Improving our urine tests. How is a pregnancy test done? How to collect urine so that there is a good analysis

is an accessible and informative diagnostic method. The study of the characteristics of urine gives the doctor a clear picture of the state of the urinary organs. In addition, the results of this study reflect the changes in the body that occur with any other somatic diseases.

Table of contents:

Types of urinalysis

If you suspect a different pathology, the doctor prescribes certain urine tests. The most common of these are:

In general, the rules for preparing for the collection of analyzes are the same. But for some tests, urine must be collected in a special way.

Collection of urine for

Most people have experienced this analysis. It is carried out for the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary organs. In addition, upon admission to a hospital with somatic pathology, each patient submits general urine and blood tests. This is a necessary diagnostic minimum.

To get reliable results for the study, you need to properly prepare.

  • First of all, you need to wash yourself, and then wipe yourself dry with a clean towel.
  • It is advisable to collect morning urine. The first portion of urine is lowered into the toilet, then a container is placed and filled with urine. Finish urinating into the toilet. The required volume of urine for a diagnostic study is 80-100 ml.
  • Previously, urine for analysis was collected in jars, bottles. Now it is enough to go to any pharmacy and buy a container. The container must be signed with your last name.
  • Women should not give urine during their period, as this may skew the results. But if necessary, before collecting urine, a woman should use a tampon.
  • On the eve of the urine test, you should not eat coloring foods (for example, beets, carrots), as well as take diuretics. This may give incorrect data.
  • The analysis should be delivered to the laboratory within the next one and a half to two hours.

Collection of urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko

This study is prescribed if deviations were found in the general analysis. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to estimate the number of formed elements and cylinders in it. Before collecting urine, hygiene procedures in the perineal area are certainly carried out. They collect purely morning urine, and only the middle portion. That is, the first portion must be drained, then substitute the pharmacy container, fill it, flush the rest of the urine into the toilet. For this study, it is enough to collect 25-30 ml of urine.

If a person needs to undergo a general analysis, as well as a study according to Nechiporenko, it is recommended to collect urine for research on different days. This will help avoid incorrect test results.

Collection of urine for analysis according to Zimnitsky

This study allows the doctor to evaluate how well the kidneys concentrate and dilute urine.. During the studies, the volume of diuresis and the relative density of urine in each collected sample are determined.

During the collection of urine, it is necessary to observe the usual drinking regimen and not to drink excessive amounts of liquid. Diuretics should also not be used. Urine is collected per day. From the moment of awakening until nine in the morning, a person must urinate into the toilet, that is, the first morning urination is not taken into account.

It is necessary to prepare eight containers and sign them with an indication of the time period when urine will be collected. Starting at nine in the morning, eight servings of urine are collected:

  • The first portion - all urine is collected between 09:00-12:00;
  • The second portion - urine in the interval 12:00-15:00;
  • The third portion - urine in the interval 15:00-18:00;
  • The fourth portion - urine in the interval 18:00-21:00;
  • The fifth portion - urine in the interval 21:00-24:00;
  • The sixth portion - urine in the interval 24:00-03:00;
  • The seventh portion - urine in the interval 03:00-06:00;
  • Eighth portion - urine in the interval 06:00-09:00.

If at some time there was no urination, then the container is left empty. And if there is a lot of urine in a certain period, they take an additional container. Containers with selected urine must be kept cold. And the next morning after the last portion, take the dishes to the laboratory.

Amburge and Addis-Kakovsky test

The Amburger test helps the doctor to make a differential diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system. The method allows to estimate the proportion of erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders.

Hygiene procedures are carried out before urine collection. It is necessary to prepare any liter glass or plastic dishes. For analysis, all urine excreted in three to four hours is collected. At this time, a person can eat and drink as usual.

The Addis-Kakovsky test is also performed for the differential diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system. During the analysis, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes in the urine and their ratio is determined. To collect urine for the Addis-Kakovsky test on the day of urine sampling, you should definitely limit fluid intake. The exception is small children, they can consume liquid in the usual amount.

Urine is collected in a two-liter container. According to the doctor's instructions, urine is collected twelve or twenty-four hours in advance. Before going to bed, a person empties the bladder into the toilet. In the morning (after 10-12 hours) it is necessary to urinate into the prepared container and take the dishes to the laboratory.

Daily urinalysis

The daily volume of urine must be collected for further biochemical analysis of urine, Romberg's test. At the time of urine sampling, you must observe the usual, familiar drinking regimen.

Urine is collected for the whole day. The first morning urine is not taken away, but lowered into the toilet. All further urine is collected in pre-prepared dishes with a volume of up to three liters. The container must be stored in the refrigerator.

After daily urine has been collected, its volume is measured and recorded. Next, mix the liquid in the jar and pour 100-150 ml of urine into the container. This container is taken to the laboratory.

Two-glass, three-glass samples

Two- and three-glass tests are carried out to determine the localization of the inflammatory process. The portion collected in the first glass gives information about the state of the urethra, in the second glass - about the kidneys and ureter, the third - about the bladder and prostate.

Urine is collected in one morning urination. Urination immediately begins in the first glass (container), the average portion of urine is collected in the second glass, urination is completed in the third glass. With a two-glass sample, urination into the toilet is completed. Glasses must be signed in advance.

urine test

To identify the bacteria that caused inflammation in the urinary organs and the correct selection, a urine test is performed. Before collecting urine, the external genital organs are well washed without antiseptics, wiped with a clean towel. It is advisable to collect urine in the morning. You need to collect the middle portion exclusively in a sterile container. During urination, do not touch the container of the skin of the perineum. A small volume of urine - 10 ml is enough for the study.

Collection of urine in infants

Urine collection in young children is accompanied by certain difficulties. The child, of course, urinates beyond the clock, so mom needs to have a container on hand. Often, babies urinate after waking up or feeding, this will be a hint for parents. You can also go with the baby to the bathroom and open the faucet with running water there. The sound of running water can cause a child to urinate.

Urinalysis is an inexpensive but high-quality diagnostic that indicates pathological changes in the kidneys, immune system and other organs. Almost all disturbances in the functioning of the body are reflected in this biomaterial. How to collect urine for analysis so that the result is correct and reflects the real state of health? Learn the advice of biochemists.

general information

Urine, or urine (lat. urina), is a biological fluid that contains metabolic products excreted by the kidneys. Its function is to remove toxins, hormones, salts, cellular elements and other substances unnecessary for life from the body.

The study of physicochemical and bacteriological indicators of urine allows you to evaluate the work:

  • urinary tract and kidneys;
  • endocrine glands;
  • of cardio-vascular system.

In addition, the diagnosis of the material confirms / excludes the presence of inflammatory processes in the body and determines the state of metabolism. During the initial visit to the doctors, as a rule, a urinalysis is mandatory, and not only as a control during the treatment process, but also as a preventive measure.

Warning symptoms

It is necessary to urgently consult a therapist if there is pain, burning or difficulty urinating.

The following manifestations indicate the presence of infections, kidney damage and problems with the outflow of urine caused by the formation of stones, tumors, prostate hypertrophy:

  • back pain after waking up;
  • foamy urine;
  • discomfort in the suprapubic region and lower abdomen;
  • leucorrhoea in women;
  • exhaustion and fatigue.

Types of urine diagnostics

How to properly collect urine for analysis depends on the type of biomaterial study. The following methods are practiced:

  1. General clinical assessment of urine. It is prescribed for various diseases and for prophylactic purposes. Odor, color, transparency, acidity, specific gravity, density, presence of bacteria, protein, cellular inclusions of glucose, etc. are monitored.
  2. Zimnitsky test. It is prescribed for toxicosis, renal failure, diabetes mellitus and pyelonephritis. The density and amount of the daily dose of urine collected in separate containers every three hours are examined.
  3. Bacteriological culture of urine. Allows you to identify pathogens of urinary tract infections with the subsequent installation of the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibacterial drugs.
  4. according to Nechiporenko. How to assemble? The study is similar to the general analysis. It is necessary to make a sample of the middle portion of morning urine. The number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and salts in 1 ml is estimated. Thus, the diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract is carried out.
  5. Urinalysis according to Amburge. It is important for the detection of blood components in urine accumulated over three hours.
  6. Biochemical analysis. The amount of protein, urea, glucose, sodium, magnesium, potassium, creatinine and other substances is determined in the biomaterial.
  7. Daily biochemical study.

How to collect a general urine test?

Regardless of gender and age, when collecting biomaterial, the following points must be observed:

  1. Use the morning urine that has accumulated throughout the night.
  2. Be sure to clean the external genitalia with soap and water.
  3. Use industrially produced disposable sterile containers, which can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks.
  4. Keep the material for research no more than two hours.
  5. Pass an average portion of urine. To do this, you first need to urinate a little, then substitute the container and collect 100-150 ml of liquid and release the rest into the toilet again.

Invalid actions

How to collect urine for analysis so that the result is as correct as possible? Significantly distort the performance of the biomaterial can:

  • use of a non-sterile container for bioassays;
  • long-term storage of urine (even in the refrigerator) and collection in the evening;
  • taking an analysis during menstruation, if there is an urgent need for a study, a woman should use a tampon;
  • prior intake of diuretics;
  • touching with hands or skin the inner surface of the container for material for research;
  • urine collection immediately after the cystoscopy procedure.

Preparation for biomaterial sampling

How to collect urine for analysis in order to get genuine results? During the day before the delivery of urine, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid eating foods that color urine, such as beets, blueberries, currants and other berries;
  • exclude alcohol, including beer, which helps to remove fluid from the body;
  • do not take vitamins and supplements, which also change the color of the biomaterial, in turn, ascorbic acid overestimates the glucose level;
  • do not visit the sauna or bath;
  • to abandon increased physical activity, for example in the gym;
  • refrain from drinking natural diuretics such as coffee, watermelon, tea.

The importance of hygiene procedures

How to collect a general urine test? The woman prepares for the collection of urine by making the toilet of the genitals. Must be washed with soap. The jet of water should be directed from the pubis, along the perineum - towards the anus.

This is an important rule that must be observed not only when submitting material for research, but also on a daily basis, as well as teaching girls from childhood. It is this sequence of hygiene procedures that excludes the introduction of intestinal infections into the genitourinary organs, which is fraught with various diseases.

Often you can see recommendations for additional application of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, "Furacilin" or other antiseptics to the genitals. For the delivery of urine for bacteriological culture, this is strictly prohibited, because in this way the picture of the microflora will be distorted.

When urinating, it is necessary to cover the vagina with a cotton pad, a piece of bandage or gauze cut. This action will protect the material from the ingress of secretions from the genital organs containing protein.

How to collect pregnant urine for analysis? All of the above rules for women must be observed. During the period of bearing a baby, a general analysis of the biomaterial is given once a month and bakposev twice - when registering and immediately before childbirth.

A man must also perform appropriate hygiene in order to properly collect urine for analysis. Once it is ready to urinate, it is necessary to wash the penis with soap and water while pushing back the foreskin.

Features of urine collection in newborns and young children

Parents can choose one of the ways to take biomaterial for research:

  1. Pediatric urinal. Especially for such purposes, a disposable sterile bag is sold in a pharmacy. It is made of transparent polyethylene, has markings on the surface and an adhesive edge to fix the device on the skin around the genitals. The instructions detail how to use the urinal for girls and boys, taking into account the anatomical features.
  2. New plastic bag. Often used for babies. A bag is wrapped around the child's legs, the edges are tied. When the child urinates, the urine is moved to the bottom of a plastic container, a corner is cut off and poured into a container.
  3. Steam sterilized bowl. The baby can urinate over a vessel, from which the liquid is then drained into a container.

Mothers often ask pediatricians how to properly collect a urine sample from a child. First of all, hygiene of the perineum should be carried out. To provoke urination in a baby, you can open a tap with water or press your finger on the pubis, where the bottom of the bladder is located. Such actions cause a corresponding reflex. It is important to deliver the biomaterial within an hour after sampling.


  • use urine from diapers, from diapers;
  • drain from pots.

This helps to filter the urine, it will contain fibers and bacteria that are not inherent in it.

Daily urine collection

The peculiarity of this study is the preparation of a sterile container with a volume of about two liters, with a tight lid. It is necessary to stick a label on the walls of the container, where to indicate the full name. patient, as well as the date, time of the first and last urination in 24 hours.

How to collect daily urine for analysis? The algorithm is this:

  1. The first time you need to urinate into the toilet and write down the time on the label, that is, record exactly when the bladder was empty.
  2. Next, the urine is collected in a container that is stored in the refrigerator.
  3. 24 hours after the first mark on the label, hand over the biomaterial for the last time and record the time again.
  4. It is important to collect all the fluid without missing a single urination.
  5. The container, placed in a plastic bag, is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

This technique allows you to estimate how much urine is released per day and what is its concentration. Assign a study in such cases:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • diagnosis of diabetes insipidus;
  • with symptoms of renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

How to collect a urine test according to Zimnitsky? It is necessary to prepare 8 sterile containers for bioassays. The first portion of the liquid immediately after sleep is not collected - it goes down the toilet. The time is recorded as the start of the fence. Then, every three hours, separate containers are filled, which are stored in the refrigerator. After the last urination, all eight jars must be sent to the laboratory for diagnosis as soon as possible.


The reliability of the results of urinalysis largely depends on compliance with the rules for sampling biomaterial. Simple recommendations come down to simple points - genital hygiene, the use of a sterile container and compliance with the time period of the study.

The technique for collecting urine differs significantly depending on the type of analysis assigned. And the result of the study will largely depend on how well you prepare for the collection of analysis and how you collect urine. From this article you will learn how to properly collect urine for tests, and then the laboratory diagnosis will be correct.

Types of urine tests

For any disease, and simply during preventive examinations and medical examinations, any urine tests are prescribed, at least a general analysis. And in some cases (and urinary tract, diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, etc.), the following studies and tests can be additionally carried out:

  • test Nechiporenko;
  • Amburge test;
  • Addis-Kakovsky test;
  • Zimnitsky test;
  • bacteriological analysis of urine (analysis for sterility, sowing on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics);
  • biochemical analysis of urine;
  • two-glass and three-glass samples.

In the conditions of specialized hospitals, some other studies are also carried out (Reberg's test, stress tests, prednisolone test, etc.), but we will not dwell on them here, since special preparation for such studies is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel.

Each of the analyzes requires its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when preparing for collection and directly when collecting urine. Unfortunately, doctors do not always provide patients with the necessary information on the collection technique. Then results from the laboratory that do not correspond to the truth come, the disease may not be noticed on time or misdiagnosed, doctors have to prescribe repeated or additional tests and studies. Ultimately, the diagnosis is delayed, treatment is prescribed with a delay, or, on the contrary, unnecessary drugs are prescribed with a false diagnosis, time and money are wasted.

It is also difficult to collect urine from young children who do not control (or not always and not completely control) the process of urination. But even with them, most of the analyzes can be performed correctly the first time if the parents know how to prepare the child, the urine container, when it is better to collect material for research and other points.

General urine analysis

Urine should be collected in a special plastic container.
  1. Preparation for collection: thorough toilet of the external genital organs: the child needs to be washed (with baby soap or a special detergent). Do not forget that girls are washed from front to back, and for boys, when washing, the foreskin is pushed back, exposing the head of the penis.
  2. Urine container: any clean glass or plastic container (not necessarily sterile!). Wash the jar with warm soapy water and rinse.
  3. Collection time: the best option is the morning portion of urine. Moreover, it is desirable to examine urine within an hour after collection, since during long-term storage (especially outside the refrigerator), erythrocytes and cylinders are destroyed in it, the number of bacteria increases, and acidity changes. But sometimes there is no opportunity to collect urine in the morning (parents of babies may not be able to “guess” the right moment in the morning, and the laboratory usually takes tests only 2-3 hours in the morning). In this case, urine can be collected in the evening and left for storage in the refrigerator, in which case the main indicators of the analysis will be unchanged.
  4. Collection technique: before collecting the analysis, it is recommended to release some urine to reduce the ingress of bacteria, vaginal epithelial cells, leukocytes from the vagina. That is, urination is divided approximately in half, the child releases the first portion of urine into the toilet bowl (pot), and the second into a previously prepared container.

Nechiporenko test

  1. Preparation for collection:
  2. Urine container: any clean glass or plastic container.
  3. Collection time: morning (first morning urination).
  4. Collection technique: strictly average portion of urine (urination the child must begin and end in a pot or toilet, only the average portion is collected).

Sample Ambourzhe

  1. Preparation for collection: the toilet of the external genital organs before each urination in older children, in small children - with each change of the urinal.
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container with a volume of at least 1 liter.
  3. Collection time: by doctor's prescription. Urine collected in the morning is most often examined.
  4. Collection technique: Urine excreted by the child for 3-4 hours is collected for analysis under the conditions of the usual daily routine, nutrition and drinking regimen. Usually the child is asked to urinate at 7 o'clock in the morning, and this portion of urine is poured out. Over the next 3 hours, collect all the urine excreted by the child - in one container. For babies, if such an analysis is necessary, a urinal is fixed, replacing it as it is filled. If the child has urinated several times during this period, the collected urine is stored in the refrigerator.

Addis–Kakovsky test

  1. Preparation for collection: toilet vulva before going to bed. In adolescents, the Addis-Kakovsky test is performed against the background of fluid intake restriction (the child is given less water than usual) from the morning of the day on which the analysis is scheduled. In young children, fluid intake is not limited.
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container with a volume of at least 1 liter (for older children - 1.5-2 liters).
  3. Collection time: most often, urine is examined for 12 hours (at night), or for a day. At 20.00 the child empties the bladder (this portion is poured out), all subsequent portions of urine are collected in one container and stored in the refrigerator. The last urination is at 08.00 (required), this portion of urine is added to the previously collected one.

Zimnitsky's test

The Zimnitsky test involves collecting urine in a separate container every 3 hours.
  1. Preparation for collection: no special training is required. Drinking regimen, nutrition, hygiene measures are carried out as usual.
  2. Collection container: clean plastic or glass jars (8 pcs), on which labels are glued indicating the collection interval (1 jar for every 3 hours: from 06.00 to 09.00, from 09.00 to 12.00, etc., the last container is from 03.00 to 06.00) .
  3. Collection time: all the urine excreted by the child per day is collected.
  4. Collection technique: the patient is not forced to empty the bladder on purpose! Urine excreted during a natural urge in a certain period of time is collected in an appropriate container. If the child does not urinate within a three-hour period, the jar remains empty, and the laboratory assistant will put a dash in the column. For children who do not retain urine during the night, a urinal is secured at night, checked for fullness after a three-hour period.

In children under 2–3 years old, the Zimnitsky test is rarely performed, since before the appearance of arbitrary controlled urination, it is not possible to collect absolutely all daily urine, and the result of the test will be unreliable.

Bacteriological analysis of urine

  1. Preparation for collection: careful toilet of the external genitalia.
  2. Collection container: sterile test tube or other sterile container.
  3. Collection time: usually in the morning hours, that is, the first urination after a night's sleep.
  4. Collection technique: collect 5-10 ml strictly from the middle portion (the child starts and finishes urinating into the potty or on the toilet). Urine for sterility is rarely taken from children with a catheter.

Biochemical analysis of urine

  1. Preparation for collection: it is desirable to toilet the external genital organs before each urination (soap is not necessary for each washing).
  2. Collection container: any clean plastic or glass container with a volume of at least 1 liter (for older children - 1.5-2 liters).
  3. Collection time: day.
  4. Collection technique: urine is collected from 07.00 to 07.00. The first portion of forced urination (at 07.00 the child is asked to pee on the potty) is poured out, the subsequent ones are poured into a clean container, which will be stored in the refrigerator. If the child is small, urination is controlled by periodically planting the baby on the potty (so that he does not urinate by). At 07:00 the next day, the child is once again asked to empty the bladder, and this last portion of urine is added to the common container.

Two-glass and three-glass samples

  1. Preparation for collection: there is no preparation. It is impossible to wash the child before collecting urine!
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container (2 pcs. for a two-glass sample and 3 pcs. for a three-glass sample).
  3. Collection time: first morning urination.
  4. Collection technique: urine is collected sequentially in different containers: the beginning of urination is carried out in the first container, the middle - in the second, urination is completed in the third container, or, with a two-glass sample, in the toilet.

Peculiarities of urine collection in babies

When conducting a general analysis, and even more so a Nechiporenko test, it is better if you can collect urine immediately into a specially prepared container, and do not pour it from a pot or urinal.

The fact is that when collecting an analysis in a urinal or a pot in the urine of even a healthy child (especially in girls), “extra” cells (leukocytes, epithelium) and bacteria that got there not from the kidneys and urinary tract, but from the external genital organs can be found .

To collect the analysis immediately in a container, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Try to stimulate urination reflexively: hold the child over the sink by turning on the water (the murmur of water stimulates urination in children older than a year); in infants, urination is caused by the Peres reflex (stroking the back along the spine while lying on the stomach).
  2. In newborns and infants, it may be more convenient to use estimated urination times: most babies pee immediately after sleep, during or immediately after feedings. To collect urine, the child must be washed before going to bed (or before feeding), undressed below the waist and laid on an oilcloth with a diaper laid over it. If the room is cool, you can cover the baby with a light blanket. During feeding, the mother lies down next to the child, holding a prepared container in her hands. When urination begins, the container is substituted.

If it is not possible to collect urine in the above ways, then you can use a urinal (a special sterile bag with Velcro, which is fixed around the child's genitals), and for older children - a pot.

The kidneys are the most important organ that removes metabolic products. Urine is more than 95% water. The dry residue of excreted urine consists of the end products of protein metabolism.

Urine is formed by filtering the blood. Most medicines, biologically active substances and vitamin supplements are also excreted with urine.

End products of protein breakdown:

  • urea;
  • uric acid;
  • creatinine;
  • urobilin;
  • indican.

The characteristic color of urine is provided by the breakdown product of hemoglobin, urobilin. The more urobilin in the urine, the more saturated the urine is. Normally, urine is light yellow or straw-coloured. The kidneys work much more actively during the day, at night the activity of the urinary system is significantly reduced.

Normally, a small amount of salts is excreted in the urine, which enter in excess with water.

Approximately 1.5 liters of urine is excreted per day, but these figures may vary depending on the amount of fluid consumed. The bulk of excess water is excreted during the day, at night a healthy person practically does not have the urge to urinate.

A general urine test helps to evaluate the work of not only the urinary system, but the whole organism. The results of urine tests change when the kidneys, liver, pancreas and heart are disturbed. The external characteristics of samples may also change when some foods, drinks, medicines and vitamins are consumed. Even physical activity can cause changes in urine values.

Normal urine values

The urine of a healthy person is transparent, and the density resembles water. The density of urine varies throughout the day from 1005 to 1022. The specific gravity of urine depends on the concentration of metabolic products and salts in it. After the night, more dense urine is excreted, and during the day the density of the urine decreases slightly.

A very important indicator is the acidity of urine. Normal acidity values ​​are in the pH range from 4 to 7. A slightly acidic pH prevents the development of various microbes, and also prevents the formation of stones.

In the analyzes, mucus is found in a small amount. Mucus secrete glandular cells of the mucous membrane of the urinary system. Mucus performs a protective function, and its amount increases with inflammation of the walls of the urinary canal and bladder.

Normally, urobilinogen is present in the samples, its level should not rise above 10 mg / l. A small amount of protein is excreted by the kidneys, but its concentration is so low that it is neglected.

A small amount of leukocytes and erythrocytes is also excreted in the urine. In normal samples, 3-4 leukocyte cells and 2-3 erythrocytes can be determined in the field of view.

Causes of changes in urine parameters

Urine can change with various diseases, as well as as a result of a violation of the diet.

Diseases in which the indicators of urine tests change:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • prostatitis.

With cystitis in the urine, the amount of mucus, squamous epithelial cells and leukocytes increases. In some forms of cystitis, blood clots appear in the urine. With pyelonephritis, the level of leukocytes in the samples increases significantly, and bacteria appear in large numbers. In cases of severe glomerulonephritis, urine acquires the color of meat slops. In blood test samples for glomerulonephritis, the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and protein levels increase. With urolithiasis, salt crystals appear in the analyzes. With the discharge of salts and crystals in the urine, the number of erythrocytes and epithelial cells may increase.

Liver disease results in the appearance of bilirubin in samples for analysis. With the appearance of bilirubin, the urine becomes brownish dark. In diabetes mellitus, glucose and ketone bodies are determined in the tests.

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs in women, mucus and white blood cells from the vagina can enter the samples. Prostatitis in men also causes an increase in white blood cells and mucus in the samples.

Many medications and foods can interfere with urine test results. Some TB drugs can turn urine bright orange. Foods with a high content of dyes can also change the color of urine. The use of a large amount of mineral waters with a high level of mineralization often causes an increase in the level of salts in the sediment.

Amorphous phosphates appear when there is a lack of protein in the diet. With the predominance of vegetable products and fiber in the daily diet, the acidity of the urine decreases and phosphates precipitate. Sugary carbonated drinks are rich in phosphoric acid (eg Pepsi, Coca-Cola). Daily use of such drinks leads to the appearance of salts in the urine.

Prolonged physical activity can cause the appearance of protein and erythrocytes in the analyzes. With insufficient fluid intake, the body is dehydrated and the amount of urine decreases due to the water component. With dehydration of the body, urine output decreases sharply, and the concentration of salts and organic sediment increases.

How to influence test results

If deviations from the norm are not significant and are within the permissible deviations, then they can be corrected. You can improve the results of analyzes by changing the diet, rest regimen and physical activity. Also, a good result can be obtained by adding prophylactic herbal preparations to the daily diet.

Factors affecting urinalysis performance:

  • diet;
  • the quantity and quality of the liquid consumed;
  • mode of physical activity;
  • taking vitamin and biologically active supplements.

Every day a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in appropriate proportions. Insufficient protein intake causes a shift in the acid balance of urine towards alkalization and is the cause of the appearance of amorphous phosphates in the sediment. Excessive consumption of proteins can lead to the appearance of acetone and ketone bodies in samples.

Each person during the day on average should consume 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid. Drinking tea and coffee should not be taken into account in the total amount of the water diet, as these drinks additionally dry out the body. Natural coffee has a diuretic effect and leads to additional fluid loss. It is best to maintain the water balance by drinking clean warm water, unsweetened compote or uzvar. Drinks made from dried fruits are rich in essential trace elements, and water with lemon helps to improve the acid-base balance.

Do not abuse mineral waters. It must be understood that all mineral waters can be divided into several types, each of which has its own indications for use.

Types of mineral waters:

  • medicinal mineral water;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic mineral water;
  • table mineral water.

Medicinal mineral waters contain a large amount of minerals and salts, and can be used strictly according to indications. Medicinal waters can be consumed only in certain quantities, they are not intended for daily use. Incorrect or too frequent use of mineral water often causes an increase in the salt content in the sediment. Therapeutic and preventive waters also have a number of contraindications. Table mineral waters are best suited for daily use.

Information about the level of mineralization, as well as the category of mineral water should be specified on the label. Sometimes only the mineralization level is indicated on the bottle, by which one can judge which category the mineral water belongs to.

Water salinity levels:

  • table water - mineralization level up to 1 g / l;
  • treatment-and-prophylactic water mineralization up to 10 g/l;
  • medicinal water - mineralization more than 10 g / l;

Only table water is suitable for daily intake. In order for the results of urine tests to be normal, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet and drink enough water.

In most cases, when it becomes necessary to take tests to diagnose a disease, not all patients know how to properly collect urine for a general analysis.

The reliability of the results of the study depends on how correctly the biomaterial was collected.

The data obtained as a result of the study will be used by the attending physician to adequately assess the patient's condition and help prescribe reasonable treatment. How to properly prepare for analysis, what are the basic requirements for collecting urine, can be found in this article.

How to prepare for research

Urinalysis, as you know, is done for the purpose of primary diagnosis and prevention of the alleged disease. Its results will help to decide whether the patient needs medical examination or the choice of outpatient treatment.

How to collect urine for analysis?

There are rules that provide for preliminary preparation and requirements for the collection of urine.

A day or more before collecting urine, you need to limit yourself in some foods:

  1. you can not eat vegetables or fruits with a bright color, the color of which can affect the color of urine. These are beets, carrots, blueberries, citrus fruits;
  2. no need to eat caramel candies with synthetic colors;
  3. avoid spicy or salty foods for a couple of days before collecting urine;
  4. it is impossible to take medications that have an analgesic, diuretic or antipyretic effect, and vitamins a few days before the procedure;
  5. refrain from drinking before the analysis of mineral water, since under its influence the acid-base composition of urine may change and the results of the analysis in this case will be distorted;
  6. It is strictly forbidden a few days before the procedure to drink alcohol, as well as sweet carbonated drinks with dyes.

Try to limit physical activity the day before urine collection, as with intense muscle work, protein is excreted into it.

Hygiene is key

For general analysis, urine must be sterile. If hygiene standards are neglected, urine may contain secretions from the genital organs, and this will significantly distort the results of the study.

  1. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to wash the genitals with warm water and soap, a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin.
  2. After the water procedure, you need to dry the genitals. A man should dry the head and opening of the ureter well with a napkin, moving the foreskin; women are advised to wipe the perineum in the direction from the urethra to the anus.
  3. During critical days, it is better for women not to give urine for research.
  4. In order to achieve the sterility of the collected urine, a man must, during urination, pull back the outer skin folds and free the ureter as much as possible.
  5. A woman, in order to ensure sterility, must push her labia apart with her hands and thus open the ureter.
  6. If before this the patient underwent a cystoscopic examination of the bladder using a catheter, then urine can be collected for a general urine test only after a week.

If the above recommendations are not followed and hygiene rules are neglected, the results of the analysis can be greatly distorted under the influence of bacteria. Also in non-sterile urine, mucus and leukocytes in an increased amount can be detected.

Collection of biomaterial for analysis in an adult

In order to conduct a full-fledged study, the amount of urine of an adult must be at least 130 ml.

It is preferable to purchase a special container in the pharmacy store for passing urine for analysis. It is a sterile plastic cup with a screw cap. In the absence of a container, a small sterilized glass jar will do.

Do not touch the inner surface of the container and lid with your fingers, so as not to violate their sterility. Paste a marker on the container in advance indicating the data of the patient under study and the attending physician.

Important: you can get the most complete information about the state of the body only if the urine is collected in the morning on an empty stomach. The time interval between the evening toilet and the collection of urine should not be less than 5 hours.

In some cases, if it was not possible to collect material for analysis immediately after waking up, it is allowed to use urine collected no earlier than 2.5 hours after the first morning urination.

  • Urine collection can be performed only after mandatory hygiene procedures.
  • Take a collection container with you to the toilet, after removing the lid from it.
  • In order for the collected material to be sterile, it is necessary to put the first jet into the toilet, and only after that collect the urine for analysis.

If a woman needs to be tested at a time when she has critical days, she should use a hygienic swab immediately after morning water procedures. A tampon should be used in all cases where vaginal discharge occurs.

What you need to know when collecting material

As a rule, the doctor often asks to collect the entire portion of morning urine for a general analysis, and only then take the right amount of material. This gives the most complete result of the study.

Before pouring the amount of urine necessary for analysis into a separate container, first shake the container with the collected biomaterial well. The contents of the container will mix well, and urine with all the impurities in it will go for research.

It is forbidden to use a duck or a pot as a container for collecting urine when urinating - despite thorough rinsing, impurities contained in the urine, urinary stone settle on their walls. Freshly collected urine begins to decompose immediately under the influence of the phosphates contained in it.

After pouring the biomaterial into the desired container, it should be tightly closed with a lid and taken to the laboratory no later than 2-3 hours after collection. It is recommended to store the collected urine in a cool place before the study to prevent the process of its premature decomposition.

Only under these conditions can you get the most accurate results of the study.

The procedure for collecting urine for analysis in infants

It is not very difficult to collect a general urine test from an adult - it is enough to strictly adhere to the recommendations and rules of personal hygiene. However, mothers often ask themselves the question of how to collect a urine test from an infant - sometimes this is quite problematic.

An infant baby cannot yet control the process of urination, it is still too early and useless to plant it, and parents rarely manage to catch the moment when the baby feels the urge to urinate.

It is especially difficult when collecting urine from newborn girls. Male babies are easier to "catch on the hot" and in time to substitute the container under the stream of urine.

One of the methods below will tell you how to properly collect urine from children from the first days of birth to a year.

1. Purchase a pediatric urine bag from a pharmacy. This is a transparent plastic bag that is glued to the baby's genitals. The receiver is designed so that when urinating, urine does not spill, and there is no possibility of mixing it with feces.

In order to get the correct portion of urine, in the morning, fix the urinal on the baby's genitals. If you need to stimulate urination, breastfeed or bottle feed your baby, give him water to drink, and lightly stroke the baby's back.

2. In the absence of a children's urinal, you can use a plate. Wash it in advance with soda and dry well. Gently slide it under the baby's ass at the crucial moment.

3. Another option is to use a new plastic bag with handles. Attach them to the baby's hips, and then immediately pour the collected urine into the prepared container.

It is very important that the urine collected from babies does not mix with feces.

Before you start collecting your baby's urine, be sure to wash it with warm water without soap.

If the infant is breastfed, the mother should adhere to the same restrictions on food intake and drugs that are given for adult patients.

Rules for collecting a urine sample from a child

When a child reaches the age of two, he already understands what his parents want from him, and independently controls his needs. Therefore, it is not difficult for parents to collect urine for analysis even from such a crumb.

Moreover, if you show imagination and turn the process itself into a game, then the baby will gladly help you achieve the desired result. Do not skimp on praise and encouragement, and then there will be no serious problems with small children when you need to collect urine for analysis.

The procedure is still the same:

  1. Mandatory hygiene procedures: washing the genitals just before the collection of urine.
  2. Persuade the child to pee in a wide dish prepared in advance. Do not use a pot for this, as pathogenic bacteria may be present in non-sterile containers, whose vital activity decomposes urine.
  3. Mix the contents and pour the desired volume - about 100 ml. - in a sterile container or jar with a marker pasted on it indicating the name of the patient and the attending physician.
  4. You can store urine before analysis for no more than five hours only in the refrigerator, but it is much more correct to immediately give it to the laboratory for analysis.

We must not forget that a two-three-year-old child is still small enough to be able to restrain his urge to go to the toilet for some time, so all hygiene procedures should be done as quickly as possible.

As you can see, collecting urine for general analysis is a fairly simple procedure that does not require excessive knowledge and complex preparation. It is enough just to adhere to some recommendations in nutrition and not to ignore the mandatory morning hygiene procedures.

How to collect urine for analysis

The technique for collecting urine differs significantly depending on the type of analysis assigned. And the result of the study will largely depend on how well you prepare for the collection of analysis and how you collect urine. From this article you will learn how to properly collect urine for tests, and then the laboratory diagnosis will be correct.

Types of urine tests

For any disease, and simply during preventive examinations and medical examinations, any urine tests are prescribed, at least a general analysis. And in some cases (diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, etc.), the following studies and tests can additionally be carried out:

  • test Nechiporenko;
  • Amburge test;
  • Addis-Kakovsky test;
  • Zimnitsky test;
  • bacteriological analysis of urine (analysis for sterility, sowing on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics);
  • biochemical analysis of urine;
  • two-glass and three-glass samples.

In the conditions of specialized hospitals, some other studies are also carried out (Reberg's test, stress tests, prednisolone test, etc.), but we will not dwell on them here, since special preparation for such studies is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel.

Each of the analyzes requires its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when preparing for collection and directly when collecting urine. Unfortunately, doctors do not always provide patients with the necessary information on the collection technique. Then results from the laboratory that do not correspond to the truth come, the disease may not be noticed on time or misdiagnosed, doctors have to prescribe repeated or additional tests and studies. Ultimately, the diagnosis is delayed, treatment is prescribed with a delay, or, on the contrary, unnecessary drugs are prescribed with a false diagnosis, time and money are wasted.

It is also difficult to collect urine from young children who do not control (or not always and not completely control) the process of urination. But even with them, most of the analyzes can be performed correctly the first time if the parents know how to prepare the child, the urine container, when it is better to collect material for research and other points.

General urine analysis

Urine should be collected in a special plastic container.
  1. Preparation for collection: a thorough toilet of the external genitalia: the child must be washed (with baby soap or a special detergent). Do not forget that girls are washed from front to back, and for boys, when washing, the foreskin is pushed back, exposing the head of the penis.
  2. Urine container: any clean glass or plastic container (not necessarily sterile!). Wash the jar with warm soapy water and rinse.
  3. Time of collection: the best option is the morning portion of urine. Moreover, it is desirable to examine urine within an hour after collection, since during long-term storage (especially outside the refrigerator), erythrocytes and cylinders are destroyed in it, the number of bacteria increases, and acidity changes. But sometimes there is no opportunity to collect urine in the morning (parents of babies may not be able to “guess” the right moment in the morning, and the laboratory usually takes tests only 2-3 hours in the morning). In this case, urine can be collected in the evening and left for storage in the refrigerator, in which case the main indicators of the analysis will be unchanged.
  4. Collection technique: before collecting the analysis, it is recommended to release some urine to reduce the ingress of bacteria, vaginal epithelial cells, leukocytes from the vagina. That is, urination is divided approximately in half, the child releases the first portion of urine into the toilet bowl (pot), and the second into a previously prepared container.

Nechiporenko test

  1. Urine container: any clean glass or plastic container.
  2. Collection time: morning (first morning urination).
  3. Collection technique: a strictly average portion of urine (the child must begin and end urination in a pot or toilet, only an average portion is collected).

Sample Ambourzhe

  1. Preparation for collection: the toilet of the external genitalia before each urination in older children, in small children - with each change of the urinal.
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container with a capacity of at least 1 liter.
  3. Collection time: according to the doctor's prescription. Urine collected in the morning is most often examined.
  4. Collection technique: Urine is collected for analysis, excreted by the child in 3-4 hours under the conditions of the usual daily routine, nutrition and drinking regimen. Usually the child is asked to urinate at 7 o'clock in the morning, and this portion of urine is poured out. Over the next 3 hours, collect all the urine excreted by the child - in one container. For babies, if such an analysis is necessary, a urinal is fixed, replacing it as it is filled. If the child has urinated several times during this period, the collected urine is stored in the refrigerator.

Addis–Kakovsky test

  1. Preparation for collection: toilet of the vulva before going to bed. In adolescents, the Addis-Kakovsky test is performed against the background of fluid intake restriction (the child is given less water than usual) from the morning of the day on which the analysis is scheduled. In young children, fluid intake is not limited.
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container with a volume of at least 1 liter (for older children - 1.5-2 liters).
  3. Collection time: most often, urine is examined 12 hours before (at night), or per day. At 20.00 the child empties the bladder (this portion is poured out), all subsequent portions of urine are collected in one container and stored in the refrigerator. The last urination is at 08.00 (required), this portion of urine is added to the previously collected one.

Zimnitsky's test

The Zimnitsky test involves collecting urine in a separate container every 3 hours.
  1. Preparation for collection: no special preparation is required. Drinking regimen, nutrition, hygiene measures are carried out as usual.
  2. Collection container: clean plastic or glass jars (8 pcs), on which labels are glued indicating the collection interval (1 can for every 3 hours: from 06.00 to 09.00, from 09.00 to 12.00, etc., the last container - from 03.00 to 06.00).
  3. Collection time: all urine excreted by the child per day is collected.
  4. Collection technique: the patient is not forced to empty the bladder on purpose! Urine excreted during a natural urge in a certain period of time is collected in an appropriate container. If the child does not urinate within a three-hour period, the jar remains empty, and the laboratory assistant will put a dash in the column. For children who do not retain urine during the night, a urinal is secured at night, checked for fullness after a three-hour period.

In children under 2–3 years old, the Zimnitsky test is rarely performed, since before the appearance of arbitrary controlled urination, it is not possible to collect absolutely all daily urine, and the result of the test will be unreliable.

Bacteriological analysis of urine

  1. Preparation for collection: a thorough toilet of the external genitalia.
  2. Collection container: sterile tube or other sterile container.
  3. Collection time: usually in the morning, that is, the first urination after a night's sleep.
  4. Collection technique: collect 5-10 ml strictly from the middle portion (the child starts and finishes urinating into a potty or on the toilet). Urine for sterility is rarely taken from children with a catheter.

Biochemical analysis of urine

  1. Preparation for collection: it is advisable to toilet the external genital organs before each urination (soap is not necessary for each washing).
  2. Collection container: any clean plastic or glass container with a capacity of at least 1 liter (1.5-2 liters for older children).
  3. Collection time: day.
  4. Collection technique: urine is collected between 07.00 and 07.00. The first portion of forced urination (at 07.00 the child is asked to pee on the potty) is poured out, the subsequent ones are poured into a clean container, which will be stored in the refrigerator. If the child is small, urination is controlled by periodically planting the baby on the potty (so that he does not urinate by). At 07:00 the next day, the child is once again asked to empty the bladder, and this last portion of urine is added to the common container.

Two-glass and three-glass samples

  1. Preparation for collection: no preparation is carried out. It is impossible to wash the child before collecting urine!
  2. Collection container: any clean glass or plastic container (2 pcs for a 2-glass sample and 3 pcs for a 3-glass sample).
  3. Collection time: first morning urination.
  4. Collection technique: urine is collected sequentially in different containers: the beginning of urination is carried out in the first container, the middle - in the second, urination is completed in the third container, or, with a two-glass sample, in the toilet.

Peculiarities of urine collection in babies

When conducting a general analysis, and even more so a Nechiporenko test, it is better if you can collect urine immediately into a specially prepared container, and do not pour it from a pot or urinal.

The fact is that when collecting an analysis in a urinal or a pot in the urine of even a healthy child (especially in girls), “extra” cells (leukocytes, epithelium) and bacteria that got there not from the kidneys and urinary tract, but from the external genital organs can be found .

To collect the analysis immediately in a container, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Try to stimulate urination reflexively: hold the child over the sink by turning on the water (the murmur of water stimulates urination in children older than a year); in infants, urination is caused by the Peres reflex (stroking the back along the spine while lying on the stomach).
  2. In newborns and infants, it may be more convenient to use estimated urination times: most babies pee immediately after sleep, during or immediately after feedings. To collect urine, the child must be washed before going to bed (or before feeding), undressed below the waist and laid on an oilcloth with a diaper laid over it. If the room is cool, you can cover the baby with a light blanket. During feeding, the mother lies down next to the child, holding a prepared container in her hands. When urination begins, the container is substituted.

If it is not possible to collect urine in the above ways, then you can use a urinal (a special sterile bag with Velcro, which is fixed around the child's genitals), and for older children - a pot.

But the doctor who sent you for analysis should be warned that you collected all the urine, and not the average portion, and collected it in a urinal (pot). In this case, small deviations from the norm, the doctor will be able to interpret as an error in the collection of the analysis.

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How to collect urine for analysis

The study of body fluids is of great diagnostic value. Along with the study of blood, urine tests are prescribed for a whole range of indications, and there are several types of studies.

Why is a urine test done?

Firstly, urine tests are carried out for preventive purposes, so as not to miss the early stages of various diseases. To do this, the study of urine is carried out as part of the medical examination of certain age categories of the population. For example, urine collection is carried out from children from the age of three months, then a year, before entering kindergarten and school. The adult category of the population should also be regularly examined, which is usually organized by the management of enterprises.

Secondly, in addition to prophylactic purposes, urine tests are necessary to diagnose diseases when a person already has pathological symptoms. These can be both signs of damage to various parts of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), and other internal organs (endocrine pathologies, metabolic disorders).

Thirdly, according to the indicators of a laboratory study of urine, carried out regularly in the form of screening tests, one can judge how the disease proceeds, whether it progresses or the patient begins to recover. According to the normalization of parameters or the absence of positive laboratory dynamics, the doctor can also state how effective the prescribed therapy is, whether its correction is required.

If kidney disease is suspected, a urinalysis is mandatory

In clinical practice, urine can be examined in various ways, since the goal is to obtain many indicators. The most commonly used types of urine studies are:

  • general analysis;
  • according to Nechiporenko;
  • according to Zimnitsky;
  • according to Amburge.

In order for all the results obtained to be reliable and really informative, you need to know how to collect urine correctly. Consider the rules for collecting urine separately for each type of study.

Conducting a general urine test is the most common type of diagnosis. It is he who is prescribed during dispensary events, becomes the first stage of laboratory tests for suspected various diseases, serves as a test during patient treatment, and is carried out in pregnant women in all trimesters. This type of study of urine allows you to get very important indicators of both the physical properties of urine and its composition. The specific gravity, color shade, degree of transparency, the presence of sugar, protein, urobilinogen, salts, and the cellular composition of the urinary sediment are determined.

To properly collect urine, you must follow simple rules. But before the collection process itself, it is advisable to prepare. This means that you should not drink alcohol the day before, do not eat foods that change the color of urine (beets, for example), and refrain from diuretics unless they are prescribed for health reasons. In addition, it is important to know that the indicators of a general analysis of urine and other types of research carried out earlier than 7 days after cystoscopy or during menstruation are not reliable. The rules for collecting urine are as follows:

  • in the morning, before the first urination, it is necessary to carry out a thorough toilet of the external genital organs;
  • skip the first portion of urine into the toilet, the rest into a clean container;
  • mix the urine in a container, then pour about 50 ml into a special container or just a specially prepared jar with a lid (washed, scalded with boiling water and dried).

In pharmacies you can buy special containers for urine

You can read more about the different urine containers in this article. The urine should then be transported to the laboratory as quickly as possible, within 1-2 hours. If this cannot be done quickly, then the container with urine should be in a cold place. As a rule, the results of the study are ready on the same day.

In contrast to the general analysis of urine, in which a laboratory study of the cellular composition of the urinary sediment and counting of its components is carried out under a microscope using the field of view method, the study of fluid according to Nechiporenko is designed to count the components of one unit of volume. Such a unit is 1 ml, in which the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders of various origins is counted.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is prescribed, as a rule, after receiving the results of a general study, when any pathological abnormalities have already been detected, and serves to clarify their nature.

This type of urine study helps in the diagnosis of various diseases of the urinary system only, allows you to assess the functionality of the kidneys, the presence and localization of infectious and other pathological foci. In addition, the analysis data according to Nechiporenko serve as an auxiliary means of monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment.

As before conducting a general study, before collecting a urine test according to Nechiporenko, it is important not to drink alcoholic beverages the day before, not to use urine-coloring foods, to reduce physical and emotional stress, and not to take diuretics. In order to properly collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko, it is necessary to allocate an average portion of urine during urination.

All steps in the process are:

  • before the first morning urination to carry out the toilet of the perineum;
  • the first portion of urine, with a volume of about 20 ml, is passed into the toilet past the urine container, then the jar is placed under the stream and collected in an amount of about 50 ml;
  • the remaining urine during urination is again drained into the toilet.

The container with urine is delivered for research within 1-2 hours after collection. The results are ready on the first day.

It is better not to drink alcohol before passing urine

Urinalysis according to Amburge is also necessary for the quantitative calculation of cellular elements in urine. The difference from the Nechiporenko test is that the calculation is carried out not in 1 ml of liquid, but in 1 minute. The preparation of the patient is carried out in the same way, but in addition he should drink less water the day before, and at night completely exclude the use of liquids.

The next difference is that the very first urination is completely skipped. A person must remember its time and then, exactly after 3 hours, at the second urination, collect all the urine in a special container or jar. Collected urine for analysis according to Ambourge should be immediately examined in the laboratory.

This method is considered in some cases more acceptable and convenient for outpatient conditions than the Nechiporenko method. It is able to provide the most accurate information, since if the rules for collecting urine are followed and the analysis is carried out quickly, autolysis (decay) of cellular elements does not occur.

This type of study is designed to clarify the features of renal activity, in particular, the concentration ability of the organ. It allows you to determine how the tubular system of the kidneys functions, how reabsorption occurs and, in general, the final formation of urine. To obtain these data, it is necessary to collect daily urine to assess its quantity and specific gravity, as well as to find out the distribution of these indicators over the day and night periods of the day. The results of the Zimnitsky test help to diagnose many serious renal pathologies and start timely therapy.

Zimnitsky analysis will require 8 containers

The rules for collecting daily urine are as follows:

How much urine is needed for a general analysis

  • The day before, prepare 8 clean jars or containers, write down the collection time for yourself, since urine should be collected strictly at certain hours (set an alarm at night), prepare a notebook to account for all incoming liquids that will be consumed with tea, juice, milk or as part of liquid meals for the next day.
  • On the day when urine should be collected, the very first urination, at 6 o'clock in the morning, is passed into the toilet; the following urine excretions are carried out immediately into prepared containers in full, starting at 9 a.m. and strictly every 3 hours throughout the day, until 6 a.m. the next day.
  • Then the collected daily urine, that is, all 8 jars stored in the refrigerator, is transported to the laboratory; they must also be accompanied by a diary with records of the amount of fluid that has entered the body.

The correct collection of urine according to Zimnitsky helps to find out a whole range of parameters. So, the normal volume of daily urine is 1.5-2 liters, its density is from 1018 to 1035, on average - 1020. Daytime diuresis should exceed nighttime and be 60-65%, and the amount of fluid drunk and excreted urine should appear in the ratio 65-80%. These indicators may indicate the formation of symptoms such as polyuria, oliguria, nocturia, hypostenuria, hyperstenuria, and help in the diagnosis of dangerous kidney diseases.

Features of the collection and delivery of urine in a small child

The time has passed when it was very difficult to collect urine from a child, especially at the age of one month or a little older. Various saucers or plates were used, in boys jars, with the help of which urination was in wait. At the same time, it was not always possible to comply with all the rules for collecting, to isolate the middle portion of the liquid, or to maintain its purity and sterility.

To collect urine from a baby, there are various devices.

As the children got older, around the age of one, urine collection became easier. For this, a pot was used, on which the baby sat until he urinated. But even in these cases, it was not always possible to persuade the child and collect exactly the morning portion of urine correctly. In addition, keeping urine in a reusable pot did not give it the desired purity and even added unnecessary impurities.

Currently, pharmacies offer special urinals that are disposable and meet all hygiene requirements and rules for collecting urine. They differ in models and design, as they are designed for boys and girls of different ages, therefore they correspond to all the physiological characteristics of children. If it is not possible to purchase a children's urinal, then you can use the usual clean plastic bag. Slots are made in it for the legs of the child, and the top is tied on the tummy. As soon as urination occurs, the bag is removed, and the urine is poured into a clean jar and taken to the laboratory.

Compliance with all the above rules for collecting urine is necessary so that the results obtained are reliable and help in the diagnosis of diseases. This is the only way to achieve timeliness and effectiveness of therapy.

How to collect a general urine test?

When contacting doctors, each patient is given a referral for general tests. Most often this is done to compile a clinical picture of the patient's health. That is why it is important to know how to properly collect a general urine test so that the specialist can obtain the most reliable, not distorted information about the state and functioning of organs.

Experts say that taking urine to the laboratory to study its properties once a year is useful for all patients, regardless of gender and age. This helps to identify the slightest deviations or the development of any pathological processes in the kidneys and bladder. A chemical study of the properties of urine allows you to identify some serious diseases even at their initial stage. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • various diseases provoked by metabolic disorders.

During treatment, urinalysis is required to be taken more often. This helps to monitor the effectiveness of the drugs taken by the patient.

How to collect urine for general analysis?

It is important for every doctor to get correct, not distorted research results, so they recommend adhering to certain rules:

  • immediately before collecting the analysis, avoid eating fruits, red and yellow vegetables that change the color of urine, as well as highly carbonated drinks with preservatives and artificial colors, citrus and vegetable juices;
  • avoid excessive consumption of diuretic products and medications with a similar effect;
  • it is undesirable to take medications that relieve pain, antipyretics, vitamins;
  • if you have recently undergone a procedure such as cystoscopy, then urine for analysis can be collected no earlier than 5-7 days after it;
  • if you are taking certain medications in a course, warn the specialist about this so that he takes into account possible side effects in the results of the analysis;
  • avoid excessive physical activity before analysis, as this helps to detect protein in the urine;
  • female patients are not recommended to give urine for laboratory diagnosis during menstruation.

Urine for analysis is collected in the morning, immediately after sleep. There are 2 ways to collect urine.

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