Tablets "Marena dye extract": effectiveness in nephrolithiasis and rules for use. Madder Dye Extract - instructions for use

Dry extract of madder dye provides therapeutic actions of the same name medicinal product, and is also part of the combined medicines. Instructions for use of "Madder dye extract" indicate nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis as the main indications, although the range of positive effects of this substance on the body is much wider.

traditional medicine considers madder as a plant with antispasmodic and diuretic properties. traditional healers recommend taking the extract for a number of serious illnesses, including gout, tuberculosis and even oncology.

Composition analysis

The process of extraction of madder dye ensures the transition of biologically active and ballast substances from raw materials to the extracted substance. Ballast substances reduce the ability of biologically active substances to affect the human body. The process of purification and standardization of the madder extract ensures the effectiveness of the resulting extract, as well as its predictable effect. What can not be said about vegetable raw materials. Main therapeutic effect the herb provides due to the complex content of anthraquinone substances:

  • ruberitric acid;
  • purpurin, quanto- and pseudopurpurin;
  • rubiodine;
  • alizarin.

In the rhizomes obtained from the plant, the presence of other active components has been proven:

  • citric, malic, tartaric acids;
  • sugars;
  • protein compounds;
  • pectins;
  • tannin components.

The value for pharmacology is the natural chemical composition of the herb and the natural combination of anthraquinones with substances of other groups. The strongest pharmachologic effect has an extract of madder dye. Therefore, it is used as individual drug, and also introduced into the composition of other medicines.

Mechanism of action

Madder extract has a whole range of positive effects on the human body.

  • Diuretic. The substance increases the daily volume of urine by reducing the resistance smooth muscle. This provides increased blood flow to the renal pelvis, as well as facilitated removal of already formed metabolic products.
  • Antispasmodic. A number of organic acids in the chemical composition helps to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the kidneys and urinary ducts in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Dissolves stones. A group of anthraquinone compounds react with phosphate and oxalate deposits in the kidneys. Under their action, large stones become loose and more easily amenable to drug or hardware crushing.
  • Brings out the sand. The use of "Madder dye extract" causes peristaltic contractions of the urinary structures. As a result, small stones and sand are easier to remove.
  • Eliminates pain syndrome. The substance relieves spasms of the ureters that accompany the movement of stones and sand along them.
  • Kills coccal bacteria. Complex biologically active substances madder extract has bactericidal properties. This eliminates infections urinary tract and prevent them from joining in case of minor damage after the release of sand.

Other components of the extract have astringent, enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties. Some content of cardiac glycosides in madder allows you to increase the strength of heart contractions without compromising heart rate. General strengthening properties of the extract and its positive impact on immunity is useful for the treatment of chronic diseases urinary system infectious nature. Irritant action anthraquinone causes contractions of the intestinal muscles, so the extract is able to eliminate constipation. The extract has been proven to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Instructions for use "Madder dye extract"

Indications for the use of "Madder dye extract" in tablets are based on the analysis pharmacological properties substances. Traditional medicine suggests prescribing the drug in cases of nephrolithiasis, in which surgical removal of stones is impossible. Also, the substance is prescribed for dissolving, loosening, reducing the size of large deposits. After that, they can be crushed and removed using special equipment or preparations.

Antispasmodic and diuretic effects activate the output of sand from the kidneys and bladder, contributing to its painless progression through the ureters. At the same time, the antimicrobial effect of the extract helps prevent cystitis and urethritis.

If at urolithiasis the calculi are small and pass into the ureters on their own, the extraction of the madder allows them to move much faster, and also reduces the risk of blocking the lumen of the urinary canal.

  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • nephroptosis (pathological mobility of the kidney);
  • stones in gallbladder;
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • amnesia;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • ascites;
  • jaundice;
  • cystitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • skin cancers.

The breadth of application is due to the versatile effect of the extract on the human body. It stimulates the production of bile, eliminates swelling, normalizes the production of female sex hormones, dissolves stones not only in the renal pelvis, but also in the gallbladder, reduces inflammation of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Precautionary measures

Madder extract is best taken as directed by a doctor. Without preliminary diagnosis it is impossible to determine the size of kidney stones and the advisability of using the drug. The contraindications of "Madder dye extract" include:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • acidic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • kidney disease.

The tool is not prescribed for pregnant, lactating, not used in pediatric practice.
An absolute contraindication for use is individual sensitivity to the plant.

Side effects of the tablets "Marena dye extract" - the deposition of anthraquinone compounds in bone tissue, staining the patient's urine in shades of scarlet, dyspeptic disorders

When taking the drug, it is necessary to comply with the dosage recommended by the doctor, since the outcome of treatment depends on it. The doses of the extract that cause an overdose are different for each person. Any changes in well-being during treatment with the extract should be reported to the doctor. An overdose of the drug is manifested by an increase in pain with an increase in the activity of removing stones.

Comparison of herbal preparations

The medicine is available in several forms. Each of them has its own characteristics and indications for use.

Tablets "Madder dye extract"

Tablets of madder dye extract contain 250 mg of pure extract and auxiliary components. The dosage of "Madder dye extract" for an adult is one or two tablets three times a day. Maximum duration course is one month. On the recommendation of a doctor, a single dose can be increased to two or three tablets per dose.

For better absorption, it is recommended to dissolve the tablets in half a glass before use. warm water. An additional recommendation is that treatment with Madder Dye Extract tablets should be accompanied by the use of a large amount of liquid and a decrease in the amount of acidic foods in the diet. Too intense manifestation of side effects is the reason for reducing the dosage or stopping the drug.

Drops "Cistenal"

Natural preparation consisting of:

  • alcohol extract of madder dyeing;
  • magnesium salicylate;
  • compositions of essential oils;
  • ethyl alcohol;
  • olive oil.

To grind and remove kidney stones, the drug is taken four drops three times a day. To neutralize bitterness, the medicine is dripped onto sugar. Drops "Cistenal" are used for attacks of renal colic - 20 drops occasionally. It is also used to reduce pain in people suffering from regular bouts of colic - ten drops per sugar three times a day. Taking high doses of the drug may be accompanied by heartburn, so it is recommended to combine the time of taking the drug with a meal.

Tablets "Marelin"

Drug for the treatment of nephrourolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, salt diathesis(increased concentration in the urine of oxalate and phosphate salts). The tool is used to prevent the attachment of infections during the passage of stones, as well as in postoperative period after surgical removal kidney stones. The composition of the drug:

  • extracts of madder, goldenrod, horsetail;
  • kellin;
  • corglicon;
  • salicylamide;
  • magnesium phosphate.

The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets, packing - 120 pieces. The drug is taken for treatment nephrolithiasis three to four tablets three times a day for 1-1.5 months. Prophylactic reception after removal of stones or their self exit- two tablets three times a day for two months. Courses of treatment can be repeated, maintaining an interval of one month. "Marelin" can increase the acidity of the stomach, provoke dyspeptic disorders.

Finished medicines with madder dye should be taken with caution. The extract can cause allergic reactions, so the first doses should begin with small doses. An overdose of madder preparations can cause a massive release of stones and increase pain up to the point of shock.

The extract copes with stones and sand in the gallbladder, has an analgesic effect, creates the prevention of adherence infectious diseases. Reviews of "Marena dye extract" testify to the high efficiency of the drug. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is necessary to discuss the use of the drug with your doctor.

The content of the article:

Madder dye is herbaceous plant actively used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Any herbal medicine that contains madder is quite effective and safer than synthetic drugs. Its action is described as multicomponent. This plant does not adverse reactions or complications during the course of the disease, carefully performs all its functions to improve the functioning of the urinary system. Universal remedy madder cannot be named, but still it has the widest spectrum of action.

Description and purpose of madder dye

Madder dye is a perennial plant, unpretentious to growing conditions and undemanding to care. Other names that have become entrenched in folk use are krapp, marina, petiolate madder or Georgian madder.

Procurement of raw materials for medical purposes involves the selection of the root part of the plant in the autumn, when the aerial part has already died, or in spring period when the first shoots have not yet appeared. The process is quite painstaking. The dug roots are carefully cleaned from the ground with cold water, then dried. You can dry as outdoors, but not under the sun, and in a room with a low level of humidity and with constant ventilation. When drying in special drying chambers, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.

Indications for use are quite extensive. They are justified by the numerous beneficial properties of this plant. Preparations made on the basis of krappa are prescribed for the treatment of diseases different systems body - digestive, respiratory, urinary, skin etc. Thus, tuberculosis (intestinal or bone), osteomyelitis, rickets, ascites, gout, urolithiasis, ringworm, ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, acne, dark spots, skin cancer and more.

Madder dye plays an important role in the treatment of urolithiasis, which is a metabolic disease. The formation of stones in the urinary system is a fairly common ailment among the working population. His share in total urological diseases large - from 32 to 40%, according to indicators of different countries.

The causes are numerous: genetic predisposition, daily diet nutrition, environmental conditions and acquired diseases that affect the metabolism in the body. Among the diseases causing education stones of various composition, there are beriberi, gout, osteoporosis and osteomyelitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prostatitis (read about), cystitis, pyelonephritis and others. There is also a genetic predisposition, which can only be the cause in combination with other factors.

Symptoms of urolithiasis are quite debilitating for a person, they bring a lot of discomfort and fear. These include blood in the urine, pain in the groin and/or lower back, frequent urges to urination renal colic, incomplete emptying of the bladder, accompanied by pain. There may also be fever, vomiting.

To date, many tests have been carried out, the results of which prove high efficiency madder dye from urolithiasis. At the same time, there is a high degree of safety of use for the vast majority of patients.

Based on the data described above (indications for use and possible reasons formation of stones), in the treatment of urolithiasis, it can be concluded that madder has a double effect. On the one hand, it helps to get rid of stones, on the other hand, it fights the root causes of the appearance of insoluble salts in the urinary system (meaning the diseases described above that adversely affect metabolism).

Useful properties of perennial madder dye

Madder tinting has versatile useful properties. In the treatment of urolithiasis, it has the following beneficial effects:
  • Antispasmodic action. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles and enhances its peristalsis.
  • Diuretic action. Madder increases the rate of urine formation by reducing fluid levels in body tissues. Prevents reabsorption into the body various substances(water, salts, etc.) from the already formed primary urine. At the same time, the withdrawal rate also increases.
  • Pain relief. Madder in any dosage form can reduce the pain syndrome that accompanies patients with urolithiasis.
  • Antibacterial property. Useful substances of the plant eliminate microbes belonging to the coccal group.
  • Anti-inflammatory action. Actively suppresses inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  • Destructive effect on stones. Under the influence of the substances contained in the described plant, the stones are loosened, which contributes to their faster and less painful removal. Madder dye has the greatest destructive activity on stones consisting of calcium phosphate and magnesium.
  • Wound healing property. It helps to stop the blood and speedy healing of wounds in case of damage to the urinary tract during the release of the calculus.
The consequence of this effect is the painless removal of sand and small stones, a decrease in the level of urine acidity.

In general, in addition to the properties described, others are also attributed to madder:

  1. Anticancer activity. It manifests itself in the destructive effect of coumarins contained in the plant in relation to the genetic apparatus of the tumor.
  2. Antipyretic property. Anti-inflammatory activity helps to reduce high temperature body.
  3. Tonic effect. Gives energy, increasing efficiency.
  4. Hypotensive action. Removal of excess fluid and salts from the body, i.e. normalization water-salt balance leads to normalization of blood pressure.
  5. Other. Antiallergic, anticonvulsant, antitoxic, antitussive, diaphoretic, astringent action.

Contraindications to the use of madder dye

Given the properties of krappa, it is possible to describe contraindications for use, i.e. those pathological conditions of the body that provide for the rejection of drugs that contain this plant.
  • In the presence of a stomach ulcer, hyperacid gastritis;
  • With renal failure;
  • In chronic or acute glomerulonephritis;
  • With intolerance to galactose;
  • In the presence of individual intolerance by the body of any substance that is part of the plant;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation.
There are also age limit- under 18 years of age admission is prohibited.

The use of madder dye must be agreed with a qualified medical specialist, which fully takes into account all the pros and cons, writes out correct dosage and receiving frequency. Only serious attitude help to avoid side effects and get the maximum therapeutic effect.

Possible side effects are:

  1. Emergence or enhancement pain syndrome;
  2. Allergic reaction;
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A clear sign of an overdose is the staining of urine in a brown-red hue.

Composition and components of madder dye

Each part of the plant contains certain substances. Despite the fact that a large number of useful substances (iridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, carbohydrates) were found in the aerial part of the madder dye, it is the root system of this perennial that is used to treat urolithiasis, because. its composition is more suitable for the treatment of this disease.

The rich chemical composition fully provides the entire list of useful properties that madder has. Let's get to know him better:

  • organic acids. One of them, citric acid, has great importance for the proper flow of cellular respiration processes. Tartaric acid is also present. It improves digestion metabolic processes. Wide spectrum malic acid has an action, which stimulates metabolic processes, therefore it is an important substance in the treatment of urolithiasis. It improves blood circulation and normalizes cellular metabolism, strengthens the immune system, provides an anti-inflammatory effect, improves water balance.
  • Anthraquinones. Among them are purpurin, purpuroxanthin, alizarin, ruberitric acid, haliosin, ribiadin, ibericin. They have a slight laxative effect. Responsible for slowing down the process reverse suction water from the intestines and urinary tract. Improve peristalsis of soft muscles. Contribute to the restoration of cells and strengthen the immune system.
  • Iridoids. These are non-toxic, but very bitter substances. They are able to establish digestive processes, accelerate the excretion toxic substances, have a diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial effect, stimulate wound healing processes.
  • Triterpenoids. They have an antimicrobial and stimulating effect on metabolic processes. They also have high antimicrobial activity. They act as an adaptogen and immunomodulator. Promote wound healing. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sahara. They are an important source of energy for the entire body.
  • Vitamin C. Reduces the level uric acid in the blood. Regulates redox processes. Improves capillary permeability. Increases immunity.
  • Squirrels. Participate in the synthesis of enzymes necessary for normal digestion. Regulate the hormonal background. Participate in the transport of hemoglobin. Raise protective functions organism.
  • pectin substances. Accelerate the excretion of toxic substances, heavy metals and radionuclides. Normalize metabolism. They cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol.
  • Macro- and microelements. Necessary for the proper functioning of the whole organism.

The choice of preparations with madder dye

The root system of krappa contains not only useful material but also dangerous. The conducted experiments prove that the contained lucidin is a powerful carcinogenic element capable of causing the formation of not only benign, but also malignant formations in some organs digestive system. Thus, the intestines, liver and stomach are adversely affected.

But all this is relevant only when using raw materials. Therefore, madder root is not used for treatment in pure form. Preference should be given to pharmaceutical products manufactured using the correct purification technology.

Krapp is used in different dosage forms. The choice of one form or another depends on the localization of stones, the form of the course of the disease and its severity.

Consider several dosage forms with madder dye:

  1. crushed root. Used to prepare decoction and infusion. The decoction perfectly removes the salts accumulated in the body. The infusion eliminates pain in the presence of stones in the gallbladder. The price for one package with a dried root mass of 50 g is from 50 to 90 rubles.
  2. Tincture. Ready-made tincture can be purchased at pharmacies. Indications for use are initial stage urolithase, joint diseases and inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug Cystenal. It is a multi-component tincture, contains magnesium salicylate, ethanol, essential oils and madder dye. Indications for its use - cystitis, urolithiasis. You can buy madder dye in the form of tincture for 250 rubles.
  3. Tablets. Contains 250 mg of madder extract. The cost for a blister (10 tablets) - from 60 rubles. They contain excipients, for example, lactose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, potato starch, etc. They are used to treat kidney stones. Greatly facilitate the removal of sand and stones.
  4. herbal tea. Contains not only madder dye, but also others herbal ingredients, for example, chamomile inflorescences, birch leaves. It softens stones in any part of the urinary tract, helps them to leave the body painlessly. The cost of packaging weighing 50 g - from 100 rubles.
  5. Drops. Are best remedy to dissolve oxalates. They quickly relieve swelling, stabilize the work of the kidneys. The cost of a bottle (50 ml) - from 200 rubles.
  6. Powder. It is prescribed in the presence of large stones. Krapp root powder eliminates the resulting pain syndrome, improving the patient's well-being. In pharmacies, the price of powder starts at 90 rubles.

Instructions for the use of madder dye

The patient's diet while taking drugs with madder dye provides for limiting the consumption of foods that contain a large amount of oxalic and citric acid, i.e. figs, sorrel, purslane, cranberries, strawberries, barberries, raspberries, etc. Chocolate, sauces, marinades, spinach, citrus fruits, cocoa should be completely abandoned. Useful are foods containing vitamins A and B, which include watermelon, non-acidic varieties of apples, melon, beets, cereals, vegetable oils, meat, fish, cucumbers.

Basic rules for taking madder dye:

  • The usual course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  • Between courses it is necessary to maintain a break - from 30 days to 11 months, depending on the dosage form.
  • It is advisable to take almost all forms of medicine with crapp after a meal (after 30-40 minutes). Other - see the instructions for the purchased medicine.
  • The basis for dose reduction is the appearance of renal colic.
  • Lower back pain, dark urine require discontinuation of treatment.
  • Krapp's reception liquid form must be carried out through a straw to reduce the harmful effects on the teeth.
If we talk about different dosage forms, then the approximate instructions for madder in each case are slightly different. So, how to take madder dye in different dosage forms:
  • krappa root. The recipe for a decoction is as follows: 5 g of powdered root is poured into 300 g of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. During this time, a large number of nutrients will saturate the water. After boiling, the solution is filtered and taken three times a day, 100 ml each.
    Infusion recipe: 5 g of crushed root is poured into 200 ml of water room temperature, leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. After filtering, the roots are again poured with 200 ml of water, but already boiling, and after 15 minutes they are filtered again. Waste raw materials are discarded, and the first and second solutions are mixed. Take twice a day, 200 ml at a time.
  • Tincture. Most tinctures are taken 30-40 minutes after meals three times a day. Dosage - 5 ml in one dose. This dosage form requires adequate fluid intake during treatment. The dosage of Cystenal tincture is less than for others, and is 3-5 drops, the frequency of administration is 3 times a day. There are other features for the use of Cystenal: the drug is either dissolved in water, or applied to sugar, taken before meals. In the presence of backlash on the part of digestion, the drug is taken after meals.
  • Tablets. Before use, the tablets are dissolved in 100 ml of water. Dosage - 250 mg of extract three times a day. When especially severe course appoint overdose- 2-3 tablets three times a day. Duration of treatment - up to 30 days with a 30-45-day break.
  • herbal tea. Can be dosed - 1 sachet of herbal tea for 1 dose. In other cases, you should carefully study the instructions for use. The cooking technology involves the use of hot, but not boiling water (200 ml), which is poured over the vegetable mixture. The time sufficient for insisting is 5 minutes. Reception of medicinal tea is carried out 1 time per day in the evening. It is advisable to repeat the 30-day course of treatment no more than 1 time per year.
  • Drops. It must be taken twice a day at regular intervals. 20 drops diluted with 100 ml clean water. Take with food.
  • Powder. Take 2-3 times a day. Wash down boiled water. Maintain a normal drinking regimen.

Real reviews about preparations with madder dye

As a rule, reviews of madder dye, used as a drug for the treatment of urolithiasis, are positive. In most cases, there are no side effects, so doctors again and again prescribe this effective and safe remedy. Real reviews about madder dyeing are as follows:

Evdokia, 56 years old

I am very glad that my doctor prescribed madder for me, and not something else more expensive. Madder can be bought at any pharmacy. I really liked the medicine itself. Already on the 2-3rd day of treatment, I felt significant relief, the pain during urination subsided. The examination showed that the stone began to disintegrate rather quickly, although at first its size frightened me very much. The course of treatment was 3 weeks. side effects did not have.

Kirill, 45 years old

After I started taking madder, my edema quickly disappeared, my joints became more mobile. From the very beginning, I visited the toilet quite often, but the process no longer caused such severe pain. I can also note that the pressure has dropped a little, so general state also pleased.

Elena, 35 years old

A few months ago I was found to have a pebble in my kidney and sand in my bladder. Then they prescribed urolesan and kanefron. Quite quickly, the symptoms disappeared and did not bother me for some time. But about a month ago they reappeared. This time the doctor prescribed madder dye. Already in the second week of admission, poor health was replaced by a feeling of health. Madder came out to me much cheaper than the previous treatment, and the effect is still excellent. So more expensive doesn't mean better.

How to take madder dye - look at the video:

It is not difficult to buy madder dye, but it is always necessary to be guided by common sense and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures. Remember, only a qualified doctor can prescribe adequate treatment. The instructions in the article are not a guide for self-treatment, but are provided for informational purposes only.


Indications for use Madder dye (root):

The main tasks in the solution of which it is extremely advisable to buy red madder roots:

Gallstone and disease;
- Pyelonephritis;
- Stones in the kidneys;
- Cystitis;
- Polyarthritis;
- Gout;
- Constipation;
- Nighttime urinary incontinence;
- Jaundice;
- Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
- Immunomodulation;
- Wound healing;
- Antimicrobial;
- Normalization of the function of the adrenal cortex;
- Strengthening the walls blood vessels;
- Prevention of oncology (blocks the division cancer cells, suppresses them);
- Strengthening liver function;
- Decreased cholesterol;
- Increased tone uterus;
- Spasms of the uterus and ovaries;
- Osteochondrosis;
- Age spots on the skin;
- Improving the work of the heart muscle;
- Memory impairment, minor CNS disorders.

Did you find the grass Madder dye (root) cheaper?

Beware of counterfeiting - treatment with low-quality medicinal herbs in most cases not only does not bring results, but also aggravates the course of the disease.

Are you sure that the herb Marena dye (root):

Certified, i.e. the package contains exactly the declared herb Madder dye (root), there is no admixture of weeds and poisonous plants, the collection is carried out precisely during the period when the plant is gaining strength, the drying technology allows you to save all the useful substances?

In the original packaging, i.e. exactly the one you see in the photo, with the stated expiration date and package weight? If you see a schematic representation of a plant in the photo, think about what can be inside the package, where and under what conditions it is packaged.

This is not overdried plant mass of last year's collection with traces of mold or insects, which appears when the wrong and long-term storage?

The place of collection is indicated, i.e., was the grass Madder dye (root) collected not in the neighboring roadside forest, but in the cleanest regions of Altai or the mountainous Caucasus?

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Nature endowed the roots of red madder with pronounced antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic properties, this is a unique medicinal herb with the ability to slowly dissolve the oxides formed in the body. In medicine, madder dye (the root of the plant) is widely used by both orthodox doctors and traditional healers.

It is believed that from known to mankind herbs growing on the planet, namely the root of the red madder when applied to inflammatory diseases urinary and gastrointestinal systems is the most effective remedy.

To maximize the benefits of using the herb, it is recommended to buy a small supply at the pharmacy, always have it at hand and at the right time. apply as ambulance in terms of dissolving stones, sand. In particular, the root of madder dye enhances the medicinal properties of knotweed. It works for the slow dissolution of stone formations, and madder dye complements this work, at the right time enhancing the effect.

Thus, starting cleansing the body with slow measures, you first help the construction of new cells based on dissolved stones, and the madder root, which is desirable to buy in advance, will help dissolve the shifted “pebble”, not allowing it to clog the duct. That is, it helps to avoid surgical intervention, will complete the process of slow dissolution of stone formations.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buyMadder dye (root) grass and consult on its application. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buyMadder dye (root) grass , how much does it cost. Large assortment and great prices pleasantly surprise you.

Ready-made dry preparations can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, as well as ordered by mail.The price depends on the packaging of the collection.About what is useful grass Madder dye (root)what treats, how it is taken, you will find out by contacting the page of our website.


Compound:madder root - 100%.

Know: the root of madder dye and its application in practice is a guarantee successful treatment many diseases and disorders of the body systems. Why is the benefit of using this herbal remedy?

The fact is that in the composition of the plant a mass was found useful elements, including:
- triterpenoids (responsible for the fight against microbes, the inflammatory process);
- cardiac glycosides (directed against heart failure as a result of dystrophy from the myocardium);
- coumarins (inhibition of cancer processes, increased blood clotting);
- anthracions (immunomodulation);
- flavonoids (beneficial for the central nervous system, lowering cholesterol);
- carbohydrates (an energy source, an integral part of metabolism);
- proteins (carry hemoglobin, help enzyme formation);
- several types of sugars (energy, immune support);
- pectins (removal of toxins and heavy metals, lowering cholesterol, recovery from side effects antibiotics);
- as well as vitamin C, organic acids, tannins, a variety of micro and macro elements.


Method of preparation and use Madder dye (root):

For diseases of the joints and gastrointestinal tract recommended infusion: 1 teaspoon of roots, pour boiling water (400-500 ml), boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool slightly. Drink 3 times a day in equal portions. Take after meals with a glass of water a small amount plain or bottled water.

Another effective recipe: 2 tsp pour roots hot water, but you do not need to boil, just insist for 2-3 hours. Strain. Take 50-85 ml after each meal. If there are problems with the spleen - a dose of 150-175 ml, but before meals, the course is 4-5 days, then according to circumstances.

For general strengthening purposes the plant can be applied as a powder from the roots. Take 1-5 g of raw materials three times. Also drink water, use in between meals to maximize the benefits.

This medicinal herb is quite strong, it heals a lot of things and you shouldn’t “joke” with it. However, compresses are the most harmless remedy that traditional medicine has been practicing for a long time: 1 tsp. pour dry roots with 1 glass of water, keep the mixture in a water bath, apply in the form of lotions to the skin (pigmented spots, irritation, suspicion of oncology). Such a decoction effective in rheumatic diseases (arthritis, gout), chondrosis.


Despite the rapid development of pharmacology, the emergence of effective modern medicines, do not forget about the gifts of nature - medicinal plants helping to heal from many ailments. One of these "gifts" is a plant madder, therapeutic properties which have been experimentally proven. And today, the extract from the roots of this plant is successfully used in scientific medicine in the treatment of kidney stones and many other diseases. About the benefits of this plant, its correct application and properties and will be discussed Further.

Description of the madder plant

Madder is perennial, numbering about 55 species. These semi-shrubs or low shrubs grow on the territory Central Asia and the Mediterranean, in Europe, Africa, and Central and South America. Madder is absolutely undemanding to the composition of the soil, and therefore is found not only in riverside thickets, forests, gardens, sunny meadows and edges, but also in sands and loams.

Only two types of madder have medicinal properties - heart-leaved and dyeing (and it is the latter that is used in most cases).

Madder heart-leaved

Heart-leaved madder, reaching a height of about two meters, grows in Eastern Siberia, in the Amur Region and Primorye. Places of growth - coastal shrubs, edges, meadows, rocky and rocky slopes.

It should be noted that an infusion of the rhizomes of madder cordifolia is used for coloring pharmaceuticals(mainly oils).

For therapeutic purposes, both underground (rhizomes) and aboveground (stems, leaves, fruits) parts of the plant are used. The underground part of this type of madder is harvested in the fall, while the above-ground part is harvested during the flowering period (that is, from June to August).

The use of madder cordifolia

The herbal infusion is used for the following diseases and states:
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
Outwardly fresh grass(you can use steamed dry raw materials) is used in the treatment of:
  • abscesses;
  • joint tumors;
  • bruises.
Decoctions and infusions of madder roots inside are recommended for the following pathologies:
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • colds;
  • hemoptysis;
  • bronchitis;
  • exudative pleurisy;
  • diseases of the liver and gall;
  • whites;
  • convulsions;
  • indigestion;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • endometritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • respiratory infections;
  • smallpox;
  • blood diseases;
Externally, the roots of the plant are used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • purulent wounds;
  • fractures;
  • arthritis;
  • ulcers of the larynx;
  • laryngitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • leukoderma.
Fresh juice from the roots of madder cordifolia is indicated for various mental disorders(recommended dose - 1 tablespoon three times a day).

The stems and leaves of the plant are taken for dysmenorrhea and pleurisy as wound healing agent. In addition, the aerial part of the madder is an effective anti-toxic agent, indicated for the bites of insects such as cobra and scorpion.

The fruits of madder cordifolia are used in diseases of the liver.

Important! The stems of this type of madder are part of the drug Cyston, used in the treatment of urolithiasis, crystalluria, as well as gout and urinary tract infections.

Important! You can not take madder cordifolia simultaneously with iron preparations.

1. Age up to 6 years.
2. Individual intolerance.

Recipe with madder cordifolia
Pour 10 g of crushed madder roots with a glass of water and boil the product for 5 minutes, then insist the broth for another two hours, strain and drink a third of a glass no more than four times a day.

Skin baths
2 tbsp madder herbs are poured into 2 liters of boiling water, after which the product is boiled for 5 minutes, cooled, filtered and added to the bath, the water temperature in which should not be higher than 38 degrees. Bath time - no longer than 15 minutes. Such baths will give the skin smoothness, elasticity and freshness.

Madder dye (red)

This perennial plant is distinguished by the presence of a main powerful root, from which smaller thick rhizomes extend. The roots of madder dye, like the rhizomes, are covered with a reddish-brown bark. Small yellowish-green flowers of the plant are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which does not exceed 1.5 cm. The juice of the madder fruits leaves dark red spots that are difficult to remove. Madder grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, as well as in Central Asia. You can see this plant on pebbles, open meadows, edges, in ordinary gardens and vineyards.

The rhizomes of the plant contain dyes that were previously used to dye carpets, wool, and leather products in all sorts of shades of red, and the color was preserved after such dyeing. for a long time. However, with the advent a large number synthetic dyes madder has ceased to be used in industry. Today, this plant is used exclusively in medicine.

Collection and storage

Madder tinting blooms from June to September, but the fruits of the plant ripen from August to November.

Medicinal raw materials are the roots and rhizomes of the plant, which are harvested in early spring(March - the first half of April) or at the end of the growing season (beginning of August - the beginning of frosts). The roots and rhizomes are dug up with a shovel and shaken off the ground, after which the aerial part of the plant is cut off and removed from them. The unwashed underground part of the dyeing madder is subject to drying. Raw materials are dried in the shade (necessarily under a canopy) or in a dryer, the temperature in which should be 45 degrees.

The shelf life of dried raw materials is two years.

Important! In order not to deplete the natural thickets of madder dye, it is advisable to harvest this plant no more than once every three years. In turn, the harvesting of madder growing in gardens or vineyards can be carried out annually from February to April, and also in autumn - in the month of November.

Madder roots and rhizomes

Madder roots soften and destroy stones localized in the kidneys and bladder. In addition, the extract of this plant has an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, astringent, laxative and diuretic effect.

Madder flower

Madder flowers were used to make coloring agents, however, this part of the plant has not found application either in scientific or in folk medicine.

Contraindications for use

Madder dye is contraindicated for use in such conditions:
  • stomach ulcer;
  • glomerulonephritis in chronic and acute stages;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • individual intolerance.
There are no confirmed data on the use of madder dye preparations during lactation, as well as pregnancy, therefore it is better to exclude madder from the list of approved drugs during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

Do not drink madder preparations for children under 18 years of age.

Side effects

An overdose of madder preparations can provoke:
1. Pain syndrome.
2. Exacerbation of inflammation of a chronic nature.
3. Allergic reaction.

To avoid negative impact madder preparations on the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Madder dye preparations stain urine pink (if the urine acquires a brownish-red tint, you should reduce the dose, or stop using the madder for a while).

Composition and properties of madder

Both types of madder (both dye and heart-leaved) have an almost identical composition.


  • stimulating;
  • adaptogenic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial.

  • stimulation contractility heart muscle;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • normalization of the function of the adrenal cortex;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • inhibition of the action of cancer cells and blocking their division;
  • increased liver function;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • decrease in cholesterol concentration.

cardiac glycosides

They have a cardiotonic effect, due to which they are used in the treatment of heart failure, provoked by myocardial dystrophy of various origins.

Cardiac glycosides increase the stroke volume as well as the cardiac output. At the same time, the work of the heart increases without increasing its oxygen consumption.


  • destructive effect on the genetic apparatus of the tumor;
  • inhibition of the ability of cancer cells to metastasize;
  • promoting blood clotting;
  • promotion rapid healing wounds and ulcers.


  • strengthening the immune system;
  • promoting the process of formation and repair of cells.


  • elimination of toxins;
  • excretion of bile;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • promoting the destruction of cancer cells;
  • strengthening immunity.


  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the ingress of cholesterol into the blood through them;
  • regulation of the function of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of blood pressure, as well as heart rate;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • stimulating the functioning of the adrenal cortex.


They are the main source of energy for a person, without which it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged metabolic process. Simply put, carbohydrates ensure the normal functioning of all body systems.


Proteins perform the following functions:
  • catalytic (ensure the formation of enzymes);
  • regulatory (normalize hormonal levels);
  • transport (carry hemoglobin);
  • protective (increase immunity).


  • provide the body with energy;
  • normalize the sugar content directly in the blood;
  • strengthen immunity.


  • remove from the body both toxins and radionuclides, as well as heavy metals;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • neutralize harmful action on the body of certain drugs (for example, antibiotics).

Vitamin C

  • decrease in the content of uric acid in the blood;
  • regulation of redox processes of cellular respiration;
  • increase in the degree of capillary permeability;
  • ensuring the growth and development of bone tissue;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • stimulating the production of adrenal hormones.

organic acids

Lemon acid:
  • enhances appetite;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • breaks down fats;
  • increases immune protection;
  • removes toxins;
  • stimulates the process of cell regeneration.
Apple acid:
  • elimination of constipation by normalizing digestion;
  • improvement of the condition of blood vessels;
  • stimulation of the formation of red blood cells;
  • improved metabolism;
  • stimulating the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.
Wine acid:
  • promotes weight loss due to its diuretic and laxative properties;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • reduces hangover symptoms.


They have an anti-inflammatory effect directly on the intestinal mucosa. In addition, tannins reduce secretory function Gastrointestinal tract, remove heavy metals from the body, and also effectively fight various microbes.


  • regulates metabolism and water balance;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • relieves spasms;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • contributes to the activation of the muscular work of the heart;
  • enhances the excretion of urine, with which toxins and waste products leave the body.
  • normalizes the work of the central nervous system;
  • strengthens the heart, capillaries, and blood vessels;
  • removes toxins;
  • regulates the work of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation;
  • strengthens the skeleton.
  • improves immunity;
  • promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • carries out the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • fights pathogenic bacteria.

trace elements

  • stimulation of mental activity;
  • insulin synthesis;
  • activation of bone formation;
  • promoting rapid healing of wounds;
  • stimulation of the function of the reproductive system.
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • activation of reproductive processes;
  • normalization of connective tissue function.

Madder properties

  • Diuretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • antipyretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antitumor;
  • tonic;
  • hypotensive;
  • anti-allergic;
  • painkiller;
  • antitussive;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitoxic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent.

Treatment using madder dye

The roots and rhizomes of madder dye are used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • jaundice;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout;
  • polyarthritis;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • ulcers;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • rickets;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • ascites;
  • scrofula (scrofula);
  • amenorrhea;
  • sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
  • rosacea;
  • angina;
  • anuria, in which there is a lack of urine output;
  • insufficiency of the heart valve;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
Official medicine uses madder dry extract as an effective antispasmodic and diuretic agent that helps loosen urinary calculi that contain phosphates, as well as calcium and magnesium oxalates. In addition, madder dye preparations reduce spasms that accompany the discharge of small stones.

AT traditional medicine The following forms of madder preparations are mainly used:
1. Decoction.
2. Infusion.

Official medicine suggests using madder extract in drops and tablets, tincture, powder and herbal tea from the plant.


Decoctions from madder dye contribute to the removal of salts from the joints of the lower and upper extremities in diseases such as gout, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis. In addition, a decoction of madder helps with jaundice, dropsy and diseases of the spleen.

1 tsp ground to a powdery state of raw materials (roots and rhizomes) is poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water. The product is put on fire and boiled for ten minutes, then filtered and cooled. A decoction is drunk in half a glass three times a day (40 minutes after eating).


This form of the drug is indicated as an analgesic, diuretic and antispasmodic for cholelithiasis.

1 tsp crushed raw materials are poured into 200 ml of cold water, then the product is infused for 8 hours, after which the extract is filtered, while the raw materials are re-filled with 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion is filtered after 15 minutes. Infusions are mixed and drunk in two doses during the day.


Madder tincture is prescribed for inflammatory diseases kidneys, as well as the urinary tract, since the drug has a bactericidal effect on the coccal group of microorganisms. Madder tincture is also taken for joint diseases.

accepted pharmacy tincture madder 1 tsp half an hour after eating, and about 1.5 liters of purified or distilled water should be drunk per day.

herbal tea

Madder is a part of a general strengthening herbal tea that promotes the dissolution and removal of stones localized in the kidneys, urinary tract, and gallbladder.

Tea, the components of which (in addition to the roots of madder dye) are birch leaves and chamomile flowers, enhances heart contractions, while not significantly affecting heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration.

A package of such herbal tea is poured into a glass hot water and infused for about 5 minutes. It is used once a day in the evening (it is advisable to drink tea an hour after eating). Course of treatment: three to four weeks. Prevention can be carried out annually.

Madder extract tablets

The extract is available in tablet form. Capsules are taken orally 2-3 pieces three times a day. Tablets immediately before use should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water (it is recommended to drink daily at a strictly defined time). Treatment is carried out for 20 - 30 days. If necessary (and only after consulting a doctor), the course of treatment can be repeated after 4 weeks.

Marena in drops

Madder drops help dissolve calcium oxalates (or turn them into magnesium oxalates, which are easily dissolved and excreted from the body). In addition, the drug reduces swelling, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys.

Apply 20 drops, which are diluted in 150 ml of water. Drops are taken twice a day during meals. The course of admission is 30 days.


Powder made from madder roots is used to relieve spasms and pain when small stones come out. It is taken three times a day for 1 g (the powder is washed down with 100 ml of boiled warm water).

The use of madder dye

Madder dye is considered to be effective tool with urolithiasis. So, with the help of this plant, urates (stones that are formed in the kidneys due to a violation of water-salt metabolism) are loosened, which helps them to exit through the urinary canal.
The action of madder dye preparations:
  • loosening of urates;
  • elimination of pain during urination;
  • elimination of dull aching pain in the kidneys;
  • improvement of water-salt metabolism;
  • a decrease in tone and an increase in peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the renal pelvis, as well as the ureters, which contributes not only to the advancement of stones, but also to their release.

The drug Cystenal based on madder dye (instruction for use)

Alcohol tincture of the roots and rhizomes of madder dye is one of the components of the drug Cystenal, which has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect, thereby contributing to the discharge of small stones.

Indications for the use of the drug:
1. Kidney disease.
2. Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis.

The undeniable advantage of this drug is that it can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

Reception scheme
Cystenal is taken 3-4 drops (dropped on sugar) half an hour before eating.

With an attack of colic, a single dose of 20 drops is indicated. Patients who often experience colic attacks are recommended to take the drug three times, 10 drops each.

With heartburn, provoked by taking Cystenal, the drug is taken either during or after a meal.

In general, madder dye preparations, including Cystenal, are well tolerated. But it should be noted that when taking the drug, the urine turns reddish. In the event that the staining is intense, the doctor reduces the dose of the drug (the doctor may stop taking the drug altogether).

The use of Cystenal is contraindicated in following states:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.
It is not recommended to take the drug to persons under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women.

Important! The duration of the primary and repeated courses of treatment, dosage and dosage regimen of Cystenal is prescribed only by a doctor!

Recipes with madder dye

Infusion for diseases of the urinary tract

200 ml of water are heated without bringing to a boil. In water, the temperature of which should be about 80 degrees, put 20 g of dry madder roots, after which the product is infused for three hours and filtered. An infusion of 75 ml is taken after meals.

Decoction for rheumatism, gout, polyarthritis

10 g of dry madder roots pour 100 ml of water, and then boil for a couple of 15 minutes. The cooled and filtered decoction is applied as a lotion to the affected and painful places (such a decoction normalizes the metabolic processes of the skin).

Collection for softening and removing oxalate stones

  • madder roots - 10 g;
  • plowed harrow roots - 20 g;
  • flax seeds - 40 g.
4 tbsp crushed collection are poured with a liter of boiling water. The broth is drunk at a time immediately after cooling, while it is important to delay urination longer. It is recommended to take a sitz bath while urinating.

Collection for chronic bronchitis

  • licorice roots naked - 10 g; Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Release form

Madder extract It is produced in the form of tablets of 250 mg. The scored tablets may have a brown or light color. Brown color. Inclusions are possible. A blister pack may contain 10 or 20 tablets. 1, 2 or 3 packs are placed in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

Rubia tinctorum It is a herbal remedy. It has on the body diuretic and antispasmodic impact. Under the influence of the drug, there is a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, as well as an increase in its peristalsis. As a result, sand from the kidneys is painlessly expelled from the body, as well as small stones, especially those that contain calcium and magnesium phosphates.

Under the influence of the drug, urine is acidified, the severity of the pain syndrome decreases and improves the general condition of the body in people suffering from nephrourolithiasis. In the process of drug therapy, kidney stones are gradually loosened and painted red.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

There is no information on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug.

Indications for use

Madder Dyeing - herb and preparations based on it, are used for the following conditions and diseases:

  • nephrourolithiasis kidney (cases when it is not possible to perform surgical intervention);
  • therapy before surgery;
  • prevention of recurrence after surgery;
  • inflammatory phosphaturia ;
  • urinary tract infection .


Contraindications for the use of the extract are as follows:

  • severe sensitivity to the components of the remedy;

Side effects

Root, madder herb dye and medicines based on them can provoke development. Also, when taking these funds urine patient turns red.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If the patient is assigned Marena Krasilnaya, the instructions for use during the treatment process should be strictly observed. Madder extract taken orally , three times in a day one tablet . For better assimilation It is recommended to dissolve the tablet in half a glass of warm water.

If necessary, you can increase single dose up to 2-3 tablets. Course of therapy continues throughout from 20 to 30 days . Only after the approval of the treating specialist is it possible to re-treat. But you can repeat the course of therapy no earlier than after 4-6 weeks.


In case of an overdose of Marena Krasilnaya preparations, pain may occur due to the process of calculus discharge.


There was no significant interaction with other agents. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment with the extract.

Terms of sale

It is released in pharmacies by prescription.

Storage conditions

Store the product in a dark and dry place, the air temperature should not exceed 15 ° C. It is necessary to keep the product out of the reach of children.

Best before date

The shelf life of the extract is 3 years.

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that the herb and the root of Madder Dye, the use of which is possible both in its natural form and in the form of preparations based on it, stain human urine in a reddish color. If the color of the urine becomes brown-red during treatment, you need to reconsider the dosage of the drug or stop therapy for a while.

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