Ground valerian root. Properties and uses of valerian. Home prescription medicines

Valerian officinalis (Valeriana officinalis L.), otherwise called cat grass, cat root, dolant, goat, etc.- herbaceous perennial, a plant belonging to the subfamily Valerianaceae of the Honeysuckle family.

The area of ​​this plant is Europe, some parts of Asia, North and South America. Valerian adapts well to different conditions lighting and soil types, therefore, it has many subspecies that differ only in habitat and morphological features.

In Russia, thickets of this plant are found everywhere, with the exception of the regions of the Far North. AT southern regions Valerian is cultivated for the purpose of harvesting roots.

Valerian rhizome has many useful properties. This is one of the most popular medicines in folk medicine and modern phytotherapy.

The name of the plant comes from Latin word valere, which means to be healthy. That is how it was named back in the 14th century in the writings of the Italian physician and botanist Matteo Silvatico. His book, which described the healing properties of medicinal herbs, gained well-deserved fame and was repeatedly reprinted in medieval Europe. However, the use of valerian as medicinal plant goes back to earlier times.

The dried medicinal raw material looks like pieces of rhizomes (powder) of light brown or brown color. In modern pharmacy network the production of filter bags or compressed briquettes has been launched. Valerian is also produced in the form of tablets, tinctures, more complex compound herbal teas and preparations.

However, along with the benefits, valerian can also bring harm, especially with prolonged use. This will be discussed below.

Composition and useful substances

Valerian rhizome has a complex chemical composition. First of all, it contains essential oil, which gives the plant its unique specific smell. In addition, it contains alkaloids, minerals, some vitamins, tannins, sugars, saponins.

The table below shows the most important components of the root of valerian officinalis, as well as their benefits when taking the main forms of the drug.

10 healing properties of valerian

  1. Normalization of sleep

    This is perhaps the most famous useful property of valerian. Valerian root, thanks to the essential oil contained in it, promotes relaxation, it eliminates anxiety, nervousness, the effects of stress, fear, overwork, nervous exhaustion. Long-term use of the decoction helps get rid of depression, as well as manic-depressive states and neurasthenia. This medicinal property of valerian was noticed in antiquity, and it also became known that inhalation of the aroma of this plant has an equally bright sedative effect.

  2. Elimination of spasms

    Valerian root - eliminates pain caused by tension in the muscles of the body and smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract, weakens convulsions, relieves uterine spasms.

  3. Heart health

    Thanks to their healing properties, valerian is good for the heart- it regulates its activity (for example, with tachycardia and cardiac neurosis), acting through the central nervous system, directly on the heart muscle, improving its conductivity and blood circulation in the coronary vessels.

  4. Reduces pressure

    Due to borneol contained in medicinal raw materials, valerian root infusion is able to dilate blood vessels, thereby contributing to lowering blood pressure. The same effect is also useful in relieving symptoms of menopausal disorders in women (hot flashes to the head), and asthmatic attacks.

  5. It is also a medicinal plant promotes normal activities gastrointestinal tract. It eliminates pain in a stomach, Related increased work glandular apparatus, normalizes digestion and bile secretion.

  6. Strengthening immunity

    Valerian root contains a large number of vitamin C. As part of other medicinal herbs he shows his medicinal properties in phytocollections accepted during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

  7. The best sedative

    Bath with valerian soothes no worse than taking an infusion or decoction taken orally. It can be prescribed to children - with fear, stuttering, convulsions. The bath is taken before going to bed, for 15 minutes, once every 2 days. The same procedure can help adults with epilepsy as well. seizure reducer.

  8. Eliminates pain

    A bath with an infusion of this medicinal plant will help relieve pain syndrome with radiculitis, thrombophlebitis, migraine attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  9. Help for the eyes

    Valerian also acts as an external agent that relieves inflammation and overdrying of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. To eliminate these problems, a filtered decoction of valerian (sometimes with the addition of eyebright) is washed with eyes and lotions are made before bedtime.

  10. Help in losing weight

    Some researchers believe that medicinal properties valerian in this way affects the human nervous system, which can promote weight loss, reducing appetite and dulling the feeling of hunger. Therefore, today salad recipes with the addition of valerian leaves, which taste close to ordinary lettuce leaves, are gaining more and more popularity.

How to collect and harvest valerian root

  • You can harvest valerian roots in the fall, from the beginning of September. During this period, the plant usually fades, sheds seeds, and the top of the plant begins to dry out. It is not recommended to harvest raw materials after the onset of frost.
  • Too young plants should not be used.
  • It is believed that a biennial plant has an optimal set of useful components.

Valerian is carefully dug up, cleaned from the ground and from the smallest lateral processes, carefully making sure that the lateral cord-like processes do not get mixed up with the roots of other plants. Then the rhizomes are washed under running water. cool water, dry in a dark, well-ventilated area, turning from time to time.

Light drying in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C is possible - this will significantly speed up the harvesting process. At vivo drying of raw materials can take two weeks.

The root is considered dried if, when broken, it breaks, and does not bend.

Store the root of valerian officinalis in linen or paper bags, in boxes, in jars. The duration of storage in a dry room should not exceed 3 years.

Recipes for the therapeutic use of valerian

List of diseases for which it was considered effective application valerian root is very extensive.

Even ancient Greek healers prescribed valerian decoction and baths with it as a sedative for insomnia, hysterical conditions, increased nervousness and associated symptoms intestinal colic, nausea, extrasystole, headache, excessive sweating etc. In the Middle Ages, a twelve-hour infusion valerian root treated for typhus and scarlet fever.

Valerian can also be used as an antispasmodic to relieve muscle or smooth muscle cramps in the gastrointestinal tract. It has a mild choleretic and diuretic effect.

At one time, there was an opinion about the undoubted benefits of using valerian root for men in terms of potency. Today it is considered an established fact that the stronger the male nervous system, the better potency. So there is a connection, but it is indirect.

Valerian is considered an antidote to alcohol (unless it is alcohol infusion ke) and nicotine, so its use is shown as a means effective in detoxifying the body.

Valerian infusion can be used for certain skin diseases (dermatitis). Moreover, both inside and as lotions on sore spots.

Together with other ingredients in the composition vegetable fees and in parallel with drug therapy Valerian root can also be used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases and symptoms, such as gastritis, heaviness in the stomach, intestinal pain, migraines, coughs.

  • Most traditional way the use of valerian - in the form infusion. For these purposes, they usually take a tablespoon of crushed roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 10-12 hours.
  • You can brew chopped raw materials (2 teaspoons) in a glass for 2 hours, but for maximum improvement useful properties and to saturate the infusion with useful substances, it is better to put it in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Used for insomnia classic root decoction: 1 tablespoon pour 1 cup boiling water and put on a small fire for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take infusion or decoction a tablespoon 3 or 4 times a day on an empty stomach, after filtering. In a state of high nervous excitability, the dose can be increased to a third of a glass per reception.
  • A course of treatment infusion of valerian root should not exceed two months. However, it should be clarified that a single dose is most often useless: the therapeutic effect is achieved only with systematic daily use medication for at least a few days.
  • To enhance the effect with a single application, use alcohol tincture(an extract from the roots) valerian. It acts quickly, but in this case it must be borne in mind that valerian drops containing ethanol are contraindicated for certain groups of patients (in particular, it is better not to take them to children under 3 years of age and pregnant women).
  • A dose of several (for children: usually give as many drops as the child is old) to 15-30 drops (for adults) in half a glass of water will help with fear, stress, nervous shock. Aqueous solutions are quickly absorbed by the body, in addition, the presence of alcohol acts as a vasodilator.
  • The price of valerian preparations is low, but some people prefer to prepare a tincture of valerian rhizomes at home. It's easy to do. You should take 50 g of crushed root and pour 0.5 liters of vodka (alcohol). Insist in a closed container, in a dark place from a week to 10 days, shaking from time to time.
  • An undoubted convenient form for taking valerian are tablets- without shell (so-called black valerian, 200 mg) and valerian extract (yellow shell, 20 mg). black valerian like sedative drug more effective than extract but weaker alcohol tincture.
  • It can also be mentioned that aromatherapy has long been successfully used in folk medicine: the dried valerian root was placed on a high place (for example, on a closet) in a room. Or a bag with crushed valerian roots (you can add mint leaves here) was placed near the pillow on the bed. This method of relaxation is quite capable of replacing the use of sleeping pills.
  • At hypertension you can inhale the smell of alcohol tincture of valerian before going to bed for 2-3 minutes. No more than three breaths in each nostril are recommended.
  • When overexcited, anxious, panic attacks, tearfulness undeniable benefit a relaxing bath will bring the body. To do this, 3 cups of chopped root are brewed with 1 liter of boiling water and kept on low heat for another 15-20 minutes, after which they are poured into the bath. Even a ten-minute reception of such a procedure will be effective.

Harm and contraindications of valerian

However, we must not forget that, like any drug, valerian root, providing useful influence on human health, has side effects.

In particular, prolonged and uncontrolled use of a decoction of this medicinal plant can result in drowsiness, a decrease in mental activity, slow reactions and dizziness. Rare but possible effects of taking valerian root include memory lapses and fainting. Possible weakening of intestinal motility and constipation.

In addition, with prolonged use, some components of valerian accumulate in the tissues of the body, which can lead to an increase in the symptoms of existing pathologies.

From this it is clear that along with useful medicinal properties, valerian also has contraindications.

  • These can, for example, be called diseases in which the slowing down of processes in the central nervous system (bradypsychia) is expressed.
  • Since decoctions from the valerian root are indicated for spastic conditions of the intestines and diarrhea, especially nervous (cortico-visceral), it is undesirable to use the root for sluggish intestines and constipation.
  • The slight choleretic effect of this plant should be a warning to patients with liver pain of unknown etiology.
  • Continued headaches, even with root decoction or aromatherapy, should also cause the patient to stop taking it.
  • It is believed that long-term use of valerian is not desirable during pregnancy.
  • Finally, as with the appointment of any drug, it is worth making sure that the patient does not have an individual intolerance and allergic reactions on the ingredients of valerian root.

It should be noted that the concepts of benefit and harm are applicable to any type of use of valerian - in the form of tablets, decoctions, infusions, etc.

What else is useful?

Valerian means "be healthy" in Latin. The roots of this plant are truly unique properties. Therefore, from ancient times to the present day, healers use it in their practice.

Valerian officinalis - perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the genus Valerian subfamily Valerianov, growing mainly in temperate and subtropical regions. It can be found throughout Europe and the European part of Russia. special value represents the root of the plant. It reaches 4 cm in length and 3 cm in width. The rhizome has a yellow-brown color, a strong aroma and a bittersweet taste.

The height of the whole plant is usually about 1.5 meters. Two types of leaves are located on its erect, fistulate stem: long-leaved (from the root to the middle) and sessile, opposite (from the middle to the top). The flowers of valerian are small, with a fragrant smell. The plant blooms almost all summer. In August, fruits begin to ripen - achenes with a feathery crest.

People also call valerian:

  • cat root,
  • moun grass,
  • meow,
  • cat grass,
  • goat,
  • earthy incense,
  • sore man,
  • overcome,
  • yarrow pink
  • aromatic.

Beneficial features

Valerian roots contain two hundred chemical compounds:

The rhizomes also contain such macro and microelements:

  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • manganese,
  • iron
  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • chromium,
  • aluminum,
  • barium,
  • vanadium,
  • selenium,
  • nickel,
  • strontium,
  • lead.

Due to its rich chemical composition, valerian root has the following effects on the body:

  • reduces nervous excitability;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • eliminates cramps;
  • improves performance cardiovascular systems s;
  • stimulates bile secretion and the work of the digestive glands;
  • regulates metabolism.

Indications for use

Valerian root is used to treat the following ailments:

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Valerian root is contraindicated in patients with:

  • enterocolitis;
  • reduced pressure;
  • the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • liver diseases;
  • drowsiness;
  • individual intolerance.

Caution should be used preparations based on valerian root for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly. Long-term use of drugs is also not recommended.

Dosage forms

Valerian roots come in the following dosage forms:

  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • powder;
  • essential oil;
  • teas;
  • tablets.

How to take?


At nervous disorders ah, hysteria, epileptic seizures, neurasthenia: 5 parts of 70% alcohol are taken for one part of valerian roots. Take up to three times a day for 15-30 drops.


For heart disease: 1 tbsp. l. rhizomes pour boiling water. Infuse in a thermos for about 8 hours.

Take 2 months three times a day according to the following scheme:

  • the first 2 weeks, 3 tbsp. ;
  • then 2 weeks. 2 tablespoons;
  • subsequent days, 1 tbsp.

With neuroses, skin diseases(urticaria, eczema, etc.): pour 0.5 tbsp. raw materials and leave in a thermos overnight. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.


For menopausal disorders, intestinal spasms: pour 1.5-2 glasses of water into 10 g of raw materials and boil for 10-15 minutes. Strained broth is drunk during the day.

Essential oil

From insomnia, migraine, nervous disorders, you can:

  1. drip essential oil on a battery or aroma lamp;
  2. take a relaxing bath with a few drops of oil added to warm water.

A soothing drink is prepared as follows: they take fresh or dry valerian roots and pour boiling water over them. Brew for a few minutes. You can add lemon balm or hops, depending on the degree of nervous excitement.

Valerian officinalis is a very famous plant: its alcohol tincture has been popular for more than a decade. For the preparation of such a drug, valerian root is used, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which should be considered in detail. In addition to the calming quality, this plant also has a whole list of interesting and useful abilities. What problems can it solve?

Medicinal properties of valerian root

The main thing useful quality of this plant is a sedative: it is due to him that valerian has become so famous, because the expression "drip valerian" is known to most people who have never even encountered such a remedy. Valerian root suppresses the excitability of the nervous system, as a result of which it makes sense to use it for:

  • insomnia;
  • epilepsy;
  • panic attacks;
  • psychogenic disorders;
  • constant stress.

In addition, valerian root also has an antispasmodic effect (to a greater extent on smooth muscle than on the vessels), therefore it is effective for pain in the abdomen. It is possible positive influence for a person with asthma. Weak vasodilating property, as well as antispasmodic in relation to venous vessels, makes it useful in the treatment of hypertension, migraine, tachycardia.

It is also important that valerian root is valued in gastroenterology: it helps to increase the production of gastric juice, stimulates the secretion of bile, eliminates flatulence, increases appetite. Some experts even believe that it makes sense to prepare remedies based on valerian root when menstrual pain, in menopause(for leveling unpleasant symptoms), for the treatment of diseases thyroid gland in complex therapy.

This plant is mainly used as sedative, that's why most of recipes of traditional medicine, in which valerian root appears, is devoted to the treatment of disorders of the nervous system, as well as the removal of spasms. The most effective, according to reviews, methods of application:

Alcohol tincture - prepared on vodka or pharmaceutical alcohol, which is mixed with raw materials in a ratio of 4: 1. The mixture should be allowed to stand for a week, shaking daily. After it is filtered through gauze, stored in the dark and cool (temperature up to 20 degrees).

They drink this tincture mainly to restore the body after nervous shocks for 2-3 weeks, the dosage for adults is 1 tbsp. l., for children - 1 tsp. The tincture must be diluted in warm water(50-100 ml), you can drink it both before meals and half an hour after. Do not take on a full stomach as the rate of absorption will slow down significantly. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this in the afternoon, the last dose can be taken an hour before bedtime.

Water tincture, which is made according to the following proportion - 1 liter of boiling water and 5 handfuls of raw materials - can also be used to frighten nervous excitement, improve the condition after stress, etc., but it is used externally. The resulting liquid is used for evening baths, which take 7-10 minutes.

In addition, there is another way to use valerian root for psychogenic problems, as well as for increased blood pressure: also outdoor, but not baths, but aromatherapy. Alcohol tincture, made in a ratio of 1:6 (alcohol: raw materials), should be inhaled for no longer than 3 minutes. every evening before going to bed. True, care must be taken here: in case of an overdose, headache required to reduce the duration of the procedure. The course of treatment should not exceed 120 days.

How else can valerian root help?

At a wide range listed medicinal properties, valerian root has many uses: in particular, it can be used for intestinal spasms, as well as to eliminate the feeling of heaviness in epigastric region. For this purpose, a whole herbal collection, consisting of:

  • fennel fruit;
  • mint leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • valerian roots.

The listed plants are used in the ratio 1:2:6:1. For every 10 g of the mixture, take 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture must first be heated in a water bath (this is done for 5 minutes), and then allowed to cool at room temperature completely and filter. The broth is brought to a volume of 200 ml (or any multiple of 200 - depends on how much you cooked), and then drunk in the amount of half a glass after the main meals. Accordingly, the frequency of taking such a decoction is 3 times a day. The course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor, but it cannot be less than 2 weeks.

If you have stomach or liver problems, prepare an herbal preparation of valerian, orange peel and peppermint(in equal proportions), pour a full teaspoon with a slide of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and let stand under a towel for half an hour. Drink an infusion of 100 ml after meals at lunch and in the evening.

It should be said that these are not all the ways of using valerian root that are known to traditional medicine specialists: its mixture with motherwort (equal ratio), used to prepare a classic water infusion, helps fight insomnia. A decoction of the crushed root helps with rectal cancer, neurodermatitis, scarlet fever, headache.

Contraindications to valerian root

Strong sedation requires caution when using remedies based on this plant, especially if increased mental concentration is needed. Long term treatment may cause severe drowsiness, especially if the dosages are high, as well as the occurrence of a feeling of apathy, depressed mood. Side effects are not excluded in the form of:

  • urticaria;
  • skin rash;
  • stool disorders.

Valerian is a perennial plant that develops rhizomes and roots over the course of several years, accumulating biologically active substances. More than 100 different components are isolated in the roots and rhizomes, which determine the beneficial properties and provide therapeutic effect drugs.

Dried valerian rhizome with thin roots

Valerian root is used in folk and traditional medicine with nervous tension, sleep disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and some other diseases. However, the beneficial properties of the root are often overestimated, and possible harm for health are not taken into account. At the same time, preparations based on valerian, including those prepared at home, have a number of contraindications and side effects. In addition, when making products at home great importance have the quality of the collected raw materials and the conditions of its storage.

Valerian tends to accumulate in the body, so its effect does not appear immediately, but after certain time. In order to benefit from the medicine, it is very important to use it correctly and prevent an overdose, because in this case the effect of taking valerian can be exactly the opposite of what is expected.

What does valerian root look like?

The rhizome and roots of valerian are the underground part of the plant, providing water and mineral components to the above-ground organs. It is in the roots that beneficial substances are accumulated that provide a therapeutic effect. Valerian rhizomes are arranged vertically. In length, they reach 2-4 cm, and in width - no more than 3. The core of the rhizomes is loose with transverse partitions.

Numerous thin roots extend from the rhizome in different directions. They have a smooth surface and break easily. The roots are usually located horizontally. Their width is from 1 to 4 mm, and the length is 10-20 cm.

The photo below shows how freshly dug and washed rhizomes with valerian roots look like:

On a note

The rhizome is a modified shoot perennials, which is underground but shallow from the surface. As a rule, it grows away from the stem. The main function of the rhizome is to accumulate the substances necessary for the plant. Leaves, buds and adventitious roots can depart from the rhizome. The roots are the vegetative organ of the plant, which performs the functions of fixing the plant in the soil, its nutrition, reproduction and other functions.

Outside, the roots and rhizomes are light brown color, and inside it can vary from yellow to brown.

The photo below shows what the underground part of the plant looks like in a section:

After drying, the mass of rhizomes decreases by 75%, and their color becomes darker. Also, dried raw materials become more brittle and begin to exude a strong specific odor. This is how it looks in the form in which it is used for cooking medicines:

Collection and preparation of rhizomes

Valerian officinalis loves a warm and moderately humid climate. AT wild environment it grows on the edges of forests, near rivers, lakes and swamps in the temperate and subtropical zones of Europe. Some related species are also common in dry regions, they can be found in the steppes and on the slopes of the mountains. Valerian does not form large-scale thickets, but grows among other plants.

When harvested, valerian can easily be confused with hemp vine, meadowsweet and some other plants.

For example, the photo below shows a valerian bush:

Here is a hemp vine:

And here is the meadowsweet:

You can distinguish plants by carefully looking at the leaves, inflorescences and flowers. Valerian has broad cylindrical stems branched at the top and opposite leaves, while meadowsweet has slender stems and pinnately pinnate leaves. A noticeable difference is the color of the stems. In valerian, the stems are only green, while in the meadowsweet, branched stems can take on a pinkish tint, as can be seen in the photo:

A characteristic difference of the steap is the absence of branching of the stems. That is, if valerian and meadowsweet have “twigs”, then the leaves of the window sill depart from the main stem. They also have a significant difference - the leaves are covered with small villi, which makes them seem fluffy and soft to the touch. As you can see in the photo, thanks to even upright stems, the sill gives the impression of a neatly growing bush.

These three plants differ in inflorescences. Valerian has small, tubular, 5-petal flowers that form corymbose or paniculate inflorescences of white or Pink colour. The meadowsweet flowers are also small, but six-petal, mostly white color. Other shades of this plant are rare. At first glance, the flowers may seem almost the same, but if you look closely at the photographs of valerian and meadowsweet inflorescences, the differences will become apparent.

At the window sill, not flowers are formed, but small flower baskets of a light or rich pink color, as in the photo:

The flower baskets of the sapling are collected at the top of the stem in corymbose inflorescences. Baskets exude a light aroma, similar to the aroma of vanilla. The inflorescences of valerian and meadowsweet do not have such a smell.

Characteristic features of valerian rhizomes are their vertical position and strong smell. The rhizomes of the meadowsweet are located horizontally, and the rhizomes of the creeper are vertical, and outwardly they are very similar to valerian, but do not have the smell characteristic of it. If the rhizomes of other plants got in the process of collection, they can be easily recognized during the drying of the raw materials. The well-known valerian smell is present only at its roots, while other plants do not have it.

On a note

On the Latin Valerian is called Valeriana officinalis. it official name plants, although the people often have valerian with cat root, aromatic, maun and shag grass.

For the manufacture of medicines, valerian is grown on plantations. Cultivated plants have twice as many rhizomes as wild ones. Valerian is grown from seeds that are sown before the onset of winter or in early spring. She does not require special care and takes root well, so it can be grown in personal plots. Since the plant is moisture-loving, valerian grows best on black soil and dried peat bogs. Increase root yield correct application fertilizers.

Valerian plantation in Ukraine

Rhizomes and roots of wild valerian are harvested in the first half of autumn, when the seeds fall off. The rhizomes of cultivated valerian, if necessary, can be collected in early spring, before the development of the aerial part of the plant. With the advent of grass and flowers, the amount of nutrients in the roots decreases.

In the wild, the plant is completely dug up and the entire root is cut off. When growing at home, you can cut off part of the root, leaving the bush to grow further. By the new season of harvesting, the rhizomes re-grow. In young plants that are less than two years old, you can cut off a third of the rhizome, in older plants - two-thirds.

After harvesting, the raw material is shaken off the ground, the remaining herbal part is removed and washed.

After washing, the roots and rhizomes become white.

You can dry the rhizomes whole. First, for several days, valerian is hung in the shade on the street so that it can dry out. Then laid out indoors on a flat surface to dry completely. Every 1-2 days, the raw materials must be mixed so that it does not rot and does not begin to rot. To speed up the process, you can use special dryers, but the temperature in them should not exceed 40 degrees. During drying, the raw material darkens and acquires a more intense smell.

As a rule, after drying, the roots are cut off from the rhizomes to make the raw material more compact.

Dried valerian can be stored in a dry, dark place in thick cardboard boxes or glass jars with lids approximately 3 years. If stored in linen bags, the essential oil will evaporate quickly and valerian will lose some of its beneficial properties. For storage, the rhizomes can be left whole, ground, or even powdered, depending on how they will be used later. The ground root can be poured with alcohol and stored in the form of a tincture. It is important to choose the right ratio of medicinal raw materials and alcohol.

Benefits of Valerian Root

AT chemical composition roots and rhizomes of valerian secrete more than 100 different components. Most biologically active substances contained in the essential oil, the amount of which in the dried raw material is from 0.5 to 2%. The most significant components are isovaleric acid, borneol, bicyclic monoterpenes, tannins, polysaccharides, saponins, valepotriates and alkaloids.

In valerian, 10 different valepotriates are isolated, which provide a slight antispasmodic effect of the drugs. Sedative action alkaloids, resins and some other substances have an effect on the central nervous system. The property of valerian to dilate blood vessels and influence coronary circulation is provided by glycosides and borneol. organic acids provide a choleretic effect. Also in the plant extract, many macro- and microelements are released: iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, selenium and others. At long-term use valerian selenium and iron can accumulate in the body.

It is important that only the roots and rhizome of the plant have medicinal properties. Its shoots and inflorescences are not used in medicine.

Valerian leaves almost none medicinal value do not represent

On a note

There are many versions of why valerian has such a name. According to one of them, the word "valerian" comes from the word "valere", which in Latin means "to be healthy."

The most pronounced pharmacological properties valerian is a mild sedative and hypnotic, to a lesser extent - antispasmodic. All these effects of valerian are indirect, by affecting the central nervous system. It also affects the functioning of the heart and contributes to the expansion coronary vessels, which improves coronary circulation and lowering blood pressure.

Pharmacological properties of valerian:

  • Sedative - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system;
  • Sleeping pills - normalizes sleep, accelerates falling asleep;
  • Antispasmodic - relieves spasms of smooth muscle organs;
  • Hypotensive - lowers blood pressure;
  • Cholagogue - enhances bile secretion and secretion of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract.

Valerian is low biological activity, its effect appears only after full course treatment, when the body accumulates enough active ingredients. In this regard, the drug is most often prescribed in complex therapy, as an additional remedy.

The use of valerian in medicine

Valerian is a part of many medicines, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. Valerian extract is produced in tablet form and as a tincture, which is prepared on the basis of ethyl alcohol. Valerian is also found in soothing herbal teas and complex preparations.

One of such complex preparations containing valerian and motherwort

In traditional medicine, valerian is used as a mild sedative and hypnotic for sleep disorders and nervous strain. Also, sometimes it is prescribed in the complex therapy of certain diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems and digestive tract.

Valerian is used for:

  • Sleep disorders and insomnia;
  • Psycho-emotional stress;
  • Spasmolytic pain in the digestive tract;
  • Spastic conditions of smooth muscle organs;
  • hypertension;
  • Violation of the coronary circulation;
  • Some diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

The expediency of using valerian in the treatment of the above diseases has scientific confirmation. However, her drugs are prescribed only in complex therapy. It is not recommended to use it as the main drug, since in the treatment serious illnesses the effectiveness of valerian is negligible.

Thanks to its properties, valerian has found wide application and in folk medicine. It is used for weight loss, treatment of migraines, gastritis, stomach ulcers, diseases of the eyes, skin, organs. respiratory system, with neurological pain, convulsions and even epileptic seizures. However, the effectiveness of valerian in the treatment similar states has no scientific confirmation and is only hypothetical.

In traditional medicine recipes, valerian is often used in conjunction with other medicinal herbs. For example, a collection of rhizomes of valerian, St. John's wort, mint and chamomile is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Valerian infusion with dill seeds and honey is used to cleanse the vessels of the brain. Valerian with cumin, wormwood, yarrow and calamus rhizomes is prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis.

Although such fees have been used in traditional medicine for a very long time, there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness. In addition, valerian has quite a few contraindications and side effects, therefore, like any medicine, it should be taken carefully and only as directed by a doctor and after carefully reading the instructions for using the drug.

How raw materials are used at home

Various preparations of valerian can be bought at almost any pharmacy, and their prices are usually low. However, it is possible to prepare a medicine from the roots and rhizomes of a plant at home.

Dried rhizomes can be crushed and made into a decoction for drinking. To do this, the raw material is poured with boiling water and infused or boiled a little. Description of the technology for preparing a decoction in different recipes may differ.

Also, raw materials can be ground, turned into a fine powder, and poured with alcohol. At proper cooking such a tincture may well replace the pharmacy. A tincture is prepared in a ratio of 1:5, that is, 50 grams of ethyl alcohol are added to 10 grams of ground valerian root (approximately 2 teaspoons). The remedy should be infused in a closed glass container for 2 weeks.

Valerian tincture prepared at home.

Together with other herbs, dried valerian roots are sometimes added to aromatic pads. They are placed inside or under the main pillow for soothing before bedtime. Valerian has a pronounced smell, which is one of the components that provide its therapeutic effect. Including due to essential oils and the smell of valerian, it affects the central nervous system, helping to calm down and fall asleep.

On a note

Valerian essential oil is used in perfumery. The essence extracted from the rhizome has a pronounced woody smell. It is added to cosmetics along with cypress, pine and lavender essential oils to give them a woodsy note.

A decoction of valerian can also be added to the bath. Useful material plants in a small amount can be absorbed through the skin. Sometimes valerian is advised to be added to bathing water for babies if the babies are restless. The amount of the drug in the water should be minimal. Valerian is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, therefore, it cannot be used without indications and a doctor's prescription.

Valerian is also used in cosmetology. It is believed that it helps to cleanse the skin and improve its condition. A decoction of rhizomes can be used for washing or added to homemade masks.

Valerian is considered a fairly safe natural sedative and hypnotic. However, it, like any medicine, has a number of contraindications and side effects. Valerian is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under 3 years old, people with hypotension, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, inflammatory diseases kidneys, liver, intestines and some other diseases.

You need to drink valerian only as prescribed by a doctor in recommended doses. The maximum single dosage is 2 tablets or 30 drops of tincture, and the daily dose is 6 tablets and 100 drops, respectively. The course of treatment with the drug can average from 7 to 28 days, after which the reception is stopped or taken a break.

Valerian Forte, also called yellow valerian due to the color of the tablets

Exceeding a single dosage or taking the drug for a long time can provoke an overdose. This increases the risk of side effects. Valerian can cause drowsiness, apathy, and disturbances in work digestive system. Also, if used incorrectly, drugs can have the opposite of the expected effect. They can provoke nervous overexcitation, insomnia, increased pressure and impaired heart rate. Therefore, taking valerian, including as part of home remedies, is necessary after consulting a doctor and with full justification for such an intake.

Interesting video: how to prepare valerian roots

Rules for harvesting and using valerian

Hello dear readers! Many treat valerian with some disdain, calling it "grandmother's drops" and not considering it a medicine. However, at a time of high nervous tension or sudden stress, out of habit, the hand reaches for a dark vial, modestly standing somewhere in the depths of the closet.

But valerian should rightfully take pride of place in every home first aid kit! And in order to correct this situation, I will tell you about such a miracle remedy as valerian root, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which, it turns out, are not known to everyone.

Valerian - use in medicine

Folk medicine has been using valerian for more than two hundred years as medicines and folk remedies. And doctors and patients do not get tired of being surprised by its healing properties. No matter what it's called! And cat root, and earthy incense, and aromatic, and shaggy grass, and even absolutely fabulously - moun grass.

This herb concentrated the main healing in its root,

but people have adapted to use its flowers as well, they make an excellent essential oil, extract, etc.

By the presence of chemical compounds (and there are more than two hundred of them!) Valerian root can compete with the most cutting-edge medicine.

Motherwort grass can also boast of such alkaloid-mineral composition, so patients often ask themselves the question - what to choose, valerian or motherwort? After all, the principle of action of both herbs is similar. But still there is a difference:

It acts more quickly and powerfully, and valerian tends to accumulate in the body for a couple of weeks, after which it produces a long and stable effect.

Impact on the body

According to its pharmacokinetic properties, valerian root acts on the body as a powerful complex preparation:

  • calms the nervous system;

  • smoothly relieves cramps and spasm;
  • acts as a tranquilizer and antidepressant;
  • in interaction with sleeping pills, almost half prolongs their action;
  • regulates the activity of the heart, improving coronary circulation;
  • helps the digestive tract to function properly;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • enhances the outflow of bile;
  • acts as an antipyretic and analgesic.

Valerian for women

Often a woman during pregnancy is simply covered by a feeling of fear of the upcoming birth, excitement for the fetus, hormonal disruptions also play an important role in her well-being.

Because of these worries, she simply loses her peace, becomes irritable, stops sleeping.

Some potent drugs cannot be accepted in this position.

In this case, the doctor usually advises valerian extract tablets, as alcohol solution undesirable for a pregnant woman (by the way, you can not drink it, but sniff it, there will be no harm, but it will have an effect). Valerian will soothe flabby nerves, relieve spasms, and normalize the tone of the uterus.

If the pregnant woman does not exceed the dose, following the instructions of the doctor, then no negative impact valerian will not help, but will only benefit.

The use of valerian by pregnant women

The recommended dose is a couple of tablets three times a day. The number of tablets should not exceed six pieces per day. Since valerian is a "long-playing" remedy, the desired effect will come after 5-6 days of use. The doctor usually prescribes a monthly course.

It is important to remember that more long-term use valerian officinalis may cause reverse effect: headaches, nausea, anxiety, increased heart rate, etc. may appear. You also need to be careful with the treatment of valerian for people prone to allergies.

Of course, not everyone will be satisfied with the cumulative effect of valerian, because sometimes you need to quickly calm down. To do this, instead of tablets, you can use a decoction of valerian root. It will act as quickly as an alcohol infusion, but there is no harm in the form of alcohol in it.

How to prepare a decoction of valerian roots:

  1. boil a glass of water;
  2. pour chopped valerian roots (teaspoon) into boiling water;
  3. boil for another five minutes;
  4. pour the broth into a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours.

Reception: a tablespoon three times a day.

The use of valerian by women with menopause

According to the reviews of women who survived menopause, valerian helped them a lot. During menopause, a woman experiences approximately the same feelings as during pregnancy: inexplicable sudden fear, anxiety, excitement for any reason, irritability, loss of sleep, etc.

overcome these negative emotions the same valerian will help. It can be taken in the form of an alcohol tincture, and in tablets, and in the form of a decoction or tea.

Is it dangerous to use valerian for men

There is an opinion that long-term use valerian has a negative effect on potency. Is it really? modern science The answer is no, it's not!

The connection between potency and valerian, of course, exists: than a man stronger nerves the better his potency. Draw your own conclusions!

Valerian for children

Young children often have a tummy ache, mothers usually call this phenomenon "tormented by gaziki." If this happened the right way- drink baby water infusion valerian root. How to brew it is shown below.

Recipe #1

  1. crushed valerian roots - a teaspoon;
  2. boiled water - a glass;
  3. pour boiling water over the roots, let it brew for a couple of hours;
  4. cool, drain.

Give the baby a half teaspoon to drink every two hours.

Recipe #2

Take one part of valerian roots, dill seeds and chamomile flowers. Prepare a decoction. Drink in the same way as in recipe No. 1 (half a teaspoon every two hours).

Valerian roots and vessels

A good effect for cleansing blood vessels gives the periodic use of infusions of valerian roots:

  1. dill seeds - a glass;
  2. crushed valerian roots - two tablespoons;
  3. boiled water - one and a half liters;
  4. combine everything in a thermos, insist for a day;
  5. drain, combine with two glasses of real honey, stir thoroughly until the honey dissolves.

Get 2 liters of ready-made infusion. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon until the infusion runs out.

Valerian is not just a fragrant herb, it is a lifesaver for almost all occasions! But this herb should not be used without the advice of a doctor!

Dear friends, be healthy, share the article with your friends on social networks, subscribe to blog updates. And see you soon!

Sincerely, Andrew

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