diseases, for example: acidosis.

The following symptoms may indicate that pathology is developing:

  • sharp rise blood glucose levels and a decrease in hemoglobin (depending on which disease and how actively it progresses);
  • there is a feeling of suffocation, lack of air, shortness of breath (loss of strength is associated with a decrease in the level of red blood cells due to illness).
  • weakness, nausea and vomiting, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, and so on).
  • state of shock, depression or stress for no reason.

With poor indications, blood can be oxidized, and this threatens with serious consequences and development dangerous diseases and pathologies that are difficult to cure.

Symptoms of oxidation may begin to appear from readings below 7.3, so you need to take a pH test on time.

In the analysis, the indicators of the balance of CBF can decrease or increase for the following reasons:

  • development diabetes, since it lacks insulin, and because of this, the indicators decrease;
  • oncological diseases, in which the level of red blood cells decreases and the tumor grows;
  • problems with overweight or dystrophy;
  • weak immunity, which is destroyed by diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and their improper functioning, which may be due to the development of concomitant diseases in the body.

Therefore, a blood test for pH can show disappointing results. The results of the study can determine the development of pathologies in advance. To determine the specific type of disease, the specialist will prescribe a number of additional diagnostic tests.

pH blood testcarried out to patients in the process of complex and preventive diagnostics, it is necessary to take it once a year in order to determine in time the likelihood of damage to the body by pathologies.

Arterial blood allows accurate diagnosis of pathologies

Preparation for testing

For the procedure to be successful and the results to be accurate, you must follow the recommendations for preparation. To donate blood for pH, you must:

  • do not eat food 6-7 hours before biomaterial sampling, as this may affect the accuracy of the result;
  • eliminate from the diet junk food, alcohol, narcotic substances and chemical nitrate supplements 2-3 days before the study;
  • do not use medications and antibiotics without a doctor's prescription the day before the analysis.

It is recommended to take a blood pH test if it is prescribed by your doctor. The advantage of the study is safety for children and adults, the accuracy of the results, subject to the preparation rules, is high. The probability of an erroneous conclusion is minimal.

You can learn about why it is important to monitor the level of acidity in the blood, and what the deviation from the norm is fraught with, you can find out from the video:


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