Soothing collection number 3. Fitosedan: herbal help in the treatment of nervous diseases. Terms and conditions of storage

And there I advised a budgetary and effective substitute - the soothing herbal collection Fitosedan. After that, clarifying questions rained down on me in a personal - what kind of collection I advise, No. 2 or No. 3. So I decided to write a separate review about my experience with Fitosedan.

Usually I buy collection No. 3, about the fact that there is also a second - I was not even aware of it.

I’m probably already buying a third pack, because the product is cheap and really has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Fitosedan serves as a sedative for me when the world around is pumped up, and there is no prescription for antidepressants at hand. Yes, and now I have no one to write out a prescription, the doctor I know is far away, and through the Internet I don’t know how prescriptions are written out. And what I want to say - it would seem simple, banal herbs - and their effect is like that of an average tranquilizer!

The effect of the application I feel already by dinner after the first brewed bag - I become calmer ... oh, I don't like these common phrases- I'm GETTING CALM - it's not really that dumb calm, no. I am focused, I can get behind the wheel (that is, my attention is not lost), BUT at the same time my hands do not shake, tears do not roll into my eyes, and traumatic life situations (which I constantly think about) do not make me want to go and stand up . Fitosedan does not make me sleep and walk like an autumn fly, but gives me a quiet, calm confidence - "you can handle everything."

This collection includes:

That's all - the composition is not sophisticated, if you wish, you can buy herbs separately and make a decoction yourself, but the use of herbs in filter bags is preferable for me personally.

About the taste of the tincture- it's not a gull. Drinking it with pleasure will not work. the infusion tastes WILDLY BITTER, just fu. I drink in one gulp, pinching my nose with my fingers - so bitterness is not felt. It is necessary to drink three to four times a day, preferably before meals.

About the dosage. I drink more than I need to. The manufacturer advises drinking a third of a glass several times a day, and I drink a GLASS of infusion three times a day (and sometimes four). Well, just such a dosage helps me - perhaps a third of a glass will be enough for someone for the desired effect.

Well, that's all, I hope my review will be useful. Seriously, rather than buying this Tenoten for unmeasured money, try Fitosedan for 50 r - it won’t make it worse for sure, but it will be useful!

Sometimes at home there are such situations that they simply fall on all hands and no longer have the strength to do household chores. All this is very depressing. And also when relationships with others or within their own family do not add up.

That is still doubly warm. And in these situations, it is simply difficult to do without some kind of additional support.

In such cases, I usually resort to sedatives. As sedatives, I took syrups, tinctures, and not so long ago I discovered another type of sedative for myself. Namely, special fees on herbs. After all, there is nothing better than a natural product, namely, herbal preparations are such a product. Than to swallow any different chemistry in the form of tablets.

It’s just that in this case, many do not know about such sedatives and therefore buy expensive drugs that not only do not help, but even more depress this situation.

In this article, I want to tell you about several different types of sedative fees. Since, depending on the number that is written on their box, they differ from each other in their properties and composition.

Calming collection number 1.

All sedative fees can be found on sale in many pharmacies in your city. They are produced by different manufacturers and therefore the design of the boxes can be completely different. Such a collection is sold in ordinary filter bags. And it was made for that. to make it convenient to brew this collection.

Calming collection at number one has the following herbs in its composition:

Melissa herb

Peppermint herb

Hop cones

Chamomile flowers

St. John's wort, as well as valerian root.

All these components have a good sedative effect on the body. Brewing such a collection is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a glass of boiled water of about 250 ml, brew two bags of herbs in it and drink it all before going to bed. This solution should be prepared right before use. I also add sugar to this decoction and drink it at night as tea.

Calming collection number 2.

This sedative collection has a completely different composition. But it also includes natural herbs that have a sedative effect. Namely

Hop fruit

motherwort herb

peppermint leaves

Valerian roots

Licorice roots.

This collection needs to be prepared a little differently. To do this, they also take a glass of water, put two filter bags there and put it all on fire until the water boils. Then we remove the bags and bring the volume to 200 ml. You need to take this collection two or three times a day. It is already necessary to do this not completely, but 1/3 cup.

I liked the soothing collection number three both in taste and in its composition the most. That's why I bought it for myself several times. And this collection really helps me very well with constant tension and stress.

This soothing collection includes such components as:

herb oregano

Sweet clover grass

motherwort herb

Valerian root and thyme.

True, the only thing is not very convenient for me to prepare and accept this collection. Since you have to cook it constantly and at the same time you need to take it four times a day. When you sit at home, then in principle this regimen can be followed, but when you work, it does not always work out.

But despite this, this collection is really very good both in its composition and in effect.

I only bought the soothing collection at number four once. But in terms of its effect, it is not slightly worse than other options. The composition of this collection also includes valerian root. But besides this, there is motherwort grass, hawthorn fruits, rose hips and peppermint leaves.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Fitosedan No. 3 (Soothing collection No. 3) is a herbal preparation with a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - crushed collection: a mixture of plant materials in the form of heterogeneous particles of green-whitish color interspersed with yellow and pinkish-violet color, with a strong aromatic odor; the aqueous extract has a bitter, spicy taste (25, 50 or 100 g each in paper, heat-sealed, polypropylene bags, in wet-strength paper bags or in bags of parchment, in a cardboard bundle 1 bag; 2 g in filter bags, in a cardboard pack of 10 or 20 filter bags).

100 g of crushed collection contains:

  • rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis - 17 g;
  • motherwort herb - 25 g;
  • common oregano herb - 25 g;
  • creeping thyme grass - 25 g;
  • sweet clover grass - 8 g.

Pharmacological properties

The herbal water infusion has a calming effect and has antispasmodic efficacy.

Indications for use

  • insomnia (sleep disturbance);
  • neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertonic type;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • spasms of the gastrointestinal tract - as part of complex therapy.


  • period of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The use of the infusion of the drug for the treatment of children under the age of 12 is indicated only on prescription.

Instructions for use Fitosedan No. 3 (Soothing collection No. 3): method and dosage

An aqueous extract or infusion of the collection is taken warm inside 0.5 hours before meals.

To prepare the infusion, 1 tablespoon (5 g) of dry mass should be poured into an enameled vessel, poured with hot boiled water (200 ml), closed with a lid and kept in a water bath. To do this, pour water into another container and bring it to a boil. Having placed a vessel with the future infusion on top, so that its bottom is in contact with boiling water in the container, insist 1/4 hour. Removed from the water bath, the infusion should be cooled at room temperature for 3/4 hours, strain, squeezing out the remaining raw materials. Boiled water must be added to the resulting infusion until a volume of 200 ml is reached.

When using filter bags, place 2 filter bags (4 g) in a glass or enamel vessel, pour 200 ml of boiling water, fix the bags on the bottom of the vessel with a spoon, cover with a lid and infuse for 1/4 hour. After squeezing the bags, remove them, and bring the resulting volume with boiled water to 200 ml.

After a 10-day break, the course can be resumed.

Before each dose, the infusion must be shaken.

Side effects

Perhaps the development of allergic reactions.


Symptoms: against the background of prolonged use of high doses, drowsiness, muscle weakness, and decreased performance may occur.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

A stable therapeutic effect occurs after 10-14 days of regular use of the infusion.

If necessary, the finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Prolonged use of infusion in high doses can cause a decrease in the rate of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, when driving vehicles and working with complex mechanisms, care should be taken.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Fitosedan No. 3 (Soothing collection No. 3) is contraindicated for use during gestation and breastfeeding.

Application in childhood

Due to the lack of sufficient data from clinical studies, Phytosedan No. 3 (Soothing Collection No. 3) can be used to treat children under the age of 12 years only as prescribed by the attending physician.

drug interaction

Sleeping pills and other drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system can enhance their clinical effect while using the infusion.


The analogues of Fitosedan No. 3 (Soothing collection No. 3) are: Fitosedan No. 2 (Soothing collection No. 2), Novo-Passit, Alora, Cardiovalen, Simpatil, Fito Novo-Sed, Calm, Phytorelax.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store in a place protected from moisture and light.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Sedative collection No. 3 is a medicinal product of the so-called plant origin. I will consider the pharmaceutical preparation in detail especially for readers of "Popular about Health".

So, the instruction "Soothing collection No. 3":

What is the composition and form of release of Collection No. 3?

The phytomedicine is multicomponent. The collection contains several different representatives of the flora: valerian officinalis rhizomes, sweet clover grass and oregano, in addition, there is motherwort grass and creeping thyme.

Phytopreparation is sold without a prescription. It is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in filter bags, which are packaged in cardboard boxes. In addition, the collection goes on sale in the form of crushed vegetable raw materials, placed in a small cardboard box, on which the date of pharmaceutical production and the expiration date of this product are visible.

What is the action of Gathering No. 3?

Herbal remedy Soothing collection No. 3 contains in its composition some biologically active compounds that are found in herbs and plant roots that are part of the medicinal herbal remedy, in particular, contain coumarins, some essential oils, and there are flavonoids.

From this phytopreparation it is recommended to prepare a decoction and infusion, which have a sedative effect, and also have an antispasmodic effect. Due to this, the action of the collection relieves excessive excitement, normalizes the patient's sleep, and also lowers blood pressure to some extent, especially at the initial stage of hypertension.

What are the indications for use of Collection No. 3?

In the indications of the collection, its instructions for use include:

Effective herbal remedy for sleep disorders;
A herbal remedy is used for mental arousal.

In addition, the phytopreparation can be used in combination therapy of the initial stage of arterial hypertension after a preliminary examination of the patient by a specialist.

What are the contraindications for the use of Collection No. 3?

In contraindications, the abstract includes prohibitions on the use of those patients who have been found to have hypersensitivity to some of the active components of this pharmaceutical. Before using the drug during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor.

What is the use and dosage of Collection No. 3?

To prepare a decoction from the phytopreparation Soothing collection No. 3, you will need a tablespoon of this herbal collection, which is placed in a small enameled bowl. Next, boiled water is poured into the container in an amount of 200 milliliters. After that, it is recommended to install the container on the prepared so-called water bath.

After 15 minutes, it is recommended to remove the broth from the water bath and cool it for at least 45 minutes at room temperature. Next, the phytopreparation is filtered through a fine strainer, or double-folded gauze is used. Then bring the volume of the broth to the original, amounting to 200 milliliters.

Using filter bags Soothing Collection No. 3, you can prepare an infusion. For this purpose, it is recommended to place one bag of vegetable raw materials in enameled or glassware, where 100 milliliters of the so-called boiling water is then poured.

The infusion must be infused for fifteen minutes, and then it is recommended to squeeze the so-called filter bags well. After that, the herbal remedy is ready for use with a therapeutic purpose.

Take Calming collection No. 3 in the form of a decoction or phyto-infusion, half a glass up to four times a day, about thirty minutes before the start of the meal. On average, a course reception can last two weeks. You can conduct a second course after ten days on the recommendation of a doctor.

What are the side effects of Collection No. 3?

A known side effect of the collection is to provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. In such a case, it is necessary to refrain from further taking the herbal preparation, in addition, you should consult a specialist for a possible antihistamine (anti-allergic) therapy.

Collection #3 - Overdose

Currently, there are no known symptoms that may occur in response to excessive use of herbal medicine (overdose) collection No. 3. However, if such a situation occurs, it is better to wash the patient's stomach, and if a so-called uncomfortable condition occurs, the patient should consult a doctor.

special instructions

During the period of treatment with herbal pharmaceuticals, the patient must observe the so-called caution while driving, as there will be a sedative effect, which may adversely affect concentration, and the psychomotor reaction may also decrease.

It is necessary to store the herbal preparation in dry conditions, but if the humidity is increased, this will lead to the decay of the herbal preparation, respectively, its further use will be unacceptable, such a preparation is subject to the so-called disposal.

How to replace Collection No. 3, it has analogues?

Pharmsredstvo Fitosedan No. 3 refers to the analogues of the collection No. 3.


It is advisable to use the phytopreparation after prior consultation with the attending physician. Taking a herbal pharmaceutical preparation does not exclude the possibility of prescribing other medicines to the patient, which the doctor will recommend.

A soothing collection of five herbs is an opportunity to urgently restore the nervous system after daily stress and nervous strain. The herbs that are part of such fees are carefully selected and safe for health.

Is there any problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment of this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

Unlike chemicals, which can hit the body badly and lead to many side effects, herbs do not have such an effect.

What diseases should be treated with sedatives

They will help to cope with the following health problems of the nervous system:

  • Hypertension at the initial stage;
  • Climax;
  • neuroses;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Neurasthenia.

Herbal teas are good to use for conditions that include:

  • Unreasonable aggression;
  • Feeling of anxiety;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • increased sweating;
  • Trembling of the hands or trembling all over the body;
  • arrhythmia or strong and rapid heartbeat;
  • state of inhibition;
  • Increasing pressure;
  • Ebb and flow during menopause.
  • Sagebrush. Helps with unreasonable hysteria and sleep problems.
  • Valerian. Well calms, removes the feeling of anxiety and increased excitability. But all these actions are possible if the dosage is not exceeded. If the limits are exceeded, the effect may be reversed.
  • Adonis. It has high sedative rates and helps to restore the desire to live.
  • Ivan - tea will help with headaches.
  • Mint. Helps to fight insomnia, nervous tension. With increased pressure, the dosage should be reduced or this herb should be excluded from the collection.

The collection is done in equal parts.

Prepare like this:

  1. Take a teaspoon of the collection and brew a glass of boiling water.
  2. They drink in small doses, if the situation has an easy stage, then you can take the infusion only at bedtime, for a couple of hours.
  3. If the problem is more complex, then it is advised to drink the infusion during the day in a teaspoon, preferably before meals.
  4. The course should be no more than a month, take a break.

  • St. John's wort. This plant will help to cope with the feeling of unreasonable fear and anxiety. Contraindicated in weak potency in men.
  • Motherwort. It far exceeds the positive effect of valerian and has a similar effect. The component should be excluded with a weak heartbeat and low pressure.
  • Yarrow. Soothes when nervous breakdowns constantly occur.
  • Fireweed narrow-leaved. This component of the collection effectively fights insomnia and headaches.
  • Chamomile. Helps to cope with muscle tension and soothes well. Doctors do not advise abusing chamomile during pregnancy and in case of indigestion.
  1. Mix everything in equal parts and place in a glass container in a cool and dark place.
  2. Take a teaspoon and brew a glass of boiling water, leave for a few minutes, strain and drink in small doses. Better before bed.

If you are taking the infusion during the day, it is best to avoid hazardous activities and reduce driving to a minimum, if not altogether.

  • Black calf. It perfectly fights sleep disorders, has a sedative effect and makes the mood much better.
  • Oregano. Helps with nervous overexcitation. You do not need to use this component in the collection during pregnancy.
  • Melissa, gives complete peace of mind and makes it possible to withstand stress.
  • Creeping thyme. Helps to calm down and restore a good sleep.
  • Valerian.
  1. All components are mixed in equal parts. The resulting collection, in the amount of one teaspoon, is poured into a glass of hot water and placed in a water bath.
  2. The collection is languishing for about forty minutes. Then cool to a comfortable temperature and take in small amounts, preferably a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Hop cones. A good sedative that helps restore a good sleep. Sometimes pillows are used, which are stuffed with these bumps and sleep on them with chronic insomnia.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Valerian root.
  • Oregano.
  • Chamomile.
  1. Everything is prepared in equal parts. Take a couple of tablespoons of the collection for half a liter of water.
  2. Infuse for an hour in a thermos. The drink is drunk before events that can cause excitement and stress in half a glass.

  • Motherwort.
  • Chamomile.
  • Oregano.
  • Mint.
  • Yarrow.
  1. Mix in equal parts and brew 2 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse for about half an hour and drink thirty minutes before meals. It is desirable to calculate the reception for 4 times.

The infusion relieves feelings of anxiety, stress and nervous tension.

In order for the intake of herbal drinks to bring only benefits and not be able to harm the body, it is worth following some rules and adhering to the recommendations of a specialist:

  • No need to abuse the reception.
  • The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, after which a break is recommended.
  • It is necessary to find out the contraindications of all components of the collection.
  • So that the body does not show tolerance to the components of the collection, it is worth changing the components.
  • If there is a tendency to allergies, then herbal preparations should be treated carefully.
  • Before self-treatment, you should consult a specialist, especially in cases of: head injuries, alcoholism, oncological diseases.

Taking sedatives can enhance the effect of sleeping pills, drugs that fight pain, tranquilizers. The dosage of taking such funds can be made less, this will help reduce all the negative effects.

Medicines containing herbs

Herbal sedatives include:

  • Valerian.
  • Novopassit.
  • Motherwort Forte.
  • Persen.


Contraindications for admission

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. It is advisable not to use for work that is associated with dangers;
  3. Limit driving time
  4. Low pressure;
  5. Weak heartbeat;
  6. Be wary of co-administration with tranquilizers, hypnotics, painkillers;

Possible side effects

  • Decreased performance;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Weakness;
  • Allergy in the form of rash and itching;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Decreased heart rate;
  • Low activity;
  • Apathy.

All these effects do not always appear, but you should still carefully consider contraindications and do not ignore a visit to the doctor.

  1. Be sure to consider the dosage according to weight and age.
  2. If you have a rash, then it may not be an allergy, but a release from the liver. This can mean only one thing, that the intake of herbs should be stopped, intoxication has occurred and the liver can no longer cope warning you about it.
  3. Some fees can be added in pure form to yogurt, honey.
  4. If you cannot insist herbs for a long time or simmer them in a water bath, then the simplest and best recipe is to cook fees like regular tea. According to the optimal recipe, take a teaspoon in a glass of water.
  5. It is not necessary to abuse soothing collections often, it is advisable to take good breaks between courses and change the composition of the collection.

Soothing collection of five alcohol tinctures

The sedative and calming properties that many medicinal herbs possess allow pharmacology to effectively use them in the creation of medicines. The main function of alcoholic soothing tinctures is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

A soothing tincture of 5 medicinal plants is often used. It is quite simple to prepare. Each of the components complements the other, providing a significant healing effect.

Another plus that speaks in favor of sedative medications is their low price compared to various antidepressants. These drugs are not addictive. They can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and they have no contraindications. Restoring the normal balance of the psychological state is their direct and main purpose.

A collection of five alcohol tinctures consists of:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Hawthorn.
  3. Motherwort.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Peony.

They have excellent properties for relieving stress and depression. You can combine a similar composition, replacing mint with corvalol or eucalyptus tincture. The most popular, according to consumers, and the first composition.

Medicinal "cocktail" of these alcohol tinctures is prepared by mixing all the ingredients in equal proportions. For one application, a teaspoon is enough and it is better to dilute the collection in water. It is recommended to take three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is prescribed depending on the emotional state and individual susceptibility.

Adding valocordin or corvalol to this mixture can be addictive. Combining herbs with these drugs can cause reaction inhibition, drowsiness and apathy. The prepared product should be stored in a dark, cool place. It will be wrong to take a sedative herbal collection together with other medicines. You can avoid consequences for the body if you take it in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.

Application of soothing herbal collection 2 for bathing

Newborn children are often capricious, behave excitedly, tearfully. Putting a baby to sleep requires a lot of effort on the part of parents. There are many reasons for this state of affairs. Pediatricians advise bathing newborns at bedtime in baths with the addition of various medicinal herbs. Some of them relieve irritation and diathesis on the skin, some help disinfect water and improve the healing of the umbilical wound.

One of the most useful collection #2. It is intended for evening bathing of children. It can be used for bathing from birth.

The composition of the collection:

  • Motherwort;
  • Hop;
  • Valerian;
  • Mint;
  • Liquorice root.

The proportions of herbal raw materials in the collection for bathing are observed so that they are harmless to children. An exception can only be an allergic reaction to the components. The product is sold in pharmacies, as packaged in portioned sachets and in friable form. For bathing, you need to brew 4 bags or 2 tablespoons in boiling water.

Pharmacological purpose, as a sedative, and mild antispasmodic. Motherwort helps in the treatment of neurosis, epileptic seizures. It may be prescribed as a diuretic. Hops have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Peppermint has a universal sedative effect. Its use for bathing babies is indicated for insomnia, neurotic manifestations, and increased excitability.

With this bath, children should be bathed for no more than 15 minutes. The recommended course is 10 days. Neurologists advise such baths for children, because it is not recommended to prescribe sedatives inside for babies.

Herbal Composition 3 Fitosedan

Pharmacological purpose of the drug: sedative and antispasmodic effect. Experts warn that, despite the natural composition, Fitosedan 3 enhances drugs, especially sleeping pills. You can't call him harmless.

Fitosedan 3 has unique sedative and hypnotic effects of medicinal herbs:

  1. Motherwort helps normalize blood pressure and balances heart rhythms. Active substances help to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Flavonoids and glycosides dilate the coronary vessels, preventing the development of a sensation of tachycardia.
  2. Oregano is similar in its effect on the body, like psychotropic drugs. The combination of medicinal substances of this plant soothe and avoid overexcitability of the central nervous system for several hours after use.
  3. Thyme is recognized as an effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.
  4. Valerian calms, relieves irritability and aggressiveness.
  5. Melilot in moderate amounts depresses the central nervous system. Has an antioxidant effect.

It is contraindicated to use the drug at any stage of pregnancy and lactation. Caution should be exercised in the presence of intolerance to components. Not to be consumed under 12 years of age.

Use of the sedative medicinal collection Leros

Healing herbal preparations help restore health without harm and without side effects. Preservation of the body's immune defenses, prevention of complications during the rehabilitation period - this is only a small part of the useful prescriptions of medicinal herbs. Leros natural collection, produced by a well-known Czech company, is considered a popular product in its pharmacological group.

The relevance of the Leros collection is due to its safe use. The purpose of the drug is indicated for increased excitability and malfunctions in the activity of the nervous system. Its effectiveness in stress is confirmed by the consumers themselves.

The healing collection is represented by the following herbs:

  1. Peppermint helps improve heart function, helps relieve headaches and nervous tension.
  2. St. John's wort is a unique natural antiseptic. It is advised to drink it as a herbal tea in a weak solution for prolonged depression.
  3. Valerian, the #1 natural sedative. It improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. It is prescribed for insomnia.
  4. Chamomile and hops are endowed with natural sedative properties.

Contraindications apply to pregnant and breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, children under 12 years of age. The soothing collection is sold packaged in disposable filter bags, ready for use after 10 minutes of brewing. For the effect, you need to drink one or two sachets per 250 ml. The best option is to take it in the morning and evening 40-60 minutes before meals.

4.8 / 5 ( 19 votes)

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