Basic principles of nutrition in urolithiasis: a diet to prevent the disease. Features of the diet for urolithiasis in men. Nutritionist advice

The diet for urolithiasis occupies one of the main places in therapy; adherence to the diet prescribed by specialists is of great importance for the successful treatment of the disease.

General principles and effectiveness

The choice of food for a patient with urolithiasis does not depend on the location of the deposits, but is completely determined by the type of stones identified as a result of the diagnosis. The regimen of food intake, taking into account the violations of metabolic processes that provoked the formation of stones, is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis and the results of the analysis.

Building a diet for urolithiasis in men and women occurs according to certain general principles. The main general principles are:

  • Sufficient volume of liquid consumed during the day. It is recommended that the patient drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
  • Balanced diet. When compiling a diet for a patient, the doctor takes into account the presence of concomitant pathologies of the digestive tract.

The purpose of the diet is to provide a gentle mode of operation for the kidneys, which will help to remove various metabolic products from the body.

With urolithiasis problems with the kidneys, you can drink mineral water. But what mineral water to drink? The choice of water composition depends on the type of stones found. With certain pathologies of the kidneys, you can drink kvass. If oxalate or urate formations are detected, then the use of kvass will need to be limited. The result of the preparation of the diet is a scheme of special therapeutic nutrition - a dietary table.

What foods can you eat

Diet for urolithiasis is one of the areas of therapy and prevention of the disease. It is important to know what you can eat and what is absolutely impossible with urolithiasis.

To prevent and treat the disease, vegetable dishes are used in the diet. It is recommended to use according to a certain scheme:

  • Cereals and cereals;
  • Decoctions of garlic;
  • Dried apricots, raisins, watermelons, grapes, cherries, oranges, plums, apricots, blackberries, honey;
  • Herbal tea.

What the patient can eat in each specific variant of the manifestation of the disease is determined by the attending physician. It is recommended to eat in small portions, but often.

Therapeutic dietary nutrition must be observed for a long time until complete recovery, and in the chronic form of the pathology - for life.

What not to do with urolithiasis

Choosing a diet and diet for kidney stones should be based on the chemical composition of the deposits formed.

You can not use carbonated water, smoked meats, spicy food, conservation, you should reduce the use of salt. Do not recommend, there are sausages. During an exacerbation of kidney stones, you can not drink hibiscus. It is necessary to completely exclude food that negatively affects the urinary tract.

If, with one type of calculus, experts recommend eating a certain product, then with another, it is strictly forbidden.

The preparation of a diet for urolithiasis in women and men should be aimed at eliminating from it products that contribute to the deposition of stones in the organ.

With urolithiasis, great attention is paid to changing eating habits, because the breakdown products of food pass through the urinary system. The diet, which is compiled for the patient by specialists in urolithiasis, is an important part of therapy.

In addition to the fact that there are general recommendations on diet and diet, an individual diet in the presence of kidney stones is agreed with the doctor for each individual patient. Allowed and prohibited products for different types of stones are different.


Based on the results of urine tests, a diagnosis of uraturia is possible. Urate nephrolithiasis has its own dietary program.

The basis of the diet for this type of urolithiasis is:

  • Increasing the daily calorie intake;
  • Frequent eating in small portions (about 5 times a day);
  • Inclusion of days of unloading.

The diet against urates includes vegetables, adds milk, buckwheat, wheat porridge to the diet. Well help in the treatment of nephrolithiasis pathology watermelons. It is necessary to diversify food with citrus fruits, eggs (proteins), honey. You can use sweet berries and fruits, tea with lemon.

During the period of dietary measures against urate stones, it is not recommended to use:

  • Meat by-products;
  • Various broths;
  • fish dishes;
  • Smoked and salty foods;
  • Apples, other sour fruits;
  • legumes;
  • beans;
  • Greens;
  • flour;
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • Chocolate
  • Sweet.

Limiting the intake of daily salt intake is necessary.

Doctors usually during the period of treatment of urolithic pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of stones - urates, are offered diet number 6.

oxalate stones

Oxalates are formed from salts of oxalic acid. The diet for urolithiasis, accompanied by the formation of oxalates, involves the use of drinks and foods that contribute to a change in the pH of urine.

Dietary diet for oxalate stones:

  • Plentiful drink;
  • Fractional nutrition in small portions;
  • Exclusion of products containing oxalic acid;
  • Drinking juices to remove acid from the body;
  • Entering food rich in B vitamins;
  • Limiting salt intake.

With oxalate deposits in the kidneys, it is usually recommended to follow a diet alternation scheme. Such schemes are developed by specialists.


Phosphates require acidification of the urine. The diet should be directed to the prevention of salt deposits and the removal of accumulated stones from the body.

The basis of the diet of patients suffering from urolithiasis with a predominance of phosphate calculi consists of black and white bread; muffins, meat of various varieties, pasta, fish dishes.

The diet, which is included in the treatment regimen for a disease with phosphates, requires the elimination of the use of smoked meats, marinades, dairy products, and cheeses.

Prevention of stone formation

The urine of a healthy person contains a lot of substances that are in a soluble form. If the balance in metabolism is disturbed, precipitation may occur in the urine, and stones may form in the organs and systems of the body. The development of pathology does not depend on the age of the person, and therefore an important role is given to the prevention of the formation of deposits. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of the disease both for people who are at risk, but do not yet have deposits in the kidneys, and for those who have already developed kidney stones.

Proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake is the main preventive measure to reduce the likelihood of deposits in organs. The diet excludes spicy, fatty foods and salty foods. A healthy, balanced diet is aimed at strengthening the body's immunity. The diet with a predisposition to urolithiasis for preventive purposes depends on the type of stones formed. Its coordination with the attending physician is necessary in order to effectively prevent the appearance and growth of deposits.

Today we offer to discuss with you the principles of the diet for urolithiasis. But let's first understand what kind of disease it is. In medical circles, this disease is referred to as urolithiasis. It is very important to note that the disease is quite serious, it is associated with metabolic disorders.

There are a lot of signs of the disease, but the most characteristic of them is the formation of calculi (in other words, stones). They can form in any organs of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra).

What is the provocateur of the formation of stones? First of all, the increased acidity of urine. But it does not appear in a vacuum either. The acidity of urine increases with improper nutrition (if you eat a lot of spicy, salty, fried foods, drink plenty of water with calcium salts). That is why doctors recommend strictly following the prescribed diet, but do not forget about drug therapy. You can read about the benefits of a diet for urolithiasis in the first section of our article. In addition, examples of menus for specific cases will be given below.

Why is a diet necessary?

Diet is extremely important for the patient, in addition, it should be followed all his life (if stones were found at least once) in order to prevent relapse. Diet in urolithiasis reduces the number of factors that lead to the formation of stones.

Do not be afraid of the very word "diet", this is not a sentence. Let us turn to the roots of the formation of this term. If translated from Greek, then a diet is a way of life. Compliance with this diet does not mean at all that you can no longer take harmful foods into your mouth! You can eat everything in moderation, but do not abuse it.

As mentioned earlier, the main indicator of the disease is the appearance of stones (that is, solid formations) in the urinary system. They have their own classification. It is customary to distinguish three groups of stones. Based on this indicator, the doctor will prescribe a diet for you. For example, if we are talking about phosphate stones, then it should be understood that it is necessary to take foods rich in acids, that is, to smooth out the alkaline environment. We observe the opposite phenomenon in the formation of oxalates or urates, which are formed in an acidic environment. These formations are more solid, and the diet will be aimed at alkalizing the acidic environment.

Diet principles

Now briefly about what rules the diet for urolithiasis is based on. These include:

  • restriction from food products that contribute to the formation of sediments and stones in the urinary tract;
  • adjustment of the reaction of urine for resorption of salt precipitation;
  • drink plenty of water, which helps to remove precipitation.

Treatment of urolithiasis with a diet, which we are talking about in this article, is prescribed to patients to provide gentle nutrition regarding the kidneys. Products that are allowed for consumption remove metabolic products.

From the diet should be eliminated:

  • purines;
  • oxalic acid;
  • salt.

For a faster result, you need to consume more fluids and foods that lead to alkalization (we are talking about vegetables and dairy products).

It is worth not completely eliminating, but limiting the intake of proteins and fats. It is recommended to boil meat, poultry and fish. The thing is that when cooking, the main part of the harmful purines in this case remains in the broth. Thus, you can not eat broths (both fish and meat).

Only after cooking, fish, poultry or meat can be used in the preparation of various dishes. You can fry, stew and bake them. Consider combining meat and fish together (it turns out quite satisfying and tasty). The amount of meat per meal should not exceed one hundred and fifty grams, and fish - one hundred and seventy. Dishes containing these products can be introduced into the diet no more than three times a week.

It is worth eating five times a day. But it is recommended to replace the usual afternoon snack with rosehip broth.

What to eat and what not to eat

For your convenience, this section will contain only one table that will tell you about allowed and prohibited products.

Products Allowed Forbidden
Flour products and bread Wheat or rye bread. Baking from the first and second grade wheat and rye flour Butter dough
Soup Vegetarian options: borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable with cereals, cold varieties of vegetarian soups, milky fruit

Soup prepared on the basis of broth (meat, fish, mushroom or poultry). Soup additions: sorrel, spinach, legumes

Meat, poultry and fish

Meat, poultry - 150 grams (one dose), fish - 170 grams (one dose). Before cooking, be sure to boil. It is possible to combine fish and meat in the same quantities

Sausage, kidneys, liver, brain, tongue, smoked meats, fish and caviar, salted fish


Milk, dairy products, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese.

Salted cheese

Cooking method - any, quantity - 1 piece per day, options - chicken and quail

Groats All grains in moderation Legumes
Vegetables Raw and cooked options in increased quantities

Mushrooms, legumes, spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, cauliflower, purslane, salted and pickled vegetables


Salads from vegetables (fresh, pickled), fruits, squash and eggplant caviar

Salinity, smoked products, canned food, fish caviar


Fruits and berries, dried fruits, milk cream, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, candies without chocolate, jam, honey

Chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, cranberries

Spices, sauces

Sauces on vegetable broths, tomato, sour cream, milk. Citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf, dill, parsley

Sauces based on broth (poultry, fish, meat, mushrooms). Pepper, mustard, horseradish


Tea with lemon, milk, weak coffee with milk, juices from fruits and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juice, kvass, rosehip decoction, wheat bran or dried fruits

Cocoa, strong tea and coffee.

Various types of stones

The diet for kidney stones may vary slightly, depending on the type of stone. We will consider the classification according to the content of the elements. So all the stones are usually divided into 4 groups:

  • phosphates and oxalates (inorganic salts, the most common form);
  • magnesium infectious (formed as a result of deviations in the work of the urinary tract, an infection gets into the excess fluid);
  • urates (excessive excretion of uric acid, disruption of the digestive system);
  • cystine and xanthine (they are extremely rare, and the reason for their appearance is pathology, genetic disorders or heredity).

oxalate stones

The following foods should not be included in the diet menu for urolithiasis:

  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • jelly;
  • broths;
  • offal;
  • fried potatoes;
  • citrus;
  • radish;
  • Brussels sprouts and red cabbage;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley;
  • peppers;
  • rhubarb;
  • leaf salad;
  • sorrel;
  • beans;
  • celery;
  • Red currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • plum;
  • cranberry;
  • coffee;
  • kvass;
  • cocoa;
  • tomato juice.

Allowed products:

  • cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage);
  • soups (fruit, vegetable);
  • bread;
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • juices (berry, fruit);
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • watermelon;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • cucumber;
  • turnip.

Allowed herbs:

  • immortelle;
  • barberry;
  • black elder;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • heather;
  • sweet clover;
  • motherwort;
  • peppermint;
  • hernia and so on.

Sample menu for 1 day with oxalate stones

What diet for urolithiasis (oxalate stones) is necessary, we figured it out. Now let's move on to compiling an approximate menu for the day. There should be five meals in total:

  • two breakfasts;
  • dinner;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon tea.

First breakfast. Cottage cheese (preferably home-made) with sour cream and sugar, a decoction of currant leaves (preferably black).

Lunch. Tea (weakly brewed), one baked apple.

Dinner. Lenten soup on vegetable broth, boiled chicken with milk sauce, rice and compote (preferably from dried fruits).

Dinner. Boiled fish, boiled potatoes (you can puree), cheesecake, weak tea.

afternoon tea. Kefir or rosehip decoction.

urate stones

The diet for urolithiasis in men and women is practically the same, the recommendations of the attending physician are the same for everyone. With urate stones, there is the following list of prohibited foods:

  • canned food;
  • offal;
  • salinity;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • broths (except vegetable);
  • jelly;
  • pate;
  • liverwurst;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • beans;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • asparagus;
  • celery;
  • cauliflower;
  • grapefruit.
  • bread;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • curd products;
  • cheeses;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • oil;
  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • greens;
  • cucumber;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • White cabbage;
  • lemon.

For the fastest removal of stones, you need to drink plenty of fluids (up to three liters).

Sample menu for 1 day with urate stones

In men, the diet menu for urolithiasis (urate stones) looks something like this:

  • breakfast number 1 - vegetable salad, boiled egg, tea;
  • breakfast number 2 - a decoction made from wild rose;
  • lunch - lean borsch, fried cutlets (meat must be boiled before scrolling), boiled potatoes, jelly;
  • dinner - lazy dumplings with sour cream, tea;
  • afternoon snack - kefir.

Phosphate stones

Now about the diet for exacerbation of urolithiasis (phosphate stones). Pay attention to foods that increase the acidity of urine:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • flour products;
  • cereals;
  • bread (exception - rich rolls);
  • soup (on a weak broth);
  • pasta;
  • legumes;
  • asparagus;
  • mushrooms;
  • herring;
  • caviar;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • cowberry.

Limit, but don't completely eliminate:

  • vegetable, fruit dishes;
  • berries;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • oil (butter and vegetable).

Completely exclude:

  • spicy foods;
  • spices.

Sample menu for 1 day with phosphate stones

Sample diet menu for urolithiasis in women and men (phosphate stones):

  • before the first breakfast - a decoction made from wild rose;
  • first breakfast - porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and so on), soaked herring, tea;
  • second breakfast - wheat bran;
  • lunch - chicken broth soup, rice, fried chicken, jelly;
  • dinner - scrambled eggs, green peas, fried fish, tea;
  • afternoon snack - rosehip broth.

Mineral water

The therapeutic diet for urolithiasis includes a mandatory If you have kidney stones, then your doctor will probably advise you to use mineral waters.

For different stones, its different types are used:

  • uric acid diuresis - "Essentuki" No. 4, 17, "Borjomi";
  • oxalate stones - "Essentuki" No. 20, "Sairme";
  • phosphate stones - "Narzan", "Arzni".

Yes, and ordinary water helps to increase diuresis, so that stones are washed out with urine or move to the bladder. In addition, studies have shown that other liquids also contribute to the washing out of stones, since they are 99% water:

  • decoctions;
  • compote and so on.


As for the diet for urolithiasis in men and women, you should pay attention to the use of alcoholic beverages. There is a myth that alcohol contributes to the formation of stones. Allegedly, dehydration of the body occurs, the consequence of which is urolithiasis. Most of all, this myth affected beer and white wine. Studies have been conducted that have revealed that these drinks act in the opposite way, that is, reduce the risk of illness. But do not immediately grab a glass, because alcoholic beverages carry a number of other health hazards.

Reasoning about the rules of healthy eating does not excite you exactly until the moment when your bad food habits begin to affect your health. And immediately conclusions like - life is one, and you need to eat whatever you want - lose their relevance. Only because this one life, junk food begins to complicate. From the love of spicy, sweet and salty, the kidneys are the first to suffer. And they collect urate and phosphate elements on themselves, first forming sand, and then stones. Ultrasound of the kidneys confirms the presence of stones in the kidneys, and you are forced to look for a way out. You don't want to live with constant back pain. A diet for kidney stones is a good way out. If it is organized rationally, some types of stones that have settled in the kidneys can soon be forgotten.

With stones - oxalates, unlike phosphate-urates, treatment must be carried out constantly. And the food will have to be adjusted constantly. The therapeutic diet for women with ICD does not have significant differences from the male one, so we will consider how the therapeutic diet is properly built depending on the type of calculus.

We will talk about urate stones. They love urate stones of all people - both men and women, and even children. In order for them to form, the reaction of urine must be acidic. And make it such spicy seasonings, meat products, smoked meats, chocolates and sour fruits. Often, urate stones are found in women with a sweet tooth who cannot imagine existence without chocolate desserts. In children, urate sand can appear if parents offer him too much cocoa, again, chocolate, as well as a plentiful meat diet.

Most men are meat eaters by nature. Everyone loves - and sausage, and sausages, and lard, and smoked meats. Others supplement the diet with beer or something stronger. Meat-eaters, for the most part, are full, good-natured people, often well acquainted not only with uraturia, but also with gout, a disease associated with impaired purine metabolism.

Purine metabolism disorders in the ICD - 10 are classified under the symbols E79.0 - E79.9. There are many of them, and they all require treatment.

People who are prone to the formation of urate stones are transferred to a diet that promotes alkalinization of urine. Urate stones cannot survive in such an environment and are destroyed.

If you carefully read the list of allowed foods, you will notice that such a diet is very suitable for children. And not only in the presence of urates.

Pay attention to the amount of liquid. It is important for both women and men to drink plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters of fluid. Urate stones are able to dissolve and excrete in the form of sand in a natural way. After dissolution.

The Phosphate Diet

Phosphate stones can be safely called urate antagonists. And the food that is recommended in their presence should contribute to the acidification of urine. With phosphate kidney stones, the reaction of urine in men, women and children is alkaline, this contributes to the formation of stones. An acidic environment is detrimental to them, so the diet of patients should not contain foods that increase the alkalinization of urine.

Treatment of phosphaturia involves a plentiful drinking regimen and the maximum restriction of salt. After reading the list of foods allowed on the diet, you are a little perplexed if this pathology is detected in a child. Indeed, it is impossible to completely exclude dairy products, buns and youth from the diet of children. We hasten to reassure you. Strict restrictions on the child's diet will not be permanent. You keep him on an appropriate diet for 2-3 weeks, and after the urine test returns to normal, slowly return to a full diet.

Prevention of ICD in children is the right diet without frills.

diet for oxalate

The most difficult stones are oxalates. They consist mostly of calcium, they are distinguished by extraordinary endurance. It is difficult to get rid of them, even lithotripsy treatment does not always help. If oxalates are detected in the urine for the first time, it depends only on you whether this will cause the development of microbial bacteria. Oxalate sand in children is a frequent and far from safe phenomenon. A feature of oxaluria in children is the absence of symptoms.

Oxalates in children indicate a violation of calcium absorption. And it can not be absorbed for many reasons - due to a lack of vitamin D, an excess of ascorbic acid, in the presence of hereditary predisposing factors and other concomitant diseases. It is necessary to understand. That the presence of oxalates in the kidneys is an alarming bell, and in order to protect the child from the development and progression of microbial cb, it is necessary first of all to review his diet.

Oxalates provoke oxalic acid. Do not think that it is only in the sorrel itself. We have already written about the content of oxalic acid in products in the material “The Oxalate Diet”. It provides a detailed discussion of the topic and a list of products that require restrictions.

Compliance with a diet is not only a treatment for a child, but also a worthy measure of prevention. And for adults too. Patients who once experienced pain during an exacerbation of urolithiasis no longer want to face them. And the diet is followed without the need for additional persuasion.

It is difficult to create a universal exemplary menu for all types of urolithiasis. After all, each type of stone requires a special approach. But the fact that the approximate menu for both urates, and for phosphates, and for oxalates will be dietary, you need to understand. Therefore, in supermarkets, shelves with soda and smoked meats should not exist for you. Confidently pass by - you can't go wrong. Then there is no need for treatment.

If you have undergone kidney surgery and are sure that after that you can forget about the stones, this is not true. Without nutritional prevention, stones will begin to form again - the path has been beaten. Therefore, always think about what and how you eat - there is no other way out.

Nutrition for urolithiasis is limited by a number of contraindications, which differ significantly in patients with phosphaturia, uraturia, okasalaturia, cystinuria. The right choice of products helps in case of small stones to remove or dissolve them without surgery. If the help of a surgeon is needed, then methodically following the diet speeds up the recovery of the kidneys and helps prevent relapses.

Why You Need Medical Nutrition

Crystalline or soft formations in the kidneys appear with the systematic accumulation of salt or organic deposits in its cavities. They differ in composition and frequency of occurrence:

  • calcium (75–85%):
    • oxalate (salts of calcium and caustic oxalic acid);
    • phosphate (calcium orthophosphate);
  • urate (salts of potassium, ammonium, sodium and uric acid, 5–8%);
  • struvite (waste products of bacteria, tripelphosphates, 10-15%);
  • mixed (8–9%);
  • cystine (from the amino acid of the same name, 1%);
  • xanthine (from the poorly soluble substance xanthine, a precursor of oxalates, 0.01%);
  • protein (from blood protein fibrin, extremely rare);
  • calcifications (harbingers of stones, a salt layer on the inner surfaces of the kidney).
Differences in the composition, shape, size of stones determine the difference in the fight against them.

The shape of the stones are flat, round, prickly, faceted, coral. The latter are especially dangerous with sizes up to 8 cm and long outgrowths that are introduced from the pelvis into the cups of the kidneys.

Compliance with a diet for urolithiasis is part of the treatment. It solves important problems:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • changes the acidity of urine, due to which already settled crystals dissolve and new ones do not form;
  • improves bowel function;
  • adjusts the weight.

In order for these tasks to be successfully completed, the composition of the diet after the diagnosis of kidney stones is based on the principles:

  • moderate caloric content, for adults 2200–2800 kcal per day;
  • balance in the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats;
  • exclusion of intake with food and drinks of substances that lead to the formation of calculi;
  • the inclusion of products that shift the reaction of urine in the right direction, acidic or alkaline;
  • the duration of adherence to the norms and diet regimen - until the diagnosis is completely removed, with the improvement of the condition, the severity can be slightly weakened, but only if the test results show a persistent decrease in salt concentration.

Diet is part of therapy for urolithiasis, but it is also needed for surgical methods of treatment

How to eat with urolithiasis

The set of recommended and undesirable products is determined by the composition of the stones, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. The diet is prescribed by a nephrologist or a spa dietitian. The classification of treatment and prophylactic tables was developed in the middle of the last century by Academician M.I. Pevzner. According to his system, they appoint:

  • with stones with a predominance of urates, oxalates, cystines - table number 6;
  • with phosphaturia table - No. 14.

Nutrition for patients with kidney stones, in accordance with the list published by the Ministry of Health in 2003, is classified as the main type of diet with an average protein content and calorie content.

General rules

Diet requirements:

Cooking requirements:

  • exclude fried and smoked dishes;
  • cook, stew on the stove and in the oven, in the oven, cook in a slow cooker, steam, bake all dishes;
  • boil poultry, raw meat and fish for a short time before cooking, drain the first broth, since 45% of purines pass into it - raw materials for building urate and cystine stones;
  • grinding and mashing food is not necessary.

Cereal porridge as a safe source of slow carbohydrates for ICD provides energy, and the fiber in their composition adsorbs excess salts

Diet requirement:

  • mono-diets are unacceptable, you need to eat variably within the recommended list;
  • dishes from whole grains as the main group of products without contraindications should be in the diet menu every day 2-3 times with constant alternation: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, semolina, barley, corn, pearl barley;
  • salty, sour, spicy, fatty foods, salts not more than 5 g, so as not to provoke the formation of calculi and hypertension;
  • liquids: drinking or low-mineralized water, berry, vegetable and fruit juices, green tea, herbal decoctions of at least 2 liters, if there are no indications for restriction;
  • exclude alcohol, it increases the concentration of stone-forming substances, spasms the ureters and provokes colic;
  • kefir, cottage cheese, apple (depending on the composition of the stones) fasting day no more than 1 per week to reduce the content of uric or phosphoric acid that enters the bloodstream, and from it into the urine.

With phosphonuria

Phosphate stones stop growing when urine becomes more acidic and less calcium is supplied to the body. This can be achieved in different ways:

With uraturia

Calculi with uric acid salts have a feature that facilitates treatment - you can help dissolve them if:

  • drink urate-washing berry, vegetable and fruit non-acid fruit drinks and juices;
  • eat raw watery fruits (cherries, apples, melons, watermelons, peaches, citrus fruits, persimmons, grapes) and add vegetables to salads (carrots, sweet tomatoes and peppers);
  • limit sources of fat and protein that increase the concentration of uric acid in urine (fish, offal, meat and semi-finished products from it, chocolates, beans, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils);
  • animal protein is best obtained from eggs and low-fat dairy products;
  • do not drink highly calcined mineral water.

The basis of the diet for urate stones is non-acidic fruits and vegetables

With oxalaturia

If the analyzes revealed calculi from settled oxalic acid compounds, it is necessary to minimize its entry into the blood, and then into the urine.

To stop the growth of oxalate accumulations, you must:

  • refuse sorrel, leaf celery, spinach, lovage, lettuce, arugula, parsley, cilantro, rhubarb and other greens rich in oxalates;
  • limit the intake of fruits and roots of plants that contain oxalic acid (potatoes, sour tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, sweet peppers, beets, eggplants, red currants, plums) in the diet;
  • exclude pork, veal, chicken, offal, factory canned fish and meat, broths, all types of mushrooms;
  • avoid aspic, aspic, gelatinous desserts (gelatin contains the substance glycocol, which, after digestion, turns into oxalic acid);
  • eat more dried apricots, grapes, apricots, apples, peaches, pears, black currants, dogwood (they contain a lot of magnesium that binds oxalates, especially if you boil these fruits and berries with peel in compotes).

Cauliflower with oxalaturia is prepared without greens

For struvite stones

Tripelphosphate accumulations grow rapidly and become coral-shaped with an alkaline urine reaction. This happens with an increase in the proportion of plant foods in the diet, so vegetarianism is undesirable.

For patients with struvite, nutritionists prescribe:

  • include sources of easily digestible animal protein (rabbit meat, veal, turkey, dairy products, dishes from quail, chicken, duck eggs, unsalted cheese, grained and crumbly cottage cheese) in 2-3 dishes from the menu of each day);
  • eat grain bread and germinated cereal seeds, rich in fiber that absorbs toxins;
  • limit oranges, limes, tangerines and juices from them, allowing these citrus fruits 4-7 times a month;
  • drink cranberry and apple juice, kidney and fruit tea, natural mineral water with the inclusion of carbonates (no more than 500 mg / l);
  • avoid sweets and fatty foods.

Seed sprouts contain a set of vitamins and minerals that normalize metabolism

Features of nutrition in rare types of kidney deposits

Each of the metabolic disorders, leading to the formation of specific stones, requires a special set of dietary restrictions:

  • cystinuria. This hereditary disease cannot be completely cured, but can be kept at an acceptable level with the help of diet. The basis is the requirements of table number 6. We need to limit foods that include methionine, an amino acid that converts to cystine. This is a mild cheese and cottage cheese, in eggs there are only proteins, fish, mushrooms. In the evening, you need to eat only plant foods, washed down with fruit juices, Naftusya or Borjomi mineral water bought in glass bottles, since cystine accumulates at this time of the day.
  • xanthine stones. Xanthine, as a result of a genetic disorder, is synthesized from the nitrogenous substances of purines, which are maximally accumulated in muscle tissue. Therefore, meat, fish dishes are limited to 1-2 times a week in children, and are almost excluded in adults. It is undesirable to eat soy and products with it, mushrooms. Vegetable stew without frying, fruits, egg and milk table, a lot of liquid are recommended.
  • Protein stones. Fibrin clots surrounded by salt crystals and bacteria are an indicator of inflammation and infection in the kidneys, so the diet should be with the same restrictions as with pyelonephritis: nothing spicy, salty, fried, fatty. The rest of the dietary requirements depend on the analysis of the content of free oxalates, urates, phosphates in the urine as indicators of the composition of salts mixed with protein accumulations.
  • Calcifications. With this harbinger of KSD in the form of layered salt deposits, it is necessary to reduce the accumulation of vitamin D in the body. It comes with dairy products, butter, seeds, sesame, halva, almonds, walnuts. Calcium-rich garlic, dill, cabbage, legumes, rye and wheat flour products are not recommended. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of the treatment table No. 7, which is used for patients with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.
  • Coral stones. Nutrition depends on the composition of the branched calculus. Until the composition of the crystals is determined, adhere to the general rules for kidney diseases: a lot of liquid, little salt and fat, exclude spices and spices. The basis of nutrition: cereals, pasta, baked fish, selected boiled meat, potatoes, olive, corn, sunflower oil.

Coral stones require surgical removal, following a diet will help to better endure the operation.

What and how much to drink with urolithiasis

Water is needed to reduce the concentration of salts and discharge small stones. Therefore, the guideline for the amount of fluid is at least 2 liters per day for an adult weighing 70 kg. This figure may vary depending on weight and age.

It is better to buy medicinal mineral water in glass bottles and in a pharmacy.

  • low-mineralized with a diuretic effect (similar to Essentuki No. 29, Cherelia) - for all types of stones;
  • calcium (Essentuki No. 20 and No. 4, Berezovskaya, Sairme) - with oxalates;
  • alkaline (Essentuki No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Naftusya, Borjomi) - for dissolving urates, inhibiting the growth of oxalates and removing cystines;
  • acidic (Narzan, Arzmi, Dolomitnaya, Darasun, Dzausaur, Truskavetskaya) - with phosphates.

As a stone expelling agent, when small formations are found, mineral water is drunk once a week, 0.5 liters in the morning on an empty stomach.

To prevent the growth of stones, a course of 30 days is carried out 45 minutes before meals or 2-3 hours after meals, 1 glass 4-6 times a day.

Photo gallery: mineral waters shown in ICD

Essentuki No. 17 is suitable for all patients who are recommended table No. 6 Alkaline Essentuki No. 4 is indicated for urate stones
Borjomi has the most effective effect on urates due to the high content of alkalis

Treatment with mineral water increases the effectiveness of herbal phytotherapy by 20–30%; in case of urates and oxalates, it goes well with drinking fresh citrus juices.

Permissions and prohibitions for urolithiasis

For all types of stones, surrogate food and drinks containing nutritional supplements are limited, which are excreted mainly through the kidneys and provoke an increase in inflammatory and necrotic processes in them.

Stories about the successful removal of stones with the help of cognac, beer and a hot bath raise many doubts. This is very dangerous when the deposits are larger than 0.5 cm and can lead to an attack of acute pain, as well as overlapping of the pelvis, which will require immediate surgery. Perhaps, beer only from high quality malt and hops helped someone to remove fine sand. But low-alcohol drinks sold in supermarkets contain dozens of chemical additives. They can worsen the condition of not only diseased kidneys, but also the liver and heart.

Table: ABC of nutrition for a patient with kidney stones

ProductsWhether it is possible to use: - it is impossible; + recommended; - + acceptable, but should be limited
watermelon+ + + -+
banana+ + + -
grape+ -+light varieties+ -
walnuts+ + + -
melon+ + + -
jelly+ - + +
raisin+ + + +
ginger+ -+ - +
cocoa- - - -
sauerkraut+ non-sour+ +
sea ​​cabbage+ + + +
kefir+ + - + -
Coca Cola- - - -
lemon+ - + +
sesame oil- - - -
cranberry juice- -+ + +
oatmeal+ + + +
parsley- - + +
black radish+ - + +
fresh radish+ - + +
sunflower seeds+ - + +
pomegranate juice- + + +
tomato juice- - + +
serum+ + - -
dill+ - + +
green tea, weak+ + + -+
prunes+ + + +
apples-+sweet-+sweet+ -+sour

Photo gallery: products that are shown with all types of stones

Raisins are useful for KSD due to the high content of magnesium and potassium Seaweed binds salts with pectins Apples with KSD can be eaten fresh, baked, added to cereals Prunes with phosphonuria are chosen more acidic, in other cases - sweet varieties Watermelon washes out excess salts of any origin

Video: Elena Malysheva about the diet for urolithiasis

Weekly menu

The combination of dishes is selected so that different permitted types of cereals, meat, vegetable soups, fruits, and drinks alternate. The menu is compiled according to the rules of table number 6, more suitable for patients with oxalate stones, but also acceptable for urates.

The composition of herbal teas depends on the type of calculus. With uraturia, you can replace sweet drinks with sour ones, for example, tomato juice, and apples with oranges, lemons.

Eating fractional 6 meals a day, portion sizes are moderate.

Table: weekly menu for a patient with urolithiasis

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinner
  • buckwheat;
  • herbal tea;
  • oatmeal toast.
  • 2 boiled quail eggs;
  • fresh apple.
  • puree soup;
  • baked white potatoes;
  • apple and cucumber salad;
  • low-mineralized water.
  • grained cottage cheese with prunes and dried apricots;
  • herbal decoction.
  • porridge from lentils;
  • sour cream sauce with seaweed;
  • compote of pears and dried apricots.
  • fat-free cottage cheese with raisins;
  • green tea;
  • White bread.
  • steam carrot cutlets;
  • sour cream;
  • mineral water.
  • rice and vegetable soup with croutons;
  • baked pollock;
  • green tea;
  • bread.
  • mannik on kefir;
  • wheat bread;
  • berry jelly.
  • rice pudding with prunes;
  • pear jelly;
  • wheat toast.
  • buckwheat in milk;
  • raisin compote.
  • vegetarian okroshka on kefir;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steam vegetable cutlets with buckwheat;
  • mineral water Essentuki №20.
dried apricot and raisin mousse
  • rice and curd casserole with prunes;
  • green tea.
  • milk and oatmeal pudding;
  • rye-wheat bread;
  • herbal tea.
yogurt-curd dessert with apricots, apples and raisins
  • milk soup with homemade noodles;
  • baked cod;
  • pasta;
  • berry jelly.
fermented baked milk
  • cabbage rolls are lazy;
  • sweet apple juice;
  • oatmeal bread.
  • cucumber and cabbage salad with apples;
  • crumbly rice porridge;
  • herbal tea.
baked apple with honey
  • vermicelli-vegetable chicken soup;
  • meat and potato steam cutlets in milk sauce;
  • black bread;
  • blueberry jelly.
curd cheese
  • whipped omelet;
  • cucumber-carrot salad;
  • mineral water.
  • semolina porridge with berries and peaches;
  • White bread;
  • green tea with honey.
salad of apples, sweet grapes and bananas, dressed with light yogurt
  • rice-onion puree soup;
  • steamed chicken fillet;
  • cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • apricot jelly.
  • boiled soft-boiled egg;
  • rosehip decoction.
  • boiled cod fillet;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • green tea;
  • bread.
  • milk oatmeal with dried apricots and raisins;
  • green tea;
  • white crackers.
baked apple
  • borscht vegetarian;
  • steam rice and meat meatballs;
  • baked cauliflower;
  • raisin compote.
vegetable salad
  • pancakes zucchini;
  • sour cream;
  • apple compote.

Diet Recipes

A diet with restrictions on muffins and sweet foods is diversified by low-calorie baked goods. These are cottage cheese or cereal casseroles, which include mannik. Such a treat can be prepared for a patient with urolithiasis once a week. But not more often, because the cake is tasty and you can eat a lot of it, and this will violate the calorie restrictions.


  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 cups of sifted flour;
  • 100 g of softened butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

Kefir instead of sour cream in the manna recipe makes it less caloric


  1. Pour semolina with kefir and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Beat sugar and eggs with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Melt butter and combine with beaten eggs.
  4. Add a mixture of semolina and kefir to the liquid mass.
  5. Add soda.
  6. Slowly add flour, while constantly beating the dough with a mixer, it should turn out to be the consistency of thick sour cream.
  7. It is better to grease the form with vegetable oil, and not creamy, sprinkle the walls and bottom a little with semolina and pour out the dough.
  8. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.
  9. Cool in the form, carefully remove. No need to sprinkle the mannik on top with powdered sugar and pour over the jam. It is better to decorate with berries.

Video: how to bake mannik

Kefir okroshka


  • medium-sized turnip boiled in peel;
  • Okroshka ingredients need to be changed depending on the composition of kidney stones


  1. Peel the turnip and egg, cut into cubes.
  2. Cucumber cut into thin strips, radish slices, cheese into cubes.
  3. Finely chop the dill.
  4. Move everything to a deep plate, pour kefir.
  5. You can salt a little.

With oxalaturia, turnips in okroshka are replaced with boiled potatoes, and fresh radishes and dill are not added.

Diet results

If the patient observes the restrictions and indications for a set of products and diet for a long time, he can achieve the desired results, but they depend on the origin of the stones:

  • Cystine and xanthine calculi crystallize in the renal cavities due to hereditary metabolic disorders. Diet has nothing to do with them.
  • Urate calculi dissolve when observing the drinking regimen, completely rejecting prohibited foods, if at the same time diuretic herbal preparations are treated and uric acid salts are dissolved with citrates.
  • Phosphate, oxalate and struvite formations are poorly soluble, but the diet prevents their growth and the formation of new stones, helps to remove fine sand.
  • reduces weight;
  • normalizes the work of the stomach, restores intestinal microflora;
  • corrects cholesterol levels, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis and thereby maintains a healthy state of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of inflammatory and congestive processes in the kidneys.

If therapeutic nutrition is neglected during urolithiasis, then the risk of developing complications increases:

  • the growth of stones and their acquisition of a coral-shaped form;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • chronic renal failure.

A diet for urolithiasis is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the formation of urinary salt crystals. Dietary restrictions in combination with other methods of treatment give a long-term positive result, and after recovery of the body, it is recommended to continue the diet in order to achieve its fixation.

Basic rules of therapeutic nutrition for urolithiasis

Before adjusting the diet, it is necessary to determine the nature of kidney stones. The fact is that crystalline salt deposits can have a different chemical composition, on which the specifics of the diet depend. The lack of proper treatment and the use of prohibited foods leads to the formation of new stones.

However, regardless of the chemical composition of the deposits, the diet for urolithiasis in women and men must meet certain requirements. For all diseases in this group, the following recommendations apply:

  • add variety to the diet;
  • reduce the amount of food;
  • exclude spicy dishes;
  • reduce the amount of salt in food;
  • drink enough liquid.

The daily volume of fluid consumed for an adult is 1.5 liters. It is very important to adhere to this requirement in order to prevent the formation of new deposits.

Nutrition for urolithiasis should not include foods rich in substances that provoke the formation of stones. The chemical composition of stones can only be determined through laboratory tests. You can start therapy after establishing an accurate diagnosis and drawing up a specific diet together with your doctor. E

Classification of types of kidney stones

To understand which diet for kidney stones is suitable for the patient, it is necessary to determine the nature of the crystalline deposits. According to the chemical composition, stones are divided into the following types:

  • phosphates;
  • cholesterol and protein;
  • urates;
  • oxalates;
  • xanthine and cystine;
  • carbonates.

Some of the species are less common than others, but pose no less danger to the human body. Diet for ICD of the kidneys: sand and stones may be identical in their chemical composition. Forms of the disease differ in the stage of development, there may be differences in the causes of origin.

Diet treatment for oxalate deposition

The main goal of treatment for oxalate deposits is to eliminate oxalic acid from the diet. A positive result is achieved with the use of mineral waters and products that have alkalization.

Diet for urolithiasis: the deposition of oxalates stops with a reduction in the amount of salts that precipitate inside the organ. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to exclude foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C from the diet. During exacerbations, patients need to eliminate dairy dishes from the diet.

Allowed products for oxalate deposition

The menu should include oatmeal and apples, pears and plums, grapes and pumpkins, cauliflower and buckwheat. If you do not know what foods you can eat with urolithiasis, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a diet on an individual basis, based on laboratory tests and your eating habits.

It is very useful in eliminating oxalates to consume dried apricots and prunes daily. Patients should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Priority drinks are fruit decoctions, vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks, herbal infusions and teas.

Prohibited and Unwanted Foods

The following foods should be eliminated from the diet:

  • spinach;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • figs;
  • products containing gelatin;
  • rhubarb;
  • leaf salad;
  • sorrel and all kinds of greens.

The patient should consume no more than 2 grams of salt per day. Diet treatment for kidney stones in the presence of oxalates requires a reduction in carbohydrate intake. The table provides examples of other important restrictions with maximum daily doses.

It is necessary to minimize the consumption of eggplant, milk soups and sour-milk products. With the improvement of well-being, cream and cottage cheese, cheeses and yogurt can be gradually included in the diet.

An example of a menu for the day with oxalates in the kidneys

The menu for urolithiasis with oxalates will help determine the priority and unwanted foods in the diet.

mealMenuTime of eating
First breakfastSugar-free oatmeal with dried fruit and a little butter, freshly squeezed apple juice8:00
LunchA glass of kefir and fat cottage cheese10:00
DinnerA piece of stale bread, dried fruit compote, soup with vegetables and cereals13:00
afternoon teafruit salad15:00
DinnerFruit kissel, cabbage salad, vermicelli with boiled meat18:00

Features of the diet for urate deposits in the kidneys

Patients who have urate kidney stones should eat alkalizing foods. It is recommended to include a little stale bread in the diet. The diet for renal colic and kidney stones in this case is based on vegetarian food. It is allowed to use milk soups with cereals and vegetables. Be sure to include cottage cheese in the diet. But the use of sour cream for cooking must be approached with extreme caution.

Products allowed with urate stones

The main products in the diet are:

  • berries in any form;
  • greens;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.

Several times a week, it is allowed to add lean fish, meat and poultry to the menu. Cereals and pasta, various dietary salads are used as a side dish.

The amount of liquid per day must be increased. The norm is from 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day. It is useful to drink kissels and compotes, weak teas and decoctions, juices from fruits and vegetables. Every day it is necessary to include high-quality mineral water in the diet. Cucumber, pumpkin and squash juices have a positive effect on recovery, which are recommended to be drunk half an hour before meals.

Unwanted and Prohibited Foods

The following list of products falls under the ban:

  • all kinds of beans;
  • smoked products and canned food;
  • fried fish and mushrooms;
  • sour greens, berries and fruits;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • spices and hot spices;
  • sauces and sausages.

It is better to give up coffee immediately after the diagnosis. It is not recommended to eat cold desserts, as well as confectionery products made from pastry. Chocolate and cocoa should be limited as much as possible. A large amount of uric acid in the blood leads to the development of hyperuricemia and gout. To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to abandon the list of all prohibited foods.

An example of a daily menu with urate stones

Features of the diet in the presence of phosphate kidney stones

In the formation of phosphate kidney stones, the main goal is to normalize the pH balance of the urine. The appearance of stones is also associated with the development of hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, which leads to a decrease in phosphate resorption in the kidneys. Among all kidney stones, phosphates occur in 15-20% of cases, and in women they are found twice as often as in men.

With the help of a diet, it is necessary to achieve a result in which the ratio of phosphorus and calcium will be optimal. When forming a diet, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the amount of dairy products, some fruits and vegetables. It is useful to eat foods that will increase the acidity of urine.

Products Allowed for Phosphate Stones

In the presence of phosphate kidney stones, a diet for renal colic is often prescribed. The patient's diet includes foods that contribute to the removal of stones. In the presence of phosphate deposits, renal colic, severe pain and exacerbations of chronic diseases are often observed, therefore, the diet must be approached with particular seriousness.

The following foods are included in the patient's diet:

  • cereals, legumes and cereals;
  • lean protein food;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • a small amount of vegetables (green peas, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers).

From drinks it is recommended to use juice, weak teas, table mineral water. Compliance with the diet is carried out under the supervision of a urologist. During treatment, additional foods are included in the diet in case of positive urine test results.

Partially Allowed and Prohibited Foods for Phosphate Kidney Stones

To treat the disease, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • any alcoholic drinks;
  • marmalade, sweets, chocolate;
  • yogurt, ryazhenka, milk, kefir;
  • foods high in fat of natural origin;
  • canned food, marinades, salinity;
  • fresh pastries, rich confectionery, cakes.

Smoked foods are strictly prohibited. You also need to limit your salt intake. The table shows the main characteristics of the power supply.

Sample menu for the day with phosphate stones

The table shows the optimal daily menu for patients.

The menu for a week of diet for urolithiasis in women and men in the presence of phosphate deposits is best discussed with your doctor. The specialist will offer the optimal list of products and their correct combination.

Features of the diet during exacerbation of the disease

With an exacerbation of the disease, only permitted foods can be eaten. Dishes that are partially prohibited or allowed in small quantities are eliminated from the diet. During this period, the patient needs to reduce the risks to a minimum. A diet for exacerbation of urolithiasis in men and women allows you to quickly bounce back and improve your overall health.

During the relapse period, it is not recommended to consume a large amount of liquid at a time. It is better to drink water often, but in small portions. In case of exacerbation of the disease in a patient with one kidney, it is necessary to consult a doctor urgently.

The use of diet number 6 for urolithiasis allows you to cleanse the body of harmful substances, so in many cases it is prescribed for exacerbation of diseases. This nutrition system contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes by reducing the intake of salt, fats and proteins. The basis of the diet is dairy dishes, vegetables and fruits. The table shows the main characteristics of this power system.

Features of nutrition after removal of stones

The diet after removal of a stone from the ureter has its own characteristics and rules that must be followed in order to prevent relapse. After removing deposits, the diet expands significantly, but still you should not exclude a large number of potentially dangerous foods.

It is necessary to continue to eat only lean meats, steamed. Include in the menu the maximum number of products that are easily absorbed by the body. Diet after crushing stones in the ureter prohibits the following foods:

  • marinades;
  • spicy dishes;
  • canned food and salinity;
  • food containing dyes and preservatives;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks.

The basis of the diet in the first days after surgery is light secondary broths, rosehip broth, fruit jelly, jellies, juices and tea, as well as light soups. At one time, it is allowed to take no more than 300 grams of food. It is best to break the entire amount of food per day into 7 doses. Three days after the operation, it is allowed to gradually expand the range of allowed dishes.

The diet after the exit of the stone from the kidney is adjusted by the attending physician. The decision to make changes is made on the basis of laboratory tests.


The choice of nutrition system in the presence of stones in the ureters is based on the chemical composition of crystalline deposits. The nature of the disease can only be determined through laboratory tests.

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